Ashnabis session 61

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Ashnabis session logs
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Session date: October 11, 2021
Fair Cycle date:


<AshnabisNarrator> For many years, ever since the colony was founded, there have been two kinds of songs sung in the taverns of Kaskind.
<AshnabisNarrator> Mainly, these have been the songs of wherever people came from. Basaians sing Basaian chants, low and soft and romantic. Daligashi songs are bright and accompanied by lute and drum. And so on.
<AshnabisNarrator> Then, of course, there are the local tunes, the songs of the Aummesh, sung here long before fos was farmed, long before the Fort arose. Songs of the swamp, sung to the stamping of feet and the hiliben, the three-stringed zither.
<AshnabisNarrator> But this year it seems that people have finally decided to make new music, played on the hiliben with local chords, but sung in Ombesh and on new themes.
<AshnabisNarrator> In the taverns in this first summer month of Shosolda, one is all too likely to hear the popular tune, "A Daughter's Heart":
<AshnabisNarrator> The "Osnabee" seem none too fond of it, but at least some of them take it with a sly smile. At any rate, with newcomers now outnumbering locals almost ten to one in the colony, such summer songs, and their themes, are unlikely to go away anytime soon.

Bitsaar arrives at the Land Registry office in distress

<AshnabisNarrator> These days you all spend less time than you used to at the land registry. Of course technically you all still have some role there - even if just a nominal one - and keep desks there. Utus calls you in for meetings every once in a while, as he did this morning. Just the usual stuff.
<AshnabisNarrator> As you're milling about, thinking about lunch, most likely, you hear a commotion at the front door. In a moment, Bitsaar rushes in, dirty, breathing heavily, and bloodied.
<Bitsaar> Taken ... gone ... help!
* Veznara leaps to her feet and goes over to him
* Bitsaar staggers into the room, completely out of breath.
<Veznara> Bitsaar! What happened? Oh, you're hurt!
<Bitsaar> The others ... the others ... I couldn't save them.
<Jimba> What's going on?
<Llillilli> What's going on? What's taken?
<Bitsaar> I was with my team - we were out scouting new lands far to the east, east of Lake Tsidul.
* Bitsaar says once he manages to catch his breath.
<Bitsaar> The others went onwards, I was staying back because they were clearing up ahead, and ... well, I don't think they trust that I won't die.
<Bitsaar> Then I heard the screams. I ran to where they were.
<Bitsaar> Through brambles and bushes, into a clearing, a strange place full of mossy rocks and great trees amidst the waters.
<Bitsaar> A woman, but far too tall, a foot taller than me, broad shoulders, covered in leaves and roots. A wild giantess of the trees. And her face ... dark and angry.
<Llillilli> (does he seem high)
<Bitsaar> Idasti and Mepla had already fallen. The others stood yet, but screaming, covered in vines and roots over their bodies. I fled, and made it back here. I don't think ... I don't think I was followed.
<AshnabisNarrator> (he does not)
<Katenzhi> Well... fuck.
<Bitsaar> I left them all ... I left them all to die ... Sulidein, Selisaeth, Sharei ... oh Ancestors forgive me!
* Bitsaar crumples against Veznara, weeping.
<Veznara> Shhh... shhhh... it's alright. You had to come let us know.
<Daifan> Moss...
* Veznara comforts him as best she can
<Daifan> We can go for them
* Jimba scowls.
* Daifan sais, already checking their healing kit
<Jimba> Right.
* Jimba nods.
<Daifan> But you will have to show us where
<Llillilli> (have I heard of any place, or any local lore that lines up with this?)
* Bitsaar is somewhat injured but nothing too serious - mainly scrapes and bruises from running through underbrush, it looks like.
* Daifan says i avoice that sounds calm, at least
<Veznara> (These lands to the east - do we know anything about them? They aren't associated with the Sashnir, for example?)
<AshnabisNarrator> You've been out that way before. They're not associated with the Sashnir, no. But the farther east you go, the deeper into the swamp, into areas not previously mapped / inhabited by the colony.
<AshnabisNarrator> Llillilli, you can make a roll - K:nature if you have it
<Jimba> (Would we know anything about a an angry tall plant lady? ;) )
<Llillilli> !roll 1d20+13
* @Lan-werk rolls for Llillilli: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 30 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> Well, at least some of you do know something about giant forest spirits.
<Veznara> (How about K:Geography and/or P:Mapmaking? :P )
<AshnabisNarrator> Nope, Veznara, those won't work.
<Veznara> (Aw, poop. :/ )
<Veznara> (I'll just focus a bit on comforting Sweetie, then.)
