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Ashnabis session logs
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Session date: June 20, 2021
Fair Cycle date:


<AshnabisGM> After your trip to the village of Akuuram to help move Batsrau, Irada, and their children, the journey home is peaceful.
<AshnabisGM> The high waters of the Kaskos as Khurar turns to Pesme make the trip quick and easy and you settle yourselves back into life in Kaskind. The rains should let up now, which should make everyone in town a little less cranky.
<AshnabisGM> During your absence, many plans have been put into place - Jimba, Liraula has been working on your new boat, the Fortune, and Llillilli, your allies have been preparing for your upcoming pfullaes. Katenzhi, your house is almost fully ready not only for you and Gefraz, but for new guests as well.
<AshnabisGM> As for you, Veznara, absolutely nothing interesting happened whatsoever, nope, just a perfectly normal span of time without your colleagues to bother you, that's what it was. Just the way you like it!

Katenzhi and Gefraz go to pick up Divrola and Ghesmin and bring them to their new home

<AshnabisNarrator> Katenzhi, it's been long enough since your wedding for the disruptions surrounding it to have settled down, and the house is more or less completed, although you think it will always be a work in progress.
* Gefraz is eager to bring Divrola and Ghesmin to join him, although he keeps fussing over their rooms and worrying about whether they'll like the house or not.
<Gefraz> What if they think it's too hot? I think it gets a good crossbreeze when the windows are open, but it's still going to be warmer than they're used to...
<Gefraz> Maybe we should wait until we get those rugs in place, it'll hide the uneven bit of the floor and be softer if Ghesmin trips...
<Katenzhi> They will be fine! I'm sure she'll just be happy to see you.
<Gefraz> And I'm not sure if there are enough teacups. There are only four in the house. What if Bivizmi and Sarduvos want to have tea with us too some evening, then there wouldn't be enough to go around...
<Katenzhi> Then I just drink wine. We're fine!
* Gefraz smiles at that
<Gefraz> Well... you're probably right.
<Katenzhi> Look, I know you're nervos, but it will be ok.
* Katenzhi will give her husband a friendly pat on the back
<Gefraz> Are you ready to have them here too?
* Katenzhi sighs.
<Katenzhi> I think so? As much as I'll ever be.
<Katenzhi> I mean, what's the worst that can happen?
<Katenzhi> Don't answer that.
* Gefraz gives you a Look.
<Katenzhi> It will be fiiiiiine.
* Gefraz takes a deep breath and nods firmly.
<Gefraz> All right. Then tomorrow, if that's okay with you, let's go and get them.
* Katenzhi nods.
<Katenzhi> Alright. Are they ready on their end?
<Gefraz> Well... I don't know, I haven't got an easy way to let them know. But she'll surely know that my family have come back from after the wedding and things are settled down, so I hope she'll be expecting it.
<Katenzhi> Should I send her a message? Let her know to expect us tomorrow?
<Katenzhi> Surprises are probably best avoided right now.
<Gefraz> If that wouldn't be too difficult, maybe that's a good idea.
<Katenzhi> Sure, no problem. Just let me know what you want sent.
<Katenzhi> (I assume just letting them know we're coming and asking if we should bring anything or do anything beforehand).
<Gefraz> Uh... I guess tell her that we'll come tomorrow and ask her to get whatever things ready that they want to bring?
<Katenzhi> Sure. I can do that.
<AshnabisNarrator> Okay, so you want to do a Sending to her?
<Katenzhi> (Yes. Let's say "House is ready. Gefraz and I are coming tomorrow to get you. Get ready want you want to bring. Anything you need?")
<AshnabisNarrator> okay
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+16
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 28 ].
* Lan-home rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 19 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> we'll go with the first one ;)
<Katenzhi> (lol, thanks :3 )
<AshnabisNarrator> The reply you'll get back is just "We'll be ready. We don't need anything more than what we already have and what Gefraz has prepared."
<Katenzhi> She says she's ready. And that she doesn't need us to bring anything.
<Gefraz> All right... I guess that's as good as we can expect.
<Katenzhi> Relax. It will be fine. Isn't this what you've been looking forward to for years?
<Gefraz> Yes... but sometimes when you imagine something for so long, the reality is hard to accept.
* Katenzhi nods.
<Katenzhi> Yeah. I understand.
<Gefraz> She'll have changed. I've changed. I guess I just worry that... what we had when we were younger, won't be so easy to recapture.
<Gefraz> ...What if she doesn't feel the same anymore? Or doesn't want to stay once she gets there?
* Gefraz sighs.
<Katenzhi> Then we'll figure it out. It's going to take work, but if you both want it to happen, there's no reason it can't.
<Gefraz> Ghesmin is barely going to know who I am. I hope she's still young enough that she'll adjust, but it might be hard for her too.
<Gefraz> I just worry that I'm being selfish. By asking them to uproot their lives and come here, just because I want to be near them.
<Katenzhi> Is it what Divrola wants too?
<Gefraz> I mean, I think so. She says so, when we've had the chance to talk to one another, but it could be different than what she expects.
<Katenzhi> She doesn't strike me as the type to do something that she doesn't want to do.
<Gefraz> I guess the only way to really find out is to try it. And if it doesn't work out, then we'll deal with that then.
<Katenzhi> Just let me know if there's anything I can do. I want this to work too.
* Gefraz nods
<Gefraz> I'm sure she will let us both know if there's anything that she isn't happy about, or wants to change.
<Gefraz> Thank you.
<Katenzhi> It'll be an adjustment for her, but we'll do what we can to make it easier. And remember this is for you too. It does no good if you make yourself miserable to make her happy.
* Gefraz nods
<Gefraz> That's true... I appreciate your support in all of this. I know it isn't easy.
<Gefraz> I guess we'll go tomorrow, then. I'll try to get some sleep...
<AshnabisNarrator> Okay, so you can make any needed preparations for the trip to Kindi Nasku, where you will be picking up Divrola and her daughter to come and live with you. Where in the city do you want to aim for with your teleport?
<Katenzhi> Good idea. It's gonna be a long day
<Katenzhi> (Whereabouts does she live?)
<Katenzhi> (I guess just outside the city, but hopefully near where she lives, if that's a possibility.)
<AshnabisNarrator> She lives in the lower part of the city nearer to the docks. You've been to her house before so you could aim for somewhere near there.
<AshnabisNarrator> Like outside it or in a nearby street or something.
<Katenzhi> (That works.)
<AshnabisNarrator> Okay, roll for your spell just to be sure nothing goes horribly wrong :)
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+16
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 31 ].
<Katenzhi> (Woot)
<AshnabisNarrator> okay
<AshnabisNarrator> !roll 1d100
* @Lan-werk rolls for AshnabisNarrator: [ 1d100 ] getting [ 2 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> you're good ;)
<AshnabisNarrator> The city is large and busy as always, with numerous ships in the port and travelers coming and going. You arrive near Divrola's humble home in the lower part of the city.
* Gefraz takes a moment to steady himself before he knocks.
* Divrola opens the door. She looks like she has been baking something, as her hands and apron are dusted with flour.
<Divrola> Oh, you're here!
* Divrola hugs Gefraz, getting flour on him as well.
* Katenzhi waves
<Gefraz> We are :) Did we interrupt you?
<Divrola> No, I was just finishing up something... come in, you don't have to stand in the street.
* Divrola invites you into her small home, where in the kitchen there are a batch of small round cakes cooling.
<Divrola> I thought... I'd like to do something nice for everyone, some food to share when we get to our new home.
<Katenzhi> It smells good!
<Gefraz> I'm looking forward to it.
<Gefraz> Is there anything you need help with, getting packed or anything?
<Divrola> We're mostly ready, we don't have a lot to bring. Clothes, Ghesmin's toys, a few kitchen things and so on. I assume you have furniture already.
<Gefraz> Yes, although if there's anything you really wanted, we might be able to fit it in?
<Divrola> I got most things ready last night.
<AshnabisNarrator> The two of you help Divrola get any last remaining things together, including bundling the cakes up into a cloth bag to transport them, and she brings Ghesmin to join you as you make the final preparations.
<Katenzhi> Are we ready?
<Gefraz> Hi Ghesmin... we're going to our new house now. I hope you'll like it.
* Divrola nods
<Divrola> I think that's everything. I already told my family that they should come take anything that's left, after we're gone. Probably one of them will move in here, I expect.
* Katenzhi nods.
<Gefraz> Anything else that we need, we can get there.
<Divrola> I hope so. And I hope there's plenty of room...
<Katenzhi> Oh, no problem there. It's huge.
<Divrola> Good. The new baby will need space too.
* Katenzhi does a double take.
<Gefraz> you mean... like in the future, a new baby might arrive? Or you mean... now?
<Divrola> Well, after you visited last time... I trusted that you meant it that we'd be together again soon.
<Gefraz> Oh, wow, okay :)
<Gefraz> I did mean it. We won't have to be apart again.
* Katenzhi smiles.
* Gefraz gives her a kiss.
<Gefraz> I guess we should get going... Kat, are you ready?
<Katenzhi> If everyone else is. Might want to close Ghesmin's eyes for this. It can be kinda scary if you don't know what's happening.
<Divrola> Okay - close your eyes, sweetheart, and we'll be there before you know it.
* Divrola holds her daughter close
<AshnabisNarrator> One more roll for your spell :)
<Katenzhi> Hold on to your butts!
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+16
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 17 ].
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d100
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d100 ] getting [ 16 ].
<Katenzhi> (Visual effects! Not bad at all!)
<AshnabisNarrator> You disappear in a puff of glittery smoke for drama ;)
<AshnabisNarrator> !roll 1d100
* @Lan-werk rolls for AshnabisNarrator: [ 1d100 ] getting [ 70 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> and arrive safely back at your new home.
<Katenzhi> (Yay!)
* Gefraz will undertake to show Divrola and Ghesmin around :)
* Katenzhi will tag along. :3
* Divrola seems happy with the house and furnishings although she does mention several times how hot it is ;)
<Katenzhi> (lol)

