Thirteen 2 session 29

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Thirteen 2 session logs
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Skalla and Svald go to Alhusan al Aswad and speak to Commander Zahraoui. The Stormsvallvåg manage to get some supplies to the fort ahead of time, and Hildie makes sure the home guard are ready for trouble. Pierre and Kaarina help Hjalmar drum up support with further printing. Lucas prepares to treat the expected wounded, and Svald's dreams become stronger. Welumque checks in at home, but there is little to do there. As the attack begins, Svald gives in to the owlbear spirit. Lucas moves among the wounded on the Emira's side, healing some and convincing others to quit. The snake spirit also involves itself in healing. Welumque prepares to take in strays. The attackers appear to be preparing for some kind of big push as the siege continues.


Session date: 2022-01-29
In Game date: four days after the last session

Skalla and Svald go to Alhusan al Aswad and spead to the commander

<Narrator> You manage to slip out of the house and off the estate without anyone noticing you leaving. It's a decent hike through town and over to Alhusan al Aswad, but luckily everyone at home is busy and not expecting you to make an appearance for a bit.
<Narrator> Guards stand sentry at the gates, which is perfectly normal, but the massive fort gates are shut, which isn't.
<Svald> (q) maybe they already know...
<Skalla> Mohther said she'd sent word that the forces are coming.... but we can let them know the timeline they're working with
* Svald nods
* Guard ( has joined #thirteen
* Skalla will approach the gates
* Guard looks at you impassively.
<Skalla> Hello. I am just returned from Talat Kabira and I have important information for your commander
* Guard exchanges a look with the other guard.
<Guard> Who are you?
<Skalla> Skalla Stormsvallvåg
* Guard 's eyes widen momentarily. They frown and nod.
<Guard> Come with me.
<Skalla> Thank you
* Skalla will go with!
* Svald trails along
* Guard leads you through a side gate into the fort, which is clearly crowded and still preparing for the inevitable battle. You get a few looks as you follow the guard to the central building, but most people seem to be too busy with whatever they're doing to spare much time for curiosity.
* Guard knocks on a door, opening it after a moment.
* Zahraoui ( has joined #thirteen
<Guard> Naqeeb Zahraoui, one of the Stormsvallvåg is here and wants to speak with you.
* Zahraoui is a dark-skinned human woman in a captain's uniform. She looks curious and gestures for you to come inside.
<Skalla> Thank you for seeing us, Naqeeb
<Zahraoui> Of course. We're obviously busy, but for one of the old Stordammer families...
<Zahraoui> What can I do for you?
<Skalla> It's more the other way around. We just returned from Talat Kabira this morning. I understand you are already aware that forces are marching south
* Zahraoui nods.
<Zahraoui> We've had word from...a number of sources.
<Zahraoui> What were you doing in Talat Kabira?
<Skalla> officially we were there to trade, but I wanted a better sense of what more to expect from the new Emira
<Zahraoui> And what is your sense of her?
<Skalla> while we were there, she closed the port and we had to leave through other means
* Skalla makes a face
<Svald> . o O (I sense that she is nuts)
<Skalla> She's crazy
<Skalla> she wants to create more conflict and take more territory
* Zahraoui nods.
<Zahraoui> That seems to be the case, yes.
<Skalla> She is happy to rule by fear if it gets her results
<Skalla> her daughter may be a little more reasonable, sut she is canny and committed to her mohther from what I saw
<Zahraoui> That is unfortunate.