<Jimba> (I'm figuring we can't really beat Llillilli's roll anyway :) )
<AshnabisNarrator> Llillilli, you certainly know that there are many stories of giant woodland spirits, creatures, not human, who care for the plants and harm those who would harm nature. You've never seen anything specifically.
<Llillilli> Hm.
<Llillilli> I've heard stories about giant woodland spirits, but...
<Veznara> (K: Arcana?)
<AshnabisNarrator> (nope, K:nature is the roll)
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 11 ].
<Katenzhi> It's not... I mean it couldn't be.
<Llillilli> It's not what>
<Daifan> Not what?
<Katenzhi> Our landkeeper... Oignestros... I've been suspecting that he's more than he seems to be for a while. He has this... way with plants. And he's just so... weird sometimes. I wonder if this thing is something he'd know about.
<Katenzhi> But I don't know if we have time to ask him.
<Veznara> Can you teleport to him?
<Daifan> or a sending maybe?
<Katenzhi> A sending might work. I can't really teleport to him if I don't know where he is.
<Veznara> Try that, then... maybe you can arrange a meeting that way, and teleport then.
<Llillilli> Those people might be dead by the time we have a meeting
<Daifan> yes. If he can tell us anything quickly that's one thing but the longer we wait the les likely we'll be able to rescue anyone
<Jimba>'s going to take us a while to get to where they were.
<Veznara> Bring him with us? If he knows about this woman, that may be vital.
<Veznara> Anyway, yes, we do have to act quickly.
<Katenzhi> On it.
<Daifan> maybe there is some way he can meet up with us
<Katenzhi> We can head out and I can cast the sending on the way.
<Katenzhi> If I need to teleport I will.
<Jimba> ...Kat, could you try sending to one of them?
* Veznara nods
<Daifan> ... I'll tey that
<Katenzhi> I can give it a shot.
<Katenzhi> Ok
<Jimba> It'll give us more info.
<Daifan> while she talks to her landkeeper
* Jimba nods.

Katenzhi does a Sending to Oignestros while Daifan performs one to Moss

* Katenzhi will cast sending to Oignestros, then. "Our friends were attacked by a giant lady covered in plants east of Tsidul. Do you know anything about it? Seems like your bailiwick."
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+18
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+18 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 18 ] totals [ 29 ].
* NPC1 is now known as Oignestros
* Oignestros responds: She is known to me, she is my [word]. I know her haunts and deep abidings. Come hitherward, friend Katenzhi. I will tell you many truths.
<Katenzhi> He... he knows her.
<Katenzhi> We have to go see him.
<Llillilli> HOw far?
<Jimba> Is he home?
<Jimba> (How far out of the way is that?)
<Katenzhi> He said "Come hitherward." I think that's Oignestros -speak for him being home.
<AshnabisNarrator> It's not that far - it's on the other side of the river, but not too far from Timiil. You could teleport there as well - Katenzhi has been there.
<Katenzhi> I can teleport us.
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> That seems like a plan.
<Jimba> But we should see if Daifan gets a response.
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+14
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 31 ].
<Daifan> (well I make my magic check ;p
<AshnabisNarrator> OK, who are you contacting and what is your message?
* Daifan will send to Moss "Bitsaar made it back. We're coming. Tell me what you can - are the others alive? Please hold on. I love you."
* Oignestros is now known as Moss
* Moss responds: "Such pain ... darkness around ... she has us ... come soon!" Then nothing further.
<Daifan> he is alive.... but not well. He said 'she' has them.
<Llillilli> Mm.
<Jimba> Then time is a factor. We ready?
<Katenzhi> Let's go see Oignestros and go from there.
* Jimba nods.
* Veznara reluctantly leaves Bitsaar's side
<Veznara> We'll be back soon. You rest for now.
* Bitsaar nods despondently
* Katenzhi will teleport us to Oignestros' shack once everyone is ready.
<Bitsaar> Be careful... I can't bear to lose you too...
* Veznara smiles at him
<Veznara> Don't worry. You won't.
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+18
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+18 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 18 ] totals [ 37 ].
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d100
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d100 ] getting [ 83 ].

The group teleport to Oignestros's hut to speak with him

<AshnabisNarrator> You teleport to the hut of great Oignestros, west across the Kaskos but not too far from Timiil. There he has a hut of moss and peat and simple uncut stones, a sort of high domed structure held together with swamp clay and wishful thinking, as far as you can tell. Still, it seems impossibly old. Katenzhi, of course, you've been here before.
* Llillilli looks around
* Oignestros emerges from the hut
* Oignestros is a giant of a man, at least a full handspan taller than any of you, dark and round, with a great belly and a long curly brown beard. His clothing resembles nothing so much as a woven vest and breeches of leaves with fragments of feathers, skins and twine.
