Diablotin 3 session 48
- Session date: February 12, 2017
- Diablotin date:
Lathra and Gen learn something more about the patients
<Ilphere> (okay - so picking up from Ilphere having a nice cup of tea with you folks while Silvia stays nearby suspiciously ;)
<Lathra> (Yup!)
- Genevriel sips her tea and listens to Lathra and the princess - the latter with some suspicion herself.
<Ilphere> So, how are the patients doing...?
<Lathra> Oh they're fragile, but they seem to be on the mend.
<Ilphere> Are they still having those frightful nightmares...?
<Lathra> Actually that seems to be the one good thing in all of this - something about "dream extraction therapy"?
<Ilphere> oh, how fascinating...!
<Lathra> Indeed! If that were the worst they'd been through I'm sure they'd all be at their homes.
<Ilphere> I would be most interested to examine them, and see if I can figure out what that might have involved - were their dreams completely removed, or only the bad ones...?
<Lathra> I'm sure we're all interested in learning as much as we can about what's been done to them, so long as it doesn't interfere with their recovery? They've been through rather a lot already - once they're strong enough, and if they're willing, perhaps something can be arranged?
- Lathra half-directs the question at Silvia
<Silvia> Mm, I think right now we need to focus on getting them stronger, before anyone goes messing about in their heads any further.
<Genevriel> And their willingness- their consent- must be paramount.
<Ilphere> Oh yes, I quite understand that...! Although, what if this ... seed, or whatever you'd like to call it ... in their heads... is responsible for their physical ailments...?
<Silvia> You seem to know quite a lot about their condition.
- Silvia says calmly.
<Ilphere> Well, as Lathra mentioned, I did examine Raimond previously... I imagine the others are in similar states...?
<Lathra> I recall the tree in Raimond's mind... I'm not sure what the "seed" is though, is it related?
<Ilphere> Oh, well - you see, I did do some further research...!
<Ilphere> An Irminsul can, when threatened, spread "seeds" of a sort into nearby hosts...
<Ilphere> This seed feeds off their life force until such time as it can grow and take root...
<Ilphere> so you see, I do believe that until such time as they are free from this burden, they may never become healthy again...!
<Genevriel> Is it possible to pull out the "seeds" without harming the hosts?
<Ilphere> That is the paramount question, of course...!
<Ilphere> I think it could be, but it would be a dangerous undertaking...
<Silvia> Dangerous for whom?
<Ilphere> Why, for the patient, as well as the people who would have to journey into their dreams...!
<Ilphere> Although if they no longer have dreams, why, that might complicate things...
<Ilphere> But I believe it could still be done, with the correct preparations...
<Lathra> It does rather seem like they're getting better for the moment... perhaps some sort of middle ground could be taken, where they could be monitored and examined for signs to confirm your theory, and the "journey" be undertaken either when the patients are ready, or if it should be become more urgently required?
<Genevriel> "Therapy" suggests a way to minimize symptoms, not eliminate them altogether. In that respect, it is my hope that they can still dream - good dreams, anyway.
<Ilphere> Well, it's certainly possible... My concern is what would happen if one of the patients should unfortunately pass away...!
<Lathra> What would happen?
<Ilphere> I can't be certain, but I suspect it would mean a new Irminsul would grow...!
<Ilphere> Which as you can imagine would be quite a problem, not only for your lovely home, Silvia, but for all of us...!
<Silvia> Well, my house is not my greatest concern. And as we already have an Irminsul in the city, would one more be such a problem?
<Ilphere> oh my, yes...! You see, we wouldn't be able to know for certain which plane it might connect to...!
<Ilphere> I'm sure you can appreciate, many of the options there are not very nice...!
<Genevriel> Lovely.
- Genevriel looks over at Silvia.
<Genevriel> Would it be a wise precaution to have clerics with Deathwatch watching over the patients non-stop?
<Genevriel> Surely there are enough clerics with it in Diablotin to be able to set up a roster.
<Silvia> I'm sure there are. I'll try to make appropriate arrangements to ensure they're being carefully monitored.
- Lathra sighs
<Genevriel> So we try to keep them from dying until they're strong enough for attempting to remove the seeds.
<Genevriel> And hopefully, conscious and coherent enough to give their consent.
- Ilphere nods
<Ilphere> And if you do notice any changes or signs that they're becoming worse, please contact me as soon as possible...!
<Lathra> I should like to see the end of this ordeal, for Raimond and for the others. Even if they recover, they won't be free if the Irminsuls or their seeds remain.
- Silvia nods reluctantly.
<Silvia> I agree with that - but I think trying to help them regain as much of their strength as possible is important before undertaking any kind of further experimental procedures. And, as Genevriel said, they would need to agree to it as well.
<Ilphere> Very well... Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, I do appreciate it...!
<Lathra> Thank you for bringing your concerns and your research! You've done so much for Raimond already, it's wonderful to know he has you looking after him and the others.
- Ilphere will bid farewell, unless anyone has further questions/things to say to her?
<Lathra> Oh, and uh... if it's not too forward, might I call upon you some time? You mentioned your research previously, and I'd love to hear about more of it...
<Ilphere> Why certainly, I'd be glad to meet with you...! You can call at the palace, or we could meet some day at the Antiquarian Society in Rhenea, are you familiar with it...?
<Lathra> I'm afraid I'm not, but it has a delightful name!
<Ilphere> Oh yes, it's a lovely place...!
- Ilphere will give you the address
<Lathra> (huzzah :D)
- Silvia waits until Ilphere is safely gone.
<Silvia> I do think she has some valid points, but I'm very concerned about how she learned of all of this... and what she might know that she isn't telling us.
- Silvia sighs
<Genevriel> I noticed her slip - "subjects" instead of "patients." That put me on my guard.
<Silvia> Unfortunately, we might not have much choice but to take her up on her offer of help. Unless we can find someone else who's an expert in dream magic.
- Silvia nods
<Genevriel> I heard too much talk like that when they were trying to figure out my arms.
<Lathra> Yes, it is very suspicious - it doesn't seem out of the question that the royal family could have already been aware of Claar's work.
<Silvia> The only other skilled practitioners of that type of magic that I'm aware of are her children, so hardly impartial.
<Silvia> but if she's right, I'm not sure what else we can do for them. At least, we can help keep them comfortable and try to aid their recovery, but if this is the underlying cause of their illnesses, what other solutions are there?
<Genevriel> I don't know.
<Silvia> And what does it suggest about why they were being kept at this facility? Obviously Claar knew that they had this "seed" or whatever it may be, and that was important to her in some way.
<Genevriel> I do wonder if she might be possessed by a Cyst entity herself.
<Genevriel> I'm not sure if there's a way to find out.
<Lathra> It seems very likely to me that she's correct about the "seeds" presence at least - given the growth of the other tree. But we needn't rush the patients into anything - so long as their recovery continues, it seems to me that they're better off with us waiting
<Genevriel> But it would make sense if she were - everything she's doing could be meant to ease the passage of her people to our plane.
- Silvia nods
<Silvia> We can keep an eye on them and if any of them seem to be failing or having greater difficulty, we can consider where to proceed from there.
- Genevriel nods.
<Silvia> And I'll see what more I can find out about these matters - maybe there are options other than those that Princess Ilphere suggested.
- Genevriel nods again.
<Lathra> Yes! I should ask my own researcher friends as well.
- Silvia nods
<Silvia> Very well. I suppose we should get back to the patients, speaking of...
<Lathra> Yes, let's.