Nemnosti session B
- Session date: February 16, 2025
- Negili Reckoning date: IE 768, Kerai
Amasa talks to the acolytes around the fire in preparation for their upcoming Fifths exams
[Amasa] Welcome, acolytes!
[Amasa] I hope you have all recovered from your little adventure with Master Lijun the other day. He tells me that you all came back more or less intact and that he will count that as a victory.
* Amasa looks around at all of you, smiling warmly, as she always does, as she pokes at the fire with a long rod.
[Amasa] Part of why we do such things is that we know that the bonds you establish here as acolytes will often be lifelong bonds. Some of you, fifty or even seventy years from now, may share a drink or a smile as you reminisce over a lifetime of service to the Grey Carver.
[Amasa] I know that must seem strange to you to hear such things.
[Amasa] But I hope that it is so, for all of you, I do.
[Amasa] You will meet some of your best friends and closest companions around this fire.
* BigCheese69 makes the 'barf' gesture when [he thinks] she isn't looking at him
* Amasa definitely does see you, because that's what she does. But she doesn't say anything.
[Amasa] But too, there are other ties that we all have. Bonds of kinship and family. Bonds to our Ancestors, to our parents, to our lineage. And these never go away, even as we build these new bonds here around the ulajeta.
[Amasa] We know that others criticize Her, accuse Her of demanding too much. To them, I would say, and to you also, to bear in mind that She never asks for what you cannot give, and always leaves us that part of our larynx and pancreas that call to other homes and other spirits.
[Amasa] Now, I know many of you are nervous because starting next week, you have your Fifths, the tests on the Courses that will prepare you for more advanced study after your fifth month as an acolyte.
[Amasa] Fifths aren't so bad. But any test is still a test.
[Amasa] Both for these, and then in turn for the Tenths that follow, the most important lessons are the ones you learn from one another.
[Amasa] Now, does anyone have any questions?
* Amasa looks around at you all, as if assessing your readiness while still having that same powerful larynx as always.
* Rembes puts his hand up
[Amasa] Yes, Rembes?
[Rembes] What is the format of the test?
[BigCheese69] . o O (please say multiple choice please say multiple choice)
* BigCheese69 is now known as Fultukhari
[Kibai] ... or tests :x
* Kibai adds quietlyp2
[Amasa] The tests will be written, taken at or shortly after your fifth month as an acolyte. There are three.
[Amasa] The first test is a general test about Nemnosti, its people, its history, and the ulajeta in general.
* Kibai looks a little nervous when she says they will be written
* Lovosa frowns.
[Amasa] The second is on the Corps and on matters of faith.
[Amasa] The third is on the Courses themselves - or rather, those parts of the courses bearing on the distinct ways we think here at Nemnosti, about the world, and about Her relationship to us.
[Winta] Is there going to be any like... extra credit?
[Amasa] Hmm, for what, do you suppose, extra credit should be granted, Winta?
[Winta] We didn't kill each other on the campout.
* Lovosa smiles at that.
[Amasa] I think if that is your standard for extra credit, you need to aim higher.
[Lovosa] What happens if someone fails?
* Amasa looks at you.
[Amasa] Those who fail the Fifths will not be permitted to continue to the next set of Courses until they are remediated.
* Fultukhari fidgets
* Winta frowns
[Dodemozh] Does it matter how bad my handwriting is?
* Kibai also frowns, still
[Winta] What if I panic and can't remember something!?
[Kibai] (still looking nervous)
[Lovosa] Well, Winta might have just answered this, but what constitutes failure?
[Amasa] One day I will tell you about the acolyte whose answers all were written in praise of the saint Memnu.
* Lovosa laughs.
[Amasa] I assure you that while there is failure, in this as in most things in life, failure is not a permanent state of affairs.
[Amasa] I would say it this way, rather: there is no failure, only failing, no success, only succeeding, no strifth, only striving. They are processes, not final states.
* Lovosa raises her hand.
[Amasa] Yes, Lovosa.
[Lovosa] Is "strifth" a real word?
[Amasa] It is an ancient word. As you know from your grammar studies, verbs have many states - the continuous or ongoing, and the completed, being two of them.
[Amasa] We do not often talk about strifth because it is completed. But perhaps we should.
* Lovosa genuinely considers that.
[Winta] Is that word gonna be on the test?
[Amasa] It is now!
[Winta] Awwwww
[Fultukhari] How do you spell it?
[Lovosa] Like it sounds, Cheese.
* Lovosa will bump his shoulder with hers.
* Rembes makes a mental note that it also rhymes with 'fifth' in case he needs it in a poem about this
* Kibai k=looks dubious about 'strifth'
* Fultukhari snickers
[Amasa] All right, well, I know that many of you are planning on studying before bed, so I should let you be off to that, then.
[Amasa] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes!
Rembes talks to his dad Pomirabe, who expresses concern that Kibai’s family may be abusive like the Sortusai
[NemnostiGM] Rembes, since your return from your wilderness excursion, you've been studying for the Fifths, which you'll be taking next week. It won't be hard - your parents always kind of expected you would come to be an acolyte, so your education at the Sortusai iftibal in Naftusa reflected the Courses well.
[NemnostiGM] Ironically enough, Irdomila has taken a trip to Naftusa with her father, where they will visit his mother and sister who have come up from Zhustir to visit. Why they didn't come all the way to Nemnosti, you're not sure.
[NemnostiGM] Other than Irdomila's dad, of course, the imposing stoneguard Kuspir, you haven't met any of that side of her family. Irdomila told you once that her mom said that she's just like her grandma.
[NemnostiGM] You don't know what that means.
[NemnostiGM] Anyway, you miss her, but you admit that it does give you more time to study. You're hard at work in your room when there's a knock at your door.
* Rembes will go answer it
[NemnostiGM] It's your dad.
* Pomirabe is dressed simply, for him. Here at Nemnosti you've seen him away from the Sortusais and the nobility for the first time, and he's been dressing much more like other acolytes, not plain exactly, but definitely without any airs.
[Pomirabe] Hi, son. Do you have a few minutes?
[Rembes] oh, sure. I was studying but it's not too difficult.
* Pomirabe smiles.
[Pomirabe] The Fifths will be fine.
[Pomirabe] The Tenths are the ones that will get you.
* Rembes grimaces slightly
* Pomirabe comes in and closes the door, and goes and sits on your bed.
[Rembes] Is something wrong, dad?
[Pomirabe] I used to spend a lot of time in this room, back when ... anyway.
[Pomirabe] No, well ... no. Maybe?
[Pomirabe] I was wondering if I could ask you about your friend Kibai.
* Rembes frowns at that
[Rembes] Oh, uh, okay. What about her?
[Pomirabe] I know she's, well, different from us in lots of ways. But ... well.
[Pomirabe] So the other day Uncle Kuspir was telling me that on the last day of Romokh, her family came to visit the ulajeta, all the way from Ojon Sogo.
[Pomirabe] Now, I don't know much about Piltings or Ravre stuff at all really. They keep to themselves, and the folks in Ojon Sogo especially so.
[Pomirabe] But I guess ... they weren't coming to see her? Or ... So ... the official line is that she's dead. In fact, they think she's dead. I think they already thought she was dead? I don't know, that part all seemed strange.
[Pomirabe] Anyway, even though your Uncle Kuspir knows she's alive and well, he participated in a deception, for the family. The Voice set up an ozibugana, a waiting-space for her body.
* Pomirabe pauses, trying to figure out what to say next.
* Rembes listens
[Pomirabe] So basically, she's here and alive but as far as her family is concerned, she's dead. I'm still working this through because, well, Ojon Sogo is not *that* far away, and I'm not sure how this deception is meant to work, in the long term.
[Pomirabe] But what I do know is that Kibai knows they were here and she definitely did not want to talk to them. At all.
[Pomirabe] Anyway, son ... the reason I wanted to talk to you ... well the reason is ... ahh fuck.
[Pomirabe] Kibai's family, I don't know them at all, but that whole situation - it makes me think of things that we would do, back at the iftibal, back home.
[Rembes] how do you mean?
[Pomirabe] You know - about certain people. My grandfather, when we could. But not only him.
* Pomirabe looks down at the floor.
[Pomirabe] We didn't always succeed.
[Pomirabe] I know you must know some things. You're a smart young man, and perceptive.
[Rembes] Yeah...
[Pomirabe] Anyway, I'm not saying I know anything, but once Uncle Kuspir told me what happened, well, he doesn't participate in such deceptions unless he has an instinct.
[Pomirabe] He's a protector. A better one than I will ever be.
[Pomirabe] It's what stoneguards do.
[Pomirabe] I don't think he knows anything either, not really.
[Pomirabe] I think if he did know something, he would have told me.
[Pomirabe] But somebody knows something.
[Pomirabe] I just ... I promised myself a long time ago, I would ... you understand?
[Rembes] Uh... kind of.
* Rembes is a bit confused about all of this.
[Pomirabe] Look what I'm saying is ... since he told me about her family, I paid attention to her, a bit more. You know, just around the ulajeta. But I'm a grown man and I'm not an acolyte in training.
[Pomirabe] It wouldn't be seemly to go up and talk to her.
[Pomirabe] So I thought I would come and talk to you.
[Rembes] You want me to talk to her?
* Pomirabe nods.
[Pomirabe] I'm asking you, as a responsibility towards the weak, whether you could talk to her, make a connection with her.
[Pomirabe] I'm not asking you to spy.
[Pomirabe] But ... well, I wouldn't object if you learned some information.
[Pomirabe] But really it's just about making sure she has people around her, who care about her.
[Pomirabe] Be her friend, as much as she is ready. Because I can't shake the feeling that her story is not so unlike ours.
[Rembes] She's kind of a loner. She might not really want to be friends.
* Pomirabe nods.
[Pomirabe] Sure.
