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{{logtoc|Thirteen 2|}}
{{logtoc|Thirteen 2|12}}
The party gets underway with the canons, headed towards Karagwasischijro territory, they meet up with Oyö:sgwa’ and Hado:wä:s. Proceeding on the next day, they come across a site where a mammoth has been hunted for its tusks and left to rot.  It's spirit has left the area in a rage, Oyö:sgwa’ goes to fetch his uncle, and then the party goes with him to track it and the hunters. They find the latter mostly dead, with three others under the influence of the angry spirit, whom they try to engage to put it to rest - however it reacts violently.
: Session date:
: Session date: 2022-04-03
: In Game date:
: In Game date:
<br><Narrator> All right. So, you've successfully secured the cannons, and spent a probably somewhat nervous night at camp. You should be ready to head out north to meet with Skalla's contacts, and say a (maybe not fond) farewell to your temporary Tsonnontouan allies.
<br>* Skalla sill supervise the packing up, lending a hand where necessary so we can get going
<br><Narrator> It's back on the, well, not road, but trail, at least. You're in much rougher country as you head up into the Ochuweekays, so the wagons are having a bit more trouble, and you have fewer options for routes.
<br><Narrator> (Can I get folks to roll me Physique?)
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 3 3 2 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 4 ].
<br><Welumque> !roll 4d3-8
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 2 3 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ -1 ].
<br><Welumque> (welp)
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 2 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-8
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 2 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Skalla> (embarassing really - I should invoke my comfortable outdoorswomen aspect here :p)
<br><Narrator> (It's basically just a measure of how you're enduring the trip. It's up to you.)
<br><Skalla> (I'll keep the 1 - lots of ppl to take care of plus everythign else = extra strain ;p)
<br><Narrator> Welumque's not quite as young as she used to be, so she's maybe a touch more sore and less spry at the moment.
<br>* Hildie will nudge her horse up to Welumque's on the ride back.
<br><Hildie> "Are you doing ok, old-timer?"
<br>* Welumque looks over at Hildie inscrutably.
<br><Welumque> Well enough.
<br><Hildie> Do you need anything? We can take a break if you need to. No shame in it. Sometimes it's hard for me to keep up too.
<br><Welumque> No, thank you for asking though.
<br>* Hildie nods and trots her horse away again.
<br><Narrator> Before too long, you're in territory familiar to Skalla, where she ranged with the  Karagwasischijro during her time with them.
<br>* Skalla relaxes visibly
<br><Narrator> One of their winter villages should be a few days away with the wagons, though it'd be a significantly shorter trip without them.
<br><Skalla> (where do I think these cannons are goig to wind up?)
<br><Narrator> (You're not sure, but this is where Owähé'sda'ga'gá planned to meet you.)
<br><Skalla> (At the winter vilage?)
<br><Narrator> (Yes. It's called Gagë:dö’sga:ne:ga’ (White Water), on a small, swiftly flowing river to the north.)
<br>* NPC1 is now known as Karagwasischijro_Man
<br>* Skalla will keep going with the wagons, though ppl who know her can probably tell she is getting impatient with them
===Two of Owähé'sda'ga'gá's nephews, Oyö:sgwa’ and Hado:wä:s arrive at camp===
<br><Narrator> As you make camp the first night in Karagwasischijro territory, someone nearby will call out a greeting and you see two elves approaching.
<br>* Skalla stands and will call back
<br>* Svald watches the interaction with interest
<br>* Pierre will watch with ill-concealed fascination.
<br><Skalla> {k} Hello - who goes?
<br>* Hildie will watch with caution.
<br><Narrator> They're both tall, like most Karagwasischijro, dressed in a mix of colonial and traditional styles, carrying muskets and bows, it seems. One of them has a brace of rabbits slung over his shoulder. As they approach, Skalla, you recognize them as two of Owähé'sda'ga'gá's nephews, Oyö:sgwa’ and Hado:wä:s.
<br>* Skalla grins at them
<br>* Karagwasischijro_Man is now known as Oyosgwa
<br>* Hildie will relax at Skalla's reaction.
<br><Oyosgwa> Oskalla, that you?
<br><Skalla> Yes!  I have some things for your uncle
<br>* Oyosgwa grins.
<br><Oyosgwa> And we have things for you.
<br>* Oyosgwa nods to the rabbits.
<br><Oyosgwa> Though I didn't realize there'd be so many of you.
<br><Skalla> we'll make do - we have supplies.  Please, come and join us
<br><Oyosgwa> Haknó’sëh (Uncle) sent us to watch for you, so we've just been hunting while we waited.
<br><Svald> Successfully it looks like
<br>* NPC2 is now known as Hadowas
<br><Hadowas> One of us more than the other.
<br>* Hadowas grins.
<br>* Oyosgwa cuffs him on the ear.
<br><Oyosgwa> Wey! We did fine.
<br><Oyosgwa> Your hunt seems to have gone well.
<br>* Oyosgwa eyes the wagons with the cannons.
<br><Skalla> Success hard won, but yes.  We can save that tale for the village
<br>* Oyosgwa nods amiably.
<br><Oyosgwa> For now, let's eat.
<br><Skalla> sounds good!
<br>* Skalla will settle them with the rest of the camp and get those rabbits on the fire
<br><Narrator> The pair are good, boisterous company, Oyö:sgwa’ in particular fond of relating (clearly exaggerated) tales of his exploits. Things have been relatively quiet for the time being, but you get the sense they're aware of the concerns their uncle related.
===A mammoth discovery===
<br><Narrator> (Can I get folks to roll me Notice, please?)
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-5
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 2 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
<br><Welumque> (I guess this isn't my area of home contacts, is it? alas)
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 3 3 2 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 4 ].
<br><Svald> (+2 if we're in a wilderness environment)
<br><Skalla> (same)
<br><Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 3 ].
<br><Narrator> (Sorry, no, I don't think your contacts will help with this one ;) )
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ -1 ].
<br><Pierre> (Nope... still fascinated by this brave new world...)
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 3 ].
<br><Narrator> Svald, Skalla, Welumque, and Lucas, you hear something up ahead as you're making your way through a small valley, like a lot of birds cawing. Skalla and Svald, you also smell the coppery scent of blood on the wind.
<br>* Svald frowns.
<br>* Skalla will call a hold
<br><Svald> (q) Something's wrong...
<br><Svald> (q) There's blood on the wind.
<br><Skalla> (q) I smell blood
<br>* Pierre 's eyes widen
<br>* Skalla nods to Svald
<br><Lucas> (do I sense anything off spiritually, so to speak?)
<br>* Hadowas is now known as Gillis
<br><Gillis> What's going on?
<br>* Hildie will ready her rifle
<br><Skalla> not sure.  I think someone may have been attacked, and there could be an ambush
<br><Narrator> Lucas, there's definitely an agitation of the local spirits. You and Svald both should be able to sense that something's off, at least.
<br><Svald> (are there any birds around rn?)
<br>* Gillis frowns.
<br><Skalla> Svald, can you scout it, one way or another?
<br><Gillis> What do you want to do?
<br><Svald> ... Alright.
<br><Lucas> The spirits are disturbed too.
<br><Narrator> Svald, there's aren't any immediately in sight, but there are likely some around.
<br>* Svald spreads their wings and turns into an eagle.
<br>* Svald will do a flyover of the valley
<br><Narrator> A hundred yards or so from the wagons, you can see a large, dark mass on the ground being picked over by a large number of vultures.
<br>* Svald will swoop on down and see what that is.
<br><Svald> (eagles are not above scavenging so it shouldn't be odd if someone is watching)
<br><Narrator> (Roll me Lore. I'm not sure if Svald would know what this is offhand.)
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Narrator> Svald has heard about the mammoths of Callidora, but never seen one up close before. They're supposed to be large, majestic animals, but this sight is just sad. Some of the hide and meat has been removed, and there are bloody stumps near the mouth that must be the remains of their legendary tusks. You can see multiple large wounds, one of which has a broken wooden shaft protruding from it.
<br><Svald> :(
<br>* Svald circles back to the group and becomes themself again, but looks shaken.
<br><Svald> It's... It was... That.
<br><Svald> Such a waste!!
<br>* Svald is tearing up a little.
<br><Skalla> Svald?
<br><Svald> A mammoth...
<br><Skalla> ahhh.
<br>* Svald sits down on a rock and starts to cry.
<br><Skalla> What happened to it?
<br><Svald> They... someone killed it. Took its tusks.
<br>* Svald says through sniffles.
<br>* Skalla asks, but will put a hand on her shoulder
<br><Svald> I'm sorry...
<br>* Svald wipes their eyes.
<br><Svald> I just... I always wanted to see one. Not like this...
<br><Skalla> (Is that a thing the Karagwasischijro do?)
