Ashnabis session 63

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Ashnabis session logs
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Session date: November 7, 2021
Fair Cycle date:


<AshnabisGM> The trip back from the Vine-hag's swampy domain was uneventful, leaving you with your uneasy thoughts. Of course you are thrilled to have retrieved Daifan, but the deaths of your two colleagues is cause for sadness. And the strange bargain struck with Brother Bones, while it solves your immediate problem, raises many questions for the future.
<AshnabisGM> You return to Kaskind and report back to Utus, who is inscrutable, saying only that he is glad to see Daifan unharmed, and that he will convey the outcome to the General. Now it is up to you to deal with the inevitable aftermath.

The group argue over the decision to let Brother Bones go with the Vine Hag

<Llillilli> (well idk where we return with Daifan... the boat? I don't think we would tp into the office)
<Katenzhi> (Yeah, the boat likely)
* Katenzhi will put us belowdeck to avoid anyone seeing, just in case.
<Llillilli> Thank you Katenzhi.
<Llillilli> We should go find Jimba and the others.
* Daifan nods
* Katenzhi nods as well.
* Llillilli ventures up on deck to see if anyone is there
* Daifan will see what they have hidden away down here for snaks or maybe a drink, having been living out in the swamp for the past few days
<Llillilli> (I'm sure KAt has drinks down here if nothing else :v)
<Daifan> (exactly ;)
* Jimba will be down below.
<Llillilli> (I guess let's wait for Josh :>)
* Katenzhi definitely has a crate of wine at least
<Jimba> Uh, hey Daifan.
<Katenzhi> Oh good, Jimba, you're here.
<Llillilli> Oh, you are here.
<Llillilli> Yes, we brought Daifan back. :)
<Jimba> How are you here?
<Llillilli> Katenzhi teleported us.
* Katenzhi waves her fingers.
<Katenzhi> Maaaagiiiic!
<Jimba> Buuuuut what about vine lady?
<Llillilli> Brother Bones will stay with her.
<Jimba> What?!
<Jimba> How did that happen?
* Daifan waves, mid bite
<Llillilli> They both seemed satisfied with that.
<Llillilli> We asked him.
<Llillilli> He is fond of Daifan.
* Daifan shrugs
<Katenzhi> As much as he's fond of anyone
<Daifan> MMhmm - I think he hoped it might be a batter life than the one he has now
<Llillilli> More restful, maybe
<Jimba> When did you ask him?
<Llillilli> Well, we just got back.
<Llillilli> so... a couple of hours? I don't know.
* Llillilli shrugs.
<Llillilli> I didn't expect him to agree so readily.
<Jimba> So you guys just...went by yourselves?
<Llillilli> Yes.
<Katenzhi> Yarp.
<Jimba> Without talking to anyone else.
<Llillilli> The talking over everything was taking too long.
<Jimba> Or letting any of us knowing where you were.
<Katenzhi> Ummm...
* Daifan takes a drink
<Llillilli> ANd we had to stop you from volunteering yourself.
<Daifan> I thik it worked out, Jimba
<Jimba> I'm glad you're back, Daifan.
<Katenzhi> I mean... yeah, everyone wins, right?
<Jimba> I've got work to do.
* Jimba will head up on deck.
<Katenzhi> Jimba?
* Llillilli frowns.
* Jimba busies himself with boat things.
* Daifan also frowns
<Daifan> do you want me to talk to him?
<Llillilli> I don't know.
<Llillilli> I don't understand why he is upset.
<Daifan> I think someone should
<Katenzhi> Is he... is he sulking because we didn't let him become a broccoli?
<Daifan> mmm...
<Llillilli> I will go
<Katenzhi> Do you want me to go too?
<Llillilli> Maybe we all should.
<Daifan> I suppose the others don't know either?
<Katenzhi> Not yet...
<Llillilli> No. Junan wanted us to just go and try to kill her.
* Daifan sighs
<Daifan> Maybe I should go find him
<Llillilli> Veznara was going to try and convince some person she knows.
<Katenzhi> That might be a good idea.
<Daifan> and I need to speak to Veznara
<Llillilli> KAt, let's find Jimba.
<Katenzhi> Yeah
* Llillilli and Kat will go above decks.
* Katenzhi will head up to the main deck.
* Jimba is scrubbing or something similarly necessary but not, like, immediately necessary.
<Llillilli> Jimba, why are you upset?
* Jimba sighs.
<Jimba> Because you made a decision about my life without talking to me about it. And because you put yourself in danger without letting me know or giving me the option to help.
* Jimba continues scrubbing.
<Jimba> Something that you would be very upset about if our situations were reversed.
<Llillilli> You would have tried to stop me.
<Jimba> I would have listened to your reasoning first.
<Llillilli> I listened to yours.
<Llillilli> It would have been a pointless sacrifice. When there were others ready to take that place.
<Llillilli> ANd we were not in danger.
<Katenzhi> Jimba... I couldn't have let you do it.
<Jimba> We don't actually know it would be a sacrifice.
<Jimba> And it could have been good. For a lot of people.
<Llillilli> You wouldn't be yourself anymore.
<Jimba> We don't know that.
<Katenzhi> Either way... you wouldn't be here. And we still need you.
<Llillilli> OIgnestros was clear enough to me on that point.
<Llillilli> He hardly even remembers who he was!
<Jimba> That's because he's been who he is now for centuries.
<Jimba> I got the impression he knew who he was at the time.
<Katenzhi> Even if that's true, is that really what you want?
<Llillilli> I was not willing to risk losing my brother to a swamp hag.
<Katenzhi> Jimba, what would you have done if I had said I would go? Would you have let me?
<Llillilli> Brother Bones has no attachments. He is old and unhappy. He leaves no one behind.
<Jimba> To have a greater say in what's going on in the region, Kat? To have more power to mediate the excesses of all of these idiots? Yes, that something I desperately want.
<Jimba> Kat, we're in very different situations.
<Katenzhi> Are we?
<Jimba> You're married. Llillilli, too.
<Katenzhi> Because we both have people that need us here.
<Katenzhi> Just because you're not married that's not any less true
<Jimba> If I was gone, you could continue the business.
<Llillilli> *We
* need you here.
<Jimba> And I wouldn't be *gone
* gone.
<Katenzhi> You think this is about the business?
<Llillilli> You are what holds our family together.
<Katenzhi> Jimba without you there is no family.
<Jimba> I would be back, with more of a chance to make a difference. Brother Bones...that's the not the sort of advocate either side needs to deal with.
<Llillilli> HOw could I live cut in half, Jimba??
<Jimba> We don't know that you would have.
<Llillilli> The not knowing is not good enough.
<Jimba> And so you made the decision for me.
<Llillilli> And now it is done.
<Jimba> You don't know that, either.
* Llillilli scowls.
<Llillilli> What do you mean?
<Jimba> Did you see Brother Bones become this thing? He specifically agreed in front of you?
<Llillilli> He did agree.
<Llillilli> In front of us, and the hag.
<Jimba> But the transformation hasn't happened yet?
<Llillilli> No. She agreed to try and wait until his contract with Daifan is fulfilled.
<Jimba> So then it's not completely decided.
* Llillilli does not answer, but thins her lips.
<Katenzhi> Jimba...
* Jimba keeps scrubbing.
<Llillilli> Fine. If you wish to be angry with me for stoopping you wasting your life, I am prepared to live with that.
<Jimba> You don't know it would be wasting my life.
* Jimba sighs again.
<Llillilli> I am making an educated guess.
<Jimba> You're making an emotional decision with some justification. It's not the same thing.
<Jimba> And you're making it *for me*.
<Katenzhi> And you're not?
<Llillilli> And for Daifan.
<Llillilli> EVerything else was taking too long.
<Jimba> If I had gone, Daifan would still be here and safe.
<Llillilli> Veznara and Junan would never have stopped talking, talking, talking
<Llillilli> Daifan would not have let you do this either.
<Llillilli> What would you do then, fight her for the place??
<Jimba> It's not for them or you to allow me to do something.
<Katenzhi> Allow you?!
<Katenzhi> To sacrifice yourself?
<Katenzhi> Because that's what it would be, whether you were still you or not.
<Jimba> If need be, yes.
* Llillilli snorts.
<Llillilli> Now you are truly being irrational
<Jimba> If I'm still me, how is it a sacrifice?
<Llillilli> YOu would be underground for who knows how long first, and 'if' is a very big word in that sentence, brother.
<Katenzhi> And then that would be your life. Just hugging trees and talking to daisies. For the rest of eternity.
<Jimba> Yes, because that's all Oignestros does, all day every day.
<Katenzhi> We just don't want to take the chance of losing you. Maybe that's selfish, but I can live with it.
* Llillilli nods agreement.
<Jimba> Well, at least we're in agreement.
<Jimba> Now, please, I have work to do.
<Katenzhi> Fine. I have a 'Husband' to get back to.
* Llillilli just leaves.
* Katenzhi will storm off the boat.