[Pomirabe] Maybe you could study with her or something?
[Pomirabe] I know she is really just starting her education.
* Rembes nods
[Rembes] I guess I could do that.
[Pomirabe] If she feels that she is not alone, perhaps she will come to accept Nemnosti as a new home.
[Pomirabe] And that, to have a home where you feel safe ... I don't need to tell you how important that is.
[Rembes] Okay.
* Pomirabe smiles.
[Pomirabe] You're a great kid. I'm proud of you, son.
* Rembes smiles at that
[Rembes] Thanks
[Pomirabe] Everything else going well with you?
[Rembes] I guess so.
* Pomirabe looks at you seriously.
[Pomirabe] All right.
[Pomirabe] You still friends with Irdomila?
[Rembes] Yes. She's away right now visiting her family though.
* Pomirabe nods, with a hint of a grimace, perhaps.
[Pomirabe] She's with her dad, she'll be fine. I mean, of course she'll be fine, why wouldn't she?
* Rembes frowns a little
* Rembes wasn't worried about her until now, why would you say that
[Pomirabe] Well, look, I should go.
[Pomirabe] Let you get back to it.
[Pomirabe] I appreciate you talking to Kibai.
* Rembes nods
[Rembes] Okay. Talk to you later, dad.
Lovosa visits with her dad Kufun in Naftusa, who asks about her experiences and talks about his alliance with the Dendorfi
[NemnostiGM] Lovosa, Romokh was a weird time for you. Normally you would have spent it at home, in Naftusa, at the Halunemni iftibal. There, in the provincial capital, your family is not so weird. Sure, everyone knows about your rivalry with the Nemni, that whole story.
[NemnostiGM] But your great-grandmother, the Huntress, worked hard throughout her whole life to build ties to the families of Naftusa, like the Teghuspir, your mom's kin. So Romokh in Naftusa was always full of people you know and love.
[NemnostiGM] But Romokh in Nemnosti, even though it's only a day away, is very different. Sure, some of the families come west up the Pardopasu, but not your family, of course. But Amasa and the other teachers made it very clear that acolytes were expected to be present at Nemnosti for Romokh. So you stayed.
[NemnostiGM] So instead, your father suggested that you come down to visit home for a day or so after Romokh, for the first time in almost half a year since you arrived. Which is all good, except that you have these Fifths exams coming up, and you have so much studying to do.
[NemnostiGM] You had no idea about this until it was too late, and now you can't back out of the trip. At least it's just there and back.
[NemnostiGM] Even worse - so much worse! - was that you had to share the carriage down to Naftusa with Irdomila, who was going to Naftusa to visit some of her family or something, along with her father.
[NemnostiGM] That was awkward but at least with her dad there she couldn't say anything truly awful. So mainly the two of you just stared awkwardly at your books the whole trip.
[Lovosa] (-_-)
[NemnostiGM] Thankfully they'll be travelling back separately from you.
[NemnostiGM] Eventually though, you got to Naftusa and the carriage dropped you off at the Halunemni iftibal.
[NemnostiGM] It's a longhouse whose four cornerstones are made of great carved stone brought from Ardukh, as if to poke at the Crone herself with a symbol of her mortal home, her profession, and all her descendants who she abandoned. The rest of the iftibal was built up around these with local stone, but of course, no alabaster.
[NemnostiGM] It's not as fancy as the great lineage-houses of the Dendorfi or the Sortusai, of course, but for the past sixty or so years it has been home to the Halunemni, who are after all the purest and truest Nemni.
[NemnostiGM] Your father is there to greet you as you come through the entrance, with a warm embrace.
* Lovosa smiles brightly and gives him a big hug.
* Kufun is dressed more elegantly than usual, and is wearing his iftijasi slate around his neck, which he does not do ordinarily.
[Lovosa] Hi dad. Something official going on?
[Kufun] Daughter, my larynx has been so cold in your absence. Now it is warmed.
[Kufun] Official? What do you mean? Oh, this.
* Kufun fingers his iftijasi.
[Kufun] Just had a visit with Rosem of the Dendorfi. Thought I should look the part.
* Lovosa nods.
[Lovosa] Anything interesting?
[Kufun] Come in, come in, let's eat, we can talk.
* Lovosa 's smile becomes a bit more artificial, but she follows him inside.
* Kufun urges you inward where you are greeted by various of your Halunemni relatives, mainly the older ones, as the adults including your mother and your older brother Vejun are working at this time of day.
[Kufun] We missed you at Romokh.
[Lovosa] I missed you, too. It was weird spending it at Nemnosti.
[Kufun] It was hard especially on your mother.
[Kufun] As you know she did not truly approve of this scheme.
[Kufun] Her lineage remains closed to the ulajeta. Still I hope that someday I may present to her a gift of a Teghuspir acolyte, when the Crone sees fit to admit both us and them into her house.
* Lovosa nods.
[Kufun] These things take time, and care, and allies, of course.
* Kufun has various breads and pickles brought out, along with wine.
[Lovosa] Canyons take time for rivers to carve and all that.
[Kufun] Now that sounds like something that Nemnu would say!
* Lovosa is probably hungry and will dig in as only a teenager can.
* Kufun says, you think (?) approvingly.
[Lovosa] Well, I've been studying.
[Kufun] How are your studies going?
[Lovosa] Good.
* Lovosa says perhaps a bit too quickly.
[Lovosa] It's a lot, but I like it.
[Lovosa] I know how important it is.
* Kufun smiles.
[Kufun] We all have our parts to play.
* Lovosa nods.
[Kufun] Tell me, who have you been meeting, among your fellow acolytes? Who is of interest, who are your friends?
[Lovosa] I spend a lot of time with Fultukhari. He's fun, though his mom is terrifying.
[Kufun] Fultukhari, what is his lineage?
[Lovosa] Nemni.
* Kufun half-frowns, half-smiles, as if unsure what to make of that.
[Lovosa] His moms are Amasa Nemni and Jorota Vuvrugh.
* Kufun nods.
[Kufun] Well, just don't go getting any plans to marry the boy. After all, someday we might all be kin!
[Lovosa] Dad, I'm not marrying anyone right now.
* Kufun laughs.
[Kufun] I know, I know, it was a joke. Besides, when you marry someone, it will be under my watchful eye.
[Lovosa] I talk to Rembes, but he's so far up Irdomila's ass it's hard to hear him sometimes.
* Lovosa takes a grumpy bite of bread.
[Kufun] The Sortusai are very much the allies of the Nemni.
[Kufun] The great noble lineages, the Dendorfi, the Sortusai, they see we common lineages as tools. "Sajari wields, galti strikes", as they say. But if I am a tool, let me serve a common purpose with my wielder.
[Lovosa] Dad, do you want to maybe rethink calling yourself a tool?
[Kufun] Why?
[Lovosa] Nevermind.
[Kufun] My meeting with Rosem this morning, it was productive.
[Kufun] We talk, and learn from one another. The Chimney, he, like me, does not hate Nemnosti. We love Nemnosti, which is why we are so angry to be excluded from it.
* Lovosa nods.
[Lovosa] What did he want to meet with you about?
[Kufun] Many things. Some local business.
[Kufun] But also to talk about matters at Nemnosti.
[Lovosa] What about them?
[Kufun] His son, Voice Verga, reports much to him of what goes on there. He reports that their hengi Hojon, king of the ospers, has a new son by a Sortusai mistress.
[Lovosa] (How aware of those 'rumors' am I?)
[NemnostiGM] You've probably heard people say that. Officially though the kid is Momuzai's. You don't know enough to sort out the issue.
* Lovosa nods.
[Lovosa] I've heard people say that, yeah.
[Kufun] That his wife Tairasta sits cuckolded here in Naftusa, shut out from the ulajeta almost as firmly as we are. If the Derteri were to shut off the fos supply from Ashnabis over this, Nemnosti would be weakened. I do not know how they would replace it.
[Lovosa] Is that something that might happen?
[Kufun] Who knows?
[Kufun] They would need to find another, better buyer.
[Kufun] Rumors from the east say that the Fedifri are becoming larger and more active.
[Lovosa] The Osnabis are weird, if Winta is anything to go by.
[Lovosa] She's nice, but, still...weird.
[Kufun] Who is Win ... ta?
[Lovosa] Winta Tsamorg.
* Lovosa takes care to pronounce it correctly.
[Lovosa] She's an acolyte from Osnabis. "Ashnabis."
[Kufun] Fascinating.
[Lovosa] I like her, for the most part, but, like, she's so nice it's annoying, if that makes sense.
[Lovosa] I guess she's just trying really hard.
[Kufun] Well, that is interesting.
[Kufun] You are feeling safe, though, at Nemnosti? I know there have been some attacks against revenants, but none against regular people, have there?
[Lovosa] No, no, we're fine. Well, umm...I did see Irdomila's dad kill somebody. ].]
[Lovosa] I wasn't really in danger, I promise!
[Kufun] Kill who?
[Lovosa] This lady just...kind of went crazy, and Kuspir and Marga had to kill her.
[Lovosa] It was, well, actually, it was kind of terrifying in the moment, but I don't think it's related to the revenant attacks.
[Kufun] Hmmm.
[Kufun] They say that Hojon is weak and growing weaker. Whispers start to grow. But this sounds like more than that.
* Lovosa shrugs.
[Kufun] Well, anyway, none of that matters.
[Kufun] What matters is that you are here, and I am happy.
* Lovosa smiles.
[Lovosa] Then lets eat, and you can tell me what I've missed at home.
* Kufun will feed you - it's simple food, not like the meals you sometimes get at Nemnosti, but warm and plentiful. And he will tell you stories, for as long as you will listen.
Rembes tries to talk to Kibai, without much success
* Rembes will look around until he finds Kibai
* Kibai is sitting in one of the lower branches of old hal, focusing on one of the test books with great concentration
[Rembes] Oh, hi there!