<Zahraoui> My understanding is that Vinmark isn't taking sides.
<Skalla> It's ridiculous.
<Skalla> I know no one wants aother big war.
<Zahraoui> No one sane.
<Zahraoui> No one who was here for the last one.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> I think... maybe she doesn't understand how connected we all are here.
<Skalla> if Im being charitable
<Zahraoui> I believe it suits her not to understand.
<Skalla> But I also don't trust any overseas govenment not to toss allies aside to try and preserve their own holdings
<Skalla> An I can't abide that
<Zahraoui> "Any overseas government"?
<Skalla> Not taking sides is no better than turning a blind eye.
<Zahraoui> I'm inclined to agree.
<Zahraoui> I was hoping your being here might signal some movement on the part of your people.
<Skalla> PLease understand - I have no authority to speak for my family, but I will push them where I can.
<Skalla> I'm not alone
* Svald nods in support
<Skalla> I wasn't sure what your other sources may have been able to tell you in terms of the timeline for this attack
<Zahraoui> Our scouting and what reports we've had indicate we have less than a week to prepare. Four days, most likely.
<Zahraoui> Assuming the weather holds.
<Skalla> Two.
<Skalla> (Ignore hat)
<Skalla> (I misremembered, ah ha)
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> Okay. That was our assessment as well.
<Skalla> Morale is likely an issue for them as well
* Zahraoui nods.
<Zahraoui> I would imagine. She can't have more than 500 of her own troops, and the rest are comrades of ours.
* Skalla feels relieved and maaaybe a little disappointed
* Skalla nods
<Zahraoui> I'd prefer not to fight them at all if we didin't have to.
<Skalla> (does that jive with what we saw in Talat Kabira?)
<Skalla> I'm sure they'll feel the same. I am sure there must be some way to take advantage of that...
<Zahraoui> (You know folks said the Emira was expecting reinforcements, but they hadn't arrived by the time y'all left, so they can't possibly be with the force that's almost here. 500 is, if anything, generous in estimating the emira's personal troops.)
<Skalla> Entice them to desert or turn...
<Skalla> I they knew more about what you'd managed here.... but theres not a lot of time :/
<Zahraoui> If that's at all possible, yes. The emira has made errors, but she's an accomplished military commander. She'll likely embed her troops with the Guard units to try to prevent such an eventuality.
* Zahraoui nods.
<Skalla> . o O (Probably why she didn't want to wait)
* Zahraoui sighs.
<Zahraoui> I didn't think one person, even a colony governor, could mess things up so badly so quickly.
<Svald> :/
<Zahraoui> Even if we win...I don't know what that means.
* Zahraoui shakes her head.
<Skalla> I understand that feeling. I'm sorry we can't be more helpful.
<Skalla> I will try what I can at home
<Zahraoui> Apologies. Not your problem, at least not directly and immediately. I appreciate your bringing news.
<Skalla> Its going to be our problem, its only a matter of time
<Zahraoui> I hope your governor understands that.
* Skalla looks dubious
<Svald> :///
<Skalla> If she won't act, I know I can pressure my family to provide some support.
<Zahraoui> Any aid you could offer would be invaluable.
<Skalla> to funnel you supplies, even if it is indirect
<Zahraoui> I'm not sure we'd be able to repay you.
<Skalla> In my view, the debt is already ours
<Skalla> even if Vinmark refuses to see it >.>
* Zahraoui nods in thanks and gives a small smile.
* Skalla will return home aftet that
<Narrator> Your mom's definitely going to chew you out over leaving, but will also grill you on how it went.
<Skalla> (legit. Skalla will not be too concerned with the grilling - she knew I was gonna do it ;p)

Planning before the attack comes

<Narrator> As stated, there are roughly four days before the emira's troops arrive. Is there anything anyone wants to do before then?
<Pierre> (Did Hjalmar put out pamphlets? Could they turn the tide of battle?)
<Hildie> Skalla:
<Hildie> I'm going to make sure all of the family guards are ready and on alert and get whatever supplies I can for the house.
<Narrator> (Y'all did manage to get pamphlets out. You can roll Investigate, Notice, or Rapport to see what effect it's had)
<Hildie> (Ack sorry, wrong window for those last two)
<Narrator> Tuck, why don't you go ahead and roll me Rapport (though I'm open to other options relating to getting your troops organized)
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 2 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Pierre> (That was Investigate)
<Hildie> (Using my ex-soldier trait to add +2)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> There's definitely been some response to the pamphlets, Pierre. You've heard rumors some folks are discussing joining the fight at the fort, and there have been picketers at the governor's residence.
<Pierre> (Yay!)
<Narrator> Hildie, the Stormsvallvåg troops are pretty experienced, so they're organized and ready. Mostly they're just antsy because they don't know what they might be called upon to do.
<Skalla> (I WILL tag team with aunt Charlotta to get the family to help with supplies and also pressuring the governor)
<Narrator> Lucas, why don't you roll me Lore and/or Contacts re: gathering supplies.
<Narrator> Skalla, give me a Rapport or Provoke roll (your choice)
<Narrator> Svald, I will need a Will roll from you.
<Lucas> (well my Lore is 4 and contacts is 0 so I know which one I'll pick...)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 1 1 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 3 2 3 1 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 3 3 2 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Skalla> (damn go me)
<Narrator> Welumque, are you sending someone to tell the Lèxkweyok clan leaders what's going on?
<Narrator> (Skalla, was that Rapport or Provoke?)
<Skalla> (rapport, sorry)
<Welumque> (yes, fine to just send a message with someone trustworthy who's heading that way)
<Narrator> Lucas, you manage to gather plenty of supplies, though you're aware that the colonial doctors and healers are hoarding healing supplies as well. You just source yours differently. :)
<Lucas> (cool)
<Narrator> Skalla, the governor isn't budging, but you and Charlotta manage to convince your mom to at least send some supplies to the fort. In completely deniable ways, of course.
<Skalla> (keen)
<Skalla> (Good think we have that big stack of approval forms :V)
<Narrator> Svald, you're having more of your owlbear dreams, and they are getting intense, but you're still waking up in the same place you went to sleep, so it's not an immediate problem.
<Svald> >.>
<Narrator> Welumque, is there anything in particular you want to tell the clan mothers?
<Welumque> (Just what we know so far about the general size and pace of the army, and what we gleaned in Talat Kabira about the state of affairs there with the Emira.)
<Welumque> (I don't think we have any reason to think she'd be moving on Lexkweyok territories specifically, do we?)
<Skalla> (maybe through them?)
<Narrator> (No, you guys are pretty insulated from her immediate ambitions.)
<Welumque> (right, that's what it seemed. So basically just giving them the 'heads up, the bigs are going crazy again' letter)
<Narrator> (Your close allies the Waunohàmsèpu are more in her path.)
<Narrator> (*nod*)