Junan accompanies Widiil to identify the body of her nephew and question his spirit

<AshnabisNarrator> Junan, you are at home early one evening, just finishing up the remains of your meal, when there is a knock at your door.
* Junan not feeling any sense of danger will happily set aside his meal and open the door
* Widiil is standing outside in the drizzling rain, wrapped in a light cloak.
<Widiil> Good evening, I hope I'm not interrupting you?
<Junan> I was just finishing up, please, come in our of the weather.
* Junan will let her in and offer to take her cloak
<Widiil> Thank you...
* Widiil steps inside but keeps her cloak for now.
<Widiil> I heard word that a body has been found, washed up along the river near Timiil today. A young man, unidentified as yet.
* Junan frowns
<Widiil> I need to go see if it might be Atsusei.
<Widiil> Will you come with me? You've been involved throughout this ordeal, and if it is him... I want you to also know what became of him.
* Junan nods
<Junan> Let me grab my own cloak.
<Widiil> I don't know whether to hope it's him, to know that he is at rest and not suffering, and no longer have to wonder of his fate, or to hope that it's not him, that this pain belongs to another family instead.
<Junan> None of those thoughts are ill willed... best to find the truth of it quickly to find some easing of your mind either way.
* Widiil nods grimly.
* Widiil walks the road to Timiil with you, a trip that feels longer than its hour-long duration.
<Junan> Do you need a disguise? Are free to walk openly?
<Widiil> I will be all right. In such weather, I doubt anyone will be looking too closely.
<Junan> True enough I guess... nobody will believe its me out there.
* Widiil keeps her hood up over her head
* Junan keeps pace with her, despite his own desire to be out of the weather faster.
<AshnabisNarrator> Unknown or unclaimed bodies are taken to the Temple of the Voice in order that they may be identified if possible, so that is where you venture with Widiil.
<AshnabisNarrator> The head priest, Voice Elukir, will receive you.
* Divrola is now known as Elukir
<Elukir> How may I help you?
<Widiil> I understand there is a young man's body that was found by the river. My nephew, Atsusei Laulida, has been missing for about six months. I want to see if it could be him.
<Elukir> Certainly, you may examine the remains.
* Elukir will have some junior priests bring the body forth, covered in a cloth.
* Elukir carefully draws back the cloth to let her see the face, and she bursts into tears.
<Widiil> It's him... oh, I was afraid it would be. My poor nephew...
<Junan> Are you certain?
* Widiil nods tearfully
<Elukir> I am sorry for your sorrow, but it is good to know that he is known now and can be taken to rest with his ancestors. We can prepare the body for travel, if you wish.
<Widiil> Yes... but I also want to talk with him. You can ask him how he died, can't you?
<Elukir> We can, yes. We can pose up to three questions, and if he knows the answer, he can tell us.
* Widiil looks over at you.
<Junan> If you wish me to aid you in crafting questions, I will do so.
<Widiil> Yes... if you would. I want to be sure that whatever answers we get are helpful, as much as possible.
<Junan> very well.
<Junan> (to Elukir) has anyone else asked about this body?
<Elukir> We did have another who came, seeking to know if it might be a relative of theirs who was lost while fishing on the river, but they found it was not the man they sought.
<Junan> can you describe them?
<Junan> So first question would be "how were you killed"... depending on the answer, the obvious second question would be "who was responsible"
<Elukir> A woman, dark hair and skin, perhaps around thirty or so, who said she was looking for her brother.
<Junan> (anything close to those in Zefa's circle?)
<Elukir> Not someone from this town, I did not know her, but there are so many newcomers in Kaskind, I cannot be familiar with them all.
<AshnabisNarrator> Well, Zefa is around 30 ish, she has brown hair and fairly light skin though - but as you say, envoys are good at disguises. it is not impossible it could have been her, but it could have been someone else too.
<Junan> (and could I use my Sense Thoughts to get a better image of how he remembers it?)
<Junan> (ie not rely on how he's describing it, but how he really remembers)
<AshnabisNarrator> Sure, you could try it anyway - if he's lying or deliberately omitting information you might be able to pick that up for instance.
<Junan> (I will do so)
<Junan> (with moment of prescience)
<AshnabisNarrator> Okay, so you make a sense motive check at -10
<Junan> !roll 1d20+14
* @Lan-werk rolls for Junan: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 15 ].
<Junan> (ill destiny reroll that)
<AshnabisNarrator> ok
<Junan> !roll 1d20+14
* @Lan-werk rolls for Junan: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 15 ].
<AshnabisGM> !roll 1d20+10
* @Lan-werk rolls for AshnabisGM: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 26 ].
* Elukir is a thinking mind, he has an int of 12, and his surface thoughts are concerned with comforting Widiil, preparing to communicate with the dead body, and maybe a bit confused about what your purpose is here (boyfriend? professional associate?). That is, you don't get any sense that he's lying or concealing information.
<Junan> and I'll let you know about the third question once we get the first two answered.
<Widiil> All right...
<Elukir> Very well.
* Elukir will make the preparations for the ritual to speak with the dead man.
<Elukir> We come before you, Atsusei of the Laulida, to seek your wisdom.
<Elukir> Let me know of what matter you wish to inquire of him, and I will convey his words to you.
* Elukir says once he's ready.
<Widiil> How did you die?
* Elukir listens to the voice only he can hear, and after a few moments, he replies.
<Elukir> While travelling back to Charadip, he was overtaken, attacked and stabbed, and died swiftly there.
<Widiil> Who was responsible for the attack?
* Elukir again pauses to listen, then speaks aloud the response.
<Elukir> Although she was disguised, he says he believes it was Zefa of the Teltai who killed him.
<Junan> What did he learn of Zefa of Teltai's activities that would want her to kill him?
* Elukir listens, rather longer this time, to the voice of the dead envoy.
<Elukir> He learned of her working with the mystics of Charadip in an effort to start a war that she would profit from.
* Widiil frowns at that.
<Junan> (is there any sense of deception in his words? Do I feel he is representing what he heard truthfully?)
<AshnabisNarrator> You can roll a sense motive
<Junan> (ill moment of precience it as well)
<AshnabisNarrator> ok
<Junan> !roll 1d20+24
* @Lan-werk rolls for Junan: [ 1d20+24 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 24 ] totals [ 44 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> You believe he is reporting truthfully what he heard - which means, that's what Atsusei believed was the reason. Of course it's always possible Atsusei was wrong, as the dead can only report what they knew or understood in life, but you don't think Elukir is misrepresenting anything at least.
* Junan looks at Widiil
<Widiil> Thank you...
<Widiil> It is better that we know the truth. Would you be willing to bring this testimony before a reckoner if necessry?
<Elukir> If that was required, I could, or any Voice could, yes.
<Widiil> Then I ask that you prepare my nephew's remains for transport, so that I can bring him to rest with his ancestors, and so that we may use his words to bring justice to his murderer.
<Junan> I'm sure you can appreciate some of the implications of the words you have heard.
<Elukir> Certainly.
* Junan says to Elukir
<Elukir> An accusation of murder is always serious. The words of the dead are often taken into account in trials.
<Widiil> We must keep this quiet for now, or any of us could be in danger. If she has killed before to keep her business secret, she may do so again.
<Junan> Yes, discretion on your part is highly appropriate.
<Elukir> Of course.
<Elukir> Do you wish to wait here while we prepare the body?
<Widiil> Yes.
* Elukir will take away the body for preparation, then, leaving you and Widiil alone.
* Widiil clenches her fists in anger and stress.
<Junan> What is your plan? Teleport back to Basai?
<Widiil> I think we need to keep him close right now. There may be more questions that he can answer.
<Widiil> Eventually, yes, I will take him to rest with his ancestors, but right now he will stay with me.
<Widiil> We can't risk anyone getting hold of his remains or consulting with them.
<Junan> There are people that I need to inform of this... its as worse as I had imagined.
<Widiil> People you trust?
<Junan> Yes. People we will need to get justice for your nephew.
* Widiil nods
* Junan fumes
<Widiil> If you say they're trustworthy, then I accept that.
<Junan> that stupid, selfish, greedy, hateful woman... the mess she has caused.
<Widiil> The bigger problem... a war? can we use this to stop that as well?
<Junan> That is my hope, as long as its claws haven't sunk too deep.
<Widiil> I hope that's the case.
<Junan> fortunately the weather is putting a damp on everything so there should still be time.
<Widiil> ... Thank you for being here. I know this is not your family, or your homeland, but I appreciate your kindness in staying with me through this.
<Junan> I couldnt just abandon a request like yours, and my motives are not entirely selfless.
<Junan> Such disrepectful actions of an Envoy taints us all and can't be tolerated.
* Widiil nods.
<Widiil> she turned against one of her own. I trust the envoys will not overlook such an offense.
<Junan> hardly
* Widiil will wait with you until the body is prepared for travel, and then will teleport back with it, and you.