* Kibai starts, having been absorbed and not expecting anyont to bother her
[Kibai] oh, hi
[Kibai] ...were you looking for me?
* Kibai asks uncertainly because why is he out here otherwise
[Rembes] I wanted to see if you wanted to study together.
[Kibai] uhhh...
[Kibai] Irdomila's only goign to be gine a few days
* Rembes looks confused
[Rembes] I know?
[Kibai] why are you asking me?
[Rembes] Well... uh, you can tell me to go away if you want. I just thought... you seemed a little nervous about the tests, and I thought maybe I could help.
[Kibai] Thanks, butI'll be okay, and I don't need your girlfriend gving me the stinkeye wben she gets back.
[Rembes] Oh, uh, okay.
* Rembes will leave you alone, then
* Kibai watches him leave
Winta gets bullied by Sapunoke in the hallway, and then Winta, Kibai, Rembes, and Kempovru beat him up
[NemnostiGM] Winta, you've been studying hard for your Fifths which are upcoming next week. You know in your stomach that you have the intellect to succeed, but your stomach has never been so strong. It's so hard, given that Ombesh is not your first language and all of this is so new.
[NemnostiGM] You've basically been holed up in your room the whole time since you got back, and the days are ticking by until you take the tests.
[NemnostiGM] You do need to eat, though, and so you duck out every once in a while to grab something nutritious. If you didn't, you know that the teachers would be checking in on you and forcing you to, so you try to remember that your brain needs nourishment.
[NemnostiGM] You did get a lovely package from your parents - a few treats from home, some dried fish and local mushrooms. And, of course, some more of what you were really looking forward to, some rich Ashnabi fos.
[NemnostiGM] It came with a long letter, written in your mother's flowing Aummesh script, telling you of local events, how the new governor is doing, that sort of thing.
[NemnostiGM] It is so much like, and yet unlike, the hand of the scribes here. They say that at Nemnosti the handwriting is built for stone, angles and lines, whereas in Ashnabis, it is built for the reed and leaf.
[NemnostiGM] This evening, you're on one of these trips down the hallway in the basement of Carver's Hall, returning from the dining room, when you see Sapunoke Ichos coming the other way towards you.
* Kufun is now known as Sapunoke
* Winta waves and smiles at Sapunoke
* Sapunoke jostles you roughly with his shoulder as he passes by.
[Winta] Hey!
[Sapunoke] Uhnnnn, tsoorry derr-ah. Taaainn-ee fake noble girrrils in the wwwaaay-ah.
* Sapunoke says, in what you assume is a nasal whiny mockery of your accent.
* Winta frowns.
[Winta] Asshole.
[Sapunoke] Bitch.
[Sapunoke] You know, my friends who are Zamurgs from my home never heard of you or your savage branch of the family. I bet in the swamp anyone can just call themselves noble and the savages are stupid enough to believe it.
[Winta] Yeah, well aparently here anyone can do the same with the title "Mystic".
[NemnostiGM] (make a Gallbladder check)
[Winta] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 7 ].
* Sapunoke just scoffs.
[Sapunoke] Everyone knows you don't belong here. Jorota was saying that just yesterday. "Biggest mistake we've made this year." And she's Fultukhari's mom so she knows all about mistakes.
[Winta] That's... not true...
[Sapunoke] You'll be lucky if you don't fail out. There's a reason we don't let the Osnabee in here.
[Sapunoke] Smells of eels.
* Winta starts tearing up but tries hard not to show it.
[Winta] Just go away...
[NemnostiGM] Rembes and Kibai, you hear a commotion outside your rooms.
[NemnostiGM] It sounds like two voices arguing.
* Rembes will go out and take a look
[Winta] Just leave me alone...
[NemnostiGM] All right, you see Winta and Sapunoke. Sapunoke is smirking and laughing and Winta is almost crying.
[Rembes] hey, what's going on?
[Sapunoke] Mind your business, Rembes.
* Sapunoke says, as respectfully as he can muster.
* Rembes looks to Winta
[Rembes] Is he bothering you?
* Winta seems uncertain what to say or do.
[Sapunoke] She ran into me, and wouldn't apologize. Typical, really.
[Winta] I... I just wanted to go back to my room.
[Winta] I'm sorry.
* Kibai pokes her head out
[Kibai] Get out of here
[Sapunoke] Look, she can't even apologize without sounding like a savage.
* Kibai says soundly to Sapunoke
[Sapunoke] Oh look, now there are two savages!
* Rembes will haul back and punch him
[NemnostiGM] (ok, make a Marrow check)
[Rembes] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Rembes: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 19 ].
[NemnostiGM] You hit him solidly. He's taller than you, and well-built, but definitely not as well-trained.
[Sapunoke] Sortusai, I told you to stay out of this!
[Rembes] Shut up
* Sapunoke tries to hit you back.
[Sapunoke] !roll 1d20+6
* Lan-werk rolls for Sapunoke: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 13 ].
[Kibai] I tolfd you to get out of here but I did hear you;re a bit slow on the uptake
[Rembes] (can I dodge?)
[NemnostiGM] He really doesn't hit you at all, Rembes, you get out of the way.
[NemnostiGM] Winta, Kibai, are you doing anything?
[Winta] While they are scrapping, Winta will reach into her pocket and grab some fos and take it.
* Rembes will grab him and punch him again
[NemnostiGM] OK, that's fine. Do you want to cast something?
[Rembes] (like grab him by the front of his shirt, and punch to the face)
[NemnostiGM] (Rembes, no problem but we'll hold for Winta to cast if she is)
* Winta will cast hold person on Sapunoke
[NemnostiGM] (OK, make a Brain check)
[Winta] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 25 ].
[NemnostiGM] That'll surely do it. Let me just see if he resists it.
[Sapunoke] !roll 1d20+2
* Lan-werk rolls for Sapunoke: [ 1d20+2 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 2 ] totals [ 16 ].
[NemnostiGM] Your spell goes off fine, but he manages to resist its effect.
[NemnostiGM] Kibai?
[Kibai] (if that doesn;t work I can step in and hold person him pghysically
[NemnostiGM] All right, make a Marrow check
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 12 ]
[Kibai] (boo
[NemnostiGM] You grab him but he gets right out of it.
[NemnostiGM] Rembes
[NemnostiGM] Make a Marrow for your punch
* Kibai glares at him sourly
[Rembes] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Rembes: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 15 ].
[NemnostiGM] Just a glancing blow.
[NemnostiGM] Sapunoke takes a swig of fos and casts a spell.
[NemnostiGM] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for NemnostiGM: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 13 ].
[Kibai] (I know we are kind of going in an order her but I want to kick/punch him in the gut to make him spit it up all over himself like the whyny baby he is)
[NemnostiGM] !roll 1d100
* Lan-werk rolls for NemnostiGM: [ 1d100 ] getting [ 84 ].
* NemnostiGM yells as if struck forcefully, and falls to the ground.
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, go ahead, make your kick
* Sapunoke falls to the ground as he attempts to cast.
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 23 ]
[NemnostiGM] All right, a solid hit. Sapunoke is still conscious and is screaming on the floor in the hallway.
* Kibai will try and shut him up
[Kibai] (just like cover his mouth so we don't get in trouble immediately ].]
[NemnostiGM] Other acolytes have come out now.
[Kibai] how's that for savage, jerk ]:|
* NPC-2 is now known as Kempovru
[Kempovru] Hey, a fight, awesome!
[Kibai] when you stop crying like an infant you can apologize to Winta
[Rembes] Stop being a dickmunch.
* Rembes tells him
[Sapunoke] Stop, stop, stop ...
* Kempovru kicks him once for good measure
[Kempovru] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Kempovru: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 21 ].
Legonosh Gorga shows up to intervene in the fight and tells them to get their story straight, which they then tell to Jorota
[NemnostiGM] Right around this time, you see the enormous figure of Legonosh Gorga, The Hoof, show up in the hallway. The Hoof is in charge of discipline here.
* Kempovru is now known as Legonosh
* Kibai will let go of him right away
* Winta 's eyes widen at seeing The Hoof
* Rembes reluctantly steps back
* Legonosh comes in to assess the situation.
[Rembes] He was being mean to Winta
[Winta] I was just... I didn't mean to...
[Kibai] it's not your fault
* Kibai says to her, firmly
[Rembes] He called her a savage
[Legonosh] So you beat him nearly to death?
[Winta] I tried to just stop him but it didn't work...
[Rembes] I hit him once, and Kibai kicked him, but he also took fos and tried to cast something at us, and then fell down screaming.
[Kibai] he's ther one who messed up his magic. he mostly did it to himself ]:|
[Rembes] So I think he mostly did it to himself.
* Legonosh shakes his head in disgust.
* Kibai nods to rembes
* Legonosh hauls Sapunoke up to his feet roughly.
[Legonosh] All right, let's get you away from the girls who just beat you up. And Rembes.
* Kibai looks to Winta.
[Legonosh] Are any of you hurt?
* Winta shakes her head.
* Kibai shakes her head, but looks to Winta
[Kibai] good.
[Rembes] I'm fine
* Rembes rubs his hand a bit, though
[Legonosh] All right, here's what's going to happen. I'm going to take care of this one.
[Legonosh] But someone will be down in a short while to talk to you. Since this is the *second* time you've beaten him up in a week, I suggest you be very clear and coordinated.
[Legonosh] Understood?
* Legonosh looks at you all meaningfully.
[Kibai] yes ma'am
* Winta nods.
[Kibai] (sir, sorry)
* Legonosh takes Sapunoke away for, presumably, medical care and/or interrogation.
* Sapunoke is now known as Kempovru
[Kempovru] Men, am I right? Sorry, Rembes, but you know it's true.
* Kibai waits for them to be gone
[Winta] I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get anyone in trouble.
