Nemnosti session 10

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Nemnosti session logs
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Session date: June 8, 2024
Negili Reckoning date: IE 768, Nalaltu


Welcome, acolytes! Tonight I thought I would give you a treat. One of your seniors, an acolyte like you not so long ago, has brought us a song to consider. It comes from an old story that the Ravre who used to live around Gil Hargush used to tell, the tale of Wee Famai's Hill. I'll sing it tonight around the hearth, while we think about its meaning. It has been some years since I played the lute, but one never fails when one has courage. And perhaps that is what Wee Famai tells us.

* The speaker begins to play, slowly at first, and then more confidently, as they sing a beautiful folk tune in their lilting voice.

The tale forces us to think of our place in Coherence, remembering that Unfolding happens whether we want it or not. Wee Famai seeks a life of tranquility, but one cannot choose that, because that is not ours to choose. Even the very hills around him conspire to disrupt his peace, and no iron spike driven into them can keep him steady. We've seen a lot of disruption lately here, and our temptation might be to hide away, to stake ourselves down. But this is an illusion. Just as we can dam a river's course, but doing so merely changes it, rather than ceasing its flow, our role is to make choices to play a role in our own Unfolding. These are not always easy choices. But no one here is promised a life of ease.

Meze assigns Kuspir and Marga to assemble the team to investigate a Taizian incursion of scouts near the earthquake site

[NemnostiGM] Kuspir and Marga, you woke up this morning thinking you were going to be called to your usual duties - Kuspir, to monitor and report on the various guests staying at the ulajeta, and Marga, to do your morning scouting.
[NemnostiGM] But instead, you have been drawn into a meeting with Meze Hazh who has requested your presence in the map room.
[Marga] Howdy big guy :)
[Kuspir] Hello.
* Meze comes over to the table with a map and unrolls it, placing small weights on the corners. You can see it's a map of Naftusa province.
* Kuspir peers at the map
[Meze] So, we may have a problem.
* Marga leans over.
[Marga] Oh?
[Meze] I know you reported months ago on the presence of Taizian agents on this side of the mountains.
[Meze] That was before we knew anything about this business with Hulti stuff, Gunuremai or whatever.
[Marga] Wow, was that months ago already?
[Meze] Three months, yes.
[Meze] Anyway, that has changed.
[Kuspir] Changed?
[Meze] We've learned that a group of soldiers, sentinels, we believe, from Taizi, have come through the high hills and are encamped near to where the earthquake was strongest, between Hong Sogo and Gil Hargush.
[Meze] I talked with Her last night and we agreed it is concerning.
[Kuspir] Do you think it's connected to the ongoing matters?
[Meze] We aren't sure. We haven't approached them in any way that would let them know we're watching. Just us vultures.
[Meze] It's not a large group, an advance team, no more than half a dozen.
* Kuspir nods
[Meze] But the fact that they've moved from here ... and here ... where we had earlier reports ...
* Meze puts down coins along the west border of the province, right near the Taizian border.
[Meze] To here, so much closer to where we've been active...
* Meze places a coin maybe a mile or so west of the Hulti temple.
[Meze] You'll agree there's reason to wonder.
[Kuspir] Are they doing anything particular?
[Kuspir] Just camped in that area?
[Meze] Not as far as can be told from the sky.
[Marga] Weird
[Meze] But presuming that they are Taizian soldiers, it is nonetheless a breach of the Treaty of Two Emperors, under which the peace has been kept for the last ninety years.
[Marga] I wonder if they're worried about Hulti stuff too
* Meze nods.
[Meze] They may be.
[Meze] I have talked to Her and we are agreed that this incursion cannot be due to accident, and that we must respond.
[Kuspir] Respond with force?
[Meze] Well, not necessarily. We don't want to provoke an incident, with everything else going on. But we can't simply leave them the impression that they can do this unchecked.
[Meze] A small team, similar in size to theirs, but one prepared to assert our rights.
* Kuspir nods
[Meze] I leave it to you to compose the team as you see fit, of course.
[Kuspir] All right.
[Meze] If you need any special equipment, Pavavi can provide it.
[Kuspir] Thank you.
[Meze] Any further questions?
[Marga] uh... who is composing this team?
* Marga asks in a kind of 'why am I here' way
[Meze] The two of you. I assume that since this mission takes you into the Ghengom that you will at least need some modicum of your expertise.
[Kuspir] I don't think so. A group of about half a dozen soldiers, probably sentinels, camped in the area between Hong Sogo and Gil Hargush, not obviously doing anything else. We're to go and dissuade them from thinking this is acceptable.
[Kuspir] (sorry, the 'I don't think so' was in response to 'any further questions')
* Meze nods.
[Meze] Exactly.
[Marga] Okay...
* Kuspir nods to Marga

The team gathers supplies and discusses their needs

[NemnostiGM] All right, you have some time to talk to the group, discuss anything that needs discussing, getting any supplies you'll need, and so on.
[Kuspir] (I'll get the usual suspects together I guess)
* Marga is happy to let Kuspir do whatever he wants
[Kuspir] (I'll give them the run down on what we know and basically just let them determine if they think they need anything special in the way of supplies)
* Marga clearly has negative interest in leading/directing this in any way
[Alai] I assume you wish this handled diplomatically, I mean peacefully.
[Elanya] (do we have any mage armour types of magic itemsd?)
[Kuspir] I think it's best to start that way. If they choose to escalate instead of withdraw, then we might need to show more force.
[Kuspir] We should be prepared to observe them at first, see if they are doing anything suspicious.
[Marga] What if they don't escalate *or* withdraw
[NemnostiGM] (There are certainly various magical protective devices at the ulajeta, yes. Both actual armor, and devices that protect magically.)
[Alai] If negotations are called for, there is an item we can likely borrow which will aid that individual
[Kuspir] Choosing not to withdraw when we tell them to is escalating.
[Alai] (can we get a circlet of persuasion for our lead negotiator?)
[Elanya] (more interested in the magic type, dunwanna ear armour ].])
* Elanya is now known as Jevai
[Marga] Is it? Well if you say so :)
[Marga] Are we gonna stop at Hong Sogo?
[Kuspir] Did you want to?
[NemnostiGM] (sure, you can borrow a circlet of persuasion and a ring of protection +2)
[Jevai] (score)
[Izu] .oO(Ugh... more walking...)
[Marga] Well it might be... an idea
[Marga] just to make sure they know what's going on, you know. haha.
[Ifa] (Always more walking)
[Marga] :)
[Jevai] Is it along the way?
[NemnostiGM] (It's definitely a little bit out of the way, but it is in that general vicinity)
[Kuspir] I don't object to stopping there briefly. They might know more than we do about what these sentinels are doing, they're closer anyway.
[Marga] Yeah! Exactly!
[Ifa] (Does it seem like Marga has an ulterior motive here? ;) )
* Jevai looks at her friend but doesn't say anythign more
[Jevai] (gosh DOES it :V)
[Ifa] (Hee)
[Jevai] Did you want to ask Rechegoko if he would like to come?
[Ifa] Should I bring some bubun, or will inflating our numbers seem unnecessarily aggressive?
[Marga] (define ulterior?)
* Jevai aska Marga
[Marga] Oh! Well, I can ask him, sure!
[Jevai] if might be useful to have another vulture for scouting...
[Ifa] (Additional to the task at hand, I mean :) )
[Ifa] That would make sense.
[Ifa] Two sets of eyes is better than one.
[Jevai] and I would think that bringing bubune would be appropriate, as a symbol of what ball the Ulajeta stands for, woudl it not?
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I'm just tryin to balance the statements made by our presence.
[Ifa] Better to resolve this peacefully rather than escalate, but a show of force may be to our benefit even so.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] yes, just so.
[Kuspir] Very well
[NemnostiGM] (all right, are you ready to go, more or less?)
[Marga] (yeah)
[Kuspir] (seems so)
[NemnostiGM] You borrow a few items from the treasury, receiving only a short lecture from Pavavi about their care and use - he knows how important your work is and doesn't begrudge you these small items.
[Marga] (did Rechegoko want to come? no pressure)
[NemnostiGM] Marga, you can also invite Rechegoko along, and he is going to come. You definitely get the sense that he's eager but anxious to be travelling in such a big group.
[Marga] (aw, bless)
[NemnostiGM] (So, is your plan to go directly up to Hong Sogo, then back down towards the encampment, which is about halfway between the village and the hill temple, which is indicated on the roll20 map by a red dot?)
[Kuspir] (yes)