The general hears Junan's report

<AshnabisGM> Junan, you shift uncomfortably in your seat, awaiting what you are imagining will be an unpleasant conversation.
<AshnabisGM> Last night, a messenger girl came to your door, not even an envoy, just a child, with a note requesting your presence this morning at the Fort for a meeting with the General.
<AshnabisGM> Now you're here, in the General's war office, awaiting her. The guard said she'd only be a few minutes but it feels like hours.
* Ghurtai enters, in a red and black fitted shirt and black trousers. She looks tired and annoyed.
<Ghurtai> Junan.
<Junan> General
* Ghurtai goes over to her desk and sits.
* Ghurtai looks over some papers, then looks up.
<Ghurtai> Did I at any point give you diplomatic powers, the authority to make treaties and contracts with anyone you so choose?
* Kennesaw is now known as Jimba
<Junan> Not that I was aware of
<Ghurtai> And you know that if you had come to me with your strange proposition, your 'volunteer', I would have clearly said no ... right?
<Junan> It wasnt my first choice either.
<Ghurtai> You couldn't just have killed the hag?
<Junan> If I had been given the opportunity, I may have done just that.
<Ghurtai> Or, I don't know, just left the corpseborn there?
<Junan> If you think I am happy how this all played out, you are wrong. The Hag is still a problem. It hasnt really been dealt with.
<Ghurtai> You don't look happy.
<Ghurtai> And yet, here we are.
<Junan> Well, I can't change what happened. Growl at me or whatever. If an opportunity comes up, i'll make sure that the hag is dealt with.
<Ghurtai> Well. For now let's try to figure out what to do, now that we've made a deal with a monster that ends up giving one of our potentially most dangerous threats potentially untold powers.
<Ghurtai> I understand that others on your team made decisions without your approval. In that regard, you and I are in identical situations.
<Ghurtai> But now we have to manage this nonsense.
<Junan> Brother Bones may not have been our friend, but they are also not friends of Charadip.
* Ghurtai nods.
<Ghurtai> When I said that the volunteer had to be Omban, Brother Bones wasn't exactly what I meant.
<Ghurtai> You've met Brother Bones, right? In the flesh? What's he like? How much do we really have to fear from him?
<Junan> I personally never met him. He is a very private individiual. Others in the team dealt with him.
<Junan> Mostly he wants to be left alone
<Ghurtai> How much do we really know about who, or what, he is? Not the legendary crap.
<Junan> more of an annoyance for the mystics really
<Junan> well he is a corpseborn mystic, thats truth
<Ghurtai> And a revenant?
<Junan> that I cannot confirm
<Junan> the corspseborn fact is a real thorn in Charadip.
<Junan> I guess they are very not interested in having them around
<Ghurtai> I can imagine so. I mean, I get it. Corpseborn sentinels are a tricky situation too. They happen. It's awkward.
<Ghurtai> But having a powerful mystic, trained by the masters, who turns out to be corpseborn ... well, yes, I can see that would be a problem.
<Ghurtai> But now, our new friends over in Charadip talk about him like he's a creature of the night.
<Junan> probably due to their lack of success in dealing with him
* Ghurtai nods.
<Ghurtai> If they find out that we have arranged for him to volunteer for this transformation - well, I don't know what will happen. It's like we will be making everything they have thought all along, into reality.
<Junan> how are they even going to find out. Its not like were going to bring it up. Outside of the team and Utus, who even knows.
<Ghurtai> Well that's exactly the question. Your team went behind your back to make this deal. Who's to say this doesn't get out through them?
<Junan> Why would they tell anyone? I 'll discuss it with them to make sure they're not spreading it around, to make sure.
<Ghurtai> All right. And you're confident that no one else will know. What about the other team? I've already talked to Utus, but - surely the others at the land registry must have found out something?
<Junan> they probably know Daifan was out there, and now she's back.
<Junan> the how of it, well, we can just say we found a volunteer. The who of it isnt anyone elses concern
<Ghurtai> All right. But you see my concern here.
<Ghurtai> First, we didn't kill Zefa, and she goes off to Charadip. Then we don't kill this Vine-hag, and give power to Charadip's nightmare. I'm starting to think we aren't planning to kill anybody.
<Junan> We can try and kill Yeggan.
<Ghurtai> That's a good idea, if we can find him.
<Junan> I'm working on it on the side
<Junan> but my highest priority is figuring out how to get at Zefa
* Ghurtai nods.
<Ghurtai> She's still in Charadip, not showing any sign of moving out of there.
<Junan> So I have to go get her, then.
<Ghurtai> It seems so. Unless something changes very soon.
<Junan> good think I know someone with a boat
<Ghurtai> All right. Just so we're clear. I authorize you to go to Charadip, to use any force necessary, to ensure that Zefa is no longer able to provide any aid or counsel to Charadip - or anyone else.
<Junan> sounds clear to me
<Junan> and if anyone asks, we have nothing to do with the Fort.
<Ghurtai> Of course. If necessary, I will deal with it publicly as a matter of the Envoys taking care of their own. I realize you don't normally kill your own - but here we are.
<Junan> shes not an envoy anymore
* Ghurtai nods.
<Ghurtai> Understood.
<Ghurtai> Is there anything else I need to know, then?
<Junan> No thats it. If something comes up that you need to know of, I'll ensure you are informed.
<Ghurtai> All right then. You are dismissed.
<Junan> Thank you
* Junan nods and leaves

