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Nemnosti session logs
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Session date: February 2, 2025
Negili Reckoning date: IE 768, Kerai

Lijun talks to the acolytes around the campfire, having taken them out into the wilderness to spend the night together without supervision

[NemnostiGM] Uhh ... hi kids.
[NemnostiGM] Shit.
[NemnostiGM] How does Amasa usually start these things again?
* NemnostiGM looks around at any of you to answer.
[Lovosa] "Welcome, acolytes."
* Winta raises her hand.
* Winta quickly puts it down again.
[Irdomila] I'm fairly certain curse words are not involved
[BigCheese69] Oh noooo not curse words
* Lijun adjusts himself to come into full view around the firelight.
[Lijun] Fultukhari. Silence.
[Lijun] So, it's Kerai, which is when things should start to get cooler. You might be thinking, still feels a lot like summer, Master Lijun. All right. Fair. Kerai is the start of fall, but not all the way there yet.
[Lijun] It's also a short month, just 27 days. So it's going to pass by like nothing. That's the way it always feels to me, anyway.
[Lijun] Now, I know for some of you this is the first extended time you've spent in the wilderness. If that's what this counts as.
[Lijun] Look around you, take it all in.
* BigCheese69 is now known as Fultukhari
[Kibai] (where are we?)
[Kibai] ].]
* Kibai does look around as instructed but does not mention living for months on her own in the creepy forest
[Lijun] From here, we can almost, just about, see the signs of civilization. But not quite. Bemnes, Nemnosti, Naftusa, are all out of reach.
[Lijun] You're here to learn, but more importantly, to be together with one another, outside all the nonsense that goes on at the ulajeta. To be open to what nature has to teach you here.
[Lijun] Nemnu doesn't teach us in Her Courses about rivers and stones and mountains because she wants you to hide away behind walls all the time. To understand Her you have to understand ... here.
* Lijun waves his arms around, at the dry creek bed and hardy trees of the little valley in which you've made your encampment.
[Lijun] Not just here, of course.
[Lijun] But you don't need me here guiding you around.
[Lijun] So. Here's the thing.
[Lijun] I'll be back tomorrow morning for more lessons. Remember what you've been taught, keep aware and enough of you awake, and don't be stupid.
* Fultukhari fidgets
* Lijun scans the circle for those most likely to disobey this latter injunction.
* Lijun tries really hard not to stare longer at some of you than others.
[Fultukhari] What
[Lijun] Nine of you. All right. I expect eighteen hands and eighteen legs when I get back. Don't disappoint me.
[Kibai] so we jjust ahve to survive out here for a night?
[Kibai] That's all?
[Fultukhari] Yeah, no problem.
[Fultukhari] I'm *practically* a vulture already
[Lijun] Survive, yes.
[Winta] me beams excitedly.
[Lijun] Surviving alone would be no problem.
[Lijun] Surviving together ... that is a different matter.
[Lijun] Any questions?
[Winta] Isn't that... easier?
[Lovosa] Depends on the people.
* Lijun laughs.
[Irdomila] I'm sure we will rise to any challenge
* Lovosa rolls her eyes.
* Rembes nods
[Lovosa] It's one night. We'll be fine.
* Fultukhari rolls his eyes right after Lovosa does
* Irdomila ignores the eye rollers
[Kibai] right... but if somethign *does* happn, do we fail if not everyone comes back?
[Rembes] The natural surroundings here will guide and shelter us, if we listen to what they have to say.
[Winta] I assume whoever doesn't come back fails.
[Kibai] or if someone gets hurt, I mean
[Lijun] I think She would be very cross with me, and with all of you who are left.
[Lijun] So let's not do that, all right?
[Lovosa] That's that whole "don't be stupid" part of the directions.
[Winta] What if there's like two headed, giant snakes out here?
[Winta] That's a thing.. Someone told me about it.
[Lovosa] How fast can you run?
[Kibai] then we stay away from them and kill them if we have to.
[Lijun] Snakes are delicious. Don't you eat snakes in Kaskind?
[Irdomila] Stop it Lovosa, there are no two headed giant snakes out here.
[Winta] Not snakes as big as me!
[Lovosa] Winta just said there are.
[Winta] There are!
[Fultukhari] Marga keeps those things as PETS.
[Kibai] she does?
[Lijun] All right, I can see that this is all going to be fine.
[Fultukhari] Yeah totally.
[Lovosa] See?
[Lijun] Have fun, kids! Try not to die.
[Irdomila] Don't fall for his wild stories.
* Lijun stands, surveys you once, and then with an enormous whoop leaps into the air ... and is gone.

The group talks amongst themselves and divides up tasks after Lijun leaves them alone in the wilderness

