Thirteen 2 session 28
- Session date: 2023-01-14
- In Game date: continuing on from the previous session over the next few days
<Narrator> Any questions or bookkeeping before we start?
<Pierre> What were we doing? :P
<Hildie> Wejust escaped the town
<Hildie> In barrels
<Pierre> Right. Escaping from the Wood Elf King.
<Hildie> Exactly
<Narrator> Yeah, cause that's a thing ;)
<Pierre> I mean, we had a hobbit and everything!
<Welumque> Hey, who you calling hobbits?
<Narrator> Heh
<Pierre> I don't think Kaarina and I were involved in that, though. Did we just end up leaving the normal way?
<Skalla> no, you hd to come with us
<Skalla> there was not another way out really
<Narrator> Y'all were gonna leave, then the port got closed down. Y'all weren't sure you'd be allowed to leave, so you got help from Elzahia's people. They ended up smuggling you all out in barrels.
<Skalla> yeah
<Pierre> OK.
<Narrator> You're currently just off the road west out of town, which Svald has just discovered has had an army marched over it recently.
<Pierre> Stupid Wood Elf Emira. :(
<Pierre> What does this mean for our printing presses, though? We need to bring those back!
<Skalla> they're on the boat we can't get to
<Narrator> Though in theory they can get delivered if/when the ship is allowed to leave.
<Skalla> yeah
<Skalla> along wth all out trade stuff
<Skalla> our
<Pierre> ...but we can't go back to the boat for fear of being arrested?
<Skalla> we can't go bqck on the boat because armed guards are preventing anyont from going on any boats
<Pierre> I'm reading the logs...
<Pierre> Hmph. Intolerable Acts! :(
<Svald> well get toleratin' 'cause we don't have a choice :v
<Skalla> (Okay acually going in game now tho)
The party discuss what's happening and the likely reason for the Emira's actions
<Skalla> okay - we knew south would be more dangerous.
<Skalla> The harbour closure was recent enough though - it might not apply elsewhere, so we may still be able to get a ship....somewhere
<Lucas> so let's not follow the route the army just went over?
<Pierre> But what about the printing presses? :/
* NPC1 is now known as Kaarina
<Welumque> There are limits to what even an Emira can do. She can't permanently prevent ships from entering and leaving.
<Hildie> Not without starving her own armies
<Welumque> Talat Kabira is too far north for that. It depends on food shipments, at least.
<Welumque> Not to mention, the ships stuck in the harbour, the sailors need to eat also. It's not like she can simply leave them to starve.
<Welumque> This blockade, ill-conceived as it is, is going to be difficult to maintain for any length of time.
* Kaarina nods.
<Kaarina> So what's the point?
<Welumque> That is a very good question.
<Lucas> To prove she can do it?
<Skalla> mmm..
<Welumque> To prove it to whom?
<Skalla> I would guess it is to contain fast news
<Skalla> of say... her armies matching south
<Svald> ^^^
<Kaarina> So we need to get to Sisawinak before her army. Is that doable?
<Skalla> she doens't have to keep them forever, just long eough so that she won't lose the element of surprise
<Skalla> Not without a ship
<Skalla> and a fast one at that
<Hildie> ...or a bird.
<Skalla> well
* Hildie looks at Svald
<Skalla> we can maybe get news ahead but I don't know about us all...ravellign by bird
<Hildie> No, but we can let them know.
<Skalla> yeah
<Skalla> I think that's our best bet
<Narrator> (Okay, so, what's the plan, exactly?)
<Skalla> Svald, can you do that?
<Skalla> then I say we keep going south
* Svald nods.
<Svald> (actually scratch that... I don't know if I can)
<Svald> (cause my hand is all messed up)
<Skalla> (O mean send a bird messenger, not fly yourself)
<Svald> (oh yeah cool)
<Skalla> send a message I mean
<Narrator> (It'll be a little difficult, as it's a good ways, but it's feasible.)
<Svald> Yes... That shouldn't be a proble,
<Svald> (problem)
<Skalla> we can try and get there too, but this will be our insurance
<Skalla> I;d say send it to the house. There's more poeple there who know your magic
<Narrator> (Okay, what's the message you're sending?)
<Svald> Alright... we can make add kind of obvious signal to get their attention, like a red ribbon or something, too.
<Skalla> (soething like - 'Just escaped talat kabira. Harbour closed to keep in news. We've come across signs of an army matching south withi the past few days - could be reinforcements against the rebellion. We're safe for now - Skalla')
* Skalla nods
* Skalla can roll it up in a littl piece of bark and coat it with pitch or wax or somethign so it won't get messed up if it gets wet from rain or snow or somethig
<Narrator> Svald, make me a Will roll.
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 1 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> You send out asking for assistance, and manage to get the attention of a nearby crow, who will carry your message for you.
<Narrator> Svald, you'd estimate that the crow should get to Sisawinak in about two days.
<Skalla> hopefully its enough time
<Svald> It should take them about two days to get there.
* Skalla nods
<Narrator> The plan now is to head south to [Providence] and try to find a ship?
<Svald> (well it does get to travel... as the crow flies :v)
<Skalla> (yes)
<Hildie> One for sorrow...
<Skalla> Yeah :|
<Narrator> Okay, Skalla and anyone else who would like to, make me a Lore check. Then, can I get Physique checks from everyone?
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 3 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Lucas> (that's Lore for me)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 3 2 2 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Skalla> (would my bushcraft bonus count for this?)
<Lucas> (aaand physique)
<Narrator> (Yes)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 3 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 1 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Hildie> 4d3-5
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 2 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Skalla> (boooo - can I add Comfortable Outdoorwswamman for +2 with a fate point?)
<Narrator> (yes)
<Welumque> (physique huh, sure)
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Skalla> (Okay so 3 on the lore then)
<Svald> (can I get a bonus for being a coyote?)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 1 3 2 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Svald> (can I get a bonus for being a coyote?)
<Skalla> (and 1 for physique)
<Svald> (sorry I sent that twice, it didn't show up O_o)
<Narrator> (I'll give you a bonus on the Physique roll, sure)
<Svald> (regular +2?)
<Narrator> (sure)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Narrator> How hard are y'all pushing on to [Providence]?
<Skalla> (Considering we don't have a ton o supplies and no transport other than walking, not *super
* hard)
<Skalla> (I don't think we have any supplies so probably need to rely on late fall foraging i unfamiliar lands so :p)
<Narrator> Okie doke. It's about 40 miles to Bufidins [Providence], which you can cover in about two days. You'll arrive tired but none the worse for wear.
<Skalla> (success)
The party catches a ride from Bufidins
<Narrator> Bufidins is smaller than both Talat Kabira and any of the three settlements on Sisawinak, but there are ships in the harbor.
<Skalla> I think its worth sending a smaller party ahead to make arrangements and seeing what can be learned in town
* Svald nods.
<Skalla> any volunteers?
* Svald looks around awkwardly
* Hildie taps her leg awkwardly.
<Welumque> Ahh, I am not known for my ability to go faster than others.
* Lucas eyes Pierre, the tall person ;p
<Pierre> What sort of arrangements, Mademoiselle? A ship to go back home? Or do we want to stay there until the town is open again?
<Skalla> I think discretion is more important than speed right now
<Skalla> and I think we shoudl try and get back to Sisawinak
<Skalla> we dn't know if the harbour here is closed or not
<Welumque> If we are going slowly, then we should all go together, shouldn't we? Given the danger.
<Skalla> I tink a group this large will attract attention we might not want, is what I mean
<Skalla> and it woudl be better to have someone go into town, find out what is happening and see what's even possible
<Welumque> I can go in alone, or with one or two others, if you like.
* NPC2 is now known as Chemames
<Chemames> I can go with, if you like.
