Diablotin 2 session 52

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Diablotin 2 session logs
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Session date:
Diablotin date:




  • Earric waits for San to get settled into the cozy window-seat with him.
  • Sanadhil seats himself warily next to the succubus
  • Earric has his legs crossed, and sits facing you, leaning back against the wall.

[Earric] Well. How long before should I start?

[Sanadhil] How far back do you remember?

  • Earric shrugs.

[Earric] I'm somewhere over three thousand years old - pretty far.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Were there Angels involved in the religion here, before the Shadar Kai came?

[Earric] I don't think so. I think the humans here were... very primitive, before the Shadar Kai arrived.

[Sanadhil] were they involved here at all, then? or only in what is now Kholm?

[Earric] In the cities of Am in general.

[Earric] What is now covered by the Silver Desert, I believe.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Why not here?

[Earric] There was no Arch here. No... channel of contact.

[Sanadhil] But after it was built?

[Earric] It wasn't built.

[Sanadhil] How did it come to be?

[Sanadhil] ....what *is* it?

[Earric] When one ceased to exist, another came into being.

[Sanadhil] ahh

[Earric] I don't have any better words in this language for what it is - a channel, a conduit, a portal?

[Earric] It connects worlds.

[Earric] All worlds have one - the same one, I suppose, in some sense - even the tiniest, like the little dream-bubble you visited.

  • Sanadhil considers, trying to decide where to direct his line of questioning from here

[Sanadhil] The one here now - is it functionng as it should?

  • Earric shakes his head.

[Sanadhil] hmm.

[Sanadhil] Can it be fixed?

[Earric] Ahhh, that I don't know.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Earric] If it were fully destroyed, another would come into existence - that one might be healed, I don't know.

  • Earric stretches lazily.

[Sanadhil] how fully?

[Earric] Obliterated.

[Earric] That might have... other side-effects, though. It didn't go so well for Am.

[Sanadhil] What happened there?

[Earric] I was very young... I wasn't involved.

[Earric] They tried to ... harness its power, somehow.

[Earric] They were punished.

[Sanadhil] Kavreshar? or something else?

[Earric] I suspect as much. He was in charge of dispensing justice, after all. There were no doubt others involved as well...

[Sanadhil] Do you think he is a danger to the city here?

[Earric] Certainly. But ... I doubt he'll come with fire and sword. Things work more subtly now. Unless he's gone mad, that is. Which is entirely possible.

[Sanadhil] hmm.

[Sanadhil] Fire, you say.

  • Earric nods.
  • Sanadhil gazes out the window, though I don't know which direction it is looking ;p

[Sanadhil] After the arch... appeared here, then what?

[Earric] (uh.. let's say west, if you want to see some hints of devastation ;)

[Sanadhil] Were the Shadar Kai alrady here?

[Sanadhil] (yes ^-^)

[Earric] No.. they came because it was here.

[Sanadhil] but they knew of it before?

[Earric] I think something happened to theirs. I don't really know - the Shadow Plane isn't somewhere I've spent a great deal of time.

[Sanadhil] ahh...

[Sanadhil] Did the angels come with the arch?

  • Earric unfolds one leg so it slides behind San's back.

[Earric] (or side, I suppose, depending which way San is sitting; )

[Sanadhil] ...

  • Sanadhil sits a litle straighter
  • Earric smiles.

[Earric] Touch me, and I'll tell you.

  • Sanadhil sighs.

[Sanadhil] Really.

[Earric] Just a touch.

  • Sanadhil rolls his eyes in mild annoyance, and touches Earric's leg.... to push it a little further away from him.
  • Earric puts his hand over yours momentarily.

[Earric] ...

  • Sanadhil takes it away
  • Earric smiles again.

[Earric] Some did.

[Sanadhil] And you?

[Earric] No...

  • Sanadhil nods

[Earric] I wasn't old enough.

  • Earric says with a hint of a smile.

[Sanadhil] how old were you?

[Earric] Oh... five hundred, six hundred?

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] So.... Am fell, the arch appeared here, and it brought the Shadar Kai, who enslaved the local population. How long were they here before the migrants from Am arrived?

  • Earric considers that.

[Earric] It might have taken a century? Maybe longer... Several generations, at least.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] what did the angels do? here, particularly...

[Earric] They were... messengers.

[Earric] Sometimes their messages fell on deaf ears.

[Sanadhil] How do you mean?

[Earric] Not everyone is equally interested in listening.

  • Sanadhil smiles patiently

[Sanadhil] Who wasn't listening? And to what message?

[Earric] I don't know the details - there was a conflict here, with the Shadar-Kai.

[Earric] And with the demons.

[Sanadhil] the shadar kai and the demons together, against the angels?

  • Earric nods.

[Sanadhil] What little i know of the Shadar kai suggests that their worship, and use of the arch was..... very different in tenor than in Am, but that is a little surprising, still

[Sanadhil] What did the conflict mean to the Serpent? or the Center?

[Earric] I don't know that it was greatly perturbed. I certainly wasn't aware of what was going on, until everything fell apart.

[Sanadhil] how did things fall apart?

[Earric] There was a challenge from below.

[Earric] Or within, however you want to look at it.

[Sanadhil] I'm afraid I don't follow.

[Earric] Certain subordinate... entities... rebelled.

  • Sanadhil admits, warily, wondering what Earric might for ask next :p

[Sanadhil] The Gods?

  • Earric nods.

[Sanadhil] Rat, then.

[Sanadhil] or, before that?

[Earric] A necessary sacrifice, I'm sure they felt.

[Sanadhil] why did they do it? Do you know?

[Earric] Why does anyone do anything. Power.

[Sanadhil] power to what end?

  • Earric gestures to the world around you.

[Earric] All of this.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] And.... what did they do with the angels?

[Sanadhil] Phedre said some were killed?

  • Earric shuts his eyes momentarily.

[Earric] I'll tell you... for a kiss.

[Sanadhil] (sm)

[Earric] (you can roll ;)

[Sanadhil] !roll 1d20+17

  • BalthCat rolls for Sanadhil:

[ 1d20+17 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 17 ] totals [ 28 ].

  • Earric seems ... pained by a distant memory, perhaps.
  • Sanadhil doesn't answer, or move.
  • Earric opens his eyes, but doesn't say a word.

[Sanadhil] Did you choose this?

[Earric] ...

  • Earric licks his lips.
  • Sanadhil refuses to appear phased.

[Earric] Did you choose what you are today?

[Sanadhil] I...

[Sanadhil] I chose my path, but no one has that much control.

[Earric] You have your answer, then.

  • Sanadhil completes after considering the question.

[Sanadhil] You think the parallels are that strong?

[Earric] We can all choose our path. We can't all choose where it leads us... what it makes us.

[Sanadhil] then what was the path you chose?

[Earric] Life.

[Sanadhil] And your options were limited to.... life a s demon, or destruction?

[Earric] If there was a third path, I could not see it.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] and it was the gods?

[Earric] ...I still didn't get that payment I mentioned.

[Sanadhil] Company?

[Earric] No... you've provided that, quite nicely.

  • Sanadhil shakes his head

[Earric] No? Shame.

[Sanadhil] No.

  • Earric turns to look out the window.
  • Sanadhil stands, and smooths his robe.

[Sanadhil] (or whetever he is wearing ;p)

[Sanadhil] I'm not a game.

[Earric] And I'm not a book you can read whatever you want out of.

[Sanadhil] Then I suppose we are of limited use to each other?

[Earric] Really.

  • Earric says dryly.

[Earric] I could ask much higher prices.

  • Sanadhil tries not to feel too frustrated

[Sanadhil] true enough.

  • Sanadhil sits back down, at least

[Sanadhil] . o O (How much of a whore are you?)

  • Earric sits patiently.

[Sanadhil] But I already know what POhedre told me, on that matter.

[Earric] Fine, then.

  • Earric says idly.
  • Sanadhil sm's him again?

[Earric] (sure)

  • Earric is taking a "sure, clearly you know all about it then" sort of attitude.
  • Sanadhil eyes his, idley stroking his chin with one finger.
  • Earric looks out the window.
  • Earric put his arms behind his head and leans back.

[Sanadhil] So...... the refugess came, the tribal totems sacrificed rat, perhaps, to trap the Serpent, drove out the angels, and became gods?

[Earric] Mm.

[Sanadhil] Is Kavresahr dangerous to you?

[Earric] To me, personally?

[Sanadhil] yes.

[Earric] No moreso than to anyone else.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] So, he doesn't have any interest?

[Earric] Oh, I don't know about that.

[Earric] He'd probably want us.. me... on his side.

[Sanadhil] what are the demons, then, in relation to the center?

[Earric] They have no relation to the Centre. That's sort of the definition, in a way.

[Sanadhil] And kavreshar? Was he... or it?... always as it is now?

[Earric] No.

[Earric] He made his own choices.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] do you have any idea what he wants, now?

[Earric] Not in the slightest.

[Sanadhil] (sm)

[Earric] I would imagine, in his position, I would want revenge, but it's hard to say.

  • Earric doesn't seem to be lying about that.

[Sanadhil] (yeah, figures ;)

[Sanadhil] that seems.... almost reasonable.

  • Earric smiles slightly.

[Earric] Almost.

[Sanadhil] for his imprisonment, or against the gods?

[Earric] Both?

  • Sanadhil waves his hand, its kind of conjecture

[Sanadhil] those responsible for the former are all long dead, but as I said.... *almost* reasonable

[Earric] Revenge is just another form of justice, after all.

  • Sanadhil nods
  • Sanadhil looks at him again, assesing what value the answers to the more personal questions might hold
  • Earric looks back at you evenly.

[Sanadhil] . o O (you can't really pretend you haven't fucked him.)

[Sanadhil] . o O (Or that you dind't know exactly what you were doing)

[Sanadhil] Fine.

[Earric] Hm?

[Sanadhil] if your offer still stands.

[Sanadhil] I want to know what happened to the angels.

[Earric] Ohhh, yes. It's standing right now.

  • Sanadhil closes his eyes, hoping he isn't flush with nerves or embarasment
  • Earric waits for you to come to him.
  • Sanadhil already feels a little used, but leans over, carefully, opening his eyes again

[Earric] ...Give it to me.

  • Sanadhil steels himself (ha), and will give Earric a quick, chaste, kiss :p
  • Earric grips you either side of the head when you get there and doesn't let you back quite as quickly (or chastely) as you might have hoped.
  • Sanadhil is unsurprised, but will try to slip away with some dignity

[Earric] When the Centre started to tremble, I hid.

  • Sanadhil nods, blanking his features and wiping his lips, trying to ignore the pit in his stomach.

[Earric] I saw the walls part, the void gape open before me.

[Earric] I was afraid of dying. Before then, I'd never though about my own death before.

[Earric] There was fighting, but I had no part in it. I was young, as I said.

[Earric] Others of my kind were fleeing, those who weren't dying already. The only place to go was... out.

[Earric] I didn't know what would happen to me if I left, but it seemed better than dying.

[Earric] The barriers between worlds shattered, and I slipped away.

[Earric] There were a few of us, together... we were lost, alone

[Earric] The walls shut us out now, instead of keeping us safe within.

[Earric] I don't know how long it was before the demons found us.

[Earric] Captured, bound, brought before their lord... we were given the choice to join them.

[Earric] It was ... agony.

  • Sanadhil nods.

[Earric] But it was life... I thought maybe, if I stayed alive, one day I could go back...

  • Earric shakes his head.

[Earric] I was stupid, like every young creature.

[Earric] Once I was changed, I stopped wanting to go back.

  • Earric sighs.

[Earric] Does that answer your question?

[Sanadhil] did you really?

[Earric] Really what?

[Sanadhil] Stop wanting?

[Earric] Never. But the want changed to... other things.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Did the others make the same choice?

[Earric] Not all.

[Sanadhil] what happened to those that resisted?

[Earric] They held them until we were... changed, then had us dispose of them. I suppose it amused them.

  • Sanadhil will soften his tone from distant/wary.

[Earric] -_-

[Sanadhil] Of course....

[Sanadhil] How did Phedre find you?

[Earric] Our paths crossed on her travels.

[Sanadhil] so, coincidence, then?

  • Earric opens his eyes.
  • Sanadhil blinks

[Earric] I don't believe in coincidences.

[Sanadhil] What do you believe?

[Earric] Destiny. Fate. What's written in the stars.

[Sanadhil] Hmm.

[Sanadhil] (sm -_-)

[Sanadhil] And what do you know of that?

  • Sanadhil asks, back on guard a little more

[Earric] Oh, very little.

  • Sanadhil nods
  • Sanadhil glances over at the study door
  • Earric reaches a hand over to touch your arm.

[Sanadhil] what.

  • Sanadhil shies away instinctively

[Earric] I just... wanted to. Don't want you to go, that's all.

[Sanadhil] I can't stay forever. I'm surprised Ilphere hasn't come down yet.

[Earric] I never told anyone the last part... not even Phedre.

  • Sanadhil regards him again, but can never trust his assessment, really.

[Sanadhil] . o O (Then why did you tell me?)

[Earric] You go, if you have to. I know you'll come back. Maybe next time, we should give Phedre a little show, hmm?

  • Sanadhil sighs

[Sanadhil] I'm sure she would be deligted.

  • Sanadhil stands again.
  • Sanadhil puts a little emp

[hasis on the 'she'

[Earric] She wouldn't be the only one.

[Sanadhil] Indeed.

[Sanadhil] Thank you.

[Earric] ...

[Earric] Thank you.

[Sanadhil] (what's his tone?)

  • Earric sounds grateful, ish? maybe a bit pouty, too.
  • Sanadhil nods, and makes his way out of the study then, to inquire with a servant about her Highness

[Earric] (You can locate Ilphere, and depart.)

[Ysabeau] (You have probably heard about the amazing musical stuff the expedition found... but Ysabeau has been HOGGING it all to herself, the selfish girl!)

[Symon] Meeting at the society or elsewhere?

[Ysabeau] (Society would be easy)

  • Ysabeau is putting the finishing touches on some schematic diagrams of the ancient, fragile instrument.
  • Symon knocks politely from the doorway to the workroom.
  • Ysabeau almost jumps from her seat, she was so absorbed in what she was doing.

[Symon] I heard you were in today :)

  • Ysabeau smiles hugely to see you.

[Ysabeau] SYMON!

  • Symon smiles back broadly :)

[Symon] I haven't seen you around here in ages!

[Symon] I've been dying to see your find!

[Ysabeau] I know, I've been terribly neglectful of you.

  • Symon will give you a warm hug

[Ysabeau] Well, it's all locked up because I'm afraid it will crumble into dust if anyone touches it.

[Ysabeau] But I have the key, here.

  • Ysabeau pulls a silver chain from the neckline of her dress, from which is suspended a key.
  • Symon looks excited :)
  • Ysabeau smiles and gathers up her sheaf of papers.

[Symon] I heard you'll be having replicas made once the design is understood...

[Ysabeau] I need to double check my measurements, anyway.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Symon] I might commission one for myself as well... so fascinating... how old do you think it is?

[Ysabeau] That's what I'm working on... hey, you probably know a good luthier to take these to, since you get all sorts of ancient string instruments made up for you.

[Ysabeau] Oh, it predates the establishment of the empire, certainly.

[Symon] Amazing!

[Symon] I want to kick myself once again for not going.

[Symon] Though I did hear you found some big lizard thing?

[Symon] (fought)

[Ysabeau] Yes, a frost salamander.

[Symon] I expect that has some sort of ice magic?

[Ysabeau] I'm *so* glad M. Walther sponsored M. Eichorn - he told me exactly how to take care of such creatures.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] The whole temple -that was the salamander's lair - was frozen. Good thing too...

[Ysabeau] I'm afraid that when we melted the ice the temple was damaged. :/

[Ysabeau] But we wouldn't have been able to see the murals and things there if it weren't for the ice preserving them for centuries, I think.

[Ysabeau] So...

  • Ysabeau shrugs.

[Symon] That could be... I wonder how long a frost salamander lives...

[Ysabeau] Generations may have lived there, hard to say.

[Ysabeau] But you know, we didn't find the instrument in the temple. It was in some funeral caves nearby.

[Ysabeau] Come see it!

  • Symon follows

[Symon] I hear you used the same teleportation circles that the Emperor is using to bring in the extra food...

[Symon] I shouldn't say "extra"

  • Ysabeau leads you to one of the Society's collections rooms.

[Ysabeau] We did use the one to Kholm, yes.

[Ysabeau] It was very convenient.

[Symon] Father is afraid the Emperor will start using them regularly for trade...

[Ysabeau] I doubt it... it's really quite expensive. I think he was just making use of them during the emergency state we're currently in.

[Symon] (sec I think I heard the doorbell)

[Ysabeau] I think he'd know better than to damage the economy by destroying merchants' livelihoods, Symon.

[Symon] It wouldn't be the merchants so much as my father's investments in rail :)

  • Ysabeau unlocks a cabinet and pulls out a deep drawer which contains the instrument.

[Ysabeau] That, too. The circles aren't really big, you know.

[Symon] It *does* look really frail.

  • Symon keeps his hands to himself.

[Ysabeau] A few people can go through at a time. I'm not certain that it would be economically feasible to have large-scale transport of goods and people through them.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] I'm really terrified to take off the strings...

[Ysabeau] But they're magic themselves, did you know?

[Ysabeau] You can store spells in them and cast them at a later date.

[Symon] I did hear... Strings of Spell Storing... I hear you get to keep them...

[Symon] Another reason to go treasure hunting with the rest of you :)

  • Symon casts Detect Magic just out of curiosity.

[Symon] Two millennia old, at least, and the magic is still going strong.

[Ysabeau] I know, it's pretty incredible, isn't it?

[Ysabeau] I'm afraid that taking the strings off will spell the end for the wood...

[Ysabeau] It belonged to a Wolf... she wasn't a priestess, exactly... shaman, maybe?

[Ysabeau] Her name was Aushinre.

[Symon] There might be a way to protect it magically...

[Symon] At least in order to replace the strings.

[Ysabeau] Maybe!

[Ysabeau] She sang a song when we first troubled her spirit. It turned out to be a lost Bardic spell, which I have managed to figure out.

[Ysabeau] I'm not sure if I'll ever use it, though... oh, hmmm!

[Symon] A lost bardic spell? :o

[Ysabeau] I wonder if I could cast it *into* the strings and then use it when I need it...!

[Ysabeau] Oh yes, it makes people go blind.

[Ysabeau] But I'm not sure that you could manage it, Symon.

  • Ysabeau grins misvhievously.

[Ysabeau] It takes a lot of preparation.

  • Symon 's envy has crossed over a line, and now he looks a bit like a sad puppy,

[Ysabeau] Awwwww...

  • Ysabeau gives him a one-armed hug.

[Symon] I really must let Mr. Walther know I'd love to go with him if he goes again. I looked at the map of the place and you can't have seen it all!

[Ysabeau] You'll just have to make sure you go on the next expedition, Symon.

  • Ysabeau laughs.

[Ysabeau] Great minds think alike.

[Ysabeau] We didn't get around to exploring the other funeral caves.

[Ysabeau] I had hoped we might, though I expect it's too much to think there might be restless ghosts of shaman from other tribes in them.

[Ysabeau] We really lucked out with Aushinre, may she find peace at the Center.

[Ysabeau] However, if music was practiced as part of the religion, then there may be other instruments.

  • Symon compares the instrument to others he's seen.

[Ysabeau] Are there any more recent analogues to it, oh master of ancient string instruments?

  • Symon provides an answer :B
  • Ysabeau half teases, half seriously asks.
  • Ysabeau pulls a mesuring device out of her satchel.

[Ysabeau] I just need to double check these measurements...

[Ysabeau] I thought I should get a decent artist to draw the instrument in detail... but I've got all the technical aspects noted here.

[Ysabeau] What else would a luthier need to know about it to reproduce it, do you think...?

[Symon] We might need to find out what kind of wood was used...

[Symon] I'm not sure exactly how you'd do that.

  • Ysabeau takes a series of measurements, double checking them against her very basic diagram... she isn't a visual artist, so much. ;)

[Ysabeau] I've already thought of that. :) It's [blah].

[Ysabeau] Or at least, I'm pretty sure it is.

  • Symon names off a few things the luthier has asked him in the past.

[Symon] Though a drawing might be a good idea...

[Symon] I suppose you- we'll find out.

[Ysabeau] Well... maybe I'll see if Mlle. d'Avin can draw it for me.

[Symon] An illustration would be great in any full report.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] I'm hoping I can use this to write my final paper for school.

[Symon] I was just thinking that you could probably get some sort of publication out of this :)

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Ysabeau] Well... have you filled your eyes or should I not put it away just yet?

[Symon] Sure :)

[Symon] I may paw through your sketches though.

  • Ysabeau carefully closes the drawer and locks the cabinet once more.

[Symon] How goes things with your beau?

[Ysabeau] Oh, pretty good.

  • Ysabeau blushes prettily.
  • Symon smiles

[Symon] That's good to hear.

[Ysabeau] He told me he loves me!

  • Ysabeau executes an exuberant and very graceful twirl.

[Symon] You say that like it's taken him a while :)

[Ysabeau] I'm just happy.

  • Ysabeau blushes again.

[Symon] Good. You deserve it :)

  • Ysabeau smiles fondly at you.

[Ysabeau] Thank you, Symon.

[Symon] I thought maybe you were saying he was one of those stoic types who never say what they're feeling..

[Ysabeau] He is like that.

[Symon] Ah, I guess that explains the delay.

[Symon] :)

[Ysabeau] He sort of accidentally told me that he loves me.

[Ysabeau] Well, it hasn't *really* been that long...

[Ysabeau] We've only been seeing one another for 5 months.

[Symon] Is that all?

[Symon] I suppose, now that you mention it.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] How about you? Any likely lasses or lads in your sights?

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Symon] I've been keeping my eye out for a lady, but I'm keeping my options open :)

[Symon] It's not very dashing to still be living at home, but laundry is so much easier :)

[Ysabeau] i was *wondering* if M. Silveira was more than just a friend... ;D

[Symon] (Who?)

[Ysabeau] (he's the dude you sponsored into the Society at the year end meeting)

[Symon] No, no...

  • Symon looks embarassed.

[Symon] N-nothing like that

[Ysabeau] (His Grace Loick Silveira, Duke of Brissarthe, sponsored by Symon Tourigny. His Grace is a student of his own family's illustrious history.)

[Ysabeau] Ah well...

[Ysabeau] Probably just as well to keep your options open.

[Ysabeau] :)

[Symon] To be honest, I'm not really looking very hard... some women can be quite... eager when they find out who you are.

[Ysabeau] Yeah... :/

[Ysabeau] Just after your family's money?

[Symon] Well, maybe not in some sort of insidious way, but yeah...

[Symon] If that was what I wanted from a woman, I could just hire a prostitute.

[Ysabeau] You'll find someone lovely, some day, who doesn't think along those lines, Symon.

[Symon] Er...

  • Symon looks awkward.

[Symon] S...sorry.

  • Ysabeau raises an eyebrow.

[Ysabeau] It's not quite the same thing, Symon.

[Symon] I didn't mean anything by that...

[Symon] :/

[Ysabeau] It's all right.

[Ysabeau] There probably are some prostitutes who are like that, but most are just trying to get by.

[Symon] I didn't even mean something like that... just that I want more than some sort of transaction.

  • Ysabeau tucks a lock of hair behind her ear a bit awkwardly.
  • Ysabeau nods.

[Symon] I want meaning.

  • Ysabeau reaches up to pat your arm.

[Ysabeau] You'll find it, some day, Symon.

[Symon] Anyway...

[Symon] I'm sure I will, some day :)

  • Ysabeau sighs.

[Ysabeau] I hope this famine ends soon.

[Ysabeau] I miss playing with the consort at gigs.

[Symon] They'll have to push the farms info action as soon as they can this spring...

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Symon] Not that I imagined farmers tended to dilly-dally.

[Symon] :|

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Ysabeau] I feel a little guilty about something, too...

[Ysabeau] More than a little guilty.

[Symon] What could you feel guilty about with everything going so well?

[Ysabeau] Well, His Majesty commissioned me to write a piece for him.

[Ysabeau] So I've been working on it...

[Ysabeau] I would have liked to come up with something that the Consort could play. But my muse is taking me in a different direction.

[Symon] Ohhhh... it's nice of you to think of us.

[Ysabeau] It's going to be a symphony...

[Symon] :o

[Symon] That's ambitious.

[Ysabeau] I know, I know... the gods know I know.

[Ysabeau] I'm probably insane for attempting it.

[Ysabeau] Anyway... I don't know if I'll have any influence whatsoever but I would - I would, if I could, try to get you, Stefan and Jehan as guest musicians for the premiere, if you would want that.

[Symon] I imagine we would :)

[Ysabeau] Okay.

[Symon] Any chance to show off :)

[Ysabeau] I can't promise you anything but I'll try.

[Ysabeau] The other thing is, just this week, an Imperial footman was at my door requesting me to play privately for His Majesty... well he was pretty impatient.

[Ysabeau] I was scared to death but I went. It turned out fine...

[Ysabeau] But I wish you were part of it. :(

[Symon] I'll bet he's used to people scurrying for the Emperor :P

  • Symon gives you a light friendly hug

[Ysabeau] Quite.

[Symon] Don't worry about it!

[Ysabeau] Are you sure?

[Symon] I'm sure we'll have lots of opportunity to capitalise on your new fan's status:)

  • Ysabeau obviously feels very bad about their exclusion from the good fortunes she's been experiencing.

[Ysabeau] I hope so.

  • Ysabeau hugs you back.

[Symon] I admit I haven't been trying very hard to promote us lately...

[Ysabeau] Well, how could you, really? I keep haring off and singing in operas or going on expeditions.

[Symon] Well, I was just suggesting that I'm not helping myself.

[Symon] Maybe Stefan and Jehan are off doing their own projects too...

[Ysabeau] Maybe...

[Ysabeau] I haven't seen them in a long time, either.

[Symon] I should check in with them and see. If nothing else I can mention your offer :)

[Ysabeau] We should try to get together at least once a week to practice, if everyone wants to.

[Ysabeau] I mean, no one's throwing parties right now anyway but I'd rather not be rusty when things pick up again.

[Symon] You know... for ten years down the road when you've finished your symphony :)

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Symon] We could perform for a bread line :)

[Ysabeau] Well, i hope it won't take quite that long...

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Ysabeau] You know, that's not such a bad idea, Symon.

[Ysabeau] It could cheer people up, and if anyone throws some coin into our lute-case, we could donate it to the Church to augment their charity work.

[Ysabeau] Would Stefan and Jehan be mortified to find themselves common street buskers?

[Ysabeau] Would you? ;)

[Symon] I would be glad to.

[Ysabeau] Well we could practice and try to spread some cheer at the same time, if we're all up for it, maybe.

  • Ysabeau looks amused by the thought.

[Symon] The Church is handing out a lot of food as well, perhaps we could arrange a spot that's less... busky :P

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Ysabeau] It won't be the first time I've tried to busk, you know. ;)

[Ysabeau] Hopefully this time, since I don't actually need the money, I'll stick to it.

[Symon] Well, it might be risky for our isntruments to be in with throngs of hungry people when the food comes in :P

[Symon] (Shall we wrap up?)

[Ysabeau] (we can if you'd like)

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Ysabeau] Well, where is a 'less busky' place that we could play for people waiting in bread lines, then?

[Symon] (I think I may go xbox with some folks)

[Symon] I was thinking *beside* the booth, or what have you :P

[Ysabeau] Okay. Let's make plans to meet for supper this weekend, the four of us?

[Ysabeau] You could come to my house if you dare try my cooking. ;)

[Symon] Sounds like a plan :)

[Ysabeau] I'll look forward to it. Seventh-day at 6 bells in the evening.... would that work for you?

[Symon] Sure :)

[Ysabeau] Ok, see you then... hopefully one of us will see Stefan or Jehan and can pass on the message to them.

[Symon] Have a good afternoon :)

[Ysabeau] You too, Symon.

  • Ysabeau gives you a friendly good-bye hug.
  • Symon returns the hug and heads out

  • Alma happens to spot you as you come out from the lab where you're working on Aushinre's old instrument.

[Alma] Ah, hello Ysabeau :)

[Alma] Do you have a moment?

[Ysabeau] Oh yes, Sister. :)

  • Ysabeau turns away from whatever she was working on, rubbing her eyes.

[Ysabeau] How have you been?

[Alma] Well enough, and you?

  • Alma steps into the lab and closes the door for privacy.

[Ysabeau] Good, thank you. Busy, though!

[Ysabeau] No sooner do I wrap up one major project, then embark on another.

[Alma] Yes, it seems we're in no way lacking in adventure these days :

[Alma] :|

  • Ysabeau shrugs.

[Alma] How goes your work with Aushinre's instrument?

[Ysabeau] Well, thank you.

[Ysabeau] Symon - M. Tourigny - was just here the other day and he gave me a few pointers about what kind of information a luthier would need to reproduce a similar instrument so that I can actually try playing it!

[Ysabeau] I think it will be lovely to know how it might have sounded.

[Alma] Yes, I think it would :)

[Ysabeau] But what can I do for you, Sister?

  • Ysabeau smiles pleasantly.

[Alma] I've been meaning for months to talk to you about this, I've just been so preoccupied. We've been wondering about this other Martan Olivier fellow, and I thought it might be a good idea to try scrying to see what we could determine.

[Alma] I thought that since the portrait was once his, it would provide a good focus for the spell.

[Ysabeau] Well, I don't think we know that the portrait was Martan Olivier's...

[Ysabeau] We know it was Martan Kizer's.

[Alma] No, precisely.

[Alma] However, if I Scry Martan Kizer, and we see Martan Olivier, we know they are one and the same.

[Ysabeau] Oh, I understand.

[Ysabeau] Well certainly I will bring it in if you think it will help the investigations any.

[Ysabeau] I don't have it with me, I'm afraid... If you have time to drop by my house, though?

[Alma] Yes, that would be fine.

[Alma] I'm not sure if I can think of a way to prove that they are NOT the same individual, but at least there's a possibility of one result giving us an answer.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] Well, whatever you prefer, then. I can bring the portrait tomorrow if that's soon enough, or you could come to my house now if you need it quickly.

[Alma] It's not a terrific rush, it's been weeks after all.

[Alma] It's madness that all that has happened has made such a thing as a potential resurrection such a low priority...

[Alma] .oO( And that I might even be planning to perform one? )

[Ysabeau] Well, it's a mad, mad world, Sister.

  • Ysabeau smiles wryly.

[Alma] I would give everything I have for a sane, sane world.

[Ysabeau] Oh, i don't know about that. Perhaps a little madness is necessary.

[Ysabeau] The world might be tedious and dull if everything were sane and orderly.

[Alma] I've never put much stock in that idea... that and "There can't be light without darkness."

[Alma] At least... there's a limit.

[Ysabeau] Well I suppose that is what separates poets and musicians from priests, then.

[Ysabeau] I can't imagine light without darkness. The one defines the other, and vice-versa.

[Alma] Perhaps.

[Ysabeau] But please, forgive me. We're both busy and I didn't mean to drag you into a discussion of philosophy.

[Ysabeau] Was there something else you wished to speak about, Sister?

[Alma] I seem to think there was, but I can't recall... I suppose you're here with Aushinre's instrument fairly frequently, so I know where to find you if I remember it :)

[Ysabeau] I am. :)

[Alma] You don't happen to know any Bardic spells which create food, do you?

[Ysabeau] No... I don't believe there are any.

[Ysabeau] Oh, wait.

[Ysabeau] There is one, but it's far beyond my abilities.

[Ysabeau] Some of my instructors might know it.

[Alma] Ah, yes, I think I know the one you mean.

[Ysabeau] It would feed a limited number of people.

[Alma] Fishing for food, I've been casting more spells for food than anything else -_-

[Alma] It's still not enough, really... but we're doing much better since the Emperor opened up the teleport circles.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] He told me he had negociated with the Cozovode, too.

[Alma] Oh?

[Ysabeau] I believe it will be tight, but we'll make it.... just.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Alma] He spoke of current affairs with you? :o

[Ysabeau] And we must pray that the growing season begins early or may the Gods have mercy on us all.

[Ysabeau] Well, I was playing for him and then he asked me something, so we conversed very briefly.

[Alma] Playing for the Emperor, you must be very proud :D

  • Ysabeau blushes and nods.

[Ysabeau] It's an honour, indeed.

[Ysabeau] I only wish...

[Alma] Something weighing on you about having the Emperor's ear? :o

[Ysabeau] Well, I wish my friends had been invited to play for him as well.

[Ysabeau] I don't really like being singled out.

[Alma] Ah, your loyalties to the Quartet.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Alma] Well, I'm sure you can expose His Highness to the quartet's work in good time :)

[Alma] If his tastes are not fickle, then you will have the trust of his ear, and if they are, perhaps it could be a suggestion to extend your opportunity :)

  • Ysabeau smiles half-heartedly.

[Ysabeau] I'm not sure I am cut out to be a courtier.

[Ysabeau] I don't know that I am wily enough to carry out a plan such as you suggest, Sister.

[Alma] It's not /that/ wily :)

[Alma] If he ever appears to be... looking for new music, you could suggest that he might be in the mood for a group performance.

[Alma] My ear isn't as polished as yours, but if the rest of the Quartet is as skilled as you are, then there's no reason to assume he wouldn't appreciate your performances as a group.

[Ysabeau] Possibly.

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Ysabeau] I shall take your advice to heart, Sister.

[Ysabeau] Thank you.

[Alma] I just think it's a shame to be worrying about guilt when you've got such an excellent opportunity.

[Ysabeau] Well, he only called for me once; he might not again, anyway. :)

[Ysabeau] I'm sure he has plenty more interesting people to talk to and many musicians to listen to.

[Alma] Oh, my goodness!

[Alma] I don't know how I forgot to mention, did you read the announcement?

[Alma] Ser Danyel and I are engaged!

  • Ysabeau 's pretty lips round into an 'o' and she covers her mouth with her hand to hide a smile.

[Ysabeau] Oh, that's wonderful, Sister!

[Alma] Thank you :)

[Ysabeau] I'm so happy for you.

[Ysabeau] The two of you make a fine pair.

[Alma] Thanks :)

  • Ysabeau stands up and gives you a hug.
  • Alma hugs back happily
  • Ysabeau holds onto your upper arms and looks at you gently with a warm expression.

[Ysabeau] That is really lovely news, Sister.

  • Ysabeau lets you go.

[Alma] I'm not sure when we'll be having the whole to-do. Probably after the first harvest comes in, at least...

[Ysabeau] Have you set a date yet?

[Ysabeau] Oh...

[Ysabeau] That's a good idea.

[Ysabeau] Oh you'll have such pretty children someday! ^-^

[Alma] I'm not even sure *where* it would be.

[Alma] Probably... someday :)

[Alma] Anyway, I was reminded because I was thinking how nice it would be if we have the ceremony in the city if you and the quartet would help entertain :)

[Alma] That is, if the Emperor doesn't have you monopolized.

[Ysabeau] Oh, I'm sure the lads would love to, Sister. I'll broach the matter with them this weekend when they come for supper.

[Alma] .oO( Oh, I hope she doesn't think I wouldn't invite her otherwise... and that I'm trying not to pay or anything... ... it doesn't matter there's months to straighten that out. )

  • Alma smiles

[Ysabeau] Thank you for thinking of us, Sister.

[Ysabeau] :)

[Alma] Nonsense, isn't it a step down from the parties you usually entertain? :)

[Ysabeau] Not at all, Sister.

[Alma] Well, I should let you return to your work...

[Ysabeau] And I to yours.

[Ysabeau] Please come by in the morning, if you will.

[Alma] Have a good day :)

[Ysabeau] I may be at home working on a musical piece during the afternoon.

[Ysabeau] You too, Sister.

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Alma] I'll try. :)

[Alma] Alma would patch up his throat with Heal

[Alma] If it looks like speech would be damaged.

[Alma] Shall I roll that?

[DiablotinNarrator] I don't know if you can Heal dead people :o

[DiablotinNarrator] maybe Mending :p

[Alma] No, not ... really, but I assume it's "medicine" for our time, so she would be able to sew the throat

[Alma] I thought of Mending actually :P

[DiablotinNarrator] hee

[Alma] I could do a raw mortician roll? :P

[DiablotinNarrator] sure, that seems plausible

  • Alma rolls

[ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 11 ]

[Alma] pfft

  • Alma waits for a real mortician? :P

[DiablotinNarrator] well, you can stitch him up - you have no idea if the internals of the throat/tongue will be improved, though.

[Alma] .oO( At least if it doesn't help, it won't heal wrong... )

  • Alma casts Speak With Dead.

[DiablotinNarrator] (ok)

  • Alma asks first, "Who attacked you in the sepulchre just before you died?"
  • DiablotinNarrator is now known as Corpse

[Corpse] ...ghlgl... day... n... door...

[Alma] .oO( Blast! )

[Corpse] ...hush...

  • Corpse draws out the word in a rattling whisper.
  • Alma tries casting Make Whole just in case -_-

[Corpse] (you can't cast another spell in the middle of SWD)

[Alma] (Oh, crap. I assumed since it didn't say concentration :( )

[Alma] Who killed Theodis Maez?

[Corpse] (I just don't think it makes sense... )

[Alma] (Ok.)

[Corpse] ...thh..is.. one...

[Alma] (I assume he means Phineas.)

  • Alma sighs

[Corpse] (you are certainly free to assume that)

[Alma] (I'd take a spell knowledge roll for SWD, or Divine Insight to help make it more certain.)

[Alma] Why was Theodis Maez killed?

[Corpse] ...ring...tkkk...

[Alma] (His ring predates her murder?)

[Corpse] (yes, he had it since you met him)

[Alma] The murderers carved a circle or an oval onto Brother Phineas's back, what could that mean?

[Corpse] ...sign.... mkkk lkkk... cult...

[Alma] ...

[Alma] .oO( This is so ... not really helping. )

[Alma] Were you involved in the theft of the necklace from the Antiquarian Society?

[Corpse] ...yesss...

  • Alma makes the sign of the wheel.
  • Corpse falls silent once more.
  • Alma makes sure to lay to rest and gentle repose Brother Phineas' corpse, in the hope that she might be able to speak to it again in a week.

[Alma] .oO( Dare I ask? )

[Corpse] (did you want to report this to the guards, and/or ask them?)

[DiablotinNarrator] Since they knew you were casting it, they will probably be curious about the results.

[Alma] (That is a goooood question.)

  • Alma will report her findings to an investigator, someone with rank enough that she has a reasonable expectation of discretion from them. She will ask to repeat the spell in a week's time if Strauch's widow can at all be placated.

[Alma] (sec while I decide if I tell all five answers)

[Alma] (Yeah, I do.)

[DiablotinNarrator] (ok)

  • Alma discreetly wiggles her status-bum to get her way ^_^

[DiablotinNarrator] The lieutenant you talk to tells you that it's up to the family - they will no doubt want to bury the body, but if the guard tell them the investigation is ongoing, they could keep the body for another week...

[Alma] That would be best.

[DiablotinNarrator] They will do that, then, if you think you can get more info.

  • Alma also has a real surgeon come look at his throat :|

[Alma] oh

[DiablotinNarrator] They are also quite interested in the answers you already got, even if they are rather... partial.

  • Alma tries Make Whole

[DiablotinNarrator] (ok - you'll know if it worked in a week, I guess :)

[Alma] (k!)

[Alma] :3

[DiablotinNarrator] ok, what's next?

[Alma] I assume we found nothing via locate object, etc?

[DiablotinNarrator] no

[Alma] bastards.

[Alma] I don't know any urchins to set up to watch for the ring

  • Alma calls Maze... er wait wrong time

[DiablotinNarrator] hee - but you totally do

[DiablotinNarrator] you had tosher orphans in your house :p

[Alma] That would be a completely inappropriate task for them -_-

[DiablotinNarrator] you could track them down again ;)

[Alma] Alma probably keeps tabs during the food shortage :P

[DiablotinNarrator] it was their job!

[DiablotinNarrator] well, sort ot

[DiablotinNarrator] of

[Alma] I should not be encouraging that sort of thing!

[DiablotinNarrator] lol

[DiablotinNarrator] they might appreciate the money ;)

[Alma] Man, Alma would totally try to get ahold of Altheo right now

[Alma] I suppose Alma could ask them to pass the mission on to someone else

[Alma] Ok, Alma will do that. :D

[DiablotinNarrator] find your urchins and ask them to... watch for the ring if it turns up?

[Alma] I give the lady who takes care of them now some imperials to find some people to keep an eye out for her (but keep herself and the kids out of it!)

[DiablotinNarrator] lol

[Alma] And that there'll be a reward of (reasonable amount) for a proper report

[DiablotinNarrator] sure, ok

[Alma] no child labour ^_^

[DiablotinNarrator] all right - what's next?

  • Alma has sent a message to Ysabeau letting her know that she'll be attempting to scry at Sometime, on Thatday.
  • Alma invites her to her home in the Grand.
  • Ysabeau shows up punctually.

[Alma] Now, I should have a benefit scrying with the portrait, as it is both a likeness and a possession of the late, or once-late, Martan Kizer.

[Alma] Unfortunately, short of grave robbery, I am not likely to find a body part to help focus the spell even more.

  • Alma glances inside the portrait one more time :(

[DiablotinNarrator] (nope)

[Alma] I've some reading available for you, as it takes about an hour for the spell.

  • Alma points to a pile of books and pamphlets
  • Ysabeau eyes the books and pamphlets. What are they about? o_O

[Alma] (Just all sorts of things, history, gardening, the Gods.)

[Alma] (Not like, the last 12 copies of Awake and The Watchtower)

  • Ysabeau pulls out a sheaf of papers from her satchel and settles down with a pencil.

[Ysabeau] Thanks, I'll look at them after I jot down this snatch of music that just popped into my head.

[Alma] Enjoy :)

  • Ysabeau makes efficient use of her time by working on the Emperor's symphony some more.
  • Alma sets the portrait on a shelf above the holy water font and begins to Scry Martan Kizer, the man in the portrait, who once gave it to a lover.
  • Ysabeau glances up often to watch the spell-casting process with interest.
  • Ysabeau is quiet and unobtrusive so as not to interrupt Alma's concentration.

[DiablotinNarrator] You scry as best as you can, but to no avail.

  • Alma lets out an exasperated sigh

[Alma] Nothing.

[Alma] Which is the worst result because it doesn't mean anything at all.

[Ysabeau] That's too bad...

[Ysabeau] Can you try again some other time?

[Alma] I can... though I'm not sure it would be of any use at all.

[Ysabeau] If I sang or played for you, it might help a little.

[Alma] I'm not sure that would help, unless you have anything that can... clarify the mind, and help focus...

  • Alma says whatever the arcane bywords are for +WIS

[Ysabeau] No, I'm afraid not.

[Alma] If I think of something, I'll come around looking for the portrait again.

[Alma] Perhaps a ... quickly imbibed potion of Owl's Wisdom or something...

[Ysabeau] Perhaps.

  • Alma slumps down into a seat beside Ysabeau and will rather tiredly chat about other things :3

[Ysabeau] I could try charming young Master Olivier next time I see him.

[Alma] I doubt he'd reveal whether he's resurrected for a mere charm :)

[Ysabeau] If he's the original Martan, the gift of the portrait suggests he might have been something of a womanizer.

[Alma] (Want to extend this scene later, C?)

[Ysabeau] (not necessarily, it's just a thought I'm tossing out there.)

  • Alma nervously gets ready to see Danyel's parents @_@

[Alma] .oO( Robes, or a dress? Would one of those ridiculous dresses be better? )

[Danyel] (do you want to talk to Danyel on his own first, or just go straight into it?)

  • Alma would ask for tips about his mother...

[Danyel] Well... Mother is very concerned with appearances. And she likes things to be ... well, the way she wants them to be.

[Danyel] But I'll be there - and I'm not going to stand for any mistreatment of you.

[Alma] I can understand that... I try not to bring Béziers into disrepute...

  • Danyel nods.

[Alma] Do you think robes are best?

[Danyel] Maybe so...

  • Danyel agrees.
  • Alma nods, they are her nicest robes ^_^

[Alma] Do you think she'll have any... more political concerns?

[Danyel] You look very respectable :)

[Alma] I should hope so :)

[Danyel] Political how?

[Alma] The sort of thing we'd have arranged ahead of time... I'm not sure really.

[Alma] Like... our names, we didn't discuss our names...

[Danyel] Oh, hm.

[Danyel] You mean with regards to titles and so on?

[Alma] My family prefers to keep the Bézier name ...

  • Danyel nods.

[Danyel] Well, I think Mother would be most concerned about what name the children would have.

[Danyel] But, I do have two brothers, so it's not as if I have to carry on the name all on my own.

  • Danyel smiles.

[Alma] Well, she's not likely to bring that up today anyway, I suppose...

[Danyel] We can hope.

  • Alma smiles.

[Alma] I'll just tell her I've stolen you away

  • Danyel laughs.
  • Alma hugs

[Danyel] Seduced me with your wanton charms? ;)

[Alma] .oO( Eeee! )

[Alma] Yes, I'm sure she'll believe that -_-

[Danyel] Well, they *are* very charming.

[Danyel] Don't worry - I've been dealing with my mother for twenty-eight years, I can handle this.

[Alma] Well we'd best get going then.

[Danyel] Yes... let's get it over with.

  • Danyel will have arranged for tea with his parents - not a meal, in case things turn sour, so you're not stuck glaring at each other over the soup course.
  • Alma is *so* wearing the choker and cape under her robes.

[Danyel] (heh)

[Alma] (Well, if I can get away with it.)

[Danyel] (sure, robes are loose)

  • Danyel escorts you to his family home in the Grand.
  • Elsa and her husband Thymas are waiting for you, and welcome you into their well-appointed (but not ostentatious) house.

[Alma] .oO( The house is very sensible at least... )

[Danyel] Father, Mother, you remember Sister Alma de Béziers, I'm sure.

[Elsa] Of course we do.

[Alma] Good afternoon, Mr and Mrs. Rackley :)

[Elsa] Sister.

  • Elsa says politely, if a bit frostily.
  • Danyel glances at you, reassuring.
  • Alma seems to be taking it more in stride now that it's actually before her.
  • Elsa pours some tea for the four of you.
  • Elsa makes smalltalk with Danyel about family things, people you don't know, etc.
  • Alma is properly gracious for the tea.
  • Alma tries her best to remember who they are *despite* her efforts.
  • Alma does her best to make polite comments when she does know the people in question.
  • Elsa isn't able to ignore you and continue to be polite, but she doesn't address you unless she has to ;)
  • Elsa does seem to mildly warm up, though, as you seem so respectable!

[Alma] You have quite a lovely home, Mrs. Rackley.

[Elsa] Thank you, Sister. It has been in the family for nine generations. My grandfather added the east wing... blah blah blah.

  • Alma listens attentively
  • Elsa seems to come from the more wealthy/illustrious background than her husband - she was a Deanda before she married, they're a very prominent family.
  • Alma tries to talk more about her interests and family than bring up her ... significantly more provincial family -_-

[Danyel] Well, Mother... Alma and I wished to discuss a certain matter.

  • Alma nods sincerely after Danyel.

[Danyel] I have asked her to marry me, and she's agreed.

[Elsa] ... well! I suppose, better late than never.

[Alma] :o

  • Danyel frowns.
  • Alma stiffens.

[Danyel] Mother, we have hardly delayed inappropriately. I have only known Alma a few months.

[Alma] .oO( Her house, her son, let it go, let it go... )

  • Elsa sniffs slightly.

[Elsa] Congratulations.

[Alma] Thank you, Mrs. Rackley.

[Elsa] When do you intend to be married?

  • Danyel glances at you.

[Danyel] We hadn't set a date, we wanted to tell you first.

  • Alma nods.

[Elsa] So there's no need to... rush?

[Alma] N... no. We thought perhaps late spring would be most appropriate.

[Elsa] Well. I suppose that would give me sufficient time to organize things.

[Alma] .oO( ... I suppose. )

[Elsa] We shall have the announcement drawn up to be included in the next edition of the Oracle.

[Alma] We were wondering which might be the best broadsheet for such an announcement, that's perfect.

[Elsa] Oh, none of the others would be suitable, my dear. Everyone of quality has their announcements in the Oracle.

[Alma] I admit that with my studies, I haven't been paying much attention to such announcements... I had thought marriage such a distant prospect when I came to the city.

  • Alma smiles at Danyel.

[Elsa] It's a shame your parents aren't here to see this day. I'm sure they would be very proud.

  • Danyel smiles back.

[Alma] Thank you :)

  • Alma says, sincerely.

[Elsa] But we will welcome you into the family, of course. And we look forward to meeting your young brother as well.

[Alma] Ah, yes... César. I'm sure he would love to come visit some afternoon. .oO( URK )

[Elsa] My youngest son, Ciril, is close to his age. Perhaps they will be able to entertain one another.

  • Alma smiles :) :) :)

[Alma] It really is a blessing that you live here in the city. I really am not experienced with planning events, and you know so much more about the city.

[Elsa] Don't you worry, my dear. I will take care of everything.

[Alma] .oO( Don't be afraid of that, Alma, be grateful. You don't *want* to deal with most of it... )

  • Elsa stands to give you a little hug and kiss on the cheek.
  • Alma is very, very careful to duplicate her "intimacy" level exactly.

[Elsa] Have you chosen attendants, or shall I select some appropriate young ladies?

[Alma] I haven't /quite/ decided on that...

[Elsa] Very well. Just let me know what you decide.

[Alma] Certainly :)

  • Danyel takes your hand and gives it a little squeeze.

[Elsa] Would you care to stay for dinner, Alma?

  • Alma squeezes back, pretty much relaxed.

[Alma] That would be lovely.

  • Alma will send Marielle back to let the household know, etc.

[Elsa] Very well. I'll have another place set at the table.

[Danyel] (so you can meet the whole family, yay ;)