<Katenzhi> Oignestros!
<Katenzhi> I am so glad to see you, buddy.
<Oignestros> Oh-ho, friend Katenzhi! And you have brought Oignestros some friends for a-meeting!
<Katenzhi> Yes, these are my friends. And comrades in arms.
* Katenzhi will make quick introductions.
<Oignestros> Greetings. I am by many names a-called in many tongues, but Oignestros am I known in these lands.
<Jimba> Nice to meet you.
<Oignestros> But we have little time for that.
<Katenzhi> You said you know about this woman?
* Oignestros nods solemnly.
<Oignestros> Come inside, all of you. We will talk.
* Katenzhi will follow him in.
* Jimba follows.
* Daifan also follows
* Veznara does too!
* Llillilli also
<AshnabisNarrator> The room inside is cluttered with carved wood stools, figurines, moss, polished stone, woven vines, and more. It is a lot to take in at once.
<Oignestros> The woman you ask about. She is not - I do not have the word - proper?
<Daifan> ...proper what?
<Oignestros> I must tell you something, friend Katenzhi. I am not of your kind. Not human. Perhaps you were a-wondering.
<Katenzhi> I uh... I kinda figured.
<Katenzhi> But I thought it might be rude to bring it up.
<Oignestros> She is of my kind. She is my - my [word]. It is hard to be explaining.
<Oignestros> If I say she is my mother, that is a lie, but it is the closest lie I can speak.
<Katenzhi> So she's like you?
<Oignestros> She is, and she is not. Much older. Much, much. And she does not care for humans.
<Oignestros> In the tribes of Hrofnand, to the south, the humans there call her Kewustwiin, the Vine-hag.
<Daifan> what will she do with them?
<Katenzhi> She has our friends captive.
<Llillilli> Mm. :|
<Oignestros> I do not know, not for certain. But ...
* Oignestros turns his head away.
<Oignestros> I will try to explain.
<Oignestros> I came from her workings. I have never met her, in all my years. We keep to our own territories, as is our way.
<Oignestros> My kind, we are born alone, and die alone. We learn to speak from the trees, the plants, our friends around us. They raise us, and feed us, and teach us the ways. In return, we care for them.
<Oignestros> We are friends to all who care for the world, and those who do not - they are our enemies. If you were to disrupt the natural order, I would strike you down and feed my friends with your bones. Even you, friend Katenzhi. There can be no compromise.
<Llillilli> !roll 1d20+15
* @Lan-werk rolls for Llillilli: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 35 ].
<Jimba> What would count as "disrupting the natural order"?
<Daifan> what is the... natural order? They wer just exloring.
<AshnabisNarrator> Llillilli, you've definitely heard these legends. You were never sure what to make of them. The tales mostly involve an ancient swamp spirit who takes in the unwary who are never heard from again. You do think it's mostly not been around Timiil - it's not a tale told to children here when they're wandering around these swamps.
* Oignestros nods sadly.
<Oignestros> But she - she is more. She is filled with unbalance, with [word]. To her, all humans are poison to the land. You should not be a-going.
<Oignestros> There is more ...
<Katenzhi> We have to rescue our friends.
* Daifan purses their lips tightly
<Daifan> what more?
<Oignestros> When the natural order is disrupted - not just one person, but many - spreading out, further and further, it is then that my people ... blossom? spawn? The words they are hard, so hard O friends.
<Oignestros> Each of us is seeded, at our heartwood, in a life. Our kind. And so, too, the [word], our allies.
<Oignestros> Your friends, either they are dead, or they are changed, or they will be soon. And if you go there, I fear, so too will you become part of her [word].
* Oignestros struggles with the terms and concepts, as if trying to express an ineffable truth to a child.
<Katenzhi> Can you stop her?
<Oignestros> I will take not one step into her lands. To do so would invite chaos. As I say, I have never met her.
<Daifan> can we stop her
<Jimba> If they are changed, can that be undone?
<Oignestros> I do not know.
<Jimba> If we stop here, will we be "disrupting the natural order?"
<Jimba> (her*)
<Oignestros> You mean, will I cry that revenge I will be a-seeking, to come for you? No. No.
<Jimba> Good to know.
<Daifan> is there anything we can do to protect ourselves from her?
<Oignestros> I have always believed, in my heart, that humans are still part of the order, that you are not a mere pest. But she, I have long afeared, has decided differently.
<Katenzhi> Is that why you came to work for us? To see if we are part of the order?
<Oignestros> Let us say, rather, that it is because in your goodness I am a-trusting. I still believe you are part of that order. That is not something to be confirmed once, but always ongoing, a cycle, like the seasons.
<Veznara> Does she have any particular weakness we can use to stop her?