The group travels to Hong Sogo, and Marga has a disturbing conversation with her father

[NemnostiGM] All right, you head off towards Hong Sogo after collecting all your supplies.
* Marga is aggressively chipper
[NemnostiGM] This time of year, it's nice to get into the highlands, where it's much cooler.
* Ifa will have the bubun carry stuff for anyone who wants.
* Rechegoko seems cheerful enough but keeps fairly close to Marga.
* Jevai is quiet
* Izu will gladly foist his pack off on the bubun
* Alai will keep endure elements up on herself, so the cold does not touch her
[NemnostiGM] I'll have everyone other than Marga and Rechegoko make a Survival roll to see how well you handle the upland travel.
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 25 ].
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+2
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+2 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 2 ] totals [ 4 ].
[Izu] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 12 ].
[Ifa] (womp womp)
[Alai] !roll 1d20+0
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+0 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 0 ] totals [ 9 ].
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 12 ].
[Jevai] (well Jevai can try and help people if they're struggling, since she rolled well)
[NemnostiGM] Ifa and Alai, you're definitely struggling, and are fatigued by the time you get there.
[Alai] I forgot how miserable way to travel this is
[NemnostiGM] (All right, what are you doing when you get to Hong Sogo?)
[Marga] (I want to find my father hahahaha)
[NemnostiGM] All right, Marga, that's easy enough, you can go to the Gago longhouse and find him. Anyone else doing anything here?
[Ifa] (resting for as long as possible ;) )
* NPC-2 is now known as Tocha
[Jevai] (I can ask marga if she wants anyone to go with her or wait for her?)
[Alai] (find someone to pamper my poor feet)
[NemnostiGM] (you can dip your toes in Lake Hong)
* Izu will check to see if Alai is doing ok.
[Kuspir] (just resting, check in with the rest of the team to see if they need anything, etc.)
[Izu] (And Ifa... of course...)
[NemnostiGM] The villagers definitely keep their distance from the rest of you, but are watching you carefully, with suspicion.
[Marga] (haha no it's FINE)
* Tocha welcomes his daughter home with a broad smile.
[Tocha] Marga! I hadn't expected to see you again so soon.
[Marga] Hi Daddy!
* Jevai will sort of wait around for her outside anyway ].]
[Marga] Well.. it's the um, the Taizi people
* Marga is making sure not to slouch
[Tocha] Oh? What about them?
[Marga] They want us to go and make them leave
[Tocha] They? You mean your Crone?
[Marga] I guess so yes?
[Marga] The people who organize things for her...
[Marga] But um. There's also...
* Marga tries not to look worried.
[Marga] Have you seen Auntie Saza recently?
[Tocha] No, my dear sister and I haven't spoken. Why?
[Marga] She was at Nemnosti, and she was saying some really weird things?
[Marga] About the high hills?
[Marga] And a bunch of people that are up there? With her?
[Marga] And I think she is maybe doing stuff with the Hulti up there?
* Marga 's voice pitches higher and she talks faster
[Tocha] Up ... even further than here?
* Marga nods very quickly
[Tocha] I would think you folks would be much more concerned about that than a few Taizian soldiers.
[Marga] SHe was saying things about the crack and the crevice and Lurusiru and that there were a lot of people up there and something got out from under the hill when there was an earthquake and it sounded a lot like the same things that Ushukuna said when she talked to me and
[Tocha] Daughter. Stop.
* Marga stops abruptly
[Tocha] Do you need to go in a crate for a while to settle down? I still have one, if we need it.
* Marga shakes her head, also very quickly.
[Marga] No sir.
[Tocha] That's what I thought.
[Tocha] I learned a long time ago that Saza's sigillant business, well, you're best to keep out of it.
[Tocha] We aren't built to understand it.
[Marga] ... but the Hulti..?
[Tocha] My sister is not Hulti.
[Marga] No no of course not
[Marga] I just. I thought. I should tell you. BEcause she's your sister. And you would know what to do.
* Marga is carefully pacing herself now, wordwise
* Tocha looks you up and down.
[Tocha] You need to listen to yourself. Not Saza, not your friend Jevai, and definitely not Nemnu.
[Tocha] We have only one Mother and Her wisdom is all I need.
[Tocha] You say She spoke to you?
[Marga] Yes.
* Marga nods solemnly.
[Tocha] Now, this is very important.
* Tocha slows down, talking to you word by word.
[Tocha] What did She say?
* Marga tries to remember exactly.
[Marga] She said that I was needed. That the crevice was growing, that there was a wedge driven into the crack.
[Marga] She said that the peace of the land was sundered and something got out from under the hill.
[Marga] Some kind of buried secrets...
[Marga] And She said to tell Nemnu.
[Tocha] What hill?
[Marga] The hill where Surgu was camped, Gil Hargush.
* Tocha nods, as if considering.
[Marga] Then I woke up in Lurusiru.
[Tocha] In ... the old town?
* Marga nods again.
[Tocha] You walked there in sleep? Or flew?
[Marga] I do not know.
[Marga] The last thing I remember before was lying down in my room.
[NemnostiGM] (roll me a Bluff - I know you're not lying, of course)
[Marga] !roll 1d20+1
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+1 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 1 ] totals [ 2 ].
[Marga] (lmao. could not lie to this man if I tried apparently)
[Tocha] LIAR!
* Marga 's eyes go wide.
[Marga] I am not, I swear it!
[Ifa] (How far away are the rest of us?)
[Ifa] (Can we hear him yell?)
[Marga] (is *he* putting it on or does he actually think I'm lying)
[NemnostiGM] (Jevai, you can definitely hear this, since you wanted to stay close. The rest of you, no.)
* Tocha starts stomping about the hall, and various Gagos duck out of his gaze.
* Jevai is going to at least, uh, look into the longhouse and if things are going Bad this is why i have that calm emotions soell ready -_-
[NemnostiGM] (You see Tocha, red-faced and angry, yelling at Marga, while everyone else clears away)
* Marga just stands fixed to the spot.
[Tocha] Marga. Listen.
[Tocha] You are small. You are nothing.
[Marga] Yes Daddy.
[Tocha] That is why She would not talk to you. It is your imagination. That's all.
[Tocha] I should have discouraged you more.
* Jevai knows she can handle being yelled at, I'm more worried about more serious escalation
[Tocha] There is a lot going on, and it's natural that you would make up stories to put yourself at the center of them.
[Marga] (small voice) Rechegoko heard Her too...
[Tocha] Who in the name of the Ancestors is Rechegoko?
[Marga] A... another vulture
* Tocha shakes his head.
[Tocha] Not one known to me.
[Marga] (but do I think he believes me and is just being a dick or what)
[NemnostiGM] (sure, try a Sense Motive)
[Marga] !roll 1d20+2
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+2 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 2 ] totals [ 12 ].
[NemnostiGM] (you're really not sure. It's so hard to tell. I mean, he is being a dick, but what he really thinks about any of this is obscure to you)
[Marga] Auntie Saza did come though...
[Tocha] Well you should know better than to listen to her.
* Tocha snaps harshly.
[Marga] Yes Daddy.
[Tocha] I don't think we have anything else to discuss. You should go.
[Marga] Alright!
* Marga says brightly
* Marga will leave then.

Jevai counsels Marga after her discussion with her dad

[Marga] Ohhh hi Jevai :)))
[Marga] What? are you? doing here?
* Jevai will wait for her a little ways away
* Marga 's voice is so high
[Jevai] I just wanted to wait wait for you.
[Jevai] In case you needed anything
[Marga] Oh that's nice ! So ncie! of you!
[Marga] We should go though, gotta go, go get going now!
* Jevai nods
[Marga] :)
[Jevai] Okay
[Jevai] You know you don't have to always hold up your smiles for me, right? YOu can, but you don't have to.
[Marga] What?
[Marga] I like to smile
[Jevai] I know you do.
* Jevai smiles back
[Marga] We should go, we should really really go though.
[Jevai] I know
[Jevai] I’ll go get the others, I think some of them went to the lake
[Marga] Okie dokie! Sounds GREAT!
* Jevai can help gather folks and impress the urgency of getting on our way :x
* Marga has a very weird smile on the whole time :)))))
[Kuspir] so they didn't know anything about the sentinels?
[Marga] The what?
[Kuspir] The soldiers from Taizi
[Marga] Soldiers? Taizi... oh THOSE sentinels!! no.
[Kuspir] Are you okay?
[Marga] I'm great!
* Ifa will look away from Marga for a moment to shoot a questioning glance at Jevai.
* Marga gives him two thumbs up!
[Izu] You... do not seem great.
[Marga] How are you?
[Jevai] We should just get going.
* Jevai says firmly
* Izu shrugs.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] All right, back on the trail, then.
[Kuspir] All right.
[Izu] Are you ok to travel, sister?
* Alai looks at Jevai questioning?
[Ifa] I'm fine, of course.
* Marga scuttles off towalk with Rechegoko
* Ifa will mouth "Is she okay?" to Jevai when Marga scuttles off.

