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[DiablotinNarrator] You have made your various preparations for your long-planned expedition to the Shadow Plane, in order to investigate their mysterious 'Well'.
[DiablotinNarrator] I presume you're gathering at the Society, and proceeding from there...
* Alma arrives well prepared, with Danyel.
[Sanadhil] (yup)
* Ilphere arrives brimming with enthusiasm... :3
* Ysabeau comes, cautiously hopeful, and smiles a warm greeting to everyone.
* Alma , on the other hand, seems very subdued.
* Dominik arrives cloaked and armed
* Seth arrives.
* Sanadhil arrives dressed in his usual expedition clothes, with his bag of holding holding all the important stuff :3
[Sanadhil] Good morning everyone
* Guillame arrives with horse and saddlepacks.
[Ysabeau] Good morning, M. Orecalo.
* Dominik nods a greeting
* Sanadhil eyes the horse
[Ilphere] Hello everybody...!
[Seth] Good morning.
[Ilphere] :D :D
[Alma] Good morning.
* Ysabeau smiles at Ilphere's bubbly enthusiasm.
[Sanadhil] I hope the animal won't be too ut out when we pass into the other plane...
[Ysabeau] It mightlike walking through the air in the in-between place. ^-^
[Sanadhil] I suppose we shall see
[Guillame] I left him behind last time because I thought it might be dangerous or confusing, but I think he can handle it.
[Ysabeau] Does he have a name?
[Sanadhil] If everyone is prepared then, we can proceed to the portal - 've made arrangements with the Warlord's office to allow us though, with a password the same as last time.
[Ilphere] Brilliant...!
* Ysabeau walks up to let him smell her hand, and digs an apple out of her rations to offer him.
[Guillame] Yes - his name is Kicker.
[Ysabeau] Oh - does he?
[Guillame] Sometimes, if I ask him to.
* Ysabeau smiles.
* Ysabeau makes a mental note to steer clear of his hindquarters.
[Ysabeau] Hello Kicker.
* Ysabeau rubs his neck.
[Ysabeau] He's lovely.
* Sanadhil waits until everyone seems ready, and will then lead to way to Sarah's Knell
===Return to Saraknyel===
[DiablotinNarrator] You make your way to the passage, and cross through without undue difficulty.
* Sanadhil will cast mage armour before we head into the SP just in case @_@
* Ysabeau chats with Guillame on their way to the passage.
[Ilphere] (I also cast magic armour)
[Guillame] Guillame seems a little preoccupied, but will chat regardless
* Alma is also quite quiet, and seems to stick to talking with Danyel and probably Ysabeau.
* Ilphere hangs out with Sanadhil.
* Dominik is eager to be walking into danger, but is otherwise quiet
* Sanadhil is happy to chill with his BFF ^-^
* Alma has signed out the star lantern :3
[Alma] [q] I wonder if the well is a "location" per se.
[Sanadhil] It should be
[DiablotinNarrator] The deserted city is a haunting place, as always, but with companions and some light, it is not so bad...
[Sanadhil] an arch is a physical structure
[Sanadhil] however it is situated
* Ysabeau circulates and chats with Dominik, Ilphere and others when the opportunity arises. Social butterfly.
[Seth] Perhaps, but I do not think we should presume anything about its necessary form.
[Sanadhil] I think we can rule out some structures we have already investigated - the temple, and the tower where the Queen sleeps.
[Seth] Yes, quite so.
* Sanadhil nods to Seth
[Alma] I will attempt to Find the Path to the edge of the well if we are not successful with our first attempts.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] I am guessing the area wth the temple we saw may have been constructed after their arch was destroyed... But I a open to suggestions as to where we might begin our search
* Alma pulls out her map of Diablotin and affixes it to clip board and tries to compare locations.
[Sanadhil] It may still be in that area.
[Sanadhil] It may correlate with sme older religious structures in our city.
[Alma] (Does it seem like there would be a parallel with our Arch?"
[Alma] )
* Ilphere nods.
[Sanadhil] We may want to check the location of Nine Elms?
[Sanadhil] (Cat - were we come out is where our arch is)
[DiablotinNarrator] (where the Arch is in your world is where you emerge here - but there's no Well there)
[Ilphere] Yes, I think so...
[Alma] (Oops.)
[Sanadhil] (to Ilphere): Id like to check the area of templewood also, though I'm not sure how to suggest it...
[Ysabeau] We should remember that they broke it...
[Ysabeau] When did that happen, again?
[Sanadhil] that is why we are looking, yes...
[Sanadhil] I'm not sure we have any kind of meaningful date
[Seth] They broke it before they came to our plane, or so it is said.
* Alma will help try to find corresponding locations based on her map.
[Ysabeau] Would they have had time to incorporate pieces of their well into other buildings?
[Sanadhil] It was broken by a faction of anti-theists, yes, before they came to our plane, and before they started consorting with demonic entities.
[Ysabeau] Like M. Argo's golem, Schesutte.
[Sanadhil] ...
[Seth] There's no reason why not.
* Seth smiles inwardly.
[Sanadhil] Hmm.
[Seth] Yes, and that reminds me, obviously we should be on the lookout for anything that looks like it may have been a part of a golem, as well.
[Sanadhil] I suppose they have some means of working this stone...
[Sanadhil] Very well.
[Guillame] Ahem.
* Sanadhil will head sort of in the general direction of where nine-elms might be?
* Sanadhil looks to Guy
[DiablotinNarrator] You proceed in that general direction, then.
[Guillame] I... have somewhat of an announcement.
* Ysabeau glances at Guillame questioningly.
[Ysabeau] Oh?
[Ilphere] . o O ( nononononono )
[Sanadhil] is now the best time?
[Guillame] I... have a spare saddlebag, if anyone needs their baggage carried on the way there.
* Alma blinks.
[Seth] Pardon?
[Sanadhil] (That was suppose to be a :)
[Alma] Thank you, Your Grace.
[Sanadhil] (to guy)
[Ilphere] Thank you for your kind offer...!
* Dominik chuckles
* Sanadhil nods
[Alma] (SM)
[Seth] (SM)
* Ysabeau smiles and laughs.
[Guillame] (To San) My horse - he can lighten the burden?
[Guillame] It seemed better to mention sooner rather than later.
[Alma] (28)
[Ysabeau] (SM indeed)
[Seth] (25)
[Ysabeau] (27)
[Sanadhil] (that was supposed to be a telepathy thing but I missed the :... 's cool though)
* Guillame rolls 1d20+6: (19)+ 6 = 25
[Sanadhil] I'm sure most of us came prepared for the expedition.... I'd worry more about extra burdens on the return.
[Guillame] (I am telling the truth about the saddlebag, but maybe was thinking of saying something else)
[Guillame] Indeed - that's why I brought the extra bag. But for the trip out, it's currently empty.
[Sanadhil] Ahh, well, very generous.
* Alma casts Greater Magic Weapon on Danyel's sword.
[Alma] (+3)
[DiablotinNarrator] (brb bio)
[Sanadhil] (to guy): Your Grace... I understand you are eager to deal with the item you brought, but I'd rather not derail the expedition so early, if you please....
[Sanadhil] :I'm positve that the Countess will react....poorly... to your sggestion, and others may as well.
[Guillame] . o O (Yeah, I thought better of that myself)
[Sanadhil] :We can discuss it further later if you like... I'm not entirely sure of your purose, or your motivation...
[DiablotinNarrator] You are now drawing near to the site where Nine Elms stands in your world... It seems more ruined than many parts of the city, with only loose rubble standing in many places.
[Sanadhil] : I only had a partial account from her highness.
[Guillame] . o O (Wait, is that Sanadhil's voice in my head?!)
* Guillame glares at Sanadhil
[Sanadhil] :It's just converstaional :p
* Guillame blinks
* Sanadhil looks over the area
[Sanadhil] hmmm
[DiablotinNarrator] Everyone can make a spot check.
[Alma] (39)
[Seth] (31)
[Sanadhil] (20, hah)
[Ilphere] (36)
* Ysabeau is oblivious, wondering what Guillame was going to say.
* Guillame rolls 1d20+15: (17)+ 15 = 32
[Dominik] (14)
[Dominik] (15 actually)
[DiablotinNarrator] Those of you who got over 30, you notice a faint light from some distance off. This is... unusual, to say the least. It doesn't look like a spell or a lantern, it's not a single area/point of light, but some sort of flickering, moving, faintly glowing trails of light.
[Alma] Hmm.
[Alma] What do you make of that, Danyel?
* Danyel didn't notice it until you pointed it out...
[Ilphere] ... What is that...?
[Sanadhil] what?
[Seth] I see it.
* Sanadhil peers into the distance
* Seth points in that direction.
[Guillame] That's different...
[Sanadhil] hmmm
* Seth will use Clairvoyance to see what it is
* Ysabeau looks where people are pointing.
[DiablotinNarrator] Once it's pointed out, there st of you can see it too.
* Sanadhil will cast clairvoyance also @_@
[Alma] Hopefully nothing undead.
[Dominik] I didn't realize undead would carry torches or whatnot
[DiablotinNarrator] With clairvoyance, you see it's a low, well-like structure. It looks to be cracked, and the light is glowing from between the cracks, and flowing around/through them like liquid.
[Sanadhil] I think that's it!
[Alma] Those don't look like torches.
[Sanadhil] no..
* Sanadhil will describe what he sees
[Ysabeau] Interesting that it glows...!
[Seth] It's the Well, certainly.
[Dominik] neat trick
[Ilphere] of course...
[Alma] Well, let's head there.
[Sanadhil] (is it roughly the area of the church?)
[DiablotinNarrator] (in that approximate vicinity, yes)
* Sanadhil nods, and will cancel the spells
[Sanadhil] (aww yeah who's got good intincts @_@)
[Ysabeau] M. Orecalo... do you think it's her?
[Seth] The location is interesting, don't you think?
[Sanadhil] I don't know.
[Sanadhil] (was the light similar?)
* Seth looks at Ysabeau.
[Seth] Who?
[Sanadhil] Emkathon @_@
[DiablotinNarrator] (this just looks white, not multicoloured)
[Sanadhil] the light isn't the same
[Seth] Hmm.
* Alma takes a measured breath.
[Sanadhil] but the location *is* interesting
[Ysabeau] Well maybe not then. Or maybe it's just a trick of the plane.
[Sanadhil] perhaps
* Alma checks for invisible things as we walk.
* Sanadhil will be alert as we aproach
[DiablotinNarrator] The chill of the place seems deeper here, and you feel as if you're being watched, but your searching (even for invisible things) shows no one there.
* Alma checks for spirits, evil and life as well in the case of being creeped out @_@
[DiablotinNarrator] (what's the range?)
[Alma] (Life is 30' cone, Spirits end Evil are 60' cones
[DiablotinNarrator] (nothing within range)
* Ysabeau loosens her crossbow uneasily.
* Seth keeps Nell close, for her sake.
* Ysabeau loads a bolt, just to have it ready, in case.
* Guillame readies his bow
[DiablotinNarrator] As you approach the Well, you pass by a taller standing stone that is carved with words in Shadar-kai, or at least an ancient version thereof.
* Sanadhil will read if he can
* Alma will also
* Seth draws the stela and the words.
[Ilphere] (what does it say?)
[Sanadhil] (and if I need to I'll cast comprehend languages)
* Ysabeau will look at it and cast comprehend languages.
[DiablotinNarrator] (you don't need to cast)
[DiablotinNarrator] (you all know SK now, right?)
[Sanadhil] (keen)
[DiablotinNarrator] (you know it from Andusk. Everyone does.)
[DiablotinNarrator] (well, except Danyel)
* Ysabeau realizes she doesn't need to cast Comprehend Languages, and just reads it.
[DiablotinNarrator] The stone reads as follows, as best as you are able to make it out despite its great age: "Draw not near the Well, the grave of stars, the forbidden place, lest you perish."
[Ysabeau] Well that doesn't sound too promising!
* Ysabeau quips.
[Alma] Perhaps the energies leaking from the well are harmful.
[Sanadhil] that's posible
[Sanadhil] the grave of stars..
* Sanadhil looks up at the empty sky
[Sanadhil] I wonder...
[Sanadhil] yet, we came here to see it
[Sanadhil] I'd not suggest we stay *long*, of course
* Seth approaches a little closer, and begins to sketch the Well.
[Ysabeau] It's probably not wise for us all to go blundering in there at once, with such a warning.
* Ilphere flips her goggles down and draws a bit nearer as well.
[Alma] It would be prudent for someone to detect magic.
* Alma looks at M. Orecalo.
[Sanadhil] really.
[Sanadhil] I hope yo u're willing to come to my asistance if it is too blinding....
* Sanadhil casts though
[Alma] Of course.
* Ysabeau steps closer to Sanadhil, concerned for him.
* Alma is, in fact, close behind Sanadhil as he proceeds forward detecting magic.
[DiablotinNarrator] San, the Well itself does not seem to radiate magic - however, the light emerging from it does...
[Sanadhil] The well itself is not magical, but the light is
[Sanadhil] perhaps it would be best to avoid touching it
* Ilphere casts DM as well, hoping to tell what sort of magic...
[Ysabeau] (Does it stay in the cracks, or waft outwards, Julia?)
[Seth] I was going to suggest ... once I am done sketching, I should try to enter into the well.
[DiablotinNarrator] The light is more or less confined to the cracks, although glows faintly beyond them.
[Sanadhil] that woudl be fascinatinbt! Though dangerous
[Seth] Indeed ...
[Ilphere] If you are willing to take the risk, it could yield important information...!
[Sanadhil] at your discretion... but I would be very interesting to leanr what you might experience
* Ilphere says encouragingly.
[Seth] Very well. Haha, well.
[DiablotinNarrator] (Spellcraft check, Ilphere)
* Sanadhil nods to ilphere, approaching the well to look at it more closely, but keeping clear of any light
[Alma] Is there a type to the magic of this light?
[Sanadhil] (oh yeah hey :()
[Ysabeau] If you want to. Is there some safeguard we can give him?
[Sanadhil] I can try and remain in communication at lest
[Sanadhil] that shoudl be possible
* Dominik will keep an eye out for any threat that is not coming from the well
