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{{logtoc|Thirteen 2|35}}
Lucas and Svald rush to town to find the source of the shots and learn that soldiers have ired on the crowd at the Thing.  They help the wounded into a nearby church a=to tend them.  Lucas is harassed by a bystander for his serpent marks, but Sval and the minister speak up for him.  Svald leaves to see what is happening with Skalla and Hildie.  That pair try to make an escape from their jail, and are only successful in not being shot and recaptured because of Svald's timely intervention.  Svald covers their escape by boat with fog, and returns to the mainland to spread the news.  The dwarves head to Takoong’oto where they get some supplies from Chemames and head to hide out in the woods.
Lucas and Svald rush to town to find the source of the shots and learn that soldiers have ired on the crowd at the Thing.  They help the wounded into a nearby church a=to tend them.  Lucas is harassed by a bystander for his serpent marks, but Sval and the minister speak up for him.  Svald leaves to see what is happening with Skalla and Hildie.  That pair try to make an escape from their jail, and are only successful in not being shot and recaptured because of Svald's timely intervention.  Svald covers their escape by boat with fog, and returns to the mainland to spread the news.  The dwarves head to Takoong’oto where they get some supplies from Chemames and head to hide out in the woods.

Latest revision as of 12:25, 2 July 2023

Thirteen 2 session logs
Previous Session 35 Next


Lucas and Svald rush to town to find the source of the shots and learn that soldiers have ired on the crowd at the Thing. They help the wounded into a nearby church a=to tend them. Lucas is harassed by a bystander for his serpent marks, but Sval and the minister speak up for him. Svald leaves to see what is happening with Skalla and Hildie. That pair try to make an escape from their jail, and are only successful in not being shot and recaptured because of Svald's timely intervention. Svald covers their escape by boat with fog, and returns to the mainland to spread the news. The dwarves head to Takoong’oto where they get some supplies from Chemames and head to hide out in the woods.