[Kibai] (Legonosh and Kempovru)
[Rembes] I don't think it's because he's a man, he just sucks.
[Kibai] this really sin't hyour fault, that guy is just a dick
[Kempovru] No, it's because he's a noble man from a fancy house and he thinks he's better than Winta. So again, sorry Rembes.
[Rembes] Fine.
[Kibai] We do need to get our story straight though - Winta, what happened?
[Kempovru] Winta comes here from far away, she's got no one, she's not fancy, she talks a little funny but that's not her fault.
[Rembes] Whatever.
* Rembes is grumpy and will fold his arms and lean against the wall
[Winta] I saw hi in the hall and waved and then he just like knocked into me and started saying mean things...
[Kibai] ugh.
[Kibai] okay, so he definitely started it then.
[Kempovru] What's wrong with him? First out at the camp, now this?
[Kibai] then Rembes came out and he starting insulting you more - I hear that much, and then I cam out and told him to go away, and he just doubled down on it.
[Kibai] Probably jealous.
[Kempovru] Of Winta?
[Kibai] he knows he sucks
[Kempovru] I mean, I don't mean that in a bad way but, like, what did Winta ever do?
[Kibai] she's too nice, so he knows she won't fight back on her own
[Winta] I don't know what I did.
[Kempovru] You didn't do anything. I promise.
[Kibai] yeah
[Winta] I'm not too nice. Am I?
* Kempovru pauses.
[Kibai] look, you still waved at that guy even after what he troied to pull on us.
[Kempovru] Well, yes. But that doesn't mean you deserve to get bullied.
[Winta] I just thought maybe he needed a friend or a smile.
[Winta] I guess not.
[Kibai] well, what makwes people liek that smile is picking on people.
[NemnostiGM] All right, a while later, Jorota comes down to talk to you all.
[Winta] That's... kind of sad.
* Legonosh is now known as Jorota
* Jorota seems super pissed off ... moreso.
[Jorota] So I guess no one had any studying to do?
[Winta] I was trying to...
[Rembes] Was I just supposed to let him insult and be mean to Winta?
[Jorota] No one said that.
* Kibai will stay quiet
[Jorota] He tried to cast a spell and got backlash, is that right?
[Kibai] Yes.
[Jorota] I want you to understand. He's tough, and he's older than you, and here you all are all uninjured, and he could die from his injuries - self-inflicted or otherwise.
[Winta] D... die?!
[Kibai] :o
[Jorota] He'll probably live.
[Jorota] So let me ask you this.
[Jorota] What do you think should happen to him now? What would the Courses teach us?
[NemnostiGM] (you can make a Liver check if you want)
[Winta] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 11 ].
[Rembes] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Rembes: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 25 ].
[NemnostiGM] Winta, you have no idea, but you're pretty worked up so that's understandable.
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 11 ]
[NemnostiGM] Rembes ... you recall very well that the term 'jeta' in 'ulajeta' is about safety and protection. For the saint, but also for Her people.
[NemnostiGM] And if they are not safe from those inside, they are not safe at all.
[Winta] That.... you shouldn't leave alabaster out in the rain?
[Kibai] [m] he is *not* alabaster
[Rembes] We're supposed to be safe here. We look out for each other, like the Lady looks out for us. But he makes people feel unsafe in a place they're supposed to be able to rely upon.
* Jorota nods.
* Kibai nods
[Rembes] If he can't change that, and look on other acolytes like people he should trust and defend, then why is he here?
* Jorota considers your words.
[Jorota] You know that the Lady asks of you staunchness in defense of this place. Not simple obedience, but the ability to work together for our higher purpose.
[Jorota] Today I think you all served Her very well.
[NemnostiGM] (Rembes, you get a +2 bonus on all your upcoming Fifths test rolls)
[Rembes] I guess we should get back to studying for our tests...
* Kibai nods
[Kibai] ...
* Kibai looks at the others
[Kibai] we *could* try studying together ].]
[Winta] Like... with me?
[Rembes] Sure, if you want.
[Winta] I... yeah, I'd like that :)
[Kempovru] And then after we pass, we can celebrate by playing yeppo with you! You keep talking about it and I'd like to play.
[Winta] :3
[Winta] Sure!
Fultukhari goes for a stroll with his mom Amasa, who asks him to check in with Rabiji to see if she is doing ok
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari, you're on your own today and tomorrow, with Lovosa off visiting her family. You tried to convince her that it might not be so bad if you came along, but then she reminded you that your family are traitorous garbage to her family, and maybe you should rethink that.
[NemnostiGM] Anyway, you have exams to study for. Your moms are basically keeping you under close scrutiny, as if somehow if you fail your Fifths, it's their fault.
[NemnostiGM] You know all this stuff anyway, and of course you're going to pass. They've been teaching it to you since you were a baby and how hard can it be?
[NemnostiGM] Anyway, you can hardly escape your moms, but at least they bring lots of good food to you while you're supposed to be studying but are actually drawing pictures of ... well. Studying. That's what you're doing.
[NemnostiGM] So .. again ... there is a knock at your door and you hear the voice of your mom Amasa.
* Kempovru is now known as Amasa
[Amasa] Sweetcakes? You in there?
[Amasa] I brought you goat soup with noodles.
[Fultukhari] Noodles??
* Fultukhari opens it up
[Amasa] Mm-hmm!
[Amasa] Anyway, I was thinking we could take a break from you studying and go for a walk, maybe just over and sit by the Imp's Pool, eat your soup there.
[Fultukhari] Uh, okay, sure!
[Fultukhari] But don't call me sweetcakes where other people are gonna hear...
* Amasa smiles.
[Amasa] All right, bunbuns.
[Amasa] I'll be good, I promise.
[Fultukhari] Moommmmmmmmmm.
* Amasa laughs.
[Amasa] You want soup? Then you have to let me be sweet with you.
[Fultukhari] I'm not a kid!
[Fultukhari] But... soup
* Amasa takes you out on a stroll, where you can sit on one of the tables by the Imp's Pool and eat your soup.
[Amasa] I was talking to Lijun today. He said you were very brave in taking down Sapunoke.
[Fultukhari] That guy is an asshole.
[Fultukhari] I mean, Sapunoke.
[NemnostiGM] (if the events in the hallway have already happened, you haven't heard about them yet)
[NemnostiGM] (but you would of course think he's an asshole for other reasons)
[Fultukhari] I can't believe he went all the way out there to fuck with us
[Amasa] Of course, as your mother I worry, and as your teacher and his, I'm not supposed to say this but ... I'm proud of you.
[Fultukhari] Must be nice not to have anything better to do
* Amasa nods cautiously.
[Fultukhari] Wuh... Well... thanks!
[Amasa] Just try not to get yourself killed, okay?
[Fultukhari] I mean, he made Lovosa think she was dying.
[Fultukhari] I'm not gonna get killed. Marga is showing me how to do all the cool stuff.
[Amasa] Yes ... well we're very glad that Marga is looking after you.
* Amasa says uncertainly.
* Fultukhari mimes smashing someone with a hammer.
[Fultukhari] P-chowww! *splat*
[Amasa] Yes ... puh-chow.
[Amasa] Anyway, Lijun was suitably impressed.
* Fultukhari grins.
[Fultukhari] What did he say?
[Amasa] I forget the exact words.
[NemnostiGM] (you're pretty sure she does in fact remember the words)
[Fultukhari] Moommmmmm come onnnnnnn
[NemnostiGM] (she said it was today that she talked to him)
[Fultukhari] You're not *that* old, your memory can't be that bad already
* Amasa smiles with a kind of strange smile.
[Amasa] He said he hasn't seen an acolyte grappled that thoroughly in ... years.
[Fultukhari] Is that good?
[Fultukhari] That's good right??
[Amasa] Yes, my child, that's very good.
[Fultukhari] I kicked that prick right in his stupid nuts
[Fultukhari] You shoulda seen his face.
[Amasa] All right, that's enough.
[Amasa] Other than that part, did anything else happen while you were out camping with the others?
[Fultukhari] Hasn't he been an acolyte for like 84 years? You'd think he would be good at ... anything
[Amasa] That's enough. Your point is clear.
[Fultukhari] Well, there were maybe some actual ghosts?
[Amasa] What do you mean?
[Fultukhari] Well there was this house and it made everyone feel weird
[Amasa] Did something out there happen with Rabiji?
[Fultukhari] WEll, not *really*...
[Fultukhari] SHe was really upset by the ghost.
[Amasa] Haunts are not a joke. They can affect people very strongly.
[Fultukhari] I dunno exactly. Kibai and Winta swooped in to do that girl thing.
* Amasa nods.
[Amasa] Girls aren't so different from boys.
[Fultukhari] Uh, they are pretty different
[Amasa] For instance, they pretend like everything is all right when it really isn't.
* Fultukhari makes a gesture indicating 'boobies'
* Amasa laughs.
[Amasa] Well yes, boobies aside.
[Fultukhari] Ribiki seems kinda... fragile?
[Amasa] Girls from the nobility like her, they sometimes have trouble here at Nemnosti. The commonfolk keep their distance, and the other nobles, especially the other noble girls, there is a lot of tension and rivalry. Half of them think they are here to find a husband, and many of their fathers agree.
[Fultukhari] I mean, she's like, sick or something right?
* Amasa nods.
[Amasa] Or something.
[Fultukhari] What's wrong with her?
[Amasa] I am not privy to all of the Lady's thinking about her.
[Amasa] It involves a lot of politics, with the various noble lineages, as much as it does Rabiji personally, I'm sure.
[Fultukhari] Politics makes you sick?
* Amasa laughs.
[Amasa] Someday if they make you hengi, you'll find out.
[Fultukhari] Oh! I found his cool bracelet at the haunted house.
[Amasa] Oh, really?