[NemnostiGM] You are alone, in the wilderness, the nine of you.
[Fultukhari] There was a huge two headed snake and Marga killed it and took its babies.
[Winta] See?
* Winta sighs.
[Winta] Do we at least have any snacks?
[Kibai] (so yes what do we have and what is thr terrain like out here?)
* Rembes contemplates whether he should tell Irdomila he'll protect her from any two-headed snakes, or whether that would be insulting to her skill, and settles for saying nothing.
[Irdomila] Even if that is true, there are no two headed giant snakes out here, this close to Nemonosti.
[Fultukhari] Well it IS true.
* Fultukhari huffs
[Lovosa] Better safe than sorry, princess. Right, so, we should find a good spot to camp? Gather some firewood?
* Lovosa looks at Fultukhari and Kibai.
[Fultukhari] Yeah I LOVE fires.
[Kibai] ...Have you ever spent the night outside like this before, Lovosa?
[Kibai] Or any of the rest of you?
[Lovosa] I have not, hence asking.
[Winta] Sure! I'm our backyard...
[Winta] (In)
[Kempovru] Of course I have.
[Fultukhari] I have!
[Kempovru] All Ravre do.
[Kempovru] Not sure about you city-dwellers, probably not
[Kibai] yeah, that's who I meant
[Lovosa] We *are* here to learn new things.
* Kempovru has already stood up and begun gathering more firewood from dead branches near the low bushes.
[Rembes] My father took me out on hunting trips a few times.
[Kibai] okay. Then yes, we should find somewhere to camp, and get some firewood
[Irdomila] Same, my dad would take the family out, when I was younger.
[Dodemozh] I grew up not too far from here. We would come up this way sometimes. I know some things.
[Rembes] So I think I can catch something for us to eat.
* Kibai will look for a place that can probably handle this lot
* Irdomila will go an assess what supplies we have
[Kibai] Do you know a good place to camp around here?
[NemnostiGM] You find yourselves, the nine of you acolytes, camped up in the hills between the Pasu Valley and the town of Bemnes, in a thin creek bed that is dry at this time of year, just past midsummer.
[Winta] I mean, we sorta camped on my way to Nemnosti, but that was in wagons, so not really the same.
[NemnostiGM] Nemnosti lies almost directly to your west, but you can hardly get there directly - the high cliffs of the river valley work against you. There are wild mountain paths up that way, but where they are exactly, none of you is sure.
[NemnostiGM] Rather, you travelled downriver to where the Khujai meets the Pasu, then up towards Bemnes, and only then up the gentle slope to your campsite.
[NemnostiGM] You've got five tents set up now, with some difficulty and Lijun's casual supervision. You don't really expect to need the shelter - it's not looking like rain - but nonetheless, here you are. Sitting around the fire.
[NemnostiGM] You have not been given food or water, but were allowed to bring a pack with your own personal items or anything like that.
[Kibai] (well I guess we are already camped then lol)
[NemnostiGM] And now, you guess, you're alone? Some of you, more than others, know your way around the wilderness. Not that this is so wild. Probably Bemnes is only a mile to walk along the dry riverbed, east and north, if you could find your way.
[NemnostiGM] To the northwest are the ruins of the old village of Lurusiru, and the temple of Lurusiru Osti. You all know better than to go up there - that is a holy place, but also a place where, during the wars against Taizi and against the Old Folk, many lives were lost, long ago.
[Lovosa] (to Kibai) *Is* this a good campsite? It could be part of the test, right? To see if we just accept it as is or if we know better?
[Winta] Looks fine to me?
[Kibai] It should eb fine at this time of year
* Winta looks around to make sure Lijun is actually gone and not just waiting for us to do something stupid.
[Winta] Hey guys...
[NemnostiGM] (ok Winta, make a Spleen check please)
[Winta] Look what I got...
[Kibai] but we do need to find where the closest water is
* Winta will pull a small box out of her robe and open it to show it's full of fos.
[Winta] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 28 ].
* Rabiji looks up, for the first time it seems, since this started.
[NemnostiGM] Winta, you definitely get the sense that you are being watched, but by whom and how, you can't say.
* Winta will try to keep the box semi-hidden in her robes then.
[Rabiji] Is that fos?
* Winta nods exitedly
[Winta] I thought we could play yeppo later :3
[Kempovru] What ... is 'yeppo'?
[Fultukhari] Okay, what the fuck is yeppo, will you PLEASE finally tell me
[Rembes] The path of the sleeping stream could lead to water - there must be water here sometimes.
* Rembes muses
[Winta] Oh, do you guys not have that here?
* Dodemozh shakes his head.
[Rabiji] It sounds like an Osnabee word. What does it mean?
[Winta] It's like... you take turns taking fos uand trying to hold it until someone has a wild surge!
* Rabiji 's eyes widen.
[Winta] It's fun
[Kibai] that sounds dangerous
[Irdomila] Food and water should be the first priority. Lets see if we can find water Rembes.
[Fultukhari] That sounds like the kind of thing that falls under 'stupid'
[Irdomila] Winta, that is an extremly dangerous game.
* Lovosa nods towards Fultukhari
* Irdomila is a little aghast
[Fultukhari] MY mom is like the most powerful mystic ever and she always says 'fos isn't for fun'
[Winta] It's not as much as people think! Like the worst that hapens is your pee turns urple or something
[Dodemozh] Your mom is terrifying.
[Fultukhari] I heard a lady went blind from fos just like, last week
[Irdomila] I heard that too
[Winta] That's a myth
[Lovosa] Blindness?
[Winta] Fos blindness
[Fultukhari] It is not!
[Kibai] before we worry about how we're spending our free time, we do need food and water
[Winta] It's just something parents tell you so you don't do it
[Fultukhari] Yeah,I'm gonna look for firewood, I don't need magic vegetables to do that.
[Kibai] great
[Winta] Oh, ok...
[Kibai] If you two are gettign water, then I'll go hunting
* Kibai says to Irdomilla and Rembes
* Irdomila will hook an arm around Rembes
[Dodemozh] Alone?
[Irdomila] We are
* Rembes smiles at that
[Fultukhari] Lovosa you wanna come?
[Lovosa] Sure.
[Dodemozh] I wanted to try the fos thing.
[Rembes] We should take something to carry water in I guess...
* Winta seems to brighten up at that.
[Winta] Cool! We can try it once everything is set up then :3
* Rembes looks around to gather up some canteens or other containers
[Rabiji] I'm sorry, friends, I'm really not up for going too far away. The air is just so heavy this time of year.
* Irdomila scowls, but will grab a couple of empty pots
[Kibai] I can hunt on my own.
[Irdomila] these will do
[Lovosa] Should we be going anywhere alone?
[Kempovru] No one should do anything on their own, away from the group.
* Kempovru nods at Lovosa.
[Lovosa] You should take someone with you at least, Kibai.
[Kibai] I've been out in places more wild than this on my own a lot. I'll be fine.
[Winta] I'll go check around for mushrooms or berries. Wanna come, Dodemozh?
[Kibai] ...Just don't eat anythign until someone else has looked at it who knows what's safe
[Irdomila] Just leave Kibai to do her own thing, its what she wants.
[Dodemozh] Sure. But, uhh, should we just leave Rabiji here alone?
[Winta] I know what I'm doing. (eyeroll)
[Lovosa] Fine. Let's get that firewood, then.
[Winta] Oh, hmmm
[Kibai] okay - *i'm* going
[Irdomila] So are we
* Kibai says with a nod to Irdomila, and will grab her pack and head out
* Lovosa will grab Fultukhari and start walking away to gather said firewood.
* Irdomila will start dragging Rembes away with her
[Winta] I guess we can hang out here at camp for now, then.
* Rembes is happy to let himself be dragged
[NemnostiGM] OK so ... Lovosa is going with Fultukhari, Rembes with Irdomila, Kibai on her own, and Winta is staying here with Dodemozh and Rabiji?
[Winta] (Yup)
[Kibai] (yes looks like)
* Kempovru will scout around the immediate vicinity but stay close to the fire.
[Winta] This is kinda exciting!
[NemnostiGM] (All right, let's take Lovosa and Fultukhari first in #nemnosti2, and Rembes / Irdomila in main. The rest can wait till I do those scenes)

Rembes and Irdomila go off together to find water, and encounter the brigand Bache

[NemnostiGM] Rembes and Irdomila, where are you going to look for food/water/supplies? (in general)
[Rembes] (walk upstream? that's my thought anyway)
* Irdomila will hand Rembes the pots for the water
[Rembes] (unless Irdomila thinks differently, in which case I'll defer to her)
* Rembes carries the extra pots
[Irdomila] So you said up stream right?
[Rembes] I think so. The water must come from somewhere, surely? When it exists.
[Rembes] Like a spring or another stream or something.
[Irdomila] I'm sure you're right. And even if we don't find any, I sure I can manage conjure some... its one of the easiest uses of Source.
* Rembes nods
[Rembes] Do you have fos?
[NemnostiGM] (you can have a little fos, Irdomila.)
[Irdomila] And maybe if we're really lucky, Fultukhari will lead Lovosa off a cliff.
[Irdomila] I have a little bit, for emergencies.
[Irdomila] I'm sure Winta would share, since she seems to have brought lots.
[Rembes] Hopefully we won't need it for this, then.
[Rembes] But just in case, I'm glad you have some :)
[NemnostiGM] You travel upstream a ways, almost due west.
[NemnostiGM] The stream winds through this high hilly valley, but mostly bone-dry. It doesn't take too long though to find a spot where there is some water, although it looks a little dirty.
[Rembes] Hm... is this okay? It doesn't seem like it's very clean.
* Irdomila examines the water
[Irdomila] Yeah it doesn't seem that clean. Can you figure out where we might find something a little fresher?
[Rembes] (what is this that we found? like a pond/puddle, or flowing water?)
[NemnostiGM] (mostly a puddle)
* Irdomila will look around herself, trying to figure it out
[NemnostiGM] (you can make a Liver check, Irdomila)
[Irdomila] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Irdomila: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 18 ].
[Rembes] If there was some water that was flowing, it would probably be better. He who drinks from a stagnant pool, is nothing more than a fool. .... is an old saying I read once.
[NemnostiGM] Irdomila, you think most of these little streams are spring-fed. So it must have a source uphill. Even the big snowmelt-fed rivers like the Pasu have springs, which are all over this place.
[Irdomila] We keep going uphill. Should lead to a spring.
* Rembes nods
[Irdomila] I do hope we find it soon
[Rembes] Are you getting tired? We can rest for a little if you want.
[Irdomila] Find water first, then we can rest and...~giggle~
* Rembes blushes
[Rembes] Okay.
[NemnostiGM] You travel upstream a little further and then sure enough, you find a place where a small spring, only a trickle really but still something, is flowing down the rock face. In this area, there is a small forest, and at the western edge of it, a hunter's trail.
* Rembes will start to work on filling up the containers we brought
[Irdomila] We'll tell the others about this when we get back, in case we need more water, and if one of the hunters wants to set a snare.
[Rembes] I can set some snares before we go back.
* Rembes says confidently (trying to remember how to do that)
[Irdomila] Thats a great idea
[NemnostiGM] You're doing that when you hear a soft voice behind you. "You should be more careful."
* Rembes jumps and turns around
* Irdomila jumps into Rembes' arms
* Rabiji is now known as Bache
[NemnostiGM] A short, thin person with a long black beard is sitting up in one of the trees.
[Irdomila] It's not very friendly to scare people like that.
[NemnostiGM] You don't recognize them at first, but then you do.
[NemnostiGM] It's that Ravre person, Bache, who won the running of the Pardopasu last week during Romokh.
[Bache] Being scared is a choice you make, not me.
[Rembes] What are you doing?
[Bache] I'm sitting in a tree. What are you doing?
[Rembes] I mean, *why* are you in a tree. We're getting water.
* Bache jumps down, landing deftly on their feet.
[Bache] There, now I'm not.
[Bache] Now I'm considering whether I should be robbing you.
[Rembes] We don't have anything worth stealing.
[Bache] You sound substantially too wealthy for that to be likely.
[Irdomila] And its not like we don't know who you are. And why would you rob us? Didn't you win a big prize for the Pardopasu?
* Bache beams.
[Bache] I'm glad you noticed.
* Bache comes over towards the two of you, as if to give you a closer inspection.
[Bache] I would rob you because I can. What are you going to do, complain to Master Lijun that a strange bearded lady took your baubles?
* Irdomila tries not to pull away but stays close to Rembes
* Rembes takes a defensive posture
[Irdomila] Why would I complain to Master Lijun when I could tell my father instead.
[Bache] And who is that, little girl?
[Irdomila] Kuspir Vabaseli. Maybe you've heard of him?
[Irdomila] (trying to indirectly intimidate this guy)
[NemnostiGM] (All right, give me a Gallbladder roll)
[Irdomila] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Irdomila: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 28 ].
* Bache steps back visibly.
* Bache laughs, perhaps a bit uneasily.
[Bache] Hey now, we're all just having fun here.
[Bache] You're in my territory, I have every right to know who's here.
[Rembes] You know now.
[Rembes] We aren't doing anything wrong, we just needed some water and some food.
[Bache] All right, kids. Try not to get yourselves pregnant.
[Rembes] hmph
[Irdomila] Lets go
* Irdomila will pick up one of the water pots
* Rembes will gather up the rest of the water and carry it, trying not to show how heavy it is
* Irdomila keeps and eye on Bache as they part ways
[Rembes] You were really brave :3
* Rembes says affectionately to her once we're away
[Irdomila] I was so glad you were with me. I was so scared.
* Rembes blushes
* Irdomila snuggles in close to him
[Rembes] I'll always protect you, my lady.
* Rembes says formally and (for him) hornily
[Irdomila] You deserve a reward for your efforts. What does my lord desire of his lady?
* Irdomila says blushing
* Rembes 's eyes go wider and he has to try very carefully not to trip and fall over a rock and spill all this water that we spent all this time and effort gathering
[Rembes] Um.. I do have some ideas _
* Irdomila leans in and whispers
[Irdomila] [w] I will do my best to meet them, when next we are alone.
[Irdomila] But first we have to get this water back and well away from that...
* Rembes nods eagerly
* Rembes will hustle to get the stuff back to camp

