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Falke Sathin From RocksfallWiki

Falke is average height and is built like a male gymnast, slender but well-muscled. His hair is dark brown, now frosted with silver, and he has green eyes. He is not exceedingly handsome, but he can turn on the charm when necessary, and he moves with a lithe grace.

Falke is often aloof but at times he can be intensely emotional. Growing up in Pearl City and lacking an education, he perceives himself as being at a disadvantage, and tries hard to overcome it. He is quite intelligent which makes him feel his ignorance even more keenly. Experiences from his youth have led him to be extremely distrustful, though he has recently started becoming more confident in his squadmates. Falke is extremely loyal to his family and closest friends, and to those who have earned his trust.

Born the 12th day of Fourth Month, 2176. Grew up with his best friend, Lukas Gambrell, who is slightly older. As a boy, would often snoop around the richer neighborhoods and began honing various questionable skills. In 2188, fell in with some boys his age but of higher social station and began stealing from their parents to support their sheen habit. Was later betrayed by the boys and beaten to within an inch of his life by their dealer, whom they owed money. In 2194, was recruited by Catiana Rademacher, a noblewoman of House Wolf, who taught him to read and write in exchange for various services rendered. In third month of 2196, he joined the Imperial Guard and was posted to Pearl City, where he was placed in a squad with the rest of the "heroes" of the campaign.

Falke eventually discovered that he was descended from Martan Kizer through an illegitimate line. Thus, Althea Deverara is his aunt, and Fiodus Casavant his uncle. Martan (now known as Lord Grey) took a liking to his grandson Falke and adopted him as his heir.

Not long before saving the world, Falke married Ilse Gambrell. She is now pregnant with their first child, and Falke is extremely excited about being a father.

A doodle of Falke, just starting out as a guard. Retrieved from "http://www.otakalypse.com/rocksfall/index.php/Falke_Sathin"

Categories: Characters | Diablotin | House Wolf