AWRR Chapter 1

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AWRR session logs
Session 1 Next


Session date: 2023-01-22

It is the evening of the Sehanine Spring Masquerade being thrown by Highmark City Councilor Jesseryn Callais at his manor, the Arbor. Despite how precious space is in Highmark, the Arbor is several acres of gardens with plants from all over Nerath and beyond, including some that exist nowhere else. A particularly impressive piece is the newly-built greenhouse constructed with genuine Harrowden glass, at great expense.

Before the party, Lamont checks in with his uncle and guardian, while Katherina badgers her sister into promising to think about kissing boys. Leonora and her companion, Nenea Sparge, discuss her plans and prospects.

At the party, early arrivals Nik and Victorina are introduced by their publisher, Callisto Vallée. Victorina checks in with her chaperone, Eudora kan Vappoheimer. When Chitara arrives, Victorina introduces herself, and the two discuss their common political agenda. Nik and Lavinia get reacquainted and talk about the ball. Lavinia and Lamont are introduced by Lavinia's mother in an attempt to set them up. Lavinia is accosted by her sister afterwards to see if she is thinking about her promise before disappearing.

Coifárë and Gueiris meet up outside for hellos, and are joined briefly by Lamont before they all make their way inside and separate. Lavinia and Gueirirs are introduced in person, and find that they hit it off better than expected. Coifárë and Nik meet while exploring the gardens, and agree to a dance later in the evening. Nik also runs into Chitara, and also promises them a dance.

Leonora meets up with Gueiris and give him some perhaps unwanted advice about courting. She then approaches Lamont to try and feel out whether he might be a suitable candidate for her plants, and invites him to dinner with her husband. Afterwards, Coifárë comes across Lamont in the garden, and the two share a brief moment of intimacy before being interrupted by Chitara. Coifárë leaves with Chitara, and they get acquainted and dance.

Lamont recognizes Nik, and the two catch up briefly, before Lamont takes an unexpected nap on his shoulder. Coifárë checks in on them - Lamont decides he should leave the party, and Coifárë and Nik share a dance

Rosalie and her brother Sebastien arrive late and run into Lamon (literally). Sebastien bamboozles him into a few rounds of cards, and Rosalie relents.


Session date: 2023-01-22

Intro: The Party of the Season

Narrator: As mentioned before, you've all been invited to attend the Sehanine Spring Masquerade being thrown by Highmark City Councilor Jesseryn Callais at his manor, the Arbor. Despite how precious space is in Highmark, the Arbor is several acres of gardens with plants from all over Nerath and beyond, including some that exist nowhere else. A particularly impressive piece is the newly-built greenhouse constructed with genuine Harrowden glass, at great expense.

Narrator: On a relative scale, what time were people thinking of arriving? Assume it begins early in the evening.

Nik: (I would probably arrive on time, having no sense of being fashionably late to anything 😉

Chitara: (Chitara is definitely arriving fashionably late but... only barely bc she's also very excited)

Stillmarch: (Lamont will be fashionably late for sure, like an hour or so, because he does know how these things work)

Leonora: (Leonora will also be fashionably late, having spent the afternoon with Magga)

Lavinia: will arrive late, but less due to fashion than to getting lost on the way.

Victorina: (Victorian will be on time, being completely unaware of things like being fashionably late)

Lamont checks in with his uncle

Chitara: Thurston expects Lamont to check in before leaving for the party. He's waiting in his study

Stillmarch: has taken his time getting ready, but will brace himself for this last hurdle

Stillmarch: will knock

Thurston Allard: Come in

Stillmarch: will step inside, leaving the door open behind him

Stillmarch: You wanted to see me, uncle?

Thurston Allard: Looks the boy over, seemingly neither pleased nor annoyed enough to critique his outfit Hm. I wanted to look you over before you get into your first proper Season. I suppose you'll have to do.

Stillmarch: 😒

Stillmarch: Is that all?

Thurston Allard: No. It is my responsibility to make sure you are adequately prepared to represent the family.

Stillmarch: . o O (Oh now you're concerned, hah)

Stillmarch: Very well...

Stillmarch: (I assume T is really just doing this to be shitty, please let me know if other motives ;p)

Thurston Allard: How are you planning on approaching this event?

Chitara: (half to be shitty, half for intel, with a dash of appearances)

Stillmarch: ...In what sense?

Thurston Allard: You are young and have not always kept the best company. You are not attending the ball for pleasure, you are doing so as the heir to your house. Anything you do tonight reflects on us and shapes your reputation for the rest of your life.

Stillmarch: mostly managed to look not too angry at that dig at his dead friend that YOU HAD MURDERED

Stillmarch: I understand my position.

Stillmarch: says, mostly cooly

Thurston Allard: Very well. Above all things, remember your honor. Make no promises you are not certain you can keep. You may go.

Stillmarch: Thank you.