The attack begins and Svald gives in to the owlbear spirit as things heat up

<Narrator> The island seems to be holding its breath for next few days. Even the snow has held off, though it remains quite cold. Business certainly slows for most of Fastning Irena, though Charlotta's coffee house is constantly crowded.
<Narrator> On the morning of the fourth day since you returned from Talat Kabira, word spreads quickly that the emira's troops have arrived across the bay, and ships have arrived to begin ferrying them across.
<Narrator> Cannon fire begins to echo across the island as the forward watchpost on the narrows engages the ships.
* Svald is going out to sketch >.>
<Narrator> (To sketch the battle?)
<Svald> (yes)
<Svald> (for possible reference, etc)
* Skalla will go out with them if they like, for company and safety
* Svald is happy to have you along
<Narrator> (Anybody else wanna go along to observe?)
<Pierre> (Sure!)
* Hildie will go for security
* Skalla has a warm coat on, and a hot drink
* Skalla also has an axe and a rifle because. who knows how things could go.
<Narrator> (Why don't y'all roll me Notice, and Svald, give me another Will roll ;) )
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 3 2 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 6 ].
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 2 3 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> (will)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 1 2 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Svald> (notice)
<Svald> (6 for will, 1 for notice)
<Skalla> how's your hand?
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Svald> Cold... stiff.
<Svald> It is getting better.
<Narrator> Svald, the owlbear spirit seems *very* upset when the emira's troops land on Sisawinak, and you feel a strong pull to change, but you're able to hold it off.
* Svald closes their eyes for a moment, looking drawn.
<Svald> I think I may have to go soon.
<Svald> For a while.
<Hildie> Go where?
<Skalla> ...alone?
* Skalla frowns
<Svald> The spirit is very upset with what is happening.
<Svald> I don't think I can keep it from ... acting, for much longer.
<Narrator> (Lucas, Snek is also agitated, though certainly less gung ho about it)
<Lucas> (ok. I'll try to keep calm - I think Lucas is probably pretty on edge too though.)
* Skalla nods, but frowns
<Skalla> It knows they don't all want to be there....right?
* Svald thinks about that for a bit.
<Svald> (uh, does it?)
<Narrator> (I'm not sure you have a way of telling.)
<Svald> I don't know.
<Svald> I can try telling it. But...
* Svald sighs.
<Skalla> I know...
<Skalla> Just do your best.
<Skalla> take care.
* Skalla gives them a hug
<Hildie> Can we help at all?
<Svald> Thanks...
<Svald> I don't know... I don't really think so.
<Svald> I guess you might need to tell people why I'm not around.
<Svald> Maybe just that I'm... working on something big.
* Svald says wryly.
* Hildie grins
* Skalla smirks as well
<Narrator> The emira's forces establish a beachhead and begin moving through the town. The Guard, worried about civilian casualties, aren't forcing battle in the city, and the emira's forces are able to move inland to the ridge about a half-mile from the fort. The forts cannons are able to begin shelling relatively safely at that point, and ring out in near-constant refrain.
<Narrator> Her troops begin spreading out to set up the siege, which will bring them in your direction.
<Hildie> (How many does she appear to have?)
<Skalla> time to pack up. I can take your book
* Svald nods ruefully.
<Skalla> (pack)
<Hildie> Yeah, discretion and valor and all that.
<Narrator> (About 2000 total, you think.)
<Narrator> (Maybe 2500)
<Svald> This is going to be so bad. -_-
<Narrator> (So, like, a lot for the colonies, not a ton in the grand scheme of things)
<Narrator> You can get back to Fastning Irena easily enough, and you clearly weren't the only ones out to get a look at the battle. There's also a sizeable force of bluebacks (Royal Stordammer soldiers) along the main road between Fastning Irena and Alhusan alAswad.
<Narrator> While a metaphorical storm has come to Sisawinak, it sounds like a real one as the thunder of cannons carries over the island for the rest of the day and into the night.
<Svald> (I guess I will try and commune with the owlbear. I will try to convey that not all the soldiers have had a choice about being here so please try to uh... use discretion? haha oh dear)
<Svald> (because I know I can't stop it forever and I pretty much made a dea to not so...)
<Svald> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Narrator> (Roll me Rapport)
<Svald> (also pls don't leave me somewhere to die naked)
<Svald> (can I use animal affinity to sub will instead?)
<Narrator> (I'll say yes)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 1 1 2 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> Svald, you have especially vivid "dreams" that night, and you have vague recollections of an officer's uniform. You wake up near your studio on the estate, though not quite returned to it.
<Svald> . o O (well, close enough)
<Narrator> Access is going to be cut off from the eastern side of the island for the duration. Is anybody doing anything in particular the next day?
<Skalla> (desperately trying to get news. If news is not available or good.... try and get my own news.)
* Hildie will try to check on the other family holding aand businesses to see if they're ok.
<Pierre> (Yeah, any news about what's happening, and who's winning?)
<Lucas> (check if there are wounded I can help tend to)
<Narrator> (Folks can roll me Investigate, Rapport, or Contacts for news)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Welumque> (I will definitely be using my big network of contacts to find out what is going on, but I'm staying at home for the most part myself, in case anyone needs refuge or assistance)
<Narrator> (Lucas, do you care which side you're tending to? You can probably only get to the emira's troops at this point, but they probably won't turn down a healer.)
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 2 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Pierre> (That was Investigate again)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 3 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Lucas> (yeah, I don't care which. I'll help them and maybe I can get some info or convince some to desert while I'm there...)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Skalla> (That was rapport)
<Svald> (I'm just trying to keep my head down >.>)
<Narrator> Skalla, from what you're hearing, it's largely still a stalemate of a siege at this point. Welumque, you're hearing the emira's troops are waiting for more supplies, as they'd carried very little to make the march so quickly. Pierre, you hear from a soldier you know who frequents the coffee house (where I believe you're still staying, at the moment) that the emira's troops are gearing up for an assault.
<Narrator> Lucas, you can approach the troops who've moved around to the western side of the fort to offer your services. They'll have some wounded already for you to tend to.
* Snek ( has joined #thirteen