* Katenzhi nods.
<Oignestros> At our essence, she and I, my kind, we are plants, not animals, despite our appearance. We are one with the plant world, and we have great dominion over them.
<Oignestros> She will know you are coming, whatever direction you come. The plants speak to her, as they do me.
* Jimba nods.
<Veznara> So she depends on water and light?
<Jimba> Noted.
<Oignestros> She feeds on light, yes - but will fear no darkness. It would take many, many days for her to long for the sun.
* Veznara nods
<Veznara> But I expect she does need water, as all of us do.
<Oignestros> She lives deep in the swamps, east of Lake Tsidul. There will be much water there, yes.
<Oignestros> Understand, friend Katenzhi, she has protected this place for generations upon generations. It is because of your people that she has ... curdled?
* Llillilli frowns.
<Katenzhi> I understand. I don't want to hurt her, but...
<Llillilli> Is there a way to heal her?
<Daifan> can she be reasoned with at all?
<Oignestros> I do not know. I have never met her.
<Oignestros> What I know of her, I know from my friends.
<Jimba> So, maybe we can try.
* Daifan nods
<Oignestros> She can take other forms. Be careful of that.
<Veznara> What of those she's changing? Are they inactive while this change takes place?
<Llillilli> What kind of forms?
<Oignestros> Animals, plants. Almost anything of nature.
<Oignestros> Those she is changing, they will be trapped. It is ... I am sorry to say, it is not a kind transformation. You must think I am a monster, knowing that that is how I myself was formed, once.
<Daifan> can she be recognized?
<Oignestros> No matter what form we take, we always seem ... special. As if made of plants or vines, or having the qualities of those.
<Katenzhi> Oignestros... how old are you?
* Daifan nods
<Oignestros> I was born in the wake of the last war. During the last great disruption upon this land.
* Katenzhi nods.
<Katenzhi> I don't think you're a monster at all. I think you're a better human than a lot of the humans I've met.
* Llillilli privately wonders if they have done this to Hith as well and what that would look like
<Katenzhi> Are you going to disappear now that we know? Will we see you again?
* Oignestros laughs.
<Oignestros> You will see me as long as you do not disrupt the natural order. In that case, you will see me only once more.
* Katenzhi smiles at that.
<Llillilli> Heh.
<Katenzhi> Good. I'm starting to get a taste for that moonshine of yours.
<Oignestros> You are going to her, then.
* Oignestros says sadly.
<Daifan> yes.
* Katenzhi nods.
<Katenzhi> We have to.
<Oignestros> Then I should, at least, say good-bye, just in case.
<Katenzhi> Don't count us out just yet. We've seen some shit in our few years.
<Oignestros> The only thing I will be a-counting is the days until you return.
* Katenzhi smiles and gives him a hug (Or as much of one as she can manage).
<Katenzhi> Thank you for you help.
<Daifan> yes, thank you
* Veznara nods
* Jimba nods.

The group teleport near the area and scout

<Veznara> !roll 1d20+19
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+19 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 19 ] totals [ 37 ].
<AshnabisGM> Veznara, the closest place that you can think of that you've explored in that direction is the old fort where you found Lentus.
<AshnabisGM> You could aim to teleport to there and then walk the rest of the way, following Bitsaar's information.
<Veznara> The old fort may be the closest we've been to there... that's a landmark we know.
<Katenzhi> Close enough. And I've been there.
* Daifan nods
<Katenzhi> Everyone ready?
<Jimba> As I'll ever be.
<Daifan> I have restocked my medical kit... and my fos, whicever will help best when we find them
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+18
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+18 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 18 ] totals [ 31 ].
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d100
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d100 ] getting [ 45 ].
<AshnabisGM> With Bitsaar's general description of the site, you believe you can teleport closer to it and then travel overland the rest of the distance, rather than having to walk the entire way. You arrive successfully at the ruins of the ancient fort.
<AshnabisGM> The air is heavy with rain, a steady drizzle that occasionally rises to a downpour for a brief span of time before dwindling back to an unpleasant dampness.
<AshnabisGM> Bitsaar's directions indicated the site of the incident was north of here.
* Jimba will try to find the way/follow Bitsaar's directions.
<Veznara> Well done, Kat.
<Katenzhi> Thanks.
<Llillilli> HOw far now?
<AshnabisGM> Jimba, if you can make a Survival check to navigate, that would be good.
* Daifan will keep an eye out for strange looking plants or animals, and other signs of danger
<AshnabisGM> Anyone else who wants can also roll Survival, as you proceed
* Llillilli is also on high alert.
<Jimba> !roll 1d20+17
* @Lan-werk rolls for Jimba: [ 1d20+17 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 17 ] totals [ 36 ].