Stillmarch: will get out then and be glad it wasn't worse :P

Katherina badgers her sister

Katherina: will come bother her sister as they are finishing up getting dressed

Lavinia: looks up from finishing her makeup.

Katherina: Hey Vinnie...

Lavinia: smiles.

Lavinia: Are you almost ready, Kitty?

Katherina: oh you do have all the good rouge in here, I knew it!

Katherina: swipes it off your dresser and will start applying it

Katherina: probably mother's doing really

Lavinia: will start to say something and then stop herself.

Lavinia: She says I need all the help I can get.

Katherina: Are you excited?

Katherina: pfft, you don't need any of this!

Lavinia: I suppose... more nervous, really.

Katherina: Nerves about what?

Lavinia: sighs.

Lavinia: What if no one wants anything to do with me? Or worse... what if they do and then...

Lavinia: moves her finger across her throat.

Lavinia: You know...

Katherina: no - then what?

Lavinia: You know perfectly well what I mean. What if I really am... <w> ...cursed....<w>

Katherina: The only curse you suffer from is mother!

Katherina: you just had bad luck or really, if you think about it - maybe it was good luck.

Lavinia: Kitty! You shouldn't speak like that!

Katherina: Neither of them was a good match on anythig but paper and the second one barely even talked to you at all!

Lavinia: He was... busy.

Lavinia: Besides, they were perfectly fine matches. Their families were very influential.

Katherina: Vinnie, you can't let her push you into these things. It's just making yu miserale. That's the curse, I think.

Katherina: Will you do womerhign for me tonight though?

Lavinia: You don't understand. I don't have a choice.

Lavinia: What?

Katherina: Waves her hand dismissiely She can't actually make you, and you do have choices if you want to, Vinnie.

Katherina: but!

Katherina: Hmmm.... nyou do like boys, right?

Lavinia: considers.

Lavinia: In theory.

Katherina: Well. I want you to take a good look at them tonight, even if you aren't introduced to them and....

Katherina: smiles brightly

Lavinia: Kitty!

Katherina: I want you to pick out at least one that you might want to kiss!

Lavinia: blushes crimson

Lavinia: You are horrid!

Lavinia: Without even an introduction?

Katherina: I am not!

Katherina: I didn't say you have to kiss them...

Lavinia: You shouldn't even think such things!

Katherina: Just pick you you would like to kiss.

Katherina: laughs

Lavinia: You have been reading entirely too many Ballista Sinslinger novels.

Katherina: not thinking them is the problem, Vinie

Katherina: I'm just saying. You're supposed to marry one. You don't even know if you like them at all, or what to do with them, and I think it would be good to know what you're meant to be getting into.

Katherina: So!

Lavinia: What does liking them have to do with marrying them?

Katherina: Well, you don't have to marry a boy you know!

Katherina: But that's just one thing. Mosty I mean... I think it will be a little less scary if you know more what to expect.

Katherina: You;re the Heir! What you want shoudl matter and mother won't even let you think about what that might be!

Lavinia: I don't know that it would make much difference. At this point I need to take what I can get.

Lavinia: If I don't, then it falls on you. And I don't think either of us wants that.

Katherina: see? That is what I mean. You're not that old, VInnie, what's he rush?

Katherina: I'm not worried about me.

Lavinia: I am.

Lavinia: I worry about you dearly.

Katherina: Well, don't. I can take care of myself.

Katherina: I want you to think about you!

Katherina: Not to worry... but just... think what you want, okay?

Katherina: Because it shoudl matter.

Lavinia: sighs.

Lavinia: What about you? Is there anyone that you have thought about... kissing...

Katherina: smirks

Katherina: Vinnie, this is about you, don't trouble yourself about me at all!

Lavinia: smirks.

Katherina: How do I look?

Lavinia: There is!

Lavinia: Don't try to change the subject! Who is it?

Katherina: puts down the rouge pot and looks at you slyly

Katherina: I'll tell you what Vinnie. If you come back to me after this ball with even just one name.... I'll tell you then.

Lavinia: Oh, you horrible creature!

Lavinia: laughs

Katherina: smiles shamelessly

Katherina: Just one! One name!

Katherina: Or point him out to me if you don't know

Lavinia: We'll see.

Lavinia: I can never win with you, can I? It's really not fair at all that you got all the beauty AND all the brains.

Stillmarch: (I would like to offer you a resolve token to have Lavinia be actively be thinking about kissing boys during this masqurade)

Lavinia: (I will absolutely take that :3 )

Lavinia: (I marked it on the sheet)

Stillmarch: (fantastic :V)

Katherina: See, there you go, underestiating yourself again... Here

Katherina: rearranges Laviia's hair just slightly to make her look even prettier See?

Lavinia: smiles genuinely.

Lavinia: You are the most wonderful sister. Even if you ARE trouble.

Katherina: will give you a little hug I'm just the trouble you need. NOw I have to go and fetch my mask... I'll see you downstairs - and don't forget what we agree on!