The snake spirit feels uneasy, but helps Lucas heal

<Snek> (voice only you hear) This doesn't feel right.
<Lucas> (to snek) They didn't ask to be here.
<Snek> Not helping them. The whole thing. Them being here. Fighting themselves.
<Lucas> Maybe we can convince some of them to leave, if we have a chance. To stop fighting.
* Guard is now known as Wounded_Orc
<Lucas> Or you have any other ideas?
<Snek> I don't know. I don't know what can be done.
<Snek> But it...hurts.
<Lucas> I know :/
* Wounded_Orc says something in Ilhatani.
<Lucas> Sorry, I don't speak your language.
<Snek> He's praying.
<Lucas> oh.
<Lucas> I hope someone's listening, then.
<Snek> I want to...can it okay if I touch him?
<Snek> I know some people don't like my kind...
<Lucas> I'm not sure he will notice right now... so sure
* Lucas will hold it somewhere a bit out of view, though, so other people around don't get weird about it >.>
* Pierre ( Quit (Quit:
* Snek will slither out from its hiding spot out onto the wounded orc. After a few moments, the orc quiets and seems to drift off into a peaceful sleep. His wound already looks better. Snek slithers back into hiding on Lucas's person.
* Pierre ( has joined #thirteen
<Lucas> Thank you.
<Snek> I just did what you do.
<Snek> Just...the way I can do it.
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> Let's try to do it again, then...
<Narrator> You can continue to see to the soldiers. There's only so many right now in the early siege, but you do get the sense they're prepping for something.
<Lucas> (anything else I can gather from their talk or that I see as I'm going around?)
<Narrator> (Roll Notice)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Narrator> You get the sense that they're going to try to end this quickly, rather than settle in for a long siege.
<Lucas> (ok. I guess if I can, I'll try to help any soldiers who seem like they're reluctant or scared or anything, to gently nudge them in the direction of "you could just... leave. get out. hit the bricks. real winners quit." and then, once I leave, I'll try to get word to Skalla and let her know what I learned.)
<Narrator> (Okay, roll me Rapport)
<Lucas> (can I apply my Inspiring to this? I'm not really sure if this counts as "giving someone a positive aspect", lol)
<Lucas> (the positive aspect of running away)
<Narrator> (...I'll allow it, because it's funny ;) )
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 3 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Narrator> While you don't *see* any of them leave, you get the definite sense some of the folks you talked to will definitely not be taking part in the battle going forward.
<Lucas> (ok, that's good enough for me)
<Narrator> Skalla, you'll hear from both Pierre and Lucas that the emira's forces are planning to assault the fort sooner rather than later.
* Pierre ( Quit (Quit:
<Skalla> (I don't have any good line of communication though do I?)
<Narrator> (To whom?)
* Pierre ( has joined #thirteen
<Lucas> (I'd also check, if I can, how Chemames is doing, but no need to do that right now if you have other things, I know we're running low on time)
<Skalla> (the fort, or like.... people on the outside who might be willing to involve themselves more directly)
<Welumque> (if it looks likely/possible that folks may need to evacuate, I'll work with my mems and my network to plan for that - but for now, I think we're staying put, as it's surely safer. I put the word out that my home is a safe place for those in need of refuge.)
<Skalla> (also Charlotta in case she has ideas)
<Narrator> (Skalla, you know from talking to Thekla in the past few days that she's been trying to organize some sympathetic locals to conduct harassing attacks on the emira's troops' camp)
<Narrator> (Welumque, I imagine a fair bit of people are going to come to your home, either to stay or just spend time because its a safe gathering place.)
<Skalla> (I'll meet up with her if I can then)
