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Nemnu meets with the team and assigns them various tasks.  Izu researches Hulti history, learning much more about the Councils of Romaz and Hulti politics, and talks to Bistu Borgegi about the projective powers of shamans.  Kuspir and Ifa go to Hertu where they meet the Keronaf hengi, Tuvus, who wants them to investigate a visitor to their lineage, Azolte Rumnoska. They meet with her, but are unable to discern anything specific about her intentions.  Marga travels into the badlands of the Turtu with Meze in vulture form to look for signs of Susuva Nemni.  They find her body which had been dumped there, and then they fight and defeat a beherte, a hyena-like scavenger that mimics voices.  Jevai meets with her Downward, Saza, who presents her terms for protecting the Lanky Stones – she wants Nemnu to allow her to take an acolyte as her new Pebble.  Nemnu appears willing to accept these terms, much to Jevai’s consternation. Meze checks in on Marga to see if she is all right, and shows her the tolbilba incubator she has built.  Veruve talks to Izu and reassures him not to feel embarrassed over having seen Nemnu using Veruve’s body.  Jevai talks to Izu about her concerns about Nemnu.  Alai gets a visit from Elof Losturi, who asks about the abyssal magic that emerged during her duel with Avrubai.

Latest revision as of 10:33, 8 June 2024


Nemnosti session logs
Previous Session 8 Next


Nemnu meets with the team and assigns them various tasks. Izu researches Hulti history, learning much more about the Councils of Romaz and Hulti politics, and talks to Bistu Borgegi about the projective powers of shamans. Kuspir and Ifa go to Hertu where they meet the Keronaf hengi, Tuvus, who wants them to investigate a visitor to their lineage, Azolte Rumnoska. They meet with her, but are unable to discern anything specific about her intentions. Marga travels into the badlands of the Turtu with Meze in vulture form to look for signs of Susuva Nemni. They find her body which had been dumped there, and then they fight and defeat a beherte, a hyena-like scavenger that mimics voices. Jevai meets with her Downward, Saza, who presents her terms for protecting the Lanky Stones – she wants Nemnu to allow her to take an acolyte as her new Pebble. Nemnu appears willing to accept these terms, much to Jevai’s consternation. Meze checks in on Marga to see if she is all right, and shows her the tolbilba incubator she has built. Veruve talks to Izu and reassures him not to feel embarrassed over having seen Nemnu using Veruve’s body. Jevai talks to Izu about her concerns about Nemnu. Alai gets a visit from Elof Losturi, who asks about the abyssal magic that emerged during her duel with Avrubai.


Session date: May 12, 2024
Negili Reckoning date: IE 768, Dend Aivas


Welcome, acolytes! You have surely learned that our faith, the Corps, is built on the body, its two halves and four quarters, and its many organs, the seat of our virtues. The Hand and the Voice, led by the Heart and the Head, guide our faith. Every child of the Corps learns this along with the Bodily Hymn. But in the same way, we all here in the ulajeta play our role, just as the organs and limbs of the body. Each of us has a part to play in the functioning of the ulajeta, and no role, even the sweeping of the courtyard or the shoveling of dung, is truly unimportant. And always we strive to ensure that we are enough of a community that the loss of one member is not fatal to the body. That we share each responsibility across many, so that no one point of weakness is catastrophic in its failure. It does not mean we do not mourn the loss. Indeed, even as we weep when one of our own acolytes dies, we rejoice in the knowledge that as an Ancestor they will serve still further, contributing to our community's wisdom. And then our tears flow down to the river, so that they too contribute to the health of the great body that is Coherence. And although we cannot predict their course, we know the outcome all the same.

The team meets with Nemnu who discusses their investigation and assigns them each tasks

[NemnostiGM] The month of Dend Aivas is drawing to a close, and with it, the official end of spring in Khutu. The three long summer months will follow, starting with Nalaltu. Here in the Pardopasu, summer is dry but not repressively so.
[NemnostiGM] Over the last few days, the ulajeta has been in shock at the disappearance and apparent death of Susuva Nemni. More than that, the feeling of safety at the ulajeta has all but disappeared.
[NemnostiGM] The five of you have been summoned to a meeting with Nemnu Ula Herself, to discuss what must be done next.
[NemnostiGM] The meeting will take place in her great meeting room adjacent to the dining hall. Izu, you will of course have had a part in setting this up as she desires, in advance.
[NemnostiGM] The Wellspring is dressed in a grey-green altala bedecked with silver fefri around the collar. She is seated in her great chair, with five chairs laid out in a semicircle for you to face her.
[Nemnu] I am glad to see you all, at this sad time.
* Ifa will have arrived early, and taken her seat respectfully.
[Nemnu] You have worked hard on my behalf, and yet I must ask you to work still further.
* Longpig looks around nervously.
[Longpig] It's just us?
* Marga looks around nervously.
[Marga] It's just us?
[Kuspir] What would You have us do, Lady?
[Nemnu] I know you must know this in your livers, but I tell you this with some certainty, now, that my beloved Hedara is dead. I have reached out to her, again and again, with no response.
[Nemnu] Her failure to respond is not proof positive, of course.
[Kuspir] I'll have people continue to search for her, either living or dead.
[Nemnu] I have enlisted my trusted mystics to attempt to discern her location.
[Ifa] Has anyone tried to contact her magically?
[Ifa] No luck, then?
[Nemnu] No magical means to contact her have worked. But we have found where she ... or her body ... is, at least, roughly.
[Nemnu] Many of our best magics for this purpose do not cross running water.
* Marga internally sighs with relief that this is just going to be a body retrieval and not a smart people thing
[Ifa] Where is she?
[Nemnu] But we now believe that she - dead, or so deeply unconscious as to be unreachable for days - is to be found within the western Turtu.
[Nemnu] Somewhere across the river, northeast of Naftusa, in places that are extremely hard to reach, and that would make no sense for a person to seek out on their own.
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] So we are to go there and locate her?
[NemnostiGM] Some of you may recall that 'Gunuremai' was reported as having crossed into the Turtu, sometime after the death of Surgu.
[Nemnu] No, Medimur. I cannot send all of you out, not when there are so many things needed. And the Turtu is no place for a heavily armored man, not in this warmth.
[Marga] Aw.
[Nemnu] Ivis, my young vulture.
* Jevai looks at Marga
[Marga] Sorry. Uh, yes?
[Nemnu] I have spoken with Meze-who-is-Kaifuri. She will accompany you.
[Marga] Oh, great! Thanks!
[Nemnu] I believe, and she concurs, that a small and unobtrusive group can find Susuva much more readily than a large one.
[Nemnu] You will make the arrangements with her, but are authorized to take whatever steps necessary to bring back Susuva - in whatever condition.
[Kuspir] Thank you, Lady.
[Nemnu] Now, next. Kuspir and Ifa.
* Ifa straightens up to listen.
[Nemnu] I have need of your particular combination of skills, or rather, my allies in the Keronaf lineage in Hertu do.
* Kuspir listens attentively
[Nemnu] Rubo can tell you more, and he will take you to meet with Tuvus, the hengi of his lineage. There have been some suspicions raised, that may bear on our present concern.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] As you wish, my Lady.
[Jevai] (where are they located? woudl I know?)
[NemnostiGM] (they're at the village of Hertu, which is the village just a mile or two outside of Nemnosti)
[Jevai] (cool, missed that, sorry)
[Nemnu] Now, young Farai, my dear servant and companion. I have need of you as well.
[Izu] Yes, my lady.
[Nemnu] I need to better understand what it is that we are facing.
[Nemnu] So, this temple that you found - it seems to be hundreds of years old, probably even preceding the building of Gil Hargush. And it seems certain now that it was a Hulti temple.
* Izu nods in agreement.
[Nemnu] But much is unclear. I do not yet understand if these artifacts you withdrew from beneath it have any bearing on our present matter. And I do not understand why Surgu was there, of all places, to camp and be killed.
[Nemnu] And I need to understand much better the nature and motives of this Gunuremai, whoever they may be.
[Nemnu] You will have full access to any Ancestors, any libraries, any resources you would wish, in this search.
[Izu] I will find all I can, My lady.
[Nemnu] This is perhaps the hardest task of all, because I do not even know where to tell you to look.
[Nemnu] And last, my Hestur.
* Jevai looks at the Lady, waiting
[Nemnu] I know you have already begun what I need of you. I spoke to Giri today.
* Jevai nods
[Nemnu] I have invited Saza of the Gago to come to the ulajeta. I expect that she will come.
* Jevai 's eyes go a bit wide
[Jevai] Lady...
[Nemnu] It has been many years since she has come within these walls, but these are unusual times.
* Marga side eyes Jevai a little
[Jevai] What would you have from her?
[Nemnu] We must defend the ulajeta. And I understand that she may be the only person alive, or at least the only one known to me, who can help secure the Lanky Stones.
[Jevai] Lady... I am not convinced she can be trusted with this task.
[Nemnu] She surely cannot.
[Marga] :o
[Nemnu] If you have another option, I await it.
[Marga] Why not?
[Jevai] I cannot rule her out as the source of their... insecurity
[Nemnu] I understand that.
[Nemnu] And I would also learn more about that, if that is the case.
[Jevai] I see.
[Nemnu] I believe many things of Saza, but I do believe that in her own strange way, she has a bond with you.
* Jevai nods
[Nemnu] Do any of you have any questions?
* Izu shakes his head.
[Jevai] , o O (are you CRAZY?)
[Kuspir] No, Lady.
* Ifa shakes her head as well.
[Nemnu] Very well. I look forward to hearing what you find.
* Jevai just lowers her head