Lovosa and Fultukhari go off in search of firewood

[NemnostiGM] Lovosa and Fultukhari, you can head off in search of firewood / whatever it is you're actually doing.
* Lovosa huffs and probably marches further away from camp than necessary to start angrily gathering firewood.
[Fultukhari] Boy some people on this trip are super dumb huh
[Lovosa] You can say that again.
[Fultukhari] We better not get in trouble for them getting eaten
[Lovosa] Thinks she can tell everyone what to do just because...*sigh*. Am I gathering the right stuff? I might be one of the dumb ones here. I've never really camped before.
[Fultukhari] Yeah she sucks. Thinks she's so great.
* Fultukhari agrees readily
[Fultukhari] Anyway, we mostly just need different sizes of sticks... Small stuff to start fires and then bigger to keep it going.
[Fultukhari] It's all real dry so. *shrug*
[Fultukhari] And I don't think you're dumb
[Lovosa] Thanks, Cheese. I don't think I'm dumb, either, just...out of my element.
[Fultukhari] Well, that's what I'm here for! :D
* Lovosa smiles back despite herself.
[Lovosa] Should we be, like, looking for berries or anything? I guess that's more a spring thing...
[Fultukhari] There might be something...
[Fultukhari] (can I use my spleen :v)
[Lovosa] (I suppose I could, too, but I know less what I might be looking for)
[NemnostiGM] (yes, you can use Spleen, either one of you)
[Lovosa] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Lovosa: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 19 ].
[Fultukhari] !rpll 1d20+8
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 26 ].
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari, you find a bush that is abundant with wild loza berries.
[Fultukhari] See you were right! Berries!
[Lovosa] Lucky guess. *You* found them. Now we don't have to go entirely hungry. :)
[NemnostiGM] As for wood, you do find enough of it to carry back, pretty easily.
[Lovosa] I guess we should actually bring this stuff back to camp...
[Fultukhari] Yeah, I guess...
[Fultukhari] It's um, nice just walking with you though
* Lovosa smiles.
[Lovosa] Yeah, it's nice. Bit hot. Too bad we're not near a river.
[Fultukhari] It's gonna get colder at night
* Rabiji is now known as Bache
[Lovosa] We'll have to find some way to keep warm, I guess. ;)
* Fultukhari 's eyes get wide for a sec before he can try to look cool
* Fultukhari clears his throat.
[Fultukhari] Yeah... some way, heh heh.
* Lovosa walks past him, smirking.
* Fultukhari trails behind carrying all the wood
* Lovosa *maybe* puts a little extra sway in her walk.
* Fultukhari is now carrying more wood

Kibai goes off looking for game, and catches a shrew while in the ruins of an old house

[NemnostiGM] All right, Kibai, where are you going (roughly)? Obviously you have much more wilderness experience than most of these folks.
* Kibai will head out in a direction that seems promising, to try and get a sense of what there might even be for game here, and what would be the best way of catching it
* Kibai will also keep an eye out for other respurces, like plants/nots/berries whatever, and wateer f she comes across any (not unlikely to be some near game trails)
[NemnostiGM] (all right, give me an Intestine)
[Kibai] (awww not Spleen?)
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 7 ]
[Kibai] (OOF)
[NemnostiGM] You search around for a bit, without much luck.
* Kibai gets caught up in just appreciating being out on her own away form everyone else and forgets what she is supposed to be doing ;p
[NemnostiGM] It really is peaceful out here, and you are reminded of your time spent out near Musune. It's not as forested here - more the low scrub that is typical of the Turtu, across the river from here.
[NemnostiGM] It occurs to you every once in a while that you could just stay out here. Not tonight, you mean. But maybe someday.
[NemnostiGM] For now, you have business to attend to.
[Kibai] ... o ( Oh. right. food -_-)
[NemnostiGM] You're travelling north and west, up a bit into the hills even further.
[NemnostiGM] (now you can make a Spleen)
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 26 ]
[Kibai] (better)
[NemnostiGM] You don't find any food (immediately) but you do find the ruins of an old abandoned house, part of whose roof is still standing.
[Kibai] hmm
* Kibai will poke around
[NemnostiGM] All right, it's quite dark in the house area; even the moonlight and starlight don't help you here.
[NemnostiGM] You hear the scurrying of small rodents.
* Kibai isn't too troubled by that
[Kibai] 9I suppose we coudl eat rats? woudl that be considered weiord/gross?)
[NemnostiGM] You have certainly eaten rats, more than once.
[Kibai] (sure but other poeple?)
[NemnostiGM] But you are aware that others would think it was a thing that a weird wild forest girl would eat.
[Kibai] (woudl it be weird to them)
[Kibai] (right)
[Kibai] (I could catch oen for me tho ].])
[Kibai] (and see if they are after anythig in particular)
[NemnostiGM] (All right, make a Stomach or Marrow, your choice)
[Kibai] (marrow?)
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 23 ]
[NemnostiGM] You manage to nab one of the little buggers, who turns out to be a shrew.
* Kibai holds it by its tail
[Kibai] You're not worth it if we're just headed home tomorrow
* Kibai sighs and will let it go
* Kibai might see if she can put together a torch ot something to have a better look in here though
[NemnostiGM] (what kind of light do you have? any?)
[Kibai] (like would I have anything on my person? Probably not but I was thinking more about improvising with like a burning branch or something)
[Kibai] (which would probably be like... liver to figure out what would work?)
[NemnostiGM] (sure, give me a liver)
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 15 ]
[NemnostiGM] (yeah, you got nothing)
[Kibai] (Well if it is late I should probably go back anyway, even if it is empty handed -_-)
[NemnostiGM] As you are about to leave, you feel the wind blow through the abandoned old house and you feel a chill.
[NemnostiGM] (Make a Stomach check)
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 20 ]
[NemnostiGM] You feel a strange chill, but the moment passes.
* Kibai will look around again ]:|
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 9 ]
[Kibai] (lol)
[Kibai] ...is somoene there?
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, you can't shake the sense that someone or something is there. But ultimately it's just you and the shrews.
* Bache is now known as Rabiji
* Kibai will hurry back, anyway
[NemnostiGM] All right, you can return to camp, which is quicker downhill, and motivated, than it was leaving.

