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Ashnabis session logs
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Session date: March 28, 2021
Fair Cycle date:


<AshnabisNarrator> It is the end of the month of Fikho, and the rains are falling heavily on the land and sea alike. The folk of the water do not mind, as this is simply their birthright coming home, but for the folk of the air, it makes for wet travels.
<AshnabisNarrator> You are at sea on this day, doing some surveying to the north-west of Kaskind, along the shoreline past Charadip. The inclement weather doesn't give you much inducement to scout very far afield, and you're mostly sticking to the Menagerie.

The group chat amongst themselves on the trip

<AshnabisNarrator> (you can have some time to talk to one another, if you want - it's been a while since you had a chance)
<Malqatar> Ugh. The water should stay be under me, not above me.
<Llillilli> Mm.
* Llillilli doesn't seem to mind the wet
* Daifan just looks resigned to being soaked, finding the best way to wind their daish so they are caught up by wet cloth every time they move
<Daifan> always so extreme here...
* Junan sings sea shanties to try and surpress the damp... enhanced with a few drinks of wine
<Daifan> still, its nice to be together.
* Jimba smiles at that.
* Katenzhi smiles at Daifan.
<Daifan> ...when we are drowned by the sky :p
<Llillilli> speak for yourself.
<Katenzhi> I always figured I'd go out drowning.
<Jimba> Such doomsayers today.
<Jimba> It's just a little rain. ;)
<Daifan> Oof, if it is on Llillilli to brng your bones back to your ancerstors, hmmm ;)
* Veznara frowns
* Llillilli allows a small smile at that one >:)
<Junan> there is plenty of wine to warm the bones
<Veznara> This is the farthest away from the colony that we've ever been.
<Veznara> Well, almost. On a surveying mission, anyway.
<Daifan> mmhmmm
<Katenzhi> We are pretty far out at least. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if we just kept going. Left everything behind and became explorers or something. Not that I ever would. It's just fun to think about.
<Daifan> its hard to see the shore with so much rain, so it feels further...
<Junan> as long as we see it before we run into it
<Veznara> Or anything else. :/
<Daifan> Can you ever really see your fate coming?
<Katenzhi> Well that got deep real fast.
<Daifan> as long as the channel stays that way. Is jimba steering? Maybe we should double check ;)
<Jimba> Hey!
<Jimba> But also, uh, Kat, give it a look, yeah?
<Katenzhi> Aye aye, Cap'n.
* Daifan smiles in contentment, smiling out into the rain
<AshnabisNarrator> Ok, everyone can make a Perception check.
<Llillilli> !roll 1d20+15
* @Lan-werk rolls for Llillilli: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 33 ].
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+14
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 17 ].
<Jimba> !roll 1d20+14
* @Lan-werk rolls for Jimba: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 17 ].
<Katenzhi> (Womp womp)
<Jimba> (Welp, not me and Kat's day)
<Junan> !roll 1d20+18
* @Lan-werk rolls for Junan: [ 1d20+18 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 18 ] totals [ 31 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> clearly you're busy concentrating on sailing :)
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 26 ].
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+16
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 30 ].

They come upon a boat and some people in distress

<AshnabisNarrator> As you round a curve of the coast, giving a wide berth to some rocks that you can see waves breaking over near the shore, Llillilli, Junan, and Daifan, you can hear what you think is a faint shout for help in Ombesh.
* Llillilli frowns
<Llillilli> Did you hear that>
<Veznara> What is it?
<Katenzhi> What?
<Llillilli> I heard someone call for help
<Daifan> Yes - there's someone out there
<Junan> so did I
<Katenzhi> Where?
* Daifan will point
<Jimba> (Can we see anything?)
<AshnabisNarrator> Looking to the direction you think it came from, you can see a small ship, maybe a fishing boat or other similar small vessel, that looks to be drifting in a little cove near some rocks.
<AshnabisNarrator> At first you think perhaps the sailor or sailors of this ship ran aground or had some other trouble. Certainly the ship is not anchored properly, and its sails seem to be in some disarray.
<AshnabisNarrator> As you draw closer, however, you can see a small group of people clustered together on the shore, some waving their hands to try and draw your attention.
* Daifan waves back so they will know they've been seen
<Daifan> (unless they're like, trying to *direct
* our attetion)
* Katenzhi will try to steer in that direction.