Junan performs a Sending to let Jaigadu know about Atsusei's body being found

<AshnabisNarrator> Junan, you can attempt a Sending to Jaigadu. First, roll for casting it, to make sure it works.
* Junan will cast eagles splendor on himself first to make the spell more likely to be successful
<Junan> !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Junan: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 23 ].
<Junan> (now for Sending)
<Junan> !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Junan: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 29 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> Okay, what do you want to say?
<Junan> Atsuei of the Laulida's body found. Questions by Voice. Zefa implicated in his death. Also implicated in start war with Charadip. Need to Act.
<AshnabisNarrator> okay, give me a sec to think of what he'll answer.
<AshnabisNarrator> "This is serious cause for concern. Keep quiet until I can return and help deal with this internally."
* Junan is gonna hold up with Widiil for a few days is she wants the company or live as a starving painter instead
<AshnabisNarrator> (heh okay)
<AshnabisNarrator> (she would accept the company)

Daifan speaks to Ula Khozra through Shira

<AshnabisNarrator> Daifan, with Batsrau and Irada and their children safely away, your house is emptier and quieter now, which on the one hand is a little bit sad, but also something of a relief as it means you have a place of your own to sleep again.
<AshnabisNarrator> You are keeping an eye on Shira today as Chimi is taking a load of cloth she's woven into town, hopefully to sell to some less-than-picky merchant, and Idovo is out fishing. 03
* Widiil is now known as Shira
* Shira is walking pretty well these days, with only occasional falls or need for assistance. She can now babble a dozen or so words, including mama, dada, cat, frog, and deedee, which is what she calls you.
<Daifan> :3
* Shira 's curly dark hair is longer now, getting into her eyes, so you have tied it into two little pigtails to keep it out of the way.
<Daifan> :3 :3
* Shira is sitting on the porch, playing with a handful of pebbles and a clay pot, putting the pebbles into the container and then laughing as she dumps them out, then repeating the process.
<Shira> Can anyone hear me?
* Shira says in her childish voice.
* Daifan lounges in the doorway
* Daifan sits up
<Daifan> Shira?
<Shira> Who are you?
<Daifan> ...who are *you*
<Daifan> Why are you speaking through my daugter
<Shira> My name is Khozra, and I seek your aid.
* Shira speaks in a slightly old-fashioned fashion, that reminds you in some way of Lentus - an older choice of words or an unfamiliar accent.
<Daifan> ugh, are you that stupid saint >.>
<Shira> To whom am I speaking?
<Daifan> I am Daifan
<Shira> I cannot speak like this for long, for it requires much of my strength.
<Daifan> ugh. Where are you.
<Shira> And I have no wish to harm your daughter.
<Daifan> . o O (good)
<Shira> I am kept in a place that does not understand me, that does not speak with my tongue, and I believe they have ill intentions for me.
<Shira> For many years I was alone, with only a few who could hear my will, and none who came to my aid.
<Shira> Now, I am no longer alone, but neither am I with my people.
<Daifan> what does their langueage sound like
<Shira> A little like the Omban I knew, but different. Your words are closer to what I knew in life.
<Shira> They keep me in isolation, in their temple in the swamp.
<Daifan> ugh. I will help you, but you will promise to leave my daughter alone until she is old enough to decide for herself what she wants.
<Daifan> and if you break that promise, you'll have to deal with more than me
<Shira> As I said, I do not wish to harm your daughter. There may be other ways I can communicate, but it is more difficult. There was another who could receive my voice, but I think that connection is broken now.
<Daifan> Ufrim. Ugh.
<Daifan> Promise me you'll leave her around if we find you.
<Shira> If you find me and bring me to safety, I will leave her alone until she reaches an age of reason, as you say.
<Daifan> Okay.
<Daifan> what can you tell me of these people
<Shira> They live in a village in the swamp, they keep much to themselves. Now I see only a few of their priests from time to time.
<Daifan> is the temple sinking into the swamp?
<Shira> No, it seems stable.
<Shira> They have another saint like myself, a young woman named Sashni.
<Daifan> okay.
<Daifan> How long have they had you?
<Shira> Time... is difficult to judge. I think perhaps a year?
<Daifan> Okay. I know the family.
<Daifan> We can find it.
<Daifan> What are their intentions?
<Shira> They do not speak of it openly around me, but I think... they intend to use my strength to make their own saint stronger. I do not know how this is possible, but when they took me from my resting place they said that I could feed her.
<Daifan> Ugh...
<Daifan> (Have I heard anything form or about Ufrim lately?)
<AshnabisNarrator> you think he's around generally - you haven't heard specifics but he hasn't like... gone missing or something, as far as you know.
<Daifan> (okay)
<Shira> I must release this communion shortly, my strength is waning. But you will help me?
<Daifan> Yes
* Daifan says grudgingly
<Shira> Very well. I will keep my promise to your daughter.
<Daifan> Good.
* Shira looks around, hiccups, and bursts into tears as she runs over to your side and clings to you.
<Daifan> It's okay baby
* Daifan picks her up
<Daifan> its going to be okay
* Shira seems more startled than anything else, and she calms down pretty quickly once you are holding her.
* Daifan will cuddle her a bit
<Daifan> (until she's sick of t and wants to go play more, anyway ;)
<AshnabisNarrator> You can talk to them once they get back home, and Shira's gone down for a nap.
* Daifan probably seems a bit stressed
<Chimi> Is something the matter?
<Daifan> Yes.
* Chimi asks, seeing your expression
<Idovo> What's wrong?
<Daifan> Do you remember when Ufrim came?
<Daifan> and said all those things about Shira, and that saint of his?
<Idovo> Sure... he had some crazy story about a saint and Shira and all that...
<Daifan> The saint Spoke to me through her
* Daifan frowns
<Chimi> what? how?
<Daifan> (angrily)
<Idovo> Is she all right? What did it say?
<Daifan> Just.... her little voice, and his stuid oldfashioned omban.
<Daifan> She was startled, but shes okay.
<Daifan> He wants to be rescued form the Sashnir before they feed hihm to their secret saint :p
<Idovo> uhh. what?
* Daifan sighs
<Daifan> wel, that's what he wants.
<Chimi> How is this our problem? >.> I mean, if he does get eaten, he leaves Shira alone... right?
<Daifan> maybe.
<Daifan> BUt they having been causing peope for other people I care about too
<Daifan> they've killed people to keep their secret
<Idovo> did you tell Ufrim about this yet?
<Daifan> I don't thnk it would be good for anyone to have their saint become more powerful, if nothing else
<Daifan> I have not
<Daifan> I don't know if I will
<Idovo> Okay.
<Idovo> I just thought, maybe he knows more about how it would affect Shira... if he's had the same thing going on. but I don't want him getting weird about it either.
<Daifan> If we bring the saint back, we can dump it with him, maybe :p
* Daifan ndos
<Daifan> I made him - the saint - promise to leave Shira alone until she can reason about these thigs for herself, if I help him
* Chimi nods
<Chimi> That's good for now, I guess.
* Daifan nods
<Daifan> I want to take this to Veznara, and the others I work with. They know abut the Sashnir, at least
* Idovo nods
<Daifan> I can talk to Ufrim first, if you think I should.
* Idovo sighs.
<Daifan> The said said he had lost connection with him... well with the other person he could contact
<Daifan> so I don't know what that means
<Idovo> I don't know... I worry that he'll get weird about it. But he might know more than anyone else about how this works or how it could affect Shira, as she grows up. Maybe it's something that can wait until later, though? Like.... if you do manage to find this saint, then worry about it after that?
* Chimi considers that.
<Daifan> he *will* get all weird about it, especially if he has lost direct contact
<Chimi> He might have information, though. I don't really know how any of this works, but he might know more about this thing's powers, or how it communicates, or even where it is. If it would keep Shira safer, and you safer too, then maybe it's best to just get it over with and talk to him.
<Daifan> okay.
<Daifan> Then I'll do that.