The team discusses amongst themselves after leaving Nemnu

[NemnostiGM] (All right, you can take a short time, if needed, to discuss amongst yourselves after you depart Nemnu's presence.)
[Kuspir] Ifa, do you want to come with me to talk to Rubo, since we seem to need to get more information from him?
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I am quite curious.
* Jevai just seems quiet
* Ifa will put a hand on Jevai's shoulder and give her a checking in look.
[Jevai] hhm?
[Ifa] (q) You okay? You look...upset?
[Jevai] I do?
[Jevai] I'm just concerned
[Kuspir] Is there anything we can do to help?
[Jevai] No.
[Jevai] you have your own tasks
[Ifa] Well, we're here if you need anything.
[Marga] You'll do great!
* Ifa nods.
[Marga] TOo bad I won't be here :(
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] yes... please take care in your task though, Crackle
[Ifa] Indeed. It may be the most important.
[Marga] Aw, it's just finding a dead body.
[Marga] Uh I mean, probably
[Jevai] in enemy territory
[Marga] Like, it won't be *hard* though
[Ifa] And maybe not dead. There's always hope.
[Marga] Enemy?
[Marga] It's just land...
[Izu] Yes, but it's who may be on the land.
[Jevai] land where we know this person has been making their base.
* Ifa nods.
[Izu] Be careful.
[Ifa] Just...what they said.
[Jevai] so, you might encounter them
[Marga] I'll be fine :)
* Jevai nods
[Marga] I can fly now!
* Jevai smiles
* Ifa smiles at that.
* Izu smiles also
[Marga] It's really fun!
[Jevai] Just be careful, and please, if you see any sign of them, please try and pay close attention and remember as much as you can
[Marga] Well... I'll try...
[Marga] :[
[Izu] And then fly as fast as you can away from them.
[Jevai] You'll do great. have fun, too!

Izu learns much more about Hulti history and the councils of Romaz, and talks to Bistu Borgegi who helps him find out about the projection powers of shamans

[NemnostiGM] Izu, you set to the research assigned to you. Tell me a bit about how you would like to start - any particular things you want to do?
[Izu] (I'd like to look into anything Hulti related, especially about their rituals, magic, and shamans. Also, look into finding a list of ancestors who were around during the Great Purge, or who might know more about Hulti to possibly talk to.)
[NemnostiGM] (All right. Please make me, in this order: a K:religion, K:arcana, and K:history)
[Izu] !roll 1d20+11
[Izu] (Gah, I'll roll in Roll20)
[Izu] (25, crit fail, 20. Rerolling that crit fail with destiny)
[Izu] (25, 14, 20)
[NemnostiGM] All right. You spend some time digging through the various theological manuals and books in the ulajeta. At first, it's frustrating, but you turn up something after a few hours.
[NemnostiGM] You find a copy a book called the Chronicle of the Third Council, written by someone who either is a shaman, or knows a lot about shamans, a Malfander named Zaizri Tihiz. This is a new book, perhaps only five years old, and is quite thin, really no more than twenty or thirty pages.
[Izu] (oooh)
[NemnostiGM] It gives a history of the three events known as the Councils of Romaz - the first of which was back when the Empire was conquering Malfan, in the third century, and established religious freedom in that province, the second of which, poorly understood still, was after the Great Purge and was to establish rights for refugees fleeing persecution, and the third, in 757, which was to establish religious freedom in Ashnabis and, more controversially, to settle the terms of coexistence with the Corps throughout all countries.
[NemnostiGM] Zaizri's book is really about the recent, 3rd council. It describes a group of radical shamans known as the Sijunikh who - and this is the interesting part - came to the council masked, and opposed any compromise with the Corps. Zaizri doesn't think very highly of them, apparently.
[Izu] (Does it say anything about where they were from or what they could do?)
[NemnostiGM] It says that many of the masked shamans were not from Malfan - that the masks were a disguise to protect their identities. But it is also clear that it was meant to intimidate the more moderate faction of shamans and Hulti, of which Zaizri is clearly one.
[Izu] (I assume they were upset about the eventual terms?)
[NemnostiGM] Near the end of the Council, several of these masked figures covered the ground with ash from human bones, to show their rejection of the entire enterprise.
[Izu] (What were the terms that were agreed on?)
[NemnostiGM] The principal point of contention was that the Sijunikh, and their supporters, were unwilling to concede that all Kinds had the right to continue to exist, of course in particular saints, revenants, and bubun.
[NemnostiGM] It's a short text but basically it seems like the moderates were willing to live and let live with the Corps and these radical folks were not.
* Izu will see if I can find any references to the Sijunikh anywhere else in the library.
[NemnostiGM] All right, you set off looking for that. As you're sifting through that, Bistu Borgegi comes up to you.
* Izu does not notice until they are right next to him, and then looks up.
[Izu] Oh, Bistu. Hello.
[Bistu] You seem busy.
[Izu] Always. Especially lately.
[Bistu] Yeah. I get that.
[Izu] How are you doing?
[Izu] Still adjusting to the ulajeta?
[Bistu] I'm okay, I guess. Everything here is always a little different. But especially now.
[Izu] It is a strange time.
[Bistu] I would never have thought I would be safer in Onighus than here. But maybe that's true now?
[Izu] I think that is a bit premature. The Lady still watches over us. We will figure out what is going on.
[Bistu] I don't understand all the stuff with the Lanky Stones and weird ruins and all that. Ravre stuff is where I feel really out of touch.
[Izu] I imagine there are few sigilants in the capital.
[Bistu] Few or none, that I know of. And believe me, the Wayfinder finds His way to what he wants to know, usually, if it's to His advantage.
[Bistu] Not that He tells me everything, of course, as I'm sure the Lady shares only what She feels is needed.
* Izu nods.
[Izu] The Grey Carver often keeps her own council. That is the way of saints.
[Bistu] Anything I can help you with?
[Izu] Well... do you know much about Hulti?
[Bistu] Sure, I mean, I know a few things.
[Izu] I am trying to locate information on their rites and shamans, but the sources are understandably scarce and vague.
* Bistu nods.
[Bistu] Sure, of course. They lie a lot, also.
[Bistu] Rujavai, they call it.
[Bistu] You survive by learning to lie about everything.
[Izu] Hmmm... That is a term I haven't heard. Good to know. It does seem that everything about them comes back to just rumor and misdirection.
[Bistu] I respect it, in a way. I mean, not all of it, obviously, the part where they hate everything we stand for.
[Izu] Of course.
[Bistu] But it's like in the Record of Gambits. Did you ever read that copy I gave you?
[Izu] I've been meaning to, but with all this I haven't gotten to it yet. Perhaps I should make time for it if it contains information on them.
[Bistu] It doesn't, not really.
[Bistu] It's more like, Alago tells all these stories about these awful people, but you have to respect their cunning.
[Izu] I see. I admit, I do have a fondness for cunning over brawn... for obvious reasons.
[Bistu] Here, let me help you for a while in your searching.
[Izu] I would appreciate that. Perhaps a second set of eyes can shed more light on things.
[Izu] (Does he seem to have any ulterior motives here, or just genuinely wants to help?)
[Bistu] (you can give me a SM, Izu, if you like)
[Izu] (...Crit. Fail.)
[Izu] (WHICH IS STILL A 16!)
[NemnostiGM] (you have less than no idea. Actually ... maybe that is suspicious! Why would he be so helpful? Your mind is spinning)
[NemnostiGM] (all right, with Bistu's help, I'll give you another K:arcana roll)
[Izu] (11)
* Izu will let Bistu help but is keeping an eye on him. Probably why he is so distracted.
[Bistu] Hey, did you know this?
[Izu] Huh, what?
* Bistu shows you a passage from an old text.
[Bistu] It describes how shamans were able to project themselves into the minds of other people, even at great distances.
[Izu] Oh... No, I did not. How did you find this?
* Bistu smiles.
[Bistu] Guess I have a few tricks.
[Izu] Mmmmm...
[Izu] (Does it say what "Projecting themselves into the minds of others" actually entails? Like telepathy or taking people over or sometrhing else?)
[NemnostiGM] The text Bistu pointed out wasn't written by shamans - it's more of a historical account written by Ombans. It suggests that they can see through other people's eyes and even speak into their minds.
[NemnostiGM] What that means other than that, though, you can't say.
[Izu] Interesting. Very interesting.
[Izu] Thank you. Your help was very... helpful.
[Bistu] Hey, no problem.

Kuspir and Ifa travel to the Keronaf iftibal in Hertu, where they meet with the hengi, Tuvus

