Adventure World: Caravan session 21

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Adventure World: Caravan session logs
Previous Session 21 Next
Session date: 2021-04-21


The night that the group arrives in town, Chlyde dreams of Connell. In dreams, it is still pleasant days, wiled away in their tiny shared apartment in Grimfarr. She look across her bed at Connell with a lazily happy expression, but find his stricken. He opens his mouth to speak but she does not understand the words. He coughs and blood flecks his chin, but he continues to speak whatever tongue through an increasing flow. She wakes with the only intelligible words you catch, "the wasteland of the dead and dreaming" ringing in her ears, her arms still feeling as though they were just holding her lost love. She goes out to sit by the fire with Aan for a bit, and tells him a very little bit about her dream and past. then they eat hot cheese and talk about music.

Kirar and Front go to check out the orcish temple with Tsukaav, and speak with the pristess there, Esku Vukurrak. They tell her about Konjasharja and she tells them a bit about the situation with the local lord, Heri Tarma of House Duartes (note: heri is actually the title). Esku explains that she's trying to 'reclaim' the northern lowlands from the Aethelins; she's had people raiding the mines in southern Flumina; and she's going to keep trying to push Metsamaki back all the way to Grimfarr if she can. After they leave, Kirar and Frond talk about their future and Frond's father's people a bit.

The next day the members of Viscous Mockery check out The Bone Pit, a tavern in the middle of the orcish neighbourhood with Brauni. They meet the bar owner, Kasursh, who originaly comes form a clan near Grimfarr. They band puts on an impromptu concert which goes over very well even though it is early in the day, and Kasursh invites them to come check out The Underground, a music venue in town, that evening. When they go back, they meet (one of?) her husband(s), Dulur, who takes over the bar as they head out which more Oglafs in tow.

The bar is literally underground. Kasursh leasds the group to a nondescript doorway, beyond which they hear a loud, thumping bass drum and some kind of stringed instrument. Once they enter, hey find themselves in a sunken sewer room, lit dimly by scattered torches and candles. A bar sits against one wall, manned by a tattooed dwarven man sporting more than a few piercings, and a few tables dot the rest of the area. Across a flowing stream, a pair of musicians occupies an open space. There is a crowd of mostly gnomes and dwarves, and the place seems fairly lively.

They hang out for a bit waiting for the band that is supposed to headline, Redcap. Kuasursh introduce Chlyde to the bartender, Barra. She gets him to offer them a gig. Meanwhile, one of the locals decides to start shit with Kanduk and Brauni. It seems like it might be about to turn int a fight when the band ones on!

"Ladies and gentlemen..." A voice echoes through the bar. "We!" A light shines down, spotlighting a drummer and bass guitarist. "Are!" Another pair, this time showing two guitarists. "Redcap!" A final one spotlights a lead singer, holding some kind of magic staff he's peaking into. All the torches and candles light again, with a sickly green glow. The band goes right into a loud, driving metal song.

Halfway through their set, the drummer and bassist begin a low, sinister rumbling rhythm. The spotlights go out and the stage is momentarily dark even to darkvision, but they come up a moment later with two figures standing in the middle of the band: another gnome dressed in similarly flamboyant attire, and an orcish woman with black and white face paint. Flames flare up around the band in a circle with a sigil in it as the new gnome and the lead singer both produce knives.

Several of the party feel like things are wrong, and Brauni hops across the water to directly intervene.