Nemnosti session 20

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Nemnosti session logs
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Session date: January 5, 2025
Negili Reckoning date: IE 768, Romokh


[NemnostiGM] Greetings, acolytes! Now, I know you're all excited about tomorrow and the beginning of Romokh. I remember the excitement of five days of festivals, and drinking, and fun, and no classes, instead of me lecturing you about folktales around the firelight. I was an acolyte too, just like you, remember. And I won't tell you to be moderate, if that is not your desire. Your kidneys and liver are easily outmatched by your lungs, your stomach, and your brain, at your age. Neither Zunuga's Maxims laid down at the beginning of the Corps, nor our Lady's own Courses, require your quiet compliance or abstinence. Indeed, Romokh itself is far older than both of these - older than the Corps, from the time when Khutu was ruled, not by our Emperor but by the triumvirs from the old castle at Amobaghe, now long ruined. They too danced to the sound of the jimuze, although we do not know the words of their songs. In fact, and I spoke to my good friend Vimne, who some of you know from your language classes, and she tells me that no one even knows for certain where the name Romokh comes from - perhaps from one of the pre-Omban languages - although there are many theories. It is not, then, about Ancestors - although of course here at Nemnosti, what is about anything else - but about community. So go, and celebrate! Celebrate your Ancestors, speak to them, share with them the joys and sorrows of this past year. But celebrate one another, for a life without such joys is not worthy of the Ancestors.

The beginning of Romokh

[NemnostiGM] Romokh sakhara! A joyful Romokh to you!
[NemnostiGM] The cries of the children at midsummer echo across the great courtyard of the ulajeta, busier today than at any other time of year.
[NemnostiGM] Romokh, the midsummer festival under the Negili Reckoning, marks five days in the middle of the year for community and revelry. And sure, all the Thirteeners in the other Omban states may laugh at us. But we still have the five days of Romokh, and they merely have a first harvest. We remain proudly ragged.
[NemnostiGM] Today, the first day of Romokh is for arrivals; people will be coming all day, from all corners of Naftusa province and indeed from beyond, for Romokh is a time for those who care about Nemnosti have this time set aside to cast away labor and to celebrate their connection to this place.
[NemnostiGM] Already the nobility in their great carriages and their garb festooned with vumuri beads from the far north of the Empire are settling in. Many will stay within the walls of Nemnosti during this time, and the Osper, Hojon, has made his great iftibal available for those who he esteems.
[NemnostiGM] The common folk come here too, of course. The courtyard, normally empty, is full of life as tents, stalls, and other makeshift places come into being. Still more, country folk, or those with a weak connection to the place, will camp outside the walls, all along the River Road and down all the way to Hertu.
[NemnostiGM] The Hand has got all the bubun out in full force to help with the carrying and the labor. All in all, as many as a thousand people may crowd into Nemnosti and its immediate environs. And this is a quiet year compared to some.
[NemnostiGM] Romokh sakherre! A joyful Romokh to all!

Alai’s adoptive father Roska comes to Nemnosti to try to settle her marriage to Dadim, but she rejects the prospect, to his dismay

[NemnostiGM] Alai, Romokh normally means nothing to you personally. It's an Omban thing, a Khutuan thing really, and with all the bad blood between Luetka and Khutu, it's never been part of your tradition.
[NemnostiGM] Still, you have enough warmth in your cold heart to feel for Nemnosti and the folks here of course - it is a home for you, albeit a strange one.
[NemnostiGM] You've been here long enough that Romokh is, if nothing else, enjoyable and comfortable.
[NemnostiGM] One thing you did not expect - and had never seen before - is the arrival of a small caravan on the first day, come up from Bemnes, bearing the crest of the Vegru "clan", and led by the hengi, Roska.
[NemnostiGM] The Vegrus are of course, low-born and foreign, hardly entitled normally to camp within the walls, but apparently this year an exception has been made, and the clan, or rather, about half a dozen of them, have set up in the far eastern end of the ulajeta. Hardly a prime location, but still within the walls.
* Roska has one of the youths come and get you and bring you over to the little caravan.
* Alai arrives in a loose fitting dress, appropriate for the weather, hair up in pins, with her ususal assortment of bracelets.
[Roska] Daughter. May you have a festive Romokh.
* Roska says, awkwardly, as if the words are ill-fitting in his mouth.
[Alai] And you as well Father, for as much as you enjoy these things.
[Alai] I am a little surprised to see you here.
[Roska] Well ... if there is to be a wave of change, I should be atop it and not washed under.
[Roska] And I have business here - or at least, I hope to.
[Roska] I will stay away from the Lion and the others of the Kaisastelovis, and have ordered the youth to do the same. We will keep our well-earned hatreds within us, within these walls.
[Roska] My victory will be through my words - and, of course, through you, Alai.
[Alai] Turning them all into toads feels inappropriate for a festival though.
* Roska laughs.
[Roska] I think your Lady would not approve.
[Roska] Come, sit, let us talk.
* Alai takes the seat offered
[Roska] So I will be frank. While here, I will meet with Hojon of the Nemni, and we are going to contract your marriage to Dadim.
* Roska looks like he's trying to assess your reaction.
[Alai] I suspected as much
* Alai face shows some annoyance with the subject
[Alai] I met with Dadim... to at least try and be receptive to this path.
[Roska] I am not asking for your joy, but as your hengi, and your father, I want your assent.
[Alai] I have given this time and thought, both things I value greatly, so you understand that I take this very seriously.
[Roska] I do.
[Alai] Dadim is not enough for me.
* Roska frowns.
[Roska] What does that mean?
[Alai] A fling or trist, fine, but as a husband, he is a waste.
[Alai] Akin to a broken sail... a drag that slows the ship.
[Roska] I cannot agree. As a person, he may be a waste. But what he would mean, our connection to the Nemni, our place here.
[Roska] I know, Alai, that you are my daughter by the fortune that brought you here from the homeland. A homeland from which I, and so many others, were severed.
[Roska] But we are past the time when the Vegrus can simply go back. The young folk, they have lost their connection to anything at home. They have never smelled the sea.
[Roska] If there is some part of the brideprice that I can negotiate for you, something you would want, let me know. I do not ask you to make this sacrifice idly.
[Alai] I am well aware of the importance such an arrangement. I feel the weight of it, I do. That man, so much like my brother, the more I try and think what my, what our, existance will be like... I just cannot have it.
[Roska] So your answer is simply no.
[Alai] My current, my path, is one of storms and conflict, despite the peaceful nature you may see of this place.
[Roska] Your grandmother spoke the truth about you.
* Roska shakes his head in disappointment.
[Alai] He cannot help me on that path... more like would be unwilling and likely unable.
[Roska] This thing within you, it will eat you alive.
[Roska] I do not claim to understand, but I know that, at least.
[Alai] You think I don't know what I do is dangerous? You think I'm some idle girl with wishful fancies?
[Roska] I am not asking you to give any of that up.
[Roska] Frankly, I am not asking anything. If I wish to, I can make this arrangement with Hojon.
[Alai] Yes, you have that right, and I can simply stop calling myself Vegru. Is that where you want things to go? IS that how far you want to push this?
[Roska] I do not.
* Alai is a little taken back by her own anger
* Roska seems more than a little bit cowed by you.
[Roska] Perhaps this was all a mistake.
[Roska] You should go.
[Alai] I... I know you are trying to do what you feel is best for the Vegru.
* Alai stands
[Roska] Go.
* Alai leaves

Kuspir manages a drunken group of the Rumnoska (Sarguni) clan who arrive demanding an audience with Nemnu, led by their hengi Rondal

