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{{logtoc|Thirteen 2|}}
{{logtoc|Thirteen 2|37}}
The party reunites, only to learn that there is tracking magic on Skalla, and that they have to pick up and leave with no chance to rest for Lucas, Chemames, or Svald, who are all injured, exhausted, and/or worn out.  After examining their options, Lucas suggests that they try and shelter with prelate Beaulieu.  However, when they arrive in Lequeot they learn she has just passed away. Alienor takes them in, but there are Vinmark soldiers looking for them already, ad as they get to the townhouse where they have been offered sanctuary, a gunshot rings out.
: Session date:
: Session date: 2022-05-21
: In Game date:
: In Game date: still following on directly from the previous session
===The party finally reunite!!===
<br><Skalla> (What time of day to they make it to us?)
<br>* Lucas is basically just letting himself be kind of dragged along, exhausted.
<br><Narrator> (How far away from the coast/shore are y'all camping?)
<br><Skalla> (somewhere betwee half an hour to an hour's hike?)
<br><Skalla> (we won't want to be too easily found by enemies, but not too hard for allies to find either)
<br><Narrator> (So probably late morning/early afternoon when they get to you)
<br>* Skalla has been cooking some small game and working on the camp, then
<br>* Lucas stumbles into the camp with the others, then
<br><Lucas> hello...
<br>* Chemames will do his best to help Lucas along, but still isn't doing too great himself.
<br>* Svald lands in a bush
<br>* Skalla puts down her rifle shwn she sees who it is
<br><Skalla> (down)
<br><Skalla> ...Are you all alright?
<br><Skalla> What's happeed?
<br>* Svald turns back into themself
<br>* Skalla will help Lucas and Chemames some sit down somwhere comfortable
<br><Hildie> Yeah, I thought we were the ones who were supposed to be ragged looking.
<br><Skalla> or if you eed to lie down, there's the lean to.  Still a work in progress ut its not bad
<br><Svald> They sent soldiers after us
<br><Svald> I might have killed one
<br>* Skalla nods
<br><Skalla> Okay.
<br><Skalla> come in and sit down
<br>* Svald sits down shakily
<br><Skalla> we should be safe here for a while
<br><Hildie> Man, this whole thing went sideways so quick.
<br>* Svald nods numbly
<br><Skalla> wait - did they send soldiers after *welemque*?
<br><Svald> Yes.
<br><Lucas> to her house...
<br><Svald> Well. To her house.
<br><Hildie> Looking for us?
<br><Svald> THey thought that she was hiding... Yes
<br><Svald> and me.
<br><Hildie> Fuck.
<br><Lucas> I took down... a lot of them.  I don't think I killed them >.>
<br>* Welumque is sitting nearby, sipping some tea, listening to the younger folks.
<br><Skalla> well, we were with her hen they arrested us
<br><Lucas> but I didn't check everyone
<br><Chemames> They shot me. They tried to shoot Lucas.
<br>* Lucas nods
<br>* Skalla takes a deep breath and looks at Welemque.
<br><Skalla> Are your peopel going to be okay?  At your home, I mean.
<br><Welumque> I think so, yes.  They're not looking for them.
<br><Welumque> They weren't looking for me, until I got in their way.
<br><Hildie> I'm sorry you got involved in all this.
<br><Welumque> Why?
<br><Hildie> Because now you'll be wanted too.
<br><Skalla> I'm not sorry - I'm glad to have all your support.  I am sorry things got out of hand when we weren't thre to help
<br><Welumque> Better to be wanted with my friends than sitting at home worrying about you all.
<br>* Hildie nods
<br><Hildie> So what do we do now?
<br><Skalla> that's a great question.
<br><Lucas> do we have time to rest for a little while?
<br><Lucas> I think I've had... about 2 hours of sleep in the last several days, I'm not sure anymore.
<br><Hildie> I think we should be safe here for a little while yet. We'll keep a watch.
<br><Skalla> yes
<br><Skalla> Rest for now, we can make plan when you're in a better state
<br>* Skalla smiles at Chemames
<br>* Lucas nods wearily
<br><Skalla> Fortunately, we're well supplied
<br><Svald> we are?
<br><Skalla> well, for the short term
<br><Narrator> (Welumque had supplies for y'all)
<br><Skalla> Chemames was able to give us some things
<br><Skalla> befor we came out here
<br><Welumque> And there's more readily available in the area around us, if we need to forage for a while.
<br><Chemames> And we brought things from Welumque's.
<br>* Chemames nods.
<br><Chemames> Are we staying in the area?
<br><Hildie> At least until we have a plan.
<br><Lucas> where would we go?
<br><Welumque> And to what end?  If we're just going away, there are plenty of places, but that would essentially be to flee.
<br><Skalla> rest first.  we have lots of options
<br>* Chemames seems troubled, but also like he needs rest, so acquiesces.
<br>* Lucas doesn't need encouragement to find a place to curl up and lie down
<br>* Hildie will take a walk around the area to scout and make sure no one stumbles on us while people sleep.
<br><Narrator> (How far are you ranging?)
<br><Hildie> (Not too far. 100 meters maybe)
<br><Narrator> (Okie doke. Roll me Notice)
===Svald notices some troubling magic===
<br>* Svald just sits with their knees hugged up to their chest and stares vaguely at the fire
<br><Narrator> (Svald, can I get a Notice check from you as well?)
<br><Skalla> (If she is scouting, I'll work on the camp more)
<br><Skalla> Svald - are you okay?  DO you need some rest as well?
<br><Narrator> (What are you wanting to do, Heather? Just make it more comfortable, more hidden, etc?)
<br><Hildie> (Just !roll 4d3-5
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Svald> uh
<br><Svald> Probably...
<br><Skalla> (make there be enough space for the popel we have while keeping it hidden)
<br><Skalla> Then go lie down?
<br><Narrator> (Okie doke. Roll me...Lore or Stealth, your choice)
<br><Welumque> (where are we exactly? basically somewhere just across the river, and a bit inland?)
<br><Narrator> (Yeah, that's what Heather said. You're in a settled area, just off in the woods a bit. Is there a specific kind of site  Skalla and Hildie would have looked for?)
<br>* Svald just kind of lies down on their side
<br><Narrator> (Svald, can you roll me a Notice check please?)
<br><Skalla> (Probably but I'm not sure what it woudl etail.  Basically she knows that people may come looking for them and that should be harder ;p)
<br><Narrator> (*nod*)
<br><Hildie> (Some place wel lhidden by trees, I imagine, with flat ground.)
<br><Skalla> (Yeah.  also I assume my bushcraft wll apply to this lore roll)
<br><Narrator> (It will, yeah)
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 3 2 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 6 ].