Katenzhi lets Oignestros know what transpired

<AshnabisGM> Katenzhi, you're not entirely sure what you make of the notion of there being a third of Oignestros' kind - especially if the new one is Brother Bones. But that is what seems to be happening, soon enough.
<AshnabisGM> You figure you should probably check in with your big friend to let him know what is going on.
<AshnabisGM> You wander over to his stomping grounds and find him outside his house, humming and singing quietly to himself.
* Katenzhi will wave as she approaches
<Oignestros> ~... Four drops, pitter-patter, hither-thither ...~
* Oignestros sees you and waves back.
<Oignestros> O-ho, my little friend Katenzhi! It is good to see you! I have been a-fretting.
<Katenzhi> Ho there, friend Oignestros.
<Katenzhi> Back safe and sound
<Oignestros> Your friend, did you get them back?
<Katenzhi> We did, yes...
<Katenzhi> Though we had to leave someone else.
<Oignestros> To be changed?
* Katenzhi nods.
<Katenzhi> But he was willing.
<Oignestros> Then there shall be a new one of my kind. My heart is a-weeping, though whether from joy or fear, I cannot yet say.
<Katenzhi> I wish there had been another way.
<Katenzhi> But maybe it's not so bad.
<Katenzhi> I mean, you're a great guy. For a plant.
* Oignestros laughs.
<Katenzhi> So you've been around a while then. Have you ever heard of Brother Bones?
<Oignestros> I know of the one you call by that name. He spins with the world's threads, yes?
<Katenzhi> That's one way to put it, yes.
<Katenzhi> He... he was the one who volunteered.
<Oignestros> I will never understand humans, I think.
<Katenzhi> Join the club.
<Oignestros> Do you think it was out of seeking dominance over the world, that he agreed?
<Katenzhi> I don't think so. He doesn't seem like the type. Not that I've ever been a great judge of character.
<Katenzhi> I think he just wants the power to be left alone, honestly.
<Oignestros> Hmm, well, that is something.
<Katenzhi> Now tht it's done I'm a little worried, but... I would have done worse to get Daifan back.
<Oignestros> He can be unto himself, in the way you understand it. But also, in the changing, becomes enveloped in the voices of the trees. I do not think of my life as a lonely one.
<Katenzhi> You never struck me as the lonely type.
<Oignestros> We truly become different than we were. Perhaps he will be happier living within nature than transforming it.
<Katenzhi> I hope so. That would be the best thing all around, I think.
<Katenzhi> Do you ever... have you ever thought about... making more of your kind? Can you?
<Oignestros> It is a thing that may happen someday, but it is not under my control.
<Oignestros> No more than it was under Kewustwiin's control. It was the time for it to happen.
* Katenzhi nods.
<Oignestros> Have you thought about it?
* Katenzhi blinks.
<Katenzhi> Ummm...
<Oignestros> You are married now, yes?
<Katenzhi> Yeah. I am. Sort of.
<Katenzhi> I mean... I am.
<Katenzhi> It's... complicated.
<Katenzhi> I guess I'd be lying if I said I've never thought about it.
<Oignestros> Why would you lie about it?
* Katenzhi shrugs.
<Katenzhi> I don't know.
<Katenzhi> With everything I've seen... everything that's happened. I don't know if I'm really the kind of person that should raise a kid.
<Katenzhi> I don't know if I even could.
<Oignestros> Well, it is a matter for grave thinking.
* Katenzhi looks out at the fields near Oignestros' house.
<Katenzhi> I guess it is.
<Oignestros> Do you know what is a-passing with your old neighbours, the ones from the temple?
* Katenzhi sighs.
<Katenzhi> Haven't heard anything from them since we crashed their little saint party.
<Oignestros> They have been awakened, much liveliness from them over the past days.
<Oignestros> They seem to have lost something of great import to them. You wouldn't know what it is, would you, o-ho?
<Katenzhi> I'm not sure. What have they been doing?
<Oignestros> It is hard to say. Preparing for something. A ritual, or an attack? What did you do to them?
<Katenzhi> We stopped them from... reviving?... empowering?... their saint. The one they worship. They were going to do so by draining another saint.
<Katenzhi> An attack or ritual... neither of those sounds good.
<Katenzhi> I need to let everyone know.
<Oignestros> I am sorry, I do not know more. I cannot simply wander over there, and the trees, they do not understand human ways well.
<Oignestros> I only know what they tell me.
<Katenzhi> No, thank you for the warning.
<Katenzhi> Just don't listen to the persimmons. They're bastards.
* Oignestros laughs.
<Oignestros> But they gave you your pale oracle. Without their leaves and soft fruit on the ground, you would not have met me.
* Katenzhi grins.
<Katenzhi> I guess that's true. I'm glad I did.
<Oignestros> Then I will be glad for them.