Kuspir and Ifa talk about Marga’s family situation and the possibility of Dadim’s betrothal

* Kuspir will come sit down next to Ifa in a shady spot at Hong Sogo while we wait for Marga.
* Ifa will have been sitting in the shade near the lake to try to catch a cooler breeze there.
* Ifa favors Kuspir with a tired smile.
[Kuspir] I hope the hike isn't too wearing on you.
[Kuspir] I know it's out of the way to come here, but... Marga seemed to want to.
[Ifa] If it is, it's my own fault. I keep saying I should spend a little more time out of the ulajeta.
[Ifa] I can hammer in a forge all day, but a hike has sadly bested me.
* Kuspir smiles a little at that
[Kuspir] Not bested. Just... bruised.
* Ifa chuckles.
[Ifa] I can't fault Marga wanting to come see her family, in any case.
* Ifa shrugs.
[Kuspir] No, indeed, although they don't seem the most welcoming.
[Ifa] (quieter) To us and her both, it seems, sadly.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] I suppose if it's what one has grown up with, it would seem normal.
* Kuspir says in a way that suggests he thinks it is very not normal
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] It's fortunate that she came to Nemnosti, I think. Better for her than remaining here.
[Ifa] I'm inclined to agree. I hope she remains with us.
* Kuspir nods
[Ifa] Though I'm sure we both understand the bonds of family.
[Kuspir] Yes. Even when they are strained, it is difficult to break completely.
* Kuspir sighs slightly
[Ifa] Everything all right?
[Kuspir] Ah, just worried. Nothing too new I suppose, just the general situation.
* Ifa nods.
* Ifa leans over to bump her shoulder against Kuspir's.
[Kuspir] And I feel bad for dragging you all the way up here if it turns out to be nothing. Or if it turns out to be something :p
[Ifa] Well, if it turns out to be nothing, then I'll be grateful for the exercise and the company. And, if it turns out to be something, you'll be glad *you* had company.
[Kuspir] True enough.
[Kuspir] I heard that they are looking for a match for Dadim, do you know much about that?
[Ifa] Kind of an ongoing issue, isn't it?
[Kuspir] Yes, but I wondered if there was some more specific plans.
[Ifa] Not that I'm aware of. Why do you ask?
[Kuspir] Maybe it was just gossip. Regivus mentioned something about it last we talked.
[Kuspir] But he said he 'shouldn't say' who they were considering.
[Ifa] Well that's just frustrating. :)
[Kuspir] He'd had a few drinks. He was probably speaking out of his ass.
* Ifa laughs.
[Ifa] Well, his ass is well placed to hear things...that didn't come out right.
* Kuspir laughs
[Ifa] Though I'm none too pleased with our hengi's current record of matches, if I'm being honest. -_-
[Kuspir] Mm, well, yes. I hope it's a few years still until they would be thinking about marrying Irdomila to anyone. Maybe if she is busy training to be a mystic or whatever it is she wants to do, they'll leave her out of such considerations.
[Ifa] I'll do my best to dissuade any attempts for the time being.
[Kuspir] Thanks.
[Kuspir] When I said that she was too young, Pomirabe pointed out that Geme and I got together when we were not too far from her age.. a year older, or so? So that made me feel quite old.
[Kuspir] Or, that I used to be quite young. One or the other.
* Ifa smiles.
[Ifa] I don't think you're old, and we were all quite young at one point or another.
* Ifa will look over to where Izu and Alai are talking.
[Ifa] Maybe some of us still are. ;)
* Kuspir gives a little smile at that.
[Kuspir] You might be right about that.

Ifa talks to Jevai about Tocha’s outburst towards Marga, and Saza’s demand to Nemnu

* Ifa will fall into pace with Jevai as the group walks away from Hong Sogo.
[Ifa] (quietly) What happened back there? Marga seems practically manic.
[Jevai] Do you know her father's reputation?
* Jevai answers in a similar tone
[Ifa] At least in general.
[Ifa] I take it her meeting with him did not go well?
[Jevai] It ended abruptly. I didn't catch the details.
[Jevai] She will be okay.
[Ifa] I have every faith she will be; Marga's strong, not just in body, but still. I worry.
[Ifa] I imagine it is difficult to build the self you want with poor supports. Hmm, maybe I should leave metaphor to others.
[Ifa] I hope Marga knows she has all of us to lean on as necessary.
[Jevai] I think it is more a matter of.... having the freedom to envision what the self can be
[Jevai] I hope she does
[Ifa] Is...
* Ifa frowns.
[Jevai] hmm?
[Ifa] Is her father a danger? To her, I mean? We all know he's dangerous in a general sense.
[Jevai] yes, of course he is.
* Ifa scowls.
[Ifa] Asshole.
[Jevai] but she won't... hmm. She has to accept this and not take it to heart. If you try to step in, she won't let you - and if you were to succeed, you can only make things worse for her.
* Ifa sighs.
[Ifa] I'm sure you're right.
* Ifa admits grudgingly.
[Ifa] It is still galling.
[Jevai] yes, but who are we to take her choices from her?
[Ifa] That's not my intention, but I take your point.
[Jevai] The best I have found is... to give her room to fly, and somewhere safe to land
* Jevai nods
[Ifa] Certainly we can provide the latter, at least.
* Jevai considers wherther she should say anything more
[Jevai] His sister is my Downward, of course
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Is she...similar in temperament to her brother?
[Jevai] she's more predictable. She will never claim to care for you, or treat you like she might. It's more straightforward.
[Ifa] I suppose that is better in its way.
* Jevai nods slowly
[Jevai] Yes, I think so.
[Jevai] but I wouldn't want to put anyone else into her power, all the same
[Jevai] would you?
[Ifa] I wouldn't think so, know. Is someone in danger of that?
[Ifa] (no*, rather)
[Jevai] Yes.
[Ifa] (Do folks know she's been at the cloister?)
[Jevai] That is what she has asked of Nemnu
[Jevai] (Yeah)
[Ifa] A new apprentice?
[Jevai] from Her acolytes, yes.
[Ifa] Why?
[Jevai] I think - as a hostage
* Ifa frowns.
[Ifa] I still don't understand.
[Ifa] Why does she need a hostage?
[Ifa] Rather, why would she think our Lady would agree to such?
[Jevai] so she can coninue to press Nemnu to cave to her
[Jevai] (continue)
[Jevai] She thinks the Lady will agree because she can change the power word for the Lanky stones
[Jevai] But that's no guarantee of safety
[Ifa] If she can change the power word, would that not imply that any sufficiently skilled sigillant could do the same?
[Ifa] Or am I missing something?
[Jevai] There are no other sufficiently skilled living sigillants, that I know of
[Ifa] 'That you know of' is an important phrase there. Though I suppose we can never be prepared for all possibilities.
[Jevai] Then -n there are no other sigillants in the region who could do it. She is incredibly powerful.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] There being only so many, I trust you would have heard of another that powerful.
[Ifa] Still, I suppose it's something to consider.
[Jevai] Would that it were so.
[Ifa] Do you think Nemnu is going to agree to Saza's terms? She's *very* concerned with everything that's been going on. (quietly) Afraid, even.
[Jevai] She has already
* Marga ( Quit (Ping timeout: 207 seconds )
* Longpig ( has joined #Nemnosti
[Ifa] Has she chosen who?
[Jevai] no.
* Jevai looks at Ifa
[Jevai] She wants me to do this.
[Ifa] Nemnu does, or Saza does?
[Jevai] The Lady
* Ifa frowns.
[Ifa] That...really sucks.
[Ifa] I'm sorry, Jevai.
[Ifa] Do you know what you're going to do?
[Jevai] I am still thinking.
[Jevai] I keep hoping I will fons some other way - or lean some other thing that would disuade Her form this course.
[Ifa] Is there a time limit? Maybe you can keep putting her off.
[Jevai] So far, this is what I have done.
[Jevai] but, while I do so, Downward remains at the Ulajeta, which is also not ideal
[Ifa] At least there we have some idea of where she is and what she is doing.
* Ifa tries to sound encouraging.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] true enough.