<Llillilli> !roll 1d20+22
* @Lan-werk rolls for Llillilli: [ 1d20+22 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 22 ] totals [ 36 ].
<AshnabisGM> You make your way through the marshy terrain, Jimba and Llillilli scouting ahead to hopefully avoid any unpleasant surprises.
<AshnabisGM> The land you travel through here is not much inhabited (yet), other than perhaps by occasional fishers and riverfolk who might venture this way in hunting. The trees are older, larger, and thick with hanging moss and vines.
<AshnabisGM> The site you are looking for, described by Bitsaar, was a huge tree on a raised hill, somewhat above the usual level of the swamp, with piles of stones and rocks and pools of water at its base.
<AshnabisGM> It might be easier to spot it from higher up, if you can - either climbing a tree or otherwise getting above the usual line of sight.
<Veznara> (Climbing a tree. Riiiiight. :/ )
<AshnabisGM> (well presumably not everyone would need to climb/fly/whatever ;)
<Llillilli> I can go up.
* Katenzhi can cast spider climb on someone
* Llillilli will inspect her chosen tree first though
<Llillilli> (just to look for "Specialness")
<AshnabisGM> Ok, you can make a Perception check to look at it first, before climbing.
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+16
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 20 ].
<Daifan> (Sorry that was a belated survival but whatever)
<Llillilli> !roll 1d20+20
* @Lan-werk rolls for Llillilli: [ 1d20+20 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 20 ] totals [ 28 ].
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+19
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+19 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 19 ] totals [ 22 ].
<Daifan> (pfft. too worries about Moss ;)
<AshnabisGM> Llillilli, you think it's an average tree, you don't detect anything out of the ordinary about it.
<Llillilli> (great)
<AshnabisGM> Kat, did you want to cast Spider Climb on her?
* Llillilli will climb on up (is KAt casting SC?)
<Katenzhi> sure
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+18
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+18 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 18 ] totals [ 25 ].
<AshnabisGM> Ok, so you have a +8 to your Climb
<AshnabisGM> for... 10 min/level, or a very long time
<Llillilli> !roll 1d20+20
* @Lan-werk rolls for Llillilli: [ 1d20+20 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 20 ] totals [ 36 ].
<Llillilli> (lol I climb the HECK out of it)
<AshnabisGM> you sure do! you climb up the tall tree to have a look around, and once you reach the top, you can see not too distantly a great tree that towers even higher than the surrounding growth. You think you can reach the place without difficulty, now that you've seen where it is.
* Llillilli shimmies back down.
* Llillilli points in the appropriate direction.
<Llillilli> That way, not too far now,
<Veznara> Will we even have a chance to try to talk with her?
<Daifan> that might be up to her
<Katenzhi> We can try an anti-plant shell. It might keep her at bay for a bit while we do.
<Veznara> Or reinforce her believe that we're unnatural...
<Daifan> I don't thik that matters
<Veznara> But we can't have everything, I guess.
<Daifan> I am going to try and locat he missing as we approach
<Veznara> Better safe than worrying too much about appearance. :P
* Daifan says and will drink some fos and cast Locate Creature
<Daifan> !roll 120+14
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ Error. The syntax is !roll xdx+x. ].
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+14
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 15 ].
<Daifan> (well that;s a fail by 3)
<Daifan> !roll 1d100
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d100 ] getting [ 22 ].
<Daifan> !roll 1d100
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d100 ] getting [ 97 ].
<Daifan> !roll 1d100
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d100 ] getting [ 68 ].
<Daifan> 9Sorry friends it is gonna be a lil chilly in our antiplant sphere >.>
<Veznara> (Totally fitting!)
<AshnabisNarrator> Daifan, Moss is located at or near that big tree, and is not currently moving.
<Daifan> He is up there...
<Daifan> The others will be too, I hope
<Jimba> Kat, would it be too much to ask you to enchant my blade before we head over there?
<Jimba> (GMW, if that's workable.)
<Katenzhi> (If we are within a few minutes walk I will cast antiplant shell)
<Katenzhi> sure...
<Katenzhi> (GMW:)
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+18
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+18 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 18 ] totals [ 24 ].
<Katenzhi> (APS:)
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+18
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+18 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 18 ] totals [ 38 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> OK, that's fine. You cast those just as you are approaching the area.
<AshnabisNarrator> OK folks, you're almost there. What are you doing?
<Daifan> (I am sill focusing on my spell)
<Jimba> (Keeping an eye out.)
<AshnabisNarrator> Moss is straight ahead from where you're standing - basically, at the base of the tree. But it's very dense foliage here - you can't actually see that far.
<Veznara> (I think I'll hallow us just before we get there.