Daifan and Veznara secure Galdai's secret notebook

<AshnabisNarrator> Daifan, the need to secure Galdai's notes about her magical research, if any such things exist, has grown more urgent now that Brother Bones may soon be unable to help with their analysis.
<AshnabisNarrator> As such, you are likely to need Veznara's help to obtain these notes, as she is most likely to be able to get access to them due to her connections to the household.
<AshnabisNarrator> How do you want to proceed with that?
<Veznara> (Well, where are Galdai's old effects kept? Would there be a problem with my looking at them?)
<AshnabisNarrator> You don't really know exactly what you're looking for, to begin with.
<AshnabisNarrator> She had two houses of course, so there could be possessions at her home in the town, or in the countryside. Or maybe elsewhere, you aren't sure.
<Daifan> I don't knwo what to look for - it isn't like I can read them...
<Veznara> (Her home in town is where Ghegis, her steward, acted as her apprentice, correct?)
<Veznara> (How often was she there?)
<AshnabisNarrator> not really? he wasn't her apprentice, he's an herbalist.
<Daifan> I don't know where she kept things after the compound was destroyed...
<AshnabisNarrator> he does mainly stay at the house in town currently. She went back and forth between them as needed.
<Veznara> (And there were other people she had left bequests to, correct?)
<AshnabisNarrator> Probably your best starting point, since she is generally kindly disposed towards you, would be to ask Ziftu if she has any idea where her grandmother's notes might be?
<Daifan> (Yeah that would make sense, maybe offer to organize them and stuff)
<Veznara> (I suppose. I want to keep poor Ziftu as far away from this as possible, though1 :/ )
<AshnabisNarrator> Ghegis basically hates you already, so going to him for help will be less likely to succeed. Ziftu, however, is his boss.
<Veznara> (Tsk. Why should he hate me? So mean. ;_; )
* Veznara will go to ask Ziftu about her grandmother's research.
* Ziftu is doing some embroidery, a pretty pattern of flowers along the edge of a future baby's gown.
* Veznara enters and greets her in the usual fashion - officially formal to start, then falling into a more friendly and affectionate pattern
<Veznara> Your Imperial Highness.
* Veznara smiles
<Veznara> That looks lovely!
<Ziftu> Oh... thank you.
<Ziftu> Well, it's good to start preparing these things early, I suppose.
<Veznara> Is that... I don't suppose this means that...
<Ziftu> Oh, no, no no.
<Ziftu> Not yet! I mean preparing very early.
<Veznara> Yes. All in good time.
* Ziftu nods
<Veznara> I think your grandmother believed it would be good to wait a while.
<Ziftu> Yes... well... in a way. She wanted to make sure I was older, of course, so I would be healthier.
* Veznara nods
<Ziftu> But I think she also didn't want a baby of my own to get in the way of the other plans she had for me.
<Veznara> Oh?
<Ziftu> To adopt a child. I guess as a charitable gesture or something like that.
<Veznara> Adopt a child? That's generous, certainly. But surely she would want you to have children of your own as well, in time.
<Ziftu> Oh, yes, I mean, I'm sure she wanted me to do that eventually.
<Ziftu> Maybe in a few years, once I'm a bit older.
<Veznara> And would you adopt a child at the same time?
<Ziftu> It's all arranged, I haven't paid too much attention to all the details but it's going to happen at some point. Maybe next year?
<Veznara> Oh, I see.
<Veznara> That reminds me... I've been thinking about your grandmother's affairs, getting them all dealt with. I know it's been a while now, but there's so much...
<Veznara> I was wondering if we've addressed all her papers. And her research.
<Veznara> Did she do that kind of business here? More in town? Or both?
<Ziftu> Oh, all of that stuff? Well, mostly it got moved to the town house I think. She did have a study here of course, but we wanted to use the room for a music room, so I had it all cleared out.
<Veznara> Ah, yes. A much happier use for it, I should think.
<Veznara> Did you really go through it, or simply move it at the time?
<Veznara> If the latter... I think it would be good to go through it, to be sure everything is dealt with appropriately.
<Ziftu> I didn't go through it, Ghegis took care of it all. I assume if there was anything valuable or important he would have said so, but I think it was mostly notebooks. She had a lot of notebooks. She made a lot of notes.
* Ziftu says with a shrug
<Veznara> May I have your permission to have a look for myself? I'm sure Ghegis took note of anyhing he noticed, but there may be things whose importance wasn't evident to him. And it would be a good idea to have a second pair of eyes checking it.
<Ziftu> I suppose so. What are you looking for? It's all mystic study type things, I think.
<Veznara> Perhaps. There may be other things, though. Other notes. I'm not sure, but it can't hurt to check it out.
<Ziftu> I guess, if you want to. She tried to teach me all of that kind of thing, but I couldn't seem to grasp it.
<Ziftu> There were some notebooks she wouldn't let me look at though. She said they were too advanced for me.
<Veznara> Really? What were those?
<Ziftu> I don't know, small, with a green leather cover? so she could carry them with her easily and make notes.
<Veznara> I'll have to keep an eye out for those, then.
<Veznara> I'm afraid I may need to ask you to write another note to authorize me to visit and take them, though... Ghegis guards the townhouse jealously. Which is good when it comes to outsiders, but can be a little inconvenient. when it comes to dealing with all this. :/
<Ziftu> Take them where? I thought you just wanted to look at them.
<Veznara> Oh... no, you're right. I was thinking it might take hour sto get through them, in which case I'd want to take them with me. But there's no reason I couldn't just do that at the house.
<Ziftu> Well, I don't suppose it would do any harm. I just don't want Ghegis to get cross about things getting borrowed and not returned... he's already upset about that brooch.
<Ziftu> It doesn't really matter to me, I'm sure, but he is quite protective.
<Ziftu> I can write you a note to say you have my permission to look through Grandmother's notebooks that are in storage at the town house.
<Veznara> Huh. Well he *is* there to serve *you*. But of course I don't want to upset him just for the sake of it. I expect I can leave things where they are, as long as he's willing to let me take time to go through them there.
* Ziftu nods
<Veznara> Thank you.
* Veznara smiles
* Ziftu will write you a quick note.
* Veznara makes small talk, and later goes to the townhouse to go through Galdai's stuff!
* Ziftu is now known as Ghegis
* Ghegis frowns to see you, presumably tired of dealing with your nonsense.
