Diablotin 3 session 38
- Session date: July 10, 2016
- Diablotin date: Mid Fifth-month
The fey gain access to Eranthis' spire
<DiablotinNarrator> You are standing outside a towering spire of ice, at the edge of a bridge of ice that leads up to its door. You can see that there are guards at the door, watching you, but they aren't moving to attack or anything - yet.
<TinyZola> It's pretty :3
<Danys> Should I go up and talk to them?
- Clovani waves.
<DiablotinNarrator> Thea, as you're standing there, you hear a voice in your head.
<DiablotinNarrator> "Describe your current location in detail. Are the others with you? Stay where you are and we'll arrive soon to help. Titania sends her love."
<Clovani> I spose we came all this way. Might as well go say hello.
<Thea> (Oy, sendings :p)
<DiablotinNarrator> (indeed)
<Thea> May we pause just a moment. There may be a...Complicaton.
<Eletheni> What do you mean?
<Hettienne> what's goin' on?
- Eletheni eyes the guards carefully in case they advance.
- Danys looks at thea
<Thea> I've had a sending and need to reply. I believe we may receive some assistance.
<Clovani> A sendin'? From who? Our lady?
<Danys> oh huh
<DiablotinNarrator> Thea, the voice is male, and sounds somewhat familiar to you...
<DiablotinNarrator> (How much does Thea remember about Diablotin? just trying to decide if I should just tell you who it is, or make you make a roll or something to remember)
<Thea> (She remembers most of it, she just has a weird filter through which she sees it. I'm thinking that hearing mention of Titania helps reassert Aubrienne rather than Thea, though.)
<DiablotinNarrator> (okay, makes sense. You realize the voice is Xan, then.)
<Thea> No, from Mr. Orecalo.
<Thea> He says help is on the way.
<TinyZola> Ohhhh he's nice :3
<TinyZola> Say hi from meeeee!
<Clovani> Who's Mr. Lemoncello?
<Vreel> Who is "Mister Oraycallo?"
<Hettienne> From our home, dummies.
<Hettienne> They're sending to Aubrienne.
- Thea sounds a bit different somehow, more like her old self.
<Eletheni> He is an ally?
<Vreel> Your home. Mine's here.
<Clovani> Likewise.
- Danys shakers her head
- TinyZola rides B. over to scamper around Theaubrienne's ankles
<Thea> Return sendings are spoken, right?
<DiablotinNarrator> well, it says "It can answer in like manner" so I assume it's mind-to-mind communication
<Theaubrienne> Okay
<Theaubrienne> (Is it crazy to assume that being asked to describe our surroundings in detail is to help with a teleport?)
<DiablotinNarrator> (no, that seems like a reasonable assumption)
<Theaubrienne> (kk)
<Theaubrienne> Assuming nothing goes wrong, assistance may be arriving presently.
<Silver> as long as its assistance and not a hinderence...
<Vreel> Won't the Ice King just love that?
<Theaubrienne> I have concerns, yes.
<Vreel> Can you tell your extraplanar friends to hold off for a bit?
<Theaubrienne> Perhaps we should inform the guards our party is incomplete?
<Danys> they're already looking at us suspiciously....
- TinyZola smiles at the guards :D
<DiablotinNarrator> A few moments later, two figures appear - those of you who a) have some memories of Diablotin and b) know who they are, can recognize Xan and Justen. Otherwise, it's a slim blond somewhat elfy-looking man, and a more muscular red-haired man.
<TinyZola> YAY! :D
- TinyZola flies up to them
- Theaubrienne hugs them both.
- TinyZola gives them cheek kisses :3
- Xan looks extremely relieved but also a bit confused @_@
- Clovani pokes Xan in the leg
- Lathra sniffs their shoes
<Theaubrienne> Thank goodness.
<TinyZola> Hiiiii!
<Hettienne> Which one of you is ORecalo?
- TinyZola points at Xan
- Xan raises his hand
<TinyZola> This is Justen :3
- TinyZola points at him
<Justen> Hey.
- Justen says, waving
<Hettienne> Alright. See we gotta get this Ice guy to help with the Blight.
- TinyZola lands on his shoulder
- Clovani looks up at them dissaprovingly
<Danys> huh
<Hettienne> Then you're gonna take us home, right?
<Drenio the Dodo> Squaaaaak!
<Xan> That's the hope... although I admit I wasn't expecting you to be whatever you are.
<Hettienne> I'm Hettie.
<Theaubrienne> Amanita's bringing us to this place has had some...interesting effects.
<Theaubrienne> It's still a little fuzzy.
<TinyZola> She ./~ RENT THE DARK TAPESTRY ./~ @_@
<Vreel> I'm Vreel, and this IS my home, so please refrain from sucking me into your dreadfully dull plane, thank you very much.
<Clovani> I'm... confused.
- Xan frowns, looking puzzled
<Hettienne> SHe's a *delight*
- Hettienne rolls her eyes
<Vreel> Moreso than you, anyway.
- Drenio the Dodo hops up and down flapping his wings and squaaaaking
<Danys> Lots of people are a little confused
- Justen pets the dodo
- Danys says, saounding a bit uncertain herself
<Eletheni> Indeed.
<Xan> All right - we're not going to take anyone anywhere against their will, we just want to help sort this out.
<Theaubrienne> Do you think returning to the Second...to Diablotin would reverse the changes?
<Xan> I suspect it's more complicated than that, if it's something Amanita did, or a side-effect of her... rending of dark tapestries.
- Drenio the Dodo nuzzles Justen's hand
<Justen> aww
- TinyZola wiggles
<Danys> ...okay
<Theaubrienne> Hmm.
- TinyZola sprays sparkles and stars!
<Danys> are we... shoudl I still go up to them then?
<Theaubrienne> Regardless, we have a job to do.
<Xan> But we'll figure it out. For now, you're going to talk to Eranthis, and I don't want to interrupt your mission.
- Danys smiles tenuosly at the suspicious looking guards
<Theaubrienne> Yes, Deni...Danys.
<Danys> okay
- Danys loks at hettie
<Danys> Do you still have Amanita's token?
<Hettienne> Yup.
<Xan> We'll stick close and not interfere unless it's necessary. I need some time to think about what's best to do here anyway @_@
<Danys> that might help
<Vreel> Thank you for being a gentleman with sense.
<Xan> You're... welcome?
- Hettienne hands it over.
- TinyZola rubs her face against Justen's cheek
- Danys will go up to the guards
<TinyZola> so warm
- Silver will pad up with Danys
- Justen just gets swarmed by dodos and fey I guess
<Danys> Hello. We have been sent as Emissaries from Queen Amanita, to entreat on her behalf with King Eranthis
- Justen *is* very warm - like a portable heater ;)
- Guards look at you sternly - they are wearing full armor so you can only just glimpse their eyes through their helmets
- TinyZola looks to see if one has fancier gear, and will STARE at that one @_@
- Danys will show them the token
- Guard holds out a hand to take it
<Danys> You may see it, but I will relinquish it only to his majesty
- Danys holds it out for them to examine, but isn't letting them take it
- Guard examines it, then nods, and the great ice door opens - by melting in a flood of freezing water that spills down the sides of the tower into the chasm below
<Danys> Thank you.
- TinyZola looks down
<Hettienne> swanky.
<Vreel> Good job. Knew you had it in you.
<TinyZola> Ooh, ooh!
- Danys will wait for the others and then pass through
<TinyZola> Carry B.
- Vreel pats Danys' knee approvingly.
- TinyZola says to Justen, then points at the dwoemercat cub
<Justen> sure :)
- Danys looks confused at Vreel
- Justen scoops up B and will carry him
- Danys shrugs
- TinyZola fires some sparkles at B :D
<DiablotinNarrator> The giants look a bit uncertain as to whether to cross this somewhat fragile-looking bridge
<Silver> they can wait outside
- Silver gestures to the giants
<TinyZola> Yes, we'll send out the friendworm if he needs someone to take him home :3
<DiablotinNarrator> The giants will wait outside, if no one objects, then
- Eletheni will instruct the remorhaz to stick with the giants and wait for us to return
<DiablotinNarrator> okay
<DiablotinNarrator> Bringing the heat-generating giant centipede across the bridge is probably a bad idea. Even Justen makes some wet footprints in it I imagine ;)
<DiablotinNarrator> You cross the bridge and walk into the spire. The huge waterfall-door promptly re-freezes behind you.