The group decide to head to a house where the nobles of Bemnes would meet their corpseborn mistresses

[Lovosa] Did you guys get lucky?
[Winta] [w] Not yet, from the looks of it.
* Lovosa smirks at that.
[Rembes] We found water.
[Fultukhari] We got firewood, and some berries!
[Lovosa] Kibai's not back yet, though.
[Rembes] Hm, should we go look for her?
[Rembes] Where was she going?
[Winta] To find food, I think..
[Irdomila] She's the one that wanted to go off on her own
[Lovosa] She knows what she's doing.
[Rabiji] Does she?
[Fultukhari] We can at least wait a little longer before freaking out
[Winta] I hope she's ok
[Lovosa] More than most of us. Didn't she live alone in the woods for, like, a year or something? That's what I heard.
[Kempovru] Yeah, and Piltings are strange folk to begin with.
[Winta] Yeah, but like, not by choice.
[Winta] She seems cool
[Winta] Just kinda withdrawn.
[Dodemozh] Piltings are all right, we trade with them sometimes when they come to town.
[Lovosa] She's perfectly nice, but that doesn't have anything to do with her wilderness skills.
[Dodemozh] I never met her before though.
[Winta] Oh, I think I see her... Is that her up the hill?
[NemnostiGM] All right, the group is reunited at the camp.
[Lovosa] Who else would it be?
[NemnostiGM] You have water, firewood, and berries, if not much else.
[Rembes] we did meet a bandit while we were out looking for water, though! we should be careful going off on our own.
[Lovosa] See? Nothing to worry about.
[Winta] A bandit?
[Lovosa] Wait, what?
[Lovosa] You two met a *bandit*?
[Rembes] Well kind of a bandit? I don't know. They said they could rob us but in the end they didn't.
* Irdomila is organizing the water and getting the firewood situated for starting a fire for cooking.
[Fultukhari] Not a very good bandit then
[Rembes] I think they were scared of Irdomila's father. Which is understandable...
[Irdomila] I think it was a test.
[Winta] Not everything is a test, Irdie
[Irdomila] They knew Master Lijun had been with us
[Lovosa] That is *unbelievably* naive, Winta.
* Kibai slinks back to camp, emptyhanded -_-
[Winta] :(
[Dodemozh] So ... what now?
[Rembes] This should get us through the trip anyway. I think everyone did great!
[Kibai] sorry. no game today.
* Fultukhari mouths to Lovosa 'wow, what a bitch'
[Winta] We're fine. It's only overnight, right?
* Kibai sits down near the eche of the firelight and hugs her knees
[Kibai] yes.
[Kibai] Sometimes its like that
[Fultukhari] We got some fruit, anyway!
[Kibai] nice.
[Irdomila] I'm sure you did your best Kibai.
[Kibai] I did find something.
[Kibai] not food - an old house. But it might be haunted.
* Dodemozh looks up.
[Winta] Oooooh
[Winta] We should go check it out!
[Fultukhari] Oh fuck yeah!!
[Dodemozh] Up the hill?
[Irdomila] why do you think it might be haunted?
* Kibai nods
* Dodemozh points off in that direction.
[Dodemozh] It is haunted.
[Winta] How do you know?
* Dodemozh shrugs.
[Kibai] I knew it - it was kind of galling, you know?
[Dodemozh] I grew up in Bemnes.
[Dodemozh] It's not too far to town, you know. Not really.
[Rembes] Are you saying we should go to Bemnes?
[Kibai] what's the house?
[Fultukhari] Yeah, what's up with it?
[Kibai] other than full of shrews
[Winta] Ew, shrews?
[Dodemozh] I mean, it's just a story, but ...
[Dodemozh] Well, I could try to remember it.
* Dodemozh leans forward.
* Rembes is intrigued
[Dodemozh] They say that the house is where the noblemen of Bemnes, the Kaisastelovis, used to take their corpseborn mistresses.
* Winta leans forward also, to listen
[Kibai] and one of them turned on them and killed them?
[Rembes] Scandalous :o
* Dodemozh smiles and nods.
[Dodemozh] Yes, someone known as the Lieutenant, a noble soldier, was killed up there, and he keeps haunting the house.
[Fultukhari] Cooolll
[Fultukhari] What does he do?
[Dodemozh] I don't know, I've never really been up there. Some of the older kids in town have.
[Winta] Well let's go check it out!
[Rabiji] All of us?
[Kibai] It's really dark inside
[Rabiji] I mean ... maybe we should just stay here.
[Fultukhari] Sounds boring
[Winta] Awww, c'mon.
[Winta] I mean, maybe that's like, part of the test?
[Kibai] well, maybe there's more to see if hthere's a light
[Kibai] we could go tomorrow
[Irdomila] (how late is it now?)
[Winta] When is Master Lijun coming to get us?
[Rabiji] He said in the morning. Whatever that means.
[Lovosa] So we might not have a chance tomorrow.
[Winta] So tomorrow might be too late
[Fultukhari] Yeah he'll just want to do lessons tomorrow.
[Lovosa] Could be fun.
[Rabiji] Is it far? I'm just worried about climbing up that distance. I'm already pretty tired from getting to here.
[Lovosa] We can take our time if you need to rest, Rabiji.
[Kibai] (how long do i think it would take?)
[Rabiji] All right, thanks Lovosa.
[NemnostiGM] (I mean, they're not as competent as you, but it wasn't a long trip, for you)
[Kibai] its not too far, but it is uphill
[Lovosa] You can show us, though, right?
[Kibai] yeah
* Kibai will make sure we have some torches though
[Lovosa] Awesome. Between you and Fultukhari, I'm sure you can get anyone who's not too scared up there just fine. :)
[Fultukhari] Yeah!
* Rembes looks to Irdomila to see what she wants to do
[Winta] I can make us some magic light when we get there.
* Kibai looks at them and shrugs too
[Lovosa] See? We're good to go.
[Kibai] If you don't want to go, its not a bad idea to have someone guard the camp
[Rabiji] I'll stay.
[Rabiji] I think I can keep the fire going.
[Winta] You sure?
* Rabiji nods.
[Rabiji] I feel my cough coming on.
[Irdomila] I mean don't feel like you have to stay if you want to go see the house
[Rabiji] I'm interested, just ... well, I'll stay.
[Rembes] I don't need to go see some old ruined house. I can keep an eye on things here.
[Irdomila] No, you go, I'm sure someone else will volunteer to guard the camp... see
* Irdomila is really trying to convince them
[Kempovru] Look, everyone who is going, put up your hand.
* Lovosa frowns, glancing between Irdomila and Rembes.
* Kempovru says, frustrated.
* Lovosa raises her hand.
* Kempovru sticks her hand up.
* Winta shoots her hand up
* Fultukhari puts his up
* Dodemozh does too.
* Irdomila will raise her hand
* Rembes will put his up too once Irdomila does
* Irdomila winces in her head
* Lovosa looks surprised at Irdomila raising her hand, but recovers quickly.
[Rabiji] Kibai, you don't have to stay here by yourself.
* Kibai will put hers up, of course
[Rabiji] Oh.
[Kibai] (sorry i was just distracted for a csec ;p)
[Rabiji] Well ... look, I'll stay, it's all right.
[Rabiji] I promise.
[Rabiji] Someone has to keep the fire going, right?
[Lovosa] You're sure? Maybe we can make two trips.
[Rabiji] I bet that's part of the test.
[Kibai] probably
[Irdomila] Rembes said he would stay, if you want to go. Don't feel like you have to.
[Rembes] Yeah. Uh.. Whatever you want, really.
* Rembes says, puzzled.
* Kibai just rolls her ehes
[Rabiji] O .. kay. I'll go.
[Kibai] yeah who dn't you and Irdomila Stay :p
* Rabiji smiles.
[Kibai] (to Rembes)
[Kibai] I'm sure hyou can keep yourselves busy :p
[Winta] _
[Lovosa] We need someone watching the fire, not each other.
[Kibai] they'll be fine
[Kibai] are we going?
[Lovosa] Lead the way.
[Irdomila] Well if you don't want Rembes to be alone, I guess I can miss out.
[Kibai] cool
[Fultukhari] Great
* Lovosa sighs heavily and starts walking in the general direction Kibai came from.
* Kibai will head back towards the house

