Diablotin 3 session 3

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Diablotin 3 session logs
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Session date: November 2, 2014
Diablotin date:



Aubrienne and Dorien

  • Aubrienne will make her way to Dorien's place sometime during the week.
  • Aubrienne knocks out a beat on the door
  • Dorien_Voclain will come to the door and smile when he sees Aubrienne standing there. "Hey there, pretty lady. Come on


<Aubrienne> Well hello yourself. How's tricks?

  • Aubrienne steps inside, giving Dorien a wink.

<Dorien_Voclain> Not bad. Getting ready for work later on. How've you been?

<Aubrienne> Ugh, in all honesty, not great.

  • Aubrienne will collapse theatrically onto the nearest chair or sofa.
  • Dorien_Voclain raises an eyebrow.

<Aubrienne> General weirdness.

<Aubrienne> Despite the stage persona, not really my thing.

<Aubrienne> How're you? I almost forgot to ask.

<Aubrienne> After the attack.

  • Dorien_Voclain reaches into a nearby duffel bag and pulls out a small pouch with various powders and vials in it.

<Aubrienne> Are you doing all right?

<Dorien_Voclain> "I'm ok. The wound is already healed. Still a little annoyed, though. Here, maybe this will help with your

weirdness. Your usual."

  • Dorien_Voclain tossed her the pouch

<Dorien_Voclain> Actually, since you bring it up, there was something I was meaning to ask you about, possibly related to

the attack.

  • Aubrienne pauses, bag open

<Aubrienne> What's up?

<Dorien_Voclain> Well... the other day Gen was in the vault for an... errand... and she saw something weird. A staff.

Burned on the end, she said. Argent thinks it might be related to the recent weirdness. I thought maybe you might know


<Aubrienne> I haven't seen the staff, if that's what you mean.

<Aubrienne> I don't really go near the vault. I'm more a backstage and bar-type.

<Dorien_Voclain> Well... I was more hoping you'd be willing to take a look at it, if we can get access to it.

<Dorien_Voclain> See if you know what it is or can at least see if it's magic or not.

<Aubrienne> Oh, huh.

<Dorien_Voclain> That's kind of your bailiwick, right?

<Aubrienne> Well, I can take a look at it, but I'm so great on the sensory end.

<Aubrienne> Well, scratch that.

<Aubrienne> I can make sensations.

<Aubrienne> That came out wrong.

<Dorien_Voclain> Oh can you?

  • Aubrienne sticks her tongue out

<Dorien_Voclain> Dorien says with a grin

<Aubrienne> I do illusions, you jerk.

<Dorien_Voclain> Hey, can't blame me for hoping.

<Aubrienne> I'll take a look, but I'm not sure how much help I'll be.

<Aubrienne> Pretty sure we've had tha conversation, Dorien. I'm not that kind of girl.

  • Aubrienne rolls her eyes playfully

<Dorien_Voclain> Hey, it's not too late to switch teams

<Aubrienne> However could I do that. I'm a franchise player, sweetie.

  • Dorien_Voclain laughs

<Aubrienne> Have you talked to Hugo?

<Aubrienne> He could probably tell you if it's magic.

<Dorien_Voclain> Not lately. i try not to if I can.

<Dorien_Voclain> Hmmm

<Aubrienne> Lathra or Zola might be able to help as well.

<Aubrienne> Tits does seem to keep a fair bit of practitioners around.

  • Dorien_Voclain shrugs. "Yeah. It's probably nothing anyway. Mostly I just want to put Argent's mind to rest on it. You

know how he gets when something sticks in his head.

<Aubrienne> Uh, actually, not so much.

<Aubrienne> Is he pretty worked up about everything?

<Dorien_Voclain> He can be very... focused.

<Dorien_Voclain> He wants to get to the bottom of things, which I don't blame him for.

<Aubrienne> Maybe he's right. Seems like a lot of weird things going on right now.

<Aubrienne> (assuming this is before the visit to Trisan's, Aubrienne would probably suggest again to talk to Lathra)

<Aubrienne> (what with the possible Evictor connection)

<Dorien_Voclain> (We can assume before if it's easiest :) )

<Aubrienne> (coolio)

<Dorien_Voclain> You think Lathra would want to help? I don't know her as well as you do.

<Aubrienne> She's a sweetheart. If nothing else, I bet shed be happy to lay some minds at ease.

<Aubrienne> Speaking of which...

  • Aubrienne consumes some of the powder in whatever manner is intended :p

<Dorien_Voclain> (heh)

<Dorien_Voclain> Well, the more the merrier

  • Dorien_Voclain gets you a pillow to lay on so you can better enjoy your trip :3

Zola and Hugo

  • Zola will visit Hugo the next day, with a polite call ahead to make sure any guests have gone home.

<Zola> *knock*

  • Hugonel opens the door wearing a long silk robe tied at the waist, and open-toed sandals.

<Hugonel> Hello, Zola - come in.

  • Hugonel smiles broadly.

<Zola> In a robe still, tsk.

  • Zola gives him a peck on the cheek

<Hugonel> Have pity. I had a late night.

  • Zola steps in and sets her bag near the door casually.

<Zola> Yes, I'm sure it was dreadful.

<Hugonel> One of the perils of being so handsome and popular, I suppose.

  • Zola smiles

<Zola> You know, I was worried about that myself last night, but it all turned out OK in the end...

<Zola> Bright was a gentleman and didn't come on too strong... so I didn't have to wiggle my way out of anything.

<Hugonel> Oh? Ahhh, I see.

<Zola> He just gave me his number, and I drove home in that obnoxiously comfortable limousine.

<Hugonel> I've seen you wiggle. If you're looking to get out of a sticky situation, it rarely has the desired effect. :)

<Zola> Har har.

<Hugonel> I'm sure he'd be quite the catch for Mico.

<Zola> He would.

  • Zola shrugs.

<Zola> It's probably better to just keep things simple.

<Zola> He was really sweet though :/

<Hugonel> Be careful - you know how it is for us. They fall so hard, so easily.

<Zola> Well, I don't think I'll call... so it'll be fine.

<Zola> I dedicated some songs to him, we had a few drinks...

<Hugonel> Mm-hmm...

<Zola> And he can tell everyone he met Mico from the radio.

  • Zola shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

<Zola> You know what would be a sweet thing to do for a lady, Mr. Silver?

<Hugonel> Oh, what?

  • Zola turns her back to Hugo

<Zola> I had to bind myself all up for the party and my back is *killing* me.

<Hugonel> Well, how could I say no to a woman in such distress?

<Zola> My hero.

  • Zola says rather sincerely
  • Hugonel is not a master of the backrub, but will do his best.
  • Hugonel can use Mage Hand to help out as needed.

<Zola> I saw N-ow... Noren at the party too. You know the boy who gave me my knockers?

<Hugonel> Oh - yes, of course. How is he?

  • Zola will have mentioned him before... he gave them to Zola for her birthday and his parents didn't so much appreciate

him pilfering cash and shipped him away.

<Zola> He's good, I think... he's been in town a few months he says, at a law firm.

<Zola> I'm going to try to meet up with him again... we were interrupted by Bright...

<Zola> I'm kinda glad he didn't come back just for me.

<Hugonel> I presume his parents are still cross about the whole affair?

<Zola> I mean, it'd be flattering, but ... awkward.

<Zola> Well, they weren't cheap...

<Hugonel> Indeed.

<Zola> They didn't really get to know me before the whole "stolen gold for boobs" scandal. So I couldn't really blame them

if they were worried I was a golddigger or something.

  • Zola cups them in her hands ... "Not a bad purchase really..."

<Hugonel> Speaking of old loves, I had a very nice time at Mlle. Voclain's lecture.

<Zola> Was it interesting, or boring like a school lecture? :)

<Hugonel> It was interesting ... like a school lecture.

<Hugonel> Hmph.

<Zola> What was it about?

<Zola> And keep rubbing.

  • Hugonel complies.

<Hugonel> She presented evidence for a new bloodline, more common in Psyra than elsewhere, related to the djinni.

<Hugonel> Perhaps it's just the hopeless romantic in me, but I am enamored of the idea that it emerged from a granted wish,

centuries ago.

<Zola> I'd have just assumed someone had sex with one.

<Hugonel> Well, that's because you're a heartless pragmatist, no doubt.

  • Zola looks back at you like you're bonkers
  • Hugonel laughs.

<Hugonel> You're probably right.

<Zola> Besides, there's plenty of romance to be drummed up in the love of a beautiful Psyrene and a ...whatever those are,

are they like genies?

<Hugonel> Yes, one can only imagine.

<Hugonel> At any rate, one wonders about the political implications of such a finding, as well as its arcane importance.

<Zola> How's that political?

<Zola> Are we going to start calling them genie-fuckers?

<Hugonel> Well, there are some people who don't like outsiders, and there are a lot of people, of course, who don't like


<Hugonel> Then again, my bloodline comes from Serpent, so I'm hardly one to judge.

<Zola> How do you know it comes from Serpent?

<Hugonel> Well ... it comes from being descended from those touched by the power of the Arch, technically.

  • Zola nods

<Zola> Doesn't seem like a great plan to label the Emperor as "outsiders" though :P

<Hugonel> Well ... no. That's a technical definition, not one likely to be endorsed more broadly.

<Zola> There's probably all sorts of things spicing up the blood in the empire.

<Zola> Who's to say that arcane bloodline everyone has isn't of inhuman origin too.

<Hugonel> Indeed - I often wonder whether what we call 'arcane' is simply a code for 'we don't know yet'.

<Zola> I imagine it so.

<Hugonel> At any rate, Mlle. Voclain made a persuasive case. I do think she's still half-smitten with me, also.

<Zola> Well hopefully only half, if you're not inclined to smite her back.

<Hugonel> Well, I don't want to break the poor girl's heart. She is *very* young, still.

<Zola> Good boy.

  • Zola leans back against you, her back feeling better

<Zola> Time to get all dolled up soon

<Hugonel> Yes, well, we wouldn't want to be anything less than our best, now would we?

<Hugonel> And I wouldn't want Tits thinking that I am ungrateful for last night's respite.

  • Zola nods

<Zola> I could use another nap though...

<Hugonel> Well, don't let me stand in your way, by all means.

<Zola> You'd be more of a pillow really... but I ought not risk it.

  • Zola gets herself up instead, shaking the drowsiness away.

<Zola> I'll head over and get a head start on making myself look gorgeous.

  • Zola holds up her fingers and frames her face as if for a picture

<Zola> See you in a bit.