<Veznara> (So, +4 to saves)
<Daifan> They're at the base of the tree...
* Daifan will istead cast Detech Thoughts
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+14
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 26 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> OK, there are conscious creatures ahead of you, near the tree.
* Daifan will continue to concentrate for now to get a sense if numbers
<AshnabisNarrator> You think there are four thinking minds, all of roughly human intelligence. But at times it seems like more than that - it's definitely cloudy.

They meet the vine-hag and Daifan makes a trade

<AshnabisGM> Ahead you see a huge tree, standing on a somewhat raised hill, with streams of water that run down between its roots, forming small pools and waterfalls that spill over the stones and run off into the earth.
<AshnabisGM> The tree is majestic, but something about the scene strikes you as odd - as if it's been shaped or manipulated, rather than grown naturally this way.
<AshnabisGM> In the midst of the clearing, you can see two large piles of what look like leaves and vines, with a strong smell of decomposing vegetation.
<AshnabisGM> (moving the map on roll20 so you can see the area, sec)
<Veznara> (Can we see any human-shaped and -sized lumps that may be the minds Daifan is detecting?)
<AshnabisGM> two piles, as mentioned
<Daifan> There are oter ... consciuos things here, but I think also the ones we are here for.
<Llillilli> (m) Must be the place
<Jimba> Well, do we...just say hi?
<Daifan> just be cautious
<AshnabisGM> A woman steps forward from... behind? inside? the tree - or not a woman, for she is too large to be a human woman - tall and broad, with roughened, bark-like skin and hair that seems to be half vines, her minimal clothing made of greenery and leaves. She frowns, looking angry and upset.
<Llillilli> Mm.
* Llillilli keeps her feet in the water.
* Oignestros is now known as Vine-hag
<Katenzhi> So... you must be Oignestros' mother. We've heard a lot about you.
<Vine-hag> Foul! Filth and vilth!
<Jimba> We're very sorry to bother you, ma'am, but we are looking for some friends of ours.
<Veznara> Kewustwiin.
<Jimba> (To Kat, quietly) "Vilth"?
* Katenzhi shrugs.
<Vine-hag> Names you call me, I deny them all!
<Daifan> Return us our people and we wll take them out of your tlands, and leave
<Jimba> Do you have a manner in which you'd prefer we address you?
<Veznara> As you prefer. We do not come to intrude for its own sake... but you have taken our friends.
<Vine-hag> No friends, only filth!
<Katenzhi> Can we have our filth back, then?
<Jimba> Filth seems less valuable, and thus easier to part with, I would hope.
<Jimba> We'll gladly take them off your hands.
<Veznara> Let us take them, and we will warn others to stay away.
* Vine-hag cackles ... you think.
<Vine-hag> Will you ask them kindly-wise, as you ask me?
<Vine-hag> Oh, please come not to these lands, to plunder!
<Veznara> Yes. And if they ignore that, then they will have to deal with you. But our warnings will keep many away.
<Jimba> We do have some influence on where our people go.
<Vine-hag> You have his stink.
<Daifan> whose?
<Vine-hag> Him.
<Katenzhi> Oignestros?
<Vine-hag> You have so many names for us.
<Vine-hag> Yes, him.
<Katenzhi> That was the name he gave us.
<Vine-hag> Then I give you nothing!
<Vine-hag> You take, you do not give!
<Katenzhi> What do you want?
<Veznara> Do not give, then. Trade.
<Vine-hag> Very well. I will trade for ... you.
* Vine-hag says, extending a tendril to Veznara.
<Daifan> her? pfft
<Veznara> (Am I not within the anti-plant shell?)
<AshnabisNarrator> (You can be, if you're within 10 feet of Katenzhi. She's not extending it all the way to you. Just towards you.)
<Veznara> (I thought I was.)
<Daifan> what do you want from any of us?
<Vine-hag> I want you to leave.
* Vine-hag says, dropping some leaves in your direction.
<Katenzhi> Then we'll go. With our friends.
<Veznara> They did not know they trespassed. If you let them leave with us, they will not come here again.
<Vine-hag> And none other will ever come hither? Ha!
<Jimba> Well, we can't make guarantees, but you have our promise to do everything we can.
<Veznara> They may - but then, the consequences will be theirs.
<Vine-hag> I have heard of your ships, your towns, your men of gold and death.
* Daifan nods
<AshnabisNarrator> Veznara, I'll let you make a diplomacy check.
<Veznara> (Okay...)
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+24
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+24 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 24 ] totals [ 26 ].
<Veznara> (I think I can re-roll that with Inspired)
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+24
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+24 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 24 ] totals [ 33 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> (well, that's better)
<Veznara> (Meh. Better, I guess.)