[Sanadhil] I'm not sure what else we can do
[Sanadhil] (43 on spellcraft @_@)
[Seth] Even if I am in a different plane?
[Ilphere] (I will also roll SC :3)
[Sanadhil] no, not in that case
[Ilphere] (36)
[Sanadhil] (actualy sec)
[Seth] In any event ... I will try.
[Alma] (Are we close enough to touch the Well?)
[DiablotinNarrator] (sec, please)
[DiablotinNarrator] San and Ilphere - no school of magic. Not just that you can't detect one, but there isn't one. Universal, you suppose - like permanency or wish or something like that
[Sanadhil] there is no type to he magic...
[Ilphere] Yes, I noticed that as well...
* Alma nods.
[Ysabeau] (Okay, we will try a bardic knowledge roll, I guess... Maybe I'll dredge up something from when there was more intercourse between the two planes. At least Sanadhil is doing his part in that respect... ;) )
[Ilphere] Curious...!
[Sanadhil] perhaps it really is some form of star substance...
[Ysabeau] (28)
[DiablotinNarrator] (no idea, Ysa)
[Sanadhil] . o O (So much power.... if it could be harness somehow.... @_@)
[Alma] I could try to seek a vision here, but I expect anything I can see with ease would be later scenes, of frustration or ... despair I suppose.
[Sanadhil] it could be a worthwhile effort
* Ysabeau is staying well clear of the light.
[DiablotinNarrator] (Who is close to the Well? Like, under 5 feet...)
[Sanadhil] (me)
[Seth] (me)
* Sanadhil reaches a hand out towards one of the stones
[Alma] (Alma would probably be inching forward from 10-]5 so I'll flip a coin...)
[Alma] (I'm a few feet behind Sanadhil still.)
[Dominik] (not me)
[DiablotinNarrator] The stones are a mottled grey colour, neither black nor white.
* Ysabeau is not far behind him, since she was concerned for him. she'd be within touch range of San so she could cure him or DD him out of there.
[Sanadhil] you were right, Mlle Chanuier..
* Alma will step closer to examine the light, though, if there's no pause in action.
[Ysabeau] About...?
[Sanadhil] (You do know I can teleport myself ;)
* Ysabeau asks, sounding a bit nervous.
[Ysabeau] (You can teleport yourself if you are conscious :P )
[Sanadhil] The stones.... the colours
[Sanadhil] the Integration
[Sanadhil] unless theis is the result of the tampering that was done
[DiablotinNarrator] Those of you within five feet can hear a faint but distinct sound coming from... the Well? The light? Like a high-pitched but melodious sound. And you can roll a Will save.
[Ysabeau] Oh.
[Sanadhil] (ench?)
[Sanadhil] (or mind afecting?)
[Seth] (21)
[Alma] (37)
[DiablotinNarrator] (ench, mind affecting)
[Alma] (Charm?)
[Alma] (I suppose I made the save, it doesn't matter.)
[Sanadhil] (39)
[DiablotinNarrator] All righty then... Seth.
[Sanadhil] Do you hear that?
[Alma] ... yes, I do.
[Ysabeau] What do you hear?
[Sanadhil] some sort of...high pitched note, or song?
* Alma tries to look down inside the well.
[Ysabeau] A song?
[Alma] (From a few feet away :P Warily :P)
[DiablotinNarrator] (could you pause for a second please, while I describe what's happening to those who failed saves)
[Alma] (np)
* Ysabeau turns to look at Guillame, remembering what Silvia said at the Temple of Nine Elms.
* Seth moves closer to the Well, staring over the edge into the starlight.
[DiablotinNarrator] Down in the well, the lights fade away into pure blackness... there is no telling how deep it could be.
[Seth] It is obvious that we need to free what is down there.
[Ysabeau] It is?
[Alma] And what exactly is that?
* Ysabeau sounds sceptical.
[Seth] Stars, the stars are singing, can't you hear them?
[Sanadhil] how do you know there is anything down there?
[Alma] Yes, we wear something, Seth, but I imagine you're jumping to conclusions about what is down there.
[Alma] (hear)
* Seth pulls out a rope from his pack and begins tying it off in knots.
* Sanadhil casts arcane sight and peers inot the abyss
[Seth] Come on!
[Sanadhil] ....
[Alma] .oO( There is seriously something wrong with these people. )
* Dominik glances at Seth
[Alma] .oO( Every time we see some flashy light, they lose their heads. )
[Dominik] Seth... is that the best idea?
[Alma] Seth, I think you should stop and explain why you think this is a rational decision.
[Ilphere] Is it her...?
* Ilphere asks Sanadhil.
[Sanadhil] It doesn't feel the same
[Sanadhil] or sound the same.
* Alma steps closer to Seth.
[Ilphere] Hm..
[Sanadhil] if it is some other manifestation, them it is weaker
[Seth] The song, it's the stars, calling to us, can't you hear them?
[Alma] Yes, I hear it.
* Seth shoots Sanadhil a glance.
[Sanadhil] I hear it too.
* Alma casts Break Enchantment.
[Sanadhil] But the stars do not care for us...
[Sanadhil] they just are.
[DiablotinNarrator] San - arcane sight shows nothing within 120 feet, apart from the light.
[Sanadhil] they shouldn't *ghave* stars here though...
[Sanadhil] that's fascinating
[Alma] (CL 32 on the first enchantment on Seth)
[Ilphere] Yes, what is it all doing here?
[Ilphere] All this.. substance.
[Sanadhil] leaking from the arch
[DiablotinNarrator] (pause, please - people casting spells need to know what happens)
[Ilphere] Yes.
[Ilphere] (k)
[DiablotinNarrator] No effect from the Break enchantment.
[Ysabeau] M. Orecalo, you said gods have more star-substance than anyone else. So... what happens when they are wounded, or killed? Does it leak out? Like blood?
[Alma] Are you feeling better, Mr. Argo?
[Seth] I feel fine. What do you mean?
* Seth finishes tying up his rope.
[Seth] Now help me climb down.
[Alma] Wh...
[Sanadhil] I.... that seems reasonable.
[Seth] (rope use 23)
[Sanadhil] ...That gods bleed star substance'not that we climb down
[Sanadhil] there's nothing there, M. Argo...
[Ilphere] The blood of the serpent...
* Sanadhil nods
[Seth] How can you say that? The song is not coming from nothing!
[Sanadhil] its coming from the light, I imagine.
[Ysabeau] If the arches and wells are manifestations of the Serpent, and this one was damaged, then could this be the Serpent's blood?
* Alma casts Detect Magic and examines Seth to be sure...
* Ysabeau nods over at Ilphere.
[Sanadhil] possibly
[Sanadhil] but again, we don't know how this arch was sabotaged
[Alma] You're going to just climb down the shaft without knowing what's down there, Seth?
[Sanadhil] ...
* Sanadhil waves a hand quickly through the light as a test
[Alma] What happened to entering the stone of the well itself?
[Sanadhil] we coudl also send somethig else below
[Sanadhil] a lighted pebble?
[Sanadhil] can't you see what's there without going yourself?
[Seth] I could check, I suppose, yes.
[DiablotinNarrator] OK, when San touches the light, everyone make a Fort save please.
[Seth] (24)
[Dominik] (24)
[Alma] (20)
[Ilphere] (11)\
[Sanadhil] (22)
[Ysabeau] (29)
* Guillame rolls 1d20+6: (12)+ 6 = 18
[DiablotinNarrator] !roll 1d20+15
* Alma rolls for DiablotinNarrator: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 16 ].
[DiablotinNarrator] A shower of dazzling light reaches out from the cracks to San's hand. Alma, Ilphere, Guillame, and Danyel, you are dazzled.
* Sanadhil blinks
* Guillame blinks
[Sanadhil] hmm
[Dominik] Void... what was that?
* Alma blinks repeatedly, having been staring directly at the light
[Ilphere] ... @_@
[Sanadhil] just the magic, I think
[Ysabeau] Is everyone okay?
* Ilphere rubs her eyes.
* Ysabeau asks, sounding worried.
[DiablotinNarrator] San, it felt cool and a bit tingly, nothing horrible.
[Dominik] (seth still preping for his jaunt down the well?)
[Sanadhil] it felt cool, but that's all. A slight tingling, but I suppose that's not uexpected
* Alma takes stock of her situation and decides it's not cause for alarm...
* Ysabeau nods.
[Seth] (I stop for a minute while everyone else recovers)
[Ysabeau] I'm just thinking about the warning on that stone...
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] I remember
[DiablotinNarrator] Those who were dazzled recover after a minute or so.
[Alma] Did you touch the "substance" of the light itself Sanadhil?
[Sanadhil] I think descending into the well would be unwise
[Seth] If we stopped every time that someone warned us not to do something, we'd never have come here in the first place.
[Sanadhil] yes.
[Alma] So it can't be collected.
[Sanadhil] I don't see how, no
[Ilphere] It may be a vapour of sorts though...
[Sanadhil] perhaps if we had some way of containing or absorbing it into something else
[Ilphere] There could be something denser at the bottom...
[Sanadhil] it's black lower down
[Alma] One would imagine it wouldn't look so dark...
* Sanadhil grabs a sunrod out of his pack, lights it, and tosses it down
[Seth] Look, don't you understand how important this is?
[Seth] This place, this plane, is *dying*!
[Alma] No, Mr. Argo, we do not. Which is precisely why ...
[Sanadhil] ...
[Alma] Dying?
[Seth] We can restore it to life.
[Alma] Where have you come across this information?
[Seth] Or to ... vibrancy.
[Seth] The stars are singing, can't you hear them?
* Seth says, as if you are all a little slow.
* Dominik is a little confused watching all of this
[Alma] And they're telling you that the plane is dying?
[Ysabeau] Can't say that I do, no.
[Sanadhil] If what you are saying is correct..... then I would think it shudl be up to the people who live hee to decide what should be done :o
* Alma casts DM again, since her previous one was dazzled away.
* Alma focuses to determine if he's under the effects of an enchantment.
* Ysabeau looks thoughtful.
[Seth] At the bottom of the well, is the pure essence of the stars, their ... soul, their very being, the memory of what once was, calling out to re-become.
[Alma] This plane once had stars, then?
* Sanadhil stares down into the well
[Seth] So it seems. I am as surprised as you.
[Alma] (28 Spellcraft)
[Alma] Do you think your ability to understand is related to how your heard ringing at the Nine Elms?
[Sanadhil] (I assume the sunrod disapears from view?)
[DiablotinNarrator] (moderate Enchantment, Alma)
[DiablotinNarrator] San, yes, your sunrod falls into darkness and then you can't see it any longer.
[Seth] Perhaps ... but this is very different.
[Sanadhil] If you are correct.... I'm not sure what you would expect to do to aid the stars @_@
[Alma] No, rather, you're under the effect of a moderate enchantment.
[Alma] I suspect Geas.
[Alma] Let me think...
[Seth] If that's true, then obviously, just dispel it.
[Alma] I attempted that five minutes ago.
[Sanadhil] Geas is trickier to remove...
[Alma] (I'm not srue there's anything other than Geas at 6th level and immune to BE)
[Sanadhil] Mmme Belden would be able to do it
* Alma casts Remove Curse
* Alma reaches out to touch Seth.
[Seth] This is a remarkable opportunity, don't you see? To restore a plane to its glory!
[Sanadhil] Its not our plane.
[Sanadhil] I think it is certainly worth consulting with Shadar Kai scholars, though
* Alma prepares to try to logic the geas into waiting, if she fails @_@
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth - the Remove Curse seems to clear your mind of its compulsion, although it doesn't remove any of the knowledge you received.
[Alma] Feeling any better Mr. Argo?
[Seth] Ahh ... hmm, very interesting. Well, whatever you did had some effect.
* Alma looks relieved.
* Sanadhil thinks
[Seth] I see ... that lowering myself down into the well would be extremely cavalier.
[Alma] Good. I was not looking forward to tying you up and taking you back to Mme. Belden.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] I'm curious about this idea
[Seth] I do think ... that what happened, the song that was sung, has some truth to it.
[Sanadhil] it seems plausible
* Ysabeau glances at Sanadhil.
[Sanadhil] If the saboteurs were some how able to cut off this plane from all star substance, it would explain a lot
[Sanadhil] but I don't know enough about the planes
* Sanadhil looks to Ilphere or Alma
[Seth] It is an interesting subject for future research.
* Ilphere thinks...
[Sanadhil] is there some way to know whether the essesnce of the plane *has* been altered?
[Seth] Should we ... how should we continue?
[Ilphere] (and rolls k planes)
[Alma] (Bleh, 29)
[Sanadhil] if it could be done, it would certainly prevent the interference of any gods
[Ilphere] (41)
[Sanadhil] the star substance itself, being alien to the plane, coud tself be preventing the well form functioning though, alternately...
[Sanadhil] I don't thnk it shoudl be here
[Sanadhil] the people of ths plane are formed of its own essence, in my understanding
[DiablotinNarrator] Ilphere, if divine energy is somehow drawn from the stars, and this place has none, it would explain why the SK apparently have no priests among their number now...And if the star-essence *is* somehow trapped in this Well, then perhaps it would be possible to free it. It would almost certainly cause major changes to this plane, however.
[Sanadhil] They are not made of star substance
[Alma] It does seem rather ... unshadow.
[Ilphere] Yes, it makes sense...
[Seth] Perhaps this is a matter that requires more research. I still think, however, that while we are here, we ought to see if I can enter the Well and go to the same place as when I enter the Arch.
[Sanadhil] I have read some material from this plane that suggests that perhaps things *were* difference once, though....
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] that I agree with.
[Ilphere] If divine energy comes from the stars... Trapping their essence here would mean that the divine could not exist, or be accessed anyway, on this plane...
* Sanadhil nods to Ilphere
[Sanadhil] yes
[Ilphere] And it would explain why there are no more priests here.
[Alma] .oO( I wonder if Danyel and I could camp here safely through morning... )
[Seth] I am going in.
