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Verdrjafnadr is a magical bag that is one of the birthrights of [[Esperanza Maria Sanchez DeLeon]], scion of [[Baldur]].
Verdrjafnadr is a magical bag that is one of the birthrights of [[Esperanza]], scion of [[Baldur]].
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*Justice (*)
*Justice (*)
*Justice (**)
*Justice (**)

Latest revision as of 16:27, 31 October 2010

Verdrjafnadr is a magical bag that is one of the birthrights of Esperanza, scion of Baldur.


Crafted by Frigg upon the death of her son Baldur, Verdrjafnadr appears to be a small, unremarkable leather pouch. It was made, however, from the skin of Narvi, Loki's son who's entrails were used to bind him to the rock beneath the World Tree for his heinous crime. Filling the pouch is a never-ending supply of a powdery mixture of ash gathered from the remains of Baldur's funeral pyre and the gleaming white petals of the Mayweed plant, also known as "Baldur's Brow". When tossed at a person suspected of a crime, the mixture will swirl about them, and if they are guilty it will cling to them for a number of days. Any attempt to remove it, short of stripping the flesh from their bones, will prove futile. If they are innocent, however, it will settle to the ground without ever touching them. While under the effects of the mixture, the guilty party will be wracked with occasional random hallucinations related to their crime until the effect wears off or until they admit their crime or otherwise make amends for it.

Special Properties

  • Justice (*)
  • Justice (**)