Session date: 2023-04-23
In Game date: following immediately on the past session

Lucas and Svald meet up in the crowd to see where the shots came from

<Narrator> (Lucas, did you have any thought to where you ended up for your ritual to astral project to talk to Skalla and Hildie?)
<Lucas> (I think I was going to be at Welumque's or at my own place, whichever was more convenient)
<Narrator> (Okie doke. You were probably nearer to Lucas's place, I'm going to say.)
<Lucas> (ok, that's fine)
<Narrator> So, as stated, you all hear gunshots in the distance. Significantly less distant for Svald and Lucas, though Svald is closest. Lucas and Svald, you can tell they came from the direction of the meeting hall.
<Lucas> (is it like a few gunshots, or ongoing gunshots?)
<Narrator> (I wouldn't say ongoing, but more than a few, in rapid succession)
* Lucas will get some supplies together, whatever he has on hand as far as things like bandages and medical supplies, and will cautiously go out to look at what's happening.
<Narrator> Lucas, the streets are pretty crowded, though some folks are running towards the hall and, as you get closer, some are running from it.
<Narrator> (Yeah, it's just after midnight right now, I believe)
* Svald will try and see what is happening as an owl
<Lucas> (I'll try to listen to what anyone might be saying if possible, to get a sense of what is going on)
<Narrator> (Svald, roll me Will, then Notice. Lucas, roll me...Athletics and also Notice)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 1 1 1 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ -1 ].
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 2 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> Svald, you can get a literal bird's eye view of things. You can see a large crowd outside the hall, and several people on the ground. There is a group of royal soldiers outside the main entrance, several reloading as gunsmoke drifts over the scene.
<Narrator> Lucas, you get jostled around and bruised a bit trying to make your way through the crowd, but you catch snippets suggesting soldiers fired on the crowd at the hall.
* NPC1 is now known as Soldier
* Lucas will try to keep heading in the direction of the hall, to see if there are wounded that need help
<Narrator> Lucas, you can make your way to the square, and see roughly a dozen people on the ground. The crowd is still very agitated and pressing towards the hall, kept at bay at bayonet point. They are giving the wounded some space and a couple people have stopped to help them, but they don't necessarily look like they know what they're doing.
* Lucas takes a deep breath and will step into the space that's cleared for the injured.
* NPC3 is now known as Bystander
<Lucas> Back up! Let me help them, I'm a healer!
* NPC23 is now known as Wounded_Woman
* Lucas will try to coordinate people as best as I can, to get the less wounded to safety if possible
<Narrator> (Roll me Rapport, unless there is a different skill you'd like to make a case for)
<Narrator> (Svald, roll me Notice again. You have a +2 on this roll)
<Lucas> (Rapport makes sense. can I use Inspiring for a +2?)
<Narrator> (Yeah, I'd say that makes sense.)
<Lucas> (to give other people the positive aspect of "listening the fuck up")
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Narrator> People are starting to clear out more, and you can get people at least somewhat organized to start moving the wounded who can be.
<Narrator> There's a church across the square from the meeting hall that would provide a more suitable place for the time being.
<Lucas> (ok, I'll try to get the wounded there, if possible, so I can tend to them.)
<Narrator> At the same time, you can hear the church's bells start ringing, and more echoing across town.
<Svald> !roll 4d3-3
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 1 1 2 1 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> Svald, thanks to your more accurate, shape-shifted eyes, you spot Lucas in the crowd, directing some folks with the wounded.
<Narrator> Lucas, you and some people from the crowd can start getting the wounded into the church. There are some other folks in here, but people move for the injured people.
* Svald will fly into the church >.>
* Lucas will try to get a look at who's ringing the bells, if I can, while getting the injured people settled
<Svald> (yeah who is ringing those bells)
<Narrator> You can spot a young-ish dwarven woman ringing the bells, though a quick glance isn't going to tell you much about her.
<Svald> (nobody I recognize tho, then)
<Lucas> (ok, well, I'll leave her to that and keep trying to tend to the wounded)
<Narrator> (No, no one either of you recognize offhand)
<Narrator> (Lucas, roll me Lore)
<Lucas> (related to healing?)
<Narrator> (Yeah)
* Svald will de-bird if there don't seem to be any cops about
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-2
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-2 ] getting [ 2 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -2 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Narrator> (There are decidedly no cops in the church)
<Svald> Can I help?
* Lucas turns and looks immediately relieved and happy to see Svald there.
<Svald> What is even happening? The soldiers are shooting people?!
* Lucas 's hands are probably covered in blood but I'll hug them anyway.
<Narrator> Lucas, you can start seeing to the wounded. Out of the dozen that were on the ground, three you can see are already gone. Of the others, you can start triaging and working on the worst wounded, a green-skinned orcish woman with a bad wound in her gut.
* Svald will hug you back :)
<Lucas> I'm so glad you're safe. You can help, definitely.
* Svald can help move people and bring things for Lucas, whatever is helpful
* Lucas will give instructions on how best to help, I guess
<Narrator> Svald, you have a little bit of battlefield healing magic, so you might be able to help some with that.
<Narrator> (Roll Will)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 3 3 3 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 7 ].
<Narrator> (Actually, roll Will twice, because owlbear is getting antsy ;) )
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Svald> (whew)
<Narrator> Svald, you can get several of the least-injured stabilized, closing wounds where the bullet is clearly not still in the body. It's not your forte, but it frees Lucas up to deal with the most serious cases. The owlbear has your senses heightened as it tries to push you to go outside and do *something*, but you manage to keep it in check.
<Narrator> Lucas, it's going to be a lot of delicate work, in perhaps not the best of circumstances, but you've dealt with worse in worse conditions. You begin methodically working your way through the wounded.

Lucas get harassed as he tried to tend to the wounded in a naryby church, but Svals and the minister stand up for him=