<Junan> (like avoid those rocks)
<Jimba> (*nod*)
<AshnabisNarrator> OK, for funsies Jimba and Kat can make Sailing checks
<Jimba> !roll 1d20+14
* @Lan-werk rolls for Jimba: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 23 ].
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+14
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 17 ].
<Katenzhi> (Oooooof)
<Veznara> (Are they calling for help, or trying to warn us off?)
<AshnabisNarrator> They're calling for help.
<AshnabisNarrator> Approaching cautiously in case it might be a ruse, you can get close enough to make out that they don't look to be local fishers or traders. They wear armor and hold swords.
<AshnabisNarrator> From what you can see it looks like there are four of them, but only two seem to be moving around - the others are lying on the ground, perhaps injured? The upright pair are in what you take to be a defensive position, standing near the fallen two.
<AshnabisNarrator> "Look out!" one of them, a woman, yells to you, her voice carried by the wind. "...the rocks!"
* Daifan will eat some fos and cast Message :V
<AshnabisNarrator> ok, you can roll for that
* Junan will move to the prow and try and sight out a path for approaching
<Daifan> (I guess assuming they're close enough_
* Veznara calls upon the Ancestors to grant skill to our sailors...
* Llillilli tries to get a better look at the rocks in case there's something other than them being rocks :v
<AshnabisNarrator> You can make a perception check, Llillilli.
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 19 ].
<Llillilli> !roll 1d20+15
* @Lan-werk rolls for Llillilli: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 32 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> Llillilli, you can see a glimpse of something large moving around among the rocks, it's well-camouflaged with the stone and seaweed, but big.
<Llillilli> There's something on the rocks!
* Daifan will point at one of the people waiving and whisper "We're coming - what happened? is it just the rocks?"
* Jimba looks where Llillilli is looking.
<Llillilli> Some kind of large creature!
* Llillilli tries to point it out as it moves.
<Llillilli> THere.
<AshnabisNarrator> The reply is "There's a monster, it hurt two of my people!"
<AshnabisNarrator> (there we go - we can move over to roll20 for init)
* Daifan nods and whispers back "We see it - we'll take care of it" (They fight against a large crab-like monster with a poison sting. Katenzhi strikes it with lighting, Llillilli and Jimba attack, Junan is paralyzed and Daifan, in trying to cast a spell, accidentally erases part of their memory.)

They talk with the newcomers after the fight and learn of their goal to find General Lentus

* Daifan stares around the scene of the bete, the ship in distress in the distance
* Katenzhi will head over to Daifan and put a hand on their back.
<Katenzhi> You ok?
<Daifan> ....what happened?
<AshnabisNarrator> Daifan, having failed in your spell, you now have no memory of the past 10 minutes.
<Katenzhi> That looked pretty rough
<Jimba> Someone check on Junan.
<Daifan> what did? ...Junan!
<Veznara> Junan is hurt!
<Katenzhi> We killed it. We're ok.
* Daifan looks around for him
* Llillilli climbs up on the rock where the thing was.
<AshnabisNarrator> Junan, the paralysis is wearing off, although you're still quite injured.
* Veznara leads Daifan to where Junan fell.
* Jimba comes around the side of the creature to check on folks.
<Jimba> Llillilli, you all right?
* Daifan will scramble over to the shore and check on him
<Llillilli> Fine
* Llillilli grunts
* Jimba frowns.
<Daifan> are you okay? What happened?
<Jimba> You should get Daifan to take a look.
<Llillilli> She's busy
* Junan looks around groggily
<Junan> Did we win?
<Daifan> yes...
<Katenzhi> We should check on those folks on the shore too
<Junan> oh good... did I help?
* Daifan will do a preliminary heal check and look to see if anyone else is hurt as well
* Katenzhi will head over and make sure the folks who called us are ok
<Daifan> I am sure you did.
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+16
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 32 ].
<Daifan> (Heal on Junan, just initial assessment I know they're both going to need longer term care)
<AshnabisNarrator> (you have a healer's kit, right?)
* Veznara goes over to help with the people on the shore
* Jimba follows Kat.
<Daifan> (yes - I guess I can trt deadly wounds)
<AshnabisNarrator> yeah, you can try that if you think you will stay here for a bit to help people.
<AshnabisNarrator> Ok. The people on the shore are two men and two women - one man and one woman look quite injured, the other two are guarding them.
* Junan will get himself up
<Junan> Thanks.
