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{{logtoc|Adventure World: Caravan|4}}
{{logtoc|Adventure World: Caravan|4}}
You all awaken to a nice autumn day in Kongasharja. The various "adults" of the caravan are getting ready to be about their business: Verex and Volda are headed back to the castle, as the local lord wasn't able to see them yesterday; Yevelda and some others are headed over to the market square not too far from the caravan's campsite; and Krusk is setting up his anvil and other accoutrements to get some basic smithing/tinkering done. He does need someone to take a load of goods across the stream to Teldorthan's Arms and Armor, if he can catch some of you youngsters.
Chlyde is now the one down for the count, but Brauni rounds up Aan to try and earn some coin in the market.  They don't do very well, down their drummer.
Chlyde is now the one down for the count, but Brauni rounds up Aan to try and earn some coin in the market.  They don't do very well, down their drummer.
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: Session date: 2022-08-20
: Session date: 2022-08-20
===Brauni and Aan Go To The Market===
Narrator: You all awaken to a nice autumn day in Kongasharja. The various "adults" of the caravan are getting ready to be about their business: Verex and Volda are headed back to the castle, as the local lord wasn't able to see them yesterday; Yevelda and some others are headed over to the market square not too far from the caravan's campsite; and Krusk is setting up his anvil and other accoutrements to get some basic smithing/tinkering done. He does need someone to take a load of goods across the stream to Teldorthan's Arms and Armor, if he can catch some of you youngsters.
Narrator: What're folks up to this morning?
Aan: (I was gonna say chores but I guess it's band practice... unless we're down a Chlyde :x)
Whisper: (fishing)
Narrator: Chlyde is indeed not feeling well this morning, though you and Brauni could still practice.
Elafir: (chores or playing with Liante)
Narrator: Or just head over to the market and put out a hat. 🙂
Tsukaav: (usual morning calisthenics and prayers)
Qog: will volunteer to take stuff to Teldorthan. Is Rio still at our camp?
Frond: (morning prayer, then probably see what needs doing - if that's taking goods across the stream, then so be it)
Narrator: (No, Rio just looked around a bit, maybe played with some of other caravan kids for a bit, then headed back home.)
Brauni: (market sounds good then)
Brauni: (or it's about to, once WE get there 🤘 )
Aan: will go with his sister but is clearly nervous
Narrator: (Brauni and Aan, roll me Performance checks. Any particular type songs you're leaning towards?)
Aan: (12, and I will follow her lead)
Brauni: (8, boo)
Brauni: (something inappropriate apparently)
Narrator: Missing your drummer, your music doesn't quite hit how you'd like, and you get a couple coppers with the sense that it's more like a payoff to stop than actual appreciation for the music. The crowd gives you a pretty wide berth.
Narrator: (Roll me Perception)
Aan: 8
Brauni: (9... I don't notice shit either)
Aan: (yeah, too anxious probably)
Narrator: Your mom favors you with an encouraging smile, but that's probably the most you get from the morning crowd.
Narrator: (Whisper, roll me...Survival, I would assume?)
Whisper: (12)
Brauni: They must still be hung over, jeez.
Brauni: This podunk town ain't got no taste
===Whisper Catches a Fish and Explores The Town===
Narrator: Whisper, you manage well enough and catch a couple of good-sized trout. They'll make a decent lunch for a couple or might go into the stew for the evening meal.
Whisper: will deposit the fish in the communal food supply, and see if the other drow need help with anything.  If not, they will take the time to explore the town in daylight
Narrator: They've mostly headed to the market, where you're welcome to accompany them, or if there's anything in particular in town you want to check out, that works, too.
Whisper: (I'll catch up to them in the market)
Narrator: (Tsukaav, are you going running in town?)
Tsukaav: (yes, running around and from the lower to the upper part of the town and back)
