Jemosine purge

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The Jemosine Purge was the first attempt to purge the Hulti influence from the Omban Empire, beginning in 71 IE and continuing thereafter for around a decade. It takes its name from Jemosi, a Hand general who led inquisitorial efforts in and around Omba and Hasmala. At the time, the Corps was still relatively new and fairly fragile, and a number of noble lineages still held to the old faith (in other words, the Hulti). The efforts of the Jemosine Purge were partly military, but in particular, relied on the strategy of turning lineages against their elders and replacing Hulti elders with more theologically orthodox ones (even if not strong Corps adherents). Around 1,000 Hulti were killed during the purge, while at least ten times that number were forcibly converted. The Jemosine Purge was only moderately successful but did affirm, for the first time, that the state religion of Omba would be the Corps.