Lavinia: rolls her eyes.

Lavinia: Hurry or we'll be late.

Katherina: laughs again as she dashed out the door Silly, we're supposed to be late! It's fashion!

Leonora and Nenea discuss plans

Nenea Sparge: will have arranged a carriage to take you both to the Arbor, though it's not too terribly far.

Leonora: seems unusually nervous for someone raised in high society and who has attended dozens of these things.

Nenea Sparge: Are you all right?

Leonora: Oh ... oh yes, thank you. It's just different when you're thirty-three than when you're eighteen. And the stakes are different.

Nenea Sparge: Well, this is just the first event of the season. It's...reconnaissance, not the battle itself.

Nenea Sparge: tries to be reassuring.

Leonora: Yes, exactly, reconnaissance. Making lists, and then, critically, crossing names off those lists.

Leonora: You have not been to so many of these yourself, have you, Nenea?

Nenea Sparge: This is only my second season, so I have a very little experience, but I know what's what and, importantly, who's who.

Leonora: Well, you will no doubt see many wonders and distractions, but have no worry, there will be time to get you arranged in the future.

Nenea Sparge: There should be a number of prospects for you as well. I'm told the Marquess of Stillmarch is attending, for instance.

Nenea Sparge: He meets your requirements, in theory.

Leonora: Yes, in theory.

Leonora: Do you know his uncle Thurston?

Nenea Sparge: I know of him.

Nenea Sparge: lists his holdings (or the ones he manages) and any other relevant info.

Nenea Sparge: Is he someone you're looking at as well?

Leonora: No, I wouldn't say that.

Leonora: He's someone who I once knew, years ago.

Leonora: As for Stillmarch himself, he may not be interested in what we have on offer, if he's looking for a marriage. But we'll have to see.

Leonora: Oh, remind me tomorrow to write Mother. She'll want to know how the first event of the Season went.

Nenea Sparge: nods decisively, a tic you recognize when she's specifically committing something to memory.

Nenea Sparge: Hopefully, you'll have something good to write about.

Leonora: She will not want me to make a decision too quickly.

Nenea Sparge: Oh, I didn't mean that. I just meant hopefully there will be some promising prospects.

Nenea Sparge: You have all season to make a decision.

Leonora: nods.

Leonora: I think Magga would like me to finish up sooner rather than later. He's uncomfortable here, I can tell.

Nenea Sparge: Is it Highmark in particular, or is he just anxious to get home?

Leonora: Not even Highmark the city. Just this sort of society, you know, not everyone cares for goblins.

Leonora: Plenty would see him as an interloper, or worse.

Nenea Sparge: nods.

Nenea Sparge: I understand his concern, but it might do some good to have him put in an appearance from time to time. Get more people used to seeing Nachtur's nobility taking part.

Leonora: Yes, I'll discuss that with him again.

Leonora: I think in this matter, you and I are in agreement, dear. But a marriage works under different terms. ... I'll try.

Nenea Spargo: I don't mean to push. I'm just trying to, well, assist as best I can.

Leonora: I know, and I appreciate it.

Leonora: And in his own way Magga appreciates it too.

Nik and Victorina are introduced

Narrator: Julie, who would be accompanying Nik?

Nik: (That's an excellent question. I assume Agatha is there per usual, but idk if she's like... a guest, or just lurking and keeping an eye on him. If he has an actual plus one/friend/companion, it would be Callisto I guess, since she's one of the only people he knows here.)

Narrator: (Okay, Agatha is listed as his chaperone, so we can say she's with him.)

Nik: (ok, that works)

Narrator: Kate, I assume Victorina is accompanied by the kan Vappoheimers?

Victorina: at least one of them

Narrator: Okie doke

Narrator: Since only two of our pcs are there early, I figure lets find a way for them to interact. Is there a connection that could introduce them, perhaps, or we could have them bump into each other getting refreshments, maybe?

Nik: (bump into each other seems ok, since I don't know how they would connect via NPCs, unless it was like... Jesseryn introducing people to one another 🙂

Narrator: Okay, how about this? Nik, you've passed the gauntlet of being introduced to the host and his wife, and are in the party proper. Agatha has been fussing over you as is her wont, and you think you've managed to elude her for the moment (ghosts being notoriously difficult to lose).

Narrator: Victorina, Eudora has already pointed out several eligible matches for you, and your dance card is getting fuller than you'd like. You manage a moment to yourself as you retire for something to drink.

Narrator: How are Nik and Victorina presenting themselves this evening?

Victorina: Victorina is dressed as plainly as she can get away with without being rude. She's tempted to destroy the dance card but she's worried about getting another lecture about 'proper' behavior during events like these.

Nik: is wearing a flowing pale blue robe with tiny crystals embroidered in the fabric for a sparkling effect. The style is old-fashioned, like very old fashioned, not just a season or two out of date. His long white hair is tied up in a complex knot with a blue ribbon woven through it. He looks a bit awestruck and excited to be here.