[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, there is a part of you that remembers Romokh before you were a stoneguard, when you got to partake in all the joy. But that's been a long long time.
[NemnostiGM] Now, for you and for of course all the stoneguards, Romokh is about keeping order in the face of almost impossible crowding, wild carousing, and of course, now, threats to the ulajeta and to Nemnu Herself.
[NemnostiGM] So you are "enjoying" double shifts and keeping order - which has its own satisfaction, even if it is hardly peaceful.
[NemnostiGM] Late in the first day, when most of the arrivals are already here and getting set up, you are at the West Gate, when you see a substantial group of individuals on foot, perhaps fifteen of them. You do not need an expert investigatory power to know that they are already well and truly drunk.
[Kuspir] (anyone I recognize?)
[NemnostiGM] As they approach a little closer, you realize that you know one of these people. At the front, it is Rondal Rumnoska, or whatever his name is, wearing his hengi's iftijasi and seemingly leading a band of his Rumnoska/Sarguni/whatnot towards the ulajeta.
* Roska is now known as Rondal
* Kuspir immediately gets a bit more suspicious
[Rondal] I know you.
[Rondal] You're that one who I know.
[Kuspir] Good day, hengi. You have been enjoying the festivities, I see?
[Rondal] Did you know that the people are lined up along the road all the way back to Hertu? What a strange thing.
[Kuspir] Is it strange?
[Kuspir] The crowds seem smaller to me this year - perhaps I haven't been looking in the right places.
[Rondal] We are no Khutuans. Romokh is all strange to us.
[Rondal] But you ... you and your Crone, keepers of the Ancestors? We should say keepers-away!
[Kuspir] But you've come here nevertheless.
[Rondal] We have come to demand to see the Crone of Nemnosti!
* Rondal comes up to you, although even with his huge hair he does not reach your height, not nearly, and of course he is very thin.
[Kuspir] For what reason?
[Rondal] You know the reason.
[Rondal] You know who we are looking for. Don't pretend otherwise.
[Kuspir] What do you hope to accomplish, is perhaps a better question.
[NemnostiGM] (make a SM, please)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+15
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 24 ].
* Jevai rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 25 ].
[NemnostiGM] It's subtle, Kuspir, but you get the sense that Rondal is not nearly as drunk as he appears. There is a glint of cunning in his eyes.
* Kuspir will just stand blocking the way, not explicitly threatening but like... not NOT threatening, just because of his size and attitude.
[Kuspir] If you're here to cause trouble during the festival, that is an unwise decision.
* Rondal approaches and pokes you in the breastplate with a finger.
[Rondal] Don't threaten me.
[Kuspir] Do you feel threatened?
[Rondal] I feel insulted, disparaged, betrayed.
[Kuspir] I see.
[Rondal] You killed my cousin with your own hands.
[Kuspir] She attacked me. I regret that I wasn't able to bring the situation under control in another way, but was I to let her kill me instead?
[Rondal] Are you going to attack me next? Because I do not share your rosy vision of this place?
[Kuspir] I have no reason to attack you, currently.
[Kuspir] Having a different opinion is not an assault on me.
[Kuspir] If you're trying to goad me into attacking you, you will need to try harder.
[NemnostiGM] One of the Rumnoskas throws a rock at you. It's not a big rock, and you're in metal armor.
* Rondal looks back, momentarily, in what might be alarm or anger.
[Kuspir] *sigh*
[Kuspir] Don't be stupid.
* Kuspir says to the group in general.
[NemnostiGM] One of them shouts out to you "You look stupid! And your sister is a whore!"
[Kuspir] Others won't be as patient with you as I am, if I have to call for reinforcements.
[Kuspir] . o (and I don't think you actually know my sister)
[Rondal] All right then, let's try it this way.
[Rondal] I would like you to let us pass by, to join the festivities.
[NemnostiGM] (Please make a Will save)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+7
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 18 ].
[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, you momentarily consider just letting them through, but the moment passes quickly.
[Kuspir] No, I don't think that'll be happening.
[Kuspir] (do I have a sense of him trying to influence me by magic?)
[NemnostiGM] (you don't think he cast a spell, no)
[Kuspir] (ok)
[Rondal] All right, then, we'll just camp right here.
[Kuspir] Fine.
[Kuspir] If you can find space outside the walls, you are welcome to camp.
* Rondal looks around. There is definitely not room, other than right on the road.
[Rondal] So much for the hospitality of the esteemed Nemni clan.
[NemnostiGM] (make a Perception check)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+15
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 25 ].
[NemnostiGM] There are definitely a couple fewer Rumnoskas than there were a few minutes ago. You see a couple of the youths trying to make a break for it and to find a way to scale the wall, using the crowds as a distraction. You know that if they keep it up, they're likely to be killed by the ulajeta's magical defenses.
[Kuspir] All right, that's enough! Stop where you are and get back here, or you'll find out about our hospitality first-hand.
[Kuspir] (can I make... intimidate? or something?)
[NemnostiGM] (sure, absolutely)
[Kuspir] (I assume my bonus because I'm guarding home/temple applies)
[NemnostiGM] (definitely)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+18
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+18 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 18 ] totals [ 35 ].
[NemnostiGM] (all right, describe what you do)
[Kuspir] (I'm yelling at the people trying to climb the walls, with my weapon in hand. I assume that my yelling may also be enough to attract other stoneguards, if they're nearby.)
[NemnostiGM] The youths make a hasty retreat back to the group.
[NemnostiGM] A couple of the other stoneguards come out. There are three of you now, and the path forward is completely blocked if it wasn't before.
[Kuspir] That's good.
* Kuspir says - gotta provide positive reinforcement for expected behaviour ;p
[Rondal] You serve a wicked mistress, Kuspir. You do not see it, perhaps. But this is not a victory. Merely showing your loyalty to a tyrant.
[Kuspir] I'm sorry we can't be on better terms, Rondal. I hold no grudge against you and we could have worked together if you'd been willing to approach me in good faith. You still could. But not right now.
* Rondal attempts to spit on you, but it falls short.
[Kuspir] Get on your way.
[Rondal] Come, clan, we return home in victory! Remember what you have seen here today!
[NemnostiGM] The group gives off a cheer, as if they really believe in their victory.
* Kuspir is happy to let them believe that, if it makes them leave without more trouble
[NemnostiGM] They leave, cursing you and cheering all the way.
[NemnostiGM] You can file your report on the episode and hopefully that will be the end of it.

