Nemnosti session C
- Session date: March 2, 2025
- Negili Reckoning date: IE 768, Kerai
Prologue; Amasa departs suddenly from her usual fireside monologue to the acolytes
[NemnostiGM] We start somewhere in the middle ...
[Amasa] Greetings, acolytes.
* Amasa pauses, as if composing her next words.
[Amasa] Some days are harder than others, here at Nemnosti. No one is promised paradise.
* Amasa pauses again, looking around the campfire but not looking at the place where Kibai would normally be sitting.
[Amasa] I want you to know that ... She ... She does not ask for blind trust. But sometimes it is ... oh my ...
* Amasa pauses again, working to compose herself against some internal struggle.
[Amasa] Acolytes, I'm afraid I'm not quite well. Ahh ... until next time.
* Amasa stands up and departs suddenly, leaving you all sitting around the firelight.
The acolytes try to figure out what is going on, and conclude it must surely be about Kibai’s absence
[Kempovru] What was that all about?
* Winta seems on the verge of tears.
* Rabiji shrugs
[Kempovru] Cheese, she's your mom. What did you do this time?
* NPC-3 is now known as Dodemozh
[Dodemozh] Probably cause he failed his Fifths.
[Kempovru] Are you going to go after her?
[Rabiji] It's not about him, it's Kibai.
[Rabiji] It has to be.
[Dodemozh] She's confined to her room, is what I heard.
[Rembes] Kibai is?
* Dodemozh nods.
[Dodemozh] I heard that she hit Sapunoke and they're both being expelled.
[Rembes] That's dumb, people hit each other all the time ].]
* Dodemozh shrugs.
[Rabiji] I heard she failed her Fifths so bad they're kicking her out.
* Rembes says, knowing that he hit Sapunoke and is definitely not being expelled
[Rembes] Should we go try to talk to her?
[Rabiji] I don't really know her that well.
[Kempovru] I heard that the head Voice guy, Izu or whatever his name is, wants to get rid of her.
[Kempovru] Typical.
[Winta] They're not... they won't make her... leave... will they?
[Rabiji] I mean ... she sort of ended up her in the first place by accident, didn't she?
[OldHalTruther] Like where would she go??
* OldHalTruther is now known as Fultukhari
[Dodemozh] I heard that her parents won't take her back so maybe they're going to put her back where they found her.
[Winta] IN THE WILDS???
* Dodemozh shrugs.
[Rembes] That doesn't seem right.
[Winta] We have to help her!
[Fultukhari] How]
[Kempovru] We don't even know what's going on.
[Kempovru] We're just all making shit up here.
[Winta] I don't know. Isn't there someone we can talk to?
[Rabiji] The person we are supposed to talk to just left the campfire, crying.
[Rabiji] There probably isn't anything we can do.
[Fultukhari] Yeah I... I dunno.
* Fultukhari shifts uncomfortable
[Fultukhari] (y)
[Irdomila] There is always something you can do.
[Winta] There's always SOMETHING we can do. I just don't know what it is.
* Irdomila will get up and go after Amasa
* Winta will go with her.
[NemnostiGM] (all right, is anyone going with her?)
* Rembes will go with her
[Fultukhari] (No I'm not doing feelings stuff with Irdomila haha)
* Fultukhari crosses his arms and grumbles..."anyway I'm pretty sure I only failed *one* of them."
The acolytes chase after Amasa and learn that Kibai has been confined to quarters
* Amasa is in one of the hallways of the ulajeta, but you can catch up with her readily.
[Irdomila] Amasa, please stop. Explain what is going on. We want to help if we can.
* Amasa smiles at you sadly.
[Winta] Please, Ma'am, just tell us what's happening.
[Rembes] Everyone is making up ideas of what's happening that are kind of crazy.
* Amasa sighs.
[NemnostiGM] (someone can make a Lungs check if you like)
[Rembes] !roll 1d20+6
* Lan-werk rolls for Rembes: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Winta] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 25 ].
[Irdomila] !roll 1d20+6
* Lan-werk rolls for Irdomila: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 26 ].
[NemnostiGM] (all right, Irdomila, make some kind of persuasive argument)
[Irdomila] We're all like a family here. Things dont always go the way you want but we have each other to lean on when they don't. Let us try and help.
* Amasa stares at you.
[Amasa] Well, it is always nice to hear one's own words from around the firelight come back to you.
[Amasa] Kibai has been confined to her room. Tomorrow, there's going to be some kind of hearing.
[Amasa] I know it's something about her exams, and I know they're worried she's going to run away.
[Rembes] Can we see her?
[Amasa] I do think they're keeping an eye on her room.
[Irdomila] We're not going to smugle her out, but think how scared or rejected she must feel if nobody can see her. Are you trying to get her to run away?
* Amasa nods.
[Amasa] I don't disagree with you.
[Winta] Please, we just want to tell her that we care.
[Amasa] I won't stop you.
* Rembes nods
[Irdomila] We'll see who wants to join us and go as a group.
[Amasa] I would imagine you would need to distract whoever is monitoring the hallway where you acolytes' rooms are.
[Irdomila] Do you know who it is?
* Amasa shakes her head.
[Amasa] Maybe the Hoof. Maybe a stoneguard?
[Irdomila] We'll manage
[Amasa] Just to talk to her.
[Amasa] Understood?
* Irdomila nods
* Kennesaw is now known as Ifa
* Winta nods
[Winta] Thank you, Ma'am.
[Amasa] All right, now I'm going to go off to my chambers and be sad, if that's all right with all of you.
* Irdomila gives her a quick hug
* Winta will also
* Amasa breaks into tears.
[Amasa] All right, all right, children ... I have to go.
* Amasa scurries off, still crying, but clearly more relieved than before.
The acolytes decide to create a distraction to get in to talk to Kibai
* Rembes will go back to where the others were waiting to let them know the situation
[Rembes] (and so maybe they stop spreading dumb rumours)
[Irdomila] We're going to visit her, who is coming?
[Rembes] We might need to distract whoever is guarding her.
* Lovosa stands up but doesn't say anything.
[BigCheese69] Oh I'm super good at distractions!!
* BigCheese69 is now known as Fultukhari
* Lovosa smirks.
[Fultukhari] we could tell them that someone is trying to get in the well again.
[Rembes] Let's go see who it is, and then we can figure out how to get them to leave.
[Fultukhari] oh!! Lovosa you could tell them I fell DOWN the well and then I'll throw my voice, like, so it sounds like I'm in there...
[Lovosa] You can throw your voice?
[Fultukhari] I mean. Sure. Yeah. ].]
[Fultukhari] . o O ( how hard could it be)
[Lovosa] Well, go on then. Let's hear it.
[Izu] I mean, I could do that... with source.
[Fultukhari] (can I make stomach roll lmao)
[Lovosa] (hee)
[Fultukhari] Yeah sure! ... Sure!
* Irdomila distracts herself playing with a lock of hair so her frustration at this entire conversation isn't as apparent
* Fultukhari clears his throat.
[Kibai] (maybe get in costume there winta :V)
[Izu] (Ack)
[Kibai] (lol)
[Lovosa] (I mean, I feel like Izu could do it with fos too)
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 15 ].
* Fultukhari puts on a falsetto and sort of talks out the side of his mouth: "Hi I'm Irdomila and I love kissing butts more than anything"
* Lovosa snickers.
