Nemnosti session 7

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Nemnosti session logs
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The team, having returned from the Hulti temple, identifies the strange items they found in its tunnels. Ifa and Izu talk to a distraught Nemnu Ula about the investigation into the unrendered bubunne. They also talk about Izu and Alai's recent fun and whether it will lead to something more. Kuspir talks to Ghorgimbe about her young cousin Afra, her situation with Momuzai, and how Bem feels about all this. The team gathers to plan how to investigate the spiral of bubunne. Alai and Izu conduct a magical investigation of the area of the spiral and the stables, finding little. Kuspir and Ifa investigate the records of entries and exits to the ulajeta and find that Susuva Nemni apparently left and never returned. Alarmed, the team goes to Susuva's chambers - if it is truly her - and upon entering her room, she disappears, reappearing at the Lanky Stones, only to use a keyword to trigger a megalithic door to disappear elsewhere.


Session date: April 28, 2024
Negili Reckoning date: IE 768, Dend Aivas


Welcome, acolytes! Here at Nemnosti, we have many rules, and most of these exist to keep you, and the rest of us, safe. Here in the ulajeta, we may feel invincible, as if nothing can touch us. And it is true, the Lady's grace and power protect us here. Here within these walls, we are secure. But we should hesitate before we speak with such a feisty stomach! Nature, all around us, presents a constant threat. Water, rocks, fire, winds, not to mention wild beasts, all threaten to end our Unfolding and make us Ancestors far earlier than we had planned. Trust not in fickle revivification - and not only because of the risk of failure. So when your spleen gets hot, you will be wise to remember those of Nemnu's Courses that bear on your survival in the natural world. Here, our vultures and hunters will teach you to swim, to hunt, to survive, if you are willing to learn. And if you are not - well, all of us have a place in the Inner Caves where we might take up residence.

The team talks to Alai who helps them identify the treasures buried under the Hulti temple

[NemnostiGM] You have returned and rested up since your visit to the terraced hill that you now know to be a ruined Hulti temple, out near Gil Hargush. You have returned from that trip with some answers, but more questions still.
[NemnostiGM] There, you also found some items that might help shed more light on the strange place, although clearly they had been buried and lost for many centuries.
[NemnostiGM] Kibai Pilting, the young woman you rescued, is still resting and recovering here at the ulajeta. While well-cared for, she seems distinctly uncomfortable around so many people.
[NemnostiGM] And then, of course, there is the matter of the unrendered bubun, four of them, reduced to Ancestors without any apparent mark on any of them, and laid in a spiral shape - or perhaps in the other order? That is the topic of heated discussion at the ulajeta, and you cannot possibly avoid it.
[NemnostiGM] (what are you doing with the items you got? trying to identify them yourselves, or going to someone like Pavavi to help?)
[Kuspir] (I'll leave that up to the magic user types to figure out, not my area of expertise)
[NemnostiGM] (you have the following: a bronze ring, an iron dagger, a carved round slate, and four purple-black eggs)
[Ifa] (Yeah, that seems like Alai and Jevai stuff to figure out.)
[NemnostiGM] (all right, Alai, how you going to handle this?)
[Alai] (if they were enchanted, I would try and use identify to determine the enchantment, otherwise Yes Pavavi for the historical significance)
[Izu] (I have a decent Appraise skill, and a decent arcana, but yeah, probably best for the magic users.)
[NemnostiGM] (the dagger and ring are enchanted, the slate and the eggs are nonmagical)
[Izu] (Were the bubun just found that way? Presumably right before we got there?)
[Alai] (so identify on the dagger and ring... I am assuming its just a +10 to k arcane to determine thier properties - since no spellcraft)
[Alai] (dagger first... spell then K roll)
[NemnostiGM] (yes that's right, anything that says Spellcraft, just replace with K:arcana)
[Alai] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Alai] !roll 1d20+24
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+24 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 24 ] totals [ 43 ].
[Alai] (so 43 to identify the dagger)
[NemnostiGM] The dagger has a weak enchantment. Additionally, it has a moderate transmutation effect, namely that when it strikes an opponent, it can be used to anchor the victim in place, so that they cannot move except with extreme effort.
* Alai will communicate that information and move on to the ring
[Alai] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 21 ].
[Alai] !roll 1d20+24
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+24 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 24 ] totals [ 27 ].
[NemnostiGM] The ring has weak conjuration magic. It allows the wearer to protect themselves against a single target who they identify as a threat.
[NemnostiGM] (Are you going to Pavavi to talk about the items, or no need?)
[Kuspir] (I'd say probably yes? I mean I think we should find out all we can.)
[Ifa] (*nod*)
[Alai] (agreed)
[NemnostiGM] All right, you can head to talk to Pavavi in the treasury. (Any who wish to come may do so)
* Kuspir will go along
* Izu will go
[NemnostiGM] Pavavi, aka Tamandu Sempi, is of course the ancient curator of Nemnu's ancient treasures. All of you would know him to at least some degree - he's probably the oldest person at the cloister other than the Lady Herself.
[Kuspir] Greetings, Pavavi, how are you doing today?
* Pavavi is polishing Nemnu's collection of magic rings.
* Ifa will have brought him some of his favorite tea or some other similar gesture.
* Pavavi looks up.
[Pavavi] Oh, hello!
* Pavavi smiles broadly
[Izu] Greetings, Pavavi
[Pavavi] How are you young folks today?
[Alai] Very well.
[Kuspir] We're all right. We just got back from a trip to Gil Hargush, and we found some unusual things. We were hoping you could have a look at them.
* Alai smiles
[Pavavi] Oho! So did it turn out to be as you had wondered, Alai, the temple you were seeking?
[Alai] They were recovered from a lost Hulti temple
[Alai] Yes, we found it.
[Ifa] Again, I suppose, but more thoroughly searched this time.
[Pavavi] Very interesting indeed. Well, let's see them then!
[Alai] these two carry enchantments, which I can describe if needed.
* Alai points out the dagger and ring, but will showcase the rest of the pieces
* Pavavi looks at them.
[Pavavi] Well if you've already done the magical work, you may as well share that information.
* Pavavi tries not to sound too disappointed.
* Alai does so
* Pavavi takes the ring and inspects it.
[Pavavi] It's interesting that the face of this ring has no features. It is the shape of a human face but with no eyes, nose, hair ... hmmm...
* Pavavi dons the ring and thinks for a moment, then shows it to you. The face of the ring is now clearly Kuspir's face.
* Kuspir looks surprised
[Kuspir] what does this mean?
[Pavavi] It means I have designated you as a threat, and am protected against your attacks.
[Kuspir] I would never attack you.
* Pavavi laughs.
[Pavavi] Well, of course not! It was merely a demonstration. And if you were to do so, I still have a few tricks to play on the unwary!
* Pavavi removes the ring and the face disappears, returning to its featureless appearance.
* Kuspir nods, but is still secretly mildly offended at the idea that he would ever harm someone under his protection.
[Pavavi] It needs to be polished but otherwise is in good repair considering where you found it.
* Izu picks up the ring to examine it.
[Pavavi] As for the dagger ... hmmm. You found it in the temple you say?
* Izu slips it on and the ring immediately changes to Alai's face before he quickly slips it off and hopes no one noticed.
* Kuspir nods
[Ifa] (quietly to Izu) Do you have to see the person to designate them? Could you name anyone?
[Izu] (Quietly) Oh! Ummm... I don't know... try it.
* Izu hands the ring to Ifa quickly.
[Pavavi] It is quite a treasure. Clearly unaffected much by its time in the earth, but that is not unusual for magical objects.
* Ifa takes the ring, quickly puts it on, and will try to think of Zurusha, to see if it will adopt her appearance.
[NemnostiGM] (no effect)
* Ifa looks genuinely disappointed.
[Ifa] Aww, oh well.
* Ifa will take it off and offer it back to Izu.
* Izu will put it back on the table
[Pavavi] When we talk about Unfolding, we talk about processes of change. And this object counteracts those processes.
[Pavavi] Hulti, of course, do not follow the Corps, but they still recognize Coherence and Unfolding in the general sense.
* Pavavi picks up the slate disk
[Pavavi] This object, similarly, very curious.
[Pavavi] I can see that it surely must be of the Old Folk, but its style is very different from any I have seen. Of course, my own religious upbringing was removed from this object by hundreds of miles and hundreds of years, so that is perhaps unsurprising.
[Pavavi] But the general symbology seems to be roughly discernable.
[Pavavi] As if it is meant to keep things in place - like the dagger. Were they found together?
[Ifa] What do you mean by style?
[Ifa] Keep things in place?
[Pavavi] Well, you know, the Lady has always been interested in constancy and change. You all know your Courses.
[Pavavi] This is about ... inertia, is the more technical word I could think of.
[Pavavi] But if there is more than that, I cannot tell it at a glance.
[Kuspir] They were found together.
* Kuspir confirms.
[Pavavi] If you would like, I can research it, or you can. But our library here is not well-equipped to deal with this sort of ancient Hulti material.
[Ifa] I'm sure you couldn't keep some of us from researching, but any assistance you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
* Pavavi giggles with delight.
[Pavavi] Nor could you stop me from doing so - except perhaps with that dagger!
[Pavavi] As for these eggs, what can you tell me about them?
[Kuspir] When we were last there, there was a two-headed serpent. We found these on our second trip, probably its eggs.
[Ifa] That's been my working assumption.
[Pavavi] Ahh, a tolbilba! Fascinating.
[Pavavi] Yes, those can be found in the Musune and adjacent areas.
[Izu] So it's possible it was there naturally? We thought it may be some kind of guardian.
[Ifa] It was fairly formidable, but we handled it okay. The hill gave me more trouble, ultimately. ].]
[Pavavi] It is certainly possible.
[Pavavi] I can't say whether it was there by some compulsion, but I suspect after so many centuries of abandonment, who would have compelled it to serve as a guardian?
[Pavavi] The tolbilba may originally have been of magical origin, but it is, ultimately, an animal with a set lifespan.
[Pavavi] The eggs are in exceptionally good condition. I am no expert on the animal world, so the exact details elude me.
[Izu] I know they are used as reagents. They may have some value.
[Alai] While this has all proven academically interesting, it has given us little insight on the one threating the ulajeta.
* Alai speaks with a little frustration
[Pavavi] But I believe that at least some of these are fertilized, which suggests that there is surely at least one more tolbilba in the vicinity.
[Ifa] Yet, Alai. Any or all of this may be relevant as we find out more.
[Izu] How can you tell?
* Izu asks, genuinely curious
[Pavavi] I am sorry to have disappointed you, young Ozel. These are of great interest to me, as all objects are.
[Ifa] Any idea what kind of range they might have? A predator that big would have to hunt a large area, right?
[Kuspir] We can't say what will prove useful to our search. It's good to learn more about any of this.
[Pavavi] I am guessing, of course, but based on the balance of the eggs, it feels likely. But I will be the first to admit that I am not an expert on wildlife.
[Izu] Interesting...
[Pavavi] I would suggest one of the vultures, perhaps Meze, would be best equipped. Or perhaps Naka, who has a lot of plant knowledge, perhaps also animals?
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] Thank you.
[Pavavi] Well this has all been fascinating.
[Ifa] And enlightening. Thank you, Pavavi.
[Pavavi] It is not every day that I get such an opportunity to examine new treasures.
[Kuspir] Shall we leave the stone tablet with you, for further research?
[Pavavi] Certainly, I will see what I can learn.