Marga gets a visit from Amasa and they talk about how Fultukhari is doing

[NemnostiGM] Marga, up in Hong Sogo, Romokh is always a dangerous time. You know all too well what happens when the Black Dog's men get five days to drink without restraint.
[NemnostiGM] Your first Romokh here, when you were a kid, you practically spent the whole time holed up in your room, until you realized that there's a lot of fun to be had.
[NemnostiGM] Tomorrow, the second day of Romokh, is the annual scaling of the Pardopasu, when vultures, and anyone stupid enough to think they can beat a vulture, make the run up the river from the ulajeta to Istu Levunu and back. That's always good fun.
[NemnostiGM] But it's a lot of people. So. Many. People.
[NemnostiGM] Rechegoko wisely decided that it was all too much for him so he'll be up at his camp, of course.
[NemnostiGM] In the evening of the first night, you are sitting quietly in the statue garden, mentally preparing for the run tomorrow, when Amasa Nemni comes up and sits next to you.
* Rondal is now known as Amasa
[Amasa] It's all a lot, isn't it.
[Marga] Huh?
[Marga] A lot of what?
[Amasa] Noise. Commotion.
[Amasa] Growing up here, I just thought everywhere was like this.
[Marga] Well, it's not like this here all the time...
[Amasa] No, of course not.
[Amasa] When I met Jorota, we were acolytes together. And she was new, and from away. Not even from Khutu. From Omba. She thought Romokh was not even practiced anymore, since the Calendar Rebellion, and ... sorry, I didn't come here to give a lecture.
[Amasa] The perils of talking to the acolytes by the firelight is that you never forget people who used to be your students, people like you.
* Marga laughs
* Amasa pauses, as if composing her thoughts.
[Amasa] You running tomorrow?
[Marga] Of course!
* Amasa looks you over.
[Amasa] I'll bet a few on you. Money well invested.
[Marga] Ha! I'll try my best :)
[Amasa] Everyone here sees how devoted you are to the work you do.
[Amasa] Vultures are ... just fascinating. I see why Fultukhari wants to be one. Aside from ... well.
[Marga] His dad?
* Amasa nods.
[Amasa] I'm okay with you knowing. Given all that you're doing for Fultukhari.
[Amasa] We don't talk about it.
[Amasa] Lijun is ... complicated.
[Marga] He's a nice guy.
[Marga] Why not talk about it?
* Amasa shakes her head.
[Marga] I mean, he knows, you know he knows...
[Amasa] There's so much history.
[Amasa] It's just a part of our lives that Jorota and I have decided to leave aside. And Lijun, he doesn't want to be a father.
[Amasa] So we respect that.
[Marga] Fultukhari might have other plans
* Amasa nods.
[Amasa] And that's fine.
[Amasa] I really, really appreciate what you're doing with him.
[Marga] I don't mind at all. He's great. :)
[Amasa] He is. How do you think he's managing with ... what happened at the well?
[Amasa] I'm sorry, I don't know why I am being so obscure. You actually had to kill her. I only had to hear about it.
[Amasa] It's just hard, knowing that my son had to see that.
[Marga] We talked about it some.
[Marga] I think he's ... processing it? And a lot of things
* Amasa nods.
[Marga] A lot goes on in your head when you're his age
[Amasa] I see them all every day, all the acolytes. But it's different when they're yours and they're hurting.
[Amasa] I know you've seen a lot too, and I take great comfort in how you've turned out. I can't really take any credit for that, of course.
[Marga] He's gonna turn out great.
* Amasa looks at you directly.
[Amasa] You'll be a great mom someday, if you want to.
* Marga laughs a bit too loudly
[Marga] I don't think that'll happen, hahhahaha.
* Amasa smiles.
[Amasa] Well, regardless.
[Amasa] Good luck with the race tomorrow. And ... thanks again.
[Marga] Thanks! And... I'm glad you guys asked me, really.
[Marga] That little guy is... well I just think he's neat. :)
[Amasa] He is.
* Amasa smiles, placing a hand on your shoulder as she departs.
* Marga smiles back :)

The second day of Romokh begins with the Scaling of the Pardopasu, in which Marga places third

[NemnostiGM] The second day of Romokh is for feats and accomplishments, particularly physical ones. We will celebrate those who wish to display their prowess, perhaps with the aim of earning the eye of a desired lover, or simply to be able to boast over a cup of beer.
[NemnostiGM] For those who seek a mental pursuit, there will be the playing of ompai, a game of pebbles tossed on a stone disk to pursue particular patterns and orientations. While it was not invented at Nemnosti, it certainly was popularized here and generations of acolytes have taken the pursuit far throughout Khutu and even beyond.
[NemnostiGM] But the greatest excitement is the scaling of the Pardopasu.
[NemnostiGM] Up from the ulajeta all the way to Istu Levunu and back, for those bold enough to attempt it. Many, of course, will fail, but the victors, and even the most audacious failures are remembered for years.
[NemnostiGM] This year there are almost fifty competitors, of which probably at least ten are serious.
[NemnostiGM] Of course, the vultures are not allowed to fly or anything like that, but nevertheless, their years of training make them almost inevitably the winners over the other locals.
[NemnostiGM] All right, here's how the competition works.
[NemnostiGM] Anyone who wishes to may join.
[NemnostiGM] You need to make two Acrobatics checks, two Climb checks, and two Survival checks.
[NemnostiGM] You get points for matching a DC of 20, 25, and 30, bonus points for a nat 20, and a penalty for a nat 1.
[Marga] (ok I will make those in order)
[NemnostiGM] To succeed, you need the strength to make it up, the nimbleness to scramble, and the knowledge of the terrain.
[NemnostiGM] Obviously no other magic or support is permitted.
[Marga] !roll 1d20+14
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 27 ].
[Marga] !roll 1d20+14
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 25 ].
[Marga] !roll 1d20+13
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 23 ].
[Marga] !roll 1d20+13
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 23 ].
[Marga] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Marga] (I'll use destiny on that one)
[Marga] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Marga] (lol oh well)
[Marga] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 12 ].
[Marga] (wow embarassing)
[NemnostiGM] Ouch! Marga, on the way up you were doing great! Alas, on the way down, you stepped on a root that seemed solid, but turned out to be somewhat rotten. You slipped briefly, and while there was a chance you'd just slide your way to victory, it really just ended with you getting stuck in an area that needed extra time to extract yourself.
[NemnostiGM] Eventually, you end up in third place.
* Marga cheerfully accepts third :)
[Marga] (sorry Amasa)
[NemnostiGM] Your friend, the brigand Bache Tokanai takes home the prize.
* Marga will congratulate him and offer to buy him a drink :D
* Bache flexes their muscles upon victory, and accepts all the accolades to which they are entitled
[NemnostiGM] Inevitably large sums of money exchange hands, both in delight and disappointment.

Jevai talks to Ozh Laigrunuf about the secret matters regarding her clan, and Ozh offers to help her within limits