<Skalla> . o O (I swear this isn't what I meant by a small party >.>)
<Welumque> Very well.
<Skalla> I think that would be well and discrete, thank you both
<Narrator> The rest of you are just hanging in the woods outside of town, then?
* Lucas is a little unhappy at Welumque going ahead but will keep quiet about it.
<Skalla> (yeah, resting a bit but keeping an eye out)
<Welumque> What specifically do we want to know?
<Skalla> Mostly - can we safely get a ship here, and if not here, where.
<Welumque> All right.
<Welumque> (what do I know about who is in charge in Bufidins?)
<Narrator> (Roll...Contacts, I guess?)
<Welumque> !roll 4d8-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d8-4 ] getting [ 4 4 3 7 ] for a total of [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 14 ].
<Welumque> (uhh, let me try again)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Welumque> (that's more like it)
<Narrator> The mayor of Bufidins is an orcish merchant named Layla Mounir. You've dealt with her in the past, though you haven't seen her in years.
<Welumque> All right, Chemames, let's go, then.
* Chemames nods.
* Welumque will head into town confidently, as if she has every right to be there.
<Narrator> You and Chemames can head into town. He looks especially vigilant.
<Chemames> Where to, uma?
<Welumque> Well, we'll head to the harbor first. I do know the mayor here, a little bit, but perhaps not well enough to get her to defy an Emira's order, if one exists.
<Welumque> I want to keep an eye out for soldiers - more than the usual, I mean. Or alternatively, whether there is a lack of soldiers, suggesting they've been mustered.
<Narrator> (All right, roll Notice)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Narrator> You notice a pair of soldiers at the dock, but other than that, nothing.
<Chemames> Doesn't seem like there are too many around.
<Welumque> No, it doesn't.
* Welumque will go and see if ships are loading and offloading at the harbor.
<Narrator> There are ships loading and unloading at the harbor, of various sizes and flying various flags.
* Welumque will try to find a Lexkweyok ship and talk to the captain or someone else in relative authority.
* Kaarina is now known as Lexkweyok_Captain
<Narrator> You can find a Lèxkweyok ship, a smaller coastal vessel, unloading furs and other goods.
* Lexkweyok_Captain is helping to unload with the crew.
* Welumque approaches warmly and casually.
<Welumque> Hello! I am Welumque of the Rabbit clan.
<Lexkweyok_Captain> Hello, Welumque of the Rabbit clan. I'm Askàskontpat of the Whale clan.
* Lexkweyok_Captain is now known as Askaskontpat
<Askaskontpat> What can I do for you?
<Welumque> If I could take a moment, we were hoping to know whether there have been any troubles here, getting into port, or anything of that sort. We've heard that at Talat Kabira, things are different.
<Askaskontpat> Not too much trouble, no. I hadn't heard about Talat Kabira. What's going on?
<Welumque> Blockades, embargoes, that kind of thing.
* Askaskontpat frowns.
<Askaskontpat> They were our next stop.
<Askaskontpat> Where'd you hear about these things?
* Welumque pauses.
<Welumque> We've come from there, actually.
<Welumque> I would not go to Talat Kabira if I were you. You may not be able to enter.
* Askaskontpat curses.
<Askaskontpat> Sorry, grandmother, thank you for the news.
<Welumque> I am sorry to share it, but happy if it keeps you from harm.
<Welumque> How long are you going to be here in Bufidins?
<Askaskontpat> We were going to be leaving tomorrow, but now we'll need to figure out our next stop, I guess.
* Welumque nods.
<Welumque> Say - are you free to take on a few passengers, if you'll be heading south?
<Askaskontpat> We might have some room. Just you two?
<Welumque> No, there are eight of us.
<Welumque> Some are bigs, too.
* Askaskontpat considers.
<Askaskontpat> I can take you no problem. The bigfolk will have to pay. I have to make up for heading back.
<Welumque> Sure, what's your price?