[NemnostiGM] All right, Kuspir and Ifa, you can head out immediately to talk to Rubo and see what this is all about.
[NemnostiGM] You can find Rubo pretty readily in the East Tower, where he's on guard.
* Ifa will probably speculate on the way what this could be about (but there's no need to actually cover that 'on camera').
* Rubo is, of course, one of the largest if not the largest person here at the lineage. Because he's on guard, he'll be dressed in chainmail and bearing a great axe.
[Kuspir] Rubo, how is your watch going?
[Ifa] Good morning, Rubo.
* Ifa smiles brightly up at him.
[Rubo] So far, there is an uneasy peace.
[Kuspir] I understand there is some business we are meant to help with.
[Ifa] The Lady said we might be able to offer aid to your lineage?
[Rubo] Yes, well, not quite, Ifa.
[Rubo] More that something in my lineage has given concern, and may relate to all of this other business.
[Ifa] Oh? How so?
[Rubo] Well. How much do you know about the Keronaf?
[Ifa] (Should we roll on that?)
[NemnostiGM] (sure K:local if you want)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+7
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 23 ].
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 16 ].
[Ifa] (*sigh*)
[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, you remember from previous conversations with Rubo that his whole lineage is originally from Omba, and moved to the Pardopasu maybe fifty years ago or so. They're a poor country lineage of foragers and crab-fishers, and their lineage house is in Hertu.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you know they're a country lineage from Hertu, and you know their hengi is named Tuvus.
[Kuspir] I know they moved here from Omba a couple of generations ago. Mostly crab-fishers.
* Rubo nods.
[Rubo] My uncle Tuvus has always taken great pride on taking in ... well, strays. Lots of us were not originally Keronafs, even from the old country.
[Rubo] We don't think anything of it, anymore.
[Rubo] People need help, we take them in.
[Ifa] That's admirable, but I get a sense of how that may relate to recent events, now.
[Rubo] Anyway, that's all fine, until it's not.
* Ifa nods.
[Rubo] There's a woman who has been living with us, name of Azolte Rumnoska, since late last year. I haven't met her properly, but anyway, she's been living with us, probably to be adopted soon.
[Rubo] But my uncle, he's a smart guy, not like me, and he's worried that she may not be well-intentioned.
[Rubo] I advised him to not try to confront her directly, and not to simply expel her. I hope that was right.
[Kuspir] So how do you want us to proceed? Go there and try to find out her intentions?
[Rubo] Well, he has asked the Lady for Her help. He's very close to Her, even though he was never an acolyte himself, since he didn't grow up here. And She sent me you two.
[Rubo] But yeah, he wants to talk to you about what you can tell him about this figure we're all looking for. I don't think ... well, I don't know, actually. I was going to say I don't think it's the same person, but I don't know.
* Kuspir nods
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] We'll do everything we can.
[Kuspir] All right. Are you planning to come with us?
[Rubo] I can if you want me to. It's not far, after all.
[Kuspir] We'd be happy to have your company, but you're needed here as well. I'm fine with either option.
[Rubo] Just go. My uncle knows to expect you.
[Kuspir] Very well.
[Rubo] Every minute I spend away from here right now just makes me feel awful.
* Ifa gives him a sympathetic look.
[Kuspir] Take care, my friend.
[Ifa] Be well, Rubo.
* Ifa will follow Kuspir.
[NemnostiGM] (ok, are there things you need to do to prepare before you head out?)
* Kuspir is fine to head out right away, then
[Kuspir] (I don't think so? don't really need to pack much since we won't be gone longer than a day.)
[Ifa] (Yeah, I think we can just head out)
[NemnostiGM] The trip to Hertu is one you've made dozens, perhaps hundreds of times before. The little village lies on an elevated strip of mildly fertile land on the south bank of the Pasu, right along the road to Naftusa.
[NemnostiGM] Here, foragers, fishers, and stoneworkers live and support both the cloister itself, merely an hour or so away, as well as the large town of Naftusa to the east. The Keronaf, you know, are newer to this region, and their iftibal is perhaps only a few decades old.
[NemnostiGM] It is a wooden longhouse laid parallel to the riverbank, but set away from the river road. While the longhouse itself is simple and plain, above the lintel is a finely carved piece of stonework, a set of outstretched arms, palms facing outward, as if to welcome you in.
* Ifa will ask to speak to Tuvus, explaining we are expected.
[NemnostiGM] You are escorted in to visit with Tuvus, the hengi. Inside, it is a very simple and humble structure, which is unsurprising, given that the Keronafs are a country lineage of limited means. The lineage members themselves who are around right now are few and largely elderly but are diverse in size and shape - as if a mosaic of disparate skin, hair, and eyes.
* Tuvus is a short, thin wizened man, probably a foot shorter than Kuspir and even tinier in comparison to great Rubo. By your guess he must be past seventy, perhaps even eighty, but he still shows signs of former fitness. He is wearing a long tunic cinched at the waist with a fine sotogos sash, a complex patchwork of blue and red. His iftijasi, the slate of his lineage, sits around his
* Tuvus neck proudly.
[Kuspir] Good afternoon, hengi.
* Ifa echoes Kuspir.
[Ifa] We're honored to be welcomed into your iftibal.
[Tuvus] You are very welcome indeed. Little Zips speaks very highly of you. You must be Kuspir, the big fella there.
[Kuspir] Yes, sir.
* Ifa smirks at that.
[Tuvus] And you, Hand, I know I've seen you before. But where?
[Ifa] I am Ifa Nemni, sir.
[Ifa] Perhaps you've seen me at the ulajeta?
[Tuvus] Ah, of course! Izu is your twin, who attends your Lady?
* Ifa smiles genuinely.
[Ifa] Yes, we're quite proud.
[Tuvus] I don't know him, exactly, but I am often in Her presence lately and I do remember him there often.
[Tuvus] Well, in any case, you are welcome. But we will not speak here. Come, let's walk.
[Ifa] You've been consulting with the Lady more recently?
* Tuvus nods.
* Ifa will walk with him.
* Tuvus hops to his feet. He's very sprightly for an old dude.
* Kuspir will also accompany them
[Tuvus] She has been very kind to me, and to our ifti, over the years.
* Tuvus takes you out into the town and then starts hoofing it down towards the Pasu river along a narrow footpath.
[NemnostiGM] As you reach the river, you can see, downstream, various fishers working their craft. For his part, Tuvus takes off his clothes, lays his iftijasi slate atop them, and wades in.
* Ifa glances at Kuspir.
* Tuvus splashes about, apparently unbothered by the scene he is presenting.
[Kuspir] [q] are we supposed to follow him?
[Ifa] Hengi, did you want us to accompany you?
[Tuvus] Oh! No, there's no need if you don't want to. I wanted a place to talk that was a little more private.
[Tuvus] And what is more private than the vastness of nature?
* Ifa sighs a little with relief.
[Tuvus] But of course you're welcome. Far be it from me to tell you what you ought to do.
* Ifa chuckles.
[Kuspir] Thank you for the offer but I think we're fine.
[Ifa] I appreciate the offer, but I think it best to decline at the moment.
[Tuvus] So, how much has Zips told you?
[Ifa] That you have a visitor you suspect may not have the best of intentions.
* Kuspir nods
* Tuvus nods.
[Tuvus] That's so. We pride ourselves on our open arms, as you have seen. But that doesn't mean we're naive.
* Ifa nods.
[Tuvus] Azolte of the Rumnoska showed up at our doorstep perhaps late Zhuno, early Jinush, last year. Middle of winter, at any rate.
[Tuvus] We took her in, of course. I don't ask too many questions at first. Folks with no home, no lineage, no hope, they come with their share of troubles and it isn't on me to compel them to unburden, you understand?
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] It's generous of you.
[Ifa] (Does that lineage name mean anything to us?)
[NemnostiGM] (it's not local, for sure, Ifa. And it's not a noble lineage either. Give me a K:history)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 12 ].
[Ifa] (Oh come on)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+6
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 19 ].
[NemnostiGM] (neither of you have ever heard of this lineage or anything about it)
* Kuspir shrugs to Ifa
[Tuvus] At any rate, it's not just that her arrival was just before the business you've been having. That coincidence alone isn't why I brought you here.
[Tuvus] It's that she spends some time away from us, and we're not sure where she's been going. Not long - not days and days away. But hours unaccounted for, that kind of thing.
[Kuspir] Have you had anyone try to follow her?
[Tuvus] Mostly we haven't noticed she's been gone until it's too late.
* Kuspir nods
[Tuvus] Now, again, like I said, we're not naive. I considered simply asking her to move on.
[Ifa] But?
[Tuvus] But I also thought that, if she is involved in this business of yours, well, simply letting her go might not be the wisest.
* Ifa nods.
[Tuvus] So I thought I'd bring you folks in on it.
[Ifa] We appreciate it.
[Kuspir] What does she do when she's not wandering off?
[Tuvus] Mainly, she's been learning to forage. She hasn't had much experience, but she learns quickly enough.
[Tuvus] Anyone who wants to be with us has to participate in the work of the lineage.
[Kuspir] I know you said you don't ask too many questions, but have you learned anything at all about where she came from, her lineage, or why she came here?
[Tuvus] She says she's from the city of Omba. And she does act like someone who's spent a lot of time in cities. While she's never claimed to any particular education, every so often she slips, and sounds like someone who perhaps had schooling.
[Kuspir] Has she formed any close bonds with anyone here? Anyone who might know more about her or who we should talk to?
[Tuvus] She hasn't, not really. Friendly with everyone, though. But not close with anyone that I know of.
[Ifa] Do you have anyone here that you think would be willing and able to observe her without her noticing? We know people who can work from a magical angle, but if we sent anyone physically it would be more obvious.
* Tuvus smiles broadly.
[Tuvus] Keronafs are excellent at not being noticed. I'm sure we can try that. I mean, while she's foraging, she's almost always in the presence of others. But you mean to find her during these times when she goes away, I take it?
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] How often is it that she goes off?
[Kuspir] And any particular times? mornings, evenings?
[Tuvus] Evenings, mainly. And I'd say, at least once a week.
[Tuvus] I hate to be so suspicious. People are entitled to their time alone. But I do, more and more, feel a strangeness around her.
[Ifa] I applaud your charity, but I also trust your intuition. If you think it's worth looking into, we and the Lady take that seriously.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] How do you want us to proceed? We could try to speak with her, but that might cause more suspicion.
[Tuvus] If you wish to, of course, that's fine.
[Tuvus] It did occur to me that the Hand is always involved in some way, prior to adoptions.
* Kuspir looks to Ifa
[Kuspir] What do you think?
[Tuvus] Not that we need a Hand to interview each person who wants to join us - not at all. But it would provide a rationale.
[Ifa] (How would the Hand normally be involved, ooc?)
[NemnostiGM] (well, the Hand does formalize and record these kinds of things. The Hand doesn't have veto power or anything like that, but it surely has some social power around potential adoptions that are controversial)
[NemnostiGM] (there is surely some kind of formal ritual upon adoption, but that's obviously premature and not what Tuvus is talking about)
[Ifa] (okay, cool)
[Ifa] I could talk to her in that context. It'd be a good opportunity to asks some questions without arousing too much suspicion. At least, I hope so.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] All right.
* Tuvus wades out of the river and shakes off before reclothing himself.
[Tuvus] Thank you both.
[Ifa] Thank you, sir.
[Kuspir] Thank you for letting us know.
* Ifa studiously looks neck up while talking to him.
* Kuspir is indifferent to old man wenis
[NemnostiGM] (all right, so you folks could wait around Hertu till this evening when Azolte is likely to be back from foraging, if that is your plan)
[Kuspir] (sure)
[Kuspir] (hopefully we get a free meal out of this ;)

