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We left off last time with Skalla's speech to the Thing, which will have proceeded to pass an initiative to send messengers out to the various native and colonial powers to invite delegates to discuss a possible united future for the continent. Relatedly, the Thing also voted to expel the governor and disarm the bluebacks, though there is a world of difference between passing legislation and the actual reality.  In the ensuing days, they start making plans to deal with the fort and to carry the message to other more scattered allies, especially among the native nations.  Thekla and Hildie plan a blockade and Hildie encourages her to make her move on Skalla. When she does, it goes quite well, and the two decide to travel together to see the Karagwasischiro.  Svald encounters a glad that uses the symbol of the owlbear and goes to tell Skalla. The two talk as friends, with Skalla trying to boost Svald's confidence and sense of self worth.  Eventually they tell her about their feelings for Lucas.  Lucas, meanwhile, has gone to see Hyppolyte Beaulieu, who is trying to reconcile what he knew of Lucas before the war, and the two end on more amicable terms than their previous meeting.  Welumquefalls ill on her trip to Chikënëmhchu, but speaks to Olpekat, who asks her to represent her people as best as she cane on Sisawinak.  Towards the end of her convalescents, as she is writing letters to other allies, her estranged husband stops in, but she maintains  a cool distance while encouraging to find some way to be useful.  Finally, Jerk comes to rescue Hildie from military preparations to ask her on a proper date.
We left off last time with Skalla's speech to the Thing, which will have proceeded to pass an initiative to send messengers out to the various native and colonial powers to invite delegates to discuss a possible united future for the continent. Relatedly, the Thing also voted to expel the governor and disarm the bluebacks, though there is a world of difference between passing legislation and the actual reality.  In the ensuing days, they start making plans to deal with the fort and to carry the message to other more scattered allies, especially among the native nations.   
Thekla and Hildie plan a blockade and Hildie encourages her to make her move on Skalla. When she does, it goes quite well, and the two decide to travel together to see the Karagwasischiro.  Svald encounters a glad that uses the symbol of the owlbear and goes to tell Skalla. The two talk as friends, with Skalla trying to boost Svald's confidence and sense of self worth.  Eventually they tell her about their feelings for Lucas.  Lucas, meanwhile, has gone to see Hyppolyte Beaulieu, who is trying to reconcile what he knew of Lucas before the war, and the two end on more amicable terms than their previous meeting. 
Welumque falls ill on her trip to Chikënëmhchu, but speaks to Olpekat, who asks her to represent her people as best as she cane on Sisawinak.  Towards the end of her convalescents, as she is writing letters to other allies, her estranged husband stops in, but she maintains  a cool distance while encouraging to find some way to be useful.  Finally, Jerk comes to rescue Hildie from military preparations to ask her on a proper date.

Latest revision as of 14:45, 23 September 2023

Thirteen 2 session logs
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We left off last time with Skalla's speech to the Thing, which will have proceeded to pass an initiative to send messengers out to the various native and colonial powers to invite delegates to discuss a possible united future for the continent. Relatedly, the Thing also voted to expel the governor and disarm the bluebacks, though there is a world of difference between passing legislation and the actual reality. In the ensuing days, they start making plans to deal with the fort and to carry the message to other more scattered allies, especially among the native nations.

Thekla and Hildie plan a blockade and Hildie encourages her to make her move on Skalla. When she does, it goes quite well, and the two decide to travel together to see the Karagwasischiro. Svald encounters a glad that uses the symbol of the owlbear and goes to tell Skalla. The two talk as friends, with Skalla trying to boost Svald's confidence and sense of self worth. Eventually they tell her about their feelings for Lucas. Lucas, meanwhile, has gone to see Hyppolyte Beaulieu, who is trying to reconcile what he knew of Lucas before the war, and the two end on more amicable terms than their previous meeting.

Welumque falls ill on her trip to Chikënëmhchu, but speaks to Olpekat, who asks her to represent her people as best as she cane on Sisawinak. Towards the end of her convalescents, as she is writing letters to other allies, her estranged husband stops in, but she maintains a cool distance while encouraging to find some way to be useful. Finally, Jerk comes to rescue Hildie from military preparations to ask her on a proper date.


Session date: 2023-09-10
In Game date: Following on the last session and the following days

<Narrator> We left off last time with Skalla's speech to the Thing, which will have proceeded to pass an initiative to send messengers out to the various native and colonial powers to invite delegates to discuss a possible united future for the continent. Relatedly, the Thing also voted to expel the governor and disarm the bluebacks, though there is a world of difference between passing legislation and the actual reality.
<Narrator> (My plan was to cover time leading to the convention of colonial delegates. I have things in mind for folks, but did anyone have anything they'd like to make sure gets covered in that time? We're talking probably a couple months total.)
<Narrator> (Sorry, Callidoran delegates, not just colonial delegates. :P )
<Lucas> (presumably try to keep checking in on my patients, spend more time with Chemames)
* Hildie would like to start working talking with Thekla about strategy and troop deployments for defense in the meantime.
<Welumque> (I will of course be eager to hear from the Lexkweyok grandmothers on their thoughts, and on the delegation from our people. Presumably playing host to anyone visiting Sisawinak from my people as well)
<Skalla> (I'm sure Skalla is uhhh. Busy. But I do think she'd try to make some time to get away and just not poeple for a while. not completely alone but like, just a few close people, maybe svald and hildie or Thekla is she wants >.> If she coudl angle to be the messenger for her karagwasischiro people, she would but idk if that would be feasible given the position she put herself in there)
<Narrator> (I think they will actually ask Welumque to take the message to the grandmothers at Chikënëmhchu if she's willing.)
<Narrator> (Yeah, I was thinking they'd ask Skalla to go talk to the Karagwasischiro if she's willing as well.)
<Welumque> (sure, I'm up for that, as long as I can take my sweet time, as an old lady, to get there)