[Winta] Cheese... I don't know how to say this... but I believe your confidience in your own skills is exagerated.
[Rembes] Can we stop messing around and just go?
[Lovosa] I don't know about the throwing, but that was fantastic.
[Fultukhari] (hey we could at least wait to see what Steve says about my roll T_T)
* Lovosa shoots Rembes a look, pats Cheese on the arm, and strides off in the direction.
[Irdomila] Seems like the one kissing butts is you Fultukhari
[NemnostiGM] (it was not very persuasive)
* Fultukhari makes a rude gesture
* Fultukhari follows after Lovosa
[Winta] C'mon, Cheese, I'm sure you'll find another way to be distracting.
* Rembes goes after them
* Winta tugs him along
* Irdomila follows
Earlier: Kibai is confined to her quarters by Legonosh Gorga in advance of the next day’s hearing
[NemnostiGM] Earlier that day ...
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, you don't know exactly what you did. But you know it's not good. Your whole life, you've had to navigate around people telling you you screwed up. That's why you ultimately ended up here. But you are hard. You know that this was never your forever home.
[NemnostiGM] It's a couple days now since you learned that you failed all of your Fifths. And no matter what Winta says, you imagine there must be all sorts of ways to get kicked out of Nemnosti, especially when you were never a proper acolyte to begin with.
* Longpig ( has joined #nemnosti
[NemnostiGM] You're in your room in the basement of Carver's Hall, thinking about what you should do next when there is a sharp knock at your door.
[Kibai] ...
* Kibai will go to the door but not open it yet
[Kibai] who's ther?
* Amasa is now known as Legonosh
[Legonosh] Legonosh Gorga.
[Kibai] ..oh
* Kibai sounds scared, but will open the door
* Legonosh is dressed in simple country folk clothes, a shirt and nazam pants with a heavy but unornamented kailosper vest.
* Legonosh steps inside and closes the door behind him.
* Kibai 's eyes go a little wide and she steps back
[Legonosh] It's all right. No one is going to hurt you.
* BigCheese69 is now known as Fultukhari
[Legonosh] I'm here with some directions for you.
[Kibai] directions?
[Legonosh] Tomorrow morning, there is going to be a ... question ... hear ... meeting. A conversation. With Jorota, Bura, and Voice Izu.
[Legonosh] Until then, you are to stay here in your room.
[Legonosh] I am supposed to ask you what you would like for dinner, or anything else you may need before then.
[Kibai] w...what are they....we....conversing about?
[Legonosh] It is about your examination papers. That is all I know.
[Kibai] I don't want anything. If they don't want me here, I can just go.
* Legonosh shakes his head.
[Legonosh] I don't think that's what it is.
[Legonosh] If they want you to leave, they take you to the gate, say goodbye, that is all.
[Kibai] then... what *do* they want?
* Legonosh looks at you strangely.
[Legonosh] I don't know. They don't tell me things I don't need to know.
* Kibai hugs her chest, lookign small and scared.
[Kibai] I don't want anything. Please just leave me alone.
[Legonosh] If there is ... hmm. Yes.
[Legonosh] I will leave you alone, as you ask.
* Legonosh turns and leaves, closing the door behind him.
[Kibai] (*freaking out intensifies*)
[NemnostiGM] (all right, are you doing anything, or just staying in your room and freaking out?)
[Kibai] (I guess I can consider ways I can escape but really idk what I could do where they won't just be ab;e to find me again if they want to)
[NemnostiGM] (all right moving on)
Fultukhari and Irdomila are chastised by Hojon and Ajemika for letting the family down by failing their Nemnosti exam, and assigned remedial classes with Ifa
[NemnostiGM] Earlier still ...
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari and Irdomila, you know what you did. You know why you're here. You have been summoned to the iftibal, to (presumably) be lectured by your hengi, the great Osper of the Nemni, Hojon, and by his daughter Ajemika.
[NemnostiGM] You have spent most of your life in the iftibal, but you've never quite felt so alien to this place as today.
* Legonosh is now known as Hojon
* Dodemozh is now known as Ajemika
* Fultukhari side eyes Irdomila hard
[Fultukhari] (w) not so smart after all huh, if you're stuck here with me
[NemnostiGM] You are led to the great hall where Hojon receives guests, and the two of them look you up and down with a vague sense of dismay and disgust.
[Hojon] Irdomila. Fultukhari.
[Fultukhari] Sir.
* Hojon pronounces each name with four distinct syllables.
[Irdomila] Sir
* Fultukhari straightens up a little.
[Hojon] You are both an embarrassment to the lineage, to the ulajeta, to the whole line of ospers starting with the first, and ending with me, personally.
* Irdomila is always sitting straight
* Ajemika eyes her father warily, but says onthing.
[Fultukhari] . o O (like I haven't heard THAT before)
[Hojon] Old Hal, indeed.
[Fultukhari] EVERYONE calls it Old Hal!!
* Fultukhari says in spite of himself.
[Ajemika] No one calls it Old Hal.
[Fultukhari] You guys are just... old.
* Hojon looks at you angrily.
* Irdomila stays silent
[Hojon] Come here and say that, you whelp!
[Fultukhari] I.. I am here already...?
* Fultukhari looks like he regrets life choices but is also confused
[Hojon] Shut up!
[Hojon] For the two Nemni acolytes to fail their Fifths - to fail the exam on Nemnosti, no less! It is an embarrassment! The only one to do as bad as you was the illiterate girl who failed them all.
[Ajemika] The tiny new acolyte from Osnabis who barely speaks the language, knows this place better than you do.
[Fultukhari] She's not illiterate
[Hojon] Shut up!
* Ajemika raises her hand as if to quell her father, then lowers it quickly.
[Hojon] Irdomila, we expected better of you.
[Ajemika] You will need to write your mother and explain this to her. She will want to know.
* Irdomila looks up Hojon, waiting for permission to speak.
[Hojon] Well, don't just sit there stupidly!
[Hojon] Say something!
* Fultukhari snickers
[Hojon] No, you shut up!
* Hojon says to Fultukhari
[Irdomila] I accept I have not performed to my potential, and will write to my mother and explain as you have asked.
* Ajemika nods.
[Hojon] And what am I to say to my allies the Sortusai, whose own favored son did so well that I am never going to hear the end of it?!?
[Hojon] They will think my own son is cut from the same cloth as you morons!
[Hojon] You are both disgraceful. Pathetic. Your ancestors are ashamed that their line has fallen so low. What am I to do with you?
[Fultukhari] Tell them he likes it here better?
[Ajemika] Father ... the boy is an idiot, he can't help himself.
* Irdomila remains serene and contrite, although her hands are clenched tightly
[Hojon] All right then. Cheva, what are we to do with this pair?
[Ajemika] I believe that remediation is called for.
* Hojon brightens.
[Hojon] Remediation, indeed. Bring me the remediation cudgel!
* Hojon looks around, as if that's a thing.
[Hojon] I'll remediate you to within an inch of your life!
[Ajemika] Father ...
* Hojon sighs.
[Hojon] Irdomila, you know that your grandfather and I are old friends. And when his eldest daughter, your mother, had her accident, I promised him that his children - that I would always look after them. Look after you.
[Hojon] I clearly failed.
[Irdomila] It is not you who have failed, Sir, it is I, and I will need to accept whatever remediation is needed to redeem that.