Callisto Vallée: spots the both of you and makes her way over.

Narrator: (Now I'm blanking. How did we say Nik is referred to in polite society? Family's second-most prestigious holding?)

Nik: (yeah, I think that's right. Evenor)

Callisto Vallée: Lord Evenor! Miss Allement! What a pleasure to see you both here tonight.

Nik: Oh, hello! Good evening!

Nik: remembers to bow politely

Victorina: "Good evening." She tucks her dance card away; she'll deal with it another time.

Callisto Vallée: Have you two been introduced? I would imagine of my authors could find some way to fill a conversation.

Nik: No, we haven't! Oh, are you an author, Miss Allement? How wonderful!

Callisto Vallée: Lord Evenor, allow me to present Miss Victorina Allement. Miss Allement, Nikession Amathalis, Lord Evenor.

Victorina: "I author informational pamphlets to be handed out to the public. I don't profit from my work."

Nik: Ah, fascinating! What sort of informational pamphlets?

Victorina: Victorina's expressed brightens. What follows is a half hour rant/lecture about how the new settlements are suffering without recognition as city states even though they more the qualify for the designation. About how their prosperity can only continue if the government would recognize them for all their hard work.

Nik: will listen politely and ask occasional questions (which probably demonstrate that he doesn't know very much about the issue in question.)

Callisto Vallée: will listen politely for a little bit before making an excuse to go.

Victorina: Vicotrina has a captive audience (even if it's an audience of one) and will continue talking.

Nik: is trapped and doesn't really know how to extricate himself politely, so will just smile and nod and try to be interested.

Nik: Well, um, do you come to such events often, Miss Allement? I have never been to a ball so I don't quite know what to expect.

Nik: will try interjecting at some point.

Victorina: This sudden question not related to her passion project actually leaves her speechless for a moment. After thinking she responds, "This is my first one as well. I'm in town to help advocate for new city states. It was suggested that I attend these kind of events to garner more support."

Nik: Oh, that seems like a promising path forward for your goals. Do you know others who are also attending tonight?

Victorina: "I'm, afraid I didn't pay much attention to the guest list. Being so new in town most of the names meant nothing to me."

Nik: Oh? Where are you from originally?

Victorina: "Ebemar."

Nik: That's quite far! I think?

Nik: ponders matters of geography

Nik: As for myself, I am from Thantopolis. Which is also far, but less far?

Nik: Highmark is quite a fascinating city! Everything is so... lively.

Victorina: "True. I do wish the citizenry would take more interest in current events though. It's been hard drumming up enough interest."

Nik: Hmm. Well, perhaps you shall have more good fortune here this evening!

Victorina: "I sure hope so."

Chitara Arrives

Narrator: (Maybe that's a good segue into more people arriving? Perhaps Chitara can be introduced to Victorina?)

Chitara: (sounds perfect)

Eudora kan Vappoheimer: will find Victorina soon after.

Eudora kan Vappoheimer: I saw you talking to Lord Evenor for some time. Very well done.

Victorina: "Oh? He's that important?"

Eudora kan Vappoheimer: Heir to Therma Alba, House Amalthis. You could do much worse. How did he seem?

Victorina: "He...he listened to me. Nervous about being here..."

Eudora kan Vappoheimer: I can imagine, the poor lad. First season jitters and all.

Eudora kan Vappoheimer: Oh, hmm, I believe one of the Ahkasic delegations has arrived.

Eudora kan Vappoheimer: glances over to where Chitara and, presumably, their uncle are making their way inside.

Chitara: Chitara seems to be making a bit of a splash, in a frothy but semi-transparent dress heavily adorned with tropical spring flowers, and a mask seemingly made entirely of more flowers

Eudora kan Vappoheimer: Hmph. What these foreigners wear.

Eudora kan Vappoheimer: These are the people you want to bring into the Confederacy?

Victorina: "Of course. What's wrong with a little diversity and new ideas?"

Eudora kan Vappoheimer: I suppose that depends on the ideas.

Victorina: "You won't know until you hear them."

Narrator: (Seems like a good line for you to approach Chitara 😉 )

Victorina: Maintaining her pose Victorina will walk over to the delegates, focusing on the unusual lady in the fascinating dress. "Such a lovely gown! Where did you get the material?"

Chitara: Chitara grins. "I brought it from home, back in Ebemar. I wasn't sure if I'd have time to have my costumes ready for the first few events. I also brought the flowers from home, held in magical stasis."

Victorina: Victorina claps her hands together, "Oh I thought the style was familiar. I'm from Ebemar as well."

Chitara: "Oh, wonderful! I hadn't expected to meet someone from home here. What brings you so far from home?"

Victorina: "I'm hoping to gather more support for our home to be recognized as a city state."