Kuspir and Ifa meet with Azolte Rumnoska, about whom Tuvus has suspicions, but discern little

[NemnostiGM] All right, you wait around a little while until the Keronafs return from their labour, whether that's fishing, foraging, or working as day labourers on farms. And they will indeed feed you amply - though with little meat, their bread and vegetables are excellent.
[NemnostiGM] Tuvus will point out Azolte when she enters.
* Azolte is a small woman, even shorter than Tuvus, perhaps approaching thirty years of age, and slightly plump. She has long dark hair to her shoulders, and on her left cheek are a set of small reddish scars.
[Azolte] (https://rocksfall.org/wiki/File:Azolte.jpg)
* Kuspir will let Ifa steer this since she's better at social things
[Ifa] (Should we have someone introduce us?)
[Kuspir] (and I mean, since it's technically her role ;)
[NemnostiGM] (sure, Tuvus can introduce her to you)
* Azolte smiles warmly.
[Azolte] It's an honour to meet you.
[Ifa] A pleasure to meet you.
[Ifa] I understand you may be joining the community more permanently?
[Azolte] Oh! Well, yes, if they'll have me, I am thinking about it.
* Ifa smiles.
[Ifa] I'm glad you're finding our region to your liking. I imagine it's been quite the change.
[Azolte] Oh, yes, well, that's true, but everyone here has been so kind.
[Ifa] Tuvus told us you've been helping with the foraging?
[Azolte] To whatever extent I can. I'm learning. The grandmothers are good teachers.
[Ifa] I can't imagine that was a common skill in Omba. :)
[Azolte] No, my foraging was mostly for scraps of garbage.
* Ifa looks sympathetic.
[Ifa] I'm sorry to hear that. Is that why you traveled out here?
[Azolte] Family troubles.
* Azolte nods.
[NemnostiGM] (I'll let you give me a SM - either of you, if you're both nearby)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 27 ].
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+13
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 15 ].
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you definitely get the sense that there's more to her story than she's saying. But more than that, you can't say for sure.
[Ifa] I don't think that will be a problem for the Keronaf, but you might want to give them a heads up if trouble might follow you. We can all only help as much as we know.
[Kuspir] You should know that there's been some recent problems around here as well, if that affects your plans at all.
* Kuspir adds
[Azolte] Oh, what kind of problems?
[Kuspir] Unexplained disappearances, even a murder. Not trying to cause you concern, but just be careful.
[Kuspir] Maybe that kind of thing happens more often in a big city, but here, it's not so common.
* Ifa nods, looking to gauge her reaction.
[Azolte] Oh, I see. Well, I don't go around trying to make trouble.
[NemnostiGM] (Ifa, I'm going to have you make a d20 roll, for reasons. I'll add any needed modifiers)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 2 ].
[Ifa] (le sigh)
[NemnostiGM] (actually Kuspir, you can also do that)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 18 ].
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you're not getting any of what Tuvus told you. This Azolte seems to be someone who's genuinely had a rough life and deserves a chance at peace.
[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, feel free to make up your own mind.
[Ifa] And I'm sure your new family will do their best to make sure none finds you, either. :)
* Azolte smiles.
[Azolte] Thank you!
* Ifa is happy to just chat with her for a while, trying to learn her story, but at this point out of genuine curiosity.
[Ifa] (Kuspir can of course actually continue to ask real questions :P )
[Azolte] Everyone is very kind here, and I am really lucky to have found my way.
[Kuspir] What did bring you to the area? It's kind of out of the way.
[Azolte] I had a friend who told me that the Keronafs take in people who need help.
[Kuspir] oh, a friend back in Omba?
* Azolte nods.
[Azolte] That's right.
[Ifa] Someone from Omba knew the Keronafs?
[Azolte] Well, they're Omban originally. Not from the city, but the area outside it.
[Kuspir] must have been someone pretty old, though, it's been ages since they moved here
[Azolte] Yeah, I guess that was when Tuvus was a young man.
[Kuspir] Maybe he left a girlfriend back in the city, eh?
* Kuspir says with a slight chuckle
* Ifa chuckles at that.
* Azolte laughs.
[Azolte] Well, you know, he has a lot of kids here. I think he used to get around.
* Azolte giggles.
[Kuspir] Speaking of... you're of an age where you might be thinking of marriage. Hand Ifa here is great at matchmaking. If you tell her the kind of person you're looking for, she might be able to set you up.
[Ifa] Oh, yes, I'd be happy to help!
* Ifa is genuinely excited by that prospect.
[Azolte] Well ... wouldn't I need to be a Keronaf, really, before you could find someone?
[Kuspir] Officially, I'm sure, but that doesn't mean she couldn't start looking.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I can start getting some ideas together before it's anything official.
[Azolte] Please don't reach out to my Rumnoska relatives in Omba, though. You understand, right?
[Ifa] Oh, of course not, if you don't want me to.
* Ifa will reach out a hand to reassure her.
[Ifa] You'll be all right here, I'm sure.
[NemnostiGM] (Kuspir, please give me another roll, just a d20)
[Kuspir] (a 1 :p)
[Azolte] I'm really glad to have so much support.
[NemnostiGM] (whatever that roll was Kuspir it does not affect how you perceive Azolte)
[Kuspir] Well, if you have a chance to come up to Nemnosti, be sure and let us know - we could show you around.
[Azolte] I will, thank you!
* Ifa smiles, and will let her get back to what she was doing.

On the way back to Nemnosti, Kuspir and Ifa discuss what they learned from Azolte and Tuvus

[Kuspir] (I was figuring we could talk on the way back?)
[Ifa] (Chatting on the way back to the...heh, yes, that)
[Ifa] Well, I'm sorry that was a bit of a waste of your time.
[Kuspir] Ah, well, we can't know unless we look. I'm still not sure what is going on with her. It could be nothing, or it could be ... not nothing.
[Ifa] Well, she's got a past, definitely, but she seemed like she was really looking for a new start.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] I thought I'd ask about relationships because... if she isn't up to no good, then one reason she might be going off on her own is to meet up with someone privately.
[Kuspir] but I suppose it would have been too easy for her to say she has a boyfriend.
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] Doesn't mean it's not that, she might just have reasons to want to keep it private. but... I don't know.
[Kuspir] What did you think?
[Ifa] There could be any number of reasons, and Tuvus will keep an eye on her regardless.
* Kuspir nods
[Ifa] I was just really hoping to get something useful for this whole investigation.
[Kuspir] I thought maybe we could have Alai or Jevai try and look into her as well, magically I mean.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I guess better safe than sorry.
[Kuspir] if they can do it from a distance, it doesn't really cost us anything to try.
[Ifa] Right. You're right.
* Ifa sighs.
[Kuspir] Something bothering you?
[Ifa] Nothing new. Just all this...fear and uncertainty.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] I don't like that it makes us suspicious of people. It could be that this is just a woman who got away from some bad family trouble and has found a new home, and it is unfortunate that we have to be concerned about that.
[Kuspir] But we have to be wary, because if this person - or group of people - are working among us, that's exactly how they could pass unnoticed. By seeming just like anyone else.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I know. Like whatever has happened with Susuva. I hate it. I trust these people. I've known them all my life.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] I wish there was more I could do.
[Kuspir] My usual means of trying to protect us is not best suited for these situations. Folks with magic at least have some ways to be useful.
[Ifa] And I have neither their magic nor your strength. :/
[Kuspir] But you know people here better than any of us. I have faith that you can pick up on things most of us would miss.
[Ifa] I appreciate the vote of confidence, but it's not necessary. Do I wish there was more I could do? Of course. But we're a community, and we'll solve this as a community. If I all I can do is worry and make sure people are fed, then at least I can do that.
[Ifa] And you have been protecting us, and I know you'll continue to do so.
[Kuspir] Until feet fail.
* Kuspir agrees
* Ifa smiles at that.
[Ifa] Until feet fail.
* Kuspir will walk the rest of the way back home with you under the moonlight.

