Diablotin 2 session 57

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Diablotin 2 session logs
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Session date: December 12,2010
Diablotin date: 5th of Fifth-month


[Diablotin_Narrator] It is just over a year since Emperor Marl was crowned, and just over a year since the Hall of Worthies was destroyed. [Diablotin_Narrator] In that year, much work has been done to rebuild - indeed, to *improve* the magnificent structure, and now it is finally complete. Its grand re-opening is to take place on the 5th of Fifth-month, with nobles and other prominent citizens in attendance. [Diablotin_Narrator] Also invited to attend are the members of the Antiquarian Society. Not only is this a day of historic importance, but also two of your members will be speaking at the event. M. Seth Argo will be giving a few brief remarks on the architectural heritage of the building, and Mlle. Ysabeau Chanuier will introduce the premiere of her latest composition. [Diablotin_Narrator] The day is a fine one for the occasion, clear and sunny with a hint of summer in the air. [Diablotin_Narrator] The bridges of the city are crowded with carriages and pedestrians as the invited guests make their way onto the island for the celebrations, while many without invitations cross simply to see the exterior of the building, and enjoy the fair weather. [Diablotin_Narrator] The Hall of Worthies was always an impressive edifice, with its great dome, elegant columns and grand galleries, but, as with many buildings in Diablotin, it had grown grimy with the centuries. [Diablotin_Narrator] The restoration was also an opportunity to clean the structure, and redesign certain elements that had proven problematic. As a result, its stone walls seem to glow, and its dome sparkles in the sunlight. [Diablotin_Narrator] The Assembly Hall's seats are gradually filling with people as you arrive. The changes within are evident to anyone who has been there before. Where once the hall was divided into six sections separated by stairways, now it has seven. [Diablotin_Narrator] Although this is not a formal meeting of the Great Council, nevertheless nobles tend to take seats in their usual sections, out of habit. [Diablotin_Narrator] The section for House Rat is underfilled, however, as there are comparatively few titled members of that House, so extra guests are filling in those seats. Several rows are occupied by the musicians who will be performing later. [Diablotin_Narrator] The central section is of course reserved for members of the inner council, and the Imperial throne. [Diablotin_Narrator] Above you, the reconstructed dome lets in a narrow ray of sunlight, which illuminates the centre of the hall in as dramatic a fashion as before. [Diablotin_Narrator] A flourish of trumpets announces the Inner Council as they move to take their seats, and another heralds the Emperor and Empress as they enter the hall arm in arm. [Diablotin_Narrator] Finally, once everyone is in position, the bells ring to signal that the ceremony is about to begin.

  • Master_of_Ceremonies , Matthieu Arguelles, rises to speak first. A tall, portly man, dressed in a perfectly-tailored but perhaps ill-considered pale mauve suit, he takes the speaker's place at the centre of the hall.

[Master_of_Ceremonies] My lords and ladies, esteemed members of the church, and honoured guests, it is my privilege to welcome you today to this once-more magnificent edifice, the Hall of Worthies. [Diablotin_Narrator] There is a surge of applause at that.

  • Master_of_Ceremonies proceeds to outline briefly the order of the program for the day. The Patriarch will perform a blessing, and then the Lady Chancellor will have a few words, followed by M. Seth Argo's remarks on the architectural significance of the Hall. Mlle. Ysabeau Chanuier will introduce her composition, which will then be performed, and finally the Emperor will speak. Then light refreshments will be provided and guests will be free to mingle and admire the building.

  • Patriarch Morlan rises from his seat. Beneath the ornate hat and robe, he is an unprepossessing figure, short and grey-haired, but when he speaks, his voice carries well in the grand hall.

[Patriarch] Almighty Gods, we give thanks and praise for the blessings you have bestowed upon us, and upon this our most favoured Empire of Aveyrone. [Patriarch] As the worthies of this Empire gather in this grand hall, grant them your wisdom and courage to counsel our beloved Emperor with honesty and justice, and let them never be swayed by lust for power, sycophancy, complacency, or any other unworthy intent. [Patriarch] Let them instead keep foremost in their minds the knowledge that they are servants here, servants to the Empire and to its citizens, and let them accordingly always strive to increase the safety, unity, and tranquility of the realm on behalf of those whom they represent. [Patriarch] Blessings of the Seven be upon this place, and upon all gathered within and without it.

  • Patriarch resumes his seat.

  • Chancellor , Theonée Deverara, next rises to speak. Her slight figure seems small in the centre of the vast hall.

[Chancellor] It is a wonder to see this room restored, when most of us last saw it under such terrible circumstances. Let us take a moment to remember those who lost their lives just over a year ago in this very place.

  • Chancellor resumes speaking after a minute of reverent silence.

[Chancellor] While this is a time for rememberance, it is also an occasion for celebration. The Hall of Worthies is the site where the Empire is given voice, and that voice had fallen silent. After today, it will be heard once more. [Chancellor] With the installation of the new teleportation circles, the Empire will be knit more closely than ever, united as it has never been before. [Chancellor] No longer shall the far reaches of the realm be subsumed under the will of the centre, for lack of ability to make their wishes known. All parts of this great Empire, including its most distant territories and its most humble members, will be heard in this new Hall. [Chancellor] The tasks that lie before us are difficult, but they are not insurmountable. Together, in this Hall and everywhere we work, we will be building a better Empire. [Sanadhil] . o O (Interesting analogy..) [Alma] .oO( :D )

  • Chancellor takes her seat to the sounds of applause.
  • Alma applauds eagerly.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Seth, it's your turn to speak now.

  • Seth rises to speak, reading his prepared remarks formally and with great dignity.