[Hojon] Fultukhari ... Fultukhari. Your mother Amasa is one of the kindest people I know. One of the best of us Nemni. Much to your detriment, I will add. You definitely could have used some more cudgeling.
* Fultukhari feels like he got the right amount or possibly more
[Ajemika] The two of you will be taking extra lessons with Hand Ifa. She has great expertise on Nemnosti and its history and people.
* Irdomila nods accepting this
[Ajemika] We are going to do our best to keep this shameful nonsense within the family, going forward. And we have definitely given instructions to ensure that Nemni acolytes do not take the first exam of the Fifths so unseriously in future.
[Ajemika] It is evident that you have been told, wrongly, that living here gives you the right to take the Nemnosti examination on the Fifths lightly.
[Fultukhari] Wait do we have to take these lessons together?
[Hojon] You want Hand Ifa to take twice the amount of time out of her busy day?
[Fultukhari] No sir!
* Fultukhari feels like this is such a massive L for Irdomila that it is clearly a W for him
[Ajemika] And until this is completed, your other training will cease.
[Ajemika] In Source, or in ... whatever it is that Marga teaches you.
* Irdomila eyes go wide, but she sinks her head and says nothing.
[Ajemika] And I am certain that the Preceptor will be reconsidering the educational plans that had been developing for both of you.
[Hojon] All right, do either of you have anything else to say for yourselves?
[Fultukhari] Nope
[Irdomila] I appreciate this chance to set things right, and I will show you I am more than this exam.
* Hojon nods.
[Hojon] Then get out of here.
* Hojon waves his hand dismissively at you.
* Irdomila will stand up and leave
Winta sees Sapunoke being escorted sadly out of the ulajeta by Ghorgmbe Sortusai
[NemnostiGM] Even earlier than that ...
[NemnostiGM] Winta, it's been a strange couple of days. Of course you're happy about your Fifths results, and especially your result on the Courses. You're not sure there is a career in the philosophy of the ulajeta but everyone is very impressed and you know how important the Courses are around here.
[NemnostiGM] You wrote your parents to let them know. They won't understand, not really, but they're going to be happy that you're fitting in and making friends. You didn't mention the part about how you beat up Sapunoke, though. Or the part about how you keep trying to get a game of yeppo started.
[NemnostiGM] But of course, along with making friends, there's the problem that your friends are sometimes hurting. And Kibai is definitely still hurting. You've done what you can to make her feel better, but honestly, talking to Amasa did not make you feel any better.
[NemnostiGM] Today you're heading over to sit next to the Imp's Pool to read one of the books of philosophy that has been stuffed into your hands, as you prepare to start on your next course of studies towards the Tenths. As you do so, you see Sapunoke Ichos, coming towards you along the cobbled plaza, headed towards the West Gate.
[NemnostiGM] Accompanying him is Ghorgimbe Sortusai, one of the stoneguards. Both Sapunoke and Ghorgimbe are carrying a large sack.
* Hojon is now known as Sapunoke
* Ajemika is now known as Ghorgimbe
[Winta] /me tries to look small and hide behind her book as much as possible.
[NemnostiGM] Winta, can you make a Heart or Spleen check please, your choice.
[Winta] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 25 ].
[Winta] (Heart)
[NemnostiGM] You're definitely confident that Sapunoke has been / is still crying.
* Winta frowns
* Winta will fortify her stomach, put the book down, and head towards them.
* Ghorgimbe sees you and pauses.
[Ghorgimbe] You're Winta, right?
[Winta] Yes, Sir. Is everything ok?
[Winta] (Ma'am)
* Ghorgimbe looks you up and down.
[Ghorgimbe] Ichos, you have something to say here?
* Sapunoke freezes up.
[Sapunoke] I ... I ... don't know.
[Sapunoke] Goodbye?
* Sapunoke says to Winta, definitely in question form.
[Winta] Goodbye? Are you leaving?
* Sapunoke nods.
[Winta] I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't want that.
[Ghorgimbe] None of this is your fault.
[Winta] Can't he have a second chance?
[Ghorgimbe] You did what we teach you to do, stand up to bullies and assholes.
[Ghorgimbe] He's had more than one second chance.
* Winta nods and looks at Sapunoke sadly.
[Ghorgimbe] When someone is so full of gall, they need more than gentle correction.
[Winta] I hope... I hope that you find your way.
* Sapunoke looks at you blankly, uncomprehendingly.
[Sapunoke] My ... way ....
[Winta] Through the unfolding. Everyone has their own path. I hope you find yours.
* Ghorgimbe chuckles despite herself.
[Ghorgimbe] Five months here, knows more than you learned in five years.
[Ghorgimbe] You have good kidneys, Winta.
[Ghorgimbe] Don't cry too much for him, he gets to go home to Fuvuri and probably marry some woman he doesn't deserve.
* Winta nods and takes a step back, letting them contuinue on their way.
[Sapunoke] [q] goodbye
[Winta] Goodbye.
* Sapunoke says, maybe to you, or maybe to this place.
Rembes and Lovosa are lauded by Voice Ingo, who talks to them about their advanced future training towards their Tenths, and beyond
[NemnostiGM] Still earlier? Why not ...
[NemnostiGM] Rembes and Lovosa, it's been a wild couple of days, since you got your Fifths results.
[NemnostiGM] Lovosa, you always knew it was part of your father's goal for you that you come here, succeed, show the Nemni what a Halunemni is capable of, given the chance. You wrote home immediately to him, but of course haven't heard back yet. But you know he'll be pleased.
[NemnostiGM] Rembes, your exams were even better, with all three being incredibly well-done. Your dad is so proud of you! I mean, he's always proud of you, but this is a whole new level of proud. You know he wrote your hengi Samirgeze with the good news.
[NemnostiGM] Rembes, you have earned a token (fefri) of gold bearing the insignia of Elujen, Nemnu's wife and (at least conceptually, though not in reality) the first head of acolytes here at the ulajeta.
[NemnostiGM] (In fact, you know that the first class of acolytes was not admitted until 427, over a century after Elujen's death. It was on the test.)
[NemnostiGM] Elujen's medal is only given out to exceptional acolytes, and only once every few years. You're permitted to wear it at any time around the ulajeta from now on.
[NemnostiGM] However, it's been a little awkward around Irdomila, though. Hopefully this is just a momentary thing. It is a really nice medal, and unlike all the usual stuff you get just for being noble, this one means something.
[NemnostiGM] Of course, you've both been congratulated by your teachers and mentors as well. Even Jorota, normally stern, smiled and clasped your hands warmly. But today, you've both been summoned for a different purpose. Voice Ingo has asked to see you both in his office.
* Rembes is a bit embarrassed about all this fuss though also recognizes the honour
* Sapunoke is now known as Ingo
* Lovosa is definitely curious about this summons.
[NemnostiGM] Ingo's office in the great Voice temple is opulent and ancient, clearly part of the oldest section of the entire ulajeta. It is rich with velvet and silk on every surface, strange and wonderful art on the walls and sculpture here and there. There is a seating area in one corner with a soft magical light overhead, and three chairs.
* Ingo greets you enthusiastically.
[Ingo] Well, don't the two of you make a lovely pair! Lovosa Halunemni, Rembes Sortusai.
[Rembes] Good day, Voice Ingo.
* Rembes says politely
[Lovosa] Good day, Voice Ingo.
* Lovosa echoes awkwardly a moment later.
[NemnostiGM] (are you wearing your medal, Rembes?)
