Diablotin 1 session 8

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Diablotin 1 session logs
Previous Session 8 Next


Fourth-month, 2196:

  • 12th: The group talk to Maze, then go out for drinks. Later, Falke talks to Grey Grizzle again, and Boden and Kalman talk about killing Davilas. Kalman meets with Eglorine, and Pavo talks to his friends at the Likely Lord.
  • 13th: Loch visits Jenai again.
  • 14th: Belden visits with Ganges.
  • 15th: Boden talks to Franek about the magic ring, and Davilas. (Solo 7)
  • 17th: Boden is invited to Loick's party by Couramance. Falke is asked to go to the same party by Catiana.


Session Start: Mon Dec 09 17:31:00 2002
* Logging #changeling to 'logs\diablotin8'
(Narrator) Now we're just waiting for Rob to get his beer, I guess ;)
(Narrator) Any questions before we start?
(Kalman) how long after last session is this?
(Narrator) We're starting pretty much right where we stopped
(Narrator) I know people would get cross if I skipped a lot of time right now ;)
(Kalman) heh
(Belden) (like, minutes after? :o)
(Narrator) It'll be like the next day
(Pavo) /me tells everyone about his hot date.
(Narrator) Well, actually the next day, not just like it ;)
(Narrator) Okay, we'll start now, unless there are any other questions/problems
* Pavo only tell Belden the part where Adrius asks if I want to wait for his sister...
(Pavo) :D
(Boden) (back)
(Belden) (you don't really...?)
(Narrator) Okay, we're starting, then :)
(Narrator) It is the 12th of Fourth-month in the city of Diablotin, and the weather is now warm enough for its citizens to go without cloaks and jackets during the day. Spring flowers fill the air with their perfumes and even the dark waters of the river sparkle in the sun.
(Narrator) Boden continues to stew, though the knowledge that Lygia seems better and is back at work at the Southern Stars eases his mind at least a little.
(Narrator) Kalman anticipates both Ivona's 15th birthday on the 21st of this month and her presentation at court early next month with a mixture of pride and concern.
(Narrator) Belden has been busy at work, happily transcribing seditious documents for Brother Butler, in preparation for her mentor's presentation to the Ostraka.
(Narrator) Pavo makes plans for Loick Talavera's party, on the 20th of this month, which will likely be the social event of the season despite the recent death in Loick's family.
(Narrator) Loch ponders over his strange dreams, and the strange girl they seem to have led him to.
(Narrator) And Falke dwells on the fate of Martan Kizer, the late and seemingly unlamented Duke of Friaul.
(Narrator) You set out on your patrol on the morning of the 12th with your minds full of other thoughts, though you try to focus on your work for the day.
(Falke) (and on my birthday!  :^) )
(Narrator) (That too ;)
(Narrator) The streets are busy with vendors hawking their wares and citizens out to get a good deal on some commodity or other, or just a breath of more-or-less fresh air.
(Narrator) (You can have some time to talk to each other, if you like :)
* Falke tosses a smooth rock from hand to hand, full of nervous energy.
* Loch seems somewhat lost in thought
* Kalman eyes Falke
* Kalman gives him a curious look, even
* Belden is quiet, thinking about the Codex she's been working on transcribing...
* Boden continues to be unaturally quiet and glum.
* Falke catches it and smiles.
(Falke) Yes?
* Pavo is chipper, in anticipation of the bash.
(Kalman) You just seem especially fidgety for some reason
(Falke) I'm dwelling on the things I have accomplished, and everything that I still need to do.
(Falke) Time flies so quickly...
* Falke muses.
* Kalman raises an eyebrow
(Kalman) such as?
(Falke) Make my fortune, buy a house, find a good woman, settle down, produce heirs...
(Pavo) If you spend too much time worrying about time flying, you'll miss out on all the stuff down here on earth...
(Pavo) Haha
(Pavo) .oO(Oops)
* Kalman smiles
* Pavo attempts to unlaugh
(Falke) Ah, I'm feeling my mortality today. Birthdays do that.
* Falke grins.
(Loch) I didn't know. Happy birthday.
(Falke) Thank you.
(Pavo) Indeed.
(Kalman) yes, happy birthday
(Kalman) How old are you?
(Falke) 20...
(Belden) . o O (The rocky path...)
(Kalman) hmm
* Kalman seems vaguley surprised
(Loch) If I had known, I would have made you a gift
* Falke makes a "no need for that" gesture with his hands.
(Kalman) well, maybe we can take him out for a drink after our shift is over
(Falke) Oh, no, I'm sure you all have much to do.
(Pavo) (When does the pahtay start?)
(Loch) Speaking of gifts, I have something I want to share with the squad
(Narrator) (The pahtay isn't for another week ;)
(Falke) I wasn't looking for any special treatment. You asked what was up and I answered. That is all.
* Falke smiles.
(Pavo) (Oh :D Plenty of time to get together after work!)
(Falke) We have a job to do! Let's get on with it.
* Belden is still lost in thought, not paying attention.
* Pavo can't help but keep an eye out for goods that would look especially fetching on him
* Loch will pull a leather thong from his neck. On it is a cat's eye ring.
* Kalman looks over at the ring
(Pavo) Hey, niiice.
(Boden) (Did you ever tell us about that right and were you got it?)
* Falke looks impatient to continue patrolling.
(Belden) ..Hm?
(Loch) (no)
(Narrator) (You can be patrolling while you talk ;)
(Belden) What's everyone looking at now?
(Loch) I found it while on duty in the dirt. It's a magical ring.
* Belden tries to look over Kalman's shoulder, but she is very short.
(Kalman) (We *can* walk and talk at the same time, you know. Or at least, *I* can ;D)
* Kalman will move out of her way so she can see
(Belden) (I think I have the dex for that, K)
(Pavo) That's awesome... I wonder how much something like that costs.
(Belden) It's very pretty...
(Kalman) what does it do?
(Falke) (can I make a guess? ^-^ appraise skill)
(Pavo) (I can do LOTS of things while I talk...)
(Loch) I don't know, not that I think we should sell it.
(Belden) I don't suppose there's any way to find out who lost it...
(Belden) :/
* Pavo rolls his eyes behind Belden's back...
(Loch) I don't think so. The ring allows the wearer to control animals.
(Narrator) (Falke - just on its own, probably just a few gold. But depending on what magic is does, who knows?)
(Pavo) I want one like that, just a normal one though... I'm sure the magic-osity of it makes it way to expensive.
(Kalman) (Can I make an appraise guess based on knowing what it does?)
(Kalman) (jooc ;)
(Loch) I figure it would be best if the ring was kept amongst the group, to help us out in our duties.
(Falke) (me too? Since he was kind enough to tell us.  :^) )
(Narrator) (sure...sec)
(Falke) Fascinating...
(Belden) Well, I don't see why not...
(Belden) I feel badly for whoever lost it, though.
* Falke eyes the ring with interest.
(Kalman) hmm
* Kalman thinks
(Pavo) (I know we don't know, but it came from the spider den, right)
(Belden) (yeah)
(Kalman) How do you think it could help?
(Falke) How does it work?
(Narrator) (Both of you think it would probably be worth several hundred gp to the right buyer - maybe as much as 1000)
(Kalman) (keen)
(Falke) (yeah, keen. :^) )
(Loch) I can think of several uses. Stopping an out of control horse, or a riding fugitive, for one.
* Belden nods.
(Boden) How far away can it work?
* Pavo grumbles to himself... if it had no powers, it would have no better use than to adorn his finger...
(Loch) It works by simply wearing it, and concentrating on the animal to control. I haven't experimented with it to determine how far it can work from.
* Falke looks very interested.
(Kalman) It's a good plan
(Loch) (how far do I figure it could work from)
(Narrator) (Certainly from 25 feet away... at least)
(Falke) Perhaps we should experiment sometime soon when we're not on duty.
(Loch) It's enchantement should be able to reach at least 8 paces or so.
(Belden) There are certainly enough stray cats around... as long as we don't hurt them.
(Belden) :)
(Pavo) We could have an entourage!
* Belden giggles.
(Kalman) (A ring of summmon actor.... Pavo kills for it!)
(Falke) I think the number of animals that it can control at a given time is probably limited.
(Pavo) I'm all for that..
(Loch) It can only control one animal at a time, and only if you mean it no harm.
* Kalman grins
(Belden) Oh well... I guess we won't be known as the cat guards, then.
(Pavo) Aw... maybe if they're small animals, you can control more. Expecially if all you want is for them to follow and not like... jump off a cliff. (s)
(Pavo) (Pavo's enunciation is much better than that)
(Loch) So, who wishes to carry the ring for the squad?
(Pavo) I'm a cat guard anyway *haughty sniff*
(Pavo) Will it fit me?
(Belden) Well, I guess it should be someone who won't be busy swinging a sword...
(Loch) It should fit anyone.
(Kalman) who does it fit, that;s a good point..
(Falke) Some part of you.
* Falke grins.
(Kalman) really?
(Belden) Why don't you just hang onto it, Loch?
* Pavo blinks at Falke and grins
(Pavo) .oO( But it would look so GOOD on me... )
(Kalman) (What's your complexion?)
* Loch looks to the others for opinions
(Pavo) (Um... I dunno o_O)
* Pavo shrugs
(Pavo) I just like the look of it, mself.
(Loch) Kalman, Falke, Boden?
(Kalman) how much concentration does it take to use?
(Boden) I don't think it will fit my fingers.
(Loch) (Do you have to concentrate to control or just when you give commands?)
(Falke) I would recommend that you or Belden bear it, Loch.
(Falke) Probably you, actually.
(Narrator) (just when you're actually seeking to control the animal. Once that's done, if it works, you don't have to concentrate any longer)
(Falke) (Belden has a mace or something, right?
(Falke) (She can fight hand to hand?)
(Pavo) (Having your hands free is not an issue)
(Loch) You only need to concentrate to gain control of the animal, once that is done, it is no longer required.
(Kalman) (Boden and I are the only archers in the party right?
(Kalman) hmmm
(Loch) (Loch carries a light crossbow)
(Falke) (Nope, I have a shortbow)
(Kalman) ('k)
(Falke) (shortbow, morningstar, daggers for me)
(Kalman) I don't think it necessarily matters...
(Pavo) Ahhh! This is driving me crazy!
(Pavo) It looks neat... put it on my finger!
(Kalman) hmm?
(Pavo) Or pick some one!
* Belden gives Pavo a strange look.
(Pavo) ...(precious...)
* Falke laughs.
(Pavo) (Sorry :D Came to me, after I typed that stuff)
(Falke) Just give it to Pavo, he seems to really like it.
* Belden shakes her head...
(Kalman) As long as he remembers it is functional as well as fashinable, I suppose
(Belden) . o O (oy)
(Pavo) Me or Belden, cause if she finds out who owns it, I can find out where to get one.
* Kalman jests
* Pavo makes a face at Kalman
* Falke keeps an eye on the crowd.
* Falke seems to be a workaholic.
(Kalman) I wonder if there would be many situations where we'd ever be actually *fighting* and need to use it...
(Kalman) IS it easier for people who are stringer willed to use?
(Narrator) (It should be the same for anyone)
(Loch) It is only the strenght of the enchantment, not the user.
* Loch tosses the ring to Kalman
* Kalman will attempt to catch it, then
(Narrator) (YOu can catch it ;)
* Kalman looks at it more closely
(Kalman) (Any stray animals around?)
(Narrator) (Sure, there's a dog nearby)
(Kalman) hmm..
* Kalman will try it on, and see if he can make the dog sit
(Kalman) may as well test the thing, I suppose
(Narrator) The dog comes over and sits at your feet, looking up at you.
(Pavo) Anyone bring a snack?
* Kalman shakes his head
(Belden) Well, there you go...
(Kalman) hmmm..
(Pavo) So now you're just a big tease.
* Kalman shrugs
* Dog is a mutt, brown and grey and black, who looks like she's been in a few fights.
* Kalman will let the dog go back to doing whatever it was doing
* Dog just sits there watching you
(Kalman) ...
(Kalman) how do you uncntrol them?
(Falke) I think he likes you, Kalman.
(Pavo) There's something disconcerting about that...
(Pavo) Maybe you can't...
(Belden) A little...
(Kalman) hmmm..
* Kalman takes the ring off
* Falke watches with amused interest.
(Kalman) (does the dog still stay there?)
* Kalman looks to Loch
* Dog still sits there
(Pavo) Hey pup.
(Kalman) ...
(Falke) (Can I try my Use Magical Device skill to figure out what to do? ^-^)
(Kalman) you can go away now, dog..
(Pavo) (Are there any food vendor stalls around?)
* Kalman frowns
(Boden) (you don't need that skill for this device.)
* Dog sniffs a bit, then wanders off
(Falke) (ok, she's gone anyway)
(Belden) Well, it sure does work...
(Kalman) I guess so
(Pavo) ... I just hope the thing doesn't go away and just... sit somewhere.
(Falke) Poor thing.
(Loch) You must dismiss the animal after you befriend it for the effect to end
(Kalman) ahh...
* Dog seems to be going back to whatever it was doing - it seems unaffected
(Kalman) do you have to do it verbally?
(Kalman) I tried to 'will' it to go back to what it was doing, but it kept sitting there
(Pavo) Well you can't blame the dog for not being a mindreader.
(Pavo) :)
(Loch) verbally is best
(Kalman) Maybe it just didn't have anything better to do :)
(Falke) I bet she was just looking for a little love.
* Falke smiles.
(Pavo) Ewww.
* Belden gives Falke a strange look.
(Kalman) INteresting... I wonder what that says about the ability of animals to understand our language... or maybe it is just a quirk of the magic
* Kalman does too
(Belden) ....
* Falke directs a "Not that way!" look to Pavo.
(Belden) Uh, probably the magic, Kalman.
(Pavo) (I think you need to fire off a few more of those looks Falke :D)
* Belden says, turning to him.
* Falke nods.
(Pavo) Dogs obey verbal commands all the time.
(Falke) I hope so... because I'll never be able to eat a steak again, otherwise.
(Kalman) ... yes, probably
(Kalman) not all animals do, though
(Narrator) As you wander along, you near the Shadow Bridge, which crosses the Ousel joining the Shambles and Pearl City. You spot a familiar face - Maze.
(Pavo) Anything you can push over in a field probably doesn't count.
* Belden waves to the boy.
* Pavo waves too
(Kalman) and associating a command with a word isn't the same as understading what is being said
(Loch) I imagine, if you are more skilled a dealing with animals, the easier it is to control them.
* Kalman nods
* Maze seems not to notice you, his blond curls bent over a game of foxes and hounds scratched in the dirt. His sister Jess squats beside him, seemingly deep in concentration.
* Maze does, however, flick his fingers in a 'come here' gesture without looking at you.
(Pavo) Sometimes I wonder if he's being too paranoid, or if we're being too non-chalant.
* Belden will head over there.
(Maze) I don't want anyone to see me talking to you.
* Maze says quietly as you approach
* Kalman will pretend not to be paying attention to the kids and Belden, and watching around for other stuff
* Loch stays back and observes
(Maze) I could get in big trouble.
* Belden will look in a store window...
(Maze) Jess can talk to you though. She knows everything I do.
* Falke also does that, falling into it quite naturally.
* Maze gets up and saunters over to the bridge where he asks passersby for any spare pennies they might have.
* Jess remains, looking up at you shyly.
* Belden looks down at the girl once Maze is gone.
(Belden) Hi there...
(Jess) Hi...
(Jess) That house you asked about...
* Jess says quietly
* Belden nods.
(Jess) You know the Kizers, right? House of the Wolf nobles, dukes of somewhere or other I'll never see.
(Belden) Well, not really, but that's not important right this minute...
(Jess_) The Duchess used to own it, but she died like ten years ago or something. Then it went to her nephew, Jovien. But he doesn't use it very often. So mostly it's closed up.
(Belden) . o O (Kalman will know.)
(Jess_) But a couple of weeks ago, people saw some servants coming and going there. Maybe he's opening it up again, people say.
* Boden listens too.
(Jess_) That's all I know.
(Jess_) About the house, anyway.
* Jess_ pokes idly at the dirt with her stick.
* Falke listens attentively while gazing elsewhere.
(Belden) Well thank you... Thank your brother too.
* Boden will look at what is in the dirt.
(Narrator) (It is just a children's game.)
* Jess_ nods
(Belden) (w) Jess... why would Maze get in trouble for talking to us?
(Belden) (w) Who's watching him?
(Jess_) His boss.
(Belden) (q) ah...
(Belden) :/
(Jess_) He was stupid to get roped into all of that. I'm smarter.
* Pavo tilts an eyebrow
(Boden) (w)Is his boss connected to the house at all...or is that two separate things?
* Jess_ shrugs
(Jess_) Everything's connected, if you look deep enough.
* Falke stifles a smile.
(Pavo) So it's been seeming, lately.
* Kalman will see if he can see anyone obviously or not so obviously paying attention to the young pickpocket
(Narrator) You don't notice anyone, Kalman. Most people seem to be ignoring him, actually.
* Jess_ nods seriously at you and turns to leave.
* Jess_ is very businesslike
(Pavo) (Maze isn't a part of Diablotin Above...)
(Falke) (snick)
* Jess_ wanders off. After a little while, her brother follows her with only the barest nod in your direction.
(Falke) (q) Who is Maze's boss?
* Falke asks Belden
(Belden) (m) I hope that neither of them will get into trouble for our sake...
* Falke nods.
(Belden) (m) Rieg Torrain.
(Pavo) Well, ultimately Izaguirre
* Belden nods to Pavo.
* Kalman nods
* Falke nods.
(Belden) Torrain is just a boy himself, really.
(Loch) Another Scarlet Sign?
(Kalman) hmm?
(Pavo) Was Izaguirre involved in the Scarlet Sign?
(Pavo) Perhaps we should ask them, next time.
* Falke runs a hand through his silvering hair.
(Kalman) I don't know...
(Kalman) what did she say, Belden?
(Belden) The house belongs to the Kizers...
(Boden) I don't remember Izaguirre invovled in the scarlet sign...wasn't it a bunch of nobles that owned it?
(Kalman) (Ring any bells with me?)
* Kalman nods to Boden.
(Belden) It wasn't in use until a couple of weeks ago, though...
(Kalman) That how it seemed
(Loch) Who are the Kizers?
(Falke) A noble family of my House.
(Narrator) (The Kizers are the traditional Dukes of Friaul. Current Duke is Jovien Kizer.)
(Belden) Wolves.
(Falke) The Duke passed away about 30 years ago.
(Belden) The current Duke is a man named Jovien.
(Kalman) Traditionally, they are Dukes of Friaul
(Falke) The Duchess about 10. They had np children of their own.
* Falke nods.
(Kalman) The current Duke is JOvien Kizer...
(Kalman) (I don't know much about him, do I? Or anyone else in that family?)
(Narrator) (Not much, no, Kalman, except that they're an important family.)
(Narrator) (You think the Duke is in his 40s or so and married. You don't know much else.)
(Kalman) I know he's married, but I don't know who to...
(Kalman) he is about 40 now
* Kalman gives Falke an odd look
* Falke raises an eyebrow at Kalman.
* Loch absorbs the information quietly
* Belden too.
(Boden) Why were we interested in that house again?
* Kalman wonders why Falke would know about the last duke, but not this one o_O
(Falke) I don't think we were, particularly.
(Belden) We saw Izaguirre go in there with the girl from the House in the Grand, Boden.
(Falke) But now we might be.
(Belden) That was yesterday
(Kalman) well, someone we thought was Izaguirre
* Belden nods to Kalman.
(Pavo) Maze told us so...
(Pavo) (Didn't he?)
(Kalman) we were told it was him, but..
(Boden) Does Izaguirre have a real name?
(Kalman) Hard to verify the facts
(Belden) Izaguiire is his real name...
* Falke nods agreement with Belden.
(Belden) Nouel Izaguirre.
(Boden) but people don't know who he is?
(Falke) Sure people do.
(Kalman) I think it is more a matter that people don't know where he is, or can't prove anything against him
(Kalman) and those that do, don't want to, most likley
(Falke) Kalman has it.
(Boden) so Izaguirre...what house is he?
(Falke) Lizard.
* Kalman nods
(Boden) Is he conected to the scarlet sign at all?
(Belden) We don't know.
(Falke) If he was, I doubt we'll ever know it.
(Falke) He is very good at not leaving any tracks.
(Kalman) maybe we can walk past that house again and see if there is anything else going on
(Belden) I don't see why not.
* Loch shruggs
(Falke) Shall we, then?
(Narrator) You head back to the vicinity of White Bear Square, then.
(Falke) (this isn't the same house we saw the possible Izaguirre at, is it?)
* Belden hums the tune to a hymn about the wheel turning. :D
(Falke) (that was in the Grand Vallon, wasn't it?)
(Belden) (yes, that's kind of the point)
(Belden) (no)
(Belden) (it was in Pearl)
(Falke) (ok)
(Falke) (my bad)
(Belden) (Falke wasn't in the party when we went to the Grand.)
(Kalman) (Neither was I ;)
(Narrator) The house near White Bear Square still looks closed up to you. The shutters are locked, at least.
(Belden) Looks quiet...
(Kalman) hmmm
(Belden) Say, Kalman...
(Boden) We could send someone in a check it out.
(Narrator) But perhaps there are some signs of inhabitation... it seems to you that a new coat of paint might have been applied. It looks less run-down.
(Belden) Do you know who owns the house at *bla* (gives the address of the house in the Grand).
(Kalman) (do I?)
(Narrator) (Nope.)
* Kalman shakes his head
(Kalman) No idea
(Belden) Oh well.
(Kalman) why?
(Belden) Well, that's where we took that necklace.. That girl who was with Izaguirre yesterday was there.
(Falke) ...
(Falke) You do know Izaguirre is rumoured to have a house in the Grand Vallon, right?
(Kalman) I could look into it, I suppose
(Belden) Yes.
* Kalman nods
(Falke) I thought you must.
* Belden gives Falke a strange look (again.)
(Loch) Lets move one
(Belden) That would be great, Kalman!
* Kalman nods
(Kalman) Well, I can't make any guarantees
(Narrator) You go about your job, breaking up the occasional fight, settling disputes, hoisting the occasional unconscious drunk to his feet and making him walk it off - nothing out of the ordinary.
(Narrator) Now we'll turn to individual stuff.
(Falke) (no drinks, huh?  :^) )
(Narrator) (Well, if you like, and people are willing to stay later ;)
* Boden will mention the possibility of drinks again at the end of our shift.
* Falke says why not.
(Loch) (I can stay a little later, but not as late as most people)
(Narrator) (I'll take care of Loch's individual stuff early, then.)
(Belden) (I don't have to get up for work)
(Kalman) (Same, working girl now am I :/)
(Narrator) (Well, go do your drinks now, then, instead of talking about it ;)
(Narrator) (And I'll worry about how to get everything done before people have to leave ;)
* Loch will go with the group
* Belden will go, as long as it won't make her late for other work.
(Narrator) (should be fine)
* Kalman will go as well, of course
(Narrator) You go to a bar and have some drinks - go! ;)
* Kalman will buy the first round, aharr, because I can)
(Belden) (what do they have that isn't liquor?)
(Kalman) (I can use my city lore to find a good place ;D)
* Pavo wonders if he knows the place we've gone?
(Belden) (is there non-booze cider in Diablotin?)
* Loch will take a simple ale
(Boden) (you drink ale don't you?)
(Narrator) (They certainly have non-alcoholic cider)
* Pavo already knows of good places to go... Kalman :D
* Falke orders gin.
(Kalman) (So do I ;)
* Belden orders some (non-alcoholic) cider, then.
(Kalman) (I used to date a bar wench ;)
(Narrator) You could go to the Bronze Lily ;)
* Kalman will have some ale
(Kalman) (I think NOT!)
(Narrator) (heh)
* Pavo will drink, and scout for some one to sit by his side :)
(Falke) Thanks, Kalman.
(Kalman) no problem
(Loch) Yes, thankyou
(Belden) (this is in Pearl?)
* Belden will add her thanks as well.
(Kalman) (yeah, probably)
* Falke tries to think of some sort of conversation to have and realizes he really doesn't know these people well.
* Belden looks around the room on the off chance someone she knows might be here,.
(Kalman) It just seems odd...
(Falke) What does?
* Falke turns to pay attention to Kalman.
(Kalman) We work together almost everyday, but I don't feel like I know most of you at all
(Falke) I was just thinking the same thing.
* Falke admits.
(Kalman) except for that weekend at Belden's parents place, we never seem to socialize
(Falke) And we live in a dorm together... excepting you, obviously.
(Kalman) well, yes
* Kalman admits
(Kalman) I was wondering if it was just me, actually
(Falke) It's really quite shameful that we don't know more about one another.
(Falke) Well... I can really only speak for myself, I suppose.
(Loch) We know it's your birthday Falke, and that you're 20
(Falke) Wow, the extent of your knowledge never ceases to amaze.
* Falke grins.
(Falke) Let's start there, then.
* Pavo sighs, since he doesn't appear to spot any pretty boys
(Falke) How old are the rest of you?
(Boden) I'm 18.
(Belden) I'm 22.
(Kalman) nineteen
(Loch) I appear to be the elder at 24
(Pavo) I am a ripe 19!
(Falke) ... I'm sure.
* Falke grins at Pavo.
(Kalman) ripe?
* Pavo pthhbts playfully.
(Falke) Well, Loch, with age comes wisdom.
(Belden) Ripe for what?
* Pavo shrugs.
(Falke) Do we really want to know?
* Falke puts on fearful expression.
(Kalman) probably not
(Belden) uh... okay...
* Belden takes a drink
(Falke) When are your birthdays then?
(Falke) We ought to make this a tradition.
(Kalman) not for a while yet...
(Belden) Mine's in twelfth-month... but I don't want anyone making a fuss over it.
(Pavo) Mine isn't for so long, I'll probably forget I have one by then...
(Pavo) 16th of 8th.
(Falke) Oh come now! It's only fair, if you make a fuss of my birthday we must make a fuss of yours.
* Belden shakes her head.
(Kalman) 29th of 9
(Belden) I'd prefer to keep it a non-event, thanks.
(Loch) You've missed mine. It was on the 3rd of Firstmonth
(Falke) Well, we'll have to take you out on the first day of 12th month then, Belden.
(Pavo) Belden, THIS is hardly an event...
(Belden) Uh... I'd ...well...
(Kalman) hmm?
(Belden) It makes me uncomfortable.
(Pavo) Pshht. Too bad.
(Boden) why?
(Pavo) You will be feted without mercy!!! *muahaha*
(Belden) Well... it feels like vanity.
(Falke) Yes, but they made me come out anyway.
(Kalman) For your friends to wish you a happy birthday is vanity?
* Belden shifts uncomfortably.
* Falke smiles.
(Boden) Its not vain. I mean...this is how you get to know people.
(Pavo) Kalman's got it... besides.
(Belden) No, for me to make a big deal out of it...
(Pavo) Some vanity is healthy.
(Falke) Speaking of which, Boden, when is *your* birthday?
(Falke) You've neglected to mention it.
* Belden shrinks back in her seat and lifts her mug to her face, grateful for the respite.
* Loch looks at Belden curiously
* Falke smiles at Belden and then turns to give Boden a mock reproachful look.
(Boden) oh...I had it just befor you joined us.
(Boden) It was the 21st of the 1st
(Kalman) hmmm
(Falke) A while ago, then...
* Falke grins.
(Falke) All right.
(Boden) Yeah it was good.
(Falke) Now, where do we all come from? Boden is from Gouge below the mountains... Belden from a farm out in the middle of all that open country...
* Falke shudders.
(Falke) I'm from Pearl City.
* Belden keeps quiet.
(Loch) May I suggest another round for all those celebrations that we missed?
(Kalman) why not?
(Falke) I'd be hard pressed to turn you down.
(Belden) I haven't finished this one...
(Kalman) no rush...
(Loch) I am from Flatwood, though I doubt any of you have ever heard of it.
(Kalman) (Have we? I assume not)
(Boden) Its a farming village right?
(Narrator) (Not really....)
(Loch) Yes, a few days travel from the city.
(Kalman) I'm mostly from Diablotin
* Boden nods
(Pavo) I'm from dear ol' Diablotin myself...
(Pavo) Parents live in the Pavillion I think
(Loch) Three country folk and three city dwellers, an interesting mix we are
(Belden) I have family here in the city, though.
(Falke) Evenly split.
* Loch nods
(Falke) Someone else think of a question now; I've hardly had time to drink.
* Falke suggests.
* Loch will pull Willam out from his sack and set him on the table next to his mug
(Kalman) alright...
(Kalman) why a hedgehog?
(Belden) That's such a cute little animal...
* Kalman asks Loch
* Falke looks towards Loch.
(Loch) He just fits. Truth be told, he found me, not the other way around.
* Falke sips his gin.
(Kalman) Fair enough
(Kalman) he is awfully cute
(Boden) Can you choose any animal?
(Kalman) ...
(Boden) I wonder if you could have a Kobold as a familiar...?
(Kalman) we never did decide what to do with this ring :o
* Kalman puts it down on the table
(Falke) Why would you want one?
(Kalman) Would it be able to control animals like Willam?
* Falke gives Boden an odd look.
(Boden) They are really good at sneaky things.sed to be a representation of him, so I think the choice is a reflection of his personality
(Boden) They are really good at sneaky things.
(Pavo) Is it really an animal?
(Kalman) . o O ( prickly? )
(Boden) You know...I was kinda thinking of other things this morning...
(Belden) What does he eat?
(Boden) but I'm pretty good with animals.
(Falke) Oh... well, I suppose kobolds you *control
* couldn't be too bad...
(Boden) I've had some decent training and whatnot.
(Loch) Anything, really.
(Loch) Willam is small but very resilient
(Belden) Well, then... anyone object to Boden taking the ring?
* Loch will give him a scratch behind the ears.
(Falke) No.
(Boden) will it fit my finger?
(Loch) If he has the training then it is best suited to him.
(Kalman) try it
(Falke) Maybe.
* Kalman nods
(Belden) Maybe the little one...
(Pavo) Training for what?
* Boden will try the ring on his pinky.
(Narrator) It fits.
(Boden) (his right pinky)
(Boden) wow...thats odd.
* Belden looks at Boden's immense hands as he tries on the ring.
(Loch) It's magic
(Falke) It's magic
* Boden will try it on the middle finger of his right hand.
* Falke laughs.
(Pavo) .oO( I wonder where else it might fit...)
(Narrator) It fits there too.
(Falke) Great minds think alike...
(Boden) ,oO(I wonder where else it might fit...)
(Kalman) Say, Loch, do you know my aunt?
(Boden) neat.
(Kalman) Thoumire?
(Loch) Yes, I have met her
(Loch) She teaches magical wards and defenses
(Belden) That really is a pretty stone.
* Belden leans over to look at it.
* Kalman nods
(Falke) (it's tiger eye, right?)
(Narrator) (yes)
(Pavo) (sulky, but barely so) Yes... it is *sigh*
* Falke nods.
(Kalman) I knew it was something like that
(Loch) I didn't take many of her classes though, my studies were focused elsewhere.
* Kalman nods
(Boden) what kinda magic does she use?
(Pavo) (Er, tiger eye isn't quite the same as cat's eye...)
(Loch) defensive magics and wards, Boden.
(Kalman) (tiger eyes are pretty)
(Falke) (v. pretty)
(Falke) (but not very valuable... silly, really)
(Kalman) (I like the blue and red ones. I'll shut up now ^-^)
(Boden) what about you?
(Narrator) (it's Tiger eye - I checked my notes :)
(Loch) I studied mostly under Marzel Gallion of house Ox.
(Falke) What is his specialty?
(Loch) He taught offensive magics, such as the bolts of magic I called forth againts the spidercreature.
(Boden) how long do you need to study before you graduate.
* Kalman nods
(Narrator) (5 more minutes, or we really will be here all night ;)
(Falke) Spider creature?
(Pavo) *points his fingers and makes a pow noise*
(Falke) There's a tale I'd be interested to hear sometime.
(Pavo) Magic would be handy.
(Loch) I studied for about 9 years
(Boden) wow.
* Boden is impressed.
(Belden) That's impressive...
(Belden) Real dedication.
(Belden) Real dedication.
* Belden says appreciatively.
(Loch) I started late, I was 14 when I began
(Boden) I had a hard time learning all the stuff I needed to know just to hunt Kobolds
* Kalman nods
(Falke) ...
(Boden) The spider creature was pretty mean Falke.
(Kalman) it was
(Falke) Where was it?
(Boden) It could look like a cute chick, and it had some kinda magic and webs and poison.
(Boden) In the sewers, but it was a bar wench by day.
* Belden nods.
(Falke) Really?
(Boden) What ever happened to that student that was hooking in the same tavern?
(Loch) She's not doing that anymore
(Boden) yep, some of the sewers here are big enough to stand up in. Even I had enough room to fight.
(Pavo) She's probably still hooking, and studying.
(Boden) She's not? Whats she doing?
(Belden) Well, I hope *Loch* is right on this one
(Kalman) hmm
(Loch) She is studying.
* Pavo raises an eyebrow at Belden.
(Boden) and the boy we saved?
(Loch) He is doing much better
(Belden) Peran...
(Belden) That's good to hear.
(Kalman) I got the impression there was some, ahh... interest in her classmate, maybe she stopped after he was rescued
(Boden) Thats good to hear. I stoped by the tavern once to check up on them, but the inkeep said they weren't there anymore.
(Loch) I've been keeping an eye on both of them.
(Pavo) Aww... well that's a good reason to stop :)
(Belden) Like a big brother? That's so nice. :D
* Kalman grins
(Falke) How can she afford school now? If she had to... exploit herself previously?
* Loch blushed ever so slightly
(Boden) I'm not sure exploit is the right word.
(Kalman) There are other ways to earn a living
* Belden nods to Kalman.
(Boden) true...but that one is lucrative if you have the right personality.
(Falke) Where is she working now, then?
(Falke) What does she do?
(Belden) It may pay well in one respect, but its price is high in other ways...
* Belden says to Boden.
(Loch) She is concentrating on her studies... I helped them a bit.
(Boden) Like I said...it depends on your personality.
(Pavo) And those ways are... what?
* Falke seems really interested in this.
(Falke) Oh... of course.
(Pavo) Ok, so you're a little bit loose at the end of the day, but I can't think of anything else.
* Falke smiles a bit sadly.
* Pavo looks a bit exhasperated.
(Kalman) depends on the person, and the family
(Falke) They're lucky to have such a patron.
(Belden) What does it say about us, when we sell our very bodies as a commodity?
* Boden is looking a little like his old self chatting with friends.
(Boden) I do that every day.
(Belden) How do people get reduced to that?
(Boden) Thats what I do.
(Pavo) It means you have something worth... having.
(Belden) It makes people like... meat.
(Boden) I don't see the diference in me getting hurt against a spider creature in the sewers...and some girl getting a guy off.
(Belden) We were defending the city, Boden...
(Belden) There's a difference between using your body to protect people, and just...
(Boden) We are still putting a value on our body.
(Pavo) I've never once heard my friends talk of being roasted over a fire and served to guessts.
(Belden) Selling it as instant gratification.
(Kalman) I think it's a choice
(Falke) Some people don't have much opportunity, Belden.
* Falke says a bit harshly, perhaps.
(Kalman) I think it is sad when people *have* to turn to that sort of lifestyle when they have no other options, but for those who do it because they want to...
* Belden looks sharply at falke.
(Falke) Some people do whatever they can to try to make a life for themselves.
(Boden) Hey...I'm not saying there aren't some down points to hooking. but not every guard is here for the good of the city.
(Kalman) It's up to them
(Boden) Lots of guards are here for the gold at the end of theday.
(Boden) and for those guards.
(Kalman) ...
(Belden) There are better things to do.
(Boden) its the same as selling their body.
(Belden) Well, then, that makes me just as unhappy.
* Pavo rolls his eyes.
* Belden crosses her arms and looks, well, unhappy.
(Pavo) Maybe it's none of your damned business.
(Boden) Well...I guess I can understand that.
(Belden) ...
(Boden) hey Pavo.
(Belden) I think I should be going to work.
(Kalman) why don't we talk about somthing else?
(Boden) no need to get all touchy.
(Boden) were just talking.
(Belden) Thanks, guys...
* Belden gets up.
(Pavo) She feels the need to disdain people like my friends.
(Boden) Belden, Pavo...I didn't mean to make people upset.
(Falke) Good evening, Belden.
(Kalman) . o O ( maybe this is why we don't socialize much )
(Belden) I'll see you at the barracks...
* Falke says a bit regretfully perhaps.
(Boden) I was just talking.
* Belden leaves.
(Kalman) ....
(Boden) don't go
* Boden slouches and looks sad.
(Kalman) see you tomorrow Belden...
(Belden) (must... avoid... fighting)
(Kalman) . o O ( oy )
* Pavo 's lips are drawn back a bit.
* Falke runs a hand through his hair again. He seems to do it when he's uncomfortable or uncertain.
(Kalman) well.
* Pavo scowls.
(Boden) Pavo, she wasn't being tring to bad mouth your friends...she was feeling sorry for people she though were going through a bad thing.
* Loch watches Belden leave
(Boden) I don't think she meant to be mean.
(Falke) Me neither.
(Kalman) Mmm...
(Pavo) She was not feeling sorry for people who "have to do a bad thing". She was aiming her disdain at people who have made a choice with their OWN body...
* Belden makes her way unhappily back to the barracks to collect whatever she needs before going to the Athanaeum.
* Boden is a bit pleading with Pavo. Trying to get him to understand.
(Pavo) People who are truly understanding don't reach the point in that argument where they start comparing it to selling meat.
* Boden goes back to drinking his ale.
(Belden) . o O (by example, by example... I should just keep my mouth shut.)
(Pavo) She dehumanised my friends far more than any of their clients do.
* Falke taps his fingers against his glass.
(Boden) I'm going to go too.
* Boden will quickly finish his ale.
* Falke gulps down the last of his gin.
(Boden) See you guys latter.
* Kalman looks down at his mostly empty glass of ale as well
(Falke) Are you heading back to the barracks?
* Boden will wave to the group as he leaves.
(Boden) Not sure.
* Loch waves goodbye to Boden
(Falke) Oh, well... see you later then.
* Boden will leave
(Boden) (once outside I'm going to try and catch up to Belden.)
(Belden) (well, you're huge. and I'm tiny.)
(Narrator) (You can catch up with her)
(Belden) (so it shouldn't be that hard, I guess)
(Boden) Belden wait up.
(Belden) (I'm logging)
(Belden) ... Boden?
(Boden) yeah.
* Belden looks behind her, and sees the unmistable silhouette of Boden.
(Boden) I...um....didn't want to end all like that and stuff.
* Boden seems nervous
(Belden) Oh... don't worry about it.
* Belden forces a smile.
(Boden) your really upset about it.
(Boden) And Pavo was too.
(Belden) No, I'm fine...
(Belden) ...
(Belden) He sure was...
(Boden) He has friends that are whores
(Belden) Well... that's.. unfortunate
(Belden) For them... I mean...
(Boden) but you see...no its not.
(Belden) Never mind.
(Boden) well, not to them.
(Belden) -_-
(Belden) Brother Butler says I should try to lead by example and not force my beliefs on others.
(Boden) I don't know why I came out here...you know 'splaining stuff isn't something I'm good at.
(Boden) but I just wanted to...I don't know what I wanted
* Boden seems at a l0ss
(Belden) Well, thanks Boden... I know you mean well...
* Belden smiles again.
(Boden) you wanna meet some of those people? I mean...you know, to get to know them?
(Boden) in a non professional way I mean.
* Belden looks uncomfortable.
(Belden) I don't think they'd like me.
(Boden) well...they are a varied bunch.
(Boden) I just figured...you know,
(Boden) If you knew a few of them, you wouldn't feel sorry for them.
(Belden) How can I not?
(Belden) They might not see what's happening to them, but I do.
(Boden) ok...lets say someone is poor.
(Boden) They may not have a lot of money, but they have friends and family
(Boden) thats ok isn't it?
* Belden nods.
(Boden) Its the same thing. Even if one part of their life isn't perfect, they have it ok.
(Belden) What?
(Belden) That... um.. doesn't make sense
(Boden) oh, it doesn't...
* Boden looks worried.
(Belden) But anyway...
(Boden) I just mean...
(Belden) How are *you* doing, Boden?
(Boden) being a hooker is the same as being poor.
(Belden) ...
(Boden) just in a different part of your life.
* Belden stops and shakes her head as the Boden logic evades her.
(Boden) and one other thing...
(Boden) you know how you don't do this guard thing for the money....even though your willing to risk you body to protect the city?
(Belden) It's not the same!
* Belden protests.
(Boden) no...not the same for you, because you don't do it for the money.
(Boden) but some prostitutes don't do it for the money....
(Belden) I *know* some of them... like it, or they think they do
(Belden) But it isn't the same.
(Boden) I guess we just see the world differently.
(Belden) I guess so...
(Boden) are you still upset?
(Belden) I'm just sad, Boden.
(Boden) Why?
(Belden) I'm sad because I'm not as smart as Brother Butler, and because I want to help people to find wisdom and the Centre, but all they do is get angry.
(Belden) ...
(Belden) -_-
(Boden) can I make a sugestion?
(Belden) Sure...
* Boden looks unsure...
(Boden) Your really smart Belden.
(Boden) and your good at telling if people are lieing or not.
(Belden) ...
(Boden) but if you want people to listen to your points...you have to make them feel like your listening to theirs.
(Belden) That's what I'm not good at...
(Belden) I have all the grace of... of a stupid ox. :(
(Boden) don't beat yourself up over it.
(Boden) Hell...if I got upset every time I was too dumb to keep up...well, I"d be a lot worse off thats for sure.
(Belden) Well... I'll just keep my opinions to myself, I guess.
(Belden) From now on...
(Boden) you can share them.
(Belden) I don't think that's working out so well
(Boden) just make people feel like your listening to theirs as well.
(Belden) I was listening. I just don't agree.
(Boden) you can't be scared to be who you are.
(Belden) I don't know why Pavo had to get so... harsh... but it won't happen again
(Boden) I know why.
(Boden) well...he said why.
(Boden) but I didn't quite understand what he meant.
(Boden) I mean...we were just talking about people in general.
(Boden) but he was thinking about his friends.
(Boden) I guess when its your friends...its harder to take people who disagree with you.
(Belden) Well, how was even supposed to know that...
(Boden) I don't know.
(Belden) Oh, sometimes I think I'd just be better off working in the library.
(Belden) :(
(Boden) I woudln't do that
* Boden laughs
(Boden) Your the most honest guard on the force.
* Boden smiles at you.
(Belden) That may well be, I suppose...
(Belden) But mostly all that counts for is getting laughed at by Pavo, as far as I can tell.
(Boden) Belden....when I started on the guard, I thought bribery was normal procedure. And it *is* normal procedure...guards do it everyday.
(Boden) but we don't
(Boden) because of you.
(Belden) Well...
* Boden gives Belden a little hug with one arm.
* Belden lets him.
(Belden) *sigh*
(Belden) You're ... really a good friend, Boden.
(Boden) Well....I"m having a good day today.
(Boden) I'm not allways.
(Boden) I just really like people.
* Belden will hug Boden; she probably can't reach her arms all the way around him though.
* Boden will smile and hug her back.
(Belden) (and we go back to barracks... is that about it? I need to pee ;D)
(Boden) (ok, go pee...)
(Boden) (I need to pee to. Good IC though)
(Falke) I think I'll swing by my parents' house.
* Kalman nods
(Falke) Thank you for the conversation.
(Kalman) I think I'm headed home myself....
* Falke stands up and leaves.
(Loch) Happy Birthday, Falke. I hope the rest of your evening is enjoyable.
(Kalman) I have an engagement later this evening
* Kalman nods to Falke
(Pavo) Goodevening.
(Kalman) goodnight
(Loch) Evening
* Kalman says to the table, and heads out
(Narrator) (Okay, we'll move on then...)
(Narrator) (Or else we'll be here all night ;)
* Pavo will sit and drink with Loch in silence for a while... maybe play with his hedgehog if he's still out :)
(Narrator) Loch, what would you like to do? Could be tonight or another day.
(Pavo) (Pavo will eventually head out to the Likely Lord's)
(Narrator) (Okay, that's fine - I'll get to you soon enough :)
* Loch will finish his drink with Pavo then head home to the barracks for the evening to work on his sculpture.
(Narrator) Okay. What else?
(Narrator) Anyone you want to talk to, anything you need to do?
(Loch) So Loch will try to catch Belden alone in the barracks or the chapel at the barracks
* Belden will be in the chapel, praying for patience and guidance, etc.
* Loch will approach quietly
* Belden will finish her prayers and get up, then smile when she sees Loch.
(Loch) Excuse me, Pasith, I hope I am not desturbing you.
(Belden) I was just finishing...
(Loch) I would like to speak with you, if you don't mind.
(Loch) About what I talked to you about before
(Belden) I have some time...
(Belden) Oh, yes...
(Belden) I talked to my friend...
(Belden) Brother Jonas does work there, but he hasn't been there very long yet...
(Belden) So Brother Butler hasn't gotten to know him terribly well yet.
(Belden) I can tell you that he's from the house of the Cat...
* Loch tries but fails to repress a frown
(Belden) Well, I know how that must sound...
(Belden) But we don't know him...
(Belden) Anyway... I've started working at the Athenaeum some lately, so maybe I'll get a chance to talk to him myself.
(Loch) I'm trying desperately to keep an open mind here, but I seem to be failing miserably
(Loch) You are a reasonable judge of character, I'm sure you'll be able to get a feel for him
(Belden) I understand... My brothers are always looking out for me, sometimes more than I'd like. :)
(Belden) I'll do my best!
(Loch) Thank you
(Belden) It's no trouble.
(Loch) I hope the other day hasn't left a bad taste in your mouth about the squad.
* Belden 's eyes cloud with sadness for a second.
(Belden) I'm alright...
(Loch) It has, hasn't it.
(Belden) Well, I can't lie...
(Belden) It did upset me..
* Belden looks away.
(Belden) But I'll get over it.
(Loch) If it's any conselation, I agree with you. That's no way for a person to live.
* Belden nods.
(Belden) Well... thanks.
* Belden smiles wanly.
(Loch) But I also understand that what we think as an Ox won't always match with those of other houses
* Belden nods.
(Loch) I also believe that it's not supposed to.
(Belden) I guess we do think differently.
(Belden) But not everyone thinks within the confines of their house...
(Belden) Otherwise there would be no choice involved in the priesthood...
(Loch) I never thought they did, but you can't expect them all to
(Loch) That's why I am trying to hard to keep an open mind about Brother Jonas, even though everything in my head is screaming agianst it.
* Belden nods.
(Belden) I hope it will turn out alright for your sister.
(Loch) Thank you, and so do I.
* Belden smiles.
(Loch) Next time Pavo says something to bother you, just distract him with something shiny
* Loch says chuckling as he leaves
(Loch) (m)... or point out the closest young man nearby
* Belden can't help but grin at that :D
(Loch) (after that he will plan to visit Jenai Koval the next evening, hopefully finished with his carving...
(Narrator) Okay, you can visit Jenai on the evening of the 13th
(Narrator) You head to her house after work, bringing the sculpture with you.
* Jenai greets you at the door
* Jenai is dressed in slim black pants and an off-white shirt with a bit of blue and green embroidery at the collar, probably her best clothes. Her red curls have been combed into something like neatness, though it's sort of hopeless.
* Loch will grab a few wildflowers as well and tie them to it like a collar
* Jenai smiles warmly at you as you arrive
* Loch meekly hands over the present
(Jenai) Oh, that's so cute!
* Jenai takes it, smiling happily
(Jenai) It looks just like Toby, too!
(Loch) I hope you like it... I'm not the best woodcarver out there.
(Jenai) No, it's really good. Thank you.
(Jenai) Come on in, don't just stand there. ;)
* Loch will come in
(Jenai) I'm cooking eels for dinner, I hope you like them.
* Jenai says as she heads into the kitchen with you
(Loch) I'm sure I will. How have you been?
* Loch will follow her
(Jenai) Fine... What about you?
(Jenai) Any more strange dreams?
* Jenai teases gently
(Loch) Good, and no, no strange dreams since the last.
(Jenai) I'm glad.
(Jenai) I got some of last year's pear cider too. Want some?
(Loch) Yes, thank you.
* Jenai will pour you some into a plain mug, then
* Jenai pours some for herself as well
(Loch) With all this hospitality, I wish I could do something for you in return.
(Jenai) Well, you gave me that present.
(Jenai) That was something in return.
* Jenai smiles
(Loch) I suppose so... I just thought you would like it, that's all.
(Jenai) I do.
* Loch watches her eyes
* Jenai looks into your eyes, then looks away, a bit shy
(Jenai) I think dinner should be ready...
(Loch) Once my brother Jore gets his orchard up and running, I can bring you some cider.
* Jenai gets up to get the food
(Jenai) Your brother has an orchard?
* Jenai says as she gets plates and food for you
(Loch) He's trying to start one. He's stubborn enough to succeed.
* Jenai chuckles
* Jenai serves you skewered eels that have been roasted over the fire, along with fresh bread and boiled carrots.
(Jenai) I hope this is okay...
(Loch) It's terrific
* Jenai smiles happily
(Jenai) Can I ask you a question?
* Jenai says after a little while
(Loch) Of course.
(Jenai) Are you just here to find out about your dreams? Or are you here because you really want to spend time with me?
(Loch) When I first came here, it was to find out about my dreams, but now...
(Loch) it felt good spending time with you.
* Jenai smiles at that
(Jenai) I'm glad...
(Jenai) I was afraid, after you left last time, that you were just here.. I don't know, doing research or something.
(Loch) I may work as a guard and been trained as a sorceror, but, I enjoy this...
(Jenai) Which is a change from a guy who just wants in my pants, but still not the ideal situation.
* Loch guestures around the house
* Jenai smiles
(Loch) I hope I can wipe out that bad impression I started with.
(Jenai) It wasn't a bad impression... just, something I was worried about, maybe for no reason.
(Jenai) I'm just not used to men paying attention to me without wanting something in return.
(Jenai) But you seem different. I guess I just can't figure out what it is you want, exactly.
(Loch) I...
(Loch) I don't want anything in return.
(Jenai) No?
(Loch) I... well, I do like being with you
* Jenai looks happy at that
(Loch) You made me smile and laugh, something I don't do enough of these days
(Jenai) Well, that's something...
(Loch) ... I guess it is.
* Jenai will clear the table when you're done and pour you some more cider if you want it.
* Loch will accept, hoping it will relax him.
* Jenai pours some more for herself as well
* Jenai sits at the humble table across from you, Toby lying on the floor near the fire as usual.
(Jenai) So.
(Jenai) Now what?
(Loch) Good question
* Jenai takes your hand and holds it
* Loch will be so bold as to start to slip his hand across the table.
(*snick* GMTA :)
* Loch hands are hard and caloused
* Jenai 's are as well, and have some little nicks and scrapes on them.
* Jenai sips her drink
(Jenai) You're so quiet...
(Loch) I... yes I am...
(Loch) I've always been told that
(Loch) Usually, I am more sure of myself though
* Loch sips his drink
(Jenai) What, you've never had drinks with a beautiful woman before?
* Jenai jokes
(Loch) not until now
* Jenai laughs
* Loch chuckles
(Loch) Do you usually tongue tie men like this?
* Jenai shrugs
(Jenai) Most men... they don't know how to react to me, exactly.
(Jenai) Some just end up treating me like another one of the guys.
(Jenai) I guess that's easier for them.
(Jenai) Others just leave me alone.
(Jenai) A few are intrigued, but it never seems to lead anywhere.
* Jenai shrugs again
(Jenai) Tongue-tied is a new one, though.
* Loch will be bolder and start to lean in closer to her
* Jenai says with a little smile
* Jenai leans forward as well
(Loch) Funny, I was sure I couldn't be the first
* Loch gets as bold as ever and tries to kiss her
* Jenai will kiss him back, a bit shyly
(Jenai) Look... the kitchen maybe isn't the ideal place for this....
* Jenai says when the kiss ends
(Loch) oh, my...
(Loch) Perhaps a walk? There are gardens around and the wildflowers are everywhere
(Jenai) Sure.
(Jenai) That sounds great..
* Loch will stand and offer her his hand
* Jenai will take it and stand as well
* Jenai whistles for Toby and he follows her
* Loch will lead the way, hoping his little skill in city lore will find him a nice public garden (if they exist)
(Jenai) (Sure :)
* Jenai and Loch go for a walk in the Firefly Gardens, which are most beautiful after sunset.
(Narrator) (Okay, I'll turn to someone else now...)
* Loch will talk a little bit about the farm he grew up on and his family, and some of the more humorous anticdotes of his first visists to the city, such as getting lost
* Jenai listens to all your stories happily and adds some of her own, too
(Narrator) Okay, moving on..... Time flies! :o
(Narrator) Falke, what's the plan?
(Falke) (I guess I'll swing by my parents' for a birthday supper... then maybe if there's time go visit Grey)
(Narrator) Okay. Your parents have cooked your favorite foods for dinner, and give you your gifts afterwards.
(Falke) (I wasn't expecting gifts! Bad parents!)
(Narrator) Your parents bought you a new pair of boots, Anezie carved you a walking stick, and Reanne bought you a book of songs and poems.
(Narrator) (heh)
(Narrator) Afterwards, you can certainly go and try to find Grey.
* Falke is mortified but thanks everyone for the gifts
(Narrator) Your family all give you hugs and kisses.
* Falke leaves a bit of money with his parents before he goes.
(Narrator) Your mother protests that they don't need it, but takes it anyway. ;)
(Narrator) So, down to the Hatcham Soap Works for a visit, then?
(Falke) (yup)
* Falke seeks out Grey's place.
(Narrator) Okay, you roam around until you find Grey Grizzle poking through some things in an alleyway
(Falke) Hello Grey.
(Falke) (does he look like he's looking for food?)
(Grey_Grizzle) I wasn't doing anythin... Oh. It's you.
* Falke smiles.
(Falke) Hungry?
(Narrator) (you're not sure - could be)
(Grey_Grizzle) A mite peckish.
* Falke eyes the bins warily.
(Falke) I just came from supper but if you want to eat, I'll keep you company. What do you feel like tonight?
* Grey_Grizzle shrugs
(Grey_Grizzle) Anything
* Grey_Grizzle will happily follow you to a nearby tavern and order himself some food ;)
(Falke) No preferences? All right, I know a pretty good place.
(Falke) How have you been?
(Grey_Grizzle) As well as always.
* Grey_Grizzle says as he tucks in
* Falke nods.
(Grey_Grizzle) And you?
(Falke) Pretty good, but feeling my age.
* Grey_Grizzle chuckles
(Grey_Grizzle) Wait until your age starts to feel you, then get worried.
* Falke grins mischievously.
(Falke) I'll keep that in mind.
(Grey_Grizzle) So, what did you want to talk about tonight?
(Falke) Relatives.
(Grey_Grizzle) Alright.
(Grey_Grizzle) You have a father, a mother, and two sisters, am I right?
* Grey_Grizzle says with a sly grin
(Falke) Yes. Should I be worried?
* Grey_Grizzle shrugs
(Grey_Grizzle) I did some checking.
(Falke) Your nephew's moving in.
* Grey_Grizzle grunts
(Grey_Grizzle) Shame about that place... it used to be nice.
* Falke nods.
(Falke) It may yet be.
(Grey_Grizzle) But they let it run down.... it's going to be hard to fix it up again.
(Grey_Grizzle) Any other relatives you wanted to bring up?
(Falke) I think there's a fair bit of money backing it, if they need it. I could be wrong.
* Grey_Grizzle shrugs
(Grey_Grizzle) I'm not up-to-date on the state of their finances.
(Grey_Grizzle) But yes,
(Falke) Well... I was wondering about an illigitimate daughter, perhaps? Tall, pretty thing.
(Grey_Grizzle) I'm sure there is.
* Grey_Grizzle chuckles
(Grey_Grizzle) Dear girl...
(Grey_Grizzle) Not the only one, but the one with the most promise.
* Falke smiles.
(Falke) Does she ever talk to you?
* Grey_Grizzle smiles faintly
(Grey_Grizzle) I raised her, until she turned 15 and lit out on her own.
(Falke) She seems to be doing well for herself. You must have done a good job.
(Grey_Grizzle) She's a clever one.
(Grey_Grizzle) Too clever by half, she'll end up hanging.
* Grey_Grizzle shrugs
(Falke) That would be a shame.
(Grey_Grizzle) Unless she's got good protectors.
(Grey_Grizzle) But I haven't seen much of her over the past couple of years.
(Falke) It seems to me like she might have the best...
(Falke) If the rumours are to be believed.
(Grey_Grizzle) I've heard she's doing well for herself.
* Falke nods.
(Grey_Grizzle) But she's like me...
(Falke) ...
(Grey_Grizzle) She'll follow her groin and get in trouble over it.
* Grey_Grizzle says with a chuckle
(Falke) So the best advice you can give me is remain chaste?
* Grey_Grizzle laughs
* Falke grins.
(Grey_Grizzle) Don't screw around on people who have power over you.
(Grey_Grizzle) That's my official advice for the day.
(Falke) I'll take it to heart.
* Grey_Grizzle nods
(Grey_Grizzle) In a way, I'm glad you found me.
* Falke is surprised.
(Falke) Why's that?
(Grey_Grizzle) Well, my past isn't something I usually like to think about overly much.
(Grey_Grizzle) But at least you can learn from my mistakes.
* Falke smiles.
(Falke) Hopefully.
(Grey_Grizzle) Gods know no one else did...
* Grey_Grizzle mutters
(Falke) Children seldom listen to what their own parents have to say...
* Grey_Grizzle nods, snorting slightly
(Falke) If I'd listened to mine I'd be turning out doorframes...
* Falke looks a bit sad.
(Grey_Grizzle) I'm sure they just meant the best for you. Parents usually do.
(Falke) Well, I am not being totally honest, actually... I am following in my father's footsteps for now.
* Grey_Grizzle finishes his food
(Grey_Grizzle) Used to be a guard, did he?
(Falke) Mmm. What can you tell me of your nephew?
(Falke) You probably would have known him only as a child, I suppose.
(Grey_Grizzle) Jovien....
(Grey_Grizzle) He's... practical.
(Grey_Grizzle) He looks like me.
* Grey_Grizzle says with a bit of a chuckle
(Falke) Do you know if he's sold the house?
(Grey_Grizzle) It could be. He never seemed to want it before.
* Falke nods.
(Falke) Your daughter was there a while ago, I believe. With a close friend.
(Grey_Grizzle) Sold it in the family, maybe?
(Grey_Grizzle) Not that he'd know, necessarily.
(Falke) Maybe. I may end up looking into it... it's all guesswork for now, though.
* Grey_Grizzle nods
(Grey_Grizzle) Good luck with that.
(Falke) I have to think about it... I'm not sure if it's really worth the trouble.
* Grey_Grizzle nods
(Grey_Grizzle) That's always the question.
(Grey_Grizzle) But for me, the answer was usually "yes", as long as it might prove entertaining.
* Falke nods.
(Grey_Grizzle) Do you have a girl? A young man your age should have a girl ... or two...
(Falke) I am more interested in the... challenge, I suppose.
(Falke) No... no women.
* Grey_Grizzle shrugs
(Grey_Grizzle) Maybe that's for the best.
(Grey_Grizzle) You have a good night now, Jack. Go buy yourself a whore or something.
* Grey_Grizzle says, standing to leave
* Falke raises an eyebrow.
(Falke) Whores don't offer much challenge.
* Grey_Grizzle shrugs
* Falke stands up as well.
(Grey_Grizzle) Go find a princess, then. Whatever keeps you busy.
* Falke shrugs.
(Falke) Cat says hi.
(Falke) Have a good night, Grey.
(Grey_Grizzle) You too...
* Grey_Grizzle walks out, laughing to himself.
* Falke leaves as well.
(Narrator) Okay, we'll move on to Boden now.
(Narrator) Boden, any specific plans?
(Boden) no...I think I'm just going to walk around Pearl for a while.
(Narrator) Okay, you walk around for a while.
(Boden) wander aimlessly, thinking
* Boden will contemplate all that has happened.
* Boden is in a sad mood.
(Boden) (Did Kalman say he was busy tonight?)
(Narrator) I don't recall, did he?
(Kalman) (After you left)
(Boden) I guess after walking around for a while I'll stop by Kalmans...(were is his place anyways.)
(Narrator) His place is in the Place D'Iena, I believe. I forget ;)
(Kalman) (Yup)
(Narrator) You know where it is, anyway :)
(Kalman) (I was thinking tonight moght be a night I either have a date woth Eglorine, or a music lesson, but if Boden stops by before I go out... Date might be more amusing)
(Narrator) So you can certainly go there. Kalman is still there, we'll say, for convenience sake ;)
(Kalman) (Yay)
* Kalman is dressing, then, hooray
(Narrator) You are let in by the same servant, who still looks at you as if you are about to murder her.
* Boden will try and be polite and nice to her.
* Jolande doesn't seem impressed by your politeness ;)
* Jolande will tell Kalman that he has a visitor.
* Kalman will ask who it is, and be somewhat surprised
(Jolande) The large man in the guards. Boden of somewhere.
(Kalman) Gouge
* Jolande nods
(Kalman) Alright...
* Kalman will come downstairs
* Kalman is semi dressed up
* Kalman is not finished dressing, though, but lookin' hot ;D
(Kalman) Good evening, Boden..
(Boden> um, hi.
(Boden> oh, are you heading out?
(Kalman> I was... not just yet, though
(Kalman> what it is?
(Boden> I was just coming by.
(Boden> to see if anything was new?
* Boden says both sad and hopeful.
* Kalman sighs
(Kalman> Not yet
(Boden> Do you think soon?
(Kalman> He and his friends... when they go out, they do it on a whim, there is no way to plan anything around that...
(Kalman> I know he is expected to be at a certain party...
(Boden> when?
(Kalman> He is supposed to be at My sister's birthday the next day as well
(Narrator> (the 20th of this month - a week or so away)
* Kalman makes a face
(Kalman> The 20th
(Boden> We could do it then...if its at your dads my brother could help.
(Narrator> (Ivona's party is the day after... the 21st)
(Kalman> I'd rather not murder anyone on my sister's fifteenth birthday, at my parent's house.
(Boden> but you wouldn't have to....me and my brother could do it.
(Kalman> YOu'd probably get yourselves killed.
(Kalman> one way or another
* Boden sits down in a chair.
(Boden> I'm starting to care less and less about that....
(Boden> maybe I could get him savaged by dogs.
(Kalman) ...
(Kalman) That's an idea...
(Kalman) Everyone on our squad knows about the ring, but I'm the only one who knows you have any history with Lygia
(Kalman) or that he does...
(Boden) can we do that?
(Boden) Your dad has hunting dogs right?
(Kalman) I think so... as long as you can disguise yourself, somehow
(Kalman) Your brother would know more about that
(Boden) I'll talk to him about it.
* Kalman nods
(Kalman) YOu might want to test the ring out a bit more, too...
(Kalman) find out its range, and such
(Boden) ok, I can do that.
(Kalman) ...
(Kalman) Wait...
(Kalman) The ring can only control one animal at the time
(Boden) maybe one will be enough.
(Kalman) maybe
(Kalman) If he is drunk...
(Kalman) He may very well be after Loick's party
(Kalman) I can tell you where that will be
(Kalman) This could still be dangerous, though
(Kalman) I don't know enough about magic... they might be able to trace it somehow...
(Kalman) And you don't want to wait, then it is the best plan I have heard.
(Boden) I'll practice with the ring...I"ll find out what it does.
(Kalman) good plan
* Kalman seems somewhat relieved
(Kalman) I have to finish dressing...
(Boden) thanks Kalman.
* Boden will head out.
* Kalman will finish dressing, and then go see his lady with all this nasty davilass stuff weighing on his mind ;D
(Narrator) (heh)
(Narrator) So you go and see Eglorine at your regular meeting place.
* Eglorine rises and hugs you warmly
* Kalman will hug her back and kiss her neck
(Eglorine) I'm glad to see you
* Kalman is always happy when he gets to see Eglorine, but lately, other stuff is stressing him out, so she may be able to tell
* Eglorine puts a hand on the side of your face
(Kalman) Me too...
(Eglorine) Is something wrong?
(Kalman) I only wish it were more often
* Eglorine nods in agreement
(Kalman) ...I don't want to trouble you
* Eglorine tilts her head to one side
(Eglorine) Don't be silly.
(Eglorine) What is it?
* Kalman sighs
(Kalman) Ivona's party....
* Kalman starts with the easy things
* Eglorine listens
(Kalman) Mother is asking who I want t be paired with :/
(Eglorine) Oh...
(Eglorine) Well, you could always pick someone safe ;)
(Eglorine) Someone old, or from another house, or who doesn't like men....
(Kalman) I could...
* Kalman smirks
* Eglorine grins back
(Kalman) She wants to pair me with Katia Dyess....
* Kalman shrugs
* Eglorine purses her lips
(Eglorine) Katia is a nice girl...
(Eglorine) I would understand if you couldn't get out of it.
* Eglorine says a bit sadly
* Kalman smiles
(Kalman) She's never shown any interest in me before
(Kalman) Nor I in her...
(Kalman) BUt I just wish I didn't have to go with someone else
(Kalman) That's all...
(Kalman) Hmm
(Eglorine) Yes?
(Eglorine) What are you thinking?
(Kalman) I suppose I could ask to be paired with Tristane Dizon.... She is in the guard, and she's from house Lizard
(Kalman) I know her family was invited, but I don't think she attends these sorts of things very often
(Eglorine) Well, if your parents say it's alright, I don't have a problem with that.
* Eglorine smiles
(Kalman) Well, mother will probably dissapointed, but she'll do it
* Eglorine chuckles
(Eglorine) Your mother might have to get used to being disappointed.
(Kalman) I think so...
(Kalman) I'll lead her into it gently if I can, though
(Eglorine) Well, maybe this is a good start.
* Kalman smiles again
(Kalman) maybe
(Eglorine) Was there anything else bothering you?
* Kalman sighs
(Eglorine) I'll take that as a yes...
* Kalman sits down, on whatever piece of furniture is closest
* Eglorine sits as well, across from him
(Kalman) Davilas Dyess.
* Eglorine thins her lips
(Eglorine) What about him?
* Kalman shakes his head
(Kalman) It's complicated...
(Eglorine) You can tell me.
* Eglorine leans toward you and takes your hand.
* Kalman scowls a bit, not at her, though, just, thinking about Davilas.
(Kalman) I have a friend, in the guard. he met Davilas at a tavern in Perl, and Davilass, drunk, wanted to fight him.
(Kalman) My friend thought this would be a bad idea, so he refused.
* Eglorine nods, listening
(Kalman) This same friend was also involved in investigation the case where Eynard Arguelles Mistress was killed...
(Eglorine) ...
* Kalman sakes his head, I told you, it's complicated...
(Kalman) In any case, Davilass felt that my firend was somehow oversteping his bounds, so he hurt someone that my friend was close to... a girl.
* Eglorine squeezes your hand reassuringly
(Eglorine) That's terrible.
(Kalman) He's also.... threatened Ivona, more or less.
(Kalman) To me.
(Eglorine) Threatened her how?
* Eglorine says, concern in her voice
(Kalman) Well... he threatened to marry her.
(Eglorine) ... Oh.
* Kalman says sardonically
(Kalman) And made some disparaging comments
* Eglorine frowns
(Kalman) I know he's done other things, too..
(Kalman) And what can I do about it?
(Eglorine) Well...
(Kalman) He's Prince Imperial
(Eglorine) Not forever.
(Kalman) no, not forever, but for now
* Eglorine nods sadly
(Eglorine) I know she's young, but if Ivona married someone else, she would be safe from him.
* Eglorine says tentatively
* Kalman sighs
(Kalman) I know
(Kalman) I don't want her to have to get married to be... protected like that or for prestige.
(Kalman) I want her to be able to be happy.
(Eglorine) Would she be happier with Davilas?
* Eglorine asks sarcastically
(Kalman) ha..
(Kalman) Well, I've managed to convince my mother that he is not appropriate, at least.
(Eglorine) Well, you shouldn't have much to worry about, then... I'm sure she can talk to your father.
* Kalman nods
(Eglorine) What about this friend of yours, and his girlfriend? Are they both alright?
(Kalman) I've tried not to pry too much.
* Eglorine nods sympathetically
(Kalman) But my friend, like I said, he wants jutice
(Eglorine) That could be hard to come by...
(Kalman) I know
(Kalman) He thinks I can help him....
(Eglorine) ...
(Eglorine) Well, you can help him by keeping him from doing anything too rash, I hope.
(Eglorine) Maybe in time... once Davilas isn't a prince anymore...
(Kalman) maybe
(Eglorine) I just don't want you to get hurt.
* Kalman smiles
* Eglorine says with concern in her voice
* Kalman seems a bit nervous, though
(Kalman) I don't want you to get hurt either.
* Eglorine chuckles
* Kalman will move a bit closer to her
(Eglorine) Me? I'm not likely to get hurt, but thank you for worrying.
(Kalman) Maybe I'm worrying about nothing...
* Eglorine nods
(Kalman) Just...
(Eglorine) I hope so.
(Kalman) Davilass perfers to strike out the people who are close to his ennemies.
(Kalman) So I worry what he might do... if he found out about you
(Eglorine) Well, how would he find out?
(Kalman) I don't know
(Kalman) I don't see how he could, really
(Eglorine) Are you going to Loick's party on the 20th?
(Kalman) I'm not sure...
(Kalman) I might
(Eglorine) I was thinking of going... it would be nice to get out of the house and actually be in public ;)
* Kalman smiles at her
(Kalman) well, if you are going to be there, how can I saty away?
(Eglorine) I have to have somewhere to wear all of these new clothes to, don't I? ;)
* Eglorine says, snuggling closer to you
(Kalman) hmmm...
(Kalman) Say, did you know that our fathers fought a duel once?
* Eglorine looks surprised
(Eglorine) A duel? Over what?
* Eglorine looks intrigued
(Eglorine) Who won?
(Kalman) I don't know over what...
(Kalman) My aunt says my father won, though
* Eglorine chuckles
(Kalman) They were both a lot younger
(Eglorine) I wonder if I should ask father about it....
(Kalman) She didn't even know what ti was about
(Kalman) He might wonder where you heard...
* Eglorine chuckles again
(Kalman) Aparently it was very secret
(Eglorine) Who else knows about it?
(Kalman) Hmmm... My aunt, Laurain Dyess...
(Kalman) (Who seconded for her father?)
(Eglorine) (erg... one of the Arguelles... lemme check which)
(Eglorine) (Noyale Arguelles)
(Kalman) Noyale Arguelles seconded for your father
(Eglorine) How odd....
(Eglorine) The whole thing, I mean.
* Eglorine shrugs
* Kalman nods
(Eglorine) Oh well...
* Eglorine nuzzles your ear
(Kalman) mmm...
(Kalman) oh, well, indeed..
* Kalman will nuzzle back, and so on ;D
(Narrator) Okay, we will turn to Pavo now...
(Narrator) Pavo, any plans?
* Pavo hrms
* Pavo needs to shop for a place to live, clothes for the "soiree", and maybe find something like that ring... just mundane.
(Narrator) You can certainly do all of those things.
* Pavo has no idea which :o
(Narrator) No, I mean we don't have to play them out :)
(Narrator) I'll assume you're doing them
* Pavo would also evenutally wind up at the Likely Lord
(Pavo) (What kinda place could Pavo afford on his budget?
(Narrator) Hm... I'll have to think about that.
(Narrator) I'll let you know, though.

(Pavo) It can be sparse, and simple, but it has to be clean and relatively reputable.

* Narrator nods, and will consider that.
* Pavo can't think of anything else but to head to the Likely Lord's
(Narrator) Honestly, I had hoped to get to the party at Loick's tonight, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. So I don't have anything earlier than that planned for Pavo. But if you want to go to the LL and just talk to folks, that's doable.
(Narrator) Anyone in particular you wanted to talk to there?
(Pavo) ... no.
(Narrator) Blarg. I'm sorry, I'm having a brain fart, apparently.
* Lyrias and co. are sitting at a table
* Pavo takes a seat with the two
(Narrator) (er...3)
(Pavo) (Oops :D)
(Narrator) (:)
(Pavo) Ho! What's up?
(Karolis) Oh, look who it is!
(Karolis) Where have you been lately?
(Pavo) Oh, here and there... tired after work and other such fun-crushing things
* Lyrias frowns
* Karolis gives you a look
(Karolis) That's not what I heard...
(Pavo) I never claimed that was ALL.
(Pavo) What DID you hear though? :)
(Karolis) Well, I know Antenia... I hear things.
(Karolis) A young man matching your description has been seen at her house.
(Karolis) And we all know about her brother....
(Pavo) Well I'm one and only...
(Pavo) So I guess that was me.
(Karolis) And how were they?
* Pavo is being light-hearted, but isn't sure of their tones... o_O
* Lyrias and Salvian listen with interest
(Pavo) I wouldn't know...
(Narrator) Tone = light but a bit bitter, you'd say
(Pavo) We didn't wait for her to get back from her show.
(Karolis) Oh?
(Lyrias) So, now that you've found a rich man to take care of you, I imagine we won't see you here very much
(Pavo) Oh hardly... it's not like he's giving me an allowance... he just took me to the theatre.
(Salvian) Not yet.
* Salvian says quietly
(Salvian) That's how these things start, though.
* Salvian smiles sweetly
(Salvian) Well, I'm happy for you, at least.
* Pavo pthhbts.
(Pavo) Well...
(Pavo) That's just not how it is.
(Lyrias) How is it, then?
(Pavo) I doubt I'm what he's looking for. I'm sure he's looking for some one for he and his sister to share.
(Pavo) So... I'm not good enough.
* Lyrias seems to perk up a bit at that
(Pavo) I mean, how many people from the Lords have gone home with Loick... and who's gotten an allowance out of it?
(Karolis) Loick's different. He's a slut.
(Karolis) Adrius... well, I don't know anyone who has been with him, and that's saying something.
* Pavo looks surprised.
(Pavo) Maybe he's more discrete.
(Karolis) Maybe...
(Karolis) Maybe he usually sleeps with other noblemen, I don't know.
(Pavo) Or he normally brings home boys without such loose lips :)
(Lyrias) Well, we didn't hear it from you, we heard it from Karolis.
(Karolis) And I heard it from Antenia, so :p
(Salvian) You should be safe on the loose lips front.
(Pavo) She didn't mention that we started without her?
(Karolis) She said she was busy with someone else...
(Karolis) She didn't seem bothered ;)
(Pavo) Ahhh...
(Pavo) I wonder who...
* Karolis shrugs as if to say "I'll never tell"
(Pavo) I'm hardly the first in my family to dabble in the Valenze family either.
(Lyrias) Really?
* Pavo clucks his tongue.
(Karolis) Well, it wasn't me, if that's what you're insinuating
* Karolis says, pretending to be offended
(Pavo) Ha... no.
(Pavo) A little closer on the family tree.
(Pavo) It's kinda funny...
* Karolis and the others listen with interest
(Pavo) Anyway, it can't be so boring around here without me that your biggest conversation piece is my one night out in the past little while :)
(Karolis) It's not fair to start to tell a story and then stop!
(Pavo) Well perhaps I'm just being discrete. Auntie might not like a wagging tongue.
* Karolis arches an eyebrow
(Karolis) Well, not from you, maybe.
(Pavo) But seriously... shh about that one. :)
(Karolis) Of course.
* Salvian and Lyrias also nod
(Pavo) They were quite cute. Antenia was posing.
(Pavo) I even got the opportunity to uh... attempt to paint her.
* Karolis and the others chuckle
(Pavo) With nowhere near the success my aunt had.
(Pavo) I have no idea if she was the one who met her after the show though...
* Karolis shakes his head, smirking
(Pavo) I can only hope they weren't planning to share me and my aunt :o
(Karolis) It was a .. shall we say, up and coming young actress, in fact.
(Pavo) It's probably a good thing we have to work for our money, or we might have to resort to such convoluted pleasures to pass the time :)
(Salvian) Nobles have too much time on their hands, I think.
* Salvian says quietly
(Pavo) Lyrias can attest to that.
* Lyrias nods
(Pavo) (I almost commented on Couramance, but I forgot I didn't know that :p)
(Lyrias) (heheh)
* Pavo shrugs
(Pavo) How go your days?
(Narrator) They will all tell you about their days, but I need to do something with Belden before Hazel falls asleep...
(Pavo) np
(Narrator) Belden, any plans?
* Narrator pokes Belden...
(Belden) (Weren't brother Butler and I hoping to dig up some supposedly destroyed texts?)
(Belden) (How were we going about that?)
(Narrator) Brother Butler will have to look into that a bit more.. it will take time.
(Narrator) But he is grateful for your help. :)
(Narrator) You could go and talk to Ganges, I sort of had the impression you wanted to do that at the meeting last game...
(Belden) (Yes... but now I can't remember why :o)
(Pavo) (To put in a good word for Pavo!)
(Narrator) You wanted to ask him about Althea, I think
(Belden) (yes... I think...)
(Narrator) Well, if you want... it's a thought :)
* Belden will come by her uncle's house, then.
* Ganges greets you at the door
(Belden) Hi there. :)
(Ganges) Hi yourself.
(Ganges) What's up?
(Belden) Oh... not a lot...
* Ganges will sit in the kitchen with you.
(Ganges) Mom and dad are out tonight...
(Belden) That's okay...
(Ganges) I'll have to vacate the place before they get home, or be forced to listen to their obnoxious lovemaking.
* Ganges says with a chuckle
(Belden) Things are kind of weird at work...
(Ganges) Is something wrong?
* Ganges says, sounding concerned
(Belden) I just wanted to see some familiar face...
(Belden) No, not really...
* Ganges smiles
(Ganges) Well, here I am.
* Belden smiles.
(Ganges) So, how are things weird?
(Belden) Well, it's me...
(Belden) I offended some people. WIth my beliefs.
(Belden) :/
(Ganges) Oh..
* Belden leans her chin on her palm.
(Ganges) Well, they probably offended you too, so you're even.
(Belden) Yeah, well, there are more of them. :/
(Ganges) Look, the people you work with won't hold something like that against you... they'll get over it.
(Belden) Time will tell...
(Ganges) Or, worst case scenario, you can transfer to another squad, I imagine.
(Belden) I don't want to do that... :(
(Ganges) Well, I don't think you'll have to...
(Ganges) Whatever you said, it couldn't have been that bad.
(Belden) There are a couple people on the squad... I just think we are so completely different... I don't know.
(Ganges) People are all different... Not everyone has to love each other, they just have to get along well enough to work together.
(Ganges) Are there some you like, at least?
* Belden nods.
(Belden) Mm-hm.
(Ganges) Well, that's good.
(Belden) Kalman's nice... and Loch... and Boden
(Belden) Boden's a sweetie. :)
* Ganges smiles
* Belden grins.
(Ganges) That's more than half, anyway.
* Belden nods.
(Ganges) Assuming you like yourself, that is.
* Ganges teases
(Belden) That's why I don't want to leave!
(Ganges) Could you apologize to whoever you offended?
(Belden) I guess I should.
(Belden) I feel bad that I upset them.
(Belden) Even though I still disagree with what they were saying.
(Ganges) Well, maybe whatever you said was just a touchy subject for them.
(Belden) That's what Boden said.
(Ganges) Was it something you'll have to talk about again every day?
* Belden nods.
(Belden) I sure hope not.
(Ganges) Well, maybe you can just agree to disagree.
(Belden) I think I'll just avoid talking about it.
* Ganges nods
(Ganges) That could work too...
(Belden) I think... Pavo and I are not meant to get along, so much.
* Ganges shrugs
(Ganges) Sometimes that happens...
(Ganges) I don't know.. is there anything you like about him?
(Ganges) You could try to focus on the good qualities...
(Belden) Well... I don't really know him.
(Belden) Most of the time when he does say something to me, it's to make fun of me.
* Ganges purses his lips
(Ganges) I could have a talk with him....
(Belden) Oh no, don't...
(Ganges) Alright... if you say so.
(Belden) I'll be alright.
* Ganges nods
(Belden) SO.. enough about that, anyway. How are *you doing?
(Ganges) I'm sure you will...
(Ganges) I'm alright.
(Ganges) I was happy to see you at the meeting...
(Belden) It was good to see you there, too
* Ganges smiles
(Belden) Brother Butler and I are doing research for the next meeting; we've found some really interesting things.
(Ganges) Really?
* Belden nods.
(Belden) We're going to present it to everyone...
(Ganges) I don't know why I never mentioned the group to you before... I should have figured you'd be interested...
(Ganges) I'm looking forward to it, then.
(Ganges) Other than that, I'm okay. No problems lately.
(Belden) And how many girlfriends do you have this week?
* Belden teases.
* Ganges laughs
(Ganges) Two or three, depending on how you count it.
(Belden) I saw that girl from the Dreaming Demon earlier... Althea
(Ganges) Oh, right...
(Ganges) Ah.
(Ganges) Where did you see her?
(Belden) Oh, in Pearl.
(Ganges) Oh, okay.
(Belden) Why?
(Ganges) Just wondering.... I didn't think the two of you would have crossed paths, somehow.
(Belden) Oh, I wasn't talking to her or anything... just saw her there.
(Belden) Are you still seeing her?
(Ganges) Once in a while...
(Ganges) She's... busy.
(Belden) Heh.
(Belden) Ah...
(Belden) (sense motive)
(Ganges) I guess she's the "three", if you count it that way.
* Belden nods.
(Ganges) (You don't sense any deception from him)
(Ganges) She's nice, but she's set her sights higher than me, I think.
(Belden) Oh, I'm sorry...
* Ganges shrugs
(Belden) :/
(Belden) . o O (Izaguirre)
(Ganges) It's okay, I know I'm not a great catch...
(Belden) . o O (...)
(Belden) Hey, don't say that!
(Ganges) Well, for some girls, anyway.
(Belden) I think you would be :D
* Ganges smiles
(Ganges) Thanks, anyway.
(Ganges) But most girls wouldn't want to marry a Houseless merchant's son.
(Belden) Well... I hope we can change some minds about that.
* Ganges smiles
(Ganges) Maybe so...
(Ganges) I'm glad you came over. It was good to see you again... you always cheer me up.
(Belden) I feel better, too.
(Ganges) Good.
* Belden says sincerely, (even though she can't type).
(Ganges) Sadness doesn't look good on you.
* Ganges teases
(Belden) pfft.
* Belden waves her hand dismissively.
(Belden) I'm a priest, I don't worry about things like that.
(Belden) ;)
* Ganges laughs
(Ganges) I guess sadness isn't a sin...
* Belden sighs...
(Belden) Guess not.
* Ganges ruffles your hair in that way he has.
* Belden tries to duck!
(Belden) :o
(Ganges) There is no escape!
(Belden) Eek!
* Ganges gives you a hug when he finishes ruffling you.
* Belden hugs him back.
(Ganges) Everything'll be okay.
(Belden) Thanks...
* Ganges mumbles
(Belden) You should come and see me sometime; I can introduce you to my friends.
(Ganges) Okay, I will, I promise.
(Belden) Great!
* Ganges smiles
(Ganges) I'm looking forward to it.
(Belden) Me too...
(Belden) I should get back to the barracks though, so that you can escape your parents', um, amorous activities :D
(Ganges) Yeah...
(Belden) I'm working tomorrow, anyway.
(Ganges) I'll find somewhere to go, don't worry.
* Ganges grins
(Belden) I bet.
* Belden grins wryly.
* Ganges will walk part of the way with you, then.
(Belden) (hooray!)
(Narrator) And with that, the night draws to a close...
(Narrator) Whew.


Session Start: Thu Dec 19 12:34:24 2002
* Logging #changeling to 'logs\solo7'
(Curtana) Okay, here's what Boden can find out about the ring, after some testing.
(Boden) ok.
(Curtana) It seems to work from up to 40 feet away.
(Boden) (GM subtle hind to get started. :))
(Curtana) (What animals are you testing it on, btw?)
(Curtana) (yeah :)
(Boden) (birds, horse, dogs)
(Curtana) (okay)
(Boden) (I'll try both domesticated and wild.)
(Curtana) You find that it seems to work on any animals you test it on, though occasionally it doesn't work on a particular animal.
(Boden) If I try again, will it work on that animal...or are some animals immune?
(Curtana) You find that, with smaller animals
(birds, for example), you can control quite a lot at the same time, though you have to control each one individually first.
(Curtana) It will sometimes work on the same animal if you try it again.
(Curtana) Once they are under your influence, you can teach them to do tricks.
(Curtana) Simple things, like coming when called, or sitting, rolling over, that sort of thing.
(Curtana) They don't obey instantly, but they are quite eager to learn.
(Boden) ok.
(Boden) hmmm.
(Curtana) Once you have the animal's friendship, you don't have to concentrate or do anything particular.
(Curtana) If you don't do anything else, it will just follow you around.
(Boden) and its only one animal at a time?
(Curtana) No, you can control multiple animals, though you have to get each of them under your control individually.
(Curtana) You couldn't use it on a whole flock of birds at once, but you can use it on each individual bird so that eventually you control them all.
(Boden) ahhhh
(Boden) thats good to know.
(Curtana) But there seems to be a limit of how many animals.
(Curtana) Which depends on the size of the animals - maybe 20 or 20 birds, but only 5 or 6 dogs, only 2 or 3 horses.
(Curtana) That sort of thing.
(Boden) Can I get animals to do things against their nature...like get a horse that is normally peaceful to rear and kick?
(Curtana) (20 or 30 birds, rather)
(Curtana) With training, yes.
(Boden) How long does it take to train something using the ring?
(Curtana) The animal is quite eager to learn, so it is faster than training a normal animal, but it still takes some time.
(Curtana) Depending on how complex the task is.
(Boden) Ok, I think thats all Boden would think of....If it were Rob I'd try it on bugs and a few other things...
(Curtana) okay ;)
(Boden) but its not Rob, so Boden will stick to Boden-esq things
(Curtana) heh
* Boden will go and talk to this Franek
* Curtana is now known as Franek
* Franek is at the vak Andras household
* Boden will go there than.
* Franek is in the gardens, working on setting up some kind of lanterns on posts
* Franek would wave to you, but his hands are full. He nods instead
(Franek) Hi Boden/
* Franek puts down the stuff he is carrying and wipes off his hands]
(Franek) How's things?
(Boden) Things are looking up, I guess.
(Franek) Oh?
* Boden looks around to see if other people are around.
(There are some other servants some distance away.)
(Boden) I think Kalman and me have a plan or sorts.
(Franek) Really?
(Boden) yeah.
(Franek) You wanna talk about it?
(Boden) (w)we found a magic ring that can control animals.
(Boden) yeah
* Franek looks around
(Franek) (w) So what are you gonna do with it? Sell it and hire an assassin?
(Boden) (w)No, hunting dogs
(Franek) (w) Will that work?
(Boden) (w)use them to get him, hard to trace.
(Boden) (w)Well...I can control 5 or 6 dogs, and it won't take long to train them to attack.
(Boden) (w)And he's going to be at this party.
(Franek) (w) You're going to do it here?
(Franek) (w) You realize this could cost me my job.
* Franek hisses
(Boden) (w)If things go bad, its more likely to get me and Kalman killed.
(Franek) (w) I deal with the hunting dogs every day. If they go crazy and kill a prince, who do you think they'll blame?
(Boden) (w)Then do you have a better idea? Kalman isn't coming up with anything, and this is the best I could do.
(Franek) (w) You just said it would be hard to trace. THey won't think of you and Kalman, they'll look at me.
* Boden looks depressed.
(Franek) C'mon, take a walk with me.
(Boden) (w)I really hadn't thought of that.
(Boden) ok
* Boden will follow his brother.
* Franek will walk away a bit, deep in thought
* Franek turns to you after a while, once you are some distance away.
(Franek) Okay.
(Franek) Here's some thoughts.
(Franek) First, doing it at the party is a bad idea, just because there will be too many witnesses.
(Boden) ok
(Franek) Second, you've gotta get into his circle. Not you personally, of course, but make friends with one or two of them.
* Boden listens intently
(Franek) You did say you slept with Couramance, right?
(Franek) I didn't imagine that part...
(Franek) She might be able to help you.
(Franek) And there could be others...
(Boden) She's smarter than me, what if she sides with Davilas?
(Franek) hm..
(Boden) I might not know until its too late.
(Boden) She likes him for his gifts and stuff,
(Franek) Well, what about Eynard Arguelles? He's in the shits right now because of that Orain Talavera thing.
(Franek) No one's even talking to him.
(Franek) You need someone who can get close to the prince... Maybe even your friend Kalman could do it.
(Boden) Kalman allready talked to him.
(Boden) He wasn't really happy with how it al worked out.
(Franek) I'm not saying he should talk to him.
(Franek) I'm saying he should kill him.
(Boden) oh.
* Boden thinks about that for a bit.
(Franek) But I would say, don't do it yet...
(Boden) but I really need to get this done.
(Boden) I can't just keep letting it go.
(Franek) Are you going to forget about it?
(Boden) listen...I'm not myself these days.
(Boden) everything is all screwed up.
* Franek listens
(Boden) I need to get this done.
(Boden) put it behind me.
(Boden) Its all tearing me up and stuff.
(Franek) She's a nice girl, Boden, but it's not worth your life. Do it smart or don't do it.
(Franek) Wait until his grandfather dies.
(Boden) no.
(Franek) ...
(Boden) absolutely not.
(Franek) It might only be another few months, they're saying.
(Boden) thats still too long.
(Franek) Why?
* Boden shakes his head.
(Franek) He's not going to forget, you're not going to forget...
(Boden) because I don't think I can wait that long.
(Boden) Some night, I'm not going to get to sleep, I'm going to get up and go kill him.
(Franek) ...
(Boden) I need to get this done.
* Boden sounds like he is pleading.
(Franek) Boden, think hard here. It's not worth your life.
(Boden) sure it is. It wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for me.
(Franek) Dammit, stop thinking like that!
(Franek) It's not your fault, it's his fault for being an asshole!
(Boden) so lets kill him.
(Franek) Lygia's doing fine, it's not like she died or something.
(Franek) If you die for her, it's not exactly a fair trade, is it?
(Boden) thats all screwed up to.
(Franek) And if you die, he'll be twice as happy.
* Boden says sadly.
(Franek) What is?
(Boden) not if I kill him first.
(Boden) I think I could get him without a lot of problems....Its getting away with it thats hard.
(Franek) He just did it do get back at you, you know. If it's you he hates, then killing you will mean he wins.
(Boden) If he's dead it won't matter.
(Boden) just as long as I get him first.
(Franek) But you don't know he will be. If you get caught before you even get near him, you die.
(Franek) Even if you get close to him, you might still die.
(Boden) killing him is all I can think about.
(Franek) Look, I know I promised I would help you, but I'm not going to help you kill yourself.
(Boden) Even when I'm with Lygia...all I think about is him.
(Franek) I'll help you, but only if you'll do it smart
(Boden) I don't know what my real feelings for her are.
(Franek) ...
(Franek) That's another whole issue.
(Boden) I mean...we were just getting to know eachother befor this happened.
(Boden) now I'm meeting her mother and stuff.
(Franek) ...
(Boden) and I dont' know how much of this is feelings for her...or wanting to help her because of what happened.
(Franek) Is she trying to marry you?
(Boden) How would *I* know that?
* Franek shrugs
(Franek) Has she said anything about getting married, I mean
(Boden) If she is, she hasn't told me.
(Boden) no, nothing about getting married.
(Franek) Well, she's probably just trying to say thank you, then.
(Boden) but, she asked me to sleep with her afterwards...so if she got pregnant she could say it was mine.
(Franek) ...
(Boden) that was kinda fucked up...but I wasn't going to say no.
(Franek) Is she pregnant?
(Boden) She hasn't told me, its still pretty early to tell.
(Franek) If she is, what will you do?
(Boden) I don't know.
(Boden) I'll say the kid is mine, thats for sure.
(Franek) I'd worry about that more than about the prince, if I were you.
(Boden) other than that, I don't know.
(Boden) I can't help it.
(Franek) I know you can't.
(Boden) all I think about is the prince.
(Boden) thats why I have to get it done soon.
(Boden) I need to get it out of the way, so I can try and sort out this other stuff.
(Franek) Push it to the back of your mind. Don't let it go away, just .. put it on hold for a little while. Worry about other things.
* Franek tries to reason with you
(Boden) I've tried.
(Boden) even when I'm on duty, we meet people, I think...could this person kill him for me.
(Boden) people talk about magic and I think..could this kill him?
(Franek) Maybe one of them will be able to help, someday.
(Boden) I'm not even being a very good guard these days.
(Franek) ...
(Franek) I don't know what to say. I want to help you, but not this way. I'm not going to help you commit suicide.
(Boden) fine
(Boden) I won't do it at the party...I'll work something else out.
(Boden) I don't want you to get into any trouble.
(Franek) And if you keep talking this way, I'm going to ship you back to Gouge in a big sack for Mom to deal with.
(Boden) No you won't Franek.
(Boden) I'm not leaving until this is dealt with.
* Boden turn to go.
(Franek) Dammit, Boden.
* Boden is walking away
(Franek) I'll try to think of something else, I promise.
* Boden stops and turns back to his brother.
(Boden) Thank you.
* Boden turns again and leaves.
* Franek looks sad.
* Boden looks sad too.
(Franek) (Okay, was that it?)
(Boden) Yep.
(Boden) now I need to do one more thing with the ring.
(Curtana) Okay, what?
(Boden) I need to see what happens if I use it on a horse thats being used to drive a carriage.
(Boden) like...if it has a driver trying to make it go one way...and I'm some other way...what happens.
(Curtana) If it's just one horse, it will go the way you are calling it. If there are two or more horses, it will probably cause chaos as you have control of one and the driver controls the rest.
(Boden) ok, and I don't get to give these creatures orders empathicly or anything...they have to hear me tell them what to do right?
(Curtana) Yes, you pretty much have to give verbal commands for them to do specific things.
(Boden) ok.
(Boden) thanks.
(Boden) I think thats it for me today then.
(Curtana) If you just use the ring and don't say anything, though, the animal may still come to you.
(Boden) but now I'm all depressed because Boden is so sad.
(Curtana) Because it is your friend :)
(Curtana) Aw...