Thekla and Hildie plan operations, and Hildie encourages her to thihnk about what she wants in the future peace

* Thekla (webchat@ has joined #thirteen02
<Narrator> Hildie, the days immediately after the Thing's vote are taken up with a multitude of meetings and strategy sessions as you find yourself somehow drawn into politics despite your best efforts. While plenty of the colonists have combat experience, few have any command experience, and you are more and more looked to for such.
<Narrator> There is a break from one such session, and you find yourself on the balcony of the former governor's home, converted now to accommodate different governmental organizational work. You have a good view of the bay from here, and the actual fort of Fastning Irena rises from her island just offshore.
* Thekla is standing to the side, smoking her pipe, sharing the same view.
* Thekla sighs.
<Hildie> I concur.
<Thekla> I used to think of that as this shield protecting us, and now it's a dagger at our throat.
<Hildie> Nothing focuses your attention like a dagger at your throat, eh?
* Thekla nods.
<Thekla> Though maybe not always on what one would expect.
<Hildie> Hmmm?
<Thekla> Just...there's a lot going on.
<Thekla> Your cousin's leaving soon, right?
* Hildie nods. "She's off to talk to the Karagwasischiro."
* Thekla nods.
<Hildie> You and her have become quite... close.
* Thekla looks hesitant.
<Thekla> She's been a good friend.
* Hildie nods again.
<Hildie> You could go with her.
<Thekla> There's quite a lot to do here...
<Hildie> Yes, there is. But don't get so caught up in this war that you lose sight of what your fighting for. This will all be over one day.
* Thekla smiles at that.
<Hildie> Plan for the peace, as well as the war.
<Thekla> I like your confidence.
<Hildie> Hah. I wish I felt as confident as I sound.
<Thekla> We'll prevail. It'll be messy, and difficult, but I think we're doing the right thing here, and that has to count for something.
<Hildie> I like your confidence.
* Hildie grins.
* Thekla returns the smile, and shakes out her pipe, tapping it on the balcony railing.
<Hildie> You know what I think?
<Thekla> Hmm?
* Hildie squints her eyes at the fort on the horizon.
<Hildie> I think if we're going t stand a chance in the long term... we're going to need that fort.
* Thekla sighs again and nods.
<Thekla> Any thoughts on how we take it?
<Hildie> Hmmm...
<Hildie> How many boats can we scrounge up and how many mages do we have?
<Thekla> Each of the families has a galdr or two, plus whoever we can conscript or hire. Call it...a dozen and a half, maybe two. Boats, there's plenty, though there's always danger from the fort's cannons. What'd you have in mind?
<Hildie> That fort sits barely above the water. If we had enough galdrs in concert and waited to high tide... or better yet a storm... we wouldn't need to raise the water level much to flood them out. If we could sabotage their boats somehow, or keep them penned up...
<Hildie> Hmmmm
<Thekla> We just need them to surrender. I was wondering if we could flood them out with sustained snow or rain.
<Hildie> It's not impossible. Have all our boats ready to transport our men over when the flooding starts. With a big enough storm they wouldn't be able to site our ships well.
<Thekla> We can always try to starve them out. They can't have but a month's supplies, give or take a few weeks.
<Thekla> No one was expecting a siege.
<Hildie> Mmmm... Nothing kills morale like hunger and snow. Can we mount an effective blockade?
* Thekla nods.
<Thekla> We've got the bay. They may be able to threaten with the cannons, but I don't think they want to start firing any more than we do.
<Thekla> They can't launch even a rowboat without us being able to answer and stop it.
<Hildie> So we start with that. Blockade them and let them stew. Once they're a bit worn down we start with the flooding and the snow. See how long they last with no quarter rations and frozen, wet boots.
* Thekla chuckles mirthlessly.
<Thekla> I don't envy them, but, hey, they can leave any time.
<Hildie> We need to make sure they know that. Not the officers, but the men. Offer them clemency if they lay down their arms.
<Hildie> (Women, sorry)
* Thekla nods.
<Thekla> Best we get to it, then.
<Hildie> I can take care of the preparations if you have something you need to do.
* Hildie puts a hand on her shoulder.
* Thekla smiles.
<Thekla> I've got a little time, but I...I think I have some things to do later today.
* Hildie smiles.
<Thekla> For now, let's go plan some war so we can get to the peace, yeah?
* Svald (~Svald@lns5-pool7-088.adsl.user.start.ca) has joined #thirteen02

Thekla makes her move on Skalla, and they decide to travel together and sort things out between them

<Narrator> (Heather, what's Skalla up to in these days just after the Thing's vote?)
<Skalla> (I assume a lot more politicing than she's really compfortable with, but also planning her trip away and trying to find some ways to blow off steam meanwhile)
<Narrator> (Heh, that seems a good place to interject Thekla. What sort of ways would Skalla be blowing off steam?)
<Skalla> (In town it's mostly drinking and hookups >.>)
* Thekla will track down Skalla wherever she may happen to be later in the day/evening after talking to Hildie.
<Skalla> (Let's say Charlotta's?)
<Thekla> (Sure)
<Thekla> Coffee or stronger?
* Thekla says with a nod towards Skalla's drink as she approaches.
<Skalla> coffee for now...
<Skalla> I just was talking to {some latdy from one of theother big families].
<Skalla> but stronger is coming.
<Thekla> Care for some company?
<Skalla> sure :)
<Skalla> would you care for a drink?
<Skalla> I don't need to finish this
<Skalla> we coudl go somewhere else, grab somethign to eat and just stay out
<Skalla> I bet you could use it as much as I can
* Thekla chuckles and nods.
<Thekla> Elsewhere sounds good. A walk would be nice after sitting around arguing all day.
<Skalla> definitely
* Skalla pusheshe half finished coffee away and will stand
<Skalla> where too?
<Thekla> We could just step outside and see where our feet take us.
<Skalla> the Public down by the docks does a nice venison stew when they've got the meat, and I hear they might right now...
<Skalla> That sounds good though
<Skalla> who needs plsns
<Thekla> It'd make my life easier in the short term if some others felt the same.
<Thekla> You're lucky you're getting out of town soon.
<Skalla> mmm, thank gods. I am happy to be involved in all this but... it's a lot.
<Skalla> no chance for you to slip away?
<Thekla> I...had been considering it. Any chance you could use some company on your trek north?
<Skalla> oh!
<Skalla> I thought you'd be too busy but...
<Skalla> You'd be great company
* Thekla smiles at that.
<Thekla> Well, likewise, I'm sure.
<Thekla> Everything has happened so fast these last weeks, and I was really worried when you got arrested...
<Skalla> yeah... I'm glad things worked out how they did
<Thekla> I don't think I could really have imagined all this before it happened.
<Thekla> I knew we were headed towards independence, but this...confluence of everything...
<Thekla> @.@
<Thekla> It's almost like back during the war, but...hopeful, you know?
* Skalla nods, thiking
<Skalla> yeah. Hopeful.
* Skalla smiles
<Skalla> what are you hoping for?
* Thekla pauses.
<Thekla> (Roll me Rapport, Heather)
<Skalla> (sec... never remember to actually open my sheet :p)
* Skalla rolls [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 2 3 1 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 3 ]
<Narrator> (Well, they don't always come up, so makes sense)
* Thekla looks perhaps more nervous than you've seen her before, and that includes in a life and death battle.
* Thekla looks around the street, likely a bit crowded this evening, and will reach over to take Skalla by the hand or wrist to lead her out of the street into a little side alley if allowed.
<Skalla> hmm?
<Skalla> everything okay?
* Thekla gives one last glance around, takes a breath to steel herself, then leans forward to kiss Skalla.
* Skalla is definitely surprised, but also into it
<Skalla> I... uh... wow
<Thekla> That's...what I've been hoping for.
<Thekla> I mean, more than that, obviously. Not, like, more as in *more*, though, sure, that too, but just, more together.
<Thekla> And liberty and justice and everything, too, but also this.
<Thekla> I am...not saying this correctly.
<Skalla> I Think I get it
<Skalla> I think?
<Skalla> ....are you sure though?
<Skalla> about me, I mean...
<Thekla> About which?
* Thekla chuckles.
<Thekla> Can I kiss you again?
* Skalla will kiss her
* Thekla kisses Skalla for a long moment, eventually pulling back just a little, touching her forehead to Skalla's.
<Thekla> Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
<Skalla> I... I don't know how this works?
<Skalla> I mean
<Skalla> Obviously I know how part of it work >.>
<Thekla> I'm happy to show you the parts I know, and we can figure out the rest.
<Skalla> Okay.
* Skalla smiles
* Thekla returns the smile.
<Skalla> so how about that drink now, and then you can come back to my house to help plan that trip?
<Thekla> That sounds like a plan.

Svald finds an interesting flag

<Narrator> Svald, as you are making your way through town on your way to paint the battlefield at Alhusan al'Aswad, you notice an unfamiliar banner flying in front of a tavern near the docks. A large yellow flag bears the unmistakeable silhouette of an owlbear rampant, with the words, "Callidora, Rise" written below.
<Svald> ... O_o
<Svald> (Which tavern?)
<Narrator> It's called the Stag and Storm, a tavern popular with sailors and, until recently, with the bluebacks.
<Svald> (is it busy?)
<Narrator> (We'll say not particularly at this point. Presumably it's like mid-morning, so there's so folks having late breakfasts, but it's not crowded by any means.)
* Svald debates for a moment but will step inside and look around for some kind of staff member
<Narrator> You can spot someone behind the bar cleaning a tankard.
* Thekla is now known as Bartender
* Bartender is now known as Barman
<Svald> um... excuse me... sorry to bother but, can I ask about your.. .flag?
<Barman> The flag? What about it?
<Svald> I just haven't seen one like that before...
<Svald> What does it... mean?
<Barman> It says, "Callidora, Rise". It means we all need to come together to throw off the old world's yoke.
<Svald> And the um.. bear?
<Barman> It's the one from the battle. Huge owlbear, big as a house, almost, I hear, sent the Emira's lackeys packing.
<Svald> Huh... Yes, I did.. hear about that
<Barman> Spirit of Callidora, some folks are saying.
<Barman> Made sense to put it on the flag.
* Svald hopes the owlbear is listening
<Svald> I see... Are these um, becoming a thing?
<Svald> [m] Maybe I should paint the owlbear...
<Barman> Couple of other places are flying them. They're all hand-made, of course, but more folks are making them.
<Svald> Well that's... that's nice to see!
<Svald> I should tell Skalla.
<Barman> They're easy enough to make. Probably could make a nicer one than what I managed.
<Svald> I'm not much for sewing but... Skalla probably knows someone
* Barman nods amiably if noncomittally at that.
<Barman> Get you something to drink?
<Svald> Oh, yes please...
* Svald will get a cider or something to be polite >.>
<Svald> Thank you.
* Barman will happily and quickly get your drink for you.