* Askaskontpat names a reasonable price.
<Welumque> That will be fine.
<Askaskontpat> All right. Just meet us here before the tide tomorrow morning.
<Welumque> Thank you, we will be here.
* Welumque will head back to the group then, and tell them what's up.
<Welumque> Everything in town seems well enough. Fewer soldiers than perhaps I would expect.
<Welumque> I've booked us passage with a Lexkweyok ship leaving tomorrow morning.
* Pierre exchanges a glance with Kaarina
* Askaskontpat is now known as Kaarin
* Kaarin gives an inquiring look back.
<Skalla> wonderful - thank you Wekunque
<Skalla> I'll make sure they re compensated
<Pierre> What about our own ship? Will they be safe?
<Welumque> Our own ship is in Talat Kabira. I'm not sure what we can do to help them at the moment, Pierre.
<Welumque> When the Emira lets them go, they'll go.
<Skalla> We did what we could for captai Karjalainen
* Kaarin is now known as Kaarina
<Kaarina> I think it's more important right now that we get back to Sisawinak to warn the fort. They know the emira's forces are coming, but not when or where. We can at least help some.
<Skalla> she, too, will get compensated for any trouble on our behalf. Prefereable by the gvernor, though :p
* Skalla nods
* Pierre sighs and nods
<Kaarina> I'm hoping it's safe to go into town and find a place to stay for the night, then? With a roof and a bed?
<Welumque> It should be. Captain Askaskontpat had experienced no trouble in docking and offloading their goods.
<Skalla> I think so, as long as we can afford it :p
<Kaarina> Thank the gods.
<Skalla> (so yeah we can go into town I guess, and spend the night?)
<Narrator> Presumably, y'all can find some place to stay for the night, and head out in the morning. It's about a day's cramped travel back to Sisawinak. All told, you've been gone out of Talat Kabira three days (it's the morning of the fourth day since). You know you're ahead of the emira's forces, but there's no telling by how much.
<Narrator> What're folks' plans?
<Svald> (I don't really have anything)
<Skalla> (payy off these guys and make sure they're set for trade, and report back hime asap to se if they got the crow message)
<Welumque> Well I guess at some point I should report to Governor Therasdottir
<Pierre> (I guess Kaarina and I have to report the delay to our sponsor...)
<Narrator> (Is that the first thing you're doing, Welumque?)
<Pierre> (Or wait, we're not there.)
<Welumque> (I suppose I'll check in at home first - I mean I don't think I'm running to the governor instantly - not even sure if you can get in to see her without some appointment)
<Welumque> (but yes, ASAP)
<Narrator> (Okie doke)
<Lucas> (I have a message to get to Elzahia's friends - I forget if I know their names or just "some friends")
Skalla, Hildie, and Svald reurn to the Stormsvallvag manor
<Narrator> Skalla and Svald (and Hildie, presumably), you return to the Stormsvalvag estate, which looks to be crowded with family and associates.
* Skalla will let her mother and aunt know they are home
<Svald> There's a lot of people...
<Skalla> I'm hoping that means they got our message
* Chemames is now known as Berit
* Svald nods...
* Berit will be managing the chaos in the parlour/sitting room.
<Skalla> Mother - we're back
<Skalla> what's goign on here?
<Berit> Gods' bless, you're home.
<Skalla> yes, we're fine. Well. Mostly.
* Skalla says with a glance at Svald
* Svald nods, doing their best to fade into the background
<Berit> Well, no one is sure exactly what's going to happen, so we've gathered the family until we know more, and that drew in others...
<Berit> What do you know?
* Kaarina is now known as Governor
<Skalla> The new Emira is a piece of work, that's what.
<Skalla> she has a lot of people executed to keep order. She's planning a lot of military campaigns, up north
<Skalla> and or course shes sent troops south to quell the rebellion here and I think they can expect the same kind of heavy-handedness to restore any order there.
<Berit> Up north? Against who?
