Spells (Xavier)
From RocksfallWiki
A spell listing for Xavier.
Lv 0
- Arcane Mark (SRD, PDF p202)
- [Dancing lights] (PDF)
- Daze (PDF p218)
- Detect magic
- Ghost sound
- Message
- Open/close
- Read magic
- Charm person (PDF p210)
- Color spray
- Comprehend languages
- Detect secret doors
- Disguise self
- Expeditious retreat
- Hypnotism
- Mage armour (PDF p250)
- Obscuring mist
- Rouse*
- Silent image
- Sleep (PDF p281)
- Undetectable alignment
- Whelm*
Lv 2
- Hideous Laughter (SRD, PDF p293)
- Lv2: blinding color surge*, blur, daze monster, detect thoughts, fog cloud, glitterdust, hypnotic pattern, invisibility, knock, minor image, mirror image, misdirection, see invisibility, silence, spider climb, stay the hand*, touch of idiocy, vertigo, whelming burst*
Lv 1
- Command (SRD, PDF p212)