* Daifan sighs
<Vine-hag> Three I have, and also two now gone. You may have the husks, and one of the living. Two I will keep.
<Daifan> No.
<Jimba> I was really hoping we could come to a reasonable agreement.
<Daifan> We will take them all, and we will do what we can to keep thers from this place
<Veznara> We cannot leave our people behind. What other arrangement would satisfy you?
<Vine-hag> I said it at the first. I will take you, in trade.
<Daifan> If you make this bargain now - others in greater forces won't come looking
<Daifan> we can give you that peace.
<Vine-hag> Lies, lies, lies! Lie to me not!
<Daifan> I'm not
<Daifan> If you don't take this offer, it will only be worse
<Vine-hag> Humans, full of lies, always, then and now.
<Daifan> that's not a lie
<Daifan> Its not a threat - its just the way things will be
<Vine-hag> None, then. None.
* Katenzhi sighs.
<Katenzhi> Always the hard way.
<Veznara> You have no gold for our people to seek. No ships. If you give us back our men, none will have cause to seek you out.
<Daifan> This it when you have a choice
<Veznara> While you hold any of our people, though, whether these ones, or only me, others will come.
<Daifan> about what will happn to your lands, and how any more will come here
<Vine-hag> So threats, then? Give us our friends or we will bring more to slay you?
<Jimba> It's not a threat. Just an...observation.
<Veznara> We are among those who mark what lands our people may or may not claim.
<Daifan> as I sid
<Daifan> that's is just the way of it
<Veznara> We will mark your lands as off-limits to our people, if you will restore these comrades of ours to us.
<Daifan> the ones who remain
<Daifan> me saya sadly
* Daifan says sadly
<Daifan> you say you have already taken two
<Vine-hag> My lands fall this side of the river, a thousand thousand trees. You have no understanding of my reach.
<Vine-hag> Not one more pace to the east or north can you extend. Not one.
<Veznara> (What will this look like on the map?)
<AshnabisNarrator> A little hard to say exactly Veznara, but the whole reason that teams have been out east and north is that the colony is actively expanding in that direction.
<AshnabisNarrator> Basically it sounds like she's saying you'd need to immediately convince the general to stop expanding.
<Veznara> (And how likely is that? :/ )
<Katenzhi> (Not)
<AshnabisNarrator> You think it is exceedingly unlikely! As you know, there have been lots of ships this year, now that the conflict with Charadip is ended. But Charadip, to the west, hems you in in that direction.
<Veznara> (What about a limit short of that - is there a workable border that would still permit some expansion, maybe?)
<AshnabisNarrator> You have no idea.
<Veznara> So we would have to stop all expansion this way?
<Vine-hag> That is so.
<Veznara> (What about a radius based on this tree?)
<Veznara> We can take that message to our leaders, but it would be a hard message for them to accept.
<Veznara> Do you truly wish to claim all that land? Or is it perhaps this tree that must be protected?
<Vine-hag> It will be a hard message for you to accept that I have eaten your friends and turned them to forest.
<Daifan> these things are both true regardless
<Vine-hag> If I give you one pace, you will take ten. I know your kind.
<Daifan> at this pint, they will come anyay
<Daifan> maybe we can't keep them out if your lands are so vast
<Daifan> (point)
<Vine-hag> My lands are my lands. Think not to tell me where my lands must lie.
<Vine-hag> All lands are under my care.
<Veznara> And can you and the people not coexist?
<Veznara> Those who come here seek not to destroy, but a better life for themselves.
<Vine-hag> I lived with the littlefolk, the village folk, for many years, in the wake of your Empire. But now? Now you bring change. You tear down forests, clear lands, bring the dead back to take more life. It goes on and on.
<Daifan> it does, and it will, and you can help shape that change and be part of it, but you can't resist it
<Veznara> Change is a condition of life. It is possible to adapt to change, as my companion says.
<Jimba> Believe us, we're trying.
<Daifan> but right now - we just want our people
<Vine-hag> I will shape that change with your fear.
<Veznara> No. People try to destroy that which they fear.
<Veznara> Is that not what you are doing right now?
<Veznara> Let us find another way.
<Vine-hag> Are you not afraid? Afraid for your friends?
<Daifan> Its not so simple
<Veznara> Yes, of course. But fear will not stop us. And it leads to more violence, more confrontation.
<Veznara> You said you already coexist with the village folk. How does that work?
<Vine-hag> I have let you have the coasts. The inland lakes. I have given, and given. No more.
<Veznara> But we did not know of you before this
<Jimba> Yes, and we're choosing to try and have this not end in violence.
<Vine-hag> And I choose to speak now: no more. Not one more pace.
<Vine-hag> Or your friends will be lost to you forever.