<Bystander> Hey, what are you doing to them?
<Lucas> trying to keep them from dying.
* Bystander scowls.
<Bystander> You've got scalescars. You're gonna spread it to them.
<Bystander> Hey, this boy has serpent marks!
<Svald> It's not contagious.
* Bystander says loudly and points.
<Svald> If you don't want to help you can get out >:(
* Lucas will just ignore him and keep working, if I can (unless it seems like other people are trying to join him)
<Bystander> Don't tell me what to do!
* Svald tries to put themself between the guy and Lucas
* Bystander looks like he might get rowdy, and a couple other folks are paying attention now.
* Svald will just try and block him for now, holding their arms out.
<Lucas> Is this really what you want to make a fuss about right now? They're shooting people in the street and you're worried about me?
<Narrator> (Lucas, roll Provoke or Rapport, whichever you prefer)
<Narrator> Svald, the guy's going to be pushy, but not physically violent just yet.
<Svald> (okay but if he escalates I'm gonna do Something)
* Svald just tries to stay in his way.
<Svald> (T pose XD)
<Lucas> (well, Rapport is better for me, so I'll do that)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 3 2 2 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 3 ].
* Bystander grumbles some more, but doesn't make any more trouble for Lucas.
<Narrator> The person who was ringing the bell, who appears to be clergy attached to the church, will come over to lead the man away, then return to assist Lucas and Svald after talking to the man for a minute.
* Bystander is now known as Minister
<Minister> Please accept my apologies. Everyone's on edge, of course, but it's no excuse.
<Lucas> It's all right.
<Minister> Very little is, at the moment, but you are doing good work here. Thank you.
* Minister seems to have a little magic of their own, but nowhere near Lucas or Svald's facility.
<Lucas> I appreciate your help.
<Svald> yes, never any regerts
<Svald> (ww)
<Minister> And I yours. I don't know what madness happened out there, but at least these people will be safe here for the moment.
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> Were you signalling to someone specific or just trying to alert people of the danger?
<Minister> The latter. My hope is that it would clear people out of the square, or at least warn people there's danger about.
* Lucas nods
<Minister> I only saw a little bit of what happened, out the front window there.
<Lucas> what did you see?
<Minister> The crowd was shouting and throwing things, and then there were the shots and...
* Minister gestures to the wounded around you.
* Lucas nods grimly
<Minister> Were you out in the crowd?
<Lucas> I was at my home, but I came out when I heard the shots. I figured there would be wounded...
* Minister nods.
<Minister> That was very brave of you to head towards the sound of gunshots.
* Minister sighs.
<Minister> As though this island hasn't seen enough death of late.
<Svald> So they really did just fire into the crowd...
<Minister> I don't know.
<Minister> But that does seem to be the case.
<Svald> Do you know what the people were upset about?
<Minister> I heard some people were arrested, something to do with the battle this morning?
<Svald> Yes... They arrested Skalla Stomrmsvallag (sp?) and Hildegarde (lastname).
<Skalla> (Maelstrom)
<Svald> (ty)
<Minister> They arrested two of the Stormsvallvag?
* Svald nods.
<Minister> Do you know what for?
<Svald> For helping against the Emira's assault.
* Minister frowns.
<Minister> I suppose it *is
* the governor's perogative, but...I can see why that would inflame tensions.
* Minister makes a quick gesture of prayer.
<Narrator> (Svald and Lucas, y'all can roll me Notice, if you like)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 2 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 3 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Narrator> Both of you, along with some of the folks in the church, hear a single gunshot in the distance, nowhere nearby, seemingly from the direction of the docks. This immediately sets the crowd off, looking outside and speculating wildly.
<Svald> Where was that...?
<Lucas> do you want to go look?
<Svald> Will you be alright if I go?
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> I think so.
<Svald> Alright...
* Svald will run out the door and turn into an owl on the way.
<Lucas> Be careful.
<Svald> hoot!

Lucas talks to the minister of the church where he has taken shelter to heal the injured

<Narrator> Lucas, you can hear quickly marching footsteps go by just outside.
<Narrator> You also hear several more distant gunshots.
<Lucas> more soldiers?
<Minister> God and goddess, what now?
<Minister> I'll go look.
* Minister will go to do that, coming back a minute or so later.
<Minister> It looks like they've reinforced the group at the meeting hall.
<Minister> I think the Thing is still in there.
* Lucas nods
<Minister> I don't know about the other shots, though.
<Lucas> But right now they aren't firing outside at least?
* Minister nods.
<Lucas> that's good, for now...
<Minister> I hope those shots aren't more civilians being fired upon.
* Minister makes another gesture of prayer, but settled in to help Lucas some more.
<Minister> (settles*, rather)
<Lucas> I didn't get your name, I'm sorry
<Minister> Alba. And you?
* Minister is now known as Alba
<Lucas> Lucas.
<Alba> Sorry to meet you under these circumstances, Lucas.
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> Were you just here anyway, for a late night service or something, or do you live nearby that you could get to the bell so quickly?
* Alba smiles for a moment before catching herself.
<Alba> I live in the rectory, just there.
<Lucas> oh, right
<Alba> I was up because of the crowd.
* Lucas nods
<Alba> I was worried something might get out of hand, but I didn't imagine...this.
<Lucas> Hopefully your gods will not mind my working here.
<Alba> Not one of the faithful, then?
<Lucas> well... not exactly.
* Alba says mildly, rather than accusatorily.
<Lucas> I'll help anyone who needs it, though. I don't ask what they believe in first.
<Alba> That's a better attitude than many.
* Alba smiles.
<Alba> You're doing good work, in their house. I'm sure that pleases them more than any rote prayer.
<Lucas> I hope so.
<Alba> All work to the good of the community is holy in their eyes. I hope I don't offend you in saying you're doing their will whether you believe or no.
<Alba> Actions are more important to them than reasoning, usually.
<Lucas> no, I'm not offended.
<Lucas> If gods want to work through me, that's fine, as long as I get to decide.
* Alba nods.
<Alba> Sorry, you obviously don't need a theology lecture at the moment.
* Alba will be continuing to aid Lucas while she talks, of course.
<Lucas> it's fine... I was the one who brought it up. I just didn't want to cause further ... issues.
<Alba> I appreciate the sentiment, but expendience trumps politeness in this sort of situation, I would think.
<Alba> Do you...often have trouble with the gods? Or...people like...
* Alba gestures vaguely towards the rude guy from earlier.
<Lucas> It happens...
<Lucas> Usually people who fought in the last war.
<Lucas> I can understand how they feel.
<Alba> Well, I know it can't make up for much, but, as a veteran myself, let me say I'm sorry you've had to deal with that. They shouldn't take their anger out on you; scarring like that isn't your fault.
<Lucas> ...thank you...
* Alba nods and tries to give Lucas a fortifying expression.

