Jesa Kerteroki

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Jesa Kerteroki

Jesa (727-), known as Gossamer and to the Lady as Imara, is the highest-ranking Hand priestess at Nemnosti. Here, her chief role is the management of the ulajeta's various bubun. This entails that she has roles in the maintenance of the grounds, defense (if needed), and agricultural work nearby, as well as births, marriages, and the tide of corpseborn. Jesa descends from a good common lineage in Naftusa that still has strong landholdings, and is allied most closely with the Sortusai lineage. She was an acolyte at Nemnosti as a youth and is a powerful advocate for Nemnu's courses, and of course deeply loyal to the Lady herself. Jesa is very private and takes her responsibilities seriously, and has had no serious relationships or even powerful friendships since she was a girl.

Father: Fonge Kerteroki