[Seth] http://wiki.rocksfall.org/rocksfallwiki/Seth_Argo%27s_speech_at_the_Hall_of_Worthies

  • Seth uses a set of formal oratorical gestures where appropriate.

[Alma] :o [Sanadhil] hmm

[Diablotin_Narrator] Ysabeau, you are now invited to introduce your composition.

  • Ysabeau is dressed beautifully for the occasion, but not extravagantly, wearing a gown of a deep burgundy and only a couple pearls at her ears and throat as her adornments. She is used to performing in front of people and is good at hiding whatever nerves she may feel in front of this huge and important crowd.
  • Ysabeau steps up to the podium and rests her hands, folded, on its top.

[Ysabeau] Your Imperial Majesties, princes and princesses of the Empire, gathered worthies of the realm, may I humbly present to you a symphony commissioned by His Imperial Majesty, Marl Kizer, to celebrate this day. [Ysabeau] Now, I shall presume to offer a few words of explanation for the music you are about to hear. Some of you may be aware that I am a member of the Imperial Antiquarian Society, and have been privileged to go on a few expeditions with them, the most recent of which shed new and interesting light on our most ancient history. [Ysabeau] Because music AND history are my passions, I took my inspiration for His Majesty's symphony from what we learned on that expedition: one small piece of the story of our collective past... before the gods granted that we might create an Empire spanning from The Ocean of Sorrow to the Cosovode lands to our east, and from the warm southern sea to the frigid mountains of the north. [Ysabeau] Let the music transport you back to a past when we were separate peoples, the tribes of Wolf, Owl, Cat, Bear, Lizard, Ox and Rat. [Ysabeau] Let it speak to you of our past, the small day-to-day happinesses of love, family, hard work that we still find comfort in today, and the great sorrows, the huge challenges our most ancient ancestors faced as we migrated here to this Imperial Island, where we found an Arch, where we became one, where we became the Aveyrone Empire. [Ysabeau] That same enterprising spirit that led our ancestors to this place has survived through all the centuries since. Today let us honour those who preceded us, and remind ourselves to carry forward this spirit into all our future endeavours. May I now present to you "The Flight of the Tribes."

  • Ysabeau curtseys to the Emperor and Empress and other gathered nobles before joining the orchestra... she will seat herself behind her harp.

[Ysabeau] The music starts out softly, pastoral-sounding, evoking an idyllic scene of contented people going about their daily lives. One by one, seven melodies are introduced and intermingle with one another. They twine about each other, one dominating the others for a time and then another. [Ysabeau] The second movement draws upon all this and slowly introduces some ominous undertones. These build and build until the music crashes all about you, speaking of a terrible calamity. Deep bass tones seem to actually roar like a dragon amidst all the chaos. [Ysabeau] The third movement is sad and slow. It evokes a profound weariness and sense of loss. The seven melodies from the first movement softly rise from the background music. Their tempo has been slowed, they sound more solemn, but their essential nature is still there. [Ysabeau] This movement turns gradually into a march as the seven tribes begin their long travels over the land. Near its end, a thin, hopeful-sounding thread of music weaves itself in, echoing the original pastoral sounds. [Ysabeau] The fourth movement is the longest and most varied movement. It builds upon the theme of renewed vigour and hope, and the seven melodies are woven into one another to form one cohesive fabric of sound. An eighth, alien tune weaves its way in, and fights for supremacy with the mingled seven melodies. [Ysabeau] Some aspects of the calamitous music from the second movement are reintroduced but with a more marshal sound, painting a picture of a war. This movement ends with a triumphal crescendo as the Empire is born. [Ysabeau] (done!) [Diablotin_Narrator] (you can make a perform check, and I'll make one as well for the rest of the orchestra :) [Ysabeau] (I will destiny reroll) [Diablotin_Narrator] (ok if you wish) [Ysabeau] (Holy shit the dice hate me today) [Ysabeau] (27) [Diablotin_Narrator] (it's still a very good performance!) [Diablotin_Narrator] The crowd applauds enthusiastically.

  • Emperor Marl steps forward once the applause has died down.

[Emperor] Thank you, Mlle. Chanuier, for that remarkable and moving music. [Emperor] I have only a few words to say, as I have no wish to try your worthy patiences. [Emperor] First, my heartfelt thanks to all of you for attending today. I know this past year has been a difficult one for many. Our Empire has faced many hardships. But as this Hall has risen from its ashes to become even greater than its former glory, we too shall overcome our troubles through struggle and sacrifice and toil. [Emperor] The rebuilding of the Place d'Iena's markets and the strengthening of the Empire's food supply must be our priorities now. Accordingly, taxes on all farmers and food merchants will be temporarily lowered in order to encourage them to rebuild and indeed expand their efforts. [Emperor] Lands in the east of the Empire, fertile but under-used, will be settled and cleared to increase our production capacity, and our new system of teleportation circles will enable more efficient transfer of goods and people from one end of the Empire to the other. [Emperor] My greatest wish is to see my people strong, healthy, and content, and the best way to accomplish this goal is to make this Empire a strong and prosperous nation as well - a safe and comfortable place for my own son or daughter to grow.

  • Emperor says with a smile to Yanina, who smiles back contentedly.

[Sanadhil] ... [Emperor] I thank you once again for your support, and look forward to seeing many of you here again in the near future, as we make the plans and decisions that will bring our Empire into a new age. Thank you.