Ifa and Izu talk to Nemnu Ula about the state of their investigation

[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you don't have much time to rest after your return. The religious folk of Nemnosti are of course highly disturbed by the mysteriously unrendered bubun. Hand Jesa seems even more uptight than usual.
[NemnostiGM] You've just finished your morning prayers when you hear a familiar voice in your head.
[Nemnu] Ramarima, I would speak with you.
[Ifa] (I'm blanking; can she hear us back?)
[Nemnu] (yes as long as she communicates first - she opens up a channel and you can speak to her, but you can't initiate)
[Ifa] (Coolio)
[Nemnu] (obviously only with Nemni, not just anyone)
[Ifa] [At once, my Lady.]
* Ifa will immediately head to see Nemnu.
[NemnostiGM] You arrive at Nemnu's chambers and are met at the door by ... none other than Izu!
* Ifa smiles at her brother.
[NemnostiGM] Izu, Nemnu has informed you that Ifa will be meeting with Her and you are also to attend.
[Ifa] The Lady sent for me.
* Izu smiles and shows you in.
[Izu] Yes, me as well.
* Ifa heads inside with him.
[Ifa] (q) Any idea what this is about? There's so much going on.
* Izu shakes his head.
* Izu will show Ifa in to The Lady's chamber.
[Nemnu] Ramarima, Farai, I wish to consult with you regarding this latest assault on our peace here at the cloister.
[Izu] Of course, My Lady.
[Ifa] We are ever at your service.
[Nemnu] The loss of four bubun is of only small consequence on its own. But what it speaks of is far more worrisome.
[Ifa] I would agree.
[Nemnu] I am hoping to get insights and opinions as to how this could have happened.
[Izu] If I may, my lady, when were they first found?
[Nemnu] They were found in the morning of the day you returned from your journey.
[Izu] And no one saw anything else out of the ordinary, I assume?
[Nemnu] There is no way to determine directly when they were unrendered, but they had not decomposed - so it must surely have been the night before.
[Nemnu] Not so far as anyone has yet been able to determine.
[Ifa] Hand Jesa theorized they could have been damaged by magic rather than unrendered, but that seems the less obvious answer to me.
[Ifa] I don't want to rule anything out, but the Hulti explanation seems simpler and, thus, more likely.
[Nemnu] Even the term 'unrendered' may be misleading. That is normally a term we reserve for the workings of the Hand. But the effect of a shaman's power is very similar - perhaps identical.
[Izu] If this is the work of one person, I would like to know how they are moving things around as quickly and easily as they are. If not... that opens up other worrying prospects.
[Ifa] Indeed.
[Nemnu] There are magic effects, divinatory effects, that could perhaps answer some of these questions.
[Ifa] They wouldn't have had to move the bubunne very far, but it was four of them, so that would take time and effort.
[Izu] Yes, magic seems likely.
[Ifa] Yes, my Lady, and I would imagine Alai will be undertaking all of them she can think of.
[Ifa] We'll be happy to assist her in any way she needs.
* Nemnu pauses, or at least, you think She does.
* Ifa smirks at her brother.
* Izu seems not to notice as he is watching Nemnu.
[Nemnu] Have you spoken to Alai about this?
[Ifa] Not specifically since we returned.
[Izu] She has been helping us throughout the investigation. She is very... capable.
* Nemnu pauses again.
[Nemnu] Yes, that is so.
* Ifa manages not to snicker, but just barely.
* Izu gives him a Look
[Izu] (her)
[Nemnu] Can she be trusted?
* Ifa pauses, taken momentarily aback.
* Izu seems genuinely caught off huard by the question.
[Izu] ...My Lady?
* Ifa was about to say the exact same thing.
[Ifa] Is there...a reason we shouldn't trust her?
[Nemnu] I do not mean to suggest that she has done anything untoward.
[Nemnu] Since her return from Ardukh, she has not been the same as she was before.
[Nemnu] There has always been a darkness inside her. I worry.
[Izu] I cannot believe she would be capable of anything like this.
[Nemnu] No, no, of course not.
[Ifa] I can't imagine that's what Lady Nemnu was meaning.
[Nemnu] I do not suggest that she played a part in this specifically.
[Nemnu] Just that, it is no longer as clear as it once was whether she has the same interest in serving me as she might once have.
[Ifa] Are you worried she is going to leave, or that she may be working at cross-purposes?
[Nemnu] More the former. The latter, only in my dark moments.
[Nemnu] She has not spoken to me since her return, were you aware?
[Ifa] She informed me not too long ago.
[Ifa] I believe she thinks you are still upset with her.
[Nemnu] Upset with her ... about what?
[Ifa] (Looking up to make sure I'm not completely speaking out of my butt)
[Ifa] She just said you have your reasons.
[Ifa] And she did not think it correct for her to ask to speak to you first.
[Nemnu] People are very confusing.
* Izu nods in agreement.
[Ifa] I...had meant to speak to Izu about possibly speaking to you about sending for Alai.
[Ifa] You are, as usual, quite correct, Wellspring.
[Nemnu] Well.
[Nemnu] This is all very silly, given that we have much higher priorities.
[Ifa] Maintaining our relationships helps make us safer.
[Nemnu] I certainly have no quarrel with Alai, who is headstrong and temperamental, but whose insight might be helpful.
[Nemnu] If needed, of course I can be called upon to use my own magic, through my Vessel.
[Nemnu] But all divination requires that one ask the right question or use the right line of inquiry. And for that , I rely on you, my trusted acolytes.
* Izu blushes slightly at the mention of the Vessel
[Ifa] As you will, my Lady. What would you have of us?
[Nemnu] Let us presume for the moment that this event, and the ritual murder of Surgu, are related. That they are the actions of the same party, presumably a Hulti shaman.
[Nemnu] I do not assume that is correct, but we must begin with some assumptions that are plausible.
[Ifa] As you say.
[Nemnu] Then it makes most sense for you to continue to investigate the matter. With Alai, and with others too, as you see fit.
[Ifa] While we proceed along the unfolding of this line of inquiry, we will not let that assumption blind us to other possibilities should contrary evidence arise.
[Ifa] Yes, my Lady, this not technically Kuspir's inquest?
[Nemnu] It is, of course. And involve him as needed.
[Nemnu] Medimur is not adept in magical affairs, as he will surely be the first to tell you.
* Ifa chuckles at that.
[Ifa] Luckily, we have many skilled magical adepts to call upon.
[Ifa] Alai and Jevai significant among them.
[Izu] Whoever has done this, we will find them, My Lady.
[Ifa] I echo my brother's words.
[Nemnu] Ensure that everyone you call upon knows that I support their role in this.
[Ifa] We will, my Lady.
* Izu nods.
[Nemnu] Avoid any unnecessary emotional complications that anyone may be feeling towards me.
[Ifa] We our best.
[Ifa] To that end...please forgive me, Grey Lady, but I would still encourage you to speak with Alai at your convenience.
[Ifa] For her sake, if not both of your's.
[Izu] I... agree with my sister in this. Alai is serving you well.
[Nemnu] Thank you, Ramarima, for your kind words, which show your love for your friend, and for me.
[Ifa] I wish only to serve you and our community, my Lady.
[Nemnu] Very well, thank you.
* Ifa hesitates, looking like she's about to say something, but ultimately stays silent.
[Ifa] (Was that an end of conversation thank you?)
[Nemnu] (seems to be)
* Izu will bow and lead Ifa out then.
* Ifa will bow and take her leave in an appropriate manner.