Chitara: Her eyes go wide and her smile grows. "As am I! Would you like to grab a drink and discuss our goal further? I'm told Lord Jesseryn's wine cellar is very good."

Victorina: Victorina will thread her arm through Chitara's, "Sounds lovely!"

Chitara: Chitara leads her new friend off to retrieve wine from one of the wandering waiters. "So, not to be too eager, but will you tell me everything about your efforts?"

Victorina: Victorina nods and details the pamphlets she writes and the rallies she attends.

Chitara: Chitara listens intently and actually pulls out a notepad to take notes. Once Victorina is done, she nods. "This is my main goal here, I am delighted to hear so much work has been done already. "

Victorina: She sighs. "I just attendance was better though. I'm trying to get the local populace interested; this affects them too. I'm not sure if I'm making any headway."

Chitara: "That, I suspect, is where we come in." She grins. "I'm flashy and alluring, showing off all that we have to offer. My uncle is dealing with the Council, and you're out there on the street getting the word out."

Victorina: Victorina rubs her hands together. "Sounds lovely. What other wares have you brought to show off?"

9:57 PM]Chitara: "Well, to start I've got three more outfits for tonight. One for each season, all carefully designed to show off the seasons back home."

Victorina: "Hmm...anything else? Like local produce or skins to entice business investors?"

Chitara: "Oh, definitely that too. We're having a ball halfway through the Season that will be catered and decorated entirely in the best Ebemari style. We're even bringing in musicians from back home for the dancing. The idea is to tackle this from every angle we can."

Victorina: "Are you also including local dancers as well? We need to show all aspects of our culture. Maybe have a separate event just for them."

Chitara: She bites her lip thoughtfully. "Maybe for dinner entertainment? We don't want to keep people off the dance floor but everyone loves to have something to watch as they eat."

Victorina: "True."

Chitara: "Please, call on us at home any time. We should work together as much as we can."

Victorina: "Of course! I should let you work the room, let everyone admire your gown. I'm sorry for monopolizing your time."

Chitara: "No, I am delighted to make your acquaintance. Hopefully this is the start of a beautiful friendship."

Victorina: Victorina clasps Chitara's hands and gently squeezes. "I hope the same thing. I'll let you know when the next rally happens. Where are you staying?"

Chitara: Chitara gives Victorina her address. "And yourself?"

Victorina: Victorina will also give her address. "My hosts are Baron kan Vappoheimer and his sister. They're business partners of my father and agreed to sponsor me for the season."

Nik and Lavinia Catch Up

Lavinia: will accidentally arrive fashionably late and make her way inside with her mother and sister

Nik: is admiring the sights and just pleasantly wandering around.

Lavinia: _will hang to the side at first and scan the crowd before spotting Nik and making her way towards him.

Nik: is happy to see a familiar face, and will head over in Lavinia's direction

Lavinia: Lord Evenor! It's good to see you again!

Lavinia: You seem much recovered since last we met!

Nik: Oh, Hersir Feigrsteinn, yes, thank you, I'm doing much better!

Lavinia: I knew from your last letter that you would be here in Highmark, but I did not expect to see you tonight.

Nik: Well, I am told this is one of the most impressive events of the social season, so I could not miss it!

Lavinia: Yes, Counsilor Callais always throws the most lovely balls. Have you seen the gardens?

Lavinia: Simply incredible!

Nik: Only what one can see from the entrance. It is truly impressive, though. I would enjoy seeing more of it.

Lavinia: Oh, you must! Would you like me to show you around? Are you well enough for a short walk?

Nik: Oh yes! I'm quite well now, thank you for asking.

Nik: But you don't need to entertain me, surely, you must have other people you would like to see here?

Lavinia: Oh, Ummm... of course. I'm sorry, I did not mean to impose.

Nik: Oh no! I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to get rid of you!

Lavinia: No no, it's fine. I understand.

Nik: I just thought, perhaps it's too forward to go off by ourselves? Is that a thing that people would think is unusual?

Lavinia: Oh!

Lavinia: considers this, then remembers what her sister had said about kissing boys, and then blushes deep red.

Lavinia: Yes, perhaps... perhaps you're right.

Nik: Besides, my chaperone is around here... somewhere...

Nik: looks around, not actually sure where she is right now

Lavinia: Oh? Who is here with you?

Nik: Oh, my ummmm.... well, she's my tutor, and my nurse, and lots of things really. She kind of raised me when my parents were otherwise occupied.

Nik: What about you, do you have companions with you?

Lavinia: Yes, my sister is here for her debut, and my mother is here also. When we arrived Katherina ran off somewhere and mother went to make sure she doesn't get in trouble.

Katherina: can be heard laughing joyfully for some ways away, hidden by the crowd

Nik: Oh, your younger sister? Is it her first time at a ball?

Nik: Do people often get in trouble at these sorts of things? 😮

Lavinia: Not generally, but Katherina is... special.

Lavinia: And yes, it is her first ball.