[Rembes] (yes)
[Ingo] It looks good on you, son.
[Ingo] Wear it with real pride.
[Rembes] Thank you, sir.
[Ingo] I never earned one myself.
* Lovosa cocentrates on not making a face.
[Ingo] Well, regardless.
[Ingo] Congratulations to you both. I spent a lovely hour this morning reading over your Fifths, and especially those on the religious section. Very insightful, both of you.
[Lovosa] Thank you.
[Rembes] Thank you.
[Ingo] Now, you've set yourselves quite a challenge. The Tenths are not nearly so easily surmounted. But given what you've done so far, I see few if any obstacles in your way, as long as your intestines remain strong and your brains flexible.
[Ingo] But that leaves you many decisions.
[Ingo] I am sure the Preceptor will talk to you soon enough about what comes next, for you and indeed for all of the other young acolytes.
[Ingo] But I have asked you here today to speak to you on this same question, before you get too many thoughts and opinions.
[Ingo] Today I would like to talk to you more specifically about whether you would like to pursue a calling. Truly, faith does not call to us all. When I was a boy in Onighus, I thought my main pursuits would be drinking and cavorting with other young men my age. And ... well. Here I am now.
* Lovosa glances at Rembes to read his reaction.
[Rembes] a calling like... joining the Corps?
* Ingo nods.
[Ingo] Like that - or similar.
[Lovosa] Similar?
[Ingo] Well.
[Ingo] Rembes, I had been told that you might seek to pursue the stoneguard's path. Which is available to you, if you want it.
[Ingo] And I know that either or both of you might have lineages with different plans for you.
[Ingo] It is not my intention, nor would it be my place, to stand in their way.
* Lovosa nods slightly despite herself.
[Ingo] I simply wanted to have my piece heard, which is to say that theologically gifted acolytes are not so common here.
[Rembes] Oh, um, well, I don't think I could be a Voice. Not because it wouldn't be a great honour of course, but I just don't think my family would want that.
* Ingo nods.
[Ingo] As a son of the nobility myself, I know how difficult that can seem, growing up.
* Rembes nods
[Ingo] Well, one of the glorious things about being here at Nemnosti is that you can choose your path quite broadly - at least, with tests like these, you can. Have you had any thoughts about what you would like to pursue, towards your Tenths?
* Rembes looks at Lovosa to see if she wants to go first
[Lovosa] (just a sec)
[Rembes] Well, as you mentioned, sir, I was thinking about becoming a Stoneguard. But...
[Ingo] But ...?
* Rembes hesitates for a moment before continuing his thought
[Rembes] I think I mostly wanted that because I thought it was something my family would agree to. I'm not sure if it is what I really want to do myself. But it would allow me to stay here, and that is something I do want, very much.
[Ingo] When you say 'stay' ... you mean beyond your period as an acolyte?
[Rembes] Yes, sir.
* Ingo nods.
[Ingo] And so you are thinking you need to make yourself ... useful?
[Rembes] I suppose so, yes.
* Lovosa is listening intently to this whole exchange.
[Rembes] And for my family to see that I am doing something useful. Honourable.
[Ingo] Tell me, Rembes ... why do you want to stay?
[Rembes] The library.
* Rembes says, as his first instinct
[Rembes] There are so many things I haven't read yet.
* Lovosa smirks.
[Ingo] Hmmm. It is true, you would need to go very far afield to find a place like this, where you could read your entire life and still feel unquenched.
[Ingo] What have you been reading lately? Unrelated to your Fifths, I mean.
[Rembes] [Pornography. I was reading pornography.]
[Rembes] Mostly poetry, and history.
[Ingo] Well, then poetry and history sound like excellent modules for your next training.
* Rembes nods
[Rembes] Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
[Ingo] If you feel like you wish to add some martial training into that, you could. But you don't have to.
[Ingo] The choice of what to study here is yours. Of course there will be opinions from the outside.
* Rembes nods
[Ingo] I do think theology could fit well with your studies.
[Rembes] I will take your advice under consideration, sir.
[Ingo] And what about you, Lovosa?
[Ingo] I will admit, and you surely know, that as the first Halunemni here, much lies on your shoulders.
* Lovosa nods.
[Ingo] The Lady has of course been apprised of your success.
[Lovosa] She has?
[Ingo] She hears about all of Her acolytes' progress. But Voice Izu, who is one of her closest confidants, was ebullient about both of you, both of your theology tests.
[Lovosa] Oh.
* Lovosa is honestly a little taken aback.
[Lovosa] If I took orders, would I have a place here?
* Ingo pauses.
[Ingo] That is ... that is an extremely perceptive question.
[Ingo] I believe you would. I know that it must surely be awkward here, at least, that there have been a few bumps along the way.
* Lovosa nods.
[Lovosa] When would I need to decide?
[Ingo] Well, you need to decide on your next course of subjects soon. Theology, of course, being one you would need to have.
[Ingo] But not until after your Tenths would you even have to think about a firm commitment.
* Lovosa nods.
[Lovosa] Then I would be happy to consider it. Sir.
[Ingo] I cannot say that every Nemni is instantly willing to set aside old grudges. But when Nemnu chooses an acolyte, it is not our place to question it.
[Ingo] You are one of us.
[Ingo] If you wish it.
[Lovosa] That's...very kind of you.
* Lovosa says almost like it hurts to get those words out.
[Ingo] Well, I am not a Nemni. The Pechotukhos are old Khutuan nobility, we're used to family rivalries that get worn down over centuries.
* Lovosa does give a miniscule smile at that.
[Ingo] Well. I don't have anything else for you today. But if either of you have any questions for me, now or later, please do ask.
* Lovosa nods.
[Lovosa] Thank you, sir.
[Rembes] Yes, thank you very much for your guidance.
Lovosa convinces Bem to be allowed to talk to Kibai, and they learn she is having a hearing
[NemnostiGM] Now back to the present ...
[NemnostiGM] If your information is correct and Kibai is confined to quarters, well, then you know exactly where she is. All of you have rooms along the same corridor, in the basement of Carver's Hall, although Fultukhari and Irdomila also have quarters in the iftibal, as all Nemni would.
[NemnostiGM] What's your plan?
[Rembes] (Have someone who has a room near there scout it out and see who is guarding the place, then figure out how best we should distract them?)
[Lovosa] (Sounds like a plan)
[NemnostiGM] All right, probably Lovosa or Winta would be closest to Kibai's room.
* Lovosa will go.
[NemnostiGM] All right, Lovosa.
[NemnostiGM] There's no guard right outside Kibai's door or anything. However, Bem Pekai is stationed near the hallway where you will need to pass on the way to their own rooms.
[NemnostiGM] She would certainly see anyone entering Kibai's room, from where she's standing.
* Lovosa considers, then just approaches Bem.
* Ingo is now known as Bem
[Bem] Yes?
[Lovosa] Why are you standing in our dorm hallway?
[Bem] That's none of your concern.
[Lovosa] It's where I live right now, so it's kinda my concern.
[Bem] I'm a stoneguard. I'm guarding.
[Lovosa] The hallway?
[Bem] Sure.
[Lovosa] Can I go to my room?
[Bem] Yes.
[Lovosa] Can I go to other people's rooms?
[Bem] Sure.
* Lovosa will head towards Kibai's room.
* Bem stands and follows you.
* Lovosa knocks on Kibai's door.
[Bem] No.