[Fultukhari] Yeah! It was green beads, glass I think? Rembes said it looked corpseborn. It might have belonged to one of the corpseborn ladies they took up there to f- ... to have sex with
* Amasa winces.
[Amasa] Yes, well. If it is an object belonging to the corpseborn, you might want to be cautious about it.
[Fultukhari] Why?
[Fultukhari] Irdomila was whining about a curse but it seems fine to me
* Amasa nods.
[Fultukhari] SHe just wants no one else to have cool stuff.
[Amasa] I know it's not like you took it from a person.
[Fultukhari] It was just on the ground.
* Amasa nods.
[Amasa] Well - look, when you get a chance, maybe you could talk to Rabiji, just see how she's doing?
[Amasa] She hasn't really been herself since she came back from the trip.
[Fultukhari] Uhhh.. sure, I guess? What do you want me to say to her?
[Amasa] I don't know, son, I really don't. I just worry about all my little acolytes, not just the ones who I birthed.
[Amasa] I just think that sometimes, we Nemni can play a role in the lives of these young people who are from the nobility and have all these expectations.
[Amasa] Like, our place here at Nemnosti is secure, we have a path for us, set out by Her, ever since you were a baby.
[Amasa] I know it's different because you're a boy and she's a girl, that's not the same. But the obligation is still there, to protect people who need protecting. And sometimes you do that like when you protected people from Sapunoke. And sometimes it's in other ways.
[Fultukhari] She's gonna think I'm weird.
[Amasa] Oh, bunbuns ... you are weird.
[Amasa] But look, someday Hojon or some other hengi is going to marry you off, probably to a weird noble girl like Rabiji.
* Fultukhari looks around to make sure nobody heard that
[Fultukhari] (w) moommmmmmmmm!!
[Fultukhari] Ew, Hojon
[Fultukhari] He shouldn't get to pick who anyone marries, he's gross
[Amasa] Yes, I know, dear, but he is the hengi, and the osper of the lineage.
[Amasa] That is what that means.
[Fultukhari] Well, maybe he'll die.
[Amasa] Fultukhari! That's not acceptable.
[Fultukhari] Well, he's really old!
[Fultukhari] I'm just SAYING.
[Amasa] He's actually only a few years older than Mama Jorota.
[Amasa] But he probably does look older.
* Amasa concedes.
[Amasa] My point isn't about him, it's about Rabiji.
[Fultukhari] Right... Rabiji.
[Amasa] If you get a chance, I would appreciate if you could just, talk to her, be nice to her, get to know her. And maybe you could ask Winta to help, or maybe Winta knows more about the situation. If, as you say, Winta was helping her.
[Amasa] Winta is ... well, she's noble but she's not like a lot of the noble girls around here. She's a stranger here.
[Fultukhari] What if they think I'm just being a creep?
[Amasa] Fultukhari, they think Sapunoke is a creep. They may think you're weird, or a little immature, but they won't think you're a creep.
[Amasa] As long as you don't talk about boobies around them.
[Amasa] That is creepy.
[Fultukhari] I wouldn't!!
[Fultukhari] Unless they started it.
* Amasa smiles.
[Amasa] I know, dear.
[Amasa] How was the soup? You certainly ate it all down quickly enough.
[Fultukhari] It was great! lots of goat!
* Amasa smiles.
[Amasa] All right then, let's get you back to studying. That brain needs to be filled with lots of good knowledge!
* Fultukhari groans
[Fultukhari] How hard are these tests really?
[Amasa] You'll be fine.
[Amasa] I promise.
[Amasa] Passing isn't hard. It will just shape what your education looks like after this, moving towards the Tenths and then finals.
[Fultukhari] Okay... I'll study. I GUESS.
Winta, Rembes, and Kibai get together to study for the Fifths
* Winta will get her notes and her books and meet up with Rembes and Kibai to study.
* Rembes gets his things as well. You can tell from his notes that he has very nice elegant handwriting.
[Rembes] So um.. are there any parts that you want to go over first? anything that is particularly worrying?
* Winta has a very flowery, swirling handwriting, with all her I's dotted with hearts.
[Winta] Ummm... You seem to know this stuff really well. With what you told five-lashes and all.
* Kibai 's writing is kind of clumsy and efficient, but hey
[Rembes] well... I always figured I would come here for the courses, so I kind of got a head start on things.
* Rembes says, a bit embarrassed
[Winta] The stuff we got taught at home was kinda different. A lot less about stone and more about water.
[Winta] It makes the metaphors jumble in my head.
* Rembes nods
[Kibai] I don' understant why they can just say things without all the water and stone and whatever
[Rembes] You're not wrong about not leaving alabaster out in the rain! Like that was totally true.
[Winta] Well that's good!
[Winta] Hey.. thank you guys for coming to help me.
[Winta] I really appreciate it.
[Rembes] And I think... hm. Sometimes I think maybe the ideas are harder to understand, but regular things like water and stone and so on are things we see all the time, so it's easier to relate? At least I think that's the idea.
[Kibai] I guess
* Kibai says dubiously
[Rembes] and... it was no problem.
* Rembes says to Winta
[Rembes] he had it coming anyway
* Kibai nods
[Kibai] he really did
[Rembes] last time I almost really thought maybe they sent him out there on purpose to try and scare us and see how we'd deal with it, but this time he was just being a dick.
[Winta] Yeah, I had thought that too. I wonder what his problem with us is?
* Rembes shrugs
[Kibai] I still think he's just jealous
[Winta] Of what?
[Kibai] in your case - because people like you, maybe. And you have access to fos and are probably better with it tham him already.
* Winta blushes but smiles at that.
[Winta] Well, I'm glad you were both there.
[Rembes] Glad I could help.
[Kibai] yes. Me too.
[Rembes] Well, um, maybe we should go over the history stuff? I think that's the hardest, there's a lot of things to keep straight.
* Rembes suggests
[Kibai] okay
[Winta] Sure :)
Kibai talks to Dodemozh about his family, who know her family
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, since the altercation with Sapunoke, you've been a little bit anxious.
[NemnostiGM] Also, you know you're not really ready for the Fifths the way some of these other folks are. You're barely even literate, as you remind yourself frequently on your bad days.
[NemnostiGM] Still, the material itself isn't so hard, and Amasa, Jorota, and all the others are very supportive.
[NemnostiGM] You don't know what you did for Hand Ifa to get you admitted as an acolyte, but you're certainly grateful, even if this place is still weird and there are too many people.
* Kibai does not want to loose her shot here
[Kibai] (lose)
[NemnostiGM] You're studying in the dining hall, which basically involves staring at your notes, when Dodemozh Vegru comes and sits down across from you.
* Amasa is now known as Dodemozh
[Dodemozh] Uhh, is this seat taken?
* Kibai blinks in surprise
[Kibai] no... I'm just trying to study.
[Dodemozh] Right, me too.
* Dodemozh sits down with his lunch.
* Kibai nods
[Dodemozh] What part are you working on?
[Kibai] The Courses.
[Dodemozh] Right. That stuff is hard, philosophy and that kind of thing.
* Kibai nods
[Dodemozh] So, ahh, did you live your whole life in Ojon Sogo?
* Kibai looks at him.
[Kibai] I don't want to think about that place.
[Dodemozh] You know, it's not that far from Bemnes to Ojon Sogo. We used to have Pilting herders come down to the farm all the time. I was talking to my dad, he says he thinks he even met you once, with your dad.
[Kibai] I don't want to talk about it, either.
[Dodemozh] You know, I know I don't look it, and my name wouldn't suggest it, but I'm half-Ravre myself.
[Dodemozh] My mom married a man from Bemnes, which was her second marriage.
[Dodemozh] Before that she was married to the hengi of the Gagos.
[Kibai] okay?
[Dodemozh] I think maybe if they'll let me I would train as a vulture.
* Kibai nods
[Kibai] Vultures are cool. You'd be spending lots of timw with Fultukhariprobably
[Dodemozh] Yeah. He's all right.
* Dodemozh says, sounding unconvinced.
[Dodemozh] A little immature.
* Kibai nods
[Dodemozh] Is it true what they say, that you were living on your own out near Musune?
[Kibai] Yes.
[Kibai] why?
[Dodemozh] I don't know, it just seems ... you seem like a really interesting person.
[NemnostiGM] You definitely get the impression that Dodemozh likes you, or at least, is really intrigued by you.
[Kibai] oh. Well... I'm not. I just want to live my life. Thats' the same as everyone else.
[Dodemozh] Sure, I get it.
[Dodemozh] The Vegrus, they're all boring. They used to be sailors and pirates and all that but now they're just farmers.
[Kibai] are they? What about that mystic girl, Alai
[Dodemozh] Oh, she's not a real Vegru.
[Dodemozh] She's like real pirate sailor Luetkan
[Dodemozh] The hengi just adopted her.
[Kibai] oooh, okay.
[Dodemozh] I only know two words of Luetkan and they're swears.
[Dodemozh] But also I don't want to be Luetkan. Like, I know how to swim well, but just in ponds and rivers.
[Kibai] what about your mother's people?
[Dodemozh] I mean, that's awkward. I've never met my Gago relatives, except for my half-sister Marga, who's here.
[Dodemozh] But I don't really know her. Mom never really talks about her old life up in the Ghengom.
[Kibai] oh. I've met her.... she's a vulture too, right?
[Dodemozh] Yeah. She's fine, I guess.
[Dodemozh] Fultukhari is like, her apprentice?
[Kibai] you don't think she'd teach you?
[Dodemozh] She might. But it would be awkward. Like, her mom kind of picked my family over her.
* Kibai nods slowly.
[Kibai] Well, there's lots of others here.
[Dodemozh] Yeah. We'll see.
[Dodemozh] First I have to pass these stupid tests.
* Kibai sighs
[Kibai] yes, me too.
[Dodemozh] Maybe after we're done these, we can hang out sometime?