[Ilphere] It may be possible to free them... However, as M. Argo suggested, the changes to this plane would be... significant.
* Seth approaches the well and attempts to meld with it.
* Ysabeau steps back from the Well before he does.
[Alma] O...
* Ysabeau figures it might send another flare of starlight out at us, like when San touched it.
* Alma says, about to cast some protectives.
[Alma] .oO( Oh well. )
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, the same dazzling light touches you as you merge into the Well.
* Sanadhil closes his eyes
[Sanadhil] :Mr Argo? cna you hear me?
===Seth in the Well===
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, you find yourself in a grey, misty area, full of drifting ... souls? The same place as you were before, you think.
[DiablotinNarrator] (You can't hear San, also.)
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, make a Will save at a +5 bonus.
[Seth] (27)
* Seth will search around, and see if I can find Pasith.
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, you can locate Belden. And I suppose talk to her, if you need to. She doesn't have much new to say :p
* Seth will return then!
===Alma scrys Seth===
[Alma] Oh!
* Alma casts a spell.
[Sanadhil] I can't hear him, or he is not respondinf
* Alma gasps
I can seeee him.
what do you mean?
I'm scrying.
* Alma has closed her eyes to help focus on the vision
Oh, interesting!
where is he?
Can you describe what you see?
It looks like what he described before.
Even though it's broken?
* Sanadhil nods
well he has joined wth our arch as well, which is also broken
* Ysabeau looks embarrassed.
Can you tell what race the souls belong to or are they too hazy?
The Matriarch!
I can tell, she's ... fuller than the others.
* Sanadhil nods
I guess she must be caught in all the gates in all the worlds Ilphere saw when Pheria died...
* Ysabeau says a bit sadly.
===Seth re-emerges===
* Seth emerges from the Well.
* Guillame steps forward to see where Seth went
[Alma] Oh... it's gone.
* Alma opens her eyes.
[Seth] Hmm, most intriguing. I suspected as much, but it is good to know it.
[DiablotinNarrator] !roll 1d20+11
* Alma rolls for DiablotinNarrator: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 13 ].
* Sanadhil nods
* Guillame almost runs into Seth, but steps aside
[Guillame] Oh! Er, sorry.
[Danyel] I think we ought to go down there...
[Alma] Oh not you now?
[DiablotinNarrator] (Guy, you can roll that Will save too)
[Danyel] The stars are trapped. But we could help them...
[Guillame] (D'oh! Ok)
[Sanadhil] if we're not being *compelled* to, we coudl at least exercise more caution -_-
* Guillame rolls 1d20+4): (2)+ 4 = 6
[Sanadhil] I am curious to know if there is a bottom
[Alma] Danyel, how would we help them? And would it even be a good idea?
[Sanadhil] ths is a very different construction from the arch
[Sanadhil] there's no.... though.
[Sanadhil] only down
[Guillame] Oh! Yes, I see...
* Guillame retrieves rope from one of his packs.
* Sanadhil sighs
* Danyel nods to Guillame.
[Danyel] Right, thank you!
* Dominik looks at the pair
* Sanadhil looks to Alma
* Dominik looks back at the pair
* Guillame looks for something to fasten it to
* Guillame rolls 1d20+16: (11)+ 16 = 27
[Danyel] Maybe that big stone back there, with the carvings!
[Guillame] (search)
[Guillame] Perfect!
* Guillame goes to tie it off.
* Sanadhil casts hold person on Guy
[Guillame] (save?)
[Alma] It must be centered around the well itself.
[Alma] I half wish I heard what it says...
[Alma] Danyel, dear. Didn't we already establish with Mr. Argo that this was irrational?
* Alma steps towards him.
[Sanadhil] (will)
* Danyel shakes his head.
[Guillame] (Haha)
[Alma] You DO recall that conversation though, no?
* Guillame rolls 1d20+4: (10)+ 4 = 14
* Alma speaks to delay him, since Geas isn't immune to that...
[Danyel] Yes, but... I didn't hear the singing then. It makes sense once you can hear it.
* Ysabeau sighs.
* Alma will cast Remove Curse on him.
[Guillame] Yeah... exactly
[Sanadhil] (dc 20)
[Sanadhil] (Guy is held)
[Sanadhil] (*but you get a roll a round)
* Danyel shakes his head...
[Ilphere] (so... every 6 seconds?)\
[Sanadhil] (yeah)
[Danyel] ...You're right, Alma. I know it could be dangerous.
[Alma] It's ok... it's a magical effect of some kind.
* Alma will walk over and cast it on Guillame.
[Ysabeau] Here's an idea: how about we all back away from the nice well, so no one else decides it would be grand idea to go down?
[Guillame] Ah... oh, right.
[Sanadhil] The question remains whether we *do* want to investigate, bt more cautiously
[Guillame] Still, it doesn't seem *that* bad an idea.
[Alma] Now, do we think that there is anything down there to learn?
[Ysabeau] We can continue our conversation by the rock as well as we can here, with a good deal less trouble.
* Sanadhil looks to Seth
[Ilphere] I think it would be a shame to just leave it.
[Ilphere] We came here to find this very thing after all...
[Sanadhil] Can you use the same trick as you did when we were investigating Emkahon? To see if you can find the bottom?
[Alma] An excellent idea.
[Seth] Ahh ... well, I can try ...
* Sanadhil nods
* Seth tries to find the bottom of the well with clairvoyance, stepping back a few paces before doing so.
[Alma] .oO( Interesting that this counts as a city long after it's been abandoned. )
[Guillame] What happened with Emkathon?
[Alma] She's apparently under my church.
[Ysabeau] She's what's below the Nine Elms.
[Sanadhil] ahh yes...
[Ysabeau] Some of them went down.
* Sanadhil will describe the trip for those who haven't yet heard while Seth looks for the bottom
[Guillame] Ah, well that makes sense
* Sanadhil gets a little @_@ when he talks about the Orb and touching it, etc @_@
[Alma] Yes, tons.
* Alma looks perhaps a little weary.
* Ysabeau wishes she could speak to Guillame telepathically.
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, you can look to the bottom of the Well... you can only see in a 10 foot radius. Within that radius, you can see what looks like a small statue.
[Seth] (what does the statue look like?)
[Seth] (size, race, etc.)
[DiablotinNarrator] It's about six inches high, black stone, looks like a female shape, but hard to make out details.
[Alma] What do you see?
* Seth describes the statue to the group.
[Ysabeau] ...
[Alma] Oh lovely.
[Ysabeau] I have fond memories of the *last* statue we took from this city.
* Dominik chuckles
* Sanadhil possibly looks a little pale
[Sanadhil] ...ah.
[Alma] Do you see anything about on the ground?
[Alma] Like... bones perhaps?
[Ysabeau] Please let's consider carefully before we do anything rash, like say, go get it. :P
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, all you can see otherwise is what looks like maybe a pile of rags or cloth.
[Ilphere] Perhaps it could be interfering with the well...?
[Dominik] Better us having it than someone else.
[Seth] No, nothing else other than a pile of loose rags, or something like it.
[Alma] I tend to agree with Mr. Rademacher...
[Ysabeau] Or we could leave it there.
* Ysabeau sighs.
[Ysabeau] Who else would know about it?
[Alma] While I'm sure visitors here are not common... anyone who does come near will be at risk of compulsion to descend.
[Ilphere] I think we should remove it... Try to ascertain its actual nature.
[Alma] Careful identification of the item's properties would allow us to keep it under control, if it is malignant... if it isn't...
[Guillame] I think it's certainly worth investigating
[Ysabeau] That's what we figured we'd do with the last statue.
[Dominik] Thats a plan, so how do we go down and how do we stop that singing from messin' with me when I get close.
[Ysabeau] And look what happened.
[Alma] A valid point, but I expect that there won't be a repeat of that part.
[Guillame] Yes, well... hopefully we're all a little wiser, and would think twice about spending time alone with it... without companions of strong mind.
* Alma says not in a recriminating fashion, but rather in an "I won't let that happen" fashion.
* Sanadhil stays quiet
[Dominik] I mean, come on, were not hobbiest anymore.
[Ysabeau] I know I'm not going to be able to change anyone's minds. -_-
[Ysabeau] I'll volunteer to stay up here and make sure nothing severs your ropes.
[Alma] I rather say we are still hobbiests of a sort...
[Alma] Anyhow...
* Ilphere rolls her eyes.
* Dominik will approach the well
[DiablotinNarrator] Will save!
[Sanadhil] wait
[Dominik] Better get your magic mojo ready for me...
* Sanadhil sighs, being a little too slow
[Sanadhil] we could have helped you better *before* you approached -_-
[Dominik] (15)
[Alma] Yes, indeed. :|
[Alma] Though I suppose if we're going down...
[Alma] How're you feeling? Do you have an overwhelming urge to go down?
[Seth] It wasn't overwhelming even at the time.
[Dominik] It all makes sense now.
[Sanadhil] (the sunrod should be down the re too, yes?)
[Sanadhil] well
[DiablotinNarrator] (perhaps not within his 10 ft radius)
[Sanadhil] how shall we descent
[Dominik] Guy, help me with that rope... probably the best way down
[DiablotinNarrator] (it's a pretty big hole)
[Sanadhil] we have other options
[Sanadhil] magic of various sorts
[Guillame] Somebody should... demotivate Dominik, I think.
[Guillame] Not that I'm not happy to help, Dom.
[Alma] [Dominik] (15)
* Dominik will enlist Guillame's help in securing the rope
[Dominik] Could you tell how deep it is Seth?
* Danyel will also assist with the rope.
* Dominik secures his shield on his back
[Sanadhil] I have more if it is needed...
* Guillame will drag his heels, and tie slippy knots until someone fixes Dom
* Sanadhil casts Spiderclimb on himself though
[Seth] No, I couldn't tell. Less than around 500 feet, but other than that, I can't say.
* Alma casts Remove Curse and taps Dominik on the shoulder as he works.
* Dominik frowns calculating in his head
[DiablotinNarrator] OK, Dom is freed from the compulsion.
[Alma] It's alright, we're going down anyway :)
* Guillame nods to Alma, and quickly fixes his knots
[Dominik] thanks, I was more worried about doing something stupid when I was down there than up here
[Guillame] Well, indeed
* Dominik will enlist Guy and Seth to make as long a rope as we can
[Dominik] So who's first?
* Ysabeau helps as much as she can without getting too close to the well.
[Guillame] Is it me again? It's usually me.
[DiablotinNarrator] OK, let's get into gametable, and you can set your order there.
[Sanadhil] if you like - you or M. Rademacher
[Seth] I can go ahead with Feather Fall, if desired.
[Guillame] No, I can go - in case of traps.
* Sanadhil nods
[DiablotinNarrator] OK - people climbing down with rope can roll climb. those using magic, let me know what you're using.
* Sanadhil casts spider climb on Guy as well, in case
* Seth will use Feather Fall to descend gracefully.
* Sanadhil cat give it to Ilphee as well, and anyone else who wants it
* Sanadhil will use SC
* Alma ponders the value of Wind Walk
* Alma casts Fly so that she can descend quickly with Guillame, scanning for evil.
[DiablotinNarrator] Alma - you detect evil ahead.
* Guillame climbs down along the walls, focusing on looking for devices and pointing out loose stones
[DiablotinNarrator] And now we're going to roll init, so into GT...
[Alma] There's evil below.
* Ysabeau prays to the Seven and the Serpent that they'll all be safe.
[DiablotinNarrator] Overwhelming evil, Alma - like an unholy temple.
[Alma] Oh gods, it's so evil.
[Alma] We should... turn back.
[Sanadhil] its too late for some....
* Ysabeau frets and stands watch though nothing is likely to come, in this abandoned city.
===Down the Well===
[DiablotinNarrator] Those of you descending into the Well feel air currents stir from beneath you, as something rises up... a terrible fanged mouth is about all you can make out before the attack begins!
[Ilphere] :o
* Alma is smashed back against the wall by it @_@
* Sanadhil turns invisible
* Alma summons a pillar of fire, which it ignores ;_;
* Sanadhil casts spells on Dom
[DiablotinNarrator] Dom almost gets eaten, but Ilphere transposes him with a yeth hound @_@
* Alma summons a whirling wall of blades which the worm just ignores ;_;
* Alma tugs Danyel out of the way as the worm falls, dead.
* Sanadhil loots invisibly until the thing dies, at shich point he will reappear, and continue searching for the statur and other magical bits @_@
[DiablotinNarrator] The body of the worm-like creature is blocking much of your view of whatever might be on the floor.. which, you realize as you look around, isn't actually the bottom of the well. There's some kind of barrier blocking the rest of the way down.
[Alma] Hm... odd.
* Guillame looks for holes or trapdoors
[Alma] (So the statue is below?)
[Sanadhil] Hmm....
* Seth looks around for the statue or anything else.
[DiablotinNarrator] Like a wall of force or something of that nature.
[Sanadhil] (Is the floor magical?)
* Ysabeau glides down on a giant effing owl.
[Guillame] (OIC)
* Dominik pokes the floor with his sword
[DiablotinNarrator] The floor is indeed magical - part of the shitton of magic down here, San.
[Sanadhil] I could try to dispell it, if people would like to arrange themselves so as not to fall....
* Ysabeau checks to make sure everyone is standing.
[Seth] Very well.
[Alma] If we think that's a good idea... Ysabeau might want to sing?
[Guillame] Should we try to... suspend the worm?
* Guillame affixes himself to a wall in case the floor vanishes
[Alma] Hm...
[Ysabeau] ...
[Alma] I could try?
* Dominik will go over and grab the rope
[Sanadhil] is the owl strong enough to carry the corpse?
[Guillame] Maybe the dogs and that owl could help to lift it out?
* Ysabeau is glad no one's dead but worries about having come down.
[Ysabeau] I don't know.
* Guillame Ilphere also grabs the rope