Izu and Ifa talk about Izu and Alai’s recent hookup

  • Izu will lead Ifa outside of Izu's apartments.

[Ifa] That...may have been scarier than any of the rest of this has been.
[Izu] She is very worried.
[Izu] As She has every right to be. No one should be able to enter these walls unobserved. We are failing her.
[Ifa] Izu, no place is ever completely secure.
[Ifa] And I'm not saying she isn't right to be worried, or that she doesn't have said right, but...I don't know I've every seen her this unsure.
* Izu nods.
[Izu] We need to find the one doing this. Soon.
[Ifa] We will.
[Ifa] Or, I'm sure, we'll assist Kuspir, Jevai, and Alai in doing so.
* Izu nods.
[Ifa] But we'll be there to help apprehend them.
[Ifa] (Sorry, add Marga to that list)
[Izu] Alai will be able to tell us what happened. We'll start from there.
* Ifa does not manage not to smirk this time.
[Ifa] Very confident in Alai's 'abilities', are you?
[Izu] ...what?
[Izu] She...
[Izu] She's a very talented mystic.
* Ifa waits with an expression of innocent, infinite patience.
[Ifa] Oh, I have gotten the impression she's quite talented.
[Izu] I have no idea what you're talking about.
* Izu is turning beet red.
* Ifa grins.
[Izu] And even if I did... how do you know what you're talking about?
[Ifa] The two of you were *not* quiet.
[Ifa] And Kuspir and I were on watch.
* Izu stares back at you horrified.
[Ifa] So, you know...Zurusha might even know by now.
[Ifa] I don't know if he's written to her since we got back.
* Ifa winks.
[Izu] I... we... but...
[Izu] I just...
* Ifa laughs.
[Ifa] It's good, honestly. Alai has been keyed up and you...kind of always are, little brother.
* Ifa gives him a side hug that is not awkward for her but likely very embarrassing for Izu. ;)
[Izu] I... still don't know what happened really... I haven't talked to her since then.
[Ifa] ...Like, at all?
* Izu shakes his head after a short pause.
[Ifa] Oh, Izu...
[Izu] I don't know what to say!
[Ifa] Okay, well, how do you feel about what happened?
[Izu] I... ummm...
[Izu] It was...
[Izu] Amazing.
* Ifa chuckles.
[Ifa] I'm glad.
[Ifa] Iz...was that your first time?
* Izu says nothing.
[Ifa] Did you want to...pursue things with Alai?
[Izu] I want to but... I don't think she would. I don't even know why she... why it happened.
* Ifa smiles.
[Ifa] It happened because she wanted to, and, clearly, you assented.
[Ifa] If you would like to continue, what harm does it do to ask?
[Izu] I look like a fool?
[Ifa] Is that enough reason not to try?
[Ifa] Honest question.
[Izu] I don't know.
[Izu] This... this is not what I should be thinking about right now regardless.
[Izu] We have important work.
[Ifa] You are the Lady's servant.
[Izu] Yes. She has put her faith in me. I cannot fail her.
[Ifa] Think of it this way. It is clearly distracting you. Would you not serve Nemnu better, with a clearer head, if you resolved this sooner rather than later?
* Izu sighs.
[Izu] I don't know...
[Ifa] Our Lady's service requires fortitude, little brother.
[Izu] You are only fourteen minutes older.
[Ifa] Still the older sibling, and the wiser in this, and perhaps only this, instance.
[Izu] If somewhat infuriating.
* Ifa shrugs.
[Ifa] You could always go talk to Kuspir or Jevai, but I would imagine they'd tell you the same.
[Izu] I... don't know what to say.
[Ifa] Tell her you had fun, that you were flattered by her attention and you think very highly of her - be specific on this point - and then ask her if she'd like to do it again sometime.
[Izu] Ifa!
[Ifa] What?
[Izu] I can't ask that!
[Ifa] Isn't it what you want?
[Ifa] I can only imagine Alai was similarly straightforward.
[Izu] It's not... I mean... I guess! But that's not the point!
[Izu] Straightforward is a word for it.
[Ifa] You could say you'd like to spend more time with her, if you're too embarrassed to be upfront.
[Izu] I'll... consider it.
[Ifa] If it's a Courses thing, or a Grey Lady thing, I tend to assume you know what you're talking about. This is a people thing; trust me.
* Izu sighs again.
[Izu] Why is life suddenly so complicated?
[Ifa] It always is. You've just had your head in a book.
* Ifa gives him an encouraging smile.
[Izu] Books are simpler.
[Ifa] But they won't surprise you.
* Izu raises an eyebrow at that.
[Izu] You're reading the wrong books then.
[Ifa] Oh, you may find new things with a second or third read, but you know what will happen.
[Ifa] People...are never that certain.
[Izu] That's what worries me.
[Ifa] The uncertainty is the fun of it.
[Izu] This is obviously some strange usage of the word "Fun" I was previously unaware of.
[Ifa] Maybe *you're* reading the wrong books. :P

Kuspir talks to Ghorgimbe about the situation with Afra and Momuzai, and Bem

[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, upon your return, of course the stoneguards are in grave concern over the intrusion into the ulajeta. Ghorgimbe seems to be taking it extremely hard.
[NemnostiGM] This morning, you have been in a meeting of all the stoneguards, out on the courtyard, where Rubo and Ghorgimbe yelled at all of you, but without any real sense of what anyone did wrong.
[Kuspir] (do they have any information about who could have done it, how they got in, or anything like that, or just angry about it but no actual evidence?)
[NemnostiGM] No one seems to know exactly how this happened. There were no unusual entries or exits, nothing really unusual at all, during the time when someone could have come in to the ulajeta.
[NemnostiGM] And while there are certainly magical means to do so, there are also magical defenses - none of which are the stoneguards' direct concern.
[NemnostiGM] After the meeting, Ghorgimbe looks over at you, as if considering whether to say something to you privately. She looks exhausted.
* Nemnu is now known as Ghorgimbe
[Kuspir] You need a break.
* Kuspir tells her, not unkindly
[Ghorgimbe] What I need is for things to stop falling apart around here.
[Kuspir] Yes, but that may be harder to arrange. At least sit down and have some food, some tea, anything.
[Ghorgimbe] This thing, it has to do with your Hulti business, it simply has to.
[Kuspir] It does seem likely.
[Kuspir] If it doesn't, it's a very strange coincidence.
[Ghorgimbe] But from what I know of shamans, which I admit isn't much, they can't simply appear and disappear at will.
[Ghorgimbe] It isn't like the ulajeta is unprotected. Nemnu has all Her own defenses.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] Maybe there is a way with magic to see what happened, or make inquiry about it. I'm not an expert in such things, but Alai did something similar for the scene where we found the body.
[Ghorgimbe] Right. Definitely do talk to the mystics and see what they can learn.
* Kuspir nods
[Ghorgimbe] But that doesn't tell us how to protect against another attack, necessarily.
[Ghorgimbe] The sentinels are amazing help against exactly the kind of opponent we are not facing.
[Kuspir] At least they didn't target living people this time.
[Kuspir] Where were the bubunne before this? maybe that can tell us something about where they gained access to.
[Ghorgimbe] In the bubunneta, next to the horses.
[Ghorgimbe] So they don't need to have entered the buildings of the ulajeta, but they do need to have breached the outer walls.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] I will try to find out more, then.
[Ghorgimbe] Good.
[Ghorgimbe] Also ... thank you. For the other thing.
[Kuspir] hm?
* Kuspir is unsure what exactly he did
[Ghorgimbe] You talked to Pomirabe, yes?
[Kuspir] Oh, yes.
[Kuspir] You're... welcome?
[Ghorgimbe] All this family drama, I thought I had gotten away from it.
[Ghorgimbe] My family is not known for being easy to get along with.
[Kuspir] I am sorry that it's troubling you, on top of all the rest of this.
[Ghorgimbe] I feel for my cousin. She didn't ask for this.
[Kuspir] Which part?
[Ghorgimbe] The part where she came here to escape the drama, only to be pulled back in.
* Kuspir nods
[Ghorgimbe] Hojon is not a great leader. He reminds me of some of my more annoying relatives.
[Ghorgimbe] This situation is distasteful.
[Kuspir] It is.
* Kuspir agrees.
[Kuspir] I don't know what more I can do to help, but I can try to keep investigating the other business, of course.
[Ghorgimbe] If Zaren weren't so close to Hojon, I'd suggest that he could adopt Afra - with Nemnu's blessing, of course.
[Ghorgimbe] Hojon could object to that, but he can hardly overrule Her.
[Ghorgimbe] That eliminates the wedding and the possibility of Afra being married off to some other noble family.
[Kuspir] but you don't think it's possible?
[Ghorgimbe] I think it's drama.
[Ghorgimbe] And I hate drama.
[Ghorgimbe] I don't think Zaren would risk his friendship with Hojon, and I don't even know if Nemnu would agree to the adoption, given that we currently have such other big problems.
[Kuspir] well, Nemnu can do multiple things at once, I am certain. It cannot hurt to ask?
[Ghorgimbe] I do know that She had Her own bad marriage, once. Which is why we have Halunemnis, I think, isn't that so?
[Kuspir] So I believe.
[Ghorgimbe] I should be standing aloof from all this. I should be focusing on my job. As should you, as should Pomirabe, as should all of us.
[Kuspir] Even if we focus on our jobs, we still have human feelings - we care for our families, and that makes us better at our jobs, in protecting them.
[Ghorgimbe] You're right.
[Ghorgimbe] Would you have time to talk to Zaren? I don't want to give the impression that I am ordering him around.
[Kuspir] I could try, yes.
[Ghorgimbe] And ... I'd like to keep what little respect I still have from my own family.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] But you tell Bem that she's better off out of this mess.
[Kuspir] I don't know if she'll believe it coming from me.
* Ghorgimbe looks at you curiously, then nods.
[Ghorgimbe] You might still talk to her though.
[Ghorgimbe] She looks up to you.
[Kuspir] Oh, I will, but I think it's good if she hears it from a woman.
[Ghorgimbe] I think I'm much happier in my solitude than she would ever be. But we both have a common problem with family.
[Kuspir] I just think, surely she can do better. there are other men aside from Momuzai who would treat her better.
[Ghorgimbe] On that, everyone is agreed.

