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Diablotin Game 50 From RocksfallWiki [edit] Summary

Fourth-month, 2197:

   * 1st: Loick and Katia ask Belden to marry them in a week's time, and she agrees, with some reservations, which are cleared up after she talks to Kalman (Solo 55).
   * 2nd: Falke and Catiana meet and talk about Grey, mostly. Kalman visits Zephirine and learns that she and Turien are no longer seeing each other. Pavo has his first rehearsal for his new play.
   * 3rd: Loch talks to Corwen about his family and his love-life. Boden receives a magic sword from Eudelin. Althea's daughter Theonée is born.
   * 5th: Kalman and Falke talk about Zephirine. (Solo 56). 

[edit] Logs

   * Solo 55
   * Game 50
   * Solo 56 

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Categories: Diablotin | Diablotin games