Svald swoops in to help Hildie and Skalla=

<Narrator> What're you doing, Svald?
* Svald flies in the direction it seems like the new shot came from, just trying to scope out what's happening.
<Narrator> (I need to make a macro or something for asking y'all to roll Notice, but...roll Notice ;) )
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 2 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> There doesn't seem to be any particular activity on the docks, though there are a *lot* of people in the streets right now, many gathering just outside the square. You can see that there are columns of troops headed that direction as well, but it doesn't seem like any of them fired. You can just make out activity at the fort Fastning Irena on the island just offshore.
<Svald> (I guess I will do a flyover of the fort?)
<Narrator> Flying over the fort, you'll see what's happening over in #thirteen02: Skalla with a musket, yelling with Hildie, while a platoon of soldiers starts towards them.
<Svald> (well crap)
* Svald will land on top of a building and be Svald, and try to crack the earth in front of the soldiers.
<Narrator> (Roll Will)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 6 ].
<Narrator> (Svald, why don't you head to #thirteen02 for the moment as these two scenes merge?)

Skalla and Hildie escape, with timely help from Svald

* Hildie looks up from her cot at the sound.
<Hildie> Another battle?
<Skalla> ....I'm not sure
* Skalla will listen for response from the fort around them
<Svald> (is it still night time? I've lost track)
<Narrator> (Yeah, it's just after midnight right now, I believe)
<Hildie> Whatever it is, it can't be good.
<Skalla> gunshots are usually bad for someone
* Skalla will try and peek outside also to see if the soldiers aroud are reacting in anyway
<Skalla> any idea where they came from?
<Hildie> To far to tell. Somewhere on the mainland.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> so many people were gathered for the thing....
<Skalla> maybe things got heated?
<Narrator> The soldier outside does look nervous, and you can hear other soldiers out in the fort now.
* Hildie gives Skalla a strange look.
<Hildie> No one would be that stupid, would they?
<Skalla> who knows, tensions have been so high...
* Skalla calls out to the soldier
<Skalla> (sec dog tho)
<Skalla> (someone else got him)
<Hildie> (Sure thing Dawg)
<Skalla> Hey - what' going on!
* NPC1 (webchat68-235-164-162.gvec.net) has joined #thirteen02
* NPC1 is now known as Soldier
<Soldier> Quiet!
* Soldier looks around nervously.
<Skalla> what - why?
<Soldier> I don't know! Just...
* Soldier steps out of your view for a moment and you hear them call out to someone.
* Skalla listens
<Narrator> (Roll Notice, Skalla)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 3 2 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> While there are no more gunshots, you can hear church bells echoing from the mainland. It makes the soldier's quiet conversation a little difficult to hear, but it sounds like they're being called to the mainland because of something at the meeting hall.
<Skalla> [q] fuck - it is at the Thing
<Hildie> Well shit.
<Skalla> Hey - you better let us out of here if you don't want things to get more out of hand!
* Skalla calls out
* Soldier comes back and thumps the door with the butt of her musket.
<Soldier> I don't have that kind of authority. You're not going anywhere.
<Skalla> you don't think so? YOu think my family - the other families here are going to stand for this?
<Skalla> what do you think is happening?
<Skalla> you think you can keep this quiet?
<Hildie> I have a feeling things are about to get real loud, one way or the other.
<Soldier> I don't think any of that, and I don't care. I'm supposed to keep you here, and that's what I'm going to do.
<Skalla> bah - where are yu from?
<Soldier> Why do you want to know?
<Skalla> to see if you have any sense of what is happening, or if you're just ignorant *and
* blindly stubborn >:|
<Hildie> Not helping, Skalla.
<Soldier> You want a thump, rich girl? I'm the one with a rifle, and you're the one behind bars. Quiet down or I'll make you.
<Skalla> yeah? Open that door and try it.
<Hildie> Skalla!
<Hildie> Stop!
<Narrator> (Skalla, roll me Provoke)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 3 3 3 ] for a total of [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 5 ].
* Soldier begins fumbling for her keys, cursing.
* Skalla looks to Hildie and will stand to the side of the door, readying herself for a fight
<Soldier> That's it, you fucking blueblood [trailing off into various curses]
* Hildie swears under her breathe
* Hildie will stand on the other side of the door
* Skalla is ready to grab this lady's gun
<Skalla> pfft, it doens't matter what colour by blood is, it's still only runs for this land >:|
<Narrator> (Tuck, do you mean Hildie is trying to hold the door closed?)
<Narrator> (Or just standing to the side?)
<Hildie> (No, like standing on the opposite side of the doorframe from Skalla so we can flank the guard when she steps in)
<Hildie> (Assuming the door opens out, I guess)
<Skalla> (hopefully we are clever enough not to stand in the way of the door if it opens in ;)
<Narrator> (It does open in, but you can be in a place to flank, still, I would imagine)
* Soldier opens the door and will come in trying to hit Skalla with the butt of her musket.
<Hildie> (If it opens in, then I can stand in front of it to distract them while Skalla stands to the side to attack)
<Narrator> (Hildie, roll me Fight, then Skalla roll me Fight)
* Skalla will try and grab it from her
* Hildie will jump on the guard and try to get one arm around her neck from behind.
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 3 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Hildie> (Can I use ex-soldeir to add +2? Relying on my training)
<Narrator> (That works for me)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 3 1 3 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Narrator> (Okay, I'm going to offer both of you a Fate point for a negative consequence here.)