The group, other than Rembes and Irdomila, goes up to the house where they encounter a haunt of a soldier

[NemnostiGM] All right, the seven of you can head up the hill to the northwest.
* Fultukhari scurries after her
* Winta eagerly heads out with them
[NemnostiGM] Now with torchlight, you can definitely see here and there that there must have been much more inhabitation here, centuries ago. There is more than one ruin here.
[NemnostiGM] Most of them, though, are just a fragment of wall or an old pit or something like that.
[NemnostiGM] Ancient history, stripped clean.
* Winta will cast a light spell on a rock for some extra visibility
[NemnostiGM] (all right Winta, give me a Brain check)
[Winta] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Kibai] is this the right place?
* Kibai asks Dodemozh
[Kibai] if there's more than one house...
[NemnostiGM] Winta, that doesn't quite work. Make a backlash check.
[NemnostiGM] (you're not very good yet!)
[Lovosa] They can't all be haunted, right?
[NemnostiGM] (just 1d100 on table A)
[Winta] (How does that work in this system?)
[Winta] (Ah, ok)
[Winta] !roll 1d100
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d100 ] getting [ 51 ].
[NemnostiGM] All right, the spell is simply delayed for a bit. You didn't think it worked, but then POP! The light appears on the rock.
[Winta] Huh... weird.
[Lovosa] Nice, Winta. Do you get a lot of practice back home?
* Winta shakes the rock a bit tomake sure it's working.
* Rabiji coughs heavily.
[Winta] Hmm? Oh, yeah, some. I love trying out new spells, but I'm not the best at it yet.
[Lovosa] (to Rabiji) You okay?
[Rabiji] Yeah ... yeah.
[Rabiji] They say that every house has its own fos garden, among the Osnabee.
[Rabiji] Is that right?
[Winta] Not every one, but there is a lot of it, yeah. Most people use it at least a little.
[Lovosa] Must be nice.
[Fultukhari] Weird...
[NemnostiGM] The house that Kibai found isn't too hard to locate. And it, unlike the true ruins, is clearly not hundreds and hundreds of years old. It's in disrepair but it's still recognizably a house, with four brick walls, only one of which is severely damaged.
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, you can see it much clearly now, with the aid of Winta's spell. Of course, the shrews have all vanished.
[Winta] I wonder who lived here?
* Lovosa pokes her head through the door.
[Kibai] apparenlty, some noble pervert
[Lovosa] Any haunts here?
[Lovosa] Eww, pervy ghost.
* Kibai looks around, a bit uneasily, remembering that feeling from before
[Winta] Should we let the corps know about this place? If there really is a haunt...
[Fultukhari] I think it was the girls who lived here, but the pervert who got killed
* Kempovru steps forward into the house.
[Lovosa] I guess if they were bringing corpseborn here, whatever they were doing was *nasty.*
* Rabiji grimaces.
[Rabiji] I mean, they're not people.
[Winta] Do you guys know any corpseborn?
[Fultukhari] Not really.
[Winta] We always saw them back home around the city, but I was never allowed to talk to them.
[Lovosa] Same, but that's what I'm saying. You don't go for a corpseborn mistress for the hell of it.
[Rabiji] Some of our servants, yes.
[Lovosa] Fancy.
* Kempovru scowls.
* Lovosa follows Kempovru inside to look around.
* Fultukhari follows his liver to snoop around :v
[Fultukhari] (spleen!
[Fultukhari] (I meant spleen)
[NemnostiGM] (you can make a spleen first)
* Winta will look around for any kind of books or writing
[NemnostiGM] (then can I get everyone to make a STomach)
[Winta] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 5 ].
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 28 ].
[Fultukhari] (28 spleen)
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 13 ].
[Fultukhari] (13 stomach)
[Rabiji] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Rabiji: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 14 ].
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 27 ]
[Dodemozh] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Dodemozh: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 24 ].
[Kempovru] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Kempovru: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 21 ].
* Kibai was ready for it this time
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, Dodemozh, and Kempovru. Nothing amiss happens - this place feels totally normal to you.
[NemnostiGM] Rabiji and Fultukhari, you feel a chill, as if a cold wind blows across you, and a sense of unease enters you. You have -1 to Stomach checks for the next while.
* Fultukhari shivers slightly
[Fultukhari] ... spooky
[NemnostiGM] Winta and Lovosa ... you hear the clanging of a metal helmet against the stone walls. CLANG, CLANG, CLANG, as if someone is announcing their presence.
[Winta] What the...
[Lovosa] What the fuck was that?
[NemnostiGM] CLANG, CLANG, CLANG, the soldier is drawing closer to you, announcing that he has come to take what belongs to him
* Lovosa grabs Fultukhari's arm.
* Winta turns around, looking for the source of the sound
[Fultukhari] :O
[NemnostiGM] CLANG, CLANG, CLANG, he is upon you, as if you are being overpowered.
* Fultukhari coolly puts his arm around her
[NemnostiGM] You can now make a Marrow check.
[Winta] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 23 ].
[Lovosa] !roll 1d20+3
* Lan-werk rolls for Lovosa: [ 1d20+3 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 3 ] totals [ 12 ].
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari, please make a Pancreas check
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+6
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Dodemozh] !roll 1d20+7
* Lan-werk rolls for Dodemozh: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 15 ].
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari, Lovosa lashes out at you, as if resisting your embrace, but you manage to hold her firm. You can feel her shaking and pushing against you still, though.
[NemnostiGM] Winta, you see Dodemozh holding a metal helmet in his hand, CLANG, CLANG, CLANG. You flail out at him, punching him in the abdomen, hard.
[Fultukhari] Hey, it's okay! I won't let anything happen to you
[Dodemozh] Hey, oooff ...
* Dodemozh sits down on the rough floor, clutching his gut.
* Winta rieks and backs up away from Dodemazh
[NemnostiGM] Winta, with horror, you realize that Dodemozh was not an attacker, a lieutenant, or anything of the sort.
[Winta] Oh my ancestors! Are you ok?
[Winta] I'm so sorry!
[NemnostiGM] Winta you can make another Stomach check
[Winta] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Kibai] ...what was that about
[Winta] He... I thought...
[NemnostiGM] Dodemozh no longer has armor and weapons and a helmet, and has returned to his ordinary self.
[NemnostiGM] Both you and Lovosa have -2 on Stomach checks for the next while.
[Winta] ...we should get out of here...
[Winta] This place is wrong...
* Rabiji starts crying.
[Lovosa] (Am I still under its influence?)
[Kibai] I *told* you it was haunted - that's wy you wanted to see it!
[NemnostiGM] (oh right, please make another Stomach check)
[NemnostiGM] (Lovosa)
[Lovosa] (With the penalty?)
[Winta] Yeah, but like... it's not a FUN haunted!
[Kibai] okay, let's go.
[NemnostiGM] (yeah)
[Lovosa] !roll 1d20+1
* Lan-werk rolls for Lovosa: [ 1d20+1 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 1 ] totals [ 16 ].
[Kibai] Haunrts aren't fun
[NemnostiGM] (all right, same for you, Fultukhari is back to 'normal')
* Kibai will usher the others out, starting with Rabiji and Winta
* Winta will attempt to help Dodemozh up and out
[Lovosa] No! Let me go! I don't...want...
[Lovosa] Fuck, Cheese, it's just you.
* Lovosa will actually hug him, shaking.
[Fultukhari] It's ok...
[Lovosa] We should, we should go with the others.
* Lovosa takes a moment to let go, scared to do so.
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari, before any of this happened, you saw something on the floor. Something Winta's light glinted off of, in the corner amidst some dirt what you assume is rodent dung.
[Fultukhari] Just one sec, guys
[Fultukhari] There's something on the floor over there...
[Winta] No! Don't go back in there!
[Fultukhari] I'll be quick!
* Lovosa watches him with fearful concern.
* Fultukhari is gonna run in and grab it ].]
[Fultukhari] (bravely)
[NemnostiGM] You do so, and find a small bracelet made of green glassy beads.
* Rabiji seems really upset, and starts coughing and sputtering.
[Kempovru] Come on, let's get the fuck out of here.
[Kibai] are you okay? Do you need to sit?
* Winta will put an arm around Rabiji and try to lead her away
[Lovosa] Fultukhari! We need to *go*!
[Rabiji] [q] he's dead, he's dead ...
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, you hear Rabiji say that, but no one else can
[Winta] shhh... it's ok, c'mon... let's get away from here.
[NemnostiGM] (sorry, Kibai and Winta can hear that, you were both near her)
[Kibai] its a haunt, we can keave but he van't, so come on
[Kibai] (we can leave but he can't)