[NemnostiGM] Jevai, this is all a bit much for you, but you are especially looking forward to the fourth day, when there will be displays of artistic endeavour.
[NemnostiGM] Not that you hate fun, or people. And a lot of the Nadenighs do come down from Akapa Sogo so you get to hang out with them in a different environment than usual.
[NemnostiGM] Neither of your parents has made the short trip down into the valley, though.
[NemnostiGM] How do you think you spend your time during the festival?
[Jevai] (retreating to quieter places and taking an occasional stroll through some of the activities, keeping an eye on the crack)
* Jevai is more a small groups socializer
[NemnostiGM] All right, on the second day, you are hanging out indoors, in one of the lounges, reading, when Ozh Laigrunuf comes in.
* Jevai can mostly handle stuff like that in small doses, with poeple she knows for support
* Bache is festively dressed in rustic finery, with bright colours.
[Bache] (ww)
* Bache is now known as Ozh
* Ozh is festively dressed in rustic finery, with bright colours.
[Ozh] Hi Jevai!
* Ozh smiles brightly.
[Ozh] Whatcha reading?
* Jevai looks up from her book
[Jevai] stone poems
[Ozh] Neat! Omban poems? Ravre poems?
[Jevai] its an odd collection. I found it in the library... Put together by someone trying to impress Nemnu Ula, I expect. it has a mix of things
[Jevai] some is just folktales, but I wonder if that's how those tales were told to....whoever collected it. the author's name is lost.
[Ozh] That'
[Ozh] That's often the way.
[Jevai] She would probably remember.
[Ozh] Yes, She might.
[Ozh] She does forget things, though. Maybe chooses to forget.
[Ozh] Or never really knew them. She's not perfect.
[Jevai] Indeed. no one is.
* Ozh fingers the bustul she wears in honour of her father.
[Ozh] Have you ever met my great-uncle, Urunu?
[Jevai] I don't believe so. Should I?
* Ozh shakes her head.
[Ozh] No, not necessarily.
[Ozh] He's the hengi of my lineage.
[Ozh] He knows who you are.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] what does he know?
[Ozh] He knows about your various trips out to our lands. Including the latest one, which he's not very happy about.
[Jevai] Oh? what did he tell you about that?
* Jevai sets her books aside and sits up
[Ozh] He wanted to know if I knew why you went into Musune. I didn't. I don't.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] and that's all?
[Ozh] That's all he told me.
[NemnostiGM] (you can make a SM)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 25 ].
[NemnostiGM] (there's definitely something else going on, but it isn't, you think, that Urunu told her more. She's not lying.)
* Jevai smiles
[Jevai] but what do you know?
[Ozh] I'm sorry. There are things I'm not supposed to know, but I do, and I'm definitely not supposed to share these things, that I'm not supposed to know, with you, but you're really so awesome, and I want to tell you, because I think we ... I think you and I could work really well together, and I'm so sorry, Jevai.
[Jevai] sorry?
* Ozh bursts out in a long stream of language that you barely manage to put together into coherent words.
[Ozh] You know, because I want to help, but I don't want to hurt.
* Ozh smiles awkwardly.
[Ozh] I know that sounds stupid.
[Jevai] No, I understand that you are sitting in a complicated position, Ozh
* Ozh shifts her position awkwardly, perhaps coming a couple inches closer to you.
[Ozh] Sometimes lineages have things that are just for them. Like your caves. Everyone wants to know, but we don't ask, because we're not entitled.
[Jevai] It's a difficult balance, isn't it?
* Ozh nods.
[Ozh] Are you planning to go back there?
[Ozh] To Musune? Like, in the depths of the forest?
[Ozh] I'm not saying you can't, or shouldn't, but just that you should know that I know they'll be paying attention.
[Ozh] If you needed to go there you'd need to go directly there, not like, by the river or through the outer forests or anything.
[Jevai] I understand
[Ozh] I'm not a scout or an expert on the territory or anything, I'm sorry, I can't help you with like, secret ways. There may not be any.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] have you been there?
* Ozh nods.
[Ozh] I have.
* Ozh pauses.
[Ozh] I mean, I don't know everything, I know that. It's ... complicated.
[Ozh] Families are complicated. But Laigrunufs, maybe especially.
[Jevai] yes, I have learned a little about that
[Ozh] My dad and I, we used to talk about it.
[Ozh] In a few weeks his jugoras will be done.
[Ozh] I haven't talked to him in so long.
[Jevai] I hope he will have good advice for you
* Ozh nods.
[Ozh] I’m sorry, I just interrupted and came in here and I've totally taken you away from your reading. But I guess I did want you to know that I am your friend, and I'm not going to just say things to my hengi just because, well like, I want you to trust me, and not think that I'm weird, because I know that I'm weird, but like, can we talk again sometime?
* Jevai smiles
[Jevai] Of course.
* Ozh smiles broadly.
[Ozh] Yay! I mean, ahh, thank you. Great.
[Ozh] I'm sorry again.
[Jevai] its okay
[Ozh] I should go.
* Jevai nods.
[Jevai] I'll see you around
[Ozh] Bye!
* Ozh leaves.

Ifa is asked for advice by Irdomila about how to handle Rembes’ potential desire to be pegged(!)

[NemnostiGM] Ifa, Romokh is an incredibly busy time for you. The bubunne are pretty much always needed for something. On top of that is all the social stuff, both with the Nemni and with Hand matters in general.
[NemnostiGM] You're in the bubun stables checking them over, when your niece Irdomila comes in.
[Irdomila] Hi ... do you have a few minutes for me, Aunt Ifa?
[Ifa] Always. What's up?
[Irdomila] So ... what I'm about to talk about, you are NOT allowed to talk to my dad about. Like, if you can't agree to that, then I should just go.
* Ifa smiles and nods.
[Ifa] No dad talk, got it.
[Irdomila] All right. So my friend Rembes.
[Irdomila] He's, well, he's more than a friend.
[Irdomila] He actually went and asked my father's permission to, uhhh, 'court' me. And then he told me that he did that!
[Ifa] Is that a problem?
[Irdomila] So Dad knows, I guess. That's not the secret part.
[Ifa] Okay.
[Irdomila] What do you do when a boy asks you to fuck him in the ass?
* Ifa lets out a quick bark of laughter that she quickly stifles.
[Ifa] Sorry! Sorry.
[Irdomila] No, it's fine.
[Irdomila] I mean, you understand why you CANNOT tell my dad this.
[Ifa] Oh, absolutely. He does *not* need to hear this.
[Irdomila] Rembes is ... he's lovely, and gentle. And no, before you ask, he's not gay. Or not in any relevant way.
[Ifa] I mean, he only needs to like you in this instance, so, yeah, not really relevant.
[Irdomila] He just ... he's soft and he likes it when I talk to him in rough ways, and then ... well, he's been reading this book, the Lay of Jijona. You know it?
[Ifa] (Do I know it?)
[NemnostiGM] (hmm, which knowledge skill is relevant here, for an ancient poetry book. history, I guess?)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+13
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 23 ].
[NemnostiGM] Yeah, you know of it, haven't read it. It's old Omban poetry about a man who is utterly submissive to his lady-love, Jijona. Not pornographic but definitely erotic.
[Ifa] I know it, but not extensively.
[Irdomila] So he's writing a thing, Rembes is. The Lay of Irdomila. It's not very good, but it's ... sweet.
[Irdomila] I saw it, by accident.
* Ifa smiles.
[Ifa] That is sweet.
[Irdomila] And so he hasn't actually asked me to fuck him in the ass. He's ... much more polite than that.
[Irdomila] But it's pretty obvious what he wants.
[Ifa] What do *you* want?
[Irdomila] Honestly? I mean, I'm fourteen, Aunt Ifa. I don't sit around thinking about these kinds of hypotheticals all day.
[Irdomila] It hadn't occurred to me.
[Irdomila] Why would it have?
[Irdomila] I don't have any strong opinions, I guess, on whether that would be fun.
[Ifa] I think perhaps we have had different experiences of being fourteen.
[Irdomila] I mean, we've done things.
[Irdomila] And I mean, I know he's like ... I know his personality is like the author of the Lay. Like ... soft, like I said.
[Irdomila] And I like that in him.
* Ifa nods.
[Irdomila] He's strong and military and noble and all that, and then ... I get to ... I don't know ... this sounds awful, but ... tell him what to do?
[Ifa] And you like how that makes you feel?
* Irdomila nods.
[Irdomila] Yes.
[Ifa] Because there's nothing wrong with that, if you both like it.
[Irdomila] Well he definitely likes it. So I'm not worried about ... uhh, scaring him off.
[Ifa] So I'm not sure I see a problem?
[Irdomila] Okay, so I guess my question is a different one than the one I started with.
* Ifa makes a "go ahead" gesture.
[Irdomila] The question is, when a boy wants you to fuck him in the ass, and you're okay with that, how do you raise the issue without letting him know that you accidentally saw his assfucking doggerel?
* Ifa manages just a chuckle.
[Ifa] a good question.
[Ifa] I mean, you can probably just ask him if he'd like you to top him like that.
[Irdomila] Can I ask, is that something you've done before? Like, not ask, I get the asking. But I mean, the doing?
[Irdomila] And, like, do you know where I could find, uhh, supplies?
[Ifa] Oh, also a good question.
[Ifa] I did have a boyfriend, when I was serving in Onighus, you liked that. It can be a little awkward at first, but no moreso than any other sex stuff, really.
* Irdomila nods.
[Irdomila] I know there would be ways to use Source to make what I would need, but I am not really any good at that yet. That seems like a risky way to fuck your boyfriend in the ass, to get a whole lot of backlash. That sounded terrible. I'm sorry.
[Ifa] Oh, no, that's the right idea. Don't mess with Source for something like this until you're a bit more experienced. With Source, I mean, though probably also the sex part, too.
[Irdomila] Right.
[Irdomila] I'm like my dad, though, you know, be prepared, all that. Until feet fail and whatnot.
[Ifa] 'Feet'. Right.
[Ifa] ;)
* Irdomila giggles, and for once she really does remind you of that little girl you used to hang around with when she was tiny.
[Ifa] I'm sure I can find you what you need. Or he needs, as the case may be.
[Irdomila] Thanks! It's not like, today urgent.
[Ifa] Obviously, I don't need to have a conversation with you about being 'safe', but, like, literally, you're going to need to be safe and careful. Go slow, check in, the first few times at least.
* Irdomila nods.
[Irdomila] I know. I will.
[Ifa] Okay, now go have fun at the festivities; I have work still to do. :)
[Irdomila] Thank you so much for this, Aunt Ifa. I know it's awkward, and I'm sorry to have to ask you to keep a secret.
[Ifa] Happy to help, 'Mila. Your secret's safe with me.
* Irdomila gives you a big, definitely not awkward at all, hug.
* Ifa hugs back.