<Ghegis> What is it now, Hand Veznara?
<Veznara> Good day to you, Ghegis.
<Veznara> I'm here again on family business.
<Ghegis> Oh?
* Veznara shows him the note
* Ghegis reads it over, frowning.
<Ghegis> You do know that her Ladyship had a large number of books? Many of them have been boxed up for storage.
<Veznara> It may take a long time, I suppose. But...
* Veznara shrugs
<Veznara> I will be careful with them.
<Ghegis> Well, am I supposed to drop everything I'm doing today to help you search through old notebooks?
<Veznara> By no means! If you can just show me where they are, I'm sure I can manage.
* Ghegis sighs but can't really refuse your request.
* Ghegis will escort you to what was presumably once a library or study in the house. Most of its shelves are cleared and there are large crates about the room, which evidently hold the books that used to reside there.
<Veznara> I understand there were books that were brought here from the estate, as well?
<Ghegis> Yes, those were packed and are in the outbuilding at the back of the house.
<Veznara> I would like to see those as well, please.
* Ghegis will grudgingly bring you to what seems to be basically a storage shed, lined with more boxes and some furniture and other items that must have not been in favour with the new lady of the house.
<Veznara> So between the study and here, this should be everything?
<Ghegis> As you can see, there's a considerable amount.
<Veznara> Yes, I have my work cut out for me, it seems!
<Ghegis> For books? Yes, barring any items that she gave away prior to her death, or that were bequeathed in her will. But there are not many of those, I think.
<Veznara> I suppose I'll find out. Thank you, Ghegis. I'm sorry to have interrupted your day, and I appreciate your showing me everything.
* Ghegis will leave you to your search, then.
* Veznara will go through the motions a bit, keep an eye out for Azazu, and then look for those green books!
<AshnabisNarrator> Okay - you can search, making a Perception check.
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+19
<Daifan> (try again)
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+19
* Daifan rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+19 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 19 ] totals [ 30 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> Veznara, you look through a lot of boxes, seeking the green notebooks Ziftu described. At last, you find what you believe must be them - a series of about a dozen or so hand-sized books, with soft green leather covers. However, when you open them, you see that the writing is not a language or script you recognize. You could make a k: arcana roll.
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+20
* Daifan rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+20 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 20 ] totals [ 40 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> You know that there is a specific language used by mystics to record their research or spell notes, and you also suspect that Galdai might have further used magic to protect her notes if they were something she would not have wanted others to know.
<Veznara> (Time to break out the fos, I guess! Let's try Detect Magic, Identify, and maybe even Dispel Magic if it gets to that stage...)
<AshnabisNarrator> Okay, you can do that. Detect Magic first?
<Veznara> (Yep.)
<AshnabisNarrator> go ahead and roll to cast.
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+14
* Daifan rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 34 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> Okay - you can detect on one of the books specifically, some faint transmutation magic.
<AshnabisNarrator> Perhaps its appearance or contents have been altered magically. The rest are simply ordinary notebooks written in another language - no particular magical effects on them.
<Veznara> (Let me try to Identify what the specific effect is next, then. Is the Transmutation a trap, or just an effect on the book?)
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+14
* Daifan rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 15 ].
<Veznara> (Is that an automatic failure, or does it still work?)
<AshnabisNarrator> (it works but you have to roll for a bad effect)
<Veznara> !roll 1d100
* Daifan rolls for Veznara: [ 1d100 ] getting [ 35 ].
<Veznara> (OMA)
<Veznara> (Well, tell me what I identified. Then I'll cast Prestidigitation to clean myself up. :/)
<AshnabisNarrator> Ok, you make a k: arcana roll at +10 to try and identify the spell(s) involved
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+30
* Daifan rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+30 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 30 ] totals [ 39 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> You suspect the spell is Secret Page, which disguises the contents of written material. You believe that it is possible there could be another spell or magic effect concealed beneath it (for instance, explosive runes?) but you can't tell.
<Veznara> OK. Presitdigitation to clean myself up.
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+20
* Daifan rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+20 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 20 ] totals [ 22 ].
<Veznara> Then Dispel Magic (or whatever) to reveal the hidden page... from a distance, in case it *is* explosive runes.
<AshnabisNarrator> That's fine, since it's just a 0 level spell
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+14
* Daifan rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 30 ].
<AshnabisNarrator> Dispel Magic would be a good first shot anyway. The other option would be I suppose to take the entire book to Brother Bones and let him figure it out.
<AshnabisNarrator> (since he's, well, a mystic)
<Veznara> (Right. So instead, let's use that roll for me to conceal the book on my person somehow and take the book out.)
<AshnabisNarrator> Okay, you can leave without making Ghegis too suspicious.
<AshnabisNarrator> And track down Daifan at... wherever they are.
<Veznara> (In a bath with Junan? :O )
<AshnabisNarrator> (hopefully after that)
* Veznara finds Daifan and explains what she has discovered, and "borrowed" for Brother Bones to look at...
* Veznara does not mention other details. <_< >_>
<Veznara> (I will pack things back before I go, and even take out other things to make it look like I'm in the middle of looking at those instead)
<Daifan> I hope it will be helpful - as far as I know he is back with the hag still, and we can take it to him there
<Veznara> As long as she doesn't try to keep either of us...
<Veznara> (So shall we teleport there?)
<Daifan> (sure!)
<Veznara> !roll 1d20+14
* Daifan rolls for Veznara: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 30 ].