<Danys> (can't he turn that off? is it Xan just not letting him. "No I'm cold, fuck the ice castle ;p)
<TinyZola> (hee)
<Theaubrienne> That feels a bit final.
<DiablotinNarrator> (he can turn off the ability to damage things with his heat, but I think he's still perpetually on the warm side - just not actively damaging ;)
<DiablotinNarrator> (Xan doesn't have to take 5 points a round of fire damage just for snuggling him, after all ^-^)
- TinyZola hums
The fey get the bureaucratic runaround
- Danys looks around, and if there is no one to greet or direct them will try and figure out the best way to go
<DiablotinNarrator> Inside the palace, everything is made of a pale blue ice, translucent in some areas, frosted in others.
<Silver> (is there someone to meet us or is one of guards directing us?)
- Clovani lights up his pipe to help keep warm.
<DiablotinNarrator> There is a tall man standing there to meet you. He wears a black robe, and has curling ram's horns. Mist roils perpetually about his feet.
- Danys still has the token
- Danys will repeat what she told the guards aobout being a party from Amanita
<Horned Man> What does she want?
<TinyZola> (What is this fellow?)
- TinyZola rolls [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 23 ]
<TinyZola> (Nature)
<Danys> she would like to speak about cooperation to end the Blight, now that she is freede of external control...
<DiablotinNarrator> Zola, you think he's a (the? there might not be more than one) Black Rider
<DiablotinNarrator> http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/fey/baba-yaga-s-riders/the-black-rider
- TinyZola STARES at him :3
- Danys should also try and figure out who this guy is >.>
<DiablotinNarrator> (anyone who wants to can roll)
<Vreel> !roll 1d20+23
- TinyZola rolls for Vreel: [ 1d20+23 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 23 ] totals [ 43 ].
<Hettienne> !roll 1d20+11
- TinyZola rolls for Hettienne: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 15 ].
<Danys> !roll 1d20+11
<Hettienne> (lol)
- TinyZola rolls for Danys: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 19 ].
<Vreel> (Vreel knows EXACTLY what he is.)
<Theaubrienne> !roll 1d20+21
- TinyZola rolls for Theaubrienne: [ 1d20+21 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 21 ] totals [ 35 ].
<DiablotinNarrator> (if you get 23 or above, you know what he is)
- TinyZola whispers in Justen's ear
He's the Black Rider D:
<Justen> <w> thanks for the heads up
- Danys doesn't but is goign to be on the safe/respectful side anyway
<Horned Man> Freed of what external control?
<Danys> There were some kind of creatures directing her actions.... one of them had possessed her.
- Danys looks to tiny Zola for help
<TinyZola> THE CYST @_@
<TinyZola> I can show you? @_@
<TinyZola> It's gross.
<Horned Man> That won't be necessary.
- Danys nods
<Horned Man> I will bring your message to Lord Eranthis.
<Danys> thank you.
- Danys gives this person a repectful curtsey
- Horned Man inclines his head politely
<Horned Man> In the meantime, follow me - I'll bring you to the Great Hall.
<TinyZola> :3
- Danys nods and will follow along
- Hettienne goes with
- Vreel also follows, warily.
- Clovani trails behind with Drenio
- TinyZola keeps an eye out for ultrarealistic statuary
<DiablotinNarrator> You follow the horned man through passages of ice. It is unsettlingly quiet here, although you occasionally see other figures - ice fey of various types moving about - so you know it's not deserted. But there is no music or conversation that you can hear.
<TinyZola> (Except Zola's humming)
<DiablotinNarrator> (heh)
<Clovani> (whispering to Vreel) Not exactly the friendliest place...
- Vreel shrugs.
<Vreel> <whisper> He's being true to his self, which is all any of us can be.
<Clovani> (w) I spose. But would a few curtains and some music kill him?
<DiablotinNarrator> You emerge from the corridor into a huge room with jagged ice spikes descending from the ceiling far above you. The floor is made of ice so clear that it's almost as though you're staring into the chasm below.
<TinyZola> @_@
- Danys remembers the melting doors and gives a little shiver despite not being cold
<Vreel> <w> Maybe it would.
<Danys> (anything/one else in here?)
- TinyZola wonders if Justen can fly
<DiablotinNarrator> There are some other ice fey moving about here and there. At the center of the huge chamber is a raised platform, where a woman in black armor stands, watching you. Up in the crevices of the ceiling, black shadowy figures lurk, waiting.
- Horned Man goes to speak to the woman in armor
- Danys will wait, looking up at the dais
- TinyZola wonders why anyone would want to hang out in the ceiling
- Horned Man explains briefly that you bring a message from Amanita, etc.
- Horned Man then departs, leaving you there
- TinyZola switches her stare to the scary armour lady
<TinyZola> @_@
- Raven_Knight 's armor is made of feathers, you can see as you examine her more closely. Her helmet is off and her face is pale and beautiful, but also sort of terrifying.
- TinyZola waves at her tentatively
- Danys is a teensy bit envious
- Clovani puffs his pipe.
<Raven_Knight> Greetings, strangers. I am Vaelkess, the Raven Knight. For the time being, you are under my protection.
- Vreel is unmoved by her beauty, but is probably somewhat moved by her terrific-ness.
- Raven_Knight says in a way that makes it very clear she could remove that protection anytime
<Danys> Thank you, lady Knight
- TinyZola smiles broadly :D
- Danys goes with because she doens't knwo what her title shoudl be
- Danys sounds appropriately awed, at least
- Vreel keeps her thoughts about bureaucratic runarounds to herself.
<TinyZola> I'm Zola :3
<Danys> oh! yes, I'm sorry @_@
<TinyZola> And this is Justen... and B. ... and that's Hettie...
<Danys> I'm Danys Marrow, and these are my other companions...
- TinyZola proceeds to introduce everyone to Vaelkess
<Danys> (Or I can let Zola do it, yes)
- Vreel executes a trim little bow when she is introduced.
<TinyZola> There might be others here but we're not sure about that yet.
- TinyZola eyes Eletheni for a second
- TinyZola turns back to smile at the Raven Knight :)
<Raven_Knight> You have travelled far, I see.
- Danys nods
<TinyZola> A bit going forward, but it's the sideways that's the real whopper @_@
<Hettienne> heh.
<Raven_Knight> Have you had any word of the human warriors?
- Lathra is awestruck by the Raven Knight
<Lathra> OvO
<TinyZola> They're not here yet?
<Danys> we heard of them form the Frost Giants, but haven't seen them
<Raven_Knight> They have made incursions - venturing far too close for my preference.
<Danys> do you know what they are after?
<Raven_Knight> I have my suspicions.
- Danys nods
<Danys> Um, the frost Giants think they are trying to find their Queen @_@
- Danys tries to find a neutral verb >.>
<Raven_Knight> Frost giants are not known for their thinking skills.
<TinyZola> This is true... they thought some frost giants sent us to kill them
- TinyZola laughs
<Raven_Knight> How foolish.
<Hettienne> I also saw this.
<Hettienne> A fallen king and those loyal to him, come to free his queen.
- Raven_Knight hesitates for a moment at that, her face impassive.
<Raven_Knight> They don't know what they're doing.
<Raven_Knight> Typical humans.
<TinyZola> Hmph.
- Vreel couldn't agree with Vaelkess more. ;)
<Silver> Your concern for the encroachment on your land is understandable, and we have provided what little we know about it.