The team gathers to talk about how to investigate the unrendered bubunne

  • Kuspir will gather the group together to talk about further plans

* Ifa arrives at the appointed time with a tray of snacks and drinks for everyone.
[Kuspir] Thank you.
* Ifa smiles.
[Ifa] Best not to be preoccupied while we talk.
[Kuspir] So, the first thing I wanted to ask, is does anyone have ideas about how we can try to find out more about the attack on the bubunne? It is troubling that it seems like this person, if it is the same one, was able to get inside our walls.
[Ifa] I don't like to consider it, but it's possible she had assistance from within the ulajeta.
[Kuspir] One of my worries as well.
* Jevai nods at that
* Alai will arrive in her black/navy Altala with white shoulders and high neck, her normal array of bracelets and rings, and signature headband.
* Jevai is in her usual more relaxed clothig, leather trousers and a comfortable top
[Alai] I can attempt to sense for any lingering magical auras, to see if that was used in aiding the access and concealing the event.
* Kuspir nods
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] We can't rely on speaking to the bubun as ancestors, as they won't remember what happened.
[Kuspir] so we'll need to think of other methods.
[Alai] I would need fresh tracks to repeat what I had done at Istu Levunu, with the number of people already moved around the area, will prove difficult to locate.
* Jevai nods
[Izu] What are they nature of the protective magics on the Ulajeta? Could they tell us anything?
[Alai] (yeah what are they?)
[Jevai] There's not muh I can add there that Alai can't do.
[Kuspir] What about ... is it possible to inquire with magic about what was done?
* Kuspir asks uncertainly
[NemnostiGM] (You don't know precisely, but you do know there are wards to prevent people from teleporting inside the ulajeta from outside, and also wards that alert to any entry outside the two main entrances (the gate and the stairs). There may be more.)
[Ifa] (When are those entrances closed?)
[Alai] Is always possible. Divinations are fickle even when you know the question to ask.
[Ifa] (Is there anything that would prevent, say, invisibility or anything like that?)
[Kuspir] What kind of questions could we ask?
[NemnostiGM] (you mean, to prevent an invisible person from sneaking in through one of the entrances? There may be but you are not aware of it)
[Ifa] (Okay, cool)
[Alai] more powerful divinations are yes/no questions. Let us see what we can learn first before jumping to them.
[Ifa] (Are those entrances closed at night, or just guarded, or some third thing I haven't come up with?)
* Kuspir nods
[Ifa] Lay the groundwork.
[Jevai] there's lots of magic they coudl have used to get past the walls
[Ifa] Would you two be able to determine if they had?
[Ifa] Examine the walls or some such?
[NemnostiGM] (always guarded, at this point, since Surgu. And also normally the gates are closed at all times - you can't just sneak by a stoneguard, but have to open the big gate.)
[Jevai] if we can lern whether magic *was* used, that will be a start
* Ifa nods.
[Alai] Agreed
[Kuspir] (what's the closest entrance to the stable where the bubun were kept? the gate?)
[Ifa] (Yeah, I think it's right there)
[NemnostiGM] (yes, definitely the gate is right there)
[Kuspir] (that's what I thought)
[Ifa] (Gate, then stable immediately to the right as you come in, if I recall)
[Kuspir] (do we keep a record of the times/reasons the gate is opened?)
[NemnostiGM] (
[Kuspir] (i.e. could I consult it, or talk to someone, to see all the times it was opened in the previous 24 hours before the attack, and who came in?)
[NemnostiGM] (yes, there is a record kept of all entries and exits at both the West Gate and the East Tower)
[NemnostiGM] (you could certainly do that Kuspir)
[Kuspir] I can consult records to see who came in and out, but if they were using magic, or came in through another means, it may not tell us anything. But it's a starting point.
[Alai] Pronged approach... we look for tracks, check for suspicious entries, and check for magics.
* Kuspir nods
* Jevai nods
[Ifa] It might tell us if they posed as someone else or something like that, if we follow up to verify all the entries and exits.
[Izu] We should take a stock of everyone in the Ulajeta going forward. Make sure all are accounted for.
[Ifa] I can do that. :)
[Kuspir] All right, let me know what you find out. We'll meet back this evening, unless something dire happens sooner.
* Jevai nods

Alai and Izu work to divine anything about the site of the bubun spiral and the nearby bubunneta

[NemnostiGM] All right, Alai, we'll start with you.
[NemnostiGM] Where are you going and what are you going to do?
[Alai] (scene of the crime first and start with Greater Detect Magic, then move to where the Bubun are kept)
* Izu will kind of tag along awkwardly with Alai.
[Alai] Is good you are here. Sharp eyes may find what I miss.
[NemnostiGM] All right, you go to the area of the courtyard just outside the bubunneta / stables, which is where the spiral of bubun was found. Of course they have been moved by this point.
* Alai will cast detect magic greater
[Alai] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 22 ].
[NemnostiGM] (but it is less than 5 days so you can still detect any spells cast in this area)
[Alai] (six days, now that I've leveled :))
[NemnostiGM] (indeed)
[NemnostiGM] You detect that various divination spells have been used here. That probably is unsurprising that you are not the first to try to detect something here, once the bodies were found.
[NemnostiGM] No other spells have been cast in this area though.
[Izu] Anything?
[Alai] Previous investigations only, lets check where they are stored.
* Izu nods.
* Alai will move towards the stables concentrating on the magic
[NemnostiGM] You go over in that direction. There surely have been spells cast here, for instance, probably some kind of abjuration cast on the stables after the event. But nothing that seems amiss to you at all. No signatures that immediately suggest that someone cast something on the bubunne, or anything like that.
[Alai] nothing unexpected here either.
* Alai ponders
[Izu] Perhaps where the bodies were found?
[NemnostiGM] (I think that was where you started)
[Izu] (Ah, gotcha)
[Izu] (Ignore that then)
[Alai] Many people have already been here... do you see anything unusual?
* Alai will take a moment to assess the scene at the stables
* Izu will look around for anyhting unusual
[NemnostiGM] The bubunne stare back at you blankly, with nothing to say on the matter.
[Alai] This is not working.
* Alai frowns
[Izu] No.
[Izu] And if they didn't use magic to get in... then it seems to imply they may have already been inside.
* Alai steps back from the stables and looks around in a circle for approaches to the stables
[Alai] Its so open... one would have to almost fly in...
[NemnostiGM] The stables could, in principle, be approached from above (but you know there are wards), underground, or through the walls. But you think that any of those would have shown a magical signature.
* Alai keeps walking east to the Great Well
[Izu] Hmmm...
[NemnostiGM] There are so many magic spells cast here, Alai. It's just not possible that your spell will tell you much here.
* Alai will peer into the depth of the well, looking at the water
[Izu] You don't think?
* Alai is lost in thought and pulls her gaze away.
[NemnostiGM] (It's probably been 6 minutes by this point so your spell has dissipated)
[Alai] Not ruling it out. Not my first thought
[Izu] Can't tunnel in, can't fly in, didn't use the doors. What else is there?
[Alai] feels more likely someone just snuck in, disguised and did this.
* Alai sits by the well and prepares a Divination