[Seth] I could try to enter the wall and then emerge below.
* Ysabeau asks the owl to let her off by a wall.
* Seth will do so.
[Sanadhil] I would tay mounted, Mlle Chaniuer
* Ysabeau asks the owl if the monster is too big for it to carry out.
[DiablotinNarrator] OK, seth... what's your alignment?
[Guillame] I'm rather beginning to assume that your passage is always unh... oh, he's gone already.
[Sanadhil] i'm going to remove the floor
[Seth] (LN)
[Alma] Are we going to secure the worm first?
[Ysabeau] The owl will disappear eventually, and I'd rather not fall.
[Dominik] (the worm probably weighs a few tons... good like moving it)
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, as you enter the area below, you take 47 damage.
[Sanadhil] I don't know that we can
[DiablotinNarrator] Will save for half.
[Guillame] Can we pin it to the wall or something?
[Seth] (21)
[Ysabeau] I think it's too big. What do we have that would hold it up?
[Alma] (Julie, do I think I could use Wall of Stone to create something to suspend it?
[Sanadhil] *I* can't...
[Alma] (If the side of the well is stone I could connect it to, that is.)
* Ysabeau edges as close to the wall as she can, and hangs tightly to a rope.
[DiablotinNarrator] 21 saves. So you only take 23.
[Alma] I'm not feeling so good.
[Seth] Something here is causing great pain! Do not come down!
* Seth shouts, looking around to see what is around here.
* Alma casts Mass Cure Light Wounds.
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth - there is the statue you saw, as well as a pile of rags and scraps... Please make a Will save.
[Seth] (29)
[DiablotinNarrator] OK, no effect.
* Seth picks up the statue and puts it in a sack.
[DiablotinNarrator] ok...
* Seth goes over to the rags and sees what's up - anything under them / around them?
* Sanadhil continues picking up magic bits that aren't the floor if he can find any ;)
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, as you root through the pile of rags, you find something .. strange. It's a delicate snowflakelike crystal about 18 inches in diameter, and it gives off a gentle glow.
* Seth will put it into a sack WITHOUT TOUCHING IT.
[DiablotinNarrator] The rags themselves are also actually a cloak of some sort, you notice.
* Seth gently puts it all in a bag.
[DiablotinNarrator] ok
[DiablotinNarrator] There doesn't seem to be anything else down here, then.
[Seth] (any ongoing / lingering effects of whatever happened to me?)
[DiablotinNarrator] nope, just some damage and then you feel ok
[Seth] (ok, back up I go then)
[DiablotinNarrator] All right... are you telling them about what you found?
* Alma casts DM.
[Seth] (yes, because unlike SOME people I am lawful)
* Sanadhil is still arcane sight dude
[Alma] (Was the evil the bottom of the tunnel or the worm?)
* Ysabeau eyes the monster...
[DiablotinNarrator] the evil was in the general area, but ended with the death of the worm, so presumably it was causing it.
[Seth] I found this cloak and a strange crystal, as well as the figurine.
[Alma] I think the evil in the area is dissipating.
[Ilphere] oh...?
[Seth] Could someone please ensure that these are a) magical and b) not horribly evil, before we make off with them?
* Ilphere casts Detect Magic.
* Ysabeau as well.
* Alma concentrates her DM on it
* Sanadhil looks at the crystal
[DiablotinNarrator] So you're showing them this stuff?
[Seth] (yesss ... well at least I'm opening up the bag)
[DiablotinNarrator] everyone who looks at the statue, Will save please.
[DiablotinNarrator] (apart from Seth, who already made one ;)
* Guillame rolls 1d20+4: (1)+ 4 = 5
* Alma was planning on DM and then DE first, unless she gets shown.
[Sanadhil] (mind affecting and/or enchantment or illusion?)
[Ysabeau] (15)
[Ilphere] (26)
[DiablotinNarrator] San - yes, I'd say it's mind affecting enchantment.
[Seth] (I detect if it is a construct)
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth - it's a construct.
[Sanadhil] (31)
[Seth] (yaaaay!)
* Alma rolls [ 1d20+25 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 25 ] totals [ 34 ]
[Alma] (oops)
[Dominik] (15 or 17 if heroism has a duration)
[DiablotinNarrator] DC is 19, so if you rolled above 19, you're fine. If you rolled below, you really, really want this statue. More than anything.
[Sanadhil] (its 10mmin/lvl you're stll good Dom)
[Ysabeau] May I hold it?
* Alma shakes her head but is concentrating on the magic.
[Seth] No, I don't think that's safe.
* Ysabeau reaches out for the statue.
[DiablotinNarrator] Alma - all three of these things are magic.
[Alma] .oO( Oh for... )
* Dominik snatches the statue out of the bag
[Ilphere] ... Dominik!
* Seth pulls it away before anyone can grab it!
* Alma drops her concentration.
[Seth] Hold it, everyone!
[Sanadhil] ...
[Alma] For the love of...
* Ysabeau will make grabby hands after it.
[Sanadhil] (I'd just like to know schools and such for stuff...)
* Dominik will grapple Seth for the bag (once I am allowed to roll).
[DiablotinNarrator] (I don't know off the top of my ehad... and sort of busy dealing with people trying to steal the statue)
[Sanadhil] ('k)
[Alma] (Init? :P)
* Ysabeau will knock Dominik on the head with her sap
[Guillame] (yeah, maybe that's an idea :V)
[DiablotinNarrator] heh
[Ysabeau] (19 initiative)
[Alma] (18)
* Guillame rolls 1d20+5: (18)+ 5 = 23
[Dominik] (15... surprise bonus?)
[Guillame] (jnit)
[DiablotinNarrator] (Danyel 7)
[Sanadhil] (8)
[Ilphere] (16)
[Seth] (10)
[DiablotinNarrator] so looks like Guy gets first grab at it
[Guillame] Ok, so I tumble past seth and dom (25) and make a grab for the bag
* Guillame rolls 1d20+6: (1)+ 6 = 7
[Guillame] Sleight of hand fail :V
[DiablotinNarrator] heh
[DiablotinNarrator] Guy gets Seth's belt instead :p
[DiablotinNarrator] Ysa's turn to try and get it ;)
* Ysabeau starts going for her sap, but then looks sly and starts singing to Fascinate everyone
[DiablotinNarrator] ok, what's the save and DC on that?
[Ysabeau] (perform check - sec)
[Ysabeau] (23)
[Ysabeau] (they use their will saves)
[Alma] (I pass)
* Guillame rolls 1d20+4: (19)+ 4 = 23
[Sanadhil] pass
[Guillame] (woah)
[Seth] (13, nope)
[Ilphere] !roll 1d20+15
* Alma rolls for Ilphere: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 33 ].
[Ilphere] (big fat pass)
[DiablotinNarrator] so if you fail, you have to pay attention to Ysa's song and not really do anything else - others can try to shake you out of it, though.
[Dominik] (17 fail)
* Ysabeau targets Seth, Guillame, Dominik and... Alma
[Ysabeau] (and Danyel)
[DiablotinNarrator] !roll 1d20+11
* Alma rolls for DiablotinNarrator: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 27 ].
[DiablotinNarrator] well, if you're affected, you listen to the song.
[DiablotinNarrator] Alma's turn.
* Alma casts Break Enchantment and steps forward to cast it on Dom
[Alma] (Touch attack)
[Alma] (25)
[Dominik] (that easily beats my touch ac)
[Alma] (oh nm, it's CLose anyway)
[DiablotinNarrator] ok - Dom, you no longer NEEEEEED to have the statue. Song's still pretty, though.
[Dominik] (lol)
[Ilphere] (who actually has it now? still Seth?)
[Seth] (yup)
[DiablotinNarrator] Yes, still Seth.
[DiablotinNarrator] Ilphere's turn
[Ilphere] (Hellhounds to guard Seth/the statue from the nutters :) )
* Ilphere rolls a d20...
[Ilphere] Ilphere gets a 16
[Ilphere] (whoops)
[DiablotinNarrator] ok... Dom's turn, he sits there.
[Ilphere] !roll 1d4+1
* Alma rolls for Ilphere: [ 1d4+1 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 1 ] totals [ 4 ].
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth's turn.
[Seth] duuhh, preeetty soonng
[DiablotinNarrator] San's turn.
[Dominik] I never realized how much her neckline plunges when she's singing like that
* Sanadhil sighs, will take the staute from fascinated Seth, and teleport back to the top of the well?
[Sanadhil] (to Alma and Ilphere) Going back to the top until they are sorted out -_-)
[DiablotinNarrator] OK - just the statue or the entire bag of stuff?
[Sanadhil] (whole bag)
[Sanadhil] (I will stick it in the bag of holding when I am alone)
[DiablotinNarrator] San, when you get up to the top, the bag is squirming and shaking in your hands.
[Sanadhil] ....
* Sanadhil shoves it into the bag of holding D:
[DiablotinNarrator] well, that solved that problem! and now you never have to worry about it again ;)
[Sanadhil] ...
[DiablotinNarrator] Danyel will try to shake Dom out of it.
[Danyel] *slap slap*
[DiablotinNarrator] And back around to Guy :)
[Dominik] Hey... watching Spoke-boy
* Guillame starts climbing the wall at full speed
[DiablotinNarrator] Ysa?
[Ysabeau] (Is it within range for a DD?)
[DiablotinNarrator] (is that another boob-related thing? ;)
[Sanadhil] (you have no idea where I am)
[DiablotinNarrator] (but yes - you have no idea where he teleported to)
[Ysabeau] (I mean the surface - is it within 920 feet of me?)
[DiablotinNarrator] oh, yes.
[Alma] (Like 800 ft Ysabeau)
* Ysabeau Dimension Doors to the surface since the statue is goooooone! ;_;
[DiablotinNarrator] Alma's turn.
[Alma] Oh this is trying my patience!
[Ilphere] For once, we agree.
* Alma looks quickly to make sure everyone is OK and then teleports to the top.
[DiablotinNarrator] Ilphere's turn.
* Ilphere will grab onto Seth and hold out her hand to Dominik to teleport up as well.
* Dominik will take her hand as offered
[Seth] ... Okie dokie!
[Ilphere] Sanadhil, you'd better get out of here... they've lost all reason.
* Ysabeau is already up top and would be advancing on San if she can see him
* Ysabeau would in fact be casting Hold Person on him
* Sanadhil is sitting calmly on the wall, no staute in sight
[DiablotinNarrator] you have to wait for your init.
[DiablotinNarrator] Dom's turn, now that he's up.
* Dominik will move and grapple Ysabeau
[DiablotinNarrator] she's probably used to it :p
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth's turn.
[Dominik] (roll or just assume I get her?)
[DiablotinNarrator] (I'm just going to assume... her Str is lame, anyway ;)
* Seth holds his action, nothing for now.
[DiablotinNarrator] (and I want to get finished up ;)
[Dominik] (she has no weapon out and if she tries to slap me, I'd just grab her anyway)
[DiablotinNarrator] San?
* Sanadhil casts break enchantment on Ysa
[Dominik] Can anyone fix her?
[DiablotinNarrator] OK, Ysa, your mind is clear again.
[Sanadhil] yes
[DiablotinNarrator] You have no idea why you wanted the statue in the first place, creepy thing @_@
[Alma] I'm all out...
* Ysabeau looks confused.
[Sanadhil] she should be fine
[Alma] Guillame is climbing up the wall.
[Ysabeau] What...?
* Guillame climbs another 60ft
[Danyel] ... helloooo?
[Sanadhil] where are the duke and M. Beziers
[Alma] Oh fudge :|
[Danyel] Should I start climbing?
[Ilphere] Guillame is somewhere between here and the bottom of the pit...
[Alma] No, I'll be down in a second, dear.
* Sanadhil nods
[Dominik] The duke is climbing the wall, I'll nab him as soon as he gets to the top... maybe I'll make a sandwich while we wait.
[Sanadhil] if he's still mad I can cure him when he reaches the top
* Alma flies back down, rather shocked that her spell is still going.
[Sanadhil] the statue became animated when i reached the surface with it...
[Ysabeau] Great...
[Sanadhil] I shoved it in the Bag od Holdinfg as a temporary measure, but it still needs to be dealt with
[Ysabeau] How do we keep it in one place so it can't go convert toshers?
[Dominik] I didn't bring my hammer
* Alma will hug him and kiss him and call herself a fool for leaving him behind.
[Ysabeau] And kill them. :P
[Guillame] (I guess it takes me about 2.4 minutes?)
[Alma] ;_;
[Ilphere] Vianca will likely have some idea.
* Alma casts Wind Walk and will float out with Danyel -_-
[Ysabeau] Sorry about trying to enchant you all...
[DiablotinNarrator] Let's assume Guy makes it back up, and gets fixed by San.
* Ysabeau looks like she feels bad once she figures out what she did.
* Alma and Danyel will be up again at about the same time.
[Sanadhil] we can deal wth it later... I believe we've had enough excitement @_@
[Guillame] (Hurray!)
[Alma] Utterly ridiculous. Who makes items like this?
[Seth] I agree. For now, let's return to the Society and store these items safely.
[Alma] Why put a barrier around an item that MAKES YOU WANT TO STEAL IT?
[Sanadhil] so that no one would find it and want to steal it?
[Ysabeau] to keep you from being able to?
[Alma] I mean, why enchant that at all?
[Sanadhil] indeed
[Alma] Clearly you don't want people to have it...
[Danyel] Maybe it's a decoy.
[Alma] So then enchant it to ...
[Ysabeau] It might have belonged to a group different from the one that put the barrier up.
[Alma] Oh, like a booby trap...
[Sanadhil] it was ptobably not done by the same people
[Seth] Yes, to take the figurine, and not to take the crystal.
* Sanadhil nods to ysa
* Ysabeau nods at Sanadhil.
[Ilphere] That makes sense...
* Ilphere says to Seth.
[Alma] I meant to check out that room below :|
[Danyel] If you want that statue more than anything... then you ignore whatever else is down there.
[Guillame] The last one started making you carry out its plans
[Guillame] So, I guess that's a good reason to get someone to steal it.
[Sanadhil] :|
[Alma] I am completely beat though...
[Ysabeau] Sorry...
[Sanadhil] yes... perhaps we ought to return for now
[Ysabeau] :/
* Alma takes Danyel's hand.
[Guillame] No offence intended, M. Orecalo.
[Sanadhil] It's alright.
[Sanadhil] but I think we should return to the society
[DiablotinNarrator] YOu make your way back to your own plane without further difficulties.
* Ysabeau would chat with Ilphere on the way out, if she could get you away from the rest.
[DiablotinNarrator] I'll make a post to update you on what you learn about the stuff once you get it back to the society.