Marga and Meze travel into the Turtu where they retrieve the body of Susuva, and fight and defeat a beherte

[NemnostiGM] Marga, you are super excited to be on this mission, and especially because it will give you the opportunity to spread your wings - literally! But Meze is much more serious than you, and so she wants to meet up in Nemnosti before you get to the fun part and talk about things.
[NemnostiGM] That is less fun, but she does kind of make the rules.
[Marga] (okie dokie!)
* Meze meets with you just outside the West Tower, at mid-morning.
[Meze] So, have you been practicing, like I told you?
[Marga] The flying?
* Meze nods.
[Marga] Yeah! Of course!
* Marga grins proudly
[Meze] Now, of course, we can use that to find her, but if we do, getting her back will depend on our muscles. Mainly your muscles.
[Marga] I practice with those too! :D
* Marga flexes.
* Meze pulls out a couple of big heavy canvas sheets that have been neatly folded up, but are still pretty substantial.
[Marga] Corpse haulers?
* Meze smiles ruefully.
[Meze] And here I was worried that I'd need to explain it to you.
[Marga] . o O (would be lighter if it was... pecked a bit first ].] )
[Marga] Sometimes I'm smart.
[Meze] I've never really doubted that.
[Meze] You understand that if she is dead, then bringing her back as an Ancestor is the most important thing we can do.
[Marga] What if she's ... extra dead, like they cut off her head or something
[Meze] Well then we will do our best.
[Marga] Do you need your head to be an Ancestor?
[Marga] You do, right?
[Meze] In general, most of the body needs to be intact, although of course it can be bone.
[Meze] But yes, a head is generally needed.
* Marga nods.
[Meze] If you're ready, then, we can go.
[Marga] Ready!
* Meze transforms into vulture form.
* Marga follows suit :D
[NemnostiGM] You and Meze fly out into the Turtu. She clearly has more expertise than you, but you manage to keep up.
[NemnostiGM] The Turtu is broken land, with valleys, ridges, boulders, and all kinds of other obstructions
[NemnostiGM] You definitely need to search with both your eyes and your nose, which means that you need to be aware of the winds and keep a relatively low altitude.
[NemnostiGM] (make a Perception please, with a +4 bonus)
[Marga] !roll 1d20+14
* Jevai rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 32 ].
[NemnostiGM] Marga, you are somewhere in the west-central Turtu and the smell hits you, first weakly, then more strongly. Dead. Probably human.
[Marga] I smell something...
[Marga] Smells like a dead person.
[Marga] (we can talk as vultures right, to each other I mean? in vulture)
[Meze] You're right. I can smell it too.
[Meze] (yup, absolutely)
[Marga] (are there any other ikhanne circling or anything?)
[NemnostiGM] (there are not, which is slightly unusual but not bizarrely so. It's not exactly heavily inhabited, even by animals, so you'd need to want to come out here before you'd even smell it.)
[Marga] (and no other humans?)
* Marga veers toward the source of the smell.
[NemnostiGM] (a few miles east of here is the town of Ojon Sogo, which is a tiny little Ravre village. Other than that, no humans in the Turtu)
[Marga] (k)
[NemnostiGM] In a short time, you find a dried-up valley where the smell is the strongest, and then you can see what looks like a body.
[Meze] There.
[Marga] Yup...
* Marga circles downward.
[NemnostiGM] You come to rest in a patch of broken land, not unlike hundreds of others throughout the Turtu. Ancient dried riverbeds wend their way emptily among great ridges of stone. Once summer hits, there will be little life here other than hardy scrub and grasses.
[NemnostiGM] At least for now, there is enough rain that there are some signs of verdancy, though scarce enough that humans would not dare to live here.
[NemnostiGM] You do see a few disarticulated animal bones here and there in the dead valley, rodents and the like. You even spy the skull, but not the rest of the skeleton, of what was surely one of your kin - a vulture.
[NemnostiGM] (make a Survival check please)
[Marga] !roll 1d20+9
* Jevai rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 17 ].
[NemnostiGM] Marga you think it's weird that there would be just a vulture skull.
[Marga] ... Why is this here?
* Marga indicates the skull.
[Marga] All by itself?
[Meze] ... I don't know.
[NemnostiGM] Anyway, you have landed next to the body.
[NemnostiGM] It only takes a glance to confirm that it is surely Susuva. She has been dead for days and the rot is starting in earnest in the heat of the day. Strangely, though, you note, it hasn't been eaten by vultures or other carrion-eaters, as far as you can see. It's in decay, but otherwise untouched.
* Marga will turn back into a human.
[Marga] Why's nothing eating her?
* Marga frowns.
[Marga] This is very weird.
[Meze] There's something here! I can smell it!
* Meze also turns to human form.
[Marga] Where? What?
[Meze] Over there!
* Meze points towards the southeast
[NemnostiGM] You hear the sound of a gentle voice, sounding like low singing, perhaps, from that direction.
[Marga] :x
[Meze] It's not human.
[Marga] What then?
[Meze] Don't know.
[Marga] So we go look?
[NemnostiGM] (you can make a K:arcana or K:nature if you like)
[Meze] I think we stay right here, next to Susuva.
[Marga] !roll 1d20+8
* Jevai rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 22 ].
[Marga] (nature)
[Marga] What if it's related though? Important?
[NemnostiGM] You've definitely heard about predatory animals that can emulate the sound of the human voice in order to lure them in.
[Marga] I guess it could be one of those awful bear things
[NemnostiGM] You hear the cry again, it almost sounds like 'help, help!'
[Marga] That's so creepy...
[NemnostiGM] It's coming from the east of you, around the corner to your left
[Meze] I didn't see anything when I was in the air. I could change back now.
[Meze] But you must stay here and protect the body.
[Marga] Alright...
* Marga draws her shield and hammer.
* Meze changes back into a vulture and flies up and over
[Meze] Beherte!
* Meze cries out.
[Meze] A hyena beast that lures with its voice!
[Marga] Heard!
* Marga acknowledges
[Meze] !roll 1d20+6
* Jevai rolls for Meze: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 25 ].
[NemnostiGM] (they quickly dispatch the creature, with Marga's mighty hammer dealing most of the damage)
[Meze] Well, that explains a few things.
* Meze says, surveying the scene.
[Marga] Well. There'
[Marga] Well. There's definitely scavengers *around*...
[Marga] What things?
[Meze] The beherte wouldn't eat already- rotten flesh - so Susuva was put here, not killed here.
[Marga] Ohhhh, right.
* Marga definitely remembered that
[Meze] And it was using her corpse to lure in vultures. It is a bone-eater, like we are, but it can't digest the skull.
[Marga] So, she was dumped like Surgu.
[Meze] Except that this is no sigillant stone, yes.
[Marga] Are those beherte that smart?
[Meze] They are very cunning, yes.
[Marga] That's impressive!
[Meze] They are no simple beast. They use their voice which can even mimic specific words, if it learns them.
[Marga] Like the 'help'
[Meze] Exactly.
[Meze] Are you injured?
[Marga] So cool... _
[Marga] Oh no. Well, barely.
[Marga] Just a little swipe...
[Marga] (I'm down 5 hp out of 41)
[Meze] I don't imagine its pack is nearby, or else we would have smelled them already, or heard them. But just in case, we should be on our way.
[Marga] Are they cannibals? Maybe they'd just eat this one anyway.
* Marga will start unfolding the canvas.
[Meze] That's a good question. I don't know. They might, if they find it in time.
[Marga] Waste not, want not...
* Meze helps you get Susuva's body onto the canvas.
[Meze] Can you carry her alone, or do you need me?
[Marga] I think I'll be okay. :)
[Meze] You did very well today.
[Marga] Thanks! :D
[NemnostiGM] It takes you quite a while to get out of the Turtu with the body, but of course, the rough terrain does not affect the two of you the way it affects others.
* Marga hums a little 'dragging a corpse' tune
[NemnostiGM] Soon enough you find yourselves back in the Pardopasu valley, and then up the road to Nemnosti.

Jevai meets with Saza, who has arrived at Nemnosti and taunts her for her many failings, they discuss the Lanky Stones, and Saza presents her terms

* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 13 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d100 ] getting [ 82 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d10 ] getting [ 7 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 31 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 17 ]
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, after preparing your spells, you are awakened from a dead sleep by a sharp knocking at your door.
* Jevai sits up with a gasp, and then takes a moment to smooth her clothes
[Jevai] who is it?
[Bem] It's me, Lozla.
[Bem] You have a ... visitor. Ghorgimbe has got her in a cell in the East Tower.
[Jevai] Is it Downward?
[Bem] It's ... yes, Saza Gago.
[Jevai] Thank you.
[Jevai] Why is she in a cell?
[Bem] She came into the ulajeta through the Lanky Stones.
[Bem] Ghorgimbe insisted, as a precaution.
[Jevai] She was invited here by the lady
[Bem] So she says. But how do we know it is her?
[Jevai] I'll know
[Bem] She said you would say that.
[Jevai] mm.
* Jevai will try and make herself look somewhat presentable, and then step ou to meet Bem
[Bem] You look ... tired. We can hold her until morning, if you prefer.
[Jevai] I woudln't guarantee that.
* Bem looks at you, as if unsure what to say.
[Bem] All right.
[Jevai] Let's go
* Bem leads you down to the East Tower and into a small room where Saza sits, alone, in the corner of the room.
[Bem] We'll be right outside if you need us.
[Jevai] of course
[Jevai] thank you
* Meze is now known as Saza
* Jevai will step inside
* Saza is barely changed from the figure of your nightmares. Such a small, thin woman should not be so intimidating. Her long dark braids extend past her shoulders, and her gaze is as sunset, unbearable to look at for long, beautiful, and terrifying as the oncoming night.
[Jevai] hello Downward.
[Saza] Tell the Lady her accommodations need some decoration.
[Saza] I know a few glyphs that would brighten the place right up.
[Jevai] I'm sure
[Saza] You should have seen their faces.
* Jevai smiles
[Jevai] Everyone has been quite on edge
[Saza] Well, the young one is a revenant, I can understand her fear. She might be next.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] What do you know about that?
[Saza] I know that you don't know nearly enough.
[Saza] It is unsurprising, I suppose, that you have failed so far to make any headway.
[Jevai] Few of us have your resources
[Saza] Tell me what you want to know.
* Jevai considers
[Jevai] would you tell me, downward?
[Saza] It depends what it is, and what you can offer.
[Jevai] Surely there is nothing that *I* can can offer, downward, that would be of interest to you
[Saza] I disagree, but let us not belabor the issue. I have come, as beckoned, by your Lady's request.
[Saza] I can leave now, or you can make your request.
[Jevai] What do the hulti have to offer you?
[Saza] As a group? Very little. They are, in general, weak and submissive, like some pebbles I could mention.
[Jevai] mm.
[Saza] Individually? Some individuals interest me a great deal. Whether they are Hulti or not I suppose is not the principal point.
[Jevai] You're right of course. What's relevant, to me, is that they are enemies of this place.
[Saza] It is amusing to note that you and your opponent have one thing securely in common, which is an inability to forget the past. You both live in memory-obsessed holes of your own creation.
* 0SPAAEQV8 is now known as Kennesaw
[Jevai] Waht do they have to offer you? Is this past of interest?
[Saza] Now I wouldn't be very good at business if I told you what your competitors are offering, would I?
[Saza] Why do you avoid the question: what do you want?
[Jevai] The Lady wants your help to secure the Lanky stones
[Saza] I can well imagine that she does.
[Saza] Do you want that also? Do you yearn for my assistance?
[Jevai] No.
* Saza chuckles.
[Saza] I do know how to accomplish what She wants, and what you lie to me about not wanting.
[Jevai] I believe that.
[Jevai] But I'm not liying.
[Jevai] (lying)
[Saza] Well, nonetheless. I am willing to assist you.
[Jevai] Then, what do you want, other access to the stones?
[Saza] It has been so lonely in my travels. And so I have been thinking that it is time to put another pebble in my pocket.
[Saza] And so I will enlist you to choose one for me, from among the acolytes of this place.
[Jevai] Who woudl be their upward?
[Saza] Well, that would be a discussion, of course.
[Jevai] I can take your offer to the Lady, while I consider it.
* Saza smiles.
[Saza] I'm sure you will.
[Jevai] Her acolytes are very precious to her.
[Jevai] (to her)
[Jevai] (Her)
[Saza] So is Her sense of self-preservation.
[Jevai] I can see that you are made more comfortable, Downward.
[Saza] Whatever do you mean?
* Jevai smiles again
[Jevai] Is there anything else?
[Saza] I am always so disappointed in our rare meetings, Pebble.
[Saza] You have become well-rounded from years of passively sitting by and waiting for the river to wash over you. Any of the sharp edges I once saw in you are now but a memory. Pity. But I suppose She likes you this way.
[Jevai] mm. Perhaps so.
[Saza] Well, for now, I will await your response.
[Saza] It will take some time, I suppose, to find the right person.
[Jevai] We will see what the Lady says.
* Jevai will go
* Bem is still outside the door, though at a safe distance
[Bem] So we should just ... let her go?
[Jevai] No. Find her someplace to stay for now, and assing her someone with good brqaisna dn stomach as a assistant, or guide, to try and keep an eye on her
[Jevai] but don't be too hard on them if they fail.
[Jevai] I'll go and see if the Lady will see me.
[Jevai] (brains and stomach)
[Bem] Yes, of course, Jevai.
* Bem will go attend to the scary lady who definitely can be restrained in one place
[Jevai] (and assign her that shoudl have ben also, bah)
[NemnostiGM] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes ...