They deliver the notebook to Brother Bones

<Daifan> hello?
* Brother_Bones emerges out of the wooded grove.
<Brother_Bones> Hmmm. You're back. So soon?
<Veznara> Brother Bones, we have found something. A notebook - Galdai put magical protections on it.
<Veznara> I think it may contain what we need.
<Brother_Bones> Should I ask how you found it?
* Daifan looks at Veznara and shrugs
<Daifan> I didn't >.>
<Brother_Bones> Well, then. Give it here.
* Brother_Bones says, his voice as bark against three days' growth of beard.
* Veznara nods, and hands it to him gingerly.
<Brother_Bones> Hmm. I see.
<Veznara> I detected some sort of transmutation magic on it. And I fear there may be a trap beneath.
* Brother_Bones flips through it.
<Brother_Bones> Did you, then?
<Veznara> I hope you can disable any such protections.
<Veznara> I did attempt to dispel it.
* Brother_Bones takes some fos out of his boot, eats it, and then casts a spell over it.
<Brother_Bones> There.
<Brother_Bones> Just a minor incantation to make some of the key text obscure. All better now.
<Brother_Bones> So what would you have me do with this?
<Daifan> Is this what you were looking for?
<Daifan> IN terms of her notes and plans?
<Brother_Bones> It appears that it might be. It is very dense.
<Daifan> we can leave it ith you, I think?
* Daifan looks to Veznara
<Brother_Bones> It's certainly no ordinary treatise. Not just a copy of something I know, either.
<Brother_Bones> But I will need time with it, to truly understand it.
* Veznara sighs
<Veznara> I'll do my best to cover for its absence.
<Brother_Bones> All right.
<Veznara> I wasn't really supposed to take it. Can I have a fake to bring back in its place, for now?
<Brother_Bones> A fake ... book?
<Veznara> (Is there a spell that could duplicate it? I can just to that myself, at the risk of peeing my pants again...)
<Brother_Bones> Do I look like I'm made of ink and paper?
<Veznara> No, you look like a master of the arcane who could create a duplicate that would deceive even a skillful mystic. But I suppose that isn't really necessary.
<Daifan> we can figure something out if we need to
<Daifan> Thank you
* Daifan says to BB
<Veznara> There were other notebooks, if you find those may be helpful. I could simply copy notes from those, though - this is the only one on which I detected magical protections.
<Brother_Bones> Go, then.

Llillilli talks to Liwhis about him training as a solar

<AshnabisNarrator> Llillilli, you still aren't certain what the eventual outcome of this decision will be, but you feel some relief at having recovered Daifan safely, at least.
<AshnabisNarrator> In the meanwhile, you still need to speak with Liwhis about Thelef's suggestion that he could train to be a solar. The plan will come to naught if he doesn't agree to it, so it falls to you to try and secure his agreement.
<Llillilli> (where am I going to see him now?)
* Liwhis can be found at the Aanilaus lineage house, where he's trying to keep busy by making some cups and bowls out of lithus, shaping the resinous substance into slightly lopsided vessels.
<Llillilli> Hello Liwhis.
<Liwhis> Oh, hi there.
* Liwhis holds one of the lumpy bowls up for your consideration.
<Liwhis> How does this look?
<Llillilli> better than the last one.
<Liwhis> Hmm, maybe. I think they're getting better, but I can't form it as thin as the masters can.
<Llillilli> Well, you haven't been doing it as long.
<Liwhis> I guess that's true.
<Llillilli> I am not much good at creative things.
<Liwhis> I'm just doing it to keep busy, really. And maybe so I can give them to the family who've let me stay here.
<Liwhis> How are you doing?
<Llillilli> Busy... Between the registry, the selleluf things, and my family, there is a lot going on.
* Liwhis nods
<Liwhis> I wish there was more I could do to help.
<Llillilli> Well, I have been speaking with Thelef about things. About you. We had an idea that might interest you.
<Liwhis> Oh?
<Llillilli> Laelaesi thinks it is time that one of us, a huwhi, trains as a solar.
* Liwhis looks surprised
<Liwhis> You mean... me?
<Llillilli> YEs. Your name was brought up specifically.
<Liwhis> A solar? Why me?
<Llillilli> Well, you are from Pfaeshes, from a lineage that has worked with the People for a very long time.
<Llillilli> And you have spent time at Sulise, at court.
* Liwhis looks thoughtful.
<Llillilli> You are in many ways an ideal representive. And *I
* think that you would do very well. If it is what you choose to do.
<Liwhis> I don't know if I'd be any good at it. But... I guess if you think it would be good, I could try it. Can I ask a few questions first, though?
<Llillilli> Of course... I don't know if I will have good answers, but I'll try,.
<Liwhis> Would it be Laelaesi doing the training, personally?
<Llillilli> Yes.
<Llillilli> That much I do know.
<Liwhis> Where would I be training? I can't go back to Sulise... At least if I could do it on Ruur, I'd be closer to home - to my family and friends. But technically Pfaeshes is part of the kingdom too, so I could get in trouble for going there.
<Liwhis> If it had to be here, I guess that would be okay.
<Llillilli> I'm not sure... We would have to ask Laelaesi.
* Liwhis nods
<Llillilli> I imagine it would be here or Pfaeshes though, yes.
<Liwhis> What about Silloeth? They're my... my friend.
* Liwhis says with a bit of an awkward pause.
<Llillilli> What about them?
* Llillilli tilts her head slightly, puzzled.
<Liwhis> well... I just wouldn't want to be away from them for a long time.
<Llillilli> I don't see why you would have to be... I don't think you have to train in solitude.
* Liwhis nods
<Liwhis> I guess if that's all right, then I can talk to them. Maybe they'd want to train too, I don't know. We never thought about it.
* Llillilli smiles widely.
<Llillilli> Oh, what a great idea... That might be even better if the two of you did it together!!
<Llillilli> If they want to.
* Liwhis smiles nervously
<Liwhis> I'll ask them, then.
<Liwhis> This is a lot to think about... I never really thought it would be possible.
<Llillilli> Alright... Let me know what the two of you decide. :)
* Liwhis nods
<Liwhis> Thank you for ... believing in me.
<Llillilli> You're... welcome?
<Llillilli> I am glad to have met you Liwhis :)
<Liwhis> Here, you can take this. I know you probably don't want a hug.
* Liwhis gives you a lumpy bowl instead
* Llillilli grins.
<Llillilli> Thank you :>
* Llillilli will gladly take it