<Hildie> (Do we get to know what it is?)
<Skalla> (sure :V)
<Narrator> (I was going to have the gun go off)
<Hildie> (Sure!)
<Narrator> Hildie, you are much more practiced at this sort of thing, and you wrap the soldier up in a disabling hold while Skalla struggles with her to get her musket away from her. There's a short struggle, and all three of you are temporarily blinded and deafened as the musket goes off in her hands, just before Skalla is able to wrench it away from her. You can vaguely hear shouts outside.
<Hildie> Fuck!
<Skalla> ugh, run and hide
* Hildie looks at you incredulously from around the struggling guard.
<Skalla> go!
* Skalla will kick the guard lady again and grab hildie
* Hildie will attempt to toss the guard aside and stumble out the door.
<Narrator> You can throw her further into the cell, and duck out while she attempts to get to her feet.
<Narrator> (Roll me Notice)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 1 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
* Skalla looks for a reasonable place to hide (ir maybe blend in if people are bustling around idk)
<Narrator> Hildie, you are still very dazed by the gunshot, and were focused on the guard. Skalla, as you pull Hildie outside with you, you see a large number of soldiers mustering in the yard nearby, many of them turning towards the sound of the gunshot.
<Hildie> Skalla, you do realize we're on an ISLAND!?
<Skalla> hush
<Skalla> this way
* Hildie sighs and limps after her.
<Narrator> Still mostly deafened, you can both just make out shouts of "Halt! Stop!" from the soldiers behind you.
<Hildie> Oh son of a...
* Skalla will still *try*
<Skalla> (To find cover or a place to hide, to be cleaer)
<Hildie> Keep running!
* Hildie will stop and turn around.
<Skalla> no!
<Hildie> Just fucking go!
* Skalla grabs her
* Hildie throws her hand off.
<Hildie> Get out of here! Get back to town!
<Skalla> (I'd like some clarification on where we are vis a vis any following soldiers)
<Narrator> (They are probably...more than 50 feet, less than 100 away)
* Hildie looks Skalla in the eyes.
<Skalla> I'm not leaving you, you idiot
<Hildie> Skalla. For once in your life, please, just do what I say.
<Skalla> They'll treat you worse
<Skalla> no
<Hildie> Without me you might make it.
<Hildie> Together we're dead.
<Skalla> shut up!
* Skalla will try and drag her (But maybe we shoudl wait and merge the channels here?)
<Narrator> The ground rumbles and there is a terrible rending crack as the earth splits between the two of you and the soldiers. Several of their muskets go off, but nothing comes close to hitting you.
<Hildie> Gods above...
<Skalla> ....svald?
* Skalla looks around
<Skalla> come on!
* Skalla tries to drag her cousin away again
* Hildie nods and turns to flee with Skalla
* Svald will keep trying to run magical interference between the soldiers and their friends.
<Narrator> You can both run and get buildings between you and the soldiers, but the whole fort is turning out in agitated disarray.
<Narrator> (What's the plan here, Skalla and Hildie?)
* Hildie will try to look for a boat
<Skalla> (yeah, try and find a way off the island)
<Narrator> (Roll Notice, or just spend a Fate point, your choice)
<Skalla> (Possibly hide out for a bit and slip away in the confusion, I'll spend a fate point, sure)
* Svald will try to whip up an icy howling wind to further sow confusion/distraction, and maybe pepper the soldiers with debris and stuff
<Narrator> You manage to spot a rowboat tied to a small secondary pier, but the soldiers are between you and it, unless you try to go directly over the wall.
<Narrator> (Svald, roll Will again)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-3
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 2 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Skalla> Can you get over, Hildie, or do we need to get through them?
<Hildie> hmmm
<Hildie> (How many soldiers?)
<Narrator> Svald, you can kick up plenty of dust and grit in a wind reminiscent of your homeland, peppering the soldiers as they both search the fort and try to organize to head to the mainland. You do, however, feel someone fighting your working, so it's taking concentration to maintain it.
<Svald> >:(
<Narrator> (A squad, say? Roughly ten.)
<Narrator> (I mean, this is a fort ;) )
* Svald will take off as an owl again and fly over toward Skalla & Hildie.
<Hildie> We don't have much choice. Over it is.
<Narrator> You'll have a little bit of time with the wind still in place as their willworker unravels your spell, Svald, but it will rapidly die down.
<Skalla> Okay. I'll help you over first
<Narrator> (Athletics or Physique checks for Hildie and Skalla. Hildie, you can have a +2 bonus from Skalla helping you.)
* Svald will land on the wall and be Svald, ready to stop oncoming soldiers if need be
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-3
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 2 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Svald> (how many boats are around besides this rowboat?)
<Skalla> !4d3-5
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> (On this little dock, none. There is a main dock for the fort with more, larger rowboats and the like)
<Narrator> It's not the easiest, but Skalla manages to help Hildie over without her getting too banged up by the fall, and, while it's difficult and a bit harrowing, Skalla makes it over with just some bruising as she manages to roll with it.
* Hildie will help her down the other side.
* Svald will fly over to the rowboat and start unmooring it.
* Hildie will head towards the boat
* Skalla follows
<Narrator> (Roll me another Athletics or Physique, all three of you)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> (is the main dock visible from where we are?)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 1 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Skalla> (so three)
<Narrator> (Svald, it's not right this moment, but it will be eventually depending on how you row to the mainland)
* Svald will try to bring up a bunch of fog between their boat and the island when we get going.

