Ye Olde Adventure Worlde session 11

From RocksfallWiki
Revision as of 17:42, 16 May 2018 by Elanya (talk | contribs) (Summary)


The Hrieffen and the Ankai unit to cast out the demon Eraklyosh, the Death-Eater from Lake Ankai with the assistance of the Turathi mages. It is driven out through the sacrifice of Gaath Malaga, leaving behind a frightened girl that it had anchored itself to.

Meanwhile, Laris learns that Nakhtmin may have accidentally created a revenant, and brings it to the temple of the Raven Queen in secret.

Eyllia is given a ship by her mother, and sent to explore the coast in hopes of finding a new hope for the Lords of Elemental Order.


Session date:
In Game date:
