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Diablotin 1 session logs
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Session Start: Mon Jan 24 18:30:28 2005 Session Ident: #changeling

  • Logging #changeling to 'C:\Files\IRC Logs\game60.EsperNet'

[Diablotin_Narrator] It is the day of Falke and Ilse's wedding! The morning is cloudy and overcast but not rainy, and rather warm for Fifth-month. [Diablotin_Narrator] The ceremony is to take place in their local church, on Cross Keys Square in Pearl City. It is a humble but well-maintained building, whose main pride comes from its lovely stained glass windows, featuring old-fashioned representations of the gods. [Diablotin_Narrator] Most of the people present are unknown to all of you except Falke - you presume they must be some of his and Ilse's extended family, friends and neighbours. [Diablotin_Narrator] Falke, you are pleased to see how many of your family members made the effort to come to your wedding. Your parents are there, of course, and your grandmother, as well as quite a number of your aunts, uncles, and cousins. [Falke] :) [Diablotin_Narrator] Anezie and Dagan arrive together, and though you are only mildly surprised, it causes quite a stir when Reanne disembarks from a carriage on the arm of the Count of Greven... [Diablotin_Narrator] Captain Casavant, having been invited, is in attendance, though unaccompanied. You recognize a number of Ilse's friends and co-workers as well, although you don't know all of them very well. [Diablotin_Narrator] Finally, you are gratified to see a grey-clad elderly man slip in and take a seat near the back without being much noticed by anyone but you. [Diablotin_Narrator] The ceremony is being performed by the local priest, Brother Roldan, who has ministered to this neighbourhood since you were perhaps eight years old. He is a tall, slim man in his mid-fifties with curly brown hair, dressed in the silver-grey robes of the Wolf. [Diablotin_Narrator] You wait for your bride-to-be at the front of the church.

  • Lukas stands beside you, trying not to fidget nervously or make a fool of himself.
  • Falke is handsomely dressed in a soft grey homespun redingote, cream-coloured homespun trousers, and polished black footwear. Under his redingote, he wears a blue watered silk waistcoat over a creamy white linen shirt. Around his neck he wears an unembellished cream cravat tied in a simple knot.
  • Falke glances sidelong at Lukas and grins.

[Falke] [w] I'm supposed to be the most nervous one, you know.

  • Lukas smiles back.

[Lukas] [w] I just don't want to trip over my feet or anything ;) [Falke] [w] As long as it's you and not me. ;) [Diablotin_Narrator] The crowd grows quiet as Ilse appears, silhouetted in the doorway. She steps inside, and you can see that she wears a pretty empire-waist dress of pale blue silk, trimmed with white ribbon. Her dark hair is gathered back from her face with a fall of matching ribbon, and she carries a bouquet of white sweetpeas.

  • Falke , in spite of his brave words to the contrary, is really rather nervous, though you can only tell by the occasional twitching of his hands.

[Falke] . o O (Oh, wow... :o) [Diablotin_Narrator] Perhaps a little nervously, she begins her walk down the aisle - accompanied by her proud mother, as her father is deceased, and by her bridesmaid, Ofelia, who wears a simple but elegant dark blue frock and carries a smaller bouquet of her own.

  • Falke smiles happily. She is so beautiful! He is so lucky! :)
  • Ilse finally arrives to stand beside you.
  • Falke beams at her, and takes both her hands in his own before turning to the priest.
  • Brother_Roldan smiles at the two of you, and begins to speak...

[Brother_Roldan] Love is a gift from the gods, but also a gift that we give to one another, comforting and supporting each other in this world of troubles. Marriage is more than love, though. It is a promise to love no other for the duration of this lifetime, a foundation strong enough to build a family upon. [Brother_Roldan] As you grow in your love for one another, it is the wish of everyone gathered here that you will always stand together, like two pillars under the same roof - sharing your burdens and lending strength to one another, and sheltering those who will come to rely on that strength and fidelity. [Brother_Roldan] But it is not my words that make this union binding - it is your words, to each other.

  • Brother_Roldan nods to Ilse, who turns to face you.
  • Falke turns his attention fully to her, eyes bright with his love for her.

[Ilse] Falke... I've known you since we were children, and I always knew you to be a good friend. But somewhere along the way, that friendship kindled into something more precious, more rare.

  • Ilse speaks quietly, but her soft voice carries in the church.

[Ilse] With you, I feel safe enough to unlock my heart, to truly be myself and know that you will love me for who I am, not who I might pretend to be. You bring out the best parts of me. [Ilse] I swear that I will always love you, trust you, stand by you and be honest with you, because I know that you will always do the same with me.

  • Ilse smiles at you.
  • Brother_Roldan turns to you and nods for you to speak your vows...
  • Falke smiles.

[Falke] Ilse, you have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I cherish every moment that I have ever spent with you. I want to laugh with you, to share with you, to cry with you. You give me hope, and joy, and purpose. [Falke] You are everything to me. I love you, Ilse, now and for always.

  • Brother_Roldan smiles at the two of you.

[Brother_Roldan] Falke... [Brother_Roldan] Do you vow to take this woman, in the sight of the gods, into your life, your house and your heart? To cherish her and keep her, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, for all the days of your life? [Falke] I do.

  • Falke speaks from his heart.

[Brother_Roldan] Ilse... [Brother_Roldan] Do you vow to take this man, in the sight of the gods, into your life, your house and your heart? To cherish him and keep him, in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, for all the days of your life? [Ilse] I do. [Brother_Roldan] Is there any just reason why these two should not be joined here today?