<Skalla> The Atenrosera? I'm not sure, exactly
* Skalla glances at Hildie for cvonfirmation
<Skalla> There's talk among her soldiers that she's looking to build a queendom
<Berit> So...she's a madwoman.
<Skalla> It's like they dropped in someone who hs no idea what we'vebeen through here in the last 15 years
<Skalla> or, more likley, doens't care
<Berit> Not entirely unprecedented.
* Berit sighs.
<Skalla> yeah...
<Berit> And her troops are on the way?
<Skalla> yes. They had probably left a few days before we did
* Skalla looks to Svald for confrmation there
<Narrator> (That sounds about right, Svald. You can roll Lore to be more precise, if you want.)
<Svald> Yes.
<Svald> !roll 4d3-6
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 3 3 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> (You'd say they left two or three days before you, which, if they're pushing hard, puts them four days or so out.)
<Svald> I'd say they could be as close as... four days out.
<Skalla> I wasn't sure what she wasnted to accomplish by keepig us in the city until we came across that.
<Berit> That's not a lot of time.
<Skalla> no
<Berit> We need to find out what the governor plans to do, if anything.
<Skalla> I expect Weumque will be making a report to the governor soon also
* Berit nods.
<Skalla> hopefully we'll know soon enouhg
<Berit> Svald, what happened to your hand?
<Skalla> I thnk think the troops themwelves have much apetite for the task
<Svald> I .. broke something with it
* Svald mumbles.
<Berit> Are you all right?
<Skalla> If it wasn't for Svald's actions though, we woudln't have made the contacts to get out o the city
<Skalla> Svald and Lucas, really
<Berit> The healer that went with you one your trip north?
<Berit> on*
<Skalla> yes
<Svald> I'm alright.
<Skalla> he did what he could with the hand already, I think it just needs time now?
* Berit nods.
* Svald nods as well.
<Berit> Well, hopefully you'll have some, but we don't really know right now.
<Skalla> I shoudl also say - Shakya Naouar hosted us while we were there, and provided us with other invaluable aid and contacts
* Berit smiles at that.
<Skalla> I hope her and her family remain well
<Berit> I hope so, too. Do you think she's in danger?
<Skalla> I'm not sure, but its possible, espeically after we snuck out. She said not to worry, but...
<Skalla> the whole situation was worrying
<Skalla> I do think mos of the poeple the Emira had executed weres alves and other lower class peopel, but even so. It was a very very long list :/
<Skalla> (were slaves)
* Berit frowns.
<Berit> What is the world coming to?
* Berit shakes her head.
<Berit> Why don't you both clean off from the road and get something to eat. I'm sure we'll still be arguing what to do.
<Skalla> do they know? IN Alhusan Al'aswad
<Skalla> ?
<Berit> They know that the emira must be moving her troops.
<Berit> (quietly) I sent word that they were on the march.
<Skalla> (quietly) thank you. We coudl go and let them know more, though...
* Berit considers.
<Berit> Let me think about it.
<Skalla> What's to think about?
<Skalla> they don't have a lot of time to waste
<Berit> What are you going to offer them right now they don't know? You'd just be putting yourself into more trouble.
<Skalla> the same things I just told you mainly.... I'm not afraid of trouble.
<Berit> I know, that's why I have to be for you.
<Skalla> >.>
<Skalla> that just tells me you're goign to say no.
<Berit> I'm saying not right now.
<Berit> Bath. Breakfast. Then we'll talk.
<Skalla> Waiting isn't going to... ugh >.>
* Berit gives you an implacable mother stare.
* Skalla glances at her cousin, and then will turn to go
* Svald glances at Skalla >.>
Pierre and Kaarina let Hjalmar know what's happened
<Narrator> Pierre, you and Kaarina are headed to go talk to Hjalmar?
<Pierre> Yes, I guess so!
<Narrator> Well, you both know your way there, so it's easy enough.