Svald returns to Lucas and tells him where Skalla and Hildie have gone

<Narrator> (Svald, it shouldn't take you very long at all to get back to the church where Lucas is.)
* Svald flaps in and repersonifies
<Svald> ... they escaped!
<Lucas> oh, they did? :o
<Lucas> are they safe?
<Svald> For now at least... They were going to head for Takoong’oto.
<Svald> more soldiers are coming from the fort, though.
* Lucas nods
<Narrator> (I'm assuming y'all are being private about this conversation? ;) )
<Svald> (yes)
<Lucas> (yeah)
<Lucas> do you think we need to get out of here/
<Lucas> ?
<Svald> Well, I probably should...
<Svald> I don't know what will happen now. :/
<Svald> I want to say they wouldn't come after you and WElumque but...
<Svald> I really have no idea how they think -_-
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> If you need to go to be safe, I understand. I want you to look after yourself.
<Svald> I need to tell Welumque... Then I don't know.
<Svald> I won't leave without saying goodbye, though.
<Lucas> If you need someplace to hide, you can go to my room. I don't know why anyone would be looking in there. But if you just need to get away, I understand.
<Svald> I'll come back, at the very least to say where I'm going.
* Svald gives you a lil hug.
* Lucas returns the hug
<Svald> See you soon.
<Svald> ...
* Svald pauses for a beat, but then owls and flies off.
<Lucas> Be safe.
<Svald> :> hoot!

Skalla and Hildie decide to go to Chemames as an intermediary, before going to camp ut in the woods