- Danys feels a bit of empathy - she doesn't really know what she is doing either but hey >.>
<Silver> as we personally have not encountered them
<Silver> but their presence has naught to do with our reason for being here
- Raven_Knight gives a slight nod to that
<TinyZola> Yes, we must cast out THE CYST @_@
<Vreel> . o O (Indeed, we incyst.)
<Raven_Knight> What do you hope my lord can do for you?
<Vreel> . o O (How about you bring your lord out and we can talk to him, Ms. Gatekeeper?)
<TinyZola> Linthira says the four seasons can fix it :3
<Eletheni> We seek an audience with him so that we may share our information and seek his counsel for further action.
<Danys> We are to deliver a message, and speak to him on behalf of Amanita, about ending the blight. I know some of us had hoped he would be able to.... send us home. To where we belong, wherever that may be
- Danys says a little uncertainly
<Hettienne> We ain't strictly supposed to be here?
<Danys> Some may have other boons to ask
<TinyZola> I thought Amanita was doing the booning <_<
<Raven_Knight> No, indeed... I should say you are quite out of place. But to end the Blight, that would be a matter worth considering.
- Danys nods
<Raven_Knight> It has so far not spread far into these lands, but nevertheless it is a concern.
<TinyZola> Yes, the cold... we thought the Cold Rider was a mean thing, but Linthira said it was keeping it in check... so I guess that's not mean.
<TinyZola> The summoning wasn't very classy though >_>
- Horned Man returns just as you're saying that, and pauses for a moment
<Silver> We have seen agents of the Blight in our journey, using unwitting operatives to aid its spread.
<Horned Man> ...
- TinyZola looks at him :3
<Horned Man> Lord Eranthis will speak with you. Follow me.
- Danys nods and will follow
- TinyZola just goes where Justen does
- Theaubrienne follows along.
- Silver will follow as well
- Horned Man will try to draw near to you, TinyZola, as if perhaps trying to have a quiet word
- TinyZola @_@ him
- Eletheni follows but will stay toward the back and keep an eye out for anyone who may be following
<Horned Man> You have seen the Cold Rider?
<TinyZola> Oh, yes, on the day he arrived
<TinyZola> Do you want to see?
<Horned Man> ... yes.
- TinyZola will lean in and cast Share Memory and, with a boop of his nose, show him the summoning ritual's completion
- Horned Man blinks, surprised
<TinyZola> (1 minute worth at least)
<TinyZola> Hmm, didn't you send him?
<Horned Man> My lord sent him. I... did not know if he yet lived...
<TinyZola> Justen should know if he's still around?
- TinyZola pokes at Justen
<TinyZola> Is it still winter?
- Xan will take that one :p
<Xan> It's still winter in parts of the city, and we haven't heard anything about him being caught or defeated.
<TinyZola> I like to think they stopped trying to murder him when we told them what Linthira said :3
- Horned Man nods, looking relieved and grateful
<TinyZola> Awww, Rider pals :3
<TinyZola> .oO( Is that a species, rider? )
<Horned Man> ... I appreciate your sharing this news with me.
<TinyZola> You're welcome :3
They finally are let in to see Eranthis
- Horned Man will lead you the rest of the way, into a smaller room decorated with frost patterns on the otherwise-translucent walls. Within the walls, behind the traceries of frost, you can see two figures. Standing in the middle of the room is, you presume, Eranthis.
<TinyZola> Very pretty:3
<Vreel> . o O (I'm sure Eranthis is glad you think he is pretty.)
- Eranthis is tall and regal, with icily pale skin, pale blue eyes, and black hair. He has a stag's antlers and a pair of wings of delicate layers of frost and ice.
<Vreel> (What is Eranthis? K:N)
- TinyZola squints at the people in the wall
<DiablotinNarrator> (you can roll)
<Vreel> !roll 1d20+23
- TinyZola rolls for Vreel: [ 1d20+23 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 23 ] totals [ 34 ].
- TinyZola rolls [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 21 ]
- Hettienne is trying to get a look at the wall people too.
<Theaubrienne> !roll 1d20+21
- TinyZola rolls for Theaubrienne: [ 1d20+21 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 21 ] totals [ 31 ].
<DiablotinNarrator> He's an erlking.
<Vreel> . o O (If only he were a bit smaller. Okay a lot smaller.)
- Danys is also curious about the wall people, and wonders at there being two :o
- TinyZola totally stares at him once she's done peeping at the walls
<TinyZola> (@)_(@)
- Vreel executes another trim little bow in the presence of royalty.
<DiablotinNarrator> The people embedded in the wall are a bit harder to make out - one is a woman with dark hair and tan skin. In her hands she's holding something sort of reddish-purple, about the size of an orange or so. The other looks like a shadar-kai man with white hair.
- Clovani raises his pipe and bows.
- Danys gives her attention to Eranthis though
- Danys curtseys
<Eranthis> Greetings. I understand you have a message for me from Amanita.
<Danys> yes, your majesty @_@
- Horned Man lingers near the door, keeping an eye on things
- Danys will offer him thre token
- Eranthis accepts it
<Danys> She wishes your aid in ending the Blight
<Eranthis> Does she?
- Hettienne wonders who the Shadar-Kai dude is...
<TinyZola> Yes, and Linthira too :3
<Eranthis> It was my impression she felt quite differently not long ago.
<Danys> She was controlled by the...Cyst
<Danys> but has been freed from their influence now
<Eranthis> I see...
<TinyZola> One was inside her, it was gross D:
<Danys> Zola can show you, if you wish
<TinyZola> Yes, I can!
<Eranthis> Very well, you may show me.
- TinyZola will flutter up off Justen's shoulder and hover before the erlking, casting Share Memory, and touching his cheek to impart the vision of the creepy thing crawling out of Amanita
- Eranthis 's cheek is cold to the touch, but he nods once he has seen the vision
<TinyZola> Gross, isn't it?
- TinyZola returns to Justen's luxuriously warm shoulder
<Eranthis> It is certainly ... as you say, unpleasant.
<Eranthis> I am pleased that my sister has been freed from its control. But the Blight cannot spread in my lands. So why should I be concerned about it?
<Vreel> . o
- Danys thinks
<Vreel> . o O (Haven't you heard of snow mold?)
<Hettienne> You'd be surrounded.
<Danys> Your majesty, the blight has other agents who, if everytwhere else falls, will turn their strength to undermining your control of your lands alone
<Silver> Dont be so certain of your safety... the Cyste is using agents to spread the Blight in concentrated forms. We have encountered their efforts and these blighted stones.
<Hettienne> And it's only a matter of time until the Cyst finds a... non-mushroom way to spread
<TinyZola> Also it's the Right Thing to Do :3
<Eranthis> What would be required of me? That I travel to the Second World, as the others have?
<Danys> I do not know.
- TinyZola shrugs?
<TinyZola> They didn't say.
<Danys> The Queen did not provide us with details iof her plan
<Silver> The Lady Amanita is here in the first world now. She would know best.
<Clovani> At least consent to talk to her, M'lord.
- Eranthis tilts his head slightly, considering
<Eranthis> I will consider the matter.
<Eranthis> In the meanwhile, you may remain as my guests.
<Danys> thanks you, your Majesty
<Hettienne> Great.
<Hettienne> You got a real swell pad. :3
<Eranthis> I... thank you?
<Eranthis> Takqut, show them to a guest chamber where they may rest.
Takqut shows them to a guest suite
- Horned Man whos name is apparently Takqut, will bow and gesture for you to follow him
- Danys follows
- Hettienne goes along
<Danys> um.... may I ask you about something?
- Danys asks tentatively
<Takqut> Yes, what is it?
<Danys> ...who were the people in the wall?
- Takqut sort of sighs a little, in an 'oh them' kind of way.
<TinyZola> One of them was a shadar-kai, I wasn't expecting that :o
<Takqut> Not a shadar-kai... their progenitor.
<Hettienne> Damn :o
<TinyZola> o_o So he's been there a while, then.
<Danys> huh
<Takqut> Yes... a very long while.
<Danys> did they both offend the King?
<Takqut> So long that I do not know his name.