* Berit is now known as Kaarina
<Kaarina> I hope the presses are all right. There's no reason the emira would do anything to them, right?
<Pierre> I... hope not!
<Pierre> Mme Ruba seemed confident that she wouldn't.
* Kaarina tries to look hopeful and will reach for Pierre's hand.
* Pierre takes her hand and tries to smile reassuringly.
<Pierre> My main worry is that the ship will leave without them. Which would be an inconvenience, but one we could correct later.
<Pierre> I wonder how Hjalmar will react to all this.
* Governor is now known as Zahraoui
* Lucas comes in, looking around a bit warily
<Kaarina> Well, it's a delay, certainly, but I doubt he'll be too upset about the presses themselves, but he'll be furious about the emira's actions.
<Pierre> Yes. I expect it'll motivate him to redouble his efforts... it'll just be harder to do anything without those presses. :/
<Pierre> Anyway, no need to speculate: here we are!
* Kaarina knocks on the door, and you're led in by a servant.
* Hjalmar ( has joined #thirteen
<Hjalmar> Kaarina! And Pierre! You're back!
* Hjalmar will shout from the second floor before making his way down.
<Hjalmar> How did it go? Do we have our presses?
<Pierre> Hello, Hjalmar. Ah... we have some not-so-good news, I'm afraid.
<Pierre> We did see the presses, and they're in decent condition. But... we weren't able to bring them back with us, because the Emira locked down the town.
<Pierre> No ships are allowed to go in or out for the time being.
<Hjalmar> What?
<Pierre> We, ah, found alternative means to get out.
<Kaarina> It's worse than that. She's executing people as's horrible.
<Hjalmar> This is the person the governor won't take action against?
* Hjalmar fumes for a moment.
<Pierre> The new Emira, yes.
<Hjalmar> All of you are okay, though, right?
<Pierre> Oh, yes. It was... an adventure. But we're okay.
<Hjalmar> Thank the gods.
<Pierre> They may have been planning to detain Mademoiselle Skalla... but if so, we managed to get away first.
<Pierre> I think it was more to do with the rebels, though.
<Pierre> It seems the Emira is moving against them, and wanted to be sure they wouldn't get word before her forces could strike.
<Hjalmar> They were going to detain a Stordammer? And someone from one of the old families?
<Kaarina> Well, we don't know for sure, but it did seem she wanted us to stay.
<Pierre> Oh, no, we were never placed under arrest...
<Pierre> I don't want to exaggerate anything.
<Pierre> I think they were probably *watching
* her, though.
<Hjalmar> Hmm.
<Hjalmar> Still, tell me everything you found out. We don't have time to waste if we want to get the word out.
<Pierre> Um... well, we did find out that not everyone sympathizes with the Emira's position, at least. One of the presses had last been used to print a political tract speaking out in favour of independence. Not directly criticizing the Emira herself, but...
<Pierre> We brought that up with Mme Ruba, and not surprisingly she was supportive.
* Hjalmar nods.
<Pierre> Other than that, I didn't really pick up anything, I'm afraid... not knowing the language, I mostly stayed with our group.
<Hjalmar> Mme. Ruba shares the cause.
* Pierre shrugs and looks to Kaarina
* Kaarina will relate what she learned, which is basically the same as Pierre.
<Pierre> I did learn the basics of using the press, though! :)
<Pierre> For when we get them back.
<Hjalmar> Could I persuade you both to do some work on my small press here? Certainly more hands makes lighter work.
<Hjalmar> I want to get flyers out by tonight.
<Hjalmar> We've got to rally more support.
<Pierre> There hasn't been any news of the lockdown here, yet, I take it?
<Pierre> It's not like a ship could have come from there to spread the news, after all. :P
* Pierre looks to Kaarina again.
<Hjalmar> No, nothing like that. But if the emira is executing people, and marching to Sisawinak, this got more real. Maybe more people will wake up and join the fight.
<Kaarina> Well, I suppose I don't have anything else to do at the moment.