[Kibai] oh.. yeah, let's just get through them first _
* Dodemozh smiles.
[Dodemozh] Great!
* Dodemozh gets down to studying, then.
The acolytes take their Fifths; Rembes, Winta, and Lovosa do great, Fultukhari fails his Nemnosti exam, and Kibai … oh, Kibai…
[NemnostiGM] All right, folks, it's the moment you've been dreading: The Fifths.
[NemnostiGM] This is the culmination of your studies over the first five months (or so) at Nemnosti as an acolyte.
[NemnostiGM] There are three tests.
[NemnostiGM] The first test is a general test about Nemnosti, its people, its history, and the ulajeta in general. For this one, you can make an Intestine or Brain check, your choice.
[NemnostiGM] The second is on the Corps and on matters of faith. For this one, you can make a Liver or Brain check, your choice.
[NemnostiGM] The third is on the Courses themselves. For this one, you must make a Brain check.
* Winta is so nervous she accidentally chewed through her quill while studying and had to get another one for the test.
[NemnostiGM] Naturally, higher is better.
[NemnostiGM] Who wants to go first?
[Rembes] (I'll go and get it over with)
[NemnostiGM] OK, Rembes, go ahead.
[Rembes] (these are all Brain, that's my best out of the available options)
[NemnostiGM] (and you get +2 on your rolls)
[Rembes] (right)
[Rembes] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Rembes: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 27 ].
[Rembes] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Rembes: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 28 ].
[Rembes] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Rembes: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 24 ].
[Winta] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 16 ].
[Winta] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 17 ].
[Winta] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 26 ].
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 8 ]
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 7 ]
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 8 ]
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 8 ].
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 22 ].
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Lovosa] !roll 1d20+6
* Lan-werk rolls for Lovosa: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 16 ].
[Lovosa] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Lovosa: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 27 ].
[Lovosa] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Lovosa: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 17 ].
[NemnostiGM] Rembes, you felt confident and powerful through the whole thing. All that extra practice with Irdomila must have really paid off.
[NemnostiGM] You did great on Nemnosti, and very well on the Courses, but your answers on the Corps showed , in the words of Voice Izu, who was doing the grading, "real theological sophistication, befitting one of true religious calling."
* Rembes tries not to be too smug
[NemnostiGM] Winta, you really did very well. In particular, after making that flub about the alabaster in the rain, you studied so hard on the Courses that you did better on that test than anyone else. Your others were more than acceptably passing, though. Suck it, Sapunoke!
* Winta is just so relieved to have passed!
[NemnostiGM] Kibai ... oh, Kibai. Honestly Amasa told you afterwards that she felt so guilty for having pushed to have you take the tests. She blames herself for having advocated to Jorota to have you do them even though you are only barely five months at the ulajeta, and given your lack of any prior education.
* Kibai is just vonna go hide from shame -_-
[NemnostiGM] You didn't pass any of the tests and your Corps test had some elements that were frankly, heretical.
[NemnostiGM] But don't fear, you'll just have to be remediated and retake those in the future.
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari, the family is going to be ribbing you for weeks, if not longer, about your failure on the Nemnosti part. That one was supposed to be easy. Which was why you didn't study for it at all. Oops. In retrospect that was a mistake. Who knew that it was "Old Hai", not "Old Hal"?
[Fultukhari] we ALWAYS say Old Hal!!!
[NemnostiGM] The other two tests went fine, and the Corps test was especially good, though. Moms promise to help you study for your remedials.
[Kibai] ^5
[NemnostiGM] Lovosa, you did great on the Corps test, second only to Rembes. Voice Izu still says you have real promise in that area. The other two tests were perfectly fine, you did about as well as could be expected and remembered not to spew out any of the rhetoric about Nemnosti you've been taught since birth, on the first test.
[NemnostiGM] You go to sleep peacefully, well, most of you, knowing that regardless of the outcome, there are no more tests ... for at least the next five months.
[NemnostiGM] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes!
* Lovosa knows the first one is probably most important to other people in her life, but is secretly very pleased with the outcome of the second test.
[Fultukhari] until next we gather by OLD HAL
Irdomila goes with Kuspir to visit her grandmother Heru in Naftusa, who smacks her across the head, gives her a radical songbook, and alludes to something called Moot
[NemnostiGM] Irdomila, since your return from the camping trip, you've been holed up in your room studying for your Fifths exams, as it's coming up to the end of your fifth month as an acolyte.
[NemnostiGM] Of course, this stuff should all be second nature for you, but you are not taking anything for granted.
[NemnostiGM] So, when your father announced that you, he, and Rugu would be taking a trip to Naftusa to visit his mom (your grandmother) Heru Gargimnai, you reluctantly agreed only on the condition that you could bring your books.
[NemnostiGM] What he didn't mention (presumably he didn't know) was that also in the carriage to Naftusa with you would be Lovosa, who was going to Naftusa to visit her family of traitorous Halunemni.
[NemnostiGM] Fortunately your dad's calming presence on the carriage ride meant that you just sat there seething at one another for the whole time while he asked her polite questions, as you tried to study.
[NemnostiGM] But it's pretty hopeless to study as the carriage bumps along the River Road, even if you wanted to. After a while you just gave up.
[Irdomila] It would be a shame if Levosa missed the carriage back.
[NemnostiGM] Arriving in Naftusa, the carriage lets you and your family off at the Coathook, Uncle Dadim's tavern, where you're supposed to meet your grandmother.
[NemnostiGM] You're not exactly sure why your grandmother is meeting you here. She's from Zhustir, down in the lowlands, where your dad grew up.
[NemnostiGM] But she's never come all the way up to Nemnosti, to your memory, even to visit you.
* Rugu bounces happily along with the two of you.
[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, of course, you know fairly well that Nemnosti is far too conservative and stuffy and sainted for your mother and her radical tastes. The closest she gets to Nemni business usually is at the Coathook, to drink Nemni liquor.
[NemnostiGM] But why she particularly wanted to see you and the family now is not clear to you. Oh well.
* Kuspir will obediently go along with her wishes, anyway
[NemnostiGM] You go in and Dadim spies you and waves you over to a private room he's got set up for you.
* Rugu is now known as Dadim
[Dadim] Kuspir! Mila! Rugu!
* Dadim seems in fine spirits, as if a weight has recently been lifted from him.
[Irdomila] Hi Dadim!
[Kuspir] Hello. Is she here already?
[Dadim] I'd say you've grown, but it was only two weeks ago that I saw you at Romokh.
* Dadim nods at Kuspir.
[Dadim] She is.
[Dadim] In fine form, as usual from my recollection. Not that I've seen her too much lately.
[Kuspir] All right. Thanks.
* Kuspir will herd the kids in the direction of the private room.
* Heru is in there, dressed, as usual, in plain and well-worn peasant garb.
[Kuspir] Hello, ma.
[Heru] Son. You look thin.
* Heru says, although you're unclear whether that's approvingly or not.
[Irdomila] Hi Grandmother.
* Heru smiles warmly at you.
* Irdomila smiles back
[Heru] Irdomila ... you're so grown up!
[Heru] Before long they'll be marrying you off to some nobleman.
[NemnostiGM] (you know enough of your grandmother to know that 'some nobleman' is definitely NOT approvingly)
[Kuspir] Still a few years before anything like that.
[Irdomila] I am studying to be a mystic.
[Heru] Oh! Very interesting. An excellent skill.
[Heru] Have they assigned you some fancy master to teach you magic tricks yet?
[Irdomila] It's supposed to happen soon.
[Irdomila] They haven't told me yet who it will be.
* Heru nods.
[Heru] Well don't let them push you around.
[Heru] You don't have to take whatever they offer.
[Heru] Make yourself useful and they'll appreciate you more.
[Irdomila] There are lots of great mystics to learn under. I'm sure I'll do fine with whoever they pick. I'm a Nemni, so I should get one of the best.
[Heru] Nonsense.
[Heru] You're one of the best, so you should get one of the best.
[Irdomila] I'm working hard to make sure they know it.
[Heru] See that you do.
* Irdomila pats the pack of books with her.
[Kuspir] Rugu, say hello to your grandmother.
* Kuspir nudges his son
* Dadim is now known as Rugu
[Rugu] Hi!
[Heru] That's a big stack of reading. And that's all fine. But your strength comes from within, not without.
[Heru] Hello there, Rugu. Holding true to the warrior's way?
* Rugu nods, a little unsurely.
[Rugu] Uh-huh!
[Rugu] I will protect the family!
* Kuspir smiles a little at that
[Kuspir] So, how was your trip here?
* Kuspir asks
[Heru] Uneventful. It's so quiet once you get up into the valley.
[Kuspir] Glad it was uneventful.
[Heru] Things at home - not as much.
[Kuspir] No? What's going on?
[Heru] Shosti's new man has joined the Fedifri. Or is about to, or something. I don't know.
[Kuspir] new man?
[Heru] They were engaged, or supposed to be engaged, or whatever. It was Vabaseli business.
[Heru] The Token-maid has been very active in the lowlands.
[Kuspir] Well... that's his funeral I suppose.
* Heru laughs.
[Heru] Anyway, Shosti at least had the good sense not to follow him into that business. Nasty stuff.
[Kuspir] That's good.
[Kuspir] But are they still engaged?
[Kuspir] She probably shouldn't marry an idiot.
[Heru] I suppose, technically. He's a Derteri, they're well-connected in the fos business.
[Heru] Why not? It would suit her.
[Kuspir] hrm.
[Heru] But no, I think probably she'll use this as an excuse to extricate herself.
[Heru] But she's nearly thirty, not that attractive, and unmarried still.
[Heru] Don't let yourself get to that point, Irdomila! Not that your Osper Hojon will let that happen.
[Kuspir] A bit harsh.
* Heru shrugs.
