Diablotin 1 session 58

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Diablotin 1 session logs
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Session Start: Mon Jan 10 18:10:20 2005 [Diablotin_Narrator] Three days have passed since you returned from your strange excursion beneath the Black Down. You are beginning to get readjusted to your regular existance, though the memories of other lives still weigh heavily on your thoughts. [Diablotin_Narrator] You have been much occupied with trying to learn about what happened to the soldiers whose minds and bodies you occupied during the Quicksilver War, as well as coming to understand the implications of those lifetimes for your experiences in the present day. [Diablotin_Narrator] Belden, you have agreed to take Boden to speak to Brother Butler about his newfound priestly powers. [Diablotin_Narrator] Together, you approach the great library, early in the morning.

  • Boden is quite excited.
  • Belden will ask someone where the older priest can be found.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You are directed to his usual office. [Belden] Hello?

  • Belden sticks her head in the door. :)
  • Brother_Butler looks up from his desk, where a pile of papers sits, precariously balanced.

[Brother_Butler] Oh, Pasith :) [Brother_Butler] Please, come in. [Belden] I've brought a friend with me... [Brother_Butler] Oh? [Belden] You remember Boden, right?

  • Boden will come in the office behind Beldin and wave.

[Boden] Yeah, thats right. [Brother_Butler] Oh, indeed - he would be quite hard to forget.

  • Boden will smile at the old cleric.
  • Brother_Butler says with a smile in return.

[Brother_Butler] So, what brings the pair of you here this morning? [Belden] Well...

  • Boden waits for Belden to explain.

[Belden] Boden has had a ... religious experience -- I guess we both have; but he has since found that he has received the blessing of the Lizard.

  • Brother_Butler looks intrigued.

[Belden] It's a bit of a strange situation... I'm not sure where to begin.

  • Boden looks a little shy about it.

[Brother_Butler] Well... it sounds very interesting, to say the least. [Belden] We've been continuing to investigate the things I told you about before...

  • Brother_Butler nods, listening.
  • Belden will tell him about investigating the house in Rhenea, and then going beneath it, and the discovery of the second Arch, etc.

[Belden] ... And there was this... this horrible evil down there. [Brother_Butler] Dear me... [Belden] There was only one way to escape, and that was... through the Arch, while Mataline... while our friend tried to hold it off. [Belden] -_- [Belden] ANd inside was... [Belden] Well, inside we all experienced... other lives.

  • Boden just waits quietly, thinking about all of it.
  • Brother_Butler looks amazed.
  • Belden will relate the basics of that as well.

[Brother_Butler] Past lives? [Belden] Well, I think so. [Belden] And... since all of this happened, Boden has felt the Lizard's power. [Brother_Butler] How remarkable... [Boden] yeah, wich is why I think it really was past lives, and not just bein' shown other stuff from the past.

  • Brother_Butler nods to Boden.

[Brother_Butler] Tell me, how do you feel this power? [Boden] Well...at first it was just memories of powers the past lives had used...and I was just casting spells like I'd swing a sword or whatever...but Belden talked to me about it...and I started thinkin' about it. And I realized it was something different. [Brother_Butler] Different? [Boden] Like I got something special inside now...like it comes from me...but not just me...you know? [Boden] It wasn't just some skill I picked up you know? [Brother_Butler] Yes... I believe I know what you mean. [Boden] So I been thinking about that kind of stuff a lot lately. [Boden] And some stuff just seems more important to me now. [Boden] Like I get kinda pulled to it.

  • Brother_Butler nods.

[Belden] Boden is looking for spiritual guidance... I told him you might know someone in House Lizard who would be able to help him out as well. [Brother_Butler] Oh... of course. I can't think of anyone who would be better-qualified than Reverend Mother Briaga. [Boden] Do you know her well? [Brother_Butler] Somewhat.. she hasn't been Reverend Mother very long, but what I do know of her is quite positive. [Boden] See...'cause of some of the things we saw and some of the things were looking into, I'm worried about who I should tell all this stuff too. [Brother_Butler] How do you mean?

  • Boden looks to Belden to help him out.

[Belden] It's hard to know who we should trust... [Boden] And we haven't told everyone everything yet. [Brother_Butler] Well, that's understandable.

  • Brother_Butler considers.

[Brother_Butler] Well, I don't know what it is you're concerned about telling people. But if it's not instrumental to your, ah, religious experience, I don't see why she would need to know about it. [Boden] um....ok. [Boden] So she is the matriarch then? [Belden] Noo... [Brother_Butler] No, just the leader of the Lizard order. [Boden] ok. [Boden] How should I set up a meeting with her? [Brother_Butler] I could arrange it for you - would both of you want to go? [Belden] That's up to Boden, I guess. :)

  • Boden thinks about it.

[Boden] The only thing I'm worried about is saying something I shouldn't have..... [Boden] So if you guys think its ok for me to go alone...I don't mind doing that. But if Belden is curious about what she has to say...thats fine with me too. [Belden] Well, I can't deny that I am interested. [Brother_Butler] I'm sure it wouldn't make a difference to her. It's your decision. [Boden] Ok, lets go together then. [Belden] All right. :) [Boden] You can help me if she starts using a lot of big words.

  • Boden winks happily at his friend.
  • Belden laughs lightly.

[Belden] I'm sure you won't have any problems. :) [Brother_Butler] So... may I ask some questions about this? It's very unusual, and fascinating. [Boden] ok. [Brother_Butler] Well.. you say you feel particularly... drawn, I suppose, to the Lizard. Was one of the lives you experienced of that House? [Boden] Yep. The oldest one. [Brother_Butler] I see... and was this person a cleric? [Boden] He was the leader of the Lizard tribe when it took over this city from those shadow guys. [Brother_Butler] ... [Boden] No, he was some sort of hand-to-hand fighter.

  • Boden seems to have relaxed around Brother Butler.

[Belden] Pietro was a cleric... [Brother_Butler] ...Shadow guys? [Boden] but the other guy, Pietro was a cleric.

  • Brother_Butler is trying to keep up with you, with some difficulty.

[Boden] See...well...I'm not sure what the books say about this. [Boden] but back at the begining...we weren't the guys that built this city. [Boden] There were guys before us here...and they had some sort of shadow magic. [Boden] But our tribes came in and we kicked them out.

  • Brother_Butler nods, listening intently.

[Boden] So Damodar. He was the tribe leader. He was house Lizard. And during the Quicksilver war, I was Pietro, and he was a cleric of Owl.

  • Belden lets Boden go on; he seems to be doing fine, and it's his story, after all. :)

[Brother_Butler] I see... very interesting. :o [Boden] See....thats one of the things I was talking about before... [Boden] ever since then I've been thinking a lot about the river, and how we moved it. [Boden] My mind kinda wanders over to it all the time. [Brother_Butler] Why is that?

  • Boden shakes his head.

[Boden] I'm not quite sure. [Brother_Butler] The histories I know of do say that the first Patriarch changed the course of the river... [Boden] Yeah, the black downs used to be an island in the old river. [Brother_Butler] Yes, that would make sense... [Brother_Butler] So it's as if you've combined aspects of both of those lives - clerical knowledge, but for a different god.

  • Boden seems quite pleased that he is making sense.

[Boden] I guess so. [Brother_Butler] Were there other lives you experienced? [Belden] Just the two for each of us...