  • Sanadhil wonders how the Cozovode will take to haveing more human settlers on their borders

[Diablotin_Narrator] After the thunderous applause dies down, the musicians resume playing some background recessional-type music, and people are free to mingle about. [Diablotin_Narrator] Light refreshments are available in the gallery that rings the hall - drinks and finger-foods, nothing too heavy or substantial, but all of excellent quality of course. [Diablotin_Narrator] (I'm going to do short scenes with everyone - max 15 minutes. Time permitting, two for everyone. You can of course also talk amongst yourselves or to your relevant SPCs in another channel if you like, when you're not busy.)

  • Ysabeau , being an artist, is analyzing the performance and thinking about what went wrong and how to fix it in future performances, etc.
  • Sanadhil drifts over to the snacks, looking around for people he knows
  • Ysabeau would chat politely with her fellow musicians and the conductor, before going over to the refreshment stands etc.
  • Guillame also heads to the ever-reliable snack table

[Diablotin_Narrator] Dom, your family are all (well, except for your father) in attendance. [Dominik] (as was expected)

  • Dominik is making a show of family solidarity despite his own desire not to be present

[Zivia] Dom, would you fetch me a drink?

  • Dominik give Zivia a look

[Dominik] am I your servant now? [Zivia] Nooo, but I assumed you'd be getting one for yourself as soon as possible. [Dominik] I'm only doing this because I was already headed that way.

  • Zivia smiles.
  • Dominik finds two glasses of wine and returns

[Zivia] Why thank you.

  • Zivia accepts one.

[Zivia] Are you acquainted with that gentleman? [Dominik] Which one?

  • Dominik glances towards where Zivia is pointing

[Zivia] The one who's talking with Ilphere. His name's Rionet, I believe. [Dominik] Guillame? Oh yes, I know him. [Zivia] What's he like? [Dominik] He's travelled with us on several of our Society outings. [Dominik] Reliable fellow. Good enough in a fight. Has some skills. [Dominik] Interesting that you bring him up, since he was asking about you. [Zivia] ... He was? My, why was that?

  • Zivia says innocently.

[Dominik] He is a friend of your recent conquest and was wondering about your nature.

  • Zivia arches an eyebrow.

[Zivia] "Conquest," you make it sound so sordid. [Dominik] I fight battles with arms... you, with other tools... what is wrong with the comparison?

  • Zivia chuckles.

[Zivia] M. Olivier is a charming young gentleman. [Dominik] So you do intend to marry him? [Zivia] He hasn't asked me yet. [Dominik] That isn't an answer to the question, now is it. [Zivia] He is quite... attached to M. Rionet, so far as I can tell. [Dominik] attached? They seemed good friends, although I have not seen much of thier interactions. [Zivia] Well, I don't know the extent of their involvement.

  • Zivia says with a shrug.

[Dominik] I find it hard to believe you would become so tethered, my sister. [Zivia] Oh, I doubt there would be much tethering involved. [Dominik] Ah, what was I thinking. You are the moral center of house Wolf after all.

  • Zivia smiles.

[Zivia] I'm glad I have your blessing.

  • Zivia notices her drink is empty.

[Dominik] Far be it from me to judge you. [Zivia] Don't worry, I'll get my own this time.

  • Dominik downs what is left in his.
  • Zivia strolls away.

  • Alma enlists Danyel's aid to discretely cast True Seeing on herself
  • Zivia is now known as Danyel
  • Danyel will assist, of course.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You scan the room...

  • Alma uses her opera glasses :3

[Diablotin_Narrator] No dragons within 120 feet - that would be fairly obvious. [Diablotin_Narrator] Certainly plenty of people who have used a bit of magic to make themselves look a little younger, thinner, etc!

  • Alma looks for the people on Ysabeau's list, steeling herself.

[Alma] .oO( They won't be here, if they are... surely they would expect someone to think to cast True Seeing at such an event. ) [Diablotin_Narrator] You didn't see Temair Metivier in the council area, so perhaps he is not in attendance.

  • Alma looks among the musicians for Rouillardd

[Alma] -d [Diablotin_Narrator] You see her - blonde, would be pretty were it not for the wings and horns.

  • Alma gasps quietly.
  • Alma scans on so as not to be conspicuous.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You can also see Earric of course. [Alma] (He has no wings though, right?) [Diablotin_Narrator] No wings on him - but subtle horns, yes, and a glint of red about the eyes. [Diablotin_Narrator] You can also see, perhaps not too surprisingly, a few ghosts in the Hall. [Alma] .oO( I wonder what they're about... )

  • Alma tries to find the Chief Sorceror's retinue... the ghosts could wait... unless of course one looks familiar.

[Alma] (Is Metivier reclusive? Nobility roll 23) [Alma] (Also I would confirm that Cornelia, Butler and Theonee look normal.) [Diablotin_Narrator] His position is Lord Admiral, so it makes sense that he's often away from court doing boaty things. [Diablotin_Narrator] And yes, Cornelia, Butler, and Theonee all look as they normally do. [Alma] (only a 16 on nobility to see if I recognise any ghosts) [Diablotin_Narrator] No one you recognize, no. [Diablotin_Narrator] Anyone else in particular you wanted to look at? [Alma] (I was going to look for the Chief Sorceror's retinue, if I haven't already.)

  • Alma is not particularly sure what retinue Diamond might be in, if she's here at all.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Oh right... You don't see him with them, so either he's not there, or he's gone off somewhere.

  • Alma will check out the clergy as well, just to make sure RF Theron isn't a demon :P
  • Alma assumes Diamond will not be with RM Esmena :P

[Diablotin_Narrator] (that would be ... particularly foolish ;) [Diablotin_Narrator] The upper clergy all look fine. [Alma] Dear, do you think we should split up? [Diablotin_Narrator] (that's probably about the duration of your spell anyway) [Alma] If you think you could... hide your surprise, I could give you fifteen minutes to search. [Danyel] Of course, if you want me to, I will. [Alma] It's a good opportunity to cover as many "Worthies" as we can.

