Historical Diablotin session 4

From RocksfallWiki
Revision as of 18:31, 12 June 2007 by BalthCat (talk | contribs)

Historical Diablotin Game 4 From RocksfallWiki [edit] Summary

Sixth-month, 2147:

   * 2nd: They arrive in Friaul.
   * 5th: The group report on their findings to the Emperor, the Warlord, and Passara Escalera. For their services, they are invited to a shindig. In preparation, they visit the public baths, where there are shenanigans. They attend the banquet, meet many interesting people, and then retire to a less-formal party on the beach. Mar sleeps with Tomas, Alzbeth sleeps with Pol, and Vende goes swimming with Miss Lydia.
   * 6th: Mar confides what happened to Lydia, and they practice kissing (HD Solo 4). 

[edit] Logs

   * Game 4
   * HD Solo 4