<br><Narrator> You're pretty sure nobody is going to spot your camp without being essentially in it.
<br><Skalla> (whew!)
<br>* Skalla sighs but will cover svald with a blanket
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<br><Narrator> Svald, you can sense a trace of magic in the area. It's thin, but present.
<br>* Svald half sits up, pushing themself up on their elbows
<br><Svald> ... There's magic
<br><Skalla> is that a problem?
<br><Svald> I don't know ;_;
<br><Skalla> well, it hasn't been yet.  So get some rest and Hildie and I will keep watch  I know we're quite well hidden
<br><Narrator> (You can roll Will to open your senses and reroll the Notice check with a bonus)
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-4
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 1 1 2 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Narrator> (This is pretty basic magic for you, so that's good enough)
<br><Svald> (ok, notice)
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-3
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 1 3 2 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 5 ].
<br><Narrator> Now that you're looking for it, you can sense a small thread of magic attached to Skalla, running off to the east towards Sisawinak. You were trained in Stordam, by the royal army, so you recognize a standard tracking spell pretty easily.
<br><Svald> ... Oh no
<br><Svald> Skalla, they are tracking you
<br><Svald> (can I try to undo it?)
<br><Narrator> (Sure. Roll Will one more time)
<br>* Svald sits up fully.
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-4
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
<br>* Svald closes their eyes and moves their fingers as though untying a complicated knot, brow furrowed with concentration.
<br><Skalla> fucks sakes :|
<br><Narrator> As mentioned, you're pretty familiar, and, while the working is competent, it's not too difficult for you to unravel it. That'll disrupt another attempt for a little bit, but it'd take a more complicated working to shield her for longer.
<br><Svald> (how much more? :x)
<br><Narrator> (It'd take some prep time and concentration, but you could probably manage it.)
<br><Svald> (:weary:)
<br><Narrator> Svald, you would know something like that tracking spell would require a piece of Skalla (like hair or the like), an important personal possession, or familial blood.
<br><Svald> ... I stopped it for now but... They must have something of yours they're using.
<br><Svald> Something important.
<br><Svald> Or some hair or something like that. Or blood. Family blood...
<br>* Svald rambles
<br><Welumque> Do we know that it is the guard who put it there?  Maybe an ally of Skalla's could have done it?
<br><Svald> It's a royal army type working...
<br><Skalla> there could have been something left in the cell.  I certainly beld there :p
<br><Svald> I recognize it.
<br>* Skalla frowns though
===Time to get moving, indeed.  People try to figure out where to flee to next===
<br><Welumque> Well ... time to get moving, then.  Nothing for it.
<br><Welumque> Perhaps we should head south, into Mariannas territory.
<br><Svald> I might be able to make a longer lasting shield but... I need time
<br><Skalla> dos this spell mean they know where we are or that they can follow it to us?
<br><Svald> (which is it? or both?)
<br><Skalla> if they coudl have follow us and are blocked for now, I think we can take a little more time to rest.  If they knw whre we are... then, yes, we shoudl move
<br><Narrator> (It's more the latter, but they'd certainly have direction to work from even still)
<br><Svald> It's more the tracking... But if they've had it going since you left, they have a good direction to go on already.
<br>* Svald sighs.
<br><Narrator> (So, what would y'all like to do?)
<br>* Svald looks at the sleeping halflings :(
<br>* Skalla glances over at where Chemames and Lucas are resting
<br>* Hildie happily wanders around the area, completely unaware she might also be tracked :D
<br><Skalla> is it just me?
<br><Narrator> (Svald, you don't sense anything else, though Hildie isn't right there with y'all.)
<br>* Skalla frowns
<br>* Skalla looks to Welemque
<br><Skalla> Why Mariannas?
<br><Welumque> Because it's not Vinmark.  And because it's not far from here.  They can't just send soldiers across the river without causing a stir.
<br><Svald> All I can see now is you.
<br><Svald> But they might have marked Hildie as well
<br><Welumque> (Josh, I'm looking at the map correctly, right? Once we're south of the Raritan River it's Mariannas territory, not claimed by Vinmark at all, and that's probably no more than a few miles walk from our present location)
<br><Skalla> no, but they have alliances with mariannas
<br><Welumque> Well of course.  But at the moment they have enough to worry about without causing further trouble. 
<br><Narrator> (It's a good day's hike, but, yes, if you get across you're out of Vinmark)
<br><Skalla> I'm such an idiot
<br><Skalla> I should have guessed.
<br><Skalla> can we give them some more time?
<br><Skalla> Lucas just looked dead on his feet
<br><Svald> (I have no way to know how close they might be do I?)
<br><Svald> (unless I like physically go look)
<br><Narrator> (Yeah, I was just typing, short of going to look yourself, you don't really have a way)
<br><Svald> I can't say how close they might be, I'm sorry. -_-
<br><Svald> I could go and try to spot them.
<br><Skalla> So, I'm pretty confident that they won't be able to find this camp easily, even if they know the area we're in.  But the longer we stay the easier it will be for them to catch up.  On the other hand, I don't think we can travel quickly right now.
<br><Skalla> So then - where is the closest place we can go where we might find people who would be able and willing to help us?
<br><Svald> ...
<br><Welumque> My people would help, at least in the sense of providing for us, but that's not that close. 
<br><Welumque> And if we are actually looking to make a difference on Sisawinak, we would need allies able to help us with that, not just to keep us safe.
<br><Narrator> (Skalla and Welumque, obviously you both know plenty of people in the area, but whether they'd be willing to hide you, you don't know)
<br><Skalla> I just mean short term, so that wer're in a better posotion to make real plans
<br><Narrator> (But, like, Hokkulle House isn't far from here)
<br><Narrator> (And that's Thekla's family, though she's likely not there)
<br><Skalla> (and I thugh on the whole her family skewed more conservative?)
<br><Narrator> (They do, yes)
<br><Narrator> (I mean, you do also still have allies on Sisawinak)
<br><Hildie> (Josh, have I seen anything while patroling?)
<br><Narrator> (No, everything seems clear for the moment.)
<br>* Hildie will head back to the camp if nothing seems off.
<br><Skalla> (yeha I know.  on the one hand I feel like the obvious chooice would be to go to the Naqeeb but I exprssly did't chose that initially because I knew that woudl completely turn the whole situation on its head)
<br><Narrator> (Well, the immediate thing, then, is how long do you want to stay where you are?)
<br><Skalla> I though we'd at least have enough time to catch our breaths, but it looks like we don't.
<br><Hildie> What? What happened? Everything seems clear...
<br><Skalla> They were tracking us with Mahic.  me, specificcally.