  • Danyel nods.
  • Alma gives him a chaste kiss.
  • Danyel will accept the spell and wander off to scout around, then.
  • Alma also mingles as quickly as possible.

  • Yanina gives you a little wave, San, as you peruse the room.
  • Sanadhil waves in return, deciding that Mlle Chanuier can wait for now

[Yanina] M. Orecalo, how lovely to see you again :)

  • Sanadhil will make his way over to her and give her a polite little bow

[Sanadhil] You as well, Your Highness. [Sanadhil] You look lovely, as always. [Yanina] Thank you :)

  • Yanina looks perhaps a little.. rounder than usual.

[Sanadhil] Are you well? [Yanina] Quite well, thank you.

  • Yanina says with a smile.
  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] I can only assume your elevation is as agreeable as it is suitable to you. [Yanina] It's been quite something. [Yanina] Very busy, of course.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Yanina] Marl wasn't merely speaking rhetorically in his speech - there will be a little prince or princess before the year's out. [Sanadhil] oh, well, congratulations :)

  • Sanadhil wonders whose it is :V

[Yanina] Thank you. [Yanina] And what have you been busy with? [Sanadhil] Much the same as ever.... research, work at the castalia...

  • Yanina nods.

[Sanadhil] There was an expedition early in the year - I suppose you might have heard some of it from princess Ilphere... [Yanina] Yes, I certainly did. It sounds all very interesting. [Sanadhil] I have been studying some with Mlle Lozad Boyne as well [Yanina] Oh yes? ]:D

  • Sanadhil returns her wicked smile, briefly

[Yanina] I'm sure you will have learned a great deal from her, she's very knowledgeable. [Sanadhil] she has a number of very interesting collections at her home [Sanadhil] Indeed. [Yanina] Perhaps you'd like to have a study group with me one evening, I'd be most curious to see what you've been working on. [Sanadhil] I was just considering that you might find some of the material quite fascinating [Yanina] Indeed, I'm sure I would. [Sanadhil] well, I shall be certain to make an appointment

  • Yanina says with a smile.

[Yanina] Marvellous, I look forward to it. I haven't been able to get out as much as I might like, so it would be lovely to have a guest.

  • Sanadhil returns her look.

[Sanadhil] I shall do my best to prove good company, then. [Yanina] Shall I have a carriage sent for you? Perhaps tomorrow evening? [Sanadhil] Wonderful. [Yanina] Delightful. [Yanina] I look forward to conversing with you further then. [Sanadhil] indeed, I shouldn't monopolize you further this afternoon.

  • Sanadhil gives her another little bow

[Yanina] Good day, M. Orecalo. [Sanadhil] And you, Empress.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Ilphere, you are approached by Mme. Lozada-Boyne. [Phedre] Good afternoon, your highness.

  • Phedre says with a curtsey.

[Ilphere] Oh, good afternoon..! :) [Phedre] It was a lovely ceremony, I thought. [Ilphere] Oh yes... I particularly enjoyed the music... [Phedre] Yes, it was marvellous. [Phedre] May we speak more privately, perhaps? [Ilphere] Certainly...

  • Ilphere looks around.

[Ilphere] Where...? [Phedre] Perhaps if we stroll, we might find someplace less obvious.

  • Ilphere nods.
  • Ilphere will walk with her...
  • Phedre speaks quietly.

[Phedre] Have you had any further visions of late? And, do you know how Theron is holding up? [Ilphere] I have not spoken to Theron very recently... Though I have been meaning to do so. :/ [Ilphere] I shall ask Dominik if I do not see him this afternoon...

  • Phedre nods.

[Ilphere] I did have... an interesting dream... [Phedre] Oh?

  • Phedre sounds intrigued.

[Ilphere] I spoke with Patriarch Thaleus...

  • Ilphere will describe what happened.

[Ilphere] I am not sure how to interpret everything that he said...

  • Phedre listens intently.

[Ilphere] Do you know of the 'pact' of which he spoke...? [Phedre] It does not entirely surprise me, but I know nothing of its details, I'm afraid. [Ilphere] Or this... angel, Emkathon? [Phedre] The name... is not one I've heard before :o [Phedre] I can certainly look into it, though, if you wish.

  • Ilphere nods...

[Ilphere] Thank you... I am looking into it as well, but information is very scarce...! [Phedre] Yes, at such a distance, and ... well, even divinations are not reliable sources on this matter, I fear. [Phedre] Fascinating questions this raises, though. [Ilphere] So many questions, yes... [Phedre] Do you find that you've experienced greater.. control over these visions, recently? [Ilphere] Some, yes... [Phedre] I had hoped that might be the case! [Phedre] Perhaps there is some hope for Theron, then, if... [Ilphere] I have been practicing directing my dreams, and experimenting with certain substances to induce and intensify them...

  • Phedre nods.

[Ilphere] Oh...! Yes, perhaps..! [Ilphere] I *would* like to help him...

  • Phedre smiles.

[Phedre] Perhaps it's possible. We will have to confer over the matter, but I think everyone would be amenable. [Diablotin_Narrator] A gentleman you don't recognize approaches the two of you. He looks... a lot like Phedre, actually.

  • Ilphere looks up.

[Phorien] Sister, am I interrupting? [Phedre] Why no, not at all, my dear :) May I introduce my brother, the Count of Kielce?

  • Phorien bows politely to you.
  • Ilphere bows her head politely.