<Takqut> His crime was a betrayal, not simply of Eranthis, but of this world.
- Danys listens
<Takqut> He is the death-bringer.
<Clovani> And the lady?
<Danys> what does that mean?
- Danys asks, frowning
<Takqut> Through him, death came into this world...
<Clovani> I kin see how that might be frowned on.
<TinyZola> Maybe it was an accident?
- Takqut shrugs
<Takqut> Does it matter?
<TinyZola> Yeah? I wouldn't want to spend forever in a wall if I tripped and knocked something over.
<Clovani> Sometimes accidents happen...
<Takqut> It is not my place to say.
<Danys> :|
<Danys> why is he *here*?
- TinyZola blinks
- Danys waits for Takqut to answer
<Takqut> Because Lord Eranthis put him here.
<Danys> okay....
<Danys> and the woman?
<Danys> Was her crime so terrible? @_@
- Takqut looks a little troubled
<Vreel> Did you see what she was holding? "A heart as cold as ice can still be moved by love."
<Takqut> The woman I did know. She is from the Second World, a human named Thyatera Arakhthos.
<Takqut> She committed no crime.
<TinyZola> (K-hi...ok I do have that as tinyzola)
- TinyZola rolls [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 15 ]
<Danys> then why is she there?
<Danys> Is it really because she ...broke his heart?
<Takqut> It's not that simple >.>
- Takqut looks like he is uncomfortable talking about this
- Danys nods
<Clovani> Never is.
<Danys> I'm sorry - I'm sure it is complicated.... but it might be important
<Danys> Hettie amd Thea both saw somethign related to her in their visions, when we were trying to understand how to proceed here
<Danys> (I think)
<Vreel> Is she holding her own heart or someone else's?
<Takqut> She loved him, and he her. Together they had a son. But, being human, she could not stay here forever...and he could not bear for her to go.
<TinyZola> Awww ;_;
<Takqut> So that he would never love again, he gave her his heart to keep safe.
<Danys> Oh that's terrible :(
<TinyZola> So romantic ;_;
<Vreel> Well, as long as the castle stays frozen, I guess that'll work.
<Clovani> And their son...?
<Danys> She couldn't have wanted that :(
<Takqut> You have already met him - you spoke of the Cold Rider.
<Danys> oh :o
<Clovani> This is why I'm a bachelor...
<Drenio the Dodo> Squaaaak
<TinyZola> Oh dear, we ought not tell anyone he's Psyrene to boot :3
<Clovani> ...that too.
<Vreel> Does he love his son very much?
<Takqut> He cannot love.
<Vreel> Right.
<Clovani> How could he? His heart's with her.
- TinyZola looks conflicted
<Vreel> Does he have any sort of sentiment towards his son, then?
<Hettienne> Harsh.
<Vreel> Like, if we brought his son back would that have any positive effect on him?
<Danys> You don't think this is right either, do you
<Takqut> He sent him to the Second World, perhaps to be killed there...
- TinyZola wonders if he ever thaws her out for talks
<Takqut> It's not my place to say >.>
- Danys shakes her head
<TinyZola> Pttthbhbbht
<Danys> *Your* heart isn't frozen
<Takqut> ... no.
<Danys> perhaps it is her we need to speak to, somehow
- Danys considers
- Takqut says, either in answer to your question about whether it's right, or whether his heart his frozen >.>
- Danys just assumes its both
<Danys> :V
- Danys has lots of SM, its fine ;)
<Danys> (well, some >.>)
<Takqut> Here, these are your chambers.
<TinyZola> Maybe if I sang him a lovesong he'd miss it?
<Danys> thank you
- Takqut shows you into the rooms - which are still icy, but have actual furniture and blankets and so on, at least.
<Danys> (one big room for everyone?)
<Clovani> (fireplaces?)
<DiablotinNarrator> There are some braziers, not fireplaces, but enough to warm the place somewhat. There are about half a dozen bedrooms off a central common area.
The fey hatch a plan to move Eranthis' heart
<Vreel> So... help me out here.
- Vreel says once Takqut is gone.
<Vreel> We have that vision of the pseudo-Norn's "A heart as cold as ice can still be moved by love."
<Vreel> We have a heart frozen in ice.
<Hettienne> I'm as much a norn as you are... whatever the hell you are
<TinyZola> Maybe we could... love AT the heart and it will melt her free?
<Vreel> We have a kid of the guy whose heart is frozen in the ice. Oh, and he's also the kid of the heartless guy's one and only love.
<TinyZola> Like a big love prayer
<Clovani> Tricky things, visions. Never know what theyre really meant to mean.
<Vreel> With all that, is there a way to get him to witness a love so strong that it might jog his memory and make him remember that having a heart isn't actually such a bad thing?
<TinyZola> Like a puppet show?
<Silver> Why are we assuming we haven't been successful already. He didn't say no.
<Danys> maybe
<Vreel> He didn't say yes, either.
- Danys nods to Vreel
<Vreel> He's 'thinking about it'.
<TinyZola> Well, Hettie said it's about love, and we haven't seen a lot of love yet...
<Clovani> Yeah, but he don't share our timefrme. He might think on it fer a hundred years.
<Danys> :|
<Vreel> Have we seen *any* love?
<Vreel> Any at all?
<Danys> here?
- Vreel frowns, annoyed.
<Danys> Oh maybe >.>
<Veren> Even if he decided to help, is it really okay to just leave things like this?
- Danys nods to Veren
<TinyZola> What if she chose to be frozen?
<Hettienne> Uh. I dunno if you were payin' attention but it seemed to me like there was somethin' goin' on twixt the horned guy and the Cold Rider.
- Vreel turns to Danys.
<Vreel> Hmmm....
<TinyZola> If she did, and he gave his heart up willingly... it's sad, but it's not our place to meddle is it?
<Danys> yeah
<TinyZola> >_> At least not if we don't know we'll get away with it
<TinyZola> Yes, they are rider pals.
<Danys> I can't imagine she meant to deny her son his father's love
<Hettienne> "Pals.
<Hettienne> Sure.
- Hettienne snorts.
<TinyZola> You think they're sweet on each other? :3
<Vreel> So, we get the Horned Rider and the Cold Rider reunited in front of the Erlking and BAM! He sees how much they love each other. It reminds him that having a heart isn't so bad. He decides to thaw his out.
<Hettienne> Uh, yeah?
<TinyZola> Aww so cute :3
<Vreel> Seems a little too pat, but I'm not sure what else to suggest.
<Clovani> That... is the dumbest plan I've ever heard.
<Vreel> Yup, I know.
<Clovani> But I don't have a better one.
<Hettienne> How would we get the Frozen Chosen back here anyway
- Vreel turns to Justen and Xan.
<Xan> Ah... excellent question, I don't know.
<Vreel> Any chance you can wiggle your fingers back to your plane and track him down?
<Danys> also I'm not sure that's fair to them
<Hettienne> It actually ain't the worst idea I've ever heard, if we could do it.
<Danys> we don't know what Eranthis already knows
<Hettienne> I think Takqut would like it
<Danys> he might just not care
<Danys> I'm sure he'd like to see his friend recovered
<Danys> I mean Eranthis might not care
<TinyZola> And if it fails, the blight will spread faster while he's gone.
<Hettienne> "s true. If he didn't care about sendin' his kid to die, he might not care that someone else loves 'im/
<Eletheni> Perhaps the vision refers not to Eranthis' heart, but to the Cold Rider's.
<TinyZola> We could take Takqut to see him :3
<Danys> can we?
<TinyZola> But then how do we cure the blight?
<Danys> I'm sorry - I don't know what you're doing here, or what you can do....
<Vreel> See, that's why I kind of think we need to thaw the Ice King's heart out.
- Danys says to Xan and Justen
<TinyZola> They're friends :3
<Hettienne> Yeah. The other ways are too complicated
<Eletheni> I cannot imagine that Eranthis will be moved to assist us if we melt his castle to free his internal organs.
<Danys> like, physically thaw it out?