[Lovosa] No what?
[Bem] No one is there.
* Kibai will answer from the inside
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, you definitely hear this.
[Kibai] "Who is it?"
[Bem] No one, just checking in.
[Lovosa] Sounds like someone is there.
[Bem] You are mistaken.
[Lovosa] (loudly to the door) Kibai, are you okay in there?
[Kibai] ...Lovosa?
[Lovosa] Yeah, it's me. Are you all right?
[Kibai] ...Please don't get youtself in trouble for me
[Bem] She's about to.
[Lovosa] How so?
[Lovosa] You said I could visit other rooms.
[Bem] Not this one.
[Lovosa] Why not?
* Bem shakes her head.
[Bem] Not allowed.
[Lovosa] (How many entrances are there to the hallway?)
[Kibai] I'm okay.
[Lovosa] It really doesn't seem like it, if you're not allowed out and no one is allowed to see you.
[NemnostiGM] (the area you're in is basically a long hallway, but it's convoluted down here and there are other ways out - other corridors off this one, down at the other end)
[Lovosa] (If she had to haul me off, would it be back towards where people are waiting, or another way, more likely?)
[NemnostiGM] (high or low, Josh)
[Lovosa] (high)
[NemnostiGM] !roll 1d20
* Lan-werk rolls for NemnostiGM: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 10 ].
[NemnostiGM] (close but it's low)
[NemnostiGM] It would be back towards where people are waiting.
[Lovosa] Why am I not allowed to see Kibai?
[Bem] I don't know.
[Bem] But you're not.
[NemnostiGM] (make a Heart check)
[Lovosa] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Lovosa: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 29 ].
[Bem] If I let you talk to her here, for a few minutes, just the two of you, with the door closed, would that be enough?
[Bem] I'll step away, you talk through the door.
[Lovosa] ...Okay.
[Bem] All right.
* Bem steps back, well enough away that she could definitely run up if you tried something, but far enough that you are confident you could talk to Kibai through the door without Bem hearing.
[Lovosa] Kibai, seriously, are you okay?
[Lovosa] Do you know what's going on?
[Kibai] I thikn I... I put something very wrong on one of my tests.
[Lovosa] And they've confined you to your room for that? That's fucked up.
[Kibai] I'm suppose to have a ... a 'conversation', with Voice Izu, and Jorota, and reconer hazh...
[Lovosa] When?
[Kibai] tomorrow.
[Lovosa] I'm sorry, Kibai, this is seriously messed up.
[Lovosa] Do you need anything?
[Kibai] It... it's okay. I don't have anywhere else to be, anyway.
[Lovosa] Okay, sit tight. We're not gonna let them just kick you out or whatever.
* Lovosa will storm back over to Bem.
[Lovosa] Does this feel right to you?
[Bem] No. But I also don't know what is wrong.
[Lovosa] She's a kid. You are standing guard, not letting a kid out of her room, for getting a question wrong on a test. That make you feel *proud*, as a stoneguard, at Nemnosti, to be holding a *kid* prisoner?
[Bem] I don't know why she is confined. But she's not the first, and won't be the last.
[Lovosa] Real nice.
* Lovosa stomps off towards the others.
The acolytes conspire to threaten to quit en masse if Kibai is kicked out
[Fultukhari] Well?
[Lovosa] They won't let people in to see her, and they won't let Kibai out. She has a 'meeting' tomorrow with Voice Izu, your mom, and Reckoner Hazh.
[Fultukhari] A *reckoner*? D:
[Fultukhari] Ffffuck me
[Lovosa] The stoneguard doesn't even know why, but she still wouldn't let me see her.
[Lovosa] Maybe we try to go talk to them?
[Fultukhari] Who, the reckoners?
[Lovosa] Your mom, Cheese.
* Rembes nods
[Lovosa] And maybe Voice Izu.
[Rembes] What if we tell them that if they kick out Kibai, we all quit too?
[Fultukhari] YES!
* Rembes suggests
* Fultukhari turns to Rembes
[Fultukhari] YEAH!! That's a fuckin' great idea!!
[Winta] uh...
[Rembes] . o (oh no)
* Lovosa looks a little put out at that idea, but nods.
[Winta] I mean... is that the only option?
[Fultukhari] That would look SO BAD for them!
* Lovosa looks at Irdomila.
[Fultukhari] I mean... I can try talking to my mom but nobody cares what I think.
[Fultukhari] All of us together though...
[Lovosa] Princess? You and Rembes are the ones they're going to care about the most.
[Irdomila] While I don't agree with confining Kibai, these are not bad people. We can talk to them, show that we care and make our case.
[Lovosa] But if it comes down to it?
[Rembes] I mean... we don't have to open with threatening to quit. We can keep that as a secret weapon.
[Lovosa] Exactly.
[Fultukhari] Yeah... like I said I can *try* talking to Mom.
[Lovosa] Any idea where she is right now?
[Fultukhari] (where do I think would be likely?)
[NemnostiGM] (probably at home, or in her office in Carver's Hall)
[NemnostiGM] (it's late, so more likely home)
[Fultukhari] Maybe with Izu planning this stupid trial? Oh no wait... it's kinda late, she's probably home.
[Lovosa] Let head that way then.
[Lovosa] (Let's*)
* Rembes nods
[Fultukhari] Okay.
[Fultukhari] (so I guess we go to my house?)
The acolytes talk to Jorota and Amasa and present their ultimatum
[NemnostiGM] All right; Jorota and Amasa have shared family quarters in Carver's Hall, as teachers at the ulajeta. They also have space they can use in the iftibal but that's not as likely. Fultukhari, this is where you also stay, most often.
[NemnostiGM] (are you all going?)
[Rembes] (I think so?)
[Winta] (Yup)
[NemnostiGM] All right. Fultukhari, you don't have to knock or anything, this is your space too, you and your whole happy family.
* Bem is now known as Jorota
* Fultukhari just lets everyone in then
* Jorota is reading in a soft high-backed chair.
[Fultukhari] MooomMMMMMmmmmmM?
* Jorota looks up as you come in.
[Jorota] [q] Quiet, Mommy's sleeping.
[Fultukhari] We wanna know what's going on with Kibai.
[Jorota] [q] I said, be quiet.
[Jorota] [q] Your mother is sleeping.
[Jorota] [q] Great, you're all here, so I'll make this easy.
[Jorota] [q] We'll know more tomorrow.
[Fultukhari] [q] they have her shut in her room like it's prison! it's not right!
[Fultukhari] [q] I failed a test and all I got was yelled at!
[Jorota] [q] Don't be melodramatic. You've been confined to your room more times than I can count.
[Jorota] [q] Remember the greasy rug incident?
[Fultukhari] (q) not by a STONEGUARD
[Jorota] [q] Well let's just say this is more serious than seeing if you can grease a rug up to see if you can slide down the hall.
* Fultukhari looks to his smarter associates for backup
* Winta peers around the corner of the doorframe awkwardly
* Rembes looks a bit uncertain but tries to present himself properly
[Irdomila] [q] please, we're just concerned for her, and this whole situation feels more serious that it needs to be, for everyone involved.
[Winta] [We just want to know why this is happening...]
[Jorota] [q] It is serious.
[Fultukhari] (q) it's just a test! just a dumb piece of paper!
[Rembes] [q] Ma'am we're sorry for disturbing you. We just want to know that she will be allowed to stay. It's not her fault.