Winta calms Rabiji who is upset after the haunting, and Rabiji reveals that her parents joined the cult of Fedifre Ula and that her father did not survive the saint’s ritual initiation

[NemnostiGM] All right, you can get away from the house and head back down towards the campsite.
[Kibai] We're already outsude, try anf get your breat
[Rabiji] [q] I should have been there with him ...
[Winta] With who?
* Lovosa will wait for Fultukhari, but then is quickly marching back to camp.
* Fultukhari comes right back out
[NemnostiGM] Winta, give me a Larynx check please.
[Winta] !roll 1d20+7
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 18 ].
* Rabiji calms down a little bit.
[Rabiji] I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come.
* Rabiji coughs some more.
[Winta] Hey, it's ok. Look at me. You're ok now.
* Rabiji looks at you.
* Winta smiles at her.
[Winta] Just take it easy.
* Kibai will hang back and wait for these two
[Rabiji] It's ... my dad.
[Kibai] the ghost is your dad?
* Rabiji shakes her head.
[Rabiji] No ... no.
[Rabiji] It's too complicated to explain.
* Rabiji turns away.
[Winta] ey, it's ok. You can talk to us. What's wrong?
[Winta] Hey
[NemnostiGM] (so the two of you are walking with her, but a little bit behind the group?)
[Winta] (Yeah)
[Kibai] (yeah)
[Rabiji] I just ... I don't want you to think I'm some kind of monster or freak.
* Kibai is listening but will also keep an eye on the path since these two are distracted and whatnot
[Winta] Hey, no, I promise I won't think that.
[Rabiji] I got a letter from my mom. My dad is dead.
[Winta] Oh... I'm... I'm so sorry.
[Rabiji] They ... well, they're part of a ... I don't know how to explain it.
[Rabiji] Do you know about Fedifre Ula?
[NemnostiGM] (honestly I don't imagine that either of you do. Kibai you're way too isolated and Winta you're way too new here)
[Winta] I don't think so, no.
[Rabiji] She is a saint, whose ulajeta is near the border between Khutu and Daligash.
[Rabiji] And ... well, Her lineage is not like Nemnosti.
[Rabiji] To become a Fedifri, you have to earn Her Token. They call her the Token-maid.
* Rabiji is choking and coughing it out at this point.
[Rabiji] You have to die.
[Winta] Oh...
[Kibai] take your time
[Winta] Try to relax.
[Kibai] Breathe.
[Rabiji] There are so many of them, Leraghes, Nukhumbis, and the common folk.
[Rabiji] Dad didn't make it back. Didn't ... earn his token.
* Winta glances at Kibai.
[Kibai] so... he died for this saint, and wasn't revived?
* Rabiji nods.
[Winta] I'm so sorry...
[Winta] When was this?
[Rabiji] I got the note during Romokh.
[Winta] And you haven't been able to talk to anyone?
[Rabiji] Who do you talk to about this?
[Rabiji] I shouldn't be talking to you.
* Winta will stop walking and put her arms around her.
[Winta] It's ok. We're your friends.
[Kibai] Thats' fucked up. I'm sorry.
* Kibai says, hopefully coming across as sympathetic and not judgey
* Winta wil gesture for Kibai to come over and give her a hug as well.
* Kibai will come and give kind of an awkward hug as well
* Kibai is not a very huggy person really but hey
[Winta] We won't say anything to anyone if you don't want to.
[Winta] Right, Kibai?
[Kibai] Right.
[Rabiji] Nemnu knows that my parents are involved. But not this latest. How could I bother Her with it? And I'm not sure who else knows anything.
[Winta] Wouldn't she want to know?
[Rabiji] I think She's letting me stay here even though my training is basically done.
[Kibai] ....why are you here, tho, if your parents follow this other saint?
[Rabiji] There's some kind of complicated story there. I don't know it all.
[Rabiji] Vodikra too. Vodikra Nukhumbi.
[Rabiji] She is older, she probably knows more
* Kibai nods slowly
[Kibai] well, we'll worry about you for now.
[Winta] Yeah
[Winta] Just try to relax. Getting worked up can't be good for your breathing. I'm sorry we made you go out to that house.
[Rabiji] It's not your fault. I wanted to go.
[Rabiji] My kidneys are strong. I'm always doing things that others want to do.
[Winta] You shouldn't do things because others want you to. Do them because YOU want to.
[Rabiji] I wanted to play your yeppo game. I wish I could use fos. But I will never really get to.
[Kibai] there's lot of other things you can do
[Winta] Hey, it's ok. There's other things we can play.
[Winta] I'm sure I can find enough rocks for a game of ompai if you want.
* Rabiji smiles.
[Rabiji] I was just going to say we could do what everyone else wants ... but that probably isn't what I should say, right?
* Winta laughs
[Winta] Hey, at least you're thinking about it :)

The group reassembles at the campsite and discuss their shifts for keeping watch

[NemnostiGM] All right, you have returned back to the campsite, where Irdomila and Rembes have definitely been keeping your fire going and protecting your campsite from predators.
[Kibai] there you go, show your gall
[Kempovru] Here come the stragglers.
[Irdomila] (most definitely!)
[Fultukhari] What took you so long?
[Irdomila] So was it haunted?
* Lovosa sits down by the fire.
[Fultukhari] SUPER haunted.
* Winta wil get Rabiji set up by the fire with some water.
[Winta] It was awful
[Lovosa] It wasn't great.
* Irdomila looks at everyone
[Fultukhari] Look what I got though!
* Fultukhari takes out the bracelet
[Irdomila] It really was haunted
[Rembes] What is it?
* Rembes asks, looking at what Fultukhari is holding
[Kibai] I told them it was haunted and then they got scared by a ghost
[Winta] I didn't think it would be like that
* Kibai gives an open handed shrug once rabiji is settled
[Fultukhari] I wasn't scared!!
[Winta] It was like what I was seeing wasn't real, but I couldn't stop it
* Lovosa nods.
[Lovosa] I don't know what it did, but it, seriously, it was awful.
[Winta] And uh... Sorry again, Dodemozh...
* Winta looks rather sheepish.
[Dodemozh] It's okay.
* Dodemozh tries not to wince as he shifts in his seat.
[Winta] I didn't know I could punch like that.
[NemnostiGM] (Rembes, make an Intestine check)
[NemnostiGM] (to examine the bracelet)
[Rembes] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Rembes: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 20 ].
[NemnostiGM] You're not an expert, but you think it might be of corpseborn manufacture. Not like most of the jewelry that people wear.
[Rembes] I think it's a corpseborn bracelet.
[Fultukhari] You think it belonged to one of the girls?
[Kibai] how can you tell?
[Rembes] It looks like the kind of things they wear. I don't really know how to describe it. Just ...different than ours.
[Winta] Think it's cursed or something?
[Dodemozh] That's not how corpseborn things work.
[Winta] No, but with the haunt and all
[Fultukhari] It doesn't *feel* cursed
[Kempovru] Well if your dick falls off, you'll know you were wrong about that.
* Winta laughs
* Lovosa had been kind of thousand-yard-staring at the fire, but laughs at that.
[Irdomila] Best be rid of it. No good will come from it.
[Winta] It's kinda pretty, though.
[Fultukhari] Yeah.
* Fultukhari puts it back in his pocket while making eye contact with Irdomila
[Kempovru] So, what now?
[Fultukhari] Just hang out til morning I guess.
[Rembes] we could take it back and show it to someone at Nemnosti.
[Fultukhari] Yeah, like my mom.
[Kibai] well. I'm going to get soem rest. Wake me up when you need a watch shift, but smeone whod be ready to take a morning one, too
[Dodemozh] Your nice mom or your scary mom?
[Winta] I can take first watch. I'm too keyed up to sleep now anyway.
[Fultukhari] Uh. Yes
[Lovosa] Same, Winta.
[NemnostiGM] All right, please let me know what watches you want to set, and how many.
[Lovosa] (We have 9 people, right? We could do 4 with one of them having three people, so we don't have to have as long of shifts.)
* Kibai can take a middle one, anyway
[Winta] (Let Rabiji sleep the night since we have an extra)
[Rembes] (I can take an early morning one)
[Irdomila] (I can go with Kibai)
[Fultukhari] (I'll take whichever one Lovosa is on :v)
[Winta] (Too late! :V)
[Winta] (Stealin yo gurl)
[Lovosa] (heh)
[Irdomila] (she's with Winta, sucks for you, yours stuck with Rembes)
[Lovosa] (That's amazing)
[Fultukhari] (ewwwwwwww ]:( )
[Kibai] (lol)
[NemnostiGM] (ok so 1. Lovosa + Winta; 2. Kibai & Irdomila 3. Dodemozh and Kempovru; 4. Rembes & Fultukhari?)
[Irdomila] (yep)
[Winta] (Sure)
[Rembes] (sounds good)
[Kibai] (sure)
[NemnostiGM] All right.
[NemnostiGM] The first three watches pass uneventfully.