Narrator: Whisper, you can find Marya setting up a little table to do her card readings for curious folk, while Certa and her cousin take up a spot as far away from Viscous Mockery as possible (out of politeness, not rudeness), to play and dance for coin. Lis is nowhere to be seen.
Whisper: to Marya
Brauni: (suuuure ;)
Whisper: Need help with anything?  Does Lis?
Marya: Not at the moment, but you're welcome to sit around and look mysterious with me. As to my wife...I'm never entirely sure what she's up to, even with my of course vaunted powers of preternatural perception. 😉
Whisper: I can sit for a bit... keep an eye out for pickpockets.'
Whisper: finds a place to look mysterious as well
Narrator: (Roll Perception)
Whisper: (22)
Narrator: You spot some definite pickpocketing activity, including the kid you caught last night, though clearly the folks here are quite so canny as you and your compatriots.
Whisper: makes note of their descriptions, but takes no action unless they target those of the caravan
Whisper: will also whisper his observations to Marya
Marya: smiles and nods.
Marya: (quietly) Hopefully they'll know better than to mess with our folks, but it's skillful work as honest as any other, really. Spirits watch over them, and make sure they take no more than they need.
Whisper: Spirits watch.
Whisper: nods in agreement
Whisper: I've roosted long enough, time to wander.
Whisper: will head off to explore
Marya: Spirits watch over you as well, kinsman, and mind the [drow word meaning outsiders/strangers/not drow].
Narrator: (Anything in particular you want to check out?)
Whisper: (any easy way to get to the islands?)
Narrator: (Not particularly. If you cross from the western side, it's a shorter swim, at least. The current is swifter around the southern island, nearing the falls.)
Whisper: (something for nighttime then...  the big wooded area at 9 then)
Narrator: (Roll me Perception)
Whisper: (only 8)
Narrator: The woods seem to be a section of old forest kept mostly wild within the city walls, maybe from when it was just the keep here. You spot a few, very weathered grave markers here and there, grown over with vines and roots.
Whisper: (anything still legible?)
Narrator: (Nothing that you find, though you spot at least one with a still-recognizeable half-circle symbol on it.)
Whisper: (some sort of religious symbol?)
Narrator: (Probably Sehanine, the elduar moon goddess, you would imagine)
Whisper: satisfied exploring for now, I'll head back to the caravan
===Qog and Frond Visit Teldorthan and Learn About the Bandits===
Narrator: Qog and Frond, Krusk is working at his anvil, hammering gently on some repairs on a couple of pots. There are several large crates stacked nearby.
Qog: Can we give you a hand with those?
Krusk: That'd be real kind of you kids. I want to get a chance to look in on ol' Aurum at some point, but some folks remembered us from the last time we were here and I figured it was best to get started in on the work.
Krusk: Those crates all go, though make sure he unloads them and gives them back. I'd like to see 100 gold all even, if you can manage, and let him know I've got a bit of good Argentin mithril if he's willing to pay for it.
Frond: (do we have like a small cart we can use for this type of thing, or are we carrying them by hand?)
Narrator: (There's probably a cart you can use; you could carry them all, but it is several hundred pounds of metal bars.)
Frond: Let's get these loaded, then.
Qog: Yup
Narrator: That should take too long, and it's a quick trip over to Teldorthan's, just across the stream where Rio pointed out the previous evening.  In contrast to the coolness of the morning, the interior is sweltering, and you see a brawny older dwarf instructing a couple of apprentices as they work the bellows.
Rio: looks up and waves at Qog.
Qog: waves back.
Frond: We brought these from our grandfather.  Where do you want us to put them for you?
Teldorthan: Hmm? Oh, you must be Krusk's kin. Just over there will be fine.
Teldorthan: Good trip south? No trouble, I hope.
Qog: starts unloading crates.
No, sir -- no trouble.
Frond: Well, mostly.  There were some raiders and other weird goings on around Halidun.  But nothing since then.
Qog: Our grandfather was hoping to get these crates back. Can we help you unpack them?
Teldorthan: Rio, Agate, Nelan.