<br><Hildie> Gods damnit. I should have known.
<br><Skalla> I think we shoudl go back to the island, because we have more friends there, and I dont' think its what they aould expect for now
<br><Svald> (Is there any on Hildie? now that she is here?)
<br><Skalla> and I don't think that we should wait
<br><Skalla> witht he spell broken, they'll guess that Svald and the others met up with us
<br><Svald> Broken for now
<br>* Skalla nods
<br><Svald> I need more time to do a more solid countering...
<br><Skalla> if we can get to a place where we can take that time, we can deal with it
<br><Narrator> (There is not)
<br><Svald> I don't feel any attachments on you, Hildie...
<br><Svald> So that's something
<br><Hildie> Ok. That's good at least.
<br><Skalla> I didn't want to do it initially, but we could consider going to Alhusan Al'aswad.
<br><Skalla> I think th Naqueeb woudl help us, but it woudl potentially make her life a lot harder
<br>* Skalla looks over, and then will get up and go over and kneel by the sleeping halflings
<br><Skalla> Lucas>  Chemames?  I'm so sorry, we're goig to have to move again
<br><Lucas> hmm?
<br><Hildie> Right now, I just want my rifle back and to be within a hundred yards of the governor.
<br>* Lucas sits up groggily
<br><Lucas> what's going on?
<br><Svald> They tracked Skalla.
<br><Skalla> they've been tracking me with magic, so we're not safe to stay here afterall.
<br><Lucas> oh :(
<br><Lucas> all right...
<br><Skalla> I was hoping we coudl at least get out feet under us, but no
<br><Skalla> (our)
<br>* Lucas gets up, a bit slowly
<br><Skalla> We'r trying to decide where to go.
<br><Chemames> What're our options?
<br>* Chemames says, yawning.
<br><Lucas> we could go to Lequeot...
<br>* Lucas says wearily
<br><Skalla> what's in Lequeot?
<br><Lucas> well, I have a patient I've treated there, Prelate Beaufort.  I think she would probably help me... assuming she's still alive >.>
<br><Skalla> There's other poeple Iknow there too we culd probably look to
<br><Narrator> (All of you would know who Prelate Beaufort is, and she's pretty politically powerful, if elderly and sick)
<br><Lucas> and are they going to barge into a churchperson's house? I know they did to Welumque but...
<br>* Lucas tries to think of a nice way to say "she's not white" ;p
<br><Narrator> (She's the head of the Pangaian church on Sisawinak)
<br><Lucas> ... Prelate Beaufort has more considerable standing, I think.
<br>* Lucas says with an apologetic look to Welumque
<br><Skalla> okay
<br>* Skalla looks to Welumque
<br><Skalla> what do you think?
<br><Hildie> Are you sure she'd help us?
<br><Welumque> That's my only concern.  At times like these, there is a tendency to ally oneself with power.
<br><Lucas> if she's alive, I think she would.  but ... last time I saw her she was quite ill.  I don't know what state she's in currently, or if she could make that kind of decision.
<br><Lucas> if we get there, I can approach on my own.  I don't know if anyone is really looking for me, but at least I wouldn't put the rest of you in danger, until I know her current state.
<br>* Welumque considers.
<br><Welumque> All right, then. 
===Back to the Island!  They head out to try and look for Prepate Beaufort in Marianas===
<br><Skalla> okay.  Back to the island
<br><Lucas> we have a boat... somewhere back there...
<br>* Skalla will getb to packing up stuff
<br>* Lucas waves in the general direction
<br><Skalla> I can scout ahead and see if its safe
<br><Hildie> A boat would be good. Harder to track and you can get some rest.
<br><Narrator> You can pack up and head back to the boat easily enough, though many of you are pretty tired. I'm going to need Notice rolls from everyone as you make your way.
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<br><Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 3 2 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 2 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 1 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 3 3 ] for a total of [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 7 ].
<br><Narrator> As you all reach where you stashed the boat earlier, you hear gunshots from the east ring out over the water.
<br><Narrator>  Lucas and Hildie, you'd say they're roughly a mile distant. Svald, you'd reckon they're roughly coming from Fastning Irena, distorted a little by the buildings.
<br><Svald> Gunshots from Fasting Irena
<br>* Svald says kind of mechanically
<br>* Lucas is too tired to have much of a response other than a sigh
<br><Hildie> Let's get out of here before the shots are at us.
<br><Skalla> that's pretty far, Hildie
<br><Hildie> Not far enough.
<br><Hildie> I'd say about a mile.
<br><Svald> Want me to go see what it is?
<br><Hildie> No, you're exhausted. We need to find someplace to lay low for a bit.
<br><Svald> I can do it...
<br><Skalla> its up to you, Svald.
<br><Skalla> we don't need to know right this seond, becuase there's probably not much we can do about it
<br>* Svald looks uncertain
<br><Skalla> I don't want to get separated again.
<br>* Skalla will work on getting the boat set up so people can board
<br>* Hildie will help her.
<br><Narrator> Presumably Skalla and Hildie can manage the boat to get you back to Sisawinak, on the southern, Mariannais end of the island.
<br><Hildie> (How long does that take?)
<br>* Lucas tries to nap in the boat
<br><Narrator> (A few hours, but there current you can use along the kill there, so it's not so bad.)
<br><Narrator> (There is*, rather)
<br><Narrator> Then it's a relatively short hike across the island to Lequot. Presumably no one is looking for you anywhere around here. Lucas, you were going to go ahead?
<br><Lucas> (yeah, unless anyone tries to stop me or convince me otherwise)
<br><Welumque> (nope, not stopping you)
<br><Skalla> (no)
<br><Hildie> Be careful. If anything even smells wrong, run.
<br>* Lucas nods
<br><Svald> I could go with you ;_;
<br><Skalla> do you want anyone to gowith you?
<br><Lucas> I don't want anyone else to be in danger...
<br>* Chemames frowns.
<br><Lucas> more danger >.>
<br><Svald> No one will know
<br><Chemames> Well, we don't want you to be, so...
<br>* Svald becomes a large raven
<br><Lucas> ... ok.
<br>* Lucas allows Svald can accompany me in raven form.
<br>* Lucas will go to the house, looking around carefully while approaching in case anything seems unusual or off.
<br><Narrator> Lucas, as you approach the church complex, you can see that there's quite a bit more activity than normal, and you catch a glimpse of Mme. Beaulie speaking briefly to one of the clergy outside.
<br><Lucas> (does it seem like any of the activity is soldiers or similar 'outsiders'? or just like the people who are ordinarily there, but being busier than usual?)
<br>* Svald keeps an eye on whatever is happening also
<br><Narrator> (It does look like more people than are usually there. Several of them appear to be pretty well-dressed, all in dark colors.)
<br>* Lucas will approach up to the entrance and try to act normal, as if he's here for one of his regular appointments.
<br><Narrator> Lucas, you're largely overlooked in the bustle, and manage to slip inside. It's pretty crowded, and people are talking anxiously in small groupings.
<br>* NPC2 is now known as Alienor
<br><Svald> (Is this inside-inside or can bird get in )
<br><Narrator> (Roll me Stealth, Lucas)
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 1 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 0 ].
<br><Lucas> (can I also apply 'keeps a low profile'?)
<br><Narrator> (Sure)
<br><Narrator> You manage to avoid to much attention, even with the bird, but...
<br>* Alienor clocks Lucas and makes her way over.
<br><Alienor> (quietly) Lucas? What are you doing here?
<br><Lucas> I need to see Prelate Beaufort, I haven't been able to visit her in a while and I was worried about her.
<br><Lucas> What is going on?
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-6
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 2 3 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br>* Lucas plays as ignorant as possible
<br>* Alienor gives Lucas a sad but grateful look.
<br><Alienor> Lucas...she passed away last night.
<br><Lucas> oh no :(
<br><Alienor> I know you did everything you could for her, and helped ease her pain.
<br><Lucas> I'm sorry, I should have been here sooner.
<br><Alienor> I think...I think she was ready to go.
<br><Alienor> I just wish it hadn't been during these troubled times.
<br>* Lucas nods sadly
<br><Alienor> Are you all right? I know there is a lot of turmoil on the northern end.
<br><Lucas> can I talk to you a bit more privately?
<br>* Alienor nods.
<br><Narrator> (Svald, you manage to sneak inside and can observe this conversation)
<br><Svald> (cool)
<br>* Svald perches somewhere high up (rafters?)
<br><Narrator> (Yeah, that was my thought)
<br>* Alienor will lead Lucas outside, away from people.
<br><Narrator> (Svald, I won't make you roll again and you can follow ;) )
<br><Narrator> (Where are Hildie, Skalla, Welumque, and Chemames hiding right now, generally speaking?)
<br><Lucas> the turmoil you mentioned - it's been very bad.  guards firing on civilians, people being arrested for disagreeing with the governor...
<br>* Lucas begins explaining, not sure how much she knows about the current situation
<br><Alienor> Lady and Lord...
<br><Skalla> (Outside of town some where probably?)
<br><Alienor> I didn't know it was that bad. We were...late to the battle, but I thought things were in hand.
<br><Welumque> (yeah, and we're all together, wherever we are)
<br><Lucas> I need a place I can shelter for a little while.  Somewhere safe.
<br><Alienor> Of course, it's the least I can do.
<br>* Svald follows along >.>
<br><Lucas> and... some friends of mine.  I don't have any wish to impose or put you at risk, but they need a safe haven.
<br>* Alienor raises an eyebrow at that.
<br><Alienor> Is this perhaps in relation to a disagreement with your governor?
<br><Lucas> it is.
<br><Lucas> if that's not a risk you feel you can take, I'll leave and not bother you again.
<br><Alienor> As I have something of a disagreement with her myself, I would be happy to assist.
<br>* Lucas sighs with relief
<br><Lucas> thank you
<br>* Alienor nods.
<br><Lucas> where can I bring them to hide?
<br>* Svald caws
<br><Alienor> There is plenty of room at the townhouse for now, and we can figure out next steps from there.
<br><Svald> (I can go get them for you  :V)
<br>* Lucas gestures for Svald to pass along the message
<br>* Svald caws affirmatively!
<br><Narrator> (Presumably Lucas can give Svald directions)
<br><Lucas> (makes sense)
<br><Svald> (: D)
<br><Narrator> (Can I get everyone but Lucas to make me Notice rolls, please?)
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ -2 ].
<br><Skalla> (are we in wildneness or no?)
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 1 2 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Svald> (+2 if wilderness I guess, also bird)
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Skalla> (also +2 if wilderness)
<br><Narrator> Hildie, Svald, and Skalla, you all see a group of uniformed Stordam royal soldiers riding down the road towards Lequeot, going to pass nearish to where the group is hiding.
<br>* Svald will get to them as fast as they can.
<br><Svald> (the group)
<br><Svald> (OUR group)
<br><Hildie> <br><w> shit... hide.
<br><Skalla> (we are hiding ;)
<br><Skalla> [q]Stay put
<br><Hildie> (Hide moar)
<br><Narrator> (You're probably okay, but roll me Stealth)
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 1 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Svald> (me too?)
<br><Narrator> (No, not Svald)
<br><Narrator> (Welumque?)
<br><Svald> (kk)
<br><Lucas> (he had to take the dog out)
<br><Svald> (Steve had to affk)
<br><Narrator> (Oh, right)
<br><Narrator> (Well, I think y'all are fine)
<br><Narrator> The soldiers ride on past, oblivious.
<br><Narrator> What're y'all doing?
<br><Skalla> (going to the townhose but trying to be discrete about it?)
<br><Skalla> (townhouse)
<br><Narrator> (Okay, roll me Notice)
<br><Svald> (me too this time?)
<br><Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<br><Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 3 3 3 ] for a total of [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 5 ].
<br><Narrator> (Yes, Svald)
<br><Narrator> (And, honestly, Lucas can roll this, too)
<br><Svald> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 5 ].
<br><Lucas> !roll 4d3-5
<br>* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 1 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
===Things are not any better in Lequeot===
<br><Narrator> You can all hear a commotion from the town square, and Svald and Welumque can hear people with Stordammer accents shouting in Gaulois about their search for all of you, offering reward for anyone who leads them to you.
<br><Svald> D:
<br><Skalla> >:\
<br>* Svald caws
<br><Hildie> -_-
<br><Lucas> (am I still with Mme. Beaulieu?)
<br><Welumque> [q] All right, they know we're here, and are looking for us.
<br><Narrator> (Sure, we'll say she was walking with you to the townhouse)
<br><Welumque> (to whoever is in my immediate vicinity)
<br>* Lucas looks worried at the commotion
<br>* Alienor frowns as well.
<br><Skalla> [q] they *know*?  How?
<br><Welumque> [q] Well, they're searching for us and offering a reward.
<br><Welumque> [q] I suppose they may not know to a certainty?
<br><Welumque> [q] But they're out in the square and they don't sound like they're being casual about this.
<br><Skalla> [q] that's not unexpected.  let's gte to this townhouse withut attrcting attention if we can
<br><Narrator> You make your way to the townhouse, Lucas and Alienor waiting for you there.
<br><Alienor> Quickly, quickly, come in, please.
<br>* Lucas is relieved when people get there
<br>* Svald flaps on in
<br>* Svald then turns back into themself.
<br>* Alienor is a little thrown by that, but recovers quickly.
<br>* Skalla hurries inside as directed
<br><Lucas> I am sorry again for bringing this to your doorstep...
<br>* Hildie heads inside and carefully peeks out the window to keep an eye on things outside.
<br><Alienor> This is bigger than you, I fear.
<br>* Svald sighs.
<br>* Alienor does a little double-take when she sees Skalla and Welumque.
<br><Hildie> It's getting bigger by the hour from the looks of it.
<br><Alienor> This is my concern as well, mlle.
<br><Skalla> thank you for taking us in.
<br><Alienor> You are most welcome, Mlle. Stormsvallvag.
<br>* Skalla nods
<br><Alienor> Alienor Beaulie, at your service.
<br><Alienor> I'm surprised to see you, I must admit.
<br><Skalla> It's been a very wild few days
<br>* Skalla says with a grin
<br><Welumque> Thank you for your hospitality
<br><Alienor> Any friend of Lucas's.
<br><Alienor> I promise, no one will touch you here.
<br><Svald> Thank you
<br>* Svald says quietly.
<br><Narrator> You all hear a single gunshot ring out.

Latest revision as of 09:27, 2 July 2023

Thirteen 2 session logs
Previous Session 37 Next


The party reunites, only to learn that there is tracking magic on Skalla, and that they have to pick up and leave with no chance to rest for Lucas, Chemames, or Svald, who are all injured, exhausted, and/or worn out. After examining their options, Lucas suggests that they try and shelter with prelate Beaulieu. However, when they arrive in Lequeot they learn she has just passed away. Alienor takes them in, but there are Vinmark soldiers looking for them already, ad as they get to the townhouse where they have been offered sanctuary, a gunshot rings out.


Session date: 2022-05-21
In Game date: still following on directly from the previous session

The party finally reunite!!

<Skalla> (What time of day to they make it to us?)
* Lucas is basically just letting himself be kind of dragged along, exhausted.
<Narrator> (How far away from the coast/shore are y'all camping?)
<Skalla> (somewhere betwee half an hour to an hour's hike?)
<Skalla> (we won't want to be too easily found by enemies, but not too hard for allies to find either)
<Narrator> (So probably late morning/early afternoon when they get to you)
* Skalla has been cooking some small game and working on the camp, then
* Lucas stumbles into the camp with the others, then
<Lucas> hello...
* Chemames will do his best to help Lucas along, but still isn't doing too great himself.
* Svald lands in a bush
* Skalla puts down her rifle shwn she sees who it is
<Skalla> (down)
<Skalla> ...Are you all alright?
<Skalla> What's happeed?
* Svald turns back into themself
* Skalla will help Lucas and Chemames some sit down somwhere comfortable
<Hildie> Yeah, I thought we were the ones who were supposed to be ragged looking.
<Skalla> or if you eed to lie down, there's the lean to. Still a work in progress ut its not bad
<Svald> They sent soldiers after us
<Svald> I might have killed one
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> Okay.
<Skalla> come in and sit down
* Svald sits down shakily
<Skalla> we should be safe here for a while
<Hildie> Man, this whole thing went sideways so quick.
* Svald nods numbly
<Skalla> wait - did they send soldiers after *welemque*?
<Svald> Yes.
<Lucas> to her house...
<Svald> Well. To her house.
<Hildie> Looking for us?
<Svald> THey thought that she was hiding... Yes
<Svald> and me.
<Hildie> Fuck.
<Lucas> I took down... a lot of them. I don't think I killed them >.>
* Welumque is sitting nearby, sipping some tea, listening to the younger folks.
<Skalla> well, we were with her hen they arrested us
<Lucas> but I didn't check everyone
<Chemames> They shot me. They tried to shoot Lucas.
* Lucas nods
* Skalla takes a deep breath and looks at Welemque.
<Skalla> Are your peopel going to be okay? At your home, I mean.
<Welumque> I think so, yes. They're not looking for them.
<Welumque> They weren't looking for me, until I got in their way.
<Hildie> I'm sorry you got involved in all this.
<Welumque> Why?
<Hildie> Because now you'll be wanted too.
<Skalla> I'm not sorry - I'm glad to have all your support. I am sorry things got out of hand when we weren't thre to help
<Welumque> Better to be wanted with my friends than sitting at home worrying about you all.
* Hildie nods
<Hildie> So what do we do now?
<Skalla> that's a great question.
<Lucas> do we have time to rest for a little while?
<Lucas> I think I've had... about 2 hours of sleep in the last several days, I'm not sure anymore.
<Hildie> I think we should be safe here for a little while yet. We'll keep a watch.
<Skalla> yes
<Skalla> Rest for now, we can make plan when you're in a better state
* Skalla smiles at Chemames
* Lucas nods wearily
<Skalla> Fortunately, we're well supplied
<Svald> we are?
<Skalla> well, for the short term
<Narrator> (Welumque had supplies for y'all)
<Skalla> Chemames was able to give us some things
<Skalla> befor we came out here
<Welumque> And there's more readily available in the area around us, if we need to forage for a while.
<Chemames> And we brought things from Welumque's.
* Chemames nods.
<Chemames> Are we staying in the area?
<Hildie> At least until we have a plan.
<Lucas> where would we go?
<Welumque> And to what end? If we're just going away, there are plenty of places, but that would essentially be to flee.
<Skalla> rest first. we have lots of options
* Chemames seems troubled, but also like he needs rest, so acquiesces.
* Lucas doesn't need encouragement to find a place to curl up and lie down
* Hildie will take a walk around the area to scout and make sure no one stumbles on us while people sleep.
<Narrator> (How far are you ranging?)
<Hildie> (Not too far. 100 meters maybe)
<Narrator> (Okie doke. Roll me Notice)

Svald notices some troubling magic

* Svald just sits with their knees hugged up to their chest and stares vaguely at the fire
<Narrator> (Svald, can I get a Notice check from you as well?)
<Skalla> (If she is scouting, I'll work on the camp more)
<Skalla> Svald - are you okay? DO you need some rest as well?
<Narrator> (What are you wanting to do, Heather? Just make it more comfortable, more hidden, etc?)
<Hildie> (Just !roll 4d3-5
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> uh
<Svald> Probably...
<Skalla> (make there be enough space for the popel we have while keeping it hidden)
<Skalla> Then go lie down?
<Narrator> (Okie doke. Roll me...Lore or Stealth, your choice)
<Welumque> (where are we exactly? basically somewhere just across the river, and a bit inland?)
<Narrator> (Yeah, that's what Heather said. You're in a settled area, just off in the woods a bit. Is there a specific kind of site Skalla and Hildie would have looked for?)
* Svald just kind of lies down on their side
<Narrator> (Svald, can you roll me a Notice check please?)
<Skalla> (Probably but I'm not sure what it woudl etail. Basically she knows that people may come looking for them and that should be harder ;p)
<Narrator> (*nod*)
<Hildie> (Some place wel lhidden by trees, I imagine, with flat ground.)
<Skalla> (Yeah. also I assume my bushcraft wll apply to this lore roll)
<Narrator> (It will, yeah)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 3 2 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 6 ].
<Narrator> You're pretty sure nobody is going to spot your camp without being essentially in it.
<Skalla> (whew!)
* Skalla sighs but will cover svald with a blanket
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Narrator> Svald, you can sense a trace of magic in the area. It's thin, but present.
* Svald half sits up, pushing themself up on their elbows
<Svald> ... There's magic
<Skalla> is that a problem?
<Svald> I don't know ;_;
<Skalla> well, it hasn't been yet. So get some rest and Hildie and I will keep watch I know we're quite well hidden
<Narrator> (You can roll Will to open your senses and reroll the Notice check with a bonus)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 1 1 2 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> (This is pretty basic magic for you, so that's good enough)
<Svald> (ok, notice)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-3
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 1 3 2 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Narrator> Now that you're looking for it, you can sense a small thread of magic attached to Skalla, running off to the east towards Sisawinak. You were trained in Stordam, by the royal army, so you recognize a standard tracking spell pretty easily.
<Svald> ... Oh no
<Svald> Skalla, they are tracking you
<Svald> (can I try to undo it?)
<Narrator> (Sure. Roll Will one more time)
* Svald sits up fully.
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
* Svald closes their eyes and moves their fingers as though untying a complicated knot, brow furrowed with concentration.
<Skalla> fucks sakes :|
<Narrator> As mentioned, you're pretty familiar, and, while the working is competent, it's not too difficult for you to unravel it. That'll disrupt another attempt for a little bit, but it'd take a more complicated working to shield her for longer.
<Svald> (how much more? :x)
<Narrator> (It'd take some prep time and concentration, but you could probably manage it.)
<Svald> (:weary:)
<Narrator> Svald, you would know something like that tracking spell would require a piece of Skalla (like hair or the like), an important personal possession, or familial blood.
<Svald> ... I stopped it for now but... They must have something of yours they're using.
<Svald> Something important.
<Svald> Or some hair or something like that. Or blood. Family blood...
* Svald rambles
<Welumque> Do we know that it is the guard who put it there? Maybe an ally of Skalla's could have done it?
<Svald> It's a royal army type working...
<Skalla> there could have been something left in the cell. I certainly beld there :p
<Svald> I recognize it.
* Skalla frowns though

Time to get moving, indeed. People try to figure out where to flee to next

<Welumque> Well ... time to get moving, then. Nothing for it.
<Welumque> Perhaps we should head south, into Mariannas territory.
<Svald> I might be able to make a longer lasting shield but... I need time
<Skalla> dos this spell mean they know where we are or that they can follow it to us?
<Svald> (which is it? or both?)
<Skalla> if they coudl have follow us and are blocked for now, I think we can take a little more time to rest. If they knw whre we are... then, yes, we shoudl move
<Narrator> (It's more the latter, but they'd certainly have direction to work from even still)
<Svald> It's more the tracking... But if they've had it going since you left, they have a good direction to go on already.
* Svald sighs.
<Narrator> (So, what would y'all like to do?)
* Svald looks at the sleeping halflings :(
* Skalla glances over at where Chemames and Lucas are resting
* Hildie happily wanders around the area, completely unaware she might also be tracked :D
<Skalla> is it just me?
<Narrator> (Svald, you don't sense anything else, though Hildie isn't right there with y'all.)
* Skalla frowns
* Skalla looks to Welemque
<Skalla> Why Mariannas?
<Welumque> Because it's not Vinmark. And because it's not far from here. They can't just send soldiers across the river without causing a stir.
<Svald> All I can see now is you.
<Svald> But they might have marked Hildie as well
<Welumque> (Josh, I'm looking at the map correctly, right? Once we're south of the Raritan River it's Mariannas territory, not claimed by Vinmark at all, and that's probably no more than a few miles walk from our present location)
<Skalla> no, but they have alliances with mariannas
<Welumque> Well of course. But at the moment they have enough to worry about without causing further trouble.
<Narrator> (It's a good day's hike, but, yes, if you get across you're out of Vinmark)
<Skalla> I'm such an idiot
<Skalla> I should have guessed.
<Skalla> can we give them some more time?
<Skalla> Lucas just looked dead on his feet
<Svald> (I have no way to know how close they might be do I?)
<Svald> (unless I like physically go look)
<Narrator> (Yeah, I was just typing, short of going to look yourself, you don't really have a way)
<Svald> I can't say how close they might be, I'm sorry. -_-
<Svald> I could go and try to spot them.
<Skalla> So, I'm pretty confident that they won't be able to find this camp easily, even if they know the area we're in. But the longer we stay the easier it will be for them to catch up. On the other hand, I don't think we can travel quickly right now.
<Skalla> So then - where is the closest place we can go where we might find people who would be able and willing to help us?
<Svald> ...
<Welumque> My people would help, at least in the sense of providing for us, but that's not that close.
<Welumque> And if we are actually looking to make a difference on Sisawinak, we would need allies able to help us with that, not just to keep us safe.
<Narrator> (Skalla and Welumque, obviously you both know plenty of people in the area, but whether they'd be willing to hide you, you don't know)
<Skalla> I just mean short term, so that wer're in a better posotion to make real plans
<Narrator> (But, like, Hokkulle House isn't far from here)
<Narrator> (And that's Thekla's family, though she's likely not there)
<Skalla> (and I thugh on the whole her family skewed more conservative?)
<Narrator> (They do, yes)
<Narrator> (I mean, you do also still have allies on Sisawinak)
<Hildie> (Josh, have I seen anything while patroling?)
<Narrator> (No, everything seems clear for the moment.)
* Hildie will head back to the camp if nothing seems off.
<Skalla> (yeha I know. on the one hand I feel like the obvious chooice would be to go to the Naqeeb but I exprssly did't chose that initially because I knew that woudl completely turn the whole situation on its head)
<Narrator> (Well, the immediate thing, then, is how long do you want to stay where you are?)
<Skalla> I though we'd at least have enough time to catch our breaths, but it looks like we don't.
<Hildie> What? What happened? Everything seems clear...
<Skalla> They were tracking us with Mahic. me, specificcally.
<Hildie> Gods damnit. I should have known.
<Skalla> I think we shoudl go back to the island, because we have more friends there, and I dont' think its what they aould expect for now
<Svald> (Is there any on Hildie? now that she is here?)
<Skalla> and I don't think that we should wait
<Skalla> witht he spell broken, they'll guess that Svald and the others met up with us
<Svald> Broken for now
* Skalla nods
<Svald> I need more time to do a more solid countering...
<Skalla> if we can get to a place where we can take that time, we can deal with it
<Narrator> (There is not)
<Svald> I don't feel any attachments on you, Hildie...
<Svald> So that's something
<Hildie> Ok. That's good at least.
<Skalla> I didn't want to do it initially, but we could consider going to Alhusan Al'aswad.
<Skalla> I think th Naqueeb woudl help us, but it woudl potentially make her life a lot harder
* Skalla looks over, and then will get up and go over and kneel by the sleeping halflings
<Skalla> Lucas> Chemames? I'm so sorry, we're goig to have to move again
<Lucas> hmm?
<Hildie> Right now, I just want my rifle back and to be within a hundred yards of the governor.
* Lucas sits up groggily
<Lucas> what's going on?
<Svald> They tracked Skalla.
<Skalla> they've been tracking me with magic, so we're not safe to stay here afterall.
<Lucas> oh :(
<Lucas> all right...
<Skalla> I was hoping we coudl at least get out feet under us, but no
<Skalla> (our)
* Lucas gets up, a bit slowly
<Skalla> We'r trying to decide where to go.
<Chemames> What're our options?
* Chemames says, yawning.
<Lucas> we could go to Lequeot...
* Lucas says wearily
<Skalla> what's in Lequeot?
<Lucas> well, I have a patient I've treated there, Prelate Beaufort. I think she would probably help me... assuming she's still alive >.>
<Skalla> There's other poeple Iknow there too we culd probably look to
<Narrator> (All of you would know who Prelate Beaufort is, and she's pretty politically powerful, if elderly and sick)
<Lucas> and are they going to barge into a churchperson's house? I know they did to Welumque but...
* Lucas tries to think of a nice way to say "she's not white" ;p
<Narrator> (She's the head of the Pangaian church on Sisawinak)
<Lucas> ... Prelate Beaufort has more considerable standing, I think.
* Lucas says with an apologetic look to Welumque
<Skalla> okay
* Skalla looks to Welumque
<Skalla> what do you think?
<Hildie> Are you sure she'd help us?
<Welumque> That's my only concern. At times like these, there is a tendency to ally oneself with power.
<Lucas> if she's alive, I think she would. but ... last time I saw her she was quite ill. I don't know what state she's in currently, or if she could make that kind of decision.
<Lucas> if we get there, I can approach on my own. I don't know if anyone is really looking for me, but at least I wouldn't put the rest of you in danger, until I know her current state.
* Welumque considers.
<Welumque> All right, then.

Back to the Island! They head out to try and look for Prepate Beaufort in Marianas

<Skalla> okay. Back to the island
<Lucas> we have a boat... somewhere back there...
* Skalla will getb to packing up stuff
* Lucas waves in the general direction
<Skalla> I can scout ahead and see if its safe
<Hildie> A boat would be good. Harder to track and you can get some rest.
<Narrator> You can pack up and head back to the boat easily enough, though many of you are pretty tired. I'm going to need Notice rolls from everyone as you make your way.
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 3 2 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 2 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 1 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 3 3 ] for a total of [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 7 ].
<Narrator> As you all reach where you stashed the boat earlier, you hear gunshots from the east ring out over the water.
<Narrator> Lucas and Hildie, you'd say they're roughly a mile distant. Svald, you'd reckon they're roughly coming from Fastning Irena, distorted a little by the buildings.
<Svald> Gunshots from Fasting Irena
* Svald says kind of mechanically
* Lucas is too tired to have much of a response other than a sigh
<Hildie> Let's get out of here before the shots are at us.
<Skalla> that's pretty far, Hildie
<Hildie> Not far enough.
<Hildie> I'd say about a mile.
<Svald> Want me to go see what it is?
<Hildie> No, you're exhausted. We need to find someplace to lay low for a bit.
<Svald> I can do it...
<Skalla> its up to you, Svald.
<Skalla> we don't need to know right this seond, becuase there's probably not much we can do about it
* Svald looks uncertain
<Skalla> I don't want to get separated again.
* Skalla will work on getting the boat set up so people can board
* Hildie will help her.
<Narrator> Presumably Skalla and Hildie can manage the boat to get you back to Sisawinak, on the southern, Mariannais end of the island.
<Hildie> (How long does that take?)
* Lucas tries to nap in the boat
<Narrator> (A few hours, but there current you can use along the kill there, so it's not so bad.)
<Narrator> (There is*, rather)
<Narrator> Then it's a relatively short hike across the island to Lequot. Presumably no one is looking for you anywhere around here. Lucas, you were going to go ahead?
<Lucas> (yeah, unless anyone tries to stop me or convince me otherwise)
<Welumque> (nope, not stopping you)
<Skalla> (no)
<Hildie> Be careful. If anything even smells wrong, run.
* Lucas nods
<Svald> I could go with you ;_;
<Skalla> do you want anyone to gowith you?
<Lucas> I don't want anyone else to be in danger...
* Chemames frowns.
<Lucas> more danger >.>
<Svald> No one will know
<Chemames> Well, we don't want you to be, so...
* Svald becomes a large raven
<Lucas> ... ok.
* Lucas allows Svald can accompany me in raven form.
* Lucas will go to the house, looking around carefully while approaching in case anything seems unusual or off.
<Narrator> Lucas, as you approach the church complex, you can see that there's quite a bit more activity than normal, and you catch a glimpse of Mme. Beaulie speaking briefly to one of the clergy outside.
<Lucas> (does it seem like any of the activity is soldiers or similar 'outsiders'? or just like the people who are ordinarily there, but being busier than usual?)
* Svald keeps an eye on whatever is happening also
<Narrator> (It does look like more people than are usually there. Several of them appear to be pretty well-dressed, all in dark colors.)
* Lucas will approach up to the entrance and try to act normal, as if he's here for one of his regular appointments.
<Narrator> Lucas, you're largely overlooked in the bustle, and manage to slip inside. It's pretty crowded, and people are talking anxiously in small groupings.
* NPC2 is now known as Alienor
<Svald> (Is this inside-inside or can bird get in )
<Narrator> (Roll me Stealth, Lucas)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-6
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 1 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Lucas> (can I also apply 'keeps a low profile'?)
<Narrator> (Sure)
<Narrator> You manage to avoid to much attention, even with the bird, but...
* Alienor clocks Lucas and makes her way over.
<Alienor> (quietly) Lucas? What are you doing here?
<Lucas> I need to see Prelate Beaufort, I haven't been able to visit her in a while and I was worried about her.
<Lucas> What is going on?
<Svald> !roll 4d3-6
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 2 3 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
* Lucas plays as ignorant as possible
* Alienor gives Lucas a sad but grateful look.
<Alienor> Lucas...she passed away last night.
<Lucas> oh no :(
<Alienor> I know you did everything you could for her, and helped ease her pain.
<Lucas> I'm sorry, I should have been here sooner.
<Alienor> I think...I think she was ready to go.
<Alienor> I just wish it hadn't been during these troubled times.
* Lucas nods sadly
<Alienor> Are you all right? I know there is a lot of turmoil on the northern end.
<Lucas> can I talk to you a bit more privately?
* Alienor nods.
<Narrator> (Svald, you manage to sneak inside and can observe this conversation)
<Svald> (cool)
* Svald perches somewhere high up (rafters?)
<Narrator> (Yeah, that was my thought)
* Alienor will lead Lucas outside, away from people.
<Narrator> (Svald, I won't make you roll again and you can follow ;) )
<Narrator> (Where are Hildie, Skalla, Welumque, and Chemames hiding right now, generally speaking?)
<Lucas> the turmoil you mentioned - it's been very bad. guards firing on civilians, people being arrested for disagreeing with the governor...
* Lucas begins explaining, not sure how much she knows about the current situation
<Alienor> Lady and Lord...
<Skalla> (Outside of town some where probably?)
<Alienor> I didn't know it was that bad. We were...late to the battle, but I thought things were in hand.
<Welumque> (yeah, and we're all together, wherever we are)
<Lucas> I need a place I can shelter for a little while. Somewhere safe.
<Alienor> Of course, it's the least I can do.
* Svald follows along >.>
<Lucas> and... some friends of mine. I don't have any wish to impose or put you at risk, but they need a safe haven.
* Alienor raises an eyebrow at that.
<Alienor> Is this perhaps in relation to a disagreement with your governor?
<Lucas> it is.
<Lucas> if that's not a risk you feel you can take, I'll leave and not bother you again.
<Alienor> As I have something of a disagreement with her myself, I would be happy to assist.
* Lucas sighs with relief
<Lucas> thank you
* Alienor nods.
<Lucas> where can I bring them to hide?
* Svald caws
<Alienor> There is plenty of room at the townhouse for now, and we can figure out next steps from there.
<Svald> (I can go get them for you  :V)
* Lucas gestures for Svald to pass along the message
* Svald caws affirmatively!
<Narrator> (Presumably Lucas can give Svald directions)
<Lucas> (makes sense)
<Svald> (: D)
<Narrator> (Can I get everyone but Lucas to make me Notice rolls, please?)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ -2 ].
<Skalla> (are we in wildneness or no?)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 1 2 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> (+2 if wilderness I guess, also bird)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Skalla> (also +2 if wilderness)
<Narrator> Hildie, Svald, and Skalla, you all see a group of uniformed Stordam royal soldiers riding down the road towards Lequeot, going to pass nearish to where the group is hiding.
* Svald will get to them as fast as they can.
<Svald> (the group)
<Svald> (OUR group)
<w> shit... hide.
<Skalla> (we are hiding ;)
<Skalla> [q]Stay put
<Hildie> (Hide moar)
<Narrator> (You're probably okay, but roll me Stealth)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 1 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> (me too?)
<Narrator> (No, not Svald)
<Narrator> (Welumque?)
<Svald> (kk)
<Lucas> (he had to take the dog out)
<Svald> (Steve had to affk)
<Narrator> (Oh, right)
<Narrator> (Well, I think y'all are fine)
<Narrator> The soldiers ride on past, oblivious.
<Narrator> What're y'all doing?
<Skalla> (going to the townhose but trying to be discrete about it?)
<Skalla> (townhouse)
<Narrator> (Okay, roll me Notice)
<Svald> (me too this time?)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 3 3 3 ] for a total of [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Narrator> (Yes, Svald)
<Narrator> (And, honestly, Lucas can roll this, too)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 1 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].

Things are not any better in Lequeot

<Narrator> You can all hear a commotion from the town square, and Svald and Welumque can hear people with Stordammer accents shouting in Gaulois about their search for all of you, offering reward for anyone who leads them to you.
<Svald> D:
<Skalla> >:\
* Svald caws
<Hildie> -_-
<Lucas> (am I still with Mme. Beaulieu?)
<Welumque> [q] All right, they know we're here, and are looking for us.
<Narrator> (Sure, we'll say she was walking with you to the townhouse)
<Welumque> (to whoever is in my immediate vicinity)
* Lucas looks worried at the commotion
* Alienor frowns as well.
<Skalla> [q] they *know*? How?
<Welumque> [q] Well, they're searching for us and offering a reward.
<Welumque> [q] I suppose they may not know to a certainty?
<Welumque> [q] But they're out in the square and they don't sound like they're being casual about this.
<Skalla> [q] that's not unexpected. let's gte to this townhouse withut attrcting attention if we can
<Narrator> You make your way to the townhouse, Lucas and Alienor waiting for you there.
<Alienor> Quickly, quickly, come in, please.
* Lucas is relieved when people get there
* Svald flaps on in
* Svald then turns back into themself.
* Alienor is a little thrown by that, but recovers quickly.
* Skalla hurries inside as directed
<Lucas> I am sorry again for bringing this to your doorstep...
* Hildie heads inside and carefully peeks out the window to keep an eye on things outside.
<Alienor> This is bigger than you, I fear.
* Svald sighs.
* Alienor does a little double-take when she sees Skalla and Welumque.
<Hildie> It's getting bigger by the hour from the looks of it.
<Alienor> This is my concern as well, mlle.
<Skalla> thank you for taking us in.
<Alienor> You are most welcome, Mlle. Stormsvallvag.
* Skalla nods
<Alienor> Alienor Beaulie, at your service.
<Alienor> I'm surprised to see you, I must admit.
<Skalla> It's been a very wild few days
* Skalla says with a grin
<Welumque> Thank you for your hospitality
<Alienor> Any friend of Lucas's.
<Alienor> I promise, no one will touch you here.
<Svald> Thank you
* Svald says quietly.
<Narrator> You all hear a single gunshot ring out.