<Hettienne> Not the whole castle
<Danys> hmm
<Danys> that seems more plausible to me
<Danys> is there someway we coudl speak to her?
<Clovani> I stand corrected. This is the stupidest plan I ever heard.
<Xan> We're here to try to help. But honestly I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what's going on here, and what's going on at home.
<Danys> If she's alive....
<Hettienne> What about that spell you used to talk to Aubrienne
- Hettienne says to Xan & Justen.
<TinyZola> What IS going on at home? :3
<Hettienne> Would that work?
<Hettienne> Uh yeah... and how long have we been gone? >.>
<Xan> About three weeks. At least, that's how long you'd been gone when we got here - but time passes differently on this plane.
<TinyZola> Wow :o
<TinyZola> Is everyone OK?
<TinyZola> I hope they didn't hurt the Irminsul :/
<Drenio the Dodo> Squaaaak!?
<Clovani> What's that supposed to mean, birdbrain?
<Drenio the Dodo> Squaaaaak
<TinyZola> You know, I could understand you if you spoke proper dodo.
<TinyZola> :/
<Clovani> Who names their kid Misery?
<Hettienne> Shadar-Kai
<Silver> Unhappy parents
<Hettienne> They got an odd sense of humor
<Drenio the Dodo> squaaaak!
<Xan> Things have been... chaotic. After you freed Amanita, the fey incursion fell into disarray. The soldiers have been mopping up in the Shade.
- TinyZola claps :D
<Xan> The Irminsul is the bigger problem, though.
<TinyZola> We'll get it fixed :3
<Xan> If you need us to go back, we have the ability to do so - but technically, I was hired to get you home >.>
<Hettienne> I think we best go for the heart.
<Hettienne> So what about that spell
<Danys> ...could you talk to Thyatera though?
<Hettienne> Yeah
- Danys nods to Hettie, not really understanding the rest in detail
<TinyZola> We're all mixed up right now anyhow... though it'd be fun to show Noren my wings :D
<Xan> I could try. I don't know if it would work - if she has any thoughts to speak of. But I can give it a shot.
<Danys> I'm not sure that 'home;' is very clear right now
<Danys> please
<Danys> we might need more siorted out before we're ready - or able.
<Eletheni> Some of us don't have a home.
<Xan> It'll take a little while
- Danys nods
<Danys> well I think we have it
- TinyZola wonders if she can share memories through ice >_>
<Xan> What do you want to say to her, if I can get through? In 25 words or less.
<TinyZola> Hmmm
<Vreel> How about "Your man sent your son to die and is letting everything go to Hell in a handbasket. Can you give him his heart back?"
<Vreel> Add "please", then you've got 25.
- Vreel adds as an afterthought.
<Danys> Do you wish to be free? Can you help us get Eranthis to help rid... the first and second worlds of an evil blight?
<Silver> the son thing is a good lever
<TinyZola> Maybe say that his heart is closed to mercy?
<Danys> but it is the most important?
- Danys thinks again
<Hettienne> I dunno, it's certainly motivatin'
<Danys> ....Eranthis can't love your son. Can we free you both and help save the first and second worlds form an evil blight?
- Danys does some mental arithmatic
<Danys> there is some wiggle room there
<Silver> maybe add sent him to die... only 4 words
- Theaubrienne sneaks back in
<Theaubrienne> Um, the heart is beating.
<Danys> maybe we can message the heart >.>
<Silver> excuse me?
<Clovani> Sorry, what?
<Vreel> Well, yeah. The Ice King can't love, but he's still alive.
- Vreel says as if that is perfectly obvious.
<Theaubrienne> The heart, Eranthis's heart, it's beating.
- Danys nods
<TinyZola> Well he didn't send him to die exactly >_> You don't want her to thaw out and be super mad at him
<Danys> it does make sense
<Danys> She might already be quite angry!
<Danys> I would be
<Theaubrienne> I went back to the throne room and, I guess, I talked to lady Thyatera, and the heart started beating.
<Clovani> You... talked to her?
<Danys> ....did she talk back?
<Danys> I didn't even see you go :o
<Theaubrienne> Well, I talked at her.
<TinyZola> o_O
- Danys nods
<Theaubrienne> People were pretty occupied. :/
<Danys> we were going to try his magic
- Danys nods to Xan
<Danys> to do the same
<Danys> but that's good....
<Danys> it means the heart isn't frozen
<Danys> was it beating when you got there?
<Theaubrienne> I think that would be a good idea. She can't talk back, but I believe she can understand us, and a sending might let her speak back.
<Theaubrienne> (I assume it wasn't?)
<Danys> okay....
<DiablotinNarrator> (no, it wasn't, as far as you could tell)
- Danys will tell you what we were thinking of sending
<Danys> well, its a work in progress
<Theaubrienne> No, it started beating after I spoke to her.
<TinyZola> You mean you woke up his heart?
<Danys> :o
<Danys> that's a very good sign
<TinyZola> Huh
<Vreel> Or it's like bears. Bears and bats.
<Vreel> Everything slows down so much in the winter that you might not notice they're still breathing.
<Vreel> But come spring, it all starts back to normal again.
<Vreel> Anyway, that isn't important.
<Vreel> Carry on with your wordsmithing.
<Xan> So... do we have agreement on the message?
<Theaubrienne> I don't suppose you have anything that would allow you to carry on a conversation?
<Theaubrienne> Telepathy or the like?
<Danys> wel if she can understand us anyway.... we could go and say more and then just let her talk back
<Danys> with the spell
<Theaubrienne> But how many castings do we have?
<Silver> Could you call something that had telepathic abilities to act as a conduit?
- Silver asks Thea
<Theaubrienne> (I was just reviewing my list for that:))
<Theaubrienne> Yes, I believe I can.
<Xan> I can try it, if I'm able to make contact with her using the Sending.
<Theaubrienne> (Jerry the Cenobite has telepathy :))
<Xan> I could then try to use a Telepathic Bond to communicate with her
<Denise> okay
<Denise> lets try it
<Denise> the room was empty?
- Denise asks Aubrienne?
<Theaubrienne> Yes, Lord Eranthis was elsewhere.
<Xan> It would work with a small number of people - I think we'll also stand less chance of being detected, if not all of us return there.
<TinyZola> I'm small :3
<Theaubrienne> A small number of people, not a number of small people. :)
<Hettienne> Heh.
<TinyZola> I'm sneaky!
<Clovani> I'm not much use in social situations.
<Clovani> But if you need any melting done, I'm yer man.
<Justen> If you do decide to melt her out, I can help with that too.
<Silver> so who is going?
<Vreel> If you need stealth, I'm your Forgotten One.
<Theaubrienne> I'm going.
<Danys> well... I'm willing, at least
<Hettienne> I'm pretty conspicuous I guess.
<Hettienne> I Can be smaller... but I also can't talk in heads so. *shrug*
<Danys> well I can't either
<Vreel> I can make people forget, too, if necessary. Forgotten Ones and forgetting sort of go hand in hand.
<Vreel> Only I can't make them forget the rest of you, so maybe it's not that useful.
<Eletheni> I suspect I am far too large to be stealthy in this situation. Is there some other way I can be of use?
<Theaubrienne> I can manage stealth as necessary.
<Danys> how many peple?
- Danys asks Xan
<Clovani> Maybe the rest of us kin take lookout. Or keep His Chilliness distracted.
<Danys> okay
<DiablotinNarrator> Okay so it sounds like Xan, Theaubrienne, Danys, Zola and Vreel will go back to the throne room to try and contact Thyatera.
<DiablotinNarrator> (or to keep lookout)
<DiablotinNarrator> I'll deal with that first, then with the rest of you folks :)
<Clovani> (When you say it like that it sounds sinister... >.> )
<Theaubrienne> (Indeed)
Theaubrienne, Danys, Zola and Vreel head to the throne room with Xan to try to speak to Thyatera
<DiablotinNarrator> You make your way back to the room, which is still currently empty, apart from the people frozen into the wall of course.