* Llillilli sighs :|
<Llillilli> Aren't you going to kill them anyway?
<Vine-hag> They will be changed.
<Veznara> We will convey those words to our leader; but let us have our friends back.
<Daifan> YOu already have two of them
<Llillilli> IT's the same to their families.
<Daifan> give us the others
<Vine-hag> The two are dead, they can not be changed. Only life gives change.
<Daifan> ahh
<Daifan> What if we found someone who would be willing to be changed, to guard some of your dominion and work with those wo seek expansion to find a better way?
<Vine-hag> You?
<Vine-hag> I would change you.
<Daifan> I have too many others to care for
<Daifan> BUt I would stay here while someone willing is found
<Vine-hag> I accept.
* Veznara looks at Daifan with some concern
<Llillilli> Daifan...
<Katenzhi> Daifan...
* Llillilli frowns
<Daifan> you must let the othes go, or let them oose so can tend them
<Vine-hag> I accept.
<Daifan> okay
<Vine-hag> And understand this. It is not the place of humans to tell me where my lands are. My lands are my lands. I will accept to let you be, for now. But that is not forever.
<Vine-hag> Someday your folk will overreach, and then, I cannot say what will happen to them.
<Daifan> nothing is forever
<Daifan> but it will be better if we can communicate, and understand, before we reach that point
<Veznara> (Can I sense haunt on the Vine-hag?)
* Daifan looks at the others
<AshnabisNarrator> (sure - no haunts here!)
<Vine-hag> Very well, again, I accept.
<Veznara> (But no evil spiritual energy, or anything? Oignestros implied she was tainted in some way.)
<Daifan> I am sure there will be smoene who will want to see these lands protected too, who might be willing.
<AshnabisNarrator> (your haunt power does not 'detect evil spiritual energy')
<Vine-hag> Very well. I will release your friends.
<Veznara> (Aw, poop. :( )
<Veznara> Thank you.
<Daifan> thank you.
<Katenzhi> Daifan... we'll be back soon.
* Vine-hag extends a tendril to each of the two tentacly piles of leaves and moss. They collapse into themselves, revealing humans within them.
<Llillilli> Please stay safe.
<Daifan> I will - but here, let me tend them as best aI can and then take them
* Jimba nods.
* Daifan will check the living over staring with Moss (sorry other non-boyfriend scrubs)
* Vine-hag then brings forth from the tree a milky pod of silken threads and vines and bark. She runs a thin claw down its side and a human falls in a heap to the ground.
<Vine-hag> There, three, for one. And a promise to not encroach.
* Llillilli can use her calming touch if they have non-lethal wounds.
* Jimba will help them get mobile as best he can.
<AshnabisNarrator> The three - Selisaeth, Sharei, and Moss (the one in the pod) are all breathing, though thin and pale.
* Bitsaar is now known as Moss
* Moss reaches a hand up to you weakly, Daifan
* Daifan will take it and kiss it
<Daifan> idiot - You're supposed to be the one who knows these lands...
* Daifan says affectionately
<Moss> I almost got to know them very intimately.
<AshnabisGM> Okay, you can get the others up and moving, although slowly. Kat, were you going to teleport them home, or what did you want to do with them?
<Llillilli> I can get home on my own if there are too many of us for your magic.
<Katenzhi> I'll get them home and then meet you guys at the temple to teleport you back.
<AshnabisGM> (you mean at the fort?)
<Katenzhi> (Fort, yeah, sorry)
<Veznara> If you're sure. I could try to teleport us too, though I lack your skill, Kat.
<Katenzhi> It's fine. I can afford the fos.
<Daifan> Can you leave me a little extra fos?
<Veznara> Sure.
<Katenzhi> Of course.
<Daifan> Thank you
<Jimba> Please be careful.
<Daifan> of course.
<Katenzhi> If she so much as touches you before we get back I'll burn this whole forest to the ground.
<Daifan> No threats Kat
* Daifan smiles though
<Llillilli> Can you get away if things do go... wrong?
* Llillilli asks quietly
<Daifan> yes.
<Daifan> but I won't be the one to break this tenuous trust.
* Llillilli nods.
<Moss> You're staying behind?
* Moss asks, worried
<Daifan> for now.
* Daifan says, reassuringly
<Moss> I love you.
<Daifan> I'll be okay. We just need to find someone who is willing to becme ... more intimately familiar with these lands thats all ;)
<Daifan> I love you too.
<Daifan> Make sure Lil Asshole is behaving, okay, and tell spider and sheepstealer I'll be home soon
<Moss> I will...
* Moss gives you a kiss.
* Daifan will kiss him right back, and then send him off with the others
<Llillilli> . o O (who is ever going to agree to this??)