Kuspir and Ifa investigate the records of entries and exits and find that Susuva Nemni never returned after leaving Nemnosti

[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, you take Ifa to the records room in the West Gate tower, where the records of entries and exits for both of the main entrances to the ulajeta are kept for at least a year.
[NemnostiGM] There are multiple entries and exits every day. Tell me a little bit about what you're looking at / looking for.
[Ifa] (How much space/paper does that take up, out of curiosity?)
[Ifa] What do you think? Look at the last week, two weeks of entries?
[Kuspir] Let's start with just the day before - I don't know if the person could have hidden here so long as a week, it seems risky. But if we don't find anything that seems significant in the previous day, we can keep going back further.
[Kuspir] (I'm looking for entrances over the previous ~24 hours before the attack, and anything that seems unusual/suspicious - for instance, people coming in who aren't usual visitors, or people coming in with something that could hide a person in - a big cart or a crate or whatever, and whether/how those things were searched, and what they contained?)
* Ifa nods.
* Ifa will help find those things.
[NemnostiGM] You do a pretty thorough search for that. It's actually not that hard. However, you don't find anything that suggests that something unusual happened within the past 24 hours before the attack.
[Kuspir] (ok - go back further I guess? to the previous day, and before that if necessary? idk how much time this takes.)
[NemnostiGM] All right, I'll have you both give me a ... gosh, I don't know what this would be. An Intelligence check I guess?
[Kuspir] (haha. ok sure.)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+1
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+1 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 1 ] totals [ 16 ].
[Kuspir] (not the worst)
[NemnostiGM] (Ifa did you also want to roll?)
[Ifa] A(Sorry, yes)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+3
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+3 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 3 ] totals [ 9 ].
[Ifa] (I don't have destiny or anything)
[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, you may not be the brightest, but you do notice something unusual, going back a while. It doesn't hit you at first, but the stoneguards do keep good ledgers, with every exit matched by an entry.
[NemnostiGM] At first, you were obsessed with entries (naturally).
[NemnostiGM] But after an hour or more you note that someone left the ulajeta, in the final days of Khurar, and has apparently not yet returned.
[Kuspir] (who was it?)
[NemnostiGM] Susuva Nemni left the ulajeta but there is no entry showing that she has come back.
[Ifa] (Wait, when is it right now?)
[Kuspir] Hm. Look at this.
* Kuspir points it out to Ifa.
[NemnostiGM] (it's like the 5th of Dend Aivas, perhaps? So like, well over a week, maybe approaching two weeks. I'm not keeping exact count of days, but it's that kind of range.)
[Kuspir] It could just be a mistake in records, but it's worth looking into?
* Ifa takes a look (while Josh looks through logs to check things).
[Ifa] (Have either of us seen her since that time? I feel like she was in a scene...)
[NemnostiGM] (Ifa, you're not sure - but you definitely think someone would have said something if she had been noticed missing)
[Kuspir] We should check if she's actually back.
[Ifa] (Okay, so, just so I'm clear, no one has reported her missing, but there's a record saying she left and no accompanying record saying she returned?)
* Ifa nods.
* Ifa frowns, clearly concerned.
[Kuspir] Maybe it's just an error... Surely someone would notice if she had gone for over a week.
[NemnostiGM] (correct)
[Ifa] I should think so.
[Kuspir] (ok - so I guess we'll go try to locate her, in the places she usually could be found, and/or ask around if anyone has seen her recently?)
[Ifa] Well, this is something to look into, even if it is hopefully nothing but a clerical error.
[Ifa] (I guess, like Julie said, we try to go track her down. Julie, should we take the log with us, or, like, get someone to keep an eye on it, just in case?)
[Kuspir] (probably I can ask someone to keep an eye on it, another stoneguard or whatever?)
[Ifa] (*nod* There should be guards at the gate house, i would think)
[NemnostiGM] (sure, yes, another stoneguard will keep a close eye on it)
[Ifa] (Do we need to roll something to try to locate her?)
[NemnostiGM] (K:local)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 20 ].
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 13 ].
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you can find out pretty quickly that Susuva has indeed been doing her regular duties over the past few days. She hasn't been reported missing because she's been in the ulajeta.
[NemnostiGM] No one knows exactly where she is at this very moment, but her quarters, in the Nemni iftibal, would be a good guess.
[Kuspir] should we check there?
[Ifa] Should we get anyone else?
[Ifa] My mind is going to some troubling places.
* Kuspir nods
[Ifa] Let's get the others, then, and go.
[Kuspir] good idea
* Ifa will go with Kuspir to round up the other PCs, presumably.

The team confronts ‘Susuva’, who dimension doors to the Lanky Stones and then uses a keyword at its megalithic door

[NemnostiGM] OK, you are all back together.
[Alai] Susuva... I just spoke with her a few days ago, before trip away
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] Did she seem like her normal self?
[Alai] for her, yes?
[NemnostiGM] (Kuspir, this was definitely after she supposedly left and didn't return according to the logs)
[Ifa] Well, hopefully it's just a mistake and all this worry is for nothing, but, just in case...
[Kuspir] That would have been after she supposedly left...
[Kuspir] (one other question about the logs - does it give a reason why she left, or is that not something they would have recorded? can I talk to the person who was on duty at that time if possible?)
[Kuspir] (not necessarily right now but at some point)
* Ifa will be ready to activate Hallowed Fist the moment it looks like there might be danger.
* Alai would still have the fos from her cancelled divination in her
[NemnostiGM] (they wouldn't have inquired, since she is a resident and was just leaving. If she were a guest they might have written something down. But ordinary acolytes/residents don't have to justify coming and going)
[Kuspir] (mostly I just wondered if they would have recorded a destination or whatever. like 'leaving to go to X place' or 'leaving to go berry picking' or whatever. but if they don't record that then maybe I can ask whoever was on duty.)
[NemnostiGM] (they really don't record that)
[Kuspir] (ok)
[Kuspir] (let's go look for her first, and I can ask the guards on duty later, this is more pressing)
[Alai] (quarters first?)
[Ifa] (Yeah, I think that's the plan)
[Jevai] It's possible the log was tampered with, isn't it?
* Jevai will suggest as we are on our way
[Ifa] Or it just wasn't recorded, but better safe than sorry.
[Jevai] We should find out who was on duty when she returned and see it there is anything else missing.
[Kuspir] (how hard do I think that would be? to tamper with the logs)
* Jevai mods
[Ifa] Jev and Alai, I would imagine you should prepare to examine her magically, just in case.
[NemnostiGM] All right, you head across to the Nemni iftibal. Kuspir, it will take at least a moment's explanation to get Jevai and Alai in there, but you make it clear that it is official business and they assent. A stoneguard's word counts for a lot (plus you have two Nemni with you)
[NemnostiGM] Jevai and Alai, you would very, very rarely have access to this third of the ulajeta, the eastern building of the three major structures.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, of course you know exactly where Susuva's quarters are. Izu you probably do as well. IT really is not such a big place.
[NemnostiGM] You reach the door.
[Ifa] (q) Everyone ready?
* Izu nods.
* Kuspir nods
* Ifa will knock very politely.
[NemnostiGM] There is no response.
* Ifa tries to open the door.
[NemnostiGM] It's locked or barred.
* Ifa frowns.
[Ifa] Kuspir?
* Ifa steps out of the way for him.
* Kuspir will try to force the door open
[Jevai] there are other ways to open a door
[Jevai] ...
[Ifa] (Mending is cheaper than Knock ;) )
[Jevai] (fair)
[NemnostiGM] (give me a Strength check then)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 20 ].
[NemnostiGM] It takes two or three good blows, since the ulajeta is built strong, but nothing that would interfere too much with the mighty Kuspir.
[NemnostiGM] You break through and you see Susuva, staring at you, an empty vial of fos beside her.
* Ghorgimbe is now known as Susuva
[Kuspir] (is she just sitting/standing there?)
[Ifa] Susuva? Are you all right?
[Izu] Susuva?
* Susuva speaks a word, and disappears.
[Jevai] (K aracana?)
[Ifa] Block the door!
* Alai casts see invisible
[NemnostiGM] (anyone can make K:arcana if you wish)
[Ifa] Alai, Jevai, is she still here?
[Jevai] (there's like 5 of us I feel like its pretty blocked ;)
[NemnostiGM] (OK, Jevai, make your skill check, Alai, make your magic check)
[Alai] !roll 1d20+14
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 30 ].
[Izu] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 15 ].
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+7
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 16 ].
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 17 ]
[Alai] (that would be 2 less for the spell)
[Kuspir] (I'll move to block the doorway with my mighty bulk)
* Ifa does activate Hallowed Fist just in case.
* Izu will activate Hallowed Shield
[NemnostiGM] (ok am I seeing that everyone has 15-17 on their K:arcana rolls? the only high roll was Alai's spell?)
[Jevai] (yes -_-)
[Alai] (I assume I could not do both)
[NemnostiGM] (correct, one action only)
[NemnostiGM] You guys certainly know she cast a spell, but you don't know which one.
[NemnostiGM] Alai, there is nothing invisible in the room.
[Jevai] 9I will slate a detect agic then)
[NemnostiGM] (ok, slate it away)
* Alai will cast Find Quarry, taking two more fos as a move action
[Kuspir] (is someone going to tell me she's not in the room?)
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 19 ]
[Alai] Not in the room
* Alai mutters under her breath
* Kuspir will head out into the hallway and call for aid
[NemnostiGM] (Alai, make your check)
[Alai] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 21 ].
[Ifa] What are we thinking? Teleport?
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, there is a magical aura here.
[Kuspir] (basically I want to lock down the ulajeta. - close off all exits, guards on high alert, etc.)
[NemnostiGM] Alai, you see Susuva. She is standing out in the courtyard of the ulajeta, immediately next to the Lanky Stones.
[NemnostiGM] (that's all, it is instantaneous. She's not currently moving.)
[Alai] She is at Lanky Stones
[Alai] not moving
* Ifa will immediately dash outside, yelling that to Kuspir as she catches up with him/runs past him.
[Jevai] (I want more info on what she cast, especially after Alai says that)
[NemnostiGM] (so you're going to stay here a couple of rounds?)
* Kuspir will head after her (but still trying to get other aid too)
[Ifa] (If I pass any bubunne along the way, I would like to command four of them to come with)
[Jevai] (yes, I am not super useful in these situations but I can stay and seearch her stuff as well)
* Izu is going to bolt for the stones with Ifa
* Alai will start consuming more fos (trying to get to her max of 8)
[NemnostiGM] All right, it will take you guys a couple rounds to get out of the iftibal and onto the courtyard. It looks like Ifa and Kuspir are the ones out in front?
[Kuspir] (think so, yeah)
[NemnostiGM] Alai is consuming fos, and Jevai is staying to do divination. Izu is just behind the other two, heading out.
[NemnostiGM] You dash outside and look across the courtyard. Susuva - if it is her - is standing there. She speaks a word, softly, and then steps into the stone, and disappears.
[NemnostiGM] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes ...