- Vreel stays on the alert the whole way and will take up a good position to keep an eye and feel out for things once we're there.
- Xan will cast his sending first. Can I get a final draft of the message? knowing that the exact wording is slightly less important if it works, because then he can telepathically contact her and talk more.
<Danys> okay
<Danys> ....Eranthis can't love your son. We want to speak about freeing you both and helping save the first and second worlds form an evil blight.
<Danys> (Good?)
<Vreel> (We had suggested adding the for words sent son to die or something like that)
<Vreel> (four)
<Danys> (yeah but I dont' think it is essential or true)
<Vreel> (Several others thought it was a good motivation)
<Silver> (please accept telepathic contact)
<DiablotinNarrator> (you can always explain more about it in the further conversation - people thought it was necessary when sending was all you were going to get)
<DiablotinNarrator> (adding 'please accept telepathic contact' would work)
- Xan will cast the spell, which takes 10 minutes.
- Vreel sentries.
<Theaubrienne> (Is the heart still beating?)
<DiablotinNarrator> Yes, slowly
- TinyZola presses against the wall and tries to love it away
<Danys> (We want to speak about freeing you both and helping save the first and second worlds from an evil blight. Please accept telepathic contact?)
<Xan> ... she just says 'Yes.' But that's enough to talk more, I guess.
<TinyZola> .oO( so cold... i dont like the cold... wait, no! i love the cold >_> )
- Xan will then cast the Telepathic Bond, which is much faster.
<DiablotinNarrator> (you all share the telepathic bond, so you don't need to relay messages through Xan or anything, you can just talk - well, Aubrienne and Danys can)
<Danys> hello...
<Danys> I'm Danys. We've heard other people tell your story...
<Thyatera> How long has it been?
<Danys> I'm not sure - a long time.
<Theaubrienne> (Do we know for sure? We can do some historical math, right?)
<TinyZola> (Could just tell her the date in the Empire)
<Danys> (I don't know it ;)
<TinyZola> (Thea does!)
<Danys> (Xan can probably tell her >..)
<Danys> (yeah)
- Theaubrienne will do so
<Vreel> (Roughly 450 years)
<DiablotinNarrator> (she was alive in the early 1800s of the Empire, it's now 2280, so yeah, around 450+ years)
<Theaubrienne> (Thanks)
<DiablotinNarrator> (or something like that ;)
<Thyatera> so long...
<Thyatera> why do you need to disturb my peace?
<Danys> Is it peace?
<Thyatera> it is ... rest.
- Danys nods
- Danys realizes you can't see that
<Thyatera> you said there is a blight?
<Danys> there is - spreading all through both worlds, brought by evil outsiders
<Thyatera> are my people in danger?
<Danys> we need Eranthis's help... but its hard to move someone whose heart is frozen
<Theaubrienne> Everyone is in danger.
<Xan> Your people... meaning the people of Psyra?
- Xan checks
<Thyatera> Yes... I worry for them.
<Danys> Thea's right, I think
<Danys> and... I think some of them are looking for you?
<Theaubrienne> Possibly for some time.
<Thyatera> They are? After so long?
<Danys> yes
<Theaubrienne> We don't know much about it, but we believe so.
<Thyatera> They have not forgotten me?
<Danys> I don't know who they are.... only that they are looking for their queen
<Danys> no.
<Danys> and.... Your son is in danger as well
<Thyatera> He is?
<Danys> Eranthis sent him into danger
<Danys> Because - he can't love him, either, while you hold his heart
<Theaubrienne> He is in our world, fighting the blight.
<Thyatera> Then I must give back his heart?
<Theaubrienne> We have reason to believe that is the best path.
<Thyatera> To save my son, I will give it back. I release his heart.
- Thyatera 's hands very slowly open enough that you can see the heart clearly, beating
<Danys> oh! :o
- Danys will take it if no one else makes a move to
- TinyZola is still broadcasting love through the wall
<DiablotinNarrator> The wall melts away enough that you can reach it.
- Danys has heard grosser things, certainly
- Theaubrienne will take it if that's okay with Danys
<Danys> (yes)
<Danys> (held, even, but have at)
<Theaubrienne> And you?
<Theaubrienne> Will stay here to...rest?
<Theaubrienne> (Will you, rather)
<Thyatera> If I leave, it means my death.
<Theaubrienne> I'm sorry.
<Danys> ....is there anything you want your people to know?
<Thyatera> And... I do not wish to leave him behind. But perhaps I must go... if my people need me still.
<Eranthis> What have you done.
- Danys nods
- Eranthis says from behind you.
- Danys jumps
<TinyZola> EEK! D:
- Vreel didn't feel him?
<Danys> We talked to her.
- TinyZola casts invisibility >_>
<TinyZola> *blink*
<Vreel> (Maybe he teleported. Curse him!)
- Danys says looking terrified
- Eranthis appeared out of nowhere, as far as you can tell, Vreel.
<Theaubrienne> I believe this is yours.
- Eranthis eyes it
<Vreel> Sorry, he just kind of appeared and yelled at you.
<Vreel> Us. Whatever.
<Theaubrienne> It's all right, Vreel. We needed to speak to him regardless.
- TinyZola stare @_@
<Eranthis> I don't want it. It brings nothing but pain.
<Danys> um... I'm sorry, Your majestsy. But pain and loss are part of love.
<Theaubrienne> And life.
<Danys> but to think there's nothing good - or that it isn't worth it is just.... wrong
<Vreel> Yeah, that is a little shortsighted and kind of... not-wise.
<TinyZola> So wrong!
- TinyZola drops her invisibility.
- Vreel isn't going to call him a fool.
<TinyZola> You have a whole world to love in other ways... and you'll always have your love for her.
- Danys nods to Zola
- Eranthis steps past you and puts his hand on the wall where Thyatera is frozen.
<TinyZola> You have a realm, and a son, and a lovely tower
<Vreel> I lost my whole village but I still find reasons to be happy. The pain fades after a while.
<Danys> the people around you suffer and you can't even care about that
<Eranthis> ...
<Vreel> It's hard, certainly.
<Vreel> But you move on. That's what living is about.
<Danys> And.... she wants you to have it. For your son
<Eranthis> ... you're right.
- Danys is wary still because this feels too easy
- Danys is hopeful though :3
<TinyZola> It'll be OK.
- Theaubrienne offers him the heart.
- Eranthis turns to Thea and pushes aside his shirt, exposing a hole in his chest.
- TinyZola ;_;
<Eranthis> Do it before I change my mind.
- Theaubrienne carefully places the heart in his chest
- Eranthis says grimly.
<Vreel> . o O (I hope her hands are clean. Septicemia would not be great.)
<Theaubrienne> (My guess would be he's too cold for a normal infection)
- Eranthis 's heart fits back into place and you're able to see it beating for a moment before the hole closes up and his skin seals it over
<Vreel> Looks much prettier now, too.
- Eranthis gasps and falls to his knees, leaning against the wall
- Theaubrienne is tearing up a bit.
- Theaubrienne will move to support him
- Danys also
<Eranthis> Jochi... my son. I ... I need to bring him back.
<TinyZola> Xan says he's OK.
<Xan> Last we knew, anyway.
<Theaubrienne> We can find him, I'm sure.
<Vreel> Or Xan and Justen can.
<Danys> and the Blight....
<Vreel> Whoever, just leave me out of it, please.
<Vreel> Yeah, sounds like the mortals and all you royals need to work together to stop the spread of the Blight. Cyst. Whatever thing.
- Eranthis manages to stand up.
- TinyZola steps away a little >_>
- Danys will give him support if he stil needs it and space if he doens't
<Theaubrienne> Yes. Will you help us, Lord Eranthis?
- Eranthis seems ... well, not okay exactly, but able to stand anyway.
<Eranthis> I will help.
<TinyZola> Yay <3
<Danys> thank you, your majesty
<Theaubrienne> Thank you.
<Vreel> Terrific.
Back in the guest suite...
<DiablotinNarrator> (going to skip back to the people waiting back in the rooms for a moment)
<DiablotinNarrator> People waiting - make a Perception check.
<Silver> !roll 1d20+17
- TinyZola rolls for Silver: [ 1d20+17 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 17 ] totals [ 19 ].
<Clovani> (28)
<Hettienne> (37)
<Silver> (for Aux)
<Silver> !roll 1d20+15
- TinyZola rolls for Silver: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 23 ].
<Clovani> This is going to end with us stuck up in the wall with her, isn't it?
<Eletheni> !roll 1d20+13
- TinyZola rolls for Eletheni: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 21 ].
<Lathra> !1d20+12
<Lathra> !roll 1d20+12
- TinyZola rolls for Lathra: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 20 ].
<DiablotinNarrator> (can someone roll for Anny and Veren also?)
<Hettienne> (15 for anny)
<Danys> !roll 1d20+13
- TinyZola rolls for Danys: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 18 ].
<Danys> (18 for Veren)
<DiablotinNarrator> Okay - Silver, you notice first - there is some commotion going on outside. You think it's the giants yelling.
<DiablotinNarrator> (oh Hettie and Clovani notice first, sorry - missed their rolls - but you will all notice pretty soon anyway)
<Hettienne> Shit. Somethin
<Clovani> Oh fuckberries.
<Hettienne> 's up outside.
- Hettienne heads that way.
- Silver heads that way as well
- Clovani hops on Drenio and kicks him into a gallup
<DiablotinNarrator> It takes a few minutes to find a location where you the ice is clear enough that you can see out in the right direction, but you manage.
- Eletheni flies as quickly as possible.
<DiablotinNarrator> You see the giants are throwing rocks at something/someone, as if they are under attack
<Hettienne> What's going on?!
- Hettienne bellows
- Justen will melt a hole through the ice wall big enough for you to yell to them
- Justen just puts his hands up to it and starts melting away
- Clovani casts fly on Drenio and hops through the hole, heading towards the ruckus
<DiablotinNarrator> Once there's a hole, you can hear a bit better what they're yelling about - the distinctive sound of guns firing
<Hettienne> It's the slicks.
<DiablotinNarrator> Clovani, you can see a large raven flying off in that direction as well
<DiablotinNarrator> (it can fly better than Drenio I'm pretty sure ;)
<Clovani> (heh)
- Eletheni flies up as soon as possible to try to see what's going on.
- Clovani will follow after it
<Silver> I suppose we might earn favour defending our host
- Justen stops melting things once the hole is big enough, because he doesn't want to bring down the whole castle >.>
<DiablotinNarrator> Clovani, the raven looks over its shoulder at you and gives you a 'seriously?' look
- Clovani shrugs
<DiablotinNarrator> Eletheni, you and Clovani can get a look at what's going on - there is a group of soldiers, although I don't think either of you would recognize them as that per se, firing at the giants, while the remorhazes are fighting and burrowing through the ice
- Raven_Knight circles around above them, maybe getting a count or an estimate of their strength, and then will head back in the direction of the tower
<Eletheni> (how many soldiers in total?)
<DiablotinNarrator> (about 25-30 you'd say)
<Raven_Knight> Get back inside, idiots.
- Raven_Knight says to you two as she flies by.
- Eletheni flies back, then.
- Clovani looks indignant.
- Clovani will not, however, try to stop them alone.
- Raven_Knight will pick you up if she needs to, tiny man :p
<Raven_Knight> They have cold iron, I can smell it.
- Hettienne is going to go find the others.
- Clovani will head back inside
- Silver goes with Hettie
Everyone arrives in the Throne Room
- Eranthis and the others in the Throne room are interrupted when the Raven Knight strides in, shifting to her humanoid form. And apparently also by Hettie and Silver and probably some other people as well.
<TinyZola> @_@
<Hettienne> The sl... Psyrenes are here.
<TinyZola> .oO( I think he needs time alone, not this D: )
- Hettienne glances over at the frozen lady.
- Clovani trots in a bit behind
<Danys> I think she might be comimg out?
<Eranthis> Vaelkess, can you lead the defence against them?
<Danys> :YOur people are here...
- Danys isn't sure if the link is still up
<Thyatera> (it is, it lasts for like... 100 minutes or something?)
<Raven_Knight> If you need me to. But... they're after her.
- Raven_Knight says, pointing to Thyatera
<Danys> She knows.
<Theaubrienne> Perhaps she can speak to them?
<Eranthis> ...
<TinyZola> If she's from so many centuries ago, how'd they find out she was here... and why do they care? :|
<Hettienne> Those are questions for later
<Raven_Knight> They have a remorhaz, and cold iron, and if you don't do this, they're going to try and destroy this place to get her.
<Hettienne> WHen folk ain't bein' shot at
<Eranthis> ....all right.
<Eranthis> I'll let her go.
- Eranthis reaches into the wall, takes Thyatera's hands, and gently pulls her out of the ice.
<Eranthis> Can you give us a moment?
- Eranthis says to the giant crowd of people :p
- Danys will withdraw
- TinyZola will perch on Danys
- Hettienne too.
- Raven_Knight turns around and leaves
- Vreel lets them be for their potentially final farewell.
- Silver leaves
- Clovani will trot away as discreetly as possible on the back of a dodo
<DiablotinNarrator> All right - you give them a little while. After a few minutes longer, you hear the guns outside stop firing.
<TinyZola> >_>
<Clovani> You think he'll make us replace the wall?
<Hettienne> I hope that's a good sign
<DiablotinNarrator> It is uneasily quiet as you wait.
<Hettienne> Pretty sure he'd do a better job
<TinyZola> Can't she just tell them to buzz off?
- Lathra hides under a chair
- Eranthis emerges from the room, alone.
<Hettienne> Maybe she is
<Eranthis> Come with me.
- Eranthis says to all of you.
- Clovani will follow
<TinyZola> >_>
<Vreel> Why...?
- Vreel asks warily.
<Eranthis> Because I'm doing what you asked for.
- TinyZola will get Justen to carry B.
- TinyZola goes with
- Hettienne follows.
- Theaubrienne follows
- Silver follows as well
- Vreel has a Bad Feeling about this.
- Danys goes
<Vreel> I'll be on my way then. Thank you!
<Eranthis> No one is leaving here.
<Theaubrienne> My lord?
<Eranthis> Not that way, at any rate.
- Vreel puts up her Blur spell-like ability and will take off at a run, because she is not from the mortal plane.
- Lathra turns into a snake and nervously slithers over to Hettie
<Hettienne> Hey Lathra.
<Hettienne> We're goin' home :3
- Silver will shift back to her human form
- TinyZola eyes Vreel >_>
<TinyZola> Are we going back to Amanita?
<Lathra> Does that mean I have to turn into that other girl or something?
<Hettienne> You'll be fine.
<Danys> I don't know what it means, exactly. Bur I hope we'll all get sorted out
<Lathra> ... I'll be bored and worried all the time >_>
<Hettienne> Things will be the way they're supposed to.
Everyone goes home
- Eranthis is not going to chase some ridiculous fool, so he'll lead you to a room you haven't been in before, at the top of the tower - it has a large swirling portal in the floor.
- TinyZola will leave B. with Justen and go perch on Eletheni
- TinyZola gives the side of her head a hug
<Danys> do e just.... go through?
<TinyZola> Will it fix things?
<Theaubrienne> Is this...always open?
- TinyZola hopes he didn't have to have 8 shadar-kai shivved to open it >_>
<Eranthis> No, not always.
<Eranthis> When you go through, it will bring you back to where you're meant to be. You and your other selves will separate again.
<Hettienne> Awright.
<TinyZola> So there are others then?
<Hettienne> Den-Danys?
<Theaubrienne> Oh.
- Danys nods
<Danys> okay
<TinyZola> I'm two?
<Silver> Just walk through?
- Lathra turns into a raven, and flits over to Danys' shoulder.
- Hettienne checks to make sure Anny is still on her shoulder, then holds out her hand to the huldra.
<Lathra> Tweet tweet
<Danys> huh
- Danys will take Hettie's hand and hold her other one out to Veren
- Silver shrugs and walks in
- Drenio the Dodo wi/me approaches the portal and looks back at Clovani.
- Hettienne steps through with her Rattes, plus Lathra
<Drenio the Dodo> Squaaak?
<Eletheni> Well ... I guess there's only one way to find out if I'm real.
<TinyZola> Oh, I need B... he's from here, I think.
- Clovani puts his hand on Drenio's head.
- TinyZola makes grabby hands at Justen
<Theaubrienne> How long will this portal be open, my lord?
<Clovani> No birdbrain... not this time.
<Drenio the Dodo> Squaaaaack? squaaaack.
<Eletheni> I agree with the dodo.
<Clovani> This is my home. This is where I belong. But you... you're different. You go on. You don't need me anymore.
<Drenio the Dodo> Squ... ak?
<Clovani> It's ok. I'll be here.
<Eletheni> If I should not be wherever we are going, tell the Voice ... tell Hugo that he is remembered.
<TinyZola> You'll visit us, yes?
<TinyZola> I'll sing you a song<3
<Clovani> Heh... I might do at that.
- Eletheni turns to Zola.
<Eranthis> I can only hold it open for a little while at a time.
- Drenio the Dodo will nuzzle up against Clovani one last time.
- Eranthis says to Theaubrienne
<Eletheni> Here goes everything, then.
- Eletheni negotiates her way through to the portal and then slithers through.
- Drenio the Dodo will turn and walk slowly into the portal.
- Clovani will wipe away a tear.
- TinyZola is taken with Eletheni since she was on her shoulder, leaving B. behind? Which is probably OK.
<Theaubrienne> Our other companion...she doesn't remember her life there. I don't like the thought of leaving her behind.
- Xan and Justen ... have their own transportation home, but hey, portal.
<Clovani> If I can find her, I will. I'll try to talk some sense into her.
<Theaubrienne> We don't exactly have an easy way back here.
- Vreel comes wandering back, in tears.
<Theaubrienne> Ge...uh, Vreel!
<Vreel> I don't want to go there. I'm happy *here*.
<Clovani> Ya don't belong here, lass.
<Theaubrienne> Vreel, I would be happy to owe you a boon if you would accompany me through the portal. If you want to return afterwards, I'm sure we can arrange it.
<Clovani> Go on. It'll be ok.
- Theaubrienne holds out her hand.
- Vreel takes it, shaking with terror and unhappiness.
<Theaubrienne> Thank you.
- Theaubrienne walks through the portal with Vreel.
- Clovani will nod to Eranthis.
- Eranthis nods, and will step through the portal as well, which closes behind him.
<Theaubrienne> (Leaving Clovani awkwardly standing in the portal room. :p)
<DiablotinNarrator> As you each step through the portal, you catch a glimpse of yourselves - your other selves - drawing nearer and nearer to you, until finally they pass through you and you are left watching your fey selves recede into the distance.
- Danys gives her otherself a big hug as we pass through :3
<Theaubrienne> (Likewise :))
- TinyZola hopes TinyNotZola didn't mind the ride.
- Drenio the Dodo squacks happily at Dorien.
<DiablotinNarrator> You emerge into a wooded grove, with the smell of salt in the air. Linthira and Eirlys and Amanita are waiting there, as though they expected your arrival.
<Eranthis> Sisters...
- Hettienne looks around to make sure all her folk are here.
- TinyZola stumbles, disoriented
<Dorien> That... was weird.
- Danys gives Enver a big hug too D:
<Zola> Hugo!
- Zola hugs him tight
<Linthira> There isn't much time - come with us.
<Hugo> ... Zola?
<Zola> You're alright!
<Aubrienne> (to Gen) Are you all right?
- Argent smiles
<Argent> <w> we did it
- Genevriel feels the crushing weight of her life here return, and hunkers down, brokenhearted.
<Hugo> I ... guess so?
- Hettienne hugs Annyck tightly!
- Zola is shaken up and emotional, and tearing up a bit
<Zola> Everyone's OK?
- Aubrienne does her best to support Gen
- Genevriel shakes her head, but stands up slowly.
<Hettienne> Feelin' a bit... small, but otherwise I'm good.
<Linthira> I'm sorry for leaving you here like this - but we need to go if we're going to be able to cleanse the Irminsul.
<Hettienne> Where *is* 'here'?
<Zola> The saltgrove?
<Argent> Its fine. This is why we did it. Go.
<DiablotinNarrator> Yeah, some of you have been there before - it's the Saltgrove, just outside the city.
<Linthira> Thank you for all you've done...
- Lathra looks blank, disappointed
- Danys hasn't been here but has heard stories >.>
- Lathra lost in thought
<Aubrienne> You're welcome, of course, but I believe you have some pressing matter to attend to, my lady.
<Dorien> No problem.
<Zola> (Do we still have the banner?)
<Linthira> We owe you a great debt, and assuming we survive this, we will do our best to repay you.
<Dorien> It was... certainly an adventure
<DiablotinNarrator> Yes, you still have it
<Zola> We can set up the banner and wait?
<Denise> un, thanks @_@
<Aubrienne> Good luck.
<Zola> (It's probably on Hettie's back :P)
<Denise> yes
- Linthira and her siblings will join hands and Linthira draws them into a large tree nearby and they disappear.
- Aubrienne goes to hug Dorien
<Denise> I... kinda wanna go home @_@
<Zola> ... Gods.
<Dorien> So. Did anyone think to bring anything to eat?
<Aubrienne> You're not a bird any more. :)
<Xan> There are some people who are very anxious to see you.
- Denise says but still is keepign hold of Enver
- Xan says to the group at large
- Argent laughs
<Zola> Oh, yes... yes! Noren!
<Denise> oh, huh
<Aubrienne> I should think so.
<Dorien> Ok. No one mentions the word dodo. Ever.
<Dorien> Seriously
<Hettienne> *snort*
<Hettienne> I liked you better as a bird
<Xan> We can teleport you - well, Justen can, really - back to the city.
<Aubrienne> Dodorien?
<Dorien> I will not hesitate to kill anyone you, Bri.
<Aubrienne> Technically not the word.
<Zola> Yeah, that's probably better...
<Genevriel> I'd rather walk, thank you.
- Genevriel says quietly to Xan.
<Dorien> Gen...
- Zola looks Gen over, trying to see if she really needs the walk, or if she's avoiding.
- Justen will teleport anyone who wants teleporting, anyway
- Justen might have to do it in a couple trips, there are a lot of you...
<Hettienne> Your Da' is gonna be worried sick about you, Den...
<Argent> I know when I asked for all your help, this wasnt what we signed up for exactly, but we should all be happy about what we've managed to accomplish.
- Dorien will try to convince Gen to come with them.
<Denise> yeah....
<Hettienne> Let
<Hettienne> Let's go home.
- Denise nods
<Denise> We did good, Argent
- Genevriel shakes her head gently at Dorien.
- Denise gives him a big smile and a little salute
- Zola puts an arm around Hugo and gets ready for their turn.
<Genevriel> I'll be fine. I just need to think.
<Dorien> I'll... I'll let mother know you're ok then.
- Genevriel nods.
- Denise is totally ready to team ratte it out of here though
<Zola> Have a good walk, Gen.
- Enver is very glad to be able to hold your hand again, Denise :3
<Genevriel> See you back in town.
- Margaux goes over to Argent to give him a (maybe slightly awkward) hug
- Genevriel bids everyone a subdued adieu and starts walking towards Diablotin.
- Nycki looks pretty stunned, but maybe more by the pregnancy thing than by the adventure
<Aubrienne> (To Dorien) Is it wise to let her go by herself?
<Genevriel> (if any of you who are concerned about Gen have SM, she is very sad but not suicidal)
- Lathra shakes her head, and grins
<Zola> (Yeah, that's what I meant earlier about whether Gen needed the walk or was avoiding ... this Zola has SM :P)