Lavinia: So tell me, My Lord, how are you finding Highmark?

Nik: Oh, it's wonderful! everything is so bright and cheerful. It's quite a change from home. At first it was a little overwhelming but I think I'm beginning to get accustomed to it.

Lavinia: Is this your first time away from home?

Nik: Yes, it is.

Nik: I've only been in the city for a week or so.

Lavinia: I imagine it would be quite overwhelming!

Lavinia: Are you here for the season?

Nik: Yes, well, I think so? My father is here for the council's session and so I assume we will stay for the entire time? But he's very busy of course.

Lavinia: Oh, I see. Well, then if you are free you must come to tea at our house sometime. I'm sure my mother and sister would love to meet you.

Nik: That would be very nice, thank you! I would be pleased to accept.

Lavinia: smiles

Lavinia: Excellent. I will look forward to it. I should probably go and find what's become of my sister, but please promise me you will tour the gardens.

Nik: Thank you, I shall. I'll look forward to seeing you again soon!

Lavinia: will curtsy and wish you a good evening.

Nik: bows politely

Lavinia: After ensuring that her sister is still Alive, Lavinia will head over to the desert bar and snack on profiteroles while trying to get the thought of kissing Lord Evenor out of her head.

Lavinia and Lamont are Introduced

Stillmarch: bows again after your mother excuses herself, then

Lavinia: It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Grace.

Lavinia: I apologize for mother, she is... distracted.

Stillmarch: nods

Stillmarch: I understand, Hersir, no need to apologize

Stillmarch: . o O (Not the first mother to try and leave me alone with her eligible daughter in the past.... 20 minutes :p)

Stillmarch: I simply wished to make an introduction, and... I have something for you you, should you wish it. I will take no offense if you do not.

Lavinia: Something... for me?

Stillmarch: reaches into his inside coat packet

Stillmarch: They are letters that were addressed to you, form Lord Algernon's belongings.

Lavinia: puts a hand to her mouth in shock.

Lavinia: Oh... you knew my fiance?

Stillmarch: He was my cousin. We served together. I apologize for the shock, my lady.

Lavinia: No...thank you. I... it was just unexpected.

Lavinia: I am very sorry for your loss, Your Grace.

Stillmarch: I understand. I know you... did not have an opportunity to spend much time with him >.>

Lavinia: I met him only... briefly.

Stillmarch: Thank you

Stillmarch: nods

Lavinia: But he seemed a good man. An honorable soldier, as I understand.

Lavinia: will take the letters from Lamont gingerly.

Stillmarch: That's kind of you. He was a good man.

Stillmarch: . o ( In his way :/)

Lavinia: Thank you again for bringing me these. I didn't know he had even written me.

Stillmarch: smiles slightly

Stillmarch: He could be a better correspondent than most gave him credit for.

Stillmarch: I will leave you to your refreshments for now, Hersir, but perhaps later I will ask you for the honour of a dance.

Lavinia: Of course, I would be honored.

Stillmarch: will bow politely then and step away

Lavinia: will look at the letters in her hands and then at Lamont walking away and sigh. Katherina: well sis? Any progress? ^_^

Lavinia: jumps at finding her sister suddenly at her elbow.

Lavinia: Kitty! Oh, sorry, you startled me.

Katherina: That one was pretty handsome.... does he make the cut?

Lavinia: stares daggers at her sister.

Katherina: Oh there's mother... I'll see you later! Remember to have fun!

Lavinia: Kitty wait! Leave that poor Jireh boy alone! You nearly had him in tears before!

Coifárë, Gueiris, and Eventually Lamont Meet Up Outside

Gueiris: is attired for the event in a forest green jacket with brown and red scrollwork. His mask has leaves and vines, and leaves and vines are woven in to his horns.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: is currently in a dress patterned after autumnal leaves, with a wreath of the same in their hair. They rush forward to greet Gueiris when they see him.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Kyrnon!

Coifárë | Vilyawén: gives him a hug.

Gueiris: hugs her back

Gueiris: Please, Gueiris is fine.

Gueiris: It is great to see you.

Gueiris: smiles

Gueiris: It is nice to see a friendly face before this night even begins

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Surely there will be more friendly faces inside, but it is nice to see yours.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: How are you?

Gueiris: I should say well enough, but Highmark can be... not the best fit for me at times.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: looks concerned.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: If you're not up for the party, we could head out on the town. There's good clubs down the mountain.

Gueiris: My presence here tonight is required, though I do appreciate the offer of egress. You seem well. You trip to Highmark was good?

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Glorious. I took an airship, so it was slower going than a portal, but the views...fantastic. Stopped by Mythragal and Shom, finished up here in time to begin the season in style.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: And where are you coming from?

Gueiris: I've been back in the city for over a year now... I was in Nachtur for a bit before that. Been a bit since I was in Myhragal... still the same as always?