Svald goes to tell Skalla about the flag but winds up telling her about their feelings for Lucas :x

<Narrator> (Did you want to go find Skalla to talk to her about the flag?)
<Svald> (sure!)
* Svald will track down Skalla wherever
<Svald> Skalla?
* Skalla is probably easiest found at home in the earlier parts ofthe day, or maybe Charlotta's
<Svald> (let us say Charlotta)
<Svald> OH good, you are here...
<Skalla> hey svald - how's your painting coming?
<Svald> Have you seen these flags around, with the, um, owlbear?
<Skalla> flags? No..
<Svald> I was down by the docks and I saw this yellow flag with uh... an owlbear
<Svald> "Callidora, Rise"
<Skalla> huh. is that... good?
<Svald> I asked and a couple other places have them too, and more people are making them...
<Svald> It's supposed to be about getting people to ... "throw off the yoke of the old world"
<Svald> I thought you would like that.
<Skalla> it sounds good, but how do you feel about it?
<Svald> I... a little strange
<Svald> I know it is what the spirit would want.
<Svald> It's not really about *me*...
<Skalla> it is a little though
* Svald looks uncomfortable
<Svald> Only a little.
* Skalla considers
<Skalla> Look, I don't want to encourage the flag if you're not comfortable with it, is all
<Skalla> and its okay if you're not
<Svald> It's fine
<Svald> Symbols... images are important
* Skalla grins
<Skalla> obviously, right? but it's different creating one and being one, I'd imagine
<Svald> As long as I just don't think about it too much...
<Svald> Anyway... It was at the Stag and Storm, if you want to see it.
<Skalla> thanks, maybe I'll head down there later....
* Skalla considers
<Skalla> so, uh, that reminds me....
<Skalla> I'm getting ready to out to Gagë:dö’sga:ne:ga’
* Svald nods
<Skalla> Thekla's coming....
<Svald> Oh, that's nice :)
<Skalla> We've gotten pretty...close latley
* Skalla says with maybe an uncharacteristic blush
<Svald> Uh... alright?
* Svald is... uncertain
<Skalla> I was just... if we are all travelling together...
<Skalla> I wouldn't want to make you feel...
* Skalla holds up her hands
<Skalla> awkward?
<Svald> Oh.
<Svald> Oh, like that...
<Skalla> >.>
<Svald> It's fine I.. have a lot of.. .paintings
* Skalla nods
<Svald> I'll be... right.
<Svald> So...
<Svald> Haveanicetimei'lljustbegoing
* Svald ducks out of the tavern awkwardly
<Skalla> Svald wait!
* Svald stops but only because it's Skalla
* Skalla hurries after them
* Skalla will go outside with them though, where its eaier to talk but still have some space7
* Svald waits outside
<Skalla> I'm just....
<Skalla> I'm sorry. I'm feeling a lot out of my element lately.
<Svald> You don't... you don't have to feel bad for me
<Svald> You're right, it would be... awkward.
* Svald mumbles
<Skalla> Right. I know But I also feel... Like. It's probaly awkward anyway, right? And I'm sorry. because I know you don't always think of youself as important Svald, but - you are.
<Svald> I'm just... a vessel, Skalla
<Svald> It is what it is
<Skalla> I don't think that's true
<Svald> For magic, for the spirit, for... the work
<Skalla> Look I'm not the best with metaphoes and stuff but a vessel only holds things.
<Svald> Maybe like... a conduit then
<Svald> A channel