* Kaarina smiles.
* Pierre smiles
<Pierre> And I can use some practice - I need to reinforce what I just learned, right?
<Hjalmar> Great! Let's see. "In the face of governmental barbarity..." No, that's not quite right...
* Hjalmar will lead y'all to his presses as he begins working on text for his next flyer.
Welumque informs Governor Thorasdottir of what is happening
<Narrator> Welumque, the governor will see you around midday.
* Welumque will have cleaned herself up and put on a good outfit.
* Governor ( has joined #thirteen02
<Welumque> Governor Thorasdottir, thank you for seeing me on such short notice.
* Governor nods.
<Governor> I'm hoping you brought some word from Talat Kabira?
<Welumque> Yes, though not words you'll be eager to hear.
* Governor gestures for you to sit and continue.
<Welumque> Upon our arrival, we quickly found that the Emira has been rounding up dissidents. A list of over two hundred who had been taken and killed for inciting rebellion.
* Welumque sits.
<Governor> Two *hundred*?
<Governor> That's...concerning, to say the least.
<Welumque> Yes, I'm afraid so. Mainly slaves ,but not all.
<Welumque> We made some further inquiries and, using our contacts, were able to meet with the Emira's daughter Ghada, and to get invited to [weekend community religious meal] with the Emira herself.
<Governor> That's fortuitous. What'd you learn?
<Welumque> Ghada herself seems ... well, if not friendly, then at least someone who could be worked with. The emira ... perhaps not so amenable.
<Welumque> The emira invited us to stay in Talat Kabira indefinitely. And actually, by that I mean that we were told to remain.
<Governor> She tried to keep you prisoner?
<Welumque> Honored guest ... but yes.
<Welumque> In fact, no boats are being allowed to dock, or to load or unload, at the port there.
<Welumque> Not without the Emira's written permission.
<Governor> Well that's not sustainable.
<Governor> Were her troops in Talat Kabira?
<Welumque> Well, that's the thing. They were - and I'm sure some still are. But when we left overland, we found evidence that an army was marching south.
<Welumque> As to their exact numbers or their destination, I can't say. We decided to get off the road as soon as possible, which was, for us, at Bufidins, where we found a Lexkweyok ship able to take us back home.
<Governor> Well, it's put you here before them, so that's some good fortune.
<Welumque> Yes, that's so. But our ship we had hired to take us to Talat Kabira, and Captain Karjalainen and her crew, are still stuck there.
<Governor> I would like to say I can't imagine her being so foolish as to harm Stordammer citizens, but given what she's done to her own people, now I'm not so sure.
<Welumque> I don't claim to fully understand her or her motives. It seems plenty strange.
* Governor nods.
<Governor> Thank you for your help in this.
<Welumque> What now?
* Governor taps her finger on her desk for a moment, considering.
<Governor> I'm not prepared to act against an ally, however foolish their actions. I'll keep our troops stationed here to make sure fighting doesn't spread.
<Welumque> And the ships trapped there?
<Governor> I'll send a messenger if it lasts too long, but for now I just have to hope that simple pragmatism will get them released soon.
<Welumque> All right.
* Welumque says, without much enthusiasm.
<Governor> I hope we can continue to offer aid to one another in the future. On behalf of my queen, thank you.
<Welumque> You're welcome, Governor.
<Narrator> (Did you have anything else, Steve?)
<Welumque> (no I don't think so)
<Governor> (kk)
Lucas goes to Alhusan Alaswad to deliver a message and let them know what's happening
<Narrator> Julie, you wanted to have Lucas deliver that message to Elzahia's friend in Alhusan Alaswad?
* Lucas ( has joined #thirteen02
<Lucas> (sorry, I didn't know you wanted me here?)
<Narrator> (Yeah, my bad. I just noticed you weren't in the channel)
* Pierre ( has joined #thirteen02
<Narrator> I was saying, you wanted to have Lucas deliver that message to Elzahia's friend in Alhusan al-Aswad?