Daifan talks to Ufrim about the saint

* Daifan will see if they can track him down somwhere then
* Ufrim can be found at the Mud Bug, let's say.
* Daifan will order a drink before approaching him
* Ufrim seems lost in thought, absorbed in his own drink.
<Daifan> Hey Big MOuth why so quiet?
<Ufrim> Ah, my thoughts are troubled.
<Daifan> oh yeah?
<Daifan> Saint Problems?
<Ufrim> How did you know?
* Daifan just sighs
<Ufrim> Wait... has your child spoken with his voice?
<Daifan> Sometmes fate is a bitch
* Ufrim looks brighter at that
<Daifan> Don't get too excited
<Daifan> its not good news
<Daifan> why can't you hear him anymore?
<Ufrim> I'm not certain. My best guess... there are now two budal who are part of his descent, and perhaps he can only speak to one at a time?
<Daifan> hmm
<Ufrim> I still receive... the dreams, the visions and so on. but his voice does not work through me.
<Daifan> you've still been having them?
<Ufrim> Yes, and they've been troubling of late.
<Daifan> mmmhmmm.
<Daifan> Well, good news, and bad news. What do you think would happen, to you or her, if he was destroyed?
<Ufrim> I... I don't know. I don't know if a saint can be destroyed.
<Ufrim> Lost, yes... but their power is very strong, and they aren't vulnerable to things that would harm a living person.
<Ufrim> Why?
* Daifan frowns
<Daifan> If you had to guess. If someone else took their power, say.
* Ufrim considers the question, frowning too
<Ufrim> My belief is that by finding Khozra Ula, he will bring his blessings upon all of us - all budal, I mean. To destroy that... would be a great evil.
<Ufrim> I don't know how it would affect me directly, but it would be a great loss to all of us, I think.
<Daifan> mmm.
<Daifan> well. We'll see.
<Ufrim> What did he say?
<Daifan> he's been stolen by a hedal cult. The less you know the better, unless you want to be murdered.
<Ufrim> I mean... I prefer not to be murdered, certainly, but if I can help in aiding him, there's no question that I would risk my life to save him.
<Daifan> I'll keep that in mind
<Daifan> I know where he is.... or at least who has him
* Ufrim nods
<Daifan> If you want to get him, though you have to keep that mouth of yours closed
<Ufrim> I can do that if I have to, sure.
<Daifan> they really are a cult. They have a secret saint, and they want to... use him to empower her somehow.
<Ufrim> hmm.
<Ufrim> that seems... bad.
<Daifan> yes. They're murderers already.
<Daifan> maybe they think that if their sint is stronge enough, the Corps won't do anything about their heresy. Maybe she's just creepy, I don't really know, or care.
<Ufrim> Saints' powers are all very ... individual. As far as I know, they all have the ability to communicate with their descendants to some limited extent - but beyond that, their individual gifts are unpredictable.
<Ufrim> So it's possible she does have some specific gift or power that will protect them, or harm their enemies, or something else they value greatly.
<Daifan> I think we went to where she was store before, and she gave people horrifying visions
<Daifan> they use some kind of special oracular fos in their cermonies
<Ufrim> Oracular - like seeing the future?
<Daifan> mmhmmm.
<Daifan> it helps with fortune telling magics
<Daifan> Divinations
<Ufrim> So they will have some advantage in any conflict, if they can predict what will happen.
<Daifan> maybe - we have some of it too
* Ufrim nods
<Ufrim> But it sounds like they have been preparing for this. How long have they had him?
<Daifan> about a year, he says, but that's a guess
<Ufrim> hmm. that makes sense...
<Daifan> how?
<Daifan> from your visions?
<Ufrim> Well. I think if they had him longer - like for many years - I would know about it. But once Shira became, well, his vessel of choice, if that's the case, then perhaps my messages grew weaker. Which would be, what, a year or eighteen months ago, I guess? And yes, as you said, my visions have been troubled - not clear, but worrying - for the better part of a year.
* Ufrim looks more troubled
<Ufrim> And perhaps... they only knew to look for him because I came here and spoke about him, seeking information.
<Ufrim> If that's the case, then it's my fault they have him.
<Daifan> maybe
<Daifan> maybe they used their fos to find something to empower their saint, and its just coincidence
* Ufrim takes a drink.
<Daifan> okay. I need to talk to some others, and then make a plan....
<Ufrim> All right. Let me know if there's any way I can help.
<Daifan> I will.
<Daifan> What do you think you coudl do to help against a vilage of cultists?
<Ufrim> ... curse them?
* Daifan nods
<Daifan> I will let you know.
* Ufrim nods

