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Tristane Dizon From RocksfallWiki

The younger daughter of her family, Tristane pursued the unusual course of action (for a noblewoman) of joining the Imperial Guard and serving in Pearl City, where she initally met the PCs. When Falke Sathin joined the squad, Tristane was transferred, but she remained friendly with her former squadmates.

Her older sister Sekia Kauzlarich, who had been considering putting herself forward as a candidate for the throne, was assassinated by Jux Maeda. As a result, Tristane wound up submitting to the test of the Arch in her place after the death of Enzephir, and was chosen as Empress. She retained a close bond with those who underwent the testing with her, especially Althea Deverara, who became her lover. Tristane declared at one point that she would marry Althea. Together, they raised Althea's baby, Theonée.

An attempt on her life by Nouel Izaguirre was thwarted by Althea's timely intervention. Retrieved from "http://www.otakalypse.com/rocksfall/index.php/Tristane_Dizon"

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