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Lurusiru Ula

Lurusiru (468-498-539), born Lurusiru Andanush, and known as Cedar and the Forgotten, was a saint whose cult was located next to Nemnosti, at the village of Lurusiru and the ulajeta at Lurusiru Osti, between Nemnosti and Bemnes. Lurusiru was a Daligashi noble distantly related to the Kingdom of Daligash whose wealthy family kept them isolated and separate out of a concern for disease; Lurusiru was sickly throughout their life as a person, given to bookishness almost by default. When they died in 498 of an unspecified illness and awoke as a saint, They took on many new characteristics and ultimately Their birth family did not have much to do with Them. Eventually Their developing cult brought Lurusiru to Nemnu Ula, who helped Them set up the ulajeta at Lurusiru Osti. This situation persisted well, with the saints in close cooperation, until the Great Purge of 534, which Lurusiru resisted participating in even as Nemnu participated in it. But in circumstances still not clear in nature, Lurusiru and Lurusiru Osti were both abandoned and the temple destroyed. Presumably at that time, Lurusiru was destroyed and Their remains were brought to Nemnosti, where they occupy a place of great honour but also secrecy, with only a single Voice in each generation appointed to continue to serve Their cult. Most acolytes who are not Voices will never hear of Lurusiru and wise folk know to avoid the subject around the Lady Herself.