Adventure World: Caravan session 27

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Adventure World: Caravan session logs
Previous Session 27 Next
Session date: 2024-08-25


Whisper goes in to town to see if he can get a crossbow that he can use one-handed with the help of his fey spirits, and fins a drow merchant. They offer him a prototype to use while they work on a final version based on some trials. One of the other armorer's asks about the caravan, and it turns out that he is familiar with the Oglafs, and may drop by later.

Chlyde has another dream about Connell, where he fades from her grasp, speaking to her in a mix of languages including Elduar. When she wakes, she goes to ask her aunt Yvelda what his words meant, and learns that they mean "Find us, save us, the shadows rise" and "Find the SUn Giant's grave". Yvelda gets her to admit that she heard it in a dream, and gathers the brukhuror to discuss - Brauni is still suffering from the Vresk's spicy stew and is unable to attend ;)

meanwhile, Ondo returns with a royal guard, who announce him properly by name to all as His Royal Highness, Haryon Airitánë Morinehtar Brescia, Colmacil Vilyawen! No one, except maybe Ranibow, is very impressed by the charade, especially as he as come to ask for something - or rather offer a job. They make him wait while they talk to Chlyde.

Chlyde tells them about the words form her dream - Qog knows his hammer came from a giant grave and has some association with the sun rune. Aan rats out that Chlyde has been having these dreams since Ardid, and the family persuade her to tell everything about Connel and her daughter. She cries and is comforted by her mother and sister. Of course, everyone is on board to help try and find them, or find out what is happening. Verex decides they will take Ondo's job in order to get the components and assistance they will need for a ritual that should help lead them to Connell and Ysenda. Chylde says that they had hoped to be married when the returned to the caravan together, but then Connell disappeared with Ysenda and she thought he'd taken her and ran, so didn't search. And now feels terrible.

Whisper has a little sympathetic angst moment, and Llilas comforts him.

Qog leads Aan away from the family drama, and they go to see Ondo. He can't really explain why he hid who he was, but apologizes. Aan asks about the job a bit more, wondering if it will take him to or away from Anaherael. it turns out that Ondo knows Anahherael, as he is the one who gave her the job that has taken her out of town. It is not clear, however, whether she is the same Celestial Aan and Lumiel both know.

Meanwhile, Cormar, the Drow that Whisper met earlier, has showed up with some gifts, and turns out to be Frond's biodad. Frond agrees to talk to him more at some point, but they are preparing to go and check on the village. She and Chlyde share a conversation about the deep fuckedupness of the day, and everyoen gets ready to head out.

They head to the village, Hellinaxa, and decide to camp when they arrive at dusk. Whisper scouts and see one person, moving stiffly as though old... or possibly animated. In the morning they approach and search, and find a house which has been looted and has blood on the floor. Dilcibella and Lumiel are able to get to a better vantage point and see some livestock. As the party approaches, they can tell that they have been infected with some kind of fungus!