  • Boden nods in agreement with Belden.

[Belden] I want to tell you about mine, sometime... [Belden] Well, one in particular. [Brother_Butler] Of course. Now, or whenever you feel ready to talk about it, I'll be here. [Belden] He was houseless... [Brother_Butler] I see. Well, that is certainly interesting. :) [Boden] wich one?

  • Brother_Butler looks pleased.

[Belden] Sehan... [Boden] I mean...wich one were you again Belden? [Belden] I mean, ah, Vende.

  • Boden asks kindly.
  • Boden looks impressed.

[Boden] Pietro really liked Vende a lot. He thought it was guys like him that should really be in charge. [Belden] He'd be pleased to have earned your respect...

  • Boden smiles.

[Boden] All this takes a lot of getting used to. [Brother_Butler] I can hardly imagine... [Brother_Butler] Boden.. I must ask - can you call upon the power of the god? [Boden] yeah...but Belden said I shouldn't just do it to show people.

  • Boden is a bit sheepish about it.

[Belden] Not to show *off* to people, anyway.

  • Belden corrects gently.

[Brother_Butler] Ah... well, that's true, you shouldn't use it frivolously. But you will certainly be called upon to demonstrate this ability when you speak to the Reverend Mother... it will help to verify your claims.

  • Boden looks a bit surprised as that clues him in. Evidently he hadn't gotten that part before.

[Boden] ah...well...yeah, I can do it. Nothing really big, but some of it.

  • Brother_Butler nods.

[Brother_Butler] You feel that you are able to channel less power than this other life did? [Boden] well...yeah, less than Pietro for sure. [Boden] And its kinda focused differently too... [Brother_Butler] Well, towards a different god, for one thing? [Boden] Yeah. [Brother_Butler] The different priesthoods have different callings, different skills...

  • Boden nods.

[Boden] and I know I'm not as strong as Damodar...he was really strong, even though he couldn't cast spells. [Brother_Butler] I see... [Brother_Butler] I don't know what the meaning of these ...visions, experiences... is. But the gods would not have blessed you with this knowledge and power without a reason.

  • Belden nods agreement.

[Brother_Butler] This is, as far as I know, unprecedented.

  • Boden nods.

[Brother_Butler] You can expect, if word of this gets out, that there will be considerable interest from the Church - and probably from secular scholars as well. [Boden] oh...I hadn't thought of that.

  • Boden doesn't seem very happy about that.

[Brother_Butler] Well... I don't mean to alarm you, but it's something to keep in mind, if you're concerned about how widely this information gets spread. [Brother_Butler] I'm sure if you asked the Reverend Mother to keep it in confidence, she would. [Boden] yeah...I think for right now I don't want to many people knowing about it I guess. [Belden] I won't breathe a word of it, myself... [Brother_Butler] Nor will I, of course. [Belden] ANd I'm sure no-one else on the squad will, if you tell them your wishes.

  • Boden nods.

[Boden] thanks, both of you. You've really helped me out with this. [Brother_Butler] I'm glad I could be of some assistance. [Belden] :) [Belden] It's wonderful to see you grow like this!

  • Boden smiles.

[Boden] Thanks. [Brother_Butler] If there's anything further I can do to help, please let me know. Or if there are resources here at the Athenaeum that would be helpful to you as you look into this further, I'd be happy to put them at your disposal. [Boden] well...I'm not a real fast reader...but I guess there is a lot of reading I should do and all that.

  • Brother_Butler smiles kindly.

[Brother_Butler] I'm sure Pasith could help you get started on that. [Belden] It will help you to better understand the gift you've been given. [Belden] And I'd be glad to! [Belden] :D [Boden] :D

  • Boden seems quite happy with all this...though he's looking around at all the books in the library a little worriedly.

[Belden] Come on, I'll find you some things to start with. :) [Boden] ok!

  • Belden will show Boden around the library a bit and sit him down with some books...

[Diablotin_Narrator] Loch, you and Belden have been beginning investigations into these previous lives - already you have found traces of Vende's business and family. You plan to continue this train of investigation, and Pavo has expressed an interest in joining you. [Loch] (ok) [Diablotin_Narrator] So, what's the plan? :) [Diablotin_Narrator] Maybe you guys can get together and discuss what to do, actually. [Loch] I was thinking of looking into records from the Order of the Spoke for information on Lydia. Maybe you could look at the Castalia, Pavo. [Pavo] I was thinking that I should, for Alzbeth, though I'm not sure there'll be much use. If she graduated I'm sure that Alric's wife would've known she survived... [Belden] Do you have any other ideas, then? :) [Pavo] Not a whole lot :| I should see if maybe Ria, the lady who housed her for a while, might still be alive, or whether any of her family might know. [Loch] I feel odd searching around these peoples families. [Pavo] ... that's part of why I was looking for company. It feels so invasive. [Belden] I know what you mean... [Belden] :/ [Belden] In my case, I'm pretty certain that there aren't any left, though... [Loch] That may make it tough, but we surely we should be able to find something

  • Pavo nods.

[Loch] where should we start? Try the Castalia then the Order? [Belden] Hopefully... [Belden] Sure! [Loch] Information on Lydia may lead to Vende

  • Pavo nods, glad for company :)
  • Loch head of to the Castalia

[Loch] (I should know where the appropriate records are kept, shouldn't I?) [Diablotin_Narrator] All right - you head to the Castalia, to the Archives, where records of students' admissions and graduations have been kept for hundreds of years.

  • Pavo was just about to ask if Loch knew where to start, other than the administration offices :)
  • Clerk is seated at a large curved desk, looking somewhat bored. It's not very busy here at the moment.
  • Loch will approach the clerk

[Loch] Hello [Clerk] Yes? [Clerk] How can I help you? [Loch] We're trying to find admission and graduation records. [Clerk] Well, you're in the right place. [Clerk] For what year? [Loch] 2140 to 2150

  • Pavo stops trying to do the math in his head.

[Clerk] All right... take a seat over there, and the books will be brought out shortly.

  • Clerk gestures to a row of tables and chairs.
  • Pavo will head over and take a seat, looking around the room.
  • Loch will take a seat.

[Loch] I guessed at the years. If she graduated, we should catch it in that timespan. [Diablotin_Narrator] The room is wood-panelled, and largely empty. The walls are decorated with portraits of old-fashioned, stiff-looking people you presume are former professors. [Diablotin_Narrator] After you wait for a while, some clerks bring out ten huge, leather-bound volumes of records.

  • Pavo keeps an eye out, but doesn't think he'll remember anyone...

[Belden] I guess we should just divide up the years?

  • Loch will gaze at the portraits, looking for any reseblance to Alzebeth

[Diablotin_Narrator] None look particularly familiar. [Pavo] Sure... [Loch] They're not too many admitted so this shouldnt take too long.

  • Pavo takes a tome to start.
  • Loch will start with 2150

[Loch] Pavo, if you can remember the year she was accepted you may find something in that volume.

  • Belden will pick up another one of the later years.
  • Pavo tries to remember...

[Diablotin_Narrator] You spend an hour or two looking through these volumes. You find the record of her admission in 2142, eventually. [Pavo] (I was gonna pick 2141 first :P) [Diablotin_Narrator] (heh :) [Diablotin_Narrator] (I beat you to it ;) [Pavo] I found it! [Loch] (any convenient cross reference to graduation date?) [Diablotin_Narrator] Nothing so convenient, I'm afraid.

  • Pavo reads the entry...

[Diablotin_Narrator] It's quite brief - her name, place of birth, age, House, and the grades she received on her admission exams. [Pavo] Maybe we should check further ahead after the war? Maybe she took time out? ... [Loch] It's a start... grab one of the later volumes Pavo, try 47.

  • Pavo looks at the books he's just looked through...

[Loch] I mean 48

  • Pavo will check 48

[Loch] We'll just have to go through the years working ahead to see if we can find anything. [Diablotin_Narrator] However, after looking carefully through the later volumes, you find no record of her graduation. But you do find a familiar name, Pavo, looking through the volume for 2148 - Evan Ambriz graduated that year, with excellent grades. [Loch] Also, did she have any close friends you can remember in the school, we can look for those too.

  • Pavo smiles to himself.

[Pavo] I meant to tell you guys to keep an eye out for this guy... [Diablotin_Narrator] He is recorded there as continuing his researches at the Castalia. [Pavo] Evan... and Jenessa too. [Pavo] Hey wait! [Loch] what?

  • Belden waits expectantly...

[Pavo] Evan continued on at the Castalia... maybe we could find out more about him somewher [Belden] There's our lead...! :D [Pavo] Could he have become a professor?

  • Loch nods

[Pavo] What other reason do you continue on at the Castalia? [Loch] That is a possibility [Loch] (I am assuming there are records of proffessors and researchers, as well) [Pavo] Where would we look for that? [Pavo] In more of... these?

  • Loch will approach the clerk

[Diablotin_Narrator] Loch - you imagine that, if this fellow did become a researcher or a professor, people in the department today would likely remember him - it wasn't *that* long ago. [Belden] We might have an easier time just asking someone.

  • Loch heads back

[Loch] What was his specialization?

  • Loch checks the record
  • Pavo looks...

[Diablotin_Narrator] It's noted as transmutation. [Loch] lets check with the transmutation department. [Pavo] You know where that is, I hope? :) [Loch] yes [Diablotin_Narrator] You head over to the department, then. [Diablotin_Narrator] Loch, you remember from your mandatory first-year transmutation classes that the oldest professor left in that department is Professor Skiles. [Diablotin_Narrator] She would be about sixty, you think.

  • Loch will see if Professor Skiles is in her office

[Pavo] Sure...

  • Prof_Skiles is indeed there, working away. She is a rather stern, grey-haired woman from House Bear.
  • Pavo knocks politely on her door.

[Prof_Skiles] Come in!

  • Prof_Skiles calls briskly.
  • Pavo opens her door and steps in.
  • Loch will enter with Pavo and Pasith

[Prof_Skiles] Yes? What is it? [Pavo] Hello, Professor Skiles? [Belden] Hello... [Pavo] If you had a moment, we were looking to learn something about a student here, some time ago, in your department.

  • Belden smiles in a friendly manner.

[Prof_Skiles] ... What is this about?

  • Prof_Skiles asks, somewhat suspiciously.

[Pavo] We were doing some research and he was a lead. He might be able to help us find some one, or at least, what happened to some one. [Pavo] His name is Evan Ambriz? [Pavo] He graduated some time ago. [Pavo] But the records show he stayed on in this department. [Prof_Skiles] Evan? He was a professor here, until, oh, about nine or ten years ago. [Pavo] Oh? [Belden] He's retired, then? [Pavo] Did he retire? [Prof_Skiles] Yes.

  • Belden asks, somewhat hopefully.

[Pavo] Does he live here in the city still? [Prof_Skiles] As far as I know, he's living nearby, just over on Heartshorn Alley. [Pavo] Heartshorn Alley? (Do I know where that is? CityLore?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (it's in the Castalia district, not too far from the campus) [Pavo] (Oh duh, nearby :P) [Pavo] Thank you very much Professor:) [Prof_Skiles] Not at all. [Pavo] We'll let you get back to your work then.

  • Prof_Skiles nods and does so.

[Belden] Well, that was productive! :) [Pavo] It was! [Loch] Do you want us to come with you still, Pavo? [Pavo] You'll run out of time in the day if you do, I think. [Pavo] I'm sure I can manage :) [Belden] All right, well... GOod luck. :) [Loch] yes, good luck. [Pavo] Thanks. You too.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Okay... we'll go on to Belden and Loch's investigations, and then return to Pavo, assuming there's time (which there should be, it's still early) [Loch] Do you know anyone in the Order who can help us out? [Belden] Well, there's Lissounia... [Belden] She might not have the information we're looking for herself, but I'm sure she could at least point us in the right direction... [Loch] I know almost nobody in the order, so its better then who I can think of. [Belden] (so we look up Lissounia...) [Diablotin_Narrator] You walk to the Order's headquarters and eventually locate Lissounia. [Lissounia] Oh, hello there :) [Belden] Hi! [Loch] Hello

  • Belden gives her a friendly wave.
  • Lissounia looks radiantly sweaty, as if she's just come from practice.

[Belden] Do you remember my friend Loch? [Lissounia] I think so, yes. [Lissounia] Is everything all right? [Loch] Things are good. Actually were trying to track down information on an old member of the Order. [Lissounia] Oh? [Belden] Yes...

  • Belden lowers her voice.

[Belden] Has Rab told you about what we found under the Black Down? [Lissounia] I've heard about it. [Lissounia] Is this related? [Belden] Yes... When we went through the other arch, we experienced what we think are past lifetimes... [Loch] One of those past lives was a member of the Order. [Lissounia] I see... [Lissounia] Well... I guess the place to look would be in the Great Register... it has all the members of the Order's names inscribed when they join, and it goes back pretty much to the Order's founding. [Belden] DOes it give any other information about them? [Lissounia] It would usually say when they died, and maybe how... [Loch] It's a start [Lissounia] Okay - let's go take a look, then. [Belden] Great! THank you so much!

  • Belden will go with Lissounia and Loch to check out the Register...

[Loch] Yes, thankyou.

  • Lissounia takes you along to the Great Hall of the Order, and manages to get you in to look at the Register, which is a series of great parchment rolls.

[Lissounia] Okay... how long ago are we looking for?

  • Belden looks to Loch for the answer.

[Loch] (do I know when she was registered?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (I think it was only a year or two before the war... so, like, 2145 or 2146-ish?) [Loch] 2145, 2146 [Lissounia] Okay.

  • Lissounia unrolls one of the scrolls, after picking through them to find the right one.

[Lissounia] What is the name? [Loch] Lydia Zane

  • Lissounia looks down the roll. Shortly, she looks up, an expression of surprise on her face.

[Lissounia] Well. She's here... sort of. [Loch] sort of?

  • Lissounia points to a line on the scroll, which you can see is crossed out in dark red ink.

[Lissounia] She was expelled from the Order. [Loch] That doesn't surprise me too much. [Belden] Expelled? [Lissounia] No? She'd have to have done something pretty bad... [Belden] ...Like what? [Lissounia] Oh... heresy, treason... being found to be Houseless... [Loch] Marrying someone of a different house? [Lissounia] That could do it, I guess. [Belden] :o [Lissounia] Is that what happened? [Loch] any way to find out for sure? [Lissounia] Well... there would have had to have been a hearing when she was expelled. But I don't know how to get access to those records, if they even still have them. [Loch] She was in love with someone of a different house, it seems a logical conclusion. [Belden] Who would we have to ask, do you think? [Lissounia] Someone who was around in the order then might know... The Lord Marshal would have been, certainly. [Loch] theyre cant of been many expulsions from the order [Lissounia] No, not many. [Loch] Do you think the Lord Marshal would talk to us about it? [Lissounia] He might... I couldn't say for certain, but he's not one who's really hung up on ceremony or anything like that. He's a good, plain man. [Loch] Can't hurt to try, can it? [Lissounia] No, it can't. [Belden] He seemed very nice to me... [Belden] :) [Lissounia] Well... do you want me to come with you?

  • Loch looks at Pasith

[Belden] If you think he would be more likely to tell us then... [Lissounia] Maybe. I don't mind. [Belden] I don't want to take you away from your duties too much... [Belden] We'll try to make it quick :) [Lissounia] Well... I *am* supposed to be polishing armor. But it can wait a bit :) [Loch] I have a spell that can finish it faster, if you want :) [Lissounia] Oh, no, it's all right - part of the point is making me work ;)

  • Lissounia will escort you to see the Lord Marshal, then.
  • Lord_Marshal is a short, white-haired man, still handsome though in his seventies.

[Lord_Marshal] Ah, good day.

  • Lord_Marshal smiles to the three of you.

[Loch] Hello [Diablotin_Narrator] Loch, you recognize him, though much aged since you last saw him. [Belden] Good afternoon, sir.

  • Belden smiles as well.

[Lissounia] Lord Marshal... these friends of mine were hoping you might tell them about a former member of the Order.

  • Lissounia says humbly.

[Lord_Marshal] Oh? And who was that? [Loch] Lydia Zane [Lord_Marshal] Ahh.... :( [Lord_Marshal] That was many years ago, but I remember her clearly. [Loch] Lissounia says that the records show she was expelled.

  • Belden looks hopeful.

[Lord_Marshal] She was a very devoted, very eager young woman... but headstrong. [Lord_Marshal] Yes, she was expelled... she was only in the Order for a few short years. [Belden] WOuld you be able to tell us what happened?

  • Belden asks in a soft voice.

[Lord_Marshal] She chose to marry, to a man of another House.

  • Loch nods

[Lord_Marshal] The Order was divided over whether she should be expelled or not.. I would have had her remain, she was otherwise an exemplary solider of the Gods. [Loch] Do you have any idea what became of her after her expulsion? [Belden] And... do you, by any chance, recall her husband's name? [Lord_Marshal] Well, she married this man.. I believe they lived in the Place D'Iena, where he had some sort of business. [Lord_Marshal] I believe her family cut ties with her as well... it was a hard road for her to choose, but she was brave. [Lord_Marshal] But I'm afraid I don't know what ultimately became of her. [Loch] Thank you for your help. [Lord_Marshal] You're welcome... [Belden] Yes... thank you very much.

  • Lord_Marshal looks rather melancholy, but he smiles to you.

[Lord_Marshal] I'm glad I could help. [Loch] Why does it still bother you so much, if you don't mind my asking? [Lord_Marshal] Oh... it was an injustice done to her, in my opinion. When I became head of the Order, I went to look for her - I would have reinstated her, if she wished that. But she was nowhere to be found. [Lord_Marshal] If you do find what became of her, I would be interested to know. [Belden] We would be happy to share it with you... [Loch] We'll let you know what we find. [Lord_Marshal] Thank you.

  • Lissounia leads you away, then.

[Loch] not sure where to go next. [Belden] If her family disowned her... neither am I. :/ [Lissounia] I should get back to my work... I hope you find what you're looking for. [Loch] Thanks...

  • Lissounia nods a welcome and departs.

[Loch] We have that name from the ledger, but thats really it, isnt it.

  • Belden nods a little sadly.

[Belden] It all seems to point in the same direction, though... [Loch] which is good. At least they were together. [Belden] Yes...

  • Belden smiles, looking off into the distance.

[Loch] I have been thinking of something, and I should talk to Rab about it... I wonder how many lives he lived through to become what he is... seven or eight? [Belden] If the Seventh have only been around since the Rat disappeared...

  • Loch nods

[Loch] It's just a thought, but Rab could clarify it a bit. [Belden] Well, you know where he lives. ;) [Loch] True enough

  • Loch chuckles

[Diablotin_Narrator] Pavo, with a slight amount of trepidation, you head to the address you were given for Professor Evan Ambriz.

  • Pavo will stop for a moment before the door, and then knock.
  • Prof_Ambriz comes to the door and opens it. He is tall and thinner than you remembered, and his black hair has turned completely white.

[Prof_Ambriz] Hello...

  • Pavo catches himself from connecting the two faces... "Hello, Professor Ambriz?"

[Prof_Ambriz] Yes...and who might you be? [Pavo] My name is Pavo Arsenios... [Pavo] I'm doing some research... I guess historical research. [Pavo] And I was hoping you might be able to help me. [Prof_Ambriz] Well... perhaps. What sort of historical research? [Pavo] I'm trying to track some one down. At least to find out what happened to them.

  • Prof_Ambriz listens.

[Pavo] It was some time ago. Her name was Alzbeth Krusse. [Prof_Ambriz] ... [Prof_Ambriz] Yes, that was some time ago.

  • Pavo nods.

[Prof_Ambriz] Come in, if you wish. [Pavo] Thank you, sir.

  • Pavo will follow Evan into his home.
  • Prof_Ambriz lets you into his house, of which he seems to be the only inhabitant.
  • Pavo makes sure to take off his boots if it's expected :)

[Prof_Ambriz] So, why do you want to know about Alzbeth?

  • Prof_Ambriz says, taking a seat and indicating that you should do the same.
  • Pavo will sit.

[Pavo] My squad and I... I am in the Guard... have come to some information that we felt the need to corroborate.

  • Prof_Ambriz nods, listening.

[Pavo] We felt it was important to find out more about the people involved. To see whether the tale matches the people. [Pavo] One was Alzbeth, and so I'm lead to you. [Prof_Ambriz] I see.... [Prof_Ambriz] Well, what is it you need to know? [Pavo] I-We would like to know what happened after Potter's Field. [Pavo] And we don't have much to go on... Alric, a colleague of hers, said he knew nothing... and there's no record at the Castalia. [Prof_Ambriz] Well... We returned to the city, and she resumed her studies for a short time, but before she completed them, she got news that her ...grandmother, I think it was, was dying in Gentilly, and she left to be with her family.

  • Pavo looks glad to hear something more about her...

[Pavo] And after that? You don't know if she returned to the city? [Prof_Ambriz] She stayed there. We kept up correspondence, though not regularly. She married a man there, a widower with several children.

  • Pavo tries not to look pleased.

[Prof_Ambriz] She had two children of her own, as well... [Pavo] She did? [Prof_Ambriz] Yes. She died of the second one... :(

  • Prof_Ambriz looks aside for a moment.
  • Pavo struggles with the idea of someone he was, for a while, dying.
  • Pavo looks down at his lap for a moment.

[Prof_Ambriz] But that was many years ago. [Prof_Ambriz] Does that answer your questions? [Pavo] I'm very grateful for your time... [Pavo] But... [Pavo] Did she talk much of what happened at Potter's Field? [Prof_Ambriz] Not with me...

  • Pavo nods.

[Pavo] I think that's all.

  • Prof_Ambriz nods.

[Prof_Ambriz] Very well.

  • Pavo will stand, and let himself be shown out...
  • Prof_Ambriz shows you out.

[Pavo] .oO( This is so confusing. ) [Pavo] Oh... wait. [Prof_Ambriz] Yes? [Pavo] Could I perhaps have the name of her children? Some one to contact should we need to find out more about her time in Gentilly? [Prof_Ambriz] Oh...

  • Prof_Ambriz thinks for a moment.

[Prof_Ambriz] I know the family's last name was Woodring. It's been easily thirty years since I would have known the names of her children... I might have some of the old letters still, though. [Pavo] Well, I wouldn't want to trouble you to find them right now... [Pavo] Perhaps if we need it, we may drop by, if that's no trouble? [Prof_Ambriz] Well, all right. I can have a look for them. [Pavo] Well, thank you very much.

  • Prof_Ambriz nods.

[Prof_Ambriz] Good day, sir.

  • Pavo will leave...

  • Kalman will arrange to meet with the captain at his office (Presumably the easiest thing)
  • Niemi 's office is at your former place of employment, the central guard post. You arrange to meet with him there.
  • Kalman will knock, then.

[Niemi] Come in!

  • Kalman will do so, and salute

[Kalman] Captain.

  • Niemi nods briskly to you.
  • Kalman smiles in a friendly way

[Niemi] Good morning, soldier. [Kalman] Good morning, sir. [Kalman] I hope that I won't take up too much of your time...

  • Niemi is seated at his desk, a grizzled, tough-looking man in his late sixties.

[Niemi] I hope so too. [Kalman] . o O ( or dredge up anything too painful :/ ) [Kalman] Well, then. [Kalman] Some time ago, my squad was sent to investigate some things that happened during the quicksilver war.

  • Niemi nods once, listening.

[Kalman] We subsequently uncovered information about several people who were involved, and present at the final showdown between the Emperor and his sister.

  • Kalman watches the Captain's face
  • Niemi looks impassive.

[Kalman] We are now just trying to find out what happened to these people afterwards [Kalman] I understand that you were acquainted with one of the young women involved, sir, and I was hoping that you might be able to shed some light on what happened to her... [Niemi] I see... [Niemi] Go on. [Kalman] Her name was marcelyn Winter. We know she enrolled with yourself and a Pol Szeto, and that you were all placed in a division commanded by the Duke of Friaul, then Martan Kizer, and that she later was sent on special mission with some other soldiers. [Niemi] Yes. That's correct. [Kalman] (still Mr. Impassive?) [Niemi] (yep) [Kalman] ... [Kalman] Well, as I said, we know that she made it to the final battle, and was in a good position to make it through, but we don't know what happened after that point. [Kalman] I was hoping that you might know, sir. [Niemi] She died, not long after returning here.

  • Niemi says shortly.

[Kalman] Ahh. [Kalman] ...Might I ask how?

  • Kalman asks carefully

[Niemi] She was killed in a tavern brawl.

  • Kalman isn't sure if that surprises him or not.

[Kalman] Really? [Niemi] Yes, really. Do you doubt what I'm telling you? [Kalman] (Well... I might have doubted less if he hadn't said that.... can I get a SM?) [Niemi] (you don't think he's lying, but you think he's trying very hard to keep his emotions in check.) [Kalman] From what I know of her, sir.... it doesn't seem like her style. [Niemi] She was protecting a friend. [Kalman] Ahh, I see. :/ [Kalman] I'm sorry, sir.

  • Kalman says sincerely.
  • Niemi frowns.

[Niemi] It was almost fifty years ago. But thank you, I suppose. [Niemi] What makes you think you know what her.. "style" was, anyway? [Kalman] ...Just different stories I've heard, sir. [Niemi] From who? [Kalman] Other people who were involved in the war, and her squad

  • Niemi looks skeptical.

[Kalman] One of her old squad mates still runs a tavern in Pearl, but he didn't remember what had happened to anyone of the others after the battle. [Niemi] Aric. I'd be surprised if he remembers what he had for breakfast most days. [Kalman] Yes, Aric. [Niemi] Who else have you talked to about this? [Kalman] One of my servants came in to the employ of the Duke shortly after he returned from the war, and I have talked to him about it some, and some of my other squadmates have had success in fidning out what happened to some of the other member of that team as well. [Niemi] If you've had success in finding out what happened to them, you'll know that it would be very difficult to have spoken to any of them about this. [Kalman] Yes, sir... It has been difficult. [Niemi] Difficult as in they're dead. [Kalman] I know, sir. We have nevertheless been able to accumulate quite a lot of informations about these specific people... [Niemi] How?

  • Niemi presses you.

[Kalman] . o O ( I'm not getting out of this now... ) [Kalman] (We we told what we could and couldn't mention about this to others?) [Niemi] (only by each other... no one's given you orders on the subject)

  • Kalman considers very briefly what the best way to do this will be

[Kalman] Well. [Kalman] Were you aware that the members of our suqad dissappeared for three days last week? [Niemi] I did hear that.

  • Kalman nods

[Kalman] While we were away, we encountered a powerful magical articafact that revealed to us certain events from the history of the Empire, including the war, from the perspective of some of the participants [Niemi] I see... [Kalman] But, as I said before, we didn't know what happened to them afterwards [Niemi] So you're saying you witnessed ...various events, from her perspective?

  • Niemi says carefully.

[Kalman] Yes sir... although the focus of what we were shown was the final battle. [Niemi] Mmph. [Kalman] (Any clue as to whether or not he believes me, or what he thinks of he does?) [Niemi] (he seems to tentatively believe you, and be uncertain what this means or what he should do/say about it.) [Kalman] We gave Lieutenant Exeas a full report, of course, but I'm not sure what else I can say about it, sir. [Niemi] That's all right. I'll speak to him.

  • Kalman nods

[Niemi] Was there anything further? [Kalman] I had just wanted to know what happened to her sir.... unless you know what might have happened to any of the others? [Niemi] Two were killed in the battle...

  • Kalman listens

[Niemi] Pietro Deanda and Gratien du Pré. [Niemi] Alzbeth Krusse moved to Gentilly, I believe, married, had children, and died around the age of forty or so. [Niemi] Vende Molnere and Lydia Zane married, resulting in her expulsion from the Order of the Spoke. [Niemi] After he died, she left the city. I presume that she is dead by now, but I have no proof of that.

  • Kalman nods

[Niemi] And Aric Mumford you already know about, evidently. [Kalman] Right. [Kalman] ... [Kalman] And Mar died in a tavern brawl.... [Kalman] What happened? [Niemi] It was some scheme of Pol's, he got her involved in it. I was against it... [Niemi] I wasn't there.

  • Niemi says in a way that suggests he plainly thinks he should have been.

[Kalman] Ahh :/ [Kalman] . o O ( they should have left the scheming to her... :p ) [Niemi] We, ah, were going to be married.

  • Niemi says, looking aside.

[Kalman] ... [Kalman] I am very sorry... [Niemi] It's not as if it's your fault.

  • Niemi 's tone suggests that it's *someone*'s fault, just not yours.

[Kalman] No, but I would have wished you both a happier ending.

  • Niemi shrugs curtly.

[Kalman] What happened to Pol?

  • Kalman asks, again carefully

[Niemi] I haven't spoken to him since.... right after. He's still alive, from what I know, running things in the Shambles. [Niemi] As much as anyone runs things there. [Kalman] I see. [Kalman] Well. Thank you for tell me all of this, sir.

  • Niemi nods.

[Niemi] You're welcome.

  • Kalman will salute, then leave the captain to his thoughts

[Niemi] [q] ... I always believed I'd meet her again. I just didn't know it would be like this. The Gods are strange sometimes, aren't they...

  • Niemi says as you turn to leave.
  • Kalman pauses.

[Kalman] Very much so, captain.

  • Kalman will leave :o


  • Kalman will invite those who are free out for a drink after work

[Belden] Well gosh, why not? :) [Falke] Sure! [Kalman] great!

  • Falke is all energetic and excited and stuff... wedding looming closer and closer.
  • Boden happily goes with them.
  • Kalman will take you all to a nice tavern that is off the island, and buy a round

[Kalman] So.... How are you all finding thing since we got back? [Belden] Well... [Falke] A bit strange. [Belden] A little strange, sometimes [Kalman] yeah. [Kalman] I've been spending as much time as I can with ysana... It seems like we were gone for so much longer than we were, doens't it?

  • Boden nods

[Belden] Sometimes... parts of the city seem familiar, in a different way. [Falke] A bit...

  • Kalman nods

[Kalman] or sometimes less familiar... which is odder. [Falke] Do any of you remember parts of their lives that they experienced *before* we were in them?

  • Kalman shakes his head

[Kalman] not really [Belden] Well... I remember their memories of them.

  • Falke asks out of curiosity.
  • Falke nods to Belden.

[Falke] Yes... [Kalman] Yes, that sounds right, Belden. [Falke] Poor Joss. [Kalman] I remember the things they might have thought about.... but it isn't the same thing [Belden] I remember the shop, his parents, my brother... [Falke] I guess. [Kalman] I remember how resentful mar felt, everytime she saw her step-mother, and how safe she'd felt when she had a real home.... [Falke] Oh? Do you know what her story is? [Kalman] At least, I know how she remembered that time of her life, but then, I couldn't tell you if that was real, or if her memory was maybe a little selective :/ [Kalman] Sure.

  • Falke asks curiously, trying to redirect his attention from Joss's frightening experiences to Mar's maybe-not-so-frightening ones.

[Kalman] her mother died when she was young... maybe in childbirth, I'm not sure, and her father remarried fairly quickly.

  • Belden is pensive and quiet.
  • Falke nods, listening.

[Kalman] Within a year, I'd say. He was a tinker, basically, had had a small shop, and he couldn't raise a daughter on his own.

  • Falke nods again.

[Kalman] he had two other children by his second wife, but he died during a hard winter when Mar was only four or five... and her step mother put her out on the street.

  • Falke frowns.

[Kalman] Three extra mouths to feed was too much for her, especially when one of them wasn't even hers. [Falke] How can people do that to an innocent child?

  • Falke asks of no one in particular.
  • Falke is obviously disgusted by the thought of it.

[Kalman] I don't know.

  • Kalman shakes his head
  • Falke recollects his thoughts.

[Kalman] Mar never forgave her. [Kalman] She wasn't really one to harbour grudges for anything much else.... but that she couldn't let go. [Falke] So, how did she get by? She would have been so young... too young to take care fo herself, almost.

  • Falke nods.

[Falke] I can't say I blame her at all. [Kalman] She fell in with some drifters, and followed with them [Belden] So sad... [Falke] Did they take good care of her? [Kalman] begging, working at things she could manage, stealing when she could [Falke] I hope they didn't take advantage of her... [Kalman] They taught her to take care of herself, whcih was probably the best they could do. [Kalman] I don't know... she never thought about that part as much

  • Falke 's thoughtd are drawn back to the abuse Josserand endured, and he hopes Marcellyn didn't have to deal

with that, too. [Kalman] I don't think they did... not physically, anyway. [Falke] Good.

  • Falke replies, with feeling.

[Kalman] She met a housless sorceror, who'd been kicked out of the Castillia for passing.... he taught her magic, and other things.

  • Falke gives Kalman an odd look.

[Falke] Passing? [Belden] PAssing as someone who has a house.

  • Kalman nods to belden

[Falke] Oh, right. [Kalman] She drifted back to the city, and mostly stayed there, working, or stealing to make a living... [Kalman] She was... [Kalman] Actually, she was really happy. She felt really free. She loved it.

  • Falke smiles.
  • Kalman does as well.

[Kalman] (but a little sadly) [Falke] ... [Falke] (sad for her, or for yourself?) [Kalman] I went to see Captain Niemi the other day. [Kalman] (hard to say ;) [Kalman] To ask him about her. [Falke] (I have an SM of 11 ;D) [Belden] What did he say? [Boden] How did he conect in with her again? [Kalman] They were friends. they joined the war together. [Boden] ok. [Kalman] Sometime afterwards, he told me they planned to marry. [Falke] ... [Kalman] But she was killed in a tavern brawl. [Belden] Oh... :( [Boden] when? [Falke] Oh... :( [Kalman] Shortly after they returned to the city.

  • Kalman says, sounding kind of sad and thoughful.

[Belden] Vende and Lydia were married...

  • Kalman nods

[Falke] Really? [Belden] She was turned out of the ORder for it. [Falke] Oh... [Falke] ... Why? [Belden] SHe was House Cat. [Kalman] That's what he said... I wasn't sure if you'd found out or not [Belden] ANd he was... not... [Falke] Oh. [Belden] It's... well. [Belden] He wasn't really House Bear, either. [Kalman] ahhh. [Falke] I guess it would be difficult for a religious order of knights to allow someone who was... flouting the religious teachings, to remain among them. [Falke] :/ [Belden] Vende was... Vende was his half-brother. [Kalman] what do you mean? [Belden] He was killed about six years ago... I mean, six years before the war.

  • Kalman smiles understandingly, and nods

[Belden] And Sehann sort of... took his place. [Falke] Did they look enough alike that he could pass as his brother?

  • Belden nods.

[Belden] They'd been away for a few years when it happened, as well. [Falke] I assume... people must have known beforehand that his origins were... questionable? [Kalman] That must have been hard for him.

  • Falke tries to figure out why you'd assume someone else's identity... o.O

[Belden] He told them he was the one who'd died. [Kalman] I guess it maybe explains why he was so introverted, though [Falke] (For non-shifty purposes, that is) [Falke] Right. [Falke] So the full brother was not Houseless, then. [Belden] No... [Belden] He was really House Bear.

  • Falke nods.

[Belden] It's complicated. :/ [Falke] And... the person you were, saw a good opportunity to make his life somewhat more bearable, and took it.

  • Falke hazards a guess.

[Belden] I... I wouldn't really have put it that way.

  • Falke smiles apologetically.
  • Belden looks down at the table.

[Falke] Sorry... [Belden] ... [Kalman] Well, I'm glad he and Lydia had the chance to have a good life

  • Falke nods.

[Falke] Do you know what happened to them? [Falke] Are they still alive?

  • Falke asks hopefully.
  • Kalman shakes his head

[Falke] :/ [Kalman] Well, I know vende isn't.... The caprain said he thinks Lydia left the city after that, and he thinks she must have passed on as well :/ [Boden] I should find out what happened to Pietro. With everythin' else I've been doing I haven't had time. [Kalman] He died on the field... Same with Gratien.

  • Kalman says somberly, with a glace at Falke.
  • Falke looks surprised, then a bit unhappy.

[Boden] oh, does he have a grave here in the city? [Falke] He was planning to desert with Signa Menomonie, after the battle.

  • Boden says somberly

[Belden] So far, it all seems to fit with the past lives theory. [Falke] Maybe they did just that. [Kalman] Probably, Boden. I'm sure the Deanda have a family plot. [Kalman] (Deandas)

  • Kalman nods to Falke

[Kalman] Well, if he did, we may never know :/ [Falke] I don't know who to ask, though. Captain Borja probably wouldn't know. [Kalman] I suppose we could try and find out what happened to her. [Kalman] Maybe someone from her family. [Falke] I wonder if the Menomonies might?

  • Falke nods.

[Falke] But I don't know any of them to ask. [Falke] I suppose I could find out where the Menomonies bury their dead and go take a look for her grave.

  • Falke muses, but doesn't sound really very keen on doing that.

[Falke] I'd rather... believe they lived. [Boden] Falke...I think we're their re-incarnations.... [Boden] sorry. [Kalman] Thats' what Niemi seemed to think... and I didn't even tell him the whole story. [Kalman] It was.... strange. [Kalman] He just said that he'd always believed he'd meet her again.

  • Falke frowns.
  • Falke does not want to believe he was Ypane. :P

[Belden] I've been thinking of another Communion.

  • Falke glances at Belden. How does she feel about being Laeken, he wonders.

[Belden] It would mean so much to have our hypothesis confirmed. [Belden] Even if it couldn't be proved to anyone outside our group.

  • Boden nods to Belden. That is a good idea.
  • Falke looks away. The idea is repulsive to him, though he can see why Belden would like to prove that

Houseless people reincarnate. [Kalman] It would.... but I wouldn't want you to tax yourslf just fdor the sake of our curiousity... [Belden] I'll give it some more time. [Falke] . o O (I guess that if she *was* Laeken, there is hope for redemption. She's on the fast track to being Seventh now, after all. :P) [Falke] I don't think I want to know. [Boden] Why not?

  • Falke says quietly.
  • Kalman listens

[Falke] Josserand did such... things. Terrible things. [Falke] I don't want that to be a part of me.

  • Kalman seems surprised
  • Falke looks away, trying to keep his emotions in check, maybe.

[Falke] He was forced to do them... but part of him enjoyed it. [Kalman] Well.... they're not. Not really.

  • Boden looks like he wants to say something...but decides not to.

[Kalman] We *are* different people now.

  • Belden nods to Kalman.

[Belden] That's a whole other lifetime... [Kalman] Mar, and Lysva, dd all kinds of thngs that I never would, or could. [Boden] I'm not even sure Damodar was "good". [Boden] He was pretty cold. [Belden] I know that I'm not anything like Laeken. [Kalman] ....No, you certainly arn't.

  • Kalman smiles at Belden

[Belden] :) [Kalman] You're both much warmer people. [Falke] But that's all part of us, isn't it? Part of the us that is eternal. [Belden] We're always changing. [Belden] Whatever part is passed on... that evolves too. [Kalman] It doesn't make the 'us' that we are now any less 'us', to know what came before... [Kalman] If that makes any sense. [Kalman] i'm not a philosopher :/ [Belden] It makes perfect sense, Kalman. :) [Kalman] I'm glad someone thinks so! :o [Boden] See...I've been reading some of the basics...and your pretty much suposed to learn different things and see different things in each life. [Boden] so 'course thats going to make you turn out different.

  • Belden beams proudly at Boden.

[Belden] That's right!

  • Boden smiles brightly.

[Falke] But obviously... if we were Ypane and the others, who did something they shouldn't have, that has caused all this mess we're in now... obviously, we're held accountable for our former lives' actions. [Falke] Because someone wants us to do something to redress what we did long ago. [Kalman] I don't know about that [Kalman] I don't know if they did anything *wrong*... [Belden] The fact that they were there may have connected us to what's happening, but I agree with Kalman. [Belden] I don't think we're being punished for it. [Kalman] Maybe we're just suppose to, I don't know... finish the circle? [Kalman] maybe that's why it is us, and now....

  • Kalman makes the sign of thew wheel ;)
  • Kalman then takes a long drink of his beer

[Falke] But *why*? [Kalman] I don't know [Kalman] Maybe that has more to do with that old, trapped god, or Demon, or whatever it is. I'm just guessing at all of this.

  • Kalman says quietly

[Boden] I'm not was worried 'bout the why as the How and what parts. [Belden] I wonder if... [Falke] But why does it have to be *us*? Why are we trapped this way, in this circle? [Belden] If Jenai, or her sister... [Falke] ... [Belden] It's the way the wheel turns. [Falke] You think one of them is Dorea reincarnated? [Belden] Maybe. [Kalman] hmm... [Kalman] I want to talk to her people again, though, now. [Boden] I'm almost kinda glad its us instead of some ther guys... [Kalman] they might have different storis about what happened [Falke] That doesn't seem right, though... we're not the Houses we were, Belden.

  • Kalman nos to Boden

[Boden] I mean...would we really want something like this being all taken care of by people we don't know? [Falke] They shouldn't be Rats then, should they? [Falke] I guess with Rats, everything is strange, though. [Kalman] :/ [Belden] That's why I wonder... [Belden] Oh well. [Kalman] I remember some of the language

  • Falke glances at Kalman and smiles a sad sort of smile. Boden has magic, you have language. As far as I know, I didn't get anything from my experiences except trouble. ;D

[Falke] Well, that will be useful.

  • Falke sighs.

[Kalman] maybe [Kalman] I expect it's changed a lot... [Kalman] but I could probably carry on a *basic* conversation [Belden] How fascinating! :D

  • Kalman smils modestly
  • Falke glances at Belden, keeping his features schooled. so... Kalman understanding the language is fascinating, but Boden doing clerical stuff is a personal injury? Interesting. ;D

[Kalman] It is... [Falke] I must not have been paying attention in class. [Falke] ;)

  • Kalman chuckles

[Kalman] I dn't know. I think there are more things that stayed with me from Lysva... [Kalman] *that* I don't understand. [Falke] You all seem to have come away with something useful from your experiences, but all I can do is fret over what exactly I'm supposed to do to fix things, and try not to have Joss' nightmares.

  • Falke smiles ruefully.

[Boden] maybe your not learnin' much from the past 'cause your still wishin' it wasn't true? [Kalman] well, we all have the fretting, at least :/ [Belden] Well, I try not to worry about things I have no control over... Not to say that it always works :) [Boden] Pietro beleived in fate so much he barely cared when he was blinded. [Boden] It was kinda weird to think of it now. [Belden] I have faith that things will unfold as they should... [Boden] He believed so strong about us having a path we should follow and all that. [Boden] He was assigned to find out if we could trust the Duke, but he never found out.... [Kalman] Hmm. [Falke] Trust the Duke?

  • Falke looks amused.

[Falke] Who assigned him to this onerous task? [Falke] And what was Pietro's impression of him?

  • Falke asks curiously.

[Boden] Well...It was Patric that wanted to know. And Pietro was kinda pissed that he kept getting sent on all these mission. He suspected the Duke was trying to keep him away so he wouldn't be able to get a read on him. [Boden] Pietro was really good at reading people. [Falke] He never got a reading on the Duke then, I take it? [Boden] Not much. [Boden] He was out with all of us all the time. [Falke] What was Pietro's *gut* feelign about him? ;D [Boden] At first he thought he was pretty good...but the more he sent him away on missions and stuff, the more suspicious he got.

  • Falke nods.

[Falke] Josserand thought he was git.

  • Falke smiles.

[Boden] anyways...none of that really matters. THere was other stuff at potters field that was way more fishy than that. [Falke] Such as? :)

  • Falke wonders what Boden picked up on.

[Boden] like that stuff about who was really the emperor and all that.

  • Boden seems confused by Falke asking these questions.

[Kalman] well... we already knew that though.

  • Falke nods.
  • Belden nods.

[Kalman] I'd like to know more about what they were talking about.... what they were going to fight

  • Falke nods.

[Kalman] I wonder if that's what happenes.... those who are chosen get a chance to defeat the God when their term is up [Falke] ... [Falke] If that's the case, what are we involved in all this for? [Falke] We're not Imperial candidates, nor will we ever be. [Kalman] I don't know [Kalman] Maybe he doesn't fight fair. [Kalman] And we know there is more to it [Kalman] the Founders didn't know about the other half of the arch

  • Falke nods.

[Kalman] We don't know how it fits in at all. [Kalman] we know he is trapped, though. [Falke] Which goes back to my suggestion that they made a mistake, did something they shouldn't have, and now we have to pay for it. [Kalman] maybe we have to let him out to have a chance to win [Falke] ... [Kalman] I don't thikn they had any other choice, falke. [Falke] How will we fight a *god*?

  • Falke asks, overwhelmed.

[Falke] or two gods, even, if you're right about the Rat? [Falke] :( [Kalman] I don't know. [Kalman] Maybe rat is still on our side. [Falke] I wish we could learn more.

  • Kalman says hopefully

[Kalman] We'll have to [Falke] I wish the Arch had told us more. [Falke] We still only have bits and pieces of the puzzle. [Falke] And so far, no one who knows anything about any other pieces of the puzzle. :/

  • Belden is confident that everything will fall together.

[Belden] :) [Boden] But we know more than we did a few weeks ago. so its not liek we ain't moving forward. [Kalman] we have learned a lot, though, or we would never have even found it [Falke] I know... [Falke] I guess I am just impatient to get back to leading a normal life. [Falke] . o O (If it an be called that.)

  • Falke smiles self-deprecatingly.

[Kalman] I'm doing my best not to give mine up [Belden] Really, not much has changed since we left, except that we *are* closer to knowing the whole truth. [Belden] :) [Belden] And what's so bad about that? [Belden] We're all back together with our families... [Boden] So when we finish all this...do you guys plan on staying guards? [Belden] . o O ( Except Mataline... but I *will* see her again someday!) [Falke] I'm not really cut out for anything else.

  • Falke smiles.

[Belden] Gosh, I don't know. [Belden] I hadn't thought about it, I guess. [Falke] I need to earn a living somehow. [Kalman] well.. this wasn't exactly why I signed up ;)

  • Falke nods agreement with Kalman.

[Belden] It depends on how it all turns out, in the end. :) [Falke] If I'd known this si what I was in for, I *wouldn't* have signed up. But then, I guess I didn't really have a choice, since we're all stuck on this wheel. [Falke] :) [Kalman] I suppose so... I'm with belden though.

  • Kalman smiles back though

[Kalman] Well just have to see where it takes us . [Boden] You just never seem to be happy with any of this Falke... [Boden] you never seem to really like it. [Falke] Well, I guess the idea that my life is preordained by some omnipotent power is a little disturbing, is all.

  • Falke smiles tolerantly.

[Boden] no, not that...I mean the actual guard stuff.

  • Falke gives Boden an odd look.

[Boden] You never really seem to like it...the noble stuff pisses you off...the getting attacked by stuff pisses you off... [Boden] Even after all this stuff is done...being guards is going to put us in a lot of danger and stuff...and you never really seem happy about that. [Falke] Well, I don't know how you got that impression, Boden. I like my work as a guard very much. I like being able to help people. I don't mind being attacked by normal things... other human beings, or whatever. But being attacked by beings of absolute evil is a bit troubling for me. [Falke] Especially since it ties in to the whole "I am not in control of my own destiny" thing.

  • Falke replies lightly.

[Boden] oh well...sorry then.

  • Boden shrugs.

[Boden] guess I was wrong. [Falke] It's all right. Lots of people seem to make assumptions about me.

  • Falke shrugs.

[Kalman] you don't tend to give them much else to go on but guesses ;)

  • Kalman teases

[Falke] Force of habit.

  • Falke smiles.

[Falke] I do find it hard to trust people very much... I know I don't open up to people very easily. [Kalman] We've noticed

  • Kalman says dryly, finishing off is drink
  • Falke grins.

[Kalman] why is that, though? [Falke] I guess it goes back to when I was a boy. I was hurt very badly by some people I thought were my friends. I know that doesn't seem like anything to get very worked up about... but I guess my temperament made it seem like a very big deal to me... and it's had a lasting effect. [Falke] I am trying to change... but it's difficult to change these patterns I've made for myself. [Kalman] Ahh, fair enough [Kalman] And you say you have no control over your life ;)

  • Falke laughs.

[Falke] Well, that's enough opening up for me for today. Got to take these things one step at a time, you know. ;)

  • Kalman chuckles

[Kalman] we won't press our luck ;) [Kalman] I know what you mean thogh... it is hard to just change how you think about things

  • Falke nods.

[Falke] Anyway... I am trying. That's got to count for something, right? ;) [Kalman] of course! [Kalman] now, you should prove how far you've come in trusting us and valuing our friendship by buying the next round ;) [Falke] :P [Falke] Your friendship must be bought?

  • Boden laughs.

[Falke] Maybe I shouldn't trust any of you after all. ;) [Kalman] Free beer never hurts ;) [Falke] What'll everyone have? ^-^ [Kalman] just the same, thanks :) [Belden] Oh, I should go home... [Belden] Rab is supposed to be making dinner and it would be rude to be late! [Falke] Ok, Belden. [Boden] Have a good night Belden.

  • Falke seems a bit disappointed.

[Falke] Yes, have a good night. Take care. :) [Belden] GOod night everyone! :) [Kalman] good night!

  • Kalman will give her a hug befoe she leaves ^-^
  • Belden hugs you back, although her stomach is starting to get in the way a bit! :D
  • Falke gets him a big one! ;)
  • Falke actually is drinking gin, rather than ale. ;)
  • Kalman will stick around and chat for a little longer, but will head home as well when this round is finished

End of #changeling buffer Sat Jan 15 23:09:02 2005