Jevai tells Nemnu about Saza’s terms for her assistance, and Nemnu appears to capitulate fully, angering Jevai

[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you leave your conversation with Saza disturbed and confused, not the first time you've had that mix of emotions after talking to your Downward.
[NemnostiGM] In this case, though, you know exactly who to talk to - this is something that Nemnu Ula will surely want to be consulted about.
[NemnostiGM] You make the appropriate arrangements (probably through Izu) and find yourself, soon enough, in Her meeting room.
* NemnostiGM is now known as Nemnu
* Elanya is now known as Jevai
* Jevai will make proper obesisance
[Jevai] Great Lady
[Nemnu] What is it, my dear Hestur?
[Jevai] I'm sure you've been apprised that Downward has arrived. I have spoken to her.
[Nemnu] She used the Lanky Stones.
[Jevai] of course she did.
[Nemnu] Why of course?
[Jevai] She's not trying to hide the fact that she has worked with your enemy
[Nemnu] Why do you suppose she would do that?
[Jevai] She wants you to understand that she can continue to offer threats if you don't give her what she wants, while also showing that she also commands the knowedge you require to keep this place safe.
[Nemnu] I see.
[Nemnu] What does she want, then?
[Jevai] I'm not completely sure
[Jevai] I know what she says she wants but I'm not sure if I believe her completely.
[Nemnu] What does she say she wants?
[Jevai] Certainly I don't believe her given reason
[Jevai] She wants a new pebble from among your acolytes.
[Nemnu] But you do not think that is what she really wants?
[Jevai] I think it's a means to an end at best
[Nemnu] What end? To infiltrate this place?
[Jevai] They woudl be a hostage - a way to continue to have power over you
[Nemnu] Ah.
[Jevai] But also...
* Jevai seems less certain about this
[Jevai] the only way to counter balance this would of course be to assign an upward.... presumably... who is close to you and who call this pebble back to safety... And there are few candidates for that
[Nemnu] It was hard enough to get Khizmo to agree to take you on, after Eng-dur's disappearance.
[Jevai] yes.
[Jevai] He couldn't do it.
[Nemnu] She surely has some idea, then.
[Nemnu] Of who she would want in that role.
[Jevai] mm.
[Jevai] I don't think you should onsider this, Lady.
[Jevai] (COnsider)
[Nemnu] I am not sure we even have someone who would satisfy her.
[Nemnu] But if it is the only way to secure the ulajeta - I must consider it.
[Jevai] Noone can satisfy her.
[Nemnu] I cannot let more of my children die at the hand of this shaman.
[Jevai] We do not know if it is the only way.
[Nemnu] But how long must I wait while we discern another?
[Nemnu] If you truly think that Saza is dealing with our enemy, then the peril is dire.
[Jevai] She was content enough to let me thihnk so. She said that the thing we have in common with this foe, or foes, is that we are trapped in the past
[Nemnu] Where is she now?
[Jevai] But I would also not be surprised that this place where we find ourselves now is why she did so.
[Jevai] She was being held in one of the small cells. I told them that they shodl make her more comfortable, but keep her under close watch. She was invited, after all.
[Nemnu] Perhaps I should just kill her now.
* Nemnu doesn't sound like she's joking, although it would be hard to tell for sure.
* Jevai just lowers her head and says nothing
[Nemnu] As an Ancestor we could simply talk to her and find out how to change the keyword.
[Jevai] Lady I do think think she will be any more reasonable when dead.
[Nemnu] Well then, who should we assign as her new apprentice?
[Jevai] (do not, rather)
* Jevai shakes her head
[Jevai] She can't expect an answer from you so quickly, Lady.
[Nemnu] All right. But will she do what we need, before we give her what she wants?
[Nemnu] I suppose she will trust that we are honourable. Because she knows us.
[Jevai] Trust in yur guardians in the meanwhile
[Jevai] I will speak with her more.
[Nemnu] We cannot keep her here indefinitely. In fact I do not wish to keep her here at all.
[Jevai] she does not need to stay here, there are other ways to contact her
[Nemnu] Of course.
[Nemnu] You know her much better than I do, Hestur. I trust you to speak the right words to her. But make no mistake: I will gladly give one of my acolytes to train with her, for the safety of all.
[Nemnu] She is, I know, vile - but she trained you and you have come out of that, fully human still.
* Jevai 's eyes get a wild look
[Jevai] Am I?
[Nemnu] I will let you know when I have the slightest concern on that account.
[Nemnu] I have, in my centuries, had acolytes who were drunkards, lechers, villains of every sort. I have loved them all, as I love you.
[Jevai] Lady... I trained with Downward before I came here.
[Nemnu] My senses may be dull when it comes to the organs, given that I have none of my own, or none that work.
[Jevai] This place was a refuge.
[Nemnu] This place is your home.
[Jevai] You will build a very different person to take them from this place and send them to her
[Nemnu] Then you shall make me a list of candidates.
[Jevai] And she will use that
[Nemnu] She will try.
[Jevai] As you say.
[Nemnu] Is there anything else we need to discuss?
[Jevai] No Lady.
[Nemnu] Very well. Leave me to my thoughts, then.
[Jevai] Yes Lady.
* Jevai will bow and leave

Meze checks in with Marga about her apparent nonchalance, and then takes her to show the tolbilba incubator she has built