* Junan gives a wink
* Daifan smiles, still somewhat udertain what al has happened but you know, there is a job to do now
<Woman> Thank you for your help... we might not have escaped without your assistance. We were driven in here by the storm and then the beast attacked us.
<Veznara> Here, let us see what we can do for your injured...
<Katenzhi> Of course. Let's get your friends some help and we can get you folks your boat back.
* Veznara will go over and examine them until Daifan can join and take over.
<Jimba> (What type of boat do they have? Can we tell what they might have been doing out here?)
<Katenzhi> (Also, is it damaged?)
* Daifan can check them out too, and Llillilli, just to triage
<Daifan> (I assume their two are worse, since our peeps are walking, more or less ;)
<Veznara> (Does the woman have an accent that might indicate where she's from?)
<AshnabisNarrator> Their boat does look somewhat damaged - not irreparably so, but you can see signs that one of their sails was torn.
* Llillilli is just sitting on her rock until the talky people sort this out now
<AshnabisNarrator> You do notice that each of them bears a large sword and has a beaded sash like that of a sentinel, but rather than the usual black, it is white.
<Veznara> (Do I know what that means?)
<Junan> (any clue what that means?)
<AshnabisNarrator> you can make a k:history check I guess would be most suitable.
<Veznara> (K:History roll, perhaps? :D )
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+21
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+21 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 21 ] totals [ 36 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> ok sec - i'm trying to answer questions somewhat in order.
<AshnabisNarrator> The boat is not a large one, but is a seagoing boat, like fishers might use. These people don't look like fishers, however, so you aren't sure what they might be doing here, Jimba.
<AshnabisNarrator> The two who are down do seem to be quite badly injured, presumably they were hit by the stinger as well as at least a claw or two.
<AshnabisNarrator> Veznara, you know that in the past, different regiments of Sentinels would have different coloured sashes to help distinguish them. However for a long time, as far as you know, all Sentinels have worn a black sash, and distinguish their ranks with particular bead patterns and insignia sewn on the sash. So this is quite old-fashioned, you think, or otherwise unusual, but you don't know precisely what it means.
<Woman> My name is Shild Ighakha. I appreciate your aid.
* Woman is now known as Shild
* Shild is a woman in her mid-twenties, with signs of a violent past shown in the scarring along the left side of her face. She has short red hair and is very small in stature, yet seems to be the one in charge here. Her accent seems to be from Basai, you would guess.
<Junan> I'm glad fortune was with you and found us here to help.
<Shild> My companions are Uchu, Fusna, and Rushurtosh.
* NPC1 is now known as Uchu
* Uchu is a tall, gangly man of around 25 or so, with long light brown hair fastened back in a braid.
<Shild> (Uchu is the other who seems relatively unharmed, Fusna and Rushurtosh are injured)
<Shild> What brought you to this place? It's so deserted.
* Junan will make introductions
<Daifan> (Well, I'll start on treating whichever one of them is more severely wounded)
<Jimba> We're surveyors.
<Uchu> You really killed that thing fast. I liked when the lightning hit it.
<Junan> magic has its uses, especially when a storm is providing the ammunition
<Katenzhi> Me too!
<Shild> Do you come from Charadip?
* Katenzhi grins
* AshnabisGM is now known as Rushurtosh
<Junan> we are actually out of Kaskind. Were you heading for Charadip?
* Rushurtosh is a short, slim man, younger than the others, maybe only about 20, with a dark complexion and black dreadlocks in a ponytail. He is severely injured, only vaguely conscious.
<Shild> Yes, but I'm not certain where we will need to go from there. I doubt it is our final port.
<Shild> We aren't familiar with these lands.
* NPC3 is now known as Fusna
<Veznara> What brings you here, then, if we may ask?
<Uchu> Our boat.
* Fusna is a young woman with curly dark brown hair that reaches to her shoulders. She has a beautiful face but a cold, distant expression, perhaps masking the pain from her injuries.
* Shild grins at that.
<Shild> Yes, our boat, good one Uchu :)
* Jimba chuckles.
<Uchu> Good ... one, yes.
<Junan> how about your purpose then?
<Shild> We are loyal soldiers of the Ulonian Regiment.
<Shild> We came to present ourselves to General Lentus - we heard about his revival and have travelled a long distance to speak with him. Do you know of where he can be found?
<Veznara> (Do I recognize that name?)
