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(New page: Mistilteinn is the enchanted Peacemaker .38 revolver used by Esperanza Maria Sanchez DeLeon, Daughter of Baldur. ==History== When Baldur was slain by the plot of the treacher...)
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Revision as of 14:23, 31 October 2010

Mistilteinn is the enchanted Peacemaker .38 revolver used by Esperanza Maria Sanchez DeLeon, Daughter of Baldur.


When Baldur was slain by the plot of the treacherous fire-giant-turned-god, Loki, it was with a sprig of mistletoe (the only substance in the world that could harm him) that pierced his heart. After traveling to Hel's domain to wait for the coming of Ragnarok, he had the dwarf Eitri forge a revolver with iron from deep within Hel, beneath the third root of the world tree, implanting the very sprig of mistletoe that had pierced his heart into the grip of the weapon. The enchanted revolver never needs reloading, and always strikes true, seeking out the hearts of the guilty.

Special Properties

  • +2 Accuracy (**)
  • -1 Speed (*)
  • Never needs reloading (*)


  • Accuracy: 4
  • Damage: 4
  • Speed: 4
  • Clip: N/A