<Svald> Things move... through me
<Skalla> okay, then.... think of a channel
<Svald> But I don't have anything of my own to hold onto
* Skalla says gesturing ut to the sea
<Svald> I don't even have my own culture
<Skalla> Svald I have never mey anyone else like you. YOu have so much. You carry so much. I'm sorry it doesn't feel like yours.
<Svald> I'm sorry to be... weird. I didn't mean to say all of that.
<Skalla> but everything you... channle... you're the one who gives t power. Gives it shape. That's what you do
<Skalla> No, it's okay, come here
* Skalla opens her arms
* Svald looks very small even though they are taller than you
* Svald will let themself be hugged, sniffing quietly
<Skalla> You're so imaportant.
<Skalla> That power to transform... to channel and make something new
<Skalla> That's so much what we need
<Skalla> To make something that doesn't belong to us, but to shapw it and make something beautiful
<Skalla> We need that
<Skalla> okay?
* Svald is trying to cry without making any noise
<Svald> UH... uh huh. okay
<Skalla> I'm... I'ms sorry, I didn't mean to upset you more. I just want you to know... how much *I
* value you, at least. So please, I hope you can make somethign you value with just a little time to yourself.
<Svald> Okay...
<Svald> Skalla...
<Svald> can I... can I tell you something, secret
<Skalla> of course.
<Svald> I'm.. I'm so sad...
<Skalla> oh sweetie :(
<Svald> Bec.. .because Lucas.
<Skalla> Lucas?
* Svald nods miserably.
<Skalla> what about Lucas?
<Svald> I... I thought we could be... close. But Chemames... and... well.
<Svald> It's stupid.
<Skalla> oh.
<Skalla> It's not stupid.
* Skalla squeezes their hands
<Skalla> I'm sorry.
* Svald half shrugs and looks awy
<Svald> (away)
<Skalla> you wanna get a drink about it?
<Svald> No... that doesn't help me
<Skalla> or... have you been being a bear about it?
<Svald> ... I have -_-
* Skalla smiles a little
<Svald> It's easier.
<Skalla> Maybe make a painting about it?
<Skalla> just for you
<Svald> I don't know if I want to see it.
<Svald> Sometimes I think about just being a bear, or a wolf, or a raven, and not coming back...
<Skalla> so... don't look? I dunno. Just a canvas and your feelings
<Skalla> You'll just take those feeling with you if you go :/
<Svald> You would be surprised... It's so much easier.
* Svald says a bit wistfully.
<Svald> Except bears can't paint.
<Skalla> there is that.
<Skalla> Is there anything I can do?
<Svald> You already did...
<Skalla> ...I did?
<Svald> You're here
* Skalla looks worried
<Skalla> is it okay that I'm going away for a bit?
* Svald nods
<Svald> I'll be fine.
<Svald> Really...
<Svald> I feel... better that I talked to you.
<Skalla> I'm glad. You can talk to me about anything, Svald. I'll keep your secret and I promise not to say anything. Or like. beeak Lucas's leg or anything, which is what I'd usually offer a distressed friend.
* Svald smiles a little.
<Svald> I think I have to paint the battle outside Al Aswad...
<Skalla> okay. It's going to be amazing, I know it.
<Svald> Yeah...
<Skalla> I'll make sure the house staff know not to bother you while I'm away
<Svald> It's going to be... awesome.
<Svald> Thanks.
* Skalla smiles
<Skalla> Of course.