<Lucas> (yes, that was the plan)
<Narrator> You have a letter for a Bitamna Zahraoui. The Khalijani side of the island is quieter than usual, which doesn't seem surprising. The fort is closed tight, though there are soldiers manning the towers and gates.
<Lucas> (do I know anything about Bitamna Zahraoui, like a rank/position or anything?)
<Narrator> (Elzahia would have mentioned she's a Naqeeb, which is equivalent to a captain. An officer, but I don't know how much Lucas would know beyond that.)
<Lucas> (Ok)
* Lucas will try just going up to the soldiers at the gate
<Narrator> They'll stop and look at you, but not raise a rifle or anything.
<Narrator> "Did you need something?"
<Lucas> Um... I have a message I'm supposed to deliver to Naqeeb Bitamna Zahraoui. Do you know where I can find her?
* Lucas tries to be very small and innocuous
<Narrator> That seems to get their attention.
<Narrator> "A message from who?"
<Lucas> Elzahia?
* Lucas says uncertainly
<Narrator> "Wait here."
<Narrator> One of the soldiers heads into the fort, leaving you to stand awardly with the other.
<Narrator> It's a little while before the soldier returns.
<Narrator> "Follow me."
* Lucas will follow the solider
<Narrator> The fort is crowded with soldiers, and you can see supplies of all kinds stored away in every available space. They're clearly preparing for the incoming attack. The soldier leads you into what seems to be the central building of the fort, and takes you to a well-appointed office. At a desk in said office sits a dark-skinned human woman.
<Narrator> "Naqeeb."
* Governor is now known as Zahraoui
<Zahraoui> Thank you, Salima.
<Zahraoui> (to Lucas) Please, come in.
* Lucas comes in, looking around a bit warily
<Lucas> I have a message I was supposed to give to you.
<Zahraoui> I'm sorry, I don't remember having met. My name is Bitamna Zahraoui. Naqeeb Zahraoui, though I'm not sure that counts any more. Who are you?
<Lucas> I'm Lucas, I have a message from Elzahia.
<Zahraoui> Oh. Well, good to meet you, Lucas. Any friend of Elzahia...
* Zahraoui gestures for Lucas to sit.
<Zahraoui> Coffee?
* Lucas will have a seat
<Lucas> That would be good, thank you.
* Zahraoui will go pour some for Lucas.
<Zahraoui> So, what's the message? She have any word about what the emira is doing?
* Lucas will produce the message and give it to her
* Zahraoui will walk over to exchange the coffee for the message.
<Zahraoui> You're not one of her usual couriers.
<Lucas> I was in Talat Kabira when things shut down, and she helped me to get out.
<Zahraoui> Ah, that makes sense.
<Lucas> In return I agreed I'd deliver this message.
<Zahraoui> Thank you for this. I know it's dangerous times right now.
<Lucas> Her troops are moving - I think shutting everything down was to keep the word from getting out sooner.
* Zahraoui nods.
<Zahraoui> We had some word about that, but it's good to get more confirmation. How are they coming?
* Lucas can give her what information he has about what direction they seemed to be going and when
* Zahraoui nods.
<Zahraoui> Thank you. That's what we'd heard as well. Slower, but simpler, to march overland. They'll still need to cross at some point. Maybe we can make that difficult...
* Zahraoui seems to edge into speaking to herself at the end.
<Zahraoui> I'm sorry, seems to be a product of sudden command.
<Lucas> Was there anything else I can help with?
<Zahraoui> You don't happen to know how to stop the emira from landing troops on Sisawinak by any chance?
* Zahraoui smiles tiredly.
<Zahraoui> Thank you for the message.
<Lucas> I think that's beyond my powers. But I wish you good luck.
<Lucas> I'm just a healer, but if you do need help in that area, you can find me at [boarding house]...
<Zahraoui> I may just do that. We can use all the help we can get.
* Lucas nods