Coifárë | Vilyawén: More or less. You'd probably disapprove of the enchantment I had done for my outfit for tonight, but I have to make a good impression.

Gueiris: I am resigned to the fact there will be numerous frivolities here tonight. My choices are to be grumpy and hate the evening, or at least try to make the best of things. My goal is to do the later.... so you're outfit falls into that category, fear not.

Gueiris: And you make a good impression just walking into a room

Gueiris: winks

Coifárë | Vilyawén: grins.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Are you without a chaperone for the evening?

Gueiris: My cousin, or sister... still cannot get used to that, was going to join, but she had family issues... which I'm sure has made her oh so thrilled to be missing out again. Gueiris: Are you alone as well?

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Well then, you can accompany me, and I'll watch out for you.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: My family knows better than to try to stick someone with me.

Narrator: (Heather, why don't you pop in now?)

Stillmarch: (where are you guys?)

Gueiris: (loitering outside having a smoke)

Stillmarch: (nice)

Stillmarch: will just be getting dropped off from his carriage then, which you both might recognize the heraldry for

Gueiris: I'm game if you are. The stir will be amusing.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Oh, well, here's a reason you need a chaperone right now.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: will take Gueriris's arm and maneuver him over to Lamont.

Stillmarch: steps out and looks around

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Stillmarch!

Stillmarch: /me is wearing a mostly black brocade ensemble, with floral motifs, accentuated with diamond jewelry, and a glass? broach that is designed to look like apple twigs and buds trapped in ice, and a mask to match

Gueiris: Marquess

Stillmarch: looks over and his face probably does.... somethign interesting in the instance of seeing both of you together

Stillmarch: Vilyawén... Kyrnon . I didn't know you two were familiar

Stillmarch: Good evening

Coifárë | Vilyawén: How are you?

Gueiris: We've known each other for several years... from back in Aethrennari

Stillmarch: Well, enough, thank you.... yourselves?

Stillmarch: nods to Gueiris with a slight smile. "I shoudln't be surprised."

Gueiris: Yes, how are you holding up?

Gueiris: says with genuine concern

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Excellent. We were just headed inside. I wasn't sure we'd see you this season."

Stillmarch: seems somewhat thrown by that (Gueiris)

Narrator: (Well, that makes it look like a different response, but it's to Stillmarch)

Stillmarch: Thank you for your concern...

Stillmarch: You have heard, then.

Stillmarch: sounds lightly relieved maybe

Coifárë | Vilyawén: I'm sorry, I think I'm missing something. What's happened?

Stillmarch: Ahh. My cousin, Lord Algernon, was killed on one of our patrols...

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Gerry!

Coifárë | Vilyawén: gasps.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Oh, no, Lamont, I'm so sorry.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: will reach out to touch his hand.

Stillmarch: is clearly struggling, but will pull back, straightening his frame even more, and with drawing his hand almost reflexively

Stillmarch: ....Thank you

Narrator: (Heather, would you be up for a little monologuing? 😉 )

Stillmarch: (oh man right off the start, sure! Gve me a sec and I'll write it out)

Stillmarch: (also I assume both are just acting out of genuine concern here, without other underlying intentions?)

Gueiris: (for sure)

Narrator: (yeah)

Stillmarch: Maybe I am… not ready to come to something like this – I thought I had these feelings under control, and suddenly I feel like I could crack in half. And they don’t know, and I can’t tell them, that I’m the cause, one way or another, for his death. And to see them here together was enough of a shock. And I have yet to step into this stupid party… Am I going to make it through the evening? Do I have any choice? I should have thought this through better.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: moves their hand back, trying not to look too hurt or concerned.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Should we go inside?

Coifárë | Vilyawén: tries to sound cheerful and encouraging.

Stillmarch: Perhaps that would be best

Gueiris: We can get a drink, at least.

Stillmarch: says with a somewhat sad attempt to match the tone

Gueiris: taps out his smoke

Coifárë | Vilyawén: will let Lamont lead the way, and share a concerned glance with Gueiris.

Stillmarch: will head inside to be anounced, then

Gueiris: (to Coifare) I haven't spoken to him since Mythragaal. The three of us were together then. We need to keep an eye on him, or at least find something to lighten his mood.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: Historically, I haven't had much trouble with that, but he seems...haunted. What happened to Algernon? He said it was on one of their patrols...

Gueiris: I know little more than what Lamont mentioned.

Gueiris: shakes his head

Gueiris: Loss isn't easy, even when it's blameless.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: stops to give Gueiris a look of familial concern, then forces a pleasant smile.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: You're not wrong, but you're entirely too young to talk like that. Come on, let's get some drinks into you and Stillmarch.

Gueiris: I need to make the rounds for a bit if you can keep the Marquess occupied. With luck it won't take too long and I can meet back with the two of you.

Coifárë | Vilyawén: nods and lets Gueiris go.

Lavinia and Gueiris Hit it Off

Gueiris: will approach Lavinia at the refreshments

Lavinia: shakes her head and turns back to find Gueiris approaching.

Gueiris: Hersir of Feigrsteinn, it is an honor to finally meet you in person.

Gueiris: bows

Lavinia: Good evening, sir. Forgive me, have we met?

Lavinia: will curtsy.

Gueiris: Only in letters, Gueiris, Lord Kyrnon Maranue.

Lavinia: My memory is not the greatest.

Lavinia: Oh, Lord Kyrnon!

Lavinia: It's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance in person!

Gueiris: I hope I am not being too forward in approaching you like this.

Gueiris: I just felt that if the opportunity presented itself, I should speak with you.

Lavinia: Oh, I'm sure with my sister around no one would even notice such a minor scandal as that.

Lavinia: laughs.

Gueiris: chuckles

Lavinia: When did you arrive in the city?

Gueiris: The Maranue estate is in the city where I've been staying last year and a bit. I did not venture to these events last year.

Lavinia: Oh, I see.

Lavinia: I imagine with your experiences in the field that you mentioned in your letters these sort of affairs must seem dull in comparison.

Gueiris: different. That doesn't mean dull.

Gueiris: I've had a chance to run into several old friends, and perhaps meet new one.

Lavinia: I'm glad to hear that! My evening has been similarly rewarding.

Gueiris: I do offer my sincere condolences over your Fiancé. I met Algernon while abroad.

Lavinia: Ah. Yes. Thank you.

Lavinia: Were you and Lord Falstaff well acquainted?

Gueiris: We had some memorable times in Mythragaal

Gueiris: smiles fondly at the memory

Lavinia: nods.

Gueiris: Seems so long ago

Lavinia: My condolensces to you as well, then.

Lavinia: It's beginning to seem as though I knew my fiance less than most of those here tonight.

Gueiris: It was my Aunt that recommended that I write to you. I don't think that she was aware I had known Lord Falstaff.

Lavinia: I am glad she did. I have enjoyed our correspondences.

Gueiris: I was worried they were a bother to you.

Lavinia: Oh, not at all! I admit, I was also forced to the pen by my mother, but it is interesting to me to hear about life outside the city, and I admit I have always been fascinated by those who can work real magic. Not just the sort of confectionary conjuration that my birthright gives me.

Lavinia: smiles.

Gueiris: nods

Gueiris: Do not discount the capacity to conjure food. It has many surprising uses.

Gueiris: smiles

Gueiris: So you want to travel?

Lavinia: Oh, I should like to, yes. I have travelled many times between here and our holdings in Grimfarr, but that is the extent of my worldliness, I am afraid. Perhaps one day I will be able to see the other great cities.

Lavinia: But I'm sure I would never catch up to you in terms of travel!

Gueiris: Oh I wouldn't be so sure, if its what you truly want.

Gueiris: I was blessed to start early with my parents. These days less so. If I can get back out there, in the future, I would do so.

Lavinia: Do you plan then to go back to the field life?

Gueiris: What I want and what will be are two different things.

Lavinia: I... understand that.

Lavinia: I'm sorry.

Gueiris: I appreciate the sentiment, but there is no need for you to be sorry.

Lavinia: Well... I sympathize, then.

Gueiris: So how am I doing so far? Sweeping you off your feet? I could literally if you want.

Gueiris: gives a sly wink

Lavinia: laughs

Lavinia: Don't you dare! You tall folks and your ideas!

Lavinia: tries hard not to stare up at Gueiris' mouth.

Gueiris: be thankful you have never had your tail stepped on.

Lavinia: Oh, I'm far more likely to simply be stepped on!

Lavinia: The contortions one has to go through to dance a Quadrille are simply astounding when you are my height.

Gueiris: If someone could be so foolish to not notice one as lovely as you, well they deserve the whatever viciousness their shins endure.

Gueiris: I for one, would not make that mistake.

Lavinia: blushes fiercely.

Lavinia: I... Oh... um....

Lavinia: That's... kind of you to say.

Gueiris: Now its my turn to blush... its hard to notice with the red skin.

Gueiris: I had no expectations with this meeting, now I am sorry I put it off.

Lavinia: Lord Kyrnon, you have me at quite a loss for words, I'm afraid...

Lavinia: looks up into his eyes.

Gueiris: looks down at hers

Gueiris: I have you at a disadvantage. Should we go sit somewhere?

Lavinia: continues staring for a long moment before realizing that he is speaking and shaking herself out of her trance.

Lavinia: Oh... ummm... yes, of course.

Gueiris: collects a couple of drinks and offers a hand

Lavinia: reaches up to accept it and allows herself to be lead.

Gueiris: finds a lounge were they can speak more eye to eye

Lavinia: will find a high stool or chair to put herself more level with Gueiris

Lamont checks in with his uncle

Lamont checks in with his uncle


Rumor and Scandal

(include only every second chapter)