Lucas returns to see Hyppolyte, who is trying to reconcile his exeriences of Lucas during and after the war

<Narrator> Lucas, while there isn't *actually* an uptick in your number of patients or their maladies, you certainly feel much busier in the days to come as the entire island seems to be in a state of anticipation knowing that more upheaval is yet to come.
<Narrator> You receive an invitation from Mme Beaulieu to visit her plantation at your convenience.
* Lucas will head out there
* Alienor (webchat@ has joined #thirteen
* Alienor will be waiting for you, and rises to greet you as you are shown in.
<Lucas> Good day, Mme. Beaulieu.
<Alienor> M. Flood, it's good to see you. I hope further trouble hasn't found you since I saw you last.
<Lucas> It has been a busy time, but no trouble.
<Lucas> How are you doing?
<Alienor> As well as I think can be expected. I find I'm taking on roles I'd had not real aspiration to, with Prelate Beaufort gone. She was our unifying force, and now...
<Alienor> Well, she would be happy to see Sisawinak coming together.
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> She is a great loss.
* Alienor smiles at that.
<Alienor> She was quite fond of you on short acquaintance, you know.
<Lucas> I had much respect for her as well. She was a wise and kind elder, and I only wish I could have done more to help her.
<Alienor> You did much and more, and I think helped ease her passing. You will always have my thanks for that.
* Lucas nods, a bit embarassed at being thanked.
<Alienor> Truthfully, though, while I owe you a great deal, it's not on my behalf I asked you here. I wonder if you would be willing to speak to Hyppolyte?
<Alienor> I know your last interaction was...less than amicable.
<Alienor> But, after everything that's happened, he asked to see you.
<Alienor> I would of course understand if you'd prefer not to.
<Lucas> I am willing, but I don't wish to cause any further distress to you and your family.
<Lucas> but if he asked to see me, I wouldn't refuse.
<Alienor> He's waiting in his sitting room. Would you like something to drink before you go through? Tea, coffee, something stronger?
<Lucas> No, thank you. I will go see him and then perhaps afterwards, depending on how it goes, I may take you up on your offer.
* Alienor nods.
<Alienor> Gods bless you, M. Flood.
* Lucas will nod politely, to cover his doubt, and will go to the sitting room.
* Alienor is now known as Hyppolyte
* Hyppolyte is sitting in his rocking chair next to the large windows looking out over the nearby fields. There's a book in his lap, but you get the impression he hasn't been paying particular attention to it. He looks up nervously as you enter.
<Lucas> M. Beaulieu. I understand you wanted to speak with me.
<Hyppolyte> Ah, Lu - M. Flood. Please, come in. I...I wasn't sure you would.
<Lucas> I wouldn't refuse a request from a patient. I thought you might have some recurrance of your former trouble that needed attention.
<Hyppolyte> No, that continues to improve. I...see a lot of things more clearly now.
<Hyppolyte> I was hoping to get a chance to talk to you, to try to understand some things, if you're willing.
<Lucas> I am glad to hear your vision continues to improve. And yes, I'm willing to talk...
<Hyppolyte> I spoke to Agnès not long before she passed, you know. She called your work with my eyes a miracle.
<Lucas> That was generous of her to say.
<Hyppolyte> I was still angry at the time, so I didn't agree, but...I think she was right. She said you've been blessed, but that doesn't always mean a person knows what to do with the gods' favor.
<Lucas> I can't disagree with that.
<Hyppolyte> I'm sorry, I'm not sure what I'm saying, and you don't owe me an explanation, I just...
<Lucas> We are all bound by our own limitations - we can't see further than our own eyes allow, if you permit me a saying.
<Hyppolyte> When last we spoke, I said I couldn't understand how you can be this person and have been that one, and that still stands, but I'm not angry about it.
<Hyppolyte> I just don't understand.
<Hyppolyte> I guess that's the limit of my eyes.
* Lucas considers that for a moment
<Lucas> Maybe it will make a little more sense if you understand that I was very young, and that my people were - as I was taught - under attack. When you are a child, you trust in people older and more experienced than you to guide you and help you make the right decisions.
<Lucas> If that guidance is bad, how are you to know that when you have no others to show you the way?
* Hyppolyte nods.
<Hyppolyte> If we hadn't had Prelate Beaufort, had someone with harsher views of your people...
<Hyppolyte> You've been a great help to my wife and I, Lucas. I'm sorry for what I said before, and...I hope we can repay the kindnesses you've done to us.
<Lucas> If someone came to you when you were young and frightened and said, if you do this and that, you can help your family, your people, you would listen to them. And when you did what they asked, they praised you and told you how well you did... it is easy to believe you are taking the right steps. It took me time to see that I was on the wrong path, perhaps too much time, but I did change it
<Lucas> when I saw the harm I caused.
<Hyppolyte> I think that's all that can be asked of a person in such a situation, though I would be lying if I claimed I came to that realization on my own.
<Lucas> I know that I can't make up for that harm, but I can use my power now to help people.
* Hyppolyte nods.
<Hyppolyte> As a beneficiary of it, thank you.
<Hyppolyte> Is it...difficult to use in that manner?
<Hyppolyte> I'm no mage or willworker.
<Lucas> I had to... rebuild my connection to my spirit, but no, it's no more difficult than it was to use it to do harm.
* Hyppolyte nods.
<Hyppolyte> I worry there will be more in need of your gift soon enough.
<Lucas> It's likely, yes. It worries me as well, but I will do what I can to help.
<Hyppolyte> I will do the same, and, for the first time in years, that will be more than sentiment.
<Lucas> I am glad to hear that.
* Hyppolyte will offer Lucas his hand to shake.
<Hyppolyte> You've given me another life, Lucas. I hope I can manage as much good with my second one as you have.
* Lucas will shake hands
<Lucas> I think you would have found your way to another life with or without my help. But I am honoured that you feel that way.
<Hyppolyte> Would you care to stay for dinner? It's the least we can offer.
<Lucas> Certainly, I would be glad to.
<Narrator> Lucas can spend a pleasant meal with Alienor and Hyppolyte, and, if nothing else, I imagine they can put him in touch with more patients if he's available for such.
<Lucas> (sure!)

Welumque falls ill during her travel to Chikënëmhchu, but is strong enough to make her point