Revision as of 17:56, 1 June 2011

Diablotin 2 session logs
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Session date:
Diablotin date:


[DiablotinNarrator] You have made your various preparations for your long-planned expedition to the Shadow Plane, in order to investigate their mysterious 'Well'. [DiablotinNarrator] I presume you're gathering at the Society, and proceeding from there...

  • Alma arrives well prepared, with Danyel.

[Sanadhil] (yup)

  • Ilphere arrives brimming with enthusiasm... :3
  • Ysabeau comes, cautiously hopeful, and smiles a warm greeting to everyone.
  • Alma , on the other hand, seems very subdued.
  • Dominik arrives cloaked and armed
  • Seth arrives.
  • Sanadhil arrives dressed in his usual expedition clothes, with his bag of holding holding all the important stuff :3

[Sanadhil] Good morning everyone

  • Guillame arrives with horse and saddlepacks.

[Ysabeau] Good morning, M. Orecalo.

  • Dominik nods a greeting
  • Sanadhil eyes the horse

[Ilphere] Hello everybody...! [Seth] Good morning. [Ilphere] :D :D [Alma] Good morning.

  • Ysabeau smiles at Ilphere's bubbly enthusiasm.

[Sanadhil] I hope the animal won't be too ut out when we pass into the other plane... [Ysabeau] It mightlike walking through the air in the in-between place. ^-^ [Sanadhil] I suppose we shall see [Guillame] I left him behind last time because I thought it might be dangerous or confusing, but I think he can handle it. [Ysabeau] Does he have a name? [Sanadhil] If everyone is prepared then, we can proceed to the portal - 've made arrangements with the Warlord's office to allow us though, with a password the same as last time. [Ilphere] Brilliant...!

  • Ysabeau walks up to let him smell her hand, and digs an apple out of her rations to offer him.

[Guillame] Yes - his name is Kicker. [Ysabeau] Oh - does he? [Guillame] Sometimes, if I ask him to.

  • Ysabeau smiles.
  • Ysabeau makes a mental note to steer clear of his hindquarters.

[Ysabeau] Hello Kicker.

  • Ysabeau rubs his neck.

[Ysabeau] He's lovely.

  • Sanadhil waits until everyone seems ready, and will then lead to way to Sarah's Knell

Return to Saraknyel

[DiablotinNarrator] You make your way to the passage, and cross through without undue difficulty.

  • Sanadhil will cast mage armour before we head into the SP just in case @_@
  • Ysabeau chats with Guillame on their way to the passage.

[Ilphere] (I also cast magic armour) [Guillame] Guillame seems a little preoccupied, but will chat regardless

  • Alma is also quite quiet, and seems to stick to talking with Danyel and probably Ysabeau.
  • Ilphere hangs out with Sanadhil.
  • Dominik is eager to be walking into danger, but is otherwise quiet
  • Sanadhil is happy to chill with his BFF ^-^
  • Alma has signed out the star lantern :3

[Alma] [q] I wonder if the well is a "location" per se. [Sanadhil] It should be [DiablotinNarrator] The deserted city is a haunting place, as always, but with companions and some light, it is not so bad... [Sanadhil] an arch is a physical structure [Sanadhil] however it is situated

  • Ysabeau circulates and chats with Dominik, Ilphere and others when the opportunity arises. Social butterfly.

[Seth] Perhaps, but I do not think we should presume anything about its necessary form. [Sanadhil] I think we can rule out some structures we have already investigated - the temple, and the tower where the Queen sleeps. [Seth] Yes, quite so.

  • Sanadhil nods to Seth

[Alma] I will attempt to Find the Path to the edge of the well if we are not successful with our first attempts.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] I am guessing the area wth the temple we saw may have been constructed after their arch was destroyed... But I a open to suggestions as to where we might begin our search

  • Alma pulls out her map of Diablotin and affixes it to clip board and tries to compare locations.

[Sanadhil] It may still be in that area. [Sanadhil] It may correlate with sme older religious structures in our city. [Alma] (Does it seem like there would be a parallel with our Arch?" [Alma] )

  • Ilphere nods.

[Sanadhil] We may want to check the location of Nine Elms? [Sanadhil] (Cat - were we come out is where our arch is) [DiablotinNarrator] (where the Arch is in your world is where you emerge here - but there's no Well there) [Ilphere] Yes, I think so... [Alma] (Oops.) [Sanadhil] (to Ilphere): Id like to check the area of templewood also, though I'm not sure how to suggest it... [Ysabeau] We should remember that they broke it... [Ysabeau] When did that happen, again? [Sanadhil] that is why we are looking, yes... [Sanadhil] I'm not sure we have any kind of meaningful date [Seth] They broke it before they came to our plane, or so it is said.

  • Alma will help try to find corresponding locations based on her map.

[Ysabeau] Would they have had time to incorporate pieces of their well into other buildings? [Sanadhil] It was broken by a faction of anti-theists, yes, before they came to our plane, and before they started consorting with demonic entities. [Ysabeau] Like M. Argo's golem, Schesutte. [Sanadhil] ... [Seth] There's no reason why not.

  • Seth smiles inwardly.

[Sanadhil] Hmm. [Seth] Yes, and that reminds me, obviously we should be on the lookout for anything that looks like it may have been a part of a golem, as well. [Sanadhil] I suppose they have some means of working this stone... [Sanadhil] Very well. [Guillame] Ahem.

  • Sanadhil will head sort of in the general direction of where nine-elms might be?
  • Sanadhil looks to Guy

[DiablotinNarrator] You proceed in that general direction, then. [Guillame] I... have somewhat of an announcement.

  • Ysabeau glances at Guillame questioningly.

[Ysabeau] Oh? [Ilphere] . o O ( nononononono ) [Sanadhil] is now the best time? [Guillame] I... have a spare saddlebag, if anyone needs their baggage carried on the way there.

  • Alma blinks.

[Seth] Pardon? [Sanadhil] (That was suppose to be a :) [Alma] Thank you, Your Grace. [Sanadhil] (to guy) [Ilphere] Thank you for your kind offer...!

  • Dominik chuckles
  • Sanadhil nods

[Alma] (SM) [Seth] (SM)

  • Ysabeau smiles and laughs.

[Guillame] (To San) My horse - he can lighten the burden? [Guillame] It seemed better to mention sooner rather than later. [Alma] (28) [Ysabeau] (SM indeed) [Seth] (25) [Ysabeau] (27) [Sanadhil] (that was supposed to be a telepathy thing but I missed the :... 's cool though)

  • Guillame rolls 1d20+6: (19)+ 6 = 25

[Sanadhil] I'm sure most of us came prepared for the expedition.... I'd worry more about extra burdens on the return. [Guillame] (I am telling the truth about the saddlebag, but maybe was thinking of saying something else) [Guillame] Indeed - that's why I brought the extra bag. But for the trip out, it's currently empty. [Sanadhil] Ahh, well, very generous.

  • Alma casts Greater Magic Weapon on Danyel's sword.

[Alma] (+3) [DiablotinNarrator] (brb bio) [Sanadhil] (to guy): Your Grace... I understand you are eager to deal with the item you brought, but I'd rather not derail the expedition so early, if you please.... [Sanadhil] :I'm positve that the Countess will react....poorly... to your sggestion, and others may as well. [Guillame] . o O (Yeah, I thought better of that myself) [Sanadhil] :We can discuss it further later if you like... I'm not entirely sure of your purose, or your motivation... [DiablotinNarrator] You are now drawing near to the site where Nine Elms stands in your world... It seems more ruined than many parts of the city, with only loose rubble standing in many places. [Sanadhil] : I only had a partial account from her highness. [Guillame] . o O (Wait, is that Sanadhil's voice in my head?!)

  • Guillame glares at Sanadhil

[Sanadhil] :It's just converstaional :p

  • Guillame blinks
  • Sanadhil looks over the area

[Sanadhil] hmmm [DiablotinNarrator] Everyone can make a spot check. [Alma] (39) [Seth] (31) [Sanadhil] (20, hah) [Ilphere] (36)

  • Ysabeau is oblivious, wondering what Guillame was going to say.
  • Guillame rolls 1d20+15: (17)+ 15 = 32

[Dominik] (14) [Dominik] (15 actually) [DiablotinNarrator] Those of you who got over 30, you notice a faint light from some distance off. This is... unusual, to say the least. It doesn't look like a spell or a lantern, it's not a single area/point of light, but some sort of flickering, moving, faintly glowing trails of light. [Alma] Hmm. [Alma] What do you make of that, Danyel?

  • Danyel didn't notice it until you pointed it out...

[Ilphere] ... What is that...? [Sanadhil] what? [Seth] I see it.

  • Sanadhil peers into the distance
  • Seth points in that direction.

[Guillame] That's different... [Sanadhil] hmmm

  • Seth will use Clairvoyance to see what it is
  • Ysabeau looks where people are pointing.

[DiablotinNarrator] Once it's pointed out, there st of you can see it too.

  • Sanadhil will cast clairvoyance also @_@

[Alma] Hopefully nothing undead. [Dominik] I didn't realize undead would carry torches or whatnot [DiablotinNarrator] With clairvoyance, you see it's a low, well-like structure. It looks to be cracked, and the light is glowing from between the cracks, and flowing around/through them like liquid. [Sanadhil] I think that's it! [Alma] Those don't look like torches. [Sanadhil] no..

  • Sanadhil will describe what he sees

[Ysabeau] Interesting that it glows...! [Seth] It's the Well, certainly. [Dominik] neat trick [Ilphere] of course... [Alma] Well, let's head there. [Sanadhil] (is it roughly the area of the church?) [DiablotinNarrator] (in that approximate vicinity, yes)

  • Sanadhil nods, and will cancel the spells

[Sanadhil] (aww yeah who's got good intincts @_@) [Ysabeau] M. Orecalo... do you think it's her? [Seth] The location is interesting, don't you think? [Sanadhil] I don't know. [Sanadhil] (was the light similar?)

  • Seth looks at Ysabeau.

[Seth] Who? [Sanadhil] Emkathon @_@ [DiablotinNarrator] (this just looks white, not multicoloured) [Sanadhil] the light isn't the same [Seth] Hmm.

  • Alma takes a measured breath.

[Sanadhil] but the location *is* interesting [Ysabeau] Well maybe not then. Or maybe it's just a trick of the plane. [Sanadhil] perhaps

  • Alma checks for invisible things as we walk.
  • Sanadhil will be alert as we aproach

[DiablotinNarrator] The chill of the place seems deeper here, and you feel as if you're being watched, but your searching (even for invisible things) shows no one there.

  • Alma checks for spirits, evil and life as well in the case of being creeped out @_@

[DiablotinNarrator] (what's the range?) [Alma] (Life is 30' cone, Spirits end Evil are 60' cones [DiablotinNarrator] (nothing within range)

  • Ysabeau loosens her crossbow uneasily.
  • Seth keeps Nell close, for her sake.
  • Ysabeau loads a bolt, just to have it ready, in case.
  • Guillame readies his bow

[DiablotinNarrator] As you approach the Well, you pass by a taller standing stone that is carved with words in Shadar-kai, or at least an ancient version thereof.

  • Sanadhil will read if he can
  • Alma will also
  • Seth draws the stela and the words.

[Ilphere] (what does it say?) [Sanadhil] (and if I need to I'll cast comprehend languages)

  • Ysabeau will look at it and cast comprehend languages.

[DiablotinNarrator] (you don't need to cast) [DiablotinNarrator] (you all know SK now, right?) [Sanadhil] (keen) [DiablotinNarrator] (you know it from Andusk. Everyone does.) [DiablotinNarrator] (well, except Danyel)

  • Ysabeau realizes she doesn't need to cast Comprehend Languages, and just reads it.

[DiablotinNarrator] The stone reads as follows, as best as you are able to make it out despite its great age: "Draw not near the Well, the grave of stars, the forbidden place, lest you perish." [Ysabeau] Well that doesn't sound too promising!

  • Ysabeau quips.

[Alma] Perhaps the energies leaking from the well are harmful. [Sanadhil] that's posible [Sanadhil] the grave of stars..

  • Sanadhil looks up at the empty sky

[Sanadhil] I wonder... [Sanadhil] yet, we came here to see it [Sanadhil] I'd not suggest we stay *long*, of course

  • Seth approaches a little closer, and begins to sketch the Well.

[Ysabeau] It's probably not wise for us all to go blundering in there at once, with such a warning.

  • Ilphere flips her goggles down and draws a bit nearer as well.

[Alma] It would be prudent for someone to detect magic.

  • Alma looks at M. Orecalo.

[Sanadhil] really. [Sanadhil] I hope yo u're willing to come to my asistance if it is too blinding....

  • Sanadhil casts though

[Alma] Of course.

  • Ysabeau steps closer to Sanadhil, concerned for him.
  • Alma is, in fact, close behind Sanadhil as he proceeds forward detecting magic.

[DiablotinNarrator] San, the Well itself does not seem to radiate magic - however, the light emerging from it does... [Sanadhil] The well itself is not magical, but the light is [Sanadhil] perhaps it would be best to avoid touching it

  • Ilphere casts DM as well, hoping to tell what sort of magic...

[Ysabeau] (Does it stay in the cracks, or waft outwards, Julia?) [Seth] I was going to suggest ... once I am done sketching, I should try to enter into the well. [DiablotinNarrator] The light is more or less confined to the cracks, although glows faintly beyond them. [Sanadhil] that woudl be fascinatinbt! Though dangerous [Seth] Indeed ... [Ilphere] If you are willing to take the risk, it could yield important information...! [Sanadhil] at your discretion... but I would be very interesting to leanr what you might experience

  • Ilphere says encouragingly.