[Ilphere] Pleased to meet you... :) [Phorien] I was glad to be able to make it to the city for this occasion,

  • Phorien says with a smile.

[Phedre] Well, I shouldn't monopolize you, your highness - I hope you have a lovely afternoon :) [Ilphere] And you as well...!

  • Phedre takes her brother's arm and departs.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Seth, your family are in attendance. Your father eyes you warily from near the refreshments.

  • Seth will certainly not go talk to him unless approached, but eyes him warily back.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You also see your sisters, whom you haven't seen in ages. Cyrenne seems to be quite pregnant, which you hadn't heard about. [Seth] Hello, sister. How lovely to see you. It's been a long time. [Cyrenne] Oh. Seth. [Cyrenne] Fancy seeing you here. [Seth] I am certain that it was announced publicly. [Cyrenne] Yes, well, I also didn't fail to notice the speech. [Seth] I do not wish this to be an occasion for quarrelling. I do not believe I have given you any reason. [Cyrenne] Only your foolish squabble with Father. [Cyrenne] You know he was right. Just go apologize to him. [Seth] I shall do no such thing. He needs to apologize to me. [Cyrenne] You know that won't happen. [Seth] That is not my concern. [Cyrenne] So you're willing to simply set aside all of us because you refuse to apologize? [Seth] I didn't say that. [Seth] I am disinclined to apologize for actions for which I feel no remorse or regret, and which in retrospect have turned out quite positively for me. [Seth] The fact that Father does not see them in this way is, again, not my concern. [Cyrenne] [w] Sleeping with Mme. Dundrennan?! You see nothing to apologize for there? [Seth] As you will recall, I am no longer, as you say, 'sleeping with' Vereth, and in fact this entire quarrel was motivated by the fact that I was ending an unfortunate situation. [Cyrenne] Father is going to have a ton of work with rebuilding the market district - if you would only mend things with him, you'd surely have work there as well. [Seth] I have no need of employment. [Cyrenne] What *are* you doing these days?

  • Cyrenne eyes you skeptically.

[Seth] I am in the employ of the Duke of Friaul. [Cyrenne] Yes, well - aren't we all, to some degree. [Seth] Indeed. [Seth] When is your child due? [Cyrenne] Seventh-month. [Seth] Very soon. You have my congratulations. [Cyrenne] Yes, well. Perhaps by then, you'll realize that you're losing your family over your foolish pride. [Cyrenne] Good day, Seth. [Seth] Good day.

  • Portia takes your arm, Guillame.

[Guillame] Hello, my dear! [Portia] Nice of them to make a little section for us - don't have to sit at the back any longer. Even if it *was* full of musicians and commoners ;) [Guillame] It is rather an improvement - it almost makes one feel like a member of a *real* house

  • Guillame winks
  • Portia smiles at that.

[Guillame] I suppose it may be useful for you to know that the first place to look for me at these kinds of function is at the snack table, if I'm needed. [Guillame] ... it's a good place to find anyone, I suppose. [Portia] I rather thought it might be. I was caught up in conversations, but I've managed to escape at last. [Diablotin_Narrator] Aden and Zivia are also arm-in-arm, talking. Aden glances over in your direction, as if trying to judge whether to come over and talk or not.

  • Guillame nods in acknowledgement
  • Aden and Zivia come over to chat with you, then. How nice :D

[Aden] Good afternoon :) [Guillame] Good afternoon to you, and to Mmle Rademacher

  • Guillame bows

[Zivia] It's good to finally meet you, M. Rionet. [Zivia] I've heard so much about you... [Guillame] It's wonderful to meet you too - I've heard many nice things

  • Zivia smiles.

[Zivia] I'm only glad I had the chance to meet you before your wedding - that might have been awkward :)

  • Portia chuckles dryly at that.

[Portia] You'll be attending then, I presume? [Zivia] Well.. I rather thought I would, yes.

  • Zivia says with a glance at Aden.

[Aden] Oh.. yes, of course. [Portia] Mmhmm. [Guillame] Wonderful! [Portia] We look forward to it, of course. [Zivia] Perhaps before then, if you're not too busy, we might be able to have dinner together, all of us. [Guillame] I think that's a great idea

  • Guillame looks to Portia
  • Zivia nods.

[Zivia] Certainly. I'm sure we have much to discuss. [Zivia] (ww) [Portia] Certainly. I'm sure we have much to discuss. [Zivia] Indeed.

  • Zivia and Portia are eyeing one another evenly, like boxers about to begin a match.

[Aden] Well, that would be lovely :D

  • Aden says brightly.

[Guillame] SO, Portia and I were just discussing how pleased we are with the new section for our house! [Aden] Oh, yes, isn't that great? I was so glad that they decided to put it in. [Guillame] I suppose it would have been hard to make the case to omit it now... [Aden] Well, you might be surprised - but yes, I think that it was a minority opinion that wanted it rebuilt exactly the same as it had been. [Aden] Maybe it's the start of bigger changes - we can hope, anyway. [Guillame] It's one more way that we're institutionally recognised.

  • Portia nods to that.

[Guillame] Maybe next time the hall burns down we can argue for a section for the houseless, but I'm satisfied for now ;) [Aden] Hopefully that won't happen anytime soon ;) [Guillame] ... the tragic fires, yes, I hope not too. [Zivia] Well, it's been lovely chatting with you, but I think we ought to go, Aden - I was hoping you'd get to speak with my family as well. [Guillame] It was nice to meet you properly, Zivia.

  • Guillame bows

[Zivia] And you as well.

  • Zivia bids you both a polite farewell, and leads Aden off by the arm.

[Portia] ...Hm.

  • Zivia is now known as Diablotin_Narrator
  • Ysabeau is wandering in the crowd making the most of her 15 minutes of True Sight.

[Guillame] Is there a history between the two of you? [Portia] Not yet.

  • Portia says, as you go off for some more refreshments.
  • Guillame nods 'fair enough'

[Diablotin_Narrator] Ysa, you see 'Martan' there - he looks the same even with the True Sight, you notice.

  • Ysabeau watches him briefly to see who he's talking to, what sort of mood he's in, etc.

[Ysabeau] (I'll have been wandering for a while before this... can't really talk to him until the True Sight wears off or I'll have wasted Alma's spell)

  • Martan is not talking to anyone atm, just sipping his drink and watching the crowd.

[Diablotin_Narrator] (that's fine)

  • Ysabeau mentally calculates that there's only a minute or so left for the True Sight, so she makes her way over to Martan, keeping her eyes peeled as she goes, just in case.
  • Ysabeau curtseys when she is within conversational distance of Martan.
  • Martan bows politely.

[Ysabeau] Good afternoon, M. Olivier. [Martan] Good afternoon :) [Ysabeau] I am saddened that you never replied to my notes about meeting over coffee to chat about Greywatch.

  • Ysabeau smiles to take any sting out of her words.

[Martan] I apologize for my rudeness... [Ysabeau] It's quite all right. I suppose you have been kept terribly busy by more important people. [Ysabeau] ;) [Martan] Well, terribly busy, yes. I don't know if they were more important ;)

  • Ysabeau laughs.

[Ysabeau] You are too sweet. [Ysabeau] How have you been? [Ysabeau] You seem no worse for wear. [Martan] Oh, well enough. And you? [Ysabeau] Busy, busy, busy myself. [Ysabeau] That may slacken a bit now that this symphony is complete. [Ysabeau] Then again, it might make my life even busier. [Ysabeau] We shall see. [Martan] It was lovely, truly. I hope it brings you all the attention you deserve :)

  • Ysabeau tucks an artfully loose ringlet behind her ear and blushes slightly at the compliment.

[Ysabeau] Thank you, M. Olivier.

  • Ysabeau smiles up at him.

[Martan] You're most welcome.

  • Martan smiles back.

[Martan] ... Do you... would you like to join me for dinner this evening, perhaps? I'm sure you have a dozen invitations already... [Ysabeau] (Do I? ;) ) [Diablotin_Narrator] (well, probably - but not from people you're really interested in, most likely ;) [Ysabeau] Six, so far. The afternoon is early yet.

  • Martan chuckles.

[Martan] Only six? I expected more ;) [Ysabeau] So far, yours is the most appealing.

  • Martan smiles at that.

[Martan] I'd be honoured. [Martan] But if someone even more appealing invites you, feel free to accept. [Ysabeau] Well, in that case... [Ysabeau] If some terribly interesting other people invite me, would it be too much to ask to make it a dinner party? [Martan] Much as I'd prefer to have you all to myself, even enjoying your company with others would be a delightful evening.

  • Ysabeau smiles beautifully.

[Ysabeau] You are a true gentleman. [Martan] Well, I try.

  • Ysabeau will chat with him for a while.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Seth, you wanted to talk to Menard?

  • Seth will catch Menard's eye at some point and smile at him, then head over.

[Menard] Hey Seth. Nice speech. [Seth] Uh, thanks. I hope it wasn't too much above people's heads. [Menard] Well, I followed it ok, and I'm pretty much a cretin, right? :)

  • Seth laughs.

[Seth] No one thinks that you're a cretin. I hope. [Menard] I'm sure you've called me that before... but never mind. [Seth] Doubtless. [Seth] So ... I was really a little surprised to get the request to speak. [Seth] I would have thought they would get the actual architects to do it. [Menard] Well, yeah - it was kind of my suggestion. I hope you don't mind. [Seth] Have you ever known me to be reluctant to offer my scholarly opinions? [Menard] Hahah, no. [Seth] My father isn't really impressed. We're still not speaking. Alas. [Menard] That's too bad :/ [Seth] Well, he doesn't understand.

  • Menard nods.

[Seth] And you - how have you been? [Menard] Oh, you know, pretty busy with stuff... [Menard] What about you? [Seth] About the same. Stuff.

  • Seth tries to think of what he could actually tell Menard, and then fails utterly.
  • Aldrian wanders over, perfectly naturally, to say hi to his cousin.... oh, and you, Seth.

[Menard] Oh hey Rian, how're things? [Aldrian] Great, actually.

  • Aldrian says with a smile.

[Seth] Hello once again. Nice to see you. [Menard] Great, glad to hear it :) [Menard] Oh good, you two know each other. Now I don't have to introduce you properly.

  • Menard says with some relief.

[Seth] We met at your wedding. [Menard] Right, of course! [Menard] It's all kind of a blur.

  • Aldrian smiles.

[Aldrian] Understandable. [Seth] How have you been?

  • Seth asks Aldrian.

[Aldrian] Fine, thanks. And yourself? [Seth] Very well. I have several scholarly projects I'm working on. [Aldrian] Related to the architecture here? Or other buildings? [Seth] Well, there is this one, but the other projects are more varied. [Aldrian] Well, I'd love to hear about them, if you don't mind talking about your work. [Menard] Seth always likes to talk about his work ;) [Seth] I'd be glad to.

  • Seth goes on at length about some of his other work, but not his OTHER other work ...
  • Menard makes his excuses to leave because other people have to talk to him, but Aldrian seems happy to stay and listen.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Dom, Fredericia comes to have a quick word with you.