<br><Welumque> The poor giant.
<br><Svald> So much of it just left for the buzzards.
<br><Narrator> (They do occasionally hunt mammoth, they wouldn't really leave any of it like that.)
<br><Skalla> Well. We can see what is scavengable, so its life isn't wasted
<br><Skalla> (Tha's what I though)
<br><Hildie> Maybe whoever it was couldn't carry any more meat away?
<br>* Svald covers their face with their hands, crying quietly.
<br><Oyosgwa> A dead mammoth? How much of it?
<br><Svald> S-so much
<br><Skalla> if the meat is still good, it will serve the village
<br><Welumque> Then they shouldn't have been hunting it, if so, Hildie.
<br>* Skalla nods
<br>* Oyosgwa nods.
<br><Svald> (Did it look like it was still good? and how much left?)
<br><Hildie> Unless they were desperate. But if so, they wouldn't have needed the tusks.
<br><Hildie> Wasteful.
<br><Skalla> uf they were desperatem theou woudl go for easier game
<br><Narrator> (A lot of it was left, and it did look like it was fairly fresh. Some of it might be salvageable.)
<br><Skalla> come on
<br>* Oyosgwa and his brother will head to go take a look.
<br>* Svald wipes their face again as they get shakily to their feet.
<br><Svald> (mumbles) Sorry.
<br>* Skalla will pat Svald reassutingly before she stands
<br><Skalla> nothing to be worry about
<br><Skalla> (sorry, gah)
<br><Skalla> its a terrible waste
<br>* Svald nods miserably.
<br><Skalla> we'll do what we can to make it right
<br><Pierre> Mademoiselle... what if it wasn't the local people?
<br><Svald> Okay...
<br><Skalla> It was not the local people
<br>* Skalla says firmly
<br><Hildie> Then someone else is hunting their lands.
<br><Skalla> seems that way.
<br><Pierre> Could it be colonists?
<br><Skalla> yes
<br><Skalla> Colonists who'll regret it soon enough
<br><Hildie> Do you think this is something we should be getting involved in?
<br><Skalla> not unless we're asked.
<br>* Hildie nods.
<br><Welumque> We are also outsiders here.
<br><Skalla> yes
<br><Skalla> Come on, we can help with any salvage.  We've got wagons.
<br><Skalla> Svald maybe you can help its spirit find peace.
<br><Narrator> You can hear Oyö:sgwa’ and Hado:wä:s up ahead, yelling to scatter the vultures.
<br><Svald> I... Maybe...
<br>* Svald looks over at Lucas
<br><Lucas> We can try to do so.
<br>* Lucas agrees, nodding to Svald.
<br>* Skalla can help the brothers secure the carcass from th scavengers
<br><Narrator> Hado:wä:s is trying to work the weapon with the broken shaft out of the mammoth's side.
<br>* Gillis is now known as Hadowas
<br><Skalla> can you tell anything about it?
<br>* Hadowas frowns.
<br>* Skalla can give him a hand if needed
<br><Hadowas> It's lodged in the muscle and bone, but...
<br>* Hadowas wiggles it a little.
<br>* Svald is going to draw the poor mangled creature.
<br><Hadowas> The head is metal. See? We don't use that for hunting mammoth.
<br>* Svald sits down to sketch through bleary eyes. :(
<br>* Skalla nods
<br><Pierre> (Can I make an Investigate roll?)
<br><Hildie> (Would I recognize the weapon at all?)
<br>* Pierre comes to have a look
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 3 1 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 5 ].
<br><Oyosgwa> Haknó’sëh Owähé'sda'ga'gá and the clan mothers will be furious.
<br><Narrator> (Tuck, you can roll...Lore, I guess?)
<br><Narrator> (Though I'm open to another suggestion)
<br><Hildie> (Does it count as a military matter?)
<br>* Skalla nods in agreement
<br><Narrator> (It's not a military weapon, sorry)
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-8
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 1 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ -1 ].
<br><Hildie> (Nope!)
<br><Pierre> (Anything for Investigate? :/ )
<br><Narrator> Pierre, you can spot several place around the area where it looks like something was staked down. You think perhaps the weapon lodged in the body was the head of some kind of harpoon that was staked down to keep the animal in place.
<br>* Pierre quietly points this out to Skalla
<br><Skalla> ugh
<br><Skalla> (Does that sound like anything I've herd of before, or do I kow of any groups that hunt like that?)
<br><Pierre> !roll 3d4-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 3d4-7 ] getting [ 3 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Narrator> (Roll Lore, Heather)
<br>* Lucas will try to reach out to the spirits nearby and, if the mammoth's spirit itself is among that number, try to calm it and help it to whatever extent he is able.
<br><Skalla> (does wilderness/survival bonus apply here?)
<br><Narrator> (Yes)
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<br><Narrator> (Roll Will, Lucas)
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Narrator> Skalla, you know it's a style of hunting used by Rodenan hunters going after particularly large game.
<br><Narrator> Lucas, you can sense the agitation amongst the local spirits, but you can't seem to find the mammoth's shade.
<br><Skalla> This is a Rodenan hunting technique
<br><Lucas> (does that seem unusual or worrying to me? like it *should<br>* be here? or would it be normal for it to have moved on to ... wherever... after its death?)
<br><Pierre> Rodenan? So that could make this the work of colonists from... which colony is it, Temnoreka?
<br><Skalla> maybe.
<br><Hildie> They'd be a bit far out of their territory, but it's not impossible.
<br><Narrator> (Yeah, this kill looks pretty fresh. If the spirit isn't here, either it's been summoned/utilized for some purpose, or it is angry/pained enough to have left it's body behind to go do...something not good, most likely.)
<br><Skalla> Of course, not everyone goes to their home countries colonies
<br><Hildie> True
<br>* Skalla says witha wy look at PIerre
<br><Skalla> (wry)
<br><Skalla> and a technique isn't a people.
<br><Lucas> (can I try to get a sense from the reaction of the other spirits in the area as to which of those is more likely?)
<br><Pierre> Point taken, Mademoiselle.
<br><Narrator> (Sure. Roll Investigate.)
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Narrator> You can't trace any sort of magical link to the body, so you think it's unlikely the spirit has been summoned or otherwise compelled. You think it's more likely it left on its own, though not beyond the mortal plane.
<br>* Svald is sketching more angrily as time goes on.
<br><Lucas> I think the creature's spirit was angered and has left this place.  I'm not sure where it went, but it may pose a danger to others, out of its pain.
<br><Skalla> hey - Oyö:sgwa’ - why don't you hea back to the village and let them know what's happened.  More experienced hands will get this done faster so there's less waste
<br><Skalla> mmmm, don't like that either.
<br>* Oyosgwa frowns and nods.
<br><Oyosgwa> We can be back this evening.
<br>* Oyosgwa confers a moment with his brother, then takes off at a maintainable run.
<br><Skalla> be careful!
<br>* Skalla calls after him
<br><Hildie> We should start setting up some smoke pits and drying racks. Easier to dry it here and then transport it.
<br><Pierre> Is... is there anything we can do to, ah, placate this spirit, perhaps?
<br><Lucas> if I knew where it was, maybe? it's not here, though.
<br><Skalla> let's focus on what we can do for the moment
<br><Narrator> Y'all can get to work on smoke pits, drying racks, butchering, etc.
===Tracking the spirit, they find the hunters' camp (and bodies)===
<br><Narrator> (Can I get folks to roll me Notice?)
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 0 ].
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 1 2 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 0 ].
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 1 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ -1 ].
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 4 ].
<br>* Svald is too absorbed in their journal.
<br><Skalla> (yea I was goig t say we shoudl have some guards posted to keep watch for moretroube but Notice is good too ;)
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<br><Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 3 3 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 3 ].
<br><Skalla> (That's including my wolderness bonus...  I guess if that doens't aply its just a 2)
<br><Skalla> (wilderness)
<br><Narrator> As you guys are doing all that, Welumque spots an area with tracks leading away from the site. Skalla, upon examination, you think it's a party of roughly ten people, mixed dwarf and human(or possibly orc). Lucas, you think you get a sense of the mammoth's spirit having moved along this path as well.
<br>* Welumque points it out.
<br><Lucas> I think the spirit went that way too.  Maybe following them?
<br><Svald> We should let it have them.
<br>* Svald says bitterly.
<br><Skalla> We'll let the Karagwasischjiro know
<br><Welumque> There may be some in that party who were not involved. 
<br>* Svald crosses their arms and looks sullen.
<br><Skalla> she means slaves, Svald
<br><Lucas> the spirit might not be calmed by the destruction of those who killed it - it might continue to pose a danger to others beyond their group.
<br>* Skalla nods
<br>* Svald kind of slumps their shoulders and looks defeated instead.