<Veznara> (That's an ancient regiment that no longer really exists?)
<AshnabisNarrator> (you can make a k:nobility roll how about?)
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 27 ].
<Junan> !roll 1d20+8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Junan: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 16 ].
* Jimba looks to Junan and Veznara to gauge their response.
<AshnabisNarrator> Veznara, the name does ring a bell, as you think of noble lineages with military ties. There was a sentinel, presumably a general or some other high rank, named Ulon Riltogaza. Your recollection is that he committed some kind of treasonous act and was stripped of his sword and rank.
<AshnabisNarrator> His followers, if indeed they still remain, don't recognize the authority of the Sentinels in Choradan, but largely act as mercenaries or basically independent soldiers.
<Veznara> The Ulonian Regiment... of General Ulon Riltogaza?
<Shild> You know of us?
* Shild seems surprised.
<Veznara> I have heard something, yes. But I thought your regiment was, ah, disbanded... some time ago.
* Uchu scoffs.
<Shild> Only by an authority which we do not recognize.
<Jimba> I mean, if they're looking for Lentus, *he's
* from "some time ago" too.
<Veznara> I suppose so. And you seek General Lentus because...
<Shild> Our tales say that he was an ally, even a friend, of General Ulon.
<Veznara> (Was Ulon by any chance part of Lentus' rebellious activities? :P )
<Shild> We come to offer our service to him, if he proves worthy of it.
* Jimba shrugs.
<Veznara> (And was Ulon associated with Basai?)
<Shild> (possibly? you don't know for sure but Lentus hasn't really given a full run down of all his conspiracy buddies)
<Jimba> Fair enough.
<Junan> by our, you mean you four, or all of your regiment?
<Shild> We come as... advance scouts. To see if he is who he claims, first of all, and if he is deserving of our swords.
<Jimba> Oh, he is who he claims.
<Shild> You know him, then?
<Jimba> Well enough. :)
<Veznara> Ah... how many swords?
* Shild shrugs.
<Shild> Enough.
<Junan> (sense thoughts... how many?)
<Junan> !roll 1d20+8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Junan: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 28 ].
<Junan> (opposed by a bluff check)
* Jimba smirks at that.
* Daifan just keeps up wound tending for now
<Daifan> . o O (enough for what >.>)
<AshnabisNarrator> (I don't think she can beat that, lol)
<AshnabisNarrator> Junan, you think she is thinking of a number between 50 and 100.
<Junan> I guess that means you need to head to Kaskind
<Shild> Is that where he is?
<Jimba> (Last we checked, right?)
<Veznara> Enough for... what?
<Veznara> Are you hoping to persuade him to join you; or is your Regiment prepared to come to join him?
<Shild> (I think either there or Timiil, if he's at the Lentu lineage house?)
<Jimba> It's the logical next stop. Should be easy enough to find him from there.
<Shild> Well, this is up to him. If he proves himself worthy, and is willing to take charge, then we will let the rest of our brethren know we are no longer leaderless.
<Jimba> You don't currently have a leader?
<Shild> No.
<Jimba> Fair enough.
<Katenzhi> Well if you want to get to Lentus, I should probably take a look at your sails.
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> We might be able to patch you up.
<Shild> We'd appreciate it. Are you travelling back to Kaskind, or venturing further yourselves?
<Junan> I'm sure your journey has been quite an adventure... hopefully not as dangerous as this day.
<Junan> (do we have much more to do out here?)
<Shild> It has had its ups and downs... fortunately none so serious as this, indeed.
<Jimba> (Can we turn back to Kaskind, or do we have more surveying to do?)
<Shild> (You would probably have been turning around soon)
<Jimba> We can start making our way back if you want to follow.
<Shild> If we could convoy with you on the last leg of our trip, that would be reassuring - with two of us injured, I was worried we might not be able to make it without resting here for some time, vulnerable to whatever other creatures might happen upon us.
<Daifan> mmhmm
* Jimba nods.
<Daifan> I can patch them up some, but they'll still need to rest and recover
<Jimba> I don't want to speak for folks, but maybe we can trade some crew for the trip back? Your hurt friends could come on the Menagerie so Daifan can look after them, and maybe Kat or I could come with you to help with the sailing?
<Junan> could we just tow the smaller boat?
<AshnabisNarrator> You could rig it up to tow their boat, yes.
<Jimba> (Can we?)
<Jimba> Oh, yeah, that works, too.