[Seth] Very well. Haha, well. [DiablotinNarrator] (Spellcraft check, Ilphere)

  • Sanadhil nods to ilphere, approaching the well to look at it more closely, but keeping clear of any light

[Alma] Is there a type to the magic of this light? [Sanadhil] (oh yeah hey :() [Ysabeau] If you want to. Is there some safeguard we can give him? [Sanadhil] I can try and remain in communication at lest [Sanadhil] that shoudl be possible

  • Dominik will keep an eye out for any threat that is not coming from the well

[Sanadhil] I'm not sure what else we can do [Sanadhil] (43 on spellcraft @_@) [Seth] Even if I am in a different plane? [Ilphere] (I will also roll SC :3) [Sanadhil] no, not in that case [Ilphere] (36) [Sanadhil] (actualy sec) [Seth] In any event ... I will try. [Alma] (Are we close enough to touch the Well?) [DiablotinNarrator] (sec, please) [DiablotinNarrator] San and Ilphere - no school of magic. Not just that you can't detect one, but there isn't one. Universal, you suppose - like permanency or wish or something like that [Sanadhil] there is no type to he magic... [Ilphere] Yes, I noticed that as well...

  • Alma nods.

[Ysabeau] (Okay, we will try a bardic knowledge roll, I guess... Maybe I'll dredge up something from when there was more intercourse between the two planes. At least Sanadhil is doing his part in that respect... ;) ) [Ilphere] Curious...! [Sanadhil] perhaps it really is some form of star substance... [Ysabeau] (28) [DiablotinNarrator] (no idea, Ysa) [Sanadhil] . o O (So much power.... if it could be harness somehow.... @_@) [Alma] I could try to seek a vision here, but I expect anything I can see with ease would be later scenes, of frustration or ... despair I suppose. [Sanadhil] it could be a worthwhile effort

  • Ysabeau is staying well clear of the light.

[DiablotinNarrator] (Who is close to the Well? Like, under 5 feet...) [Sanadhil] (me) [Seth] (me)

  • Sanadhil reaches a hand out towards one of the stones

[Alma] (Alma would probably be inching forward from 10-]5 so I'll flip a coin...) [Alma] (I'm a few feet behind Sanadhil still.) [Dominik] (not me) [DiablotinNarrator] The stones are a mottled grey colour, neither black nor white.

  • Ysabeau is not far behind him, since she was concerned for him. she'd be within touch range of San so she could cure him or DD him out of there.

[Sanadhil] you were right, Mlle Chanuier..

  • Alma will step closer to examine the light, though, if there's no pause in action.

[Ysabeau] About...? [Sanadhil] (You do know I can teleport myself ;)

  • Ysabeau asks, sounding a bit nervous.

[Ysabeau] (You can teleport yourself if you are conscious :P ) [Sanadhil] The stones.... the colours [Sanadhil] the Integration [Sanadhil] unless theis is the result of the tampering that was done [DiablotinNarrator] Those of you within five feet can hear a faint but distinct sound coming from... the Well? The light? Like a high-pitched but melodious sound. And you can roll a Will save. [Ysabeau] Oh. [Sanadhil] (ench?) [Sanadhil] (or mind afecting?) [Seth] (21) [Alma] (37) [DiablotinNarrator] (ench, mind affecting) [Alma] (Charm?) [Alma] (I suppose I made the save, it doesn't matter.) [Sanadhil] (39) [DiablotinNarrator] All righty then... Seth. [Sanadhil] Do you hear that? [Alma] ... yes, I do. [Ysabeau] What do you hear? [Sanadhil] some sort of...high pitched note, or song?

  • Alma tries to look down inside the well.

[Ysabeau] A song? [Alma] (From a few feet away :P Warily :P) [DiablotinNarrator] (could you pause for a second please, while I describe what's happening to those who failed saves) [Alma] (np)

  • Ysabeau turns to look at Guillame, remembering what Silvia said at the Temple of Nine Elms.
  • Seth moves closer to the Well, staring over the edge into the starlight.

[DiablotinNarrator] Down in the well, the lights fade away into pure blackness... there is no telling how deep it could be. [Seth] It is obvious that we need to free what is down there. [Ysabeau] It is? [Alma] And what exactly is that?

  • Ysabeau sounds sceptical.

[Seth] Stars, the stars are singing, can't you hear them? [Sanadhil] how do you know there is anything down there? [Alma] Yes, we wear something, Seth, but I imagine you're jumping to conclusions about what is down there. [Alma] (hear)

  • Seth pulls out a rope from his pack and begins tying it off in knots.
  • Sanadhil casts arcane sight and peers inot the abyss

[Seth] Come on! [Sanadhil] .... [Alma] .oO( There is seriously something wrong with these people. )

  • Dominik glances at Seth

[Alma] .oO( Every time we see some flashy light, they lose their heads. ) [Dominik] Seth... is that the best idea? [Alma] Seth, I think you should stop and explain why you think this is a rational decision. [Ilphere] Is it her...?

  • Ilphere asks Sanadhil.

[Sanadhil] It doesn't feel the same [Sanadhil] or sound the same.

  • Alma steps closer to Seth.

[Ilphere] Hm.. [Sanadhil] if it is some other manifestation, them it is weaker [Seth] The song, it's the stars, calling to us, can't you hear them? [Alma] Yes, I hear it.

  • Seth shoots Sanadhil a glance.

[Sanadhil] I hear it too.

  • Alma casts Break Enchantment.

[Sanadhil] But the stars do not care for us... [Sanadhil] they just are. [DiablotinNarrator] San - arcane sight shows nothing within 120 feet, apart from the light. [Sanadhil] they shouldn't *ghave* stars here though... [Sanadhil] that's fascinating [Alma] (CL 32 on the first enchantment on Seth) [Ilphere] Yes, what is it all doing here? [Ilphere] All this.. substance. [Sanadhil] leaking from the arch [DiablotinNarrator] (pause, please - people casting spells need to know what happens) [Ilphere] Yes. [Ilphere] (k) [DiablotinNarrator] No effect from the Break enchantment. [Ysabeau] M. Orecalo, you said gods have more star-substance than anyone else. So... what happens when they are wounded, or killed? Does it leak out? Like blood? [Alma] Are you feeling better, Mr. Argo? [Seth] I feel fine. What do you mean?

  • Seth finishes tying up his rope.

[Seth] Now help me climb down. [Alma] Wh... [Sanadhil] I.... that seems reasonable. [Seth] (rope use 23) [Sanadhil] ...That gods bleed star substance'not that we climb down [Sanadhil] there's nothing there, M. Argo... [Ilphere] The blood of the serpent...

  • Sanadhil nods

[Seth] How can you say that? The song is not coming from nothing! [Sanadhil] its coming from the light, I imagine. [Ysabeau] If the arches and wells are manifestations of the Serpent, and this one was damaged, then could this be the Serpent's blood?

  • Alma casts Detect Magic and examines Seth to be sure...
  • Ysabeau nods over at Ilphere.

[Sanadhil] possibly [Sanadhil] but again, we don't know how this arch was sabotaged [Alma] You're going to just climb down the shaft without knowing what's down there, Seth? [Sanadhil] ...

  • Sanadhil waves a hand quickly through the light as a test

[Alma] What happened to entering the stone of the well itself? [Sanadhil] we coudl also send somethig else below [Sanadhil] a lighted pebble? [Sanadhil] can't you see what's there without going yourself? [Seth] I could check, I suppose, yes. [DiablotinNarrator] OK, when San touches the light, everyone make a Fort save please. [Seth] (24) [Dominik] (24) [Alma] (20) [Ilphere] (11)\ [Sanadhil] (22) [Ysabeau] (29)

  • Guillame rolls 1d20+6: (12)+ 6 = 18

[DiablotinNarrator] !roll 1d20+15

  • Alma rolls for DiablotinNarrator: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 16 ].

[DiablotinNarrator] A shower of dazzling light reaches out from the cracks to San's hand. Alma, Ilphere, Guillame, and Danyel, you are dazzled.

  • Sanadhil blinks
  • Guillame blinks

[Sanadhil] hmm [Dominik] Void... what was that?

  • Alma blinks repeatedly, having been staring directly at the light

[Ilphere] ... @_@ [Sanadhil] just the magic, I think [Ysabeau] Is everyone okay?

  • Ilphere rubs her eyes.
  • Ysabeau asks, sounding worried.

[DiablotinNarrator] San, it felt cool and a bit tingly, nothing horrible. [Dominik] (seth still preping for his jaunt down the well?) [Sanadhil] it felt cool, but that's all. A slight tingling, but I suppose that's not uexpected

  • Alma takes stock of her situation and decides it's not cause for alarm...
  • Ysabeau nods.

[Seth] (I stop for a minute while everyone else recovers) [Ysabeau] I'm just thinking about the warning on that stone...

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] I remember [DiablotinNarrator] Those who were dazzled recover after a minute or so. [Alma] Did you touch the "substance" of the light itself Sanadhil? [Sanadhil] I think descending into the well would be unwise [Seth] If we stopped every time that someone warned us not to do something, we'd never have come here in the first place. [Sanadhil] yes. [Alma] So it can't be collected. [Sanadhil] I don't see how, no [Ilphere] It may be a vapour of sorts though... [Sanadhil] perhaps if we had some way of containing or absorbing it into something else [Ilphere] There could be something denser at the bottom... [Sanadhil] it's black lower down [Alma] One would imagine it wouldn't look so dark...

  • Sanadhil grabs a sunrod out of his pack, lights it, and tosses it down

[Seth] Look, don't you understand how important this is? [Seth] This place, this plane, is *dying*! [Alma] No, Mr. Argo, we do not. Which is precisely why ... [Sanadhil] ... [Alma] Dying? [Seth] We can restore it to life. [Alma] Where have you come across this information? [Seth] Or to ... vibrancy. [Seth] The stars are singing, can't you hear them?

  • Seth says, as if you are all a little slow.
  • Dominik is a little confused watching all of this

[Alma] And they're telling you that the plane is dying? [Ysabeau] Can't say that I do, no. [Sanadhil] If what you are saying is correct..... then I would think it shudl be up to the people who live hee to decide what should be done :o

  • Alma casts DM again, since her previous one was dazzled away.
  • Alma focuses to determine if he's under the effects of an enchantment.
  • Ysabeau looks thoughtful.

[Seth] At the bottom of the well, is the pure essence of the stars, their ... soul, their very being, the memory of what once was, calling out to re-become. [Alma] This plane once had stars, then?

  • Sanadhil stares down into the well

[Seth] So it seems. I am as surprised as you. [Alma] (28 Spellcraft) [Alma] Do you think your ability to understand is related to how your heard ringing at the Nine Elms? [Sanadhil] (I assume the sunrod disapears from view?) [DiablotinNarrator] (moderate Enchantment, Alma) [DiablotinNarrator] San, yes, your sunrod falls into darkness and then you can't see it any longer. [Seth] Perhaps ... but this is very different. [Sanadhil] If you are correct.... I'm not sure what you would expect to do to aid the stars @_@ [Alma] No, rather, you're under the effect of a moderate enchantment. [Alma] I suspect Geas. [Alma] Let me think... [Seth] If that's true, then obviously, just dispel it. [Alma] I attempted that five minutes ago. [Sanadhil] Geas is trickier to remove... [Alma] (I'm not srue there's anything other than Geas at 6th level and immune to BE) [Sanadhil] Mmme Belden would be able to do it

  • Alma casts Remove Curse
  • Alma reaches out to touch Seth.

[Seth] This is a remarkable opportunity, don't you see? To restore a plane to its glory! [Sanadhil] Its not our plane. [Sanadhil] I think it is certainly worth consulting with Shadar Kai scholars, though

  • Alma prepares to try to logic the geas into waiting, if she fails @_@

[DiablotinNarrator] Seth - the Remove Curse seems to clear your mind of its compulsion, although it doesn't remove any of the knowledge you received. [Alma] Feeling any better Mr. Argo? [Seth] Ahh ... hmm, very interesting. Well, whatever you did had some effect.

  • Alma looks relieved.
  • Sanadhil thinks

[Seth] I see ... that lowering myself down into the well would be extremely cavalier. [Alma] Good. I was not looking forward to tying you up and taking you back to Mme. Belden.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] I'm curious about this idea [Seth] I do think ... that what happened, the song that was sung, has some truth to it. [Sanadhil] it seems plausible

  • Ysabeau glances at Sanadhil.

[Sanadhil] If the saboteurs were some how able to cut off this plane from all star substance, it would explain a lot [Sanadhil] but I don't know enough about the planes

  • Sanadhil looks to Ilphere or Alma

[Seth] It is an interesting subject for future research.

  • Ilphere thinks...

[Sanadhil] is there some way to know whether the essesnce of the plane *has* been altered? [Seth] Should we ... how should we continue? [Ilphere] (and rolls k planes) [Alma] (Bleh, 29) [Sanadhil] if it could be done, it would certainly prevent the interference of any gods [Ilphere] (41) [Sanadhil] the star substance itself, being alien to the plane, coud tself be preventing the well form functioning though, alternately... [Sanadhil] I don't thnk it shoudl be here [Sanadhil] the people of ths plane are formed of its own essence, in my understanding [DiablotinNarrator] Ilphere, if divine energy is somehow drawn from the stars, and this place has none, it would explain why the SK apparently have no priests among their number now...And if the star-essence *is* somehow trapped in this Well, then perhaps it would be possible to free it. It would almost certainly cause major changes to this plane, however. [Sanadhil] They are not made of star substance [Alma] It does seem rather ... unshadow. [Ilphere] Yes, it makes sense... [Seth] Perhaps this is a matter that requires more research. I still think, however, that while we are here, we ought to see if I can enter the Well and go to the same place as when I enter the Arch. [Sanadhil] I have read some material from this plane that suggests that perhaps things *were* difference once, though....

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] that I agree with. [Ilphere] If divine energy comes from the stars... Trapping their essence here would mean that the divine could not exist, or be accessed anyway, on this plane...

  • Sanadhil nods to Ilphere

[Sanadhil] yes [Ilphere] And it would explain why there are no more priests here. [Alma] .oO( I wonder if Danyel and I could camp here safely through morning... ) [Seth] I am going in. [Ilphere] It may be possible to free them... However, as M. Argo suggested, the changes to this plane would be... significant.

  • Seth approaches the well and attempts to meld with it.
  • Ysabeau steps back from the Well before he does.

[Alma] O...

  • Ysabeau figures it might send another flare of starlight out at us, like when San touched it.
  • Alma says, about to cast some protectives.

[Alma] .oO( Oh well. ) [DiablotinNarrator] Seth, the same dazzling light touches you as you merge into the Well.

  • Sanadhil closes his eyes

[Sanadhil] :Mr Argo? cna you hear me?

Seth in the Well

[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, you find yourself in a grey, misty area, full of drifting ... souls? The same place as you were before, you think. [DiablotinNarrator] (You can't hear San, also.) [DiablotinNarrator] Seth, make a Will save at a +5 bonus. [Seth] (27)

  • Seth will search around, and see if I can find Pasith.

[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, you can locate Belden. And I suppose talk to her, if you need to. She doesn't have much new to say :p

  • Seth will return then!

Alma scrys Seth

[Alma] Oh!

  • Alma casts a spell.

[Sanadhil] I can't hear him, or he is not respondinf

  • Alma gasps
I can seeee him.
what do you mean?
I'm scrying.
  • Alma has closed her eyes to help focus on the vision
Oh, interesting!
where is he?
Can you describe what you see?
It looks like what he described before.
Even though it's broken?
  • Sanadhil nods
well he has joined wth our arch as well, which is also broken
  • Ysabeau looks embarrassed.
Can you tell what race the souls belong to or are they too hazy?
The Matriarch!
I can tell, she's ... fuller than the others.
  • Sanadhil nods
I guess she must be caught in all the gates in all the worlds Ilphere saw when Pheria died...
  • Ysabeau says a bit sadly.

Seth re-emerges

  • Seth emerges from the Well.
  • Guillame steps forward to see where Seth went

[Alma] Oh... it's gone.

  • Alma opens her eyes.

[Seth] Hmm, most intriguing. I suspected as much, but it is good to know it. [DiablotinNarrator] !roll 1d20+11

  • Alma rolls for DiablotinNarrator: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 13 ].
  • Sanadhil nods
  • Guillame almost runs into Seth, but steps aside

[Guillame] Oh! Er, sorry. [Danyel] I think we ought to go down there... [Alma] Oh not you now? [DiablotinNarrator] (Guy, you can roll that Will save too) [Danyel] The stars are trapped. But we could help them... [Guillame] (D'oh! Ok) [Sanadhil] if we're not being *compelled* to, we coudl at least exercise more caution -_-

  • Guillame rolls 1d20+4): (2)+ 4 = 6

[Sanadhil] I am curious to know if there is a bottom [Alma] Danyel, how would we help them? And would it even be a good idea? [Sanadhil] ths is a very different construction from the arch [Sanadhil] there's no.... though. [Sanadhil] only down [Guillame] Oh! Yes, I see...

  • Guillame retrieves rope from one of his packs.
  • Sanadhil sighs
  • Danyel nods to Guillame.

[Danyel] Right, thank you!

  • Dominik looks at the pair
  • Sanadhil looks to Alma
  • Dominik looks back at the pair
  • Guillame looks for something to fasten it to
  • Guillame rolls 1d20+16: (11)+ 16 = 27

[Danyel] Maybe that big stone back there, with the carvings! [Guillame] (search) [Guillame] Perfect!

  • Guillame goes to tie it off.
  • Sanadhil casts hold person on Guy

[Guillame] (save?) [Alma] It must be centered around the well itself. [Alma] I half wish I heard what it says... [Alma] Danyel, dear. Didn't we already establish with Mr. Argo that this was irrational?

  • Alma steps towards him.

[Sanadhil] (will)

  • Danyel shakes his head.

[Guillame] (Haha) [Alma] You DO recall that conversation though, no?

  • Guillame rolls 1d20+4: (10)+ 4 = 14
  • Alma speaks to delay him, since Geas isn't immune to that...

[Danyel] Yes, but... I didn't hear the singing then. It makes sense once you can hear it.

  • Ysabeau sighs.
  • Alma will cast Remove Curse on him.

[Guillame] Yeah... exactly [Sanadhil] (dc 20) [Sanadhil] (Guy is held) [Sanadhil] (*but you get a roll a round)

  • Danyel shakes his head...

[Ilphere] (so... every 6 seconds?)\ [Sanadhil] (yeah) [Danyel] ...You're right, Alma. I know it could be dangerous. [Alma] It's ok... it's a magical effect of some kind.

  • Alma will walk over and cast it on Guillame.

[Ysabeau] Here's an idea: how about we all back away from the nice well, so no one else decides it would be grand idea to go down? [Guillame] Ah... oh, right. [Sanadhil] The question remains whether we *do* want to investigate, bt more cautiously [Guillame] Still, it doesn't seem *that* bad an idea. [Alma] Now, do we think that there is anything down there to learn? [Ysabeau] We can continue our conversation by the rock as well as we can here, with a good deal less trouble.

  • Sanadhil looks to Seth

[Ilphere] I think it would be a shame to just leave it. [Ilphere] We came here to find this very thing after all... [Sanadhil] Can you use the same trick as you did when we were investigating Emkahon? To see if you can find the bottom? [Alma] An excellent idea. [Seth] Ahh ... well, I can try ...

  • Sanadhil nods
  • Seth tries to find the bottom of the well with clairvoyance, stepping back a few paces before doing so.

[Alma] .oO( Interesting that this counts as a city long after it's been abandoned. ) [Guillame] What happened with Emkathon? [Alma] She's apparently under my church. [Ysabeau] She's what's below the Nine Elms. [Sanadhil] ahh yes... [Ysabeau] Some of them went down.

  • Sanadhil will describe the trip for those who haven't yet heard while Seth looks for the bottom

[Guillame] Ah, well that makes sense

  • Sanadhil gets a little @_@ when he talks about the Orb and touching it, etc @_@

[Alma] Yes, tons.

  • Alma looks perhaps a little weary.
  • Ysabeau wishes she could speak to Guillame telepathically.

[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, you can look to the bottom of the Well... you can only see in a 10 foot radius. Within that radius, you can see what looks like a small statue. [Seth] (what does the statue look like?) [Seth] (size, race, etc.) [DiablotinNarrator] It's about six inches high, black stone, looks like a female shape, but hard to make out details. [Alma] What do you see?

  • Seth describes the statue to the group.

[Ysabeau] ... [Alma] Oh lovely. [Ysabeau] I have fond memories of the *last* statue we took from this city.

  • Dominik chuckles
  • Sanadhil possibly looks a little pale

[Sanadhil] ...ah. [Alma] Do you see anything about on the ground? [Alma] Like... bones perhaps? [Ysabeau] Please let's consider carefully before we do anything rash, like say, go get it. :P [DiablotinNarrator] Seth, all you can see otherwise is what looks like maybe a pile of rags or cloth. [Ilphere] Perhaps it could be interfering with the well...? [Dominik] Better us having it than someone else. [Seth] No, nothing else other than a pile of loose rags, or something like it. [Alma] I tend to agree with Mr. Rademacher... [Ysabeau] Or we could leave it there.

  • Ysabeau sighs.

[Ysabeau] Who else would know about it? [Alma] While I'm sure visitors here are not common... anyone who does come near will be at risk of compulsion to descend. [Ilphere] I think we should remove it... Try to ascertain its actual nature. [Alma] Careful identification of the item's properties would allow us to keep it under control, if it is malignant... if it isn't... [Guillame] I think it's certainly worth investigating [Ysabeau] That's what we figured we'd do with the last statue. [Dominik] Thats a plan, so how do we go down and how do we stop that singing from messin' with me when I get close. [Ysabeau] And look what happened. [Alma] A valid point, but I expect that there won't be a repeat of that part. [Guillame] Yes, well... hopefully we're all a little wiser, and would think twice about spending time alone with it... without companions of strong mind.

  • Alma says not in a recriminating fashion, but rather in an "I won't let that happen" fashion.
  • Sanadhil stays quiet

[Dominik] I mean, come on, were not hobbiest anymore. [Ysabeau] I know I'm not going to be able to change anyone's minds. -_- [Ysabeau] I'll volunteer to stay up here and make sure nothing severs your ropes. [Alma] I rather say we are still hobbiests of a sort... [Alma] Anyhow...

  • Ilphere rolls her eyes.
  • Dominik will approach the well

[DiablotinNarrator] Will save! [Sanadhil] wait [Dominik] Better get your magic mojo ready for me...

  • Sanadhil sighs, being a little too slow

[Sanadhil] we could have helped you better *before* you approached -_- [Dominik] (15) [Alma] Yes, indeed. :| [Alma] Though I suppose if we're going down... [Alma] How're you feeling? Do you have an overwhelming urge to go down? [Seth] It wasn't overwhelming even at the time. [Dominik] It all makes sense now. [Sanadhil] (the sunrod should be down the re too, yes?) [Sanadhil] well [DiablotinNarrator] (perhaps not within his 10 ft radius) [Sanadhil] how shall we descent [Dominik] Guy, help me with that rope... probably the best way down [DiablotinNarrator] (it's a pretty big hole) [Sanadhil] we have other options [Sanadhil] magic of various sorts [Guillame] Somebody should... demotivate Dominik, I think. [Guillame] Not that I'm not happy to help, Dom. [Alma] [Dominik] (15)

  • Dominik will enlist Guillame's help in securing the rope

[Dominik] Could you tell how deep it is Seth?

  • Danyel will also assist with the rope.
  • Dominik secures his shield on his back

[Sanadhil] I have more if it is needed...

  • Guillame will drag his heels, and tie slippy knots until someone fixes Dom
  • Sanadhil casts Spiderclimb on himself though

[Seth] No, I couldn't tell. Less than around 500 feet, but other than that, I can't say.

  • Alma casts Remove Curse and taps Dominik on the shoulder as he works.
  • Dominik frowns calculating in his head

[DiablotinNarrator] OK, Dom is freed from the compulsion. [Alma] It's alright, we're going down anyway :)

  • Guillame nods to Alma, and quickly fixes his knots

[Dominik] thanks, I was more worried about doing something stupid when I was down there than up here [Guillame] Well, indeed

  • Dominik will enlist Guy and Seth to make as long a rope as we can

[Dominik] So who's first?

  • Ysabeau helps as much as she can without getting too close to the well.

[Guillame] Is it me again? It's usually me. [DiablotinNarrator] OK, let's get into gametable, and you can set your order there. [Sanadhil] if you like - you or M. Rademacher [Seth] I can go ahead with Feather Fall, if desired. [Guillame] No, I can go - in case of traps.

  • Sanadhil nods

[DiablotinNarrator] OK - people climbing down with rope can roll climb. those using magic, let me know what you're using.

  • Sanadhil casts spider climb on Guy as well, in case
  • Seth will use Feather Fall to descend gracefully.
  • Sanadhil cat give it to Ilphee as well, and anyone else who wants it
  • Sanadhil will use SC
  • Alma ponders the value of Wind Walk
  • Alma casts Fly so that she can descend quickly with Guillame, scanning for evil.

[DiablotinNarrator] Alma - you detect evil ahead.

  • Guillame climbs down along the walls, focusing on looking for devices and pointing out loose stones

[DiablotinNarrator] And now we're going to roll init, so into GT... [Alma] There's evil below.

  • Ysabeau prays to the Seven and the Serpent that they'll all be safe.

[DiablotinNarrator] Overwhelming evil, Alma - like an unholy temple. [Alma] Oh gods, it's so evil. [Alma] We should... turn back. [Sanadhil] its too late for some....

  • Ysabeau frets and stands watch though nothing is likely to come, in this abandoned city.

Down the Well

[DiablotinNarrator] Those of you descending into the Well feel air currents stir from beneath you, as something rises up... a terrible fanged mouth is about all you can make out before the attack begins! [Ilphere] :o

  • Alma is smashed back against the wall by it @_@
  • Sanadhil turns invisible
  • Alma summons a pillar of fire, which it ignores ;_;
  • Sanadhil casts spells on Dom

[DiablotinNarrator] Dom almost gets eaten, but Ilphere transposes him with a yeth hound @_@

  • Alma summons a whirling wall of blades which the worm just ignores ;_;
  • Alma tugs Danyel out of the way as the worm falls, dead.
  • Sanadhil loots invisibly until the thing dies, at shich point he will reappear, and continue searching for the statur and other magical bits @_@

[DiablotinNarrator] The body of the worm-like creature is blocking much of your view of whatever might be on the floor.. which, you realize as you look around, isn't actually the bottom of the well. There's some kind of barrier blocking the rest of the way down. [Alma] Hm... odd.

  • Guillame looks for holes or trapdoors

[Alma] (So the statue is below?) [Sanadhil] Hmm....

  • Seth looks around for the statue or anything else.

[DiablotinNarrator] Like a wall of force or something of that nature. [Sanadhil] (Is the floor magical?)

  • Ysabeau glides down on a giant effing owl.

[Guillame] (OIC)

  • Dominik pokes the floor with his sword

[DiablotinNarrator] The floor is indeed magical - part of the shitton of magic down here, San. [Sanadhil] I could try to dispell it, if people would like to arrange themselves so as not to fall....

  • Ysabeau checks to make sure everyone is standing.

[Seth] Very well. [Alma] If we think that's a good idea... Ysabeau might want to sing? [Guillame] Should we try to... suspend the worm?

  • Guillame affixes himself to a wall in case the floor vanishes

[Alma] Hm... [Ysabeau] ... [Alma] I could try?

  • Dominik will go over and grab the rope

[Sanadhil] is the owl strong enough to carry the corpse? [Guillame] Maybe the dogs and that owl could help to lift it out?

  • Ysabeau is glad no one's dead but worries about having come down.

[Ysabeau] I don't know.

  • Guillame Ilphere also grabs the rope

[Seth] I could try to enter the wall and then emerge below.

  • Ysabeau asks the owl to let her off by a wall.
  • Seth will do so.

[Sanadhil] I would tay mounted, Mlle Chaniuer

  • Ysabeau asks the owl if the monster is too big for it to carry out.

[DiablotinNarrator] OK, seth... what's your alignment? [Guillame] I'm rather beginning to assume that your passage is always unh... oh, he's gone already. [Sanadhil] i'm going to remove the floor [Seth] (LN) [Alma] Are we going to secure the worm first? [Ysabeau] The owl will disappear eventually, and I'd rather not fall. [Dominik] (the worm probably weighs a few tons... good like moving it) [DiablotinNarrator] Seth, as you enter the area below, you take 47 damage. [Sanadhil] I don't know that we can [DiablotinNarrator] Will save for half. [Guillame] Can we pin it to the wall or something? [Seth] (21) [Ysabeau] I think it's too big. What do we have that would hold it up? [Alma] (Julie, do I think I could use Wall of Stone to create something to suspend it? [Sanadhil] *I* can't... [Alma] (If the side of the well is stone I could connect it to, that is.)

  • Ysabeau edges as close to the wall as she can, and hangs tightly to a rope.

[DiablotinNarrator] 21 saves. So you only take 23. [Alma] I'm not feeling so good. [Seth] Something here is causing great pain! Do not come down!

  • Seth shouts, looking around to see what is around here.
  • Alma casts Mass Cure Light Wounds.

[DiablotinNarrator] Seth - there is the statue you saw, as well as a pile of rags and scraps... Please make a Will save. [Seth] (29) [DiablotinNarrator] OK, no effect.

  • Seth picks up the statue and puts it in a sack.

[DiablotinNarrator] ok...

  • Seth goes over to the rags and sees what's up - anything under them / around them?
  • Sanadhil continues picking up magic bits that aren't the floor if he can find any ;)

[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, as you root through the pile of rags, you find something .. strange. It's a delicate snowflakelike crystal about 18 inches in diameter, and it gives off a gentle glow.

  • Seth will put it into a sack WITHOUT TOUCHING IT.

[DiablotinNarrator] The rags themselves are also actually a cloak of some sort, you notice.

  • Seth gently puts it all in a bag.

[DiablotinNarrator] ok [DiablotinNarrator] There doesn't seem to be anything else down here, then. [Seth] (any ongoing / lingering effects of whatever happened to me?) [DiablotinNarrator] nope, just some damage and then you feel ok [Seth] (ok, back up I go then) [DiablotinNarrator] All right... are you telling them about what you found?

  • Alma casts DM.

[Seth] (yes, because unlike SOME people I am lawful)

  • Sanadhil is still arcane sight dude

[Alma] (Was the evil the bottom of the tunnel or the worm?)

  • Ysabeau eyes the monster...

[DiablotinNarrator] the evil was in the general area, but ended with the death of the worm, so presumably it was causing it. [Seth] I found this cloak and a strange crystal, as well as the figurine. [Alma] I think the evil in the area is dissipating. [Ilphere] oh...? [Seth] Could someone please ensure that these are a) magical and b) not horribly evil, before we make off with them?

  • Ilphere casts Detect Magic.
  • Ysabeau as well.
  • Alma concentrates her DM on it
  • Sanadhil looks at the crystal

[DiablotinNarrator] So you're showing them this stuff? [Seth] (yesss ... well at least I'm opening up the bag) [DiablotinNarrator] everyone who looks at the statue, Will save please. [DiablotinNarrator] (apart from Seth, who already made one ;)

  • Guillame rolls 1d20+4: (1)+ 4 = 5
  • Alma was planning on DM and then DE first, unless she gets shown.

[Sanadhil] (mind affecting and/or enchantment or illusion?) [Ysabeau] (15) [Ilphere] (26) [DiablotinNarrator] San - yes, I'd say it's mind affecting enchantment. [Seth] (I detect if it is a construct) [DiablotinNarrator] Seth - it's a construct. [Sanadhil] (31) [Seth] (yaaaay!)

  • Alma rolls [ 1d20+25 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 25 ] totals [ 34 ]

[Alma] (oops) [Dominik] (15 or 17 if heroism has a duration) [DiablotinNarrator] DC is 19, so if you rolled above 19, you're fine. If you rolled below, you really, really want this statue. More than anything. [Sanadhil] (its 10mmin/lvl you're stll good Dom) [Ysabeau] May I hold it?

  • Alma shakes her head but is concentrating on the magic.

[Seth] No, I don't think that's safe.

  • Ysabeau reaches out for the statue.

[DiablotinNarrator] Alma - all three of these things are magic. [Alma] .oO( Oh for... )

  • Dominik snatches the statue out of the bag

[Ilphere] ... Dominik!

  • Seth pulls it away before anyone can grab it!
  • Alma drops her concentration.

[Seth] Hold it, everyone! [Sanadhil] ... [Alma] For the love of...

  • Ysabeau will make grabby hands after it.

[Sanadhil] (I'd just like to know schools and such for stuff...)

  • Dominik will grapple Seth for the bag (once I am allowed to roll).

[DiablotinNarrator] (I don't know off the top of my ehad... and sort of busy dealing with people trying to steal the statue) [Sanadhil] ('k) [Alma] (Init? :P)

  • Ysabeau will knock Dominik on the head with her sap

[Guillame] (yeah, maybe that's an idea :V) [DiablotinNarrator] heh [Ysabeau] (19 initiative) [Alma] (18)

  • Guillame rolls 1d20+5: (18)+ 5 = 23

[Dominik] (15... surprise bonus?) [Guillame] (jnit) [DiablotinNarrator] (Danyel 7) [Sanadhil] (8) [Ilphere] (16) [Seth] (10) [DiablotinNarrator] so looks like Guy gets first grab at it [Guillame] Ok, so I tumble past seth and dom (25) and make a grab for the bag

  • Guillame rolls 1d20+6: (1)+ 6 = 7

[Guillame] Sleight of hand fail :V [DiablotinNarrator] heh [DiablotinNarrator] Guy gets Seth's belt instead :p [DiablotinNarrator] Ysa's turn to try and get it ;)

  • Ysabeau starts going for her sap, but then looks sly and starts singing to Fascinate everyone

[DiablotinNarrator] ok, what's the save and DC on that? [Ysabeau] (perform check - sec) [Ysabeau] (23) [Ysabeau] (they use their will saves) [Alma] (I pass)

  • Guillame rolls 1d20+4: (19)+ 4 = 23

[Sanadhil] pass [Guillame] (woah) [Seth] (13, nope) [Ilphere] !roll 1d20+15

  • Alma rolls for Ilphere: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 33 ].

[Ilphere] (big fat pass) [DiablotinNarrator] so if you fail, you have to pay attention to Ysa's song and not really do anything else - others can try to shake you out of it, though. [Dominik] (17 fail)

  • Ysabeau targets Seth, Guillame, Dominik and... Alma

[Ysabeau] (and Danyel) [DiablotinNarrator] !roll 1d20+11

  • Alma rolls for DiablotinNarrator: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 27 ].

[DiablotinNarrator] well, if you're affected, you listen to the song. [DiablotinNarrator] Alma's turn.

  • Alma casts Break Enchantment and steps forward to cast it on Dom

[Alma] (Touch attack) [Alma] (25) [Dominik] (that easily beats my touch ac) [Alma] (oh nm, it's CLose anyway) [DiablotinNarrator] ok - Dom, you no longer NEEEEEED to have the statue. Song's still pretty, though. [Dominik] (lol) [Ilphere] (who actually has it now? still Seth?) [Seth] (yup) [DiablotinNarrator] Yes, still Seth. [DiablotinNarrator] Ilphere's turn [Ilphere] (Hellhounds to guard Seth/the statue from the nutters :) )

  • Ilphere rolls a d20...

[Ilphere] Ilphere gets a 16 [Ilphere] (whoops) [DiablotinNarrator] ok... Dom's turn, he sits there. [Ilphere] !roll 1d4+1

  • Alma rolls for Ilphere: [ 1d4+1 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 1 ] totals [ 4 ].

[DiablotinNarrator] Seth's turn. [Seth] duuhh, preeetty soonng [DiablotinNarrator] San's turn. [Dominik] I never realized how much her neckline plunges when she's singing like that

  • Sanadhil sighs, will take the staute from fascinated Seth, and teleport back to the top of the well?

[Sanadhil] (to Alma and Ilphere) Going back to the top until they are sorted out -_-) [DiablotinNarrator] OK - just the statue or the entire bag of stuff? [Sanadhil] (whole bag) [Sanadhil] (I will stick it in the bag of holding when I am alone) [DiablotinNarrator] San, when you get up to the top, the bag is squirming and shaking in your hands. [Sanadhil] ....

  • Sanadhil shoves it into the bag of holding D:

[DiablotinNarrator] well, that solved that problem! and now you never have to worry about it again ;) [Sanadhil] ... [DiablotinNarrator] Danyel will try to shake Dom out of it. [Danyel] *slap slap* [DiablotinNarrator] And back around to Guy :) [Dominik] Hey... watching Spoke-boy

  • Guillame starts climbing the wall at full speed

[DiablotinNarrator] Ysa? [Ysabeau] (Is it within range for a DD?) [DiablotinNarrator] (is that another boob-related thing? ;) [Sanadhil] (you have no idea where I am) [DiablotinNarrator] (but yes - you have no idea where he teleported to) [Ysabeau] (I mean the surface - is it within 920 feet of me?) [DiablotinNarrator] oh, yes. [Alma] (Like 800 ft Ysabeau)

  • Ysabeau Dimension Doors to the surface since the statue is goooooone! ;_;

[DiablotinNarrator] Alma's turn. [Alma] Oh this is trying my patience! [Ilphere] For once, we agree.

  • Alma looks quickly to make sure everyone is OK and then teleports to the top.

[DiablotinNarrator] Ilphere's turn.

  • Ilphere will grab onto Seth and hold out her hand to Dominik to teleport up as well.
  • Dominik will take her hand as offered

[Seth] ... Okie dokie! [Ilphere] Sanadhil, you'd better get out of here... they've lost all reason.

  • Ysabeau is already up top and would be advancing on San if she can see him
  • Ysabeau would in fact be casting Hold Person on him
  • Sanadhil is sitting calmly on the wall, no staute in sight

[DiablotinNarrator] you have to wait for your init. [DiablotinNarrator] Dom's turn, now that he's up.

  • Dominik will move and grapple Ysabeau

[DiablotinNarrator] she's probably used to it :p [DiablotinNarrator] Seth's turn. [Dominik] (roll or just assume I get her?) [DiablotinNarrator] (I'm just going to assume... her Str is lame, anyway ;)

  • Seth holds his action, nothing for now.

[DiablotinNarrator] (and I want to get finished up ;) [Dominik] (she has no weapon out and if she tries to slap me, I'd just grab her anyway) [DiablotinNarrator] San?

  • Sanadhil casts break enchantment on Ysa

[Dominik] Can anyone fix her? [DiablotinNarrator] OK, Ysa, your mind is clear again. [Sanadhil] yes [DiablotinNarrator] You have no idea why you wanted the statue in the first place, creepy thing @_@ [Alma] I'm all out...

  • Ysabeau looks confused.

[Sanadhil] she should be fine [Alma] Guillame is climbing up the wall. [Ysabeau] What...?

  • Guillame climbs another 60ft

[Danyel] ... helloooo? [Sanadhil] where are the duke and M. Beziers [Alma] Oh fudge :| [Danyel] Should I start climbing? [Ilphere] Guillame is somewhere between here and the bottom of the pit... [Alma] No, I'll be down in a second, dear.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Dominik] The duke is climbing the wall, I'll nab him as soon as he gets to the top... maybe I'll make a sandwich while we wait. [Sanadhil] if he's still mad I can cure him when he reaches the top

  • Alma flies back down, rather shocked that her spell is still going.

[Sanadhil] the statue became animated when i reached the surface with it... [Ysabeau] Great... [Sanadhil] I shoved it in the Bag od Holdinfg as a temporary measure, but it still needs to be dealt with [Ysabeau] How do we keep it in one place so it can't go convert toshers? [Dominik] I didn't bring my hammer

  • Alma will hug him and kiss him and call herself a fool for leaving him behind.

[Ysabeau] And kill them. :P [Guillame] (I guess it takes me about 2.4 minutes?) [Alma] ;_; [Ilphere] Vianca will likely have some idea.

  • Alma casts Wind Walk and will float out with Danyel -_-

[Ysabeau] Sorry about trying to enchant you all... [DiablotinNarrator] Let's assume Guy makes it back up, and gets fixed by San.

  • Ysabeau looks like she feels bad once she figures out what she did.
  • Alma and Danyel will be up again at about the same time.

[Sanadhil] we can deal wth it later... I believe we've had enough excitement @_@ [Guillame] (Hurray!) [Alma] Utterly ridiculous. Who makes items like this? [Seth] I agree. For now, let's return to the Society and store these items safely. [Alma] Why put a barrier around an item that MAKES YOU WANT TO STEAL IT? [Sanadhil] so that no one would find it and want to steal it? [Ysabeau] to keep you from being able to? [Alma] I mean, why enchant that at all? [Sanadhil] indeed [Alma] Clearly you don't want people to have it... [Danyel] Maybe it's a decoy. [Alma] So then enchant it to ... [Ysabeau] It might have belonged to a group different from the one that put the barrier up. [Alma] Oh, like a booby trap... [Sanadhil] it was ptobably not done by the same people [Seth] Yes, to take the figurine, and not to take the crystal.

  • Sanadhil nods to ysa
  • Ysabeau nods at Sanadhil.

[Ilphere] That makes sense...

  • Ilphere says to Seth.

[Alma] I meant to check out that room below :| [Danyel] If you want that statue more than anything... then you ignore whatever else is down there. [Guillame] The last one started making you carry out its plans [Guillame] So, I guess that's a good reason to get someone to steal it. [Sanadhil] :| [Alma] I am completely beat though... [Ysabeau] Sorry... [Sanadhil] yes... perhaps we ought to return for now [Ysabeau] :/

  • Alma takes Danyel's hand.

[Guillame] No offence intended, M. Orecalo. [Sanadhil] It's alright. [Sanadhil] but I think we should return to the society [DiablotinNarrator] YOu make your way back to your own plane without further difficulties.

  • Ysabeau would chat with Ilphere on the way out, if she could get you away from the rest.

[DiablotinNarrator] I'll make a post to update you on what you learn about the stuff once you get it back to the society.