<br><Hildie> As you said, we're outsiders here. We should wait for the villagers.
<br><Skalla> I'm still inclined to think that it isn't our place to decide how to handle either these people or this spirt.  I'm willing to hear other opinions
<br><Welumque> You're right, Skalla. 
<br><Skalla> We'll offer our aid.
<br>* Lucas nods
<br>* Skalla will get back to work
<br><Narrator> It's not easy work, but you get set up to preserve as much of the mammoth as you can. As day slips into night, you can see dark clouds rolling in. A light snowfall begins just as a group of Karagwasischijro arrive.
<br>* Hadowas is now known as Owahesdagaga
<br>* Skalla glares up at the clouds
<br><Owahesdagaga> Skalla!
<br>* Owahesdagaga calls out as he approaches, frowning.
<br><Skalla> Owähé'sda'ga'gá'
<br><Skalla> Friend.
<br>* Owahesdagaga will shake hands with Skalla.
<br>* Skalla shakes and gives him a grim and tired smile
<br><Owahesdagaga> It is good to see you, circumstances aside.
<br><Skalla> yes, same.
<br><Skalla> what all has your nephew told you?
<br><Owahesdagaga> That you found the mammoth late this morning, desecrated. That its spirit has wandered.
<br>* Skalla nods
<br><Skalla> party of about ten, some dwarves, some humans, or maybe orcs... they went that way and it followed.
<br><Owahesdagaga> I don't know which will be worse for them, it finding them or me.
<br>* Oyosgwa is now known as Howodes
<br>* Howodes approaches.
<br><Skalla> Lucas says it mihht not be pacified with only their deaths
<br><Owahesdagaga> Skalla, my cousin, Höwö:dë:s, one of our spirit talkers.
<br><Howodes> I'm sorry to have met you under these circumstances.
<br><Skalla> Same
<br><Howodes> Which is Lucas?
<br>* Skalla will wave the halfing over
<br>* Lucas approaches
<br>* Howodes nods in greeting.
<br>* Howodes kneels to speak to Lucas on a more eye-to-eye level.
<br><Howodes> I'm Höwö:dë:s. What did you find?
<br><Lucas> Well... nothing here, really, except the local spirits being agitated.  I sense that the mammoth's spirit left in the same direction of the hunters.  The rest is just my best guess of what could happen...
<br>* Howodes frowns and nods.
<br>* Skalla can tell Owähé'sda'ga'gá' more about the mmmont's desecration (Tusks taken but barely any meat, etc) if he needs details
<br><Howodes> (to Owähé'sda'ga'gá) Have half the group help finish with the body. We should move if we don't want to lose the trail.
<br>* Owahesdagaga nods.
<br><Skalla> we can help
<br>* Owahesdagaga considers.
<br><Skalla> with either, or both
<br><Owahesdagaga> Which would you prefer?
<br><Skalla> You have to ask?
<br>* Owahesdagaga smiles at that.
<br><Owahesdagaga> Ready your people.
<br>* Skalla nods.
<br>* Skalla will do thatm gathering those who she knows will want to help (pcs ;)
<br><Narrator> (Is that the case? Who all wants to go traipsing after poachers and an angry mammoth spirit in the middle of the night in snow? ;) )
<br><Skalla> (I men I guess if there are any really keen npcs ;)
<br><Hildie> (Hoo-ah!)
<br><Lucas> (sure)
<br><Skalla> (and yeah, she's not going to *make<br>* anyone go)
<br>* Pierre (~Mibbit@bras-base-mtrlpq4396w-grc-01-65-92-225-229.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client)
<br>* Svald is ready to go :}
<br><Hildie> If you're going, then I'm going.
<br><Svald> (I meant :| )
<br><Narrator> (Pierre and Welumque?)
<br><Welumque> (sure, I'm in, of course)
<br><Welumque> (and I think we lost Pierre)
<br><Narrator> (Oh, so we did)
<br>* Pierre (Mibbit@bras-base-mtrlpq4396w-grc-01-65-92-225-229.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #thirteen
<br><Lucas> (so we're setting off?)
<br><Narrator> You can set off into the night to try to track down your quarry. Can I get folks to roll Investigate, please?
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 3 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 4 ].
<br><Pierre> (womp womp)
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 0 ].
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 2 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 0 ].
<br><Welumque> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 5 ].
<br><Narrator> Welumque and Skalla can follow the trail well, even in the dark with snow falling. It leads up into the heights overlooking the valley.
<br><Narrator> (Roll me Notice.)
<br><Welumque> See, here, Hildie - the tracks aren't so hard to see with these old eyes.
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 3 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 0 ].
<br>* Welumque points out.
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-3
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 3 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 6 ].
<br><Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 1 1 1 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ -2 ].
<br>* Hildie smirks.
<br><Welumque> (now you make me roll the one that sucks, and my roll also sucks)
<br><Narrator> (hee)
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d2-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d2-6 ] getting [ 1 2 2 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 0 ].
<br><Welumque> (you rolled 4d2 there)
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 1 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 1 1 3 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 4 ].
<br><Narrator> Hildie, you spot the glow of a low campfire, tucked into an overhang in the rock. You all can see the outline of tents once she points it out. Svald, not only did you also spot the fire, but you can make out figures around it, laying unmoving.
<br><Svald> (how many?)
<br><Narrator> (Hard to tell from a distance, but at least five.)
<br><Svald> (w) should we get a closer look? THere are at least 5 on the ground.
<br>* Skalla nods
<br><Narrator> (How are you approaching?)
<br><Skalla> (q) Is he spirit around?
<br>* Skalla will have her rifle close to hand
<br>* Svald will be a coyote.
<br><Narrator> (Svald and Lucas, you can't quite be sure if it's still around, but it was definitely here.)
<br><Lucas> (q) It was here, but I'm not sure now. 
<br><Skalla> (q) careful then.
<br>* Svald will quietly approach the camp to get a better look.
<br>* Skalla will go in quietly as she can
<br><Skalla> (or I guess I'll wait for svald)
<br><Skalla> (I'll cover her as a coyote though, just in case)
<br><Narrator> Roll Stealth, anyone who is currently approaching
<br>* Hildie will hang back and keep her rifle trained on the camp.
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br>* Pierre is about to approach, but decides to stay with Hildie
<br><Lucas> (I'll stay back)
<br><Welumque> (likewise, my stealth is bad)
<br><Narrator> Nothing responds to you as you approach, but you can smell blood as you do so, and see that the figures visible are quite dead.
<br><Skalla> (I'll go but I *will<br>* involke an aspect for a bonus)
<br><Narrator> (kk)
<br><Skalla> (does that get me one or tw I forget)
<br>* Svald sticks their head in a tent to look there too.
<br><Narrator> (Two)
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 1 2 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Narrator> (Same result as Svald, essentially)
<br><Narrator> Svald, you find another dead body in there, its head a crushed mess.
<br><Svald> (I'll check the others... is everybody dead?)
<br>* Skalla will approach to take a closer look, showing less caution since everyone seems to be dead
<br><Narrator> You find seven bodies total, 4 dwarves, 2 humans, and an orc.
<br>* Svald will sit by the fire and give a couple of yips
<br>* Pierre waits for an indication that it's save to come over
<br>* Skalla will wave folks closer
<br><Skalla> there's three missing, then
<br>* Lucas will approach
<br>* Svald will return to their regular shape.
<br><Skalla> (do they seem like they might be Rondenan?)
<br><Pierre> (I'll try to Investigate...)
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br>* Welumque comes closer also
<br><Narrator> They're all wearing Rodenan (or Temnorekan, as the case may be) clothing, though the humans and orc look Phoebean.
<br><Hildie> (Any sings of a fight? Or were they killed in their sleep?)
<br><Lucas> (do I think this is the work of the spirit, or a more shall we say mundane attacker?)
<br><Pierre> (Hmmph. Since I'm new to this Brave New World, I'll spend a Fate point and try again.)
<br><Narrator> (Roll Investigate)
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 1 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ -2 ].
<br><Pierre> (Dammit!)
<br><Skalla> (are the tusks here?)
<br><Narrator> (Yes, as well as the hide that was taken, and the meat.)
<br><Narrator> (Julie, you're pretty sure this would be more likely the work of some mundane attacker, but that doesn't rule out the spirit's influence.)
<br><Lucas> Someone attacked them but didn't take any of their valuables?
<br><Skalla> looks like
<br>* Owahesdagaga looks around the camp, weapon drawn.
<br><Howodes> I do not think their attacker was interested in valuables.
<br><Skalla> no
<br>* Skalla will look to see if there is a further trail to find here
<br><Narrator> (Roll Investigate)
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 3 ].
<br><Narrator> It's hard to tell. The ground here is rocky, so there are fewer spots where tracks would show.