<Narrator> (Welumque, you can take some time to prep before heading out for Chikënëmhchu. Any particular preparations before you go?)
<Welumque> (obviously, take care of things at home to make sure the place will always be ready to receive visitors on short notice. Letters sent to various clan leaders, elders, etc. along the route, ahead of my arrival and letting them know the general context. I'm assuming that given Skalla's speech which openly named me, I could be in danger but also there is no real expectation of secrecy of
<Welumque> this visit. And of course checking in with Lucas, but he seems in reasonable state.)
<Narrator> (Cool. Do you want to take the longer but easier water route, or the path overland which will be shorter but more arduous?)
<Welumque> (as much as it pains me to say it, the overland route, since I'll travel through more Lexkweyok lands and will have the opportunity to be seen / let our goals be known / get input from local leaders along the way.)
<Welumque> (my knees will just have to endure this journey.)
<Narrator> (Heh, fair enough.)
<Narrator> (Why don't you roll me an Athletics test and a Rapport or Contacts test, your choice)
<Welumque> (Athletics, huh? Fine.)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 1 1 1 1 ] for a total of [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ -4 ].
<Welumque> (uhh, anything I can do about that?)
<Narrator> (Um, wow. I'm sure there is, let me check)
<Welumque> (anyway here's my Contacts)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 1 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Welumque> (wow, that's not much better)
<Narrator> (You are having thr worst day for rolling)
<Welumque> !roll 10d3
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 10d3 ] getting [ 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 1 ] for a total of [ 19 ].
<Narrator> (Anyway, you can spend a Fate point for a reroll)
<Welumque> (had to clear the bad rolls)
<Welumque> (ok, I'll do that, I don't know how many fate points I have exactly, but let's do that)
<Narrator> (Y'all have at least three, so you should be fine)
<Welumque> (ok, I'm going to reroll both of those, if I can)
<Narrator> (Works for me. I think you have aspects that will work for both)
<Welumque> (ok I'm rerolling the Contacts first)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 1 2 2 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Welumque> (that's much better)
<Welumque> (now here's the athletics)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 1 1 1 3 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ -2 ].
<Welumque> (ok, well that is ... still not good)
* Welumque will just push through this, damn the consequences. She must get to her people and spread the word.
<Narrator> Welumque, you have numerous friends and acquaintances throughout Lèxkweyokhoking, and many are very interested in what you have to say. You push through, despite inclement weather, intent on your mission.
<Narrator> By the time you've reached Chikënëmhchu, you've got a troubling fever and are put immediately under the care of a healer, terrible racking coughs shaking your frame.
* Welumque will make sure to leave lots of little gifts and crafts of the various Callidoran peoples along the way.
* Hyppolyte is now known as Olpekat
* Olpekat will come see you once you're a little settled, though still very sick.
<Olpekat> You are just as stubborn as ever.
<Welumque> I was hoping for 'more stubborn'.
* Welumque coughs up something unpleasant.
<Olpekat> Perhaps I'll need to adjust my judgement.
<Olpekat> Here, drink this. The healer sent it for you.
* Olpekat holds out a warm herbal broth for Welumque.
* Welumque takes it happily. Stubborn but not too proud for soup.
<Welumque> Do we have a healer for the strife that is soon to befall this land?
<Olpekat> It sounds like that may fall to us.
<Welumque> Not us alone. There are great voices, including among the colonials.
<Welumque> My friend Skalla Stormsvallvåg speaks words that are both true and powerful, to her people.
<Welumque> She will soon enough be a great leader for the dwarves of this land.
<Olpekat> And our people? You've taken in others, but the other clan mothers and I think we'll need your voice for what's to come.
<Olpekat> I lived on Sisawinak, as well, but none of us have the same facility with so many peoples as you have demonstrated.
<Welumque> I'm old. I serve, as long as the gods see fit to use me. But others will come to take my place.
<Olpekat> Not so old as that, my friend, and there's still work to do.
<Olpekat> We'll find the path so others can follow.
<Welumque> True, true.
<Welumque> For now, the situation on Sisawinak is turbulent but hopeful.
* Olpekat nods.
<Welumque> There are many, from all nations, who recognize that the situation cannot continue as before, with faraway empires deciding our fates.
<Olpekat> I'm told Senecomaca and Promessa have similar sentiments brewing.
<Welumque> But what shall emerge in its place remains nebulous still. And our allies may soon enough turn on us, if whatever we extract from this conflict is too enticing to them.
<Narrator> (Those are the next two colonies to the south)
<Olpekat> Not so different from negotiating with the Atenrosera or the Nekutyohacan, I'm sure.
<Olpekat> And the colonials won't have the threat of their overseas empires to hold over things.
<Welumque> What you say is true. But freed from those empires, they may find themselves free to pursue their own ambitions.
<Welumque> Be wary, is all I say.
* Olpekat smiles.
<Olpekat> How you manage to be cautious and daring at the same time, I'm not sure I'll ever understand.
<Olpekat> But we'll be on our guard. We Lèxkweyok always must.
* Welumque coughs heavily again.
* Olpekat frowns in concern.
<Welumque> ... yes. Right.
* Welumque nods.
<Olpekat> Rest, my friend. Your people need you healthy.
<Welumque> Very well. For a short time.
* Olpekat smirks and shakes her head at that, but doesn't comment further. She will be spending a fair bit of time sitting with you in the days to come.
* Welumque spends her days writing more letters and having messengers send them out to various communities.
<Narrator> (I'm imagining, even with magical assistance, it's gonna take Welumque a while to really be back up on her feet.)
* Welumque will nonetheless insist on continuing her journey, probably earlier than she should do so.
<Narrator> (Roll me Contacts again)
<Welumque> (at least it's not Athletics!)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 1 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Narrator> You spend your convalescence time sending out letters, and more and more groups send people to Chikënëmhchu to meet with you. By the time you're back on your feet, representatives from every clan have come to hear you, and are ready to lend support to the effort.
* Welumque encourages them, and makes it clear that she will welcome them in Sisawinak when they come.