Rembes and Fultukhari are interrupted during their watch by an illusion of Jorota

[NemnostiGM] Rembes and Fultukhari, you are on last watch, the hours just before and leading up to dawn.
[NemnostiGM] The fire is low this time of year, like Lijun insists that you keep it. It gets cold up here though, especially in the wee wee hours, so you never keep it as low as he would like.
[NemnostiGM] There's just the hint of bluish dawn to emerge in a while.
[NemnostiGM] (Can I get you both to make a Spleen check)
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 21 ].
[Rembes] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Rembes: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 16 ].
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari, you hear something approaching from the east. Sounds like a person.
[Fultukhari] Someone's comin'.
* Rembes looks around, getting his knife ready in case he needs it
* Fultukhari holds on to his shortspear
[Fultukhari] (m) Maybe it's just Lijun
* Rembes nods, but gets up anyway, just in case
[NemnostiGM] All right - Rembes, you still haven't heard anything.
[Rembes] [q] where do you think they're coming from? I can't see them.
[Fultukhari] That way.
* Fultukhari points east.
* Rembes looks where he's pointing
[Fultukhari] Maybe go wake people up?
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari and Rembes, out of the darkness, you see a single figure emerge.
[Fultukhari] like either it's Lijun or--
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari ... it's your mom?
* Dodemozh is now known as Jorota
[Fultukhari] Aw, fuck.
* Jorota comes in, looking angry.
* Rembes relaxes now that we know it's not a stranger
* Jorota stops, and stares at you judgementally.
[Fultukhari] Uh.. mom? What are you doing here?
* Jorota taps her foot and just grumbles. You have no idea what you did this time.
[NemnostiGM] Give me a Stomach or Spleen, Fultukhari, whichever you prefer.
[Fultukhari] (do I still have that Stomach penalty?)
[NemnostiGM] (no it'll be gone now)
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 26 ].
[NemnostiGM] Something's off. This isn't right or normal.
[Fultukhari] Wait... I don't know... I think that's not my mom.
* Rembes frowns, confused, but will take him seriously and approach the figure, holding his knife defensively
[Rembes] Hey. Who are you? What are you doing here?
* Rembes asks, trying not to sound scared.
* Jorota approaches you angrily, then dissipates into nothingness.
[Rembes] ...
[NemnostiGM] You hear the sound of laughter from downstream.
[Rembes] what was that?
* Rembes turns around, trying to see where the sound came from
[Fultukhari] (is downstream toward the house?)
[NemnostiGM] (no, other way)
[Rembes] ... maybe we should wake up the others, just in case
[Fultukhari] ... Yeah

They search after the source of the illusion, who turns out to be Sapunoke Ichos, who they capture and tie up