Izu and Alai talk about their relationship while waiting in Hong Sogo

* Izu will approach Alai while she is soaking her weary feet in the lake and sit down near her.
* Alai had her boots off, dipping them into the cool water to ease the blisters
[Izu] Hey... are you ok?
[Alai] I will need to find better boots for future walks, so this...
* Alai raises her raw foot above the water
[Alai] happens not again
[Izu] Oh... that doesn't look great.
[Izu] May I?
* Izu motions for you to put your foot in his lap.
* Alai gives a little smile and will do so
[Alai] If this is a trick to tickle me, you will look good as a toad in this river.
* Izu laughs.
[Izu] I think you have me mistaken for my sister.
* Izu will take some unguents and bandages from his robes and try to fix the blisters as best as possible.
[Izu] !roll 1d20+13
[Izu] (18 for a heal check)
[Izu] Hmmm... not my best work, but it should help.
* Alai sighs, still feeling the relief
[Izu] Any better?
* Alai reclines on her elbows, enjoying the administrations
[Alai] Yes much... if this is not your best work, I would happily indulge in your prime effort.
* Izu smiles and continues massaging.
[Izu] I ummm... I wanted to ask you something. About what happened last time.
[Alai] Oh, ask away then.
* Alai tilts her head
* Izu is clearly turning bright red.
[Izu] Was that... a one-time thing? I mean... it's ok if it was I just...
* Izu trails off.
[Alai] I'm sorry if you feel ignored. You could have just knocked at my door. Easier for you than for me to show up at yours.
[Izu] No, no... I'm not complaining... I just... I'm not used to this.
[Izu] I just wanted to know where I stand, I guess.
[Alai] I enjoyed your passion, and it sounded like you enjoyed it yourself.
[Izu] I um... yes.
[Alai] The real question is do you want more of it? Or are you looking for something else?
* Alai slowly pulls her feet off Izu's lap
[Izu] I... don't know. I'm sorry. I'm making a mess of this. All I know is that every time I see you, now, my thoughts scatter and I just want to be near you. That's never happened to me before.
* Alai sits up and rests her hands on Izu's leg
[Alai] You have desire. Is not bad thing. I like desire. I recommend exploring it.
[Alai] as long as you still feel it.
* Izu smiles.
[Izu] So... if I were to come to your room sometime...
[Izu] That would be ok?
[Alai] Of course
* Alai smiles back
* Alai leans in gives a little nip on Izu's ear
[Alai] I'm sure you will enjoy it too
* Izu puts his hand on hers and squeezes it.
[Izu] I... ummm... I'm sure.

The team travels from Hong Sogo and locates the Taizians at a makeshift camp

[NemnostiGM] All right, leaving Hong Sogo, you can travel along the great ridges of the Ghengom north and slightly east. The place where Meze indicated that the Taizians were seen most recently is somewhat west (upland) of the hill temple, although of course you know that that location is only approximate, since they could have moved.
* Jevai will try and placate those concerned for now (but we can talk about it later ;x)
[Ifa] (I suppose we should let Marga and Rechegoko range ahead once we get closer?)
[NemnostiGM] The wind is blowing southeast, almost as if trying to push you off course, back towards the hill temple.
[NemnostiGM] (your vultures can scan in vulture form, yes, if you want)
[NemnostiGM] (or in human form, either way)
[Marga] (cra craa let's fly)
[Rechegoko] Cra-craa!
[NemnostiGM] Marga and Rechegoko, you scout ahead in the areas where they're most likely to be.
[NemnostiGM] (make a Survival check, why not)
[Marga] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 18 ].
[NemnostiGM] Marga, you see ... and smell, something a bit unusual.
[Marga] (ruh roh)
[NemnostiGM] About a mile east of where Meze had indicated on the map, you see a campsite, but one that looks like it's just been constructed hastily.
* Marga will bank to circle overhead for a better look...
[NemnostiGM] You count four humans in armor and swords, but there's a rich scent of blood - human blood, you think. You'd need to get much closer to know more, but you think it's their blood.
[Marga] (are they up and walking around though, or dead?)
[NemnostiGM] (alive, mostly sitting/lying down)
* Marga will drop a lil lower to look... keeping an eye out in case one of them decides to try and arrow me thoguh
[NemnostiGM] (what are you looking for specifically?)
[Marga] (does it look like they were in a fight- I assume yes? and how fresh do their injuries look)
[NemnostiGM] They appear to have been in a fight very recently, with very fresh injuries.
[Marga] (and can I tell where they came from, since it seems like they've recently relocated)
[NemnostiGM] You think they've come from their west, i.e., more like where they were supposed to be according to Meze.
[Marga] (I would like to check to the west then, cautiously)
[NemnostiGM] All right, you can do that, and Rechegoko follows you dutifully. You do find a place, uphill a bit, where it looks like there's been some kind of battle. It's almost as if something very large fought them here.
[NemnostiGM] But more than that, you can't really say.
[Marga] (time to go back, methinks)
[NemnostiGM] All right, you can head back to the group, no problem.
* Marga swoops down and turns back into a human as she lands.
[Marga] Found 'em!!
[Marga] Something roughed them up good... They're pretty cut up.
[Ifa] Some thing?
[Marga] Yeah, something big. They ran away from their camp, went about a mile east.
[Izu] Another snake?
[Marga] Couldn't say.
* Kuspir frowns
[Marga] Anyway... there's four of them.
[Marga] (I didn't see any corpses did I?)
[NemnostiGM] (nope)
[Marga] Didn't see any bodies... So either that's all there were, or whatever it was took them away.
[Jevai] mayb they can tell us, then.
[Kuspir] Whatever it is was bad enough to drive them away from their camp and possibly kill a couple of them if the numbers we were given were correct, but not to make them leave the area entirely?
[Marga] They might have had to stop to look to their injuries.
[Marga] There was a lot of blood.
[Kuspir] Hmm
[Izu] Or they believe that they are here for a very important reason.
[Ifa] Or whatever they're doing here is that important to them.
* Ifa nods.
[Alai] This may be a good time to initiate diplomacy. The advantage would clearly be ours.
[Marga] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[Kuspir] Well, let's go inquire with them.
* Marga seems less manic now.
* Ifa will start heading in that direction, then.
[NemnostiGM] All right, it's easy for Marga and Rechegoko to get you quite close to the makeshift campsite.
* Jevai will head tat was as well, but is also keeping an eye out for signes of strangeness in the hills (no I have noi idea what I am looking for ;p)
[NemnostiGM] Are you attempting to sneak up? Just walk up openly?
[Ifa] (I was assuming just walk up openly, though we can have some folks stealth if they like)
[Kuspir] (I would suggest just walk up openly, we have the advantage and I don't want them to get spooked and attack us needlessly)
* Alai will put up mage armor first before we approach
[Alai] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 29 ].
* Izu will take his healing kit in case they need aid.
[Ifa] (I was thinking of casting Eagle's Splendor prior)
[Ifa] (Unless someone more capable is willing to cast it for me)
[Alai] (it doesnt last very long, minutes)
[Ifa] (Five minutes is at least a start)
[Alai] (you have the circlet, your golden)
[Ifa] (Legit)
[Ifa] (All right, then I guess we just approach.)

The team meets the Taizian scouting party, gravely injured by a hurmumez mountain beast, and agrees to help them retrieve their lost team member

* Ifa walks towards the camp until it appears they've spotted her, at which time she'll call out a greeting.
[NemnostiGM] There are four humans here, all in armor and swords, sitting around a small campfire. The smell of blood is everywhere, and you can see that much of it must belong to these people.
[NemnostiGM] One of them, a severely injured man, stands up shakily.
* Tocha is now known as Jovus
[Jovus] Well met, Hand.
[Ifa] Well met, friends. You seem to be in some distress.
[Jovus] We have seen happier times.
* Jovus looks like he's been crying, actually, now that you see him.
[Jovus] Who are you?
[Ifa] (Is there anything about them that specifically identifies them as
[NemnostiGM] (not especially, no. They're not in, like, military dress uniform.)
[Ifa] Hand Ifa Nemni. Yourself?
[Ifa] (That's what I assumed, but wanted to check)
* Jevai willl slate up a detect magic while they are talking
[Jovus] I'm Jovus. This is my sister Neva, this fellow is Ovin, and she's Ghava.
* Jovus looks over your group.
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 15 ].
[Jovus] You, the big fellow. You are Kuspir of the Vabaseli? Stoneguard?
[Kuspir] That's right
[Ifa] Kuspir, you're famous. :)
[Jevai] (mostly want to know if there any ward or anything, or other magical effects in play, and I guess if theyor equipment is enchanted)
[NemnostiGM] (probably one or two of their items are magical, but no, nothing out of the ordinary)
[Ifa] (back to Jovus) How do you know my brother-in-law?
[Jovus] We know a lot of things.
[Izu] Jovus, I am voice Izu. Your party seems in need of healing. May I tend to your wounded?
[Ifa] Unfortunately, I think you may not know some very important things.
* Ifa holds up a hand to forestall Izu.
* Izu shuts up.
[Ifa] Where precisely the border lies, for instance.
[NemnostiGM] As you say that, Izu, the others see you, and one of them, the one he identified as Neva, chokes up for a moment, trying to stay composed but failing.
* Ifa 's voice and demeanor remain pleasant and composed.
[Jovus] I will not deny that we have been in Khutuan territory for some time. How could I? What would be the point. But we are not here to create trouble. Quite the opposite.
[Ifa] Please, enlighten us.
[Jovus] If I may ask of you, Hand Ifa, we are sorely injured and much in need of rest. I will tell you what you want. But we are in dire need. Great need.
[NemnostiGM] Izu, you can go and tend to them as best you can. They have great bite wounds from some sort of enormous creature, as best as you can tell.
[Ifa] I would not have it said that we denied those in need of aid.
* Ifa nods to Izu.
* Izu will do so.
* Ifa will help as well, though she's not as skilled as Izu.
* Jovus sits.
[Jovus] So, as I say, you know we are from Taizi, and yes, we know where we are, across the mountain.
[Jovus] But it does neither of us any good to imagine that the borders set in the high mountains mean much up there. Momichas is just a mountain.
[Ifa] I suppose the importance of the borders depends upon one's intent in crossing.
[Jovus] Our legion is housed in Fuvuri. We have been - we are still - in pursuit of an infidel leader who has been causing problems on both sides.
* Ifa frowns.
[Ifa] An infidel leader?
[Jovus] None have met them. But they are some kind of ringleader of the tribes up in the hills that still follow the old faith.
[Jovus] We have heard them called by the name Naznaz.
[NemnostiGM] (Bluff checks for all, please!)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 20 ].
[Marga] !roll 1d20+1
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+1 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 1 ] totals [ 21 ].
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 29 ].
[Izu] !roll 1d20+1
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+1 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 1 ] totals [ 9 ].
[Alai] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 30 ].
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20-1
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20-1 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ -1 ] totals [ 15 ].
[Rechegoko] !roll 1d20-2
* Lan-werk rolls for Rechegoko: [ 1d20-2 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ -2 ] totals [ 12 ].
[Izu] !roll 1d20+1
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+1 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 1 ] totals [ 15 ].
[Izu] (Destiny reroll)
[Ifa] What prompted your attempt to follow them?
[Jovus] It's our duty. We were assigned to do so.
* Marga casually steps in front of Rechegoko (for all the good it does; he's huge)
[Ifa] Of course, but presumably something instigated your being assigned.
* Jevai rolled well enough not to look at him ;)
[Ifa] Did this leader do something specific that has you out looking for them?
[Jovus] Well, the Naznaz was organizing the tribes high in the hills, on our side. And then there have been strange reports, ever since the earthquake, down this way.
* Ifa nods.
[Jovus] So we were supposed to quietly check it out, see if it was related, get back to our side. That was all fine, until about six hours ago.
[Ifa] Is that when...all this...happened?
* Ifa indicates their wounds and general state.
* Jovus nods.
[Ifa] What happened exactly?
[Jovus] It came upon us - I guess you could say we came upon it. A beast, like a fragment of the hills themselves forged upon the back of a beast with a great maw.
[Marga] Like a... rock monster?
[Jovus] It was ... enormous, lumbering, . We didn't have a chance.
[Ifa] (to Marga) Does that sound familiar at all?
[Ifa] You know these hills and their dangers better than most.
[NemnostiGM] (K:nature for anyone who wants to)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 24 ].
[Alai] !roll 1d20+13
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 19 ].
[Jevai] (I am also thinking about that song, and 'hills' being kinds)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+7
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 15 ].
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 5 ].
[Izu] !roll 1d20+7
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 27 ].
[NemnostiGM] Izu and Jevai, you do know of a creature like this. It's known as a hurmumez, a kind of massive beast with a great angry maw, with a kind of shell on which stony growths make it resemble the hills themselves. Some call it a living mountain. But they're very rare and don't really live in this area usually.
[Marga] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 13 ].
[Izu] A hurmumez? Here?
[Ifa] Hurmurmez?
[Izu] What they are describing. I've read of them.
[Marga] Huh. Wild :o
[Izu] They are excedingly rare.
[Ifa] Obviously they're dangerous. Are they likely to cause more harm?
[Jovus] It swallowed our sister whole.
[Izu] I would imagine so.
[Izu] They are not known for their gentle dispositions.
[Ifa] Goodness!
[Jovus] Riva, our Hand, and her bubun, were both eaten by the beast.
[Ifa] I'm very sorry for your loss.
[Jovus] We had to fight it, we had to try.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Of course.
[Ifa] Do you know where it went?
[Jovus] West, we think. But I am ashamed to admit, we fled.
[Marga] Eaten? D:
[Ifa] It sounds as though that was the wisest course, I'm sorry to say.
[Ifa] I'm sure your companions would not want you to die as well.
[Jovus] We need to recover her. You must understand.
[Izu] Did you injure it at all?
[Jovus] We did. Quite a bit, I hope.
[Jovus] But it was too much. Far too much for us.
[Ifa] How fit are you to continue your fight, if you had aid?
[Jevai] Can you describe it more precisely?
[Jovus] Ovin, here, is the only one of us to be largely uninjured. The rest of us, well ... I don't want to promise we'd be of any use.
[Jovus] It's enormous. Twenty feet a side, perhaps more? Four great, lumbering legs. Like a giant tortoise, I suppose? Slow ... running away was the easy part.
[Jovus] But its jaws are terrible.
* Ifa nods.
* Ifa looks at Kuspir.
[Marga] Did you find any weak points?
[Ifa] If it is already injured, and likely to be a further danger left unchecked...
[Kuspir] It sounds like this is a threat we shouldn't leave unattended.
* Ifa nods.
[Jovus] Nothing, in the brief time we had. I wouldn't go near it, though.
[Ifa] (to Jovus) Any or all of you may accompany us, if you like, but we can return here after we have found the beast.
* Jovus is now known as Ovin
[Jevai] Can I have... just a little time to prepare?
[Ovin] I'll go. I won't let Riva down.
* Jevai looks to Ifa and Kuspir
[Kuspir] If any of you wish to remain back, I won't begrudge you.
* Kuspir says to our folks
[Kuspir] Of course.
[Jevai] thank you
[Izu] If Ifa goes, I go.
* Ifa smiles at that.
[Jevai] I think this will help us
* Jevai says, and bring out the dagger
[Alai] (do we know how close it is... hours or minutes away?)
[Kuspir] (in the meantime I want to ask these folks a few questions)
[Jevai] if I understand corrrectly
[Kuspir] You said there were strange reports since the earthquake - can you tell us more about that? We also were in the area then.
* Ovin is now known as Jovus
* Jevai will give it to Marga
[Marga] What am I supposed to do with this teensy thing??
* Marga looks at it with confusion
[Jovus] There is a place ... a disquieting place, nearby. A place where one sees and hears strange things.
[Jevai] its magic. If it works, it will keep it form being abl to move - hopefully it will also stop its attacks
[Kuspir] What place?
[Marga] But it's so small... it barely fits in my hand...
[Rechegoko] He means the haunt.
[Kuspir] Ah.
[Jevai] I would like to see this place
* Jevai looks up from talking to Marga
[Marga] Do I just... stick it in and leave it or..?
* Jevai turns back to her - you just need to stab it into its flesh and leave it there, and then use your usualy weapon
* Marga looks like she doesn't know quite what to do with such a puny weapon
[Jevai] I think.
[Jovus] If you retrieve our sister's body, I will take you anywhere on earth.
[Kuspir] We will do what we can.
[Kuspir] But what were the reports you heard?
[Jovus] We heard about this place. We wondered whether it could have evidence to help us find this Naznaz. It did not.
[Kuspir] I see.
[NemnostiGM] (all right, any other questions for Jovus et al. before you head off to find this beast? or any other preparations?)
[Kuspir] (nothing for me)
[Ifa] (I think I'm good)
[Jevai] 9If I can have 10 min I want comprehend languages, if I can have 20, that and another forbid action)
[Marga] (all good)
[Ifa] (I would imagine we can sit for a moment.)
[Izu] (I imagine it will take a while to bandage everyone up)

The team follows the devastation to find the hurmumez and defeats it

[NemnostiGM] All right, the six of you, plus Rechegoko and Ovin, can eventually get on your way after helping out the Taizian soldiers as best you can.
[NemnostiGM] Ovin can lead you back roughly to where the battle happened, but Marga, it's exactly where you saw the site from the skies, so you know where you're being led.
[NemnostiGM] Beyond that point: Some tasks in the Ghengom require a tracker of elegant skill, to know the weight of a footprint in dry soil or how often the high winds blow southeast towards the rivers. This is not such a time.
[NemnostiGM] This creature has left a devastating path headed north and east from your current location, tracks and rubble and its own blood signalling your path to follow.
[Ifa] (I'm thinking we put the bubun out in front in a screening pattern in case this thing surprises us by bursting out of the earth.)
[NemnostiGM] You see it now, far in the distance, perhaps a hundred paces. If not for the wounds still bleeding, it would look to all appearances like a rocky cluster of boulders, perhaps twenty feet wide. But you can see that in reality, that rocky facade lies atop a great shell that rests unevenly against the ground, almost, but not quite, concealing it.
[NemnostiGM] So far, you don't appear to have attracted its attention.
[Ifa] (quietly) Thoughts on approach?
[Jevai] (only shell is exposed atm?)
[Marga] (q) Jump on it?
* Marga suggests helpfully
[Rechegoko] (q) Don't approach. It's slower than we are.
* Kuspir nods
* Rechegoko looks slightly pained at Marga's suggestion.
[Izu] (q) Ranged attacks and magic.
[Kuspir] (q) if we can attack it from a distance, it will be harder for it to retaliate
[Marga] (q) Jevai said I'm supposed to stab it...
[Marga] (q) this stupid knife is tiny, how else am I going to do that?
[Izu] (q) Can you get the drop on it with the dagger from above?
[NemnostiGM] (you're out of shapechanges for today right?)
[Marga] (q) that's what I said! Jump on it!
[Marga] (I'm not sure. the thing just says I can do it x hours per day, not how many times)
* Jevai looks to the sentinel guy
[Jevai] (q)how far can it reach?
[Marga] (oh yeah I found it,. 1x per day)
[Ifa] (Doesn't Marga still jump really far?)
* Jevai also loks to Alai
[Jevai] (q) can you perhaps create an illusion that will draw it out away from us, so we have a chance to engage it from behind?
[Alai] Is possible yes.
[Alai] (q) we ready?
* Alai will consume as much fos as she can hold
[Kuspir] (I'll have my chakram ready I guess, but I won't get many ranged attacks against it)
* Alai then casts Major Image of the remaining Tazi party approaching the beast from the opposite side.
[Ifa] (Anyone have a spare ranged weapon? I don't really carry one normally.)
[NemnostiGM] The team defeats the living mountain using the iron dagger to hold it in place, while others attack it with mind thrusts, weapons, and Rechegoko's well-timed sling.
[Kuspir] (can we extract the dead bodies?)
* Jevai will make sure we get the dagger back
[Ifa] It's really dead, right?
* Ifa pokes it with her shield experimentally.
* Alai chest heaves from the magical exertion as the dark ink fades from her eyes
[Izu] (Also, would any parts of this thing be useful or valuable?)
[Jevai] Are you okay?
* Jevai will ask Alai
* Marga will yank the lil baby knife out of the rocks.
* Jovus is now known as Ovin
[Ifa] Marga, you up for field dressing this thing?
[Marga] I don't think it's good eating...
* Ovin runs over with his silksword to try to help carve it open.
* Marga hops down.
[Ifa] We still need to get into it.
[Alai] Is just tiring, such magical energy.
[Kuspir] Everyone okay?
[NemnostiGM] From its underbelly, it is possible to carve into the creature more easily. But getting to its underbelly will be an effort.
[Jevai] well, it seems liek we'll have time to rest for a bit
[NemnostiGM] It is far too big for you to lift.
* Alai nods
[Marga] Uuuugh we have to roll it over...
[Marga] Somehow?
[Ifa] I think we're just down the one bubun, right?
[Jevai] can we lever it?
[Ifa] Well, there *are* quite a few of us. Jevai or Alai, could you dig out a little on the other side so we can roll it easier?
* Alai will attempt to get rid of some strain
* Jevai nods but is also considering what we might have to hand for mechanical solutions
[Ifa] We could try to use the rock formation here if we have enough rope?
[Jevai] (liek do we habe climbing gear we could use to hook the shell and run through a pulley or something from one of the high rocks?
[Ifa] But I feel like it would take more than we likely have to hand.
[Alai] !roll 1d20+9
* Jevai can drink more foss to gst some expeditious excavation going but it will take her a while
* Alai fails to reduce her strain... will now need an hours rest
[Kuspir] (well I think we have plenty of time)
[Jevai] (I can make a k: dungeneering roll Steve to see if we can figure out a mechanical solution? Otherwise it will take a While)
[Marga] well they can't be too far in yet... maybe we could just cimb inside it
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 12 ]
[Marga] Prop open its mouth so there's air.
[Jevai] (lol no never mind, slowass magic it is -_-)
[Marga] I'll go in, I don't care.
[Jevai] I a concerned that we might not be able to get air to you in the stomach - you're not climing into its lungs
[Marga] the mouth connects to the stomach... doesn't it?
[Rechegoko] How will you get out? Once you're in.
* Marga scrunches up her face.
[Marga] The same way?
* Rechegoko frowns.
[Marga] just come back out its mouth, right?
[Rechegoko] Maybe we wait for the magic. No one left alive in there.
[Marga] Okie dokie!
[Rechegoko] You did great with the dagger.
[Jevai] (Hey how mountain-y is it - can I expeditions earth on it?)
[Marga] You did great with the sling! :D
* Rechegoko smiles.
[Jevai] (expeditious)
[Ifa] It *was* really impressive.
[NemnostiGM] (it's not actually earth, just looks like it)
[Jevai] (okay, well I'll try and dig out a trench around it so we can try and roll it)
[NemnostiGM] (yeah, expeditious excavation will let you do that, but you'll need more than one)
[Jevai] (I guess I'll need like...4?)
[Jevai] (I'll do the minumum, I'm just guessing
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 24 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 18 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 15 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 24 ]
[Kuspir] (I'll just try to recover my chakrams)
[NemnostiGM] (the whole creature will be 4x4x4, so 64 cubes. But you don't need that many to make a big enough hole to roll it)
[NemnostiGM] OK, i'll say you can, with effort, make enough of a dent in the earth to let you roll the creature over. It takes a while, and you still need a bunch of burly folk to pull it over.
[Jevai] (I'll do 8 lets' tempt fate :p)
* Alai watches the big muscle men sweat
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 30 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 14 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 18 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 30 ]
[Jevai] (all good)
[NemnostiGM] Once you reveal the creature's underbelly, because you're not really worried about injuring those inside it, it's not too hard to just carve away.
[Marga] (the big muscle men... and Marga)
[Jevai] (I also want to DM it, but tha's a slate spell)
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 20 ]
[Jevai] (also fine)
[NemnostiGM] You extract the bodies of a woman, as well as two bubunne.
[Ifa] (Didn't they say two of their people got eaten?)
[Ifa] (Or was one just chomped?)
[NemnostiGM] (nope, they didn't say that)
[Ifa] (kk)
[Kuspir] (one and her bubun)
* Izu will immediately begin the gentle repose ritual on the woman.
* Ovin goes over to the dead woman once she's retrieved, and cradles her gross, slightly digested corpse in his hands.
[NemnostiGM] All right, you perform the ritual.
[NemnostiGM] All right, having done that, what are you doing?
[Marga] I wonder if we can eat it.
[Ifa] (Accompanying him back to their camp?)
* Jevai wants to examine this thng more clesely in general
[Izu] (Probably cleaning turtle juice off my hands
[Ifa] No way to know unless we try, right?
[Marga] That's the spirit!!
[Izu] We... we have rations.
[Marga] I'm just gonna... just a bit.
[Jevai] (if there's nothign magic I want to look at its shell
[Marga] ].]
[Ifa] No need to waste it.

The team returns to the camp after their victory, and the Taizians reveal their true names and more about their mission to locate a supposed Hulti sigillant leader, the Naznaz

[NemnostiGM] All right, I"ll say you can take a sample of meat if you really want to, and then take Ovin back to the Taizians' camp.
* Marga is gonna carve out a little strip yeah
* Izu will stick with goat jerky, cheese, and pickled veggies, thankyouverymuch.
* Marga sneaks a moutful of it raw when no one is looking, so ashamed
* Ifa a +5 in Profession: Cook; I think she can make something decent so long as its not poisonous.
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you can take a rock sample from its shell, also.
* Ovin is now known as Jovus
[Ifa] (to Jevai) Is this something you can use?
* Jovus thanks you profusely upon your return.
[Ifa] (Oh, we can chat later :P )
[Ifa] I am, again, sorry for your loss.
[Jovus] Thank you, thank you, thank you. Manima was my sister, and my family is indebted to you.
[Jovus] I ... ahh ...
[Jovus] Manima was her name. Manima Iltaje.
[Jovus] I apologize for giving you false names earlier. I did not know if I could trust you.
[Kuspir] Understandable.
[Jovus] I am Ozme Iltaje. And I am in your debt.
* Jovus is now known as Ozme
[Ifa] Well met, Ozme Iltaje.
[Ifa] There is no need for us to be enemies, all else aside.
[Ozme] All that I have told you is true, other than that.
[Ifa] I think we may have a mutual enemy at that.
[Ifa] What else can you tell us about your quarry?
[Ozme] We believe ... and I should stress, that this is a suspicion only ... that this Naznaz is one of the jasinamme of the high hills. A sigillant.
* Jevai looks up
[Jevai] hmm.
[Jevai] Why do you think this?
* Rechegoko is looking down at the ground.
[Ozme] Information we were given by an informant - not one we trust well, as Hulti lie constantly, as is their nature.
* Marga moves closer to Rechegoko.
[Jevai] they told you this person is a sigillant?
[Ozme] They said that.
* Jevai nods then
[Jevai] what else have they told you?
[Ozme] Not much that we believe. That the Hulti of the high hills are moving against the lowlands, as vengeance for the Great Purge.
[Jevai] have they been active in Taizi as well, then?
[Ifa] To clarify, you believe that to be the case or no?
[Ozme] I'm sorry, I don't know the answer. I do believe they have been active in Taizi, but not only in Taizi.
[Jevai] where else, then, other than here?
[Ozme] I don't know.
[Jevai] alright
[Ozme] For now, I want to go home, perform the appropriate rites for Manima, and hope to move on from this.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Perhaps, if you'd informed someone here of your mission, we might have been able to help.
[Ifa] It is in all our interests there is not an outbreak of violence.
[Ozme] Take care. I hope if our paths cross again, it will be on a brighter day.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Likewise.
[NemnostiGM] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes ...

Alai talks more to the sentinel leader Ozme Ultaje about their mission and the earthquake

* Ozme is sitting around the small fire, mostly embers, at the makeshift campsite he and his troops made after their encounter with the beast. He's sipping tea and reflecting as he watches the embers ebb and flow.
* Alai has cleaned up after the battle and rested to regain her focus. She will approach Ozme.
* Ozme looks over at you momentarily but doesn't pay you much attention.
[Alai] I would like to talk with you about the Hulti you chase.
[Ozme] Hmm? Oh. Yes.
* Ozme comes to attention, and as if in a second adopts once again the mien of a proud sentinel.
[Ozme] What do you want to know?
[Alai] As much as you can tell me about them. Who they are? What they have done? What are they capable of?
* Ozme exhales deeply.
[Ozme] I was just thinking about that.
[Ozme] This tragedy ... my sister, this beast ... I wish I could blame them for that. But that doesn't seem reasonable.
[Ozme] Honestly? What I was told by my superiors was that, other than the fact that we'd be crossing the border into Khutu, this was just an easy scouting mission. Pop over, find out what we needed, get back.
[Ozme] When we were given the assignment my captain didn't even believe there were real Hulti up in the hills. You know how people tell stories around the campfire.
* Ozme pokes at the fire with a stick.
[Alai] There is much in this world that sound like stories, but are not.
[Ozme] It was all pretty ordinary, until the earthquake happened.
[Ozme] Then there began to be these reports of ... well, I don't know what exactly. A change. Like more than the land had shifted.
[Alai] Reports from those in your party, yes?
[Ozme] Well, yes, primarily. We can't exactly go up to the Ravre around here and ask them for information, the way you can.
[Ozme] I'm no expert on these kinds of things. I can't put it in words. It's just different, it feels different. It's an instinct. I'm sorry, I don't know how else to say it.
[Ozme] Whether that beast was related to it or not, I don't know.
* Alai considers
[Alai] It is not the first unusual beast I have seen in this place since the earthquake.
[Ozme] Can you tell me more about that?
[Alai] It was a large spider creature, just after the earthquake.
[Alai] You feeling has suggested something I may investigate later... but to this Naznaz... what were you told of them?
[Ozme] That they were agitating, among the hill tribes on our side, and building alliances, over on your side, to do it.
[Ozme] That they live in a village in the mountains that cannot be reached by any path - although that is surely just a fanciful telling.
[Alai] Hmm
[Alai] Agitating to what end?
* Ozme shakes his head.
[Ozme] Unknown, exactly. The way it was put to us was that it was organizing the hill tribes into some kind of confederacy. But honestly - we haven't seen signs of that.
[Alai] It is possible to convince people to rise up if they feel agrieved.
[Alai] you may not have seen evidence since they gather in thier hidden mountain village.
[Ozme] But it's not as if we have done anything. There have been no Hulti known in Taizi since the Great Purge. That was over two hundred years ago.
[Alai] memories can be very long when ones ancestors are readily available.
[Alai] But you are right, it has been a long time.
[Ozme] I don't know what more specific goal they might have. We didn't ever manage to find their village, or encampment, or fortress, or whatever it even is.
[Alai] So now you head home, I take it?
[Ozme] I suppose so.
[Alai] (is there any sign that anyone here is a mystic, manifest, or sigillant in their party?)
[Ozme] (none, as far as you can tell they are all sentinels, except for the one dead woman who was a Hand)
[Alai] were you intending to engage Naznaz if you found them?
* Alai looks over the sentinels
* Ozme laughs.
[Ozme] I think our leaders hoped we would. But it quickly became clear, once we were up here, that whoever this Naznaz is, they are not to be trifled with.
[Ozme] Perhaps at Nemnosti there are those knowledgeable enough in the stone-sorcery to be more confrontational.
[Alai] Perhaps.
[Ozme] Tell me ... why were you up here?
* Ozme asks, as if it just occurred to him.
[Alai] To find out why you would risk so much to be here.
* Ozme nods.
[Ozme] A question I have asked myself, many times over the last day.
[Ozme] We came because we were ordered, but that is not what you want to know.
[Ozme] I wonder whether someone in Fuvuri has an interest in this, and knows more than we were told.
[Alai] It could be possible they did not understand what you would be walking into.
[Alai] I do find it somewhat odd you tracking down a source user without your own accompanying you.
[Ozme] Well, we are not incompetent in that regard. We are all trained. But I take your point.
[Ozme] Knowing what we now know, that would have been prudent.
[Alai] Take your sister home. Suggest to your leaders a more diplomatic incursion if they insist on coming here again. Nemnosti has much alignment with your concerns.
[Alai] Thank you for talking to me.
[Ozme] All of what you say makes sense. I only hope it does as well to my superiors, and that they do not treat this failure harshly.
[Alai] You said you were capable. Convey the sense of it.
* Alai will stand to leave

Alai communes with nature and learns about a sentient entity of enormous power in the area

