Sarigan Annesley
Player: Jodie "Awesomecore" Holmes
Race: Seventh
House: Houseless
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Vital Statistics
Gender: Boy
Age: Looks about 16
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 154
Hair: Blonde and curly
Eyes: Green
Skin: Caucasian, pale
Sarigan is a quiet, shy seeming fellow of about 16 years. He has green eyes and curly dark blond hair that he wears pulled back in a ponytail. Sarigan is about average height and build. He dresses in cleric robes of the order of the Ox, or in inexpensive casual wear. He can often been seen working with a local Castalia area church near the shambles, or studying whatever he can get his hands on. He pays close attention when people talk, and though he seems a little nervous at times when talking to people, he is polite and friendly when approached.