Alai talks to Jorota, who offers her the choice of two apprentices, Winta and Irdomila; she chooses the latter

[NemnostiGM] Alai, you've been spending most of today watching the ompai matches. It's a fascinating little game, one that you of course weren't familiar with before coming here. Lots of the mystics play it, and claim it helps them with their focus.
[NemnostiGM] You're sitting in the makeshift seating put together for the event when the Preceptor, Jorota Vuvrugh, comes up to you.
* Alai is not entirely convinced of the theory but is interested enouugh to observe.
[Jorota] Alai, I was hoping to have a brief word with you, if you are free.
[Alai] If it is important we can speak now. Ompai is a passing interest if that.
[Jorota] We can go to my office.
* Alai nods, will stand up, smooth out her dress and accompany Jorota
* Jorota leads you up to the spacious second-floor office where her books and things are laid out neatly.
[Jorota] So, this is not really urgent, but it is important. I met with Nemnu a few days ago and we discussed some matters regarding apprentices, and apprenticeship, here at the ulajeta.
[Jorota] She has asked me to work with you, to help identify your first apprentice.
[Jorota] She thinks you're ready, and I agree, and we hope that you do too.
[Alai] An expected obligation. I have no objections to aiding in instructions. It may prove enlightening.
* Jorota nods.
[Jorota] She has concluded that Her own other apprentice, Khorond, needs much more time and attention from Her.
[Jorota] I would encourage you to see that as a sign of Her esteem, rather than neglect of Her responsibilities to you.
[Alai] Is that good news for him, or less so, eh?
[Jorota] Exactly.
[Jorota] He is very smart but has not adjusted to the life and expectations here.
[Jorota] Too fond of drink and sex, and while neither of those are bad things - well, you understand. The work comes first.
[Alai] That saddens me... the opportunity being wasted.
* Jorota nods.
[Alai] I could speak with him? Encourage him?
[Jorota] It can be hard sometimes, for the Ravre from the high hills, to be in a place where worldly things are so easy to access.
[Jorota] That would, I am sure, be most welcome.
[Alai] My own experience as fish out of water may help bring understanding.
[Alai] If not I could browbeat or whip him.
* Alai smiles
[Jorota] Nemnu will of course attend to all his intellectual needs, as he is still Her apprentice. But it could help. And you are friends with his cousin Marga, too.
[Alai] Maraga is true friend. I will do what I can for her cousin.
[Jorota] But in any case, he does not need a Serene, having the Most Venerable of all to supervise him.
[Jorota] You would, of course, upon taking an apprentice, be Serene and not August, not that those titles matter as much around here.
[Jorota] But I know out in the world, those are very important, and I can imagine that you would want that sign of esteem.
* Alai smiles
[Jorota] I hardly ever am called Venerable by anyone, except my wife when she is mocking me.
[Alai] A carrot that need not have been offered, but I do know.
* Jorota pulls out two files from a stack on her desk.
[Jorota] Anyway, we have two possibilities, and I would of course let you choose.
* Jorota hands you the first file.
* Alai will take the file and quickly glance over it
[Jorota] Winta Tsamorg.
[Jorota] The first acolyte ever from the Ashnabis colony.
[Alai] so many fish, so little water.
[Jorota] The Tsamorg are the same as what we call here in Ombesh, Zamurg. A folk noble lineage. Aristocratic but grew up in the town of Kaskind, in the midst of all that fos.
[Jorota] Her parents are ... very generous. But that need not concern you.
[Jorota] She is bright but, like you, comes from a very different world than this place.
[Jorota] Which, one can imagine, could be a real benefit to her.
[Alai] And the other?
[NemnostiGM] (the contents of the file are pretty basic - just giving basic information on her Courses so far, and basic information like that)
* Jorota passes it to you.
[Jorota] The other, I suspect, more familiar to you.
[Jorota] Irdomila Nemni.
[Alai] Ah yes, I've bumped into her before.
* Alai looks at the file
[Jorota] I do not imagine that your friendship with Kuspir would be any harm, and might in fact be helpful. It would of course require discretion.
[NemnostiGM] (this has more information, including genealogical information, and notes from her childhood, mostly in Jorota's hand, but not all)
[Jorota] Her ultimate potential is perhaps a little less clear than Winta's, in that she is a year younger and only started using fos recently.
[Jorota] On the other hand, a Nemni acolyte is a good bet to make a strong mystic, given how many of her Ancestors were of great power.
[Alai] As much as Winta's story appeals to me, I think Irdomila will be a better choice. I am intrigued to see if I can encourage her potential.
[Jorota] My sense of the girl is that she would be a good personality match for you. The same is probably true of me, but I am not able to take another apprentice at the moment.
[Jorota] My own apprentice, Sapunoke, needs a LOT of work.
* Jorota sighs.
[Jorota] Obviously not to be repeated outside this room.
[Alai] I am sure I may soon be sharing similar commiserations. The path of an apprentice is not the simplest.
[Alai] At least for most.
* Jorota shakes her head.
[Jorota] Irdomila will have the normal tribulations.
[Jorota] And you will have the ordinary struggles.
* Alai gives a slight inhale.
[Jorota] When your apprentice is three years in and still struggling with ordinary things, well ... that is different.
[Alai] I hate to say it, but, perhapse a different path would be better.
[Alai] Three years
[Jorota] I mean, all of us are always apprentices, always learners. But not like this. I do not anticipate the same trouble with either Irdomila or Winta. It is a struggle but as Preceptor, I do not always get to choose the easy ones.
[Alai] Even the best sailors can do little with a poor craft to pilot.
[Jorota] Well said.
[Jorota] All right, well, nothing need be done right away. But moving forward we will work towards that. I will broach the subject with her - not that it is her choice, but we do like to at least mention it to them before the assignment is made, to give them time to sit with the decision.
[Jorota] It used to all just be announced at once, centuries ago. Who was matched with whom. Like a public proclamation. Too much public disappointment resulted from that model.
[Jorota] Especially, of course, when it comes to Nemnu's matched apprentices.
[Alai] From my meeting with Irdomila, I'm not anticipating any disappointment..
[Jorota] No, not at all.
[Jorota] She is hungry for Source.
[Alai] I know that well.
[Jorota] All right, well, unless you have further questions, that's all I have for you.
[Alai] Very well, I will take my leave and attempt to enjoy this festival. Even after all these years, its still a little strange.
[Jorota] I feel the same way. Khutuans have no idea how strange they seem to the rest of us.

