Songaseli Nemni

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Songaseli Nemni

Songaseli (686-746), known to the Lady as Igatu, was a merchant who underwent a religious experience in his late twenties and came to Nemnosti, where he served for the rest of his life as a stoneguard. He was born into the Nemni lineage, the grandson of Dadim (627-715) who left Nemnosti in disgust and disgrace decades earlier after failing to become hengi. Songaseli's early life was spent in the city of Omba, where his sister was killed in the Great Flood of 702. He acquired a rudimentary education from his lineage and began working as a merchant in his father's sailcloth-making concern. In or around 712, Songaseli had a powerful spiritual experience in which he saw the great mountain Momichas, which led him to abandon his life and to travel as a pilgrim to Nemnosti. There, he soon met his wife Uklai, and their son Zaren was born a few years later. Songaseli had never been a great warrior, but began training as a stoneguard, a role he maintained for the rest of his life. Songaseli died of a wasting illness over twenty years ago. Despite never having been an acolyte, because he was a stoneguard of the Nemni lineage, he was interred in the Inner Caves, where he is consulted by his son and grandchildren to this day.