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* 6th: They find the body of Tria and uncover the Secret of the Scarlet Sign.  
* 6th: They find the body of Tria and uncover the Secret of the Scarlet Sign.  
[http://phrontistery.50megs.com/diablotin/game5.html Game 5]
Session Start: Mon Sep 02 17:18:48 2002
* Logging #changeling to 'logs\diablotin 1'
*** Curtana is now known as Narrator
*** Longpig is now known as Belden
* Boden rubs his hands in anticipation.
(Narrator) So, any questions before we get started?
(Boden) Is Heather going to be here?
(Vess) NOt yet... I just got home so I am still reading the NPC's... give me a couple
(Narrator) No, she's not.
*** Vess is now known as Loch
(Narrator) Okay, Terry.
(Boden) ok
(Narrator) But the Heather situation is under control :)
* Pavo rubs Rob's butt, since his hands are occupied.
(Boden) he he he.
(Boden) I have one question...what would be the correct way to address Corentin van Andras?
(Narrator) 'My Lord' at first, and then just call him "sir"
(Boden) ok.
(Narrator) As in "yes, sir." :)
(Pavo) Oh crap! I have ot be respectful to rank ):o
(Narrator) Well, only for people who are higher ranking than you ;)
(Belden) What do we call our lieutenant?
(Belden) Just 'sir'?
(Narrator) "Sir"
(Belden) 'k
(Pavo) eq and weapons on that sheet Julie
(Narrator) For both male and female superior officers
(Narrator) Thanks :)
(Narrator) Are we pretty much ready now?
(Boden) are their any laws regarding civilians carrying weapons or rules about using magic.
(Pavo) So what was that again?
(Belden) I was born ready
(Boden) Yeah, I'm ready.
(Pavo) Guard Lieut, Guard Capt. and Warlord? Proper greetings?
(Loch) I am ready, thanks
(Narrator) Laws regarding civilians carrying weapons or using magic - not really, unless they are used to hurt someone.
(Boden) ok
(Narrator) Lt. = sir or Lieutenant, Capt. = sir or Captain, Warlord = my lord
(Narrator) Okay, I'll get started then.
(Pavo) k
(Narrator) (n) The sun is no doubt somewhere above the horizon, but it cannot yet be seen through the clouds on this day, which is part of no month and no year. The winter air is chill. Mists rise from the black waters of the Ousel river which runs through the centre of the greatest city in the Aveyrone Empire, the city that has endured two thousand years: Diablotin.
(Narrator) (n) The Festival Days have come upon the city of Diablotin again, and with them, an excuse for merrymaking, celebrating, and debauchery. While most of the citizens take these six days to rest and enjoy themselves, however, there is no rest for the members of the Imperial Guard. For them the holidays are occasions for fist-fights, drunken brawls, and crimes of passion.
(Narrator) (n) For this reason, you, who have all recently joined the Guards, have been asked to gather at the guard post on the Great Square of the Place D'Iena, just as other guards elsewhere in the city meet, at other posts, to be assigned their duties.
(Narrator) (n) You stand in a crowd of exactly sixty guards (the number is always the same), shivering in the cold morning air (although some try not to show it). Your lieutenant, Elzire Svodoba, stands on a raised platform in front of the group.
*** NPC3 is now known as Lt
*** Lt is now known as Svodoba
* Svodoba is a wiry woman about 45 years of age, with long, wavy blonde hair drawn back in a braid and brown eyes. She has a reputation of being clever and easy-going, but she has a temper.
(Svodoba) Guards, to attention!
* Belden snaps to with everyone else!
* Svodoba waits for the murmuring and rustling to stop, which it quickly does.
(Svodoba) Today is the start of the holidays, and the day you'll receive your assignments. I'll be dividing you into ten groups of six - I've looked over the roster and given it some hard thought, trust me. Step forward when you hear your name called and take your place with your squadron.
* Svodoba starts to bark out names: Shenk, Desmarais, Kumar, Alcantara, Sandifer, Blackshear... The list goes on, most of the names unfamiliar to you. Guards hustle to the front to take their places as their names are called.
(Svodoba) ... of Gouge, de Champe, vak Andras, Belden (P), Arnsenios, Dizon!
* Svodoba calls out, pointing to a spot over to her left where you are to gather
* Belden steps forward and makes her way quickly to the area.
* Loch will step forward when his name is called
(Pavo) .oO(Arsenios...) *moves to take his place...*
* Boden will take his spot.
(Narrator) (n) Once she has finished grouping you into squadrons, Lt. Svodoba goes to each group separately and gives them their assignments. You have some time before she gets to you, though. Now might be a good time for descriptions.
*** NPC2 is now known as Dizon
*** NPC1 is now known as vak
*** vak is now known as vak_Andras
(Loch) Good to meet you all. I'm Loch du Champe.
* Loch will extend a hand to the others of the group
* Pavo extends his hand to Loch... "Pavo!"
* Dizon smiles and nods to each of you, shaking hands
* Boden is a very large Man in standard issue leather armour. He is 7' tall and probably more than 300 lbs.
* vak_Andras is a handsome young man with a muscular but slender build, perhaps 18 years old, with curly black hair, olive skin, and hazel eyes. He has a crossbow slung over one shoulder.
* Boden will shake Loch's hand.
* Belden is a relatively short woman, about 5'5". She's slim but far from waifish; you can tell she is built for endurance. While she isn't what you would call voluptuous, she isn't mannish-looking either... what some people would call a 'handsome woman'.
* Dizon is a woman in her early twenties, with short, tousled mahogany-brown curls and a ready smile. She is armed with a rapier which she carries with the grace of an experienced fighter.
* Belden has hazel eyes, and very little hair... her head has recently been shaved.
* Loch is short and stockey , standing 5'6" with blue eyes and straw coloured hair
(Dizon) Tristane Dizon - pleased to meet you all.
* Pavo is a young man, in great shape. Firm in all the right places. His short hair is brown, and his eyes too! Damned sexy.
(vak_Andras) I'm Kalman vak Andras. Glad to be here.
* Belden is wearing dark brown robes under her guard's cloak, and has a holy symbol hanging from a beaded belt, as well as a morningstar looped into a sturdier leather one.
(Belden) I'm Belden,
* Belden says with a smile.
* Pavo has a whip hanging from his front, and a sickle on either side
(Boden) And I'm Boden.
* Boden says with a large friendly smile.
* Loch is dressed in uniform carrying a spear and a crossbow slung at his side. His hands are well caloused and his skin is a good tan.
(Dizon) Are you all new?
(Boden) Yeah.
(Belden) The short answer is yes.
* Belden nods.
* Loch will nod as well
(Pavo) Yup.
* vak_Andras nods
* Boden carries a longsword and also wears a full metal gauntlet on his left hand.
(Dizon) Okay, looks like I'm the senior one here, then.
* Dizon says with a bit of a laugh
(Loch) (How old does everyone look... Loch is in his mid twenties)
* Belden looks to be in her early twenties.
* vak_Andras looks about 18 or so
(Boden) (I am around 18, its hard to tell since I'm so big.)
(Pavo) (20)
* Dizon looks maybe 22 or 23
(Dizon) Don't worry, guys, this won't be that bad.
* Belden laughs.
(Dizon) Oops, here she comes!
(Boden) So you've been doing this a while?
* Dizon straightens up
* Belden straightens up.
* Pavo stands attentively
* Loch will staighten up as well
* Svodoba approaches your small group, clearly ready to get this task over with.
(Svodoba) Alright, listen up. You're a new group, so I've put Dizon here with you. She's got three years experience in the Guards. She'll help you through any tough situations you come up against.
* Boden will starighten up when he sees others doing it.
(Svodoba) Speaking of tough, I'm putting you on the Pearl City circuit. It's not usually that bad, but during festival season, that place just goes nuts. You should be prepared for fistfights, drunks, and just about anything else you can imagine. Don't bother arresting people unless it's truly serious - give 'em a warning or a fine and send 'em on their way. Just remember that we get the fines, not you. Got it?
(Belden) Yes sir.
* Svodoba 's voice softens a bit and she smiles at you.
(Belden) (I assume we are supposed to answer... I hope :o)
(Svodoba) This is a chance for you to prove yourselves. You do good here, in a few months you might get bumped up to patrolling the Castalia, maybe even the Pavillion.
* Pavo nods affirmatively
* Svodoba hardens again, every inch the soldier.
* Belden will be happy to work wherever she's assigned.
(Svodoba) You do bad, you'll end up in Rhenea, or the Shambles, and then you might end up in an early grave or worse. So be on your toes and work to impress me. Understand?
* Svodoba waits for answer
(Loch) Yes sir
(Pavo) Yes, sir.
* Boden glances at the others hoping they will answer.
(Belden) Yes sir.
* Dizon nods
(Boden) Yes, sir.
(vak_Andras) Yes, sir
* vak_Andras says a bit more slowly
* Svodoba nods, turns, and walks briskly away.
* vak_Andras mutters something under his breath that sounds like a curse.
* Svodoba turns back sharply, but speaks in an even tone.
(Svodoba) What was that, soldier? I didn't quite make it out.
* Belden glances over at vak Andras, surprised.
* vak_Andras says nothing, but meets her steady gaze.
(Svodoba) Am I to understand that you don't think highly of your assignment? Or would you rather I interpreted that little remark as being directed at me?
* Pavo blinks as well, not thinking anyone would have cause to hate Svodoba... especially this early in their career.
(vak_Andras) The assignment, sir. I didn't sign up here to break up fistfights and tell drunks to 'move along now'.
* Belden looks straight ahead.
* vak_Andras looks a bit nervous, but cocky
* Svodoba 's eyes flash with anger
(Svodoba) That's what new guards do, soldier. I don't need people who are too proud to work in my division. You need to learn your place, and it's a few notches lower than you think it is, whatever your last name happens to be.
* Boden shakes his head...he looks worried.
* Pavo resists the urge to chuckle at vak_Andras's expense.
* Svodoba assesses Kalman for a split second, then nods
(Svodoba) Latrine duty, indefinite duration.
* Svodoba turns to the rest of you.
(Svodoba) Sorry, it looks like you'll be one man short for a while. Make do.
(Belden) . o O (Not a good first impression for our squadron...)
* Svodoba marches away again, but you think you catch a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes.
* Loch gives narrow eyes towards Kalman
* vak_Andras shrugs almost apologetically, looking a bit shocked, and scuttles off to get his mop and bucket.
(Loch) Just what were you trying to prove?
* Boden lets out a sigh of relief.
(Belden) That was... unfortunate...
(vak_Andras) ...
(vak_Andras) Sorry.
(Belden) :/
* Boden smiles.
(Pavo) For him...
(Belden) We're not getting off to a very good start!
(vak_Andras) I'd better get going before she comes back..
(Boden) well, guess on latrine duty you won't have to worry about any rowdy drunks.
* vak_Andras shrugs
(Pavo) Oh don't be silly.... she's a smart lady. She won't tie this to all of us!
(Loch) Sorry... you only have to clean out the latrines... we have do deal with things a man down.
(Pavo) .oO( I'm just worried I might get latrine duty some day... gross! )
(vak_Andras) Have fun, all of you.
* vak_Andras looks genuinely embarassed as he runs off
*** vak_Andras is now known as NPC1
(Boden) .oO(yeah, as long as he stays in the latrines I'm making easy money.)
(Belden) Ugh.
(Belden) Well, maybe it's for the best.
* Belden says hopefully.
* Dizon turns to the rest of you.
(Dizon) Well, that wasn't so great...
(Dizon) But it could have been worse - she could have put us *all* on duty!
* Pavo makes a face.
* Belden looks after Kalman's receding back.
* Loch shruggs at the comment
(Dizon) Hey, you're new - you don't know what those latrines are like! And there'll be a lot of drunks in there tonight...
* Dizon shudders slightly
* Boden chuckles
(Belden) It's a shame he had to make a first impression like that.
* Dizon nods
(Pavo) I thought she meant barracks latrines... they're public?
(Belden) Hopefully the lesson he's learned will outlast the smell.
(Dizon) No, I mean drunk guards.
* Belden says with a smile.
(Pavo) Oh... *slightly relieved*
(Boden) We should head out to Pearl, eh?
(Dizon) Yeah, we should get going.
(Dizon) Everyone got everything they need?
(Belden) Alright!
(Belden) I'm all set.
(Boden) yep.
* Belden looks around at the others.
*** Svodoba is now known as NPC3
* Loch will reach into his pouch and pull out a little spinned hedghog and set it on his shoulder
(Dizon) ...
(Dizon) Cute.
(Belden) Is he a pet?
* Boden will pet the hedghog.
(Loch) This is Willam
(Dizon) Okay, I guess we're as ready as we'll ever be... let's get going! We can chat while we walk.
* Belden starts walking.
* Dizon strides off, indicating that you should follow her.
* Loch scratches the pointy little thing behind what might be an ear
* Boden walks after Dizon.
(Boden) (does she have a cute butt?)
(Dizon) (yes)
* Loch will keep up with the group
(Dizon) So, if no one minds me asking, what Houses are you from? And where do you come from?
* Belden looks around to see who wants to start.
(Belden) Well...
(Boden) I'm from Bear, and I come from the village of gouge.
(Belden) I'm from House Ox.
(Belden) I grew up on a farm outsied of town.
* Boden didn't mean to interupt Belden...(I just typed slow.)
* Belden says with the same friendly smile.
(Belden) (s'ok)
(Loch) I'm of House Ox, from Flatwood.
(Dizon) Lizard, and I'm from here in the city.
* Belden smiles a little more when she hears that there is another Ox.
(Dizon) And let me guess, Cat, right?
* Dizon says to Pavo
* Loch will smile back
(Narrator) (n) Pearl City is on the south side of the Ousel river, just to the west of the Place D'Iena. The roads are beginning to be crowded with revelers, even at this early hour. As you approach the red-light district, the crush of people becomes enormous. Their mood, however, seems cheerful for the moment, and you receive many smiles and wishes for good fortune as you pass by in your uniforms.
* Dizon raises her voice to be heard over the crowd
* Pavo nods with a big smile
(Dizon) It's not always this busy, but the holidays...
(Dizon) I guess everyone just wants to have a good time.
(Dizon) Too bad we have to work, eh?
* Pavo always returns the well wishes with a smile... especially the cute ones.
(Belden) Someone has to do it. :)
* Loch nods
(Boden) And we don't work all the time.
(Dizon) Well, I guess that's true. Things can get pretty hectic.
* Boden looks pretty happy.
(Narrator) (n) On all sides, people are shouting, drinking ale or wine, holding up mugs in celebration. From open doors and windows, whores wave to passers-by, trying to entice them in for a short, private celebration of the holy day. Small children squeeze through the crowds, in a hurry to see the group of acrobats performing near the statue of the First Empress, Dorea, holding up her sword in victory for all time.
(Dizon) Some of those kids are probably pickpockets, keep your eyes peeled.
* Belden nods.
* Boden will pull his eyes away from the windows and concentrate on the streets.
* Belden keeps an eye out for trouble.
(Narrator) (n) A drunken man shoves past you, but apologizes hastily when he notices your cloaks.
(Dizon) Watch it, buddy.
* Belden gives him a disapproving look.
(Narrator) (n) The drunk nods and moves away from you as quickly as he can.
* Pavo hasn't brought much with him today, but keeps a look out for sticky fingers.
(Dizon) Most people, you just give them a warning and they'll straighten up.
(Dizon) It's the ones who don't listen that you've gotta watch out for.
* Belden nods.
(Narrator) (n) A red-haired whore winks at you from her doorway.
* Pavo winks back charmingly
*** NPC1 is now known as Whore
* Belden frowns disapprovingly.
* Whore giggles and waves back at the handsome guard
(Belden) Don't encourage them,
* Belden whispers.
* Whore disappears back into her house
*** Whore is now known as NPC1
(Boden) Most of them take very little encouragement.
(Pavo) I'm sure she needs a bit of good cheer today too, Belden.
(Belden) She looks like she's had plenty of... cheer to me.
* Dizon chuckles at that
(Pavo) Never too much of a good thing :)
* Pavo continues walking and looking around.
(Belden) Bah.
* Belden mutters.
(Pavo) You talk like you know from experience. *grins at the big man*
* Boden just nods.
(Belden) How about at least not encouraging them while we're on duty?
(Boden) Oh, yeah, of course.
* Pavo is a bit surprised by the simple response, but continues to grin in amusement.
* Boden completely misses the sarcasm.
(Belden) We have a job to do, which does not include flirting with prostitutes.
* Pavo looks to Dizon
(Pavo) So if we spot a pickpocket, can we just stop them and check them out?
(Narrator) (n) The crowds grow thickest near the square with the statue, where just now two acrobats are juggling knives.
(Dizon) Yes, if you can catch him. They're slippery bastards, and the crowds work in their favor, usually.
(Dizon) I guess that's why they usually use kids - smaller and harder to see.
(Belden) Poor kids...
* Dizon wends her way through the crowd towards the other side of the square
(Dizon) I guess..
* Dizon doesn't seem too sympathetic, though
* Pavo follows
* Loch will stay with the group
(Narrator) (n) You reach the other side of the square unscathed, and the crowd thins out somewhat.
(Dizon) Whew.
(Belden) . o O (So far it's pretty tame...)
(Dizon) I don't like crowds - that's where the most trouble happens.
(Narrator) (n) From a bit further down the street, you hear yelling from inside one of the whorehouses, which bears a sign over its door showing a rather contented-looking cat.
(Belden) Here we go...
(Narrator) (n) Sounds like a heated argument in progress.
(Boden) (Have I been there?)
* Boden looks at Dizon
(Narrator) (Sure. You know it's the Well-Filled Pussy.)
(Boden) ?
(Belden) Should we all go in?
(Dizon) Well, I guess we should check that out.
(Boden) ok.
(Dizon) We'd better stick together, for now at least.
* Boden will start to trot towards the place, not getting ahead of the group.
* Belden moves with the group, then.
* Dizon will head towards the brothel
(Pavo) .oO( Such an eager beaver... )
* Loch follows
(Narrator) (is everyone going inside?)
(Belden) (I am)
(Loch) (Yes)
* Pavo follows Dizon.
(Boden) (I will, but I'll glance in first.)
(Narrator) (n) Glancing inside, your eyes take a second to adjust to the darker room. You see a young man and and older woman, shouting at each other.
*** NPC1 is now known as Young_man
* Boden will walk into the room.
*** NPC3 is now known as Woman
(Young_man) Look, I already told you, I can pay it!
(Woman) That's what you've said the last three times
(Young_man) Yeah, but this time I mean it!
(Young_man) Really!
* Woman scowls darkly
(Boden) (they don't look like they are going to attack eachother do they?)
* Woman looks up when you come in
(Narrator) (no, not immediately)
(Woman) Now look who's here.
(Boden) oh, Hi!
(Woman) Some guards, come to sort out this little problem.
(Boden) we're from the guard and we heard the shouting.
* Woman smirks
(Woman) This fellow here thinks he can get free service here.
* Woman gestures expansively at the young man
* Boden frowns a bit.
(Belden) Missed payments, huh...
(Woman) Yeah, that's right.
(Boden) that doesn't seem right.
(Woman) I don't run a tab for deadbeats.
(Belden) Do you actually have money on you?
* Belden steps forward.
* Young_man is moving away from you guards
(Boden) How much does he owe you?
(Young_man) Er...
(Woman) 15 Imperials!
* Boden gets ready to run after him if he bolts.
(Narrator) (those are gold, by the way)
(Boden) wow!
(Belden) (yikes)
* Belden 's eyes get wide.
(Young_man) It was never 15!
* Boden whistles
(Young_man) It couldn't have been more than 6 or 7.
(Belden) Yuong man, don't you have anything better to spend your money on??
(Boden) How many nights did you let this guy go for free?
* Young_man has the grace to look a bit shamefaced in front of the priest
* Pavo smiles at the man and casually steps sideways to block a bit.
(Woman) He's my sister's nephew, you know?
(Woman) Thinks family counts for something.
(Woman) Well, my girls are fed up with it, and so am I.
(Pavo) .oO(Sister's nephew?)
(Pavo) He's your nephew too? Or your son?
* Young_man is inching towards the door
(Belden) How many of you has he... um, stiffed?
(Boden) (aren't we in the door?)
* Pavo can't suppress a chuckle
(Woman) My sister's husband's sister's kid, I think.
* Dizon chuckles as well at that
* Boden works that out on his fingers.
(Pavo) Ok, just checking :)
(Narrator) (yes, you're in the door - he's trying to see if he can slip by you, you'd say)
(Pavo) Well now.. *to the young man* as my companion asked, do you have any money on you that you could give as a down payment?
(Woman) Gawds, if this was my son, I'd have whalloped him long ago.
(Young_man) Er... Not exactly, no.
(Boden) and how many times do you owe her for?
(Woman) I know where you live, you rascal!
* Belden shakes her head.
(Woman) He's a charmer, you know?
(Woman) Comes in here, talks to the girls, gets them to go with him for free.
(Woman) Well, nothing's free around here.
(Pavo) Perhaps you ought tell your sister.
(Woman) Must be 15 times at least.
(Pavo) Or her sister in law.
(Woman) She's no good - too deep in the bottle to care.
* Pavo looks to the man... "What would mommy dearest think?"
(Woman) Just look at him - he's too old to be ordered around by his mother! Doesn't have the respect.
* Young_man looks more and more uncomfortable
(Young_man) Look, um, maybe I can start to pay you back...
* Loch looks a little bored by the whole thing going on, but tries to pay attention to it, and keep an eye outside as well
* Dizon pipes up
(Pavo) It isn't a matter of ordering, ma'am.
(Dizon) You got a kitchen here, lady?
* Woman looks a bit confused
(Woman) Yes.. why?
(Belden) Maybe he can work some of it off.
* Dizon nods to Belden
(Boden) wow, thats a good idea.
(Pavo) .oO( Will cook for sex. )
* Boden seems genuinely impressed.
(Belden) And maybe in the meantime he can find a nice girlfriend that he doesn't have to pay.
(Dizon) Yeah, washing dishes for a while would do him good, I'd say.
(Pavo) Or something like that *grins at the man*
* Young_man has a hang-dog look at this thought
(Loch) Maybe Boden should give him a right to the gut to remind him of his obligation...
* Young_man looks at which one he guess Boden is and pales...
(Boden) really?
* Dizon shrugs
(Belden) No, not really!
* Boden looks at Dizon to see what she thinks.
(Loch) and if he forgets... Boden should give him a left.
(Dizon) Whatever works, I suppose.
(Belden) We aren't here just to bully people!
* Boden seems confused.
(Pavo) Well perhaps we'll let the lady decide.
(Woman) Hmm.
(Pavo) Do you think that's necessary?
* Belden is shaking her head.
(Pavo) ... *and to the man...* Do YOU think it's necessary?
(Woman) Well, he *is* a disreputable scoundrel, surely.
(Woman) But family is family...
(Boden) He looks kinda small....
(Woman) He probably doesn't deserve a busted kidney today.
(Boden) (m)I left my first aid kit at the barracks.
* Young_man looks slightly green
(Pavo) That settles it then!
* Boden brightens.
* Pavo looks to the man... "Get into the kitchen with you..."
(Boden) Maybe I could pop buy tomorow and make sure he's doing good work.
* Woman nods
* Young_man will scuttle hastily towards the kitchen, looking back at Boden over his shoulder
(Woman) Thank you for your help, sirs.
(Woman) What do I owe you?
(Belden) Oh, nothing at all!
(Belden) It's our job.
* Woman looks a bit surprised, but thankful
* Boden looks down at belden confused again.
(Belden) We get paid by the city.
(Boden) (w to Dizon) is that right? We don't get tips?
(Woman) Well, if you say so...
(Dizon) (w) Usually we do, but... *shrug*
* Belden nods.
* Pavo chuckles
(Pavo) (w) Perhaps the next time you come, you can give HER the tip, Boden :)
* Loch shrugs
(Woman) Thank you again.
(Belden) Have a good day, now.
* Belden smiles and gets ready to leave
* Woman nods and heads into the kitchen, where you can hear her yelling at the young man some more.
* Boden will walk out the door, still confused.
* Dizon heads out the door
* Pavo saunters out!
* Loch follows the group
(Boden) Um...Belden?
(Belden) Yes?
(Boden) I think they usually give us something if we help them out...
(Belden) Why?
(Belden) It's our job to help.
(Boden) Its just kinda how things work. I think.
(Belden) Why should they feel obliged to give us more when we're already being paid to serve them?
(Belden) Well, I don't care if it's how things work for most people.
(Boden) I wouldn't say obliged...
* Pavo takes on a slightly scandalous look... "Don't you tip the waitor at a restaurant?"
(Belden) It's greedy.
(Pavo) You tip for good service.
(Boden) but if they offer...
* Dizon isn't about to get involved in this debate...
* Belden shakes her head.
*** Woman is now known as NPC3
(Belden) So, we should give better service to people with more money? I don't think so.
*** Young_man is now known as NPC1
(Loch) . o O (its going to be a long day...)
(Boden) I'm not saying we should demand it...but coudln't we say "Whatever you can spare." Instead of No...
(Pavo) Well, I know one lady who isn't popular with the food establishments.
(Belden) I think we should let them keep their money.
(Belden) They don't owe us anything.
(Boden) true, they don't. But if people want to give me money...why say no?
* Belden is shaking her head again.
(Loch) Simple... the one who will be saving you if someone puts a knife in your back in a dark alley is asking you not to.
(Belden) It's unprofessional, on top of everything.
* Pavo eyes Loch unpleasantly
* Boden looks at Loch.
(Boden) ok, thats something I can understand.
* Belden sighs.
(Belden) . o O (it's going to be a long day)
(Narrator) (n) As you approach the Bridge of Vanities, which connects Pearl City with the Imperial Island, the crowd is thicker than ever. People pour across the old stone span in both directions, as nobles search for pleasure and commoners seek a glimpse of luxury, or maybe just a way across the river that doesn't take them through the Shambles.
* Boden smiles again, happy in his new found comprehension.
* Dizon gestures at the bridge
(Dizon) This is a pretty busy spot, another bad one for pickpockets
* Belden nods.
(Dizon) They know so many nobles pass by here.
(Dizon) Good picking, I suppose.
(Boden) Should we hang out here for a bit?
* Dizon nods
(Belden) Alright.
* Loch will slip willam into his pouch so he can have a lower perspective
* Belden agrees.
(Dizon) Just watch for a bit, see if you notice anything unusual.
* Pavo eyes the hedgehog strangely
(Boden) Me leans against the wall or something and watches.
* Dizon saunters over closer to the bridge, casually
* Dizon takes up a spot just at the edge of the bridge
* Pavo idles a bit further from the bridge... peering above the crowd from time to time.
* Belden leans against the bridge railing, on the bridge but close to the near end.
* Loch follows the group leader
(Narrator) (n) You observe the crowds for a while
(Narrator) (n) You see beggars and noblemen crossing back and forth over the bridge
(Narrator) (n) But it would be hard to say you see any crimes in progress...
* Boden starts rolling a cigarette.
* Boden will smoke as we watch.
(Narrator) (n) A bit of time passes
* Pavo wonders if we should be on the bridge itself.
(Narrator) (n)Suddenly, you hear a muffled scream from somewhere near the bridge. It sounded like a young woman.
* Belden bolts in that direction!
* Dizon moves towards the scream as well
* Belden looks back to make sure the others are coming too, but doesn't slow down.
* Pavo quickly twines his way through the crowd towards the sound.
* Loch follows the group
(Narrator) (n) A young woman spots you coming through the crowd, and waves her gloved hand to hail you.
* Belden moves toward her.
*** NPC1 is now known as Young_woman
(Belden) (Does she look like a noble?)
* Young_woman is young, perhaps 19 or 20, with long, curly black hair that frames her thin face and dark eyes that seem to have unknown depths. She wears a black half-mask and a white fur-lined cloak over a low-cut but elegant pale blue gown. She is crying.
(Boden) (I am also witht the group.)
(Narrator) (yes, she looks like a noble)
(Belden) What seems to be the problem, my lady?
* Pavo watches the crowd
(Young_woman) My necklace...
(Young_woman) It's gone!
* Boden will stand up tall and look around to see if he can spot anything.
(Belden) Alright...
(Belden) Where was the last place you remember having it?
* Young_woman looks confused
* Pavo shakes his head
(Young_woman) I had it on just now... when I was crossing the bridge.
(Young_woman) And just as I reached the end, I noticed it was missing.
(Young_woman) Oh, I'm going to be in so much trouble!
(Belden) What does it look like?
(Boden) (did I see anything suspicious when I looked around?)
(Narrator) (Those of you surveying the crowd - you see nothing out of the ordinary - just tons of people)
(Young_woman) It was a sapphire stone with a silver mount and chain.
(Pavo) (Does her cloak have a hood?)
(Young_woman) (yes, it does have a hood)
(Belden) Could it have fallen off?
(Pavo) (Don't suppose the hood looks heavy?)
(Young_woman) I... suppose so..
(Young_woman) (fairly heavy, it's fur-lined)
(Pavo) Check in your hood, just in case... you never know.
* Young_woman checks the hood
(Young_woman) No, it's not there.
* Pavo nods... and sighs, since that means it's not on her person... and it's probably long gone.
(Narrator) (Boden - looking through the crowd, you do notice one thing - a young kid, maybe a boy, with blond hair, running pretty fast)
(Belden) Alright...
* Belden looks to Dizon for guidance.
(Boden) wait a second...
* Pavo looks to... same
(Dizon) Did you see anything?
* Boden starts off after the child...
(Boden) yep.
* Dizon asks the girl
* Pavo watches as the sea of people is parted by big ol' Boden.
(Belden) Looks like Boden did...
(Pavo) I'll follow... *and does so*
(Narrator) (n) Boden, you manage to clear a pretty good path in the crowd
* Pavo unclasps his whip, holding it in his hands.
* Pavo attempts to get into, and stay in, Boden's wake
(Belden) Don't use a whip on a bridge full of people! :o
(Narrator) (n) The kid is heading roughly back the way you have come
(Pavo) .oO( Duh... )
(Boden) (am I gaining on him?)
* Belden turns back to the woman.
(Narrator) (n) Pavo, you follow Boden
(Narrator) (Anyone else going with them?)
(Boden) (I know its crowded, but I have the running feat.)
(Loch) (I will)
(Belden) With a bit of luck, that wil be our man.
* Belden offers a hopeful smile.
(Narrator) (okay, the men follow the kid through the crowd)
* Dizon smiles as well
(Dizon) It's not usually that easy.
(Narrator) (rolling for the chasers - sec)
(Narrator) (n) Boden tears ahead, pushing through the crowd with ease. Pavo, you also follow closely behind him. Loch, unfortunately, gets caught behind a knot of people, and falls behind.
* Belden tries to keep up with the chase with her eyes.
(Narrator) (rolling one more thing - sec)
(Narrator) (n) Boden, you turn a sharp corner, back towards the square where the acrobats were earlier. You have, however, lost track of where the kid is in the crowds, but he must have gone this way.
(Narrator) (n) Pavo is right behind you.
* Dizon tries to comfort the girl
(Boden) (I will try and find him, I have the tracking feat if that helps.)
(Narrator) (ok)
* Pavo looks about, not sure what he looked like.
(Pavo) (Or do I know?)
(Belden) What's your name?
* Belden asks her.
(Narrator) (Pavo, no, you never really got a good look at him from behind Boden ;)
(Pavo) (Damned meatheads)
(Young_woman) Noira.
*** Young_woman is now known as Noira
(Loch) (Could I at least tell how tall the kid is that Boden is chasing?)
(Belden) Do you want to sit down on this bench over here?
* Boden continues to search.
(Narrator) (n) Boden, you can't seem to spot him. But you suppose he must have kept going this way.
(Boden) I will keep searching.
(Narrator) (Loch, seemed under five feet tall, but that's just a guess)
(Noira) Alright...
(Pavo) Boden, ask some one if they saw him... I don't know what he looks like.
* Boden will describe the kid to Pavo.
* Noira will let herself be led over to the bench
(Loch) (How tall was the woman?)
(Pavo) (Did I see him?)
(Narrator) (Loch - the woman was about 5'5" or so)
* Belden looks over her shoulder at Dizon.
* Boden will take Pavo's sugestion and ask a few people if they have seen the kid go this way.
(Narrator) (Pavo - no, except for a flash of blond hair)
* Dizon eyes the crowd, then goes over to the bench as well
* Pavo will head towards the flash of blonde?
(Belden) Did you see who they were chasing?
(Narrator) Pavo - you head through the crowd towards the flash of blond hair
* Belden asks Dizon.
(Belden) (Did I, for that matter?)
(Dizon) Some kid...
(Dizon) I didn't get a really good look, though.
(Dizon) Blond, maybe?
(Narrator) (Belden - not really)
* Belden nods...
(Belden) We should watch the bridge in case he tries to double back this way.
* Boden tries to see who Pavo is after...
(Boden) (and will follow Pavo.)
(Narrator) (n) Pavo pushes through the crowds, who have now gathered to watch a small puppet show
(Boden) (Did Loch have enough time to catch up?)
(Narrator) (Loch is caught up now, and he can easily spot you in the crowd)
* Dizon agrees with Belden.
* Belden watches the bridge for shifty looking blonde boys. :D
(Narrator) Pavo, the crowd is now mostly children. Several of them are blond.
* Pavo sighs, wondering if any look particularly thieving
(Pavo) :|
(Narrator) Boden, you can esily follow Pavo to the puppet show.
(Boden) (I keep trying to see the kid, and if I see anyone who looks helpful I'll ask them if they've seen him.
(Narrator) Pavo, you scan the crowd of children - some look too small to be the thief in question, others too big. You're just not sure...
(Narrator) Boden, you join him in scanning the crowd.
* Pavo shrugs... "Boden, I think we've lost him."
(Narrator) (sec, rolling)
* Loch will follow behind Boden
(Narrator) Loch joins the two of you by now as well.
(Narrator) Boden, a miracle has occured!
* Boden will give a description of the boy to Loch
(Boden) (!)
(Narrator) You spot a young boy, maybe 11 or so, standing near the back of the crowd - he looks a bit out of breath, which is why you noticed him.
* Boden will quickly go up to him...
(Narrator) He is standing talking to a girl a few years older
*** NPC3 is now known as Boy
* Loch will follow, noting the face of the girl he is talking to
* Pavo will make sure the girl doesn't take off either.
(Boden) excuse me young lad. (Boden will put a hand on the boy...but not too ruff.)
(Narrator) (n) The young boy looks to be about 11, with blond curls. The girl with him is older, perhaps 13, with chin-length dark brown hair. There looks to be a family resemblance between the two. Both are dressed in heavily patched clothing.
* Pavo steps behind the girl a bit.
* Boy looks up, way up, at Boden
(Boy) Yes, sir?
* Boy says in a sort of squeaky voice
(Boden) I think you may have noticed me trying to catch up to you...Any idea why you were reluctant to stop for the guard?
(Boy) Well, wouldn't you be, sir?
* Boy says cheekily
* Pavo chuckles...
* Boy grins at Boden
(Boden) I supose.
(Pavo) I think being direct might be the plan now, Boden.
(Pavo) May we have it back, or must we make this difficult?
(Boy) ...
(Boden) so, you got anything you may want to have droped while I was chasing you. that way I could have picked it up without actually having caught you.
* Boy glances quickly at the girl
(Boy) I don't know what you mean.
(Pavo) I mean the necklace you slipped to your sister.
(Boden) I'm not sure I beleive that.
* Pavo pats the sister on the shoulder friendly-like.
*** Dizon is now known as Sister
* Sister looks nervous
(Belden) Still nothing...
(Belden) I hope Boden was able to catch him.
(Noira) Do you think they'll get it back?
* Noira seems nervous
(Boden) come on...we are about to search both of you...but if you give it to me then things will go better.
(Boy) Look, mister, I don't know what you're talking about..
(Boy) I was just watching the puppet show here with my sister.
* Sister nods hastily in agreement
(Pavo) And if we search you, we might find other things...
(Boden) There was a necklase stolen, you were seen running from the scene.
(Pavo) We might ruin a whole day's work, instead of an hour's.
(Belden) If that was the guy...
(Belden) (can I roll Sense Motive on her?)
* Boy looks a bit shaken, but not stirred ;)
(Boden) ok, lets just search these kids. If they don't have it on them we'll bring them back to Dizon
(Narrator) (ok, Belden, I'll roll - sec, all)
* Pavo sighs..."Alright, I was hoping it wouldn't come down to *arresting* them..."
(Narrator) Belden - she seems concerned about something, but it is probably just fear of her father or someone who is going to rag her out for losing something expensive, you'd say.
* Boy shakes a bit at that
(Boy) No, mister, don't arrest me
* Sister starts to cry - very pitiful
(Pavo) I haven't any choice son.
(Loch) You'd tell us if you had something wouldn't you?
(Boy) I'll tell you where it is...
(Boden) Well...why not? If you have it then we can take it back, if you don't we have to take you in for questioning.
(Boden) Ok, were?
(Boy) I handed it off to another guy... he was going to take it to my boss.
(Boden) Crap.
(Boden) Who was the guy?
* Belden watches for Boden and/or the suspect...
(Boy) His name's Vrain, but I don't really know him. He's another kid.
(Boden) Do you know were he is going?
* Boy nods
(Boy) Back to HQ
(Boy) That's in the Shambles.
(Boden) ok, you two come with me. Your not arrested yet..but we aren't letting you go either.
* Pavo whispers to Loch... "Perhaps we should check in with Dizon..."
(Boy) Okay...
* Boden will march the boy back to Dizon.
* Sister will follow as well
*** Sister is now known as Dizon
* Loch follows
(Dizon) Well well, what do we have here?
* Noira looks up, surprised
(Noira) You... you actually caught him?
(Boden) Well he doens't have it on him.
(Boden) but he knows were it is going.
(Noira) Where?
(Dizon) Yeah, where?
(Boden) well kid...fess up, the whole story.
* Dizon looks impressed that you actually caught the kid
(Pavo) (m) Somewhere in the shambles...(/m)
(Belden) The Shambles? It figures...
(Boy) Like I said, my boss told me to take the necklace. I took it, handed it off to Vrain, and he was gonna take it to HQ.
(Belden) He told you to take it?
(Boy) That's it, really.
(Belden) So this was planned?
(Boy) Well, something expensive.
* Boden looks confused?
(Boy) Necklaces are expensive.
(Belden) (sense motive :)
* Loch watches the woman
(Boden) so he wanted any necklace?
(Narrator) Belden -the kid definitely slipped up - this was planned.
(Belden) Oh really. Any necklace.
* Boy nods
* Belden sounds very, very unconvinced.
(Belden) I'm impressed.
(Belden) At your age I cuold never have lied straight faced to a priest.
(Narrator) (The sister just keeps quietly crying in the background)
* Belden puts her hands on her hips and frowns.
* Boy looks abashed
(Boden) but how could he know she was going to be there?
(Boden) If the boss is back in the shambles?
(Boy) He told me to look for the lady with the mask, and take her necklace
* Noira looks shocked
(Noira) How.. how..
* Belden looks back at the young woman...
(Dizon) Good question.
(Belden) How did they know you'd be wearing a mask?
(Dizon) I think what she's trying to say is "How did you know she'd be here?"
(Belden) I could see them having watched her beforehand...
(Noira) I'm... not sure.
* Boy shrugs
(Belden) Knowing her daily route and so on... but the mask?
(Loch) What I'd like to know is how this little fellow managed to get a necklace off of you, with that hood, without you noticing.
* Boden keeps one hand on the boy's shoulder and waits patiently for the women-folk to sort out the confusion and then tell him whats going on.
(Boy) I don't know all the details... just to come here this morning and look out for the woman with the mask.
* Belden is growing suspicious of the woman as well...
(Noira) I'm not sure...maybe the clasp was loose?
(Loch) Or you gave it to him.
(Noira) Why would I do that?
* Boden looks surprised at Lock
(Belden) (how tall is the boy?)
* Noira looks scornful
* Pavo pats the girl on the shoulder, somewhat reassuringly
(Boden) Wow, do you really think?
* Boy is a bit under 5'
(Noira) He's a common thief, I'm sure they have all sorts of tricks
* Pavo looks to see what the boy's response to this line is.
(Belden) (So how hard would it be for the kid to even reach her neck and get the necklace unclasped?)
* Boy looks a bit proud, maybe?
(Loch) Well, Boy... did you lift it off her neck?
(Pavo) Hold on everyone... lets not accuse the lady of being complicit just yet.
(Narrator) (It would be tricky - he might need an accomplice to distract her or something? Or another trick...
* Boy nods to Loch
(Boy) I'm good, what can I say?
(Pavo) Was it easy, or was it a challenge?
* Boy shrugs
(Belden) How about we take the lady home... and then go visit this boy's boss, and see what he says.
(Boy) Hard, I guess...
(Noira) Yes, I'd just like to go home, I think.
* Noira seems shaken up
(Belden) (back)
* Dizon nods
(Dizon) Sounds like a good idea to me, if you all agree.
(Boden) what about the kid?
(Belden) He can come too.
(Dizon) We should take him with us.
(Belden) He's going to be our map.
(Dizon) He'll have to show us where this HQ is, anyway.
* Pavo stands, the sister under his hand...
* Dizon smiles at Belden - they seem to think alike ;)
* Belden smiles back.
* Boy looks nervous, now that you're talking about going to HQ
(Belden) Let's get going.
(Boden) ok
* Dizon helps Noira up, and asks her to lead the way
* Noira leads you across the bridge, onto the Imperial Island
(Noira) I'm a lady-in-waiting in the palace...
* Noira explains
(Boden) Is it a good job?
* Noira leads you along a tree-lined road
* Boden says earnestly
(Narrator) (n) The crush of crowds is much less here, and it is almost quiet
(Noira) I like it..
(Pavo) .oO( Lady in waiting ...eh )
(Noira) You get to meet lots of people.
(Boden) cool. I'm hoping to meet lots of people in the guard to.
* Pavo ushers the sister along gently
(Narrator) (n) The walls of the Imperial Palace complex loom up ahead
(Pavo) Not to pass judgement myself, dear... buy I get the impression that the necklace was ... *ahem* on loan?
* Noira looks a bit shocked at the accusation
(Noira) No, it was mine. A gift from my father.
(Pavo) Hey, it's a week to party, right? To look your best... who would know?
* Belden looks at Noira.
(Belden) (can I sense motive again yet?)
(Narrator) (okay, I'll give you a roll)
* Pavo nods...
(Narrator) (Belden - she is lying about something, but you're not sure what)
* Belden looks a little sceptical.
(Belden) Are you sure?
* Belden asks gently.
(Narrator) (Maybe about the fact that it was a gift from her father? Or that the necklace was hers at all...)
(Pavo) I just thought that if some one knew you'd borrowed it... they might have told some one else.
(Noira) Y-yes..
(Noira) I'm sure it was mine.
(Belden) It will make it much easier to get back if you tell us the whole truth.
(Belden) Please?
* Noira looks Belden in the eye coldly
(Noira) I *have* told you the truth. Is this the normal way guards operate, to accuse the victim?
* Noira draws herself up haughtily
* Belden sighs.
(Belden) . o O (such pride. :/)
* Belden shakes her head slightly.
(Noira) I will be returning to my post now. If you find the necklace, would you please return it to my father's house?
(Noira) You will have some difficulties entering the Imperial Complex, I suspect.
(Noira) It's the stone house with the white shutters at the corner of the Street of Whispering Leaves, in the Grand Vallon.
(Noira) Of course, there will be a reward for its return.
(Dizon) What's your full name, before you go, dear?
(Noira) Noira Langevin.
(Boden) I thought she was taking us somewere?
(Pavo) (She did... to the outside fo the imperial complex)
(Noira) Now, if there is nothing further?
* Noira glances at each of you as if memorizing your faces
(Boden) wait...I'm still confused
(Boden) Did you tell people you were going to be wearing a mask for the festival?
(Boden) Would lots of people know?
* Noira looks at Boden
(Noira) Perhaps. The court is a centre of much gossip, and most of it revolves around fashion.
* Boden looks like he is still honestly trying to help.
(Noira) I do hope you find that necklace, guards.
(Noira) It was very dear to me.
(Boden) thanks.
* Boden gives her a smile.
* Noira turns on her heel and heads into the Imperial Complex. No one stops her.
(Boden) We'll do our best.
* Loch nods
(Pavo) We'll do our best. And we do apologise for all the questions...
(Boden) ok...now what?
* Loch looks to the boy
* Boy is still there
(Boy) What now, boss?
(Pavo) *girl is too!*
*** Noira is now known as Sister
* Sister has stopped crying, finally
(Belden) Well, that didn't go very well; I'm sorry...
* Belden says to Dizon.
(Dizon) It's okay,
(Dizon) Dealing with nobles is always tough...
(Belden) I'm not used to dealing with nobles' pride, I guess.
(Boden) why was she upset all of a suden? Do you guys really think she was involved?
(Dizon) I should know.
(Belden) She was lying about something though; I'm sure of it...
(Loch) I believe she is involved somehow, directly or indirectly
(Boy) You wanna go to HQ now?
(Belden) I think she was set up... but I also think she wasn't supposed to be wearing that necklace.
* Boy doesn't seem concerned with the details of who set up who ;)
(Belden) I guess we should get going, anyway.
(Dizon) Yep.
(Boden) aren't you worried about leading us back to your HQ?
(Dizon) Doesn't do us any good to loiter around here.
* Boy shrugs
(Pavo) (w to Dizon) Should we actually go into the Shambles after it?
(Boy) You can deal with my boss.
(Boy) It's not my problem.
(Boden) ok.
(Dizon) (w) We will go a short distance, but I'll be watching to see if this kid is leading us into a trap.
(Boden) I guess I was expecting something....more.?
* Boy shrugs again
(Boden) (me will stay close to the boy as he leads us to the shades.)
* Boy will start to lead the way back across the bridge, through Pearl City, and across the Bridge of Shadows, which leads to the Shambles.
* Belden will say a little prayer as we cross into the Shambles.
(Narrator) (n) Here the air is fouler with various unpleasant odours. The streets are narrow and crooked, with broken cobblestones.
(Narrator) (n) The celebrants are here too, but they seem less joyful.
* Boy leads you down a few narrow alleyways, until you reach a larger street once more.
* Boy points up ahead, to a tavern with a sign swinging over the door - a candle.
(Boy) That's the Fickle Flame, where my boss works.
(Boy) But do I have to go in with you?
* Boy does seem a bit nervous now.
(Pavo) Perhaps some one should stay outside with them, so they aren't seen.
(Boy) I took you here, that's a lot of help, right?
* Boy wheedles with you
* Dizon nods
(Dizon) I'll stay with him - and keep an eye out for trouble,
(Boden) Whats your name?
(Belden) We need a bit more help first, I think...
(Belden) Such as a description of your boss)
(Boden) (to the boy)
(Dizon) You'll be okay together.
(Boy) What's my name got to do with anything?
(Boy) My boss, his name is Rieg. He's a big guy.
(Boy) House of the Bear, you know?
* Pavo leans down to the sister... "Where are your parents in all of this?"
(Boden) oh, nothing....I was just wondering.
* Sister looks at him like he's stupid
(Boden) Since you've been helpful and stuff.
(Sister) They're dead.
(Boy) M'name's Maze, if it matters.
* Pavo nods, with a sympathetic face... "Anywhere else to go than here?"
*** Boy is now known as Maze
(Belden) Oh...
* Sister shrugs
* Belden looks sympathetic.
(Sister) If there was, we would be there.
(Boden) well, nice to meet you Maze.
(Maze) And you're Boden, right?
* Boden will offer to shake his hand.
(Boden) Yep.
(Belden) You should go to the church...
* Maze shakes Boden's huge hand
(Belden) This kind of lifestyle is only going to get you killed.
(Pavo) Well hey, how about next time you or your brother really need some help... you come to the barracks and ask for Pavo, ok?
(Maze) Church never did anything for me, sorry ma'am.
(Sister) ...
(Belden) Well, I'll do something for you.
* Sister looks like she doesn't believe you
* Belden reaches into her pocket.
(Belden) (how much money can I assume I might have on me?)
* Pavo shrugs. "We're about to send you on your way... why do I need to lie?"
(Sister) (a few silver and a gold, maybe?)
(Belden) (not a lot, I'm sure...)
(Belden) Here.
* Belden gives the kids all her money.
(Sister) Lots of people promise things.
(Belden) Get something to eat.
* Maze and his sister look stunned]
* Boden pats Belden on the back.
* Pavo nods... "And I'm sure you two get the raw end of the deal most of the time."
(Belden) It's not much, but it's all I'ev got, I'm afraid.
(Boden) Good for you.
(Maze) Really? You mean it?
(Belden) Go on, take it.
(Belden) I don't need it; the guard feeds me.
* Maze reaches out a tentative hand and takes the money
(Maze) Thanks
(Boden) (w to Maze)She won't let us take bribes either...I'm not sure about her.
* Maze doesn't quite know what to say
(Belden) You're welcome.
* Boden gives the boy a conspiratorial wink.
* Pavo swats Boden... (q) TIPS! (/q)
(Belden) I hope you have some better luck.
(Maze) Me too..
(Pavo) Maze... like I said to your nameless sister... come by the barracks and ask for Pavo if you guys really need some help.
(Belden) But I *really* hope we won't catch you at this sort of thing again!
* Belden scolds.
(Maze) Uh, yeah, okay.
(Maze) Can we go now?
* Boden nods
(Belden) Alright.
* Maze takes his sister's hand and the two of them run off together, laughing.
(Pavo) Or if you're afraid of the barracks, try my mother's parish... *explains where it is* She'll get in touch with me for you. Her name's Celesse.
(Boden) Your moms a priest?
* Pavo nods.
(Belden) Of the order of the Cat?
* Pavo nods again.
*** Maze is now known as NPC3
(Belden) Oh, how nice!
(Belden) Well, let's get to work...
*** Sister is now known as NPC1
* Pavo arches a brow.
* Belden eyes the sign warily, then says another prayer.
(Belden) (I'd like to cast Resistance on myself, please)
(Boden) You know, if we do that with every pickpocket we are going to be poor and have a train of kids behind us.
(Narrator) (okay, you do so)
* Pavo looks to Dizon... "I've got some better weapons... should I pull them out?"
(Belden) What do we need money for, really?
* Loch loads his crossbow
(Belden) The guard feeds and houses us, gives us equipment..
(Boden) food.
(Belden) That's all I need.
* Belden smiles.
(Dizon) If you like, but we may not want to go in there with our weapons drawn
(Loch) Faith isn't enough for everyone, Belden.
(Boden) I just don't get you Belden, but your a good person.
(Dizon) It could start more trouble than we need.
(Boden) Yeah, we can always draw weapons later.
(Dizon) And very likely there are a lot more of them in there than there are of us.
(Belden) Why should I be greedy, and hoard worldly goods like a dragon on a pile of gold, when other people go hungry?
(Belden) It doesn't seem right...
* Belden explains to Boden.
(Loch) (Do Crossbows have the latch or safety on them so they dont go off by accident?)
* Boden nods
(Dizon) (yes)
* Loch sets the latch and covers it with this cloak
(Dizon) Ready to head in, folks?
(Boden) yep.
(Loch) Ready
(Boden) Want me to go in first?
(Dizon) They probably already know we're here, anway.
* Dizon looks up at Boden
(Dizon) Yeah, that seems like a good idea.
(Boden) ok
* Boden goes to the front door and walks in.
(Narrator) (n)The Fickle Flame is a rather seedy-looking establishment, though still crowded on a day of celebration. A young lad of perhaps 14 waits on the patrons, hurried from one end of the bar to the other. A huge fat man with a greasy moustache stands behind the bar pouring drinks.
* Pavo forgoes his claws and sets the whip on his belt hook and steps in too.
(Boden) (any of them look like Rieg?)
(Pavo) ( I think the fat greasy man does )
* Belden walks in with the group.
(Narrator) (well, the kid said he was a big guy...)
* Dizon also enters the bar
(Boden) I'll walk up to the big guy.
*** NPC1 is now known as Bartender
* Bartender looks at you, notes your uniforms, and grunts
(Boden) Are you Rieg?
* Loch follows the group
* Bartender looks a bit surprised
(Bartender) No, you're looking for my son.
* Bartender points down to the end of the bar, where the kid is hustling drinks
*** NPC3 is now known as Rieg
(Belden) (kid? :o)
* Boden looks at Dizon to see if she beleives him.
* Belden looks around the room... are there exits besides the one we just came through?
* Rieg looks about 14, tall and stocky, with dark, messy hair
* Dizon shrugs
(Dizon) I've seen stranger things...
* Boden goes over to Rieg
(Narrator) (there is one exit at the back of the room)
(Narrator) (n) The patrons have all stopped talking, and are staring at you.
(Belden) (w to the others)... cover the doors
* Rieg looks up at the huge man approaching him
(Boden) Hey, you Rieg?
(Rieg) ...
(Pavo) (Is Reig on the door side, or are we in the way?)
(Narrator) (you would have to go around him to get to the other door)
(Rieg) Who wants to know?
* Belden comes up to Rieg as well, standing between him and the door.
(Boden) Me.
(Boden) So, are you?
(Belden) (although he can probably bowl me over :o)
(Rieg) Yeah.
(Boden) We should talk.
* Rieg nods
* Boden motions to a table that is out of the way.
(Rieg) Dad, I'll be back on in a bit - get Dena to cover for me, okay?
* Bartender nods and goes into the back room, squeezing past Belden with some obvious enjoyment
* Belden tries not to grimace.
(Pavo) ( haha )
(Belden) . o O (give me strength...)
* Bartender re-enters the room, followed by a fat girl about 12. She takes over waiting on the patrons.
(Boden) does Rieg sit down?
(Rieg) So, whatcha wanna talk about?
* Rieg will sit with you.
(Boden) (is Dizon or Belden close at hand?)
(Belden) (I'm standing in front of the door)
* Dizon is near the front door, Belden is closer
(Boden) You've been fingered as having a very valuable necklace.
* Belden tries to catch the eye of another, larger party member, who might do a better job at door-blocking...
(Rieg) I look like I own a lotta fancy jewels?
* Pavo goes to stand with Belden.
* Rieg says sarcastically
* Belden goes over to help Boden out, then.
(Belden) You look like you'd like to...
(Boden) Sarcasm's just going to piss me off.
(Boden) but owning and having are two different things.
(Rieg) You get pissed off, these people are gonna get pissed off, and then you're in a whole world of shit.
* Rieg says calmly. He looks in control.
(Belden) That's why you're going to give it back to us peacefully, right?
(Rieg) What's it look like?
(Rieg) Wouldn't wanna give you the wrong one.
* Rieg jokes
(Boden) We'll maybe we'll just have a look through your collection and take the one we think fits.
* Boden says like he is seriouse.
(Rieg) I don't got any that'll fit you, Moose.
* Pavo stifles a grin
(Belden) What about me?
(Belden) The lady your underaged employee lifted it from was about my size.
* Rieg nods at Belden.
(Belden) We're looking for something in a sapphire.
* Rieg nods
(Rieg) Already sent it on to the fence, I'm afraid.
(Belden) (sense motive)
(Belden) (:)
(Rieg) (you don't think he's lying, actually)
* Belden gives Boden a subtle nod.
(Rieg) Maybe you can get it back from him. Iustus Lomeli, he's got a little shop down the way.
(Boden) oh, well..I guess We'll have to take you to see him...if he's as honest as you We can do this without problems.
* Boden gets up and motions Rieg to the door.
* Rieg shrugs
* Rieg will go, reluctantly
(Boden) sweet.
* Belden will follow behind the boy.
* Rieg leads you down the narrow street, to a small house off the main road.
* Belden is a little wary of how simple that was, though.
(Boden) (have I heard of Iustus Lomeli?)
(Rieg) (no)
* Loch stays with the group
* Dizon goes as well, warily
(Narrator) (n)Lomeli's shop (if it can be called that) is a small, ramshackle house whose chimney puffs smoke despite sitting at a far-too-jaunty angle.
* Rieg points
(Rieg) That's it.
(Boden) ok.
(Boden) Lets go in.
* Rieg will head in.
* Boden will follow closely.
(Rieg) Lomeli, you got some customers!
* Pavo will wait and step in last.
*** Bartender is now known as Lomeli
* Belden will go in with the group.
* Loch does likewise
* Belden looks around for exits again.
* Dizon will also go in
* Lomeli is younger than you thought he would be, maybe around 30, with his wavy blond hair in a ponytail. He is quite short and slender, but dressed decently well.
(Narrator) (only one exit from this room, behind a counter where Lomeli stands)
(Boden) Hey, we think you may have been sold something that didn't belong to Rieg.
(Lomeli) And what, pray tell, would that be?
* Lomeli has a rather cultivated voice, doesn't seem to come from the Shambles
(Boden) it was a saphire necklace.
* Pavo mutters... "The last thing he sold you..."
(Belden) (w, to whoever's closest) There's probably a back door... should we watch that, or do we not want to risk someone standing alone in a back alley out here?
(Lomeli) Ah yes, the lovely sapphire.
(Lomeli) I know the one you speak of.
(Boden) may I see it please.
(Lomeli) A moment, good sir. It is in the back room.
(Belden) I think Boden should go with you to help look.
* Lomeli bows politely and turns to go through the curtain into the back room.
(Boden) ok.
* Boden will go with him.
* Boden will be watchful of a trap for once in his life.
(Lomeli) I am not certain he will fit... if you damage any merchandise, I will make you pay for it.
(Lomeli) But very well. Come through here.
* Lomeli gestures that Boden can go through the door first
(Boden) I'm surprisingly light on my feet.
(Boden) No no...after you.
(Pavo) .oO( It might be the air in his head... )
* Lomeli tilts his head to one side, and shrugs
(Lomeli) Very well, my untrusting friend.
* Lomeli goes through into the back room
(Boden) (I follow)
* Loch will move to watch from the doorway of the back room
(Narrator) (n) The room is very cluttered, full of furniture, clothing, trinkets of all sorts.
* Lomeli paws through a small box of jewelery
(Lomeli) Ah, here is just the thing!
* Lomeli pulls out a lovely sapphire necklace on a silver chain
(Lomeli) Shall we return to the front room, sirs?
(Boden) ok.
(Lomeli) That is where I prefer to transact my business, you understand.
* Boden will let him go past.
* Lomeli goes back to the front, holding the necklace carefully
* Lomeli lays it out on the counter, but keeps one hand on the chain
* Loch moves out of the way to let them through
* Boden follows
(Lomeli) Is this the piece you were seeking?
* Boden looks to Belden and Dizon.
(Dizon) Could be...
(Belden) (Does it fit the description?)
(Pavo) It would be the one he last sold you.
(Dizon) (yes)
(Pavo) I'm sure YOU can tell us if it's the one we want or not.
(Belden) It looks right.
* Lomeli smiles enigmatically
(Pavo) Or does he have a habit of selling you sapphire necklaces?
* Pavo looks to Rieg
(Lomeli) I have many, many clients.
* Rieg mutters "That's it."
(Pavo) Perhaps you should have a better memory as to where you get your merchandise.
(Lomeli) In my line of work, it pays not to remember such things, sir.
* Lomeli says flatly.
(Belden) Alright, people, let's get down to business...
(Pavo) So this is the necklace you purchased from him?
(Lomeli) This is the necklace, yes.
* Pavo turns to Rieg
(Lomeli) it is the only sapphire I have in the shop, in fact.
(Pavo) And this is the one you got from Vrain, today?
(Rieg) Yeah. how did you know about Vrain?
(Rieg) Who told you?
* Pavo turns to Belden.
(Boden) We haven't been lied to all day.
(Boden) and actually...that worries me a bit...
* Boden turns to Dizon.
(Boden) Is this odd?
(Lomeli) I would have sold this for 30 imperials, but I will give it to you for a mere 20.
(Pavo) It's simply the spirit of celebration!
(Dizon) This is odd, yes...
(Belden) How about you give it back to us, and the two of you can split the fine.
(Boden) Se we take this back to the girl and make sure its the right one right?
* Lomeli winces
* Pavo eyes Belden.
(Lomeli) A fine?
(Pavo) I'm sure Rieg would be happy to refund this gentleman's purchase price.
(Belden) I'm sure you're aware of the law, what with breaking it on a daily basis and all...
(Lomeli) I am only a poor businessman.. If some of the items I sell happen to be stolen...
* Lomeli goes into the usual spiel
* Belden looks disgusted.
(Lomeli) But... I would hate for you to go away from here disappointed.
* Pavo whispers to Lomeli... "Isn't her naivete charming?"
* Boden goes into his "waiting for smart people to talk it out stance."
(Lomeli) 5 Imperials - a bargain!
* Lomeli dangles the neckalce from his finger
(Boden) (From this moment on I will refer to it as...The Stance.)
(Pavo) Rieg, what did this man pay you for the necklace?
(Belden) (one of us should just yoink it)
(Rieg) 2 imperials.
* Rieg mutters
(Boden) Well, hand them over.
(Rieg) He's trying to gouge you.
* Rieg digs into a grubby pockey and pulls out two gold coins
* Rieg will hand them over to Boden, grudgingly
(Boden) What do you mean by gouge us?
(Rieg) Come on, he's asking way more than he paid for it. You must be a bit simple.
* Boden smiles.
* Dizon approaches the counter
(Boden) You don't really think we are going to buy this from him do you?
* Boden laughs a bit.
(Dizon) How about this - you give it to us for free, and we don't fine you.
(Dizon) Even all around.
* Lomeli considers this.
(Lomeli) Very well...
(Boden) good man!
* Lomeli reluctantly hands over the necklace to Dizon.
* Boden will pat him on the back.
* Belden looks in Rieg's direction.
(Lomeli) It is not often we get pieces of such quality in here, though. I will be sad to see it go...
* Rieg glowers
(Belden) Maybe you can pay *your* debt by answering a couple of questions.
* Rieg shrugs
(Rieg) Whatcha wanna know?
(Belden) Such as how you knew a woman wearing a mask would be wearing this necklace.
(Rieg) My boss told me.
* Belden crosses her arms,
* Rieg looks down at his feet
(Belden) And who's your boss?
(Belden) (sense motive)
(Rieg) You really think I'm gonna tell you that?
(Belden) I think you'd better...
(Rieg) (he's telling the truth, you think, but he seems nervous)
(Boden) Well, you've been so helpful so far...wer were hoping it was a trend.
(Rieg) Okay, but can we go back to the bar?
(Lomeli) Yes, please - you are keeping away my customers.
(Boden) I seem to remember you were kinda cocky about how others may help you in the bar.
(Rieg) Well, just out of here
* Rieg glances at Lomeli
* Boden shrugs.
(Rieg) *he* doesn't need to know, right?
* Belden glances at Dizon.
(Belden) Alright...
(Dizon) ...
(Dizon) Okay, but keep a good eye on him
* Belden glances at Boden, hoping the large guard won't let him get away.
(Boden) ok.
* Boden leans on the counter and waits.
(Loch) Dizon, may I see the necklace for a moment.
(Dizon) Sure.
* Dizon hands over the necklace
(Loch) (I will attempt to appraise it and cast detect magic on it)
* Rieg will leave the store under guard
(Narrator) (Loch - you do not detect any magic on the necklace, and it seems to be a decent-quality sapphire)
(Narrator) (who is going with Rieg?)
* Loch will hand the necklace back to Dizon
(Belden) (me)
* Dizon takes it back and puts it in a pouch
(Belden) (with Boden, right?)
(Boden) (I thought I was staying with Lomeli...)
(Boden) (Lomeli isn't leaving the store right?)
(Narrator) (he doesn't look like he is, no)
(Loch) (Right, we were all leaving with Reig I thought)
(Narrator) (okay then)
(Narrator) (n) You all exit to the street with Rieg.
* Rieg looks around, like he want to make sure he won't be overheard
(Pavo) .oO( Maybe his boss will actually be an adult... )
(Rieg) (w) Izaguirre.
(Rieg) Can I go now?
(Belden) After you tell us where to find him.
(Pavo) ( Do I know that name at all? )
* Rieg looks at you like you're slow or something
(Narrator) (Those of you from the city have heard the name, yes.
* Belden looks around at the others to see if they recognize it.
(Narrator) He is talking about Nouel Izaguirre, you assume, a major figure in the criminal underworld.
* Pavo frowns.
* Rieg looks antsy, like he wants to leave
* Dizon nods to the rest of you
(Pavo) You haven't actually paid a fine yet, young man.
(Dizon) That's our cue to get out of here, I think.
* Belden doesn't know who this person is, but is willing to trust Dizon.
(Dizon) We're not ready to mess with Izaguirre right at this moment.
(Belden) ...Alright.
* Loch nods
(Dizon) Run along, kid. Stay out of harm's way, right?
* Rieg nods
* Pavo shrugs.
* Rieg runs off down the street
*** Lomeli is now known as NPC1
* Boden goes with the group.
(Boden) (w) So, who was his boss?
(Dizon) Nouel Izaguirre.
(Pavo) (w) Izaquirre
(Dizon) He's a major player in the world of crime.
(Dizon) We don't really want to mess with him.
(Belden) He must have a plant in the palace...
* Boden nods and pats the side of his nose with his finger.
(Dizon) I say we just take the necklace back to this girl's father, and forget about this whole thing...
(Dizon) But that's just my years of experience talking...
(Belden) We shouldn't tell anyone else?
(Dizon) Well, we can tell Lt. Svodoba.
(Boden) Lets leave the shambles to start.
(Pavo) Sounds good to me.
(Belden) Alright.
* Belden nods.
(Dizon) But it'll be up to her to tell us whether to pursue it or not.
* Pavo aims for the shortest path out of the Shambles
* Dizon is aiming for Pearl City again
(Dizon) Funny, how it always seems like a relief to get back here...
* Dizon murmurs as you cross the Bridge of Shadows again.
* Boden walks slightly behind her.
* Belden nods in agreement.
(Pavo) Nothing wrong with Pearl City :)
(Boden) .oO(I guy could get used to following her around.)
* Boden nods at Pavo.
(Dizon) So, do we agree that we go to the house the girl told us about? It's in the Grand.
* Belden walks up front with Dizon once we're out of the Shambles.
* Belden nods.
* Dizon asks all of you.
(Belden) I'm against collecting a reward, though...
(Dizon) Okay then. I think I know where that street is...
(Boden) I think collecting a reward is different than taking tips from someone who is poor.
(Belden) We shouldn't perpetuate the idea that money -tips, bribes, whatever you call it - makes us work harder...
* Dizon will lead the way, which takes you through Pearl City, through the Place D'Iena, and into the luxurious neighbourhood of the Grand Vallon.
(Belden) It's all the same.
(Boden) If you want we could collect the reward, and hand half of it in to the city.
(Pavo) Belden: There's a reason we have a salary.
(Belden) If we take rewards from the rich people, it makes it look like we are giving them preferential treatment in return for financial compensation.
(Pavo) We aren't volunteers.
(Narrator) (n) The street you were directed too is a very luxurious one, lined with trees and large mansions
(Boden) but Belden...if that neclace was a small purse of coppers would we have gone to the shambles to get it back?
(Belden) We do have a salary, yes. We are getting a fair wage for our work.
(Belden) I would have.
(Narrator) (n) The stone house with the white shutters at the corner of the Street of the Whispering Leaves is large and well-built, but not ornate. The house is shaded by several willow trees, now bare, and is set somewhat back from the street.
(Pavo) Belden: And if they think it fair to reward us more... I won't argue.
(Boden) oh.
(Belden) Or at least I could have given her some of my own money.
(Pavo) Then you're a fool...
(Pavo) Copper wasn't worth all that trouble.
* Belden shakes her head sadly.
(Belden) Money won't get you to the Centre, my friend...
(Dizon) Probably not all of us should troop up to the door...
(Belden) But goodness and wisdom will.
(Pavo) Well, at least you've got the goodness part... I'll give you that.
(Belden) I'll go,
(Dizon) We want to look professional.
* Belden volunteers.
(Dizon) One more?
* Dizon looks at all of you
(Pavo) I can go.
* Dizon nods
(Dizon) Good enough.
(Boden) ok.
(Dizon) The rest of us will keep an eye out, right?
* Boden takes up The Stance.
* Loch nods
(Narrator) Pavo and Belden head up the steps to the front door
(Narrator) There is a cord for a bell beside it
* Pavo pulls the cord, but not too hard.
(Narrator) (you wait for a few moments, the sound of the bell resounding in your ears)
(Narrator) (a young woman answers the door after a minute or two)
*** NPC1 is now known as Young_woman
* Boden rolls a cigarette and starts to smoke.
* Young_woman has long, wavy, light brown hair and blue eyes, and stands perhaps 5'11". She is dressed in a silver-grey gown and wears a silver bracelet studded with diamonds which suggests that she is not a servant.
(Young_woman) Yes?
(Pavo) Hello, my lady. My name is Pavo Arsenios, this is my companion Belden. We are calling to return an item stolen earlier today.
* Young_woman looks at both of you.
* Belden smiles, and gives a little bow.
(Young_woman) Thank you.
* Young_woman smiles back.
(Pavo) ((I'll go on the assumption that some one gave one of us the necklace...))
* Young_woman waits, looking back and forth between you
(Pavo) (:D)
(Narrator) (yeah :)
* Belden holds it out.
(Boden) (Is Dizon with you to?)
(Pavo) (No)
(Narrator) (no, she's with you)
* Young_woman nods
(Belden) This was stolen earlier from Noira Langevin.
(Young_woman) Oh, I recognize that.
(Young_woman) Yes, I can take it for her.
* Belden hands it over.
(Pavo) If you have any questions, please contact our superior, Lt. Elzire Svodoba of the guard.
* Young_woman takes the necklace
(Young_woman) Thank you both, very much.
(Young_woman) Can I repay you in any way?
(Belden) You're very welcome.
* Pavo nods to the lady.
(Belden) No, that's not necessary.
(Boden) To Dizon: Do we still suspect the girl was involved?
* Dizon shrugs
(Loch) Something doesn't add up about this...
(Pavo) You can always contact us at the guard if you'd like *smiles*
(Young_woman) Very well, then.
* Young_woman nods politely to both of you and closes the door with a graceful motion.
(Belden) . o O (Just tell Miss Langevin to be a little more discreet with her jewels in the Pearl City!)
* Belden makes her way back over to the group.
* Pavo turns and walks back towards the rest of the group
(Dizon) I'm not sure, but something is weird here.
* Belden nods...
(Dizon) Let's get back to Pearl City, and we can think about it while we walk...
(Dizon) But something here is out of place.
(Belden) I have to say, it was entirely too easy to get that thing back...
(Boden) Is she going to be pissed we sugested she may have been involved?
(Pavo) I have a question, with a name as big as Izaguirre... is the necklace in his playing field?
(Belden) She already is, Boden...
* Belden says glumly.
* Boden starts walking to Pearl City.
* Belden walks with the others.
(Dizon) She might be... I know her family name - they're pretty powerful in the House of the Lizard.
(Pavo) I mean... it wasn't a box of jewels... simply a necklace...
(Boden) mabye it was a fake?
(Dizon) Izaguirre.. it's hard to say.
(Dizon) Maybe he didn't really have anything to do with this, and the kid just threw out the big name to get us out of his hair.
(Loch) It didn't appear to be... but I'm not a proffessional appraiser
(Pavo) That could be...
(Pavo) I mean, why tell a bunch of children to steal a necklace, and then sell it for two imperials?
(Pavo) Hell, that's not even worth MY time, let alone his.
* Belden nods...
(Pavo) (I mean... candle!)
(Pavo) Isn't Izaguirre supposed to have a big house in the Grand?
* Dizon trudges ahead, leading the way back to the squalor of Pearl City.
(Dizon) Yeah, I think so, why?
(Pavo) Well... could that have been it?
(Dizon) ...
* Dizon looks a bit stunned for a second
(Dizon) Shit!
(Dizon) Why didn't I think of that?
(Belden) Well, shoot.
(Dizon) It might have been. I don't know.
(Dizon) But if it was...
(Dizon) We just handed it back to him.
(Belden) But Noira was the one who told us to go there, so...
(Boden) Ok, someone dumb this down for me...I didn't quite follow that.
(Pavo) I'm not sure I do either Boden
(Pavo) I mean, this leaves two possibilities.
(Pavo) Either that was never Noira's father's place.
(Pavo) Or he had it stolen from his daughter.
(Pavo) Or I'm confused.
(Pavo) One of those three.
* Pavo rubs his head
(Boden) what?
(Belden) She said that her father gave it to her...
(Boden) why?
(Boden) but she has a different last name to that other guy.
(Dizon) Well, I'm pretty sure she's not Izaguirre's daughter...I don't think he's old enough, for one thing.
(Dizon) And I know her family, sort of.
(Belden) Maybe her father works for him.
* Dizon shrugs
(Loch) Unfortunately, we can't really prove anything
(Dizon) Could be...
(Pavo) I'd much rather understand what's going on, than have proof.
(Pavo) Heh
* Dizon scratches her head in frustration
(Pavo) So was that Noira's last attempt to make sure that if we found it, it would still go to the mastermind?
(Pavo) Or is she in the dark?
(Belden) She was hiding *something*.
(Boden) What was Noira's last name?
(Belden) Langevin.
(Dizon) Loch - weren't you saying that you didn't think that kid could've taken the necklace from her? That he was too short?
(Dizon) Bugger it all, I should have listened to you on that one...
(Pavo) The kid seemed to think he took it without her knowing.
* Dizon looks annoyed with this whole situation
(Loch) Yes, it didn't seem likely that he could have taken it without her knowing
(Boden) can't we just find out who her father is and ask *him* about the necklace?
(Belden) Maybe she 'let' him.
(Loch) She may have known, but just didn't let the kid know that.
(Dizon) hm. Yeah...
* Belden shakes her head in dismay.
(Belden) Oh dear...
(Belden) :/
(Loch) And she was surprised that you were actually able to catch the kid... perhapse she recognized him... I believe her exact words were "I can't believe you caught him"
(Dizon) The worst part is the feeling that I just got played by a bunch of freakin' kids.
(Boden) Well to be fair...I was pretty surprised as well.
(Boden) I think the kids were pretty on the level.
(Belden) I didn't think they were lying...
(Belden) But now I- I don't know...
(Dizon) No, maybe not.
(Boden) What I found strange was how fast everything happened...I mean we didn't dawdle and the damn thing was allready at the fence.
(Pavo) I agree...
(Pavo) Some one wanted it to move fast.
(Dizon) Maybe they were just pawns, somehow wrapped up in something much larger...
(Boden) Does that mean we have to get wrapped up in the big thing to?
(Dizon) And it passed through a lot of hands - three kids and the fence, at least.
* Dizon smiles at Boden.
(Dizon) Not necessarily, no.
(Boden) good.
* Boden brieths a sigh of relief.
(Pavo) And if we do, I'm definately taking the tips.
(Dizon) Five, if we assume that Noira wasn't the original owner...
(Belden) I wonder how often she gets robbed...
(Belden) :/
(Narrator) (n) You have made it back to the rowdy crowds in Pearl City by now.
(Pavo) Well, if the necklace was the real goal... the fence HAS to be in on it more.
(Pavo) Since he was the one with it, in the end.
(Narrator) (n) It's early afternoon, you're getting a mite hungry for lunch.
(Boden) (What time is it in game...how long is our shift.)
(Narrator) (Your shift goes until dinner time, roughly)
(Narrator) (probably another 3 hours or so)
* Boden pats his stomach.
(Boden) Lets eat.
(Dizon) But *we* were the ones with it in the end...
(Dizon) Everything did seem too easy...
(Belden) Except for catching the first kid.
(Belden) ... She might have tipped someone off after we left her.
(Dizon) Sure, eating sounds good. Usually I just pick something up from one of the stands along the way, you know, and eat it while I patrol.
(Pavo) Rieg seemed suprised we knew Vrain's name.
(Pavo) So if we were pawns, that step wasn't expected.
(Pavo) So I have my doubts that we were meant to be the delivery.
* Dizon leads the way to a stall that sells skewered sticks of roasted meat and bread, and buys some for herself
* Boden will also buy a large quantity of food.
(Boden) (how much)
* Loch will pick some up for himself and offer to get Belden some
(Dizon) (just 2 cp)
(Belden) I'll be fine.
* Belden says with a smile.
(Belden) I'll just wait until we're done the shift, and eat at the barracks.
(Dizon) (it's pretty crappy stuff, really ;)
* Pavo orders a couple meat skewers too... mmmm meat skewers.
(Narrator) (mystery meat, too)
(Boden) (Boden does not seem to care...he eats hungrily.)
(Dizon) So, where does all of this leave us?
* Dizon munches away on a hunk of bread as she talks
(Belden) Looking pretty foolish, I'm afraid...
(Boden) eating back in Pearl.
* Dizon grins widely at Boden.
(Dizon) True enough.
(Dizon) No one got hurt
(Dizon) If a crime took place, it wasn't in our district.
(Loch) Life is full of little lessons... lets just consider this one of them, and learn from it.
* Dizon nods, grimly
* Boden grins.
(Pavo) ( Dizon mustard )
* Loch feeds Willam a little bit of the meat
(Belden) At least those two little kids will be able to get some food.
(Narrator) (Willam nibbles it happily)
(Dizon) I guess that's a good thing, at least...
* Belden nods. :/
(Dizon) Unless they get robbed or something.
(Belden) they seem pretty quick...
(Belden) Boden almost didn't catch them.
(Dizon) Yeah, I'm sure they can take care of themselves.
(Belden) I wonder how that other fellow made out with the latrines..
* Pavo yawns and chews on a skewer.
(Pavo) mmm stick
(Narrator) (n) The rest of your shift passes uneventfully, more or less. You tell a few rowndy drunks to quiet down, and break up one fist-fight.
(Pavo) ( By sticking Boden in the middle of it )
(Narrator) (n) As the sun starts to dip towards the horizon, you return to the barracks in the Place D'Iena, which you now call home.
(Narrator) (n) You feel satisfied, as if you have done a good day's work, but still most of you (maybe not Boden) have a slight nagging feeling about that whole situation.
(Pavo) .oO( Time to head to the bars! )
(Narrator) (n) Your evening meal is hearty, and you are free to do as you wish in the evening, though the barracks doors lock at midnight.
(Narrator) (Any plans for the evening, ladies and gents?)
* Narrator guesses Boden goes whoring ;)
(Loch) (It is festival... might as well go out and enjoy oneself)
*** Young_woman is now known as NPC1
(Belden) (I'll go sell some of my apothecary stuff... I only charge enough to cover my materials of course)
(NPC1) (n) There is plenty to do during the Festival, of course. Plays, street entertainers, and so on are plentiful.
(NPC1) (n) Belden is the good samaritan during the evening, as one would expect.
* Pavo would head for the Likely Lord, once stuffed.
(Narrator) (n) Pavo hits his usual hangout and has a good time.
(Narrator) (n) Dizon... you're not sure what she does, though she definitely leaves the barracks.
(Narrator) (n) Eventually, all of you return to your beds (or someone else's bed)
* Pavo makes it back in at 11:59
(Narrator) (heh)
(Narrator) (n) As night falls over Diablotin, the streets remain noisy, for it is Festival season, after all. Rest still comes easy to you, though. It has been a long day.
(Narrator) (n) The End, for now :)

Revision as of 06:53, 20 May 2015


Diablotin 1 session logs
Previous Session 5 Next


Third-month, 2196:

  • 4th: Dizon is transferred to another squadron; Falke Sathin joins the group.
  • 6th: They find the body of Tria and uncover the Secret of the Scarlet Sign.


Session Start: Mon Sep 02 17:18:48 2002

  • Logging #changeling to 'logs\diablotin 1'
      • Curtana is now known as Narrator
      • Longpig is now known as Belden
  • Boden rubs his hands in anticipation.

(Narrator) So, any questions before we get started? (Boden) Is Heather going to be here? (Vess) NOt yet... I just got home so I am still reading the NPC's... give me a couple (Narrator) No, she's not.

      • Vess is now known as Loch

(Narrator) Okay, Terry. (Boden) ok (Narrator) But the Heather situation is under control :)

  • Pavo rubs Rob's butt, since his hands are occupied.

(Boden) he he he. (Boden) I have one question...what would be the correct way to address Corentin van Andras? (Narrator) 'My Lord' at first, and then just call him "sir" (Boden) ok. (Narrator) As in "yes, sir." :) (Pavo) Oh crap! I have ot be respectful to rank ):o (Narrator) Well, only for people who are higher ranking than you ;) (Belden) What do we call our lieutenant? (Belden) Just 'sir'? (Narrator) "Sir" (Belden) 'k (Pavo) eq and weapons on that sheet Julie (Narrator) For both male and female superior officers (Narrator) Thanks :) (Narrator) Are we pretty much ready now? (Boden) are their any laws regarding civilians carrying weapons or rules about using magic. (Pavo) So what was that again? (Belden) I was born ready (Boden) Yeah, I'm ready. (Pavo) Guard Lieut, Guard Capt. and Warlord? Proper greetings? (Loch) I am ready, thanks (Narrator) Laws regarding civilians carrying weapons or using magic - not really, unless they are used to hurt someone. (Boden) ok (Narrator) Lt. = sir or Lieutenant, Capt. = sir or Captain, Warlord = my lord (Narrator) Okay, I'll get started then. (Pavo) k (Narrator) (n) The sun is no doubt somewhere above the horizon, but it cannot yet be seen through the clouds on this day, which is part of no month and no year. The winter air is chill. Mists rise from the black waters of the Ousel river which runs through the centre of the greatest city in the Aveyrone Empire, the city that has endured two thousand years: Diablotin. (Narrator) (n) The Festival Days have come upon the city of Diablotin again, and with them, an excuse for merrymaking, celebrating, and debauchery. While most of the citizens take these six days to rest and enjoy themselves, however, there is no rest for the members of the Imperial Guard. For them the holidays are occasions for fist-fights, drunken brawls, and crimes of passion. (Narrator) (n) For this reason, you, who have all recently joined the Guards, have been asked to gather at the guard post on the Great Square of the Place D'Iena, just as other guards elsewhere in the city meet, at other posts, to be assigned their duties. (Narrator) (n) You stand in a crowd of exactly sixty guards (the number is always the same), shivering in the cold morning air (although some try not to show it). Your lieutenant, Elzire Svodoba, stands on a raised platform in front of the group.

      • NPC3 is now known as Lt
      • Lt is now known as Svodoba
  • Svodoba is a wiry woman about 45 years of age, with long, wavy blonde hair drawn back in a braid and brown eyes. She has a reputation of being clever and easy-going, but she has a temper.

(Svodoba) Guards, to attention!

  • Belden snaps to with everyone else!
  • Svodoba waits for the murmuring and rustling to stop, which it quickly does.

(Svodoba) Today is the start of the holidays, and the day you'll receive your assignments. I'll be dividing you into ten groups of six - I've looked over the roster and given it some hard thought, trust me. Step forward when you hear your name called and take your place with your squadron.

  • Svodoba starts to bark out names: Shenk, Desmarais, Kumar, Alcantara, Sandifer, Blackshear... The list goes on, most of the names unfamiliar to you. Guards hustle to the front to take their places as their names are called.

(Svodoba) ... of Gouge, de Champe, vak Andras, Belden (P), Arnsenios, Dizon!

  • Svodoba calls out, pointing to a spot over to her left where you are to gather
  • Belden steps forward and makes her way quickly to the area.
  • Loch will step forward when his name is called

(Pavo) .oO(Arsenios...) *moves to take his place...*

  • Boden will take his spot.

(Narrator) (n) Once she has finished grouping you into squadrons, Lt. Svodoba goes to each group separately and gives them their assignments. You have some time before she gets to you, though. Now might be a good time for descriptions.

      • NPC2 is now known as Dizon
      • NPC1 is now known as vak
      • vak is now known as vak_Andras

(Loch) Good to meet you all. I'm Loch du Champe.

  • Loch will extend a hand to the others of the group
  • Pavo extends his hand to Loch... "Pavo!"
  • Dizon smiles and nods to each of you, shaking hands
  • Boden is a very large Man in standard issue leather armour. He is 7' tall and probably more than 300 lbs.
  • vak_Andras is a handsome young man with a muscular but slender build, perhaps 18 years old, with curly black hair, olive skin, and hazel eyes. He has a crossbow slung over one shoulder.
  • Boden will shake Loch's hand.
  • Belden is a relatively short woman, about 5'5". She's slim but far from waifish; you can tell she is built for endurance. While she isn't what you would call voluptuous, she isn't mannish-looking either... what some people would call a 'handsome woman'.
  • Dizon is a woman in her early twenties, with short, tousled mahogany-brown curls and a ready smile. She is armed with a rapier which she carries with the grace of an experienced fighter.
  • Belden has hazel eyes, and very little hair... her head has recently been shaved.
  • Loch is short and stockey , standing 5'6" with blue eyes and straw coloured hair

(Dizon) Tristane Dizon - pleased to meet you all.

  • Pavo is a young man, in great shape. Firm in all the right places. His short hair is brown, and his eyes too! Damned sexy.

(vak_Andras) I'm Kalman vak Andras. Glad to be here.

  • Belden is wearing dark brown robes under her guard's cloak, and has a holy symbol hanging from a beaded belt, as well as a morningstar looped into a sturdier leather one.

(Belden) I'm Belden,

  • Belden says with a smile.
  • Pavo has a whip hanging from his front, and a sickle on either side

(Boden) And I'm Boden.

  • Boden says with a large friendly smile.
  • Loch is dressed in uniform carrying a spear and a crossbow slung at his side. His hands are well caloused and his skin is a good tan.

(Dizon) Are you all new? (Boden) Yeah. (Belden) The short answer is yes.

  • Belden nods.
  • Loch will nod as well

(Pavo) Yup.

  • vak_Andras nods
  • Boden carries a longsword and also wears a full metal gauntlet on his left hand.

(Dizon) Okay, looks like I'm the senior one here, then.

  • Dizon says with a bit of a laugh

(Loch) (How old does everyone look... Loch is in his mid twenties)

  • Belden looks to be in her early twenties.
  • vak_Andras looks about 18 or so

(Boden) (I am around 18, its hard to tell since I'm so big.) (Pavo) (20)

  • Dizon looks maybe 22 or 23

(Dizon) Don't worry, guys, this won't be that bad.

  • Belden laughs.

(Dizon) Oops, here she comes! (Boden) So you've been doing this a while?

  • Dizon straightens up
  • Belden straightens up.
  • Pavo stands attentively
  • Loch will staighten up as well
  • Svodoba approaches your small group, clearly ready to get this task over with.

(Svodoba) Alright, listen up. You're a new group, so I've put Dizon here with you. She's got three years experience in the Guards. She'll help you through any tough situations you come up against.

  • Boden will starighten up when he sees others doing it.

(Svodoba) Speaking of tough, I'm putting you on the Pearl City circuit. It's not usually that bad, but during festival season, that place just goes nuts. You should be prepared for fistfights, drunks, and just about anything else you can imagine. Don't bother arresting people unless it's truly serious - give 'em a warning or a fine and send 'em on their way. Just remember that we get the fines, not you. Got it? (Belden) Yes sir.

  • Svodoba 's voice softens a bit and she smiles at you.

(Belden) (I assume we are supposed to answer... I hope :o) (Svodoba) This is a chance for you to prove yourselves. You do good here, in a few months you might get bumped up to patrolling the Castalia, maybe even the Pavillion.

  • Pavo nods affirmatively
  • Svodoba hardens again, every inch the soldier.
  • Belden will be happy to work wherever she's assigned.

(Svodoba) You do bad, you'll end up in Rhenea, or the Shambles, and then you might end up in an early grave or worse. So be on your toes and work to impress me. Understand?

  • Svodoba waits for answer

(Loch) Yes sir (Pavo) Yes, sir.

  • Boden glances at the others hoping they will answer.

(Belden) Yes sir.

  • Dizon nods

(Boden) Yes, sir. (vak_Andras) Yes, sir

  • vak_Andras says a bit more slowly
  • Svodoba nods, turns, and walks briskly away.
  • vak_Andras mutters something under his breath that sounds like a curse.
  • Svodoba turns back sharply, but speaks in an even tone.

(Svodoba) What was that, soldier? I didn't quite make it out.

  • Belden glances over at vak Andras, surprised.
  • vak_Andras says nothing, but meets her steady gaze.

(Svodoba) Am I to understand that you don't think highly of your assignment? Or would you rather I interpreted that little remark as being directed at me?

  • Pavo blinks as well, not thinking anyone would have cause to hate Svodoba... especially this early in their career.

(vak_Andras) The assignment, sir. I didn't sign up here to break up fistfights and tell drunks to 'move along now'.

  • Belden looks straight ahead.
  • vak_Andras looks a bit nervous, but cocky
  • Svodoba 's eyes flash with anger

(Svodoba) That's what new guards do, soldier. I don't need people who are too proud to work in my division. You need to learn your place, and it's a few notches lower than you think it is, whatever your last name happens to be.

  • Boden shakes his head...he looks worried.
  • Pavo resists the urge to chuckle at vak_Andras's expense.
  • Svodoba assesses Kalman for a split second, then nods

(Svodoba) Latrine duty, indefinite duration.

  • Svodoba turns to the rest of you.

(Svodoba) Sorry, it looks like you'll be one man short for a while. Make do. (Belden) . o O (Not a good first impression for our squadron...)

  • Svodoba marches away again, but you think you catch a gleam of satisfaction in her eyes.
  • Loch gives narrow eyes towards Kalman
  • vak_Andras shrugs almost apologetically, looking a bit shocked, and scuttles off to get his mop and bucket.

(Loch) Just what were you trying to prove?

  • Boden lets out a sigh of relief.

(Belden) That was... unfortunate... (vak_Andras) ... (vak_Andras) Sorry. (Belden) :/

  • Boden smiles.

(Pavo) For him... (Belden) We're not getting off to a very good start! (vak_Andras) I'd better get going before she comes back.. (Boden) well, guess on latrine duty you won't have to worry about any rowdy drunks.

  • vak_Andras shrugs

(Pavo) Oh don't be silly.... she's a smart lady. She won't tie this to all of us! (Loch) Sorry... you only have to clean out the latrines... we have do deal with things a man down. (Pavo) .oO( I'm just worried I might get latrine duty some day... gross! ) (vak_Andras) Have fun, all of you.

  • vak_Andras looks genuinely embarassed as he runs off
      • vak_Andras is now known as NPC1

(Boden) .oO(yeah, as long as he stays in the latrines I'm making easy money.) (Belden) Ugh. (Belden) Well, maybe it's for the best.

  • Belden says hopefully.
  • Dizon turns to the rest of you.

(Dizon) Well, that wasn't so great... (Dizon) But it could have been worse - she could have put us *all* on duty!

  • Pavo makes a face.
  • Belden looks after Kalman's receding back.
  • Loch shruggs at the comment

(Dizon) Hey, you're new - you don't know what those latrines are like! And there'll be a lot of drunks in there tonight...

  • Dizon shudders slightly
  • Boden chuckles

(Belden) It's a shame he had to make a first impression like that.

  • Dizon nods

(Pavo) I thought she meant barracks latrines... they're public? (Belden) Hopefully the lesson he's learned will outlast the smell. (Dizon) No, I mean drunk guards.

  • Belden says with a smile.

(Pavo) Oh... *slightly relieved* (Boden) We should head out to Pearl, eh? (Dizon) Yeah, we should get going. (Dizon) Everyone got everything they need? (Belden) Alright! (Belden) I'm all set. (Boden) yep.

  • Belden looks around at the others.
      • Svodoba is now known as NPC3
  • Loch will reach into his pouch and pull out a little spinned hedghog and set it on his shoulder

(Dizon) ... (Dizon) Cute. (Belden) Is he a pet?

  • Boden will pet the hedghog.

(Loch) This is Willam (Dizon) Okay, I guess we're as ready as we'll ever be... let's get going! We can chat while we walk.

  • Belden starts walking.
  • Dizon strides off, indicating that you should follow her.
  • Loch scratches the pointy little thing behind what might be an ear
  • Boden walks after Dizon.

(Boden) (does she have a cute butt?) (Dizon) (yes)

  • Loch will keep up with the group

(Dizon) So, if no one minds me asking, what Houses are you from? And where do you come from?

  • Belden looks around to see who wants to start.

(Belden) Well... (Boden) I'm from Bear, and I come from the village of gouge. (Belden) I'm from House Ox. (Belden) I grew up on a farm outsied of town.

  • Boden didn't mean to interupt Belden...(I just typed slow.)
  • Belden says with the same friendly smile.

(Belden) (s'ok) (Loch) I'm of House Ox, from Flatwood. (Dizon) Lizard, and I'm from here in the city.

  • Belden smiles a little more when she hears that there is another Ox.

(Dizon) And let me guess, Cat, right?

  • Dizon says to Pavo
  • Loch will smile back

(Narrator) (n) Pearl City is on the south side of the Ousel river, just to the west of the Place D'Iena. The roads are beginning to be crowded with revelers, even at this early hour. As you approach the red-light district, the crush of people becomes enormous. Their mood, however, seems cheerful for the moment, and you receive many smiles and wishes for good fortune as you pass by in your uniforms.

  • Dizon raises her voice to be heard over the crowd
  • Pavo nods with a big smile

(Dizon) It's not always this busy, but the holidays... (Dizon) I guess everyone just wants to have a good time. (Dizon) Too bad we have to work, eh?

  • Pavo always returns the well wishes with a smile... especially the cute ones.

(Belden) Someone has to do it. :)

  • Loch nods

(Boden) And we don't work all the time. (Dizon) Well, I guess that's true. Things can get pretty hectic.

  • Boden looks pretty happy.

(Narrator) (n) On all sides, people are shouting, drinking ale or wine, holding up mugs in celebration. From open doors and windows, whores wave to passers-by, trying to entice them in for a short, private celebration of the holy day. Small children squeeze through the crowds, in a hurry to see the group of acrobats performing near the statue of the First Empress, Dorea, holding up her sword in victory for all time. (Dizon) Some of those kids are probably pickpockets, keep your eyes peeled.

  • Belden nods.
  • Boden will pull his eyes away from the windows and concentrate on the streets.
  • Belden keeps an eye out for trouble.

(Narrator) (n) A drunken man shoves past you, but apologizes hastily when he notices your cloaks. (Dizon) Watch it, buddy.

  • Belden gives him a disapproving look.

(Narrator) (n) The drunk nods and moves away from you as quickly as he can.

  • Pavo hasn't brought much with him today, but keeps a look out for sticky fingers.

(Dizon) Most people, you just give them a warning and they'll straighten up. (Dizon) It's the ones who don't listen that you've gotta watch out for.

  • Belden nods.

(Narrator) (n) A red-haired whore winks at you from her doorway.

  • Pavo winks back charmingly
      • NPC1 is now known as Whore
  • Belden frowns disapprovingly.
  • Whore giggles and waves back at the handsome guard

(Belden) Don't encourage them,

  • Belden whispers.
  • Whore disappears back into her house
      • Whore is now known as NPC1

(Boden) Most of them take very little encouragement. (Pavo) I'm sure she needs a bit of good cheer today too, Belden. (Belden) She looks like she's had plenty of... cheer to me.

  • Dizon chuckles at that

(Pavo) Never too much of a good thing :)

  • Pavo continues walking and looking around.

(Belden) Bah.

  • Belden mutters.

(Pavo) You talk like you know from experience. *grins at the big man*

  • Boden just nods.

(Belden) How about at least not encouraging them while we're on duty? (Boden) Oh, yeah, of course.

  • Pavo is a bit surprised by the simple response, but continues to grin in amusement.
  • Boden completely misses the sarcasm.

(Belden) We have a job to do, which does not include flirting with prostitutes.

  • Pavo looks to Dizon

(Pavo) So if we spot a pickpocket, can we just stop them and check them out? (Narrator) (n) The crowds grow thickest near the square with the statue, where just now two acrobats are juggling knives. (Dizon) Yes, if you can catch him. They're slippery bastards, and the crowds work in their favor, usually. (Dizon) I guess that's why they usually use kids - smaller and harder to see. (Belden) Poor kids...

  • Dizon wends her way through the crowd towards the other side of the square

(Dizon) I guess..

  • Dizon doesn't seem too sympathetic, though
  • Pavo follows
  • Loch will stay with the group

(Narrator) (n) You reach the other side of the square unscathed, and the crowd thins out somewhat. (Dizon) Whew. (Belden) . o O (So far it's pretty tame...) (Dizon) I don't like crowds - that's where the most trouble happens. (Narrator) (n) From a bit further down the street, you hear yelling from inside one of the whorehouses, which bears a sign over its door showing a rather contented-looking cat. (Belden) Here we go... (Narrator) (n) Sounds like a heated argument in progress. (Boden) (Have I been there?)

  • Boden looks at Dizon

(Narrator) (Sure. You know it's the Well-Filled Pussy.) (Boden) ? (Belden) Should we all go in? (Dizon) Well, I guess we should check that out. (Boden) ok. (Dizon) We'd better stick together, for now at least.

  • Boden will start to trot towards the place, not getting ahead of the group.
  • Belden moves with the group, then.
  • Dizon will head towards the brothel

(Pavo) .oO( Such an eager beaver... )

  • Loch follows

(Narrator) (is everyone going inside?) (Belden) (I am) (Loch) (Yes)

  • Pavo follows Dizon.

(Boden) (I will, but I'll glance in first.) (Narrator) (n) Glancing inside, your eyes take a second to adjust to the darker room. You see a young man and and older woman, shouting at each other.

      • NPC1 is now known as Young_man
  • Boden will walk into the room.
      • NPC3 is now known as Woman

(Young_man) Look, I already told you, I can pay it! (Woman) That's what you've said the last three times (Young_man) Yeah, but this time I mean it! (Young_man) Really!

  • Woman scowls darkly

(Boden) (they don't look like they are going to attack eachother do they?)

  • Woman looks up when you come in

(Narrator) (no, not immediately) (Woman) Now look who's here. (Boden) oh, Hi! (Woman) Some guards, come to sort out this little problem. (Boden) we're from the guard and we heard the shouting.

  • Woman smirks

(Woman) This fellow here thinks he can get free service here.

  • Woman gestures expansively at the young man
  • Boden frowns a bit.

(Belden) Missed payments, huh... (Woman) Yeah, that's right. (Boden) that doesn't seem right. (Woman) I don't run a tab for deadbeats. (Belden) Do you actually have money on you?

  • Belden steps forward.
  • Young_man is moving away from you guards

(Boden) How much does he owe you? (Young_man) Er... (Woman) 15 Imperials!

  • Boden gets ready to run after him if he bolts.

(Narrator) (those are gold, by the way) (Boden) wow! (Belden) (yikes)

  • Belden 's eyes get wide.

(Young_man) It was never 15!

  • Boden whistles

(Young_man) It couldn't have been more than 6 or 7. (Belden) Yuong man, don't you have anything better to spend your money on?? (Boden) How many nights did you let this guy go for free?

  • Young_man has the grace to look a bit shamefaced in front of the priest
  • Pavo smiles at the man and casually steps sideways to block a bit.

(Woman) He's my sister's nephew, you know? (Woman) Thinks family counts for something. (Woman) Well, my girls are fed up with it, and so am I. (Pavo) .oO(Sister's nephew?) (Pavo) He's your nephew too? Or your son?

  • Young_man is inching towards the door

(Belden) How many of you has he... um, stiffed? (Boden) (aren't we in the door?)

  • Pavo can't suppress a chuckle

(Woman) My sister's husband's sister's kid, I think.

  • Dizon chuckles as well at that
  • Boden works that out on his fingers.

(Pavo) Ok, just checking :) (Narrator) (yes, you're in the door - he's trying to see if he can slip by you, you'd say) (Pavo) Well now.. *to the young man* as my companion asked, do you have any money on you that you could give as a down payment? (Woman) Gawds, if this was my son, I'd have whalloped him long ago. (Young_man) Er... Not exactly, no. (Boden) and how many times do you owe her for? (Woman) I know where you live, you rascal!

  • Belden shakes her head.

(Woman) He's a charmer, you know? (Woman) Comes in here, talks to the girls, gets them to go with him for free. (Woman) Well, nothing's free around here. (Pavo) Perhaps you ought tell your sister. (Woman) Must be 15 times at least. (Pavo) Or her sister in law. (Woman) She's no good - too deep in the bottle to care.

  • Pavo looks to the man... "What would mommy dearest think?"

(Woman) Just look at him - he's too old to be ordered around by his mother! Doesn't have the respect.

  • Young_man looks more and more uncomfortable

(Young_man) Look, um, maybe I can start to pay you back...

  • Loch looks a little bored by the whole thing going on, but tries to pay attention to it, and keep an eye outside as well
  • Dizon pipes up

(Pavo) It isn't a matter of ordering, ma'am. (Dizon) You got a kitchen here, lady?

  • Woman looks a bit confused

(Woman) Yes.. why? (Belden) Maybe he can work some of it off.

  • Dizon nods to Belden

(Boden) wow, thats a good idea. (Pavo) .oO( Will cook for sex. )

  • Boden seems genuinely impressed.

(Belden) And maybe in the meantime he can find a nice girlfriend that he doesn't have to pay. (Dizon) Yeah, washing dishes for a while would do him good, I'd say. (Pavo) Or something like that *grins at the man*

  • Young_man has a hang-dog look at this thought

(Loch) Maybe Boden should give him a right to the gut to remind him of his obligation...

  • Young_man looks at which one he guess Boden is and pales...

(Boden) really?

  • Dizon shrugs

(Belden) No, not really!

  • Boden looks at Dizon to see what she thinks.

(Loch) and if he forgets... Boden should give him a left. (Dizon) Whatever works, I suppose. (Belden) We aren't here just to bully people!

  • Boden seems confused.

(Pavo) Well perhaps we'll let the lady decide. (Woman) Hmm. (Pavo) Do you think that's necessary?

  • Belden is shaking her head.

(Pavo) ... *and to the man...* Do YOU think it's necessary? (Woman) Well, he *is* a disreputable scoundrel, surely. (Woman) But family is family... (Boden) He looks kinda small.... (Woman) He probably doesn't deserve a busted kidney today. (Boden) (m)I left my first aid kit at the barracks.

  • Young_man looks slightly green

(Pavo) That settles it then!

  • Boden brightens.
  • Pavo looks to the man... "Get into the kitchen with you..."

(Boden) Maybe I could pop buy tomorow and make sure he's doing good work.

  • Woman nods
  • Young_man will scuttle hastily towards the kitchen, looking back at Boden over his shoulder

(Woman) Thank you for your help, sirs. (Woman) What do I owe you? (Belden) Oh, nothing at all! (Belden) It's our job.

  • Woman looks a bit surprised, but thankful
  • Boden looks down at belden confused again.

(Belden) We get paid by the city. (Boden) (w to Dizon) is that right? We don't get tips? (Woman) Well, if you say so... (Dizon) (w) Usually we do, but... *shrug*

  • Belden nods.
  • Pavo chuckles

(Pavo) (w) Perhaps the next time you come, you can give HER the tip, Boden :)

  • Loch shrugs

(Woman) Thank you again. (Belden) Have a good day, now.

  • Belden smiles and gets ready to leave
  • Woman nods and heads into the kitchen, where you can hear her yelling at the young man some more.
  • Boden will walk out the door, still confused.
  • Dizon heads out the door
  • Pavo saunters out!
  • Loch follows the group

(Boden) Um...Belden? (Belden) Yes? (Boden) I think they usually give us something if we help them out... (Belden) Why? (Belden) It's our job to help. (Boden) Its just kinda how things work. I think. (Belden) Why should they feel obliged to give us more when we're already being paid to serve them? (Belden) Well, I don't care if it's how things work for most people. (Boden) I wouldn't say obliged...

  • Pavo takes on a slightly scandalous look... "Don't you tip the waitor at a restaurant?"

(Belden) It's greedy. (Pavo) You tip for good service. (Boden) but if they offer...

  • Dizon isn't about to get involved in this debate...
  • Belden shakes her head.
      • Woman is now known as NPC3

(Belden) So, we should give better service to people with more money? I don't think so.

      • Young_man is now known as NPC1

(Loch) . o O (its going to be a long day...) (Boden) I'm not saying we should demand it...but coudln't we say "Whatever you can spare." Instead of No... (Pavo) Well, I know one lady who isn't popular with the food establishments. (Belden) I think we should let them keep their money. (Belden) They don't owe us anything. (Boden) true, they don't. But if people want to give me money...why say no?

  • Belden is shaking her head again.

(Loch) Simple... the one who will be saving you if someone puts a knife in your back in a dark alley is asking you not to. (Belden) It's unprofessional, on top of everything.

  • Pavo eyes Loch unpleasantly
  • Boden looks at Loch.

(Boden) ok, thats something I can understand.

  • Belden sighs.

(Belden) . o O (it's going to be a long day) (Narrator) (n) As you approach the Bridge of Vanities, which connects Pearl City with the Imperial Island, the crowd is thicker than ever. People pour across the old stone span in both directions, as nobles search for pleasure and commoners seek a glimpse of luxury, or maybe just a way across the river that doesn't take them through the Shambles.

  • Boden smiles again, happy in his new found comprehension.
  • Dizon gestures at the bridge

(Dizon) This is a pretty busy spot, another bad one for pickpockets

  • Belden nods.

(Dizon) They know so many nobles pass by here. (Dizon) Good picking, I suppose. (Boden) Should we hang out here for a bit?

  • Dizon nods

(Belden) Alright.

  • Loch will slip willam into his pouch so he can have a lower perspective
  • Belden agrees.

(Dizon) Just watch for a bit, see if you notice anything unusual.

  • Pavo eyes the hedgehog strangely

(Boden) Me leans against the wall or something and watches.

  • Dizon saunters over closer to the bridge, casually
  • Dizon takes up a spot just at the edge of the bridge
  • Pavo idles a bit further from the bridge... peering above the crowd from time to time.
  • Belden leans against the bridge railing, on the bridge but close to the near end.
  • Loch follows the group leader

(Narrator) (n) You observe the crowds for a while (Narrator) (n) You see beggars and noblemen crossing back and forth over the bridge (Narrator) (n) But it would be hard to say you see any crimes in progress...

  • Boden starts rolling a cigarette.
  • Boden will smoke as we watch.

(Narrator) (n) A bit of time passes

  • Pavo wonders if we should be on the bridge itself.

(Narrator) (n)Suddenly, you hear a muffled scream from somewhere near the bridge. It sounded like a young woman.

  • Belden bolts in that direction!
  • Dizon moves towards the scream as well
  • Belden looks back to make sure the others are coming too, but doesn't slow down.
  • Pavo quickly twines his way through the crowd towards the sound.
  • Loch follows the group

(Narrator) (n) A young woman spots you coming through the crowd, and waves her gloved hand to hail you.

  • Belden moves toward her.
      • NPC1 is now known as Young_woman

(Belden) (Does she look like a noble?)

  • Young_woman is young, perhaps 19 or 20, with long, curly black hair that frames her thin face and dark eyes that seem to have unknown depths. She wears a black half-mask and a white fur-lined cloak over a low-cut but elegant pale blue gown. She is crying.

(Boden) (I am also witht the group.) (Narrator) (yes, she looks like a noble) (Belden) What seems to be the problem, my lady?

  • Pavo watches the crowd

(Young_woman) My necklace... (Young_woman) It's gone!

  • Boden will stand up tall and look around to see if he can spot anything.

(Belden) Alright... (Belden) Where was the last place you remember having it?

  • Young_woman looks confused
  • Pavo shakes his head

(Young_woman) I had it on just now... when I was crossing the bridge. (Young_woman) And just as I reached the end, I noticed it was missing. (Young_woman) Oh, I'm going to be in so much trouble! (Belden) What does it look like? (Boden) (did I see anything suspicious when I looked around?) (Narrator) (Those of you surveying the crowd - you see nothing out of the ordinary - just tons of people) (Young_woman) It was a sapphire stone with a silver mount and chain. (Pavo) (Does her cloak have a hood?) (Young_woman) (yes, it does have a hood) (Belden) Could it have fallen off? (Pavo) (Don't suppose the hood looks heavy?) (Young_woman) I... suppose so.. (Young_woman) (fairly heavy, it's fur-lined) (Pavo) Check in your hood, just in case... you never know.

  • Young_woman checks the hood

(Young_woman) No, it's not there.

  • Pavo nods... and sighs, since that means it's not on her person... and it's probably long gone.

(Narrator) (Boden - looking through the crowd, you do notice one thing - a young kid, maybe a boy, with blond hair, running pretty fast) (Belden) Alright...

  • Belden looks to Dizon for guidance.

(Boden) wait a second...

  • Pavo looks to... same

(Dizon) Did you see anything?

  • Boden starts off after the child...

(Boden) yep.

  • Dizon asks the girl
  • Pavo watches as the sea of people is parted by big ol' Boden.

(Belden) Looks like Boden did... (Pavo) I'll follow... *and does so* (Narrator) (n) Boden, you manage to clear a pretty good path in the crowd

  • Pavo unclasps his whip, holding it in his hands.
  • Pavo attempts to get into, and stay in, Boden's wake

(Belden) Don't use a whip on a bridge full of people! :o (Narrator) (n) The kid is heading roughly back the way you have come (Pavo) .oO( Duh... ) (Boden) (am I gaining on him?)

  • Belden turns back to the woman.

(Narrator) (n) Pavo, you follow Boden (Narrator) (Anyone else going with them?) (Boden) (I know its crowded, but I have the running feat.) (Loch) (I will) (Belden) With a bit of luck, that wil be our man.

  • Belden offers a hopeful smile.

(Narrator) (okay, the men follow the kid through the crowd)

  • Dizon smiles as well

(Dizon) It's not usually that easy. (Narrator) (rolling for the chasers - sec) (Narrator) (n) Boden tears ahead, pushing through the crowd with ease. Pavo, you also follow closely behind him. Loch, unfortunately, gets caught behind a knot of people, and falls behind.

  • Belden tries to keep up with the chase with her eyes.

(Narrator) (rolling one more thing - sec) (Narrator) (n) Boden, you turn a sharp corner, back towards the square where the acrobats were earlier. You have, however, lost track of where the kid is in the crowds, but he must have gone this way. (Narrator) (n) Pavo is right behind you.

  • Dizon tries to comfort the girl

(Boden) (I will try and find him, I have the tracking feat if that helps.) (Narrator) (ok)

  • Pavo looks about, not sure what he looked like.

(Pavo) (Or do I know?) (Belden) What's your name?

  • Belden asks her.

(Narrator) (Pavo, no, you never really got a good look at him from behind Boden ;) (Pavo) (Damned meatheads) (Young_woman) Noira.

      • Young_woman is now known as Noira

(Loch) (Could I at least tell how tall the kid is that Boden is chasing?) (Belden) Do you want to sit down on this bench over here?

  • Boden continues to search.

(Narrator) (n) Boden, you can't seem to spot him. But you suppose he must have kept going this way. (Boden) I will keep searching. (Narrator) (Loch, seemed under five feet tall, but that's just a guess) (Noira) Alright... (Pavo) Boden, ask some one if they saw him... I don't know what he looks like.

  • Boden will describe the kid to Pavo.
  • Noira will let herself be led over to the bench

(Loch) (How tall was the woman?) (Pavo) (Did I see him?) (Narrator) (Loch - the woman was about 5'5" or so)

  • Belden looks over her shoulder at Dizon.
  • Boden will take Pavo's sugestion and ask a few people if they have seen the kid go this way.

(Narrator) (Pavo - no, except for a flash of blond hair)

  • Dizon eyes the crowd, then goes over to the bench as well
  • Pavo will head towards the flash of blonde?

(Belden) Did you see who they were chasing? (Narrator) Pavo - you head through the crowd towards the flash of blond hair

  • Belden asks Dizon.

(Belden) (Did I, for that matter?) (Dizon) Some kid... (Dizon) I didn't get a really good look, though. (Dizon) Blond, maybe? (Narrator) (Belden - not really)

  • Belden nods...

(Belden) We should watch the bridge in case he tries to double back this way.

  • Boden tries to see who Pavo is after...

(Boden) (and will follow Pavo.) (Narrator) (n) Pavo pushes through the crowds, who have now gathered to watch a small puppet show (Boden) (Did Loch have enough time to catch up?) (Narrator) (Loch is caught up now, and he can easily spot you in the crowd)

  • Dizon agrees with Belden.
  • Belden watches the bridge for shifty looking blonde boys. :D

(Narrator) Pavo, the crowd is now mostly children. Several of them are blond.

  • Pavo sighs, wondering if any look particularly thieving

(Pavo) :| (Narrator) Boden, you can esily follow Pavo to the puppet show. (Boden) (I keep trying to see the kid, and if I see anyone who looks helpful I'll ask them if they've seen him. (Narrator) Pavo, you scan the crowd of children - some look too small to be the thief in question, others too big. You're just not sure... (Narrator) Boden, you join him in scanning the crowd.

  • Pavo shrugs... "Boden, I think we've lost him."

(Narrator) (sec, rolling)

  • Loch will follow behind Boden

(Narrator) Loch joins the two of you by now as well. (Narrator) Boden, a miracle has occured!

  • Boden will give a description of the boy to Loch

(Boden) (!) (Narrator) You spot a young boy, maybe 11 or so, standing near the back of the crowd - he looks a bit out of breath, which is why you noticed him.

  • Boden will quickly go up to him...

(Narrator) He is standing talking to a girl a few years older

      • NPC3 is now known as Boy
  • Loch will follow, noting the face of the girl he is talking to
  • Pavo will make sure the girl doesn't take off either.

(Boden) excuse me young lad. (Boden will put a hand on the boy...but not too ruff.) (Narrator) (n) The young boy looks to be about 11, with blond curls. The girl with him is older, perhaps 13, with chin-length dark brown hair. There looks to be a family resemblance between the two. Both are dressed in heavily patched clothing.

  • Pavo steps behind the girl a bit.
  • Boy looks up, way up, at Boden

(Boy) Yes, sir?

  • Boy says in a sort of squeaky voice

(Boden) I think you may have noticed me trying to catch up to you...Any idea why you were reluctant to stop for the guard? (Boy) Well, wouldn't you be, sir?

  • Boy says cheekily
  • Pavo chuckles...
  • Boy grins at Boden

(Boden) I supose. (Pavo) I think being direct might be the plan now, Boden. (Pavo) May we have it back, or must we make this difficult? (Boy) ... (Boden) so, you got anything you may want to have droped while I was chasing you. that way I could have picked it up without actually having caught you.

  • Boy glances quickly at the girl

(Boy) I don't know what you mean. (Pavo) I mean the necklace you slipped to your sister. (Boden) I'm not sure I beleive that.

  • Pavo pats the sister on the shoulder friendly-like.
      • Dizon is now known as Sister
  • Sister looks nervous

(Belden) Still nothing... (Belden) I hope Boden was able to catch him. (Noira) Do you think they'll get it back?

  • Noira seems nervous

(Boden) come on...we are about to search both of you...but if you give it to me then things will go better. (Boy) Look, mister, I don't know what you're talking about.. (Boy) I was just watching the puppet show here with my sister.

  • Sister nods hastily in agreement

(Pavo) And if we search you, we might find other things... (Boden) There was a necklase stolen, you were seen running from the scene. (Pavo) We might ruin a whole day's work, instead of an hour's. (Belden) If that was the guy... (Belden) (can I roll Sense Motive on her?)

  • Boy looks a bit shaken, but not stirred ;)

(Boden) ok, lets just search these kids. If they don't have it on them we'll bring them back to Dizon (Narrator) (ok, Belden, I'll roll - sec, all)

  • Pavo sighs..."Alright, I was hoping it wouldn't come down to *arresting* them..."

(Narrator) Belden - she seems concerned about something, but it is probably just fear of her father or someone who is going to rag her out for losing something expensive, you'd say.

  • Boy shakes a bit at that

(Boy) No, mister, don't arrest me

  • Sister starts to cry - very pitiful

(Pavo) I haven't any choice son. (Loch) You'd tell us if you had something wouldn't you? (Boy) I'll tell you where it is... (Boden) Well...why not? If you have it then we can take it back, if you don't we have to take you in for questioning. (Boden) Ok, were? (Boy) I handed it off to another guy... he was going to take it to my boss. (Boden) Crap. (Boden) Who was the guy?

  • Belden watches for Boden and/or the suspect...

(Boy) His name's Vrain, but I don't really know him. He's another kid. (Boden) Do you know were he is going?

  • Boy nods

(Boy) Back to HQ (Boy) That's in the Shambles. (Boden) ok, you two come with me. Your not arrested yet..but we aren't letting you go either.

  • Pavo whispers to Loch... "Perhaps we should check in with Dizon..."

(Boy) Okay...

  • Boden will march the boy back to Dizon.
  • Sister will follow as well
      • Sister is now known as Dizon
  • Loch follows

(Dizon) Well well, what do we have here?

  • Noira looks up, surprised

(Noira) You... you actually caught him? (Boden) Well he doens't have it on him. (Boden) but he knows were it is going. (Noira) Where? (Dizon) Yeah, where? (Boden) well kid...fess up, the whole story.

  • Dizon looks impressed that you actually caught the kid

(Pavo) (m) Somewhere in the shambles...(/m) (Belden) The Shambles? It figures... (Boy) Like I said, my boss told me to take the necklace. I took it, handed it off to Vrain, and he was gonna take it to HQ. (Belden) He told you to take it? (Boy) That's it, really. (Belden) So this was planned? (Boy) Well, something expensive.

  • Boden looks confused?

(Boy) Necklaces are expensive. (Belden) (sense motive :)

  • Loch watches the woman

(Boden) so he wanted any necklace? (Narrator) Belden -the kid definitely slipped up - this was planned. (Belden) Oh really. Any necklace.

  • Boy nods
  • Belden sounds very, very unconvinced.

(Belden) I'm impressed. (Belden) At your age I cuold never have lied straight faced to a priest. (Narrator) (The sister just keeps quietly crying in the background)

  • Belden puts her hands on her hips and frowns.
  • Boy looks abashed

(Boden) but how could he know she was going to be there? (Boden) If the boss is back in the shambles? (Boy) He told me to look for the lady with the mask, and take her necklace

  • Noira looks shocked

(Noira) How.. how..

  • Belden looks back at the young woman...

(Dizon) Good question. (Belden) How did they know you'd be wearing a mask? (Dizon) I think what she's trying to say is "How did you know she'd be here?" (Belden) I could see them having watched her beforehand... (Noira) I'm... not sure.

  • Boy shrugs

(Belden) Knowing her daily route and so on... but the mask? (Loch) What I'd like to know is how this little fellow managed to get a necklace off of you, with that hood, without you noticing.

  • Boden keeps one hand on the boy's shoulder and waits patiently for the women-folk to sort out the confusion and then tell him whats going on.

(Boy) I don't know all the details... just to come here this morning and look out for the woman with the mask.

  • Belden is growing suspicious of the woman as well...

(Noira) I'm not sure...maybe the clasp was loose? (Loch) Or you gave it to him. (Noira) Why would I do that?

  • Boden looks surprised at Lock

(Belden) (how tall is the boy?)

  • Noira looks scornful
  • Pavo pats the girl on the shoulder, somewhat reassuringly

(Boden) Wow, do you really think?

  • Boy is a bit under 5'

(Noira) He's a common thief, I'm sure they have all sorts of tricks

  • Pavo looks to see what the boy's response to this line is.

(Belden) (So how hard would it be for the kid to even reach her neck and get the necklace unclasped?)

  • Boy looks a bit proud, maybe?

(Loch) Well, Boy... did you lift it off her neck? (Pavo) Hold on everyone... lets not accuse the lady of being complicit just yet. (Narrator) (It would be tricky - he might need an accomplice to distract her or something? Or another trick...

  • Boy nods to Loch

(Boy) I'm good, what can I say? (Pavo) Was it easy, or was it a challenge?

  • Boy shrugs

(Belden) How about we take the lady home... and then go visit this boy's boss, and see what he says. (Boy) Hard, I guess... (Noira) Yes, I'd just like to go home, I think.

  • Noira seems shaken up

(Belden) (back)

  • Dizon nods

(Dizon) Sounds like a good idea to me, if you all agree. (Boden) what about the kid? (Belden) He can come too. (Dizon) We should take him with us. (Belden) He's going to be our map. (Dizon) He'll have to show us where this HQ is, anyway.

  • Pavo stands, the sister under his hand...
  • Dizon smiles at Belden - they seem to think alike ;)
  • Belden smiles back.
  • Boy looks nervous, now that you're talking about going to HQ

(Belden) Let's get going. (Boden) ok

  • Dizon helps Noira up, and asks her to lead the way
  • Noira leads you across the bridge, onto the Imperial Island

(Noira) I'm a lady-in-waiting in the palace...

  • Noira explains

(Boden) Is it a good job?

  • Noira leads you along a tree-lined road
  • Boden says earnestly

(Narrator) (n) The crush of crowds is much less here, and it is almost quiet (Noira) I like it.. (Pavo) .oO( Lady in waiting ...eh ) (Noira) You get to meet lots of people. (Boden) cool. I'm hoping to meet lots of people in the guard to.

  • Pavo ushers the sister along gently

(Narrator) (n) The walls of the Imperial Palace complex loom up ahead (Pavo) Not to pass judgement myself, dear... buy I get the impression that the necklace was ... *ahem* on loan?

  • Noira looks a bit shocked at the accusation

(Noira) No, it was mine. A gift from my father. (Pavo) Hey, it's a week to party, right? To look your best... who would know?

  • Belden looks at Noira.

(Belden) (can I sense motive again yet?) (Narrator) (okay, I'll give you a roll)

  • Pavo nods...

(Narrator) (Belden - she is lying about something, but you're not sure what)

  • Belden looks a little sceptical.

(Belden) Are you sure?

  • Belden asks gently.

(Narrator) (Maybe about the fact that it was a gift from her father? Or that the necklace was hers at all...) (Pavo) I just thought that if some one knew you'd borrowed it... they might have told some one else. (Noira) Y-yes.. (Noira) I'm sure it was mine. (Belden) It will make it much easier to get back if you tell us the whole truth. (Belden) Please?

  • Noira looks Belden in the eye coldly

(Noira) I *have* told you the truth. Is this the normal way guards operate, to accuse the victim?

  • Noira draws herself up haughtily
  • Belden sighs.

(Belden) . o O (such pride. :/)

  • Belden shakes her head slightly.

(Noira) I will be returning to my post now. If you find the necklace, would you please return it to my father's house? (Noira) You will have some difficulties entering the Imperial Complex, I suspect. (Noira) It's the stone house with the white shutters at the corner of the Street of Whispering Leaves, in the Grand Vallon. (Noira) Of course, there will be a reward for its return. (Dizon) What's your full name, before you go, dear? (Noira) Noira Langevin. (Boden) I thought she was taking us somewere? (Pavo) (She did... to the outside fo the imperial complex) (Noira) Now, if there is nothing further?

  • Noira glances at each of you as if memorizing your faces

(Boden) wait...I'm still confused (Boden) Did you tell people you were going to be wearing a mask for the festival? (Boden) Would lots of people know?

  • Noira looks at Boden

(Noira) Perhaps. The court is a centre of much gossip, and most of it revolves around fashion.

  • Boden looks like he is still honestly trying to help.

(Noira) I do hope you find that necklace, guards. (Noira) It was very dear to me. (Boden) thanks.

  • Boden gives her a smile.
  • Noira turns on her heel and heads into the Imperial Complex. No one stops her.

(Boden) We'll do our best.

  • Loch nods

(Pavo) We'll do our best. And we do apologise for all the questions... (Boden) ok...now what?

  • Loch looks to the boy
  • Boy is still there

(Boy) What now, boss? (Pavo) *girl is too!*

      • Noira is now known as Sister
  • Sister has stopped crying, finally

(Belden) Well, that didn't go very well; I'm sorry...

  • Belden says to Dizon.

(Dizon) It's okay, (Dizon) Dealing with nobles is always tough... (Belden) I'm not used to dealing with nobles' pride, I guess. (Boden) why was she upset all of a suden? Do you guys really think she was involved? (Dizon) I should know. (Belden) She was lying about something though; I'm sure of it... (Loch) I believe she is involved somehow, directly or indirectly (Boy) You wanna go to HQ now? (Belden) I think she was set up... but I also think she wasn't supposed to be wearing that necklace.

  • Boy doesn't seem concerned with the details of who set up who ;)

(Belden) I guess we should get going, anyway. (Dizon) Yep. (Boden) aren't you worried about leading us back to your HQ? (Dizon) Doesn't do us any good to loiter around here.

  • Boy shrugs

(Pavo) (w to Dizon) Should we actually go into the Shambles after it? (Boy) You can deal with my boss. (Boy) It's not my problem. (Boden) ok. (Dizon) (w) We will go a short distance, but I'll be watching to see if this kid is leading us into a trap. (Boden) I guess I was expecting something....more.?

  • Boy shrugs again

(Boden) (me will stay close to the boy as he leads us to the shades.)

  • Boy will start to lead the way back across the bridge, through Pearl City, and across the Bridge of Shadows, which leads to the Shambles.
  • Belden will say a little prayer as we cross into the Shambles.

(Narrator) (n) Here the air is fouler with various unpleasant odours. The streets are narrow and crooked, with broken cobblestones. (Narrator) (n) The celebrants are here too, but they seem less joyful.

  • Boy leads you down a few narrow alleyways, until you reach a larger street once more.
  • Boy points up ahead, to a tavern with a sign swinging over the door - a candle.

(Boy) That's the Fickle Flame, where my boss works. (Boy) But do I have to go in with you?

  • Boy does seem a bit nervous now.

(Pavo) Perhaps some one should stay outside with them, so they aren't seen. (Boy) I took you here, that's a lot of help, right?

  • Boy wheedles with you
  • Dizon nods

(Dizon) I'll stay with him - and keep an eye out for trouble, (Boden) Whats your name? (Belden) We need a bit more help first, I think... (Belden) Such as a description of your boss) (Boden) (to the boy) (Dizon) You'll be okay together. (Boy) What's my name got to do with anything? (Boy) My boss, his name is Rieg. He's a big guy. (Boy) House of the Bear, you know?

  • Pavo leans down to the sister... "Where are your parents in all of this?"

(Boden) oh, nothing....I was just wondering.

  • Sister looks at him like he's stupid

(Boden) Since you've been helpful and stuff. (Sister) They're dead. (Boy) M'name's Maze, if it matters.

  • Pavo nods, with a sympathetic face... "Anywhere else to go than here?"
      • Boy is now known as Maze

(Belden) Oh...

  • Sister shrugs
  • Belden looks sympathetic.

(Sister) If there was, we would be there. (Boden) well, nice to meet you Maze. (Maze) And you're Boden, right?

  • Boden will offer to shake his hand.

(Boden) Yep. (Belden) You should go to the church...

  • Maze shakes Boden's huge hand

(Belden) This kind of lifestyle is only going to get you killed. (Pavo) Well hey, how about next time you or your brother really need some help... you come to the barracks and ask for Pavo, ok? (Maze) Church never did anything for me, sorry ma'am. (Sister) ... (Belden) Well, I'll do something for you.

  • Sister looks like she doesn't believe you
  • Belden reaches into her pocket.

(Belden) (how much money can I assume I might have on me?)

  • Pavo shrugs. "We're about to send you on your way... why do I need to lie?"

(Sister) (a few silver and a gold, maybe?) (Belden) (not a lot, I'm sure...) (Belden) Here.

  • Belden gives the kids all her money.

(Sister) Lots of people promise things. (Belden) Get something to eat.

  • Maze and his sister look stunned]
  • Boden pats Belden on the back.
  • Pavo nods... "And I'm sure you two get the raw end of the deal most of the time."

(Belden) It's not much, but it's all I'ev got, I'm afraid. (Boden) Good for you. (Maze) Really? You mean it? (Belden) Go on, take it. (Belden) I don't need it; the guard feeds me.

  • Maze reaches out a tentative hand and takes the money

(Maze) Thanks (Boden) (w to Maze)She won't let us take bribes either...I'm not sure about her.

  • Maze doesn't quite know what to say

(Belden) You're welcome.

  • Boden gives the boy a conspiratorial wink.
  • Pavo swats Boden... (q) TIPS! (/q)

(Belden) I hope you have some better luck. (Maze) Me too.. (Pavo) Maze... like I said to your nameless sister... come by the barracks and ask for Pavo if you guys really need some help. (Belden) But I *really* hope we won't catch you at this sort of thing again!

  • Belden scolds.

(Maze) Uh, yeah, okay. (Maze) Can we go now?

  • Boden nods

(Belden) Alright.

  • Maze takes his sister's hand and the two of them run off together, laughing.

(Pavo) Or if you're afraid of the barracks, try my mother's parish... *explains where it is* She'll get in touch with me for you. Her name's Celesse. (Boden) Your moms a priest?

  • Pavo nods.

(Belden) Of the order of the Cat?

  • Pavo nods again.
      • Maze is now known as NPC3

(Belden) Oh, how nice! (Belden) Well, let's get to work...

      • Sister is now known as NPC1
  • Pavo arches a brow.
  • Belden eyes the sign warily, then says another prayer.

(Belden) (I'd like to cast Resistance on myself, please) (Boden) You know, if we do that with every pickpocket we are going to be poor and have a train of kids behind us. (Narrator) (okay, you do so)

  • Pavo looks to Dizon... "I've got some better weapons... should I pull them out?"

(Belden) What do we need money for, really?

  • Loch loads his crossbow

(Belden) The guard feeds and houses us, gives us equipment.. (Boden) food. (Belden) That's all I need.

  • Belden smiles.

(Dizon) If you like, but we may not want to go in there with our weapons drawn (Loch) Faith isn't enough for everyone, Belden. (Boden) I just don't get you Belden, but your a good person. (Dizon) It could start more trouble than we need. (Boden) Yeah, we can always draw weapons later. (Dizon) And very likely there are a lot more of them in there than there are of us. (Belden) Why should I be greedy, and hoard worldly goods like a dragon on a pile of gold, when other people go hungry? (Belden) It doesn't seem right...

  • Belden explains to Boden.

(Loch) (Do Crossbows have the latch or safety on them so they dont go off by accident?)

  • Boden nods

(Dizon) (yes)

  • Loch sets the latch and covers it with this cloak

(Dizon) Ready to head in, folks? (Boden) yep. (Loch) Ready (Boden) Want me to go in first? (Dizon) They probably already know we're here, anway.

  • Dizon looks up at Boden

(Dizon) Yeah, that seems like a good idea. (Boden) ok

  • Boden goes to the front door and walks in.

(Narrator) (n)The Fickle Flame is a rather seedy-looking establishment, though still crowded on a day of celebration. A young lad of perhaps 14 waits on the patrons, hurried from one end of the bar to the other. A huge fat man with a greasy moustache stands behind the bar pouring drinks.

  • Pavo forgoes his claws and sets the whip on his belt hook and steps in too.

(Boden) (any of them look like Rieg?) (Pavo) ( I think the fat greasy man does )

  • Belden walks in with the group.

(Narrator) (well, the kid said he was a big guy...)

  • Dizon also enters the bar

(Boden) I'll walk up to the big guy.

      • NPC1 is now known as Bartender
  • Bartender looks at you, notes your uniforms, and grunts

(Boden) Are you Rieg?

  • Loch follows the group
  • Bartender looks a bit surprised

(Bartender) No, you're looking for my son.

  • Bartender points down to the end of the bar, where the kid is hustling drinks
      • NPC3 is now known as Rieg

(Belden) (kid? :o)

  • Boden looks at Dizon to see if she beleives him.
  • Belden looks around the room... are there exits besides the one we just came through?
  • Rieg looks about 14, tall and stocky, with dark, messy hair
  • Dizon shrugs

(Dizon) I've seen stranger things...

  • Boden goes over to Rieg

(Narrator) (there is one exit at the back of the room) (Narrator) (n) The patrons have all stopped talking, and are staring at you. (Belden) (w to the others)... cover the doors

  • Rieg looks up at the huge man approaching him

(Boden) Hey, you Rieg? (Rieg) ... (Pavo) (Is Reig on the door side, or are we in the way?) (Narrator) (you would have to go around him to get to the other door) (Rieg) Who wants to know?

  • Belden comes up to Rieg as well, standing between him and the door.

(Boden) Me. (Boden) So, are you? (Belden) (although he can probably bowl me over :o) (Rieg) Yeah. (Boden) We should talk.

  • Rieg nods
  • Boden motions to a table that is out of the way.

(Rieg) Dad, I'll be back on in a bit - get Dena to cover for me, okay?

  • Bartender nods and goes into the back room, squeezing past Belden with some obvious enjoyment
  • Belden tries not to grimace.

(Pavo) ( haha ) (Belden) . o O (give me strength...)

  • Bartender re-enters the room, followed by a fat girl about 12. She takes over waiting on the patrons.

(Boden) does Rieg sit down? (Rieg) So, whatcha wanna talk about?

  • Rieg will sit with you.

(Boden) (is Dizon or Belden close at hand?) (Belden) (I'm standing in front of the door)

  • Dizon is near the front door, Belden is closer

(Boden) You've been fingered as having a very valuable necklace.

  • Belden tries to catch the eye of another, larger party member, who might do a better job at door-blocking...

(Rieg) I look like I own a lotta fancy jewels?

  • Pavo goes to stand with Belden.
  • Rieg says sarcastically
  • Belden goes over to help Boden out, then.

(Belden) You look like you'd like to... (Boden) Sarcasm's just going to piss me off. (Boden) but owning and having are two different things. (Rieg) You get pissed off, these people are gonna get pissed off, and then you're in a whole world of shit.

  • Rieg says calmly. He looks in control.

(Belden) That's why you're going to give it back to us peacefully, right? (Rieg) What's it look like? (Rieg) Wouldn't wanna give you the wrong one.

  • Rieg jokes

(Boden) We'll maybe we'll just have a look through your collection and take the one we think fits.

  • Boden says like he is seriouse.

(Rieg) I don't got any that'll fit you, Moose.

  • Pavo stifles a grin

(Belden) What about me? (Belden) The lady your underaged employee lifted it from was about my size.

  • Rieg nods at Belden.

(Belden) We're looking for something in a sapphire.

  • Rieg nods

(Rieg) Already sent it on to the fence, I'm afraid. (Belden) (sense motive) (Belden) (:) (Rieg) (you don't think he's lying, actually)

  • Belden gives Boden a subtle nod.

(Rieg) Maybe you can get it back from him. Iustus Lomeli, he's got a little shop down the way. (Boden) oh, well..I guess We'll have to take you to see him...if he's as honest as you We can do this without problems.

  • Boden gets up and motions Rieg to the door.
  • Rieg shrugs
  • Rieg will go, reluctantly

(Boden) sweet.

  • Belden will follow behind the boy.
  • Rieg leads you down the narrow street, to a small house off the main road.
  • Belden is a little wary of how simple that was, though.

(Boden) (have I heard of Iustus Lomeli?) (Rieg) (no)

  • Loch stays with the group
  • Dizon goes as well, warily

(Narrator) (n)Lomeli's shop (if it can be called that) is a small, ramshackle house whose chimney puffs smoke despite sitting at a far-too-jaunty angle.

  • Rieg points

(Rieg) That's it. (Boden) ok. (Boden) Lets go in.

  • Rieg will head in.
  • Boden will follow closely.

(Rieg) Lomeli, you got some customers!

  • Pavo will wait and step in last.
      • Bartender is now known as Lomeli
  • Belden will go in with the group.
  • Loch does likewise
  • Belden looks around for exits again.
  • Dizon will also go in
  • Lomeli is younger than you thought he would be, maybe around 30, with his wavy blond hair in a ponytail. He is quite short and slender, but dressed decently well.

(Narrator) (only one exit from this room, behind a counter where Lomeli stands) (Boden) Hey, we think you may have been sold something that didn't belong to Rieg. (Lomeli) And what, pray tell, would that be?

  • Lomeli has a rather cultivated voice, doesn't seem to come from the Shambles

(Boden) it was a saphire necklace.

  • Pavo mutters... "The last thing he sold you..."

(Belden) (w, to whoever's closest) There's probably a back door... should we watch that, or do we not want to risk someone standing alone in a back alley out here? (Lomeli) Ah yes, the lovely sapphire. (Lomeli) I know the one you speak of. (Boden) may I see it please. (Lomeli) A moment, good sir. It is in the back room. (Belden) I think Boden should go with you to help look.

  • Lomeli bows politely and turns to go through the curtain into the back room.

(Boden) ok.

  • Boden will go with him.
  • Boden will be watchful of a trap for once in his life.

(Lomeli) I am not certain he will fit... if you damage any merchandise, I will make you pay for it. (Lomeli) But very well. Come through here.

  • Lomeli gestures that Boden can go through the door first

(Boden) I'm surprisingly light on my feet. (Boden) No no...after you. (Pavo) .oO( It might be the air in his head... )

  • Lomeli tilts his head to one side, and shrugs

(Lomeli) Very well, my untrusting friend.

  • Lomeli goes through into the back room

(Boden) (I follow)

  • Loch will move to watch from the doorway of the back room

(Narrator) (n) The room is very cluttered, full of furniture, clothing, trinkets of all sorts.

  • Lomeli paws through a small box of jewelery

(Lomeli) Ah, here is just the thing!

  • Lomeli pulls out a lovely sapphire necklace on a silver chain

(Lomeli) Shall we return to the front room, sirs? (Boden) ok. (Lomeli) That is where I prefer to transact my business, you understand.

  • Boden will let him go past.
  • Lomeli goes back to the front, holding the necklace carefully
  • Lomeli lays it out on the counter, but keeps one hand on the chain
  • Loch moves out of the way to let them through
  • Boden follows

(Lomeli) Is this the piece you were seeking?

  • Boden looks to Belden and Dizon.

(Dizon) Could be... (Belden) (Does it fit the description?) (Pavo) It would be the one he last sold you. (Dizon) (yes) (Pavo) I'm sure YOU can tell us if it's the one we want or not. (Belden) It looks right.

  • Lomeli smiles enigmatically

(Pavo) Or does he have a habit of selling you sapphire necklaces?

  • Pavo looks to Rieg

(Lomeli) I have many, many clients.

  • Rieg mutters "That's it."

(Pavo) Perhaps you should have a better memory as to where you get your merchandise. (Lomeli) In my line of work, it pays not to remember such things, sir.

  • Lomeli says flatly.

(Belden) Alright, people, let's get down to business... (Pavo) So this is the necklace you purchased from him? (Lomeli) This is the necklace, yes.

  • Pavo turns to Rieg

(Lomeli) it is the only sapphire I have in the shop, in fact. (Pavo) And this is the one you got from Vrain, today? (Rieg) Yeah. how did you know about Vrain? (Rieg) Who told you?

  • Pavo turns to Belden.

(Boden) We haven't been lied to all day. (Boden) and actually...that worries me a bit...

  • Boden turns to Dizon.

(Boden) Is this odd? (Lomeli) I would have sold this for 30 imperials, but I will give it to you for a mere 20. (Pavo) It's simply the spirit of celebration! (Dizon) This is odd, yes... (Belden) How about you give it back to us, and the two of you can split the fine. (Boden) Se we take this back to the girl and make sure its the right one right?

  • Lomeli winces
  • Pavo eyes Belden.

(Lomeli) A fine? (Pavo) I'm sure Rieg would be happy to refund this gentleman's purchase price. (Belden) I'm sure you're aware of the law, what with breaking it on a daily basis and all... (Lomeli) I am only a poor businessman.. If some of the items I sell happen to be stolen...

  • Lomeli goes into the usual spiel
  • Belden looks disgusted.

(Lomeli) But... I would hate for you to go away from here disappointed.

  • Pavo whispers to Lomeli... "Isn't her naivete charming?"
  • Boden goes into his "waiting for smart people to talk it out stance."

(Lomeli) 5 Imperials - a bargain!

  • Lomeli dangles the neckalce from his finger

(Boden) (From this moment on I will refer to it as...The Stance.) (Pavo) Rieg, what did this man pay you for the necklace? (Belden) (one of us should just yoink it) (Rieg) 2 imperials.

  • Rieg mutters

(Boden) Well, hand them over. (Rieg) He's trying to gouge you.

  • Rieg digs into a grubby pockey and pulls out two gold coins
  • Rieg will hand them over to Boden, grudgingly

(Boden) What do you mean by gouge us? (Rieg) Come on, he's asking way more than he paid for it. You must be a bit simple.

  • Boden smiles.
  • Dizon approaches the counter

(Boden) You don't really think we are going to buy this from him do you?

  • Boden laughs a bit.

(Dizon) How about this - you give it to us for free, and we don't fine you. (Dizon) Even all around.

  • Lomeli considers this.

(Lomeli) Very well... (Boden) good man!

  • Lomeli reluctantly hands over the necklace to Dizon.
  • Boden will pat him on the back.
  • Belden looks in Rieg's direction.

(Lomeli) It is not often we get pieces of such quality in here, though. I will be sad to see it go...

  • Rieg glowers

(Belden) Maybe you can pay *your* debt by answering a couple of questions.

  • Rieg shrugs

(Rieg) Whatcha wanna know? (Belden) Such as how you knew a woman wearing a mask would be wearing this necklace. (Rieg) My boss told me.

  • Belden crosses her arms,
  • Rieg looks down at his feet

(Belden) And who's your boss? (Belden) (sense motive) (Rieg) You really think I'm gonna tell you that? (Belden) I think you'd better... (Rieg) (he's telling the truth, you think, but he seems nervous) (Boden) Well, you've been so helpful so far...wer were hoping it was a trend. (Rieg) Okay, but can we go back to the bar? (Lomeli) Yes, please - you are keeping away my customers. (Boden) I seem to remember you were kinda cocky about how others may help you in the bar. (Rieg) Well, just out of here

  • Rieg glances at Lomeli
  • Boden shrugs.

(Rieg) *he* doesn't need to know, right?

  • Belden glances at Dizon.

(Belden) Alright... (Dizon) ... (Dizon) Okay, but keep a good eye on him

  • Belden glances at Boden, hoping the large guard won't let him get away.

(Boden) ok.

  • Boden leans on the counter and waits.

(Loch) Dizon, may I see the necklace for a moment. (Dizon) Sure.

  • Dizon hands over the necklace

(Loch) (I will attempt to appraise it and cast detect magic on it)

  • Rieg will leave the store under guard

(Narrator) (Loch - you do not detect any magic on the necklace, and it seems to be a decent-quality sapphire) (Narrator) (who is going with Rieg?)

  • Loch will hand the necklace back to Dizon

(Belden) (me)

  • Dizon takes it back and puts it in a pouch

(Belden) (with Boden, right?) (Boden) (I thought I was staying with Lomeli...) (Boden) (Lomeli isn't leaving the store right?) (Narrator) (he doesn't look like he is, no) (Loch) (Right, we were all leaving with Reig I thought) (Narrator) (okay then) (Narrator) (n) You all exit to the street with Rieg.

  • Rieg looks around, like he want to make sure he won't be overheard

(Pavo) .oO( Maybe his boss will actually be an adult... ) (Rieg) (w) Izaguirre. (Rieg) Can I go now? (Belden) After you tell us where to find him. (Pavo) ( Do I know that name at all? )

  • Rieg looks at you like you're slow or something

(Narrator) (Those of you from the city have heard the name, yes.

  • Belden looks around at the others to see if they recognize it.

(Narrator) He is talking about Nouel Izaguirre, you assume, a major figure in the criminal underworld.

  • Pavo frowns.
  • Rieg looks antsy, like he wants to leave
  • Dizon nods to the rest of you

(Pavo) You haven't actually paid a fine yet, young man. (Dizon) That's our cue to get out of here, I think.

  • Belden doesn't know who this person is, but is willing to trust Dizon.

(Dizon) We're not ready to mess with Izaguirre right at this moment. (Belden) ...Alright.

  • Loch nods

(Dizon) Run along, kid. Stay out of harm's way, right?

  • Rieg nods
  • Pavo shrugs.
  • Rieg runs off down the street
      • Lomeli is now known as NPC1
  • Boden goes with the group.

(Boden) (w) So, who was his boss? (Dizon) Nouel Izaguirre. (Pavo) (w) Izaquirre (Dizon) He's a major player in the world of crime. (Dizon) We don't really want to mess with him. (Belden) He must have a plant in the palace...

  • Boden nods and pats the side of his nose with his finger.

(Dizon) I say we just take the necklace back to this girl's father, and forget about this whole thing... (Dizon) But that's just my years of experience talking... (Belden) We shouldn't tell anyone else? (Dizon) Well, we can tell Lt. Svodoba. (Boden) Lets leave the shambles to start. (Pavo) Sounds good to me. (Belden) Alright.

  • Belden nods.

(Dizon) But it'll be up to her to tell us whether to pursue it or not.

  • Pavo aims for the shortest path out of the Shambles
  • Dizon is aiming for Pearl City again

(Dizon) Funny, how it always seems like a relief to get back here...

  • Dizon murmurs as you cross the Bridge of Shadows again.
  • Boden walks slightly behind her.
  • Belden nods in agreement.

(Pavo) Nothing wrong with Pearl City :) (Boden) .oO(I guy could get used to following her around.)

  • Boden nods at Pavo.

(Dizon) So, do we agree that we go to the house the girl told us about? It's in the Grand.

  • Belden walks up front with Dizon once we're out of the Shambles.
  • Belden nods.
  • Dizon asks all of you.

(Belden) I'm against collecting a reward, though... (Dizon) Okay then. I think I know where that street is... (Boden) I think collecting a reward is different than taking tips from someone who is poor. (Belden) We shouldn't perpetuate the idea that money -tips, bribes, whatever you call it - makes us work harder...

  • Dizon will lead the way, which takes you through Pearl City, through the Place D'Iena, and into the luxurious neighbourhood of the Grand Vallon.

(Belden) It's all the same. (Boden) If you want we could collect the reward, and hand half of it in to the city. (Pavo) Belden: There's a reason we have a salary. (Belden) If we take rewards from the rich people, it makes it look like we are giving them preferential treatment in return for financial compensation. (Pavo) We aren't volunteers. (Narrator) (n) The street you were directed too is a very luxurious one, lined with trees and large mansions (Boden) but Belden...if that neclace was a small purse of coppers would we have gone to the shambles to get it back? (Belden) We do have a salary, yes. We are getting a fair wage for our work. (Belden) I would have. (Narrator) (n) The stone house with the white shutters at the corner of the Street of the Whispering Leaves is large and well-built, but not ornate. The house is shaded by several willow trees, now bare, and is set somewhat back from the street. (Pavo) Belden: And if they think it fair to reward us more... I won't argue. (Boden) oh. (Belden) Or at least I could have given her some of my own money. (Pavo) Then you're a fool... (Pavo) Copper wasn't worth all that trouble.

  • Belden shakes her head sadly.

(Belden) Money won't get you to the Centre, my friend... (Dizon) Probably not all of us should troop up to the door... (Belden) But goodness and wisdom will. (Pavo) Well, at least you've got the goodness part... I'll give you that. (Belden) I'll go, (Dizon) We want to look professional.

  • Belden volunteers.

(Dizon) One more?

  • Dizon looks at all of you

(Pavo) I can go.

  • Dizon nods

(Dizon) Good enough. (Boden) ok. (Dizon) The rest of us will keep an eye out, right?

  • Boden takes up The Stance.
  • Loch nods

(Narrator) Pavo and Belden head up the steps to the front door (Narrator) There is a cord for a bell beside it

  • Pavo pulls the cord, but not too hard.

(Narrator) (you wait for a few moments, the sound of the bell resounding in your ears) (Narrator) (a young woman answers the door after a minute or two)

      • NPC1 is now known as Young_woman
  • Boden rolls a cigarette and starts to smoke.
  • Young_woman has long, wavy, light brown hair and blue eyes, and stands perhaps 5'11". She is dressed in a silver-grey gown and wears a silver bracelet studded with diamonds which suggests that she is not a servant.

(Young_woman) Yes? (Pavo) Hello, my lady. My name is Pavo Arsenios, this is my companion Belden. We are calling to return an item stolen earlier today.

  • Young_woman looks at both of you.
  • Belden smiles, and gives a little bow.

(Young_woman) Thank you.

  • Young_woman smiles back.

(Pavo) ((I'll go on the assumption that some one gave one of us the necklace...))

  • Young_woman waits, looking back and forth between you

(Pavo) (:D) (Narrator) (yeah :)

  • Belden holds it out.

(Boden) (Is Dizon with you to?) (Pavo) (No) (Narrator) (no, she's with you)

  • Young_woman nods

(Belden) This was stolen earlier from Noira Langevin. (Young_woman) Oh, I recognize that. (Young_woman) Yes, I can take it for her.

  • Belden hands it over.

(Pavo) If you have any questions, please contact our superior, Lt. Elzire Svodoba of the guard.

  • Young_woman takes the necklace

(Young_woman) Thank you both, very much. (Young_woman) Can I repay you in any way? (Belden) You're very welcome.

  • Pavo nods to the lady.

(Belden) No, that's not necessary. (Boden) To Dizon: Do we still suspect the girl was involved?

  • Dizon shrugs

(Loch) Something doesn't add up about this... (Pavo) You can always contact us at the guard if you'd like *smiles* (Young_woman) Very well, then.

  • Young_woman nods politely to both of you and closes the door with a graceful motion.

(Belden) . o O (Just tell Miss Langevin to be a little more discreet with her jewels in the Pearl City!)

  • Belden makes her way back over to the group.
  • Pavo turns and walks back towards the rest of the group

(Dizon) I'm not sure, but something is weird here.

  • Belden nods...

(Dizon) Let's get back to Pearl City, and we can think about it while we walk... (Dizon) But something here is out of place. (Belden) I have to say, it was entirely too easy to get that thing back... (Boden) Is she going to be pissed we sugested she may have been involved? (Pavo) I have a question, with a name as big as Izaguirre... is the necklace in his playing field? (Belden) She already is, Boden...

  • Belden says glumly.
  • Boden starts walking to Pearl City.
  • Belden walks with the others.

(Dizon) She might be... I know her family name - they're pretty powerful in the House of the Lizard. (Pavo) I mean... it wasn't a box of jewels... simply a necklace... (Boden) mabye it was a fake? (Dizon) Izaguirre.. it's hard to say. (Dizon) Maybe he didn't really have anything to do with this, and the kid just threw out the big name to get us out of his hair. (Loch) It didn't appear to be... but I'm not a proffessional appraiser (Pavo) That could be... (Pavo) I mean, why tell a bunch of children to steal a necklace, and then sell it for two imperials? (Pavo) Hell, that's not even worth MY time, let alone his.

  • Belden nods...

(Pavo) *LIGHTBULB* (Pavo) (I mean... candle!) (Pavo) Isn't Izaguirre supposed to have a big house in the Grand?

  • Dizon trudges ahead, leading the way back to the squalor of Pearl City.

(Dizon) Yeah, I think so, why? (Pavo) Well... could that have been it? (Dizon) ...

  • Dizon looks a bit stunned for a second

(Dizon) Shit! (Dizon) Why didn't I think of that? (Belden) Well, shoot. (Dizon) It might have been. I don't know. (Dizon) But if it was... (Dizon) We just handed it back to him. (Belden) But Noira was the one who told us to go there, so... (Boden) Ok, someone dumb this down for me...I didn't quite follow that. (Pavo) I'm not sure I do either Boden (Pavo) I mean, this leaves two possibilities. (Pavo) Either that was never Noira's father's place. (Pavo) Or he had it stolen from his daughter. (Pavo) Or I'm confused. (Pavo) One of those three.

  • Pavo rubs his head

(Boden) what? (Belden) She said that her father gave it to her... (Boden) why? (Boden) but she has a different last name to that other guy. (Dizon) Well, I'm pretty sure she's not Izaguirre's daughter...I don't think he's old enough, for one thing. (Dizon) And I know her family, sort of. (Belden) Maybe her father works for him.

  • Dizon shrugs

(Loch) Unfortunately, we can't really prove anything (Dizon) Could be... (Pavo) I'd much rather understand what's going on, than have proof. (Pavo) Heh

  • Dizon scratches her head in frustration

(Pavo) So was that Noira's last attempt to make sure that if we found it, it would still go to the mastermind? (Pavo) Or is she in the dark? (Belden) She was hiding *something*. (Boden) What was Noira's last name? (Belden) Langevin. (Dizon) Loch - weren't you saying that you didn't think that kid could've taken the necklace from her? That he was too short? (Dizon) Bugger it all, I should have listened to you on that one... (Pavo) The kid seemed to think he took it without her knowing.

  • Dizon looks annoyed with this whole situation

(Loch) Yes, it didn't seem likely that he could have taken it without her knowing (Boden) can't we just find out who her father is and ask *him* about the necklace? (Belden) Maybe she 'let' him. (Loch) She may have known, but just didn't let the kid know that. (Dizon) hm. Yeah...

  • Belden shakes her head in dismay.

(Belden) Oh dear... (Belden) :/ (Loch) And she was surprised that you were actually able to catch the kid... perhapse she recognized him... I believe her exact words were "I can't believe you caught him" (Dizon) The worst part is the feeling that I just got played by a bunch of freakin' kids. (Boden) Well to be fair...I was pretty surprised as well. (Boden) I think the kids were pretty on the level. (Belden) I didn't think they were lying... (Belden) But now I- I don't know... (Dizon) No, maybe not. (Boden) What I found strange was how fast everything happened...I mean we didn't dawdle and the damn thing was allready at the fence. (Pavo) I agree... (Pavo) Some one wanted it to move fast. (Dizon) Maybe they were just pawns, somehow wrapped up in something much larger... (Boden) Does that mean we have to get wrapped up in the big thing to? (Dizon) And it passed through a lot of hands - three kids and the fence, at least.

  • Dizon smiles at Boden.

(Dizon) Not necessarily, no. (Boden) good.

  • Boden brieths a sigh of relief.

(Pavo) And if we do, I'm definately taking the tips. (Dizon) Five, if we assume that Noira wasn't the original owner... (Belden) I wonder how often she gets robbed... (Belden) :/ (Narrator) (n) You have made it back to the rowdy crowds in Pearl City by now. (Pavo) Well, if the necklace was the real goal... the fence HAS to be in on it more. (Pavo) Since he was the one with it, in the end. (Narrator) (n) It's early afternoon, you're getting a mite hungry for lunch. (Boden) (What time is it in game...how long is our shift.) (Narrator) (Your shift goes until dinner time, roughly) (Narrator) (probably another 3 hours or so)

  • Boden pats his stomach.

(Boden) Lets eat. (Dizon) But *we* were the ones with it in the end... (Dizon) Everything did seem too easy... (Belden) Except for catching the first kid. (Belden) ... She might have tipped someone off after we left her. (Dizon) Sure, eating sounds good. Usually I just pick something up from one of the stands along the way, you know, and eat it while I patrol. (Pavo) Rieg seemed suprised we knew Vrain's name. (Pavo) So if we were pawns, that step wasn't expected. (Pavo) So I have my doubts that we were meant to be the delivery.

  • Dizon leads the way to a stall that sells skewered sticks of roasted meat and bread, and buys some for herself
  • Boden will also buy a large quantity of food.

(Boden) (how much)

  • Loch will pick some up for himself and offer to get Belden some

(Dizon) (just 2 cp) (Belden) I'll be fine.

  • Belden says with a smile.

(Belden) I'll just wait until we're done the shift, and eat at the barracks. (Dizon) (it's pretty crappy stuff, really ;)

  • Pavo orders a couple meat skewers too... mmmm meat skewers.

(Narrator) (mystery meat, too) (Boden) (Boden does not seem to care...he eats hungrily.) (Dizon) So, where does all of this leave us?

  • Dizon munches away on a hunk of bread as she talks

(Belden) Looking pretty foolish, I'm afraid... (Boden) eating back in Pearl.

  • Dizon grins widely at Boden.

(Dizon) True enough. (Dizon) No one got hurt (Dizon) If a crime took place, it wasn't in our district. (Loch) Life is full of little lessons... lets just consider this one of them, and learn from it.

  • Dizon nods, grimly
  • Boden grins.

(Pavo) ( Dizon mustard )

  • Loch feeds Willam a little bit of the meat

(Belden) At least those two little kids will be able to get some food. (Narrator) (Willam nibbles it happily) (Dizon) I guess that's a good thing, at least...

  • Belden nods. :/

(Dizon) Unless they get robbed or something. (Belden) they seem pretty quick... (Belden) Boden almost didn't catch them. (Dizon) Yeah, I'm sure they can take care of themselves. (Belden) I wonder how that other fellow made out with the latrines..

  • Pavo yawns and chews on a skewer.

(Pavo) mmm stick (Narrator) (n) The rest of your shift passes uneventfully, more or less. You tell a few rowndy drunks to quiet down, and break up one fist-fight. (Pavo) ( By sticking Boden in the middle of it ) (Narrator) (n) As the sun starts to dip towards the horizon, you return to the barracks in the Place D'Iena, which you now call home. (Narrator) (n) You feel satisfied, as if you have done a good day's work, but still most of you (maybe not Boden) have a slight nagging feeling about that whole situation. (Pavo) .oO( Time to head to the bars! ) (Narrator) (n) Your evening meal is hearty, and you are free to do as you wish in the evening, though the barracks doors lock at midnight. (Narrator) (Any plans for the evening, ladies and gents?)

  • Narrator guesses Boden goes whoring ;)

(Loch) (It is festival... might as well go out and enjoy oneself)

      • Young_woman is now known as NPC1

(Belden) (I'll go sell some of my apothecary stuff... I only charge enough to cover my materials of course) (NPC1) (n) There is plenty to do during the Festival, of course. Plays, street entertainers, and so on are plentiful. (NPC1) (n) Belden is the good samaritan during the evening, as one would expect.

  • Pavo would head for the Likely Lord, once stuffed.

(Narrator) (n) Pavo hits his usual hangout and has a good time. (Narrator) (n) Dizon... you're not sure what she does, though she definitely leaves the barracks. (Narrator) (n) Eventually, all of you return to your beds (or someone else's bed)

  • Pavo makes it back in at 11:59

(Narrator) (heh) (Narrator) (n) As night falls over Diablotin, the streets remain noisy, for it is Festival season, after all. Rest still comes easy to you, though. It has been a long day. (Narrator) (n) The End, for now :)