Ifa helps Afra during her labour, during which she confesses her fear that Hojon’s mind is failing; she gives birth to a healthy boy

[NemnostiGM] Ifa, it's the end of the second day of Romokh and finally you are thinking that perhaps you are going to get a chance to rest.
[NemnostiGM] Today and tomorrow are the busiest days for Hands, as the third day of Romokh is the day for the redistribution of goods, and the sharing of the ulajeta's bounty is part of your Order's role, of course.
[NemnostiGM] You've just come off a two-hour shift directing bubun putting together bags of dried food to be distributed out, mostly berries and jerky and hard bread. It's exhausting, for you I mean, not the bubun.
[NemnostiGM] A young acolyte serving as messenger comes over to you.
* Jorota is now known as Messenger
[Messenger] Ah, Hand Ifa?
* Ifa looks up.
[Messenger] Hand Jesa has an urgent need of you.
[Ifa] Ah, of course. Thank you.
* Ifa will make sure things are in order as quickly as she can and head out to find Jesa.
* Messenger will lead you to her.
[NemnostiGM] The messenger takes you to, of all places, the Nemni iftibal.
* Messenger is now known as Jesa
[Ifa] Hand Jesa?
[Jesa] Ah, good, you're here.
[Jesa] Afra Sortusai has gone into her labour.
[Jesa] She's asked for you to be her attending Hand.
[Ifa] Ah. Of course.
[Jesa] And frankly, I have few enough of those to spare at the moment.
* Ifa nods.
[Jesa] I will ensure that the bubunne are cared for.
[Jesa] Oh ... you'll need to take control of my bubun in there.
* Jesa points to the room where Afra is, presumably.
[Jesa] Let's just sort that out, I'll surrender my control to you.
* Ifa will go with her to do that.
* Jesa does so, and then departs.
[NemnostiGM] You find yourself in a well-organized room that someone (probably Ajemika, surely not Hojon) has sorted out for the purpose.
[Ifa] Hey, how are you?
[Afra] I'm scared, Ifa.
[Ifa] That's common, but you'll be fine. Even if you don't know what to do, your body does.
[Afra] I'm sorry, I know it's Romokh, I didn't want to trouble you, I know how busy you are.
[Ifa] There's nowhere else I'd rather be. I'm here for you.
[Afra] I ... I'm glad it's you. I mean, I asked for you. But I'm glad.
[Ifa] I'm glad you asked.
[Afra] There are so few people around here who I just know and trust, and who ... well, this baby is going to be kin to you, after all.
* Afra winces with pain. Definitely a firm contraction.
[Ifa] It would've been regardless, if not in name.
* Ifa will presumably examine Afra to see how things are going.
[Ifa] (Full ranks in Heal gotta be worth something :P )
[NemnostiGM] (make a check, then)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 22 ].
[NemnostiGM] Your inspection reveals nothing wrong. Afra's definitely coming along well, and the head is pointed the right direction.
[NemnostiGM] You can get the bubun to bring clean towels and water, but really at the moment Afra doesn't seem to have any medical needs.
[Afra] How is everything?
[Ifa] Everything looks good. For now, we mostly wait. You can squeeze my hand when it hurts.
* Afra smiles, and then pauses.
[Afra] Ifa?
[Ifa] Hmm?
[Afra] I'm worried.
[Ifa] About the baby?
* Afra shakes her head.
[Afra] About Hojon.
* Afra says, almost in a whisper.
[Ifa] What about him?
[Afra] His memory ... it's failing him.
[Afra] His body is so strong, but ... he's forgetting things.
[Afra] Things that he shouldn't.
[Ifa] Like what?
* Afra squeezes your hand hard, as another contraction hits.
[Afra] Well, we had decided on a name, but he then asked me today whether we had a name picked out.
[Afra] And then ... well thinking back ... it's not the first time over the last few months.
[Afra] He's not an old man. But ...
[Afra] I just don't know what to think.
[Ifa] Hmm.
* Ifa considers.
[Ifa] (Does anything like that run in Hojon's family, if I would know?)
[NemnostiGM] (you mean, in the Nemni lineage? not that broadly, no)
[Ifa] (Well, I meant his specific branch, but, yeah, cool)
[Ifa] I mean, it's something we can keep an eye on, but, like you said, he's not an old man. Not really.
[Afra] I can't lose him now. I know he's - I know not everyone thinks highly of him, but ... he is really good to me. You believe that, right?
[Ifa] I do. I can't pretend I entirely understand it, but I do.
* Ifa squeezes Afra's hand reassuringly.
[Ifa] I'm sure he's fine. There's been a lot on his mind lately.
* Afra smiles.
[Afra] Then let's get on with this thing. I've been pregnant long enough.
* Ifa chuckles at that.
[NemnostiGM] The labour is not actually too bad. It goes on for a while. Nemni women come in from time to time, although everyone is busy. Ajemika spends the most time there, and as the baby's sister/aunt, does a good job of not being awkward about that.
[NemnostiGM] Your mom comes by to spell you off for a while - there always has to be a Hand in the room, theologically speaking ,but you certainly don't have to do all the work yourself.
[NemnostiGM] (I'll have you make one more Heal check to make sure you don't screw things up too badly)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 19 ].
[Ifa] (Well, it's not a 1)
[NemnostiGM] It's the wee hours of the morning and you are definitely too exhausted to think straight, having been up for nearly 24 hours, but eventually there is a baby boy!
* Afra smiles as she holds her little one.
[Ifa] Congratulations!
[Afra] I'm so glad Hojon can have his first ... grandson.
* Afra says, as if practicing the lie.
* Ifa gives Afra what she hopes is a sypathetic and fortifying smile.
[NemnostiGM] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes!


Alai cures Pughan of whatever Gunuremai did to his mind using psychic surgery; Alai and Jevai talk to him and help him travel to Ardukh to be away from this place