  • Dominik looks impassive as Fredericia approaches

[Fredericia] [q] Something's going on - not sure what. [Dominik] [q] Well that was very vague.

  • Fredericia shrugs.

[Fredericia] [q] Bridge of Vanities is blocked, and the Market Bridge is going to be a nightmare getting off the island. [Fredericia] [q] You might wanna either stay here, or go north and then around by the Eagle Bridge if you're headed to the Grand tonight. [Dominik] [q] Maybe I should go the other way and find out what the something is. [Fredericia] [q] I was hoping you'd say that. [Fredericia] [q] C'mon, let's skip out on this, we'll find something interesting instead.

  • Dominik nods

[Diablotin_Narrator] You and Fredericia can leave, headed for the Bridge of Vanities and whatever might be happening there...

[Diablotin_Narrator] It is nightfall by the time most people are leaving the Hall. A display of fireworks has been timed to coincide with the mass exodus. [Diablotin_Narrator] There seems to be some commotion of some sort going on at the Bridge of Vanities, and so most of the nobles' carriages depart via the Market Bridge, which is closer to the Grand anyway, though older and less impressive than its counterparts. [Diablotin_Narrator] The traffic is sluggish, moving very slowly as hundreds of people attempt to cross the Ousel at once. [Diablotin_Narrator] Alma, you and Danyel are in your carriage about halfway across the bridge, having moved only a few feet in the past quarter-hour. At least you have fireworks to watch...

  • Alma cuddles up with him as we look out the window together.
  • Danyel wraps his arm around you comfortably.

[Alma] You know, if we think about it, this isn't a bad thing :) [Danyel] It could certainly be worse...

  • Alma hums a bit of Ysabeau's music.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Suddenly there is a crash that make the entire bridge shudder, followed immediately by an explosion that throws your carriage over on its side. [Diablotin_Narrator] The bridge groans and tilts sharply to the right, wood splintering and shattering, as the smell of sulfur and smoke reaches you. [Alma] Oh no!

  • Danyel tries to open the door - now upwards - so you can get out
  • Alma is supernaturally unencumbered by falling carriage things.

[Diablotin_Narrator] The bridge is going to collapse - no, *is* collapsing! Carriages are already sliding helplessly off into the black water below, the screams of horses and people alike ringing in your ears. [Danyel] Give me your hand, Alma! [Alma] Don't worry about me!

  • Alma casts Fly.
  • Danyel clambers out onto the top of the carriage, so at least he's free of that before it starts to fall...
  • Alma will fly out of the open doorway and look about to see what she can do.

[Diablotin_Narrator] (what's your encumberance... you could try to grab Danyel) [Alma] (Nope, only 100 lbs)

  • Danyel starts to fall along with the carriage, then...
  • Alma casts Wind Walk on him

[Alma] (and herself) [Diablotin_Narrator] Concentration check, I think, might be in order. [Alma] (DC?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (15) [Alma] (Made it.) [Alma] (sec) [Diablotin_Narrator] (?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (hello?)

[Diablotin_Narrator] Guillame, when you hear about the bridge collapse, you are of course desperate to find out whether your mother and sisters made it home safely. [Guillame] (Am I still staying at the palace?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (you had been, because of... security concerns, yeah) [Diablotin_Narrator] The best way across to the Grand at the moment, aside from using magic or a boat, is to take the Bridge of Tears to the north bank, then come around through the Pav and take the Eagle Bridge south.

  • Guillame will endeavour to borrow a horse, and disguise himself with the ring as soon as he can be out of sight.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You can certainly do that. [Diablotin_Narrator] You reach the house quite late, after having fought through the crowds, to find the servants in a flurry of activity. Apparently the horses returned, but not the carriage... [Guillame] (D:) [Diablotin_Narrator] They have sent for the guards, but they're a bit overwhelmed at the moment. [Guillame] (Did the occupants make it home without it?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (nope) [Guillame] (:/)

  • Guillame leaves some instructions for setting things straight, and then heads back to the bridge, disguised again.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Much of the wreckage from the disaster has been swept downriver, so there's not a whole lot to see there. You don't see their carriage or their bodies among those that have been retrieved, at least.

  • Guillame is finding it hard to think straight
  • Guillame looks for someone in charge, or a guard

[Guard_] Yes sir? [Guillame] Where can I find out what happened... about who is unharmed? [Guillame] And... not... [Guard_] That's a good question, sir. It's all a bit chaotic right now, no hard lists I'm afraid. [Guard_] You have someone you're looking for, I can keep an eye out for them, that's about all I can offer. [Guillame] I'm looking for the Rionets... do you know them? [Guard_] Afraid not. Can you describe them?

  • Guillame lists and describes his Mother and Sisters
  • Guard_ takes down some notes.

[Guard_] I haven't seen anyone matching those descriptions. You may yet be in luck, sir. I hope so, at any rate. [Guillame] And what of those swept downstream? Is there any effort to help them? [Guard_] There are boats... doing what they can, as I understand. [Guard_] Try back tomorrow - maybe more word by then.

  • Guillame sighs, and nods.

[Guard_] Don't give up hope.

  • Guard_ pats your shoulder, a bit awkwardly.
  • Guillame heads back to the palace, taking main roads and any that follow the river, in case he sees any of his family on the way.

[Diablotin_Narrator] On your way, you retrace the route they would probably have taken along the river - if they made it this far, that is... [Guillame] *nod

  • Guillame will ask Aden to send a messenger to wait at the house, and inform him if there is any news.

[Diablotin_Narrator] It's pitch dark by this time... but you catch a familiar scent on the air. [Guillame] (D:) [Diablotin_Narrator] Your mother's perfume... [Guillame] (:V)

  • Guillame stops short and looks around

[Diablotin_Narrator] You're in a wooded stretch along the riverbank.

  • Guillame heads down to the bank, tying the horse if the surface is too bad.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You find the carriage, pulled off to the side in some cover, sitting strangely silent - it doesn't look as if it's washed up on the shore.

  • Guillame checks that it is empty

[Diablotin_Narrator] The carriage door is slightly ajar, and you see with alarm a pale hand hanging out of it, limp. [Diablotin_Narrator] Inside, the carriage is drenched with blood. Your mother and Alesia are inside, their throats slit. [Diablotin_Narrator] Silvia is nowhere to be seen. [Guillame] ]:(

  • Guillame looks for tracks

[Diablotin_Narrator] You can make a search check. [Guillame] (20) [Diablotin_Narrator] You can see the tracks where the carriage was dragged off into the bushes, to conceal it, and some human footprints around it, you think male. As the footmen and driver are nowhere to be found, you have no way of knowing if it's their tracks running away or the attackers (assuming they're not the same)... [Diablotin_Narrator] You don't see any tracks that look like Silvia's, however.

  • Guillame ... goes back to the hall, looking for Seth and/or Aden.
  • Aden_ is findable, eventually.

[Aden_] Guy, thank the gods you're ok... I was so worried. [Guillame] I need... to talk to you. [Aden_] Oh... of course.

  • Guillame gestures away from people
  • Aden_ takes you somewhere away from people, then.

[Aden_] What's wrong? [Guillame] Is there anyone that can investigate a murder that will actually find out the truth, instead of just what they want people to think? [Aden_] ... what's happened :o [Guillame] I... someone killed Mother and Alesia. [Guillame] Deliberately. [Aden_] OH ... oh, Guy, I'm sorry :o [Guillame] And I don't know where Silvia is. [Aden_] Gods, that's awful! We'll find her, I swear it. [Aden_] Where did this happen? *What* happened? [Guillame] They took the carriage, and they hid it, and they cut their throats. [Guillame] I found it... I was riding along the river.

  • Aden_ puts a hand over his mouth, horrified.

[Guillame] I smelled mother's perfume.

  • Aden_ takes you in his arms.

[Guillame] I want someone to look at the scene before anyone can mess with it... I thought about asking Seth, or someone else from the Society... [Aden_] I don't know where they are. But ... I can find someone, I'm sure. [Guillame] Or maybe a cleric? Or a mage... yes, someone. Someone trustworthy.

  • Aden_ nods.

[Aden_] There are a lot of dead tonight... but I'll find someone to help, I promise.

  • Guillame is clearly furious, and hasn't gotten around to grief yet.

[Guillame] I suppose it could be connected to the bridge sabotage, but I... I don't really know. [Aden_] I'll... I could get my aunt Martine, maybe. She's excellent at noticing things.

  • Guillame doesn't really know who that is, and seems rather distracted

[Guillame] Hrm. Yes, that's fine. [Aden_] We'll look for Seth, too, if you want him to help. I'll send someone to try and find him. [Guillame] Yes, Seth's good at noticing things too.

  • Aden_ nods.

[Guillame] You're supposed to be when you're a researcher.

  • Aden_ makes you come with him, reluctant to leave you alone.
  • Guillame will be ushered wherever, but will keep looking for other society members as they walk.

[Diablotin_Narrator] (probably most likely to find Ilphere, on the island... I suspect San is safely home, Dom is ... busy, Ysa went out to dinner, Alma is working on the rescue efforts, and Seth is... dunno :o)

  • Sanadhil is safely home, yes

[Guillame] (I will co-opt Ilphere, if she'll come along?) [Ilphere] (sure)

  • Guillame lets Aden explain, unless he starts getting things wrong
  • Martine will allow herself to be dragged to investigate this horrible scene.
  • Aden_ will indeed do the explaining, assuming you are not in any state to do it yourself.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You make your way back to the scene of the crime... [Diablotin_Narrator] (Everyone can have a search check to look around) [Guillame] (Can I take 20? Do we do that?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (sure) [Guillame] (Then my search check is 36) [Diablotin_Narrator] Guillame, you are looking around the riverbank for any clues there, when you hear a small rustling noise.

  • Guillame goes to see what it is
  • Rat_ is a small, russet-furred rat cowering in the bushes. It approaches you when it sees you, though.

[Guillame] Hrm.

  • Rat_ comes quite close, sniffing at your feet.
  • Guillame bends down to the rat, letting it sniff his knuckles
  • Rat_ climbs up onto your hand after a moment's hesitation.

[Guillame] Hrm.

  • Rat_ 's eyes... one of them is clouded, like Silvia's (and Raina's).
  • Guillame looks around, and steps out of view of the rest of the investigators
  • Rat_ 's nose twitches uncertainly.

[Ilphere] (I get a 37 to search for clues) [Diablotin_Narrator] (ok) [Guillame] Hrm. If you're going to turn into a person, it's probably best to do it out of view of other people. [Ilphere] (42 if I can get the bonus from my glasses) [Diablotin_Narrator] ('k) [Guillame] If not, I suppose you can have a ride in my pocket.

  • Rat_ will clamber into your pocket, then.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Will write up what's found in the investigation and email, due to lateness... [Guillame] (Ok :) )

  • Guillame will keep looking for clues with everyone else.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Eventually, guards will come along and take over, but you've probably found everything you can at that point.

  • Guillame will not investigate inside the carriage, I suppose.

[Diablotin_Narrator] (good plan...) [Diablotin_Narrator] The end for now... solos can be arranged at everyone's leisure.
