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Calar Brescia: leaves
Calar Brescia: leaves
===Nik and His Father Discuss His Marriage to Lamont===
Mikethelas Amathalis: will likely still be busy dealing with the aftermath of the attack, seeing to the wounded and such, but Nik should be able to find him in a quiet moment at some point.
Nik: approaches his father a bit nervously, seeking a time when he's not extremely busy
Narrator: (We'll say Mik is having the closest thing a Regency noble can have to a quick lunch before getting back to work.)
Mikethelas Amathalis: Something on your mind, son?
Nik: Yes, Father, I was hoping I could talk with you.  If you're not too busy...
Mikethelas Amathalis: gestures for Nik to have a seat.
Nik: comes and sits down
Nik: How are things going, with the people who were injured? Is there still a lot of work to be done?
Mikethelas Amathalis: nods.
Mikethelas Amathalis: For a few of them, but many should be able to travel today, thank the gods.
Mikethelas Amathalis: All are welcome to stay, of course, but I think many want to return home after...everything.
Nik: nods
Nik: I feel awful that this happened.  I know it isn't my fault, but these people wouldn't have been here if not for me...
Mikethelas Amathalis: I would say it's to all our benefit they were, given how many rose in defense.
Mikethelas Amathalis: There's going to be a lot of work to do to figure out exactly why they attacked and how.
Nik: Do you know anything about that yet?
Mikethelas Amathalis: A bit. It seems they were targeting Fyan Nabari, and possibly Hraal Cziernos as well, though how they managed to get so far into our territory with a pack of demons in tow is still unclear.
Mikethelas Amathalis: shakes his head and sighs.
Nik: sighs as well
Mikethelas Amathalis: Some of the cousins are coming to help investigate, and we'll be working with the Palatines and others.
Nik: nods
Mikethelas Amathalis: But it may be a while before we know the full story, if at all.
Nik: I hope the truth can be discovered.
Mikethelas Amathalis: As do we all.
Mikethelas Amathalis: Something tells me that's not what's troubling you, precisely, though.
Nik: No... well, not exactly.
Nik: Lamont got a letter from his uncle saying he was going to come and pick him up.  It was... well, his messages always seem fine on the surface, but it made Lamont quite distressed.
Mikethelas Amathalis: frowns.
Nik: So... he is planning to leave and go to Stillmarch, before his uncle can get here.  I was hoping to go with him.
Mikethelas Amathalis: pauses for a moment.
Mikethelas Amathalis: That's perfectly acceptable, I suppose...
Nik: Only just for a couple of days.  Then I would go back to Highmark.
Mikethelas Amathalis: nods.
Mikethelas Amathalis: That's good. When, ah, when did he ask you to accompany him?
Nik: Yesterday morning...
Nik: I think he intends to depart tomorrow.
Mikethelas Amathalis: nods.
Mikethelas Amathalis: pauses just a moment before continuing.
Mikethelas Amathalis: Nikession, I have to ask...what are your intentions towards Lord Stillmarch?
Nik: looks more nervous
Nik: I... I care for him very deeply.  I know that perhaps you and Mother might not approve...
Nik: tries to gauge how his father is reacting before saying more
Mikethelas Amathalis: sighs and shakes his head, but gives a small smile.
Mikethelas Amathalis: It's not that we disapprove, Nik, it's just...you're very young, and we worry.
Nik: I know that I haven't known him in person for very long, but I've exchanged letters with him for years.  I do feel like I know him very well, despite not having had much time together.
Nik: So... I want to ask for his hand in marriage.
Nik: says, mustering his courage
Mikethelas Amathalis: pauses, but manages to contain any reaction beyond that.
Mikethelas Amathalis: That's a big decision, son.
Mikethelas Amathalis: I would ask if you're sure, but I know it must have taken a lot to bring it up just now, so I can tell you're serious.
Nik: I know it's a big decision, but it feels like the right one.  I don't know if he'll even accept, though...
Nik: Not because I think he doesn't return my feelings... but he worries about the situation with his uncle, and whether he would... would object, as it would mean Lamont would no longer be under his guardianship, if he was to marry.
Mikethelas Amathalis: nods slowly.
Nik: Father, his uncle has mistreated Lamont ever since he's had him in his "care"... and Lamont believes he is responsible for the deaths of his brother and his cousin, even if he has no proof of such an evil act...
Mikethelas Amathalis: What?
Mikethelas Amathalis: Nik, that's a hell of an accusation. I personally don't care for the man, but murder...
Nik: You could see yourself how sick Lamont became under his uncle's supervision, when it should have been something he could have recovered from in a day or two of rest.
Mikethelas Amathalis: That is true.
Mikethelas Amathalis: considers.
Nik: I know there is no proof, and it isn't my place to say such things, but I think he means Lamont harm, because ... because Lamont's dragonmark says as much, and I trust him.  I know it sounds crazy.
Mikethelas Amathalis: His dragonmark?
Nik: Um... well, it tells him people's intentions towards him.  I think it has caused him a great deal of suffering, because he has no way to turn it off, you know? He is always forced to be aware of people's motives when interacting with them.  I probably shouldn't have said as much, it is not something he likes to discuss....
Mikethelas Amathalis: That does sound like a difficult burden, and I can imagine it would negatively affect his interactions with people.
Mikethelas Amathalis: Which, actually, pertains to my concern. Nik, I know you care for Stillmarch, and, again, I think he's a fine fellow, but supporting him does not require marrying him. If what you both suspect is true, it would be putting you at risk.
Nik: But if marriage could help him to be free from his uncle, then... if I could help him that way...
Mikethelas Amathalis: I think it's very admirable you want to help, but you need to make sure it is the right thing for you. Will it make you happy? Will it provide the life you want?
Mikethelas Amathalis: He's a military man, son. You may not see him for long stretches of time while he's on one campaign or another. Is that something you'll be happy with?
Mikethelas Amathalis: I'm not trying to talk you out of anything. I just want to make sure you've considered everything.
Nik: sits quietly for a moment
Nik: I don't know.  But I do know that I don't think I could be happy with someone else, knowing that he remained in such an unhappy state.
Nik: If he was free to make his own choices, and if he told me he did not want to marry me, I could understand that, I suppose, although I would be sad.  But how could I go pursue someone else and leave him to his fate when I know that I could have helped him?  How selfish would I need to be in order to tell a person I love that he is too... too difficult for me to be with?
Mikethelas Amathalis: is stoic for a moment, but slowly smiles a resigned smile.
Mikethelas Amathalis: You love him, hmm?
Nik: nods
Mikethelas Amathalis: shakes his head and chuckles a little.
Mikethelas Amathalis: Corellon preserve me while the Moon Maiden has her fun...
Mikethelas Amathalis: There will be a lot of preparations to make, I suppose, once you speak to him about this.
Nik: But he might not even agree...
Mikethelas Amathalis: smiles more broadly at that.
Mikethelas Amathalis: Best not to think like that, son. He'd be a fool to say no, and I wouldn't want you marrying a fool in any case.
Mikethelas Amathalis: Your mother will be thrilled and terrified in equal measure, of course.
Mikethelas Amathalis: And there's still his uncle to deal with, the insufferable man.
Nik: smiles hopefully
Nik: Do you think you can keep him occupied here for a little while? So that he doesn't just immediately go to Stillmarch on learning Lamont isn't here? Just... just to give him a day or two to breathe?
Mikethelas Amathalis: chuckles and shakes his head.
Mikethelas Amathalis: I'm sure we can figure it out.
Mikethelas Amathalis: You mother and I will be the very model of insistent hospitality.
Nik: If pressed, I think Lamont will say he never received any such letter from his uncle, so did not know he was meant to remain here until his arrival.
Nik: I'm sure with all the confusion it would have been quite easy for a letter to not reach its intended recipient.
Mikethelas Amathalis: A perfectly understandable possibility.
Nik: Father... thank you.  I don't know what will happen, but I feel better knowing that I have your support.
Mikethelas Amathalis: Always, Nik.
Nik: will give him a hug
Mikethelas Amathalis: will happily hug Nik back.

Revision as of 02:48, 10 May 2023

AWRR Chapter logs
Previous Chapter 6 Next


Session date: 2023-04-30

At Therma Alba: Coifárë has a run in with their cousin Calar and they trade barbs. Nik talks to his father about Lamont and expresses his intention to propose. Mikethelas talks to Leonora about the attack and shows her a suspicious letter found on one of the cultists

At Stillmarch: Lamont brings Nik and Coifárë to Stillmarch, and shows them the lake once they arrive. Nik proposes in the orchard, and after a moment of panic, Lamont accepts. They discuss the path head, and Lamont's relationship with Coifárë as well. Later that night, Lamont brings Coifárë up to see one of the wonders of the lake. They discuss Lamont's engagement and what they mean to each other.

In Highmark: Lavinia has a heart to heart with her sister once they are back home, and tells Kitty that the courtship is back on. Chitara talks to her uncle Vaze about the trip, the attack, and meeting Sebastien.

Nik hosts Chitara for tea and they discuss their various romantic entanglements

Nik and Lamont visit with Leonora and Magga, who tell them about the letter from Thurston, and then they discuss the prospect of Lamont as a potential sire. Afterwards, Lamont returns to griffin's Crest, where Thurston allows him to make separate living arrangements, but insists on meeting with Nik formally before permitting the engagement

The Doumens siblings visit Chitara and her uncle Vaze for dinner, and Vaze gives permission for Sebastien to formally court his niece.

Juno and Rosalie run into each other while Rosalie is finalizing plans for Founders Day in the park. Meanwhile, Victorina and Chitara meet to discuss their plans for the Akasic exposition and ball.

Sebastien and Chitara go for an invigorating and romantic ride outside of the city.


Coifare Talks to Their Cousin

Calar Brescia: Ah cousin, so glad I ran into you. Shame about the big feast.

Calar Brescia: I had heard they were finally going to bring out the good wine

Coifárë: I'm sorry?

Coifárë: will look up from their painting.

Calar Brescia: Events have been called off tonight... for reasons I guess

Coifárë: frowns.

Calar Brescia: shrugs

Coifárë: Yes, because people died, Calar.

Coifárë: I assume the Amathalises felt it would be in poor taste to feast tonight.

Calar Brescia: Yes, yes, there was death... let their souls travel to their deserved place in the heavens

Calar Brescia: The only real reason I showed up to this...gathering... was for the final event

Coifárë: Oh? And to what were you looking forward?

Calar Brescia: To shower these folks with the blessing of my presence, in the one event worthy of my attention

Calar Brescia: and now its all a waste

Calar Brescia: at least you got to... doodle?

Calar Brescia: gestures to the painting

Coifárë: sighs at that.

Coifárë: I've had some opportunity to paint, yes. The gardens are beautiful, and the chapel is very peaceful.

Coifárë: You haven't had a chance to, ahem, 'shower' anyone in the few days we've been here?

Coifárë: I would have thought the baths made for an easy opportunity make an impression.

Calar Brescia: still trying to drag me down to your level I see

Calar Brescia: I attended the baths, as appropriate for one of my standard, and have met with those who were deserved of my attention

Coifárë: I've no idea what you could possibly mean, but I've made quite a few pleasant acquaintances since we arrived.

Coifárë: Oh? Anyone of which your grandmother would approve?

Calar Brescia: So now you take an interest in family affairs... away from whatever other affairs you were up to these past few days?

Coifárë: You know I only follow my heart, at the behest of our lord of Arvandor. .

Coifárë: And, as our family stands in his stead on Arth, my service to them is service to our House.

Coifárë: says in a saccharinely sweet voice.

Calar Brescia: yes, it is service. Although when it comes to service, while always appreciated, some are just more valuable than others, wouldn't you agree?

Coifárë: Some may have larger or smaller parts to play, perhaps, but all service is valuable. I think there's an Erathin parable to that end that's escaping me at the moment.

Coifárë: Something about striving to be tools of the gods, and I'm sure you are indeed a very important tool, dear cousin.

Calar Brescia: smirks

Calar Brescia: Just as your service remains small

Coifárë: It seems to suit Corellon well enough.

Calar Brescia: looks at the painting

Narrator: (It's a view of the grounds/gardens from one of the balconies.)

Calar Brescia: I can see why you practice so much... Meletharius you are not.

Calar Brescia: give it a few decades, who knows? I might put one up in my kennel

Coifárë: Nor am I striving to be, but even a pale comparison is a compliment.

Coifárë: Oh, you honor me, to talk of hanging one of my works in your own bedchamber so.

Coifárë: I shall strive to make it worthy of the honor.

Calar Brescia: Oh, you must be thinking of yourself, sleeping with the bitches

Calar Brescia: I'm sure you hang all your artwork there already

Coifárë: I prefer different art in such situations, but it can be aesthetically pleasing.

Coifárë: Perhaps if you had the opportunity to not sleep alone, you might find it so as well, alas.

Calar Brescia: Such is my burden, so close to the throne, I must keep myself secluded, waiting for such that is deserving of my company

Calar Brescia: Sometimes I envy that you have none of that worry

Coifárë: It's certainly more companionable than your...solitude, I must admit.

Calar Brescia: but it passes quckly

Coifárë: I shall say a prayer to Sehanine that her blessings find you, cousin.

Coifárë: I'm sure the favor of a god can overcome any social...distance.

Calar Brescia: Your concern over me is refreshing cousin. Good to see you will keep me in your prayers.

Calar Brescia: I think the next time I deem to visit one of these estates, I'll have to be a squad with me, just to make sure its safe

Coifárë: Ah, of course. I suppose not everyone is able to manage with a borrowed spear or shield, and we can't have any harm coming to the heir's heir. Better safe than sorry. How did you fare during the raid?

Calar Brescia: You needn't have feared for my well being. I am more than capable of ensuring its safety. That is the concern though. If the raid had not been more haphazard, a real threat could have befallen me. I do not abide by luck avoiding such threats.

Calar Brescia: Should I have not been a priority for you? I did not see you trying to seek me out to ensure my saferty.

Gueiris: (safety)

Coifárë: To the contrary, cousin, once I saw the heir to Therma Alba to safety, I and others moved back out the grounds to find any and all who might be in danger.

Coifárë: Luckily, though we didn't find you, you seem to have found your way to safety.

Coifárë: I believe heard it was an outhouse? Something to that effect?

Calar Brescia: If you think to be amusing, I find it lacking. It's not like I would rely on you for my safety regardless

Coifárë: But upon someone, I'm sure. One of those of 'less valuable service' perhaps?

Coifárë: Be sure to thank them for their leal service, as any good prince would.

Coifárë: For the moment, however, you're blocking my light.

Calar Brescia: Alas, you make the enfeebled assumption that I hold those who serve the throne in low regard. You mistake your single perspective and make broad assertions, failing to see how singular you are.

Calar Brescia: enjoy your doodling

Calar Brescia: leaves

Nik and His Father Discuss His Marriage to Lamont

Mikethelas Amathalis: will likely still be busy dealing with the aftermath of the attack, seeing to the wounded and such, but Nik should be able to find him in a quiet moment at some point.

Nik: approaches his father a bit nervously, seeking a time when he's not extremely busy

Narrator: (We'll say Mik is having the closest thing a Regency noble can have to a quick lunch before getting back to work.)

Mikethelas Amathalis: Something on your mind, son?

Nik: Yes, Father, I was hoping I could talk with you. If you're not too busy...

Mikethelas Amathalis: gestures for Nik to have a seat.

Nik: comes and sits down

Nik: How are things going, with the people who were injured? Is there still a lot of work to be done?

Mikethelas Amathalis: nods.

Mikethelas Amathalis: For a few of them, but many should be able to travel today, thank the gods.

Mikethelas Amathalis: All are welcome to stay, of course, but I think many want to return home after...everything.

Nik: nods

Nik: I feel awful that this happened. I know it isn't my fault, but these people wouldn't have been here if not for me...

Mikethelas Amathalis: I would say it's to all our benefit they were, given how many rose in defense.

Mikethelas Amathalis: There's going to be a lot of work to do to figure out exactly why they attacked and how.

Nik: Do you know anything about that yet?

Mikethelas Amathalis: A bit. It seems they were targeting Fyan Nabari, and possibly Hraal Cziernos as well, though how they managed to get so far into our territory with a pack of demons in tow is still unclear.

Mikethelas Amathalis: shakes his head and sighs.

Nik: sighs as well

Mikethelas Amathalis: Some of the cousins are coming to help investigate, and we'll be working with the Palatines and others.

Nik: nods

Mikethelas Amathalis: But it may be a while before we know the full story, if at all.

Nik: I hope the truth can be discovered.

Mikethelas Amathalis: As do we all.

Mikethelas Amathalis: Something tells me that's not what's troubling you, precisely, though.

Nik: No... well, not exactly.

Nik: Lamont got a letter from his uncle saying he was going to come and pick him up. It was... well, his messages always seem fine on the surface, but it made Lamont quite distressed.

Mikethelas Amathalis: frowns.

Nik: So... he is planning to leave and go to Stillmarch, before his uncle can get here. I was hoping to go with him.

Mikethelas Amathalis: pauses for a moment.

Mikethelas Amathalis: That's perfectly acceptable, I suppose...

Nik: Only just for a couple of days. Then I would go back to Highmark.

Mikethelas Amathalis: nods.

Mikethelas Amathalis: That's good. When, ah, when did he ask you to accompany him?

Nik: Yesterday morning...

Nik: I think he intends to depart tomorrow.

Mikethelas Amathalis: nods.

Mikethelas Amathalis: pauses just a moment before continuing.

Mikethelas Amathalis: Nikession, I have to ask...what are your intentions towards Lord Stillmarch?

Nik: looks more nervous

Nik: I... I care for him very deeply. I know that perhaps you and Mother might not approve...

Nik: tries to gauge how his father is reacting before saying more

Mikethelas Amathalis: sighs and shakes his head, but gives a small smile.

Mikethelas Amathalis: It's not that we disapprove, Nik, it's just...you're very young, and we worry.

Nik: I know that I haven't known him in person for very long, but I've exchanged letters with him for years. I do feel like I know him very well, despite not having had much time together.

Nik: So... I want to ask for his hand in marriage.

Nik: says, mustering his courage

Mikethelas Amathalis: pauses, but manages to contain any reaction beyond that.

Mikethelas Amathalis: That's a big decision, son.

Mikethelas Amathalis: I would ask if you're sure, but I know it must have taken a lot to bring it up just now, so I can tell you're serious.

Nik: I know it's a big decision, but it feels like the right one. I don't know if he'll even accept, though...

Nik: Not because I think he doesn't return my feelings... but he worries about the situation with his uncle, and whether he would... would object, as it would mean Lamont would no longer be under his guardianship, if he was to marry.

Mikethelas Amathalis: nods slowly.

Nik: Father, his uncle has mistreated Lamont ever since he's had him in his "care"... and Lamont believes he is responsible for the deaths of his brother and his cousin, even if he has no proof of such an evil act...

Mikethelas Amathalis: What?

Mikethelas Amathalis: Nik, that's a hell of an accusation. I personally don't care for the man, but murder...

Nik: You could see yourself how sick Lamont became under his uncle's supervision, when it should have been something he could have recovered from in a day or two of rest.

Mikethelas Amathalis: That is true.

Mikethelas Amathalis: considers.

Nik: I know there is no proof, and it isn't my place to say such things, but I think he means Lamont harm, because ... because Lamont's dragonmark says as much, and I trust him. I know it sounds crazy.

Mikethelas Amathalis: His dragonmark?

Nik: Um... well, it tells him people's intentions towards him. I think it has caused him a great deal of suffering, because he has no way to turn it off, you know? He is always forced to be aware of people's motives when interacting with them. I probably shouldn't have said as much, it is not something he likes to discuss....

Mikethelas Amathalis: That does sound like a difficult burden, and I can imagine it would negatively affect his interactions with people.

Mikethelas Amathalis: Which, actually, pertains to my concern. Nik, I know you care for Stillmarch, and, again, I think he's a fine fellow, but supporting him does not require marrying him. If what you both suspect is true, it would be putting you at risk.

Nik: But if marriage could help him to be free from his uncle, then... if I could help him that way...

Mikethelas Amathalis: I think it's very admirable you want to help, but you need to make sure it is the right thing for you. Will it make you happy? Will it provide the life you want?

Mikethelas Amathalis: He's a military man, son. You may not see him for long stretches of time while he's on one campaign or another. Is that something you'll be happy with?

Mikethelas Amathalis: I'm not trying to talk you out of anything. I just want to make sure you've considered everything.

Nik: sits quietly for a moment

Nik: I don't know. But I do know that I don't think I could be happy with someone else, knowing that he remained in such an unhappy state.

Nik: If he was free to make his own choices, and if he told me he did not want to marry me, I could understand that, I suppose, although I would be sad. But how could I go pursue someone else and leave him to his fate when I know that I could have helped him? How selfish would I need to be in order to tell a person I love that he is too... too difficult for me to be with?

Mikethelas Amathalis: is stoic for a moment, but slowly smiles a resigned smile.

Mikethelas Amathalis: You love him, hmm?

Nik: nods

Mikethelas Amathalis: shakes his head and chuckles a little.

Mikethelas Amathalis: Corellon preserve me while the Moon Maiden has her fun...

Mikethelas Amathalis: There will be a lot of preparations to make, I suppose, once you speak to him about this.

Nik: But he might not even agree...

Mikethelas Amathalis: smiles more broadly at that.

Mikethelas Amathalis: Best not to think like that, son. He'd be a fool to say no, and I wouldn't want you marrying a fool in any case.

Mikethelas Amathalis: Your mother will be thrilled and terrified in equal measure, of course.

Mikethelas Amathalis: And there's still his uncle to deal with, the insufferable man.

Nik: smiles hopefully

Nik: Do you think you can keep him occupied here for a little while? So that he doesn't just immediately go to Stillmarch on learning Lamont isn't here? Just... just to give him a day or two to breathe?

Mikethelas Amathalis: chuckles and shakes his head.

Mikethelas Amathalis: I'm sure we can figure it out.

Mikethelas Amathalis: You mother and I will be the very model of insistent hospitality.

Nik: If pressed, I think Lamont will say he never received any such letter from his uncle, so did not know he was meant to remain here until his arrival.

Nik: I'm sure with all the confusion it would have been quite easy for a letter to not reach its intended recipient.

Mikethelas Amathalis: A perfectly understandable possibility.

Nik: Father... thank you. I don't know what will happen, but I feel better knowing that I have your support.

Mikethelas Amathalis: Always, Nik.

Nik: will give him a hug

Mikethelas Amathalis: will happily hug Nik back.