===They try to draw the sprit back - it goes super well! (no)===
<br><Pierre> Can we pacify the spirit now? It seems we have recovered all the, ah, body parts that were taken...
<br><Skalla> I think we still need to find it?
<br><Lucas> It's not here.
<br>* Skalla looks to Lucas and Howodes
<br><Howodes> We can try to draw it to us, and then send it on its way.
<br><Skalla> and there's still three people missing as well.
<br><Skalla> I can't see where they went form here
<br>* Owahesdagaga nods.
<br><Skalla> (Josh - snow isn't helping here? :x)
<br><Narrator> (It's still pretty light. It may not have accumulated enough at the time the tracks would have been made.)
<br>* Howodes goes to gather the tusks.
<br><Pierre> Perhaps they were the ones who did this to the rest?
<br><Welumque> Perhaps.
<br>* Welumque says, not sounding convinced.
<br><Howodes> It is best we move the bodies if we are to do this.
<br><Skalla> (okay)
<br><Svald> Move them where?
<br>* Lucas will do what he can to help Howodes
<br><Skalla> I can help move them
<br><Owahesdagaga> Away. We can build a fire for them.
<br>* Howodes will use the remains of the campfire, laying the mammoth tusks around it, stoking it back up, and throwing herbs into it.
<br><Howodes> (To Lucas) You also speak to the spirits. You have called them before?
<br>* Svald hangs back to watch.
<br><Lucas> Yes.
<br>* Skalla will assist with the pyre building >.>
<br>* Hildie will keep a lookout on the surrounding woods.
<br><Narrator> Lucas, roll me Will. Hildie, roll me Notice.
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 0 ].
<br><Lucas> (I'll spend a Fate point if I can.)
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Narrator> (Sure, Julie. Do you want to invoke an Aspect or just reroll?)
<br><Lucas> (would my Spirit-haunted aspect work here?)
<br><Narrator> (Yeah, that works)
<br><Lucas> (then that :)
<br><Narrator> Lucas, you and Höwö:dë:s call to the mammoth's spirit, compelling its presence.
<br><Narrator> You all hear a chorus of loud elephantine trumpets, and Hildie, you have just a moment to react as a large figure rushes out of the darkness towards you.
<br><Hildie> Oh fuck me.
<br>* Hildie will attempt to get out of the way
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
<br><Narrator> You get mostly out of its way. It knocks you aside rather than trampling over you, dealing a 1-shift hit.
<br><Narrator> (Meaning you need to check off 1 box worth of stress)
<br><Hildie> (Right)
<br><Narrator> The rest of you, you can hear that, easily, and see a figure rushing into the camp. Two more are not far behind it.
<br><Svald> (humanoid?)
<br><Narrator> (Yes, human or orcish, most likely)
<br><Hildie> (Can I get a shot off or was dodging all I could do?)
<br><Narrator> (I think the choice was shoot or dodge, a that moment.)
<br><Hildie> (Cool)
<br>* Skalla will get her rifle out, but hold off shooting at anythign unless Lucas or Howodes are clearly i trouble
<br><Narrator> (It is rushing right towards them.)
<br><Narrator> Lucas, what do you want to do?
<br>* Pierre is unarmed, so he will simply back away, trying to stay out of trouble
<br>* Lucas will try to calm the spirit I guess
<br><Lucas> (send out soothing thoughts? ;p)
<br><Narrator> Roll Will.
<br><Lucas> (can I not use Empathy or one of the things I'm actually good at? ;)
<br><Narrator> (Oh, heh, Empathy will work)
<br><Lucas> (I'll use will if I have to, I'm just not very good at it, but Empathy I have actually got points in ;)
<br><Narrator> (Empathy is fine. It makes sense for this.)
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-3
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 3 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 8 ].
<br><Skalla> (yeah I will give them half a secod to do...whatever spirit talkers do)
<br><Narrator> The figure, who you can all see now is an orc, pauses a moment. He opens his mouth, but only a challenging mammoth bellow comes out.
<br><Svald> ... oh.
<br>* Howodes approaches, speaking soothingly.
<br><Svald> (what are the other guys doing)
<br><Narrator> The orc starts and backhands Höwö:dë:s, who goes flying into one of the tents.
<br><Skalla> Lucas....
<br><Lucas> Hey there friend... let's calm down now...
<br><Narrator> The other two figures, one human-sized, one dwarf-sized, charge towards the camp, over Hildie unless she does something.
<br><Narrator> (Anyone else doing anything? Hildie, what would you like to do?)
<br><Svald> (do they look injured or anything?)
<br><Skalla> Someone check on Höwö:dë:s
<br><Narrator> (They don't appear to be.)
<br><Hildie>  /me will aim a shot at the dwarf sized one's leg. Called shot.
<br><Narrator> (Roll Shoot)
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-4
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 1 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 3 ].
<br>* Welumque will go over to Howo:de:s if possible.
<br><Svald> (If there are any trees/roots around I will try to entangle or at least trip one of them)
<br>* Owahesdagaga will charge in to guard his cousin (and Welumque).
<br><Hildie> (Inflicting the "Hobbled" condition)
<br>* Skalla is keeping a bead on the main one for now
<br><Pierre> (I could... try to help Lucas calm down the half-orc, I guess?)
<br><Hildie> (+hitting for stress)
<br><Narrator> Roll Will, Svald
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-4
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
<br><Pierre> (My Empathy is decent... so is that an option?)
<br><Narrator> The figure you shot stumbles, Hildie, though moves forward nonetheless.
<br>* Svald gestures at the ground and otherwise kind of waves their hands around directing the movement of the roots
<br><Narrator> Svald, the figure you target struggles at the grasping roots and plants, letting out a cry of alarm.
<br><Skalla> (a humanoid or a mammoth sound? >.>)
<br><Narrator> (Welumque, roll...Investigate to check on Höwö:dë:s)
<br><Narrator> (Mammoth)
<br><Narrator> (Pierre, you don't know. You could try.)
<br><Welumque> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Pierre> Be at peace, great spirit...
<br>* Pierre says trying to hide his nervousness
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<br><Narrator> Welumque, she looks pretty banged up, possibly a broken rib or two, but the tent broke her fall some, at least.
<br><Narrator> Pierre, he's going to take a swing at you. You can try Athletics to avoid it (or if you have another skill you can convince me would work ;) )
<br><Welumque> Just stay down.  I'll stay here with you.
<br>* Howodes groans.
<br><Pierre> (Speed from Sprinter? :P Nah, never mind.)
<br><Howodes> The spirit...
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 1 1 1 ] for a total of [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ -2 ].
<br><Pierre> (Yikes! I may want to re-roll that...)
<br><Welumque> What about the spirit?
<br><Pierre> (I know - I'm good with my footing, because I Was On A Boat!)
<br><Skalla> (Okay, I would also like to take a called shot at the possessed thing, to the shoulder, with the intent of fucking up the join to destroy leverage.... if that means anythign to a spirit)
<br><Narrator> (heh)
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 1 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 4 ].
<br><Pierre> (Better!)
<br><Skalla> 9I am going to invoke my 'looks out for her people' aspect also)
<br><Narrator> You just barely manage to get out of the way of a very forceful swing.
<br><Narrator> Roll Shoot, Heather.
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-3
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 1 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 6 ].
<br><Skalla> Hey - YOu had a bad death.  We can give you a better one.
<br><Narrator> You hit it clearly in the shoulder, which looks terrible but the orc simply charges you, possibly over Lucas.
<br><Narrator> Hildie, those two are still closing in on you, albeit slower. What're you wanting to do?
<br><Narrator> Lucas, the orc is charging Skalla through you. What would you like to do?
<br>* Skalla will fight a possessed orc, lets do it
<br>* Hildie will pull her pistol and aim for the dwarf.
<br><Hildie> (Scrath that.)
<br>* Hildie will pull her pistol and aim for the orc.
<br>* Hildie will spend a fate point to invoke her Family Matters aspect.
<br><Lucas> (I'll try to avoid getting trampled I guess, but still continue trying to calm the spirit that is making it angry)
<br><Narrator> (Wait, to clarify, there is a dwarf and a human headed towards Hildie, and an orc headed towards Skalla and Lucas. You want to target the orc?_
<br><Hildie> Yes
<br><Svald> (I thought I caught one up ?)
<br><Narrator> (Okay, roll Shoot. Aiming anywhere specific?)
<br><Narrator> (You entangled it, Hazel, but it's still moving forward.
<br><Narrator> (Just slowly)
<br><Narrator> Lucas, roll Athletics, then Empathy again.
<br><Hildie> (No, already invoking a fate point for the aspect)
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-2
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-2 ] getting [ 1 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -2 ] totals [ 5 ].
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Svald> (Can I tighten/extend the grip to stop them? spend a point?)
<br><Lucas> (that was the Athletics, now Empathy)
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-3
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 2 1 3 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 5 ].
<br><Narrator> Hildie fires a round into the orc's chest. He stumbles, knocking him away from Lucas before he continues his charge.
<br><Narrator> (Svald, you can roll Will again if you like.)
<br><Svald> (do I add +2 for using a fate point to invoke my attuned to nature aspect?)
<br><Narrator> (Yes)
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-2
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-2 ] getting [ 3 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -2 ] totals [ 7 ].
<br><Narrator> Hildie, the dwarf you shot is close enough to take a swing at you. Roll Athletics.
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 1 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Narrator> Svald, you manage to completely halt the human, who struggles at the vines and plants wrapping around him.
<br><Narrator> Hildie, take a 3-shift hit.
<br><Hildie> (ooof)
<br><Narrator> (Do you need to take a Consequence?)
<br>* Skalla will drop her gun in favour of a knife as this thing closes on her
<br><Hildie> (Nope)
<br><Pierre> ./me will try to distract the creature as it attacks Skalla, to avoid her getting hurt.
<br><Narrator> Roll Provoke, Pierre
<br><Narrator> (kk, Hildie)
<br><Pierre> (Can I use Athletics instead - dodging around it to distract it, or something?)
<br><Skalla> I can do this!
<br><Narrator> (No, sorry, you *are<br>* trying to get its attention)
<br><Pierre> !roll 4d3-8
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 1 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ -2 ].
<br><Pierre> (womp womp)
<br><Narrator> He ignores you as he charges. Skalla, roll Athletics or Fight.
<br><Skalla> (Fight!)
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 3 ].
<br><Narrator> You manage to avoid most of his attack, but he does get a glancing 1-shift hit on you.

Latest revision as of 08:05, 10 April 2022

Thirteen 2 session logs
Previous Session 12 Next


The party gets underway with the canons, headed towards Karagwasischijro territory, they meet up with Oyö:sgwa’ and Hado:wä:s. Proceeding on the next day, they come across a site where a mammoth has been hunted for its tusks and left to rot. It's spirit has left the area in a rage, Oyö:sgwa’ goes to fetch his uncle, and then the party goes with him to track it and the hunters. They find the latter mostly dead, with three others under the influence of the angry spirit, whom they try to engage to put it to rest - however it reacts violently.


Session date: 2022-04-03
In Game date:


<Narrator> All right. So, you've successfully secured the cannons, and spent a probably somewhat nervous night at camp. You should be ready to head out north to meet with Skalla's contacts, and say a (maybe not fond) farewell to your temporary Tsonnontouan allies.
* Skalla sill supervise the packing up, lending a hand where necessary so we can get going
<Narrator> It's back on the, well, not road, but trail, at least. You're in much rougher country as you head up into the Ochuweekays, so the wagons are having a bit more trouble, and you have fewer options for routes.
<Narrator> (Can I get folks to roll me Physique?)
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 3 3 2 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-8
* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 2 3 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ -1 ].
<Welumque> (welp)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 2 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-8
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 2 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Skalla> (embarassing really - I should invoke my comfortable outdoorswomen aspect here :p)
<Narrator> (It's basically just a measure of how you're enduring the trip. It's up to you.)
<Skalla> (I'll keep the 1 - lots of ppl to take care of plus everythign else = extra strain ;p)
<Narrator> Welumque's not quite as young as she used to be, so she's maybe a touch more sore and less spry at the moment.
* Hildie will nudge her horse up to Welumque's on the ride back.
<Hildie> "Are you doing ok, old-timer?"
* Welumque looks over at Hildie inscrutably.
<Welumque> Well enough.
<Hildie> Do you need anything? We can take a break if you need to. No shame in it. Sometimes it's hard for me to keep up too.
<Welumque> No, thank you for asking though.
* Hildie nods and trots her horse away again.
<Narrator> Before too long, you're in territory familiar to Skalla, where she ranged with the Karagwasischijro during her time with them.
* Skalla relaxes visibly
<Narrator> One of their winter villages should be a few days away with the wagons, though it'd be a significantly shorter trip without them.
<Skalla> (where do I think these cannons are goig to wind up?)
<Narrator> (You're not sure, but this is where Owähé'sda'ga'gá planned to meet you.)
<Skalla> (At the winter vilage?)
<Narrator> (Yes. It's called Gagë:dö’sga:ne:ga’ (White Water), on a small, swiftly flowing river to the north.)
* NPC1 is now known as Karagwasischijro_Man
* Skalla will keep going with the wagons, though ppl who know her can probably tell she is getting impatient with them

Two of Owähé'sda'ga'gá's nephews, Oyö:sgwa’ and Hado:wä:s arrive at camp

<Narrator> As you make camp the first night in Karagwasischijro territory, someone nearby will call out a greeting and you see two elves approaching.
* Skalla stands and will call back
* Svald watches the interaction with interest
* Pierre will watch with ill-concealed fascination.
<Skalla> {k} Hello - who goes?
* Hildie will watch with caution.
<Narrator> They're both tall, like most Karagwasischijro, dressed in a mix of colonial and traditional styles, carrying muskets and bows, it seems. One of them has a brace of rabbits slung over his shoulder. As they approach, Skalla, you recognize them as two of Owähé'sda'ga'gá's nephews, Oyö:sgwa’ and Hado:wä:s.
* Skalla grins at them
* Karagwasischijro_Man is now known as Oyosgwa
* Hildie will relax at Skalla's reaction.
<Oyosgwa> Oskalla, that you?
<Skalla> Yes! I have some things for your uncle
* Oyosgwa grins.
<Oyosgwa> And we have things for you.
* Oyosgwa nods to the rabbits.
<Oyosgwa> Though I didn't realize there'd be so many of you.
<Skalla> we'll make do - we have supplies. Please, come and join us
<Oyosgwa> Haknó’sëh (Uncle) sent us to watch for you, so we've just been hunting while we waited.
<Svald> Successfully it looks like
* NPC2 is now known as Hadowas
<Hadowas> One of us more than the other.
* Hadowas grins.
* Oyosgwa cuffs him on the ear.
<Oyosgwa> Wey! We did fine.
<Oyosgwa> Your hunt seems to have gone well.
* Oyosgwa eyes the wagons with the cannons.
<Skalla> Success hard won, but yes. We can save that tale for the village
* Oyosgwa nods amiably.
<Oyosgwa> For now, let's eat.
<Skalla> sounds good!
* Skalla will settle them with the rest of the camp and get those rabbits on the fire
<Narrator> The pair are good, boisterous company, Oyö:sgwa’ in particular fond of relating (clearly exaggerated) tales of his exploits. Things have been relatively quiet for the time being, but you get the sense they're aware of the concerns their uncle related.

A mammoth discovery

<Narrator> (Can I get folks to roll me Notice, please?)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 1 ].
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 2 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Welumque> (I guess this isn't my area of home contacts, is it? alas)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 3 3 2 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Svald> (+2 if we're in a wilderness environment)
<Skalla> (same)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> (Sorry, no, I don't think your contacts will help with this one ;) )
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ -1 ].
<Pierre> (Nope... still fascinated by this brave new world...)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> Svald, Skalla, Welumque, and Lucas, you hear something up ahead as you're making your way through a small valley, like a lot of birds cawing. Skalla and Svald, you also smell the coppery scent of blood on the wind.
* Svald frowns.
* Skalla will call a hold
<Svald> (q) Something's wrong...
<Svald> (q) There's blood on the wind.
<Skalla> (q) I smell blood
* Pierre 's eyes widen
* Skalla nods to Svald
<Lucas> (do I sense anything off spiritually, so to speak?)
* Hadowas is now known as Gillis
<Gillis> What's going on?
* Hildie will ready her rifle
<Skalla> not sure. I think someone may have been attacked, and there could be an ambush
<Narrator> Lucas, there's definitely an agitation of the local spirits. You and Svald both should be able to sense that something's off, at least.
<Svald> (are there any birds around rn?)
* Gillis frowns.
<Skalla> Svald, can you scout it, one way or another?
<Gillis> What do you want to do?
<Svald> ... Alright.
<Lucas> The spirits are disturbed too.
<Narrator> Svald, there's aren't any immediately in sight, but there are likely some around.
* Svald spreads their wings and turns into an eagle.
* Svald will do a flyover of the valley
<Narrator> A hundred yards or so from the wagons, you can see a large, dark mass on the ground being picked over by a large number of vultures.
* Svald will swoop on down and see what that is.
<Svald> (eagles are not above scavenging so it shouldn't be odd if someone is watching)
<Narrator> (Roll me Lore. I'm not sure if Svald would know what this is offhand.)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> Svald has heard about the mammoths of Callidora, but never seen one up close before. They're supposed to be large, majestic animals, but this sight is just sad. Some of the hide and meat has been removed, and there are bloody stumps near the mouth that must be the remains of their legendary tusks. You can see multiple large wounds, one of which has a broken wooden shaft protruding from it.
<Svald> :(
* Svald circles back to the group and becomes themself again, but looks shaken.
<Svald> It's... It was... That.
<Svald> Such a waste!!
* Svald is tearing up a little.
<Skalla> Svald?
<Svald> A mammoth...
<Skalla> ahhh.
* Svald sits down on a rock and starts to cry.
<Skalla> What happened to it?
<Svald> They... someone killed it. Took its tusks.
* Svald says through sniffles.
* Skalla asks, but will put a hand on her shoulder
<Svald> I'm sorry...
* Svald wipes their eyes.
<Svald> I just... I always wanted to see one. Not like this...
<Skalla> (Is that a thing the Karagwasischijro do?)
<Welumque> The poor giant.
<Svald> So much of it just left for the buzzards.
<Narrator> (They do occasionally hunt mammoth, they wouldn't really leave any of it like that.)
<Skalla> Well. We can see what is scavengable, so its life isn't wasted
<Skalla> (Tha's what I though)
<Hildie> Maybe whoever it was couldn't carry any more meat away?
* Svald covers their face with their hands, crying quietly.
<Oyosgwa> A dead mammoth? How much of it?
<Svald> S-so much
<Skalla> if the meat is still good, it will serve the village
<Welumque> Then they shouldn't have been hunting it, if so, Hildie.
* Skalla nods
* Oyosgwa nods.
<Svald> (Did it look like it was still good? and how much left?)
<Hildie> Unless they were desperate. But if so, they wouldn't have needed the tusks.
<Hildie> Wasteful.
<Skalla> uf they were desperatem theou woudl go for easier game
<Narrator> (A lot of it was left, and it did look like it was fairly fresh. Some of it might be salvageable.)
<Skalla> come on
* Oyosgwa and his brother will head to go take a look.
* Svald wipes their face again as they get shakily to their feet.
<Svald> (mumbles) Sorry.
* Skalla will pat Svald reassutingly before she stands
<Skalla> nothing to be worry about
<Skalla> (sorry, gah)
<Skalla> its a terrible waste
* Svald nods miserably.
<Skalla> we'll do what we can to make it right
<Pierre> Mademoiselle... what if it wasn't the local people?
<Svald> Okay...
<Skalla> It was not the local people
* Skalla says firmly
<Hildie> Then someone else is hunting their lands.
<Skalla> seems that way.
<Pierre> Could it be colonists?
<Skalla> yes
<Skalla> Colonists who'll regret it soon enough
<Hildie> Do you think this is something we should be getting involved in?
<Skalla> not unless we're asked.
* Hildie nods.
<Welumque> We are also outsiders here.
<Skalla> yes
<Skalla> Come on, we can help with any salvage. We've got wagons.
<Skalla> Svald maybe you can help its spirit find peace.
<Narrator> You can hear Oyö:sgwa’ and Hado:wä:s up ahead, yelling to scatter the vultures.
<Svald> I... Maybe...
* Svald looks over at Lucas
<Lucas> We can try to do so.
* Lucas agrees, nodding to Svald.
* Skalla can help the brothers secure the carcass from th scavengers
<Narrator> Hado:wä:s is trying to work the weapon with the broken shaft out of the mammoth's side.
* Gillis is now known as Hadowas
<Skalla> can you tell anything about it?
* Hadowas frowns.
* Skalla can give him a hand if needed
<Hadowas> It's lodged in the muscle and bone, but...
* Hadowas wiggles it a little.
* Svald is going to draw the poor mangled creature.
<Hadowas> The head is metal. See? We don't use that for hunting mammoth.
* Svald sits down to sketch through bleary eyes. :(
* Skalla nods
<Pierre> (Can I make an Investigate roll?)
<Hildie> (Would I recognize the weapon at all?)
* Pierre comes to have a look
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 3 1 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Oyosgwa> Haknó’sëh Owähé'sda'ga'gá and the clan mothers will be furious.
<Narrator> (Tuck, you can roll...Lore, I guess?)
<Narrator> (Though I'm open to another suggestion)
<Hildie> (Does it count as a military matter?)
* Skalla nods in agreement
<Narrator> (It's not a military weapon, sorry)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-8
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 1 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ -1 ].
<Hildie> (Nope!)
<Pierre> (Anything for Investigate? :/ )
<Narrator> Pierre, you can spot several place around the area where it looks like something was staked down. You think perhaps the weapon lodged in the body was the head of some kind of harpoon that was staked down to keep the animal in place.
* Pierre quietly points this out to Skalla
<Skalla> ugh
<Skalla> (Does that sound like anything I've herd of before, or do I kow of any groups that hunt like that?)
<Pierre> !roll 3d4-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 3d4-7 ] getting [ 3 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> (Roll Lore, Heather)
* Lucas will try to reach out to the spirits nearby and, if the mammoth's spirit itself is among that number, try to calm it and help it to whatever extent he is able.
<Skalla> (does wilderness/survival bonus apply here?)
<Narrator> (Yes)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Narrator> (Roll Will, Lucas)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> Skalla, you know it's a style of hunting used by Rodenan hunters going after particularly large game.
<Narrator> Lucas, you can sense the agitation amongst the local spirits, but you can't seem to find the mammoth's shade.
<Skalla> This is a Rodenan hunting technique
<Lucas> (does that seem unusual or worrying to me? like it *should
* be here? or would it be normal for it to have moved on to ... wherever... after its death?)
<Pierre> Rodenan? So that could make this the work of colonists from... which colony is it, Temnoreka?
<Skalla> maybe.
<Hildie> They'd be a bit far out of their territory, but it's not impossible.
<Narrator> (Yeah, this kill looks pretty fresh. If the spirit isn't here, either it's been summoned/utilized for some purpose, or it is angry/pained enough to have left it's body behind to go do...something not good, most likely.)
<Skalla> Of course, not everyone goes to their home countries colonies
<Hildie> True
* Skalla says witha wy look at PIerre
<Skalla> (wry)
<Skalla> and a technique isn't a people.
<Lucas> (can I try to get a sense from the reaction of the other spirits in the area as to which of those is more likely?)
<Pierre> Point taken, Mademoiselle.
<Narrator> (Sure. Roll Investigate.)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Narrator> You can't trace any sort of magical link to the body, so you think it's unlikely the spirit has been summoned or otherwise compelled. You think it's more likely it left on its own, though not beyond the mortal plane.
* Svald is sketching more angrily as time goes on.
<Lucas> I think the creature's spirit was angered and has left this place. I'm not sure where it went, but it may pose a danger to others, out of its pain.
<Skalla> hey - Oyö:sgwa’ - why don't you hea back to the village and let them know what's happened. More experienced hands will get this done faster so there's less waste
<Skalla> mmmm, don't like that either.
* Oyosgwa frowns and nods.
<Oyosgwa> We can be back this evening.
* Oyosgwa confers a moment with his brother, then takes off at a maintainable run.
<Skalla> be careful!
* Skalla calls after him
<Hildie> We should start setting up some smoke pits and drying racks. Easier to dry it here and then transport it.
<Pierre> Is... is there anything we can do to, ah, placate this spirit, perhaps?
<Lucas> if I knew where it was, maybe? it's not here, though.
<Skalla> let's focus on what we can do for the moment
<Narrator> Y'all can get to work on smoke pits, drying racks, butchering, etc.

Tracking the spirit, they find the hunters' camp (and bodies)

<Narrator> (Can I get folks to roll me Notice?)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 1 2 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 1 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ -1 ].
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 4 ].
* Svald is too absorbed in their journal.
<Skalla> (yea I was goig t say we shoudl have some guards posted to keep watch for moretroube but Notice is good too ;)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 3 3 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Skalla> (That's including my wolderness bonus... I guess if that doens't aply its just a 2)
<Skalla> (wilderness)
<Narrator> As you guys are doing all that, Welumque spots an area with tracks leading away from the site. Skalla, upon examination, you think it's a party of roughly ten people, mixed dwarf and human(or possibly orc). Lucas, you think you get a sense of the mammoth's spirit having moved along this path as well.
* Welumque points it out.
<Lucas> I think the spirit went that way too. Maybe following them?
<Svald> We should let it have them.
* Svald says bitterly.
<Skalla> We'll let the Karagwasischjiro know
<Welumque> There may be some in that party who were not involved.
* Svald crosses their arms and looks sullen.
<Skalla> she means slaves, Svald
<Lucas> the spirit might not be calmed by the destruction of those who killed it - it might continue to pose a danger to others beyond their group.
* Skalla nods
* Svald kind of slumps their shoulders and looks defeated instead.
<Hildie> As you said, we're outsiders here. We should wait for the villagers.
<Skalla> I'm still inclined to think that it isn't our place to decide how to handle either these people or this spirt. I'm willing to hear other opinions
<Welumque> You're right, Skalla.
<Skalla> We'll offer our aid.
* Lucas nods
* Skalla will get back to work
<Narrator> It's not easy work, but you get set up to preserve as much of the mammoth as you can. As day slips into night, you can see dark clouds rolling in. A light snowfall begins just as a group of Karagwasischijro arrive.
* Hadowas is now known as Owahesdagaga
* Skalla glares up at the clouds
<Owahesdagaga> Skalla!
* Owahesdagaga calls out as he approaches, frowning.
<Skalla> Owähé'sda'ga'gá'
<Skalla> Friend.
* Owahesdagaga will shake hands with Skalla.
* Skalla shakes and gives him a grim and tired smile
<Owahesdagaga> It is good to see you, circumstances aside.
<Skalla> yes, same.
<Skalla> what all has your nephew told you?
<Owahesdagaga> That you found the mammoth late this morning, desecrated. That its spirit has wandered.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> party of about ten, some dwarves, some humans, or maybe orcs... they went that way and it followed.
<Owahesdagaga> I don't know which will be worse for them, it finding them or me.
* Oyosgwa is now known as Howodes
* Howodes approaches.
<Skalla> Lucas says it mihht not be pacified with only their deaths
<Owahesdagaga> Skalla, my cousin, Höwö:dë:s, one of our spirit talkers.
<Howodes> I'm sorry to have met you under these circumstances.
<Skalla> Same
<Howodes> Which is Lucas?
* Skalla will wave the halfing over
* Lucas approaches
* Howodes nods in greeting.
* Howodes kneels to speak to Lucas on a more eye-to-eye level.
<Howodes> I'm Höwö:dë:s. What did you find?
<Lucas> Well... nothing here, really, except the local spirits being agitated. I sense that the mammoth's spirit left in the same direction of the hunters. The rest is just my best guess of what could happen...
* Howodes frowns and nods.
* Skalla can tell Owähé'sda'ga'gá' more about the mmmont's desecration (Tusks taken but barely any meat, etc) if he needs details
<Howodes> (to Owähé'sda'ga'gá) Have half the group help finish with the body. We should move if we don't want to lose the trail.
* Owahesdagaga nods.
<Skalla> we can help
* Owahesdagaga considers.
<Skalla> with either, or both
<Owahesdagaga> Which would you prefer?
<Skalla> You have to ask?
* Owahesdagaga smiles at that.
<Owahesdagaga> Ready your people.
* Skalla nods.
* Skalla will do thatm gathering those who she knows will want to help (pcs ;)
<Narrator> (Is that the case? Who all wants to go traipsing after poachers and an angry mammoth spirit in the middle of the night in snow? ;) )
<Skalla> (I men I guess if there are any really keen npcs ;)
<Hildie> (Hoo-ah!)
<Lucas> (sure)
<Skalla> (and yeah, she's not going to *make
* anyone go)
* Pierre (~Mibbit@bras-base-mtrlpq4396w-grc-01-65-92-225-229.dsl.bell.ca) Quit (Quit: https://mibbit.com Online IRC Client)
* Svald is ready to go :}
<Hildie> If you're going, then I'm going.
<Svald> (I meant :| )
<Narrator> (Pierre and Welumque?)
<Welumque> (sure, I'm in, of course)
<Welumque> (and I think we lost Pierre)
<Narrator> (Oh, so we did)
* Pierre (Mibbit@bras-base-mtrlpq4396w-grc-01-65-92-225-229.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #thirteen
<Lucas> (so we're setting off?)
<Narrator> You can set off into the night to try to track down your quarry. Can I get folks to roll Investigate, please?
<Svald> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 3 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Pierre> (womp womp)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 2 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Narrator> Welumque and Skalla can follow the trail well, even in the dark with snow falling. It leads up into the heights overlooking the valley.
<Narrator> (Roll me Notice.)
<Welumque> See, here, Hildie - the tracks aren't so hard to see with these old eyes.
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 3 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 0 ].
* Welumque points out.
<Svald> !roll 4d3-3
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 3 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 6 ].
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 1 1 1 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ -2 ].
* Hildie smirks.
<Welumque> (now you make me roll the one that sucks, and my roll also sucks)
<Narrator> (hee)
<Hildie> !roll 4d2-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d2-6 ] getting [ 1 2 2 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Welumque> (you rolled 4d2 there)
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 1 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 1 1 3 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Narrator> Hildie, you spot the glow of a low campfire, tucked into an overhang in the rock. You all can see the outline of tents once she points it out. Svald, not only did you also spot the fire, but you can make out figures around it, laying unmoving.
<Svald> (how many?)
<Narrator> (Hard to tell from a distance, but at least five.)
<Svald> (w) should we get a closer look? THere are at least 5 on the ground.
* Skalla nods
<Narrator> (How are you approaching?)
<Skalla> (q) Is he spirit around?
* Skalla will have her rifle close to hand
* Svald will be a coyote.
<Narrator> (Svald and Lucas, you can't quite be sure if it's still around, but it was definitely here.)
<Lucas> (q) It was here, but I'm not sure now.
<Skalla> (q) careful then.
* Svald will quietly approach the camp to get a better look.
* Skalla will go in quietly as she can
<Skalla> (or I guess I'll wait for svald)
<Skalla> (I'll cover her as a coyote though, just in case)
<Narrator> Roll Stealth, anyone who is currently approaching
* Hildie will hang back and keep her rifle trained on the camp.
<Svald> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
* Pierre is about to approach, but decides to stay with Hildie
<Lucas> (I'll stay back)
<Welumque> (likewise, my stealth is bad)
<Narrator> Nothing responds to you as you approach, but you can smell blood as you do so, and see that the figures visible are quite dead.
<Skalla> (I'll go but I *will
* involke an aspect for a bonus)
<Narrator> (kk)
<Skalla> (does that get me one or tw I forget)
* Svald sticks their head in a tent to look there too.
<Narrator> (Two)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 1 2 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Narrator> (Same result as Svald, essentially)
<Narrator> Svald, you find another dead body in there, its head a crushed mess.
<Svald> (I'll check the others... is everybody dead?)
* Skalla will approach to take a closer look, showing less caution since everyone seems to be dead
<Narrator> You find seven bodies total, 4 dwarves, 2 humans, and an orc.
* Svald will sit by the fire and give a couple of yips
* Pierre waits for an indication that it's save to come over
* Skalla will wave folks closer
<Skalla> there's three missing, then
* Lucas will approach
* Svald will return to their regular shape.
<Skalla> (do they seem like they might be Rondenan?)
<Pierre> (I'll try to Investigate...)
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
* Welumque comes closer also
<Narrator> They're all wearing Rodenan (or Temnorekan, as the case may be) clothing, though the humans and orc look Phoebean.
<Hildie> (Any sings of a fight? Or were they killed in their sleep?)
<Lucas> (do I think this is the work of the spirit, or a more shall we say mundane attacker?)
<Pierre> (Hmmph. Since I'm new to this Brave New World, I'll spend a Fate point and try again.)
<Narrator> (Roll Investigate)
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 1 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ -2 ].
<Pierre> (Dammit!)
<Skalla> (are the tusks here?)
<Narrator> (Yes, as well as the hide that was taken, and the meat.)
<Narrator> (Julie, you're pretty sure this would be more likely the work of some mundane attacker, but that doesn't rule out the spirit's influence.)
<Lucas> Someone attacked them but didn't take any of their valuables?
<Skalla> looks like
* Owahesdagaga looks around the camp, weapon drawn.
<Howodes> I do not think their attacker was interested in valuables.
<Skalla> no
* Skalla will look to see if there is a further trail to find here
<Narrator> (Roll Investigate)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> It's hard to tell. The ground here is rocky, so there are fewer spots where tracks would show.

They try to draw the sprit back - it goes super well! (no)

<Pierre> Can we pacify the spirit now? It seems we have recovered all the, ah, body parts that were taken...
<Skalla> I think we still need to find it?
<Lucas> It's not here.
* Skalla looks to Lucas and Howodes
<Howodes> We can try to draw it to us, and then send it on its way.
<Skalla> and there's still three people missing as well.
<Skalla> I can't see where they went form here
* Owahesdagaga nods.
<Skalla> (Josh - snow isn't helping here? :x)
<Narrator> (It's still pretty light. It may not have accumulated enough at the time the tracks would have been made.)
* Howodes goes to gather the tusks.
<Pierre> Perhaps they were the ones who did this to the rest?
<Welumque> Perhaps.
* Welumque says, not sounding convinced.
<Howodes> It is best we move the bodies if we are to do this.
<Skalla> (okay)
<Svald> Move them where?
* Lucas will do what he can to help Howodes
<Skalla> I can help move them
<Owahesdagaga> Away. We can build a fire for them.
* Howodes will use the remains of the campfire, laying the mammoth tusks around it, stoking it back up, and throwing herbs into it.
<Howodes> (To Lucas) You also speak to the spirits. You have called them before?
* Svald hangs back to watch.
<Lucas> Yes.
* Skalla will assist with the pyre building >.>
* Hildie will keep a lookout on the surrounding woods.
<Narrator> Lucas, roll me Will. Hildie, roll me Notice.
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Lucas> (I'll spend a Fate point if I can.)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> (Sure, Julie. Do you want to invoke an Aspect or just reroll?)
<Lucas> (would my Spirit-haunted aspect work here?)
<Narrator> (Yeah, that works)
<Lucas> (then that :)
<Narrator> Lucas, you and Höwö:dë:s call to the mammoth's spirit, compelling its presence.
<Narrator> You all hear a chorus of loud elephantine trumpets, and Hildie, you have just a moment to react as a large figure rushes out of the darkness towards you.
<Hildie> Oh fuck me.
* Hildie will attempt to get out of the way
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> You get mostly out of its way. It knocks you aside rather than trampling over you, dealing a 1-shift hit.
<Narrator> (Meaning you need to check off 1 box worth of stress)
<Hildie> (Right)
<Narrator> The rest of you, you can hear that, easily, and see a figure rushing into the camp. Two more are not far behind it.
<Svald> (humanoid?)
<Narrator> (Yes, human or orcish, most likely)
<Hildie> (Can I get a shot off or was dodging all I could do?)
<Narrator> (I think the choice was shoot or dodge, a that moment.)
<Hildie> (Cool)
* Skalla will get her rifle out, but hold off shooting at anythign unless Lucas or Howodes are clearly i trouble
<Narrator> (It is rushing right towards them.)
<Narrator> Lucas, what do you want to do?
* Pierre is unarmed, so he will simply back away, trying to stay out of trouble
* Lucas will try to calm the spirit I guess
<Lucas> (send out soothing thoughts? ;p)
<Narrator> Roll Will.
<Lucas> (can I not use Empathy or one of the things I'm actually good at? ;)
<Narrator> (Oh, heh, Empathy will work)
<Lucas> (I'll use will if I have to, I'm just not very good at it, but Empathy I have actually got points in ;)
<Narrator> (Empathy is fine. It makes sense for this.)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-3
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 3 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 8 ].
<Skalla> (yeah I will give them half a secod to do...whatever spirit talkers do)
<Narrator> The figure, who you can all see now is an orc, pauses a moment. He opens his mouth, but only a challenging mammoth bellow comes out.
<Svald> ... oh.
* Howodes approaches, speaking soothingly.
<Svald> (what are the other guys doing)
<Narrator> The orc starts and backhands Höwö:dë:s, who goes flying into one of the tents.
<Skalla> Lucas....
<Lucas> Hey there friend... let's calm down now...
<Narrator> The other two figures, one human-sized, one dwarf-sized, charge towards the camp, over Hildie unless she does something.
<Narrator> (Anyone else doing anything? Hildie, what would you like to do?)
<Svald> (do they look injured or anything?)
<Skalla> Someone check on Höwö:dë:s
<Narrator> (They don't appear to be.)
<Hildie> /me will aim a shot at the dwarf sized one's leg. Called shot.
<Narrator> (Roll Shoot)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 1 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 3 ].
* Welumque will go over to Howo:de:s if possible.
<Svald> (If there are any trees/roots around I will try to entangle or at least trip one of them)
* Owahesdagaga will charge in to guard his cousin (and Welumque).
<Hildie> (Inflicting the "Hobbled" condition)
* Skalla is keeping a bead on the main one for now
<Pierre> (I could... try to help Lucas calm down the half-orc, I guess?)
<Hildie> (+hitting for stress)
<Narrator> Roll Will, Svald
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Pierre> (My Empathy is decent... so is that an option?)
<Narrator> The figure you shot stumbles, Hildie, though moves forward nonetheless.
* Svald gestures at the ground and otherwise kind of waves their hands around directing the movement of the roots
<Narrator> Svald, the figure you target struggles at the grasping roots and plants, letting out a cry of alarm.
<Skalla> (a humanoid or a mammoth sound? >.>)
<Narrator> (Welumque, roll...Investigate to check on Höwö:dë:s)
<Narrator> (Mammoth)
<Narrator> (Pierre, you don't know. You could try.)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Pierre> Be at peace, great spirit...
* Pierre says trying to hide his nervousness
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Narrator> Welumque, she looks pretty banged up, possibly a broken rib or two, but the tent broke her fall some, at least.
<Narrator> Pierre, he's going to take a swing at you. You can try Athletics to avoid it (or if you have another skill you can convince me would work ;) )
<Welumque> Just stay down. I'll stay here with you.
* Howodes groans.
<Pierre> (Speed from Sprinter? :P Nah, never mind.)
<Howodes> The spirit...
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 1 1 1 ] for a total of [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ -2 ].
<Pierre> (Yikes! I may want to re-roll that...)
<Welumque> What about the spirit?
<Pierre> (I know - I'm good with my footing, because I Was On A Boat!)
<Skalla> (Okay, I would also like to take a called shot at the possessed thing, to the shoulder, with the intent of fucking up the join to destroy leverage.... if that means anythign to a spirit)
<Narrator> (heh)
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 1 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Pierre> (Better!)
<Skalla> 9I am going to invoke my 'looks out for her people' aspect also)
<Narrator> You just barely manage to get out of the way of a very forceful swing.
<Narrator> Roll Shoot, Heather.
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-3
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 1 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 6 ].
<Skalla> Hey - YOu had a bad death. We can give you a better one.
<Narrator> You hit it clearly in the shoulder, which looks terrible but the orc simply charges you, possibly over Lucas.
<Narrator> Hildie, those two are still closing in on you, albeit slower. What're you wanting to do?
<Narrator> Lucas, the orc is charging Skalla through you. What would you like to do?
* Skalla will fight a possessed orc, lets do it
* Hildie will pull her pistol and aim for the dwarf.
<Hildie> (Scrath that.)
* Hildie will pull her pistol and aim for the orc.
* Hildie will spend a fate point to invoke her Family Matters aspect.
<Lucas> (I'll try to avoid getting trampled I guess, but still continue trying to calm the spirit that is making it angry)
<Narrator> (Wait, to clarify, there is a dwarf and a human headed towards Hildie, and an orc headed towards Skalla and Lucas. You want to target the orc?_
<Hildie> Yes
<Svald> (I thought I caught one up ?)
<Narrator> (Okay, roll Shoot. Aiming anywhere specific?)
<Narrator> (You entangled it, Hazel, but it's still moving forward.
<Narrator> (Just slowly)
<Narrator> Lucas, roll Athletics, then Empathy again.
<Hildie> (No, already invoking a fate point for the aspect)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-2
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-2 ] getting [ 1 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -2 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Svald> (Can I tighten/extend the grip to stop them? spend a point?)
<Lucas> (that was the Athletics, now Empathy)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-3
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 2 1 3 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Narrator> Hildie fires a round into the orc's chest. He stumbles, knocking him away from Lucas before he continues his charge.
<Narrator> (Svald, you can roll Will again if you like.)
<Svald> (do I add +2 for using a fate point to invoke my attuned to nature aspect?)
<Narrator> (Yes)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-2
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-2 ] getting [ 3 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -2 ] totals [ 7 ].
<Narrator> Hildie, the dwarf you shot is close enough to take a swing at you. Roll Athletics.
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 1 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Narrator> Svald, you manage to completely halt the human, who struggles at the vines and plants wrapping around him.
<Narrator> Hildie, take a 3-shift hit.
<Hildie> (ooof)
<Narrator> (Do you need to take a Consequence?)
* Skalla will drop her gun in favour of a knife as this thing closes on her
<Hildie> (Nope)
<Pierre> ./me will try to distract the creature as it attacks Skalla, to avoid her getting hurt.
<Narrator> Roll Provoke, Pierre
<Narrator> (kk, Hildie)
<Pierre> (Can I use Athletics instead - dodging around it to distract it, or something?)
<Skalla> I can do this!
<Narrator> (No, sorry, you *are
* trying to get its attention)
<Pierre> !roll 4d3-8
* Lan-werk rolls for Pierre: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 1 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ -2 ].
<Pierre> (womp womp)
<Narrator> He ignores you as he charges. Skalla, roll Athletics or Fight.
<Skalla> (Fight!)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> You manage to avoid most of his attack, but he does get a glancing 1-shift hit on you.