[NemnostiGM] Marga, after the excitement in the Turtu with Meze, you return to the ulajeta, and get yourself cleaned up.
[NemnostiGM] Later that evening, there is a knock on the door of your quarters.
[Marga] HEllooo?
* NemnostiGM is now known as Meze
[Meze] It's just me.
[Marga] It's open!
* Meze comes in.
[Marga] What can I do for you? :)
[Meze] A difficult day.
[Marga] Yeah, I guess.
[Meze] You seem unbothered by it.
[Marga] Well... I didn't know her very well?
* Meze nods.
[Marga] I mean, it is sad? But not? Personally?
* Marga scrunches up her face
[Meze] You and she were very unalike, but also similar in a strange way.
[Marga] Should I be more bothered?
* Marga frowns, now bothered
[Meze] No ... no, that's not what I'm saying.
[Marga] SO what... are you saying?
[Meze] This is difficult. I'm not used to checking up on people.
[Meze] You have seen two scenes of grisly death within the span of a few months. Carried one of those all the way here from her resting place. Even for we vultures, that is not a thing most people have to deal with.
[Marga] Oh well. You know.
[Marga] It's just dead people.
[Meze] And yet you seem ... happy? glad? Fulfilled, perhaps?
[Marga] I brought them back! That's good, right?
[Meze] It is a great service.
[Meze] It's just that ... ahh, fuck.
[Meze] (you are not sure you've heard Meze swear before)
[Marga] It's fulfilling, to do a good job...
[Marga] Uh, are *you* okay?
[Meze] I'm fine. Truly, I am.
[Meze] It is just that people keep suggesting to me that I need to make sure you are all right with all ... all this.
[Marga] What people?
[Meze] People who probably should keep their opinions to themselves, frankly.
* Marga laughs loudly at that.
[Marga] That doesn't shorten the list!
[Meze] Well, my twin brother, who I don't even know if you know him well. Giri. Jevai's Upward, you know.
[Meze] He is much more about feelings than I am.
[Marga] Not really, I mean, just what Jevai has mentioned.
[Marga] Why does he ... Why would he have an opinion about me, even?
[Meze] Anyway, he doesn't know you. But he did suggest that seeing so much death, that it wasn't good for a person. And he's not wrong, exactly. But like you say, you didn't know them.
[Meze] It's fine.
[Meze] I'm sure you're fine.
* Marga scrunches up her face again, puzzled
[Marga] Oh yeah, I've seen way worse than that.
[Marga] :)
[Meze] Yes, I'm sure you have.
[Meze] I know your father, you know that, of course.
[Marga] Lots of people know him, he's very important!
[Meze] Yes, he certainly is.
[Marga] Anyway, you can tell him I'm fine :)
* Meze laughs.
[Marga] A-number one!
[Meze] I assure you I will not do so.
[Marga] Well, alright then.
[Meze] I do not have a warm relationship with dear Tocha.
[Marga] Oh I meant your brother, haha.
* Meze laughs.
[Meze] Ahh ... well, he also should learn to focus on his own charge, and not mine.
[Meze] To whatever extent I think any of us can truly be fine, I believe you, Marga, that you are fine.
[Meze] Perhaps finer than most.
[Marga] Aw, thanks!
[Meze] Come with me, I have something to show you.
[Marga] Oh? Sure.
* Meze leads you out and down to the South Garden.
* Marga follows agreeably
* Meze leads you around and down to where there is a great barrel, open at the top, and full of earth, into which several pieces of curved shaped wood have been stuck.
[Meze] Do you know what this is?
[Marga] Nope!
[Marga] A barrel with sticks in it?
* Meze grabs the wood and sort of wiggles it with both hands, and then eventually draws it out. The wood is in fact a sort of crescent-shaped tube, wide at the bottom and with holes the size of your fist.
[Marga] Huh. Now I don't know what it is even more.
[Meze] Well, it is the best I could think of quickly.
* Meze slides it to one side, and three purple-black eggs roll gently out.
[Marga] Oh! The eggs!!
* Meze smiles and nods.
* Marga grins :D
[Meze] There were four, but Pavavi tells me that one of them either was never fertilized, or did not survive the journey.
[Marga] Aw. Well.. three's still pretty good.
* Marga peers at them curiously.
[Meze] He has various ideas of ways that shell could be used. But that interests me less.
[Marga] Does he know how long they'll take to hatch?
[Meze] He thinks it will be in late summer. Which to me, seems long for a snake, but then, these are very big snakes when grown ... and have two heads.
[Marga] WHat does the number of heads have to do with how long it takes to hatch?
[Meze] Well, it's just more that needs to grow. Heads are complicated.
[Marga] THat's certainly true...
[Meze] I don't really know what I'm doing here. Or even, whether it is advisable.
[Marga] This is so neat.
[Marga] We could have pet snakes, what's inadvisable about that? ].]
[Meze] I spoke to Naka, she thinks they are venomous, and that is my understanding also.
[Marga] Ohhh, hm...
[Marga] Well we could let them go when they're big enough to not just be... food
[Meze] You keep saying 'we' - are you willing to help me in this foolish hobby?
[Marga] Oh for sure! Definitely!!
* Meze smiles.
[Meze] There is little they need, for now. But I am confident that if they hatch, they will not simply be able to escape this little thing I have built.
[Meze] But there are plenty of insects and worms in the barrel, as long as we check them regularly.
[Meze] Then, once they are born, we can transfer them to some sort of cleverer container.
[Marga] Yeah, like a sort of... raised bed ? with a cover?
* Meze nods.
[Meze] Yes, exactly like that.
[Meze] Well, look, Marga. There was just one last thing I wanted to ask you.
[Meze] Have you heard from your, ah, friend Rechegoko recently?
[Marga] (I assume no?)
[Meze] (nope)
[Marga] Not since he left... :/ He's not much for writing letters
* Meze laughs.
[Meze] I'm confident he doesn't know how.
[Marga] I mean, probably.
[Marga] But he knows lots of other things
[Meze] If he does get in touch, tell him I'd like to speak with him. I didn't, really, when he was here, and I'm now regretting that.
[Marga] Alright, will do!
[Meze] Thanks, Marga. Now do try to get some sleep. I know you are excited, but your muscles are surely exhausted - even for you, that must have been a burden.
[Marga] Yeah. I made sure to do lots of stretches so I won't get all stiff

Izu talks to Veruve, awkwardly, about what he saw that day, and about Veruve’s relationship to Nemnu and to the other Nemni

[NemnostiGM] Izu, you have been spending a lot of time in the various libraries of the ulajeta on your various research. There is a real sense of purpose involved in doing this research into Hulti things that may help make the ulajeta safer. You may not be all muscly like Marga or Kuspir but you feel, just a little bit, like a defender of Nemnosti every day while poring through the old texts.
[NemnostiGM] You're seated at a table looking over some material one afternoon when your cousin, Veruve, comes in and sits right across from you with a book of her own.
* NemnostiGM is now known as Veruve
* Veruve opens her book and begins to read.
* Izu looks up, blushes slightly, and nods at her.
[Izu] Ah... Hi.
[Veruve] Hello, cousin.
[Veruve] Reading anything good?
[Izu] Oh... histories. Mostly dry things, but it's for research. Yourself?
[Veruve] My sister recently came back from a trip to Imperial Omba on Nemnu's behalf. I'm reading about the city.
[Izu] Ahh. Perhaps you should speak to Bistu if you are interested in the capital. I'm sure he would be glad to talk about it.
[Veruve] (so, tell me, how awkward is Izu being/feeling right now?)
[Izu] (Very)
[Veruve] (give me a Bluff check)
[Izu] !roll 1d20+1
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+1 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 1 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Veruve] Hmm. Maybe I should.
* Veruve pauses.
[Veruve] You don't have to be uncomfortable, Izu.
[Izu] I um... I have no idea what you mean...
[Veruve] You do.
* Izu glances around to see if anyone is within earshot.
[Veruve] (no one that you can see)
[Izu] (w) I am SO sorry. I... I had no idea...
[Veruve] There's nothing to apologize for.
[Izu] Is... do you... I mean... It's not something I'd ever even considered...
* Izu is beet red by now.
[Veruve] Your role here, with respect to Nemnu, is very intimate, Izu. You feed her, you clothe her. You see her in all sorts of states that, were she a Person, would be something one would only share with one's closest kin.
[Veruve] So ... mine is as well. With respect to her magic, and ...well, more.
[Izu] I see. I suppose it makes sense that she would have those sorts of... needs. She was once human.
* Veruve nods.
[Veruve] And you know, for most saints, they simply have no way to do so. But Nemnu, with her power of possession - it's different. And it's perfectly natural.
* Izu nods.
[Izu] Is She angry at me? For walking in? I swear I was only concerned about the... noises...
* Veruve laughs.
[Veruve] I think She thinks it was better you than almost anyone else at the ulajeta.
[Veruve] Have you told anyone else?
[Izu] No! Of course not!
[Izu] I would never
* Veruve smiles.
[Veruve] I was confident of that.
[Veruve] Honestly, I don't think She has thought about it much since that day at all.
* Izu nods.
[Veruve] That's not Her way, and it just doesn't bother Her.
[Izu] I suppose She has bigger things on her mind right now.
[Veruve] She certainly does.
[Veruve] Honestly though, cousin, I was more concerned for my sake, rather than Hers.
[Izu] Ah.
[Veruve] I do not want people to think badly of me.
[Izu] Veruve, I swear I will never say anything. I would not betray Her OR you. And, as you say, it's... natural.
* Veruve nods.
[Veruve] I know that. You know that. But there would be others here who would see it as ... lascivious. Or worse. That I had got my position as Her Vessel wrongly.
[Izu] I know that is not true.
[Veruve] But you surely know that there are some who are jealous of the closeness I share with Her.
[Izu] I do. I... I must admit that for a while... I was as well. When you were selected as her vessel, I wanted so much to be in your place. But I know that She chose you for a reason, and you have been faithful to her. I... I'm not sure that I could have... done your job.
* Veruve nods.
[Veruve] Well, She always chooses someone on the mystic's path. But you could have gone that route, if you had chosen to, I imagine.
[Veruve] But being a Vessel also comes with sacrifices. It is hard to be close to others. So whoever does it, of necessity, must be a bit apart from the rest of the ulajeta.
[Izu] But you are close to Her as no one else is. Even me.
[Veruve] That's true. But being ... unattainable - it is not easy. It is a temptation, for some.
[Veruve] Admirers can be a burden.
* Izu laughs quietly.
[Izu] That is a problem I am not so familiar with.
[Veruve] At least one of our cousins was very disappointed when I was adopted into the Nemni.
* Veruve smiles ruefully.
[Izu] Do you ever regret it?
[Veruve] Not the way you mean.
[Veruve] I don't know if I've ever really been in love with anyone, so I don't miss that.
* Izu nods.
[Veruve] I sometimes wish I could be ... more of a real Nemni. Like I feel that being adopted and becoming Vessel at around the same time means I don't have the same right to the name as anyone else.
[Izu] You have every right to the name. More than most, I'd wager. You have sacrificed much for Her.
[Veruve] Logically of course I know that.
[Veruve] But people do treat me differently, for whatever reason.
[Izu] That... I am more familiar with.
[Veruve] Anyway, Izu, I don't want you to be awkward on my account, and certainly not on Her account. She just doesn't feel shame or embarrassment the way we do, and like you say, She has many more important things on Her mind.
[Veruve] So let's never speak of it again - but definitely do feel free to speak to me, whenever you like.
* Veruve smiles.
* Izu smiles back.
[Izu] I will. I think perhaps we have more in common than I thought.
[Veruve] That is definitely true.