<Shild> We don't want to impose upon you, but ... that would be appreciated, if it isn't too much trouble.
<Junan> safer for us as well, especially if your skilled with those swords, if another beast happens on us
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> Shouldn't be a problem.
<Shild> We're not bad, but we couldn't get close enough to that thing without taking blows from its claws and stinger. That's what happened to Fusna and Rushurtosh - they tried to close in with it and it struck them down. We pulled them to safety and tried to keep it at bay, but I was afraid unless it lost interest, we were going to perish there.
<Llillilli> Where did it come from?
<Jimba> (Where did it go? ;) )
<Shild> Underwater, I guess maybe it nests - nested - in among these rocks.
<Shild> (hopefully in a big pot of soup)
<Jimba> (A *very
* big pot.)
<Jimba> (Do we know at all what that thing was?)
<AshnabisNarrator> (yes but it has a stupid name, scorpion crab is better. it's a tetrolimulus.)
<Jimba> (Anything valuable about it? Shell, etc.?)
<AshnabisNarrator> The poison could be extracted and sold, if you wanted. That would be the most valuable resource. The shell and meat would be about as valuable as a big crab :)
* Daifan would love to take some big crab home :3
* Jimba will set to collecting what he can.
* Katenzhi will grab the poison if possible for Biv
<AshnabisNarrator> You would have to make a Survival check if you want to get the poison without poisoning yourself in the process, but you can give it a shot
<Katenzhi> (She loves when I bring her nice things)
<AshnabisNarrator> heh, so romantic
<Jimba> (I'm happy to give that a shot unless someone else wants to.)
* Junan will continue to chat up Shild
<Katenzhi> (I can try)
<Katenzhi> !roll 1d20+11
* @Lan-werk rolls for Katenzhi: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 24 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> oof... got anything you can do to boost that at all? because that fails by 1 ;)
<Jimba> (Can I assist?)
<AshnabisNarrator> sure
<Jimba> !roll 1d20+14
* @Lan-werk rolls for Jimba: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 25 ].
<Jimba> (So that should add 2 to Kat's)
<AshnabisNarrator> ok - it's dicey but you manage to extract one dose of the potent poison.

On their return to Kaskind, they bring the Ulonian soldiers to Lentus, and they offer him their service

* Llillilli just sits on the deck taking in the chatter etc.
* Jimba will be sure to get as much meat and everything else, largely probably to give to Daifan.
<Jimba> (I mean, we can only use so much ourselves.)
<Junan> red wine doesnt go with crab, but I'll survive
<Jimba> Any wine goes with crab, if you have enough.
<Katenzhi> Wine goes with everything.
* Daifan smirks, wringing out another bandage
<Junan> you two are not wordly enough in wine making such statements
<Daifan> plenty of whine to go around, sounds like
<Katenzhi> Oh, I feel like I have plenty of experience with wine.
* Jimba laughs.
<Junan> I'm badly bruised, slightly poisoned, my shirt will need a good mending, and I haven't raised one complaint about it... until now.
* Llillilli just rolls her eyes
<Daifan> no, you only complain about the important things ;)
<Katenzhi> I could always just use what's left of your shirt to mend their sails ;)
<Daifan> red whine with crab, pfft ^-^
<Junan> bah
<Veznara> Shild, would you tell me about your regiment's history? I'm something of a historian, so I'm very interested. I did recognize the name, but I've only learned the official side of the story - from the authority that, as you say, your regiment never recognized.
* Junan tosses the shirt at Kat
<Veznara> Were they involved in the same uprising as General Lentus?
<Daifan> . o O ( probably shouldn't flirt too much in front of these new people... or oggle >.> )
* Llillilli leans against her giant baby turtle
<Shild> No, not the same.
* Veznara nods
<Jimba> A different one, then?
<Shild> General Ulon was a great leader. He died in battle, at the front of his troops, and was raised as shoror. After that, the understanding dawned on him that the Marshal in Choradan was only using our troops as one might use tokens in a game - not risking anything himself, just the lives of others. He rebelled.
<Shild> Lentus would I suppose have been a young man then - not yet a leader himself. But he was a student of General Ulon's methods and tactics.
<Veznara> And your Regiment has managed to continue all this time?
<Uchu> Yes. My kin have followed our General all these years. The Anizemos serve the General always.
<Uchu> My own Ancestor was one of the first to rally.
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 14 ].
<Shild> For some, it's a tie of lineage, tradition. Others have come to our side more recently, seeing the wisdom in serving those we deem worthy rather than whoever the Marshal tells us to fight.
* Jimba nods.
<Veznara> But the Empire is no more... there's no longer a Marshal to issue orders?
<Shild> Pft, there's still a Marshal. Who do you think the Sentinels listen to for their orders?
<Veznara> Ah, I suppose so.
<Veznara> But where have you been based all this time?
<Shild> We travel here and there. I am from Basai originally, but I've been all over.
<Junan> I know a few songs from Basai.
* Junan will fetch his lute and start picking a few tunes
* Shild seems content to sit and listen to your music.
<AshnabisNarrator> You can make the trip back to Kaskind without further trouble. Where did you want to take these folks, or are you just going to turn them loose once you get there?
<Junan> (id rather guide them so we know where they are)
<Jimba> (Yeah)
<Jimba> (I figure we take them to Lentus?)
<Veznara> (As I recall, you have to set up a meeting with Lentus ahead of time anyway...)
<Jimba> (I'm not sure we do.)
<AshnabisNarrator> (Jimba doesn't, really. he's on friendly terms with the lineage, he can drop in.)
<Daifan> (Jimba has better connections to the lentu)
<Daifan> (yeah)
<Jimba> (I know a guy ;) )
<Veznara> (Well, I'd love to tag along... :D )
<AshnabisNarrator> Okay, you can escort them to Lentus. They will be glad enough to have you show them the way, they've never been here before.
<AshnabisNarrator> Jimba, did you want to have a word with him first? or just bring them in?
<Jimba> I should probably talk to him first.
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+16
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 21 ].
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+16
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 18 ].
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+16
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 18 ].
<Daifan> !roll 1d20+16
* @Lan-werk rolls for Daifan: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 22 ].
* Lentus is at the Lentu lineage house in Timiil. He is wearing a plain dashi and his beard is well-trimmed - there would be almost nothing to suggest he has not lived here all his life, until he speaks.
* Jimba smiles and waves.
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 16 ].
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 24 ].
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 12 ].
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 13 ].
<Lentus> Hello, Jimba, welcome! It has been too long since you graced this hall.
<Jimba> Much to my chagrin. How are you?
<Lentus> Well enough. There are many changes, of course. But my kinsmen have been very kind. And this has created opportunities for them, as well.
<Lentus> What of you? You have been very busy.
<Jimba> I try. We were just out on a survey, actually, and came upon some people looking to meet you.
<Lentus> To meet me?
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> They're from the legion of General Ulon Riltogaza?
<Jimba> Well, obviously the descendants of said legion.
* Lentus frowns.
<Lentus> There are still such? I would have thought ... well, hmm.
<Jimba> Is that bad?
<Jimba> (ack)
<Jimba> (ack)
<Lentus> No, not bad.
<Lentus> Unexpected.
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> I would imagine.
<Jimba> Do you want to meet them?
<Lentus> What do they want?
<Jimba> Honestly? A messiah, I think. Or at least a leader.
<Jimba> I think they have you built up in their minds. Not that you're not impressive, of course. ;)
* Lentus nods.
<Lentus> Well. They have been waiting for me for 300 years, it would be rude to keep them waiting.
* Jimba chuckles and nods.
<Jimba> Shall we, then?
* Jimba gestures.
<Lentus> Sure.
* Shild and her fellow soldiers stand to attention outside.
* Lentus examines the group.
<Lentus> Very well, who do we have here?
<Shild> Sir, I am Lieutenant Shild Ighakha.
<Shild> We have travelled far to seek your leadership, if you are willing to give it.
<Lentus> To lead ... you? Do you have no leadership?
<Shild> Sir, we have no General.
<Lentus> I see. And you seek me ... it has been many years since I wore a sword.
<Shild> Have you forgotten its feel in your hand, sir?
<Lentus> I have not.
<Shild> If you do not wish our service, we will be glad nevertheless to have met one who knew our last General, for it is a great honour.
<Lentus> I do not ... I do not say no. But you should not ask lightly, and I should not agree lightly.
<Lentus> I would need to hear more about what you would want, and how I would serve. I have duties here, in Timiil.
<Shild> I am glad to speak with you further, if you should wish it.
<Lentus> I will give your words great consideration, and would indeed hear more about your group and its operations.