Jevai talks to Giri about the Lanky Stones and megalithic door magic

* Jevai would not waste time going to see her upward after what happened with... "Susuva"
* Giri can be found in his office reading.
[Jevai] Upward.
* Giri looks up from his reading.
[Jevai] Who knows the monolith password for the Lanky stones.
[Giri] An interesting question. Clarify: what do you mean?
[Jevai] I need a list. Of everyone wo knows the password.
[Giri] Do, ahh, you know the password now?
* Jevai realizes that she is very worked up and he doesn't have any context for this
* Jevai takes a breath
[Jevai] Someone does. Whoever it was that destroyed the Bubune, and probably the same person who kill Surgu.
[Jevai] So, I need to know who all that coudl be, or who they might have learned it from.
[Jevai] or...who even knew it was really a door.
[Giri] Hmmm.
[Giri] Well, certainly, Nemnu knows it. And I know it.
* Giri sighs.
[Giri] I'm certain that Saza must know it.
[Giri] Other than that ... none now living should know it.
[Jevai] no one else woudl know it is a door?
[Jevai] What about ancestors?
[Giri] Hmm ... well, Eng-dur, of course. Sharusila ... most likely. Other than that, there would of course be various sigillants buried here at the ulajeta who would have known it.
[Giri] Honestly, Jevai, this is quite unorthodox to simply barge in here and demand answers.
[Jevai] I understand that, but this is not an orthodox situation
[Jevai] This person has likely killed Susuva as well.
[Jevai] and we have no way to stop them from using the stone again
* Giri sets down his book and looks up, alarmed.
[Giri] Why do you say that?
[Jevai] I am not so concerned abotu orthodoxy
* Jevai breathes out a harsh breath.
[Jevai] They had assumed her form.
[Giri] Does the Lady know?
[Jevai] By now, I expect so.
[Giri] If that is the case, then I think whoever did this has far bigger concerns now than they did yesterday.
* Jevai just looks at him
[Jevai] The Lady is relying on us to fknd this person and stop them.
* Giri nods.
[Giri] I am certain that you will help as best as you can. I would be much more concerned that She would decide to handle this Herself.
[Jevai] why?
[Giri] Because Susuva is a Nemni, and more than that, one adopted into the lineage. Despite her strange personality, Susuva-who-is-Hedara is most beloved of the Lady.
[Jevai] Why should it be concerning if the lady decides to handle this on her own?
[Giri] Because when the Lady intervenes in matters directly, things become very chaotic around here, or so I am led to understand.
[Jevai] by who?
[Giri] By those who know the history of this place better than I do.
[Jevai] Then it is best if we can show her how we are organized in responding to this new information, isn't it?
* Giri sighs.
[Giri] I had hoped to catch up on some reading this month.
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 17 ].
* Giri seems upset but not like he is hiding anything that you can tell.
[Jevai] well. I don't think we shoud take a month, so perhaps there will still be some time, hmm?
* Giri sighs deeply.
[Giri] Yes, of course you're right.
[Giri] You suspect your Downward of involvement in this?
[Jevai] I cannot fathom what motive she woydl have for involving herself.
* Giri nods.
[Giri] Perhaps you are right.
[Giri] Then an Ancestor?
[Jevai] There are severral possibililites still.
[Giri] Hmm, yes.
[Jevai] It could be a living person - the person behind all of this is strong in the ways of the source, and they have show themselves capable of getting information from peopel without their knowledge or understanding.
[Jevai] Given that they are hulti, or using their ways, it seems unlikely that they would directly consult an ancestor
[Jevai] but they could use someone else to do so
[Jevai] They could also use divination magic, but that woud need some kind of starting point as well.
[Giri] Yes, I agree.
[Jevai] To use the Monolith network, they woudl have to know more than one stone
[Giri] Yes, that is so.
[Jevai] but there are not so many who know them, are there? Other than Downward...
[Giri] Not so many, no.
[Giri] Like I say, I do not think anyone other than those I mentioned would know this node.
[Jevai] what about other nodes?
[Giri] What about them?
[Jevai] does anyone relaly use them much?
[Jevai] (really)
[Giri] They really do not.
[Giri] We simply do not make much reference to them, or use of them.
[Giri] Widdershins would be one of the notable exceptions.
[Giri] She is ... most interested in that form of travel.
* Jevai has a complicated face
[Jevai] Then I will have to speak with her.
[Giri] Sadly, I'm afraid so.
* Jevai sighs, thinking that one through more
[Jevai] Thank you, Upward. I apologize for bursting in on you.
[Giri] No trouble, pebble. Good luck.
[Jevai] Please let me know if you think of anyone else who might have access to this knowledge, or other ways it could be learned.
[Giri] I will.
[Jevai] Upward.... can I know the password?
* Jevai thinks to ask before she actually leave him alone
[Giri] ... I do not know if I should. I do not wish to make things worse.
[Jevai] May I ask our Lady?
[Giri] The word is 'undordoz'.
[Giri] But you may not share it with others, not even your friends. Only the Lady ,I think, should make that decision.
[Jevai] Thank you. I will not.
[Jevai] (Does it mean anything to me?)
[NemnostiGM] (make a Linguistics check if you wish)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 25 ].
[NemnostiGM] You believe that it might be related to the rare Ombesh word 'erdoz', or 'tail-feather'.
[NemnostiGM] You also note that the first part of the word might be related to the 'unde' of 'levununde', but that is less certain
[Jevai] (How does its meaning break down in that word though?)
[Jevai] (if the d=first part is the drop is the rest of it the water (or source) bit?)
[NemnostiGM] (in levununde, the levun- is the falling/dropping and the unde is probably to do with flowing)
[NemnostiGM] (but in undordoz, you are a little more perplexed what that would mean)

Jevai arranges for Kuspir to be on guard at the Lanky Stones for her secret purposes

  • Jevai will find Kuspir a few days before the new moon

[Kuspir] Ah, Jevai, how are you doing?
* Jevai smiles, maybe a bit tightly
[Jevai] Well, how are any of us doing now, hmm? Our best, as we can.
[Kuspir] Mm, very true.
[Kuspir] Is there anything I can help you with?
[Jevai] Yes.
[Jevai] I hope so.
[Jevai] I've been researching, of course, on the Lanky Stones
* Kuspir nods
[Jevai] There is something I want to try... which might give me some answers that would be useful.
[Kuspir] oh, what is that?
[Jevai] I dont know if I can explain. It could be a way to connect with them, or maybe not. But it's not something that should be shared.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] So how can I help?
[Jevai] I need time with them, alone.
[Kuspir] with the stones?
[Jevai] Yes.
[Kuspir] All right. Can I be nearby, in case anything goes wrong?
[Jevai] It's not dangerous.
[Kuspir] What if this person steps out from them?
[Jevai] Then I'll call for help.
* Kuspir nods grudgingly
[Kuspir] All right... I'll find a way.
[Jevai] The new moon is in a few days - that woud be the best time, so as to be unobserved, and not disturb anyone else
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] At night?
[Jevai] yes.
[Kuspir] Very well. I trust that you'll be prudent and not take any unnecessary risks.
[Jevai] always, Thank you.
[Kuspir] (I'll make whatever necessary arrangements then - have the guards taken off for that specific night, but stay nearby myself - not like right there, but within earshot)

Kuspir talks to Bem about Momuzai and about her family

[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, you can find Bem on duty one evening. While you're not eager to talk to her, it seems like you probably should, given all that's happened.
[Kuspir] (I would probably rather talk to her not on duty, but ok. I can wait until she gets done?)
[NemnostiGM] (yes, that's fine, that'll be around dawn)
* Kuspir will come find her when she is finishing up, then
[Bem] Hey, Kuspir. Problem?
[Kuspir] No, no, nothing like that. I just wanted to have a chance to talk with you.
[Bem] Sure.
[Kuspir] How was your watch?
[Bem] Uneventful. Two of the sentinels were gambling half their shift and pretending not to notice me.
[Kuspir] Ah, hopefully they aren't giving you any trouble, though?
[Bem] No, they keep their distance.
[Bem] All good.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] I wanted to talk to you about Momuzai. About... well, all that's been happening with that.
[Bem] Oh.
[Bem] I'm sorry, I'm sure it's been interfering with my duties.
[Kuspir] That wasn't what I was worried about.
[Kuspir] I just want to make sure you're okay.
[Bem] Yes, of course.
* Bem says, sounding like she's trying too hard to sound certain.
[Kuspir] And to say... you can do better than him. You deserve someone who will fight for you and stand up for you, not someone who gives in like a piece of uncooked dough at the slightest pressure.
* Bem pauses, composing her thoughts.
[Bem] Marga suggested I need to find a better boyfriend also. But I'm not like Marga.
[Kuspir] I don't know if you need to find a better boyfriend. You can be happy by yourself too. But you can definitely do better than him if that's what you want.
[Bem] I'm sorry for what happened to Jevai's brother. Even though I know that it's related to Momuzai and all that.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] Not your fault.
[Bem] Do you talk to your family much? Your lineage, I mean.
[Kuspir] Well, they're not very close by. I try to go home when I can, but it's a few days each way.
* Bem nods.
[Bem] My grandmother hasn't talked to me since I died.
[Kuspir] :/
[Kuspir] That's got to be difficult.
[Bem] Father just does what she tells him.
[Bem] He's not known for his courage.
[Kuspir] If your family don't want to accept you the way you are now, that's their failure and their loss. You are a good person, you're brave, you're kind, you're a hard worker.
[Bem] I know they say we're never alone here, as acolytes. But, you know.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] I do know.
[Bem] Everyone has troubles, I'm not unique.
[Kuspir] Everyone's troubles are their own. Just because everyone has them doesn't mean they're all the same.
* Bem nods.
[Bem] I don't know what will unfold next, but I know that there are people here who have my back.
[Kuspir] You have the right to feel bad, just like anyone. You don't need to tell yourself that only the person suffering the most is allowed to feel pain.
[Kuspir] But yes, you do have people who will stay by your side.
[Bem] Thank you, Kuspir.
* Kuspir pats her on the shoulder
[Kuspir] Go get some rest, you've had a long night.
* Bem nods.
[Bem] I will.

Jevai talks to Eng-dur about Susuva’s disappearance and about megalithic doors

[NemnostiGM] Jevai, on the night of the new moon, you plan to go and talk to Eng-dur, with Kuspir standing guard by the Lanky Stones, but at a distance.
* Jevai is extra nervous even though maybe with a guard she should be less nervous?
* Jevai waits at the stone
[NemnostiGM] At the appointed moment, you see the familar flickering shadows that meld into the human form of Eng-dur.
[Eng-dur] Hello, Pebble.
[Jevai] Upward...
* Jevai says quietly
[Eng-dur] Warm again.
[Eng-dur] Or maybe just cold where I ... am? was?
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] did you notice anything different this time?
[Eng-dur] There was an earthquake.
[Eng-dur] Or ... whatever that means.
[Jevai] Someone used the door, here.
* Jevai says, gesturing to the stones
[Eng-dur] Who did?
[Jevai] so... now they are under constant guard.
[Jevai] the person who murdered Surgu, I think.
[Jevai] They were posing as Susuva Nemni - did you know her?
[Eng-dur] I don't think so ... there are a lot of Nemnis. Why her?
[Jevai] We were checking with her about an inconsistency and she bolted, through the stone.
[Jevai] She was shoror. So they probably killed her. Like with Surgu, her change made it difficult for her to form close connections with anyone.
[Eng-dur] Ah. Your Lady will be angry.
[Jevai] yes.
[Jevai] she was beloved of the Lady - adopted into the lineage
[Jevai] It was tricky for me to arrange any privacy here tonight. I don't know if I can use the same excuse again, for the timing...
[Eng-dur] Well, I will understand if our paths do not cross for a while, Pebble. I appreciate that you have taken this risk.
[Jevai] But - you said there was an earthquake?
[Eng-dur] I can't say for certain.
[Jevai] that's new. It gives something to test
[Eng-dur] It seemed that way at the time ... not that I really understand how time works.
[Jevai] the.. place... where you are was disrupted, in some way?
[Jevai] is it related to the netwotk, somehow?
[Eng-dur] I don't think it could be related to someone simply using a stone. Saza uses the stones all the time, or at least, she used to.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] but no one uses this stone, not usually
[Jevai] and thsi is where you appear...
* Eng-dur considers.
[Jevai] What do you know abougt these stones?
[Eng-dur] The Lanky Stones? They are old, very old. As old as Nemnosti, perhaps even older.
[Eng-dur] I do not believe that Nemnu enveloped them in the walls.
[Eng-dur] But perhaps she had a part in their planting, here next to Hul Hai.
[Eng-dur] She has always been kind to us.
[Jevai] hmm
[Jevai] so Hul hai is older?
[Eng-dur] That is what I was always taught.
[Jevai] Why is it special? Just because of its age?
* Jevai huffs
[Jevai] I'm just distracting myself
[Jevai] When you appear here - is there anything conscious that you do?
[Eng-dur] You are focused on the surface and not on the wave.
[Eng-dur] You are asking questions about what is the same, but the answers you seek are about what has changed.
[Jevai] well then - what has changed?
[Eng-dur] It is as if a ship has become unmoored, the anchor lifted, and the wave strikes, carrying you forward, and you are there, staring at your reflection in the water.
[Jevai] You lost me on that one
[Jevai] Am I ... on the ship?
* Eng-dur nods.
[Eng-dur] I believe we all are, but you especially.
[Eng-dur] Or perhaps I am that reflection, looking back at you.
[Eng-dur] I am sorry Pebble. I do not speak in riddles by intention. It is as if it is the only way I have left to make sense of the real world.
* Jevai takes a deep breath and nods, slightly releasing the urge to throttle him
[Eng-dur] If someone used the Stones, someone new, that is upsetting. Let us focus on that.
[Jevai] The wave is.... the unfolding?
[Jevai] okay yes, that is easier.
[Eng-dur] Yes, that's how I would describe it. A wave on a constant sea. Constancy, get it?
[Jevai] -_-
[Jevai] Water metaphors are more Alai's domain.... but I have picked up a few things.
[Jevai] Here is where I am, regarding the stone's use, though.
[Jevai] First of all - I did make Giri give me the password.
[Jevai] To his knowledge the only living people who knew the assword were himself, The Lady, and Downward. he thought you might have known it, and Sharusilla
* Eng-dur considers.
[Jevai] whoever used it would have had to know that it was a door to try and divine it, and they would have to know at least one other stone
[Jevai] (PASSWORD)
[Eng-dur] That seems right.
[Jevai] The network is not extensively used these days, but other passwords wouldn’t be impossible to learn casually
[Jevai] (learn)
[Eng-dur] Is it possible that the person is Ravre?
[Jevai] but they would still have to know it exists, so either they are someone who knows Ravre culture, or they have formed string connections with someone who coudl suggest these things
[Jevai] so yes, that is possible.
[Jevai] Their use of Istu Levunu suggests this also
[Jevai] so I think it must be someone with a sigillant connection of some kind, but there aren't so many of us....
[Eng-dur] But you also think it is a Hulti shaman?
[Jevai] yes. because of the mask, and the rites they used.... it turns out that the place Surgu was killed was an old Hulti temple, even
[Jevai] So yes
[Jevai] I think there must be more than one person
[Jevai] at least, this person has support from others.
[Eng-dur] When was the last time you talked to your Downward?
[Jevai] Do you think she would be involved wit the Hulti?
[Eng-dur] If it benefitted her in some way? Yes, she might.
[Eng-dur] But I cannot think of what that would be.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] That's where I am as well
[Eng-dur] It is said that there are Hulti in the high hills.
[Eng-dur] And Saza knows those hills better than almost anyone.
[Eng-dur] When the purges came, they were pushed farther and farther away ... most to Malfan, but they always say there are some.
[Jevai] mmm.
[Jevai] DO yu think there is any way to disconnect a stone?
* Jevai crosses her arms
[Eng-dur] Disconnect ... the Lankies?
[Eng-dur] Only by uprooting them entirely. But they provide great protection to Nemnosti, so that is not an option.
[Jevai] yes.
[Jevai] what about to change the code word?
[Eng-dur] I've never done such a thing myself. But yes, that is supposed to be possible.
[Eng-dur] Saza would surely know, though I don't imagine you're going to ask her.
* Jevai sighs
[Jevai] I don't know what to ask her
[Eng-dur] I'm sorry, Pebble. I don't have any inscrutable proverbs to help with that.
[Jevai] I'll figure something out.
[Eng-dur] My time here grows thin.
* Eng-dur flickers a bit.
[Jevai] I didn't even get a change to bother you about how you came to be...wherever you are :(
[Eng-dur] If there are any other earthquakes in ... there, I'll try to remember more about them.
[Jevai] This has been such a terrible month :(
[Jevai] Thank you.
[Jevai] There was a real earthquake, but far from here
[Eng-dur] That depends, I suppose, on where 'here' is.
[Jevai] well, far from my here. It was closer to [region]
[Jevai] does that mean anything to you?
[Eng-dur] A strange spirit lies there.
* Eng-dur chuckles.
[Eng-dur] Though perhaps I should not be so swift to call a spirit strange, given ... this.
* Eng-dur waves his shadowy appendages about at himself, as he fades further.
[Jevai] hmm.
[Jevai] we keep getting drawn back there.... I'll try again, next month.
[Eng-dur] Until the next wave, Pebble.