Jevai and Izu talk about Jevai’s worries about Nemnu and her willingness to deal with Saza

* Elanya is now known as Jevai
* Izu can be found in the stone garden, sitting on a bench with various chisels and hammers and other tools laid out nearby and a small slab of marble in front of him.
[Jevai] Ahh, Izu...there you are
* Izu looks up in surprise.
[Izu] Oh, Jevai. Yes. It was a nice enough day out. I thought I would take my work outside.
[Jevai] sorry to disturb your thoughts
[Izu] Please...
* Izu gestures at a nearby seat
[Izu] No trouble at all.
[Izu] Did you need me?
[Jevai] Oh, thank, but I don't expect to stay long, I just wanted to ask your advice
[Izu] Mmm?
* Izu flakes another chip off the statue he is carving. It seems about a foot long and serpentine with two large ovals at each end.
[Jevai] I need to speak with an ancestor at Akapa Sogo.... to speak with her, not just consult her with a few questions
[Jevai] is there one of the senior voices that you would recomend for that?
[Izu] Do you know which ancestor you are looking for? If not. I would say talk to Kailas. If you do, Probably Ingo. He has the most authority of all of us. I imagine few doors are closed to him anywhere in Naftusa.
[Jevai] I do, yes, thank you.
[Izu] Is this related to the investigation?[Jevai] not the investigation, but security* Izu nods.
[Izu] Would you like me to speak to Ingo with you? I know him pretty well.
[Jevai] Mm, no, I think it will be fine, but thank you.
* Izu shrugs.
[Izu] As you will. Let me know if I can help with anything more.
* Jevai considers*
* Jevai sems maybe more tired or drawn than she usually does
* Izu takes a long look at her.
[Izu] Are you alright?
* Jevai smiles lightly
[Jevai] I'm fine
[Jevai] Everyone is very stressed right now
[Izu] !roll 1d20+15* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 18 ].
[Izu] (SM)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 30 ].
[Jevai] (just the expected amount of stressed probably ].])
* Izu nods and looks back at his sculpture.
[Izu] Yes, everyone is on edge right now.
[Jevai] Yes.... the Lady as well.
* Izu pauses midchisel stroke.
[Izu] Yes.
[Izu] I've never seen her worried before. Not like this. It.. disturbs me.
[Izu] We need to find this... shaman. Soon.
[Jevai] we will are doing our best. But... If she listens to you, please...help her to keep her fear form compromising her decisions.
* Izu gives you a quizzical look.
[Izu] The lady is worried, but I have faith in her judgement.
[Izu] So should we all. Especially now.
[Jevai] The Lady needs staunchess, Izu, not blind loyalty. That is how we can best support her.
[Jevai] As through her own teachings
[Jevai] If you cannot see that she can be affected by fear, how can you stand by her and help her to be her best?
[Izu] I know Her teachings better than most here. I am not blind. I know she is affected by fear, but also I know that she knows many things we do not. I do not believe her judgement is compromised. Not now. Not yet.
[Izu] !roll 1d20+15
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 21 ].
[Izu] (SM)[Jevai] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 13 ].
* Izu gives you another appraising look.
* Jevai looks for a moment like she might just grab you by the shoulders and shake you, and you can see that absolutely fury and frustration that has been eating at her for days
[Jevai] You're wrong, Izu
* Jevai says, sounding more calm that she probably has any right to
[Izu] Perhaps...
[Izu] What is it that worries you?[Jevai] Please just take care for her.
[Izu] I will. Jevai... is there is something you know that the rest of us should as well?
* Jevai considers aagin
[Jevai] She wants to send one of her acolytes to the person who gave the password to the lanky stones to her enemy, in exchange for this person's help, to repair that breach in security. That this person caused.
* Izu considers that for a moment.
[Izu] You know this for certain? And so does the lady?
[Izu] (The Lady)
[Jevai] I'm certain enough.
[Izu] Is there anyone else who can repair the stones?
[Jevai] We will see about that.
[Jevai] Thank you Izu.
* Izu nods.
[Izu] Jevai... Take care not to let your anger and worry affect YOUR decisions.
* Jevai gives you what might seem like a calm look and mild smile but you also get the feeling that she might want to murder you on the spot.
[Jevai] Of course, Izu.
* Jevai will take her leave
* Izu will watch after her and then return to his carving.

Alai gets a visit from Elof Losturi, who asks her about the Abyssal magic that became apparent during her duel with Avrubai

* Vess is now known as Alai
[NemnostiGM] Alai, you don't know what you expected would happen when you accepted the duel with Avrubai, but one of the side effects has been that some folks are keeping more of a distance from you than would otherwise have been the case.
[NemnostiGM] It's just a step out wide of you, or a moment's glance, that lets you know that you have made an impact. Whether it was the duel itself (unlikely, given that it's hardly the first one at Nemnosti) or your Abyssal magic, or just a general fear of your demeanour, well, it's done now.
[NemnostiGM] About a week after the duel, you're having lunch, by yourself, in the great curved dining room of the Carver's Hall, when Elof Losturi comes and just sits down across from you wordlessly.
* Elof starts eating his lunch
* Alai looks wordlessly at him, with an expecting look
[Elof] The shoots are tasty, don't you think?
[Alai] That's what you wish to discuss is the shoots? Fine... everyone around here takes too little salt on thier food, even the shoots.
[Elof] Well it seemed that starting by asking about your duel last week would be a bit abrupt. But if you wish, we can get right to it.
[Elof] I know your people prefer directness.
[Alai] Is not a flaw... what of the duel? it happened, it ended. Avrubai is better for it.
[Elof] Not the duel itself.
[Elof] I do not disagree that Avrubai has learned much from it.
[Elof] I wanted to ask about you.
[Alai] It helped relieve much frustration for me. I'
[Alai] I'm a joy to be around now.
* Elof chuckles.
[Elof] Something happened, though, during the duel. Something with respect to your magic?
[Elof] I wasn't there, but there were a number of witnesses.
[Alai] I may have... been a little exuberent in relieving my frustration.
* Alai picks her words carefully
[Elof] Not just exuberance, Alai. That's not why people are avoiding you.
[Alai] I can imagine why they are
[Elof] Explain it to me, then, in whatever terms you have available to you.
* Alai unconsiously tightens the grip on her fork.
* Alai glances to see who else is listening to this conversation
[Elof] (it doesn't appear that there's anyone else immediately in your vicinity - a fortunate byproduct of people avoiding you)
[Alai] It is personal.
[Elof] What does that mean, Ozel?
[Elof] Many things are personal. Source is not personal.
[Alai] I am willing to discuss it with you.
[Alai] (emphasis on the "am")
[Elof] All right. But ... ?
[Alai] Oh, no but, I was just seeing if you would suggest to go someplace more private, instead of discussing in middle of the dining room in Carver's Hall. Seems not to be the case.
* Alai shrugs
[Elof] If you would prefer, then certainly. We can finish eating and then go to my office.
[Alai] Yes lets do that.
[Elof] (all right, you can finish up your lunch and then head over to Elof's office, next to the archive where the ulajeta's aisamonne are kept.)
* Alai finishes eating in silence, ignoring Elof, until she is done.
[Elof] So. I have questions.
[Elof] Whatever happened at the duel - was it intentional?
[Alai] I was angry and frustrated, not at Avrubai. I let it get the better of me. So, there was choice in there.
[Elof] Has it happened before?
[Alai] Not like that, exactly, but I am aware of the...
* Alai seems to be trying to find words
[Alai] I can close my eyes and feel it...
[Elof] What is 'it'?
[Alai] Just beyond, in my mind...
[Alai] It is chaos, passion... power...
* Alai looks hard straight at Elof
* Elof looks right back at you, clearly deep in thought.
[Alai] my people have a name for it... that dark place in the depth of the waters... the Abyss.
[Elof] Hmmm.
[Elof] Abyss.
[Elof] Have you always had this connection, do you think?
[Elof] Or only since you have been learning to manipulate Source?
[Elof] Or more recently than that?
[Alai] maybe it has always been there? I only noticed it when I touched the Source.
[Elof] Does She know you have this connection?
[Alai] We have not discussed it directly. She is clever and wise. I'm sure she is aware of something.
[Elof] Do other Luetkan mystics have this connection, to your knowledge?
[Alai] I haven't met another one.
[Elof] Hmm, but I suppose you came here very young, didn't you? You may not know that many Luetkan mystics.
* Elof is deep in thought.
[Elof] Have you investigated this power? Seen if it has been discussed elsewhere?
* Alai shakes her head no
[Alai] I thought it was just me... in my mind.
[Elof] I assure you that it has a physical manifestation, or at least, it did, to the onlookers to your duel.
[Elof] They described it as a kind of embodiment of darkness ... which I suppose makes sense, given what you have told me.
[Alai] The Source can have many manifestations. By chance, or lineage, I've learned to tap a part of myself, that makes me stronger. If it manifests in a way people don't like, that's their choice.
[Alai] We need strength right now.
[Elof] It's not about them. Well ... it is, but I am more interested to know that it is safe for you. Strong and dead is not a contradiction.
[Alai] I'm not looking to die any time soon. I enjoy living too much. That does not mean I will not push myself to do what I feel I must.
[Alai] Just like many here.
[Elof] Well I will not ask you not to do what you feel you must.
[Elof] Just perhaps to suggest that a duel with a young man is not one of those circumstances.
[Alai] Point taken.
[Alai] He was just trying to cheer me up. I did go a little overboard.
[Elof] And also, to suggest that inquiry into this power, knowledge of what it is that you have, can only be to your benefit.
* Alai nods
[Elof] If you need assistance, I know it is not your nature to ask for it, but I would offer it freely, if I can be helpful.
* Alai tilts her head, and touches her lip.
[Alai] I think I am good for now.
[Elof] Very well.
[Alai] I have help if I need it.
[Elof] I will not keep you further, then.
* Alai nods and walks out.
* Alai pauses after the door to the office closes, tension draining out of her. She closes her eyes and call of the distant ocean depth echoes faintly in the back of her head.
* Alai opens her eyes, resolved and heads out.