<Skalla> now. where do we go?
<Narrator> (Roll Will, Svald)
* Skalla ponders, now that we're rowing and her mind is calmong down a little
<Svald> !roll 4d3-3
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-3 ] getting [ 1 3 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -3 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Svald> There's a lot of unrest on the mainland too...
<Hildie> We can't go home. We need to find somewhere to hole up.
<Svald> Your Aunt?
<Narrator> (Skalla, you can row directly back to the docks, which is only like 1000 feet, but will put you easily within sight of the soldiers in the fort. You could row due west, where the Takoong’oto neighborhood is, about three times as far, or all the way to the actual mainland, northwest, about 4 times as far. The latter two would provide more cover and be further away, but obviously be longer)
<Hildie> We coudl try Welumque, but they might look there.
<Skalla> (I'll take the middle one)
<Svald> Tell me where you're going; I will pass it on to Welumque and Lucas.
<Skalla> they might - she was with us. Bt she has a lot of experience hiding peple. we could go somewhere else and get word to her
* Hildie nods.
<Skalla> we'll go to Takoong’oto for now
<Svald> Should I go now?
<Skalla> okay
<Skalla> thank you for your help, Svald.
<Skalla> It was very timely
<Hildie> Yes, thank you. We wouldn't have made it without you.
* Skalla nods in agreement
<Svald> I heard the shots... When I saw what was happening, how could I not help?
* Svald says self effacingly
* Skalla smiles grimly
<Skalla> still, thank you.
<Svald> I will tell the others... and see if I can sobtage some of their boats.
<Hildie> Thank you.
<Svald> (sabotage)
* Svald will re-owl and fly off.
* Hildie will turn back to Skalla once Svald is out of sight.
<Hildie> One more thing.
* Hildie will punch Skalla.
<Hildie> Next time I tell you to run, you fucking run.
<Narrator> (Svald, roll me Stealth)
<Svald> (do I get a bonus for owl?)
<Narrator> (I was going to take that into consideration, but, yeah, you can just add +2)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 3 2 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
* Skalla just grunts and gives her a dirty look
<Narrator> Svald, you manage to cause some trouble for their boats, but they do have casters who will make that difficult. How much danger are you willing to face here?
<Svald> (I was planning on being a beaver and chewing holes underwater, so that ideally they wouldn't notice until later)
<Narrator> Skalla and Hildie, you can make your way over to the Takoong’oto neighborhood, where folks seem on edge, but not actively hostile or under arms or anything.
<Narrator> (They are actively getting into the boats, so they'd notice pretty quickly?)
<Skalla> (yeah, they're deploying, not just chasing after us :x)
<Svald> (okay well I will do that later then, when they aren't on high alert. More important rn to get information to Lucas & Welumque)
<Narrator> (Okie doke. Lucas or Welumque first?)
<Svald> (well neither of them are here ... I think Lucas is the one Svald would go to though)
<Narrator> (*nod*)
<Narrator> Skalla and Hildie, what're you doing when you land?
<Hildie> Where to now?
<Skalla> (Try to make myself look like I haven't been in like 4 fights tonight, one against a wall, and then and see if there is anyone here we can look to for help - if there's any contacts I have or can guess who might be one of welumque's peopl))
<Skalla> there is another option
* Skalla says to her cousin
<Skalla> we coudl go to Naqeen Zahraoui
<Skalla> (Naqeeb)
<Skalla> but it might make things difficut for her with the governor if its found out
<Hildie> Hmmm
<Hildie> We can worry about that tomorrow. Right now we just need somewhere to bed down for a few hours We need some food and rest.
<Skalla> we might not get it if they come looking for us. there's oly so many places we coudl have gone
<Hildie> We can head out to the woods. Rough it for a few days until things calm down.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> we cn do that. We just need to get word to someone
<Skalla> Svald will know we've come this way
<Skalla> and hopefully can track us down
<Hildie> Do you have any contacts near here?
<Hildie> Maybe they can get a message
<Skalla> (Is there anyone awake at this time of night? places with lights on? An inn or anything?)
<Narrator> (You can roll Contacts, Skalla)
<Narrator> (And, yeah, there's probably a lot of folks awake right now)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> (Though Fastning Irena, thanks to dwarven darkvision, tends to have at least some people awake at all hours)
<Narrator> Skalla, you know some folks in the neighborhood who might take a message for you. If nothing else, Chemames lives around here, and you all know him a little since he went with you to Talat Kabira.
<Skalla> ...Chemames!
* Hildie nods.
<Skalla> He'll be able to tell Lucas
<Hildie> He can get a message. And maybe get us some supplies. Do you have any cash on you?
<Skalla> (I'm not sure if I would after all that?)
<Hildie> (Same)
<Narrator> (Honestly, I don't think they took anything other than your weapons, so you might, actually.)
<Narrator> (If you had money on you earlier before you were arrested)
<Skalla> (cool - I was just tryign to remember where we actaully came from befre all that to figure it out, heh. But we went from hme to the fort, so maybe some at least)
<Skalla> a little
* Hildie checks her pockets and pulls out a few coins, but not much.
* Skalla scoffs
<Skalla> more than that at leaast