* Pughan will come back with you to Nemnosti, at least temporarily, after the fight with Gunuremai at the heart of Musune.
* Alai will track him down at where he is being temporarily quartered.
* Jevai probably wants to see if smoene can fix him asap but does also have questions
[Jevai] (Do we need to play that out or can we assume it gets taken care of)
[Pughan] (you mean, you want someone high level like Jorota who has a good chance of being able to dispel?)
[Jevai] (yeah)
[Pughan] (sure, I mean she, or of course Nemnu, can definitely do that. Or Alai can try but she's going to have a hard time as you would)
[Pughan] (let's just say that's done then, Pughan is back to his normal, broken self?)
[Jevai] ("Please unmindfuck what the hulti did to my brither, yes it WILL make him worse again, but still.")
[Alai] (I only need like an 8 to successfully cast Psychic Surgery and remove any enchantments affecting his mind)
[Alai] (as long as they are 6th level spell or lower)
[Pughan] (OK, well you imagine it probably is - very few non-mystics cast 7th or higher level spells, ever)
[Jevai] (yeah Dominate Person is only 5th :o)
[Pughan] (ah yes, I see, if it's not dispellable, it still works if it's [=lv6)
[Alai] !roll 1d20+14
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 29 ].
[Alai] (done)
[Jevai] (score)
[Jevai] Thank you.
* Pughan relaxes, as if a burden is removed from his shoulders.
[Pughan] She tried to kill me.
[Jevai] yes.
* Alai slumps from the casting, strained by the effort.
[Pughan] She was actually fucking going to kill me.
* Pughan shakes his head.
[Jevai] do you know who she was?
[Alai] Sorry you ended up involved in this chaos
[Pughan] I mean ... I know the same as everyone does, the masked lady is the one who has been killing revenants. I knew that even before ... well before.
[Pughan] Same person?
[Jevai] yes
[Jevai] can you tell me what happened?
[Jevai] how she...caught you?
[Pughan] I was drunk, in Naftusa.
* Pughan shrugs.
[Pughan] She didn't have the mask on. She just looked ... mundane.
* Jevai nods
[Alai] We could ask what she looked like, but she disguises herself, so may be little point.
[Alai] So what she look like?
[Pughan] A woman, of middle years. But ... she could have looked like anything, with magic.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] how long ago was this?
[Pughan] A couple weeks, maybe?
[Pughan] It's hard to say - once she, ahhh, had me, time feels all funny.
* Jevai frowns
[Jevai] did she ever talk to you about what she was doing?
[Pughan] Not much. I mean, she told me that she was getting you to come and find me, take me back home.
[Pughan] But that waterfall with ... all those spirals and things, no, I mean, I didn't ask. I don't know if I could have asked.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] she hadn't take you there before?
[Pughan] No.
[Jevai] where was she staying?
[Pughan] Just a room at an inn in Naftusa.
[Alai] Still should be worth looking into, but is unlikely anything useful is left there.
* Jevai nods in agreement
[Jevai] How are you feeling now?
[Pughan] I don't know how to answer that.
[Pughan] I feel like I don't know who I am.
[Pughan] Angry. Foolish.
[Jevai] You're not a fool for falling for her tricks. She's extemely powerful.
[Alai] Jevai speaks true, even we have fallen for her ruses before.
[Pughan] So this is the part where you tell me not to try to find her and kill her.
[Jevai] is it?
[Pughan] Isn't it?
[Jevai] do you think you could, after everything she's done?
[Alai] well she can kill you with her force of will... so there is that?
[Pughan] Right.
* Jevai is more asking to assess what he things than being dismissive
[Jevai] (thinks)
[Jevai] what if I say - don't try to take her on alone.
[Pughan] Is she likely to come after me again, do you think?
[Alai] I don't know the answer to that.
* Alai looks at Jevai
[Pughan] Well - she came after me to get to you, right?
[Pughan] She doesn't really care about me?
[Alai] Does not mean she cannot be petty and try to.
[Alai] I know I am not helping.
[Alai] I do not want bad things to happen to you Pughan.
[Jevai] If she thinks that you could be a danger to her, because of something you saw or know, or for revenge, then maybe.... or just because you are Shorore and she suffered you to live for her plan and then failed to kill you.... then maybe
[Jevai] but I don't know her mind. I'm only guessing.
[Pughan] I could have gotten you killed.
[Pughan] Or she could have used me to force you to do something awful.
* Alai slaps Jevai's arm
[Alai] Please... she is tough as stone. Have some faith in your sister.
[Alai] besides, I was there to help too.
* Pughan laughs.
[Pughan] I don't trust myself not to attack her, if I see her again.
[Pughan] Then she would just kill me.
* Jevai smiles
[Pughan] I need to go farther away.
[Jevai] oh...
[Jevai] That makes sense. I just don't like it.
[Alai] Is not like it's forever and not like you cannot keep track of Pughan. It does seem reasonable.
[Alai] Although you being far away and getting drunk and picking up older women, doesn't feel responsible on your part Pughan.
[Pughan] Maybe Onighus. I've never been to the city.
[Alai] How about Ardukh instead?
[Alai] I know someone there.
[Pughan] North, huh? Maybe, yeah.
[Pughan] It's a lot farther.
[Pughan] I'm sorry, Jevai. I should have been better.
* Jevai nods, though her knowledge of geography beyond this region is really just hypothetical
[Jevai] No. That's not true.
[Jevai] I should have doine more to stay in touch.
* Pughan shakes his head.
[Jevai] we'll both do better, then, okay
[Jevai] ?
[Pughan] I'll get out of your way. Once she's dealt with, you can let me know and I'll come back.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] stay safe.
[Jevai] you *will* hear from me.
* Jevai will give him a hug
* Pughan hugs you back.
[Alai] So, Pughan, do you want to walk, or be there today?
[Pughan] I've never teleported anywhere. Sounds fun! Is it dangerous?
[Alai] Mostly no, but that's what makes it fun.
* Alai smiles
[Pughan] Let's do it then!
* Pughan smiles broadly.
[Alai] Of course, but first I must recover a bit. Fixing your head was no simple feat. You can give me a shoulder rub while I rest.
[Pughan] Uhh ... okay.
* Pughan will scooch over and attempt to comply, while not looking at either you or Jevai.
* Alai sternly suppresses her giggle but gives Jevai an amused wink
* Jevai huffs in mild amusement
[Alai] ... I may not be stone like your sister, but I am not fragile crystal either.
* Alai teases
[Alai] (afterward I'll walk him outside of Nemnosti, far enough away to safely teleport)
[Jevai] do you want me to come?
[Pughan] If you want.
[Alai] I can bring you if you want.
[Alai] Be good to say goodbye. I do not plan on lingerling long, however, if I have choice.
[Jevai] I can say goodbye here, just as well.
[Jevai] Take care of yourself, okay?
* Jevai will give him another big hug
[Pughan] You too. When you get her for good, stab her once for me, ok?
[Jevai] I will. Be careful with those mystic girls now, hmm?
* Pughan laughs.
[Pughan] You too.
* Jevai smiles
* Alai will teleport Pughan to Ardukh, giving him a few coins an a letter for Zosa Ultaspi to help Pughan out as a favour for her, then return to Nemnosti.

Kuspir and Alai talk about Alai taking on Irdomila as an apprentice

* Kuspir is out taking in some of the later festivities, having had to work all day
[Alai] feet haven't failed you yet today I see.
[Kuspir] Not yet, no.
[Kuspir] But they're letting me know they're not happy.
* Alai comments stepping next to Kuspir, a cup in hand. She is wearing a loose cream coloured Altala with strategic slits that maintain modesty while stationary, but aid in cooling while moving.
[Kuspir] Have you had a good time at the festival today?
[Alai] I have been here for years, but I still find this celebration a little strange. As to amusement, there is some...
* Alai raises her cup.
[Alai] I am certain it has been most enjoyable for you, eh?]
[Kuspir] Breaking up some fights, dealing with drunk idiots.... it is a busy time of year. But not bad.
[Alai] Is nice to have a foe you can see right in front of you, now and then.
* Kuspir nods
[Alai] I've gotten good news, soon you will have to refer to me as Serene instead of August.
[Kuspir] oh?
[Alai] I'll be getting an apprentice
[Kuspir] Ah, congratulations
* Alai smiles
[Alai] why thank you stoneguard.
[Kuspir] Does that mean we'll have some kid to help carry our things on our travels?
[Alai] I am uncertain I would put them at such risk, and it may cause unwanted challenged amongst our wayward band.
[Alai] I wouldnt want to distract you from responsibilities.
[Kuspir] Well, that's understandable. ... hm?
* Kuspir looks down at you, a bit puzzled
[Alai] It hasn't been officially announced, but I suspect you are familiar with my apprentice, a Nemni.
[Kuspir] Oh?
* Alai says with coy look
* Kuspir looks briefly confused, with realization gradually dawning on him
[Kuspir] Irdomila?
* Alai nods
[Alai] You would learn sooner or later, so I figure, I see you here, why not sooner.
[Kuspir] oh, well, that's... good, I'm sure you'll be a good teacher for her.
[Kuspir] Does she know yet?
[Alai] Not yet. She will learn shortly. Quite an eager girl. And attentive, from the one time I did meet her.
[Kuspir] She's very eager to learn magic, yes.
[Alai] I understand the feeling. I was there myself. The Lady taught me herself. She is in good hands.
[Kuspir] I worry a bit that she's rushing ahead too quickly, but I suppose that's the nature of her age.
[Alai] It is your place to worry. You know I am capable. I hope knowing someone familiar is guiding her would at least assuade some of the worry.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] I know you're very skilled. There are many risks to this type of training, but if anyone knows about that, I'm sure it's you.
[Alai] There wont be any incidents like Ifa.
[Kuspir] Mm, I hope you're right.
[Kuspir] I assume such training starts off with simple things, where the risks are less great.
[Alai] You ask new recruits to pick up a hammer and try and beat you one on one very often?
[Kuspir] No, they would start with hitting something that can't hit back. A post, or a training dummy, that sort of thing.
[Alai] Is like that, except the hammer has razors on its handle, so we be more careful until you can manage to even grip it.
[Kuspir] Hm, you're not entirely convincing me with your 'razors on the handle' comparison, but I'll take your word for it that you'll look out for her.
[Alai] Anything dramatic for you today?
[Kuspir] That Rondall fellow came to the gates, with a bunch of his people, trying to get in. It didn't work out for him. Fortunately I didn't have to hit him, just stand there and take his abuse.
[Alai] He doesn't seem very clever at picking opponents.
[Kuspir] Yes. I wonder if there was some other point to coming here. But if there was, I don't know, other than showing off to his followers.
* Alai considers
[Alai] I suppose that is the appearance of doing something, when you really cannot do anything. Politically expedient.
[Kuspir] Maybe that's it.
[Alai] you would be right to worry. I'm sure you know that shows of force have a tendancy to get out of hand unexpectedly.
[Alai] Perhapse better just to nip this now before causes more trouble.
[Kuspir] How do you mean?
* Alai shrugs
[Alai] Smack them and send them on their way.
[Kuspir] Ah. Well, today they went on their way without requiring any smacking, but that might not always be the case.
[Alai] I'm no diplomat... Ifa may know a less smacky way of getting them to move on.
* Kuspir smiles slightly at that
[Kuspir] She does have a way of getting people to do things they don't want to.
[Alai] I think she would say she simple explains to them that they in fact do want to.
[Kuspir] Yes, you're right.
* Alai gives a small chuckle
[Alai] a problem for tomorrow. I'm sure Ifa will help if asked. If you need different convincing, fetch me, or, I'm sure that big hand of yours can convince as well.
[Kuspir] Eh? Well, yes, I guess so. Have a good rest of your evening, Alai.
[Alai] and you
* Alai lifts her cup and will walk away ahead of Kuspir, showing off the features of her dress.

Ifa and Kuspir talk about the growing relationship between Rembes and Irdomila, and about their many duties

* Ifa will find Kuspir whenever his guard shift ends, bringing a basket of various festive foods she knows he likes.
* Kuspir can be found at his house, getting out of his armor and into something more comfortable
* Ifa knocks.
* Kuspir answers, getting his shirt on.
[Ifa] Not a bad time, is it? I was just bringing you some food.
[Kuspir] Ah, Ifa, no, it's not a bad time. I was going to find something to eat soon, so this is a nice surprise. Thank you.
[Ifa] Busy week for all of us, so I wanted to make sure you, you know, ate an actual meal.
[Kuspir] Come in if you have the time? I know you're busy right now too.
[Ifa] I'm not needed just this moment.
* Ifa smiles and will enter.
[Ifa] How are you? I imagine it's stressful right now for security and all.
[Kuspir] It's been hectic, but no major problems. Mostly just people being drunk and foolish.
[Kuspir] How about you? I hope you've had some chance to enjoy yourself, even if there is work to be done.
[Ifa] Yeah, it's hectic, but I like seeing all the people.
* Kuspir nods
[Ifa] It's nice to see folks having fun, especially with everything that's been going on.
[Kuspir] I hope the kids are having a good time. I feel a bit like I'm neglecting them, being so busy right now.
* Ifa smirks involuntarily.
[Ifa] I'm sure they're managing to stay busy.
[Kuspir] Oh, I'm sure. They do quite well on their own, or with their friends, they don't need me looking over their shoulder all the time.
[Ifa] Plenty to do during Romohk.
[Ifa] Irdomila sounds like she's coming along well in her studies.
[Kuspir] Yes, it seems so. I worry, but I suppose that's inevitable as a child grows into adulthood. She has to take certain steps on her own.
[Ifa] I understand she has an admirer?
* Ifa asks innocently.
[Kuspir] Yes, the boy Rembes. He came and talked to me, seeking my permission to... court her, I suppose? I told him he doesn't need my blessing, it's her choice, but he seemed to want it anyway.
[Kuspir] Different ways, I guess.
[Ifa] That's sweet of him.
[Kuspir] He seems like a nice boy, a bit ... hm. Poetic.
[Ifa] Poetic?
[Kuspir] Like everything he says comes out of an old book or something. Just sort of. flowery.
[Kuspir] Not sure if he was just trying to impress me or if he's always like that.
[Ifa] Well, if it makes her happy, I'm sure it's harmless.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] She could do worse. He seems very respectful.
[Ifa] What every father wants in a potential son-in-law, hmm? ;)
[Kuspir] heh, well, I'd like him to be less frightened of me if things progress to that point, but yes.
[Kuspir] At least a little less frightened. He can stay a bit frightened, for his health.
* Ifa laughs.
[Ifa] They're young yet. He's got time to find some confidence, and 'Mila can make up for any he lacks.
[Kuspir] It's true. I seem to think I was more confident than that at his age, but perhaps misguidedly so.
[Ifa] And now that you've reached this age of maturity?
[Kuspir] Ah, now I'm old enough to know that I know very little, and have control over even less.
* Ifa smiles.
[Ifa] Smart man.
[Ifa] Wise, at least. ;)
[Kuspir] By the time I'm old, I expect I'll know nothing at all, and the world will simply go on without me, as it should.
* Kuspir says with a smile
[Ifa] I suppose we all reach that point, but I know we'd be poorer for it.
[Kuspir] We can be like rocks in the river when we're young, but everyone gets worn down with enough time.
[Ifa] You're not so old as that.
* Ifa swats his arm playfully.
[Ifa] With everything that's been going on, it's been scary, but I sleep easier knowing you're here to protect us.
[Kuspir] I suppose I still have some years to go before the young people set me beside the fire and tell me to just rest.
[Kuspir] As evidenced by the workload these days.
[Ifa] Hopefully it will calm some point.
[Kuspir] Indeed. For both our sakes.
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] Ah, you brought some honeyed hazelnuts, those are always a nice treat.
* Kuspir says, discovering dessert
[Ifa] I thought I remembered you liking them.
[Kuspir] I do, don't get them too often or I'll get fat, but it's the holidays after all :)
[Ifa] I don't think you're in any real danger.
[Kuspir] Heh, it doesn't burn off as easily as it did when I was twenty and could eat whatever I wanted, but I have been getting more exercise lately, of course.
[Ifa] It's likely there's more to come, I'm sure, but hopefully not too soon.
[Kuspir] You said it, so I'll know who to blame if something goes wrong in the next few days.
[Ifa] Crap. Fair, I did just kind of jinx things.
[Kuspir] Quick, spin in a circle to ward off the bad luck.
* Kuspir says, probably joking but it's always hard to tell with him
* Ifa will stand and do that, just in case, laughing.
[Ifa] Think we're safe?
[Kuspir] hmm I'm not sure. what other methods are there to get rid of bad luck?
[Ifa] Pinch of salt over the shoulder? Seems a bit of waste...
* Kuspir smiles at that
[Kuspir] We wouldn't want to waste, it's true.
* Ifa will knock on the wooden table.
[Kuspir] That should do it, I hope.
[Ifa] I should hope so.
[Ifa] All right, I should probably get going. Enjoy the hazelnuts, as much as you want; it's the holidays.
[Kuspir] I will, thank you. You have a good time too.
* Ifa will give Kuspir a quick hug on the way out and, without thinking, a kiss on the cheek. She will then very awkwardly hurry out.
[Kuspir] ....
* Kuspir goes back to finish his food, more pensively