  • Falke can't imagine there is! :o

[Diablotin_Narrator] There is a long moment, during which, fortunately for you, no one makes a sound. [Brother_Roldan] Then by the power vested in me by the Six, I pronounce you man and wife. What the gods have joined together, let no one dare to sunder.

  • Brother_Roldan blesses you both with the Sign of the Wheel.

[Brother_Roldan] You may now kiss the bride.

  • Falke does so. :D
  • Ilse embraces you happily.
  • Falke embraces her tightly back, eyes shining with tears of happiness.
  • Ilse takes your arm to leave the church, to the cheers and happy applause of the assembled guests.
  • Pavo whoops
  • Falke has composed himself by the time they reach the end of the aisle, but he can't stop grinning, he's so happy.

[Diablotin_Narrator] The party afterwards encompasses both Falke's family home and Ilse's, and spills out into the street between them as well. There is ample food prepared by busy mothers and neighbours, a barrel of ale free-flowing, and music provided by whoever happens to have an instrument handy. [Diablotin_Narrator] (people who want to talk to each other could do so now :)

  • Boden will watch some of the musicians.
  • Kalman will come and congratulate Falke :)
  • Boden will also be drinking happily.
  • Hendrick is now known as Belden
  • Falke is practically glued to his lovely wife's side. He chats animatedly with whoever comes up to congratulate them, etc. But his attention rarely strays from Ilse for long!
  • Falke smiles when he sees Kalman come up.
  • Kalman will come over and shake both your hands, though

[Kalman] Congratulations :D

  • Falke shakes your hand in return.

[Ilse] Thank you :) [Kalman] You two look marvelous.. and marvelously happy.

  • Kalman grins

[Falke] Thank you. I think it's safe to say we are. ^-^

  • Belden is sitting by Rab, with Loch and Jenai.

[Kalman] Well, good :) May it last you for the rest of your lives :)

  • Falke smiles at Ilse. He is sure it will!
  • Pavo will head over with Phorien to sit with Loch and Belden, seeing as no one else even looks familiar...
  • Kalman likes weddings!

[Falke] Thank you for yuor blessing. :) [Falke] So, what do you think of the way we do things in Pearl? ^-^

  • Belden chats with Jenai about babies.

[Kalman] I think they are perfectly lovely. And honest.

  • Loch watches pensively
  • Kalman smiles to Ilse, thnking of her vows
  • Ilse smiles back.

[Ilse] Should we go over and say hello to your other friends, Falke? :) [Falke] Probably... I guess the tide of relatives has passed. [Kalman] Yes, I'm sure there are plenty of others who wish to give their congratulations... and of course I'm sure you'll be wanting plenty of time to your selves ;) [Kalman] I'll see you later. [Falke] All right, Kalman. Enjoy yourself! [Falke] :) [Kalman] I will :)

  • Kalman will go off then

[Kalman] (Is E with me? :o) [Diablotin_Narrator] (yeah, I just can't play everyone's dates at once ;) [Falke] (If she was, I would have included her in the conversation, greeted her, etc.) [Kalman] (Fair enough, I'll go back to her then ^-^)

  • Falke smiles down at his lovely bride.

[Falke] Have I told you how amazing you are yet? [Ilse] Not in the past fifteen minutes :)

  • Falke smiles as he offers her his arm to escort her to his friends.

[Falke] I better catch up, then. ;) [Falke] You're amazing, wonderful, the brightest, most beautiful woman in the Empire...

  • Ilse laughs.
  • Falke continues to praise her as they approach the others, grinning.

[Ilse] If you say so ;) [Belden] ... been kicking up a storm all day.

  • Ilse heads over with you to the group of people seated together to say hello.

[Falke] ^-^

  • Belden is speaking animatedly, resting her hand on her stomach.
  • Falke smiles. Are you showing yet?
  • Pavo looks awkwardly at Phorien, the conversation way out of his league...

[Boden] Hi there Falke, Ilse! You guys look great! [Falke] Thank you. :D [Falke] Thank you all for coming. [Belden] Oh, hello.

  • Ilse smiles at all of you.
  • Belden smiles up at the newlyweds.

[Belden] Congratulations. [Belden] What a lovely ceremony.

  • Pavo will stand to greet the couple :)

[Loch] Congratulations, you too. We wouldn't have missed this. [Pavo] Yes, congrats.

  • Falke ducks his head in that bashful way he has.

[Falke] Thank you. [Ilse] Thanks :) [Falke] I hope you've all found enough to eat and drink. :) [Boden] Its been really good. It reminds me of a Gouge weding, the way it all spills out into the streets and stuff.

  • Kalman will play with the musicians for a while ;)

[Belden] Oh goodness, there's more than enough for twice this many people :) [Falke] If not, you'd better grab some soon... this place is full of ravening wolves. [Falke] Oh really? :)

  • Falke asks Boden.

[Pavo] There *are* a lot of people here though... [Boden] yeah, the whole everyone in the area brings over food and all that. Its pretty much the same as in Gouge.

  • Falke looks embarrassed.

[Falke] I guess I always thought Gouge was a bit too small to have that many streets. ^-^ [Falke] I have a lot to learn still. [Boden] well...there isn't really a lot of streets. [Boden] There is kinda only one big one and a few small ones.

  • Loch chuckles

[Pavo] But the people from Gouge are so big they fill them up anyway? :) [Falke] Okay. [Boden] but when there is a wedding there are all the people who come in from out in the farms and all that, so it looks pretty busy. [Loch] we'll all have to visit Gouge sometime

  • Falke chuckles.
  • Boden smiles at Loch.

[Falke] Yeah, that could be fun. I'd like to see a kobold. [Belden] Oh, wouldn't that be nice? :) [Boden] Yeah, now that you can help with the traveling it would be much easier. [Pavo] Do we send Loch on ahead to teleport us all in? :)

  • Boden shrugs.

[Boden] I guess I could ask around the Castilia to see if any teleporters have ever been up that way before... [Loch] No need to do that.

  • Diablotin_Narrator changes topic to '[Falke] Yeah, that could be fun. I'd like to see a kobold. [Belden] Oh, wouldn't that be nice? :) '
  • Boden looks to Loch to see what he has to say.

[Loch] I could simply scry Boden's parents, assuming they're back in Gouge.

  • Falke 's attention returns to Ilse... he hopes she isn't feeling left out. We should go visit with her friends as well!

[Pavo] I suppose that's how they got us out of Blackhope.

  • Pavo nods
  • Boden nods in agreement.

[Boden] That would be cool Loch...

  • Boden is quite happy.
  • Ilse seems content to stay here, at least for the moment :)
  • Falke flashes her a quick, loving smile.

[Boden] What about you two? any plans for your honeymoon?

  • Boden asks Falke and Ilse

[Falke] Well... we couldn't get enough time off for any long journeys.

  • Kalman will come over to the main group, since everyone is together

[Falke] So... we're going to just spend some time here with each other.

  • Belden leans up against Rab.

[Falke] But someday, we will be travelling! [Belden] Oh, that's nice. [Loch] Long journeys are not a problem [Loch] If you want to take one

  • Kalman chuckles as he comes over

[Belden] You don't have to go anywhere, really... As long as you're together.

  • Boden takes nother nice swig of ale.
  • Ilse nods.

[Kalman] You know, Loch, there are people who make they're living off of these kinds of services ;) [Belden] I mean, we never did. :) [Loch] I am aware of that, but I'm not planning to.

  • Falke glances at Ilse. Would she want to take Loch up on his sudden offer?

[Belden] I'm happy enough that my friends and family were able to be here with me. [Pavo] Can you scry the beaches to the west, Loch? :) [Falke] ... [Ilse] Well... it could be fun - we'll have to think about when we could go :)

  • Falke nods.

[Falke] It's a bit too sudden to take you up on your offer in the next few days. But we'll certainly think about it.

  • Falke smiles down at Ilse.

[Loch] It's not that simple... I cant just peer anywhere then bring you there.

  • Falke nods.

[Falke] You'll have to let us know what our options would be, then. Thank you very much, Loch. :) [Loch] I have to scry someone... not just a place. [Kalman] My father is going to be going to Sarande soon. It's on the coast, in the south. [Loch] That would be a perfect example [Falke] The coast would be wonderful, I think? [Ilse] Oh, yes! :) [Kalman] I have vauge memories of it having nice beaches... but it has been quite a few years since I was there

  • Falke sees if Ilse would like that. He did promise her once, after all. :)

[Falke] We can go searching for seashells.

  • Falke hugs her close.

[Belden] Well, won't that be fun :)

  • Ilse leans against you, smiling.

[Loch] It would be my pleasure to accomidate you [Kalman] Actually, Loch, speaking of that... [Falke] Thank you, again. It's most unexpected and very generous of you. :)

  • Falke smiles down at Ilse again, excited by the prospect.

[Falke] Well... we had best go visit with your friends, too, my love. :) [Kalman] he is going to be leaving fairly soon, and he is taking the sorcerer he usually employs to travel with him. [Kalman] Robin Mainwaring

  • Falke will let you guys talk about taking Kalman to Jura and whatever else.
  • Belden goes back to talking to Jenai, then.

[Kalman] Which means that if I am going to go to Jura, I only have a short interlude in which to do it.

  • Falke will go be charming with her friends for a bit.

[Kalman] I'm wondering if your offer is still open, and how much time you would need to prepare? [Loch] It seems only appropriate, since we're using your father as our portal.

  • Kalman smiles

[Kalman] Well, thanks then [Loch] I wouldnt need too long to prepare. I will have to use the scrying mirror in the Palace, since I cannot afford one of my own. [Kalman] To go to Jura?

  • Kalman seems slightly confused
  • Falke will try to spot Casavant, Turien and Reanne, and/or Grey. See if they stuck around. :)

[Loch] I need to see the place first, before we go. To see the Jura, I will scry your father, since I have met him briefly. [Loch] To scry, I need to use the scrying mirror in the Palace, as a Royal Guard I have access to it. [Kalman] Oh! He's going to Sarande.

  • Kalman sees the confusion now

[Kalman] Which is quite far from Jura ;) [Loch] ok... my geography is not great [Kalman] I thought othe plan was to use mr. mainwaring's services to get the in the first instance. [Loch] That is not required. [Kalman] no? [Loch] I can teleport with great accuracty to a place I have scryed. It is the synergy of the magics. [Kalman] But I thought you needed to have been there, or to scry someone who is present there to scry it? [Loch] My mistake, I had though your father was already there.

  • Kalman shakes his head

[Kalman] Still in the city, I'm afraid. [Kalman] . o O ( ahh my head! ) [Loch] I was getting a little ahead of myself. [Kalman] Ah, I thought you were just trying to confuse me ;) [Loch] Not my intentions

  • Kalman grins

[Kalman] Well, as long as we are clear... [Kalman] . o O ( we are clear, aren't we? :o ) [Loch] we are clear [Kalman] good :) [Kalman] I'll talk to mainwaring, then. [Kalman] how much notice do you need? [Loch] Not much. The whole thing wont take very long.

  • Kalman nods

[Kalman] I'll let you know, then.

[Falke] (What is Reanne wearing? Did she outdo the bride?) [Diablotin_Narrator] Falke, you head over to talk to your sister and her escort. They are pretty absorbed in each other... [Falke] (What is Ilse doing meanwhile?)

  • Reanne is dressed in a pretty red dress - not overly fancy, though.
  • Ilse is with you, unless you don't want her to be.

[Falke] (No, with me is fine.) [Diablotin_Narrator] (well... you're the one approaching them ... :)

  • Falke will stop a little distance away from them and observe for a very short while, try to get the measure of Turien's feelings for her.

[Falke] [w] What do you think? Does he really care for her or is he faking it? [Ilse] [w] I don't know... I don't know him at all.

  • Falke asks Ilse, looking a bit mischievous.

[Falke] [w] It's Turien Kizer... my cousin, I guess you could say. I've never met him either. [Ilse] [w] Oh. [Falke] (I did tell Ilse about him and Reanne when I broke the news to her about Grey) [Diablotin_Narrator] (yes) [Falke] (Can I get an idea of whether he's faking his interest or not?) [Diablotin_Narrator] You don't have any sense that he's faking his interest - but you might judge better if you actually talked to them.

  • Falke smiles down at Ilse.

[Falke] [q] Well, he might be a future in-law. I guess we should say hello. [Falke] ^-^ [Ilse] [q] Sure :)

  • Falke doesn't seem really thrilled by the thought of having him as an in-law right at this moment.
  • Falke holds out his elbow for Ilse and escorts her over towards his sister and Turien.
  • Reanne turns as you approach and smiles at you.

[Reanne] Congratulations, Falke :) [Falke] Thank you. :)

  • Falke turns to Turien.

[Reanne] Oh, yes... this is Turien. Turien, this is my little brother, Falke, and of course Ilse. [Turien] Pleased to meet you.

  • Turien says politely.

[Falke] Pleased to meet you as well. [Falke] I hope you're enjoying yourself.

  • Falke says pleasantly.

[Turien] Oh, yes. It's a very lively party. :) [Falke] Oh? I wasn't sure if you'd noticed, since you were so intent on my sister. ;) [Turien] Well, she's been showing me around.

  • Falke nods.
  • Reanne gives you a suspicious look, the one that you remember says "don't cause trouble, brat"

[Falke] I suppose the setting is a bit out of your experience. I wasn't expecting any nobles at my wedding! :o [Falke] Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy what hospitality we can offer. [Turien] Oh, well, it was a lovely ceremony, and I certainly am enjoying myself. [Falke] Good. I'm glad to hear it. :)

  • Turien nods politely.

[Reanne] Well, I could use another drink! Let's get one, honey :) [Turien] Oh, of course :) [Falke] What would you like? [Reanne] Oh, we'll just get some more ale. [Falke] Allow me. I'm hoping you'll play at least one song, maybe our first dance, Reanne... so I have to butter you up! ;) [Reanne] We know how to help ourselves. [Reanne] But of course I'll play for you... :) [Falke] I'll hold you to it. [Falke] ;) [Reanne] In fifteen minutes or so? [Falke] That will be fine. [Falke] Thanks! :)

  • Falke turns back to Turien.

[Falke] It was a pleasure meeting you, Your Excellency. I hope we might see more of you in the future. [Turien] It was good to meet you too. You can just call me Turien, really.

  • Reanne nods, then hauls Turien off to get some more ale.

[Falke] Turien, then. :) [Falke] (Does he seem happy to be hauled...?) [Falke] (Or is he just entertaining her?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (he seems fine with it) [Falke] (But I really have no better idea about hsi true intentions towards her, eh?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (you don't sense anything amiss about them) [Falke] (ok)

  • Falke turns back to Ilse.

[Falke] You were very quiet! Maybe yuor throat is dry, too. ;) [Falke] We better go fuel up before you wear me out on the dance floor. [Ilse] All right :)

  • Falke hauls her off for drinks too, then.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Belden - you are chatting happily to Jenai, when you see Jess coming towards you. [Belden] Oh!

  • Belden smiles in the girl's direction.
  • Belden waves.
  • Jess_ approaches you cautiously and beckons you aside.
  • Belden politely excuses herself from the table and makes her way over.

[Belden] Hi there! :) [Jess_] Hi...

  • Jess_ looks concerned.

[Jess_] I don't want to interrupt anything, but Maze just showed up and he says there's something real bad happening across the river...

  • Turien is now known as Maze

[Belden] ... Real bad?

  • Belden frowns worriedly.

[Jess_] I think so. [Belden] What sort of something? [Jess_] Like... monsters.

  • Belden glances back over her shoulder at Loch.

[Belden] Oh dear. [Belden] Where is your brother?

  • Jess_ points over to him...
  • Maze is talking in low voices with a short elderly man dressed in a simple grey suit. Both of them look concerned, Maze almost to the point of panic.

[Belden] I'll get the others...

  • Jess_ nods.
  • Belden goes back to the table.

[Belden] Loch, Kalman, Pavo...

  • Belden begins in a lowered voice.
  • Kalman looks up

[Pavo] Yeah? :)

  • Boden is there too.

[Belden] Um, don't make a scene or anything, but there's some kind of disturbance on the other side of the river. [Belden] (ok, and Boden :) [Belden] Maze is here...

  • Belden subtly points him out.

[Kalman] what do you mean? [Belden] Monsters, of some kind. [Belden] We should go...

  • Belden picks up her staff.

[Belden] Subtly. [Kalman] ahh :/ [Belden] We don't want to alarm anyone...

  • Boden nods.

[Boden] I got my weapons and armor close by. You know...wedding and all.

  • Belden looks at Boden briefly, and then just shakes her head.

[Loch] Lets check it out. [Kalman] I don't... [Belden] What about Falke? [Kalman] Well, right. [Belden] I don't want to ruin his special day. [Kalman] I'll tell him. I shoudl tell Glory anyway. [Belden] Well, the rest of us will head out, then. [Belden] I have my staff... but really, my faith is all I need. [Kalman] I'll be quick

  • Belden says with a grim smile.

[Pavo] I don't have anything... my weapons, or armour. [Pavo] ... [Belden] Oh dear. [Boden] I can lend you some swords Pavo. [Belden] How quickly can you get them? [Pavo] I've been trying to keep things on hand lately... I mean, it's not like we get warning when this happens, but I didn't think about it. [Kalman] I know ... I'm going to have to get mine... But Falke first. [Pavo] They're at Phorien's...

  • Kalman will hurry over to the groom

[Boden] And what about Falke...we should tell him...but he should stay here. [Belden] I'll go talk to Maze in the meantime, and find out exactly where this is. [Pavo] I left everything there when I picked him up. [Boden] Were is Jess?

  • Belden points the girl out.

[Loch] Divie the weapons out, I will enchant them.

  • Jess_ is talking with her brother now.

[Belden] I'll be right back... Go if you're going, okay?

  • Belden heads over to Jess and Maze.
  • Falke has just taken to the dance floor with Ilse.

[Kalman] . o O ( hell ]:| )

  • Belden glances briefly at the old man.

[Belden] Hello... [Kalman] Ahh... Falke? [Diablotin_Narrator] (one conversation at a time... Kalman and Falke, you go first) [Kalman] I am loathe to interrupt, but could I steal you just briefly?

  • Falke gives you an odd look.

[Falke] . o O (I'm in the middle of dancing with my bride! What do they teach these nobles?)

  • Kalman looks deeply apologetic, but maybe a little worried
  • Falke glances at Ilse, his expression also going grave.

[Kalman] (I said a *little* worried!) [Falke] (Yeah, but you're interrupting my first dance with my new wife)

  • Falke stops dancing, reluctantly. His expression plainly reads "This had better be good."

[Falke] You have my attention.

  • Kalman 's reads 'sorry it ain't -_-'
  • Falke holds Ilse's hand in his own, squeezing it reassuringly/apologetically.
  • Kalman glances at her.... but whatever.

[Kalman] Apparently maze just showed up, quite concerned.... [Falke] About...? [Kalman] he says, though I don't know the details, that there are some kind of monsters attacking on the other side of the river.

  • Kalman says, quietly, so as not to cause any general alarm
  • Falke frowns.
  • Falke looks back down at Ilse.

[Kalman] Now... *we* are going to go look into this... We just thought you should, ah, be aware :/ [Falke] . o O (Why couldn't it wait until tomorrow, or the day after...?) [Kalman] We're not expecting you to come... it's your wedding :/ [Falke] Well... can you confirm that his report is true and send someone back if you need me? [Kalman] sure. [Falke] I don't want to leave; furthermore, if I go all of a sudden, there will be a general hubbub possibly developing into a panic. [Falke] But... if we're supposed to all be in this together... [Kalman] Although if it is that big a problem, theyre may be other guards there already.

  • Kalman says reassuringly.

[Kalman] We just want to make sure. [Falke] Well, I wouldn't want something to happen because I wasn't there. :/ [Kalman] We'll call you if you are.

  • Falke nods.

[Kalman] I'm so sorry to interrupt your dance.

  • Kalman apologizes, again

[Kalman] But, I have to get going. [Falke] It's all right. Gods and demons can't wait for mortals, after all. [Falke] All right. Please don't forget to send someone. [Kalman] of course. [Falke] . o O (It will be hard to sit back and enjoy myself if I know they're in danger.)

  • Kalman bows to the couple, and will go tell his wife where he is dashing off to!

[Diablotin_Narrator] OKay...Belden, you approach Jess and Maze, who are talking to this old man in grey...

  • Loch will catch up to Pasith
  • Falke turns to Ilse and looks very unhappy. He apologizes to her and stuff, and then they put on a brave show for everyone else.

[Belden] Hello ... [Diablotin_Narrator] Belden.. the old man looks vaguely familiar, somehow.

  • Belden flashes him a quick smile.

[Belden] My friends are just organizing themselves...

  • Belden turns to the boy.

[Belden] Where exactly is this going on? [Maze] There's skeletons an' I don't know what else, all over Rhenea an' in the Shambles, heading for the Imperial Island. [Belden] Oh no...

  • Belden looks up to see Loch come onto the scene.
  • Belden pales.

[Grey] There will be troops organizing themselves to defend the Island. [Belden] [q] Blackhope...! [Loch] [m] Nice timing [Grey] However, their Captain is ... busy dancing with one of Falke's cousins, it would seem. [Belden] Oh Loch, we have to go *right* *now*!

  • Grey nods in Casavant's direction.

[Belden] Get Casavant!

  • Pavo will go over to Casavant.

[Loch] We need a place to meet. I'll go to the armory and get arms, bringing Cassavant with me. [Pavo] (at a trot) [Pavo] Excuse me sir... [Casavant] Yes?

  • Belden names a hopefully convenient location.
  • Pavo will lean in and tell Casavant there's something wrong...

[Loch] I'll the group there soon. [Boden] I'd love to get home and get my magic sword...its suposed to be extra good against the undead.

  • Pavo looks like he'd like the Captain to step away for a moment.
  • Casavant steps aside to talk to you.

[Belden] Okay...

  • Loch heads back to Boden and Kalamn
  • Belden tries to stay calm.
  • Belden smiles at the old man again.
  • Pavo will tell Casavant that there are reports of monsters heading toward the Imperial Island

[Pavo] (very quietly) [Belden] I'm sorry to have interrupted your conversation, anyway... [Casavant] [q] All right - I'm heading there now. [Belden] Oh dear, this is awful. [Belden] :( [Loch] Boden, I'm going to the armory. I'll catch up to you at (hopefully convenient location). What do I need to bring? [Pavo] We're trying to organise ourselves, the squad. [Boden] I'd really like to make it to my house Loch, I got my magic sword and war hammer there, and the sword is extra good against undead.

  • Casavant nods.
  • Falke is keeping an eye on the activities of his squadmates...
  • Pavo heads back to the others.
  • Falke tries to catch Casavant's eye, or Grey's, or someone's.

[Boden] (using my city lore, is my house on the way to were Belden told us to meed?) [Boden] (meet)

  • Casavant heads off casually.
  • Loch tries to get Casavant's attention calmly on his way out.

[Boden] Our stuff is too far away. Lets just go to the shambles, its the closest, and well get loch to bring us weapons then magic them up. its what'll get us to helpin' the fastest. [Loch] Pavo, is your house on the way to the Imperial Island? [Pavo] My things are in Rhenea, at Phorien's [Pavo] ... [Kalman] I think effieient is going to be better then fast Boden. [Belden] Look people... [Belden] Not everyone in the guard has special items. [Belden] They need us whether we have magic swords or not. [Belden] Let's go, please! [Kalman] Alrught. [Loch] Forget them. Head to the island with Pasith. We'll meet you there. I'm teleporting Boden and Kalman to the Valon. We'll beat you to the island. [Loch] (forget them was to Pavo)

  • Kalman blinks. that works too.

[Pavo] Alright. [Kalman] Right./ [Boden] Ok.

  • Belden and Pavo head out.
  • Loch telports the trio to Boden's

[Diablotin_Narrator] All right.. Belden and Pavo, you begin making your way to the Imperial Island. Rab is coming with you, of course.

  • Kalman will head off to get his stuff and meet you back there, then
  • Loch will port the trio to the island once they meet up with Kalman.
  • Pavo gives Phorien a big smooch and tells him to be careful, and to head somewhere quickly if they come though Pearl.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Boden and Kalman, you retrieve your weapons, and teleport to the Imperial island. You arrive there shortly in advance of the others. [Diablotin_Narrator] On the Imperial Island, the scene is chaotic, but you can tell that some organization is clearly in place to defend the bridge to the north. [Boden] (just so I'm clear on what I have, Can I change into my chain shirt armor as well?) [Loch] (bulls strenght on Boden... Enhanced Fox's Cunning on myself) [Diablotin_Narrator] Belden and Pavo - as you cross the bridge, you are mostly met by large crowds fleeing in the other direction. You do, however, see some other people, including guards, going towards the source of the commotion. [Diablotin_Narrator] (if you want to take the time, sure) [Diablotin_Narrator] (rolling for those, sec) [Belden] (I'm also going to cast Magic Vestment on myself) [Diablotin_Narrator] +2 Str for Boden, +4 Int for Loch. [Diablotin_Narrator] Okay, Belden, you cast it on your way. [Diablotin_Narrator] You arrive on the island... [Diablotin_Narrator] There are members of the Order of the Spoke blocking the bridge to the north, arm to arm with Imperial guards. Behind them are clerics and sorcerers, but not enough yet... [Diablotin_Narrator] You can distantly see horrible creatures swarming on the far side of the river, fleshless yet animated, some bearing weapons, some simply tearing away with their sharp fingerbones. [Diablotin_Narrator] You also see your companions... [Pavo] Oh gods... [Kalman] (are they keeping to the roads?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (rolling for spells) [Belden] [w] So much death... [Diablotin_Narrator] +3 Str. for Pavo. [Diablotin_Narrator] You can't really tell, Kalman - they are definitely swarming the bridge, though. [Kalman] We shuld head for the bridge

  • Kalman calls to the others as they approach

[Diablotin_Narrator] It's hard to get a sense of how many there may be from this vantage point, but there are certainly hundreds, if not thousands... [Diablotin_Narrator] For the moment, any that try to cross the bridge are being driven back, turned by clerics or destroyed by the spells and swords wielded by the city's defenders. But they keep coming... [Diablotin_Narrator] What are you doing? [Belden] SHould we call Falke? [Kalman] We may well need him, yes.

  • Kalman says grimly
  • Belden will step back to cast Sending.
  • Kalman will look around and see if I can tell where they need the most reenforcemnent

[Diablotin_Narrator] (the bridge) [Kalman] (That's what I though ;) [Kalman] Let go.

  • Boden nods to Kalman and heads out with him.
  • Kalman will head that way, once we're all assembled

[Belden] :We're on the north bridge. There are thousands of them... thousands of undead.: [Falke] :All right... I'll see what I can do. Are any headed this way?:

  • Falke turns to Ilse.
  • Belden will keep up with the others in her squad.

[Falke] [q] Ilse... I'm sorry. It's looking bad... they need me.

  • Casavant is now known as Ilse

[Ilse] It's all right.. go ahead. [Falke] [q] I don't think they're coming this way...

  • Falke leans down to kiss her.

[Falke] Get inside. Be safe. I love you.

  • Ilse gives you a kiss back.

[Ilse] Be careful...

  • Falke will then look around for daggers... anyone seem to have any? Especially Turien? ;D

[Falke] (well, I reassure Ilse that I will be careful, then look for daggers.) [Diablotin_Narrator] Everyone's got knives. It's 2197 and you're all barbarians ;) [Diablotin_Narrator] You get some knives and go, then. [Falke] (I'd love to steal them from Turien, if he's still there)

  • Falke goes, yup.

[Diablotin_Narrator] I'll let you know when you arrive. The rest of you, what are you doing? [Kalman] (Heading to the bridge to reenforce there) [Belden] (yup) [Loch] (sounds good)

  • Boden will try and take a front line kind of place.

[Diablotin_Narrator] All right.. you gather on the wide stone bridge, along with other guards and Spokesmen. [Diablotin_Narrator] For a while, all those of you in the front line do is smite the foul creatures... fortunately, smiting skeletons and mummies is not all that hard for you guys.

  • Kalman will hesitate at first, and then start to... sing :o

[Diablotin_Narrator] Belden, you can destroy these abominations without much difficulty, blowing them to pieces with the power of your faith. [Kalman] (Inspire Courage... not that it matter much atm ;) [Diablotin_Narrator] Falke, you arrive in time to join them in the standoff on the bridge.

  • Falke slips in beside them.

[Falke] I hope I'm not too late. ;)

  • Falke braces himself for the onslaught.
  • Kalman nods to him, but is busy fighting and stuff :o

[Diablotin_Narrator] A few guards fall around you and their place is taken by those behind them...

[Diablotin_Narrator] After what seems like hours, but probably isn't, striding across the bridge towards you comes a figure of dire menace - tall, gaunt, covered in black armor that looks half-rotted but somehow still holds together, and wielding a deadly longsword. A lank, tangled braid of black hair hangs over its shoulder, and it wears a tattered black velvet cloak. [Diablotin_Narrator] Trailing in its wake come hordes of skeletons and other undead, like some ghastly honour guard.

  • Boden will set Kalman as his ward for Harms way.)
  • Pavo will cast Resistance on himself when it gets close enough.
  • Death_Knight comes out onto the bridge, stopping when it reaches the middle.
  • Kalman will have kept up the song, at least enough to keep the effect going.
  • Matriarch is behind the line of fighters, but she steps up to the front ranks.
  • Matriarch is a slender, elderly woman dressed in white robes, once-blonde hair turned to a sallow grey-yellow.
  • Matriarch steps forward, looking frail but undaunted.

[Matriarch] Back, foul creature!

  • Matriarch holds up her silver Wheel to turn it back.
  • Death_Knight laughs, a hollow, echoing sound.

[Death_Knight] You cannot turn me away, holy mother. Your gods have no power over me, nor do their servants.

  • Death_Knight 's unearthly voice is terrible to your ears.
  • Death_Knight points a long finger at the matriarch and speaks a word of dark power.

[Kalman] :o [Diablotin_Narrator] There is an abyssal blast of energy and fire that encompasses the Matriarch and the first row of fighters.

  • Pavo sucks in a breath of shock...

[Diablotin_Narrator] Pavo, Kalman, Boden and Falke all take 24 points of damage. [Diablotin_Narrator] Several of the other guards around you fall, as does the Matriarch.

  • Pavo casts Shield on himself.
  • Death_Knight laughs in glee at your misfortune.

[Boden] [q to the others] oh, lets go mess this guy up real bad. [Pavo] To the Matriarch! [Falke] . o O (We'll see who laughs last. You interrupted my *wedding*!) [Belden] (are they dead?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (some, certainly... are you checking them all?) [Kalman] (Is it initiative time?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (yes) [Belden] (I will check as many as I can get to before the melee breaks out) [Diablotin_Narrator] Okay.. the order of combat is: Kalman, Belden, Loch, Pavo, Death Knight, Falke, and Boden. [Diablotin_Narrator] Kalman?

  • Kalman will continuew to sing and shoot the deathknight

[Diablotin_Narrator] You shoot him, but miss, hitting some of his little friends instead. [Kalman] (Do I get two shots?) [Diablotin_Narrator] (both missed) [Diablotin_Narrator] Belden? [Belden] (If the Matriarch is not beyond aid I will cast Cure Crit on her (domain Spell)) [Diablotin_Narrator] You run up to carefully check her, but she is deceased. [Belden] (I assume that takes my whole action) [Diablotin_Narrator] (yeah) [Belden] (poop) [Diablotin_Narrator] Loch?

  • Loch casts Haste on himself and Quickens a Shield spell on himself

[Diablotin_Narrator] Okay. [Diablotin_Narrator] Pavo?

  • Pavo will engage and attack full out with his gauntlets.

[Diablotin_Narrator] (well, you only get one attack, since you moved) [Pavo] (Ok) [Diablotin_Narrator] You hit the figure with your sole attack, swiping at it viciously.

  • Death_Knight is rather cross with you, and strikes at you with his sword.
  • Death_Knight hits you three times for a total of 73 points of damage.
  • Pavo cries out and staggers...

[Diablotin_Narrator] Falke's turn.

  • Falke will tumble in to flank the Death Knight, and do his thing.
  • Falke has the magic dagger in his strong hand.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You strike him with the one attack you get, grazing him. [Diablotin_Narrator] Boden's turn.

  • Boden runs up to the Deathknight and attacks. (+4 Power attack.)

[Diablotin_Narrator] You miss. [Diablotin_Narrator] Belden's turn. [Belden] I will heal Pavo instead of doing something awesome. [Belden] (Cure Crit, domain) [Diablotin_Narrator] (rolling) [Diablotin_Narrator] Pavo, you're healed for 33 points. [Diablotin_Narrator] sorry, I skipped Kalman! Kalman, take your turn now. [Kalman] (I wondered!)

  • Kalman does the same as last round... sing, shoot twice.

[Kalman] (miss twice? ;)\ [Diablotin_Narrator] You think at least one of your shots hit him, with some effect. [Diablotin_Narrator] Loch?

  • Loch moves quickly in touching Pavo and Boden with Stoneskin.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Okay, you both have damage reduction of 10/+5, for 120 HP worth of damage. [Boden] (nice) [Diablotin_Narrator] Pavo's turn.

  • Pavo will will attack full, power attack +5 on the first

[Diablotin_Narrator] You miss with all attacks.

  • Death_Knight strikes at Boden three times with his sword, hitting all three times. You take 56 points of damage.

[Boden] (I'm assuming thats after the -30 from stone skin?) [Death_Knight] yup [Diablotin_Narrator] Falke's turn.

  • Falke will attack the Death Knight with all he's got.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You hit him with one attack. [Diablotin_Narrator] Boden.

  • Boden will do a full attack against the Death Knight.

[Diablotin_Narrator] You hit him three times, smiting him thoroughly. [Boden] (nice)

  • Death_Knight falls to the ground.
  • Death_Knight is dead.
  • Boden seem surprised its dead.

[Diablotin_Narrator] The minor undead surrounding him are relatively easy to dispatch, and seem disorganized without their leader.

  • Pavo looks around quickly...
  • Kalman is as well... but presumably there are still little undeead to fight?
  • Falke kicks it to make sure it's dead before turning to the rest of the skellies.

[Diablotin_Narrator] (yes, but that's why I conveniently put in that sentence :)

  • Boden will decapitate the Death Knight, just to be sure.
  • Falke takes stock of the losses.
  • Kalman will pick the others off, then
  • Belden will run around healing guards who are not yet dead...
  • Falke will start organizing people to carry injured/dead to the appropriate venues, once the skellies are dead, and if no one else seems to be doing that.
  • Belden will turn any groups of lesser undead she comes across.
  • Loch supports the cleanup

[Diablotin_Narrator] There are plenty of other guards and Spokesmen who can deal with the leftovers and so forth...

  • Falke will carry injured/dead himself in his wedding suit... He'll be a sight when he gets home.

[Diablotin_Narrator] What are you going to do? [Kalman] We should check the other points of entry...

  • Kalman says to the others
  • Boden will keep fighting and if this bridge is clear, he will try and find out if there are other places were the undead are attacking.

[Kalman] see how things are holding up elsewhwere [Pavo] From Pearl...

  • Kalman nods to Pavo

[Pavo] What happened to the Matriarch? [Falke] (Julia, do we still hear any sounds of combat?) [Belden] She's... she's dead.

  • Pavo looks down...

[Diablotin_Narrator] Yes, plenty of combat going on, but it seems to be confined to the other side of the bridge now - in the Castalia and thereabouts. [Pavo] What is this?!

  • Kalman bows his head for a moment
  • Loch will examine the dead knight for loot

[Pavo] What about Tristane? [Kalman] I'm sure she's well protected. [Loch] (detect magic)

  • Pavo nods.

[Diablotin_Narrator] Loch - the armor, sword and shield all radiate magic. [Pavo] Should we head into the Castalia to mop up? [Diablotin_Narrator] You also notice something else...

  • Loch will extracate them from the body

[Loch] (oh yes?)

  • Falke pays attention to what Loch is doing, now.

[Diablotin_Narrator] The knight's breastplate bears an engraved crest, though it is nearly obliterated by layers of rust and grime - a wyrm coiled about the trunk of a lightning-blasted tree. [Kalman] ... [Falke] Blackhope. [Kalman] Blackhope. [Pavo] Those bastards! [Belden] I knew it...

  • Kalman says grimly, completely unsurprised.

[Pavo] Voided motherless bastards! [Falke] I wonder if they came from the Necropolis? [Kalman] This one couldn't have. [Falke] Well, unless they teleported into there to raise dead from all those skeletons there. [Falke] Or even just snuck in when no one was looking. [Falke] We should go mop up, and take that to Exeas or Casavant. [Boden] How'd they get past the city walls and all that? [Belden] We need to speak to people who saw it begin.

  • Kalman nods

[Pavo] If they're alive... [Pavo] So do we take the armour to the Palace, or head into the Castalia first? [Belden] There must be someone.

  • Death_Knight is now known as Forthright

[Loch] The armor, sword and shield are magical [Falke] Ley

  • Boden will cast detect evil on the items.

[Falke] Let's drop it off quickly in our office so we can hand it in later, then go mop up. [Diablotin_Narrator] They don't radiate any evil. [Falke] Don't want to leave it here; someone else might come along and take it. [Kalman] alright [Falke] Can't take it into the fight if we're going to be fighting more.

  • Boden nods ot Falke and Kalman
  • Kalman will give Loch a hand taking it back, so we can get on with things
  • Falke helps carry the stuff there, then.

[Falke] (And then we go help mop up elsewhere?) [Falke] (And then carry wounded to infirmaries, and dead to morgues?) [Kalman] (yarr)\ [Diablotin_Narrator] All right.. you stash the armor, then spend the rest of the day mopping things up in Rhenea. It seems as though the undead came out of sewers, abandoned houses, and swarmed through the old city. Many civilians died, but with the help of other loyal guards like yourselves, finally most if not all of the undead are dispatched. [Falke] (And then we see if there's someone we can hand the armour in to. Exeas, or if he's not around, Casavant.) [Falke] (And then... can I go back to my wife? ;d) [Diablotin_Narrator] (we'll deal with that next time) [Diablotin_Narrator] Yes, you can go back to your wife, Falke.

  • Falke cleans up first so he won't be a nightmarish sight.

Session Close: Mon Jan 24 22:35:43 2005