<Hildie> Well, maybe you should pay me better.
* Skalla will head for the house of somoene friendly, hoping they can direct her to Chamames
<Skalla> Hildie, hit might be better if we're not seen together just now. wait for me a moment, and we can go to Chemames together
<Hildie> Right. Be careful.
* Skalla nods
* Skalla will go and knock at said door, hoping they can at least tell her where to find chemames
<Narrator> Skalla, there's a Takoong’oto woman who's essentially in charge of their fishing on Sisawinak that your family deals with on occasion. She's a little confused to see you, but she can direct you to where Chemames lives without too much trouble.
* Skalla will thank her, give her some cash and ask her to forgetshe was there befpre collecting Hildie fto go and find him
<Narrator> You can find Chemames family's house not too far away. Lots of folks are up and about because of all the commotion, so you can spot Chemames among the crowd, bundled up against the cold.
* Skalla will try and get his attention
* Soldier is now known as Chemames
* Chemames will look surprised and walk over.
<Skalla> Hi - is there somewhere we an go to talk?
* Skalla says, glancing at the crowd
<Chemames> Oh, hey Ms. Stormsvallvag, Ms. Maelstrom. What are you doing out here this time of night?
<Chemames> Oh, sure, uh...
* Hildie looks around a bit warily
* Chemames gestures a bit away, out into the yard around his family's house, which looks like it's normally a garden in warmer parts of the year.
<Skalla> thanks
<Skalla> We don't want to cause you any trouble
<Skalla> but it's been kind of a mad.... few days
<Chemames> Trouble? Why would you...wait? (quietly) Are you the people they arrested?
* Skalla nods
<Hildie> It's been a day.
<Chemames> What happened?
<Skalla> ...do you really want to know?
<Chemames> I mean...yeah, but I don't have to, I guess.
<Chemames> Are you both okay?
* Chemames looks over you both.
<Skalla> we are.
<Hildie> We're fine. Just a little worse for wear.
* Chemames nods.
<Chemames> What can I do to help?
<Skalla> We helped with the fight against the Emira's forces, and were arrested for treason when we tried to get the governor to talk to the naqeeb at the fort - short version
* Chemames 's eyes go wide at that.
<Hildie> Can you get a message to Welumque telling here wear we are? And maybe get us some supplies for a few days?
<Hildie> (her where we are)
<Skalla> We're going to go hide out for a bit, t I know Svald will come looking for us, and I thought.... I don't knwo what we're gogn to do yet, but I know Welumque has managed these sorts of situations before, and she migh have help, or advice.
<Skalla> supplies woudl be helpful, but we can make do.
<Chemames> What kind of supplies do you need?
<Chemames> Food, warm clothes, blankets, that sort of thing?
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> it really is okay.
<Skalla> I have a knife.... maybe some more powder adn shot for the musket. I don't think it will be for long, anywy
* Chemames nods.
* Skalla already going over her winter survival protocols for what they can scavenge
<Hildie> A few blankets if possible.
<Chemames> Come inside, I can gather some stuff for you, and you can get warm for a little bit, have some food. We've got soup and cornbread.
<Skalla> thank you.
* Hildie will gladly go inside for a few minutes to warm up.
<Hildie> Thank you
<Skalla> as crude as it is, all I have to repay you for your generosity at the moment is coin
<Chemames> Well, ordinarily, I'd say it's fine and you don't owe me anything, and you don't, but my mom and grandmother would kill me if I just gave stuff away for free.
* Chemames smiles apologetically.
* Chemames brings Hildie and Skalla in, gets them settled near the fire, and goes to talk to his grandmother and mother for a moment, then begins gathering up some supplies for the two of you while his family gets some food together for you.
* Skalla nods again, frowning slightly
<Skalla> thank you.
* Skalla will warm herself, just hoping they won't cause him any trouble
* Chemames can get y'all outfitted pretty quickly.
<Hildie> We are in your debt.
* Chemames brings said supplies over to you.
* Chemames kind of waves that off.
<Chemames> Gotta help your neighbors, right?
<Chemames> You said you needed me to get word to Welumque?
<Skalla> yes, please
<Skalla> she knows we were arrested, but not that we're now escaped
* Chemames nods.
<Chemames> Is there anything else I should tell her?
<Chemames> Or do you want to write something to her if its private?
<Hildie> Better to not write anything down.
<Skalla> we'll make a camp in the woods nearby
<Hildie> She and Svald should be able to find us.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> and Lucas. You can tell him as well....
* Chemames nods.
* Skalla considers her family and Thekla, but decides to leave that communication chain in others' hands for now
<Chemames> I can let them all know.
* Skalla hopes Svald will think of it
<Skalla> thank you - I'm in your debt
<Chemames> If you say so. Feel free to keep warm for a bit, and head out whenever.
<Hildie> We should go. The longer we stay, the more dangerous it is for you.
* Skalla nods
* Chemames nods.
<Chemames> If you say so.
<Skalla> I don't know if soldier might come looking- it woudl be better not to be found here
<Chemames> Right.
<Chemames> Well, then, let's head out, I guess?
* Hildie nods
* Chemames will see you out, then head towards Welumque's place.
* Skalla also, and will give him most of the rest of the cash she has on her
* Skalla and hIldie will head out to hole up :x