* Rembes will go around to the tents and wake people up, it's probably almost dawn anyway
* Winta will climb out of her tent groggily
* Rembes will explain what we saw.
* Lovosa follows suit.
* Kibai rubs her face to wake up
* Irdomila gets up as well
[Kibai] what?
[Lovosa] You guys saw Fult's mom?
[Rembes] Fultukhari's mom - or it looked like her, at least - came into the camp, and she looked angry, but she didn't say anything. Then she just disappeared into nothing, and we heard laughing from that way.
[Lovosa] You both saw her?
* Rembes says, pointing to the direction the sound came from
[Fultukhari] Yeah it was... kinda fucked.
[Rembes] Yes.
[Winta] Does your mom normally do shit like that?
[Fultukhari] No, she'd usually just yell.
[Irdomila] Fultukhari, you still have that bracelet don't you.
[Kibai] is it somoene messing with us? Should some of us go look?
[Fultukhari] SO what if I do?
[Lovosa] We should probably put it back. ].]
[Irdomila] You took it from a haunted house, and now you're seeing scary figments. Just a coincidence you think?
[Rembes] I think maybe let's just wait until the sun is up and then some of us can go look...
[Fultukhari] Rembes saw it too,
[Fultukhari] Rembes saw it too.
[Fultukhari] (whoops sorry)
* Rembes nods
[Lovosa] You don't need to be a jerk about it, 'Mila.
[Rembes] I did see it too.
* Rembes agrees
[NemnostiGM] You all hear the laughing now, more like ... cackling or chuckling.
[Winta] Not a dream, then
[NemnostiGM] It's in the distance but audible.
[NemnostiGM] Laughing at you.
[Winta] Uhhh... yup, deifnitely not a dream.
[Kibai] (coming from downstream?)
* Lovosa looks around.
[Lovosa] Well, that's nice and creepy.
[Fultukhari] See??
[NemnostiGM] (yup, to the east, in the direction of Bemnes / the way you're likely to go home)
* Kibai frownes
[Kibai] who is coming with me?
[Lovosa] Fuuuuuuck. I am.
[Winta] Down there? Why? Maser Lijun will be here any minute!
[Winta] Let's just wait for him.
[Rembes] We could just wait until morning. It isn't doing anything except being creepy.
[Kibai] you can wait, Winta, that's fine.
[Kibai] it is morning
[Winta] well, I don't want you guys running off to get killed by a ghost
[Kempovru] I'll go.
[Fultukhari] Yeah we gotta stick together.
[Kempovru] Come on, Kibai.
[Lovosa] If it was gonna kill us, wouldn't it have done so in our sleep?
[Winta] If you die, you fail the test, remember?
[Lovosa] It's just being creepy and annoying. Maybe there's something to learn here.
[Kempovru] Kibai almost got killed on her own. We should be with her.
[Irdomila] We're safer near the fire where we have more light. Its foolish to be pulled out from where your best protected.
[Kempovru] If she's not afraid, we shouldn't be either.
[Kibai] ...i did not almost get killed.
[Kempovru] Oh ... sorry, I heard you did. I mean, your leg was pretty bad.
[Kibai] oh.
[Lovosa] There are nine of us. Some of us can go and some of us can stay, and no one needs to be alone.
[Winta] (Gah, caplocks)
[Irdomila] Its minutes until sunrise, and we can see better, we should just wait it out.
[Kibai] I thought you meant last night. even then, though. I was fine :x
[NemnostiGM] All right, who all is heading out?
[Winta] Rabiji, what do you want to do?
[Rabiji] I'm staying here.
[Winta] I'll stay too, then.
[Rembes] (I'll stay at camp)
[Lovosa] (Lovosa is going)
[Fultukhari] (I'm going)
[Kibai] (going)
[Irdomila] (stay and glare at those going)
[Winta] Just be careful, ok?
[Lovosa] We will.
* Lovosa pointedly glares back at Irdomila for a second.
[Irdomila] Don't hesitate to call out if you need help.
[Fultukhari] We won't!!
[Fultukhari] Need help I mean.
[Lovosa] Kibai, you leading the way?
[NemnostiGM] All right, you head down the dry river bed.
* Kibai will go slow and careful
[Fultukhari] Wow she sucks.
[NemnostiGM] All of a sudden you hear the rush of water as the riverbed fills up around you.
[NemnostiGM] (you can make a Stomach, everyone)
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 19 ].
[Lovosa] (Penalty is gone, right?)
[Kibai] !roll 1d20+7
* Lan-werk rolls for Kibai: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 26 ].
[NemnostiGM] (yes, penalty is gone)
[Lovosa] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Lovosa: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 9 ].
* Kibai ain't fallin' for these tricks ]:|
[Lovosa] (Come *on*)
[NemnostiGM] Kibai, this is obviously an illusion. Water doesn't appear out of nowhere, and you can't even feel the cold through your boots.
[Kibai] (if the others are feaking out can I try and snap them out of it?)
[NemnostiGM] Lovosa, you scream and stumble as the water surrounds you, and you fall face-first into the water.
[Kibai] It's not real!
[Kempovru] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Kempovru: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 14 ].
* Lovosa gurgles.
[Fultukhari] (what about me?)
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari and Kempovru are fooled at first, but it is definitely weird, and then when Kibai alerts you, you snap out of it pretty quickly.
[Kibai] It's just an illusion
[Fultukhari] Wait.. it's not?
[Fultukhari] Lovosa!
* Kibai will pull Lovosa up
[Kibai] see if you can find who cast it
* Lovosa thrashes around like she's drowning.
* Kibai says to the others
[NemnostiGM] (go ahead then, spleen away)
* Kibai will slap her if she doesn't come out of it
[NemnostiGM] You definitely need to slap her a couple of times.
[Fultukhari] !roll ad20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ Error. The syntax is !roll xdx+x. ].
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 22 ].
[Fultukhari] Hey don't *hit* her!!
* Lovosa is panicked and breathing heavy, but comes to.
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari, you see a figure in the bushes a little bit downriver. A flash of blue in the early dawn.
[Lovosa] Fuuuuuuck, again!
[Lovosa] I *hate* ghosts!
[Kibai] You're okay
[Fultukhari] There!
[Kibai] it might not be a ghost
* Fultukhari points to the bushes.
* Kibai looks where he points
[Lovosa] Thanks, Kib.
* Kibai nods and sets her back on her feet
[Lovosa] What is it?
[NemnostiGM] The figure dashes away. You can chase it if you want.
[Fultukhari] Get 'em!!
* Fultukhari books it after them.
[Lovosa] Sic 'em, Cheese!
[NemnostiGM] Make a Marrow or Stomach.
* Kibai will also give chase
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 29 ].
[Fultukhari] (nice)
* Kibai rolls [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 21 ]
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari, you tackle the person deftly, who screams as you pin him to the ground and kick him in the thigh, causing him to howl in pain
* Jorota is now known as Sapunoke
[Sapunoke] You little fucker!
[NemnostiGM] You can see that it's Sapunoke Ichos, your mom Jorota's apprentice, an acolyte a few years older than you all.
[Fultukhari] .. Sapunoke? What the fuck??
* Sapunoke laughs and laughs.
[Sapunoke] You should have seen Lovosa, she was so fucking terrified.
* Kibai is there to back up Sharp Cheddar with a shortspear, and does not look very impressed
* Fultukhari kicks him again
[Fultukhari] You jerk, what the fuck are you doing??
[Sapunoke] Ow! Hey, it was a joke!
[Sapunoke] Did I do a good impression of your mom?
[Fultukhari] Not enough yelling. ]:(
[Sapunoke] Would have needed a better spell.
[Kibai] is it just you?
[NemnostiGM] Fultukhari, you definitely know Things about Sapunoke. You've heard your moms talking about him, basically saying that he's not very competent and how lazy he is.
[NemnostiGM] Rembes, you probably know that his family lineage is the same as your mom's, but he's from Taizi, not Khutu. But some sort of distant cousin from the Omban nobility.
[Fultukhari] Well, at least we can tell Irdomila to go fuck herself.
* Sapunoke laughs.
[Lovosa] I'm all for that, at least.
* Lovosa says, catching up.
[Sapunoke] You folks should lighten up.
[Lovosa] That was genuinely terrifying, you asshole.
[Fultukhari] Did someone put you up to this shit?
* Lovosa kicks him.
[Kibai] what should we do with him now that we caught him?
* Kempovru kicks him once for good measure.
[Fultukhari] I dunno. If I were as big a jerk as him I'd tell my mom.
[Kempovru] Probably if we kill him, we fail the test.
[Sapunoke] Ooh, you're going to tell on me to your moooooom.
[Fultukhari] I'm not a snitch though.
[Kibai] we could drag him back to camp and give him over to Lijun
[Lovosa] Hey, they said if *we* die, we fail; nothing about if other people do.
[Fultukhari] You oughta thank me if I did though, she might be impressed you actually did something
* Lovosa laughs at that.
[Kempovru] Let's haul him back to camp. Maybe we have something to tie him up?
[Lovosa] Kinky. Someone have rope?
[Fultukhari] I brought some. For climbing
[Kempovru] All right then, Cheese-curd!
[Kibai] great
[NemnostiGM] All right, you can haul Sapunoke back to camp where the whole group can berate him if they choose.
[Fultukhari] (and make sure we take away any fos he has)
[NemnostiGM] (ok no problem, you can do that)
[Fultukhari] Here's your haunt, chickenshits
[Kibai] was that you too?
* Kibai glares at him
[Sapunoke] Hmm? What are you talking about?
[Lovosa] Come off it, you creepy dipshit. We caught you.
[Winta] We should punch you in the larynx, since you don't seem to be using it.
[Fultukhari] (does my heart tell me he's full of shit)
[Lovosa] (Oh, actually, I wouldn't mind rolling that either)
[Fultukhari] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Fultukhari: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 13 ].
[NemnostiGM] (you can make a Heart, sure)
* Kibai will make a gall check to intimidate him?
[NemnostiGM] (go ahead Kibai)
[Lovosa] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Lovosa: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 19 ].
[Kibai] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Kibai: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 10 ].
[Winta] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Winta: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 29 ].
* Kibai is not very scary I guess
[Winta] (heart)
[Kibai] (damn girl)
[NemnostiGM] Winta, you don't know Sapunoke really, but he is definitely confused with what you're talking about with haunts.
[NemnostiGM] The rest of you aren't really sure.
[Winta] Guys, I don't think that was him.
* Lovosa frowns.
[Lovosa] Winta, you always want to believe everyone. He's just being a dick.
[Fultukhari] He was definitely pretending to be mom; he admitted it! And the water thing too.
[Kibai] it doesn't make as much sense for it to have been
[Winta] Yeah, but, I don't think he did the house.
[Kibai] he would have had to hope we even found the haunt
[Kibai] we might not have
[Kibai] so why hang out there just in case?
[Lovosa] Did you just stalk us all the way out here for the hell of it?
[Winta] He may not even know about the house
* Sapunoke doesn't say anything in response.
[Kempovru] Look let's just tie him up until Lijun gets here.
[Fultukhari] Yeah, he should be back soon
[Lovosa] Sounds good.
[Rembes] ...I wonder if in four or five years they're going to have us coming out here to scare some new acolytes.

Lijun returns in the morning

[NemnostiGM] A short time later, Lijun arrives at your camp.
* Rabiji is now known as Lijun
[Lijun] Well ... I see you've had a successful hunt.
[Lijun] Will you be skewering him on a spit, or carving him up in advance?
[Fultukhari] He was fucking with us!
[Lovosa] Depends. Was he part of this whole thing?
[Fultukhari] He made Lovosa think she was drowning.
[Winta] And also he's just kind of a jerk.
[Rembes] Some weird things happened. I don't know if it was all his fault, though.
[Lijun] All right, then. Untie him.
[Kibai] is there a real haunt up at that house in the ruins up the hill?
[Kibai] (haunt)
[Lijun] Oh ... yes, that one's real.
[Lovosa] Oh.
[Winta] Told you it wasn't him up there
* Kibai nods.
[Lovosa] Yeah, fine, Winta, you called it.
* Winta beams
[Lovosa] Still insane to follow us all the way out here just for a prank.
[Kibai] so his tricks were all this morning
* Lijun looks Sapunoke over to make sure he's not actually seriously injured other than a few bruises from being kicked repeatedly.
[Lijun] All right. Time to break camp and head back. And you, young man, I think your master will be none too pleased to hear about this nonsense.
[Winta] So like... was this actually a test? Did we pass?
[Lijun] Is that important to you, to have passed a test?
[Winta] No, but it is to some people.
* Winta tries not to look at anyone in particular
* Lovosa narrows her eyes at Lijun.
[Lijun] Well, then those people and those people alone failed. Everyone else passed.
[Lijun] Does that make you all feel better?
[Winta] Not really?
* Fultukhari laughs
[Lijun] Very good then. Now get your tents packed up so we can get out of here.
[NemnostiGM] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes!