Adventure World: Caravan session 11

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Adventure World: Caravan session logs
Previous Session 11 Next
Session date: 2023-12-10


After attempts to negotiate(?) fail, the party engages and defeats the possessed cows, though Whiper was also temporarily possessed. They track the herb back to the home of the deceased herders and inform their family. They help the mother bury them with ceremony by Tsukaav and Kirar. Lilias comforts Whisper, who is in his feels about his own family. Chlyde and Frond have a heart to heart. Aan gives Qog the amulet he retrieved from Kalarel.

When the party returned back to the Caravan in Kongasharja, they report back to the Brukuror, and Aan presses that next they need to help Lumiel. Verex agrees, and Volda grudingly accepts this, with the condition that she comes along. Qog shows Big Krusk and Yvelda the amulet.

When they arrive at the island tower, they find everything in even greater disarray: Lumiel is injured Hilja has escaped! They find a cursed knife and book that sends Brauni flying and knocks everyone else down when she tries to open it.