
From RocksfallWiki

A khazkamma (pl., khazkammar), also known as a silksword, is a single-handed, single-bladed slashing sword. The span of a khazkamma is widest at the middle, and then the blade is concave towards the hilt, so that it is a heavier, chopping weapon than its size would ordinarily suggest. The khazkamma is principally associated with sentinels, having been developed in the latter years of the Omban monarchy as it expanded westward and northward. The greatest moment in the history of the sentinels as an order, however, was the Battle of Endazh in 230 IE, at the beginning of the conquest of Malfan. Endazh was a village in northern Malfan that was the site of a battle between Omban imperial forces and enormous legions of Malfander soldiers. Ninety sentinels alone held off ten times that number of enemies, and afterwards, their swords became almost-holy relics in the eyes of all sentinels. These blades, of which only forty-nine now survive or have a known location, are held in trust by the most powerful sentinels until they retire or die and pass their blades on. The genealogy of these blades from sentinel to sentinel becomes as important to a sentinel as their own lineage.