* Alai finds a secluded corn of the camp away from folks (for their safety)
[Alai] (corner... sigh)
* Alai will consume fos and start casting Commune with Nature
[Alai] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 22 ].
[NemnostiGM] (ok, you will definitely cover the area of the earthquake, the mountain turtle, as well as Gil Hargush and the adjacent Hulti temple. Probably also the village of Hong Sogo. But it won't include Nemnosti, and definitely not anything over on the Taizian side of the border)
[Alai] (so looking for general state of natural setting, presence of powerful unnatural creatures, and people)
[NemnostiGM] You enter a state of peace, and the sounds and smells of the campsite give way to a vision of colours and shapes, swirling, until they reform in a way that can make sense to you. It is as if the earth is humming and resonating in your skull.
[NemnostiGM] There are many people in the area - mostly in Hong Sogo, and none who you can identify as particularly unusual.
[NemnostiGM] (by people I am interpreting as 'humans')
[NemnostiGM] The general state of the natural setting seems ordinary at first, but then, it is as if it shimmers and flickers, first just once, then continually. You can sense that it is as if there is a vibration in the earth, not another earthquake, perhaps, but something more. As if there is a tension not just in the rocks, but in everything around you, threatening to be rent apart.
[NemnostiGM] And then you make contact with It.
[NemnostiGM] What is It? You don't know.
[NemnostiGM] A being of enormous power ... such power that you have only experienced in the presence of the darkest Abyss ... and in Nemnu Herself.
[NemnostiGM] In your communion, it is as if you graze your hand on Its cheek - if It has such a thing - and feel It stroke yours in return.
[NemnostiGM] As the sense begins to fade, you cannot help but feel that even as you reached It, It, for just a moment, reached you.
[NemnostiGM] Then you are back to the campfire smells and the warm summer evening.
* Alai focuses on the feeling trying to understand.
[Alai] (was it just power? was there emotion? Did it remind her of the Abyss? Of chaos?)
[NemnostiGM] There was definitely emotion there. A sense of rage mixed with loss. Perhaps a sense of powerlessness in an entity of utter power. More personal than the Abyss, but no less dangerous.
* Alai whispers softly to herself
[Alai] what are you?
* Alai goes back to the camp, fatigued from the Communion and invigorated by the experience.

Jevai talks to Marga and Rechegoko about the Naznaz during their trip back to Nemnosti

* Jevai will approach the pair as we are headed back towards the Ulajeta... hopefully they're not just deciding to leave us in their dust :V
* Rechegoko is quiet, although that's not that unusual for him.
[Jevai] Rechegoko... Thank you for helping us with all of this.
* Marga is whistling a little tune
* Rechegoko attempts a smile.
[Rechegoko] Of course.
[Jevai] I know Marga thinks very highly of you, and that means a lot to me... but I am wondering if you would be willing to talk to me some about your lineage? You can probably imagine, I have some qustions about how this all relates.
[Rechegoko] Oh.
* Rechegoko looks over to Marga.
* Marga stops whistling.
[Rechegoko] I don't know how it, ahhhh, relates.
[Marga] You don't have to.
* Jevai nods to Marga
[Jevai] I don't expect you have all the answers, but I'm hoping you might know some things that can help me put a few more pieces together
[Jevai] but she is right you don't have to.
* Rechegoko pauses.
[Rechegoko] What do you want to know, Honored Tekru?
* Rechegoko uses a term rarely heard even among the Ravre.
* Jevai smiles gently
[Jevai] Clearly the soldiers we spoke with are not familiar with our ways - do you know who it coudl be that they spoke of, "The" Naznaz?
[Rechegoko] My uncle.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] And he, too, is an honoured Tekru?
* Rechegoko nods.
[Rechegoko] He is.
[Jevai] Do you know if he keeps company with my Downward, Saza Gago?
[Marga] Oh, she said she was going up that way.
* Marga says helpfully
[Rechegoko] That, I do not know. It has been some time since I have spent time with my lineage.
* Jevai looks at Marga. "She did?"
* Marga nods...
[Marga] She sais she was up in the high hills with a whole bunch of people
[Marga] (said)
[Jevai] Did she say what she was doing?
[Marga] Ummm...
[Marga] Not exactly but
[Marga] I think...
[Marga] She's on the other side of the crack
[Marga] ?
[Jevai] the crak?
[Jevai] (crack)
* Marga is struggling a little for some reason
[Jevai] You don't have to tell me. You know I'll always listen to you if you are ready.
[Marga] SHe said people had to pick a side.
[Jevai] Ahh.
[Rechegoko] If Saza and my uncle are on the same side, that is very dangerous.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] I am inclined agree.
[Rechegoko] I am sorry, I do not often talk about my family.
[Marga] It's what- I mean I wanted to say. What I came to Hong Sogo for. To tell him
[Jevai] Your father? Is that why he was yelling at you?
* Jevai nods to Rechegoko though
[Marga] Oh you know, that's just his way, haha.
* Rechegoko frowns slightly, you think.
[Jevai] You deserve better.
* Jevai says, and has probably said many times before
[Marga] As long as I told him, he'll know what to do :)
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] I hope so.
* Jevai looks back to Rechegoko.
[Jevai] Thank you for telling me, I am sorry if it is difficult, but there are a few more things I would like to ask about if I may?
* Rechegoko shrugs.
[Rechegoko] All right.
[Jevai] Thank you. Do you know if there is a shaman in your lineage, or who works with them? A woman?
[Rechegoko] There is a shaman. But I do not think this shaman is the shaman that is causing you so much trouble.
[Rechegoko] If Surgu's killer and my uncle are on the same side, that is also very dangerous.
[Jevai] I think we are living in very dangerous times
[Jevai] How likely do you think it is?
[Marga] Did you know about the thing that came from under the hill?
* Rechegoko is a bit overwhelmed at being hit with many questions, and flails a little, as if trying to find answers.
[Rechegoko] I don't know.
[Marga] (I was asking Jevai)
[Rechegoko] (ah ok)
[Jevai] The creature we fought today?
[Marga] I don't know if that was it or not...
[Marga] When the earthquake happened, something escaped... some buried secret
[Jevai] hmmm.
[Jevai] I thought... something might have happened.
[Jevai] Since we got back and lookied more into the kniife.... there are some interesting old stories.
[Jevai] I thought maybe they were about the [turtle of slaughter] but I'm not sure.
[Jevai] I do thnk something more happened, when we withdrew the knife from where it was... there was more to the earthquake as well
[Marga] Like what?
[Jevai] I really don't know. There are more things out this way that I would like to investigate...
* Jevai sighs
[Jevai] I wish I did understand more
* Jevai looks at Rechegoko again
[Marga] Well, I'll leave that up to you smart people :)
[Jevai] There are some other things that would be helpful for us to understand better about what modern hulti believe... would you be willing to talk to me more about the things you learned from your family?
[Jevai] Not today, necessarily, but some other time?
[Jevai] I don't want to overwhelm you
* Rechegoko pauses.
[Rechegoko] I will be strong. You may ask.
[Jevai] Thank you. If there are things you would ask in return, you may do so also.
[Rechegoko] You have never encountered the name of Aizhanefer Naznaz, in your learnings and travels?
[Jevai] (I assume no)
[Rechegoko] (nope)
* Jevai shakes her head
[Jevai] That is your uncle?
* Rechegoko nods.
[Jevai] Can you tell me more about him?
[Rechegoko] He is, like you, tekru. Old - perhaps sixty or seventy. My father was much younger than him.
[Rechegoko] We Naznaz live ... far away. Where we are not to be found. Where we speak the old tongue and follow the old faith, uninterrupted.
[Rechegoko] If he has become ... open to the world ... that is a change.
[Jevai] ...Cracked?
[Rechegoko] Perhaps. I do not know all that. But I do know what our Mother shared with me and Marga is great and awful.
* Jevai takes a moment to process the 'Our Mother' before remembering you are both Vultures
[Jevai] ...Ushukuna?
* Rechegoko nods.
[Marga] The Queen of Bones.
[Jevai] is... is it something you can share?
* Rechegoko looks over to Marga.
[Rechegoko] I don't know.
* Jevai nods
[Marga] She is the First Ancestor of the ikhano.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] I know her tales... some of them
[Rechegoko] I don't know what is right here.
[Rechegoko] It is not my place to decide.
[Jevai] It's okay.
* Jevai reassures him
[Marga] I told the Lady... I mean, Mother told me to.
* Jevai nods
[Marga] So it's probably alright for me to tell you my part anyway.
[Marga] There was some stuff about something being wedged into a crack and making it wider.
[Marga] ANd what I said before, about something escaping from under the hill, some buried secret getting out.
[Jevai] That could be many things...
[Marga] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[Jevai] I'd like to go back some time and look at the hill more closley, if there is anythign to learn there. And... To see this haunt you spoke of.
* Rechegoko frowns.
[Rechegoko] Maybe.
[Jevai] Another time.
[Jevai] Thank you, for sharing what you have.