Teldorthan: nods towards the crates, and his apprentices spring to help you with them.
Teldorthan: (to Frond) What sort of raiders?
Frond: shifters, I guess, not really sure more than that
Frond: taking people as captives, so I guess... slavers? not sure
Teldorthan: Ah, okay. Yeah, they come in from the east from time to time and take thralls from the settlements further out. No trouble for your caravan, I would imagine.
Frond: yeah but then there was this really old giant's tomb and stuff.  I mean it was fine, we dealt with it, but it was just weird.
Teldorthan: A giant's tomb, you say? I'd imagine there was a good spot of grave goods to be had.
Frond: yeah we got a pretty good haul out of there.  bunch of copper though, that was heavy to carry back.
Frond: Oh, Grandfather asked us to tell you that he has some Argentin mithril if you're interested.
Teldorthan: Does he now? I wouldn't mind haggling a bit over that, I don't mind saying. Tell Krusk I'll buy him a drink over at the Blue Moon this evening and we can figure something out.
Teldorthan: On the note of payment, I'd imagine your folk still do a bit of merc-ing and adventuring when the price is right?
Qog: Yes, sir. Was there something in particular you had in mind?
Teldorthan: Well, we've had problems with bandits for years, bit of an ongoing issue. I had a shipment coming in from Winterhold to the west that's more'n a week late. There was a terror drake hide that's to be made into armor for the lord's oldest that I'd really like recovered.
Frond: do you know where they might hide out?
Teldorthan: nods.
Teldorthan: There's an old manor, tucked into the edge of the Cloakwood, used to belong to a vassal of the Laukannen's name of Cobal. The family was wiped out a few decades back, and when the kobolds set up shop, folks took to calling it Kobold Hall.
Teldorthan: Not the cleverest, but not everyone is, I suppose.
Frond: nods
Frond: anything else about them? how many or what kinds of them?
Teldorthan: A fair few, if tales are true. A dozen or two, I'd say.
Teldorthan: Lord Laukannen doesn't want to spare the guards to clear them out, after the last war. I'd pay, oh, say 300 gold for the hide back, though, and you'd be doing the town a favor.
Frond: We'll bring that up with the others, and hopefully we can help you out.
Teldorthan: That'd be mighty kind of you, and I look forward to raising a mug with your grandpa.
Qog: We'll let him know. I'm sure he'll be happy to oblige.
Oh, and speaking of Grandfather ... he said this shipment would be 100 gold.
Teldorthan: frowns at that.
Teldorthan: Did he now?
Teldorthan: now makes a show of going over to inspect what both of you know to be quality steel.
Teldorthan: All this came from the Hills?
Narrator: (You both know it came from the Collines d'Argent, where the caravan was before Halidun)
Qog: It's quality steel, if that's what you're worried about. My grandpa doesn't deal in anything else.
Qog: knows this is just negotiating, but he's still a little annoyed that Teldorthan in questioning Krusk's craftsmanship.
Frond: From the Collines d'Argent.
Teldorthan: nods, and beckons Rio over. He hands them a bar.
Teldorthan: What do you think?
Rio: takes the bar reverently, looking back and forth between the bar, Teldorthan, and the pair of you.
Rio: turns it over and inspects the bar carefully.
Rio: It's good steel, sir, no real imperfections. And the bars and crate have the Argentin seal, so it's worth every copper, I'd say.
Teldorthan: Hmph. An honest Medialuna, gods preserve us. All right, you're all right, a hundred gold it is.
Teldorthan: Back to work, you three.
Teldorthan: leads you over to a strongbox as his apprentices scramble back to their previous work. He produces a fine key and takes out a bag from which he very carefully counts out 100 gold.
Qog: We'll let Grandfather know to meet you at the Blue Moon tonight. Is there anything else you'd like us to pass along?
Teldorthan: No, that'll be all, lad.
Frond: Thanks very much.
Teldorthan: And the same to you. Good doing business.
Frond: will head back and go to the brukuror (or whichever of them are around) to ask about the bandit job.
Qog: also heads back to take Krusk his gold and tell him about Teldorthan's invitation

Revision as of 02:22, 17 September 2023

Adventure World: Caravan session logs
Previous Session 4 Next


Chlyde is now the one down for the count, but Brauni rounds up Aan to try and earn some coin in the market. They don't do very well, down their drummer.

Whisper catches some fish for lunch and accompanies some of the other drow to the market as well, and does a little exploring.

Big Krusk sends Qog and Frond to Teldorthan to sell some steel to Teldorthan the smith, and they learn about some bandits who have been hassling the area and who stole some terror drake hide that was marked to become armor for the lord, and asks if they'd consider clearing out the bandits for 300 gold

After lunch, they bring up the proposal and the brukurror agree. The party assembles - PCs plus Kirar and Karash, but minus Chlyde who is still ill.

They set off and arrive after a day or so of travel. Whisper, Aan, and Karash do a little scouting, and the others decide to bust in the front doors, which they eventually manage. They dispatch the interior guards, and take on the kobolds on the courtyard. After dispatching them, including some who tried to run away into the house on the left, we see some more kobolds in the right side of the house, and call it there.


Session date: 2022-08-20

Brauni and Aan Go To The Market

Narrator: You all awaken to a nice autumn day in Kongasharja. The various "adults" of the caravan are getting ready to be about their business: Verex and Volda are headed back to the castle, as the local lord wasn't able to see them yesterday; Yevelda and some others are headed over to the market square not too far from the caravan's campsite; and Krusk is setting up his anvil and other accoutrements to get some basic smithing/tinkering done. He does need someone to take a load of goods across the stream to Teldorthan's Arms and Armor, if he can catch some of you youngsters.

Narrator: What're folks up to this morning?


Aan: (I was gonna say chores but I guess it's band practice... unless we're down a Chlyde :x)

Whisper: (fishing)


Narrator: Chlyde is indeed not feeling well this morning, though you and Brauni could still practice.


Elafir: (chores or playing with Liante)

Narrator: Or just head over to the market and put out a hat. 🙂

Tsukaav: (usual morning calisthenics and prayers)

Qog: will volunteer to take stuff to Teldorthan. Is Rio still at our camp?

Frond: (morning prayer, then probably see what needs doing - if that's taking goods across the stream, then so be it)

Narrator: (No, Rio just looked around a bit, maybe played with some of other caravan kids for a bit, then headed back home.)

Brauni: (market sounds good then)

Brauni: (or it's about to, once WE get there 🤘 )

Aan: will go with his sister but is clearly nervous


Narrator: (Brauni and Aan, roll me Performance checks. Any particular type songs you're leaning towards?)

Aan: (12, and I will follow her lead)

Brauni: (8, boo)

Brauni: (something inappropriate apparently)


Narrator: Missing your drummer, your music doesn't quite hit how you'd like, and you get a couple coppers with the sense that it's more like a payoff to stop than actual appreciation for the music. The crowd gives you a pretty wide berth.

Narrator: (Roll me Perception)

Aan: 8

Brauni: (9... I don't notice shit either)

Aan: (yeah, too anxious probably)

Narrator: Your mom favors you with an encouraging smile, but that's probably the most you get from the morning crowd.

Narrator: (Whisper, roll me...Survival, I would assume?)

Whisper: (12)

Brauni: They must still be hung over, jeez.

Brauni: This podunk town ain't got no taste

Whisper Catches a Fish and Explores The Town

Narrator: Whisper, you manage well enough and catch a couple of good-sized trout. They'll make a decent lunch for a couple or might go into the stew for the evening meal.

Whisper: will deposit the fish in the communal food supply, and see if the other drow need help with anything. If not, they will take the time to explore the town in daylight


Narrator: They've mostly headed to the market, where you're welcome to accompany them, or if there's anything in particular in town you want to check out, that works, too.

Whisper: (I'll catch up to them in the market)

Narrator: (Tsukaav, are you going running in town?)

Tsukaav: (yes, running around and from the lower to the upper part of the town and back)

Narrator: Whisper, you can find Marya setting up a little table to do her card readings for curious folk, while Certa and her cousin take up a spot as far away from Viscous Mockery as possible (out of politeness, not rudeness), to play and dance for coin. Lis is nowhere to be seen.

Whisper: to Marya

Brauni: (suuuure ;)

Whisper: Need help with anything? Does Lis?

Marya: Not at the moment, but you're welcome to sit around and look mysterious with me. As to my wife...I'm never entirely sure what she's up to, even with my of course vaunted powers of preternatural perception. 😉

Whisper: I can sit for a bit... keep an eye out for pickpockets.'

Whisper: finds a place to look mysterious as well

Narrator: (Roll Perception)

Whisper: (22)

Narrator: You spot some definite pickpocketing activity, including the kid you caught last night, though clearly the folks here are quite so canny as you and your compatriots.

Whisper: makes note of their descriptions, but takes no action unless they target those of the caravan

Whisper: will also whisper his observations to Marya

Marya: smiles and nods.

Marya: (quietly) Hopefully they'll know better than to mess with our folks, but it's skillful work as honest as any other, really. Spirits watch over them, and make sure they take no more than they need.

Whisper: Spirits watch.

Whisper: nods in agreement

Whisper: I've roosted long enough, time to wander.

Whisper: will head off to explore

Marya: Spirits watch over you as well, kinsman, and mind the [drow word meaning outsiders/strangers/not drow].

Narrator: (Anything in particular you want to check out?)

Whisper: (any easy way to get to the islands?)

Narrator: (Not particularly. If you cross from the western side, it's a shorter swim, at least. The current is swifter around the southern island, nearing the falls.)

Whisper: (something for nighttime then... the big wooded area at 9 then)

Narrator: (Roll me Perception)

Whisper: (only 8)

Narrator: The woods seem to be a section of old forest kept mostly wild within the city walls, maybe from when it was just the keep here. You spot a few, very weathered grave markers here and there, grown over with vines and roots.

Whisper: (anything still legible?)

Narrator: (Nothing that you find, though you spot at least one with a still-recognizeable half-circle symbol on it.)

Whisper: (some sort of religious symbol?)

Narrator: (Probably Sehanine, the elduar moon goddess, you would imagine)

Whisper: satisfied exploring for now, I'll head back to the caravan

Qog and Frond Visit Teldorthan and Learn About the Bandits

Narrator: Qog and Frond, Krusk is working at his anvil, hammering gently on some repairs on a couple of pots. There are several large crates stacked nearby.

Qog: Can we give you a hand with those?

Krusk: That'd be real kind of you kids. I want to get a chance to look in on ol' Aurum at some point, but some folks remembered us from the last time we were here and I figured it was best to get started in on the work.

Krusk: Those crates all go, though make sure he unloads them and gives them back. I'd like to see 100 gold all even, if you can manage, and let him know I've got a bit of good Argentin mithril if he's willing to pay for it.

Frond: (do we have like a small cart we can use for this type of thing, or are we carrying them by hand?)

Narrator: (There's probably a cart you can use; you could carry them all, but it is several hundred pounds of metal bars.)

Frond: Let's get these loaded, then.

Qog: Yup

Narrator: That should take too long, and it's a quick trip over to Teldorthan's, just across the stream where Rio pointed out the previous evening. In contrast to the coolness of the morning, the interior is sweltering, and you see a brawny older dwarf instructing a couple of apprentices as they work the bellows.

Rio: looks up and waves at Qog.

Qog: waves back.

Frond: We brought these from our grandfather. Where do you want us to put them for you?

Teldorthan: Hmm? Oh, you must be Krusk's kin. Just over there will be fine.

Teldorthan: Good trip south? No trouble, I hope.

Qog: starts unloading crates.

No, sir -- no trouble.

Frond: Well, mostly. There were some raiders and other weird goings on around Halidun. But nothing since then.

Qog: Our grandfather was hoping to get these crates back. Can we help you unpack them?

Teldorthan: Rio, Agate, Nelan.

Teldorthan: nods towards the crates, and his apprentices spring to help you with them.

Teldorthan: (to Frond) What sort of raiders?

Frond: shifters, I guess, not really sure more than that

Frond: taking people as captives, so I guess... slavers? not sure

Teldorthan: Ah, okay. Yeah, they come in from the east from time to time and take thralls from the settlements further out. No trouble for your caravan, I would imagine.

Frond: yeah but then there was this really old giant's tomb and stuff. I mean it was fine, we dealt with it, but it was just weird.

Teldorthan: A giant's tomb, you say? I'd imagine there was a good spot of grave goods to be had.

Frond: yeah we got a pretty good haul out of there. bunch of copper though, that was heavy to carry back.

Frond: Oh, Grandfather asked us to tell you that he has some Argentin mithril if you're interested.

Teldorthan: Does he now? I wouldn't mind haggling a bit over that, I don't mind saying. Tell Krusk I'll buy him a drink over at the Blue Moon this evening and we can figure something out.

Teldorthan: On the note of payment, I'd imagine your folk still do a bit of merc-ing and adventuring when the price is right?

Qog: Yes, sir. Was there something in particular you had in mind?

Teldorthan: Well, we've had problems with bandits for years, bit of an ongoing issue. I had a shipment coming in from Winterhold to the west that's more'n a week late. There was a terror drake hide that's to be made into armor for the lord's oldest that I'd really like recovered.

Frond: do you know where they might hide out?

Teldorthan: nods.

Teldorthan: There's an old manor, tucked into the edge of the Cloakwood, used to belong to a vassal of the Laukannen's name of Cobal. The family was wiped out a few decades back, and when the kobolds set up shop, folks took to calling it Kobold Hall.

Teldorthan: Not the cleverest, but not everyone is, I suppose.

Frond: nods

Frond: anything else about them? how many or what kinds of them?

Teldorthan: A fair few, if tales are true. A dozen or two, I'd say.

Teldorthan: Lord Laukannen doesn't want to spare the guards to clear them out, after the last war. I'd pay, oh, say 300 gold for the hide back, though, and you'd be doing the town a favor.

Frond: We'll bring that up with the others, and hopefully we can help you out.

Teldorthan: That'd be mighty kind of you, and I look forward to raising a mug with your grandpa.

Qog: We'll let him know. I'm sure he'll be happy to oblige.

Oh, and speaking of Grandfather ... he said this shipment would be 100 gold.

Teldorthan: frowns at that.

Teldorthan: Did he now?

Teldorthan: now makes a show of going over to inspect what both of you know to be quality steel.

Teldorthan: All this came from the Hills?

Narrator: (You both know it came from the Collines d'Argent, where the caravan was before Halidun)

Qog: It's quality steel, if that's what you're worried about. My grandpa doesn't deal in anything else.

Qog: knows this is just negotiating, but he's still a little annoyed that Teldorthan in questioning Krusk's craftsmanship.

Frond: From the Collines d'Argent.

Teldorthan: nods, and beckons Rio over. He hands them a bar.

Teldorthan: What do you think?

Rio: takes the bar reverently, looking back and forth between the bar, Teldorthan, and the pair of you.

Rio: turns it over and inspects the bar carefully.

Rio: It's good steel, sir, no real imperfections. And the bars and crate have the Argentin seal, so it's worth every copper, I'd say.

Teldorthan: Hmph. An honest Medialuna, gods preserve us. All right, you're all right, a hundred gold it is.

Teldorthan: Back to work, you three.

Teldorthan: leads you over to a strongbox as his apprentices scramble back to their previous work. He produces a fine key and takes out a bag from which he very carefully counts out 100 gold.

Qog: We'll let Grandfather know to meet you at the Blue Moon tonight. Is there anything else you'd like us to pass along?

Teldorthan: No, that'll be all, lad.

Frond: Thanks very much.

Teldorthan: And the same to you. Good doing business.

Frond: will head back and go to the brukuror (or whichever of them are around) to ask about the bandit job.

Qog: also heads back to take Krusk his gold and tell him about Teldorthan's invitation