Veznara tells Ikhavor about what she learned from Rushultagri

<AshnabisGM> Veznara, you have slept poorly these past several nights. It is hard to know what to make of it all.
<AshnabisGM> You know that many have urged you, or as much as told you directly, not to meddle. Not to inquire. To simply let the matter of Rushultagri alone. You did not listen, and your disrupted sleep is just the first and least of those consequences.
<AshnabisGM> Now that you have these answers - that you and Bitsaar have asked the nearly-unaskable, you must reckon with the ineffable truths conveyed by the Ancestor.
<AshnabisGM> More than once, you've told yourself, you'll just find a way to forget. That forgetting is easier. You even have thought about how easy it might be to efface your knowledge with magic. It could be done.
<AshnabisGM> Then that brings the guilt - the sense that you do not deserve to forget this, that you should have to bear this with you for your violation.
<AshnabisGM> And finally, the recognition that if this is true - if Rushultagri truly was the corpseborn son of Zunuga, who lived a life here in Ashnabis surrounded by believers - that this must be shared, somehow.
<AshnabisGM> You don't know all the answers, but the best person you can think of to share it with, because she already knows much of it, is the stoneguard Ikhavor.
<AshnabisGM> You can find Ikhavor at the Voice temple in Kaskind, or arrange to meet her elsewhere if you like.
<Veznara> (I think elsewhere - somewhere secure where we can't be overheard, of course! - may be wiser.)
<AshnabisGM> (ok, where would you like then?)
<Veznara> (Um. Somewhere her angry initial reaction won't draw notice? Are there places like that? :P )
<AshnabisGM> (haha, well, she probably has some home other than at the temple, you could suggest that)
<Veznara> (Sure, if that's okay with her.)
<AshnabisGM> All right, you head over there one evening.
* Ikhavor smiles as she sees you.
<Ikhavor> Veznara, it's been too long. Come in!
* Veznara smiles back, but of course there's a hint of her being troubled in it.
<Veznara> Ikhavor, hello! Thank you
* Veznara enters.
<Ikhavor> How have you been?
<Veznara> I... well, busy. My brother is getting married, and there's a lot to prepare. How about you?
<Ikhavor> Yes, I heard about that. How wonderful!
<Veznara> How have things been at the Temple?
<Ikhavor> Busy - there are new families coming, and actually bringing Ancestors here. A sign, I suppose, that people are starting to think of Kaskind as a permanent place for their lineages.
<Veznara> And how are things with Voice Tegus?
<Ikhavor> Well enough.
<Veznara> (Do I glean anything from the way she says that?)
<AshnabisGM> (no, nothing really)
<Veznara> Have you had any further discussions with him on the matters we talked about?
<Ikhavor> No, certainly not! He made his view on the matter very clear.
<Veznara> Have you decided to drop it, then?
<Ikhavor> Well, I have no idea what else could be done.
<Ikhavor> ... Has something happened?
<Veznara> Well, I hear that the Auggi Temple has been slated for 'repairs'.
<Ikhavor> Hmm, that's interesting.
<Veznara> There's a new Voice Wimo Laguur, from Hapaan, who is in charge of them.
<Veznara> Do you know him, or of him?
<Ikhavor> Yes, quite young, local man, I've met him.
<Ikhavor> Is this on Elukir's orders then, do you think?
<Veznara> Apparently - he's the one who authorized and is funding it, it seems
<AshnabisGM> (make a Bluff check)
<Veznara> (It's true, though, isn't it?)
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+20
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+20 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 20 ] totals [ 38 ].
<AshnabisGM> (yes)
<Ikhavor> So, do you have any ideas what you will do next?
<Veznara> I...
<Veznara> ...
<Veznara> ...
<Veznara> Ikhavor... I know something.
<Ikhavor> What is it?
<Veznara> I'm not sure I should tell you. I'm afraid you won't thank me for it.
<Veznara> I haven't been able to stop thinking about it...
<Ikhavor> I don't understand.
<Veznara> I think I know what it is that Voice Tegus and the others are trying to conceal.
<Ikhavor> What is it?
<Veznara> Are you sure you want to know?
<Ikhavor> You seem to be in real pain over this. I want to help.
<Veznara> That's kind of you... but I'm afraid it would also lead to pain for you. And that you'd be implicated... the Voice has already killed for this, and ruined Stoneguards' reputations for it.
<Veznara> I'm sorry! I shouldn't go on like this, it must seem like a kind of sick teasing... oh, Ancestors!
<Ikhavor> You are in pain, and afraid, I see that. But I am a stoneguard, and pain and fear are things we overcome.
<Veznara> I have done something very wrong. Again.
<Ikhavor> All right.
<Veznara> I went to the Temple before those tombs could be sealed, with a friend, to consult those Ancestors before they are lost to us.
<Ikhavor> How?
<Veznara> I'm sorry... how, in what sense? How would they be lost? How did I manage to consult them?
<Ikhavor> The latter.
<Ikhavor> How did you manage to speak to the Ancestors?
<Veznara> My friend, the one I mention, is one of the Voice, and was willing to do this with me.
<Ikhavor> Bitsaar.
<Veznara> I am at your mercy, now. If you tell Voice Tegus, he will surely see to it that I am punished.
<Ikhavor> Yes, that's true. He was very clear the last time.
<Ikhavor> Who else knows of this?
<Veznara> No-one else. You are the only one I have confided in.
<Ikhavor> So you and Bitsaar ... went back to the Auggi, and ... what, sneaked into the Temple?
<Veznara> Yes.
<Ikhavor> And he spoke to an Ancestor on your behalf.
<Veznara> To the central one, the one in the ornate casket.
<Ikhavor> He must be truly devoted to you to do that.
<Veznara> Yes. And I'm afraid I bring him only sorrow.
<Ikhavor> What ... what did you learn?
* Veznara sighs
<Veznara> First; that Ancestor claims to indeed be the Rushultagri of legend, the child of Zunuga.
* Ikhavor nods.
<Ikhavor> I know you had wondered if that might be so.
<Veznara> Second... he claims that his mother Zunuga died giving birth to him.
<Veznara> So he heard from those of her followers who took care of him, at least.
<Ikhavor> I ... see.
<Veznara> I am sorry - that was a shock to me, and I'm sure it is to you as well.
<Veznara> That prompted my third question... what did his mother teach about the Corpseborn?
<Ikhavor> ... and?
<Veznara> He said that the followers who raised him said that she taught that a child born of the dead holds special power over fate because of their close contact with death when they entered the world...
<Veznara> ...and that they are a *blessing*.
<Ikhavor> Well.
<Veznara> I don't know what to think, or what to do.
<Veznara> I remember, the Ancestors' answers are not infallible. They only say what they knew in life.
<Ikhavor> Yes ... and then ... even more than that.
<Ikhavor> Among the Voice, initiates are often taught the Tripartite Law, of Honesty, Truth, and Verity. Have you heard of it?
<Veznara> No, I don't think so.
<Ikhavor> Honesty is a state of intention, a way of understanding the dead. Ancestors cannot speak dishonestly - more than any living person, they are incapable of forming the intention to dissemble. They present the world as they understood it.
<Ikhavor> So whatever this Ancestor told you, as you note, is how they understood the world.
<Veznara> But were the followers who raised him telling him the truth?
<Ikhavor> Exactly, 'truth'. Truth - well, the Ancestors may be honest but they need not be truthful. For none of us fully understands the world, or our place in it. And part of the job of the Voice is to understand the difference between honesty and truth.
<Ikhavor> We have no way to know that. But we might still say, what if it is true? Shouldn't we be able to decide for ourselves? Or for these words to be heard, at least?
<Veznara> And Verity?
<Ikhavor> Verity, though - this is the hard one - it is a higher commitment to the Coherence, and to the Unfolding of reality.
<Ikhavor> The way it is explained to us as novices, is as such: a child sings a song to its mother, and every note is sour. Yet the mother smiles, and tells the child what a fine voice they have. Is it true? No. But in speaking the truth the mother does a greater harm.
<Ikhavor> Verity is knowing what truths should be spoken, what truths reflect the higher purpose of our Order.
<Veznara> And in this case, what would speaking the truth lead to?
<Ikhavor> I don't know. And neither do you. But perhaps that is what Voice Tegus, or Voice Elukir, or whoever knows this Ancestor's secrets, has grappled with.
<Veznara> But how did this happen? It seems beyond belief that this could be true, that the main Corps could have come to misunderstand... or worse, misrepresent.... the Prophetess' teachings so badly.
<Veznara> And yet... the very fact that they try to suppress it so ruthlessly...
<Veznara> ...makes me think they believe it is true. Or at least, that there is strong evidence for it.
<Ikhavor> They surely see, as you do, that this knowledge, true or not, would cause grave dissent.
<Veznara> Yes, yes.. it would undermine all of us.
<Ikhavor> So perhaps they have decided that the chance that it is true is outweighed by the danger it would cause, true or not.
<Veznara> But if it is true... if our civilization has spent centuries reviling the Corpseborn as outcasts, when our Prophetess not only called for no such mistreatment, but actually considered them to be the most blessed of all!
<Veznara> Have you seen how the Corpseborn are treated?
<Ikhavor> Of course.
<Veznara> And it may be the complete opposite of what is right! I can't bear it!
<Ikhavor> I don't know what to say, Veznara. The Corpseborn have been outside our society for as long as we have known. One does not simply hold up one Ancestor who believes differently and expect that the world will change.
<Ikhavor> Are you going to tell your friends?
<Veznara> I haven't told any of my sisters of the Hand. Nor the team at the Registry. Who could I tell? You're the only person I could think of - the only other person who's been involved in all this with me.
<Veznara> I don't know what to do. You're right, it's only one Ancestor... but how can I confirm or deny it?
<Ikhavor> How well do you trust Bitsaar, not to reveal this information? If his own vocation were threatened, or perhaps worse?
<Veznara> I've asked him not to, and I think we're both well aware of the danger. I did tell him that I was going to talk to you..
<Veznara> He was already sent out from the temple, so I don't think career considerations have much weight with him any longer.
<Ikhavor> What do you need from me, then?
<Veznara> Your discretion, obviously. As I said, I'm at your mercy now. But I wouldn't have come if I didn't trust you.
<Veznara> Beyond that... how can I find out whether or not this is true?
<Veznara> I don't know how to confirm it, or deny it.
<Veznara> Surely the Stoneguards who came here in search of the Rushultagri knew, or learned of it.
<Veznara> That would explain why the Voice of the time had them all exterminated.
* Ikhavor nods.
<Ikhavor> Yes, I think you must be right. They, at least, believed it was dangerous enough to possibly be true.
<Ikhavor> I weep for my fellows who died thus.
* Lan-home is now known as Daifan
<Veznara> What led them to that conclusion, then? They must have had some evidence to suspect such a thing in the first place.
* Ikhavor nods.
<Veznara> How might we find out what it was?
<Ikhavor> It would be hard to know for sure. Perhaps from some ancient book? Or from someone here who believed or knew something?
<Veznara> Who could such a person be?
<Veznara> Could this be behind the Voice's decision to allow local worship, in some way?
<Veznara> I have wondered whether the Rushultagri had children himself, but wasn't able to ask...
<Ikhavor> I don't know. It was a long time ago.
<Veznara> Perhaps Lentus could help, but I'm not sure what to ask.
<Ikhavor> Well he, at least, is beholden to no one, really. More to you, for helping bring him back, than almost anyone else.
<Veznara> He was the one who first mentioned his cousin's letter and how he had lost faith because of what he had learned.
<Ikhavor> But he seemed to not know that much about the situation directly - it was Buhin, as I recall, who knew more? And his remains would be difficult to consult now without arousing suspicion.
<Veznara> Yes. But he did have a family, which survived.
<Veznara> Perhaps they may have more information.
<Veznara> I don't suppose Buhin kept a diary, unfortunately. :/
<Ikhavor> Alas, no.
<Ikhavor> You are very brave, Veznara, to take this upon yourself. Many would have chosen to simply say nothing, do nothing.
* Veznara is surprised
<Veznara> Who, me?
<Ikhavor> Indeed.
<Ikhavor> I cannot say that it was wise to return to the Auggi - but brave, yes, absolutely.
<Veznara> Oh! I ... well, thank, you Ikhavor.
<Veznara> I hadn't thought of it like that at all.
<Veznara> I couldn't simply... stand aside, when I have evidence that something may be so very wrong.
<Veznara> Thank you for listening. I'm sorry to burden you with all this.
<Ikhavor> You can trust me, Veznara. If you need to talk - well, I understand that there may be few others.
<Ikhavor> And take care and watch over Bitsaar. He is more vulnerable than you or I.
<Veznara> Thank you, Ikhavor. I'm very grateful.
<Veznara> And I am grateful to Bitsaar, too. I... don't want him to suffer on my account. Not more than he has already.
<Veznara> I'll do my best to guard us all.
<Veznara> If I can.
* Veznara thanks Ikhavor again, and takes her leave.