[Jorota] [q] I know you do. I don't want to alarm you.
* Amasa wanders out, in her nightgown.
[Amasa] What is going on here? .... oh.
[Amasa] Oh.
[Fultukhari] We're here about Kibai ]:(
* Winta waves.
[Lovosa] Amasa, what's going on with Kibai? Why is she in so much trouble?
[Amasa] Yes, I surmised as much.
[Fultukhari] We won't let y--the ESTABLISHMENT do her like this
[Amasa] I'm really sorry, I ... there's so much we don't know.
[Lovosa] So much *you* don't know?
[Amasa] But I can say that this is for everyone's wellbeing. Including Kibai.
[Fultukhari] *someone* knows
[Fultukhari] Why? how?
[Fultukhari] That doesn't even make sense, she's just like the rest of us.
[Irdomila] This doesnt feel very good for anyones well being.
[Jorota] Look, you want to know what is happening. I understand that.
[Fultukhari] Yeah this is... this is a *toxic environment*
[Jorota] You're not being unreasonable.
[Fultukhari] ]:(
[Jorota] But I, we, no one can tell you exactly what you want to know.
[Jorota] Tomorrow there is going to be a hearing.
[Lovosa] About what?
[Jorota] About Kibai.
[Jorota] After that, we'll know more.
[Fultukhari] WHy's there gotta be a *reckoner* there?
[Lovosa] Okay, but, again, about what? What did she do? What are people so upset about?
[Jorota] I'm sorry, all of you, I am. I'm not allowed to say.
[Fultukhari] Says who?
[Jorota] Says the one person who could give me an order and have me follow it without question.
[Irdomila] Someone is going to be there to look after her, right? Keep her best interest at heart, right?
[Rembes] I understand that you don't know yet what will happen, ma'am. But if they decide tomorrow that she's going to be kicked out... we all will quit too. So if you can tell them that, that would be good.
[Jorota] And I assure you that while She is awake, She would not answer you either.
* Rembes says, plucking up his courage
[Fultukhari] Yeah! We're ALL OUT if she goes.
* Amasa smiles sadly at Rembes.
[Amasa] You have such fierce kidneys, all of you.
[Lovosa] It's been drilled into us we're all acolytes together.
[Lovosa] What is that about if not something like this?
* Amasa bursts into tears and runs out of the room.
[Fultukhari] Aw, beans.
[Lovosa] ...That was not my intent.
[Jorota] See what you've done, Fultu ... oh ... it wasn't you this time.
[Jorota] Look, ahh ... ahh ...
[Irdomila] Since we can't change what is going to happen, tell us that you'll look out for Kibai, please.
[NemnostiGM] (ok, you can all make a Heart or Lungs, your choice)
[Lovosa] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Lovosa: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 15 ].
[Rembes] !roll 1d20+6
* Lan-werk rolls for Rembes: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 12 ].
[Irdomila] !roll 1d20+6
* Lan-werk rolls for Irdomila: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 12 ].
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 11 ].
[Winta] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 21 ].
[Fultukhari] (bum)
[Lovosa] (Thank god for Winta)
[Winta] Ma'am... I know that I've been given a gift by being allowed to be here but... what does that mean if I can't help my friends?
[Jorota] All right. Here's what I'll do.
[Jorota] I can't believe I'm saying this.
[Jorota] One of you. JUST. ONE. can be there.
[Jorota] And I'm going to have Kuspir the stoneguard there to keep an eye on you.
[Jorota] And you can't say ANYTHING.
[Jorota] Just one person. So Kibai won't be alone.
[Winta] Thank you, Ma'am. I just don't want her to be scared.
* Lovosa nods.
[Jorota] Do you want to choose among yourselves?
* Winta looks at the others.
* Lovosa sighs.
[Rembes] I think any of us would do it. But uh... probably it will make a bigger impression if it's someone like Irdomila, or Lovosa.
* Rembes suggests
[Fultukhari] Yeah. Nobody cares what I think.
[Jorota] I don't think that's ... that's not how I would have put it.
[Lovosa] Irdomila probably would have the most influence.
* Lovosa says like it genuinely pains her to say.
[Jorota] Irdomila, then?
[Jorota] Are you willing?
[Irdomila] Rembes has the medal, he's the best of us. My influence isn't what you think. If not him, then Lovosa.
* Rembes blushes
[Winta] Yeah, you can wear your medal
* Lovosa nods.
[Rembes] well... if you think that's best.
[Winta] Old people love that kind of stuff
* Rembes says to Irdomila
* Jorota laughs, despite herself.
[Jorota] They do, Winta, it's true.
[Winta] I mean... I didn't mean... I'll shut up.
[Lovosa] You scored the highest, your family has would likely make a difference.
[Jorota] Rembes, I want to make you aware that these sorts of hearings, they are very private. I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. But ... it's possible that you won't be permitted to share what you hear.
* Irdomila nods to Rembes
[Rembes] I understand, ma'am.
[Fultukhari] You gotta tell them though mom. We mean it, we'll quit.
[Jorota] I understand, son.
[Jorota] Now all of you, get out of here.
[Jorota] I need some sleep and I have someone to take care of.
[Winta] Yes, Ma'am!
[Rembes] Thank you, ma'am.
[Lovosa] Please tell Amasa we're sorry we upset her.
[Winta] Thank you!
* Nary is now known as Kuspir
* Fultukhari scuttles away before he can get guilted or yelled at
[Rembes] (can I talk to Irdomila before we all have to go back to our rooms or whatever?)
[Irdomila] (sure)
* Rembes will pull Irdomila aside for a private talk
[Rembes] I really am sorry. I hope I didn't make things weird.
[Rembes] between us I mean.
[Irdomila] You don't have to be sorry. You haven't done anything wrong. I like the look on you.
* Rembes smiles, embarrassed
* Irdomila runs a finger on the medal.
[Irdomila] I'm the one who should appologize for putting you on the spot like that, but it was the right choice.
[Rembes] If we do have to quit, I'll take you back to Naftusa with me if you want :3 It's nice there. Not as nice as here, but ... we could figure things out.
* Rembes says hopefully
[Irdomila] You are so sweet. Have faith. It's not going to come to that.
* Rembes gives you a kiss, then, before we have to go to our separate rooms (;_;)
* Irdomila kisses him back.
The hearing, where it is revealed that Kibai is actually Heruna Egruchai, a member of the ‘loyal’ lineages of Hulti
[NemnostiGM] And on to tomorrow ...
[NemnostiGM] From the outside, the ulajeta at Nemnosti looks orderly. It comes in three parts.
[NemnostiGM] The great Temple of the Voice to the west, the oldest and most complex part of the cloister.
[NemnostiGM] The Carver's Hall, whose lower stories are home to the teaching and residential parts of the ulajeta, and whose upper parts serve Nemnu's Own activities.
[NemnostiGM] And to the east, the Nemni iftibal, rebuilt many times over the years, but now standing in parallel to the Voice temple and designed much in the image of its older partner.
[NemnostiGM] But for such order to exist, in a structure centuries old and continuously used and inhabited, inevitably, from the interior, there are odd spaces and places where few go, or whose design perplexes.
[NemnostiGM] The Western Spike is just one such room. Built on the third floor of Carver's Hall, just where it meets the domed roof of the Voice temple, it is clearly a relic of centuries gone by. It is a thin, long sliver of a room with heavy stone exterior walls to the west, and thinner walls elsewhere.
[NemnostiGM] It is wide at the south where the entry is, narrowing at the north to a snubbed curve, and with walls at least twelve feet high.
[NemnostiGM] The Spike is part of the Carver's Hall, and at some point this room was clearly greater than it is now, and has been re-proportioned into its present aberrance during some previous period of renovation. Perhaps it was some great ballroom once.
[NemnostiGM] Against the west wall are strange half-windows sculpted from alabaster that diffuse light onto a room that is angular and strange. And on its east face, a great green tapestry, apparently centuries old, runs across the wall, depicting the Pardopasu valley occupied by a series of mythical or legendary creatures.
[NemnostiGM] A strange breeze blows through the room, as if you were in a cave tunnel.
* Kibai shivers slightly
* Rembes wears his best clothes and makes sure his medal is nicely polished and visible
* Kibai 's clothes are basically all hand-me-downs or donations, and regarless of what she is wearing, she looks small and frazzled
* Izu is, as always, wearing his Voice robes, and they are especially clean and pressed today.
[NemnostiGM] And today, it is the site, as it rarely is, for a deeply private hearing.
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, you have been brought here by Legonosh.
[NemnostiGM] As for guests, there is only one: Rembes Sortusai, accompanied by the stoneguard Kuspir, who is also here (apparently) to ensure that the hearing is secure.
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, you did not expect to see Rembes here - not at all.
[Rembes] (am I allowed to talk to her or no?)
* Kibai looks at him with surprise
[Kibai] Rembes?
[Kibai] what...
[NemnostiGM] (you can surely say hello, right?)
[Kibai] how are you here?
[Rembes] Hi Kibai. They said one of us could be here to keep you company. I guess that's me.
* Rembes smiles, trying to be comforting
[Kibai] oh.
[Rembes] Everyone is supporting you - we all wanted to help.
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, you've never been in here. Honestly it feels like no one comes in here ever, like this room has just been waiting here for centuries for this very purpose.
[Kuspir] Enough chit-chat, you two.
[NemnostiGM] A great long table, draped in grey cloth, lies to the north, close to where the room tapers off. Sitting there are three people you know: Voice Izu, the priest in charge of grading the religion portion of the Fifths, Jorota Vuvrugh, the Preceptor of the ulajeta, and Bura Hazh, the Ravre recruiter and reckoner here.
* Kuspir says, firm but not mean.
* Kibai eyes the imposing stoneguard and falls silent
* Rembes will also stop chatting
* Amasa is now known as Bura
[Jorota] All right, I call this hearing to order.
[Jorota] We are here today to discuss some questions regarding Kibai Pilting, acolyte of Nemnosti.
[Jorota] I remind our guests that this is a matter of great solemnity.
[Jorota] Bura?
* Bura intones deeply.
[Bura] Let no false words be spoken in this chamber, lest the judgement of the Ancestors be upon you.
* Kibai takes a shaky breath
[NemnostiGM] Kibai (and, I suppose, Rembes), make a Heart check
[Kibai] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Kibai: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 20 ].
[Rembes] !roll 1d20+6
* Lan-werk rolls for Rembes: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 11 ].
[NemnostiGM] Kibai and Rembes, you both feel a sense in your heart like a cage surrounding it, restricting you from speaking untruths.
* Kibai 's brow furrows slightly
[Jorota] Voice Izu, would you please invoke the Ancestors to watch over us?
* Winta will rise and say a short prayer. "May the ancestors guide our hearts and our brains. Give us the strength and wisdom to find the truth in all things and let the unfolding show us its mysteries."
* Izu will rise and say a short prayer. "May the ancestors guide our hearts and our brains. Give us the strength and wisdom to find the truth in all things and let the unfolding show us its mysteries."
[Jorota] All right, we'll begin.
[Jorota] These are the strangest, and worst, Fifths, I've ever seen.
[Jorota] It would be one thing if they were just poorly written. Which they are. Your hand is shaky and your spelling is atrocious, Kibai,
[Jorota] But it is the content that we need to talk about.
[Kibai] :|
[Jorota] Your exam on the Corps.
[Jorota] Tell me how you prepared for the exam.
[Kibai] I...I studied the materials we were given... reading them over, to try and keep them in my mind.
[Kibai] I studied with some of the others..
[Jorota] Any other materials? Anything outside the ordinary?
* Kibai glances at Rembes
[Kibai] I don't think so?
* Kibai says, returnign her attention to Jorota
[Jorota] Voice Izu. You were the evaluator of that exam.
[Jorota] Tell us your findings.
[Izu] Thank you.
[Izu] Kibai, on your second fifth, you wrote the following and attributed it to Our Founder, Zunuga: "A corps with armless hands and faceless voices becomes a veinless heart with a fractured soul." Is that correct?
[Kibai] I don't remember what I wrote. If you says so, that must be it.
[Bura] We have the exam paper.
* Kibai nods
* Izu will shuffle some papers and pull out Kibai's exam.
[Izu] Can you tell us, pplease, where you remember hearing or reading that attribution?
[Kibai] I don't rememer. I don't knwo if I ever did.
* Izu sighs.
[Izu] Kibai, that that is not amaxim of Zunuga, nor is it anywhere in the corps annals that I am aware of. The problem, however, is that it IS a part of an ancient, Hulti text, The song of Sorrows. It reads:
[Izu] "They came at us
[Izu] With armless hands
[Izu] and faceless voices
[Izu] and dessicate glands.
[Izu] A linkless chain,
[Izu] a veinless heart,
[Izu] a splintered soul,
[Izu] a body apart."
[Izu] You can see why we are... concerned.
[Jorota] Are you familiar with this text, the Song of Sorrows?
[Kibai] ...
[Kibai] yes.
[Jorota] Wait ... how?
[Izu] That is not the type of book an acolyte casually reads.
[Jorota] Indeed! The texts in the library that concern Hulti matters, these are not accessible to acolytes. You could not have received it.
[Kibai] It's a song.
[Jorota] That's not an answer!
[Izu] Where did you hear this song?
[Kibai] ...
[Kibai] From my family.
[Bura] Nonsense!
[Bura] I've never heard of the Piltings being accused of Hulti affiliations.
[Bura] I've been to Ojon Sogo countless times..
[Izu] Bura, by your own words she cannot lie.
[Bura] If it took effect.
[Bura] A reckoner's skill is imperfect.
[Kibai] They.... they aren't my family.
[Izu] She is a child.
* Izu stops dead and looks at Kibai
[Jorota] They what?
[Kibai] The Piltings are not my family
[Jorota] Then who are your family?
* Kibai is mostly looking down, and not at anyone.
[Kibai] It... You don't know them. But I left! I have no family any more.
[Jorota] That's not a direct answer.
[Izu] Kibai... what is your true name?
[Jorota] Who. Are. Your. Family.
* Kibai closes her eyes but doesn't answer either of them.
[Jorota] Answer. Now.
[Kibai] They are Hulti. I... I can't tell you more.
[Izu] Kibai... if we are to help you, we must know the truth.
[Jorota] Have you heard voices in your head recently? Dark, low, angry?
[Kibai] what? No.
[Jorota] Fuck.
* Kibai seems surprised by that
[Jorota] I don't know what to think about that.
[Izu] Kibai, why can you not tell us?
[Jorota] Answer Voice Izu's question. Both of them. What is your true name, and why can you not tell us?
[Kibai] I was given the name Heruna, at birth. Is that true? I don't know. But my family would seek retribution for certain, for any further betrayal.
* Kibai just looks small and scared
[Bura] Now is not the time to hold back, child.
[Bura] You must answer.
[Kibai] maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe you;re right... You'll only keep me here as a prisoner, and if I do leaver then.... it won't matter, I wont be safe.
* Kibai 's eyes a wild wild, liek she is very much trying not to cry
* Rembes looks concerned
[Izu] Kibai, I have no wish to see you as a prisoner here, but if you have any desire to remain as an acolyte, you must be honest with us.
[Kibai] can you really tell me that... still possible?
[Izu] That is not up to me.
[Izu] But if you tell us nothing, then it is certainly impossible.
* Bura nods.
[Bura] Voice Izu speaks the truth.
[Bura] Open your heart to us freely, Kibai. All else is in Her grace, not our hands.
[Kibai] [q]...Egruchai.
[NemnostiGM] Izu, you've definitely heard that lineage name before, and recently. Egruchai is one of the three lineages mentioned by Gunuremai at Musune's End, when you were there. The three loyal lineages of Hulti.
[Izu] I see.
[Izu] That explains... some things. But leaves many questions.
[Izu] When did you last see your family?
[Kibai] Months ago, before you found me in Musune.
[Izu] How did you end up with the Piltings?
[Kibai] The only of of them I ever met was Kibai
[Izu] Where is Kibai?
[Kibai] She died, in the forest... I coudln't help her.
[Izu] And you took her name... why?
[Kibai] Because I was hurt, and I knew it wasn't safe to give you my own.
[Izu] Heruna... do you still wish to stay here as an acolyte?
* Kibai winces a little when you call her Heruna
[Kibai] I... I don't have anywhere else to go. I...
* Kibai looks over at Rembes
[Kibai] It's so different, from anything I've learned.
[Kibai] But the people, and...
[Kibai] I do, I do want to stay.
[Izu] What were you taught, child?
[Kibai] ...the ildomo
[Izu] I see.
[Izu] I have no further questions at this time, but I'm sure I will in the future. You have suffered enough of my prodding for one day.
[Jorota] So ... Heruna of the Egruchai.
[Jorota] How did the words end up on your exam, then? Was that just some sort of mistake?
[Kibai] yes ;_;
* Jorota shakes her head, in disbelief or astonishment or ...?
[Kibai] I.... I don't kneo, I must have paniced, everythign just got confused in my head... I knew I'd done badly but, I dodn't think... not until I saw the results
[Jorota] If you'd just left it all blank, we would have just had you retake it. You know that, right?
[Kibai] I... I didn't knwo that.
[Kibai] ;_;
[Jorota] Well, now we have to decide what to do with you.
Nemnu appears from behind a falling tapestry, and pronounces judgement on Kibai, giving her a Lady’s Name and condemning her to stay as an acolyte
[Nemnu] Stop.
[NemnostiGM] From above, the tapestry along the east wall falls to the floor.
* Izu bows his head.
[NemnostiGM] Behind it, high against the ceiling, is a small balcony alcove, within which is the eternal and venerable body of Nemnu Ula Herself.
* Rembes is startled, to say the least
* Kibai 's eyes go HUGE with fear
* Bura is definitely surprised
* Jorota is perhaps surprised, perhaps not.
* Izu is wholly unsurprised.
[Nemnu] Heruna of the Egruchai, you have come into this holy place under false pretenses and with a darkness in your heart.
* Kuspir may be surprised, but doesn't show it
[Nemnu] It would be within my rights to kill you where you sit.
[Nemnu] The followers of the ildomo have done centuries of harm to this place.
* Kibai looks like she might be about to throw up
[Nemnu] And, so it appears, if I were to do so, no one would ever miss you.
[Nemnu] No one, other than in this room, would know.
[Nemnu] Tell me, what were your intentions in coming here?
[Rembes] [q] That's not true
[Nemnu] Tell me fully, tell me truthfully.
* Rembes mutters
* Kibai just starts crying in silent horror
[Kibai] I-I...
[Kibai] learn t-the cc-courses
[Nemnu] Well, it is clear that you have a long way to go.
[Nemnu] It would be a shame to let you leave with a brain full of such nonsense.
[Nemnu] So, you will have to stay.
* Izu raises one corner of his mouth just very slightly.
* Kibai is so scared that she doesn't even relaly register what Nemnu just said
[Nemnu] You are not the first of the Old Folk to come here in penitence, in hope of something else.
[Nemnu] My own dear Pavavi, keeper of my treasures. All here know him to have been a shaman, once.
[Nemnu] If you wish it, you may stay here, and devote your life to my service.
[Nemnu] But you must wish it truly and faithfully, and knowing that there will still be mistrust to overcome.
* Kibai manages to nod
[Kibai] Y... yes Lady
[Nemnu] Do you swear to uphold the values of this place, to serve alongside your fellow acolytes, bringing all your organs together in common purpose with your fellows?
[Kibai] I... I swear
* Kibai falls to her knees
[Izu] Child... one more thing. If you do not wish to use your old name, we will not ask you to. I...many of us here... know what it is to leave a life behind. However, I would suggest you choose a new one of your own. You have no claim over the one you have been using. It belongs to another.
[Nemnu] Thank you, my dear Izu-who-is-Farai.
[Nemnu] I have a solution to that.
[Nemnu] One that may retain some dignity.
[Nemnu] Heruna of the Egruchai, I welcome you to service as my acolyte. Having heard your pledge, I will take it into my spirit.
[Nemnu] And in return, I shall give you a name. My name for you shall be: Kibai.
[Nemnu] Now, Heruna-who-is-Kibai, you are Kibai in reality, not just in pretense.
[Kibai] Th.... thank you lady.
[Nemnu] I can imagine that this is all ... that you would not wish this to be known widely. This ... artifice, which brought you here.
[Nemnu] And so there is no need to cause your friends to doubt you, or your faithfulness to them. As long as the one who is here understands his responsibility to this secret.
[Nemnu] To all, here, you shall be Kibai, as you always were.
* Rembes nods
[Rembes] Yes, Lady, I understand.
[Nemnu] I am confident, Izu-who-is-Farai, Kuspir-who-is-Medimur, that you may have reason to ask some questions of young Kibai in the future?
[Izu] If I may, My Lady, but not today.
[Nemnu] No, indeed, not today.
* Kuspir nods in agreement
[Kuspir] This child has been through enough today. She needs to rest and be calm.
[Nemnu] Very well. Then I will let you conclude the hearing with a verdict.
[Jorota] Ahh ... yes ... A verdict. Well, given this, uhh, unusual series of events.
[Jorota] I think we can conclude that you will need to remediate your Fifths.
[Jorota] And could I suggest, My Lady, that we assign Kibai to the care of Pavavi for further instruction in that regard?
[Nemnu] A wise judgement, Zhivai.
[Jorota] Then this matter is concluded. Kibai, you are found not responsible for heresy, and turned over to me, as Preceptor, to guide your further education as an acolyte.
* Izu will gather his papers and head up to care for Nemnu's body, offering a small smile to Rembes and Kibai on the way.
[NemnostiGM] And so another day concludes in the lives of our young acolytes? What will tomorrow bring? Something even more interesting? It seems unlikely. But who can say?
[NemnostiGM] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes ...