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{{logtoc|Diablotin 1|3}}
First-month, 2196:
First-month, 2196:
* 14th: They investigate the Case of the Riverbend Ridge and kill Minalda.  
* 14th: They investigate the Case of the Riverbend Ridge and kill Minalda.  
[http://phrontistery.50megs.com/diablotin/game3.html Game 3]
Session Start: Mon Sep 23 17:57:38 2002
* Logging #changeling to 'logs\diablotin3.espernet'
<br>(Narrator) Winter is now firmly upon the city of Diablotin. The weather has grown steadily colder since the holidays ended, and your solitary day of vacation now seems a distant (but mostly pleasant) memory.
<br>(Narrator) Loch, you celebrated your birthday at the start of First with your sister Enrica and brother Fanch, who had come into town during the holidays to make some purchases. Congratulations on being a year older!
<br>(Narrator) For the past two weeks, you have been patrolling Pearl City as usual, though the cold snap has made the job simultaneously unpleasant and pleasant. The bitter wind is certainly not ideal for spending your days outside, but at least it has also kept many people off the streets. It has been a quiet period.
<br>(Narrator) One blustery morning, before you set out on your patrol, Lt. Svodoba calls your squadron into her office.
<br>(Svodoba) Morning, all. Hope you slept well.
* Svodoba sits behind her desk, piled high with papers.
<br>(Svodoba) Take a seat.
<br>(Loch) Good morning, Sir.
* Svodoba gestures to the long bench
* Belden sits, scooping up her robes.
* Kalman does so as well
* Boden will sit.
* Svodoba runs a hand through her long hair, which is escaping somewhat from its usual ponytail.
* Dizon sits at the end of the bench
* Loch sits
<br>(Svodoba) Looks like there's something of a problem in your district.
* Svodoba seems tired, maybe a bit concerned.
(Kalman) A Problem, sir?
<br>(Svodoba) People have been disappearing.
* Kalman sounds intrigued
* Loch frowns
<br>(Svodoba) Most likely murders, but since no one's found any bodies yet, we can't be sure of that.
* Belden frowns as well.
<br>(Svodoba) I've gotten three reports, to be precise.
* Svodoba gestures to one of the piles of paper
<br>(Svodoba) The first one came in over the holidays. A tailor, name of Charlon Duquette. His wife reported it, but I didn't take too much notice. People do all sorts of weird things 'round that time of year. Figured the fellow would show up again soon enough.
(Kalman) (how common is it usually for people to go missing in our district?)
<br>(Svodoba) (somewhat common - people there have fewer roots in the community, often)
<br>(Svodoba) I found out about the second one day before yesterday, and the third one last night, but those two actually disappeared in the opposite order, according to what I can figure out.
<br>(Svodoba) Second one I heard about was a younger fellow, Peran Haupt. He was a student at the Castalia, studying magic there. His roommate reported him missing when he didn't come home three nights ago. Apparently he's not the sort of fellow who spends all night out on the town - nose in his books, most evenings.
<br>(Svodoba) Newest one, the one reported yesterday, he was a nobleman, but don't go thinking that's the only reason I'm sending you out now. You'd still be going, even if he was a tanner's apprentice.
* Kalman listens
<br>(Svodoba) Name's Ranier Courtemanche. Nephew of the Count of Kedarnath, just turned seventeen. He actually didn't come home ten days ago, but his stupid family weren't worried enough to report it until last night.
* Svodoba frowns
<br>(Svodoba) Now it seems to me there's something odd going on, 'cause looking into it a bit more, I found that all three of these guys went to the same tavern not long before they vanished.
(Kalman) (Have I heard of him?)
<br>(Svodoba) (you've heard the name - his family are important in the House of the Cat)
* Svodoba glances at each of you
<br>(Svodoba) It's a place called the Riverbend Ridge. Your basic taproom, rents a few rooms to ladies of the night, but not what you'd call a real brothel. You can guess from the name, it's right on the Ousel.
* Kalman nods
<br>(Svodoba) So, what I figure is, someone there knows something about what's going on. Maybe even one of them is responsible, I don't know. That's your job.
* Belden nods as well.
<br>(Svodoba) Dizon and Arsenios will do the most legwork today. I need someone to go to each of the victims' families and check their statements, and I think they're best cut out for that job.
* Svodoba hands Dizon a sheaf of papers. Dizon nods and takes them, glancing through them casually.
<br>(Svodoba) Any questions?
* Kalman thinks for a moment
* Svodoba cracks her knuckles idly, staring at you
* Belden gives her head a little shake.
<br>(Belden) No sir.
<br>(Svodoba) Okay.
<br>(Svodoba) Be careful. Whatever's going on, three men are missing, and any of you could be next.
(Kalman) Yes sir.
<br>(Svodoba) I have confidence in you, though. Good luck.
<br>(Belden) Thank you, sir.
* Svodoba nods to you, indicating the door with her hand.
* Kalman nods at Belden's comment
* Kalman stands then
* Loch stands and leaves with the group
* Dizon gathers up the papers and exits the office
* Boden leaves as well.
* Kalman leaves with the rest
* Belden too.
(Kalman) well...
<br>(Dizon) Well, it looks like Pavo and I are off to do some running around.
* Kalman nods
<br>(Dizon) You guys get the easy job - dealing with worried families is never fun.
(Kalman) well, good luck with it
<br>(Dizon) Thanks.
<br>(Belden) Yes...
<br>(Belden) (m) They'll be in my prayers...
<br>(Dizon) We'll come back here when we're done, if you need to get in touch with us.
* Loch nods
(Kalman) alright
* Dizon nods to you all, and leaves with Pavo in tow.
<br>(Belden) Well!
(Kalman) so, off to the pub then, hmm
* Belden nods.
<br>(Boden) Yep.
<br>(Belden) Taverns aren't exactly my natural habitat...
* Loch nods
<br>(Belden) Especially not this early in the day...
<br>(Narrator) Gusts of chill wind from off the Ousel swirl around you like miniature cyclones as you leave the guard post. The day is overcast and blustery, with the promise of more snow by nightfall.
(Kalman) well, I can't expect there will be that much going on this early, and they might not even be open.
<br>(Boden) early means less drinkers there to deal with.
<br>(Loch) Someone will be there
* Kalman nods
<br>(Narrator) The streets are largely quiet in Pearl City, and on less-travelled streets and alleyways the newly-fallen snow shows no signs of disturbance yet.
(Kalman) hopefully someone familiar with regular will be there
<br>(Narrator) Soon enough, you arrive at the tavern.
<br>(Narrator) The Riverbend Ridge does indeed sit at the edge of the Ousel. It is an older building, half-timbered in the style of perhaps two centuries ago, but it seems in good repair. A sign showing a curving river bordered by green trees bangs and creaks as it swings in the wind.
<br>(Narrator) What do you do?
* Belden looks around at the group.
(Kalman) well, lets go in, I guess
* Belden pushes the door open.
<br>(Narrator) Inside, the main room is large and spacious, L-shaped. A warm hearth welcomes you in one corner. In the centre of the building, a narrow hallway stands, beyond which you suppose a staircase leads up to a second floor. At this time of day the common room is sparsely populated.
* Boden nods and enters
* Loch follows the group
(Kalman) (how early is it?)
<br>(Narrator) (it's maybe 7:30 or so? Still quite early)
<br>(Narrator) A plain, bored-looking barmaid idly runs a rag over the counter.
<br>(Narrator) A fat balding man sits at a table by himself, dining heartily on a plate of greasy bacon and small fried fish.
<br>(Narrator) A skinny red-haired girl with a narrow face sits near the fire, eating a bowl of barleymeal. A small black terrier sits beneath her chair, dozing.
(Kalman) (IT"S THE DOG! GET IT!)
* Barmaid looks up at you as you enter
* Belden smiles at her.
<br>(Barmaid) What can I get for you?
(Kalman) Coffee?
* Barmaid looks surprised to see so many people this early
* Barmaid counts you up carefully
<br>(Barmaid) Four coffees, then?
(Kalman) please.
<br>(Belden) Just water for me, please.
(Kalman) well, three then?
* Kalman looks at Loch and Boden
* Loch nods
<br>(Barmaid) Three coffees and a water.
* Barmaid goes into a back room through a swinging door.
<br>(Loch) Shall we sit?
* Kalman glances aroudn the room while she is gone
(Kalman) why not?
<br>(Narrator) A few moments later, a tall, thin, middle-aged man enters from the same door at the back, wiping his hands on an apron.
* Loch takes a seat at one of the empty tables
* Boden will sit to
* Belden sits down and looks around.
<br>(Zelias) Welcome, welcome! Is it breakfast you're looking for? I've got some lovely kippers, fresh from the river before dawn.
* Zelias looks hopefully at each of you
<br>(Belden) Nothing for me, thanks.
* Belden chirps.
(Kalman) no thanks, cofffee would be fine
<br>(Loch) Sounds good. Does your company for a few minutes come with it?
<br>(Narrator) The barmaid returns bearing your coffees and a mug of water. She puts them down and returns to the bar.
<br>(Zelias) Of course, if you wish, sir.
<br>(Zelias) Ciretta can cook them as well as I.
<br>(Loch) It would
* Zelias nods to the woman at the bar.
<br>(Zelias) One order of kippers, then?
<br>(Boden) Two please
<br>(Zelias) Certainly, certainly.
* Zelias waves to the barmaid, who exits, presumably to cook some kippers.
<br>(Zelias) Now then, now then, what can I do for you?
* Zelias sits at your table, pulling up a chair.
<br>(Belden) Well, we're hoping you can tell us a bit about some of your patrons...
* Zelias looks a little concerned at that.
<br>(Zelias) May I ask what this is about?
<br>(Belden) Three people have been reported missing; their families are very worried.
* Belden says sincerely.
<br>(Loch) Yes, and I didn't catch your name, sir.
<br>(Zelias) My name is Zelias Koski, and I'm the keeper of this house.
* Zelias extends his hand to shake.
<br>(Zelias) Dear me, dear me. Three people missing?
<br>(Zelias) That's terrible, terrible.
* Loch will shake it
<br>(Loch) Loch du Champe
* Zelias 's hands are quite warm.
<br>(Loch) and my companions are...
(Kalman) Kalman vak Andras
<br>(Belden) Belden.
* Belden nods and smiles.
* Kalman will shake the man's hand as well
<br>(Zelias) Pleased to meet you, sirs, though I truly wish it could be under happier circumstances.
<br>(Boden) Boden
<br>(Zelias) Now, what was it you wanted to know?
<br>(Zelias) I'll help any way I can, to be sure.
<br>(Belden) Well, if you could recall anything that the three men had in common...
<br>(Belden) Acquaintances, habits... That wuold be extra helpful.
<br>(Zelias) Which three men are those?
* Belden names them.
<br>(Zelias) Hmm...
<br>(Belden) Charlon Duquette, Ranier Courtemanche, Peran Haupt.
(Kalman) do you know that any of them were actually regular here, to start with?
<br>(Belden) Or anything at all about them, actually.
<br>(Zelias) I know Master Courtemanche often comes here to visit one of my ... permanent guests.
* Kalman smirks
<br>(Belden) I thought that might be the case...
<br>(Zelias) I'm afraid the other two names aren't familiar to me, though.
<br>(Loch) When was Master Courtemanche last here?
<br>(Zelias) But we get many customers here. I don't learn all their names, unless they are regulars.
* Zelias thinks for a second
<br>(Zelias) Over a week ago, I'd say.
* Kalman nods
* Zelias fiddles with his drooping moustache, worried.
(Kalman) Is there anyone else here that he talked to much?
<br>(Zelias) Well, he liked his drink, sir. He would talk to most anyone when he was in his cups.
<br>(Belden) Do you think we could talk to his um, friend?
<br>(Zelias) She's asleep at the moment..
<br>(Belden) (also, sense motive on him just in case he is being sneaky)
<br>(Belden) Perhaps later today?
<br>(Zelias) (Belden - you don't think he's being sneaky, but he does seem worried)
* Belden asks hopefully.
<br>(Belden) (OK, good)
<br>(Zelias) She usually wakes up around noon, I'd say.
<br>(Zelias) I could wake her earlier, though, if you needed to speak to her.
<br>(Loch) It might be prudent to make an exception
* Zelias nods his head vigorously
<br>(Zelias) Of course, of course, sir.
(Kalman) hmmm..
<br>(Zelias) Would you like me to wake her now?
* Zelias looks around the table at you
(Kalman) maybe not just right away
* Zelias nods again
<br>(Belden) Well, perhaps after my friends finish their breakfast.
<br>(Narrator) Speaking of which, the barmaid brings out two plates of somewhat greasy kippers, each with a small loaf of bread
(Kalman) Do hyou get any regulars here who are particularly social, or likely to remember sopmeone who came through here a few days ago?
<br>(Zelias) Well, the girls who work here - there are three right now - might know.
(Kalman) Can we speak to one of them?
<br>(Zelias) And my two barmaids, Ciretta and Minalda, they talk to more of the customers than I do.
* Loch will try the kippers
<br>(Zelias) The working girls are all asleep right now, and Minalda doesn't usually come in until later in the day.
<br>(Narrator) The kippers are quite good, they actually taste fresh!
* Boden will wolf down the Kippers.
<br>(Zelias) Like I said, I could wake the regular girls, if you need to speak to any of them.
<br>(Loch) Good kippers. We can talk to Ciretta first, I think.
<br>(Belden) We'll probably want to talk to Minalda later, too.
<br>(Zelias) Of course, of course. I'll just get her, sir.
<br>(Zelias) Minalda should be in this afternoon.
* Kalman nods
* Zelias bustles off to the kitchen to get Ciretta
* Ciretta emerges from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron.
<br>(Ciretta) My uncle said you wanted to talk to me?
<br>(Belden) Have a seat.
* Ciretta comes over to the table, nervously.
* Belden offers, smiling.
* Ciretta will take a seat, still a bit uncertain.
<br>(Belden) Did your uncle mention why we're here?
<br>(Ciretta) He said something about some missing people, sir.
* Belden nods.
(Kalman) We're wondering if you might remember seeing them
<br>(Ciretta) I see a lot of people, sir.
<br>(Belden) We're hoping you might be able to remember something about them that could help us find them. You probably remember Ranier Courtemanche; there are two others, as well: Peran Haupt, and Charlon Duquette.
<br>(Ciretta) I know Master Courtemanche, of course.
<br>(Belden) Haupt might stand out here...
<br>(Belden) I understand he was a really bookish type; a magic student at the Castalia.
* Ciretta seems to have a cold, and keeps sniffing.
<br>(Ciretta) Oh yes, I think I do remember him.
<br>(Belden) Great!
<br>(Belden) Do you happen to remember the last time he was in here?
<br>(Ciretta) He came in a few nights ago, I think. I had never seen him before that.
(Kalman) or anyone he might have been talking to?
<br>(Ciretta) He was looking for Gabrielia. She's one of the regulars here, you know.
* Belden nods slowly...
(Kalman) hmmm
<br>(Ciretta) I'm not even usually working in the evenings, but that was a busy night.
<br>(Ciretta) I remember him because of his glasses.
<br>(Ciretta) What was the other name you asked about?
<br>(Belden) Charlon Duquette. HE was a tailor.
* Kalman nods
* Ciretta furrows her brow, thinking hard
<br>(Ciretta) No, I don't believe I know that name.
* Fat_man looks over in your direction
<br>(Belden) (sense motive on her to see if she is being honest in general)
<br>(Narrator) (she seems generally honest, you would say)
<br>(Fat_Man) You asking about Duquette?
* Kalman glances back over at him
(Kalman) yes... do you know him?
<br>(Fat_Man) Maybe I do.
<br>(Fat_Man) What did he do that you're looking for him?
(Kalman) He dissappeared.
<br>(Belden) Well, ser... he disappeared.
<br>(Loch) So perhapse you should let tell us what you know.
<br>(Fat_Man) He's missing? Shit, no chance of me getting my money back, most likely.
<br>(Fat_Man) What do you want to know?
<br>(Belden) Well, there might be if we find him...
* Fat_man laughs at that, displaying a mouth half-full of kipper
(Kalman) heh
<br>(Fat_Man) People go missing in Pearl, usually they don't get found.
<br>(Belden) There's a first time for everything...
<br>(Belden) Anyway...
* Fat_man shrugs
<br>(Belden) How do you know Mr. Duquette?
<br>(Fat_Man) He borrowed some money from me.
<br>(Belden) And what mihgt your name be?
* Belden asks politely.
<br>(Fat_Man) I run the moneylending shop next door. I'm Udo Hochstetler.
*** Fat_man is now known as Hochstetler
* Kalman takes a drink of his coffee
<br>(Belden) Do you happen to know what the money was for?
<br>(Hochstetler) He'd lost some money over the holidays, I believe on a horse race.
* Kalman nods
<br>(Belden) Oh, I see...
<br>(Loch) When did you last see him?
* Belden tries not to look *too* disapproving.
<br>(Hochstetler) A couple of weeks ago. First and last time.
<br>(Hochstetler) Middle of the holidays, it was.
<br>(Hochstetler) He had a problem, I helped him out, he thanked me, he left.
<br>(Belden) You didn't remark upon anything out of the ordinary about him, or his manner?
<br>(Hochstetler) Well, he seemed scared, you know?
* Hochstetler gestures with half a kipper, splashing Kalman slightly with grease.
(Kalman) oh)
<br>(Hochstetler) Whoever he owed money to, he didn't want to get in any trouble, if you know what I mean.
* Kalman frowns in mild annoyance and wipes himself off
* Hochstetler seems not to notice.
<br>(Hochstetler) But then again, that's what a lot of my customers look like.
* Belden nods.
* Kalman will lean back a bit, hopefully out of range
<br>(Hochstetler) So I lent him 40 imperials.
<br>(Belden) Well, thank you very much, Mr. Hochstetler.
<br>(Hochstetler) My rates are all fair, sirs, you have my word on it.
* Hochstetler says, just to cover his ass ;)
* Hochstetler smiles grotesquely and returns to his breakfast
<br>(Ciretta) Did you have any other questions for me, sirs?
<br>(Loch) Ciretta, what do you know about this Gabrielia you mentioned?
<br>(Ciretta) She doesn't always stay here. Only on some nights.
* Kalman turns away from the fat slobby guy and back to the barmaid
<br>(Loch) Is she here now?
<br>(Ciretta) She's got a place somewhere else in the city, I guess.
<br>(Ciretta) Yes, she stayed over last night.
<br>(Belden) Do the girls here... um. Do they 'work' for anyone in particular?
<br>(Ciretta) Not that I know of, sir.
* Belden nods.
<br>(Ciretta) My uncle runs a fair house, and he lets them stay as long as they pay for their rooms, but he's not their boss.
<br>(Belden) Did Master Courtemanche ever spend much time with Gabrielia?
<br>(Ciretta) I think he spent most of his time with Sirine, actually.
* Boden has long ago finished his kippers and now tries carefully to follow the conversation.
<br>(Belden) hmm...
<br>(Ciretta) He used to bring her gifts and such.
<br>(Loch) Did Peran Haupt get to meet Gabrielia that night?
<br>(Ciretta) I couldn't say, sir. I left not long after he came in.
<br>(Loch) So you don't remember if she was in that night?
<br>(Ciretta) Minalda was the one working that night - maybe she could tell you.
* Kalman nods
<br>(Ciretta) I know she was, I remember telling him where to find her.
<br>(Ciretta) But I couldn't say that I know they met, as I didn't see it myself, sir.
* Belden nods.
<br>(Belden) Alright... thank you, Ciretta. I think that's all... unless anyone has anything else...?
* Belden looks around the table.
<br>(Belden) Oh, actually...
* Ciretta blows her nose into a handkerchief she pulls from her sleeve.
* Belden lowers her voice.
<br>(Belden) Do you know any of the patrons in here this morning?
* Ciretta nods
<br>(Ciretta) I know Master Hochstetler, he's in here most mornings.
<br>(Ciretta) And the woman by the fire is named Jenai. She's... here today to do some work for my uncle.
<br>(Belden) What kind of work?
* Ciretta clears her throat nervously
* Kalman was going to ask that but wasn't sure that it was relevant
* Kalman shrugs when Belden asks
<br>(Ciretta) She's a ratcatcher. But I don't want you to think that we have a problem with rats here, sir!
<br>(Belden) Oh.
<br>(Ciretta) This is a very clean house, cleanest in the neighbourhood.
* Belden laughs lightly.
(Kalman) (sense motive)
<br>(Belden) (yeah, sense motive)
<br>(Ciretta) (you don't sense any deception from her, except perhaps - why would they have a ratcatcher here if they don't have a problem with rats?)
(Kalman) (heh)
<br>(Ciretta) (that's for both of you)
<br>(Belden) (hehe)
(Kalman) I'm sure most places in Perl have to deal with them at one point
* Ciretta nods
<br>(Loch) We wont mention it. Thank you for your help.
<br>(Ciretta) Thank you sir.
* Ciretta returns to the bar
*** Girl_with_dog is now known as Jenai
(Kalman) hmm
<br>(Belden) (q) Well, so far we've managed to place them all here at one time or other... but no real connections yet...
<br>(Boden) I bet those little dogs would be great for finding kobolds
* Belden gives Boden a strange look.
<br>(Belden) There are kobolds in Diablotin?
(Kalman) I rather doubt it
<br>(Boden) They get in everywere.
<br>(Belden) I've never seen one...
<br>(Boden) you never know were the next infestation will turn up.
<br>(Belden) Well, anyway...
<br>(Jenai) I've never run into one, and I'm in the sewers most every day.
* Jenai says casually
(Kalman) hmm
<br>(Boden) I didn't know there was a lot of sewers someone could walk in.
* Kalman shrugs
<br>(Jenai) Oh yeah, there are.
<br>(Belden) That's ... very comforting. :)
(Kalman) (Did I?)
<br>(Jenai) The old sewers, at least.
(Kalman) The city is quite old, I really wouldn't be surprised
<br>(Jenai) (those of you who have been in the city a long time certainly know that there are old sewers, mostly unused anymore, except by vermin)
<br>(Loch) Lets go find Zelias and wake up some sleeping beauties
(Kalman) hmmm
* Kalman nods to Loch, but turns to Jenai
<br>(Belden) I'm still thinking about that tailor, Loch...
(Kalman) (q) do you actually get much work in this part of the city?
<br>(Belden) I wonder if it wasn't something more serious than a gambling debt that he wanted the money for...
<br>(Belden) And if so, what that might have been...
<br>(Belden) It might be an idea to look into how his business was faring, maybe...
<br>(Jenai) They have a lot of problems with rats around this neighbourhood, 'cause it's near the river. There's a drainage flow from the old sewers that empties out near here.
<br>(Boden) to belden: wasn't he an apprentice or something?
<br>(Jenai) So yeah, you could say I get a lot of work here.
* Jenai scratches the dog behind the ear.
(Kalman) Logical..
* Jenai nods
<br>(Loch) People who have debts aren't killed. It's hard to collect from a corpse.
<br>(Jenai) Speaking of, I should get to work. Day's a wasting.
* Jenai reaches under her cloak, and extracts a brown weasel-looking creature.
* Kalman nods
<br>(Loch) As Udo is well aware.
* Jenai rises and goes into the back room, followed by her dog.
<br>(Belden) Boden, he was a tailor.
* Hochstetler is working on his second helping of kippers, but he smiles and nods to you.
<br>(Belden) Peran Haupt was the student.
<br>(Boden) ok
<br>(Belden) Alright... what was next, then... Speeling beauties, Loch?
* Belden grins/grimaces wryly.
<br>(Loch) Yes. It seems the most likely connection between all three, besides this place.
(Kalman) do we want to wake them both at once or one at a time?
<br>(Belden) (sleeping even)
(Kalman) ...
<br>(Belden) One at a time, I think...
(Kalman) And the other waitress won't be in until later, anyway
* Belden nods.
* Loch will get up and track down Zelias, I assume he is in back
* Zelias is indeed in back, watching Jenai at work in the kitchen.
<br>(Narrator) In the kitchen, a large cauldron bubbles softly in the hearth, and the smell of fish and grease is strong. To your right is a small door, and at the back of the room a larger door stands slightly open, letting in a brisk breeze from the river.
<br>(Loch) (Is it possible to casually cast a spell like Detect Magic?)
<br>(Narrator) (It is V,S)
<br>(Narrator) (You could be quiet about it, and try to cover the sound with the noise of the door opening or something, though. I will roll for you if you want to try)
<br>(Loch) (sure)
* Pavo adjusts himself a bit before pushing open the door to the tavern.
<br>(Narrator) (you manage to cover the sound with the noise of Pavo coming in ;)
* Kalman is drinking his coffee
<br>(Belden) Pavo?
<br>(Pavo) Ho!
<br>(Belden) Where's Dizon?
<br>(Pavo) She's reporting back to Svodoba for now.
* Kalman nods to the other guard
<br>(Belden) Come and sit...
(Kalman) did you learn anything?
<br>(Loch) (Anything Magical about?)
* Pavo heads over to Beldan, nodding to the other guards.
* Belden makes room
* Kalman will as well
(Kalman) (We're all sitting at a table)
* Pavo takes a seat with the others.
<br>(Pavo) So how are things out in the field?
<br>(Belden) Why don't you tell us? :)
<br>(Pavo) I haven't been out ferretting information... we just confirmed the family member statemetns.
* Kalman nods
<br>(Belden) Oh... So you didn't find out anything new?
* Belden looks disappointed.
<br>(Belden) Did you happen to maybe get some physical descriptions of the missing men?
<br>(Pavo) Well there was Duquette, mid thirties, short and thin, and balding... poor man. what's left was brown.
<br>(Pavo) Haupt wore spectacles, and had dark hair... rather thin too.
<br>(Pavo) Courtemanche was blonde though, curly hair. Tall and slender.
* Belden nods...
<br>(Belden) Duquette... did you go to his home, or to his shop?
<br>(Loch) Zelias, we would like to talk with one of your guests now.
<br>(Pavo) We spoke with his family.
* Zelias nods.
<br>(Zelias) Which one, sir?
<br>(Belden) Okay...
<br>(Pavo) His shop is in his home, we spoke with his wife.
<br>(Zelias) I have four guests staying at the moment, but only three are regulars.
<br>(Loch) Sirine, first I believe.
(Kalman) did she mention anything about him borrowing money?
<br>(Belden) Did everything look to be in order at the shop? Did they happen to mention any kind of financial difficulties?
* Zelias nods
<br>(Zelias) I'll go wake her, sir, right away, and bring her down here.
<br>(Pavo) Well, there might be difficulties now that he's missing.
* Zelias heads down the hall towards the stairs
(Kalman) hmm
* Loch will follow him up the stairs but wait there
<br>(Belden) Maybe we should go and talk to the families again... I hate to bother them at a time like this, but unless these, um, ladies are rather forthcoming, I think we're going to need more information...
* Zelias returns a short while later with a girl of perhaps sixteen or seventeen, very short and slender, with blue eyes and long straight black hair which she is still engaged in braiding. She wears a sky blue dress which hugs her youthful body closely.
* Belden glances back the way Loch went.
<br>(Loch) (Zelias just get her... he didnt do anything else up stairs?)
<br>(Narrator) Loch - upstairs there is a hallway with six doors leading off it. Zelias goes to the one at the end of the hall on the left, knocks, talks softly to whoever is inside, and waits for her to emerge.
* Pavo sighs, having dealt with distraught family members perhaps too much today.
<br>(Belden) Well, we'll wait and see.
(Kalman) hopefully we won't need to
<br>(Loch) (no other stairs that I can see up there?)
<br>(Narrator) No other stairs. It is a two-floor building
* Loch will of course head back to the common room as Zelias returns
* Sirine approaches the table where the rest of you sit.
<br>(Sirine) Zelias says you wanted to ask me a few questions?
* Kalman nods
(Kalman) have a seat, if you like
<br>(Belden) Yes, if you don't mind... PLease, have a seat.
* Sirine joins you at the table
* Belden smiles.
* Sirine smiles back at you
<br>(Belden) We'd like to ask you about Ranier Courtemanche...
* Boden smiles at her.
<br>(Sirine) Yes, I know Ranier. He's a nice young man, very generous.
* Sirine giggles slightly.
<br>(Sirine) What about him?
<br>(Belden) Hm, yes, well...
* Belden purses her lips slightly.
<br>(Belden) _
(Kalman) do you remember the last time you saw him?
<br>(Sirine) I haven't seen him for a more than a week. Maybe ten days?
<br>(Sirine) But usually he might come here once or twice a week.
<br>(Belden) The last time you saw him... Did he seem worried, upset about anything?
* Sirine thinks for a moment
<br>(Sirine) The last time I saw him, maybe ten days ago, he spent a few hours in my room, but he left before midnight, I believe. He seemed fine to me.
* Sirine fiddles with a ring on her finger idly.
<br>(Belden) Did you talk at all, or was it mostly... ah.. business?
<br>(Loch) (this is where you people do sense motive)
* Sirine giggles slightly
<br>(Belden) (yes yes, sense motive :P)
<br>(Narrator) (Belden - you don't sense any deception)
<br>(Belden) (k)
<br>(Sirine) Business, mostly.
<br>(Boden) (What kind of ring is it?)
* Sirine has a girlish giggle and a flirty grin.
<br>(Belden) Did he give you that?
(Kalman) (I'll do it too, but presumaby the same thing?)
* Belden points to the ring.
<br>(Narrator) The ring is of gold, with a pale blue stone.
<br>(Sirine) Yes, he did.
* Sirine smiles
<br>(Belden) (What kind of smile?)
<br>(Belden) Mm-hmm...
* Sirine smiles proudly, then :)
<br>(Loch) Have you ever met a man named Duquette?
<br>(Narrator) (Kalman - yes, same deal)
<br>(Sirine) Oh, there are so many gentlemen who come in here, I can't keep them all straight.
<br>(Sirine) I only remember the names of regulars, usually.
<br>(Belden) When Ranier was here... when you weren't... working... do you remember what you might have talked about?
* Pavo rubs his nose discretely.
* Sirine scratches her head, thinking
* Belden looks somewhat uncomfortable.
<br>(Sirine) I think he said... he was going to bring me a new cloak, because mine was wearing thin.
<br>(Sirine) He might have said some other things, but I wasn't really listening that closely.
<br>(Boden) Sounds like he really enjoyed your company, do you know if he had any othe close female friends?
* Sirine giggles again
<br>(Sirine) I don't know of any, sir.
<br>(Sirine) Why are you asking so many questions about Ranier, anyway?
<br>(Belden) Oh... Zelias didn't tell you...
<br>(Sirine) Tell me what?
* Belden 's eyebrows krinkle together worriedly.
* Sirine looks concerned
<br>(Belden) He and two other men have gone missing, I'm afraid...
<br>(Sirine) Oh, he's missing? That's terrible! Do you have any idea where he might have gone?
* Kalman shakes his head
* Sirine looks upset
<br>(Belden) That's what we're trying to find out...
* Loch will keep an eye on Hochstetler during the conversation
(Kalman) he and two other gentlemen have dissappeared
* Hochstetler is now cleaning his nails with his dagger
<br>(Belden) (classy)
<br>(Sirine) Really?
<br>(Sirine) How dreadful!
(Kalman) (sense motive?)
<br>(Narrator) (Kalman - you sense that she is more worried about loss of income than about Ranier personally)
<br>(Boden) We are trying to peace together his last wearabouts.
<br>(Sirine) Like I said, he was with me in the evening, and then he left a bit before midnight.
<br>(Sirine) I haven't seen him since.
* Kalman nods
<br>(Sirine) He left through the back door, I think, because it was late.
(Kalman) hmm
<br>(Sirine) It's closer to the stairs, anyway.
* Belden nods slowly.
<br>(Belden) Where does the back door come out?
<br>(Sirine) There's a cobblestone path. It leads down to a little wharf on the river, or you can go around the house through the alley to the main street.
* Sirine gestures down the hallway
* Kalman nods
* Belden nods as well.
(Kalman) well... I don't know if we have much more to ask you...
<br>(Sirine) If you don't mind, I'd like to go back to bed. I was up late last night...
<br>(Belden) Yes, I think that's all, unless Loch has something else...
<br>(Loch) No, I have nothing else.
<br>(Boden) What do you think of the other girls that work here?
* Belden glances quizzically at Boden.
<br>(Sirine) Well, Inessa is a good friend of mine.
<br>(Belden) This is no time to be shopping,
<br>(Sirine) Gabrielia, I don't know as well.
* Belden scolds.
<br>(Sirine) And both of the barmaids have always been nice to me.
* Boden looks confused at Belden, like she is speaking giberish.
<br>(Boden) thanks.
* Sirine nods
* Kalman seems amused
<br>(Sirine) I hope you find Ranier...
<br>(Boden) we do to.
<br>(Loch) Zelias, could you get Gabrielia for us, please.
* Sirine rises and leaves the table, heading back down the hall towards the stairs
<br>(Zelias) Yes, of course, of course.
* Zelias will go upstairs again.
* Belden sighs and shakes her head.
* Belden mumbles a quiet prayer.
<br>(Boden) (q)If you wanna hear about dirt on the hookers you ask the girls they are competing against.
* Pavo just knows that he's in the wrong part of Pearl City...
* Zelias returns with a slender woman in her early twenties with short, wavy, honey brown hair, blue eyes, and a simple pale yellow frock with a full skirt, laced up the front with saffron ribbon.
* Kalman looks at his now-empty coffee cup
<br>(Narrator) Ciretta will refill your cup if you like :)
* Gabrielia comes over to the table a bit nervously
(Kalman) (sure :D)
<br>(Loch) Please have a seat
<br>(Gabrielia) I guess there's something you need to talk to me about?
* Gabrielia takes a seat
<br>(Loch) Do you recognize the name of Peran Haupt?
<br>(Gabrielia) Peran is a friend of mine. Why are you asking about him?
* Gabrielia looks defensive
<br>(Belden) He's gone missing, Gabrielia.
* Belden says solemnly.
<br>(Gabrielia) Oh no. That's awful.
<br>(Belden) (sense motive)
(Kalman) (sense motive!)
* Gabrielia starts to cry softly
<br>(Loch) We heard he was last seen here, looking for you.
<br>(Narrator) (People sensing motive - she is genuinely upset, you would say)
<br>(Gabrielia) The last time I saw him was... three days ago.
<br>(Belden) I take it he was not merely a client...
* Belden says softly.
* Kalman nods
(Kalman) ...
<br>(Gabrielia) He came here to see me... he had found out what I did to make extra money, and he was upset.
<br>(Belden) Were you two friends?
* Gabrielia nods
<br>(Belden) I see.
<br>(Gabrielia) We study together at the Castalia.
* Gabrielia seems a bit embarassed to be questioned, as well as upset.
(Kalman) d you know if he talked to anyone else while he was here?
<br>(Gabrielia) I guess he probably talked to whichever of the barmaids was on duty, to find out where I was.
<br>(Gabrielia) He walked in on me with a customer.
<br>(Belden) Oh dear...
<br>(Gabrielia) He told the man to get out, and the fellow did....
<br>(Gabrielia) Then we had a fight.
* Belden covers her mouth...
* Kalman nods
<br>(Gabrielia) He wanted to take me away from here. He even offered to help me pay for my expenses, but I knew he couldn't really afford that.
(Kalman) . o O ( been there... :p )
<br>(Gabrielia) We argued, and then I told him to leave.
<br>(Gabrielia) He ran down the stairs and out the door.
<br>(Belden) Out the back door?
<br>(Gabrielia) ...Yes, why?
<br>(Belden) I'm just trying to get an idea of how things happened.
* Belden says with a comforting smile.
<br>(Loch) Did someone help you get set up here?
<br>(Gabrielia) No...
<br>(Gabrielia) I just needed a place where I could rent a room. Somewhere away from the Castalia, where I wouldn't run into people I know...
<br>(Boden) How did he find out?
* Gabrielia starts crying again
<br>(Belden) I'm sorry you had to find out this way...
* Kalman frowns a bit...
<br>(Gabrielia) I'm not sure... Someone he knows must have seen me here. Maybe he even followed me, I'm not sure.
* Gabrielia nods, sniffling somewhat
(Kalman) would you like something to drink? Some tea, maybe?
<br>(Gabrielia) Yes, that would be nice, thank you.
<br>(Loch) There is nobody putting pressure on you, is there? Trying to get you to move to a different locale, or threatening you?
* Gabrielia shakes her head no
<br>(Gabrielia) I like it here... Zelias has a good place, and I haven't had any trouble.
* Kalman will order a tea for her
<br>(Belden) . o O (How can you say you like this? :/)
<br>(Boden) who was the guy that he chased out of your room?
* Zelias will bring a pot of tea and enough cups for the whole table
* Pavo reaches out and pours himself a cup of tea.
<br>(Gabrielia) I don't remember his name... We hadn't even done anything yet.
* Gabrielia sniffles some more
<br>(Gabrielia) What do you think happened to Peran?
* Kalman shakes his head
(Kalman) we don't know yet
<br>(Boden) could he defend himself?
<br>(Gabrielia) We're both students of magic. I guess he could defend himself that way...
* Pavo pours a second cup and pushes it over to Gabrielia
* Gabrielia will sip her tea gratefully
<br>(Gabrielia) But no, not particularly. He was pretty skinny.
(Kalman) hmm...
<br>(Belden) How was he dressed that evening?
<br>(Gabrielia) I think he was wearing a dark blue cloak, and ... brown pants and a white shirt, I think?
<br>(Belden) Nothing extravagant...
* Belden says thuoghtfully.
<br>(Gabrielia) No...
(Kalman) hmm
<br>(Gabrielia) He was not a rich man.
<br>(Gabrielia) He couldn't have supported us both...
* Gabrielia starts to cry again
(Kalman) We'll find out what happened to him
* Gabrielia wipes her eyes on her sleeve
<br>(Gabrielia) Thank you.
<br>(Belden) We'll tell you when we know.
* Belden adds.
* Gabrielia nods gratefully
<br>(Gabrielia) Do you have any other questions? I have a class I have to get to in an hour...
(Kalman) hmmm..
* Gabrielia tries to pull herself together
(Kalman) You didn't happen to know a tailor by the name of Charlon Duquette?
<br>(Gabrielia) No, I don't remember that name.
<br>(Belden) Alright... thank you Gabrielia.
* Gabrielia nods tearfully
* Gabrielia goes back up the stairs
* Belden shakes her head sadly...
* Belden sighs.
(Kalman) well...
<br>(Belden) Well...
<br>(Narrator) The back door opens, letting light stream down the hall. It is now approaching midday.
(Kalman) Why don't we have a look around back for now?
<br>(Pavo) Has there been any common thread yet?
<br>(Boden) We should check out that back way.
* Belden nods...
* Kalman glances up as the door opens
<br>(Belden) Our problem may be as simple as someone staking out the back exit...
* Belden looks up as well.
<br>(Narrator) A young woman in her mid-twenties enters, with straight black hair drawn back in a bun, wearing a plain grey dress and an apron.
(Kalman) it's close to the river
<br>(Narrator) She takes off her cloak and hangs it on a nail near the door
<br>(Belden) Close to the river...
<br>(Loch) The other bardmaid is here, we should talk to her now.
<br>(Belden) Hmm...
<br>(Belden) I wonder if she leaves that way when she goes home at night.
(Kalman) alright, but afterward, I do want to have a look around out there
* Belden nods to Kalman. "Me too."
* Minalda walks down the narrow hallway into the main room, and looks around, a bit surprised to see so many people there
* Zelias takes Minalda aside and whispers to her for a moment
* Minalda looks in your direction, a bit suspiciously
* Kalman watches the exchange
* Minalda comes over towards you
<br>(Minalda) Zelias said you might want to talk to me?
<br>(Minalda) I'm Minalda, the other barmaid here. I work over mealtimes, and then in the evenings, when Ciretta goes home.
* Kalman nods
<br>(Minalda) What can I do for you, sir? Zelias said there were some people missing?
(Kalman) we've got some questions about some people who have come in here recently, yes
* Minalda sits at the table, listening. You can smell her faint perfume.
(Kalman) Peran Haupt, Charlon Duquette and Ranier Courmanche
<br>(Minalda) I don't know any of those names, sir. I've only been working here a few months.
<br>(Minalda) Is the last one that young nobleman who likes to throw his money around?
* Kalman nods
(Kalman) that's the one
<br>(Minalda) Then I know him... but I don't know the other two.
<br>(Belden) Haupt wold have been in here a few days ago... He had spectacles, and dark hair... He was rather thin, bookish.
<br>(Belden) He came to see Gabrielia?
<br>(Minalda) Oh yes, I remember him because of his glasses. He came to talk to Gabrielia, but he didn't stay very long. They had an argument and he left.
* Kalman nods
<br>(Minalda) I don't know what they argued about, though.
<br>(Belden) Master Duquette would have been here speaking with Master Hochsteller, about two weeks ago...
<br>(Belden) He would have been in his thirties, thin, short, balding.
<br>(Minalda) I seem to remember him talking to Master Hochstetler a few weeks ago, probably about money matters, although I'm not one to eavesdrop on customers' conversations, sir.
<br>(Belden) Did you happen to notice him leaving?
<br>(Minalda) It was around dinner time, but he didn't eat. He had an ale, and then skipped out without paying, he did.
<br>(Belden) (btw, sense motive on her)
<br>(Minalda) I didn't see him leave - it must have been out the back.
* Belden nods.
(Kalman) (sense motive on her... gmta :o)
(Kalman) (PS even :o)
(Kalman) does that exit get used a lot by customers?
(Kalman) or is it mostly for the staff?
<br>(Narrator) (Belden and Kalman - she seems calm and relaxed, not nervous or anything)
<br>(Minalda) Mostly by the staff - the garbage pile is out there.
<br>(Minalda) But we don't keep it locked except at night.
<br>(Belden) Do you usually leave by that way?
<br>(Minalda) It depends on whether I'm closing up or not.
<br>(Minalda) If I'm closing, I have to leave by the front door, because the back one can't lock from the outside.
* Belden nods...
<br>(Minalda) But if Zelias is closing, I usually leave by the back - it's more convenient fo rme.
<br>(Belden) The night you saw Duquette here... Do you remember if you were closing that night?
* Minalda thinks hard
<br>(Minalda) It was during the holidays, and it was a busy night. I think I did close, but I can't be sure.
* Belden nods.
<br>(Loch) Thank you for your time, Minalda.
* Hochstetler finally pries himself from his seat and leaves the tavern
<br>(Minalda) You're welcome, sir.
<br>(Belden) (the only man alive who leaves a ring on chairs as well as bathtubs)
* Minalda rises and goes into the kitchen.
<br>(Loch) The only thing I can see that these people have in common is that they went out the back door.
* Belden nods.
<br>(Belden) Yes...
<br>(Belden) It definitely bears investigating.
* Kalman nods
(Kalman) lets go, then
* Loch will get up
* Belden gets up, leaving a few coins on the table for the tea, even though she didn't have any.
* Kalman watches the money lender leave, and half wonders how close attention he was paying to all of that
(Kalman) (I figure I'd already paid for it, but, whatever :o)
* Boden will get up and go to the back door.
<br>(Narrator) The hallway is narrow and dimly-lit. As you reach the end, you see a door before you which presumably leads out to the back of the tavern, and the staircase to the second floor heads up into the darkness, pointing back in the direction of the main room. A second closed door is to your right.
<br>(Belden) What's in there?
* Belden wonders aloud.
* Loch tries the door
<br>(Narrator) The door opens to reveal an antiquated water closet, where the smell is most unpleasant. A bench with a large dark hole in it is the main feature of the room. You think you hear the faint chittering of some creature below in the darkness.
(Kalman) ugh
<br>(Loch) Look familiar Kalman
* Kalman wrinkles his nose
(Kalman) ha ha.
<br>(Belden) Oh.
<br>(Belden) Never mind!
* Loch closes the door again
* Pavo tails Belden, for now.
<br>(Belden) Unless we are dealing with a latrine monster, I think we can leave that door closed...
<br>(Pavo) That is definitely not my department.
* Loch will open the door out back and head out
<br>(Pavo) .oO( Perhaps Kalman's... but not mine. )
<br>(Boden) (q)Sometimes kobolds hide in latrines.
* Kalman glowers at Pavo
<br>(Narrator) Out the back door, a cobbled path has been swept clean of snow. It leads towards the river.
<br>(Pavo) (I thought it!)
<br>(Narrator) Outside the air is frigid, and a brisk wind blows.
<br>(Belden) So, as far as we know, the last disappearance was three days ago...
<br>(Belden) With this snow, we're not like to find much in the way of clues...
* Belden puts her hands on her hips and looks around dubiously.
(Kalman) may as well look
<br>(Narrator) Another path leads around the side of the house, to the street.
(Kalman) (Is the river frozen?)
<br>(Belden) (good question)
<br>(Narrator) Yes, the river is quite frozen.
* Pavo slips on a pair of gloves, once outside with the rest.
* Loch will go take a look down the path back to the street
<br>(Belden) Should we split up, or search each path one at a time?
* Kalman looks around for the garbge pile that is allegedly out here
<br>(Belden) Okay...
<br>(Belden) I'll stick with Kalman,
(Kalman) alright
<br>(Narrator) The path back to the street is cobbled as well, and leads around the left side of the house to the street.
<br>(Belden) Pavo and Boden, you go with Loch
<br>(Loch) I doubt were going to find much this way
<br>(Narrator) The garbage pile sits near to the river.
<br>(Loch) we should all look near the river
* Belden will look around the immediate outside area with Kalman...
<br>(Boden) We should see if there is an entrance to the sewers by here.
<br>(Narrator) The smell near there is not very pleasant, Kalman.
<br>(Belden) Good idea, Boden.
* Boden will use his Tracking feat to look for clues.
<br>(Narrator) Though you are lucky, it's mostly frozen.
<br>(Belden) (let's make search/spot rolls)
<br>(Belden) (for what it's worth...)
* Narrator will roll Search for all of you :)
(Kalman) (yeah)
* Pavo steps up beside Boden, looking around.
<br>(Narrator) At the end of the path is a small dock, a bit rickety but apparently still firm enough to be used.
<br>(Belden) (On the off chance... I'll cast detect magic)
<br>(Narrator) Belden, as you are standing on the little dock, you can see, maybe ten meters to your left, what looks like the opening of a large sewer pipe jutting from the bank.
<br>(Belden) I found something.
<br>(Narrator) (you don't detect any magic, Belden)
* Belden calls to the group.
* Pavo walks to the shore, or at least what looks to be the shore.
<br>(Belden) Maybe, anyway...
<br>(Belden) (Is it big enough for a person to fit inside?)
<br>(Narrator) Yes, it is quite large.
<br>(Loch) (How big is the garbage pile?)
* Pavo looks to Belden, then scans the far bank
* Belden peers inside.
<br>(Narrator) The garbage pile is fairly large as well.
<br>(Belden) (search/spot again?)
* Kalman goes over towards her
<br>(Belden) (for inside the pipe?)
<br>(Narrator) Across the river, you are looking into the Shambles. Not much to see there ;)
<br>(Loch) (I will poke into it with my spear, see if I can hit anything solid)
<br>(Boden) (nothing on my tracking roll?)
<br>(Belden) (scratches, blood, signs of struggle... anything)
<br>(Narrator) You will have to walk on the river to get close enoguh to the pipe to investigate it further.
<br>(Narrator) No, Boden, nothing like that.
<br>(Belden) (i will do so.. carefully)
<br>(Narrator) Loch - the garbage pile is full of garbage, as far as you can tell.
<br>(Belden) I'm going to check it out...
<br>(Narrator) The river is frozen solid here, and you can walk on it with relative ease, although the wind and ice cause you to slip occasionally.
* Kalman will walk out to the end of the little dock and look both out across the river and backl towards the building
<br>(Narrator) you can see the remains of the old outlet pipe. It is very large, about eight feet of it protruding from the mass of ice in a rough semi-circle.
<br>(Narrator) (Belden can see this, that is)
<br>(Belden) (now I'll make my search roll...)
<br>(Narrator) Kalman, the Shambles lie across the river. Looking back at the tavern, it seems very peaceful, with smoke coming from the chimney.
* Belden climbs inside the pipe, and waits a moment for her eyes to adjust.
(Kalman) hmmm...
* Kalman will keep an eye on Belden, then
<br>(Narrator) Inside, the tunnel is very dark, and though the smell is unpleasant, you are relieved to note that most of the raw sewage is frozen at this time of year.
<br>(Boden) I should go too, I've actually done this kinda thing before.
* Boden will move up to the pipe.
<br>(Narrator) Something you hope is a rat skitters ahead of you in the darkness.
* Belden will unfasten her morningstar from her belt, and cast Light on it.
<br>(Narrator) The Light illuminates the stone walls of the sewer pipe.
<br>(Boden) Can I borrow a weapon that takes less room than a long-sword?
(Kalman) hmmm
* Kalman shrugs
* Kalman will pass you his shortsword
<br>(Loch) (no success with the garbage pile?)
<br>(Boden) thanks.
* Boden will pass you his longsword.
<br>(Narrator) The pipe is about wide enough for one person to stand in with their arms spread apart comfortably.
* Kalman nods and takes in
* Boden will go into the pipe.
(Kalman) (How long has the river been rozen?)
<br>(Narrator) The river has been frozen for a few weeks.
* Loch will go join the crowd around the sewar pipe
* Belden moves the glowing weapon around to get a good look at the inside of the pipe.
<br>(Narrator) The pipe stretches ahead of you, branching off into smaller junctures from the main pipe.
* Kalman looks out across the river back towards the Shambles
<br>(Narrator) The smaller junctures are probably too small for a person to get through, unless they were very small.
<br>(Boden) just a second Belden.
<br>(Belden) (nothing on the search roll?)
<br>(Narrator) No.
* Boden will use his tracking feat.
<br>(Belden) (dang)
<br>(Belden) I don't see anything but frozen filth in here...
<br>(Narrator) Boden - someone or something has been here. You can see faint tracks, but they are too old to judge what made them.
<br>(Boden) (how big was the something?)
<br>(Narrator) Human-sized, roughly. Much bigger, and it couldn't get through the pipe.
<br>(Pavo) I don't suppose your spikey guy does reconnaissance?
<br>(Pavo) (to Loch)
<br>(Boden) Something has been here, but I don't know how long ago.
<br>(Boden) but it was much bigger than a rat.
<br>(Boden) (can I see where they go?)
<br>(Belden) Hm...
<br>(Loch) He can
<br>(Narrator) You'd say they go both in and out of the main pipe.
<br>(Belden) Your eyes are better than mine, then...
<br>(Boden) We can follow it further down the pipe.
<br>(Boden) I've had training in tracking stuff in places like this.
<br>(Belden) Alright...
(Kalman) are you two alright down there?
<br>(Belden) As far as we can fit, anyway...
* Kalman will call down
* Belden ventures further down the pipe.
<br>(Boden) We are going to try and track something....
<br>(Narrator) (So, if I understand, Belden and Boden are in the pipe, Loch, Pavo, and Kalman are still on the dock?)
<br>(Belden) I don't suppose you've got a torch... I didn't think to bring one, and this won't last that long...
<br>(Boden) Can I go first?
* Belden gestures with the glowing weapon.
* Kalman nods
<br>(Belden) Be my guest!
* Kalman willl hop down onto the ice
<br>(Boden) I don't have a torch, but we'll go a bit further.
* Boden will start to track down the pipe.
* Kalman pauses and looks up at Loch and Pavo
* Belden follows Boden.
<br>(Loch) They may need help, but it's tight in there
(Kalman) I don't have a light here, either...
<br>(Narrator) Boden, the pipe is small enough that you have to bend over somewhat as you proceed.
<br>(Narrator) Belden has no problems, however.
<br>(Loch) I'll go, I can call some more if we need it
(Kalman) alright
<br>(Boden) (I'll probably be bent over anyways since I need to see the tracks.
* Loch will head into the tunnel after the pair
* Belden holds the light to Boden's side so that he can see.
<br>(Narrator) The Light spell flickers off the walls, illuminating mossy growths and ancient graffiti
* Loch scurries to catch up to Belden and Boden
<br>(Narrator) Boden, you follow the tracks. Back this far, they are somewhat clearer - humanoid tracks, more than one person.
<br>(Boden) hmmm, multiple people...
<br>(Narrator) You notice some movement up ahead - perhaps a rat?
* Boden will wait and listen for a moment.
<br>(Narrator) Whatever it was, the noise has stopped now.
<br>(Narrator) The pipe diverges, with a large tunnel going off to the left, and the main branch continuing straight ahead.
* Kalman glances at Pavo
* Kalman moves closer to the mouth of the pipe
(Kalman) (How far in are they?)
<br>(Boden) (w)Did you hear something?
* Pavo hrms worriedly.
* Pavo pulls the small pack from his back and unties it.
* Boden will start forward again causiously.
* Pavo takes a moment to put on his clawed gauntlets...
<br>(Narrator) They are too far in for you to see them anymore, except for a vague flicker of light, Kalman.
* Kalman will tie Boden's longsword to his belt
<br>(Pavo) I think we should follow... *looks around*
<br>(Pavo) I ... can't say I worry about getting surrounded... but I don't like the idea of them down there alone.
(Kalman) welll...
(Kalman) the way that pipe is, I imagine the most we would do if we were to follow is clutter up the exit if they need to get out fast
(Kalman) there isn't enough room for all of us to fight in there
<br>(Belden) (w) I could cast a detection spell...
<br>(Loch) (following, listening)
(Kalman) if they find anything, that is
<br>(Boden) (following the trail.)
<br>(Pavo) I suppose...
(Kalman) ...
(Kalman) On the other hand...
* Pavo shifts his weight from foot to foot.
(Kalman) I don't like waiting around out here either
<br>(Narrator) The pipe veers to the left, as well as continuing straight. The tracks go both ways.
<br>(Boden) (w)The tracks go both ways, if you have a spell that would help, I'm game.
* Kalman glances down the pipe again
* Pavo moves again, taking up position on the other side of the pipe
<br>(Belden) Alright...
(Kalman) they've stopped... but I can still see the light
<br>(Belden) Give me a moment, it requires concentration...
<br>(Loch) (w) perhapse I should get the others... just in case
* Belden begins to cast Detect Evil.
<br>(Narrator) Okay, sec
<br>(Boden) (w)ok Loch
* Belden gasps.
<br>(Belden) I sense... evil...
* Belden closes her eyes and continues to concentrate on the spell.
<br>(Boden) (w)wich way?
* Loch will slip back quietly and fetch Kalman and Pavo
<br>(Belden) (m) ... of moderate intensity...
<br>(Belden) ... straight ahead...
* Belden points.
<br>(Boden) (was that were the movement was?)
(Kalman) what have they found?
<br>(Narrator) Yes
<br>(Boden) (w)ok, well wait for the others...can you tell if its moving?
<br>(Loch) looks like something is down there. Boden found tracks. follow me back in
* Kalman nods
(Kalman) Boden's got my sword, all i've got is a croosbow
<br>(Loch) take my spear
* Loch hands it to Kalman
* Pavo will almost eagerly slip into the tnunel
* Loch will head back in the tunnel
* Pavo makes his way through to the junction.
(Kalman) (Can I use a spear?)
<br>(Loch) Pavo, stay behind me... if there's trouble up front, I need to see to use my magic
<br>(Belden) (btw... is this tunnel to small to fight with a morningstar?)
<br>(Boden) oh wait Belden, its ok, I know that guy.
<br>(Narrator) No, you could fight with a morningstar
<br>(Boden) come on
<br>(Belden) (m)... guy?
* Pavo will try to step aside once we get to the juncture
* Belden is still concentrating on the spell.
(Kalman) Never used a spear before
* Boden will try and get Belden to move forward with the light.
<br>(Narrator) Kalman - no spear
(Kalman) probably not the best time to try
<br>(Narrator) Belden - still evil
<br>(Belden) evil...
<br>(Boden) no no, its ok.
<br>(Narrator) Loch, you hear whispering in the dark ahead
<br>(Belden) It's evil.
* Belden insists.
<br>(Boden) Well just give me the light so I can go see them...
* Pavo wonders if Kalman would be more comfortable with a sickle
<br>(Narrator) At this point, the light flickers and goes out.
(Kalman) damn
* Loch will cast light
<br>(Boden) oh oh cast it again.
<br>(Narrator) *whisper whisper*
* Kalman takes out his crossbow
(Kalman) I won't shoot anyone, don't worry
<br>(Loch) (on my spear since Kalman didnt take it)
<br>(Loch) (is it our people?)
<br>(Boden) come on Belden!
<br>(Boden) I can hear him calling.
<br>(Belden) calling?
<br>(Pavo) (Can we hear anything?)
* Boden will start forward.
<br>(Belden) Boden, no!
<br>(Boden) (with or without the light.)
* Belden stops concentrating.
<br>(Belden) Loch, I think they've cast a spell on him!
<br>(Narrator) Loch - the light flickers into existence again, showing Boden striding down the tunnel
<br>(Pavo) This definitely smacks of sorcery.
(Kalman) damn.
<br>(Narrator) *whisper whisper* from up ahead
* Belden tries vainly to hold Boden back.
<br>(Loch) Damn... after him, quickly
* Pavo curses.
<br>(Narrator) Okay, a sec as I tell Boden what he sees...
* Kalman will hurry up towards him
* Belden follows when/if that proves futile.
<br>(Boden) Hey, your looking pretty good.
<br>(Narrator) (you guys hear Boden say that from up ahead, outside the range of the light)
* Belden begins to cast Protection from Evil on herself as she follows Boden.
* Boden will brush cobwebs out of his hair, like he's trying to look good. He'll put his short sword away as well.
(Kalman) Boden.
* Loch will try to move up with the light
<br>(Belden) Boden, snap out of it!
* Boden swears loudly.
* Boden will try and break free!
<br>(Narrator) Boden is struggling up ahead.
<br>(Narrator) you can hear him.
<br>(Belden) Oh, no!
<br>(Belden) Come on!
(Kalman) damnit!
* Belden hurries up, hopefully with Loch and Kalman!
<br>(Narrator) A horrifying sight meets your eyes. Pinned to the ceiling with masses of spiderwebs are the remains of at least three bodies, their shapes barely visible through the musty grey strands. Boden is pinned to the wall, struggling, by similar webs.
<br>(Narrator) A figure clings firmly to the ceiling. At first, it seems to be a woman, but as you regain your composure it shifts into a new, more terrifying form.
<br>(Narrator) It looks like a large spider, with many-jointed legs spanning the entire tunnel, at least seven feet. Below the head there are what look like two extra arms, each terminating in a disgustingly elongated and prehensile hand.
(Kalman) well
<br>(Narrator) (I'll roll initiative, shall I? ;)
* Belden gasps loudly
(Kalman) (arr!)
<br>(Belden) (please do)
<br>(Loch) (me frowns)
* Loch frowns
<br>(Loch) (roll away)
<br>(Narrator) (okay - combat her we come! Just a sec for some rolling)
<br>(Belden) (one thing I'm not clear noe... did I get my spell cast before combat started?)
<br>(Narrator) (Yes, you did)
<br>(Narrator) Okay - the order of action for the whole combat will be: Boden, spider, Belden, Kalman, Loch, and Pavo)
<br>(Narrator) Boden - your action, please.
<br>(Boden) (I try to break free.)
<br>(Narrator) You struggle, but to no avail.
<br>(Narrator) The Spider shoots a web from its spinnerets towards Belden, hitting her firmly in the face.
<br>(Boden) (can I tell how hard it will be to escape?)
<br>(Narrator) Belden, you are now entangled in a web.
<br>(Narrator) Belden - your action.
<br>(Narrator) (Boden - it seems very sticky and tough)
<br>(Belden) (I'd like to cut myself free if I can get my other hand to my dagger)
<br>(Narrator) Belden, you struggle, but can't seem to reach the dagger, due to the sticky web.
<br>(Narrator) Kalman, your action.
(Kalman) I'll take the penalty to try and shoot the spider, and then reload.
<br>(Boden) (There is no penalty, no one has engaged it in melee)
(Kalman) (keen then)
(Kalman) (I just shoot it ^-^)
<br>(Narrator) Your bolt clatters down the tunnel, apparently missing the spider.
<br>(Narrator) Loch, your action.
(Kalman) ):|
<br>(Loch) (I cast shield on myself, facing towards the spider)
<br>(Narrator) Okay.
<br>(Loch) Pavo, get up here
<br>(Narrator) Pavo, your action please.
<br>(Pavo) I am!
<br>(Narrator) What are you doing, Pavo, last chance before I move on.
<br>(Loch) (I would suggest moving up to engage the spider)
<br>(Pavo) ((Am I close enough to slash))
<br>(Narrator) You would have to move by the other people in the group.
<br>(Narrator) You could get close enough to attack next round, though.
<br>(Pavo) ((can I cut anyone free with my clawS?)
<br>(Narrator) You are closest to Belden, you can start trying to cut her free.
* Pavo would try to cut Boden free.
<br>(Narrator) Boden is further into the tunnel, right next to the spider.
<br>(Belden) (gee thanks :P)
<br>(Pavo) (then Belden, the sulky one :p)
<br>(Narrator) Okay. You start trying to cut the web away.
<br>(Narrator) (how much damage do your gauntlets do?)
<br>(Narrator) (tell me please, or I'm moving on :)
<br>(Pavo) (It's on my sheet... just a minute)
<br>(Narrator) It's not on the sheet I have.
<br>(Pavo) (Then I don't have it either... I sent you my updated EQ sheet... PavoArsentios.txt
<br>(Narrator) I'll have them do 1d4 for the moment, unless you can tell me otherwise.
<br>(Narrator) Okay, Pavo slashes at the web, shredding through some of it, but Belden remains tangled.
<br>(Narrator) Boden - your action.
<br>(Boden) Since its the only thing I can do....I'll try and break free again..using a weapon (like my dagger) if I can...
<br>(Narrator) You try and reach your dagger, but fail.
<br>(Narrator) The Spider's limbs wave. Kalman, you feel stunned, as though you cannot act.
* Kalman apparently cannot act, then :p
<br>(Narrator) Kalman stands there.
* Kalman would try though! ;)
<br>(Narrator) Loch, your action?
<br>(Loch) (I will magic missile the spider)
(Kalman) (Yay!)
<br>(Narrator) A magic missile shoots from Loch's hand, hitting the spider.
<br>(Narrator) Pavo, your action?
* Pavo will again slice at the webs around Belden
<br>(Narrator) Pavo, you manage to free Belden from the web.
<br>(Belden) (did I miss an action?)
<br>(Narrator) (sorry, I assumed you were helping Pavo free you from the web)
<br>(Belden) (I thought I was going after Boden, not that it matters)
<br>(Belden) (ok)
<br>(Narrator) (I rolled for you :)
<br>(Narrator) (you go after the spider, actually)
<br>(Narrator) Boden - your turn.
<br>(Narrator) You struggle some more, I assume?
<br>(Boden) Yes!
<br>(Narrator) You struggle in vain.
<br>(Boden) (Do I think there is any chance of me freeing myself?)
<br>(Narrator) (Not without help, at this point)
<br>(Boden) (then on my action boden will say) I need help to get out!
<br>(Narrator) The spider approaches Boden and bites him. He feels weak and faint.
<br>(Narrator) Plus he is bleeding, now.
<br>(Narrator) Belden, your action, now that you are free.
<br>(Belden) I try to free Boden with my dagger.
<br>(Narrator) You go up to Boden and slash at the web with your dagger.
<br>(Narrator) He is not free yet, however.
<br>(Narrator) Kalman - your action.
<br>(Narrator) (you are no longer stunned)
* Kalman is assuming that we are still not 'in melee combat' with it, so I shoot at it and reload, but I'll tak the penalty if I have to
<br>(Narrator) Okay. You shoot at it, and the quarrel sticks firmly into its back. It skitters backwards and skrees in pain.
<br>(Narrator) Loch, your action.
<br>(Loch) (I cast magic missile at the spider)
* Kalman grins in grim satisfaction
<br>(Narrator) You hit it with the bolt of magical energy.
<br>(Narrator) Pavo, your action.
<br>(Narrator) *ahem* Waiting.
* Pavo will push up past Belden and slash at the webbing with his claws... (well not SLASH but you know) :)
<br>(Narrator) Boden is now free of the webbing, but he still feels unsteady. He can have his action, now, though.
<br>(Boden) (I use my move action to draw the short sword, then atack as my main action...)
<br>(Narrator) Okay, you swing at the spider, but you miss.
<br>(Narrator) Boden, you now feel very, very weak. You can barely move.
<br>(Narrator) The spider scuttles backwards, away from you down the tunnel. Boden, you can have an attack of opportunity as it leaves.
<br>(Boden) (I take it...)
<br>(Narrator) Boden is very, very weak, but he manages to swing and hit the spider as it scuttles away.
<br>(Narrator) Belden, your action.
<br>(Belden) I'd like to run up and hit it with ye olde morningstar
* Boden looks like he is in very bad shape.
<br>(Belden) (does Boden look injured or just sick?)
<br>(Narrator) It scuttles away so quickly, Belden, you can't reach it to attack. You could get close to it, but not attack this round.
<br>(Narrator) Boden looks both injured and sick.
<br>(Belden) alright then, I'll cast CLW on him.
<br>(Narrator) Okay. Boden's wounds stop bleeding, but he is still very weak.
<br>(Narrator) Kalman, your action.
* Kalman will try and shoot the thing as it retreats
<br>(Narrator) Kalman, your bolt flies down the tunnel, striking spider-flesh.
* Kalman will also reload in case I get another chance to shoot before it completely ezscapes
<br>(Narrator) The spider collapses in a heap, just ahead of Belden.
(Kalman) Loch, lets make sure this thing is dead... Belden, get Boden out of here...
* Belden nods to Kalman, and helps Boden out of the tunnel.
* Loch will walk forward and drive his spear into the corpse
(Kalman) right...
* Kalman looks up at the bodies
<br>(Boden) (w)I'm so weak...
<br>(Narrator) Loch pokes the spider with his spear. It shudders and expires.
(Kalman) what do we do with it, and with the bodies?
* Belden will lie Boden down outside the tunnel.
<br>(Narrator) Belden, you are having to help Boden quite a lot.
<br>(Narrator) On the ice?
<br>(Belden) Well, no... that's probably a poor idea. On the riverbank.
(Kalman) ....
<br>(Loch) Not certain
(Kalman) Pavo, are you a fast runner?
<br>(Narrator) Okay, you lie him down on the bank.
* Loch will cast detect magic
<br>(Pavo) No faster than any other healthy chap
(Kalman) hmm
* Belden will get out her healer's kit, and attempt to give him something to help the poison.
<br>(Belden) (Heal roll)
(Kalman) one of us should head back to HQ
<br>(Narrator) Loch - there is some magic radiating from a pile of junk in one corner of the tunnel.
<br>(Belden) Hold on, I'm going to try some things...
<br>(Belden) Hopefully this will help.
<br>(Narrator) Belden, you try and tend to Boden.
* Loch will go over and retrieve the object
* Pavo pulls out a sickle.
<br>(Pavo) Shall we cut them down?
<br>(Narrator) In the pile, you find several pouches of money, two daggers, a bag with some dice in it, a tinderbox, some rotting fruit, and a ring (the magic thing)
* Kalman looks up at them
(Kalman) We should probably come back with a real torch
<br>(Narrator) One of the bodies seems to be moving slightly, Kalman.
<br>(Belden) (I'll cast detect poison, come to think of it... knowing what kind it is would probably help me treat it)
<br>(Narrator) No, you no longer detect poison on Boden. The poison has already acted.
* Loch will gather the stuff up
<br>(Pavo) It might ignite the webbing ...
(Kalman) wait, one of them moight be alive
<br>(Pavo) Which one?
* Kalman points
* Kalman heads back towards the entrance
<br>(Pavo) *looks closer*
(Kalman) Belden!
(Kalman) We might have someone in here!
<br>(Loch) Cut him down
<br>(Narrator) It's engulfed in webbing, but definitely moving.
* Pavo tries to gcarefully cut around the head of the victim
* Belden calls back, "Come out here and stay with Boden, then!"
* Kalman nods
<br>(Narrator) When you cut away the tendrils of spiderweb, you see a pale, thin man in his early twenties with a shock of white hair.
* Belden heads toward the tunnel, but keeps an eye on the large ranger.
* Kalman heads out and comes over
<br>(Loch) It's Peran.
* Belden goes into the tunnel, nodding to Kalman as they pass.
* Pavo peels the webbing clear of his face.
* Loch will go over and help Pavo cut him free
<br>(Pavo) We should make sure to catch him before we caut him down
* Young_man coughs
(Young_man) Wh..what's going on?
<br>(Belden) I've got him...
* Pavo flashes the man a smile. "You're being rescued, my friend."
* Belden prepares to lower him to the ground once he is free.
<br>(Loch) You'll be free soon Peran
<br>(Narrator) You manage to cut him down, and lower him to the ground safely.
(Kalman) Are you goign to be alright?
* Young_man has wounds on his neck, two needle-thin points.
* Kalman asks Boden
(Young_man) I.. so weak...
* Young_man faints.
<br>(Belden) (Does he seem ill, feverish, what have you?)
<br>(Boden) I can walk..barely
* Kalman nods
<br>(Belden) We should get him outside, where the air is fresher.
* Boden will try and stand up.
* Pavo will sigh, then turn to uncover the head of the nxt body.
<br>(Narrator) He seems very weak, much like Boden, but much worse.
* Boden will give you back your short sword, and take back his longsword.
(Kalman) Lets get back to the tavern...
<br>(Narrator) You check the other two. They contain only dried husks that were once young men.
<br>(Boden) Ok,
* Kalman sheathes his sword
<br>(Belden) We may need to get him to a healer more skilled than I... I should be able to stabilize him though, at least...
<br>(Boden) me will walk slowly back to the in....
* Kalman will open the back door
<br>(Belden) (who is helping me carry him out?)
(Kalman) Zelias?
* Zelias runs to the door
<br>(Zelias) What? What happened?
<br>(Loch) (Pavo should, he's stronger)
(Kalman) Can you help my friend here to a table? And do you have an empty room?
(Kalman) We found the missing persons.
<br>(Zelias) Oh yes, of course..
* Zelias looks very surprised
* Zelias will help Boden to a table and get him a drink.
* Pavo will aid Belden
* Kalman will head back out
<br>(Narrator) The tavern is now busy, with the lunch crowd, but Zelias clears a table for Boden.
(Kalman) There's an empty room inside...
<br>(Boden) I feel crappy.
* Belden and Pavo will carry Peran inside then.
* Boden has blood around his neck.
* Belden will then try to stabilize him...
<br>(Belden) (Heal roll)
<br>(Zelias) Can I get you anything, sir?
<br>(Narrator) Belden - you think he has been poisoned, and will need considerable rest, but he will recover eventually.
* Loch will check the area once more for clues before I leave.
* Kalman will call over to Belden
<br>(Belden) Pavo, see if you can find some clean water to wash these wounds...
<br>(Narrator) Loch, you check the area, but find nothing else.
* Belden looks over her shoulder at Kalman.
<br>(Belden) What is it?
(Kalman) you can bring him up there for now.
* Pavo heads out into the main room to find the kitchen
<br>(Belden) (I already did :o)
(Kalman) (I'm just slow. I call that there is an empty room ;)
* Belden looks down at the young man.
(Kalman) (I'm really slow ;p)
<br>(Belden) (Is he conscious?)
(Kalman) alright
<br>(Narrator) Pavo, you find the kitchen. Inside is Ciretta the barmaid, cooking lunch.
* Loch will leave the tunnel then
(Kalman) I still think one of us should head back to headquarters
<br>(Narrator) The young man is not conscious, Belden.
(Kalman) I can go... do you need anything Belden?
<br>(Boden) Yeah...we should get a few more guards with torches to check that out.
<br>(Pavo) I need clean water to help Belden care for one of the missing men we found. May I have a bowl of clean water?
<br>(Ciretta) Yes, of course.
<br>(Ciretta) What happened?
* Ciretta says as she gets a bowl of water.
<br>(Pavo) There was a creature in a sewer tunnel outside by the river.
* Ciretta looks shocked.
<br>(Pavo) We've dealt with it.
<br>(Belden) Stop by the Castalia, maybe...
<br>(Pavo) We've managed to save the young man, Peran
<br>(Boden) Or get his friend from upstairs.
<br>(Belden) See if they can tell you the names of someone who could come for him...
(Kalman) I'll see if I can round up another healer, at least
<br>(Belden) And see if you can find Gabrielia
<br>(Ciretta) Oh, that's wonderful! Gabrielia will be so happy.
(Kalman) alright
* Belden nods.
<br>(Belden) Thanks.
* Kalman nods and will head off, then, back towards HQ
* Belden looks up briefly, and smiles at Kalman.
<br>(Ciretta) The other two... weren't so lucky?
* Pavo nods. If only we had even better news.
* Loch will arrive at the inn
<br>(Boden) I think I need more coffee.
<br>(Pavo) I'm afraid not.
* Zelias will bring Boden some coffee
* Ciretta nods sadly to Pavo
* Pavo will take the water to Belden
* Boden will drink coffee with plenty of sugar.
* Belden nods in thanks to Pavo.
<br>(Narrator) Belden, you tend to the young man, who seems to be resting more comfortably now.
* Belden will wash the man's wounds and bandage them, then wet a cloth to cool his face.
* Kalman idly thinks that now he at least has an *interesting* story to tell people about being in the guard :p
* Belden idly wonders what house the boy is from...
<br>(Belden) . o O (Lizard, perhaps? Wolf?)
<br>(Boden) Is Gabrielia here?
<br>(Zelias) No, she left for her class.
* Pavo looks to Zelias a moment.
<br>(Boden) Its a good thing we checked that out...
<br>(Pavo) Perhaps the city should invest in grates along the river.
<br>(Boden) Thanks for helping me there Belden.
* Loch will pocket the ring before I get back to the inn though
* Belden grins at Boden.
<br>(Belden) Don't mention it.
<br>(Narrator) Loch - the ring is gold, with a tiger eye stone in it.
<br>(Narrator) What are you doing with the rest of the goodies?
<br>(Boden) I'm not used to the things down tunnels using magic on me...usually they just try to ambush you.
<br>(Belden) You've seen things like that before?
* Belden seems surprised.
<br>(Loch) Is everyone going to live?
<br>(Boden) well, not like that...
* Belden nods to Loch.
<br>(Pavo) I can honestly say I've had much better experiences indark alleys and tunnels than that.
<br>(Belden) They'll be alright.
<br>(Loch) good
<br>(Boden) but sometimes Kobolds will try and train stuff or wall them in as a booby trap or something.
<br>(Boden) They like to make other things fight for them.
<br>(Belden) I've never even seen a kobold... you seem to have a lot of experience with them though.
<br>(Belden) Are there many where you come from?
<br>(Boden) They are the main problem around my vilage...I was trained to track them.
*** Kalman changes topic to '<br>(Pavo) I can honestly say I've had much better experiences in dark alleys and tunnels than that.'
<br>(Boden) but I'm not very good.
<br>(Belden) Oh, I see.
* Boden says a bit ashamed.
<br>(Belden) Our main problem was crows, mostly.
* Belden smiles at Boden.
<br>(Boden) crows? how do you hunt them?
<br>(Belden) You did a great job tracking today! I couldn't see a thing.
<br>(Belden) Mostly you just try to chase them away with a stick, or a scarecrow...
<br>(Boden) oh, we have them too, but Kobolds do more damage.
* Belden looks over at Loch.
* Loch will get himself an ale and wait with the rest of the group
* Boden finaly clues in that you were making a joke.
<br>(Belden) I sent Kalman to the Castalia, by the way.
<br>(Belden) He's going to get another healer, and see if they can contact his family.
<br>(Boden) I thought he went to get more guards?
<br>(Belden) Yes, well, on the way.
<br>(Boden) We should really have more people check that out...
<br>(Loch) Good. His mother can probably find someone who knows Peran
<br>(Belden) Or on the way back, I'm not sure.
<br>(Loch) Or its his aunt, I fogot to ask
* Zelias wanders over to your table
<br>(Zelias) Have you seen Minalda?
<br>(Boden) Oh crap.
<br>(Belden) Minalda?
<br>(Belden) Oh, no...
* Boden will wave Zelias close to him....
<br>(Belden) Oh...
* Zelias comes over
<br>(Zelias) She went to the watercloset and didn't come back, and she's not in there now.
* Belden 's eyes widen.
<br>(Boden) (w)She was the creature...she could change shape.
<br>(Loch) That figures. How long has she been working here?
* Boden says in a seriouse tone.
<br>(Zelias) I figured she must have slipped out the back door, but she should be here for the lunch...
* Zelias freezes
* Zelias 's jaw drops
<br>(Zelias) Only... only a couple of months...
<br>(Pavo) Wait, wait, that's a far stretch.
<br>(Belden) So that's how it worked..
<br>(Belden) No, Pavo, it makes sense...
<br>(Belden) She could choose her victims... Then when they left, she'd slip down through the sewers...
<br>(Pavo) ... it might be an ok idea, but making sense?
<br>(Belden) And call them the way she called Boden...
<br>(Zelias) I think she used to work at a tavern in Rhenea before she came here....
<br>(Pavo) I don't recall her smelling like a sewer.
* Pavo turns to Zelias: Might we see her room?
<br>(Boden) Pavo, that sewer wasn't that disgusting.
<br>(Zelias) She doesn't live here.
<br>(Belden) If something can shift shape, don't you think it can alter its scent?
<br>(Boden) you could walk and not touch the sides and stuff.
<br>(Loch) It was frozen, remember
<br>(Pavo) Yes but if she dropped right down into the loo...
<br>(Pavo) Do you know where Minalda did live?
<br>(Belden) And, how was it that she had walked down that path all those times and never been attacked?
(Kalman) (disused loo)
<br>(Boden) Why would she need to do that...if she can just charm them when they leave...
<br>(Belden) (was never attacked even)
<br>(Ciretta) She lived in Rhenea still, I think. I don't know where.
* Pavo turns to Belden... Some like boys, some like girls.
* Ciretta pipes up from the bar.
* Zelias nods in agreement
<br>(Belden) Well, how do *you* explain her disappearing in the privy, then?
<br>(Pavo) She could simply have been missed when she left.
<br>(Boden) The door to leave is right accross from the privy remember?
<br>(Pavo) Meaning she could have stepped out of the privy and left through the back door on any sort of errand.
<br>(Pavo) I'm just saying, lets know before we start saying she had eight legs.
<br>(Belden) I wouldn't count on it.
<br>(Belden) I thouhgt she seemed a little too calm, earlier.
<br>(Boden) no no Pavo...
<br>(Boden) what I mean is...I saw her before she shape shifted.
<br>(Boden) I saw her change.
<br>(Pavo) What?
<br>(Pavo) Oh...
<br>(Belden) Well, that settles that, then.
<br>(Boden) yeah.
<br>(Narrator) Svodoba sends some extra guards to drag the bodies, human and spider-like, out of the tunnel.
<br>(Narrator) Peran's family are located, as well as Gabrielia, and they all come to the tavern to see him.
* Boden will try and comfort them...
<br>(Narrator) He will recover, but the poison was strong, and it will take time.
<br>(Narrator) (so will Boden, btw :)
<br>(Boden) (thanks, are their any spells guards have access to that will speed it up?)
<br>(Narrator) Boden, one of the clerics can cast a Lesser Restoration on you, for 1 Str. point)
<br>(Narrator) You will heal 1 point a day, 2 with total bed-rest.
<br>(Boden) (Well, at least its something...so I'm out for how many days?)
<br>(Narrator) 6 days, if you're taking total rest, or 12 without total rest.
(Kalman) can he get 6 days off? ^-^
<br>(Narrator) But the guards understand - your pay is not penalized, of course.
(Kalman) heh
<br>(Narrator) They will even cast more Lesser Restorations on you, probably
<br>(Narrator) You will be back as good as new in *roll* 4 days.
<br>(Boden) (well, I'll probably take about 4 days off...but after that If I'm not healed from the LR's I'll go back to work.)
<br>(Boden) good.
<br>(Narrator) You can rest well tonight, knowing that you have rid the city of an evil, even if it was only a small one.
<br>(Narrator) The End.
[http://community.livejournal.com/rocksfall/13536.html Game 3 Log 1]
[http://community.livejournal.com/rocksfall/13584.html Game 3 Log 2]
[http://community.livejournal.com/rocksfall/13902.html Game 3 Log 3]

Latest revision as of 15:04, 20 May 2015


Diablotin 1 session logs
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First-month, 2196:

  • 14th: They investigate the Case of the Riverbend Ridge and kill Minalda.


Session Start: Mon Sep 23 17:57:38 2002

  • Logging #changeling to 'logs\diablotin3.espernet'

(Narrator) Winter is now firmly upon the city of Diablotin. The weather has grown steadily colder since the holidays ended, and your solitary day of vacation now seems a distant (but mostly pleasant) memory.
(Narrator) Loch, you celebrated your birthday at the start of First with your sister Enrica and brother Fanch, who had come into town during the holidays to make some purchases. Congratulations on being a year older!
(Narrator) For the past two weeks, you have been patrolling Pearl City as usual, though the cold snap has made the job simultaneously unpleasant and pleasant. The bitter wind is certainly not ideal for spending your days outside, but at least it has also kept many people off the streets. It has been a quiet period.
(Narrator) One blustery morning, before you set out on your patrol, Lt. Svodoba calls your squadron into her office.
(Svodoba) Morning, all. Hope you slept well.

  • Svodoba sits behind her desk, piled high with papers.

(Svodoba) Take a seat.
(Loch) Good morning, Sir.

  • Svodoba gestures to the long bench
  • Belden sits, scooping up her robes.
  • Kalman does so as well
  • Boden will sit.
  • Svodoba runs a hand through her long hair, which is escaping somewhat from its usual ponytail.
  • Dizon sits at the end of the bench
  • Loch sits

(Svodoba) Looks like there's something of a problem in your district.

  • Svodoba seems tired, maybe a bit concerned.

(Kalman) A Problem, sir?
(Svodoba) People have been disappearing.

  • Kalman sounds intrigued
  • Loch frowns

(Svodoba) Most likely murders, but since no one's found any bodies yet, we can't be sure of that.

  • Belden frowns as well.

(Svodoba) I've gotten three reports, to be precise.

  • Svodoba gestures to one of the piles of paper

(Svodoba) The first one came in over the holidays. A tailor, name of Charlon Duquette. His wife reported it, but I didn't take too much notice. People do all sorts of weird things 'round that time of year. Figured the fellow would show up again soon enough. (Kalman) (how common is it usually for people to go missing in our district?)
(Svodoba) (somewhat common - people there have fewer roots in the community, often)
(Svodoba) I found out about the second one day before yesterday, and the third one last night, but those two actually disappeared in the opposite order, according to what I can figure out.
(Svodoba) Second one I heard about was a younger fellow, Peran Haupt. He was a student at the Castalia, studying magic there. His roommate reported him missing when he didn't come home three nights ago. Apparently he's not the sort of fellow who spends all night out on the town - nose in his books, most evenings.
(Svodoba) Newest one, the one reported yesterday, he was a nobleman, but don't go thinking that's the only reason I'm sending you out now. You'd still be going, even if he was a tanner's apprentice.

  • Kalman listens

(Svodoba) Name's Ranier Courtemanche. Nephew of the Count of Kedarnath, just turned seventeen. He actually didn't come home ten days ago, but his stupid family weren't worried enough to report it until last night.

  • Svodoba frowns

(Svodoba) Now it seems to me there's something odd going on, 'cause looking into it a bit more, I found that all three of these guys went to the same tavern not long before they vanished. (Kalman) (Have I heard of him?)
(Svodoba) (you've heard the name - his family are important in the House of the Cat)

  • Svodoba glances at each of you

(Svodoba) It's a place called the Riverbend Ridge. Your basic taproom, rents a few rooms to ladies of the night, but not what you'd call a real brothel. You can guess from the name, it's right on the Ousel.

  • Kalman nods

(Svodoba) So, what I figure is, someone there knows something about what's going on. Maybe even one of them is responsible, I don't know. That's your job.

  • Belden nods as well.

(Svodoba) Dizon and Arsenios will do the most legwork today. I need someone to go to each of the victims' families and check their statements, and I think they're best cut out for that job.

  • Svodoba hands Dizon a sheaf of papers. Dizon nods and takes them, glancing through them casually.

(Svodoba) Any questions?

  • Kalman thinks for a moment
  • Svodoba cracks her knuckles idly, staring at you
  • Belden gives her head a little shake.

(Belden) No sir.
(Svodoba) Okay.
(Svodoba) Be careful. Whatever's going on, three men are missing, and any of you could be next. (Kalman) Yes sir.
(Svodoba) I have confidence in you, though. Good luck.
(Belden) Thank you, sir.

  • Svodoba nods to you, indicating the door with her hand.
  • Kalman nods at Belden's comment
  • Kalman stands then
  • Loch stands and leaves with the group
  • Dizon gathers up the papers and exits the office
  • Boden leaves as well.
  • Kalman leaves with the rest
  • Belden too.

(Kalman) well...
(Dizon) Well, it looks like Pavo and I are off to do some running around.

  • Kalman nods

(Dizon) You guys get the easy job - dealing with worried families is never fun. (Kalman) well, good luck with it
(Dizon) Thanks.
(Belden) Yes...
(Belden) (m) They'll be in my prayers...
(Dizon) We'll come back here when we're done, if you need to get in touch with us.

  • Loch nods

(Kalman) alright

  • Dizon nods to you all, and leaves with Pavo in tow.

(Belden) Well! (Kalman) so, off to the pub then, hmm

  • Belden nods.

(Boden) Yep.
(Belden) Taverns aren't exactly my natural habitat...

  • Loch nods

(Belden) Especially not this early in the day...
(Narrator) Gusts of chill wind from off the Ousel swirl around you like miniature cyclones as you leave the guard post. The day is overcast and blustery, with the promise of more snow by nightfall. (Kalman) well, I can't expect there will be that much going on this early, and they might not even be open.
(Boden) early means less drinkers there to deal with.
(Loch) Someone will be there

  • Kalman nods

(Narrator) The streets are largely quiet in Pearl City, and on less-travelled streets and alleyways the newly-fallen snow shows no signs of disturbance yet. (Kalman) hopefully someone familiar with regular will be there
(Narrator) Soon enough, you arrive at the tavern.
(Narrator) The Riverbend Ridge does indeed sit at the edge of the Ousel. It is an older building, half-timbered in the style of perhaps two centuries ago, but it seems in good repair. A sign showing a curving river bordered by green trees bangs and creaks as it swings in the wind.
(Narrator) What do you do?

  • Belden looks around at the group.

(Kalman) well, lets go in, I guess

  • Belden pushes the door open.

(Narrator) Inside, the main room is large and spacious, L-shaped. A warm hearth welcomes you in one corner. In the centre of the building, a narrow hallway stands, beyond which you suppose a staircase leads up to a second floor. At this time of day the common room is sparsely populated.

  • Boden nods and enters
  • Loch follows the group

(Kalman) (how early is it?)
(Narrator) (it's maybe 7:30 or so? Still quite early)
(Narrator) A plain, bored-looking barmaid idly runs a rag over the counter.
(Narrator) A fat balding man sits at a table by himself, dining heartily on a plate of greasy bacon and small fried fish.
(Narrator) A skinny red-haired girl with a narrow face sits near the fire, eating a bowl of barleymeal. A small black terrier sits beneath her chair, dozing. (Kalman) (IT"S THE DOG! GET IT!)

  • Barmaid looks up at you as you enter
  • Belden smiles at her.

(Barmaid) What can I get for you? (Kalman) Coffee?

  • Barmaid looks surprised to see so many people this early
  • Barmaid counts you up carefully

(Barmaid) Four coffees, then? (Kalman) please.
(Belden) Just water for me, please. (Kalman) well, three then?

  • Kalman looks at Loch and Boden
  • Loch nods

(Barmaid) Three coffees and a water.

  • Barmaid goes into a back room through a swinging door.

(Loch) Shall we sit?

  • Kalman glances aroudn the room while she is gone

(Kalman) why not?
(Narrator) A few moments later, a tall, thin, middle-aged man enters from the same door at the back, wiping his hands on an apron.

  • Loch takes a seat at one of the empty tables
  • Boden will sit to
  • Belden sits down and looks around.

(Zelias) Welcome, welcome! Is it breakfast you're looking for? I've got some lovely kippers, fresh from the river before dawn.

  • Zelias looks hopefully at each of you

(Belden) Nothing for me, thanks.

  • Belden chirps.

(Kalman) no thanks, cofffee would be fine
(Loch) Sounds good. Does your company for a few minutes come with it?
(Narrator) The barmaid returns bearing your coffees and a mug of water. She puts them down and returns to the bar.
(Zelias) Of course, if you wish, sir.
(Zelias) Ciretta can cook them as well as I.
(Loch) It would

  • Zelias nods to the woman at the bar.

(Zelias) One order of kippers, then?
(Boden) Two please
(Zelias) Certainly, certainly.

  • Zelias waves to the barmaid, who exits, presumably to cook some kippers.

(Zelias) Now then, now then, what can I do for you?

  • Zelias sits at your table, pulling up a chair.

(Belden) Well, we're hoping you can tell us a bit about some of your patrons...

  • Zelias looks a little concerned at that.

(Zelias) May I ask what this is about?
(Belden) Three people have been reported missing; their families are very worried.

  • Belden says sincerely.

(Loch) Yes, and I didn't catch your name, sir.
(Zelias) My name is Zelias Koski, and I'm the keeper of this house.

  • Zelias extends his hand to shake.

(Zelias) Dear me, dear me. Three people missing?
(Zelias) That's terrible, terrible.

  • Loch will shake it

(Loch) Loch du Champe

  • Zelias 's hands are quite warm.

(Loch) and my companions are... (Kalman) Kalman vak Andras
(Belden) Belden.

  • Belden nods and smiles.
  • Kalman will shake the man's hand as well

(Zelias) Pleased to meet you, sirs, though I truly wish it could be under happier circumstances.
(Boden) Boden
(Zelias) Now, what was it you wanted to know?
(Zelias) I'll help any way I can, to be sure.
(Belden) Well, if you could recall anything that the three men had in common...
(Belden) Acquaintances, habits... That wuold be extra helpful.
(Zelias) Which three men are those?

  • Belden names them.

(Zelias) Hmm...
(Belden) Charlon Duquette, Ranier Courtemanche, Peran Haupt. (Kalman) do you know that any of them were actually regular here, to start with?
(Belden) Or anything at all about them, actually.
(Zelias) I know Master Courtemanche often comes here to visit one of my ... permanent guests.

  • Kalman smirks

(Belden) I thought that might be the case...
(Zelias) I'm afraid the other two names aren't familiar to me, though.
(Loch) When was Master Courtemanche last here?
(Zelias) But we get many customers here. I don't learn all their names, unless they are regulars.

  • Zelias thinks for a second

(Zelias) Over a week ago, I'd say.

  • Kalman nods
  • Zelias fiddles with his drooping moustache, worried.

(Kalman) Is there anyone else here that he talked to much?
(Zelias) Well, he liked his drink, sir. He would talk to most anyone when he was in his cups.
(Belden) Do you think we could talk to his um, friend?
(Zelias) She's asleep at the moment..
(Belden) (also, sense motive on him just in case he is being sneaky)
(Belden) Perhaps later today?
(Zelias) (Belden - you don't think he's being sneaky, but he does seem worried)

  • Belden asks hopefully.

(Belden) (OK, good)
(Zelias) She usually wakes up around noon, I'd say.
(Zelias) I could wake her earlier, though, if you needed to speak to her.
(Loch) It might be prudent to make an exception

  • Zelias nods his head vigorously

(Zelias) Of course, of course, sir. (Kalman) hmmm..
(Zelias) Would you like me to wake her now?

  • Zelias looks around the table at you

(Kalman) maybe not just right away

  • Zelias nods again

(Belden) Well, perhaps after my friends finish their breakfast.
(Narrator) Speaking of which, the barmaid brings out two plates of somewhat greasy kippers, each with a small loaf of bread (Kalman) Do hyou get any regulars here who are particularly social, or likely to remember sopmeone who came through here a few days ago?
(Zelias) Well, the girls who work here - there are three right now - might know. (Kalman) Can we speak to one of them?
(Zelias) And my two barmaids, Ciretta and Minalda, they talk to more of the customers than I do.

  • Loch will try the kippers

(Zelias) The working girls are all asleep right now, and Minalda doesn't usually come in until later in the day.
(Narrator) The kippers are quite good, they actually taste fresh!

  • Boden will wolf down the Kippers.

(Zelias) Like I said, I could wake the regular girls, if you need to speak to any of them.
(Loch) Good kippers. We can talk to Ciretta first, I think.
(Belden) We'll probably want to talk to Minalda later, too.
(Zelias) Of course, of course. I'll just get her, sir.
(Zelias) Minalda should be in this afternoon.

  • Kalman nods
  • Zelias bustles off to the kitchen to get Ciretta
  • Ciretta emerges from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron.

(Ciretta) My uncle said you wanted to talk to me?
(Belden) Have a seat.

  • Ciretta comes over to the table, nervously.
  • Belden offers, smiling.
  • Ciretta will take a seat, still a bit uncertain.

(Belden) Did your uncle mention why we're here?
(Ciretta) He said something about some missing people, sir.

  • Belden nods.

(Kalman) We're wondering if you might remember seeing them
(Ciretta) I see a lot of people, sir.
(Belden) We're hoping you might be able to remember something about them that could help us find them. You probably remember Ranier Courtemanche; there are two others, as well: Peran Haupt, and Charlon Duquette.
(Ciretta) I know Master Courtemanche, of course.
(Belden) Haupt might stand out here...
(Belden) I understand he was a really bookish type; a magic student at the Castalia.

  • Ciretta seems to have a cold, and keeps sniffing.

(Ciretta) Oh yes, I think I do remember him.
(Belden) Great!
(Belden) Do you happen to remember the last time he was in here?
(Ciretta) He came in a few nights ago, I think. I had never seen him before that. (Kalman) or anyone he might have been talking to?
(Ciretta) He was looking for Gabrielia. She's one of the regulars here, you know.

  • Belden nods slowly...

(Kalman) hmmm
(Ciretta) I'm not even usually working in the evenings, but that was a busy night.
(Ciretta) I remember him because of his glasses.
(Ciretta) What was the other name you asked about?
(Belden) Charlon Duquette. HE was a tailor.

  • Kalman nods
  • Ciretta furrows her brow, thinking hard

(Ciretta) No, I don't believe I know that name.

  • Fat_man looks over in your direction

(Belden) (sense motive on her to see if she is being honest in general)
(Narrator) (she seems generally honest, you would say)
(Fat_Man) You asking about Duquette?

  • Kalman glances back over at him

(Kalman) yes... do you know him?
(Fat_Man) Maybe I do.
(Fat_Man) What did he do that you're looking for him? (Kalman) He dissappeared.
(Belden) Well, ser... he disappeared.
(Loch) So perhapse you should let tell us what you know.
(Fat_Man) He's missing? Shit, no chance of me getting my money back, most likely.
(Fat_Man) What do you want to know?
(Belden) Well, there might be if we find him...

  • Fat_man laughs at that, displaying a mouth half-full of kipper

(Kalman) heh
(Fat_Man) People go missing in Pearl, usually they don't get found.
(Belden) There's a first time for everything...
(Belden) Anyway...

  • Fat_man shrugs

(Belden) How do you know Mr. Duquette?
(Fat_Man) He borrowed some money from me.
(Belden) And what mihgt your name be?

  • Belden asks politely.

(Fat_Man) I run the moneylending shop next door. I'm Udo Hochstetler.

      • Fat_man is now known as Hochstetler
  • Kalman takes a drink of his coffee

(Belden) Do you happen to know what the money was for?
(Hochstetler) He'd lost some money over the holidays, I believe on a horse race.

  • Kalman nods

(Belden) Oh, I see...
(Loch) When did you last see him?

  • Belden tries not to look *too* disapproving.

(Hochstetler) A couple of weeks ago. First and last time.
(Hochstetler) Middle of the holidays, it was.
(Hochstetler) He had a problem, I helped him out, he thanked me, he left.
(Belden) You didn't remark upon anything out of the ordinary about him, or his manner?
(Hochstetler) Well, he seemed scared, you know?

  • Hochstetler gestures with half a kipper, splashing Kalman slightly with grease.

(Kalman) oh)
(Hochstetler) Whoever he owed money to, he didn't want to get in any trouble, if you know what I mean.

  • Kalman frowns in mild annoyance and wipes himself off
  • Hochstetler seems not to notice.

(Hochstetler) But then again, that's what a lot of my customers look like.

  • Belden nods.
  • Kalman will lean back a bit, hopefully out of range

(Hochstetler) So I lent him 40 imperials.
(Belden) Well, thank you very much, Mr. Hochstetler.
(Hochstetler) My rates are all fair, sirs, you have my word on it.

  • Hochstetler says, just to cover his ass ;)
  • Hochstetler smiles grotesquely and returns to his breakfast

(Ciretta) Did you have any other questions for me, sirs?
(Loch) Ciretta, what do you know about this Gabrielia you mentioned?
(Ciretta) She doesn't always stay here. Only on some nights.

  • Kalman turns away from the fat slobby guy and back to the barmaid

(Loch) Is she here now?
(Ciretta) She's got a place somewhere else in the city, I guess.
(Ciretta) Yes, she stayed over last night.
(Belden) Do the girls here... um. Do they 'work' for anyone in particular?
(Ciretta) Not that I know of, sir.

  • Belden nods.

(Ciretta) My uncle runs a fair house, and he lets them stay as long as they pay for their rooms, but he's not their boss.
(Belden) Did Master Courtemanche ever spend much time with Gabrielia?
(Ciretta) I think he spent most of his time with Sirine, actually.

  • Boden has long ago finished his kippers and now tries carefully to follow the conversation.

(Belden) hmm...
(Ciretta) He used to bring her gifts and such.
(Loch) Did Peran Haupt get to meet Gabrielia that night?
(Ciretta) I couldn't say, sir. I left not long after he came in.
(Loch) So you don't remember if she was in that night?
(Ciretta) Minalda was the one working that night - maybe she could tell you.

  • Kalman nods

(Ciretta) I know she was, I remember telling him where to find her.
(Ciretta) But I couldn't say that I know they met, as I didn't see it myself, sir.

  • Belden nods.

(Belden) Alright... thank you, Ciretta. I think that's all... unless anyone has anything else...?

  • Belden looks around the table.

(Belden) Oh, actually...

  • Ciretta blows her nose into a handkerchief she pulls from her sleeve.
  • Belden lowers her voice.

(Belden) Do you know any of the patrons in here this morning?

  • Ciretta nods

(Ciretta) I know Master Hochstetler, he's in here most mornings.
(Ciretta) And the woman by the fire is named Jenai. She's... here today to do some work for my uncle.
(Belden) What kind of work?

  • Ciretta clears her throat nervously
  • Kalman was going to ask that but wasn't sure that it was relevant
  • Kalman shrugs when Belden asks

(Ciretta) She's a ratcatcher. But I don't want you to think that we have a problem with rats here, sir!
(Belden) Oh.
(Ciretta) This is a very clean house, cleanest in the neighbourhood.

  • Belden laughs lightly.

(Kalman) (sense motive)
(Belden) (yeah, sense motive)
(Ciretta) (you don't sense any deception from her, except perhaps - why would they have a ratcatcher here if they don't have a problem with rats?) (Kalman) (heh)
(Ciretta) (that's for both of you)
(Belden) (hehe) (Kalman) I'm sure most places in Perl have to deal with them at one point

  • Ciretta nods

(Loch) We wont mention it. Thank you for your help.
(Ciretta) Thank you sir.

  • Ciretta returns to the bar
      • Girl_with_dog is now known as Jenai

(Kalman) hmm
(Belden) (q) Well, so far we've managed to place them all here at one time or other... but no real connections yet...
(Boden) I bet those little dogs would be great for finding kobolds

  • Belden gives Boden a strange look.

(Belden) There are kobolds in Diablotin? (Kalman) I rather doubt it
(Boden) They get in everywere.
(Belden) I've never seen one...
(Boden) you never know were the next infestation will turn up.
(Belden) Well, anyway...
(Jenai) I've never run into one, and I'm in the sewers most every day.

  • Jenai says casually

(Kalman) hmm
(Boden) I didn't know there was a lot of sewers someone could walk in.

  • Kalman shrugs

(Jenai) Oh yeah, there are.
(Belden) That's ... very comforting. :) (Kalman) (Did I?)
(Jenai) The old sewers, at least. (Kalman) The city is quite old, I really wouldn't be surprised
(Jenai) (those of you who have been in the city a long time certainly know that there are old sewers, mostly unused anymore, except by vermin)
(Loch) Lets go find Zelias and wake up some sleeping beauties (Kalman) hmmm

  • Kalman nods to Loch, but turns to Jenai

(Belden) I'm still thinking about that tailor, Loch... (Kalman) (q) do you actually get much work in this part of the city?
(Belden) I wonder if it wasn't something more serious than a gambling debt that he wanted the money for...
(Belden) And if so, what that might have been...
(Belden) It might be an idea to look into how his business was faring, maybe...
(Jenai) They have a lot of problems with rats around this neighbourhood, 'cause it's near the river. There's a drainage flow from the old sewers that empties out near here.
(Boden) to belden: wasn't he an apprentice or something?
(Jenai) So yeah, you could say I get a lot of work here.

  • Jenai scratches the dog behind the ear.

(Kalman) Logical..

  • Jenai nods

(Loch) People who have debts aren't killed. It's hard to collect from a corpse.
(Jenai) Speaking of, I should get to work. Day's a wasting.

  • Jenai reaches under her cloak, and extracts a brown weasel-looking creature.
  • Kalman nods

(Loch) As Udo is well aware.

  • Jenai rises and goes into the back room, followed by her dog.

(Belden) Boden, he was a tailor.

  • Hochstetler is working on his second helping of kippers, but he smiles and nods to you.

(Belden) Peran Haupt was the student.
(Boden) ok
(Belden) Alright... what was next, then... Speeling beauties, Loch?

  • Belden grins/grimaces wryly.

(Loch) Yes. It seems the most likely connection between all three, besides this place. (Kalman) do we want to wake them both at once or one at a time?
(Belden) (sleeping even) (Kalman) ...
(Belden) One at a time, I think... (Kalman) And the other waitress won't be in until later, anyway

  • Belden nods.
  • Loch will get up and track down Zelias, I assume he is in back
  • Zelias is indeed in back, watching Jenai at work in the kitchen.

(Narrator) In the kitchen, a large cauldron bubbles softly in the hearth, and the smell of fish and grease is strong. To your right is a small door, and at the back of the room a larger door stands slightly open, letting in a brisk breeze from the river.
(Loch) (Is it possible to casually cast a spell like Detect Magic?)
(Narrator) (It is V,S)
(Narrator) (You could be quiet about it, and try to cover the sound with the noise of the door opening or something, though. I will roll for you if you want to try)
(Loch) (sure)

  • Pavo adjusts himself a bit before pushing open the door to the tavern.

(Narrator) (you manage to cover the sound with the noise of Pavo coming in ;)

  • Kalman is drinking his coffee

(Belden) Pavo?
(Pavo) Ho!
(Belden) Where's Dizon?
(Pavo) She's reporting back to Svodoba for now.

  • Kalman nods to the other guard

(Belden) Come and sit... (Kalman) did you learn anything?
(Loch) (Anything Magical about?)

  • Pavo heads over to Beldan, nodding to the other guards.
  • Belden makes room
  • Kalman will as well

(Kalman) (We're all sitting at a table)

  • Pavo takes a seat with the others.

(Pavo) So how are things out in the field?
(Belden) Why don't you tell us? :)
(Pavo) I haven't been out ferretting information... we just confirmed the family member statemetns.

  • Kalman nods

(Belden) Oh... So you didn't find out anything new?

  • Belden looks disappointed.

(Belden) Did you happen to maybe get some physical descriptions of the missing men?
(Pavo) Well there was Duquette, mid thirties, short and thin, and balding... poor man. what's left was brown.
(Pavo) Haupt wore spectacles, and had dark hair... rather thin too.
(Pavo) Courtemanche was blonde though, curly hair. Tall and slender.

  • Belden nods...

(Belden) Duquette... did you go to his home, or to his shop?
(Loch) Zelias, we would like to talk with one of your guests now.
(Pavo) We spoke with his family.

  • Zelias nods.

(Zelias) Which one, sir?
(Belden) Okay...
(Pavo) His shop is in his home, we spoke with his wife.
(Zelias) I have four guests staying at the moment, but only three are regulars.
(Loch) Sirine, first I believe. (Kalman) did she mention anything about him borrowing money?
(Belden) Did everything look to be in order at the shop? Did they happen to mention any kind of financial difficulties?

  • Zelias nods

(Zelias) I'll go wake her, sir, right away, and bring her down here.
(Pavo) Well, there might be difficulties now that he's missing.

  • Zelias heads down the hall towards the stairs

(Kalman) hmm

  • Loch will follow him up the stairs but wait there

(Belden) Maybe we should go and talk to the families again... I hate to bother them at a time like this, but unless these, um, ladies are rather forthcoming, I think we're going to need more information...

  • Zelias returns a short while later with a girl of perhaps sixteen or seventeen, very short and slender, with blue eyes and long straight black hair which she is still engaged in braiding. She wears a sky blue dress which hugs her youthful body closely.
  • Belden glances back the way Loch went.

(Loch) (Zelias just get her... he didnt do anything else up stairs?)
(Narrator) Loch - upstairs there is a hallway with six doors leading off it. Zelias goes to the one at the end of the hall on the left, knocks, talks softly to whoever is inside, and waits for her to emerge.

  • Pavo sighs, having dealt with distraught family members perhaps too much today.

(Belden) Well, we'll wait and see. (Kalman) hopefully we won't need to
(Loch) (no other stairs that I can see up there?)
(Narrator) No other stairs. It is a two-floor building

  • Loch will of course head back to the common room as Zelias returns
  • Sirine approaches the table where the rest of you sit.

(Sirine) Zelias says you wanted to ask me a few questions?

  • Kalman nods

(Kalman) have a seat, if you like
(Belden) Yes, if you don't mind... PLease, have a seat.

  • Sirine joins you at the table
  • Belden smiles.
  • Sirine smiles back at you

(Belden) We'd like to ask you about Ranier Courtemanche...

  • Boden smiles at her.

(Sirine) Yes, I know Ranier. He's a nice young man, very generous.

  • Sirine giggles slightly.

(Sirine) What about him?
(Belden) Hm, yes, well...

  • Belden purses her lips slightly.

(Belden) _ (Kalman) do you remember the last time you saw him?
(Sirine) I haven't seen him for a more than a week. Maybe ten days?
(Sirine) But usually he might come here once or twice a week.
(Belden) The last time you saw him... Did he seem worried, upset about anything?

  • Sirine thinks for a moment

(Sirine) The last time I saw him, maybe ten days ago, he spent a few hours in my room, but he left before midnight, I believe. He seemed fine to me.

  • Sirine fiddles with a ring on her finger idly.

(Belden) Did you talk at all, or was it mostly... ah.. business?
(Loch) (this is where you people do sense motive)

  • Sirine giggles slightly

(Belden) (yes yes, sense motive :P)
(Narrator) (Belden - you don't sense any deception)
(Belden) (k)
(Sirine) Business, mostly.
(Boden) (What kind of ring is it?)

  • Sirine has a girlish giggle and a flirty grin.

(Belden) Did he give you that? (Kalman) (I'll do it too, but presumaby the same thing?)

  • Belden points to the ring.

(Narrator) The ring is of gold, with a pale blue stone.
(Sirine) Yes, he did.

  • Sirine smiles

(Belden) (What kind of smile?)
(Belden) Mm-hmm...

  • Sirine smiles proudly, then :)

(Loch) Have you ever met a man named Duquette?
(Narrator) (Kalman - yes, same deal)
(Sirine) Oh, there are so many gentlemen who come in here, I can't keep them all straight.
(Sirine) I only remember the names of regulars, usually.
(Belden) When Ranier was here... when you weren't... working... do you remember what you might have talked about?

  • Pavo rubs his nose discretely.
  • Sirine scratches her head, thinking
  • Belden looks somewhat uncomfortable.

(Sirine) I think he said... he was going to bring me a new cloak, because mine was wearing thin.
(Sirine) He might have said some other things, but I wasn't really listening that closely.
(Boden) Sounds like he really enjoyed your company, do you know if he had any othe close female friends?

  • Sirine giggles again

(Sirine) I don't know of any, sir.
(Sirine) Why are you asking so many questions about Ranier, anyway?
(Belden) Oh... Zelias didn't tell you...
(Sirine) Tell me what?

  • Belden 's eyebrows krinkle together worriedly.
  • Sirine looks concerned

(Belden) He and two other men have gone missing, I'm afraid...
(Sirine) Oh, he's missing? That's terrible! Do you have any idea where he might have gone?

  • Kalman shakes his head
  • Sirine looks upset

(Belden) That's what we're trying to find out...

  • Loch will keep an eye on Hochstetler during the conversation

(Kalman) he and two other gentlemen have dissappeared

  • Hochstetler is now cleaning his nails with his dagger

(Belden) (classy)
(Sirine) Really?
(Sirine) How dreadful! (Kalman) (sense motive?)
(Narrator) (Kalman - you sense that she is more worried about loss of income than about Ranier personally)
(Boden) We are trying to peace together his last wearabouts.
(Sirine) Like I said, he was with me in the evening, and then he left a bit before midnight.
(Sirine) I haven't seen him since.

  • Kalman nods

(Sirine) He left through the back door, I think, because it was late. (Kalman) hmm
(Sirine) It's closer to the stairs, anyway.

  • Belden nods slowly.

(Belden) Where does the back door come out?
(Sirine) There's a cobblestone path. It leads down to a little wharf on the river, or you can go around the house through the alley to the main street.

  • Sirine gestures down the hallway
  • Kalman nods
  • Belden nods as well.

(Kalman) well... I don't know if we have much more to ask you...
(Sirine) If you don't mind, I'd like to go back to bed. I was up late last night...
(Belden) Yes, I think that's all, unless Loch has something else...
(Loch) No, I have nothing else.
(Boden) What do you think of the other girls that work here?

  • Belden glances quizzically at Boden.

(Sirine) Well, Inessa is a good friend of mine.
(Belden) This is no time to be shopping,
(Sirine) Gabrielia, I don't know as well.

  • Belden scolds.

(Sirine) And both of the barmaids have always been nice to me.

  • Boden looks confused at Belden, like she is speaking giberish.

(Boden) thanks.

  • Sirine nods
  • Kalman seems amused

(Sirine) I hope you find Ranier...
(Boden) we do to.
(Loch) Zelias, could you get Gabrielia for us, please.

  • Sirine rises and leaves the table, heading back down the hall towards the stairs

(Zelias) Yes, of course, of course.

  • Zelias will go upstairs again.
  • Belden sighs and shakes her head.
  • Belden mumbles a quiet prayer.

(Boden) (q)If you wanna hear about dirt on the hookers you ask the girls they are competing against.

  • Pavo just knows that he's in the wrong part of Pearl City...
  • Zelias returns with a slender woman in her early twenties with short, wavy, honey brown hair, blue eyes, and a simple pale yellow frock with a full skirt, laced up the front with saffron ribbon.
  • Kalman looks at his now-empty coffee cup

(Narrator) Ciretta will refill your cup if you like :)

  • Gabrielia comes over to the table a bit nervously

(Kalman) (sure :D)
(Loch) Please have a seat
(Gabrielia) I guess there's something you need to talk to me about?

  • Gabrielia takes a seat

(Loch) Do you recognize the name of Peran Haupt?
(Gabrielia) Peran is a friend of mine. Why are you asking about him?

  • Gabrielia looks defensive

(Belden) He's gone missing, Gabrielia.

  • Belden says solemnly.

(Gabrielia) Oh no. That's awful.
(Belden) (sense motive) (Kalman) (sense motive!)

  • Gabrielia starts to cry softly

(Loch) We heard he was last seen here, looking for you.
(Narrator) (People sensing motive - she is genuinely upset, you would say)
(Gabrielia) The last time I saw him was... three days ago.
(Belden) I take it he was not merely a client...

  • Belden says softly.
  • Kalman nods

(Kalman) ...
(Gabrielia) He came here to see me... he had found out what I did to make extra money, and he was upset.
(Belden) Were you two friends?

  • Gabrielia nods

(Belden) I see.
(Gabrielia) We study together at the Castalia.

  • Gabrielia seems a bit embarassed to be questioned, as well as upset.

(Kalman) d you know if he talked to anyone else while he was here?
(Gabrielia) I guess he probably talked to whichever of the barmaids was on duty, to find out where I was.
(Gabrielia) He walked in on me with a customer.
(Belden) Oh dear...
(Gabrielia) He told the man to get out, and the fellow did....
(Gabrielia) Then we had a fight.

  • Belden covers her mouth...
  • Kalman nods

(Gabrielia) He wanted to take me away from here. He even offered to help me pay for my expenses, but I knew he couldn't really afford that. (Kalman) . o O ( been there... :p )
(Gabrielia) We argued, and then I told him to leave.
(Gabrielia) He ran down the stairs and out the door.
(Belden) Out the back door?
(Gabrielia) ...Yes, why?
(Belden) I'm just trying to get an idea of how things happened.

  • Belden says with a comforting smile.

(Loch) Did someone help you get set up here?
(Gabrielia) No...
(Gabrielia) I just needed a place where I could rent a room. Somewhere away from the Castalia, where I wouldn't run into people I know...
(Boden) How did he find out?

  • Gabrielia starts crying again

(Belden) I'm sorry you had to find out this way...

  • Kalman frowns a bit...

(Gabrielia) I'm not sure... Someone he knows must have seen me here. Maybe he even followed me, I'm not sure.

  • Gabrielia nods, sniffling somewhat

(Kalman) would you like something to drink? Some tea, maybe?
(Gabrielia) Yes, that would be nice, thank you.
(Loch) There is nobody putting pressure on you, is there? Trying to get you to move to a different locale, or threatening you?

  • Gabrielia shakes her head no

(Gabrielia) I like it here... Zelias has a good place, and I haven't had any trouble.

  • Kalman will order a tea for her

(Belden) . o O (How can you say you like this? :/)
(Boden) who was the guy that he chased out of your room?

  • Zelias will bring a pot of tea and enough cups for the whole table
  • Pavo reaches out and pours himself a cup of tea.

(Gabrielia) I don't remember his name... We hadn't even done anything yet.

  • Gabrielia sniffles some more

(Gabrielia) What do you think happened to Peran?

  • Kalman shakes his head

(Kalman) we don't know yet
(Boden) could he defend himself?
(Gabrielia) We're both students of magic. I guess he could defend himself that way...

  • Pavo pours a second cup and pushes it over to Gabrielia
  • Gabrielia will sip her tea gratefully

(Gabrielia) But no, not particularly. He was pretty skinny. (Kalman) hmm...
(Belden) How was he dressed that evening?
(Gabrielia) I think he was wearing a dark blue cloak, and ... brown pants and a white shirt, I think?
(Belden) Nothing extravagant...

  • Belden says thuoghtfully.

(Gabrielia) No... (Kalman) hmm
(Gabrielia) He was not a rich man.
(Gabrielia) He couldn't have supported us both...

  • Gabrielia starts to cry again

(Kalman) We'll find out what happened to him

  • Gabrielia wipes her eyes on her sleeve

(Gabrielia) Thank you.
(Belden) We'll tell you when we know.

  • Belden adds.
  • Gabrielia nods gratefully

(Gabrielia) Do you have any other questions? I have a class I have to get to in an hour... (Kalman) hmmm..

  • Gabrielia tries to pull herself together

(Kalman) You didn't happen to know a tailor by the name of Charlon Duquette?
(Gabrielia) No, I don't remember that name.
(Belden) Alright... thank you Gabrielia.

  • Gabrielia nods tearfully
  • Gabrielia goes back up the stairs
  • Belden shakes her head sadly...
  • Belden sighs.

(Kalman) well...
(Belden) Well...
(Narrator) The back door opens, letting light stream down the hall. It is now approaching midday. (Kalman) Why don't we have a look around back for now?
(Pavo) Has there been any common thread yet?
(Boden) We should check out that back way.

  • Belden nods...
  • Kalman glances up as the door opens

(Belden) Our problem may be as simple as someone staking out the back exit...

  • Belden looks up as well.

(Narrator) A young woman in her mid-twenties enters, with straight black hair drawn back in a bun, wearing a plain grey dress and an apron. (Kalman) it's close to the river
(Narrator) She takes off her cloak and hangs it on a nail near the door
(Belden) Close to the river...
(Loch) The other bardmaid is here, we should talk to her now.
(Belden) Hmm...
(Belden) I wonder if she leaves that way when she goes home at night. (Kalman) alright, but afterward, I do want to have a look around out there

  • Belden nods to Kalman. "Me too."
  • Minalda walks down the narrow hallway into the main room, and looks around, a bit surprised to see so many people there
  • Zelias takes Minalda aside and whispers to her for a moment
  • Minalda looks in your direction, a bit suspiciously
  • Kalman watches the exchange
  • Minalda comes over towards you

(Minalda) Zelias said you might want to talk to me?
(Minalda) I'm Minalda, the other barmaid here. I work over mealtimes, and then in the evenings, when Ciretta goes home.

  • Kalman nods

(Minalda) What can I do for you, sir? Zelias said there were some people missing? (Kalman) we've got some questions about some people who have come in here recently, yes

  • Minalda sits at the table, listening. You can smell her faint perfume.

(Kalman) Peran Haupt, Charlon Duquette and Ranier Courmanche
(Minalda) I don't know any of those names, sir. I've only been working here a few months.
(Minalda) Is the last one that young nobleman who likes to throw his money around?

  • Kalman nods

(Kalman) that's the one
(Minalda) Then I know him... but I don't know the other two.
(Belden) Haupt wold have been in here a few days ago... He had spectacles, and dark hair... He was rather thin, bookish.
(Belden) He came to see Gabrielia?
(Minalda) Oh yes, I remember him because of his glasses. He came to talk to Gabrielia, but he didn't stay very long. They had an argument and he left.

  • Kalman nods

(Minalda) I don't know what they argued about, though.
(Belden) Master Duquette would have been here speaking with Master Hochsteller, about two weeks ago...
(Belden) He would have been in his thirties, thin, short, balding.
(Minalda) I seem to remember him talking to Master Hochstetler a few weeks ago, probably about money matters, although I'm not one to eavesdrop on customers' conversations, sir.
(Belden) Did you happen to notice him leaving?
(Minalda) It was around dinner time, but he didn't eat. He had an ale, and then skipped out without paying, he did.
(Belden) (btw, sense motive on her)
(Minalda) I didn't see him leave - it must have been out the back.

  • Belden nods.

(Kalman) (sense motive on her... gmta :o) (Kalman) (PS even :o) (Kalman) does that exit get used a lot by customers? (Kalman) or is it mostly for the staff?
(Narrator) (Belden and Kalman - she seems calm and relaxed, not nervous or anything)
(Minalda) Mostly by the staff - the garbage pile is out there.
(Minalda) But we don't keep it locked except at night.
(Belden) Do you usually leave by that way?
(Minalda) It depends on whether I'm closing up or not.
(Minalda) If I'm closing, I have to leave by the front door, because the back one can't lock from the outside.

  • Belden nods...

(Minalda) But if Zelias is closing, I usually leave by the back - it's more convenient fo rme.
(Belden) The night you saw Duquette here... Do you remember if you were closing that night?

  • Minalda thinks hard

(Minalda) It was during the holidays, and it was a busy night. I think I did close, but I can't be sure.

  • Belden nods.

(Loch) Thank you for your time, Minalda.

  • Hochstetler finally pries himself from his seat and leaves the tavern

(Minalda) You're welcome, sir.
(Belden) (the only man alive who leaves a ring on chairs as well as bathtubs)

  • Minalda rises and goes into the kitchen.

(Loch) The only thing I can see that these people have in common is that they went out the back door.

  • Belden nods.

(Belden) Yes...
(Belden) It definitely bears investigating.

  • Kalman nods

(Kalman) lets go, then

  • Loch will get up
  • Belden gets up, leaving a few coins on the table for the tea, even though she didn't have any.
  • Kalman watches the money lender leave, and half wonders how close attention he was paying to all of that

(Kalman) (I figure I'd already paid for it, but, whatever :o)

  • Boden will get up and go to the back door.

(Narrator) The hallway is narrow and dimly-lit. As you reach the end, you see a door before you which presumably leads out to the back of the tavern, and the staircase to the second floor heads up into the darkness, pointing back in the direction of the main room. A second closed door is to your right.
(Belden) What's in there?

  • Belden wonders aloud.
  • Loch tries the door

(Narrator) The door opens to reveal an antiquated water closet, where the smell is most unpleasant. A bench with a large dark hole in it is the main feature of the room. You think you hear the faint chittering of some creature below in the darkness. (Kalman) ugh
(Loch) Look familiar Kalman

  • Kalman wrinkles his nose

(Kalman) ha ha.
(Belden) Oh.
(Belden) Never mind!

  • Loch closes the door again
  • Pavo tails Belden, for now.

(Belden) Unless we are dealing with a latrine monster, I think we can leave that door closed...
(Pavo) That is definitely not my department.

  • Loch will open the door out back and head out

(Pavo) .oO( Perhaps Kalman's... but not mine. )
(Boden) (q)Sometimes kobolds hide in latrines.

  • Kalman glowers at Pavo

(Narrator) Out the back door, a cobbled path has been swept clean of snow. It leads towards the river.
(Pavo) (I thought it!)
(Narrator) Outside the air is frigid, and a brisk wind blows.
(Belden) So, as far as we know, the last disappearance was three days ago...
(Belden) With this snow, we're not like to find much in the way of clues...

  • Belden puts her hands on her hips and looks around dubiously.

(Kalman) may as well look
(Narrator) Another path leads around the side of the house, to the street. (Kalman) (Is the river frozen?)
(Belden) (good question)
(Narrator) Yes, the river is quite frozen.

  • Pavo slips on a pair of gloves, once outside with the rest.
  • Loch will go take a look down the path back to the street

(Belden) Should we split up, or search each path one at a time?

  • Kalman looks around for the garbge pile that is allegedly out here

(Belden) Okay...
(Belden) I'll stick with Kalman, (Kalman) alright
(Narrator) The path back to the street is cobbled as well, and leads around the left side of the house to the street.
(Belden) Pavo and Boden, you go with Loch
(Loch) I doubt were going to find much this way
(Narrator) The garbage pile sits near to the river.
(Loch) we should all look near the river

  • Belden will look around the immediate outside area with Kalman...

(Boden) We should see if there is an entrance to the sewers by here.
(Narrator) The smell near there is not very pleasant, Kalman.
(Belden) Good idea, Boden.

  • Boden will use his Tracking feat to look for clues.

(Narrator) Though you are lucky, it's mostly frozen.
(Belden) (let's make search/spot rolls)
(Belden) (for what it's worth...)

  • Narrator will roll Search for all of you :)

(Kalman) (yeah)

  • Pavo steps up beside Boden, looking around.

(Narrator) At the end of the path is a small dock, a bit rickety but apparently still firm enough to be used.
(Belden) (On the off chance... I'll cast detect magic)
(Narrator) Belden, as you are standing on the little dock, you can see, maybe ten meters to your left, what looks like the opening of a large sewer pipe jutting from the bank.
(Belden) I found something.
(Narrator) (you don't detect any magic, Belden)

  • Belden calls to the group.
  • Pavo walks to the shore, or at least what looks to be the shore.

(Belden) Maybe, anyway...
(Belden) (Is it big enough for a person to fit inside?)
(Narrator) Yes, it is quite large.
(Loch) (How big is the garbage pile?)

  • Pavo looks to Belden, then scans the far bank
  • Belden peers inside.

(Narrator) The garbage pile is fairly large as well.
(Belden) (search/spot again?)

  • Kalman goes over towards her

(Belden) (for inside the pipe?)
(Narrator) Across the river, you are looking into the Shambles. Not much to see there ;)
(Loch) (I will poke into it with my spear, see if I can hit anything solid)
(Boden) (nothing on my tracking roll?)
(Belden) (scratches, blood, signs of struggle... anything)
(Narrator) You will have to walk on the river to get close enoguh to the pipe to investigate it further.
(Narrator) No, Boden, nothing like that.
(Belden) (i will do so.. carefully)
(Narrator) Loch - the garbage pile is full of garbage, as far as you can tell.
(Belden) I'm going to check it out...
(Narrator) The river is frozen solid here, and you can walk on it with relative ease, although the wind and ice cause you to slip occasionally.

  • Kalman will walk out to the end of the little dock and look both out across the river and backl towards the building

(Narrator) you can see the remains of the old outlet pipe. It is very large, about eight feet of it protruding from the mass of ice in a rough semi-circle.
(Narrator) (Belden can see this, that is)
(Belden) (now I'll make my search roll...)
(Narrator) Kalman, the Shambles lie across the river. Looking back at the tavern, it seems very peaceful, with smoke coming from the chimney.

  • Belden climbs inside the pipe, and waits a moment for her eyes to adjust.

(Kalman) hmmm...

  • Kalman will keep an eye on Belden, then

(Narrator) Inside, the tunnel is very dark, and though the smell is unpleasant, you are relieved to note that most of the raw sewage is frozen at this time of year.
(Boden) I should go too, I've actually done this kinda thing before.

  • Boden will move up to the pipe.

(Narrator) Something you hope is a rat skitters ahead of you in the darkness.

  • Belden will unfasten her morningstar from her belt, and cast Light on it.

(Narrator) The Light illuminates the stone walls of the sewer pipe.
(Boden) Can I borrow a weapon that takes less room than a long-sword? (Kalman) hmmm

  • Kalman shrugs
  • Kalman will pass you his shortsword

(Loch) (no success with the garbage pile?)
(Boden) thanks.

  • Boden will pass you his longsword.

(Narrator) The pipe is about wide enough for one person to stand in with their arms spread apart comfortably.

  • Kalman nods and takes in
  • Boden will go into the pipe.

(Kalman) (How long has the river been rozen?)
(Narrator) The river has been frozen for a few weeks.

  • Loch will go join the crowd around the sewar pipe
  • Belden moves the glowing weapon around to get a good look at the inside of the pipe.

(Narrator) The pipe stretches ahead of you, branching off into smaller junctures from the main pipe.

  • Kalman looks out across the river back towards the Shambles

(Narrator) The smaller junctures are probably too small for a person to get through, unless they were very small.
(Boden) just a second Belden.
(Belden) (nothing on the search roll?)
(Narrator) No.

  • Boden will use his tracking feat.

(Belden) (dang)
(Belden) I don't see anything but frozen filth in here...
(Narrator) Boden - someone or something has been here. You can see faint tracks, but they are too old to judge what made them.
(Boden) (how big was the something?)
(Narrator) Human-sized, roughly. Much bigger, and it couldn't get through the pipe.
(Pavo) I don't suppose your spikey guy does reconnaissance?
(Pavo) (to Loch)
(Boden) Something has been here, but I don't know how long ago.
(Boden) but it was much bigger than a rat.
(Boden) (can I see where they go?)
(Belden) Hm...
(Loch) He can
(Narrator) You'd say they go both in and out of the main pipe.
(Belden) Your eyes are better than mine, then...
(Boden) We can follow it further down the pipe.
(Boden) I've had training in tracking stuff in places like this.
(Belden) Alright... (Kalman) are you two alright down there?
(Belden) As far as we can fit, anyway...

  • Kalman will call down
  • Belden ventures further down the pipe.

(Boden) We are going to try and track something....
(Narrator) (So, if I understand, Belden and Boden are in the pipe, Loch, Pavo, and Kalman are still on the dock?)
(Belden) I don't suppose you've got a torch... I didn't think to bring one, and this won't last that long...
(Boden) Can I go first?

  • Belden gestures with the glowing weapon.
  • Kalman nods

(Belden) Be my guest!

  • Kalman willl hop down onto the ice

(Boden) I don't have a torch, but we'll go a bit further.

  • Boden will start to track down the pipe.
  • Kalman pauses and looks up at Loch and Pavo
  • Belden follows Boden.

(Loch) They may need help, but it's tight in there (Kalman) I don't have a light here, either...
(Narrator) Boden, the pipe is small enough that you have to bend over somewhat as you proceed.
(Narrator) Belden has no problems, however.
(Loch) I'll go, I can call some more if we need it (Kalman) alright
(Boden) (I'll probably be bent over anyways since I need to see the tracks.

  • Loch will head into the tunnel after the pair
  • Belden holds the light to Boden's side so that he can see.

(Narrator) The Light spell flickers off the walls, illuminating mossy growths and ancient graffiti

  • Loch scurries to catch up to Belden and Boden

(Narrator) Boden, you follow the tracks. Back this far, they are somewhat clearer - humanoid tracks, more than one person.
(Boden) hmmm, multiple people...
(Narrator) You notice some movement up ahead - perhaps a rat?

  • Boden will wait and listen for a moment.

(Narrator) Whatever it was, the noise has stopped now.
(Narrator) The pipe diverges, with a large tunnel going off to the left, and the main branch continuing straight ahead.

  • Kalman glances at Pavo
  • Kalman moves closer to the mouth of the pipe

(Kalman) (How far in are they?)
(Boden) (w)Did you hear something?

  • Pavo hrms worriedly.
  • Pavo pulls the small pack from his back and unties it.
  • Boden will start forward again causiously.
  • Pavo takes a moment to put on his clawed gauntlets...

(Narrator) They are too far in for you to see them anymore, except for a vague flicker of light, Kalman.

  • Kalman will tie Boden's longsword to his belt

(Pavo) I think we should follow... *looks around*
(Pavo) I ... can't say I worry about getting surrounded... but I don't like the idea of them down there alone. (Kalman) welll... (Kalman) the way that pipe is, I imagine the most we would do if we were to follow is clutter up the exit if they need to get out fast (Kalman) there isn't enough room for all of us to fight in there
(Belden) (w) I could cast a detection spell...
(Loch) (following, listening) (Kalman) if they find anything, that is
(Boden) (following the trail.)
(Pavo) I suppose... (Kalman) ... (Kalman) On the other hand...

  • Pavo shifts his weight from foot to foot.

(Kalman) I don't like waiting around out here either
(Narrator) The pipe veers to the left, as well as continuing straight. The tracks go both ways.
(Boden) (w)The tracks go both ways, if you have a spell that would help, I'm game.

  • Kalman glances down the pipe again
  • Pavo moves again, taking up position on the other side of the pipe

(Belden) Alright... (Kalman) they've stopped... but I can still see the light
(Belden) Give me a moment, it requires concentration...
(Loch) (w) perhapse I should get the others... just in case

  • Belden begins to cast Detect Evil.

(Narrator) Okay, sec
(Boden) (w)ok Loch

  • Belden gasps.

(Belden) I sense... evil...

  • Belden closes her eyes and continues to concentrate on the spell.

(Boden) (w)wich way?

  • Loch will slip back quietly and fetch Kalman and Pavo

(Belden) (m) ... of moderate intensity...
(Belden) ... straight ahead...

  • Belden points.

(Boden) (was that were the movement was?) (Kalman) what have they found?
(Narrator) Yes
(Boden) (w)ok, well wait for the others...can you tell if its moving?
(Loch) looks like something is down there. Boden found tracks. follow me back in

  • Kalman nods

(Kalman) Boden's got my sword, all i've got is a croosbow
(Loch) take my spear

  • Loch hands it to Kalman
  • Pavo will almost eagerly slip into the tnunel
  • Loch will head back in the tunnel
  • Pavo makes his way through to the junction.

(Kalman) (Can I use a spear?)
(Loch) Pavo, stay behind me... if there's trouble up front, I need to see to use my magic
(Belden) (btw... is this tunnel to small to fight with a morningstar?)
(Boden) oh wait Belden, its ok, I know that guy.
(Narrator) No, you could fight with a morningstar
(Boden) come on
(Belden) (m)... guy?

  • Pavo will try to step aside once we get to the juncture
  • Belden is still concentrating on the spell.

(Kalman) Never used a spear before

  • Boden will try and get Belden to move forward with the light.

(Narrator) Kalman - no spear (Kalman) probably not the best time to try
(Narrator) Belden - still evil
(Belden) evil...
(Boden) no no, its ok.
(Narrator) Loch, you hear whispering in the dark ahead
(Belden) It's evil.

  • Belden insists.

(Boden) Well just give me the light so I can go see them...

  • Pavo wonders if Kalman would be more comfortable with a sickle

(Narrator) At this point, the light flickers and goes out. (Kalman) damn

  • Loch will cast light

(Boden) oh oh cast it again.
(Narrator) *whisper whisper*

  • Kalman takes out his crossbow

(Kalman) I won't shoot anyone, don't worry
(Loch) (on my spear since Kalman didnt take it)
(Loch) (is it our people?)
(Boden) come on Belden!
(Boden) I can hear him calling.
(Belden) calling?
(Pavo) (Can we hear anything?)

  • Boden will start forward.

(Belden) Boden, no!
(Boden) (with or without the light.)

  • Belden stops concentrating.

(Belden) Loch, I think they've cast a spell on him!
(Narrator) Loch - the light flickers into existence again, showing Boden striding down the tunnel
(Pavo) This definitely smacks of sorcery. (Kalman) damn.
(Narrator) *whisper whisper* from up ahead

  • Belden tries vainly to hold Boden back.

(Loch) Damn... after him, quickly

  • Pavo curses.

(Narrator) Okay, a sec as I tell Boden what he sees...

  • Kalman will hurry up towards him
  • Belden follows when/if that proves futile.

(Boden) Hey, your looking pretty good.
(Narrator) (you guys hear Boden say that from up ahead, outside the range of the light)

  • Belden begins to cast Protection from Evil on herself as she follows Boden.
  • Boden will brush cobwebs out of his hair, like he's trying to look good. He'll put his short sword away as well.

(Kalman) Boden.

  • Loch will try to move up with the light

(Belden) Boden, snap out of it!

  • Boden swears loudly.
  • Boden will try and break free!

(Narrator) Boden is struggling up ahead.
(Narrator) you can hear him.
(Belden) Oh, no!
(Belden) Come on! (Kalman) damnit!

  • Belden hurries up, hopefully with Loch and Kalman!

(Narrator) A horrifying sight meets your eyes. Pinned to the ceiling with masses of spiderwebs are the remains of at least three bodies, their shapes barely visible through the musty grey strands. Boden is pinned to the wall, struggling, by similar webs.
(Narrator) A figure clings firmly to the ceiling. At first, it seems to be a woman, but as you regain your composure it shifts into a new, more terrifying form.
(Narrator) It looks like a large spider, with many-jointed legs spanning the entire tunnel, at least seven feet. Below the head there are what look like two extra arms, each terminating in a disgustingly elongated and prehensile hand. (Kalman) well
(Narrator) (I'll roll initiative, shall I? ;)

  • Belden gasps loudly

(Kalman) (arr!)
(Belden) (please do)
(Loch) (me frowns)

  • Loch frowns

(Loch) (roll away)
(Narrator) (okay - combat her we come! Just a sec for some rolling)
(Belden) (one thing I'm not clear noe... did I get my spell cast before combat started?)
(Narrator) (Yes, you did)
(Narrator) Okay - the order of action for the whole combat will be: Boden, spider, Belden, Kalman, Loch, and Pavo)
(Narrator) Boden - your action, please.
(Boden) (I try to break free.)
(Narrator) You struggle, but to no avail.
(Narrator) The Spider shoots a web from its spinnerets towards Belden, hitting her firmly in the face.
(Boden) (can I tell how hard it will be to escape?)
(Narrator) Belden, you are now entangled in a web.
(Narrator) Belden - your action.
(Narrator) (Boden - it seems very sticky and tough)
(Belden) (I'd like to cut myself free if I can get my other hand to my dagger)
(Narrator) Belden, you struggle, but can't seem to reach the dagger, due to the sticky web.
(Narrator) Kalman, your action. (Kalman) I'll take the penalty to try and shoot the spider, and then reload.
(Boden) (There is no penalty, no one has engaged it in melee) (Kalman) (keen then) (Kalman) (I just shoot it ^-^)
(Narrator) Your bolt clatters down the tunnel, apparently missing the spider.
(Narrator) Loch, your action. (Kalman) ):|
(Loch) (I cast shield on myself, facing towards the spider)
(Narrator) Okay.
(Loch) Pavo, get up here
(Narrator) Pavo, your action please.
(Pavo) I am!
(Narrator) What are you doing, Pavo, last chance before I move on.
(Loch) (I would suggest moving up to engage the spider)
(Pavo) ((Am I close enough to slash))
(Narrator) You would have to move by the other people in the group.
(Narrator) You could get close enough to attack next round, though.
(Pavo) ((can I cut anyone free with my clawS?)
(Narrator) You are closest to Belden, you can start trying to cut her free.

  • Pavo would try to cut Boden free.

(Narrator) Boden is further into the tunnel, right next to the spider.
(Belden) (gee thanks :P)
(Pavo) (then Belden, the sulky one :p)
(Narrator) Okay. You start trying to cut the web away.
(Narrator) (how much damage do your gauntlets do?)
(Narrator) (tell me please, or I'm moving on :)
(Pavo) (It's on my sheet... just a minute)
(Narrator) It's not on the sheet I have.
(Pavo) (Then I don't have it either... I sent you my updated EQ sheet... PavoArsentios.txt
(Narrator) I'll have them do 1d4 for the moment, unless you can tell me otherwise.
(Narrator) Okay, Pavo slashes at the web, shredding through some of it, but Belden remains tangled.
(Narrator) Boden - your action.
(Boden) Since its the only thing I can do....I'll try and break free again..using a weapon (like my dagger) if I can...
(Narrator) You try and reach your dagger, but fail.
(Narrator) The Spider's limbs wave. Kalman, you feel stunned, as though you cannot act.

  • Kalman apparently cannot act, then :p

(Narrator) Kalman stands there.

  • Kalman would try though! ;)

(Narrator) Loch, your action?
(Loch) (I will magic missile the spider) (Kalman) (Yay!)
(Narrator) A magic missile shoots from Loch's hand, hitting the spider.
(Narrator) Pavo, your action?

  • Pavo will again slice at the webs around Belden

(Narrator) Pavo, you manage to free Belden from the web.
(Belden) (did I miss an action?)
(Narrator) (sorry, I assumed you were helping Pavo free you from the web)
(Belden) (I thought I was going after Boden, not that it matters)
(Belden) (ok)
(Narrator) (I rolled for you :)
(Narrator) (you go after the spider, actually)
(Narrator) Boden - your turn.
(Narrator) You struggle some more, I assume?
(Boden) Yes!
(Narrator) You struggle in vain.
(Boden) (Do I think there is any chance of me freeing myself?)
(Narrator) (Not without help, at this point)
(Boden) (then on my action boden will say) I need help to get out!
(Narrator) The spider approaches Boden and bites him. He feels weak and faint.
(Narrator) Plus he is bleeding, now.
(Narrator) Belden, your action, now that you are free.
(Belden) I try to free Boden with my dagger.
(Narrator) You go up to Boden and slash at the web with your dagger.
(Narrator) He is not free yet, however.
(Narrator) Kalman - your action.
(Narrator) (you are no longer stunned)

  • Kalman is assuming that we are still not 'in melee combat' with it, so I shoot at it and reload, but I'll tak the penalty if I have to

(Narrator) Okay. You shoot at it, and the quarrel sticks firmly into its back. It skitters backwards and skrees in pain.
(Narrator) Loch, your action.
(Loch) (I cast magic missile at the spider)

  • Kalman grins in grim satisfaction

(Narrator) You hit it with the bolt of magical energy.
(Narrator) Pavo, your action.
(Narrator) *ahem* Waiting.

  • Pavo will push up past Belden and slash at the webbing with his claws... (well not SLASH but you know) :)

(Narrator) Boden is now free of the webbing, but he still feels unsteady. He can have his action, now, though.
(Boden) (I use my move action to draw the short sword, then atack as my main action...)
(Narrator) Okay, you swing at the spider, but you miss.
(Narrator) Boden, you now feel very, very weak. You can barely move.
(Narrator) The spider scuttles backwards, away from you down the tunnel. Boden, you can have an attack of opportunity as it leaves.
(Boden) (I take it...)
(Narrator) Boden is very, very weak, but he manages to swing and hit the spider as it scuttles away.
(Narrator) Belden, your action.
(Belden) I'd like to run up and hit it with ye olde morningstar

  • Boden looks like he is in very bad shape.

(Belden) (does Boden look injured or just sick?)
(Narrator) It scuttles away so quickly, Belden, you can't reach it to attack. You could get close to it, but not attack this round.
(Narrator) Boden looks both injured and sick.
(Belden) alright then, I'll cast CLW on him.
(Narrator) Okay. Boden's wounds stop bleeding, but he is still very weak.
(Narrator) Kalman, your action.

  • Kalman will try and shoot the thing as it retreats

(Narrator) Kalman, your bolt flies down the tunnel, striking spider-flesh.

  • Kalman will also reload in case I get another chance to shoot before it completely ezscapes

(Narrator) The spider collapses in a heap, just ahead of Belden. (Kalman) Loch, lets make sure this thing is dead... Belden, get Boden out of here...

  • Belden nods to Kalman, and helps Boden out of the tunnel.
  • Loch will walk forward and drive his spear into the corpse

(Kalman) right...

  • Kalman looks up at the bodies

(Boden) (w)I'm so weak...
(Narrator) Loch pokes the spider with his spear. It shudders and expires. (Kalman) what do we do with it, and with the bodies?

  • Belden will lie Boden down outside the tunnel.

(Narrator) Belden, you are having to help Boden quite a lot.
(Narrator) On the ice?
(Belden) Well, no... that's probably a poor idea. On the riverbank. (Kalman) ....
(Loch) Not certain (Kalman) Pavo, are you a fast runner?
(Narrator) Okay, you lie him down on the bank.

  • Loch will cast detect magic

(Pavo) No faster than any other healthy chap (Kalman) hmm

  • Belden will get out her healer's kit, and attempt to give him something to help the poison.

(Belden) (Heal roll) (Kalman) one of us should head back to HQ
(Narrator) Loch - there is some magic radiating from a pile of junk in one corner of the tunnel.
(Belden) Hold on, I'm going to try some things...
(Belden) Hopefully this will help.
(Narrator) Belden, you try and tend to Boden.

  • Loch will go over and retrieve the object
  • Pavo pulls out a sickle.

(Pavo) Shall we cut them down?
(Narrator) In the pile, you find several pouches of money, two daggers, a bag with some dice in it, a tinderbox, some rotting fruit, and a ring (the magic thing)

  • Kalman looks up at them

(Kalman) We should probably come back with a real torch
(Narrator) One of the bodies seems to be moving slightly, Kalman.
(Belden) (I'll cast detect poison, come to think of it... knowing what kind it is would probably help me treat it)
(Narrator) No, you no longer detect poison on Boden. The poison has already acted.

  • Loch will gather the stuff up

(Pavo) It might ignite the webbing ... (Kalman) wait, one of them moight be alive
(Pavo) Which one?

  • Kalman points
  • Kalman heads back towards the entrance

(Pavo) *looks closer* (Kalman) Belden! (Kalman) We might have someone in here!
(Loch) Cut him down
(Narrator) It's engulfed in webbing, but definitely moving.

  • Pavo tries to gcarefully cut around the head of the victim
  • Belden calls back, "Come out here and stay with Boden, then!"
  • Kalman nods

(Narrator) When you cut away the tendrils of spiderweb, you see a pale, thin man in his early twenties with a shock of white hair.

  • Belden heads toward the tunnel, but keeps an eye on the large ranger.
  • Kalman heads out and comes over

(Loch) It's Peran.

  • Belden goes into the tunnel, nodding to Kalman as they pass.
  • Pavo peels the webbing clear of his face.
  • Loch will go over and help Pavo cut him free

(Pavo) We should make sure to catch him before we caut him down

  • Young_man coughs

(Young_man) Wh..what's going on?
(Belden) I've got him...

  • Pavo flashes the man a smile. "You're being rescued, my friend."
  • Belden prepares to lower him to the ground once he is free.

(Loch) You'll be free soon Peran
(Narrator) You manage to cut him down, and lower him to the ground safely. (Kalman) Are you goign to be alright?

  • Young_man has wounds on his neck, two needle-thin points.
  • Kalman asks Boden

(Young_man) I.. so weak...

  • Young_man faints.

(Belden) (Does he seem ill, feverish, what have you?)
(Boden) I can walk..barely

  • Kalman nods

(Belden) We should get him outside, where the air is fresher.

  • Boden will try and stand up.
  • Pavo will sigh, then turn to uncover the head of the nxt body.

(Narrator) He seems very weak, much like Boden, but much worse.

  • Boden will give you back your short sword, and take back his longsword.

(Kalman) Lets get back to the tavern...
(Narrator) You check the other two. They contain only dried husks that were once young men.
(Boden) Ok,

  • Kalman sheathes his sword

(Belden) We may need to get him to a healer more skilled than I... I should be able to stabilize him though, at least...
(Boden) me will walk slowly back to the in....

  • Kalman will open the back door

(Belden) (who is helping me carry him out?) (Kalman) Zelias?

  • Zelias runs to the door

(Zelias) What? What happened?
(Loch) (Pavo should, he's stronger) (Kalman) Can you help my friend here to a table? And do you have an empty room? (Kalman) We found the missing persons.
(Zelias) Oh yes, of course..

  • Zelias looks very surprised
  • Zelias will help Boden to a table and get him a drink.
  • Pavo will aid Belden
  • Kalman will head back out

(Narrator) The tavern is now busy, with the lunch crowd, but Zelias clears a table for Boden. (Kalman) There's an empty room inside...
(Boden) I feel crappy.

  • Belden and Pavo will carry Peran inside then.
  • Boden has blood around his neck.
  • Belden will then try to stabilize him...

(Belden) (Heal roll)
(Zelias) Can I get you anything, sir?
(Narrator) Belden - you think he has been poisoned, and will need considerable rest, but he will recover eventually.

  • Loch will check the area once more for clues before I leave.
  • Kalman will call over to Belden

(Belden) Pavo, see if you can find some clean water to wash these wounds...
(Narrator) Loch, you check the area, but find nothing else.

  • Belden looks over her shoulder at Kalman.

(Belden) What is it? (Kalman) you can bring him up there for now.

  • Pavo heads out into the main room to find the kitchen

(Belden) (I already did :o) (Kalman) (I'm just slow. I call that there is an empty room ;)

  • Belden looks down at the young man.

(Kalman) (I'm really slow ;p)
(Belden) (Is he conscious?) (Kalman) alright
(Narrator) Pavo, you find the kitchen. Inside is Ciretta the barmaid, cooking lunch.

  • Loch will leave the tunnel then

(Kalman) I still think one of us should head back to headquarters
(Narrator) The young man is not conscious, Belden. (Kalman) I can go... do you need anything Belden?
(Boden) Yeah...we should get a few more guards with torches to check that out.
(Pavo) I need clean water to help Belden care for one of the missing men we found. May I have a bowl of clean water?
(Ciretta) Yes, of course.
(Ciretta) What happened?

  • Ciretta says as she gets a bowl of water.

(Pavo) There was a creature in a sewer tunnel outside by the river.

  • Ciretta looks shocked.

(Pavo) We've dealt with it.
(Belden) Stop by the Castalia, maybe...
(Pavo) We've managed to save the young man, Peran
(Boden) Or get his friend from upstairs.
(Belden) See if they can tell you the names of someone who could come for him... (Kalman) I'll see if I can round up another healer, at least
(Belden) And see if you can find Gabrielia
(Ciretta) Oh, that's wonderful! Gabrielia will be so happy. (Kalman) alright

  • Belden nods.

(Belden) Thanks.

  • Kalman nods and will head off, then, back towards HQ
  • Belden looks up briefly, and smiles at Kalman.

(Ciretta) The other two... weren't so lucky?

  • Pavo nods. If only we had even better news.
  • Loch will arrive at the inn

(Boden) I think I need more coffee.
(Pavo) I'm afraid not.

  • Zelias will bring Boden some coffee
  • Ciretta nods sadly to Pavo
  • Pavo will take the water to Belden
  • Boden will drink coffee with plenty of sugar.
  • Belden nods in thanks to Pavo.

(Narrator) Belden, you tend to the young man, who seems to be resting more comfortably now.

  • Belden will wash the man's wounds and bandage them, then wet a cloth to cool his face.
  • Kalman idly thinks that now he at least has an *interesting* story to tell people about being in the guard :p
  • Belden idly wonders what house the boy is from...

(Belden) . o O (Lizard, perhaps? Wolf?)
(Boden) Is Gabrielia here?
(Zelias) No, she left for her class.

  • Pavo looks to Zelias a moment.

(Boden) Its a good thing we checked that out...
(Pavo) Perhaps the city should invest in grates along the river.
(Boden) Thanks for helping me there Belden.

  • Loch will pocket the ring before I get back to the inn though
  • Belden grins at Boden.

(Belden) Don't mention it.
(Narrator) Loch - the ring is gold, with a tiger eye stone in it.
(Narrator) What are you doing with the rest of the goodies?
(Boden) I'm not used to the things down tunnels using magic on me...usually they just try to ambush you.
(Belden) You've seen things like that before?

  • Belden seems surprised.

(Loch) Is everyone going to live?
(Boden) well, not like that...

  • Belden nods to Loch.

(Pavo) I can honestly say I've had much better experiences indark alleys and tunnels than that.
(Belden) They'll be alright.
(Loch) good
(Boden) but sometimes Kobolds will try and train stuff or wall them in as a booby trap or something.
(Boden) They like to make other things fight for them.
(Belden) I've never even seen a kobold... you seem to have a lot of experience with them though.
(Belden) Are there many where you come from?
(Boden) They are the main problem around my vilage...I was trained to track them.

      • Kalman changes topic to '
        (Pavo) I can honestly say I've had much better experiences in dark alleys and tunnels than that.'

(Boden) but I'm not very good.
(Belden) Oh, I see.

  • Boden says a bit ashamed.

(Belden) Our main problem was crows, mostly.

  • Belden smiles at Boden.

(Boden) crows? how do you hunt them?
(Belden) You did a great job tracking today! I couldn't see a thing.
(Belden) Mostly you just try to chase them away with a stick, or a scarecrow...
(Boden) oh, we have them too, but Kobolds do more damage.

  • Belden looks over at Loch.
  • Loch will get himself an ale and wait with the rest of the group
  • Boden finaly clues in that you were making a joke.

(Belden) I sent Kalman to the Castalia, by the way.
(Belden) He's going to get another healer, and see if they can contact his family.
(Boden) I thought he went to get more guards?
(Belden) Yes, well, on the way.
(Boden) We should really have more people check that out...
(Loch) Good. His mother can probably find someone who knows Peran
(Belden) Or on the way back, I'm not sure.
(Loch) Or its his aunt, I fogot to ask

  • Zelias wanders over to your table

(Zelias) Have you seen Minalda?
(Boden) Oh crap.
(Belden) Minalda?
(Belden) Oh, no...

  • Boden will wave Zelias close to him....

(Belden) Oh...

  • Zelias comes over

(Zelias) She went to the watercloset and didn't come back, and she's not in there now.

  • Belden 's eyes widen.

(Boden) (w)She was the creature...she could change shape.
(Loch) That figures. How long has she been working here?

  • Boden says in a seriouse tone.

(Zelias) I figured she must have slipped out the back door, but she should be here for the lunch...

  • Zelias freezes
  • Zelias 's jaw drops

(Zelias) Only... only a couple of months...
(Pavo) Wait, wait, that's a far stretch.
(Belden) So that's how it worked..
(Belden) No, Pavo, it makes sense...
(Belden) She could choose her victims... Then when they left, she'd slip down through the sewers...
(Pavo) ... it might be an ok idea, but making sense?
(Belden) And call them the way she called Boden...
(Zelias) I think she used to work at a tavern in Rhenea before she came here....
(Pavo) I don't recall her smelling like a sewer.

  • Pavo turns to Zelias: Might we see her room?

(Boden) Pavo, that sewer wasn't that disgusting.
(Zelias) She doesn't live here.
(Belden) If something can shift shape, don't you think it can alter its scent?
(Boden) you could walk and not touch the sides and stuff.
(Loch) It was frozen, remember
(Pavo) Yes but if she dropped right down into the loo...
(Pavo) Do you know where Minalda did live?
(Belden) And, how was it that she had walked down that path all those times and never been attacked? (Kalman) (disused loo)
(Boden) Why would she need to do that...if she can just charm them when they leave...
(Belden) (was never attacked even)
(Ciretta) She lived in Rhenea still, I think. I don't know where.

  • Pavo turns to Belden... Some like boys, some like girls.
  • Ciretta pipes up from the bar.
  • Zelias nods in agreement

(Belden) Well, how do *you* explain her disappearing in the privy, then?
(Pavo) She could simply have been missed when she left.
(Boden) The door to leave is right accross from the privy remember?
(Pavo) Meaning she could have stepped out of the privy and left through the back door on any sort of errand.
(Pavo) I'm just saying, lets know before we start saying she had eight legs.
(Belden) I wouldn't count on it.
(Belden) I thouhgt she seemed a little too calm, earlier.
(Boden) no no Pavo...
(Boden) what I mean is...I saw her before she shape shifted.
(Boden) I saw her change.
(Pavo) What?
(Pavo) Oh...
(Belden) Well, that settles that, then.
(Boden) yeah.
(Narrator) Svodoba sends some extra guards to drag the bodies, human and spider-like, out of the tunnel.
(Narrator) Peran's family are located, as well as Gabrielia, and they all come to the tavern to see him.

  • Boden will try and comfort them...

(Narrator) He will recover, but the poison was strong, and it will take time.
(Narrator) (so will Boden, btw :)
(Boden) (thanks, are their any spells guards have access to that will speed it up?)
(Narrator) Boden, one of the clerics can cast a Lesser Restoration on you, for 1 Str. point)
(Narrator) You will heal 1 point a day, 2 with total bed-rest.
(Boden) (Well, at least its something...so I'm out for how many days?)
(Narrator) 6 days, if you're taking total rest, or 12 without total rest. (Kalman) can he get 6 days off? ^-^
(Narrator) But the guards understand - your pay is not penalized, of course. (Kalman) heh
(Narrator) They will even cast more Lesser Restorations on you, probably
(Narrator) You will be back as good as new in *roll* 4 days.
(Boden) (well, I'll probably take about 4 days off...but after that If I'm not healed from the LR's I'll go back to work.)
(Boden) good.
(Narrator) You can rest well tonight, knowing that you have rid the city of an evil, even if it was only a small one.
(Narrator) The End.

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