[Irdomila] I'm sure I'll find someone appropriate long before I'm thirty
[Irdomila] besides thats ages away
* Heru nods.
[Heru] I'm sure a pretty girl like you has suitors aplenty.
[Irdomila] I'll be fine Grandmother.
* Heru laughs.
[Heru] Are they still trying to find you a new one, son?
* Kuspir shrugs
[Kuspir] I suppose they still hold out hope.
[Heru] Well, you don't have any time for that nonsense, guarding that big statue and all.
[Kuspir] It's been quite busy lately.
* Kuspir says dryly
[Heru] We've heard that even down in Zhustir.
[Kuspir] Oh?
[Heru] Just that someone is murdering your revenants.
[Kuspir] Mm.
[Heru] If you ask me there's many folks that need more murdering up there before them.
* Kuspir eyes Rugu to see if he's paying attention enough to get upset about this or what
[Irdomila] Grandmother!
* Irdomila is aghast
[Heru] Ah, I'm just joking. And besides, I didn't mention any names!
[Heru] But anyway, I have a gift for you, Irdomila. For after your exams.
* Heru hands you a wrapped rectangular package.
[Irdomila] Thank you
[Irdomila] Should I open it now?
[Heru] Of course!
* Irdomila smiles and does so excitedly
[NemnostiGM] You open it up and it is a thin, leather-bound book. Looking inside you see that it is something called the Anthems of Amur.
[Irdomila] (have I ever heard of it before?)
[NemnostiGM] (you can make an Intestine check)
[Irdomila] !roll 1d20+7
* Lan-werk rolls for Irdomila: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 26 ].
[NemnostiGM] You know that Amur was the lover of the revolutionary Ekrakosh. Amur was eventually charged and executed for Ekrakosh's murder, but many people believe it was a setup, and that in fact Eluli Ula Himself had Ekrakosh killed.
[NemnostiGM] You probably also know that your grandmother's family, the Gargimnai, is Ekrakosh's lineage.
[Heru] Do they teach you to sing lively songs at Nemnosti? Or just dreary Corps songs?
[Kuspir] Well, you know, fun is forbidden ;p
[Heru] ~With a bucket of beads in the right, right hand, and a bucket of blood in the left~
* Heru sings loudly enough that everyone can hear.
[Irdomila] Thank you Grandmother. I'll try and learn a few of the songs for your next visit.
* Irdomila does a quick flip through a few pages of the book
[Heru] This is your heritage, dear.
[Heru] Your great-grandparents fought and died so that you could be free to read books and sing songs like these.
[Heru] And that reminds me, I didn't forget you, Rugu!
* Heru hands him a small package.
* Rugu smiles.
[Rugu] Thank you!
* Rugu opens it up, to reveal a thin bronze dagger. Definitely not a knife. More stabby.
[Rugu] I shall use it boldly!
* Rugu holds it up, definitely not almost stabbing Irdomila as he swings it up.
[Heru] Careful, dear.
[Irdomila] Hey you, watch where you swing that!
[Kuspir] hm.
[Kuspir] Rugu, I'll show you how to hold it. Here.
[Heru] I armed you at that age. Taught you about toughness. And stabbing!
* Kuspir will adjust his grip so it's a bit less dangerous.
[Kuspir] Mm, I didn't say he couldn't have it. He just has to know how to wield it safely.
[Heru] Here, son. Why don't you take him out on the street and let him wave it around a little in safety. Show him a thing or two. I want to talk to Irdomila.
* Heru gives you the 'this is an order not a request' look.
* Kuspir will do so.
[Heru] Now, Irdomila.
[Heru] It's time to have a serious talk.
[Heru] I never did have this talk with your father. It wasn't ever right, and ... well.
* Irdomila will put close the book and at her
[Heru] It is time you understood.
* Heru cuffs you across the side of the head, not too hard, but hard enough.
[Heru] I don't want to hear any of this 'I'm a Nemni and I'm so special' nonsense out of your mouth.
[Irdomila] Hey, I was paying attention.
[Heru] Not that.
[Heru] You need to understand the way the world works. The real world, not the world where you're coddled and treated like a special princess.
[Heru] Now I know that since your mother's accident you haven't had a strong female presence in your life. And certainly I'm not coming up there to do that for you.
[Heru] But I'm not going to have you go the way of your Auntie Shosti. She's a fos user like you, but soft ... manipulable ... gullible.
[Heru] Terrible, terrible taste in men.
[Heru] Your father, he's a good man. He really is. Like his father, your grandfather. Both your grandfathers, really, from what I recall. Strong, stonelike.
[Heru] But he's never going to be cruel to you. You understand?
[Irdomila] I think so...
[Heru] Good, now duck!
* Heru swings at you again.
* Irdomila ducks
[NemnostiGM] (make a Marrow check)
[Irdomila] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Irdomila: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 6 ].
* Heru whacks you hard across the face.
* Irdomila winces from the blow
* Heru shakes her head.
[Irdomila] You didn't have to slap me so hard.
[Heru] You didn't have to duck so poorly.
* Irdomila rubs the side of her face
[Heru] You want to be a mystic, and that's good. I encouraged your Auntie Shosti to do that.
[Irdomila] Well I didnt expect to you just haul off on me.
[Heru] Well there are going to be things in your life that you won't expect.
[Heru] That's what you have your brain for.
[Heru] We - we Gargimnai, and I'm including you and your father in that too - we fight on behalf of the weak.
[Heru] Sometimes that means taking a blow.
[Irdomila] I have a brain. It didnt figure you would be apt to beat me.
* Irdomila says sheepishly
[Heru] I bet they teach you that Nemnu has your best interests at heart too.
[Irdomila] Why wouldnt she?
[Heru] Read the book. Read more like it, if She will let you. I'm sure she has it all in Her libraries.
[Heru] And when you're ready - really ready - come, and ask, and I'll introduce you to Moot.
[Irdomila] (who is Moot?)
[NemnostiGM] (you have absolutely no idea)
[Irdomila] Who is Moot?
[Heru] Not who. What.
[Irdomila] What?
[Heru] Moot is for girls who have learned to duck.
[Irdomila] Fine, be cryptic and mysterious. Ill read and you'll have to tell me.
* Heru smiles.
[Heru] Just take this one piece of advice. When they come for the weak, for the poor, for those who have nothing. That is when you will show your true strength, Irdomila.
[Heru] I see it in you.
[Irdomila] I'll keep that at heart
[Heru] And try not to be too hard on your father. He is a dummy, but we love him.
[Irdomila] I'll make sure he's doing well and taken care of.
[Heru] All right, let's go make sure they haven't stabbed each other, now shall we?
* Irdomila nods
[NemnostiGM] All right, you go off and meet up with the rest of the family. Kuspir, make a Spleen roll ... what do you think your Spleen would be?
[NemnostiGM] (I guess it's your Curiosity virtue on your character sheet, by default)
[Kuspir] (uh ok? I guess I can look that up)
[NemnostiGM] (or just roll with a default of 5, it's probably pretty close)
[Kuspir] (I have him with a 3 curious)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+3
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+3 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 3 ] totals [ 15 ].
[NemnostiGM] You definitely think that Irdomila's cheek looks red.
* Kuspir will ask her about that later when not in front of his mother, so he doesn't get smacked.
[Heru] All right, let's go get your Uncle Dadim to get us some dinner. And remember to be thankful to him, his work keeps us fed. ~The farmhand and his labor keeps us feeeeeed~
[Kuspir] Dadim's not a farmhand...
[Irdomila] I will Grandmother
Irdomila takes her tests and apparently knows as little about Nemnosti as her cousin Fultukhari
[NemnostiGM] All right, the rest of your trip is uneventful, and you can return to Nemnosti after a pleasant(ish) visit with your grandmother.
[NemnostiGM] Upon your return, you will get to take your Fifths exams.
[NemnostiGM] The first test is a general test about Nemnosti, its people, its history, and the ulajeta in general. For this one, you can make an Intestine or Brain check, your choice. The second is on the Corps and on matters of faith. For this one, you can make a Liver or Brain check, your choice. The third is on the Courses themselves. For this one, you must make a Brain check.
[Irdomila] Ok, lets start with the first test:
[Irdomila] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Irdomila: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 10 ].
[Irdomila] Second Test:
[Irdomila] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Irdomila: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 16 ].
[Irdomila] Third Test:
[Irdomila] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Irdomila: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 17 ].
[NemnostiGM] Your first test was, honestly, a disaster. An utter embarassment. Basically no better than your idiot cousin Fultukhari.
[NemnostiGM] Definitely some remedial work in your future.
[NemnostiGM] The other two tests were ... fine. I mean, you did well. For another person, maybe even very well.
[NemnostiGM] But not up to your standard.
* Irdomila is mad at her dad for dragging her away from her studies
[NemnostiGM] So now you have to decide what is worse, the fact that Rembes completely aced all three exams and is being held up as some kind of genius, after you were helping *him* with his studies.
[NemnostiGM] Or the fact that Lovosa also beat you on the first two exams and tied you on the third.
[NemnostiGM] All of the exam scores are shared among all the acolytes, so now you can just stew in your own mediocrity.
[Irdomila] They just marked me harder cause I'm a Nemni so they wouldnt show favourtism
[Irdomila] now I'm gonna get stuck as the apprentice to some old geezer
Winta talks to Kibai about her failed tests, and agrees to talk to Amasa on her behalf
[Winta] After seeing the announcement of the test grades, Winta will head over to Kibai's quarters and knock on the door softly.
* Kibai will yank the door open after a moment, looking QUITE upset
[Kibai] Oh. hi.
[Winta] Are you... ok?
* Kibai has a kind of wild look, and glances over her shoulder, where you can see what looks like... a half packed bag
[Winta] Kibai...
* Kibai 's eyes are red
[Kibai] what.
