Ozh Laigrunuf

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Ozh Laigrunuf

Ozh (746-), known as Upwing and to the Lady as Tovra, is a member of the rural Laigrunuf lineage whose iftibal is in Bemnes, but whose historical hunting and grazing rites are to the north, near the wild Musune forest and abandoned Gil Hargush. She is a young woman who came to Nemnosti planning to train as a mystic but whose interests turned to history, poetry, and folklore and is now becoming a reckoner. The Laigrunuf are a lineage once considered to be Ravre but no longer. Ozh's father died while she was an acolyte and will eventually be interred in the Outer Caves, but is currently rendered bubun and so she wears the bustul for a few more months. She is friendly to the point of oversharing about various facts and stories about the world, and is generally well-liked among the acolytes.