Jimba talks with Aptan about his plans

<AshnabisGM> Jimba, you've been neglecting your duties at the warehouse somewhat. The repairs are all done, and things are more or less back to normal. You just haven't had the time you would like to devote to it, what with your various travels.
<AshnabisGM> This afternoon, you're spending a quiet afternoon looking after inventory and some paperwork, which is a welcome relief from dealing with the Vine-hag, frankly. But your quiet work is interrupted by a loud noise as Aptan enters the warehouse.
* Aptan comes in and slams the door.
<Aptan> Fucker! It's not fair!
* Aptan storms into the back.
* Jimba raises an eyebrow, puts down what he's working on, and follows Aptan.
* Aptan looks at you as you enter, looking for all the world like he's trying not to cry.
<Aptan> Go away.
<Jimba> I can, but you look like you might be having some problems, and maybe I can help.
<Aptan> It's Liraula, again. Always. Fuck!
<Jimba> What's going on?
<Aptan> She still won't let me sail the Black Stork flag, or even to be seen aboard her ships.
<Aptan> She says it's too dangerous.
<Jimba> More dangerous than just being one of her sailors?
<Jimba> It's not like they have a cushy life.
<Aptan> Right?
<Aptan> It's because of my dad, I know it is!
<Jimba> (Do I know who his dad is offhand?)
<AshnabisGM> You actually don't. You know that Liraula is Aummesh but not originally from Timiil, and that she and Aptan (her nephew) are the only two Gadalis you are aware of.
<Jimba> Who's your father?
<Aptan> My dad, Gasan, died when I was just little. But he was probably only a year or two older than I am now. That was when Liraula took me in, and we moved here. I don't remember any of it.
<Aptan> Now, I guess, we're the only close family we have, just each other.
<Aptan> And she thinks I'm going to get killed just like he was, if I go to sea.
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> Well, that sucks.
<Aptan> She had no trouble at all sending me off to be Yeggun's cabin boy for three years, to do her work, but now, whatever, I'm too at risk? Fuck that.
<Aptan> I did ... whatever I needed to, all for her and for the Stork, and this is what I get? To be like Uncle Bohin, stuck aground?
<Aptan> It's not fair.
<Jimba> I could try talking to her, if you like.
<Aptan> Would she listen to you more than me?
<Jimba> I've got a different perspective, at least.
* Aptan nods.
<Jimba> And, if she's so protective of you, she might have a harder time hearing your argument from you.
<Aptan> How did you deal with your aunt and uncle, when you wanted to sail the Menagerie?
* Jimba chuckles.
<Jimba> Kat and I saved up and bought it ourselves.
<Aptan> I don't need to be a pirate, Jimba. I'm not a killer.
<Jimba> I've got a two-thirds stake in her, Kat owns the rest.
<Aptan> Help me get a ship, any ship. If she won't let me fly the Black Stork pennant, I'll fly my own.
<Jimba> So you just want to sail?
<Aptan> I thought I earned the right to sail one of hers. But yeah - it's what I know how to do.
<Jimba> Well, maybe I can offer you something.
<Aptan> Like what?
<Jimba> Assuming I survive the next few weeks, I'll have an extra ship just now.
<Jimba> I can't captain the Menagerie *and* the Fortune.
<Aptan> She'd be pissed off.
<Jimba> Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I am *absolutely* going to talk to her before making a decision like that.
<Jimba> I don't fly the flag, but I'm not *not* Black Stork.
<Jimba> But I also might be eliminating some of the danger soon.

Yeggun arrives and issues his challenge to Jimba

<AshnabisGM> As you talk, you hear a great commotion outside. Some sort of crowd is forming.
* Aptan turns his head.
<Aptan> What's all that?
<Jimba> Hmm. Hold that thought.
* Jimba gets up and heads outside.
* Aptan follows you.
<AshnabisGM> You head out where there is a great crowd heading towards the harbour, gathered to watch a ship coming in.
<AshnabisGM> It takes only a moment for you to recognize it. You've seen it and even been on it before: the Cormorant. Standing abovedecks, leaning against the taffrail, is Yeggun himself.
* Aptan is now known as Yeggun
* Jimba looks grim, but nods to himself.
* Yeggun is dressed in a blue dashi fitted tight against his chest.
* Yeggun draws a curved blade.
<Yeggun> I am Yeggun of the Shotser, Lord of the Cormorant Fleet. I come to seek Jimba of the Ghughife, a boastful liar and usurper, whose slander I deny to all. I come here to end him by my blade, in accordance with most ancient law.
* Jimba sighs.
* Jimba steps forward.
<Jimba> I am Jimba of the Ghughife, and I accept and answer your challenge, as you well know, Yeggun of the Shotser. Villain and murderer I name you, the ancestors, sun, and all as witness to this truth. Let us settle our grievances by the old way.
<AshnabisGM> The crowd murmurs, as the challenge is given and accepted.


Daifan and Jimba talk about the future

* Daifan will come back to find Jimba after they have had a chance to relax and get cleaned up
* Jimba will probably still be grumpily tootling around the ship.
<Daifan> permission to come aboard, captain?
* Jimba looks up and nods.
<Jimba> Always, Daifan.
* Daifan will come up and take a seat on deck
<Daifan> Thank you
<Daifan> And thanks for - being willing to trade yourself for me?
* Jimba smiles humorlessly.
<Jimba> Don't mention it.
<Jimba> You're okay?
<Daifan> I am. Are you?
<Jimba> I'm...frustrated.
<Daifan> I can see that.
<Daifan> DO you wan to talk about it?
* Daifan pats the ground beside them
<Daifan> (deck, rather)
* Jimba sighs.
<Jimba> I'm not sure, honestly.
* Jimba will have stopped what he was doing, though.
* Daifan nods
<Jimba> I...I feel like everyone is looking at this situation the wrong way.
<Daifan> how do you mean?
<Jimba> Kewustwiin is...let's go with misguided.
* Daifan nods
<Jimba> Harsh, and possibly unstable.
<Jimba> But...I don't necessarily disagree with her point of view.
<Jimba> And, honestly, I don't think a lot of us do, either.
<Daifan> Mmhmm.
<Daifan> I didn't just stay back on a whim.
<Jimba> The truth is, the colonies *are
* expanding too quickly, with little regard for what's already here.
<Daifan> She's unsettling, but... we talked some.
* Daifan nods
<Daifan> I agree.
<Jimba> I think this whole thing affords us an opportunity for a spokesperson who can bridge those sides.
<Jimba> And, while I don't really know or have anything against Brother Bones, I don't think that's a role he can take.
<Daifan> maybe. That is what I hoped woudl come of it, and he is not who I would have chosed for that reason - but I think he is not a bad choice, really
<Jimba> You think?
<Daifan> Mmm, well, pmrhaps this is not the right reason to cheose him - but I hope it will bring him a little peace? to have a role that he chose for himself, and some community and copaniship away from humans.
<Jimba> That's nice for him, but it doesn't really help.
<Daifan> as for his role... we'll see how this transforms him, and then, maybe we can get a sense of that
<Jimba> Not that I begrudge him peace, just...
* Jimba sighs.
<Daifan> I don't think that turning people into plants is the only way to create more balance
<Daifan> I think he can still act as something of a check on expansion
<Daifan> so, we'll see.
<Jimba> I'm sure he will, but in a productive way?
<Jimba> Or as just another boogeyman in the swamp?
<Daifan> if he is just another boogeyman, then I don't think we'll be able to keep the fort from just trying to kill them
<Jimba> Right, which seems at best useless.
<Jimba> For all we know, killing him and Kewustwiin, beyond the lives lost in doing so, will only cause Oignestros or another of their kind to feel the urge to change someone else.
<Jimba> If it's specifically in response to imbalance and danger.
<Daifan> Oh I know that is what woud happen
<Daifan> that's the only reason that she did it, not because she wanted to
<Jimba> Right, this really going to solve anything?
<Daifan> I don't think we can judge that yet.
<Jimba> Okay, that's fair.
<Daifan> we can see what happens with him when he is changed
<Jimba> But I think it's *less likely
* to effect positive change than other alternatives.
<Daifan> what other alternatives?
<Jimba> Me. Possibly others. We didn't actually spend much time on it.
* Daifan nods
<Jimba> I didn't want to leave you there any longer than necessary, but I just...I don't think anyone gave it the consideration it deserved.
<Daifan> well, here is a thing to consider
<Jimba> And, on top of that, I'm upset that Kat and Llillilli made the decision on their own, without the rest of us.
<Daifan> we know that thwy are compelled sometimes to make more of their kind
<Daifan> we don't know that they *can't
* do it any other time
<Daifan> and yes, I can understand how that would be upsetting. That's the hallmark or your sister, I think
* Jimba grumbles.
<Jimba> Yeah, I suppose so.
<Daifan> Junan was pretty cranky too
<Jimba> Yeah, I think he just wanted to kill her.
<Daifan> I'm glad he didn't.
<Jimba> Which seems, I mean, I don't know him as well as you, obviously, but, for an envoy...isn't that strange?
* Daifan considers
<Daifan> People have been asking a lot from him, I think, and its making him harder. PLus, you have to understand, at heart he is very lazy.
* Daifan says fondly
* Jimba laughs.
<Jimba> I think he may be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, in the wrong line of work, then. ;)
<Daifan> Oh he know it. This is not the life he was seeking when he came here.
<Daifan> shacked up witha corpseborn, "running" a group of spied for the choradani officials...
<Daifan> if you'd told him this would be his fate, hed have gotten right back on the boat and sailed home, I think
* Jimba smiles.
<Jimba> Yeah, he seems more the sing for his supper type.
<Jimba> Charm the right people, etc.
<Daifan> sing for something, anyway ^_^
<Jimba> I'll refrain from commenting. ;)
* Daifan chuckles
<Daifan> I'll try and do better to... keep him softer O:)
<Daifan> meanwhile - to think about other ways to try and force the fort to proceed with a little more consideration?
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> I wish I could just get everyone to do that.
<Jimba> If you keep screwing over a client or customer, you lose them. Everyone here needs to just...look at the long-term gains.
<Jimba> We can all profit, and instead, they all want to kill each other.
<Daifan> well, they see each other as competitors, not clients
<Jimba> I may be in danger of overextending the metaphor, but there's plenty of market.
<Jimba> Well, I guess we just keep trying to keep them all from murdering each other.
<Jimba> As best we can.
<Jimba> I just thought this might help.
<Daifan> It still could - we'll have to see.
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> Yeah, I guess we will.
<Daifan> even wth a mediator, I think we'd still have to deal wth her
<Daifan> but I do think it can be done
<Jimba> What was she like?
<Jimba> On extended contact.
<Daifan> suspicious. Mistrustful. Curious.
<Jimba> Rational?
<Daifan> Scared, maybe, in her way. Change is hard
* Daifan considers
<Daifan> somewhat?
<Jimba> That's something, at least.
<Daifan> I tink it is the kind of thing where... nothing will happen in a moment. YOu can't win an argument
<Daifan> but you can make a point, and then she can take that away and examne and consider it in her own time.
<Daifan> trying to trick her or lie woudl e a mistake
* Jimba nods.
<Jimba> On a couple of levels, I would imagine.
* Daifan nods
<Jimba> But if she's capable of being reasoned with, we have some hope of a peaceful solution.
<Jimba> Or at least a less violent one.
<Daifan> I think so.
<Jimba> That's something.
* Daifan smiles