As Llillilli prepares for her age grade ceremony, her father asks to attend

<AshnabisGM> Llillilli, preparations have been ongoing for your pfullaes ritual to advance you to the rank of lethillae. Now, today, you will be raised to full adulthood in the eyes of all the People, by your friend and supporter, the elder solar Laelaesi.
<AshnabisGM> The ritual will take place on Ruur, in the center of the town of Pfaeshes, before the statues of Soesoe and Pappe. An auspicious place, redolent with symbolic meaning. And there, you will speak once again, hoping that your voice may make a difference to the People.
<AshnabisGM> You know, of course, that there is a risk associated, both for you and for anyone involved. Still, Thulle has taken enormous precautions. Jimba's new ship, the Fortune, will carry guests across from the harbour at Kaskind. You're at the harbour now, awaiting him to bring the new ship to port for the trip.
<AshnabisGM> Jimba, you have been working with Liraula to outfit your new ship, which you fairly stole from Yeggun. Of course, you will always have a soft spot for the Menagerie, but you have to admit, this makes you feel like a real sea captain.
<AshnabisGM> You and Liraula are heading back on the Fortune on the short trip from Timiil, where the Black Stork outfits their ships, to Kaskind harbour, before picking up your passengers for the trip to Ruur.
* Ikhavor is now known as Liraula
<Liraula> She's a fine ship, Jimba. Everyone who worked on her says so.
* Jimba smiles.
<Jimba> Well, I can't say I made my fortune in Kaskind yet, but at least I stole one.
<Liraula> And Fortune, a good name.
<Jimba> Thank you. I hope it proves predictive rather than ironic.
* Liraula laughs.
<Liraula> So, the incident at your warehouse. I have news.
<Jimba> Oh?
<Liraula> The man who we're looking at is Ralidan of the Shotser. Couldn't keep his mouth shut. My people found his name out pretty quickly after he started bragging about it. Cousin of Yeggun of some sort. Not close kin, and not a Cormorant per se - he's a butcher in Timiil.
<Jimba> Someone from Timiil?
<Jimba> That seems...not smart.
<Jimba> On his part.
<Liraula> Well ... his wife, Tilibaura of the Tsauter, is one of the casualties of your latest trip to Ruur. Killed in her sleep, belowdecks. Since she was asleep at the time, she couldn't tell their priests who killed her, but ... still. They know who stole their ship and killed their people.
<Liraula> Does that ... sound familiar to you?
<Jimba> It...might.
* Jimba looks uncomfortable.
<Liraula> I'm not saying you're a murderer, I'm not saying you weren't justified, just ... that's the way it is, and the way they will see it.
* Jimba nods.
<Liraula> You should think about whether you'd prefer to simply let this one lie. I think that maybe this one was personal - a man seeking revenge, of a sort, for the killing of his wife, rather than ordered by Yeggun directly.
<Jimba> You think it's over? This particular vendetta?
<Jimba> A fire for his wife, just like that?
<Liraula> If Ralidan had thought, for a minute, that he could fight you directly, maybe he would have come after you too. But I don't think that would have ended well for him.
<Liraula> So maybe he knows there's nothing else he can do.
<Liraula> If you want, we can ... make it clear to him that there's nothing else he can do.
<Liraula> But that might be admitting more than you want to, in a way.
* Shira is now known as Chimi
* Elukir is now known as Idovo
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> Do you think he's much of an ongoing danger?
<Jimba> I can handle myself, but I've got other people to look out for.
<Liraula> I really don't. I think he ... was angry, which I can understand, and took out his frustrations. But Yeggun is the real ongoing danger. But like I say, when Yeggun comes for you, you'll know it.
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> Which he will, eventually.
<Liraula> He will.
<Jimba> What does that mean for the Cormorant?
<Liraula> Hard to say. I'll keep my eyes open - I never stopped. I'll keep you abreast, naturally, of anything I learn.
<Liraula> Anyway, here we are. Let's get into harbour and pick up your passengers.
<AshnabisGM> You dock the Fortune at Kaskind harbour and prepare for the quick journey over to Pashas.
<AshnabisGM> Llillilli, Thelef, and the hith closest to her are gathered together already. There are a few others who you don't recognize.
* Jimba smiles and waves.
<AshnabisGM> And then, out of the corner of your eye, there is one who you do. Your father.
* Llillilli waves to Jimba
* NPC1 is now known as Gasku
* Jimba doesn't frown, per se, but his expression darkens.
* Gasku is staying well away from Llillilli for the moment, but catches Jimba's eye and nods.
* Jimba nods back, and will walk down to greet Llillilli et al.
* Liraula will stay aboard the Fortune and take care of ship matters.
<Jimba> Hey, big day. How're you feeling?
* Llillilli smiles tightly
<Llillilli> Hm...
<Llillilli> Mixed...
<Llillilli> This is good, and it's good that people will see it.
<Llillilli> BUt everyone is expecting me to say something amazing and...
* Llillilli frowns.
<Llillilli> I'm just not very good at it.
<Jimba> Well, hey, you're favored by the sun, right? Maybe it'll provide inspiration.
<Llillilli> That's what they say...
<Jimba> I'm sure you'll do great. Tell her, Thelef. :)
* Liraula is now known as Thelef
<Thelef> I've learned enough not to tell Llillilli anything. :)
<Thelef> But she knows in her heart that she will make a difference.
<Llillilli> Mm.
<Thelef> Can we go aboard now?
<Jimba> Oh, yes, by all means.
<Jimba> Come meet Fortune.
<Thelef> Come on, then.
<AshnabisGM> (ok, Llillilli, make a Perception roll)
<Llillilli> !roll 1d20+16
* @Lan-werk rolls for Llillilli: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 19 ].
<Llillilli> (lol)
<AshnabisGM> OK, Jimba, you can see your dad kind of hesitantly moving toward you.
<AshnabisGM> Llillilli ... you are distracted by the importance of the day.
<Jimba> Llillilli...
<Llillilli> What?
* Jimba says quietly, gesturing for her to look.
<Llillilli> Oh.
<Jimba> Want me to take care of it?
<Llillilli> Take care of it how?
<Jimba> Intercept him. If you didn't want to talk right now or whatever.
* Llillilli sighs.
<Llillilli> It doesn't matter.
* Chimi is now known as Ufrim
* Jimba nods.
* Gasku approaches cautiously.
* Llillilli stares at him
<Gasku> Hello.
<Jimba> Gasku.
<Gasku> I hadn't intended to stay. I thought I should perhaps - well, go away and never return again.
* Llillilli waits
* Jimba stops himself from saying "Well, you have practice."
<Gasku> But I did that to you once already, and you don't deserve that.
* Jimba also waits.
<Gasku> I heard there was a ceremony taking place.
<Gasku> And ... I would like your permission to come.
* Jimba looks at Llillilli.
<Llillilli> Why would you want to do that?
<Gasku> I should have reached out sooner. To leave it so long, twenty years ... Shiklazh would have told me then, instead of now.
<Gasku> I didn't know ... when I last saw you, I was grieving, I assumed ... it was too much.
* Llillilli looks at Jimba.
* Jimba shrugs.
<Jimba> It's your ceremony.
<Llillilli> Do you know what is happening today?
<Gasku> I ... not entirely. But I know you are undergoing a hith ritual that is very important to you.
<Llillilli> How did you even find out about it?
<Jimba> Wait, yeah. How did you?
<Gasku> A man called Hillisi who I met in a bar.
<Gasku> I approached him because he seemed to be a hithkindred. I wanted to learn more about you. We had a conversation, and one thing led to another.
<Llillilli> Ah, Hillisi.
<Llillilli> He has a big mouth.
<Llillilli> It's an age grade ceremony.
<Gasku> You have many kind and good friends here. He told me, how, you are esteemed among the community. How hard you work for what you believe.
<Gasku> I know I have no right to feel this way, but it made me feel very proud.
<Llillilli> Well not everyone esteems me.
<Llillilli> There may be some angry people there today
<Llillilli> But if you want to come, that's fine...
* Gasku smiles broadly.
<Gasku> I would be honoured.
<Llillilli> Only Jimba has been to the other ones...
<Jimba> Well, we still have to get you there, so all aboard, eh?
<AshnabisGM> All the guests board the ship and you prepare to set sail.

Llillilli undergoes her elevation ceremony

<AshnabisGM> The trip from Kaskind to Pashas is a quick one, especially on the speedy Fortune. You dock the ship and find yourself in the familiar environs of the village.
<AshnabisGM> Since your last visit, there has indeed been much activity. Both humans and hith are engaged in new construction in lithus and stone. King Whuthe's claim over this place is apparently not simply idle words.
<AshnabisGM> New pools have been constructed - not nearly so ornate as the ones Yeggun and his pirates destroyed, but enough to give you at least a glimmer of hope for new life, albeit changed, here where the two Kinds meet.
<AshnabisGM> You travel through the town and up to the statues of Soesoe and Pappe. You think back to your first visit here, where you and your colleagues stumbled upon the ritual of Nemmotam, when Liwhis was welcomed back to human society after being fostered in Sulise.
<Llillilli> (how are the humans and the People interacting? normal? or is there tension)
<AshnabisGM> How many things have changed since then - for Liwhis, for you, for Pfaeshes, for all the People. Yet it has only been a year since that day.
<AshnabisGM> (seems pretty normal but it's a little hard to say, because it's such an unusual day)
<AshnabisGM> The plaza around the statues is full of people, both guests and locals. You see many familiar faces as well as others new to you, or only vaguely known. The Heptacheis and Chetsus are here in full force, as well as many of the People who have returned here, or newly arrived.
<AshnabisGM> While this is not an ordinary place for a pfullaes, it has been laid out so that it looks much the same. A circle of flat stones indicate where your supporters are to stand.
<AshnabisGM> You have just a moment of fear for the safety of those gathered, but then you see out of the corner of your eye that Fifelus is watchfully positioning people where any trouble might possibly break out.
* Daifan waves
* Llillilli waves back
* Llillilli is pretty on alert though
* Jimba is as well.
* Llillilli is fully expecting Fellis or one of theirs to try and start something
<AshnabisGM> You know that the pfullaes must be so public, to have the effect you desire, but it still doesn't feel completely safe.
<AshnabisGM> Just as safe as can be.
<AshnabisGM> All that remains is to proceed with the ceremony, and your carefully chosen words that follow.
* Gasku is now known as Laelaesi
* Laelaesi takes you aside just before the pfullaes is to begin.
<Laelaesi> Are you ready, my child? This is a heavy burden placed upon you, and we are all grateful.
<Llillilli> As ready as I can be/
* Daifan will give her a fortune ;)
<Laelaesi> When the rite is done, you will have a time to speak. Many ears here seek fortifying words. But it is your presence, as much as any words you speak, that matters here.
<Llillilli> I will try to be... fortifying
<Laelaesi> You are very brave, to do this for the People, and for humans too.
<Laelaesi> Like Soesoe and Pappe, so many years ago.
<Llillilli> I hope this turns out at least that well. :|
<Laelaesi> Only one way to find out. Let us begin!
* Laelaesi stands next to you beside the statues. Around you, your supporters stand in a circle, looking upon you.
<Laelaesi> We gather here today beneath the midday sun to bear witness by the heart and skin and spine and lungs to Llillilli, hatched and spawned and raised under sunlight and deep waters. May the sun shine on this day.
* Laelaesi waves a hand, and the area around you all is bathed in bright daylight. A domed rainbow surrounds you.
<Laelaesi> Just as the deity's light is split into its six constituent colors, so are we bound sixfold in the paths of our lives. Llillilli stands today to take the fourth step.
<Laelaesi> As eggs we lay in the sun to hatch, and as infants we play in the sun. We find our path following Its Light, and we lay our own eggs, to contribute to the furtherance of the next generation.
<Laelaesi> Now we call Llillilli to lead us with her voice and actions, as lethillae.
* Laelaesi lays their hands on your eyes.
<Laelaesi> The first, eyes opening.
* Laelaesi takes their hands and grasps yours.
<Laelaesi> The second, hands grasping.
* Laelaesi grasps you between the legs and presses firmly.
<Laelaesi> The third, eggs laying.
* Laelaesi lays their hands upon your temples.
<Laelaesi> The fourth, gaze extending.
<Laelaesi> Now the sun strikes at you, a reminder of its power.
* Laelaesi extends a hand to your chest.
* Llillilli waits for it
<AshnabisGM> !roll 2d6+4
* @Lan-werk rolls for AshnabisGM: [ 2d6+4 ] getting [ 3 1 ] for a total of [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 8 ].
<AshnabisGM> (you take some exciting sun damage and feel not so great)
<Laelaesi> And now draw back your own strength from the sun.
* Laelaesi withdraws their hand, signalling that you should touch their chest with your own hand and use your withering touch.
* Llillilli lays her hand on their chest.
<Llillilli> !roll 2d6+4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Llillilli: [ 2d6+4 ] getting [ 5 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 10 ].
<AshnabisGM> You touch the elder and draw on your power. You feel in your eyes and your temples a burning, but not a painful one, but rather, the warmth of feet near enough to embers on a wet evening, or the sun on your neck at midday. It is a strange and new sensation.
<AshnabisGM> After a moment, from the west, from the rocky beaches next to the town, seven white lights appear, dancing through the town, clearly visible despite the midday sun. They approach and circle the statues, then position themselves above them, and you.
<Llillilli> ...
<AshnabisGM> You recognize their kind - they are lluthi, beloved of the solars. You have only seen one once, Fellis' companion, when you went with them to see Loeluth.
* Llillilli glances at them
* Laelaesi stares into your eyes, pensive and expressionless, as if seeking the right words. Then they continue after a moment.
<Laelaesi> Llillilli, you have drawn the sun back into you, its divine touch within you.
<Laelaesi> These marks you bear attest to your maturity. You are now lethillae, mature, and bear the responsibilities of that rank. To take decisions for others, and to bear the consequences of those decisions taken on behalf of those incapable of that responsibility.
<Laelaesi> We here gathered acknowledge your new burdens.
<Laelaesi> Speak now before these witnesses, with the voice of one called to choose.
* Laelaesi steps back, and the lluthi are now immediately above you alone.
* Llillilli steps forward.
<Llillilli> I stand here today with really just one thing to say. The sun belongs to no one. It shines on all of us, humans, the hu'whi, and the People. I am heartened to see so many gathered here together in its light.
<Llillilli> Once long ago, the humans and the People worked together to protect the spawn of Loeluth. They came together again here, on Pfaeshes. I believe and hope that the sun will continue to shine on us all together as we move forward.
<Llillilli> I am grateful and humbled that so many have welcomed me and share this hope. I am a person of few wods usually, but if people are going to listen to me, I will try to make them count. So I'll say again what I've said before. I don't want to bring a threat but a promise. A future where we are stronger, together :)
<AshnabisGM> A great cheer comes up from the gathered crowd!
<AshnabisGM> The ceremony ends, and the lluthi rise high above you. Or at least, six of them do. The seventh remains, standing right between the heads of Soesoe and Pappe, close to you.
<AshnabisGM> It circles once, then comes to rest just above your right shoulder.
* Llillilli watches it curiously.
<Llillilli> ...
<AshnabisGM> But it is not at the lluthi, but directly at you, that Laelaesi is looking.
<Laelaesi> My child, your eyes ... during the ritual, they were glowing.
<Laelaesi> Yes ... as with the sun.
<Llillilli> What does that mean?
<Laelaesi> And now, they have turned to gold.
<Llillilli> ...What?
<Laelaesi> They are ... like the eyes of a hith elder, turned golden.
<Laelaesi> I do not know what it means.
* Llillilli reaches toward her eyes uncertainly :O
<Llillilli> Well... I'll worry about it later
<Laelaesi> You did well. And if any would have disrupted the ceremony, they would not do so with the lluthi present.
<Llillilli> WHere did they come from? And this one...
<Laelaesi> I do not know.
<Llillilli> ... What should I do now?
<Laelaesi> Your guests are here to celebrate. I suppose we should join them!
<Llillilli> Allright...
* Llillilli glances at the lluthi quickly, but then will start to head towards the crowd


Daifan and Veznara talk about corpseborn and saints

<Daifan> ...are *you* alright?
<Veznara> Oh... I'm well enough, thank you.
<Veznara> A little preoccupied, perhaps. But never mind that. What's the matter.
<Daifan> well... treasure that feeling >.>
<Veznara> ?
<Daifan> YOu may wish to sit
* Veznara sighs
* Veznara sits
* Veznara waits
<Daifan> You remember the Sashnir, who murdered Bivizmi to protect their secrets?
* Veznara frowns anxiously, and nods
<Veznara> Yes, of course.
<Daifan> MMm.
<Daifan> Well.
<Daifan> They have a saint at their temple in their village.
* Veznara nods
* Daifan sees you take that in stride, and then shrugs
<Veznara> Yes, I think we suspected that...
* Daifan nods
<Daifan> They worship one of their ancestors - and yes, I think we all suspected that
<Veznara> I remember... I thought that was what you were hinting at, the first time we had one of our meetings here...
<Veznara> That the vision of the woman some of us had was of an actual saint.
<Daifan> But they have acquired another Saint, as well as Saint Sashni
<Daifan> well... I wasn' hinting on purpose
<Veznara> ...Saint Sashni?
<Daifan> I don't ... have much business with saints... ususally :p
<Daifan> that's her name
<Veznara> As in the Sashnir.
<Veznara> Of course.
<Daifan> the other saint is Khozra
<Veznara> Saint Khozra?
<Veznara> Is that another Aummesh saint?
<Daifan> No.
<Daifan> ...He is corpseborn.
<Veznara> ...
<Veznara> ...
<Veznara> Oh, Ancestors.
<Veznara> ...
<Veznara> ...
<Veznara> Corpseborn.
<Veznara> A Corpseborn saint.
<Veznara> Ula Khozra.
* Veznara is staring ahead, brow furrowed. Obviously troubled, but not apparently angry...
* Daifan gives her some time with that
<Veznara> I...
<Veznara> Are you sure?
<Daifan> Yes.
* Daifan sighs
<Veznara> How? ...If I may ask.
* Veznara asks, apparently taking it seriously.
<Daifan> He spoke to me through Shira... who, I guess, is one of his descendants...who is also corpseborn... and those are the only ones to whom he can speak.
<Daifan> YOu may have heard of the... "prophet" Ufraim.... he is also one of these descendants
<Daifan> If I recall correcly the saint was a Daligashi solidier in life
<Veznara> A soldier?
<Daifan> mmhmm.
<Veznara> How could he be both Corpseborn and a soldier? Surely he must have been a soldier's attendant...
<Veznara> ...or... how long ago was this?
* Daifan shrugs
<Daifan> A few hundred years?
<Daifan> Maybw it wasn't Daligash yet, I'm not the historian
<Veznara> I... didn't think that would be permitted. Not as a soldier, beside other non-Corpseborn soldiers.
<Veznara> Was he part of an entire unit of Corpseborn?
<Daifan> I didn't ask
<Daifan> and he had other things on his mind
<Veznara> Oh.
<Daifan> If you want to know - you should talk to Ufrim. I'm sure I could arrange it
<Daifan> But he, Khozra, asked for help
<Veznara> ...okay.
<Veznara> What help does he need?
<Daifan> he said the sashnir had taken him from where he had been, something like a year ago now, and that they are planning to some how 'feed' him to Sashni to increase her power
<Daifan> -_-
* Daifan says, knowing how all this sounds.
<Daifan> No I do not know any more than that
<Veznara> WHAT?
* Veznara blurts involuntarily, then repeats it more quietly...
<Veznara> What?
<Daifan> they want to... feed him... to their saint
<Daifan> He asked for help
<Veznara> Feed him to another saint?
<Veznara> How?
<Veznara> ...
<Veznara> ...
<Veznara> And, ah, what is he asking you do to stop it, exactly?
* Daifan shrugs
<Daifan> To rescue him, I presume
<Veznara> . o O (The Ancestors are testing me...)
<Veznara> They have this Ula Khozra's body, and he wants you to steal it back?
<Daifan> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<Daifan> I told him I would try, if he woud leave Shira alone until she is old enough to decide for herself what she wants to do with him....
<Veznara> ¬_¬
<Daifan> I dn't kwo if it would hurt her in some way if I don't.
<Veznara> And you want me to help, somehow?
<Daifan> I will speak to the others too, not just you...
<Daifan> but... I didn't think you would believe even as much as you seem to.
<Veznara> I was going to say, rescuing a body from an Aummesh village sounds like something the others are better suited to than I am.
<Veznara> I... am keeping an open mind.
<Veznara> I certainly do want to talk to this Ufrim, if I may.
<Veznara> I assume that Shira was speaking in too adult a way for this to be a prank?
<Daifan> oh yes
<Daifan> he sounded like Lentus
* Veznara sighs
<Veznara> Of course.
<Veznara> And speaking through Shira... he openly identified himself as Corpseborn?
<Daifan> No, not then - I learned of him through Ufrim
<Veznara> So Ufrim is the one who says he is Corpseborn, then?
<Veznara> I definitely would like to talk to this person. :/
<Daifan> I can arrange that. He wants to help retrieve him, in any case
* Veznara nods
<Veznara> All right. And what can I do?
<Veznara> Did you want me to ward Shira in some way?
<Veznara> Or to advise you about the religious aspect of all this?
<Veznara> To find out how a saint could possibly... "consume" another? Oh, Ancestors, what an idea! :/
<Daifan> maybe?
<Daifan> That would be good to know
<Veznara> I... will see what I can find out.
<Daifan> YOu seemed to know a little about the Sashnir before wehn Katenzhi brough them up
<Daifan> I thikn Shira will be okay for now.
<Veznara> Did I? Well, I promise I knew nothing about *this* :/
<Veznara> As for the religious aspect... ah, well, I'm sure you know that this is impossible.
<Veznara> Officially.
* Daifan shrugs again
<Daifan> So many things seemed impossible... two years ago?
<Daifan> Less?
<Veznara> Yes.
<Veznara> If this really is a *Corpseborn* saint...
* Veznara sighs
* Veznara puts her head in her hands
<Daifan> well. we can keep him to ourselves if need me :p
<Daifan> whoever wants him, anyway
* Daifan says, dubiously
<Veznara> Oh, Daifan... is it true?
* Veznara says, distraught
<Daifan> is...what true?
<Veznara> That he is a genuine saint... and a Corpseborn one. That he spoke through Shira, another Corpseborn.
<Daifan> As far as I know it is all true.
<Veznara> Oh... oh... don't you see?
<Veznara> If it is true, that means that the Corps has been very wrong, so wrong...
<Veznara> ...and there are those who will kill to keep that from being known.
<Daifan> Why do you think I want to keep Shira away from this mess?
<Veznara> Yes, I'm sorry, of course.
<Veznara> But keeping it secret... if it's true.. that's another kind of crime.
<Daifan> Someone was already keeping it secret
<Daifan> But peope who don't ant t believe it simply wont
<Daifan> they'll explain it away somehow
<Daifan> peopel do it all the time, especially where we are concerned
<Veznara> Perhaps... but they don't know. They don't know. If they knew, some might accept it - but if they don't have the chance to know, they'll keep believing something terribly wrong, without realizing it...
<Veznara> They have to know. Somehow.
<Veznara> If it's true, we have to find a way to let everyone know.
* Daifan shrugs
<Daifan> The world is to big to deal with everyone
<Veznara> I... right. Right.
<Daifan> >.>
<Daifan> Brother Bones is a Revenant >.>
<Daifan> but... leave him alone
<Veznara> ...what?
<Daifan> I've had more time to process. Bu thre are plenty of signs
<Daifan> people in Charadip *know* he is a revenant
<Daifan> its why they are so scared
<Veznara> I... have no intention of bothering him.
<Veznara> I have enough to deal with, I think.
<Veznara> Right.
<Veznara> You eat a whale one bite at a time.
<Veznara> I'll see what I can find out about what this 'consuming' could mean.
<Veznara> And then... we meet up at the Menagerie to discuss it with everyone?
* Daifan nods
<Daifan> I appreciate you... open-mindedness
<Veznara> All right.
<Daifan> (YOUR)
<Veznara> Oh...
<Veznara> Well
<Veznara> I... have been questioning some things.
<Veznara> Many things.
<Veznara> I have no doubt about the Ancestors, mind you.
<Daifan> oh?
<Veznara> But...
<Veznara> Well, perhaps we should speak of that later.
<Veznara> For now, I'd still like to talk to Ufrim. And I'll see what I can find out.
* Daifan nods
<Daifan> Very well.

Hiramam asks Jimba about how Ulutse is doing

<AshnabisNarrator> Jimba, at the end of Llillilli's pfullaes ceremony, the crowd is focused all on her. As is right, you figure. You're not really sure what was supposed to happen but it's pretty clear that this is a big deal. Out of the corner of your eye, you see one figure focused on you, first staring, and then walking over directly towards you. You recognize him : it is Hiramam Meglaar, the smith
<AshnabisNarrator> here in Pashas, and Ulutse's father.
* AshnabisNarrator is now known as Hiramam
* Hiramam is walking with purpose, but doesn't seem upset or anything like that.
* Jimba smiles warmly at him and waves,
<Hiramam> Jimba.
<Jimba> Hiramam, hello.
<Hiramam> That was ... very different. Your sister, she is very special.
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> That she is.
<Hiramam> How are things ... in Kaskind?
* Jimba considers.
<Jimba> A little more chaotic than I'd like, truth be told, but I suppose that's to be expected.
<Jimba> I guess it's always sort of like that, and I'm just catching up. :)
* Hiramam nods.
<Hiramam> Has been for all of us, this past year.
<Hiramam> I wanted to talk to you about Ulutse.
<Jimba> Oh?
<Jimba> How can I help?
<Hiramam> How is she? We haven't talked since she left.
<Jimba> (How has she been?)
<Hiramam> (I mean, she drinks, you think she has sex with Aptan, she doesn't do much else really)
<Jimba> I mean...she's getting by.
<Hiramam> I don't suppose she talks about coming home.
<Jimba> Not really...maybe you could come visit sometime?
<Jimba> That might do you both some good, it sounds like.
<Hiramam> I might, at that. I might.
<Hiramam> When I heard you were taking care of her, at first I was very angry. Not at you, I suppose, just at ... the situation.
<Jimba> I can understand that.
<Jimba> It's not ideal for anyone, I think.
<Jimba> Not that she's not doing all right.
<Jimba> Just, like you said...the situation.
* Jimba tries to smile encouragingly.
<Hiramam> Her mother doesn't know what to think.
<Hiramam> She's a Shotser, you know, Yeggun's kin, and once upon a time, even sailed with him.
<Hiramam> Now, with you, uhh, I don't know what to call it ... your feud with the Cormorants, that's put a weird aspect on all of this.
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> Feud is as good a word as any, I suppose.
<Jimba> Yeggun has...
* Jimba sighs.
<Jimba> I used to deal with him some.
<Jimba> I *didn't* bear him him any ill will.
<Jimba> But, after what happened here...
<Jimba> I just think he needs to be stopped.
<Jimba> For *everyone's* sake.
<Hiramam> Mmm.
<Hiramam> No love for him around here, that's for sure.
<Hiramam> But I'm sure that worries Ulutse too - that she was over there with the Cormorants, during the battle. That she no longer would have a home here.
<Jimba> Do you think that's true?
* Hiramam considers.
<Hiramam> Not with us, her parents. But maybe with others her age here in town.
<Jimba> That's a rough sea to sail.
<Hiramam> And it's not like things were good before.
* Jimba nods sympathetically.
<Hiramam> I worry that without some purpose to her life, it will just be more of the same ... one bottle leading to the next. That's no life.
<Jimba> I wholeheartedly agree.
<Hiramam> I'd happily take her back as my apprentice.
<Hiramam> If she'd have me as teacher.
<Jimba> I can talk to her about it, but you it'd probably mean more coming from you.
<Jimba> You could ride back to Kaskind with us, and we could bring you back tomorrow or the next day, I would think.
* Hiramam considers.
<Hiramam> Yes, I'll come. A father and his daughter should not be so estranged.
* Jimba smiles.
<Hiramam> (you see your own father standing well back in the crowd, looking at Llillilli with ... perhaps pride?)
* Jimba looks over there with a mix of happiness and consternation.