Diablotin Ratteventures part 1

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Diablotin: Ratteventures session logs
Part 1 Next




Session date: 2015-04-12
Diablotin date: Unknown

Ratteventures 1

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> YOu have all been called together to provide different kinds of input and expertise into investigating the incursion from the upper city that Ajla reported to the royal guard. Apparently some upper city peopel have been tunneling down towards the river from a basement from a house across the river, and it has been determined that this could pose a threat on numerous levels. YOur job is

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> to resolve this, one way or another. You have all been kitted out with extra items that might be useful for this endeavour, taking in to account ways in which that resolution might take place.

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Elis is officially in charge of the party, being a member of the royal guard

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> The incursion itself is coming from accross the river

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> as you are all aware, the main tunnels that run under the river are some of the most dangerous

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> However, you have the option of proceeding through some of the smaller cracks and crevices in your rat forms, and bypassing most fo the really dangerous areas

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> So we will open with the lot of you assembled, deciding how to proceed :)

<Elis> Thanks for coming, everyone. Now that you know what the issue is, how would you like to approach it?

  • Damir looks to Mirza, being the most experienced out here.

<Mirza> You mean the humans, or getting to them?

<Elis> Let's focus on getting to them first.

<Elis> Once we know what exactly they ARE doing, we can decide what course of action to take.

  • Mirza eyes Damir backj

<Mirza> it will be safer to stick to the rat tunnels

<Mirza> Things come otu of the river sometimes

  • Elis nods.

<Ajla> Easier to spy that way too

<Lazru> Seems reasonable.

  • Damir briefly looks awkward and turns to see Elis' response

<Elis> Damir, do you have something to add?

  • Elis says respectfully.

<Damir> No, Mirza's experience out here is greater than my own.

  • Elis nods.

<Ajla> Anyway, don't we already know what they're doing?

<Ajla> It's a bunch of human thieves.

<Ajla> They want to dig a tunnel to move their stolen goods.

<Elis> You know that for sure, Ajla?

<Ajla> Uh, yes?

<Ajla> I brought the report back.

<Damir> Ahh, I see... it is not common that such tunnels are dug, I wondered what might be the goal.

<Elis> I as well.

<Elis> Can you fill us in on anything else that was in your report, please, Ajla?

  • Ajla shrugs.

<Ajla> I talk to the humans that come down under the ground, or at least listen in on them.

  • Elis nods, listening.

<Ajla> They say these people are trying to dig a tunnel, or join one, to the river docks.

<Ajla> They're exploring to find the best route.

<Damir> (Is that a long distance?)

<Ajla> Anyway I pretended to be a human and tried to warn them off...

<Ajla> All 'oooh the tunnels are scary, so dangerous, such monster'

  • Elis smiles.

<Ajla> But they're still digging.

<Elis> Do you know how many people we might be dealing with?

<Lazru> Well, it seems like we could probably provide 'such monster', eh?

<Lazru> If they're thieves, this is a venture motivated by profit, I would assume. We just need to make it unprofitable.

<Damir> It is a shame I do not know the necessary illusion spells to provide an easier deterrent.

<Ajla> Uh, I know of about 4 or five.

<Ajla> We could set traps, too.

<Mirza> there are already plenty of traps

<Mirza> But yeah, we can set up more if we don't want deal with them directly

  • Elis nods and actively listens, encouraging peoples' ideas.

<Damir> And new traps might suggest we're here... a natural danger might be more convincing.

<Ajla> We could make 'em look natural

<Ajla> like collapsing ceilings or whatever...

<Elis> Rockfalls and things?

  • Elis nods.

<Ajla> floods...

  • Damir nods
  • Mirza nods as well

<Mirza> That's how we try to do things

<Damir> It's important that we stop them before they disrupt any of the wards...

  • Ajla eyes Damir..

<Elis> Yes. how long would it take to build such traps?

<Mirza> that depends

<Damir> And if they are thieves acting against the benefit of their own community... well I think we know that we may need to do more.

<Mirza> quick and dirty can be riggen in maybe an hour or so - if yo want to get elaborate, It can take longer

<Elis> (Heather, do we have anything like maps of the area?)

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> (You have Mirza ;)

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> (and Ajla, too- both of them know their way around the area quite well)

<Damir> Ajla do you think they will stop if this passage fails, or would they try again elsewhere?

<Ajla> Well, they seem pretty determined.

<Damir> We do perhaps have another option...

<Ajla> Why don't you see what the cards say?

<Damir> Hmm.

<Elis> What other option are you thinking of, Damir?

<Damir> If they will simply try again, perhaps the best thing is for us to guide them to the river along a route which suits us.

<Damir> Perhaps if I can find and examine the wards, such a way will reveal itself.

<Damir> Once they have their path, they'll have no need to explore further. It has one purpose only, yes?

  • Mirza frowns

<Mirza> If they're gogn to all this effort, they're not planning to just use it the once

<Damir> No, of course not, but they'll use the same path every time.

<Lazru> For now. What happens if they need other routes? Seems like a dangerous precedent.

  • Mirza nods ot Lazru

<Mirza> the river's pretty dangerous - they might get themselves killed. if they dont' though, that's goign to be more of a problem for us

  • Damir nods

<Elis> It is probably best not to make more work for our scouts if we can help it.

  • Elis smiles again.
  • Mirza nods

<Elis> It was a good thought, though, Damir.

<Ajla> I think making it as unpleasant as possible is our best chance

<Elis> And the rest of you?

<Mirza> Sure

<Damir> Once we have more information, I can consult the cards. I have also been given a tea with which I can perform a powerful divination to grant us guidance.

<Elis> Good to know, Damir.

  • Ajla eyes Damir

<Elis> Lazru, your thoughts?

  • Damir will consult the cards with regard to the rat tunnels versus the main tunnels, since apparently that's p. easy to do.

<Lazru> I agree with Ajla. Making their durance underground as dangerous and unpleasant as we can seems like the wisest course of action.

<Lazru> Better to scare them off, and have them spread the tales to others, I should think.

<Elis> Very well, then. Ajla and Mirza, you know the area well. Are there any natural pinch points or other such places that we should build our traps in?

  • Ajla glances at Mirza.
  • Damir will fish his deck from its secure place in his furs and draw a card

<Elis> Or places that have some potential natural hazards already, that just need a little encouragement.

<Ajla> Well, depends where their tunnel comes out

<Ajla> But probable

<Ajla> (y)

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Damir: the card you draw is The Dance. The Dance is the lawful good card of dexterity. It represents a complicated framework that requires the cooperation of all to avoid collapse.

  • Elis nods to Ajla.

<Damir> What sort of dangers do you normally come across in the rat tunnels, Mirza?

  • Damir rolls [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 12 ]

<Mirza> sometimes there are other animals in there, but not usually anything too terrible

<Mirza> sometimes vermin, but there's usually enough soace to fight if you have to

  • Damir frowns.

<Damir> I have pulled The Dance, suggesting cooperation will be crucial, or we will fail. I dont' think this is going to be straightforward.

  • Damir will shuffle and draw another card for our fortunes.
  • Mirza looks around at the lot of us

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> (is this a general future outlook?)

  • Elis is watching Damir at the moment

<Damir> (Yup)

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Damir: You draw The Tangled Briar. This is the lawful evil card of constitution. It represents a historical thing or creature that will have some influence on the question.

<Damir> .oO( Spectacular. )

<Ajla> What's that mean?

<Damir> Something from the past may have influence over our task...

  • Damir rolls [ 1d20 ] getting [ 6 ]

<Damir> .oO( Will the thing be evil? )

  • Damir draws another

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Damir: you draw The Fiend. This is the lawful evil card of strength. It is a devil that devours the masses of the innocent, and can represent the deaths of many in a disaster.

<Damir> ... something evil.

<Ajla> Fabulous...

<Damir> We will definitely have to see to the wards.

<Ajla> ...But maybe we can play it against the humans...

  • Damir keeps his cards handy. >_>

<Mirza> great

<Mirza> well, do we want to get on with it, then?

  • Elis nods.

<Elis> How long will it take to travel there, Mirza?

<Elis> Or Ajla

<Mirza> about an hour, maybe?

  • Ajla nods.

<Elis> How much time should we budget for scouting out the area and building traps?

  • Elis is just trying to think of logistics to feed us all, etc... we can pretend we figure that all out, if you'd rather not rp it)

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> (You don't expect this should take more than a day, and if it does, you're not going to be too far away, and you have a druid and a ranger, so you shoudl be fine, yeah)

<Elis> Right then. Gather what you need for the journey, say farewell to your families, and we'll meet at the town gate in an hour.

<Elis> (or whatever serves as the access to Rattetown)

<Mirza> I'm all set.

  • Ajla nods to Mirza.

<Ajla> Same...

  • Mirza crouches to to pet Dor
  • Damir also has a pack which he'd set aside someplace.

<Elis> Well, I'll see you in an hour at the gate, all the same.

  • Damir nods

<Damir> Ah... Mirza.

  • Damir smiles
  • Elis heads out to say goodbye to his family, get what he needs, and sketch out a rough idea of their plans to the other royal guard / his cousin if she needs to know, with an ETA for their return, etc. Just being cautious. Got to keep everyone in town safe, after all!

<Damir> How... how are the twins?

<Mirza> Fat and happy.

<Damir> Wonderful. You and Anizj must be so proud.

  • Mirza nods

<Damir> Well, I suppose I should go... think about what might happen...

<Mirza> right

  • Damir will retreat with his pack to play with his Harrow deck

<Mirza> Aj, come on, lets go figure out the best route through

<Ajla> Sounds good!

  • Ajla picks up her pack and saunters over.

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> (okay, so unless anyone has anything really pressing to do, we can pick back up when after the hour is up?)

<Elis> (yup)

<Lazru> (sounds good)

<Damir> (sisi)

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> (okay. Just for the record since I am not sure that it is actually written down anywhere - shifting forms is a standard action. Your stuff transforms with yiu, but you can't use it as a rat or a dire rat. Ongoing magical effects do continue to affect you though.)

<Ajla> (*squeak*

  • Elis will have Ajla and Mirza go over the standard rat-form communication signals with all of us before we change, so we're all on the same page.

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Once you meet back up, Mirza and Ajla can lead you down towards the river through the tunnels, until we reach the area where we plann to get into the smaller tunnels. at which point, I will poke you all on to roll20 :)

  • Mirza can do that

<Ajla> (*squeak squeak*)

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> crawling through the tunnels as rats (mostly, DAMIR), you encounter and murder some zombie kittens

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> you manage to make it out to the regular tunnels and onto the other side of the river with no further incident

  • Damir is unscathed, though somewhat perturbed by his ineffectiveness.

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Anyone who ahs K: Dungeoneering can roll it

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> !roll 1d20+10

  • Damir rolls for Diablotin_NaRATTEor: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 14 ].
  • Damir ... huh...does not

<Elis> !roll 1d20+7

  • Damir rolls for Elis: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 9 ].

<Lazru> !roll 1d20+7

  • Damir rolls for Lazru: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 9 ].

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> we are not on the ball today :p

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Ajla - you are out last hope!

<Damir> (Are we on two or four legs?)

  • Elis admires a pretty stalactite formation, oblivious to whatever might befall us next.

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> (Mirza got kittenscratched but is pretty much unscathed)

<Lazru> (How bad?)

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> (1 hp ;p)

<Lazru> (Oh, yeah, not really worth a spell or wand charge. :p)

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> (no)

<Ajla> (dorry!)

<Ajla> !roll 1d20+10

  • Damir rolls for Ajla: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 13 ].

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> (lol)

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Zombie kittens, how odd. Moving on then!

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> you know the general area that they were digging towards - you can head in that direction

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> you will go faster as humans, and can talk more easily, but of course rats are more stealthy so - up to you guys how you want to proceed

<Lazru> I would think rats, right?

  • Damir sits there, whiskers twitching.
  • Mirza is happy either way

<Ajla> (rats!)

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Okay - rats then?

  • Elis squeaks and moves in a scurry along the wall.
  • Lazru follows along

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> you scurry towards the area, and eventually arrive at a scriot of tunnel -it looks like they have managed to break through here

  • Damir too

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> peopel can make some rolls for me

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Damir - K: Arcana

  • Elis pauses, once everyone is on the move, to let a scout take the lead again, since he has more faith in their scout abilities than his own. go figure.
  • Damir rolls [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 27 ]
  • Mirza woill happily scout ahead with her cousin and Dor

<Ajla> *scurry*

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Damir - you are pretty sure that where this comes out definitely breaches the warding system

  • Damir squeeks in agitation

<Ajla> squeak?

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> can I get perception and/or scent check from folks?

<Elis> !roll 1d20+8

<Ajla> !roll 1d20+9

  • Damir rolls for Elis: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 21 ].
  • Damir rolls for Ajla: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 16 ].
  • Damir rolls [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 13 ]
  • Damir rolls [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 16 ]

<Ajla> (that was per, next is scent)

<Damir> (Perception 13, Scent 16)

<Ajla> !roll 1d20+6

  • Damir rolls for Ajla: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 21 ].

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> or surivial if you wanna try something like tracking

<Elis> !roll 1d20+7

  • Damir rolls for Elis: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 12 ].

<Elis> (Per 21, scent 12)

<Mirza> !roll 1d20+12

  • Damir rolls for Mirza: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 28 ].

<Mirza> !roll 1d20+7

  • Damir rolls for Mirza: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 24 ].

<Ajla> (16 per, 21 scent :v)

  • Damir chitters and points his snout towards some barely discernable runes or whatever marks the warding.

<Lazru> ! 1d20+11

<Lazru> ack

<Lazru> !roll 1d20+11

  • Damir rolls for Lazru: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 22 ].

<Lazru> !roll 1d20+9

  • Damir rolls for Lazru: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 17 ].

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Damir - in this case it is more liek a worn rune in a pile of rubble that marks the entrance to the new tunnel

  • Damir is instead half standing on it then :P
  • Elis squeaks angrily

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> okay

<Elis> (not angry at Damir - angry at people who did this)

  • Ajla pulls on her whiskers

<Ajla> Squeak >:|

<Lazru> (We can retreat a little ways to talk, right?)

  • Damir looks around to see if there's any danger suggested by the scouts.

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> you all did pretty well here, so between what you see and what you smell, you can tell that people came down here, but once they did, they didn't actually come out of the tunnel, but went back up it right away

<Elis> o_O

<Ajla> ??

<Elis> Squeak?

  • Ajla will venture up through the tunnel

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> those who got scent scores over 18 can tell that this wasn't all that long ago - maybe an hour or so?

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> okay

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> then

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> back to roll 20 ^-^

<Ajla> squeak :3

<Damir> *** Ajla and Mirza spot and undead and a wounded thiefy and return to report

  • Damir will also shift when he sees they are.
  • Lazru will do likewise
  • Mirza transforms with Ajla to report
  • Elis also will shift.

<Damir> What'd you seE?

  • Damir asks eagerly :3

<Mirza> More undead, for one

<Mirza> at least one

<Damir> Large or small?

<Mirza> Human

<Elis> Let's keep our voices down... those city dwellers were here not that long ago.

  • Mirza looks at Ajla to explain the rest

<Mirza> I don't know that they can hear us anymore

<Ajla> One of the humans is alive, but wounded...

  • Mirza says, but quietly

<Lazru> One of the thieves?

<Ajla> One of the diggers...

<Mirza> Down one of the side tunnels. he looked pretty badly off

<Ajla> What could have happened?

<Damir> ... should we help? Could he help us keep them out?

<Lazru> I wouldn't want to leave someone to the undead...can we perhaps lure the undead out this way as dire rats?

<Ajla> He might...

  • Elis frowns slightly.

<Mirza> we might want to get a better idea of what's going on

<Ajla> I would rather push them out

<Lazru> Oh, well, if we plan to make contact...

<Mirza> but we can do that at least

<Ajla> than lure them in

<Damir> Was the undead further up the tunnels? I could block them for a while and we could see to the injured one.

<Mirza> yes

<Ajla> Do you think maybe they did something with their digging that caused this?

<Ajla> And the cats?

  • Ajla asks Damir

<Damir> Look.

  • Damir points at the rune

<Damir> That was a part of the wards.

<Damir> Surely it's no coincidence that they broke through and retreated

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> Ajla can you give me a dungoeneering check?

<Elis> Who makes zombie cats, anyway? What is the point? If you want minions, use something more useful.

<Ajla> !roll 1d20+10

  • Damir rolls for Ajla: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 11 ].

<Ajla> (narp)

<Mirza> !roll 1d20+12

  • Damir rolls for Mirza: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 28 ].
  • Mirza looks at Ajla

<Mirza> YOu know

<Mirza> the tunnel where the thief is

<Mirza> it would have come out up ahead

  • Mirza gestures down the sewer
  • Mirza loks at Damir

<Mirza> Would that have breached the warding?

<Damir> I don't know... does it matter? They dug here, and not there.

<Mirza> They dug that tunnel pretty far

<Mirza> they were close

<Elis> ...

<Mirza> and then they moved it to come out here instead

<Elis> Why would they have moved it?

  • Elis ponders, catching on.

<Mirza> I don't know

<Mirza> maybe this is your historical mystery at work

  • Damir nods...

<Damir> Well, if one of them is intentionally seeking to destroy the wards, perhaps that survivor will know.

<Ajla> Yes... let's go, before he bleeds to death.

  • Elis sighs.

<Damir> What is our approach? Should I block the undead from pursuing us, or will we face it?

<Mirza> there coudl be more than one

<Mirza> Block it

<Damir> Indeed, I will try to get a sense for them before I seal the tunnel

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> (back to roll20?)

<Damir> Step 1 - web the shit out of them again

<Damir> step 2 - obscuring mist

<Damir> Step 3 - run the fuck away

<Diablotin_NaRATTEor> that sounds reasonable

<Damir> #2 is negotiable :P

<Damir> Remind me to grab the rune on the way by