[Winta] It's not that bad. Lots of people fail the tests the first time. Especially since you've only been here 5 months. We'll study harder next time and I know you'll pass.
[Kibai] It *is* that bad.
[Kibai] It really is. It's better if I just go.
[Winta] I'll help you. I promise.
[Kibai] I don't even remember what...what i wrote but the look that Voice Izu gave me...
[Winta] Oh he just always looks ike that.
[Winta] Do you... want a hug?
[Kibai] No one thinks I deserve to be here anywsy, Winta.
[Kibai] I...
[Winta] I do.
* Kibai looks uncertain
[Kibai] no one else will.
[Kibai] ..does.
[Kibai] I don't even know what I'ms saying
* Winta will slowly attempt to put an arm around her, but will stop if she flinches or seems unwilling.
* Kibai seems uncertain btu doesn't push you away or anything
[Kibai] everyone is just going to leave me behind
[Winta] What about rembes? He likes hanging out with you.
[Kibai] they just think I'm....weird
* Winta smiles slightly.
* Kibai looks at you a bit like you're crazy
[Winta] Is that what's worrying you?
[Kibai] (re: rembes)
[Kibai] non.
[Kibai] (No)
[Winta] Of course you're weird. I'm weird. Everyone here is weird.
[Winta] That's what makes you fun.
[Winta] We're all weird in different ways
[Winta] That's why we work together.
[Kibai] ?me sounds very uncertain about *that* assessment
[Winta] Look, you know so much about outside, right? Like on the camping trip you were the one that was able to catch dinner. I can't even catch a cold.
[Winta] THAT'S what makes you awesome. You know stuff I don't even know I don't know.
[Kibai] I dind't cant anything. Lovosa and Fultukhari found some berrries
[Kibai] (catch)
[Kibai] all I found was a creepy haunt tbat freaked everyone out.
* Kibai 's face screw up
[Kibai] I'm not even good at the things I'm supposed to be good at.
* Kibai sits down on the bed and butries her fingers in her hair
* Winta looks at her sadly.
* Winta sits next to her on the bed.
[Winta] You saved me from Sapunoke...
[Winta] If you and Rembes hadn't been there...
[Kibai] Rembes had it handled. You don't need me.
[Winta] You know that's not true.
[Kibai] I.... I really don't. I've never been good with people.
[Winta] You haven't had much practice.
[Kibai] I had to leave home because... people... wouldn't believe me
[Winta] Wouldn't believe you about what?
* Kibai shakes her head and just sniffs
[Kibai] I don't want to talk about it
* Kibai says, failing to keep from crying
[Winta] Ok. That's ok, you don't have to.
[Winta] Shhh sh sh sh.... it's ok.
* Winta puts a hand on her back.
* Kibai cries for a bit
* Kibai dries her eyes
[Kibai] People said.... my family believed... that I did awful things, and... they wouldn't believe me. So left. It was better, but then.... my leg...
[Winta] I believe you.
[Kibai] I thought maybe it could be different, after I came here
[Kibai] But they showed up, over Romokh.... and I don't know, It's just better if i don't stay. If you're the only one who will believe be...
[Winta] Who showed up? Your family?
* Kibai nods. but waves that away
[Kibai] You *are* too nice. I don't want anyone to take it out on you, if they do turn me away...
[Winta] If who turns you away? The Ulajeta? Kibai they would never.
[Kibai] you don't know that.
[Winta] They're not going to turn you out over a test.
[Kibai] its not just one test.... it's *all* of them and...
[Kibai] I freaked out, I know I messed up really bad.
* Kibai wipes her eyes again, and tries wo smooth out her hair
[Kibai] maybe you're right, and I just being a coward....
[Winta] You're not a coward, but you also don't strike me as the type to run away from a challenge.
[Winta] If you want, I can try to help you be better with people. If you maybe show me some stuff about living outdoors? I felt kinda useless on the campout.
[Kibai] I.... I don't know if I can learn that. teach you... maybe. But if they do want to kick me out, I just want to go with dignity.
[Winta] I can try to talk to voice Izu for you. Or to Amasa. If that's what you're worried about.
[Kibai] ... if you think it might help.
[Winta] It wouldn't hurt.
[Kibai] just tell me.... if that's what their thinking... and I can go. If not, I'll stay, and work hard, to get things right
* Kibai says, with angry determination
[Winta] Ok. It's a deal. :)
[Winta] And I'll help you. Whatever I can do. I promise.
[Kibai] .... okay.
[Kibai] ...thank you, Winta.
* Winta will give her another hug.
* Kibai says, lookign down at her floor rather than at you
[Winta] That's what friends are for, silly.
* Kibai submits to the hug, and will give your hand a little pat/squeeze
Winta talks to Amasa about whether Kibai is about to get expelled; Amasa behaves strangely
* Winta will try to find Amasa after making sure that Kibai is ok to be left alone for a bit.
* Amasa is pretty easy to find, in one of the classrooms in the Carver's Hall, the central part of the ulajeta.
[Amasa] Oh, hello, Winta.
[Winta] Hello, Ma'am. Do you have a moment?
[Amasa] Of course!
[Winta] I wanted to ask you... what's going to happen with Kibai? I saw that she failed the fifths. I promise I can help her do better next time.
* Amasa frowns, then smiles again.
[Amasa] Your kidneys and larynx are just overflowing, aren't they?
[Amasa] It is one of your finest qualities, and one that will serve you well in your life.
* Winta bulshes slightly
[Winta] Thank you, Ma'am.
[Amasa] I was thinking you would be very well suited, in a few months once you pass your Tenths, to work as a teacher's assistant, especially with new acolytes from afield.
[Winta] Really?
[Winta] That sounds like fun!
[Winta] But... what about Kibai?
[Amasa] Your examination on the Courses showed that you know the material. But more important than that is that you are able to reach other people.
[Winta] I just talk to people. Too much, probably.
* Amasa laughs.
[Amasa] They used to tell me that. Now I get fireside duty. Which, if you ask me, is no duty at all.
* Winta smiles
[Amasa] The time I get to spend with you acolytes every evening is among my most rewarding of tasks.
[Winta] Maybe I can do that some day.
[Amasa] It's absolutely possible. Although there are many rewarding paths for a young acolyte.
* Winta nods.
[Winta] Ummm... but what about Kibai? She's very worried that you're going to ... kick her out.
[Amasa] Your concern for your friend shows your true nobility.
[Amasa] (make a Heart roll)
[Winta] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 21 ].
[Amasa] (you wonder whether Amasa is avoiding the question)
[Winta] You're... you're not going to get rid of her, right?
[Amasa] Only the Grey Carver could make a decision to admit or to dismiss a student.
[Winta] And... she wouldn't do that, right?
[Winta] Not over one test?
[Amasa] No one would be dismissed for failing the Fifths.
* Winta smiles and relaxes a bit.
[Winta] Ok... that makes me feel better.
[Winta] And I'm sure it will make Kibai feel better too.
[Amasa] Winta ...
* Amasa starts cautiously.
[Winta] Yes?
* Amasa looks at you seriously.
[Amasa] I am going to ask a big favour of you.
[Amasa] And I need you to understand and agree.
[Winta] Ok...
[Amasa] Continue to be a good friend to Kibai. Tell her whatever will make her feel better.
* Winta seems a little wary at that
[Amasa] But do not tell her that you spoke to me.
[Winta] Ummm... can I ask why not?
* Amasa smiles.
[Amasa] No, dear.
[Winta] Uhhh... oh.
[Winta] But... are you going to let her know she can stay?
[Amasa] I think the Preceptor is going to speak to her tomorrow.
[Amasa] (you know that's Jorota, Amasa's wife)
[Winta] And she's going to tell her she can stay, right?
[Amasa] I don't know her mind. But it also would not be her decision.
[Winta] I... don't understand.
* Amasa smiles.
[Amasa] I know. It's a difficult time.
[Amasa] Sometimes our job here at Nemnosti is to trust Her wisdom.
[Winta] I told Kibai I would talk to you about it. What should I tell her?
* Amasa sighs.
[Amasa] Tell her ...
[Amasa] (make another Heart check)
[Winta] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 10 ].
[Amasa] Tell her that you weren't able to find time to speak to me yet, if you must.
[Amasa] Or hold off on telling her anything, for a day or two.
[Winta] But... it would make her feel better.
[Amasa] I know that. And I'm sure you've already tried to make her feel better.
[Amasa] But that is not what the Lady needs of us right now.
[Winta] Why would the lady want her to worry?
[Winta] (The Lady)
[Amasa] She wouldn't. But you must understand that when you have lived as long as She has, a few days is not a long time to wait.
[Amasa] I know that you, and Kibai, being so young, that feels like a long time.
[Winta] I just... I'm afraid she might... try to leave.
* Amasa looks alarmed, briefly, at that.
[Winta] Please don't tell her I said anything!
[Amasa] I promise you, I will absolutely not talk of this conversation with her.
[Winta] She's so upset. She thingks everyone here hates her.
[Amasa] Just as I expect the same of you, Winta.
[Amasa] We can just imagine that we never spoke, if you like.
[Winta] ...Yes, Ma'am.
[Amasa] I'm sorry, Winta.
[Amasa] I know this is not how you wanted this to go.
[Amasa] If I had the power to say different words to you, I would do so.
[Winta] I just don't understand. I don't see why all the secrecy.
[Winta] Isn't it better just to be honest with people?
[Amasa] I know you don't. I'll admit - I don't understand it all either.
[Amasa] A bold heart is important but sometimes the pancreas demands that it wait.
* Winta nods.
[Winta] If you think it's best.
* Winta does not seem happy about it, though.
* Amasa frowns again, briefly, then smiles.
[Amasa] Thank you, Winta. It has been a hard day and I am gladdened to have been able to spend some of it with you.
* Winta does smile at that.
[Winta] Thank you Ma'am. I like seeing you too.