An unexpected and undesired guests pops in to see Welumque as she recovers

<Narrator> After a month of recovery, you've still got a persistent cough, but are able to be up and about for a little bit at a time. One day, as you're writing yet more letter, to reach further and further afield, there is a tentative knock on your door.
* Welumque answers, of course.
* Olpekat is now known as Nulumbeso
* Nulumbeso stands before you, years older and more worn than when you last saw him.
<Welumque> I ... I ...
* Welumque closes the door.
* Nulumbeso looks like he was about to speak right as you do so, though you don't hear anything through the door.
* Welumque opens it again after a moment.
<Welumque> You should not have come here without giving me notice.
<Nulumbeso> One more thing to apologize for. I'm sorry.
<Welumque> I had begun to assume you were dead.
<Nulumbeso> In a lot of ways, I was.
<Nulumbeso> Have been.
<Nulumbeso> May still be.
<Nulumbeso> But I heard what you've been doing, and I...I guess I just wanted to see for myself.
<Welumque> We don't enjoy the luxury of allowing ourselves to die.
<Welumque> Or to abandon our people and our families.
* Nulumbeso nods.
<Nulumbeso> I deserve that.
<Welumque> Have you spoken to the girls at all?
<Nulumbeso> No, I...my plan was to go find them after I saw you.
<Welumque> Have you come here for some positive purpose, then? Or just to see that I'm still alive, which you surely already knew?
<Nulumbeso> I've been up north, fighting with the Atenrosera where they're still skirmishing with the Monitokeh. Fighting Pallinaque's war. I hear there's a different fight now. I thought...maybe I could do some actual good with it.
<Welumque> So your excuse is that you've been too busy fighting a war no one asked you to fight, hiding away from your family and any duties here at home.
<Nulumbeso> It's not an excuse, it's just where I've been.
<Nulumbeso> I'm not trying to offer an excuse; there isn't one. And I don't expect you to forgive me. I just...I guess, like you said, I wanted to check and see you were all right.
<Welumque> I'm old, this cough won't quit, but other than that, I'm fine.
<Welumque> I spend my days with young people who are fighting together for the future of this continent.
<Nulumbeso> That...sounds like it would suit you.
<Welumque> Well enough.
<Welumque> There are days when I dream of a warm hearth with my husband by my side, but those are few enough, and getting fewer.
<Welumque> You made your choice.
<Nulumbeso> I wouldn't quite put it that way, but, yes. I'm sorry.
<Nulumbeso> I'm sorry you're unwell, and I'm glad you're doing something you believe in.
<Welumque> You say you aren't here for forgiveness, and yet you keep apologizing.
<Nulumbeso> I can be sorry without expecting anything to come of it.
<Nulumbeso> I...don't want to trouble you further.
<Welumque> If you have resources to bring to bear to the present fight, then do so. Sisawinak needs all the help it can get. But I need nothing from you.
* Nulumbeso nods.
<Nulumbeso> I will head that direction, then, after I go see Tipatit and Woatanne. Gods go with you, Welumque.
<Welumque> You as well.
* Nulumbeso lingers a moment longer, then turns and, once again, walks away.
* Welumque writes a letter home telling folks that Nulumbeso might show up, and to welcome him as a guest if he does so.
<Narrator> (aww)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 2 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ 0 ].

Jerk stops in to see a very busy Hildie, and takes her away form work for a bit to ask her on a proper date

* Jerk will come find Hildie around midday when she has a break in military preparations.
<Jerk> Moment of your time?
* Jerk is carrying a basket.
* Hildie will look up in surprise.
<Hildie> Hey!
<Jerk> Hope it isn't a bad time.
<Hildie> No, not at all. I'm glad to see you. I need a break. I've been in meetings all day.
<Jerk> I figured everyone has to eat lunch?
* Jerk holds up the covered basket.
<Hildie> You are... amazing.
<Hildie> Let's get out of here before someone sees me and asks about supply lines.
* Jerk grins and offers his arm.
<Jerk> How're things going on that level? I've been helping literally move supplies, but I'm not making the decisions.
<Hildie> Well, we don't know how long this is gonna last so we're trying to prep for the long haul, but that's hard to do in winter. The first priority is the fort. If we can take that we'll get some breathing room.
<Jerk> Yeah, it's a bit of a constant reminder of the danger ahead.
<Hildie> Danger I can deal with. It's heaps better than boredom.
<Hildie> It's... it's good to feel useful again.
<Jerk> You didn't before? You've been helping your cousin and the rest of your family.
<Hildie> I know, but... this is different. This is... I never thought I would lead troops again. I have a second chance. That's a rare thing.
* Jerk nods.
<Hildie> Sorry, I don't mean to get all mushy on you.
* Jerk smiles.
* Hildie smiles too
<Jerk> Mushy's fine. Good, even.
<Jerk> You just have me thinking about second chances now.
<Hildie> Oh?
<Jerk> We've been spending some time together of late...
<Jerk> Would it be too presumptuous to ask if you'd like to come to dinner with my family sometime?
<Hildie> I... I would like that.
<Jerk> I know a lot of the future is uncertain right now, but I know mine would be a lot better with you in it.
<Hildie> You know... I may not have much time for quite a long while. I might be away. I might not come back.
<Hildie> I want you to know... what you're wigning up for.
<Hildie> (signing)
<Jerk> Hildegard...I know more than most what I'm signing up for. I've already been a soldier's husband before, and a soldier myself.
* Hildie nods.
<Hildie> I'm sorry. I know you know what it's like. I just... I don't want to disappoint you.
* Jerk smiles.
<Jerk> I don't want to be dismissive, but I don't think that something you need to worry about. If anything, this old man will have trouble keeping up with you.
<Hildie> Why Corporal Skepskapten, was that a double entendre?
* Jerk pauses.
<Jerk> It wasn't meant to be, ma'am, but I suppose I should get back in the habit of coming to attention.
* Jerk does momentarily pause to stand at attention, before breaking and laughing.
* Hildie looks him up and down while he's at attention and then grins.
<Hildie> We may need to run a few drills.
<Jerk> I'm at your command. ;)
<Hildie> Then what say you start by showing me what's in that basket and we'll go from there?
<Jerk> Ma'am yes ma'am.
* Jerk will happily proceed to do that, and you can have a nice picnic lunch.
<Hildie> :3