Avrubai Dusmanis challenges Alai to a novungun magical duel, and is swiftly defeated

[NemnostiGM] Alai, you have been in a Mood since the elusive Susuva ... or whoever she was ... escaped. While the Lanky Stones are now guarded with security and Jevai has been looking into longer-term solutions to the problem, it still infuriates you.
[NemnostiGM] Luetkans are not known for being kind and fuzzy even at the best of times but most of your colleagues have known enough to keep their distance except when needed.
[NemnostiGM] And so we find ourselves at a midday break from research, which feels so fruitless right now when you don't even know what you're researching, and you're eating a bowl of loza berries in the great curved dining hall, when you feel a presence come up behind you.
* Alai stops eating
[Alai] What? What do you want?
[Avrubai] Whoa, whoa! Just wanted to say hi.
[NemnostiGM] You turn to see Avrubai Dusmanis, smiling brightly.
[Alai] Hello eh? Thats it?
[Avrubai] Sure.
* Avrubai sits down across from you.
[Alai] It is your time to waste. I'm little mood for company.
[Avrubai] You don't have to be good company.
* Alai rubs her temples
[Avrubai] Maybe I could take your mind off your troubles.
[Alai] Seems quite a challenge. How could you?
[Avrubai] I think you are a challenge. Maybe you like being a challenge.
[Alai] I am me, as I am, and you are quibbling. If you like challenges, you can walk with me as I am done here.
* Alai stands to head out
[Avrubai] I'm not quibbling. I'm willing to prove myself to you.
* Avrubai stands.
[Alai] Oh? And how will you do that?
* Alai starts walking in the direction of the library
[Avrubai] Alai Vegru, I challenge you to a duel under the novungun rules.
[Avrubai] I ask nothing of you but that you accept my challenge, to prove to you that I am capable. Then you can decide what comes next.
* Alai turns and glares at him, before smiling.
* Avrubai is speaking loud enough that at least some other people around here can hear.
[Alai] Fine then.
* Alai steps towards him, a predatory look in her eyes
[Alai] lets see how capable you are
[Alai] since you have this all planned, where shall we go?
[Avrubai] We can meet at dusk, at the North Wall.
[Alai] Agreed
* Alai will walk by him, and lightly brush his arm with her hand.
[Alai] until then
* Avrubai tries and fails not to blush.
[NemnostiGM] There is definitely a stir among those near to you, who heard the challenge made and accepted.
[NemnostiGM] (Do you have any preparations to make before the duel?)
[Alai] (I have to pick a nice outfit... so what are the general rules to these duels?)
[NemnostiGM] The exact rules of a novungun duel can vary. In general they are non-lethal although in practice that's hard to ensure. The use of pure brute physical strength is usually prohibited. Same with magical items - just you, fos, and your abilities.
[NemnostiGM] And of course other people are not allowed to intervene until the battle is completed.
[Alai] (some mechanical questions... are participants allowed to precast spells on themselves, or is general practice to come in empty? do you pre-consume fos, or is general practice to come in empty?... feels weird if a duel opens up with people chowin down of fos for the first 15 seconds)
[NemnostiGM] You can pre-consume fos, but you can't have spells cast on yourself in advance.
[Alai] (that makes sense)
[NemnostiGM] These are just the most common rules - some novungun duels violate them, by agreement between the parties. But that would be what is expected and enforced.
[NemnostiGM] There are no 'seconds' or any of that nonsense. As for whether there is an adjudicator/referee, that depends. You would need to agree on a person (who must be a mystic) who would do that.
[NemnostiGM] But it is not necessary, strictly speaking, to have such a person, if the parties agree not to.
[Alai] (otherwise it just goes until the other says submit or cannot participate further)
[NemnostiGM] Yes, it goes until submission or effective defeat (unconsciousness, paralysis, etc.)
* Alai will arrive at the appointed time, wearing a red and yellow patterned Altala with a low neckline, tight corset, and straight tight skirt that opens on the bottom to allow for movement, her hair pulled up and spilling down the back and sides in a brass and bone ring and pins, her whalebone choker around her neck and a variety of matching bracelets and rings on.
* Lan-phone ( has joined #Nemnosti
[NemnostiGM] You arrive at the North Wall, which abuts the valley wall and seemingly holds in the wilderness from spilling out into the courtyard of the ulajeta. At one end is the Teacher's Seat, the great statue of an empty chair. To sit upon it, so it is said, guarantees that you will lose your next challenge or fail your next test. Avrubai is standing next to it, but dares not invite the curse.
[NemnostiGM] It's dusk, so the shadows fall across the courtyard here. There are a few observers, mostly standing up atop the Mausoleum, far away from where any potential action will be. Novungun duels are rarely fatal but there is always a risk of injury to nearby observers.
[Avrubai] Alai. I won't say I wondered if you would come. I expected nothing else.
[Avrubai] Are you ready to begin?
[Alai] I am eager to see the measure of your skill
* Alai smiles
* Alai pulls as scarf and stops the Avrubai's bleeding
* Alai is also breathing heavy after the duel
[NemnostiGM] (The duel is over quickly, as Alai overwhelms Avrubai in her Dark Half state with the power of his own nightmares, and then with a powerful mind thrust to take him down. But ultimately Avrubai is brought down by his own inability to hold his Source and wild surges which render him unconscious, concluding the duel in Alai's favour.)
* Avrubai wakes up.
[Avrubai] I ... concede the victory ... August Alai.
* Alai is crouched beside him, dabbing his nose
[Alai] I accept your surrender, August Avrubai
* Avrubai is clearly still somewhat out of it ... and is just coming out of the slow effect.
[Avrubai] You are even better than they said.
[Alai] A careless way to learn the truth, considering.
* Alai will help him stand
[NemnostiGM] The crowd is watching the two of you from the distance of the Mausoleum, but now that it's done are starting to disperse.
[Avrubai] There was something in you ... I couldn't identify it but it was ... utter.
[Alai] You are not weak. I did not hold back. The question now is, are you scared?
* Avrubai shakes his head.
[Avrubai] The nightmare scared me. Your incantation scared me. But you, you yourself, you impress me, you intimidate me, you humble me. But you do not scare me.
[Alai] I was hoping you would be at least a little scared.
* Alai says in a meek voice
* Avrubai smiles half-heartedly.
[Alai] Come I need to finish cleaning up the mess I did to you.
* Alai will grab him and start walking inside
* Avrubai will allow himself to be led, still somewhat dazed.
[Alai] I'm going to have so much fun with you
[Avrubai] All right, *now* I'm scared.